U.S. History- English Colonies

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Why did North Carolina split from South Carolina?

(1712) North Carolina split from South Carolina because the North Carolinians refused to obey the distant, aristocratic government in South Carolina at Charleston.

What was the religion in the Southern colonies?

-Baptists, the Huguenots -the Anglicans (Followed the church of England) -Maryland became a haven for Catholics.

What was the education in the New England colonies?

-Bible was the central part of learning -learning centered around Christianity -grammar schools set up that taught latin and math -girls could read, but not attend grammar sch. or college

What was the religion in the New England colonies?

-Largely Puritan, especially Massachusetts -English; Met in town meeting houses (see pg.27) -Strict, rigid, and intolerant; the Salem witch trials is the best example; They occurred in Massachusetts in the time period of 1692-1693, and women (no men) were being accused of practicing witchcraft and were executed, even though the accusations were a mistake. They did not have medical knowledge to rule out any of it, so they thought that it was the Devil's work. -Literacy was for reading the Bible -Church services lasted almost all day -They sat on hard wooden benches in church, almost as a punishment for their sins.

What was the education in the Middle colonies?

-education largely religious -learned specifically about your religion, not just Christianity -most schools were private -only Quaker girls could attend school

What was the ethnicity in the Southern colonies?

-high religious toleration; lots of Africans that were brought over by force. (SEE PACKET ABOUT AFRICAN CULTURE AND CHART IN CLASSROOM) -South Carolina has many french protestants (Huguenots); Maryland was created as a refuge for Catholics; brought in ethnic groups that leaned toward Catholicism.

What was the education in the Southern colonies?

-home-schooled by parents or by private tutors -as teens went to college or traveled to Europe -girls did not go to school

What was the ethnicity in the Middle colonies?

-huge range of religions and ethnic diversities; New York was settled by the Dutch and the Scandinavians, before the English took over. (SEE PACKET FOR EXAMPLES) -Pennsylvania attracted a wide range of ethnic groups. (SEE PACKET FOR EXAMPLES)

What was the religion in the Middle colonies?

-very religious tolerant and -Quakers led by William Penn -Jews moved into the New Netherlands, which became New York. -Lutherans spread throughout the Middle Colonies

Why was 1619 a critical year?

1.The Virginia Company promised all its settlers rights, including the right to form a legislature, Virginia's House of Burgesses became the first representative assembly in the New World, and in 2. 1619 a Dutch ship brought twenty Africans to Virginia, which opened the way for slavery in the colonies. 3. The arrival of 90 young English Women-- this kept the men there.

Describe the early government of Maryland.

1635; The settlers were allowed a representative assembly, and in 1650, it was divided into two houses.

How many Quakers had come to the New World by 1700? Where had most settled?

40,000 Quakers; half to Pennsylvania.

Briefly describe South Carolina's evolving economy.

At first, the colonists mostly live off deerskins and redskins, but later evolved to growing rice and indigo crops, using African slaves. They used methods created by the West African slaves, and rice became as profitable as tobacco. By the 1740s, indigo matched rice profitability.

Why was Georgia most loyal to the English crown?

Because it was established the latest and closest to the time of the American Revolution

Why did South Carolina have more blacks than whites in 1776?

Blacks outnumbered whites because since the Indians were not useful as slaves because they died off from the European diseases, they turned their heads to using the Africans as slaves, which proved successful because they were vital to the labor intensive rice and indigo fields.

Describe the New York colony.

Discovered in 1524 by Giovanni de Verrazano. First settled by the Dutch in 1613, and they named the colony New Netherland. Peter Minuit founded New Amsterdam in 1625, and Puritans from other colonies came to settle, but the British took full claim of the region. New Netherland was divided into New York and New Amsterdam, with "New York" replacing it.

Describe the Delaware colony.

