US History Ch 25 Quiz

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2) Nazism 3) Benito Mussolini 4) Joseph Stalin 5) Adoph Hitler 6) Conservatism 7) Communism 8) Facism 9) Liberalism A) political leader of the Soviet Union from 1928 until 1953 B) extreme right-wing political ideology that emphasized order, government control, and racial superiority C) leader of German political movement that was democratically elected in Germany in 1933 D) right-wing political ideology that emphasizes importance of tradition, order, and strong government E) leader of Italian political movement that marched on Rome and seized political power in 1922 F) left-wing political ideology that emphasizes equality of people and personal freedom and governmental assistance G) extreme right-wing political ideology that emphasizes order and government control H) far-left political ideology that emphasized equality of all people and the government directed by the only political party

2) B 3) E 4) A 5) C 6) D 7) H 8) G 9) F

14) In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech A) received a decidedly hostile response by the American people. B) warned Japan it faced a U.S. embargo if it continued to be aggressive. C) saw the president call for further isolation from the nation's enemies. D) saw Roosevelt challenge England and France to limit the aggression of Germany. E) was given in response to the Japanese sinking of the Panay.


16) By September 1941, A) the United States extended lend-lease privileges to the Soviet Union. B) President Roosevelt made a secret agreement to send American troops to England. C) Germany had agreed with Japan to fight against the United States. D) the German navy had begun to sink American destroyers, including the Reuben James. E) Germany claimed it had no interest in engaging America in war.


25) In 1941, the Atlantic Charter A) saw the United States and England claim to share common principles. B) saw President Roosevelt agree to an eventual invasion of Europe to drive out the Nazis. C) was completed by senior military officials in the United States and England. D) was signed in Washington, D.C. E) gave American merchant ships the authority to fire on German submarines.


26) The Neutrality Act of 1935 A) included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict. B) sought to protect America's international trade agreements. C) prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. D) was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind. E) did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia.


11) The "lend-lease" plan A) saw England allow the construction of American military bases in British territory. B) allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England, to be returned when the war was over. C) saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S. D) saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. E) was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate.


13) The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance among A) the United States, England, and Russia. B) Japan, Germany, and Italy. C) England, France, and Italy. D) the United States, England, and France. E) Japan, Germany, and Austria.


15) President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy" A) limited land purchases by U.S. companies in neighboring countries. B) promised the U.S. would not invasde and occupy Latin American nations C) was abandoned by the United States at the start of World War II. D) was designed to keep the peace in western Europe. E) gave nations allied against fascism preferential loan rates.


28) Germany began World War II in Europe by invading Poland shortly after A) Hitler's violation of the Munich agreement. B) a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia. C) France promised Poland it would provide military support if attacked. D) Germany and Austria were unified. E) Germany's occupation of additional areas of Czechoslovakia.


10) The Washington Conference of 1921 A) sought to expand the global markets of the United States. B) saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. C) attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. D) ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. E) attempted to create a world court.


18) Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt A) was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany. B) sent American military advisers to England. C) declared the United States would remain neutral. D) ordered a "preparedness" campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916. E) declared the United States would be the "arsenal of democracy."


19) The America First Committee A) called for increased U.S. assistance to England without any actual intervention. B) tried and failed to enlist the support of Charles Lindbergh. C) was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war. D) was strongly opposed by both major political parties. E) was made up largely of Democrats who favored diplomacy to end the war.


29) Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE? A) Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of Lebensraum . B) His rise was partially precipitated by ruinous inflation. C) Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government "the Weimar Republic." D) Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people. E) Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism.


1) In response to the breakout of the civil war in Spain, the U.S. government joined with Britain and France in an agreement to A) support Franco's regime. B) support the republican side. C) use the conflict as a means of establishing military positions in Spain. D) offer no help to either side. E) offer help to whichever side would repudiate any diplomatic contact with Hitler's regime.


20) In 1929, a fascist-led government was in power in A) Japan. B) Germany. C) France. D) Italy. E) Spain.


22) In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public A) thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany. B) believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe. C) believed it would be a waste to aid England, as that nation would soon fall to Germany. D) believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. E) were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war.


23) The Munich agreement of 1938 A) ended further German aggression until World War II began. B) put most of Poland under German control. C) was the result of negotiations involving the League of Nations. D) failed to appease Hitler's aggressive quest for further territory E) was signed by Joseph Stalin despite misgivings about German intent.


24) The Munich Conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over A) Poland. B) Austria. C) Hungary. D) Czechoslovakia. E) Belgium.


12) The Neutrality Act of 1937 A) exempted Asian nations from the provisions of the 1935 Neutrality Act. B) loosened the trade policy for England, while tightening it for Germany and Japan. C) stripped the president of many of his powers as commander in chief. D) banned the sale of all goods from the United States to any nation at war. E) allowed warring nations to purchase nonmilitary goods in the United States if they paid cash.


17) The Dawes Plan of 1924 A) called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B) called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. C) called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D) was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. E) All these answers are correct.


21) By the middle of 1940, Germany had defeated A) Denmark. B) France. C) the Netherlands. D) Norway. E) All these answers are correct.


27) The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 A) stated that an attack on one nation was an attack on all nations. B) was to be enforced with multinational trade embargoes. C) was an alliance between France and the United States against Germany. D) was an alliance between France and the United States against Japan. E) was signed with wide international acclaim.


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