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Men during the Vietnam War who attempted to avoid the draft were often considered:

'Draft dodgers'

Which of the following was goals or an achievements of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?

--Conservation of natural resources. --Consumer protection. --Regulatory oversight of business through the Department of Commerce.

Federalist were in favor of which of the following?

-an economy based on manufacturing, commerce, and foreign trade. -the creation of a National Bank -well educated property owner to run the country -a strong central government

The Boston Massacre occurred in:


Why was 1963 such a pivotal year in Vietnam for the United States?

1963 included a major defeat for the South Vietnamese in Ap Bac as well as the assassination of the leader of South Vietnam.

When did the Gulf War take place?


What year did the Soviet Union dissolve?


How many terms did President Washington serve?


Identify which of the following profiles was crucial in Obama's 2008 path to the White House:

A 22-year-old male student from Michigan

Which of the following is a profile of a person who directly benefited from the Supreme Court case Muller v. Oregon (1908)?

A 30-year-old employed white female from Chicago

Which of the following was a profile the Civilian Conservation Corps was focused on?

A 30-year-old unemployed male from Oklahoma

Which of the following is a likely profile of a Progressive reformer?

A 34-year-old white male from Chicago who is an investigative journalist.

Identify which of the following is the most likely profile of a Ku Klux Kan victim in the 1920s:

A 40-year-old Catholic male from Indianapolis

Identify which of the following profiles was NOT crucial to Hoover's policy of associationalism:

A 40-year-old member of Congress

Which of the following was a profile of a probable Reagan supporter in the 1980 election?

A 45-year-old white male business owner from Texas.

Which of the following profiles likely profited the most from the Reagan economic program?

A 45-year-old white male who was a CEO at a Wall Street firm

Which of the following is a profile of a person targeted by the Social Security Act?

A 60-year-old white male from Michigan.

Which of the following fits the profile of the primary target of Medicare?

A 65-year-old retired police officer from New York

Under Article III of the Constitution, which situation would the Judicial Branch be concerned with?

A dispute between the state of Arizona and the federal government over the proper scope of a law enacted by Congress.

In the U.S. antebellum period, slaves in the task system worked until the task was completed. Which type of slave was most likely to work under the task system?

A field hand on a rice plantation

How was the Contract with America defined?

A list of campaign promises by Republican candidates.

Identify which of the following is a profile affected by the Emancipation Proclamation:

A middle-aged African American male from Richmond

Which of the following was likely a beneficiary of the Newlands Reclamation Act?

A middle-aged farmer from the West who had new money for irrigation projects.

Which person would be most likely to be able to legally emigrate to the United States in the 1890s?

A middle-aged healthy white Dutch male with no criminal record

Identify which of the following was a likely profile of a member of the Essex Junto.

A middle-aged wealthy white merchant from Massachusetts

Identify which of the following profiles Carnegie and other Robber Barons thought was best suited for deciding what the poorest needed most:

A middle-aged white male who has a large company and a lot of money

Which of the following best describes the Cotton Club?

A nightclub in Harlem that hosted African American musicians, but only allowed white patrons

How did the nullification crisis end?

A tariff bill was passed with the intention of lowering tariffs over ten years

Why did the American Revolution almost fail in 1776?

A well-organized British imperial army had returned and had won numerous military victories.

Identify which of the following is a profile of a person who could vote for the first time in 1828:

A white poor baker in New York

Which of the following profiles would MOST likely have opposed prohibition in the 1920s?

A young, single white female in New York

Which was NOT a goal of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Abolishing slavery in the United States.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott advocated for women's rights after their involvement in what other reform movement?


How did John Quincy Adams's view on expansionism differ from that of most expansionists?

Adams was focused on expanding towards the entire continent, while most expansionists were focused on occupying the lands void of European settlers.

Which event is correctly paired with the associated territory?

Adams-Onís Treaty - Florida

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Treaty of Ghent?

After the Treaty was agreed upon, there were no major conflicts between the U.S. and Britain.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Confederate retreat from Richmond?

After the fall of Richmond, the capital was moved to Charleston.

Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

Why were political reformers of the Progressive Era concerned about the influence of political machines?

All of the answers are correct.

Which was NOT an ideal of Jeffersonian Democracy?

America should immediately abolish slavery.

Based on the following chart, how did the U.S. population change between 1790-1860?

America's population grew steadily throughout its early history

How did the factory system impact the U.S.economy?

American factories turned to the production of inexpensive, mass-produced consumer goods.

Why was Nixon's win in the 1968 presidential election a pivotal time for Americans?

Americans voted for conservatism and Republican leadership that would reestablish the US as an advocate for global peace and freedom

How did World War II rejuvenate the Civil Rights Movement?

Americans were fighting for freedom abroad but realized they were denying their own citizens freedom.

What was the Manhattan Project?

An American program to develop an atomic weapon.

David Walker, who predated the Abolitionist Movement and advocated violence in ending slavery wrote

An Appeal in Four Articles in 1829

Why was the Israeli Prime Minister assassinated in the mid-90s?

An Israeli citizen believed that his government had made too many concessions.

Which of the following best describes the victorious army at the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson led an American force of free blacks, state militiamen, and pirates.

How did the views on a bill of rights of anti-federalists differ to those of federalists in the debate regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

Anti-federalists believed the issue of human rights protection should be observed immediately, while federalists wanted to address the issue after the Constitution was adopted.

The temperance movement was also linked with...

Anti-immigrant feelings

Which of the following did Social Darwinism try to justify?

Anti-immigrant policies and attitudes.

Which individual was NOT involved in the Watergate Scandal?

Archibald Cox

Which statement is true regarding the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s?

As the Civil Rights Movement gained momentum, violence and terrorism against African Americans increased.

How do modern historians view the Red Scare of 1947-1954?

As unfounded paranoia.

Which of the following was NOT part of General Charles Cornwallis' plans at Chesapeake Bay?

Ask for additional troops from Rhode Island

Which of the following were remedies President Hoover used to solve the Great Depression?

Associationalism Internationalism Expanding the federal government

Dorothea Dix was important for her work in what movement in the antebellum era?

Asylums for the mentally ill

What role did Sherman play in Lincoln's re-election?

Atlanta's fall recharged public enthusiasm for Lincoln and the war.

The Brady Bill required which one of the following?

Background checks for the purchase of handguns

According to the ruling from U.S. v. Nixon, which of the following is a President able to do?

Be unable to use executive privilege in order to withhold evidence from a criminal investigation

Why did Clinton NOT intervene during the Rwandan genocide?

Because America had just experienced a failure in Somalia and was thus hesitant to intervene in Africa again.

Why did Abraham Lincoln demote General George McClellan to a field commander?

Because George McClellan was too slow in his action to implement the Anaconda Plan

Why did General Grant consider the battle in the Wilderness a success?

Because Lee could not replace the men he lost

Why did the Mexican-American War of 1846 occur?

Because Mexico never recognized Texas' independence, and disputed its borders even after its annexation into the U.S.

Why was the fall of Petersburg significant for Richmond?

Because Petersburg protected and supplied the capital

Why was the Iran-Contra affair not only controversial but also deeply contradictive?

Because Reagan was helping bring down a regime that a previous US President helped to install.

Why did the Whiskey Rebellion start in the United States?

Because Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton put a 25% excise tax on all of the liquor sold in the US.

