US Hist to 1877 Ch 9, 10, 11

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17. Which is true of the Underground Railroad? a. It was created by Harriet Tubman following her escape from slavery. b. Three of its "conductors" were jailed for treason and held until the beginning of the Civil War. c. It began in New Orleans and reached south to Mexico City. d. It focused on helping escaped slaves reach either free states or Canada. e. By the time of the Civil War, it is believed to have helped 100,000 slaves to reach freedom.

a. It was created by Harriet Tubman following her escape from slavery.

10. Which was a component of the Monroe Doctrine? a. The United States vowed to oppose efforts by European powers to establish any new colonies in the Americas. b. The United States and France signed a mutual assistance treaty, agreeing to aid one another in case of attack by a foreign power. c. The United States pledged financial support for the establishment of industry in the newly independent nations of South America. d. The United States formally declared its intention of claiming territory all the way to the Pacific Ocean. e. The United States declared its intention to adopt the metric system for official weights and measures by 1850.

a. The United States vowed to oppose efforts by European powers to establish any new colonies in the Americas.

25. After an 1831 slave rebellion, which state's legislature debated, but did not approve, a plan for gradual emancipation of slaves in that state? a. Virginia b. South Carolina c. Maryland d. North Carolina e. Louisiana

a. Virginia

2. By 1840, 90 percent of which group in the United States was eligible to vote? a. adult white men b. adult U.S. citizens c. African-American adults d. adult women e. Native American adults

a. adult white men

18. During the first half of the nineteenth century, free black Americans a. could not, under federal law, obtain public land. b. found, as whites did, that the West offered the best opportunities for economic advancement. c. rose in economic status, but more slowly than whites. d. joined with white artisans in biracial unions that successfully struck for higher wages. e. formed predominantly upper-middle-class communities in the North.

a. could not, under federal law, obtain public land.

13. Which of the following was a focus of the transcendentalist movement? a. freeing the individual from social constraints b. reforming the American character through education c. organizing factory workers to improve pay and working conditions d. providing safe havens for escaped slaves e. encouraging settlement west of the Mississippi

a. freeing the individual from social constraints

23. "Hard money" in the 1830s referred to a. gold and silver, also called "specie." b. wages paid to manual laborers. c. money backed by government guarantees. d. any money issued by a bank. e. highly inflated currency after the Panic of 1837.

a. gold and silver, also called "specie."

7. The first industry to be shaped by the large factory system was a. textiles. b. guns. c. ironworks. d. pottery. e. shoemaking.

a. textiles.

25. In the presidential election of 1840 a. the Whigs employed political tactics pioneered by Democrats. b. voter turnout dropped dramatically because no popular candidate like Jackson ran. c. the Democrats nominated three regional candidates, hoping to throw the election into the House of Representatives. d. the Democrats and Whigs both produced platforms that clearly laid out the parties' positions on major public issues. e. the Whigs again nominated Henry Clay.

a. the Whigs employed political tactics pioneered by Democrats.

4. What innovation led to mass production of newspapers and pamphlets in the 1820s and 1830s? a. the invention of the printing press b. Noah Webster publishing a dictionary for Americans c. the spread of telegraph wires d. the use of steam power for presses e. the creation of a postal system

a. the invention of the printing press

10. The majority of the nearly 4 million immigrants that entered the United States between 1840 and 1860 were from a. England and Germany. b. Germany and Ireland. c. China and Ireland. d. Mexico and England. e. Germany and China.

b. Germany and Ireland.

21. What choice best describes the concept of a "family wage"? a. All members of the family over the age of twelve should contribute to the family income. b. The male head of household should earn enough to support his wife and children. c. Husband and wife should contribute equally to the family income. d. Domestic servants should be paid decently because they are essentially members of the family. e. Women should retain control over family bookkeeping so that men can maximize their working hours.

b. The male head of household should earn enough to support his wife and children.