Dutch first settled in 1631, but the original settlers were killed by the local Indians. The Swedes set up a colony and trading post in Delaware, the Dutch took back the area in 1651, and in 1655 the Dutch forced the Swedes out of Delaware. The Duke of York leased the western shore of Delaware Bay to William Penn so he could have an outlet to the sea. The 100-year conflict between Penn and Baltimore's heirs finally settled when Delaware's border was defined in 1750. In 1787, Delaware became the first colony to ratify the Constitution, and became the U.S.'s first state.

Who established the Society of Friends? When? What did there objectors call them?

Englishman George Fox established the Society of Friends in 1652. They were called Quakers, because it was said that "they "quaked" with emotion when inspired".

Describe the Rhode Island colony.

Established by Roger Williams. He refused to be the minister for the church of Boston, and was banished from Massachusetts so he explored in the woods of New England and purchased land that would be eventually become the colony of Rhode Island. He received a charter from the king to start a new colony. In 1647, several cities unite to create the colony of Rhode Island.

Describe the Pennsylvania colony.

First claimed by the Swedes under Peter Minuit in 1638, but they were attacked by the Dutch in 1655. Founded by William Penn in 1681, whom had a land grant from King Charles II. He created a colony based on a religion that allowed a more laid back approach, which attracted German and Scottish immigrants, and this made Philadelphia the most important city in the thirteen colonies.

Describe the North Carolina colony.

First settled in 1587 by settlers and their leader John White. First English settlement in the New World. The first permanent settlement English settlement in North Carolina happened in 1655. King Charles II awarded 8 noblemen the Province of Carolina, which included both North and South Carolina. In 1670, the settlement South Carolina was settled. The eight noblemen then sold the Province of Carolina, and North and South Carolina became separate colonies.

Describe the Connecticut colony.

Founded in 1614 by Dutch fur traders, but it was settled by the first English settlers in 1633. Disputes started arising from the Pequot indians and the settlers over land. The Pequot war came about and the indians were massacred. Thomas Hooker is associated with the founding of Connecticut. In 1662 Connecticut got the royal charter.

Describe the Massachusetts colony.

Founded in 1620, the government of Massachusetts was run by the Mayflower Compact, which was created by the Pilgrims who came from England. The Massachusetts bay colony, the religious center of Massachusetts was founded in 1629 by the Puritans

Describe the New Hampshire colony.

Founded in 1622, and the settlers John Mason and Ferdinando Gorges built a fish-processing building, leading them to setteling Portsmouth. The Massachusetts colony claimed New Hampshire, and in 1741 New Hampshire finally gained its independence. John Wheelwright founded the city of Exeter in 1623.

Describe the Maryland colony.

Founded in 1632 by Cecil Calvert. Colony was named after King Charles I wife, Maria. Maryland became one of the few colonies to be predominately Catholic. It became known as St. Mary's and is the 4th oldest British settlement in America. Catholicism was banned in Maryland because of England's "Glorious Revolution", but it got back after the Revolutionary War. Baltimore, Maryland became an important center for exporting tobacco.

Describe the South Carolina colony.

Founded in 1663 when the eight noblemen were given the land by King Charles II. Spanish and French fought over control for the coast of South Carolina. In 1566, the Spanish established a colony, but it was abandoned after being attacked by the Indians. The first permanent English settlement in South Carolina was established in 1670. South Carolina later became a major center for rice, tobacco, and indigo.

What was the last mainland colony? When was it settled?

Georgia; 50 years after the Pennsylvania colony; it was settled in 1732 which was the product of George II's land grant to twenty-one trustees.

How did Parris explain the affliction?

He said it was because of witchcraft

How did Smith save Jamestown?

He saved Jamestown by compelling everyone to work, threatening them with banishment if they refused, and he mapped out the and explored the land around them. He also bargained with the Indians, allowing the colony to have the goods and supplies that they desperately needed.

Who chartered the Virginia Company to form a colony? When? Where?

In 1606, King James I in Virginia chartered the Virginia Company to form a colony.; two different companies were given different land grants -- one was given the land between the 34th and 38th// and the second was given the land between the 38th and the 41st//

Why was the Massachusetts Bay Colony self-governing?

