US history exam

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Which of the following was NOT one of the significant legacies of Trenton and Princeton? A) Began to show European powers that the US could successfully engage the British. B) Showed Washington as a decisive and able commander C) They were two well timed sequential American victories. D) The Continental Army suffered massive casualties.

The Continental Army suffered massive casualties.

What was the name of the super-colony created by James II that stretched from southern Maine to New Jersey?

The Dominion of New England

The Iroquois Confederacy was able to dominate its Native American allies and its European neighbors because of

its military alliance, sustained by political and organizational skills

The "midnight" judges were

judicial appointments made by Adams in the last months of his presidency.

What legal principle was established by the case of Marbury v. Madison?

judicial review

In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842), the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that

labor unions were not necessarily illegal combinations or monopolies

In the South, society and the economy were built around ___________, instead of towns.


Bacon's Rebellion stemmed from violent attacks of

poor white settlers against Native Americans.

According to Stephen Douglas' "Freeport Doctrine"

popular sovereignty and the Dred Scott decision were compatible because slavery can not exist in a place unless local citizens enforce laws making it exist.

John Bell

preserve the Union by compromise

The Dred Scott decision declared that Congress could not

prohibit slaveholders from taking slaves into northern states.

The main purpose of the tariff that Hamilton proposed in his Report on Manufactures was to:

protect and foster domestic manufacturing amongst the nation's 'infant industries'.

The Lecompton Constitution

protected property rights of Kansas slaveholders and left open the possibility of admission of more slaves.

In founding the colony of Georgia, James Oglethorpe's primary purpose was to

provide a refuge for English debtors.

Hamilton's national bank

provoked the first clear-cut argument over strict versus loose interpretation of the Constitution.

How did the U.S. acquire Florida?

purchased it from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty

Reformers in the antebellum period

received the best response in New England and areas to which New Englanders had migrated

Mercantilism, as applied by the British to its North American colonies, meant that the British government

regulated colonial shipping and tobacco production

The Pilgrims migrated to New England mainly in search of

religious and political freedom

The Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott case outraged public opinion in the North chiefly because it

removed restrictions against the spread of slavery into the western territories

In the face of the colonial reaction to the Stamp Act the British government:

revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases.

The Specie Circular

said only specie was to be accepted in payment for public land.

The basic principle of John Quincy Adams' foreign policy was to

secure American borders and strengthen the peace with Great Britain

British strategy after 1778 was to

seize key southern ports, enlist the aid of loyalist militiamen and slaves, and move northward to pacify one region after another.

The Gadsden Purchase was the

small strip of land in southern Arizona and New Mexico purchased for a railroad line.

The Pilgrims were also known as Separatists because they:

sought to break all ties with the Church of England.

The new Republican party derived support from all of the following EXCEPT former A) Liberty party abolitionists B) southern Democrats C) northern Whigs D) northern Democrats

southern Democrats

The Great Awakening of the 1740s led to

splits among existing religious denominations and the rise of new churches

Removing officeholders of the rival political party and replacing them with members of your own party is called the

spoils system

The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by

starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids.

The term "pet banks" was applied to

state banks chosen by President Jackson to be depositories of federal money.

Personal Liberty Laws were

state laws that guaranteed slaves trials by juries.

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of

states' rights

The Embargo Act of 1807

stimulated the growth of manufacture in the United States.

Typically, how did the John Marshall Court make its decisions when it came to issues about the power of the National Government?

strengthen the power of the national government

What was he purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

survey the Louisiana Purchase and to gather scientific evidence

The concept of popular sovereignty involves

territorial citizens choosing to be free or slave

What did the Whiskey Rebellion demonstrate?

that dissent could be expressed only through the constitutional system of laws and election -- not through armed force.

"join or die" with a snake picture: was drawn by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 to gain support for

the Albany Plan of Union

During the Era of Good Feelings,

the Federalist party disappeared but the Republicans adopted some of their policies.

The Force Act of 1832 was passed in response to

the Tariff/Nullification Crisis

One of Zachary Taylor's views on the slavery was that:

the territories, not Congress, should decide the issue when they become states.

Revivalists and Unitarians were similar in

their believe that human beings can be changed for the better

By the terms of the 12th Amendment to the Constitution,

there had to be separate ballots in the electoral college for the presidency and vice-presidency.

