US History Chapter 6

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What was Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion?

A blacksmith and several other slaves planned a rebellion, they planned to take over Richmond and win freedom, but they were caught, tried and 20 of them (including GP) were executed

How did the Election of 1796 expose a flaw in the electoral process?

Adams was elected President with a majority of electoral votes. Jefferson became Vice-president because of a second highest number of electoral votes. DIdn't take in account political parties, different people w/ different views running country would not be successful.

What was the XYZ Affair?

Angry about Jay's treaty, began seizing American ships. Sent officials to Paris to avoid war with them, Americans met Agents that were identified by the initials X, Y, and Z. They demanded a bribe of $250,000 and a loan of $10 million before they could see the French foreign minister. This was outrageous to the Americans and became the XYZ Affair. French and Americans were in undeclared war

What was Washington's view on the development of political parties?

During his farewell address, Washington believed competing political parties would lead to conflicts and cause strife. It would tear the nation apart.

How did Hamilton win support for plan?

Hamilton knew creditors or lenders didn't want any government that owed them money to collapse. If the states owed them money they would care about the states). Congress created a tax on imports and whiskey to pay for debt and salaries of officials, but some money went into a fund used to pay creditors, but not all right away, so they would still care about the United States. They paid them interest in return for the loan, and a bank was established. Gain Northern support if he made deal with southerners. Located the capital city in South in deal. Congress approved debt plan and plan to locate capital on banks of the Potomac River.

Why was the Whiskey Rebellion a pivotal point for the new government?

It provided a chance for the new American government to demonstrate and prove its power and commitment to enforce laws. Whiskey was important to economy, W & H determined to demonstrate power of US - H thought gov. could never be established until it proved itself by exerting its military force. **Whiskey- traditional beverage, only product from corn that could transport to market w/o spoiling

Why were these acts so controversial?

It violated the constitutional protection of freedom of speech. (1st amendment)

Why was Jay's Treaty so controversial to many people?

It was a controversy because many Americans saw it as a betrayal of revolutionary ideals. Although the British agreed to leave forts in the Northwest Territory and it expanded trade there were no protections in place for American shipping.

Why do you think many people have called the election of 1800 America's most important election?

It was the first time power was changed from 2 viewpoints easily, and without any conflict or refusal. Federalists stepped down and allowed Jeffersonian Republicans take over. It showed a peaceful disagreement.

What's Jay's Treaty?

Jay's Treaty was named for Chief Justice John Jay who negotiated it, Jay went to London to make agreement. W & H thought it would be better to side with Britain. The treaty was an agreement between the US and Britain as an attempt to remain neutral in the war between France and Britain. Britain left forts in NW territory, expanded trading w/ nation's, couldn't get British to stop impressment (stopping American ships on high seas and searching them for British people)

How did the French Revolution intensify the differences between Jefferson and Hamilton's view?

Jefferson Pro-French, supported and viewed the French Revolution as the rejection of government by kings and a fight for the acceptance of a republican government. French Revolution as extension of American Revolution Hamilton and Federalists opposed the French Revolution and viewed it as democratic revolution gone wrong. "This is what happens when democracy goes unchecked by government." ** US neutral, Americans supported Britain, because British dominated oceans and US didn't want to be fighting with them but remained neutral,

How did Jefferson and Hamilton's views on government differ?

Jefferson favored strict construction, where government shouldn't do anything not listed in the constitution Hamilton favored loose construction, where government could do anything that the Constitution did not say it could not do.

How did the Louisiana Purchase contradict Jefferson's own views on government?

Jefferson was a strict constructionist but used the power and money of the national government for the purchase and the constitution said nothing about the purchase of foreign lands

What caused the election of 1800 to be so controversial?

Jeffersonian newspapers said Adams was monarchist, Jefferson won the popular vote, but not Electoral College, so the House of Reps had to choose the president, and even though they were mostly Federalists Adams won President. Adams was judged unfair, more devoted to public service. **nasty campaign, Adams (monarchist)? Jefferson godless man, lead country chaos?

Why Hamilton's Plan for debt was Controversial

Southern States didn't want to be responsible for northern debt and the federal government was already $50 million in debt.

Hamilton's Plan for Solving Nation's debt

The National government would take on the state's' debt that was acquired during the revolution.

Why were the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions just as controversial?

The principle of nullification remained unresolved, and neither one tried to enforce resolutions States too much power, not following Constitution

Why were people opposed to Hamilton's plan?

The tax was similar to the one Britain proposed in the 1760s and they objected the interference of federal government in local and state affairs. (debts)

How did Congress raise money? (2 ways)

They put a tax (tariff) on all imported goods and a tax on whiskey (South didn't like it )

How did Jefferson and Madison respond to the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were behind Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. They believed the states should make the judgement, and responded with the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, which gave the power for the states had the right to judge whether federal laws agreed with the constitution, and they could declare things "null and void" if they were unconstitutional. Showed defiance of federal power.

How did the XYZ Affair affect American relations with French?

They were unable to resolve their differences, which amounted to an undeclared war, with both sides seizing and firing each other's ships.

What was Jefferson's primary goal once he became President?

To reduce the influence in the national government in the lives of the American people

What problems did John Adams face as a President?

US began to drift towards war with France, France was angry about Jay's Treaty with British and began seizing ships in the French Harbors Governing young country where party differences were growing wider and wider

What were the Alien and Sedition Act?

Under the Alien Act the president gained the right to imprison or deport citizens of other countries residing in the US Under the Sedition Act persons who wrote, published, or said anything false, scandalous, or malicious against the American government or officials could be fined or jailed. ** Federalists took advantage of war crisis with France, pushed larger army, higher taxes to support army and navy

What happened in the Election of 1796?

Washington chose not to run for 3rd term. Washington's Vice President John Adams ran against Thomas Jefferson in the Presidential Election. Adams gained majority of electoral votes and elected President, Jefferson was VP (second runner up). Jefferson was a Jeffersonian Republican and Adam was a Federalist. It was the first race with two political parties.

Louisiana Purchase

Westward expansion, offered Napoleon $15 million for the purchase, approved by Jefferson

political party

a group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy and programs


a tax on important goods


an extra sum of money that borrowers pay creditors in return for the loan

Lewis and Clark expedition

began in spring 1804, goal was to search for river routes to the western ocean, make contact w/ NA, gather info about region's natural resources

strict construction

believed that government should not do anything that the Constitution did not specifically say it could do

judicial review

enables federal courts to review state laws and state court decisions to determine if they are in keeping with the federal Constitution

loose construction

government could do anything that the Constitution did not say it could not do


list of things that he wanted to accomplish


not take either side

domestic changes he enacted during his first term as President

reduced the amount of taxes paid by the American people and severely cut the size of federal bureaucracy and slashed the size of the army from 12,000 to 3,000, allowed bank to continue to function, call him Mr. President


restriction on trade

Marbury v. Madison

the case arose when Jefferson tried to block the activities of Federalist judges.


the departments and workers that make up the federal government

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