Why did the Civil War last so much longer than initially expected?

Because both sides had distinct advantages.

Why did President Ronald Reagan renew the Cold War with the Soviet Union?

Because he believed President Carter allowed the Soviets to gain an advantage in the Cold War

Why did President Madison believe that the war of 1812 could be won?

Because he believed the British would be worn out by the French.

Why was Stephen Douglas relevant to the legacy of Henry Clay in the 1850 Compromise?

Because he championed the act when Clay and other old leaders could not attend.

Why couldn't King George send additional troops to Yorktown?

Because he didn't have any support in Parliament or among the English people.

Why was Robert La Follette nicknamed 'Battling Bob'?

Because he fought for progressive reforms.

Why is Andrew Carnegie considered the best representative of the Gilded Age?

Because he immigrated to the U.S. with very little money and created one of the largest companies and, when adjusted for inflation, was one of the wealthiest men of all time.

Why did the federal deficit increase under Reagan?

Because he increased expenditure on the military in a renewed Cold War offensive.

Why did Nixon engage in triangular diplomacy?

Because he wanted to decrease tensions between the world's largest nuclear superpowers.

Why did General Lee initially go towards the Appomattox Courthouse in April 1865?

Because he wanted to reach his supply train there and continue the fight

Why did Tecumseh organize his social movement?

Because he wanted to revive the native religion and oppose the U.S. government.

Why was Franklin Pierce selected as the Democratic nominee who eventually won the 1852 presidential election?

Because he was a northern man with southern sympathies and he was a brigadier general in the Mexican-American War.

Why did Van Buren win the 1836 election?

Because his Democratic Party knew how to get his message at the grassroots levels.

Why was President Kennedy's Cold War foreign policy called New Frontier?

Because it called for a new understanding of foreign policy so that it also addressed economic, foreign policy, civil rights and social welfare.

Why was General Henry Clinton's Philipsburg Proclamation an effective tool against the Patriots?

Because it freed all slaves that were owned by Patriots, so it did not anger Loyalists.

Marianne immigrated to the United States from Europe in search of better opportunities for herself and her future family. While in the process of applying for US citizenship, Marianne gives birth to a child. Why was the 14th Amendment important to Marianne?

Because it gave her child citizenship.

Why is Reagenomics often associated with supply-side economics?

Because it is a theory that focuses on how to reduce obstacles such as taxes, which allows the consumer to spend more money.

Why was there so much popular support for expansionism?

Because it offered people a second chance with new opportunities in business and cheap land.

Thomas Johnson was a leader of a teacher's union during the time of the second New Deal. Why was he satisfied with the Wagner Act?

Because it promised every worker the right to join a union.

The police have raided your house, but they do not have a warrant or the legal authority to do so. Why is this prohibited by the fourth amendment?

Because it provides you with the freedom from unreasonable searches and seizure

Why did many northerners protest against the Fugitive Slave Act?

Because it required them to help catch runaways.

Why was President Clinton's diplomatic intervention in Northern Ireland considered one of his most significant foreign policy achievements?

Because it resolved a long-term issue with a compromise that was acceptable to all parties and all sides agreed that only a popular majority vote could change the nation's constitutional status.

Why was the Olive Branch Petition significant?

Because it was an offer by the Patriots to end the rebellion and it stated that their goal was not to gain independence.

Why did Roosevelt want to build the Panama Canal?

Because it would cut the time it took to get from San Francisco to New York in half.

Why did the Great Society and its programs struggle to survive?

Because of backlash from conservatives

Why is Langston Hughes considered an influential figure of the Harlem Renaissance?

Because of his writing ability and his pioneering of jazz poetry

Why was there a sudden growth of northern urban population centers in the late 19th century?

Because of large-scale immigration

Why did President Clinton get impeached?

Because of perjury and obstruction of justice.

Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?

Because of the belief if that Vietnam fell to communism, so might other countries in Southeast Asia.

Why were American forces humiliatingly defeated in the Battle of Camden?

Because of the inexperience and the fact the left flank of the American militia ran away from the battle.

Why did public opinion occasionally turn against unionized workers who went on strike?

Because people believed the workers occasionally became too radical and violent

Why did some members of the Democratic Party support Senator Edward Kennedy over President Carter as the democratic nominee in the 1980 election?

Because some Democrats were frustrated by Carter's failures.

Why were state conventions responsible for the ratification of the Constitution rather than the state government?

Because state governments would want to yield the least amount of power they possibly could.

Why was the peace created by the Dayton Treaty highly fragile?

Because the 20,000 peacekeepers had difficulty in containing the conflict which reignited only 3 years later.

Why was the Louisiana Purchase problematic?

Because the Constitution doesn't give the president power to buy land.

Why did Nixon attempt to use his powers to prevent the Pentagon Papers from being leaked to the public?

Because the Pentagon Papers contained sensitive information about America's involvement in the war in Vietnam.

Why were business tycoons in the Gilded Age allowed to get away with certain practices that we consider illegal today?

Because the government believed in a laissez-faire approach to business.

How did the Watergate scandal receive its name?

Because the headquarters of the Democratic Party at the Watergate office complex was broken into at Nixon's behalf.

Why was the tenth amendment enacted?

Because the states were fearful of giving too much power to the federal government.

What was significant about the election of 1800?

Because there was a tie in the electoral vote between Burr and Jefferson for the presidential election.

Why was California statehood controversial?

Because there was no slave state to add as a pair with it to preserve the balance.

Why was Obama's domestic agenda during his first term heavily criticised by the Tea Party?

Because they believed the Affordable Healthcare Act would increase the federal debt

Why is it often repeated that the Bush administration, as well as Congress, helped enable some of the factors that led to the 2008 crisis?

Because they failed to regulate certain aspects of the economy, especially subprime loans

Why did the Whig Party nominate William Henry Harrison for president in the 1840 election?

Because they needed a war hero with popular appeal.

Why was it unusual for John C. Calhoun to serve as vice-president to both Jackson and Adams?

Because they were members of opposing political parties, but he shifted his political affiliation.

Which of these are reasons that Democrats lost seats in the 1994 mid-term elections?

Bill Clinton's tax increases. Whitewater real estate scandal. Accusations of sexual misconduct.

Who lead one of the largest protests against the Hoover Administration and Congress during the Great Depression?

Bonus Army

How were the Black Power movement and the Black Panther Party similar?

Both abandoned non-violent methods of achieving their goals.

How was the Battle of the Chesapeake similar to the Battle of Yorktown?

Both battles were won by French, and they gained control of Yorktown.

Compare Prime Ministers David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau's views on how Germany should be treated.

Both men wanted Germany to pay reparations but Clemenceau desired large-scale reparations from Germany.

How does the role of Marquis de Lafayette in the American Revolution compare to that of Baron von Steuben?

Both men were useful in the war effort and contributed, although most believe that von Steuben was not truly a baron.

How do the views of William Walker on expansionism compare to those of John O'Sullivan?

Both of them believed in expansionism, but O'Sullivan originally came up with the concept of Manifest Destiny, while Walker used force to try and implement it.

How is the presidency of James Garfield similar to that of William McKinley?

Both of them were assassinated.

How did the American intervention in the Yom Kippur War and the devaluation of the dollar differ in their impact on the U.S. relationship with OPEC countries?