In the charter, the king's lawyers forgot to include that the location of the company had to stay in London, so the Puritan's took advantage of this opportunity and moved the company to the New World with them, away from royal authority.

What was the primary difference between slaves and indentured servants?

Indentured servants worked for only a limited period of time (4-7 years), while slaves worked their entire lives until they died.

What distinguished title did North Carolina hold?

It became the most democratic state in America (fewest restrictions on voting), except for Rhode Island.

Explain why you think that the far southern colonies of North and South Carolina and Georgia were among the last to be founded?

It may also be because they were founded farther down the coast so they hadn't explored that far down. Also because these colonies were closer to the Spanish territory, so the Spanish had settled there first. There might have been war there between the Spanish and the Native Americans so the English were hesitating to settle there.

What does the relative short amount of time in which the four New England colonies were found suggest as a pattern for their creation?

It suggested that they settled in close time proximation because all the colonies were close together, so they didn't have to travel far. A lot of the settlers also wanted more land to settle on.

Explain the establishment of Georgia's dual purpose.

It was both a military and philanthropic enterprise, which meant that Georgia served as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the English colony of South Carolina. Its philanthropic purpose (helpful to others, generous, serve others) was to serve as a refuge for the poor and persecuted.

How did Pastor Parris view his role as the minister of the church?

It was his opportunity to gain respect.

Why did Pennsylvania's population soar?

It's population soared because of Penn's recruitment program, generous land policy, good relations with the Indians, popular government, and religious toleration.

Who was the governor of Mass. Bay Colony? Where did he move its government to? From?

John Winthrop; He moved the government from Boston to Newton (Cambridge).

When did Maine become a colony?

Maine became a colony in 1820, under the Missouri Compromise.

When did the witch hunt officially begin?

March 1st, 1692

Who founded Maryland? When? Why?

Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore -- a Catholic dissenter, in 1634, because it was a ( haven for Catholics) Catholic refuge from Anglican religion, which was what the followers of the Baltimores' Newfoundland colony were trying to escape from.

When did New Hampshire become its own colony?

New Hampshire became its own colony in 1679, after the English courts ruled in favor of New Hampshire over Massachusetts.

Describe the ethnic diversity of New York.

New York consisted of Dutch, English, Walloon (French speaking Belgian), French, German, Danish, Portuguese, Italian, Bohemian, Polish, and Jewish immigrants.

Describe the ethnic diversity of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania included immigrants such as Germans, Scots, Scotch-Irish, Huguenots, Irish, Welsh, Swiss, Jews, and others.

What person is credited with being the leader of two groups that founded colonies?

Peter Minuit

What were the geographic features of the New England colonies?

Poor rocky soil allowing only for basic subsistence farming (only growing enough for yourself). Did not support large farming. Has cold winters. hilly and mountainous.

What was the ethnicity in the New England colonies?

Religious intolerance in Massachusetts restricted a variety of people there

Which religion was not tolerated in Georgia?

Roman Catholics

For what were the settlers of early New England searching?

Searching for religious tolerance.

Who established Providence, Rhode Island? Why?

Separatist minister Roger Williams; because Rhode Island showed the greatest degree of religious tolerance, containing no tax-supported Church.

Who first settled Connecticut? Why? When? By whom were they joined?

Settlers from Plymouth first settled Connecticut in 1663, because they were seeking better land and fur trade with the Indians. They were joined by the followers of the Puritan minister Thomas Hooker in New Haven in 1638.

Describe the New Jersey colony.

Similar to New York, New Jersey was first colonized by the Dutch settlers in 1613. It was originally named New Netherland. In 1664, the British ran the Dutch out and renamed it New Jersey. King Charles split up the region and gave the land to Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley of Stratton. People were attracted to this area for land, and in return they had to pay a tax yearly. In the sale of the land to the Quakers, they united the two divisions into the colony of New Jersey.

Describe the economic base of North Carolina.