All of the following were true of planters EXCEPT A) they searched constantly for more and better land B) they were often in debt to Northern bankers and brokers C) they usually managed their own estates D) they almost always built mansions on their plantations for their families

they almost always built mansions on their plantations for their families

All of the following are important cash crops in Southern colonies except for A) rice. B) indigo. C) wheat. D) tobacco


This bloodless revolution of 1688 placed King William and Queen Mary on the throne in England.

Glorious Revolution

For an antebellum American, "Manifest Destiny" meant that

God had ordained that the U.S. would eventually and inevitably come in possession of the entire continent.

____________ refers to the increase in migration to California from the U.S. and from foreign nations that started in 1849.

Gold Fever

Which of the following was NOT part of the process for a territory to become as state as laid out in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? A) Congress appoints a territorial governor and judges. B) Government removal of Native Americans in the territory. C) 5,000 voters approve a temporary constitution and elect a legislature. D) When population reaches 60,000 voters, state constitution is ratified and Congress grants statehood.

Government removal of Native Americans in the territory.

What was the name of the ship that was destroyed off of Rhode Island's coast?

HMS Gaspee

How did the writings of Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman differ from those of Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville?

Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville had a pessimistic view of human nature

Which of the following is an accurate description of George Washington's style of presidential leadership?

He deferred to Congress on domestic issues, spoke publicly on foreign and military affairs, and sought a wide range of opinions from his Cabinet.

Why did President Jackson veto the Maysville Road Bill?

He opposed federal funding of internal improvements.

Which of the following writers defended the right to disobey unjust laws, criticized the materialism of American society, and doubted the beneficial effects of technological advances?

Henry David Thoreau

In 1857, a book calling on non-slaveholding southern whites to abolish slavery in their own interest was published by

Hinton R. Helper

Which of the following was true of colonial New England

Life was centered in clustered villages with farmland surrounding the villages.

The states in the Upper South joined the Confederacy only when

Lincoln proclaimed that an insurrection existed in the lower south and appealed for a volunteer army.

The basic surveying method used to organize settlement in the territory north of the Ohio River was established by the

Ordinance of 1785

Andrew Jackson stood up to his cabinet members on behalf of this woman. His adamancy caused several cabinet members to resign.

Peggy Eaton

Which political party had become the anti-bank, hard money party by 1840?


What were the terms that President James K. Polk's accepted regarding the Oregon border?

Division of the territory at the 49th parallel.

Which of the following statements about William Lloyd Garrison is INCORRECT? A) He favored removal of freed blacks from the United States to colonies in Africa B) He opposed abolitionists who wanted to start a political party and run candidates for office C) He favored giving women equal positions and influence with men in the anti-slavery movement D) He insisted that slavery was sinful and its continued existence was unacceptable.

) He favored removal of freed blacks from the United States to colonies in Africa

Citizen Genet was

) the French minister to the US who publicly defied Washington's Proclamation.

What year was Jamestown founded?


britain cession


In 1860, what percentage of southern whites owned at least one slave?


Which of the following was the most significant result of the "Canal Boom"?

A reduced cost of shipping and economic growth

Why did relations between the elites and common people change as a result of the American Revolution?

A sense of egalitarianism emerged and elites learned they would have to treat the common people with respect to gain their support.

Which statement describes the House of Burgesses in colonial Virginia? A) It was an elected colonial assembly with some law-making power. B) It was the first home built by Englishmen in America. C) It was the name of the largest ship that was part of the expedition. D) It was the military guard or force that represented England in the colonies.

A) It was an elected colonial assembly with some law-making power.

How did the American Revolution affect American women? A) Their public roles and visibility were highlighted. B) Women supported the war effort at home, as nurses, and as 'camp followers'. C) A few women actively joined in the military effort. D) All of the above

All of the above

The Albany Plan of Union A) was based largely on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin B) came to nothing because no colonial legislature would surrender control over its powers of taxation C) was organized to resolve differences among the colonies and restore confidence of the Indians D) All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following contributed to the Panic of 1819? A) Federal land policy which kept land prices low B) Increased commitment of farmers to commercial agriculture which caused them to take out loans C) Speculators purchasing vast tracts of land on credit D) All of the above

All of the above

Why was there a shift from reliance on canals to reliance on railroads? A) Railroads were more accessible to both port cities and inland regions B) An economic depression in the late 1830s which halted the canal building of the era C) An increasing number of miles of railroad track had been laid in the U.S. D) All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a result of the declaration of Texan independence? A) Texas begins to tax citizens B) Texas begins to organize a military to protect its sovereignty C) Britain and France recognize its independence D) All of the above are results of Texan independence

All of the above are results of Texan independence

Which of the following is not true regarding the Pequot War? A) The Pequot War was fought in Connecticut B) The most well known battle was at Mystic C) It ended with the Treaty of Hartford D) All of the above statements (a, b, and c) are true

All of the above statements (a, b, and c) are true

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions A) attacked the Alien and Sedition Acts. B) were written by Madison and Jefferson. C) protected the state's right to protect its people from unconstitutional laws. D) All of the above.