Both of these events caused significant negative tensions between OPEC countries and the U.S.

How does the effect of the 1894 Pullman Strike compare to that of the 1892 strike at the Carnegie Steel Mill in Homestead?

Both the strikes turned popular opinion against the unions, but the Pullman Strike set a precedent that increased the federal government's capacity to intervene.

Which of the following hypothetical candidates meets the constitutional qualifications for president?

Businessman Walter Schwartz, age 45, was born in the United States to an American-born mother and a Canadian father. He has resided in the U.S. for 15 years.

Harold purchased stock in his company by putting a small percentage down, and then borrowed the rest from a stockbroker. Popular in the 1920s, what is this common practice called?

Buying on margin.

How can a proposition to amend the Constitution legally be accomplished?

By a 2/3 majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

How did the Watkins Committee attempt to end McCarthy's witch hunt?

By having him censured in the Senate for congressional contempt and defamation of members of the Senate.

How did W.E.B. Du Bois influence the Harlem Renaissance?

By his civil rights activism and the NAACP's journal published the work of many African Americans

How did the United States attempt to combat the oil crisis?

By managing the national speed limit.

How did the Wilmot Proviso attempt to resonate with Southern Democrats?

By reserving land for white yeoman farmers

Which of the following is NOT a way Jackson attempted to protect the rights of the common man?

By supporting Henry Clay's Maysville Road project.

In the interior of the nation, which was the most important means of shipping in the early 19th century?


What was an unintended consequence of the Embargo of 1807?

Capital was shifted from commerce into manufacturing.

Though Japan had invaded _____ earlier, they did not attack the United States until _____?

China; 1941

How were Clara Barton and Mrs. Frances Clayton involved in the Civil War?

Clara Barton attended to the dying, while Mrs. Frances Clayton fought in battle.

How did Henry Clay's view of Missouri differ from that of Thomas Jefferson's in the early 1820s?

Clay supported the addition of Missouri so it could move on politically, while Jefferson was wary of the idea and thought it would bring along new problems.

_____ was passed to ban communist candidates from participating in national public office.

Communist Control Act of 1954

What tactic was employed by the Confederate forces in the Battle of Shiloh?

Confederate forces attacked before the Union reinforcements arrived.

What was the main goal of OPEC?

Controlling the price of oil in the international community.

Which of the following is true about copperheads and bushwhackers?

Copperheads were Democrats, while Bushwhackers belonged to no side.

Which of the following countries did Reagan NOT engage via force?


Who was Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the election of 1864?

Democrat George McClellan

Which political party dominated the early decades of the 19th century?


Which of the following compares the slave revolt led by Denmark Vesey with that of Nat Turner?

Denmark Vesey was killed before his revolt could be carried out while Nat Turner was executed after killing 60 whites.

Which of the following were objectives of Reagan's economic program?

Deregulation Reduction of federal spending Monitoring the Federal Reserve Board

Which of the following statements most accurately describes Hirohito's actions prior to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Despite high Japanese casualties, he refused to surrender.

Which best characterizes the March to the Sea?

Destruction and devastation on the land

How did Dollar Diplomacy differ from Missionary Diplomacy?

Dollar Diplomacy focused on control and preventing the influence of other powers, while Missionary Diplomacy was less pragmatic, and forced oppressive regimes to adopt democracy.

Who did Joseph McCarthy NOT accuse of being a suspected communist?

Douglas MacArthur

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the postwar era?

Economic depression

Which of the following did the Great Society attempt to address?

Education reform

How did World War II impact the relevance of state, local and federal governments in the United States?

Even after the war ended, Americans were accustomed to looking to the federal government for solutions.

In 1914, the Wilson administration created a regulatory agency to prevent consumer fraud, false advertising, and monopolies. This entity is known as the _____.

Federal Trade Commission

How did the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act impact the U.S.?

Federal employees had to be hired on the basis of merit.

Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the _____ party and Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the _____ party.

Federalist; Democratic-Republican

Which of the following statements about the formation of the Confederacy is FALSE?

Few soldiers from the US Army chose to join the local militias and side with the Confederacy.

Why did Congress debate for two days whether they should discipline the delegates of the Constitutional Convention?

For creating a new form of government instead of just modifying the Articles of Confederation.

You have been asked to give a presentation dealing with the results of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Which of the following should you mention?

For the next several months, Japan had nearly free reign in the Pacific.

How was the work of Henry Ford influenced by Frederick W. Taylor?

Ford included Taylor's ideas about efficiency standards in his assembly line.

John Brown talked to _____ in the hopes of having the respected abolitionist join his cause.

Frederick Douglass

Why were the 'Roaring '20s' a prosperous period?

GNP grew at an annual rate of 5%

Why did President Lincoln's support for General Grant and his aggressive stance on pursuing the war hurt him politically?

General Grant was disliked by many because of his reputation as a drunk and his unconventional ideas about winning the war.

Which of the following was NOT a federalist?

George Clinton

_____, known for his patience and fairness, was chosen to preside over the convention.

George Washington

Which of the following individuals was NOT a choice for the Republican nomination during the 1980 presidential primary?

Gerald Ford

Which of the following did NOT figure into Truman's decision to drop the bombs?

Give in to pressure from UK.

Which of these is NOT associated with the 'Robber Barons?'

Good employee relations

How was Mikhail Gorbachev different from his predecessors?

Gorbachev realized he could not continue competing with the US and reduced tensions.

Which of the following countries has NOT had control over Texas?

Great Britain

What was some of the South's advantages during the Civil War?

Greater support from the public Better generals at the beginning Controlling the Mississippi River

Which nation was added to or considered a U.S. protectorate because of the Treaty of Paris (1898)?

Guam Philippines Cuba Puerto Rico

Who was an author and abolitionist who wrote about the life of slaves?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

How did President Harrison's view of the presidency differ from that of President Jackson?

Harrison viewed the system as limited, restrained by the separation of powers in the constitution, while Jackson actively used his veto power.

Who led the American delegation at Potsdam near the end of World War II?

Harry Truman

What was NOT a part of Sherman's response to the resident's letter in Atlanta?

He agreed to let the residents live peacefully in Atlanta.

How did the role of Newt Gingrich change after the 1994 election?

He became Speaker of the House of Representatives because he was one of the leaders of the Republican Revolution .

How did the leak of the Ostend Manifesto in 1854 impact President Pierce's policy?

He decided to give up on the annexation of Cuba or potential military action against Spain due to strong public pressure.

How did the policies of President Calvin Coolidge impact the economy?

He decreased the tax rate, which was beneficial to the economy during the time of increased consumption.

Why was William Henry Harrison significant in the war of 1812?

He defeated the Indian coalition at the Battle of Tippecanoe.

Why did John C. Calhoun resign as vice president and return to the Senate?

He did not want the crisis to become uncontrollable

Why did Lincoln send troops into Baltimore, Maryland?

He didn't want Maryland to secede with Washington, D.C.

How did Jackson react to the fact that Mexico refused to sell Texas?

He encouraged American settlers to pour into Texas who then started a revolution and declared independence.

Why was Elvis popular with the youth in the 1950s?

He had a rebellious attitude, which they admired.

How did Carnegie's approach to his business differ from his approach to the rest of society?

He had bloody disputes with his employees, but he donated a lot of money to charity.

