US History Ch 5 Review

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How did the Spanish-American War end?

American warships attacked the Spanish fleeing the harbor. The Spanish in Santiago surrendered, leaving American troops to occupy nearby Puerto Rico.

How were President Wilson's foreign policies different from those of his predecessors?

Didn't like imperialism

President Taft's policies toward Latin American countries became known as _______

Dollar Diplomacy

Which economic policies put in place by industrialized nations caused those nations to look for new markets?

Need to import raw materials and high tariffs reduced trade

When did Puerto Ricans gain U.S. citizenship?


When did the Philippines gain independence?


Josiah Strong

American minister who linked missionary work to Anglo-Saxonism

What was the Battle of Manila Bay?

American ships destroyed the Spanish fleet and seized Guam on the way to the Philippines. Americans seized the capital of Manila

John Fiske

Anglo-Saxonism ; believed America was destined to expand overseas

After _______, Secretary of State John Hay convinced European powers not to divide China into colonies.

Boxer Rebellion

The __________________ was an attempt by Chinese groups to destroy the influence of Westerners in China.

Boxer Rebellion

Matthew C. Perry

Commanded by President Millard Fillmore to negotiate a trade treaty with Japan

Commodore George Dewey

Commodore during The Battle at Manila Bay

What were the conditions of the Treaty of Paris of 1898?

Cuba became independent, the United States acquired Puerto Rico and Guam and paid $20 million for the Philippines

Porfirio Díaz

Dictator of Mexico

John Fiske's idea of Anglo-Saxonism promoted the notion that

English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government

Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino revolutionary leader

Sanford Dole

Forced Hawaiian King to accept a new constitution that limited the kings authority. Convinced the US to annex Hawaii and became Hawaii's first governor.

President Roosevelt sent battleships known as the __________________ around the world to showcase American power

Great White Fleet

What Spanish possession did the U.S. gain on May 1, 1898, when Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish navy?


The relationship between the United States and __________________ was held in check over the years by a series of agreements.


How did U.S. attempts at opening trade with Japan influence Japanese culture?

Japan feared the influence of Western culture until seeing the warships and realized they were not strong enough to resist modern weapons

José Martí

Leader of Cuban rebels

Who was José Martí?

Leader of Cuban rebels

John Hay

McKinley's secretary of state

Venustiano Carranza

Mexico's president

What enabled Theodore Roosevelt to become president in 1901?

Mickenly's assissination

In the "Roosevelt corollary" to the ________________, the United States asserted greater power in Latin America.

Monroe Doctorine

Many Latin Americans thought Wilson's "__________________" style of diplomacy was no improvement over Roosevelt's "big stick" diplomacy.

Moral Imperialism

The __________________ policy allowed each foreign nation in China to trade in another country's sphere of influence.

Open Door

Secretary of State John Hay promoted _______, in which all nations agreed to let the others trade with China.

Open Door Policy

Woodrow Wilson

Opposed imperialism ; wanted the US to live free of revolution and war

Why were some American leaders opposed to the annexation of the Philippines?

Opposition in becoming an imperial power, cost of empire outweighed the economic benefits, competition from cheap Filipino labor would drive down American wages, imperialism violated American principles and traditions

Americans decided that to keep the economy strong, the nation needed new __________________

Overseas markets

To expand their nation, Americans looked westward toward the __________________ and the nation of __________________ .

Pacific : Japan

The idea that the U.S. and Latin America should work together became known as

Pan Americanism

Detail: In 1903 the United States signed a treaty with __________________ agreeing to build a canal connecting the __________________ and the __________________ Oceans.

Panama : Caribbean Sea : Pacific

What event prompted President Wilson to send troops into Mexico in 1916?

Pancho villa

William McKinley

President during USS Maine explosion

President Cleveland

President who opposed imperialism ; declared US neutral

Which of the following was a Spanish territory acquired by the U.S. during the Spanish-American War?

Puerto Rico

President __________________'s policy called __________________ encouraged American businesses to invest in Latin American development.

Roosevelt's : Roosevelt Corollary

William Howard Taft

Roosevelt's successor who believed supporting Latin American industry would increase trade and profits for American business

_______, an American volunteer cavalry unit, attacked San Juan Hill in Cuba and won.

Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt

Second in command of army & president after McKinley's assassination

Jane Addams

Social worker and reformer who believed imperialism violated American principles and traditions

What was the role of yellow journalism in building American support for Cuba?

Stories about Spanish atrocities

What caused many Americans to support the Cuban rebels?

Stories of Spanish atrocities

Wilson sent marines to seize the Mexican city of __________________


What U.S. action in 1894 set off a new rebellion in Cuba?

Tariff on sugar

How did the rise in factories influence the American drive toward imperialism?

They noticed the expansion of power and strength in economy

Treaty of Kanagawa granted the United States __________________ at two Japanese ports.

Trading rights

What happened as a result of the American annexation of the Philippines?

Treaty of Paris

What treaty ended the Spanish-American War?

Treaty of Paris

What did Theodore Roosevelt mean when he spoke of the United States carrying a "big stick"?

US military

Alfred T. Mahan

US naval officer who helped build public support for a navy with his book 'the influence of sea power upon navy'

What specific event triggered American cries for war against Spain?

USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor

How did the explosion of the battleship USS Maine hasten the United States going to war?

USS Maine was sent to Havana to protect Americans living there and after the explosion it sent tremendous pressure and nationalism

Wilson refused to recognize General __________________ when he seized power in Mexico.

Victoriano Huerta

Who were the Rough Riders?

Volunteer cavalry unit of cowboys, miners, and law officers

Sensationalist reporting, in which reporters exaggerate or make up stories, is referred to as

Yellow Journalism

What new American attitude toward international affairs led to the building-up of the U.S. Navy?

assertive; believed they would be shut out of foreign markets

Which of the following was a reason for the United States to become more active in international affairs?

economic and military competition from Europe and a growing feeling of cultural superiority

Why did the United States insist that the Platt Amendment be added to Cuba's constitution?

made Cuba an American Protectorate

In a treaty with Hawaii, the United States received the rights to a __________________ at __________________ .

naval base : Pearl Harbor

Americans needed a __________________ to protect its merchant ships, and defend its rights to trade. Without this, many people felt the United States would be shut out of __________________ .

navy : trade

A foreign area whose rulers are allowed to retain power in exchange for the protection of a more powerful nation is called


Theodore Roosevelt gained territorial rights in Panama by means of

rebellion and money

Until the late 1800s the United States had expanded by settling territory in __________________ .

the West

What was America's primary interest in Asia?


In 1853 __________________ entered Edo Bay and negotiated the Treaty of Kanagawa.

warships lead by Matthew Perry

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