All of the above.

Empresarios were

Americans who relocated to Texas and swore loyalty to Mexico in return for land.

Which of the following happened during Madison's presidency? A) The United States sent a naval squadron against the Barbary pirates B) Congress chartered the Second bank of the U.S. C) The United States bought Florida from Spain D) The United States agreed to end the slave trade

B) Congress chartered the Second bank of the U.S.

Which statement accurately describes travel to Oregon or California on the overland trails during the 1840s? A) The route was well mapped out and well surveyed. B) Emigrants usually formed wagon trains and cooperated with other families on the journey. C) Indian massacres wiped out a high percentage of all emigrants. D) The route detoured any geographic barriers.

B) Emigrants usually formed wagon trains and cooperated with other families on the journey.

All of the following accurately describe Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France EXCEPT A) It opened the Mississippi River permanently to western farmers B) It ended the threat of American Indian raids on western settlements C) It was made possible by the failure of Napoleon's forces to suppress a slave revolt in Haiti D) It showed Jefferson's considerable flexibility in dealing with foreign policy

B) It ended the threat of American Indian raids on western settlements

What was one of the reasons why Andrew Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Bank of the United States? A) The bank prevented state banks from lending money. B) It was a seen as a private monopoly run by the privileged few. C) It refused to accept deposits of federal revenue. D) It had been secretly purchased by the Baring Bank of London.

B) It was a seen as a private monopoly run by the privileged few.

Which of the following statements about the Compromise of 1850 is correct? A) It ended slavery in Washington, DC. B) Its passage was helped by Stephen Douglas dividing Clay's original compromise into separate bills. C) It had the backing of both John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster. D) It allowed the people of California to decide on whether to have slavery through popular sovereignty.

B) Its passage was helped by Stephen Douglas dividing Clay's original compromise into separate bills.

Which of the following is NOT accurate in describing the compromise that ended the Nullification Crisis? A) It was orchestrated by Henry Clay. B) South Carolina's governor was to be replaced with a military governor for 2 years. C) The federal government would attempt to regulate and prevent abolitionist literature from entering the southern states through the U.S. mail. D) South Carolina agreed to continue collecting the tariffs.

B) South Carolina's governor was to be replaced with a military governor for 2 years.

Which of the following circumstances was NOT part of the democratization of American politics in the Age of Jackson? A) decline of property requirements B) elimination of the electoral college C) election rather than appointment to some offices D) staging of bar-be-ques and parades to woo voters

B) elimination of the electoral college

This unofficial naval war is called by some historians "America's First War on Terror".

Barbary War

It was at this battle that the Star Spangled Banner was penned. Who won the battle?

Battle at Fort McHenry, Americans

The ________________ ended in between 15 and 20 minutes and resulted with over 600 Mexican casualties and Santa Anna's capture.

Battle at San Jacinto

Which American embodied the Enlightenment? A) George Washington B) Thomas Jefferson C) Benjamin Franklin D) Patrick Henry

Benjamin Franklin

In the Boston Massacre,

Bostonians hurled ice, rocks, and lumber at British soldiers, who then fired and killed five citizens.

The ___________ viewed New Netherland as the "Dutch wedge" and drives the Dutch out and _________ became the new proprietor in 1664.

British, the Duke of York

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following? A) Prohibited slavery in all the territory of the Louisiana Purchase B) Provided for admission to the Union of all future states in pairs of one free and one slave C) Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state D) Finally settled the question of congressional power over slavery in the territories

C) Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired? A) Frederick Douglass - abolition B) Elizabeth Cady Stanton - women's rights C) Angelina and Sarah Grimke - rehabilitation for criminals D) Dorothea Dix - care for the mentally ill E) Horace Mann - education

C) Angelina and Sarah Grimke - rehabilitation for criminals

Which of the following statements about transcendentalism is INCORRECT? A) It was an American form of romanticism B) It claimed knowledge of God and truth were born in each individual C) It claimed that great literature must conform to universal standards of beauty and form D) It claimed that a new democratic republic could not create art and literature as great as the old traditional societies of Europe

