US History Final 2015

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How did the states of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia alter their laws regarding slavery in the eighteenth century?

rejected widespread emancipation, these states permitted individuals to emancipate their adult

What impact did the passage of the 15th amendment have on the women's rights movement?

the amendment marked the beginning of an independent women's suffrage crusade

the confederacy's king cotton diplomacy failed because

the british had stores of surplus cotton that lasted throughout 1861, them and the union developed a strong trade relationship, and european manufacturers found new sources of cotton in egypt and india

Quartering act

the colonies have to pay for and provide lodging for British soldiers

the civil rights act of 1875 outlawed racial discrimination in

transportation, public accommodations and juries

Congress can impeach and remove judges


Congress makes the law


Most Irish immigrants in the mid 19th century comprised which class in American society?

unskilled laborers

Fabian stategy

used by George Washington-He who fights and runs away can fight and possibly run away another day

Though ancient Americans lacked writing skills, they 1. shared a common spoken language. 2. differed from most people over the past 400 million years in this respect. 3. knew how to read. 4. used many other kinds of symbolic representation.

used many other kinds of symbolic representation

George Rogers

Who led a group of Kentucky militiamen dressed as Indians in an attack at Kaskaskia?

How did the United States react to the XYZ affair?

Congress launched an undeclared war with France

Who believed that his Omnibus Bill would pass because most congressmen wanted to compromise on the issue of slavery

Henry Clay


Hierarchical social organization headed by a chief. Archaeologists posit that woodland cultures were organized into chiefdom so because the construction required one person having command over the others

Which of the midnight riders was captured?

Paul Revere

Which colony was known as "the best poor Man's Country in the World"?


Which state passed gradual emancipation laws in 1780?


Which state passed gradual emancipation laws in 1784?


Why was John Quincy Adams's victory in the 1824 election characterized as a corrupt bargain?

Adams appointed Henry Clay as secretary of state

free blacks

African Americans who were not enslaved. Southern whites worried about the increasing numbers of free blacks. In the 1820s and 1830s, state legislatures stemmed the growth of the free black population and shrank the liberty of free blacks

French gave military support to Washington

After General Charles Cornwallis achieved the upper hand in Virginia, the balance of power on the battlefield changed dramatically. Why?

Washington chose which of the following men to be his secretary of the treasury? 1. Thomas Jefferson 2. Henry Knox 3. James Madison 4. Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

Eastern Woodland peoples around the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492 clustered into which three major groups? 1. Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Muskogean peoples 2. Sioux, Cheyenne, and Blackfeet peoples 3. Apache, Navajo, and Hopi tribes 4. Pawnee, Mandan, and Comanche tribes

Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Muskogean peoples

What was a requirement of the Fugitive Slave Act, part of the Compromise of 1850?

All citizens were expected to assist officials in apprehending runaway slaves

In one of the early battles of the war, the battle of Long Island,

British troops led by General Howe forced the Americans to retreat to Manhattan Island.

Black Death

An epidemic of bubonic plague that in the mid fourteenth century killed about a third of the European population and resulted in increased food and resources for the survivors as well as a sense of a world in precarious balance

What did the national government lack under the Articles of Confederation?

An executive and judicial branch

House of Burgesses

An organ of government in colonial Virginia made UK of an assembly of representatives elected by the colony's male voters, established by the Virginia company and continued by the crown after Virginia was made a royal company

American Colonization Society

An organization dedicated to sending freed slaves and other black Americans to Liberia in West Africa. Although some African Americans cooperated with the movements, other campaigned against segregation and discrimination

New York Female Moral Reform Society

An organization of religious women inspired by the Second Great Awakening to eradicate sexual sin and male licentiousness. Formed in 1833, it spread to hundreds of auxiliaries and worked to curb prostitution and seduction

What was the Second Great Awakening?

An outpouring of evangelical religious fervor

Bacon's rebellion

An unsuccessful rebellion against the colonial government in 1676 led by frontier settler Nathaniel Bacon

Multistory cliff dwellings and pueblos are residential structures associated with the 1. Anasazi communities. 2. Adena people. 3. Hopewell excavations. 4. Mogollon culture

Anasazi communities

Multistory cliff dwellings and pueblos are residential structures associated with the 1. Mogollon culture. 2. Hopewell excavations. 3. Adena people. 4. Anasazi communities.