What was controversial about Jefferson finishing the capitol building?

He had promised not to spend much money as president.

Which of the following is most closely associated with W.E.B. Du Bois?

He helped form the Niagara Movement and later edited 'The Crisis' for the NAACP.

Why was Alexander Hamilton killed?

He interfered with Burr's political career, for which Burr killed him in a duel.

How did Senator Joseph McCarthy work to rid the United States of communism?

He led a campaign to name and eliminate suspected communists in the United States.

How did President Johnson's view of the Great Society program change in 1968?

He realised that the issues the Great Society program faced could not be resolved in such a short time frame.

How did President Richard Nixon's political career end?

He resigned.

John Marshall permanently changed the Supreme Court's role in government. Which of the following best demonstrates his legacy?

He secured the power of judicial review for the Supreme Court.

How did President Polk initially attempt to resolve the border dispute with Mexico?

He sent a diplomat, John Slidell, to try to negotiate with the Mexican government.

How did John F. Kennedy work to fight communism during his brief presidency?

He started international programs such as the Peace Corps, Alliance for Progress and Project Apollo.

How did General Grant finally break the stalemate with the Confederacy at Petersburg ?

He used a massive rail mounted mortar to blow up Confederate trenches.

Why did Sherman undertake the March to the Sea?

He wanted to get hold of Savannah where there was plenty of ammunition and cotton.

Why did Aaron Douglas paint pictures set in Africa?

He wanted to glorify the African heritage.

Which of the following is true about Marquis de Lafayette?

He was a French general who helped plan the Battle of Yorktown.

What was Sirhan Sirhan's possible motivation for assassinating Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968?

He was against Kennedy's foreign policy proposals for the Middle East

Why was Martin Van Buren a unique figure of the 1830s political scene?

He was the first president who was born after the American Revolution.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Benedict Arnold ultimately chose to escape into the safety of the British lines?

He was trying to sell out Boston to the British, but his plan was discovered.

How did Truman feel about the Manhattan Project while he was Vice President?

He was unaware of the Manhattan Project in his capacity as Vice President.

Which of the following statements about President Calvin Coolidge is true?

He was very pro-business.

Which industry was increasingly regulated during the Clinton administration?


The Missouri Compromise which maintained a temporary balance of free and slave states was brokered by which politician?

Henry Clay

How was the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 related to Cold War military strategy?

Highways were built so that the military could easily travel if a war broke out.

Young adults during the late 1960s and early 1970s who challenged traditional values were considered:


Why was General Grant known as 'the Butcher'?

His plan to win the war featured constant battle with the Confederacy, resulting in many casualties.

How did John Locke's ideas influence the American Enlightenment?

His rejection of divine right and the idea of government by the governed are foundations of American Revolutionary thought

If an American was on the verge of losing their home because they could not pay their mortgage, they could refinance their home under the _____.

Home Owners act

Which of the following referred to homes constructed of cardboard and scrap metal?


Where did public schools exist in early America? I. Massachusetts II. New York III. Virginia

I only

Which were hindrances to building railroads in the early 19th century? I. Turnpike operators opposed it. II. Canal building had sapped state funds. III. Passengers were scared to ride on trains. IV. The Panic of 1837 limited private funding.

I, II and IV

Which of these was NOT part of the urban planning reform movements around the turn of the 20th century?

Immigration restrictions

The Articles of Confederation were ratified:

In 1781, after territorial disputes had been solved

Why was the 1875 Page Act introduced?

In response to a widespread stereotype about the danger of cheap Chinese labor.

How did the capacity of the federal government to govern during the Whiskey Rebellion differ from its capacity under the Articles of Confederation?

In the times of the Whiskey Rebellion, the federal government had the tools to quell the rebellion which it did not have in the times of the Articles of Confederation.

Which is true of the industry in the North during the Civil War?

Industry changed, but it didn't increase or decrease overall.

How did Executive Order 9066 affect Japanese Americans?

Interned residents and citizens of Japanese descent in the United States.

What were the Progressive reformers working towards in the early twentieth century?

Involving government in regulating social, economic, and political problems.

Which of the following events caused the 1979 energy crisis?

Iranian Revolution

How does the expression 'What goes up must come down' relate to the American economic events in the first half of the 1900s?

It accurately displays the fact that on Black Tuesday in 1929 there was a crash of the stock exchange, causing significant decreases in nearly all relevant macroeconomic statistics in the months that followed.

Why was the Seventeenth Amendment an important political reform?

It allowed for the direct election of senators by the people instead of being chosen by state legislatures.

Why is divided government significant to the U.S. political system?

It allows the individual branches of government to keep the power of the other branches equally balanced and in check.

How did the court-packing plan help Roosevelt push the second New Deal?

It attempted to change the Supreme Court by adding an additional justice for any of its members who were older than 70.

Which of the following is true of the battle of Antietam?

It convinced the British and French not to recognize the Confederacy

How did NSC-68 fit in the overall containment strategy and the Korean War?

It declared a global war against communism, making a transition to total containment.

How did McCarthyism differ from the Red Scare?

It didn't; both addressed the fear of communists infiltrating the US.

How did William James' approach to Progressive reform differ from John Dewey's?

It didn't; both men were pragmatists.

What did the 1795 Treaty of Greenville accomplish?

It ended the Northwest Indian War by ceding most of modern Ohio to the US.

What can you infer about triangular trade?

It enriched England regardless of its effect on other nations.

How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution influence the authority of President Johnson?

It gave the president a blank check and use of all necessary means to fight the North Vietnamese.

Which best describes Southern U.S. society in the antebellum era?

It had a stable structure with four basic social classes.

Which of the following was NOT a moral reason behind the movement to ban alcohol consumption?

It had no medicinal value.

How is the Eighteenth Amendment still present in contemporary American politics?

It isn't, it has been repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment.

How did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act impact the American economy?

It jeopardized American production because it caused various foreign trade partners to close their market due to the protective tariffs.

How did Eli Whitney's cotton gin revolutionize American agriculture ?

It led to a shift to cotton as the major American export crop.

Why was the Stonewall Inn incident in 1969 significant?

It led to the formation of the Gay Liberation Front.

How did the death of his son prior to his inauguration impact Franklin Pierce's policies?

It made him completely focused on the territorial and economic expansion of America.

How was Northern Securities Company relevant to the creation of modern antitrust laws?

It marked a precedent because the NSC was dissolved.

How did the Truman Doctrine impact containment policy?

It marked the beginning of the implementation of containment policy.

How did the election of 1828 differ to most elections that preeceded it?

It only had 2 candidates of the 2 major parties, the National Republicans and the Democrats.

Which best describes the federal government's position on building transportation networks?

It opposed such internal improvements, believing they were best left to states and private investors.

Which of the following is NOT provided under the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914?

It outlawed taxation on liquor and cigarettes.

Which is TRUE of Southern industry in the antebellum era of the U.S.?

It produced goods that were rarely exported.

How did the Senate react to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

It ratified the treaty, but the Wilmot Proviso never passed both houses.

How did the Underwood Tariff (1913) affect the American population?

It satisfied them because the import tax decreased by 15%

Why did the Northwest Indian War start and who was the leader of the American troops?

It started because white settlers began moving into Native American territory and, foreseeing British support that never arrived, they battled against American troops led by the war hero General 'Mad' Anthony Wayne.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Oregon Trail?