C) It claimed that great literature must conform to universal standards of beauty and form

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired? A) Cyrus McCormick - Mechanical Reaper B) John Deere - Steel Tipped Plow C) Samuel Colt - Gatling Gun D) Eli Whitney - Cotton Gin

C) Samuel Colt - Gatling Gun

Which statement is an element of the compromise proposed by John Crittendon? A) There should be an amendment declaring that the Kansas-Nebraska Act should act as a guide for future slavery extension. B) The Missouri Compromise should be repealed. C) There should be a constitutional amendment to prohibit federal interference with southern slavery. D) The principle of popular sovereignty should be applied by states' personal liberty laws.

C) There should be a constitutional amendment to prohibit federal interference with southern slavery.

Which statement about the people of the pine barrens is INCORRECT? A) They generally squatted on their land rather than owning it B) They usually favored the institution of slavery, though they owned no slaves C) They usually worked for the planters as tenant farmers, sharecroppers, or overseers D) They carried on subsistence farming

C) They usually worked for the planters as tenant farmers, sharecroppers, or overseers

Which of the following was NOT one of the social groups of the white south? A) Yeomen B) Small slaveholders C) Warhawks D) People of the Pine Barrens

C) Warhawks

Arrange these events in chronological order (A) Dred Scott decision; (B) Lincoln-Douglas Debates; (C) Kansas-Nebraska Act; (D) Harpers Ferry Raid.

C, A, B, D

The Senate rejected the treaty to annex Texas proposed by Secretary of State John C. Calhoun under President Tyler because:

Calhoun defended annexation as a way to protect and defend slavery.

This state declared its independence from Mexico and created the Bear Flag Republic.


A ____________ colony was operated by joint-stock companies. A __________ colony was under the direct authority of the king. A __________ colony is under the authority of individuals granted charters of ownership by the king.

Charter, Royal, Proprietary

The "corrupt bargain" refers to which of the following:

Clay agreed to withdraw from the presidential race and throw his supporters behind Adams in return for a cabinet position.

This commander's troops secured New Mexico and then California. New Mexico fell without any casualties.

Colonel Stephen Kearney

By 1815, the predominant cash crop of the Lower South was:


Which of the following was NOT one of the causes of industrialization? A) the Embargo of 1807 B) protective tariffs C) technological improvements D) All of the above were causes of industrialization

D) All of the above were causes of industrialization

What makes John Slidell's trip to Mexico in 1845 notable? A) That he attempted to convince the Mexicans to sell California and New Mexico to the U.S. B) That he worked to get Mexico to recognize the Rio Grande as Texas' southern border. C) That the Mexican leader refused to see Slidell. D) All of the above.

D) All of the above.

Why was John Tyler's ascendancy to the presidency a disaster for the Whig Party? A) He was a former democrat. B) He vetoed a bill to create a new national bank. C) He advocated states' rights. D) All of the above.

D) All of the above.

Which 1860 presidential candidate is correctly paired with his position on slavery? A) Lincoln: Popular sovereignty should determine the status of slavery in the territories. B) Seward: The nation should focus on its economic challenges, since slavery was no longer an important issue. C) Douglas: Preservation of the Union was more important that extension of slavery. D) Breckenridge: Congress had to protect slavery in any territory that contained slaves and allow it to expand.

D) Breckenridge: Congress had to protect slavery in any territory that contained slaves and allow it to expand.

All of the following men are associated with slave uprisings and rebellions EXCEPT A) Nat Turner B) Denmark Vesey C) Gabriel Prosser D) Frederick Douglass

D) Frederick Douglass

Which of the following was NOT one of the states to secede by February, 1861? A) Florida B) Georgia C) South Carolina D) North Carolina

D) North Carolina

Which of the following was NOT one of the ways Jefferson attempted to simplify the presidency? A) Reduce the size of the government's bureaucracy B) Repeal taxes -- like the one on whiskey C) Shrink the size of government D) Repeal the debt-repayment plan and close the national bank of Hamilton

D) Repeal the debt-repayment plan and close the national bank of Hamilton

All of the following were founded as utopian communities EXCEPT A) New Harmony, Indiana B) Oneida, New York C) Brook Farm, Massachusetts D) Rochester, New York

D) Rochester, New York

Which of the following was one of the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? A) Mexico agreed to cede Texas and California to the U.S. but was allowed to lease New Mexico for 25 years. B) Mexico agreed to form a democratic government and to execute all of its leaders who had declared war on the U.S. C) Mexico was to pay an indemnity to the U.S. of $15 million for war damages. D) U.S. agrees that Mexicans within the newly acquired territories would have freedom of religion, protection of property, bilingual elections, and open borders.