Anasazi communities.

Why did the Coercive Acts spread alarm among the colonists?

Colonists feared their liberties were insecure


Colonists who remained loyal to Britain during the Revolutionary War, probably numbering around one fifth of the population in 1776. Colonists remained loyal to Britain for many reasons, and loyalists could be found in every region of the country

The transatlantic exchange of goods, people, and ideas between the New World and Europe is referred to as the 1. Columbian exchange. 2. Pan-Atlantic exchange. 3. Renaissance. 4. Atlantic Trade.

Columbian exchange.

In 1837, large audiences throughout Massachusetts witnessed the astonishing spectacle of two sisters speaking of the evils of slavery...

Angelina Grimke and Sarah Grimke. They were wealthy Southerners from South Carolina, outspoken, moved to Philadelphia and joined the Quakers' Society of Friends (321)

Prominent colonists in the plantation South and in cities such as Charleston, New York, and Philadelphia belonged to the 1. Presbyterian Church. 2. Congregational Church. 3. Catholic Church. 4. Anglican Church.

Anglican Church.

Republican Party

Antislavery party formed in 1854 following passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act. The Republicans attempted to unite all those who opposed the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States

What did pro-slavery (advocating the practice of slavery) congressmen hope to suppress with their 1836 "gag rule"?

Antislavery petitions in Congress. By the mid-1830s, abolitionists had submitted hundreds of petitions to the federal government demanding that Congress outlaw slavery in the District of Columbia. In response, in 1836 proslavery congressmen passed a "gag rule" that prohibited entering the petitions into the public record on the grounds that what the abolitionists were asking for was unconstitutional (and an assault on the rights of white southerners, according to one South Carolina representative) [346]

In essay 10 of the federalist, what did James Madison maintain that the constitution would do?

Any one faction would not be able to sovert to freedom.

According to free labor spokesmen, who could achieve success in America?

Anyone who worked hard

Where did General Lee surrender to end the Civil War?

Appomattox Court House, Virginia


Archaeologists' term for the first migrants into North America and their descendants who spread across the Americas between 15,000 and 13,000 years ago

What were the largest religious groups in the South in the middle of the 19th century?

Baptists and Methodists

battle of Shiloh

Battle at Shiloh church, Tennessee on April 6-7, 1862 between Albert Sidney Johnston's Confederate forces and Ulysses S. Grant's Union army. The Union army ultimately prevailed, though at great cost to both sides. Shiloh ruined the Confederacy's bid to control the war in the West

battle of Gettysburg

Battle fought at Gettysburg Pennsylvania between union forces under General Meade and Confederate forces under General Lee. The Union emerged victorious, and Lee lost more than one third of his men. Together with Vicksburg, marked a major turning pint of the war

battle of Antietam

Battle fought in Maryland on September 17, 1862, between the Union forces of George McClellan and Confederate Robert E. Lee. The battle, a Union victory that left 6,000 dead and 17,000 wounded was the bloodiest day of the war

What led to the largest emancipation of blacks in the Deep South immediately after the Revolution?

Because of their association with British

Albany Plan of Union

Ben Franklin proposes colonies work together for common defense

Bostonian reaction to the Tea Act culminated in December of 1773 with the dumping of thousands of pounds of tea into Boston Harbor, an action eventually known as the 1. Boston Tea Party. 2. East India Protest. 3. Defiance by Bostonians. 4. Boston Port Incident.

Boston Tea Party

Which side did Indians fight on during Seven Years war?

Both British and French

What did the Pacific Northwest people have in common with the Chumash?

Both lived in permanent settlements, built permanent villages

What led Great Plains hunters to abandon use of spears?

Bows and arrows reached the Great Plains from groups in the north

The Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvars Cabral accidentally made landfall on the coast of 1. Mexico. 2. Brazil. 3. Peru. 4. Guatemala.


Where did the battle of Bunker Hill take place?

Breeds hill

Why did the American support for the French revolution lead to renewed conflict between the United States and Britain?