17. Which statement describes the status of free people of color during the market revolution? a. They were embraced by northern craft guilds. b. White employers only employed black workers in menial positions. c. They sought opportunities available in the West. d. They suffered economically and thus emigrated to Canadian cities. e. They were increasingly employed as skilled laborers and artisans.

b. White employers only employed black workers in menial positions.

3. Which improvement most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century? a. the transcontinental railroad b. canals and steamboats c. the factory system d. a system of federally financed roads e. the establishment of an efficient postal system

b. canals and steamboats

8. Which was a cause of the Panic of 1819? a. a decline in the European market for American farm products b. debts incurred to finance the War of 1812 c. the Bank of England's demand that American merchants pay their creditors in gold or silver d. a flood of immigrant labor into American cities e. the collapse of the Second Bank of the United States

b. debts incurred to finance the War of 1812

6. Which group represents the typical pattern of western migration between 1790 and 1840? a. lone, male pioneers, who sent for their families once they'd established a homestead b. groups who helped one another clear land, put up buildings, and establish communities c. recently married couples who did not yet have any children, although many of the women were pregnant d. groups of young men in fierce competition with one another for resources and land e. immigrant families from southern Europe, who proceeded west on trains from the port cities

b. groups who helped one another clear land, put up buildings, and establish communities

8. The end of slavery in most Latin American nations a. resulted from violent slave revolts that rocked Latin America from 1822 to 1855. b. involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners' legal rights to slave property. c. was inspired by the emancipation of slaves that occurred as a result of the American Civil War. d. followed a pattern very different from that established in the northern United States. e. did not happen until the United States made emancipation an aim of the Spanish-American War.

b. involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners' legal rights to slave property.

7. Which was a component of the American System? a. States would be responsible for financing roads and canals. b. new national bank c. Slavery would not be allowed to spread north of latitude 36°30′. d. The United States would not become involved in wars in Europe. e. Tariffs on imported goods would be reduced in order to encourage trade.

b. new national bank

13. Free blacks in the United States a. had the same rights as whites in the North but faced far more restrictions in the South. b. tended to live in rural areas if they lived in the Lower South. c. sometimes became wealthy enough to own slaves. d. made up nearly one-third of the African-American population in the South. e. could testify in court and vote in most states but needed the local sheriff's approval to carry firearms.

b. tended to live in rural areas if they lived in the Lower South.

13. The practice of giving a political office to someone based on party loyalty is called a. a meritocracy. b. the spoils system. c. paternalism. d. the party system. e. nepotism.

b. the spoils system.

14. The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had? a. requiring slaves to attend church b. the threat of sale c. exploiting the divisions among slaves d. withholding food e. denying a marriage between two slaves

b. the threat of sale

22. In Northeast cities during the market revolution, a. neighborhoods became more ethnically mixed. b. the wealth gap between the rich and poor significantly widened. c. population declined. d. wealth inequality declined. e. political corruption declined.

b. the wealth gap between the rich and poor significantly widened.

9. The term "Era of Good Feelings" refers to the period of American history when a. the Federalist Party was at its strongest. b. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration. c. Americans united across party lines to declare war on Great Britain in the War of 1812. d. slavery was gradually abolished in all the states. e. Democrats and Whigs cooperated to solve the nation's financial crisis.

b. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration.

16. The nullification crisis a. involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might act against slavery. b. was based on southern concerns that tariffs were preventing the South from industrializing as fast as the North. c. largely concerned the opposition of southwestern planters to federally financed internal improvements. d. brought Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun closer together politically. e. attracted support from Whigs like Daniel Webster, who saw it as an opportunity to embarrass and annoy Jackson.

b. was based on southern concerns that tariffs were preventing the South from industrializing as fast as the North.

22. What was the primary reason Andrew Jackson opposed the Bank of the United States? a. He believed that the bank was a great equalizer, and therefore would anger his wealthy supporters. b. The bank was firmly behind using gold and silver, but Jackson believed the economy needed paper money to survive. c. He believed that no institution should possess such concentrated power and economic privilege, unaccountable to the people. d. The bank disproportionally benefited small farmers and laborers, a social class Andrew Jackson despised. e. The bank was pressuring him to run for another term in office, while Jackson wished to return to a simple life.

c. He believed that no institution should possess such concentrated power and economic privilege, unaccountable to the people.