It started off as a road built by the government.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Van Buren administration?

It supported the Bank of the United States by increasing trade tariffs.

What was the Battle of the Bulge?

It was Germany's final assault on Allied lines.

What was the purpose of the Bayonet Constitution that was formed in Hawaii?

It was a new constitution that took away voting rights of poor native Hawaiians, and stripped the power from the Hawaiian monarchy.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Harlem Renaissance?

It was a rejection of the African-American culture.

What was the purpose of the Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the U.S.?

It was an effort to ease tensions between the two countries by ensuring Japan doesn't issue new passports to Japanese wishing to work in the U.S., and that U.S. would stop discrimination against Japanese children in California schools.

Why was the colony of Delaware founded?

It was culturally and linguistically different from the rest of Pennsylvania so it was given its own assembly

How was Germany supposed to be divided based on the deal at the Yalta conference?

It was divided into four occupation zones, one for each of the Big 3 and one for France.

What happened to the Populist Party in the late 1800s?

It was engulfed by the Democrat party.

How did the productivity growth during Reagan compare to the years of the Carter administration?

It was higher during the Reagan administration, which is why it is considered one of his more important achievements.

Which of the following regarding the Volstead Act is FALSE?

It was opposed by influential businessmen like J.D. Rockefeller

Why was the inauguration of Jackson in 1829 different to that of Adams' four years prior?

It was the first public inauguration, which drew a huge celebrating crowd.

How can you summarize the Atlantic Charter?

It was violated by Stalin at the end of the war, was written before the US entered the war, and called for the disarmament of Axis powers.

Why was the control of the Mississippi River by the Union an important part of The Anaconda Plan?

It would allow the Union to capture New Orleans.

Which of the following was NOT a reason some Americans opposed annexing Texas?

It would have led to war against Texans who wanted annexation

Senator John Crittenden believed his 'Crittenden Compromise' would keep the Union together because:

It would restore the Missouri Compromise line and protect slavery in the South.

Why did Italy drop out of the Big Four?

Italy's demand for more territory was denied

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the forming of the Whigs?

Jackson's negative stance towards the middle class.

Which action prompted the United States to enter WWII?

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

Which of the following events prompted the state of undeclared war that existed between the United States and Japan?

Japan invaded Manchuria.

Why was the Potsdam declaration relevant to ending World War II?

Japan was threatened with complete and total destruction.

Who was the President of the Confederate States of America in 1861?

Jefferson Davis

Who was President Washington's Vice President?

John Adams

Which of the following people supported McCarthy and his dubious tactics?

John F. Kennedy

At what university were four unarmed Vietnam War protesters shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard?

Kent State University

Which answer most accurately describes how the Progressive Movement affected African Americans?

Limited gains were achieved for African Americans during the Progressive Era.

Which are common criticisms of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Lincoln didn't have the authority to issue it. The Union didn't have the power to enforce it. The motives behind it were not all pure.

How did General MacArthur's ideas about the Korean War differ from President Truman's?

MacArthur wanted a total war, while Truman wanted to negotiate a settlement.

How was the conflict between Truman and MacArthur resolved?

MacArthur was relieved of his command

Which of these tenets was NOT part of the Nine Power Treaty?

Maintain European colonies as they existed after WWI

Which of the following best describes American imperialism in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Manipulating events in sovereign nations.

John Brown's group of soldiers included _____.

Members of his own family (his sons)

Victory over _____ led to America's increase in land size but also trouble balancing the free and slave states.


Which of the following was NOT a nation in which the U.S. battled communism during the Cold War?


When did the Vietnam War take place?

Mid 1950s-1975

Which of the following is TRUE of American cities in the early to mid-1800s?

Midwestern cities grew in size and importance, and there were more large cities than ever before

Which Soviet leader introduced the reforms of glasnost and perestroika?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Which is the correct chronological order, starting with the earliest, of US policy in Latin America?

Monroe Doctrine, Platt Amendment, Roosevelt Corollary

Which of the following is a reason for the expansion of the Old Southwest before 1820?

More land was needed for growing cotton.

Which of the following is a slogan Reagan would NOT have supported in his 1980 election campaign?

More money to welfare!

Which of the following violent events did the Civil Rights Movement face throughout the 1960s?

Murder of three 'Freedom Riders' in Mississippi Bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Police crackdown on protests in Birmingham, Alabama

What four bills made up the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Naturalization, Alien, Alien Enemies, and Sedition.

Which of the following sequence of events is in chronological order?

Navigation Acts, Molasses Act, Currency Acts and Salutary neglect

How did D.W. Griffith's 1915 movie Birth of a Nation impact the status of African-American civil rights?

Negatively, because it glorified the Ku Klux Klan

How were the two capitals during the Civil War (Washington, D.C., and Richmond, VA) similar?

Neither capital was under imminent threat until General Lee ordered the evacuation of Richmond.

How were the 'new' immigrants different from the 'old' immigrants to America?

New immigrants were less likely to be literate and English-speaking, whereas most of the old immigrants came from English-speaking, democratic countries.

What was needed to spark the market revolution in America during the 19th century?

New inventions and technology

Which amendment provides a blanket of protection for Americans?

Ninth Amendment

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of Versailles?

Non-occupation of Rhineland by Allied troops

Which was America's first coeducational college?


Which military tactics did President Nixon employ against North Vietnam and its adherents?

Operation Linebacker II

Why did the United States resort to sending ground troops to the conflict in Vietnam in 1965?

Operation Rolling Thunder, their bombing campaign, proved ineffective in turning back the North Vietnamese.

The Northwest Ordinance:

Organized the territories and gave a clear path to statehood. Granted freedom of religion and the right to trial by jury to settlers. Abolished slavery in the territories.

Why were women excluded from the proceedings at the General Anti Slavery Conference in London in 1840?

Organizers were afraid they would tie women's rights to black rights and cause the convention to lose focus.

What was the mission of the Mann Act of 1910?

Outlawed the interstate and international transportation of women for immoral purposes.

Why did Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait?

Outstanding debts with Kuwait wouldn't have to be paid and the oil fields would generate income for Iraq.

Which terms best describe urban life in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Overcrowded, Dirty, Segregated and Exciting

Which of the following was NOT a contributor to the Great Depression?

Passage of national labor compensation laws

What was the significance of General George Patton writing, 'Dear Ike: Today I spat in the Seine?'

Patton was explaining that Allied troops had liberated Paris.

Which of the following contributed to the crash of the stock market in October of 1929?

People frantically selling their stock on the New York Exchange.

How did the increase in advertisement impact consumerism in the 1920s?

People had more money to spend and improved advertisement had a positive impact on their increased spending.

Why did people in both the Union and Confederacy protest the draft?

People with enough money could pay substitutes.

The capital of the United States before Washington D.C. was:


In which country did the Revolutions of 1989 begin?


How are political machines different from political parties?

Political machines focus on one the maintenance of the power of an elite group rather than having a platform of issues.

Which of the following is an accurate description of politics in the late 19th century?

Politicians did not pursue very ambitious policies.

Which of the following reflects the position of President Lincoln and that of President Jefferson Davis on the Confederate States of America?

President Lincoln believed that the Confederacy was illegal and President Jefferson Davis believed it was legal.

Which American president was credited with helping to curb the United States' energy issue as well as lowering inflation and unemployment?