D) U.S. agrees that Mexicans within the newly acquired territories would have freedom of religion, protection of property, bilingual elections, and open borders.

The warhawks demanded war with Britain because they wanted to do all of the following EXCEPT A) wipe out renewed Indian resistance B) defend American rights C) gain more territory D) retaliate for the British burning of Washington, D.C.

D) retaliate for the British burning of Washington, D.C.

What was the main purpose of settling Virginia?

Economic opportunities

What canal connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean at New York City?

Erie Canal

The institution of encomienda allowed the

European governments to give Indians to colonists if the colonists promised to Christianize them

The Monroe Doctrine maintained that

European powers should not pursue any future colonization in the Americas

This is the Supreme Court ruling wherein Marshall declares a state law unconstitutional for the first time.

Fletcher v.Peck

_______________ were prospectors who flocked to California in the hopes of striking it rich


California was admitted as a _________ state.


Which of the following was not a goal of the Free Soil Party? A) Free Men B) Free Soil C) Free Commodities D) Free Labor

Free Commodities

Which of these is an accurate description of the slaveholders in the South?

In 1860, the majority of slave holders owned fewer than 20 slaves

This federal law effectively eliminated the sovereignty of the Cherokee and forced their relocation.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

The biggest sources of immigration to the United States between 1840 and 1860 were

Ireland and the German states

Which of the following was accomplished by Jay's Treaty?

It arranged for the withdrawal of British troops from American soil.

What happened to the American political system during the antebellum period?

It became more democratic

What is the legacy of the Shay's Rebellion?

It exposed the central government's inability to deal with internal violence.

What was the significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It provoked a more antisouthern and antislavery position in those who were uncertain on the slavery issue.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? A) It rendered the terms of the Compromise of 1850 void. B) It superseded the Missouri Compromise. C) It was sponsored by Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois. D) It applied the principle of popular sovereignty to Nebraska and Kansas.

It rendered the terms of the Compromise of 1850 void.

Which of the following statements about Virginia is correct? A) Unlike Massachusetts, it had no established church B) The indentured servants' chances of upward social mobility improved in the second half of the 1600s. C) It was governed by an appointed royal governor and governor's council and a House of Burgesses D) By 1625 the great majority of its plantations laborers were African slaves

It was governed by an appointed royal governor and governor's council and a House of Burgesses

What was significant about the year 1619?

It was the year African slaves were introduced to the English colonies

"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight" references the willingness of ______________ to declare war with Britain over a boundary dispute in __________.

James K. Polk, Oregon

Which of the following was NOT one of the candidates in the 1824 election? A) John Quincy Adams B) Henry Clay C) Andrew Jackson D) James Monroe

James Monroe

Lincoln called this man a "misguided fanatic".

John Brown

The "gag rule" was repealed in 1845 largely due to the efforts of

John Quincy Adams

In 1675 Wampanoag warriors attacked the praying town of Swansea in what came to be called

King Philip's War.

Which of the following actions of the American government reopened trade with Britain and France and determined that if either nation repealed its restrictions, the United States would halt all commerce with the other nation?

Macon's Bill No. 2

_________ was the argument that America's fate was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into the Mexican Territory.

Manifest Destiny

Which Supreme Court case established the principle that the courts could declare a law or action of government unconstitutional?

Marbury v. Madison

This individual was known as the "little magician" and even though he was president during the Panic of 1837. He established an independent Treasury department.

Martin Van Buren

What was described as "a city upon a hill"?

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Marshall's ruling on this case included the explanation that, "The power to tax is the power to destroy."

McCulloch v. Maryland

The United States has often been called the "Melting Pot," meaning that it's a nation of many different cultures. Which region of the 13 Colonies best reflects that idea?

Middle Colonies

Almost all Native American peoples are descended from:

Migrants who came from northwestern Asia over the Alaska-Siberia land bridge.

The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case of 1857 effectively repealed the

Missouri Compromise

Which of the following did NOT result in the escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Britain during Jefferson's term in office? A) Britain's impressment of American ships and sailors B) Britain's failure to recognize America's neutrality C) Napoleon's acceptance of Macon's Bill No. 2 D) The "USS Chesapeake and HMS Leopard" Affair

Napoleon's acceptance of Macon's Bill No. 2

___________ is the favoring of native-born people over immigrants.


Which region led the way in industrialization?