Britain and France went to war with one another in 1793 and both countries sought American favoritism

Who won the battle of Bunker Hill, the bloodiest battle of the Revolutionary war?


Tea act of 1773

British act that lowered the existing tax on tea to entice boycotting Americans to buy it, resistance led to the passage of the coercive acts and imposition of military rule in Massachusetts

What did the colonists learn from the Seven Year's War?

British military discipline was far more brutal than they expected

How had the Comanche Indians defended their autonomy and territory against Spanish incursions in the 18th century?

By exchanging Spanish captives for guns and showing their willingness to use deadly force

How could Christians gain salvation according to Martin Luther?

By having faith that God would save them

How were Democrats able to champion Texas's annexation without splitting their party or the nation along sectional lines in the election of 1844?

By linking Texas to Oregon's territorial occupation

The government formed by the states of the Lower South in February of 1861 was known as the

Confederate States of America

King Cotton diplomacy

Confederate diplomatic strategy built on the hope that European nations starving for cotton would break the Union blockade and recognize the Confederacy. This strategy failed because Europeans held stores of surplus cotton and developed new sources outside the South

Vicksburg 1863

Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River that surrendered to the Union forces after a siege

In 1861, armed hostilities between the North and South began officially with 1. Confederates firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor in April 1861. 2. an assault on Washington, D.C., in February 1861 by a ragtag group of Confederate sympathizers from Maryland. 3. Confederates firing on the frigate Star of the West as it attempted to reprovision Fort Moultrie in Charleston harbor in January 1861. 4. the assault on federal troops passing through Baltimore, Maryland, early in 1861.

Confederates firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor in April 1861.

What territory did England receive in the Treaty of Paris?


Erie Canal

Canal finished in 1825 covering 350 miles between Albany and Buffalo and linking the port of New York City with the entire Great Lakes Region. The canal turned New York City into the country's premier commercial city

How did most Americans react to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789?

Celebrated the victory of the French people.

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court ruled that the

Cherokees in Georgia existed as "a distinct community, occupying its own territory, in which the laws of Georgia can have no force."

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court ruled that the 1. Cherokees in Georgia existed as "a distinct community, occupying its own territory, in which the laws of Georgia can have no force." 2. Cherokees could not utilize the U.S. court system to sue anyone. 3. Removal Act of 1830 was unconstitutional. 4. Cherokees in Georgia existed as "a distinct ethnic minority over which only local government has jurisdiction."

Cherokees in Georgia existed as "a distinct community, occupying its own territory, in which the laws of Georgia can have no force."


Children born to Spanish parents in the new world who, with the peninsulares made up the tiny portion of the population at the top of the colonial social hierarchy

What threatened to prevent American settlement in the Northwest Territory?

Classes with the Indian tribes that occupied the land


Coerced labor, African slavery became the most important form in the new world

Why did many talented politicians prefer to devote their energies to state governments even after the ratification of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress was often deadlocked

Why were poor northern men especially angered by the new draft law of 1863?

Draftees were allowed to hire a substitute or pay a $300 fee to avoid conscription

In the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that 1. the Missouri Compromise was constitutional. 2. Congress had the power to prohibit slavery in the territories. 3. black people in the United States could be declared citizens under certain circumstances. 4. Dred Scott could not legally claim violation of his constitutional rights because he was not a citizen of the United States

Dred Scott could not legally claim violation of his constitutional rights because he was not a citizen of the United States

In his dissenting opinion in the 1857 Dred Scott case, Justice Benjamin R. Curtis argued that 1. Dred Scott was free, he was a citizen only of the state of Missouri, and the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. 0% 2. Dred Scott was free, the Missouri Compromise was constitutional, and northern blacks were nominal citizens who must pass a revised examination to become full citizens under the Constitution. 3. Dred Scott was free, he was a citizen of the United States, and the Missouri Compromise was constitutional. 4. while the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional, every person born in America had the right to bring suit in any court in the land.

Dred Scott was free, he was a citizen of the United States, and the Missouri Compromise was constitutiona

What did the Supreme Court rule in its 1857 Dred Scott decision?

Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United Statea

Who allowed slaves to fight for British in return for freedom?



During the winter of 1777-78, describe the continental army's morale?