President Reagan

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the 19th Amendment granting American women the right to vote in 1920?

President Wilson celebrated its passage as one of the earliest supporters of the suffrage movement.

After mid-century, which was the most important means of transportation through the interior of the nation?


Warren Harding ran for president in 1920, promising a return to 'normalcy'. Harding's 'normal' America can be best described as:

Returning America to the way things were prior to World War I.

Which of the following was the LAST state to ratify the Constitution?

Rhode Island

Which of the following statements was true of Rhode Island, based on what you have learned?

Rhode Island attracted exiles and dissenters from different areas who were in search of greater religious freedom.

After the American Revolution, how did slavery in the North differ from slavery in the South?

Rhode Island led the way in the north, initiating an emancipation policy beginning in 1784, while slavery remained legal in the south

Which future general helped arrest John Brown at Harper's Ferry?

Robert E. Lee

How did Roosevelt's viewpoint on production differ from those who came before him?

Roosevelt wanted to restrict production in hopes that it would increase supply and demand.

What is true about the Rough Riders and the Buffalo Soldiers?

Rough Riders were led by Theodore Roosevelt, and the Buffalo Soldiers were originally African Americans.

Which of the following was NOT a promise of the Obama 2008 presidential campaign?

Same-sex marriage

Which of the following was NOT a solution to the economic collapse under the George W. Bush Administration?

Securities and Exchange Commission implementing new market regulations Bush tax breaks and rebate checks A government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

What did the decision in 'Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1954' argue?

Segregation violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

Which of the following was part of the General Scott's Anaconda Plan?

Seize the Mississippi River

Based on what you've learned in this lesson, which of these people would have most likely supported slavery in the new territory?

Senator John C. Calhoun

What was Carrie Chapman Catt's role in the women's suffrage movement?

She proposed organization at the local levels and promoted women's suffrage state by state.

Why did Rachel Carson write 'Silent Spring'?

She wanted to raise awareness about pesticides in water sources.

Which of the following did NOT shift public opinion within the Colonies toward independence?

Similar revolutions in France and Haiti

Which one of the following is true about the Slave Code?

Slaves could NOT carry a weapon or gather in groups. Slaves could NOT speak in court or legally marry. Slaves could NOT defend themselves against a white person.

Which of the following was NOT part of the slave trade?

Slaves were shown how to write.

The Articles of Confederation established a central government that was too weak. Which of the following describes the effect of a weak central government?

States were asked to send troops to form an Army; however they did not have to do so. Primary power was left to the states; in Congress, 9 of 13 states had to agree to make a law. Money was printed, but since the states could not be taxed, the money was worthless.

What Supreme Court decision originally nullified the idea of 'separate, but equal'?

Sweatt v. Painter, 1950

Which of the following was NOT a component of Eisenhower's New Look policy in relation to the Cold War?

Taking a non-aggressive stance by deescalating tensions with potential communist aggressors

How did the opinion of Abraham Lincoln on the Emancipation Proclamation differ from that of Roger Taney?

Taney believed that the President did not have the Constitutional authority to issue the proclamation, while Lincoln based his opinion on the preservation of the Union.

Which of the following was an outcome of Clinton's economic policy during his second term?

Taxes were lowered and the economy grew

Which event tarnished the accomplishments of Obama's first term foreign policy?

Terrorist attack on the United States embassy compound in Benghazi, Libya

Which was NOT a part of the Compromise of 1850?

Texas gained land from the eastern part of New Mexico.

Which of the following officially ended slavery in the United States?

The 13th Amendment

Which of the Reconstruction Amendments remains controversial to this day, with constant calls for its revisal?

The 14th Amendment

How did the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differ to the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)?

The AFL believed in working within the existing system, while the IWW called for open class warfare.

What was Operation Overlord?

The Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Western Europe

Why did the Tet Offensive cause a decline in the American public's confidence in the Vietnam War and the Johnson administration?

The American public believed the U.S. was winning the war, but news footage of the Tet Offensive proved otherwise

How did activities in Berlin in 1961 affect the Cold War?

The Berlin Wall was erected that year and it became the most prominent symbol of Cold War tensions.

Which of the following is true about McCulloch v. Maryland?

The Constitution implies that Congress has more power than what is enumerated.

Which of the following did NOT influence Enlightenment thinking?

The Cultural Revolution

Why did Republicans have an advantage in the 1860 presidential election?

The Democrats were not unified and split their votes among different candidates.

political cartoon with politicians forcing a slave down the throat of a free soldier and fires and hanging people in the background depicts:

The Democrats were responsible for the violence in Kansas.

Interpret the Monroe Doctrine from the perspective of the European powers.

The Doctrine warned them to stop involving themselves in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.

During the Cold War era, the _____ called for U.S. assistance to help nations threatened with aggression by another country.

The Eisenhower Doctrine

Which of the following stories DID NOT push the U.S. toward war with Spain?

The Jingo.

William Lloyd Garrison, founder of the American Anti Slavery Society, wrote _____.

The Liberator in 1831

Which historic document does the following excerpt most likely come from? The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.

The Monroe Doctrine

How did the National Woman's Party (NWP) tactics differ from the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)?

The NWP was viewed as confrontational due to their use of aggressive tactics.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to America's population increase during the early 1800s?

The Napoleonic Wars

Why did the New Right, which Reagan represented, appeal to the electorate in 1980?

The New Right was a return to right-wing conservative politics, which appealed to many Republicans.

What was the agreement that ended the war between the United States and North Vietnam?

The Paris Peace Accords, signed on January 27, 1973

Why was Massachusetts founded?

The Puritans were facing religious persecution in England.

What was the term used to describe the fear of communist subversion and where did it begin?

The Red Scare and its origins began in the First World War.

How did Marbury v. Madison influence the role of the United States Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court can decide if laws are unconstitutional and overturn them.

Why was the Northern Securities case of 1904 significant?

The Supreme Court upheld the antitrust suit against the railroad monopoly.

Which of the following did Congress block, which prompted Jackson to veto several pieces of legislation?

The Treaty of New Echota.

Which of the following was an effect of the Roosevelt Corollary?

The U.S. would intervene with its military if a European nation intervened in Latin America.

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan differ?

The Virginia plan favored big states and preferred representation based on state population while the New Jersey plan favored small states and preferred equal representation for all states.

Which of the following describes the correlation between the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

The Voting Rights Act followed the legacy of the Civil Rights Act by prohibiting literacy tests for voters

How did the Bush administration respond to the 2008 crisis?

The administration took over two federally endorsed mortgage organizations, and it also increased regulation of the market. Print Worksheet

On what issue did Stalin NOT see eye to eye with the leaders of the U.S. and Great Britain?

The annexation of Poland

What is the current status of relations between North and South Korea?

The armistice of 1953 is still valid, but no peace treaty has ever been signed.

Which of the following defines Manifest Destiny?

The belief that America should expand across the continent.

During the 2008 Democratic Primary, what new strategy did the Obama campaign employ to get out his message of 'hope and change' to his supporters?

The campaign used social media

The conflict in Vietnam is comparable to which of the following conflicts?

The conflict in Syria, because both are proxy wars

How were early manufacturing industries different from those in the Second Industrial Revolution?

The early manufacturing industries had to use skilled weavers to operate power looms, while factories during the Second Industrial Revolution increasingly relied on machines.