New England

Why did southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts?

Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to along the Potomac River.

Which president purchased a sliver of land along the U.S.-Mexico border for $10 million? What was the land purchase called?

President Franklin Pierce; Gadsden Purchase

What was the significance of the Alamo?

Psychologically it galvanized the Texans Nearly 200 Texans died It numerically weakened Santa Anna's army.

??? Freedom from Religious Persecution Economic Opportunity To Create the "City Upon the Hill"

Reasons for the Massachusetts settlement

Which of the following was NOT a component of the American System? A) Protective Tariff B) Strengthening the National Bank C) Redistribution of Wealth D) Sponsoring Internal Improvements

Redistribution of Wealth

Which of the following was not a factor in explaining why slavery became increasingly important, especially in the Southern colonies, by 1750? A) All of the above are reasons that slaves became important B) As tobacco prices fell, rice and indigo were the only profitable crops and they required large land areas and many unskilled workers to tend them C) With the expiration of the Royal African Company's monopoly on the slave trade, New England merchants were able to get involved in the triangular trade D) Reduced migration to the colonies limited the supply of immigrants and thus make free laborers' wages more costly

Reduced migration to the colonies limited the supply of immigrants and thus make free laborers' wages more costly

The war hawks were

Republicans from the West and South who wanted to take Canada and Florida

The first colony in British America that was founded on the principle of separation of church and state was

Rhode Island

The Americans argued the southern border of Texas was the ______________ while the Mexicans argued the southern border of Texas was the ______________.

Rio Grande, Nueces River

Which of the following was the religious dissenter who was deported from Massachusetts and founded Rhode Island?

Roger Williams

Who was the Native American (First American) woman who served as a guide and interpreter during the Lewis and Clark Expedition?


Who was elected the first permanent president of the independent Lone Star Republic?

Sam Houston

John Smith came to America all the following ships EXCEPT A) Godspeed B) Discovery C) Santa Maria D) Susan Constant

Santa Maria

Who was royally appointed governor of the super-colony in New England?

Sir Edmund Andros

Which does NOT describe the community of the early New England Colonies? A) It was a covenant community B) It was based on the principles of the Mayflower Compact C) New England was intolerant of diverse religious beliefs D) Slavery began in New England and then moved southward

Slavery began in New England and then moved southward

Which section of the country tended to oppose tariffs?


Where was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?

St. Augustine, FL

As a result of the 1858 Illinois senatorial election,

Stephen Douglas lost crucial political support in the southern states.

Which of the following does NOT describe slavery in the North American colonies? A) Slaves in Georgia and South Carolina's coastal region primarily worked on large plantations in dangerous and brutal conditions B) In Virginia, slaves made up a minority of the population and had varied jobs C) In New England, slaves worked mainly in urban areas and ports D) The slaves contributed to the growth of the Atlantic economy as shipbuilders and dock workers in the middle colonies E) Strict slave laws prevented slave revolts through the 1700s

Strict slave laws prevented slave revolts through the 1700s

The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was drawn up in opposition to the

Tariff of Abominations

Which of the following was NOT a major accomplishment in foreign policy during Monroe's administration? A) The US/Canada border is demilitarized B) US and British joint-occupation of Oregon is reaffirmed C) Texas is annexed from Spain D) The Adams-Onis Treaty has Spain cede the U.S. Florida.

Texas is annexed from Spain

What did Jackson assert in the Proclamation to the People of South Carolina?

That nullification and disunion are treason.

What distinguished Lowell Mills from other New England textile mills?

Their employees tended to be young, unmarried women

Which of the following statements about African-Americans living in the North between 1815 and 1840 is correct?

Their response to white imposed segregation and discrimination was to build their own separate institutions, such as the AME church

Which statement best describes the Republican party's position in the election of 1860?

There should be no further expansion of slavery into the territories.

How did the Virginia Company of London seek to encourage colonists to relocate to Virignia?

They established the headrights system which awarded land to colonists who purchased passage for indentured servants and other settlers The company stated in 1619 that inhabitants had the right to elect an assembly thus marking the beginnings of representative government in English American.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for why non-slaveowning southerners fought to defend slavery during the Civil War? A) They had hopes to become slave holders B) They accepted the racist premise of slavery C) They feared that emancipation of the slaves would lead to a race war D) They feared the power of the large planters and had to agree with them

They feared the power of the large planters and had to agree with them

The colony of Georgia was formed with two goals. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A) To create a defensive buffer with Spain. B) To serve as a penal colony for debtors. C) To pay off a debt owned by the king to Oglethorpe. D) A, B, and C were all reasons Georgia was formed.

