US History B Midterm-mizzou

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Jose refuses to serve in the armed forces for religious or philosophical reasons during World War 1. What term would describe this action? 1.Conscientious objector 2.Axis supporter 3.Nationalist 4.Allied supporter


Under President Hoover's orders, what happened to the Bonus Army? 1.The military confronted the veterans with tear gas and bayonets. 2.The government gave all the veterans a $100 bonus. 3.The veterans were encouraged to build a larger Hooverville. 4.The government passed a law that made it illegal to build shanties.


What is the collective security agreement between Western European countries and the United States called? 1.North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 2.Truman Plan 3.Containment 4.Warsaw Pact


What was the purpose of the 17th Amendment? 1.Established that senators would be directly elected. 2.Prohibited the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex. 3.Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. 4.Gave the federal government the power to collect income tax


What was the purpose of the 18th Amendment? 1.Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. 2.Prohibited the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex. 3.Gave the federal government the power to collect income tax. 4.Established that senators would be directly elected.


What was the purpose of the Hepburn Act (1906)? 1.The act allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to set maximum railroad rates. 2.The act established a nine-person board to determine railroad rates. 3.The act deemed that all railroad rates were illegal. 4.The act allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to set minimum railroad rates.


Which battle worried US generals about what they would face if they invaded the Japanese home island? 1.Iwo Jima 2.Midway 3.Pearl Harbor 4.Tinian


Why is Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle important in US History? 1.The book provided graphic details about the Chicago slaughterhouse industry. 2.The book led to the creation of the Department of Commerce and Labor (DOCL). 3.The book described President Roosevelt's efforts to conserve national resources. 4.The book detailed how the president went on a hunt for bears.


During World War I, what nations made up the Central Powers? 1.France, Britain, and Germany 2.Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire 3.Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia 4.France, Britain, and Russia


During the Progressive Era, what was one benefit of the secret ballot? 1.Voter fraud increased across the nation. 2. The political machines would not know who/how someone voted. 3. Only the political bosses would get elected. 4. Everyone knew how you voted.


For what was the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) responsible? 1.Conducting espionage. 2.Investigating possible communist influence in US government. 3.Focusing on nuclear proliferation and containment. 4.Promoting the Space Race.


Frank believes that people's lives should be completely controlled by the state, and political parties should not be allowed. What political system would Frank most likely support? 1.Democracy 2.Fascism 3.Republicanism 4.Communism


How did the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differ from the other labor unions? 1.It consisted primarily of miners. 2.It consisted of groups of unions, usually skilled workers. 3.It consisted of all types of laborers, especially children. 4.It consisted of unskilled women, Latinos, and African Americans.


In the 1912 presidential election, what assured the election of Woodrow Wilson? 1.The Republicans nominated Roosevelt, and Taft ran as a Democrat. 2.The Republicans nominated Taft, so Roosevelt led the Progressives. 3.The Democrats nominated Taft, so Roosevelt ran as a Republican. 4.The Democrats nominated both Wilson and Roosevelt.


Recently, Tom read Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth", and found that he agrees with Carnegie's ideas. Which statement best represents Tom's beliefs? 1.He believes that rich people should keep their wealth to themselves. 2.He believes that it is the job of the elite to help enrich society. 3.He believes in the idea of 'survival of the fitness'. 4.He believes in the idea of a hands-off economy.


The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided temporary jobs to unmarried single adults filling sandbags and helping out at disaster type situations. Which of the New Deal's 3Rs would this agency represent? 1.Recovery 2.Relief 3.Recycle 4.Reform


The Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) gave immediate help to those that needed it in the form of cash payments. Which of the New Deal's 3Rs would this agency represent? 1.Recycle 2.Relief 3.Recovery 4.Reform


Theodore Roosevelt often quoted an old proverb, "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far". How did he mean by the 'big stick'? 1.Peace treaties 2. Military intervention 3.Sharing of cultural attributes 4.Forced assimilation


Using the codename "Operation Barbarossa", what country did Germany invade? 1.France 2.Russia 3.Poland 4.England


What did Executive Order #9066 do? 1.Allowed for equal pay for men and women in factory jobs. 2.Set up Japanese American internment camps. 3.Authorized the use of the atomic bomb. 4.Allowed for prisoners of war to be paid by the US government.