New Netherlands

Dutch colony in present day New York

How did the Articles of Confederation incorporate the power of the states?

Each state had a single vote in Congress

How did the articles of confederation incorporate the power of the states?

Each state had a single vote in congress

How did the confederation government government preserve the Revolution's principle of taxation only direct representation?

Each state's legislature had to approve the confederation's tax bill assessed to the state

How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention create a presidency out of the reach of direct democracy?

Electoral congress

Like many other European colonies in the New World, New Spain developed a pattern of social organization in which 1. Europeans became a dominant minority in a society stratified by race and social origin. 2. everyone participated in an egalitarian society regardless of differences related to race or social origin. 3. Indians and Africans became the dominant groups in a society stratified by race and social origin. 4. everyone shared the same cultural and racial characteristics

Europeans became a dominant minority in a society stratified by race and social origin.

To meet the interest payments on the national debt under his consolidation plan, what did Hamilton convince congress to pass?

Excise tax on whiskey.

Who had control of local institutions in Massachusetts by 1774?

Farmers and artisans

What is a caravel?

Fast and sturdy ship used by Portuguese explorers

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

February 1848 treaty that ended the Mexican American war. Mexico gave up all claims to Texas north of the Rio Grande and ceded New Mexico and California to the United States. The United States agreed to pay Mexico $15 million and to assume American claims against Mexico

Essex Junto

Federalist New England merchants who were upset with expansion, secession from Union, couldn't get leader, eventually die out

Why did thousands of Southern freedmen take to the roads in 1865?

Former slaves were looking to reunite families and relatives across regions

According to the confederates what was confederate property?

Fort Sumter, so Union soldiers stationed there should leace

Coercive acts

Four British acts of 1774 meant to punish Massachusetts for the destruction of the 3 ships of tea, known as the intolerable acts, led to rebellion in northern colonies

New York City draft riots

Four days of rioting in New York City in July 1863 triggered by efforts to enforce to enforce the military drafts. Democratic Irish workingmen-suffering economic hardship, infuriated by the draft, and opposed to emancipation- killed at least 105 people, most of them black

What was the significance of Burgoyne's defeat at the Battle of Saratoga?

France saw that the Continentals had hope for victory, and they joined their side

What did the XYZ affair of 1797 involve?

France's refusal to extract a bribe from American officials

Which of the following restrictions were placed on the 260,000 free blacks by 1860? 1. Curfews said that all blacks must be off the streets in urban areas by 8 p.m. 2. Free blacks could not borrow money from lending institutions or own slaves. 3. Free blacks were subjected to special taxes, prohibited from interstate travel, denied the right to have schools and to participate in politics, and forced to carry "freedom papers." 4. Free blacks could not attend white churches, legally marry, or own property

Free blacks were subjected to special taxes, prohibited from interstate travel, denied the right to have schools and to participate in politics, and forced to carry "freedom papers."

Where did Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold attack?

Ft. Ticonderoga at Lake Champlain

How did antislavery Whigs respond to their party's nomination of the slave owner Zachary Taylor as its presidential candidate in 1848?

Furious, they left the party and recruited antislavery Democrats into the new free soil party

contraband of war

General Benjamin Butler's term for runaway slaves, who were considered confiscated property of war, not fugitives, and put to work in the union army. This policy proved to be a step on the road to emancipation

Which Virginia writer argued that the northern labor system rested on the heartless exploitation of wageworkers

George fitzhugh

Which colony failed to send a delegate to the first continental congress?


Which of the following statements does not accurately describe the work of a historian? 1. Historians study artifacts but focus more of their attention on written documents left by people in the past. 2. Historians and archaeologists usually employ different methods to obtain information. 3. Historians seek artifacts over written documents to determine the attitudes of a people. 4. Historians study personal as well as public writings

Historians seek artifacts over written documents to determine the attitudes of a people.

Hoped to stay neutral

How did the American Indians respond to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War?

Treated worse than criminals

How did the British army treat prisoners of war?

Domestic task

How did the women serve in the continental army?

Violent anti-Indian campaign

How might the relationships between Americans and Indians during the war be characterized?

Which issue dominated debate at the Constitutional Convention?

How to balance the interests of large and small states

George Washington insisted that captured British soldiers be treated...


