U.S. Government Political Parties

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A conflicting group

What is a Political Party?

A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office.


A narrow-minded concern for, or devotion to, the interests of one section of a country

One-Party System

A political system in which only one party exists

Pluralistic Society

A society which consists of several distinct cultures and groups


A system in which several major and many lesser parties exist, seriously compete for, and actually win, public offices


A temporary alliance of several groups who come together to form a working majority and so to control a government


A unit into which cities are often divided for the election of city council members


All of the people entitled to vote in a given election

Single-Member Districts

Electoral district from which one person is chosen by the voters for each elected office

What is a Major Party?

In American politics, the Republican and Democratic parties.

The National Chair Person

Leader of the national committee, manages the partys headquarters (serves 4 year term)

National Party Machinery

Nation convention, nation chair person, congressional campaign committees, nation comittee

What are the roles/functions of political parties?

Nominate candidates, rally their supporters, participate in government, act as a "bonding agent" for their own officeholders, and act as a watchdog over the other party.

Ideological Parties

Parties based on a particular set of beliefs, a comprehensive view of social, economic, and political matters

Economic Protest Parties

Parties rooted in poor economic times, lacking a clear ideological base, dissatisfied with current conditions and demanding better times

Single-Issue Parties

Parties that concentrate on onl one public policy matter

Splinter Parties

Parties that have split away from one of the major parties

Why were the Democrats the party in power between 1932 and 1968?

The Great Depression, the republican pres said the economy would fix itself, when it didn't the public elected FDR who made many jobs through the New Deal which helped improve the economy. Democrats had control until kennedy was assassinated then nixion took over (a republican)

Spoils System

The practice of giving office and other favvors of government to political supporters and friends


The smallest unit of election administration; a voting district

What is the Primary Purpose of the two major American political parties?

To control government through winning election to public office

Split-Ticket Voting

Voting for candidates of different parties for different offices at the same election

Two-Party System

a political system dominated by two major parties

Minor Parties..

are united by a particular group of viewpoint, can sometimes be made from the brakeing away from a major party, and expresses discontent over the state of economy

Minor parties have contributed most to the U.S. politics by...

causing major parties to adopt their ideas

National Committee

chairperson- prepairing for the next convention campaigning, promoting party unity, raising money

The two-party system developed in the U.S. mainly because...

conflicts about the Constitution created opposing viewpoints


current office holder

A one-party system..

exhists in nearly all dictatorships today


general agreement among various groups on fundamental matters; broad agreement on public questions

State Party Orginizations are..

generally loosely tied to the national comittee


in an election, the number of votes that the leading candidate obtains over the next highest candidate.

National Convention

nominates presidental candidates and vice presidents, adopts party rules and create party platform for election

Minor Party

one of the many political parties without wide voter support

The Two-Party system was produced by...

our u.s. history and tradition, the electoral system, and the American ideological consensus

Most single-issue parties have been



the strong support of a party and its policy stands

Peoplebelong to a particular political party...

voluntairly, because they made a personal choice

Congressional Campaign Committees

work to reelect incumbents, unseat incumbents in other party (2 year term)

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