21. What was the significance of the publication A Son of the Forest? a. It was the first political biography designed to rally support for a presidential candidate. b. It was responsible for creating Jackson's image as a "common man." c. It was the first significant autobiography written by a Native American. d. It was the first significant work of American environmental literature. e. Its glorification of the West revived lagging sales of federal land.

c. It was the first significant autobiography written by a Native American.

14. Which is true of the Second Great Awakening? a. Popular transcendentalist speakers revived interest in Deism. b. The movement was largely confined to the northeastern states. c. Its religious ideals complemented the secular focus on self-reliance and self-improvement. d. It consolidated religious leadership into the hands of a few powerful ministers in each region. e. Its focus on self-restraint and simple living counteracted the force of the market revolution.

c. Its religious ideals complemented the secular focus on self-reliance and self-improvement.

15. The Book of Mormon states that a. Joseph Smith was divine. b. the second coming of Christ would occur in Europe. c. Native Americans were descended from people from the Middle East. d. Joseph Smith's visions were untrue. e. the market revolution needed more infrastructure to be successful.

c. Native Americans were descended from people from the Middle East.

24. The idea of leveling the playing field between worker and management was best personified in the writings of which American? a. Karl Marx b. Ralph Waldo Emerson c. Orestes Brownson d. Henry David Thoreau e. Joseph Smith

c. Orestes Brownson

10. How did conditions for slaves in the United States compare to those in the Caribbean by the mid-nineteenth century? a. Life expectancy for slaves in the United States was nearly ten years less than for slaves in the Caribbean. b. Infant mortality rates were significantly higher for slaves in the United States. c. Slaves were typically better fed in the United States than they were in the Caribbean. d. Laws in the United States afforded slaves significantly stronger legal protection against ill treatment and cruel punishments. e. While slave owners in the United States could legally choose to free their slaves, freeing slaves was illegal in the Caribbean.

c. Slaves were typically better fed in the United States than they were in the Caribbean.

19. On what grounds did the Supreme Court decide in favor of the slaves on the Amistad? a. They had reached British soil and were therefore emancipated. b. They were free according to the provisions of New York State law. c. They had been brought from Africa in violation of the international ban on the slave trade. d. As they had not yet been purchased by any white owner, they were still free men. e. They shared the same constitutional rights as any American.

c. They had been brought from Africa in violation of the international ban on the slave trade.

4. An advantage of water transportation over road transportation was that a. canals cost less to construct than roads. b. canal construction was easier to do than road construction. c. canals increased the speed of commerce over long distances. d. the federal government preferred to fund canal projects over road transportation. e. canals made Philadelphia the center of commerce for midwestern trade.

c. canals increased the speed of commerce over long distances.

23. In his essay "The Laboring Classes," Orestes Brownson argued that a. wealth and labor were at war. b. each worker's problems had to be understood individually. c. government was the cause of workers' problems. d. workers were lazy and easily tempted by alcohol. e. workers had achieved true freedom thanks to free enterprise.

c. government was the cause of workers' problems.

5. In the decades before the Civil War, the southern states a. developed larger cities than the northern states. b. had higher literacy rates than the northern states. c. industrialized very little compared to the northern states. d. attracted more immigrants than the northern states. e. developed a larger public school system than the northern states.

c. industrialized very little compared to the northern states.

4. On the eve of the Civil War, cotton a. was no longer a significant part of the U.S. economy. b. had been replaced by wool in the New England textile mills. c. made up over half of the total value of American exports. d. was harvested mainly in African countries. e. was primarily grown and harvested by wage laborers.

c. made up over half of the total value of American exports.