Archaic Indians

Hunting and gathering peoples who descended from Paleo-Indians and dominated the Americas from 10,000 to 3000 years ago


Idea that God determined whether individuals were destined for salvation, nothing a person did during their life could affect fate

What did the publication of the Virginia resolves do?

If convinced other American colonial assemblies to formulate more radical challenges to stamp act

popular sovereignty

If the government fails to protect the people's natural rights, the people can change or abolish the government

What was Washington's strategy for creating a successful presidency?

Implanting his reputation for integrity into the office


In August 1777, instead of sailing north on the Hudson River, general Howe chose which surprising military strategy?

Compromise of 1877

Informal agreement in which Democrats agreed not to block Rutherford Hayes's inauguration and to deal fairly with freedmen; in return, Hayes vowed not to use the army to uphold the remaining Republican regimes in the South and to provide the South with substantial federal subsidies for railroads. The compromise brought the Reconstruction era to an end

Why did Hamilton advocate for rolling old certificates of debt into new government bonds?

Infused money into the economy.

Nonconsumption agreements

Intended to hurt trade with Britain

The distinction between the study of humans by archaeologists and by historians is denoted by

Invention of writing


Island in British West Indies, became huge sugar producer and source of wealth for England, slaves became huge population

How did the practice of sharecropping affect black families in the reconstruction South?

It allowed families to abandon slave quarters and build cabins on separate patches of land

Any mention of slavery

In their revisions of the Declaration of Independence, what did Georgia and S Carolina remove?

From which group was the largest new world treasure acquired?


. The largest treasure found in the New World before 1540 was held by the 1. Incas. 2. Zuni. 3. Tlaxcalans. 4. Mexicans.


What happened to US population from 1790-1800?

Increased by more than 1/3

What was a long term consequence of the bubonic plague in Europe?

Increased opportunities for social and economic advancement

Lone Star Republic

Independent republic, also known as the Republic of Texas, that was established by a rebellion of Texans against Mexican rule. The victory at San Jacinto in April 1836 helped ensure the region's independence and recognition by the United States

The most important treasure the Spanish plundered from their New World holdings was 1. gold. 2. land. 3. tobacco. 4. Indian labor.

Indian labor

What effect did John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry have on the South?

It indicated that abolitionists would use violence to overthrow slavery

What did the repartimiento do for new Spain?

It limited forced labor

Which Americans statesman publicly opposed the French Revolution?

John Adams

Who massacred five allegedly proslavery settlers along Pottawatomie Creek in Kansas in 1856?

John Brown

Agricultural productivity in the Midwest increased in the late 1830s partly because of

John Deere's steel plow.

The election of 1828 differed from earlier elections in its emphasis on issues related to scandal and character partly because

John Quincy Adams was associated with the "corrupt bargain" of 1824

The election of 1828 differed from earlier elections in its emphasis on issues related to scandal and character partly because 1. it was revealed that Andrew Jackson had fathered a child with one of his slaves. 2. John Quincy Adams accused Andrew Jackson of lying to the voters and rejecting family values. 3. Jackson's wife, Rachel, refused to stay within her separate sphere. 4. John Quincy Adams was associated with the "corrupt bargain" of 1824.

John Quincy Adams was associated with the "corrupt bargain" of 1824.

Virginia company

Joint stock company organized by London investors in 1606 that received a land grant from James I in order to establish English colonies in North America

Who defended British soldiers involved with Boston massacre?

Josiah Quincy and John Adams

Which Spanish conquistador settled New Mexico in 1598?

Juan de Oñate

According to the constitution, who would settle disputes between states and citizens of different states?

Judicial branch

Whiskey Rebellion

July 1794 uprising by farmers in western Pennsylvania in response to enforcement of an unpopular excise tax on whiskey. The federal government responded with a military presence that causes dissidents to disperse before blood was shed

Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

Kentucky written by Henry Clay, Virginia written by Thomas Jefferson, presented idea of nullification, states do not need to enforce acts deemed unconstitutional, reaction to Alien and Sedition Acts


Kind of indentured servant in which captain agreed two provide passage to Philadelphia where they would obtain money to pay for their transportation, usually by selling themselves as servants

New Spain

Land in e new world held by the Spanish crown, colonial system would become a model for other European nations

Second Continental Congress

Legislative body that governed the United States from May 1775 through the war's duration. It established an army, created its own money, and declared independence once all hope for a peaceful reconciliation with Britain was gone.