What effectively ended World War I? 1.Treaty of London 2.Treaty of Versailles 3.Treaty of Berlin 4.Treaty of Paris


What event effectively ended the Progressive Movement? 1.Panamanian War 2.World War I 3.World War II 4.Civil War


What ideology was used to justify US intervention in the Mexican Revolution, especially between 1913-1917? 1.Roosevelt Corollary 2.Wilson's Moral Diplomacy 3.Taft's Dollar Diplomacy 4.Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy


What is 'rugged individualism'? 1.The government should maximize intervention in the lives of its citizens. 2.The government should minimize intervention in the lives of its citizens. 3.A mass migration of people to the western United States. 4.The belief that people should live in rural areas.


What was "White Flight"? 1.The ability of white Americans to purchase expensive airplane tickets where minorities could not. 2.White Americans moved out of the city and into the suburbs. 3.The ability of inner cities to thrive when whites moved to the suburbs. 4.White Americans moved to the suburbs, but left economic resources in cities.


What was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's court-packing scheme? 1.Make the US District court have more justices. 2.Make the Supreme Court have more justices. 3.Make the US District court have fewer justices. 4.Make the Supreme Court have fewer justices.


What was the "Red Scare"? 1.Widespread fear of a military attack in New York. 2.Widespread fear of a potential rise of communism. 3.Widespread fear of an invasion by Germany. 4.Widespread fear of an u-boat attack in the ocean.


What was the Soviet equivalent to the Marshall Plan? 1.Berlin Wall 2.Molotov Plan 3.Stalin Doctrine 4.Containment Policy


What was the US response to the Berlin Blockade? 1.Berlin Wall 2.Berlin Airlift 3.Truman Doctrine 4.Containment Policy


What was the Zimmerman Note? 1.It proposed an alliance between the United States and Germany. 2.It proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany. 3.It proposed an alliance between Mexico and the United States. 4.It proposed an alliance between the United States and Mexico.


When a Central American nation refused to accept American loans to pay off its debt to Great Britain, the United States responded with military force to change the government's decision. Which foreign policy does this action support? 1.Wilson's Moral Diplomacy 2.Taft's Dollar Diplomacy 3.Roosevelt Corollary 4.Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy


Which of the following statements match the correct dictator with the country he ruled over? 1.Japan and Mussolini 2.Germany and Hitler 3.Italy and Stalin 4.Russia and Franco


By 1937, Germany, Italy, and Japan had formed which of the following alliances? 1.Tripartite Pact 2.Triple Entente 3.Axis Powers 4.Nothing


During President Wilson's administration, what government agency investigated and prohibited unfair business practices? 1.Securities and Exchange Commission 2.Federal Communication Commission 3.Federal Trade Commission 4.Department of Commerce


During World War I, which nations made up the Triple Entente? 1.Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia 2.Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire 3.France, Britain, and Russia 4.France, Britain, and Germany


How does collective bargaining improve union relations with its employees? 1.It helps business owners fire union workers who make demands regarding wages. 2.It forces a company to only hire people that belong to a particular trade union. 3.It helps employers and a union reach an agreement on wages, working conditions, etc. 4.It forces a company to only hire skilled workers.