To pay off a debt owned by the king to Oglethorpe.

This forced relocation of the Cherokee in 1838 covered over 1000 miles and resulted in over 4,000 deaths

Trail of Tears

The __________________ was a loose network of people and places that facilitated fugitive slaves seeking freedom.

Underground Railroad

Who was the main opposition to Andrew Jackson during his second term in office?

Whig Party

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that the Bank of the United States was disliked? A) Americans did not trust paper money. B) Bank was seen as corrupt and abusive. C) William Crawford was seen as favoring the elite by limiting access to loans. D) It was seen as a monopoly.

William Crawford was seen as favoring the elite by limiting access to loans

The ________________ was proposed in 1846 and would have prevented slavery from spreading into any area taken from Mexico

Wilmot Proviso

Who invaded Mexico at Veracruz?

Winfield Scott

Which one of these Native American cultures is NOT correctly matched to the geographic area in which it flourished? A) Pueblo - Arizona and New Mexico B) Woodland - Pacific Northwest and California C) Mississippian - Midwestern U.S. D) Hohokam - Arizona

Woodland - Pacific Northwest and California

In this Supreme Court ruling, Marshall asserts that the Cherokee are in fact politically sovereign thus, any state law aimed at the Cherokee interfered with the federal government's treaties with the Cherokee and was unconstitutional.

Worcester v. Georgia

What military leader in the Mexican-American War became a national hero and went on to become president?

Zachary Taylor

Aside from the violence, the effects of "Bleeding Kansas" included

a deeper division within the Democratic Party

The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were provided by

a joint-stock company

Mercantilism was

a policy aimed at defining the relationship between colonies and mother countries and establishing a country's prestige based on wealth

The Great Awakening was

a revival movement that emphasized the sinfulness of man, divine wrath, and the need to repent.

As a result of the 1856 presidential election,

a sectional party came close to capturing the presidency.

The doctrine of nullification stated that

a state by repeal any federal law that it deems unconstitutional

The primary aim of most early explorers was to find

a water passage through the Americas to Asia

One of the Anti-Federalists' key objections to the proposed Constitution was the:

absence of a bill of rights

The Half Way Covenant

admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members

The Dominion of New England A) included all of the New England colonies B) was led by Sir Edmund Andros C) was created by the English government to streamline the administration of its colonies D) all of the above

all of the above

"Bleeding Kansas" was brought about because: A) proslavery forces stole the election for state legislature. B) antislavery forces took up "Beecher's Bibles". C) John Brown led a brutal murder of five proslavery men. D) all of the above.

all of the above.

A provision of the Fugitive Slave Act was that

alleged fugitive slaves had no right to a trial by jury

Andrew Jackson's two presidential terms were marked by

an increase in the power of the federal government

Most Texans hoped that the United States would ________, or incorporate, their republic into the United States but ___________ made it incredibly controversial.

annex, slavery

Which of the following is true of the American transcendentalists?

argued for the importance of human intuition and individualism

The XYZ Affair

arose out of the French government's demand for a bribe as the price of negotiations.

Abraham Lincoln

ban slavery from the territories

oregon territory

briatin; 1846

The Seneca Falls' Declaration of Sentiments called for

equal rights for women

George Whitefield was a ___________ preacher meaning he circulated and visited and preached in rural areas.


A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony was to

create a refuge for Catholics

A key purpose of Henry Clay's American System was to

develop a national economy by improving transportation

President Washington's Farewell Address set a course for the nation by

discouraging permanent alliances with foreign nations

The biggest disrupter of Native American life after European colonization was


The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following EXCEPT A) the destruction of the soil B) the great demand for controlled labor C) soaring prosperity in the colony D) diversification of the colony's economy

diversification of the colony's economy

Stephen Douglas

enforce popular sovereignty

Which of the following events occurred LAST? A) establishment of St. Augustine B) establishment of Jamestown C) discovery of American by Columbus D) the signing of the Treaty of Tordesillas

establishment of Jamestown

John Breckinridge

extend slavery in the territories


formally republic of texas 1845

Presidios were

forts constructed by the Spanish to protect their missions in the Southwest.