Since they didn't have a plantation economy, most of the settlers were small farmers; naval (shipping industry); others did fur trade with the Indians and some raised cattle.

What was one significant development of the common black culture? Provide two examples.

Slave revolts, such as the fire, 1712 in New York City that killed 9 whites, and the 75 slaves near Stono River in South Carolina that killed some whites, were one significant development of the common black culture.

What were the several convenient reasons for slavery?

Slavery was convenient because there were many respected examples for it, it would give planters a permanent and stable labor force, and it was based on the steady ground of white racism/ white superiority.

What was the significant change the English made to the former Dutch colony? Provide an example of this.

The English established a greater religious toleration in the former Dutch colony. For example, each settlement was allowed to choose which church would receive all of that settlement's tax money.

Describe the Virginia colony.

The London Company, sent by King James I to settle an English settlement in America, sailed to Virginia and established a settlement on a peninsula on the James River. Jamestown was failing miserably until John Smith started to trade and get foods from the Indians. Smith became president of the Jamestown council, and he served his colony well, and was feared by the Indians. This was America's first permanent English settlement.

Describe the Mayflower Compact.

The Mayflower Compact was a covenant and a religious document, not a constitution. It laid out a law that the Pilgrims had to obey the laws made by the leaders. It also set some examples for the constitutions that followed it.

Who did the Puritans not tolerate? Provide 4 examples. Which of these is the most famous example?

The Puritans did not tolerate others who would undermine their mission or authority. For example, when Roger Williams arrived in Massachusetts, he would not become minister because the colony had conversed with the churches of England. He started preaching his separatism and refused to stop, and said that you should never pray with the ungodly. A second example is of Anne Hutchinson, whom started to preach John Cotton's sermons and discerned a different meaning upon them, and she was tried for heresy in 1637. A third example was the General Court's hanging of four Quakers in 1658-1661, which was because these Quakers refused to convert to the Puritan's faith. The most famous example of all was the Salem witch trials, which included women being tried for witchery and them either being hanged or burned at the stake.

Which group of religious descendents settled the Mass. Bay Colony? What did they think was the only way to save the Church of England?

The Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay colony, and the answer to saving the Church of England was to build a model community so pure that England would have no choice but to follow it. The only way to ultimately leave the church was to leave.

Were the Puritans "fun suckers?"

The Puritans were charged with being kill-joys, but there is little evidence for this. Some traits of Puritans are that they dressed in bright clothing, played instruments, enjoyed music, told jokes, and drank beer, wine, and rum. This shows that they weren't as boring as they were portrayed in movies.

Who were the first settlers in New England? How were they different than Puritans? What were they eventually called?

The Separatists; they were different than the Puritans because the Separatists wanted to separate from the Church, because they thought it was too corrupt, but the Puritans wanted to clean up the church and purify it.

What happened as a first in the New World in 1649?

The assembly passed the first Toleration Act of the New World (1649), which granted religious freedom to all but Unitarians who believe only in God the Father; not in the Holy Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Describe the Georgia colony.

The colony of Georgia was the center for frequent military invasions, and left the place empty of people. This colony was named after King George II. In 1733, 116 settlers came to Georgia and soon immigrants from around the world in hopes of getting land grants. After being defeated in the Battle of Bloody Run, the Spanish permanently stopped their attempts at invading Georgia.

What is this document called? What did it establish?

The document is called the Fundamental Orders, and it established a democracy in which everyone could vote, even non-church members.

What was the first North Carolina town? By whom was it settled? When?

The first town was Bath, settled by Huguenots (French Protestants) in 1704.

When food was scarce, to what did the Jamestown colonists resort?

The food source, corn, was scarce for the Jamestown colonists since the Indians discontinued their welfare program. The settlers had to resort to dogs, cats, rats, horses, and one wife.

What are the four reasons for the growth of toleration among the Puritans?

The four reasons are the failure of the Puritan mission, the death of the first generation of Puritan immigrants (those who had survived the ocean voyage to establish the godly colony from nothing), the wealth produced by commerce ( the wealthy merchants spent less time at church and resented the restrictions of the church), and the imposition of tolerance by William and Mary (this changed voting qualification from religion to property ownership).