20. Enslaved people's efforts to escape from slavery a. always succeeded. b. always failed. c. undermined proslavery propaganda about contented slaves. d. were undermined by Canada, which returned all fugitive slaves to the United States. e. were undermined by Mexico, which returned all fugitive slaves to the United States.

c. undermined proslavery propaganda about contented slaves.

1. What "holy cult" did the French writer Alexis de Tocqueville identify in America in the 1830s? a. "the holy cult of the Holy Ghost" b. "the holy cult of individuality" c. "the holy cult of the market" d. "the holy cult of freedom" e. "the holy cult of domesticity"

d. "the holy cult of freedom"

2. The U.S. slave population on the eve of the Civil War was approximately a. 1 million. b. 2 million. c. 3 million. d. 4 million. e. 5 million.

d. 4 million.

5. America's first commercial railroad was the a. Pennsylvania Railroad. b. Union Pacific Railroad. c. Reading Railroad. d. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. e. South Carolina Railroad.

d. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

23. Which statement about Nat Turner's Rebellion is true? a. Turner and his followers assaulted mostly men. b. Fewer than twenty whites were killed during the rebellion. c. Turner escaped capture. d. Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion. e. It occurred in Georgia.

d. Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion.

20. Which Indian nation fought a war with the U.S. Army from 1835 to 1842 to resist removal to the West? a. Cherokee b. Chickasaw c. Creek d. Seminole e. Choctaw

d. Seminole

25. What was culturally expected of a white middle-class woman in the period from 1800 to 1840? a. She would pursue a college education before marriage. b. Once her children were in school, she would take a job outside the home to supplement the family's disposable income. c. She would give birth to 6-10 children, in order to increase the population. d. She would find fulfillment by focusing her energies on her family and home. e. She would be responsible for producing the daily foodstuffs and necessities that her household required.

d. She would find fulfillment by focusing her energies on her family and home.

19. What was the role of the Supreme Court in the protection of Native American lands? a. The Supreme Court prevented Native Americans from losing access to land in Georgia. b. The Supreme Court believed the Native Americans deserved no protection. c. The Supreme Court ruled that the Seminole War was illegal. d. The Supreme Court was unable to enforce any form of protection. e. The Supreme Court urged legislation to be passed that created reservations.

d. The Supreme Court was unable to enforce any form of protection.

15. Which statement is a correct assessment of the Whigs? a. The Whig leadership criticized the American System. b. Their programs connected best with voters in isolated rural areas. c. They hoped to derail the market economy. d. They argued that the role of government was to promote the welfare of its people. e. The Whigs believed that active state governments were essential to increasing freedom.

d. They argued that the role of government was to promote the welfare of its people.

3. In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor? a. tobacco b. indigo c. sorghum d. cotton e. rice

d. cotton

20. Which is evidence of women's power over family affairs during the nineteenth century? a. the practice of women signing contracts with domestic servants without consulting their husbands b. a rise in the popularity of books and magazines written for a female audience c. an increase in church attendance d. declining birth rates e. the idea that women should contribute to the "family wage"

d. declining birth rates

9. As a result of the market revolution, skilled craftsmen generally a. gained more control over their workday. b. increased the complexity of their skills. c. worked more at home. d. ended up producing only one part of a product. e. accepted their loss of economic freedom without protest.

d. ended up producing only one part of a product.

19. What came to be redefined as a personal moral quality associated more and more closely with women? a. freedom b. liberty c. virtue d. family e. temperance

d. family

8. What was a slave coffle? a. a small uprising of slaves b. a group of escaped slaves traveling together c. the minimum price per head for a slave at auction d. slaves chained together on forced marches to the Lower South e. small one-room homes provided for each slave family by plantation owners

d. slaves chained together on forced marches to the Lower South

16. Compared to slave revolts in Brazil and in the West Indies, slave revolts in the United States were a. larger in scale but less frequent. b. smaller in scale but more frequent. c. larger in scale and more frequent. d. smaller in scale and less frequent. e. bloodier and more successful.

d. smaller in scale and less frequent.