Jefferson's political philosophy included a belief that:

freedom was threatened by a government that undermined popular liberty.

original 13 colonies

from britain; 1783

During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused as witches were

from families associated with Salem's burgeoning market economy

louisianna purchase

from france; 1803

california, nevada, arizona, utah, New mexico (mexican cession)

from mexico; 1848

gasden purchase

from mexico; 1853

East/west florida

from spain; 1819

What major advantage did the Spanish have over the Native Americans in Mexico?


By the 1750s, the British colonies on the North American mainland were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A) hatred for the British constitutional monarchy B) many religious denominations C) a society without a hereditary aristocracy D) a growing number of non-English settlers

hatred for the British constitutional monarchy

England's defeat of the Spanish Armada

helped to ensure England's naval dominance in the North Atlantic.

What was the main cause of the great increase in the popular vote between 1836 and 1840 presidential elections?

higher percentage of eligible voters' actually voting

After 1680, reliance on slave labor in colonial American rapidly increased because

higher wages in england reduced the number of emigrating servants planters feared the growing number of landless freemen in the colonies Americans rushed to "cash in" on the lucrative slave trade

British sailors would force sailors on American vessels to join the British Navy in the early 1800's. What was this was called?


In the 1830s, the factor that most directly promoted the development of a two-party system was

increased sectional conflict between northern and southern states over the tariff issue

The majority of early English migrants to the Chesapeake Bay area were

indentured servants

The Battle at Saratoga was significant because

it convinced the French government to formally recognize the American war effort and to declare war against Britain.

The Free Soilers condemned slavery because

it destroyed the employment chances for white workers

Which of the following is evidence of the Hopewell culture?


As compared to the North, the Old South had a higher

murder rate

Supporters of the Whig Party included all of the following groups EXCEPT A) supporters of Clay's American System B) new immigrants, such as the Germans and Irish C) westerners who wanted federal funds for internal improvements D) reformers concerned about immorality and vice

new immigrants, such as the Germans and Irish

The theory that the Union is a compact among the states and that the state has the right to override a federal law is known as


The Treaty of Greenville

opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there.

Clay's Whig Party was founded to

oppose the politics of Andrew Jackson

The Treaty of Ghent did all of the following EXCEPT A) restore the status quo antebellum B) end the fighting C) provide no territorial gains or losses to either side D) outlawed impressment

outlawed impressment

The Monroe Doctrine asserted all of the following EXCEPT A) the New World was closed to future European expansion. B) asserted that the United States would get involved in European affairs to protect America's interests. C) the United States would never annex any part of Spain's former territories. D) the U.S. would view any future attempts at European colonization in the New World as an "unfriendly" act.

the United States would never annex any part of Spain's former territories.

The Hartford Convention led to

the death of the Federalist Party

Jamestown survived as the first permanent British settlement in America because of

the emergence of tobacco as a cash crop.

The clash between Preston S. Brooks and Charles Sumner revealed

the fact that passions over slavery were becoming dangerously inflamed in both north and south

Which was NOT one of the restrictions associated with the Navigational Acts? A) all trade to be conducted on British or colonial ships. B) crews on said ships must be at least 3/4 English. C) all goods must be unloaded at English ports. D) the king shall receive 1/5 of all the wealth generated by the colonies.

the king shall receive 1/5 of all the wealth generated by the colonies.

The tariff controversy of the early 1830s showed that

the nation faced serious and growing sectional pressures in the years ahead

Enlightenment thinkers stressed all of the following EXCEPT A) the use of reason. B) the scientific method. C) the importance of the individual. D) the randomness or unpredictability of the natural world.

the randomness or unpredictability of the natural world.

The main issue in the presidential campaign of 1832 was

the recharter of the Bank of the United States

The issues behind the Compromise of 1850 included all of the following EXCEPT A) enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act. B) policy regarding slavery in territories. C) the ruling in the Dred Scott case. D) sale of slaves in the District of Columbia.

the ruling in the Dred Scott case.

The Half-Way Covenant was adopted because

too few 2nd and 3rd generation puritans were willing to testify publicity about their conversion.

Harvard College was chartered in 1636 primarily to

train learned Puritan ministers

In designing New York's Central Park, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux

tried to create the look of the countryside and screen out the surrounding city

The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to

use arms to collect customs duties in South Carolina

Slave marriages and families

were not legally recognized were often dissolved and broken up by sales

Bacon's Rebellion was supported mainly by

young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land

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