If you had been in this country on September 1, 1939, you would have witnessed the start of World War 2 as Germany invaded. 1.Austria 2.France 3.Poland 4.Czechoslovakia


In order to take advantage of the Marshall Plan, what did European countries agree to do? 1.Spend the funds equally between the US and Soviet Union 2.Only spend the funds locally 3.Hold free and open elections 4.Promote communism


James owes an oil company and decides to buy all the oil companies that exist within a given region. What type of business structure is James using? 1.Business integration 2.Vertical integration 3.Horizontal integration 4.Up-Down approach


The Japanese hoped to knock the US out of the war long enough to establish a defensive perimeter. Where did the Japanese focus this first attack? 1.Peking 2.US aircraft carriers around the globe 3.Pearl Harbor 4.California


To Americans and people living in Berlin, Germany, what would the Wall represent? 1.North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2.Weapons Race 3.Iron Curtain 4.Containment Policy


What components made up the "Triple Wall of Privilege" that President Wilson attacked? 1.Banks, education, and natural resources 2.Tariff, banks, and military 3.Tariff, banks, and trusts 4.Banks, social security, and natural resources


What happened on Black Tuesday? 1.Stock prices rapidly increased. 2.Banks closed for the day. 3.Stock prices crashed. 4.A full solar eclipse was seen.


What is meant by 'buying on the margin'? 1.A person makes a note in a ledger about a stock purchase. 2.A person charges a commission on the sale of stock. 3.A person borrows money from a broker to purchase stock. 4.A person sells a piece of stock at a profit.


What term is used to describe the redevelopment of inner cities? 1.Conglomeration 2.White Flight 3.Urban renewal 4.Urban planning


What was the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903)? 1.It gave Panama to Nicaragua. 2.It opened Panama to trade with all nations. 3.It allowed the United States to use, occupy, and control a 10-mile wide canal zone in Panama. 4.It gave the United States the right to build a military base in Columbia.


Where did the D-Day landings occur? 1.Belgium 2.England 3.France 4.Germany


Which ideology stated that the United States had the right to intervene in Latin American nations as an "international police power"? 1.Monroe Doctrine 2.Taft's Dollar Diplomacy 3.Roosevelt Corollary 4.Wilson's Moral Diplomacy


Which of the following attributes was not one of the three key groups addressed in the Treaty of Versailles? 1.Military 2.Territory 3.Nationalism 4.Economics


Which of the following battles was a turning point for World War 2? 1.Pearl Harbor 2.Manchuria 3.Stalingrad 4.Casablanca


Who was president of the United States when the war in Europe ended? 1.Coolidge 2.Wilson 3.Truman 4.Roosevelt


Why did labor union membership decline in the 1920s? 1.Immigrants spoke only English. 2.African Americans refused to join the unions. 3.Immigrants were willing to work in poor conditions. 4.Farmers refused to migrate to the cities.


During World War I, what was the purpose of the War Industries Board? 1.Encourage millionaires to denote all their money to charity. 2.Encourage Congress to increase minimum wage to $2 an hour. 3.Encourage US citizens to move to Mexico or Canada. 4.Encourage companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency.


Governor Smith has been charged with a crime, and the citizens want to remove him from office. What is this process called? 1.Secret Ballot 2.Referendum 3.Initiative 4.Recall


Originally established as part of a New Deal program, what organization guarantees individual bank deposits up to $250,000 today? 1.Social Security Administration 2.Federal Reserve Bank 3.U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 4.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)


What was one advantage farmers had over urban dwellers? 1.Large dust bowls provided food and entertainment. 2.Family sizes were smaller in rural areas. 3.The cost of living was greater in rural areas. 4.Most farmers could grow enough food to feed their families.


What was the intent of the Berlin Blockade? 1.To relieve pressure on the supply of food into East Berlin. 2.To stop all citizens of Berlin from leaving the city. 3.To prove the dominance of communistic ideology. 4.To stop all land travel and shipments into East Berlin from the Allies.


What was the purpose of the 19th Amendment? 1.Established that senators would be directly elected. 2.Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. 3.Gave the federal government the power to collect income tax. 4.Prohibited the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.


Why is deficit spending considered economically dangerous? 1.The government borrows huge amounts of money from its citizens. 2.The government has a trade surplus. 3.The government earns more than it spends. 4.The government spends more than it receives from taxes and other income.


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