Who were the original South Carolina settlers?

The original settlers were Huguenots and dispossessed English nobility who had been stripped of their titles, land inheritance and possessions.

Describe its political establishment.

The political establishment was originally democratic, but a property qualification was later implemented, so it received a charter from Parliament.

What was the first settlement in South Carolina called? Why?

The settlement was named Charles Town (Charleston) because of Charles II; Became Charleston in 1669.

Of what did the new African-American culture consist?

The slaves spoke over a hundred different languages, created their own influential music, their own language, which combined African grammatical structures with English and African words, and their own community. Slave revolts was a common aspect of the new black culture.

Briefly describe each part of southern colonial society:

The southern colonial society included the (TOP) planters, who replaced their homes with large, wooden houses and most of them were crude: they liked to drink, dance, gamble, and chase women. Next were the (MIDDLE) indentured servants, which were not slaves, and instead sold their labor for passage across the Atlantic. They were the primary labor force for the planters. indentured servants had to work for four to seven years, until their contract expired. (BOTTOM) Lastly were the slaves, whom were the permanent, stable labor force, based on a firm foundation of white racism.

When did the two parts of the New Jersey colony unite?

The two parts of the New Jersey colony united in 1702.

What were the two staple crops for the Native Americans? How did they both lead to the demise of the Native Americans?

The two staple crops were tobacco and corn. They both attracted hordes of colonists to the Chesapeake Bay region. In terms of value it replaced gold. Corn was a high yield crop, which meant that on very little land a person could produce lots of corn. The remainder of the land could be planted with tobacco.

What was the ultimate savior of the Virginia colony? Why? How did King James feel about smoking tobacco?

The ultimate savior of the Virginia colony was the experimentation of tobacco because it became Virginia's export staple. King James I hated the filthy habit of smoking, and he referred to it as, "A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless."

What distinguished title do the Connecticut colonists hold?

They created the first written constitution in world history "Fundamental Orders".

What distinguished title did South Carolina hold? Why?

They had the most religious toleration (included even Jews and atheists) than in any other colony except for Rhode Island and Pennsylvania.

Describe the Dutch influence on New York.

They left behind names such as Broadway, Harlem, and Brooklyn, food such as Easter eggs, waffles, and sauerkraut, and also games such as skating, sleighing, golf, and bowling.

What distinguished title do the Middle Colonies, as a region, hold?

They possessed the greatest degree of religious tolerance and ethnic diversity.

When did the English seize New Netherlands? What did they change its name to?

They seized New Netherlands in 1664, and they changed the name to New York.

What was ironic about the settlers of early New England?

They themselves became intolerant.

Who did the Puritans believe could save humans?

They thought only God's grace could save humans.

Why were the Jamestown colonists surprised by Smith's position of leadership?

They thought that he was an unlikely leader for a colony, since he had mostly been in chains and below decks most of his ocean voyage because he fought with the captain and other leaders of the ship.

Why did the Pilgrims switch to private ownership of land? What was there system called prior to this?

They thought that sharing the land communally brought about too much laziness and discontent, so they switched to owning land privately. The system prior to this was called socialism.

How was North Carolina viewed by the colonies around it?

They viewed them negatively because they were viewed as squatters and those escaping Va. Law; Many colonies referred to North Carolina as the "armpit of the south", since it was isolated from the rest of the colonies without easy access for ocean-going vessels.

Describe the earliest Maryland colonists.

They were mostly Catholic aristocrats (wealthy), followed by their Protestant servants. Protestants outnumbered the Catholics.

What two pieces of evidence reveal that the Puritans of New England were not anti-democratic?

They were not anti-democratic because Massachusetts was one of the most democratic colonies of all time, meaning that the Puritans also followed this way of life. Also because the Puritans practiced majority rule, which is a trait of democratic rule. Most adult males could vote in the 17th century Massachusetts, even if they were not a church member. Wealthy men were re-elected to office, which is the same as the modern U.S. today. Citizens voted directly on town laws.