11. Which were free blacks in the South legally prohibited from doing? a. marrying b. socializing with slaves c. owning property d. striking a white person in self-defense e. living in cities

d. striking a white person in self-defense

22. As the sectional conflict over slavery intensified, southern states a. scheduled open debates on the topic of slavery. b. encouraged membership in abolitionist societies. c. suppressed the expression of proslavery views. d. suppressed the expression of antislavery views. e. promised to abolish slavery within twenty years.

d. suppressed the expression of antislavery views.

18. Which tribes were targeted by the Indian Removal Act of 1830? a. the Apache, Pueblo, and Navajo b. the Lenape and Powhatan c. the Iroquois Confederacy d. the Five Civilized Tribes e. the Sioux, Pawnee, and Comanche

d. the Five Civilized Tribes

24. The Panic of 1837 a. inspired a more vigorous labor movement in the decade that followed. b. led to a relatively mild economic downturn that resolved itself by 1839. c. was exclusively the product of Andrew Jackson's war on the national bank. d. was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton. e. helped farmers, because the cost of transporting goods to markets fell.

d. was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton.

17. The nullification crisis ended a. in the so-called Dorr War. b. with North Carolina's threat to secede in 1832. c. with the Supreme Court's opinion in Hamilton v. Jackson. d. with a compromise tariff. e. with Daniel Webster's powerful pro-nullification speech to the Senate.

d. with a compromise tariff.

16. The market revolution led to the rise of a new middle class. By the early 1820s, approximately how many physicians lived in the United States? a. 50 b. 600 c. 2,000 d. 5,500 e. 10,000

e. 10,000

3. What was a broadly accepted idea in the United States in the 1830s that was also a departure from Western thought? a. Only propertied people should participate in politics. b. Only highly educated people should participate in politics. c. Race and gender should not be barriers to political participation. d. Race and gender are social constructs. e. Sovereignty belongs to the mass of ordinary citizens.

e. Sovereignty belongs to the mass of ordinary citizens.

21. Why is 1831 considered a turning point for slavery in the American South? a. The slave population outnumbered the white population for the first time. b. Virginia became the first southern state to abolish slavery. c. The U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of the slaves aboard the Amistad. d. William Lloyd Garrison's abolitionist journal, The Liberator, ceased publication. e. The proslavery argument became more strident as forces seemed to be aligning against slavery.

e. The proslavery argument became more strident as forces seemed to be aligning against slavery.

1. Which is true of plantation owners in the nineteenth century? a. They frequently broke the law by knowingly buying slaves imported from Africa. b. They were often first-generation British or French immigrants. c. They typically supported the Republican Party. d. They were very public about their ambivalence toward slavery. e. They insisted that slavery was required in order for whites to be truly free.

e. They insisted that slavery was required in order for whites to be truly free.

15. What was the biggest fear of a slave of any age? a. being whipped b. not being taught to read c. not being fed d. having to work in a cotton field e. a family member being sold

e. a family member being sold

11. The 1823 Monroe Doctrine a. was inconsistent with the idea of manifest destiny. b. was not a significant aspect of U.S. foreign policy until the twentieth century. c. declared that all republics in the Western Hemisphere were equal, and no republic should dominate another. d. was primarily aimed at preventing trade with new Latin American nations. e. reflected a rising sense of U.S. nationalism.

e. reflected a rising sense of U.S. nationalism.

1. What did Andrew Jackson symbolize to most Americans during the "Age of Jackson"? a. the insidious nature of political rhetoric b. the failure of democracy c. the nobility of the hereditary elite d. the spirit of pacifism e. the triumph of political democracy

e. the triumph of political democracy

2. The catalyst for the market revolution was a series of innovations in a. manufacturing. b. agriculture. c. banking and financing. d. labor contracts. e. transportation and communication.

e. transportation and communication.

11. In the 1840s, nativists blamed immigrants for a. epidemics in American cities. b. an increase in Protestant revivalism. c. terrorism. d. a decline in the sale of alcohol. e. urban crime and political corruption.

e. urban crime and political corruption.

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