Why were the 1920s referred to as the Roaring Twenties?

The economy was prosperous, consumer culture was prevalent, and the stock market was successful.

Which of the following can be seen as an impact of the assassination of Martin Luther King?

The effectiveness of non-violent protest began to wear off.

All of the following were reasons for the expansion of the 'old Southwest' in the U.S. EXCEPT.

The end of the slave trade

How did the Burr Conspiracy impact Jefferson?

The fact that he had Burr arrested for treason for trying to seize Spanish land, while the Supreme Court acquitted him, made him seem weak.

In February 1945, the Allies fire-bombed the German city of Dresden. Although controversial, the destruction of the city played an important role in the Allied war effort. Why?

The fire-bombing of Dresden contributed to the defeat of Germany.

What was the Clermont?

The first commercial steam ship in the U.S.

How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911 impact the rights of workers?

The health and safety standard for factory workers increased significantly

The civilian population at a time of war can be considered?

The home front

How did public support in the United States for the conflict in Vietnam collapse?

The horrors of combat during the Tet Offensive were aired to the American public nightly, turning many against the war.

Why was the Connecticut colony started?

The leader disagreed with the limited voting rights in Massachusetts.

What was Operation Torch?

The liberation of French colonies in North Africa.

Which of the following did the Gadsden Purchase of 1853 complete?

The lower 48

How did Vietnamization fit into the Nixon Doctrine?

The main thesis of the Nixon Doctrine was that every nation should fight for themselves, although the United States would aid its allies.

How did the middle colonies differ from the others regarding the ancestry of its settlers ?

The middle colonies differed from the other colonies because they were diverse instead of being mainly Englishmen.

Which of the following was NOT a result of Mexico's loosened immigration standards in its northeastern region?

The northern residents' defeat of Mexican General Santa Anna at the Alamo.

South Carolina formally seceded from the Union because:

The northern states breached the Constitution by not returning fugitive slaves.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to Richmond Bread Riots?

The payment of taxes in produce and livestock

What was the outcome of Clinton's campaign promise to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces?

The policy failed but resulted in an unpopular compromise as the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law

What is judicial review?

The power to decide if a law violates the Constitution.

Which power did the central government not have under the Articles of Confederation?

The power to tax

What ultimately brought the successes of the first New Deal and the second New Deal to a halt?

The recession of 1937

How did the environmental differences of the North and the South of the U.S. impact their economies in the antebellum period?

The rivers in the North powered machinery and the climate in the South enabled the production of cash crops.

Which of the following is true about the first New Deal, and the second New Deal?

The second New Deal represented a retreat from the first New Deal.

How did the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s compare to the first Ku Klux Klan?

The second focused more on changes to the entire nation's changing morals rather than focusing on African Americans and the South.

How does the sixth amendment differ from the seventh amendment?

The sixth amendment focuses on the rights of those accused of a crime, while the seventh focuses on the right of trial by jury in civil cases.

How did President Kennedy's flexible response notion of foreign policy impact the containment policy?

The strategy of flexible response allowed for the United States to engage communist expansion with armed forces or nuclear weapons in a timely fashion.

Why did the 1962 Cuban Crisis have a significant meaning for the USA?

The strategy of flexible response allowed for the United States to engage communist expansion with armed forces or nuclear weapons in a timely fashion.

What effect did Harding's tax cuts have on the American economy?

The tax cuts allowed the economy to recover from a recession.

What happened in the XYZ affair?

The three U.S. commissioners sent to France to negotiate were met by three agents of the French foreign minister, who demanded a $250,000 bribe and a $12,000,000 loan.

How did Jackson's approach to staffing the executive office differ to that of John Quincy Adams'?

Their approach was essentially the same, although Jackson's was considered more like a spoils system.

Which of the following is correct regarding the assassination of Lincoln?

There was a plot to assassinate the president, vice president and secretary of state simultaneously.

Which of the following regarding the 1828 election is FALSE?

There was a relatively low voter turnout, with only 30% of eligible voters at the polls.

In reality, prohibition was unsuccessful in the 1920s because:

There was a stronger than anticipated resistance to the 18th Amendment, and not enough funds to enforce the law.

How was Détente an important factor in Nixon's time in office?

There were decreased tensions and a period of warm relations between the Cold War powerhouses.

How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act, and the National Recovery Administration (NRA) affect the economy?

These acts started out with the best of intentions but then began to struggle resulting in less people working and less products being produced.

Why are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments referred to as the Reconstruction Amendments?

These amendments were aimed at fixing a broken, post-Civil War nation.

Why was the era of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover referred to as the New Era?

These republican candidates wanted to return control to big business and reduce taxes for the wealthy.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Knights of Labor?

They actively worked to bring down the government.

How are the Elkins Act (1903) and the Hepburn Act (1906) comparable?

They aimed to regulate the railroad industry.

How did Congress respond when Clinton refused to accept their budget proposal?

They allowed a government shutdown, but eventually gave up as they faced rising public opposition.

Some early feminists opposed passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) because:

They believed the ERA could potentially hinder gains that already addressed the rights of women in the workforce.

How were the Brown Power and the Red Power movements similar?

They both campaigned for the integration of cultures that weren't part of mainstream society.

How did the approach to ensuring African-American rights of Booker T. Washington differ to that of Ida B. Wells?

They both worked towards raising the standard of African-American rights, but Wells used fiercer rhetoric, while Washington advocated a 'don't rock the boat' approach.

What was the key idea of Madison Grant and the Eugenics Movement in the early 20th century?

They claimed White, Anglo-Saxon, Nordic superiority was based in their genetics

Four of the first five presidents came from Virginia, and their collective decisions shaped the United States government for centuries to come. Which is NOT an action this group of leaders took?

They collapsed the Democratic-Republican Party.

How did the people react to the fact that Washington personally led the anti-rebellion militia?

They felt the significance of it which helped to quickly end the rebellion.

How did the reaction of the Supreme Court differ to the reaction of the labour movement in response to the New Deal?

They had a same initial reaction in opposing the New Deal.

Why did the US fail to win a swift victory against North Korea?

They had difficulties with strategy and the terrain

In early America, why were slaves from Caribbean the preferred choice when compared to Native Americans?

They had low escape possibilities.

What role did American corporations play in the early 1800s?

They helped push the nation toward a market economy

What was the Confederate reaction to the first Battle of Bull Run?

They hoped the win would encourage foreign nations to ally with them.

How did muckrakers like Jacob Riis help bring about urban reform?

They increased public awareness of social problems.

Why did the South fire the first shots that started the Civil War?

They needed to protect their newly sovereign territory by removing Union troops

How are the Southern Manifesto, the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan and birth of the White Citizens' Council connected?

They provide evidence of a strong racist response to the Civil Rights movements of the 1950s.

How did Hamilton and the Federalists & Jefferson and the Republicans influence the US Federal Government?

They set the path for the nation to be run by a two-party system.

What approach to prohibition did the leading temperance organizations use in the early 20th century?

They stopped trying to change individuals and started campaigning for a legal ban on alcohol

What is true of the Boxers in China?

They used their martial arts skills to fight the foreign powers.

Why did U.S. troops attack at Bull Run?

They wanted to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond.

Why was the Native American protest on July 4, 1971, at Mount Rushmore significant?