Describe the first settlers at Jamestown.

They were not farmers; instead they were the urban poor and the aristocratic adventurers of England. They did everything they could to avoid manual labor, and would have starved their first winter if it wasn't for the help of Captain John Smith. They were not suited to the hard work required to sustain the colony.

Were the Pilgrims tolerant? Support your answer.

They were not tolerant because in 1628 they evicted a group of partiers who had settled near Mt. Wollaston. This group started to indulge in drinking, dancing, and messing with Indian women. They also sold firearms and firewater to the Indians.

What distinguished title did Rhode Island hold?

They were the colony that featured the most religious tolerance in the New World, allowing even Jews and Catholics.

What crop became primary to Maryland's economy? Why?

Tobacco, because it was the most profitable. (lucrative).

What was Georgia's economic base?

When silk and wine failed, they turned to rice, indigo, lumber, naval stores, beef, and pork.

Which leader had his family name incorporated into the name of the colony he led?

William Penn

Who was the founder of Pennsylvania? When was he granted the proprietorship? By whom?

William Penn in 1681; he was granted it by Charles II, 11 years after Sir William's death.

Did Pennsylvania struggle with problems due to immigration that we still do today in the U.S.? Provide one example.

Yes. Language of immigrants caused problems. Philadelphia street signs were in both English and German. Ben Franklin proposed that German children be forced to learn English. Hispanic immigrants in the U.S. today are being treated the same way.

Describe a witch hunt? Define scapegoat: 1 20th c. example:

a community of people that find a scapegoat to understand their problems (not seeking witches); scapegoat: easy target; person or group made to bear the blame for others.

Who were the accused?

a slave, a beggar, and an invalid

What were the economic activities of the Middle colonies?

agriculture was very significant; considered the breadbasket of the colonial regions. mining and shipbuilding were also significant. had a diverse economy.

What were the economic activities of the Southern colonies?

agriculture; could grow all kinds of crops (rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton). initially the South used indentured servants (worked for a little time to pay for a debt) as their labor source. By the 1660s, the number of indentured servants had gone done significantly, so the South became reliant on slaves.

How can we avoid modern day witch hunts?

by understanding the history that came before us and having education about other groups.

What were the economic activities of the New England colonies?

excellent fishing, great harbors that made great trade centers, shipbuilding, mining, lumbering, tarping, logging. Slave trade was common (triangular trade).

What is at the core of "witch hunt" behavior?

fear, lack of knowledge, ignorance.

What did the accusations allow people to do?

gave them the opportunity to speak out about their neighbors and get revenge.

What was Pastor Parris' role in the witch hunt?

he added to the fire of fear (he wanted more drama).

What did the judge of the witch trials eventually do?

he gave a sermon that pardoned the ones that were accussed, and he took the blame.

What were the motivations for the Middle colonies foundings?

people searched for religious freedom, money making opportunities, they wanted to take advantage of the new American market

What were the motivations for the New England colonies foundings?

people searching for religious freedom (Puritans and Separatists); Predominantly English people.

What were the motivations for the Middle colonies foundings?

people seeking religious freedom, came for a money making opportunity

What were the geographic features of the Southern colonies?

rich fertile soil and moderate climate (hot in the summer and had moderate winters). climate was perfect for agriculture pursuits.

What were the geographic features of the Middle colonies?

rich soil, temperate climate; had coastal plains, rolling hills, and mountains. good coastal harbors.

Who resisted change the changes in the 17th century?

the Puritan farmers

How did the accused treat their accusers?

they forgave their accussers, and said that they would be next

Why did the accused confess?

they thought that they could live a little bit longer if they told the truth.

Which family had ties to the town? Which one to the village?

town: Israel Porter; village: Thomas Putner

What were some of the changes impacting lives in 17th c colonies?

trade, industry, scientific and political changes (seaports, merchants).

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