They wanted to display their negative feelings about American independence and its leaders.

Why did many of the Puritans come to be in New England?

They were being persecuted as a result of political change in England.

How did the American public react to the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

They were excited to move into the new territory.

What was the Germans' response to the Treaty of Versailles?

They were horrified.

Which statement explains the migration of the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?

They were more localized in the midwest with Indiana having a larger population.

What were the Yippies protesting about during the 1968 Democratic National Convention?

They were protesting against the war in Vietnam

How did the public respond to the Emancipation Proclamation?

They were reserved towards the proclamation which is why the Republican Party lost seats in Congress that year.

Why were the cases of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti controversial?

They were sentenced to death for murder and robbery, but many believe they were executed for their political ideas.

How were the Alien and Sedition Acts viewed by the citizens of the United States?

They were viewed negatively because they were offensive to the freedom and rights of the individual.

Samuel was a slave who worked for a cotton farmer on a plantation in southern Alabama before the Civil War. Samuel was granted freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote during Reconstruction. How could his 15th Amendment rights be worked around?

Through things such as literacy tests and poll taxes.

What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

To amend the Articles of Confederation

Why did Johnson pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

To ban the use of literacy tests prior to voting.

Why was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization established?

To collectively fight against the threat of communism

Why did the North use its Naval advantage to institute a blockade of Southern ports?

To cutoff income to the South from cotton exports

Why did Reagan approve the Star Wars program?

To defend the US from long-range Soviet missiles

Why did the US fight in the Spanish-American war?

To expand American influence abroad.

Which was one of President Clinton's foreign policy goals?

To expand free market democracy

What was the general goal of the initiative, referendum, and recall measures first proposed in the early 1900s by Populists such as William Jennings Bryan?

To give more power to the voters.

What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

To help prevent future wars

Why did Eisenhower pass the National Defense Education Act of 1958?

To increase science and math curricula in the U.S. in order to keep up with communist counterparts

What was the main goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

To outlaw segregation and racial discrimination

Why were building codes used in New York during the 1890s?

To prevent fire spread through buildings in minutes.

Why did Cecil Calvert approve the Act of Religious Toleration in Maryland?

To protect the rights of the minority Catholics

Why were American farmers looking for a new cash crop at the turn of the 19th century?

Tobacco had depleted the soil and was no longer profitable.

Which of the following was NOT part of Clinton's war on drugs?

Treatment programs for offenders

Which of the following is NOT a British government measure which angered colonists prior to the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris

How did Tyler's view of the annexation of Texas differ from Van Buren's position?

Tyler wanted Texas to be annexed, while Van Buren opposed it

What is FALSE about post World War II period?

US continued to threaten Japan with atomic bombs.

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote _____.

Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852

Which of the following was a byproduct of the Great Recession?

Unemployment Decline in American investment Bankruptcy

Which was a part of the Southern Strategy?

Use loyalist forces, including freed slaves, to hold territory while the Regular army marched on.

Which was NOT one of General Grant's unconventional military tactics?

Using flame throwers to burn fortifications

John Brown chose Harper's Ferry in the state of _____ to make his last stand against slavery.


Why was there a baby boom after WWII?

War veterans got married and started families.

Which of these was a consequence of the completion of the transcontinental railroad?

Western life became easier and settlements boomed.

In which of the following scenarios is the fifth amendment NOT relevant?

When you saw somebody commit a crime, but you refuse to testify about it because you fear retribution from that person.

How did the views of David Wilmot and John Calhoun on slavery differ?

Willmot supported banning all slavery, while Calhoun was for keeping slavery in the US.

Why did the women's Suffrage Movement start in the West rather than the East?

Women had a higher social status in the newer communities of the West.

All of the following are ways in which women's clubs contributed to the women's suffrage movement EXCEPT:

Women united across all social classes to eliminate the idea of 'separate spheres' of influence for men and women.

The First Philippine Republic was _____.

a government established by Filipinos after the Philippine Revolution, which was not recognized by the U.S.

Yellow journalism is _____.

a sensational form of journalism that exaggerates and twists facts to affect opinions in order to sell news papers

Democratic-Republicans were in favor of all of the following EXCEPT:

a strong central government

The Open Door Policy was _____.

an agreement between foreign powers that stated, no one nation would gain sole rights to China

The Fugitive Slave Act required _____ to help capture and turn over runaway slaves and denied them from having a _____.

citizens; jury trial

During the Nullification Crisis, South Carolina wanted to _____ .

declare the federal tariff null and void

Which of the following correctly shows the events in the order in which they occurred?

election of President Lincoln, secession of South Carolina, the Crittenden Compromise proposal, and finally, the crisis at Fort Sumter.

The Great Compromise _____.

established one house of Congress based on population (House of Representatives) and the other with equal representation (Senate).

Tyler's attempt to annex Texas during his presidency _____.

failed; the Senate refused to ratify his annexation treaty

During Andrew Jackson's administration, there were regional economic conflicts between the North, South and Western United States. The Northern states relied upon _____. The Southern states felt that their survival depended upon _____. The Western states depended upon _____ for their growth.

heavy industry; slavery; agricultural land

How did the grandfather clause discriminate against African-Americans?

it denied illiterate African-Americans the right to vote, although it did not discriminate against white illiterate Americans whose grandfathers had the right to vote before 1867.

Which best describes 1920s urban culture?

modern and indulgent.

The freedom rides, marches and sit-ins of the 1960s were forms of _____.

nonviolent protest

Although President Harding saw his fair share of mishaps while in office, he can be given credit for

setting up America for future financial prosperity.

Which of the following was most emphasized by Jeffersonian democracy?

smaller federal government

In the Three-Fifths Compromise, 3/5 of the _____ population was counted toward the overall state population.

southern slave

Adam's "midnight appointments"

stacked the U.S. courts with Federalists.

Uncle Tom's Cabin gained success as a book and a _____ in the 19th century.

stage play

According to Fletcher v. Peck, the Supreme Court asserted that, _____.

state legislation which violates federal law must be thrown out

Two issues on which there was disagreement between the North and the South were _____ and _____.

tariffs and slavery

What event was the first use of the new technology of ironclad ships?

the Battle of Hampton Roads

Frederick Douglas, an ex-slave known for his writing and great speeches, wrote _____.

the North Star.

Social Darwinism tried to excuse _____.

the lack of basic worker protections by the federal government

The Middle Passage was...

the leg of the triangle trade bringing African slaves to the New World

Article I of the Constitution establishes _____.

the legislative branch of the government, the Congress.

A merchant living in the interior of America in the early 1800s would mostly use _____ to transport his goods to markets in the east.

the rivers

Which of the following was a supporter of Jefferson in 1800?

the yeoman farmer, the American.

The platform of the Abolitionist movement wanted

to achieve immediate emancipation of all slaves and the ending of racial segregation without the use of violence.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was in Memphis at the time of his assassination _____.

to support black sanitation workers on strike

John Brown was put on trial for _____ after the Harper's Ferry incident.


Secretary Albert Fall was responsible for

using government funds to improve his standard of living. the Teapot Dome Scandal. allowing oil companies to drill without proper authorization from the government.

President Washington

warned against political parties.

Alien and Sedition Acts

were aimed at stopping recent immigrants from causing disruption and anarchy in the U.S.

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