What was the gender ratio like in new Spain?

Less Spanish women, so Spanish couples made tiny elite

How did President Lincoln persuade Maryland's legislature to reject secession?

Lincoln ordered US troops into Baltimore

Which item offered to the Indians under the treaty of Greenville devastated many tribes?


What happened after President Adams arranged a negotiated end to the Quasi War in 1799?

Lost a significant part of his party support.

Who were the Tories?


What was President Grant known for once he took office?

Loyalty to corrupt advisors

. Which of the following best describes American sentiment regarding the English-French struggle in 1793? 1. The country was overwhelmingly in favor of remaining neutral. 2. Many Americans were angered by an official declaration of neutrality. 3. The Federalists favored the British. 4. The Republicans favored the British.

Many Americans were angered by an official declaration of neutrality

Newspapers became crucial to party politics in Jacksonian America because:

Many newspapers were under the control of a particular political party and actively pushed that party's agenda

Wealthy merchants

Many of the most visible and dedicated loyalists came from which group?

Why did most states enact property qualifications to limit who could vote and run for elected office?

Many political leaders believed that only property owners possessed sufficient independence of mind to make wise political choices

Boston massacre

March 1770 incident in Boston in which British soldiers fired on American crowd, killing five, became rallying point for colonists who increasingly saw the British government as illegitimate

The first street demonstrations against the Stamp Act occurred in what colony?


What led to Shay's Rebellion of 1786?

Massachusetts farmers resented increasing taxes

Sherman's March to the Sae

Military Campaign from September to December 1864 in which Union forces under General Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah. Carving a path of destruction as it progressed, Sherman's army aimed at destroying white Southerners' will to continue the war.

California gold rush

Mining rush initiated by James Marshall's discovery of gold in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in 1848. The hope of striking it rich drew more than 250,000 aspiring miners to California between 1849 and 1852, an influx that accelerated the push for statehood

which one of the following was not a reason for democrats victories in the mississippi elections of 1876

Mississippi democrats wage a fair, persuasive campaign

According the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state while balanced by Maine as a free state and

Missouri's southern border would be the permanent line dividing slave from free states

Who were the gens de coleur who demanded political rights in Haiti?

Mixed raced property owner.

Why did James Monroe issue the Monroe Doctrine in 1823?

Monroe wanted to discourage European nations from reconquering newly independent nations in South America

What was the general consensus among delegates to the Constitutional Convention about the Articles of Confederation?

Most delegates had no opposition to changing the Articles of Confederation


Multi unit dwellings, storage spaces and ceremonial centers, often termed kivas, built by ancient Americans in the southwest for centuries, starting around 1000 AD

Algonquian Indians

People who inhabited the coastal plain of present day Virginia, near Chesapeake bay when English colonists first settled the region

second Bank of the United States

National Bank with multiple branches chartered in 1816 for twenty years. Intended to help regulate the economy, the bank became a major issue in Andrew Jackson's reelection campaign in 1832, framed in political rhetoric about aristocracy versus democracy

How did president Washington respond to the whiskey rebellion?

Nationalize the Pennsylvania militia.

Where did the sons of liberty's street demonstrations spread to?

Nearly 50 towns across colonies

Currency act 1751

New England couldn't print their own money, had to use British money

Why were there so few slaves in New England during the eighteenth century?

New England's family farming was not suited for slave labor.

Which state allowed free blacks and women to vote in the early years of the republic?

New Jersey

Which state allowed free blacks and women to vote in the early years of the republic? 1. New York 2. Rhode Island 3. Massachusetts 4. New Jersey

New Jersey

Before the federal government settled into its permanent home in Washington, D.C., the nation's capital had most recently been moved from 1. Philadelphia to New York City. 2. New York City to Philadelphia. 3. New York City to Baltimore. 4. Philadelphia to Baltimore.

New York City to Philadelphia

Townshend Duties

New duties established by the revenue act of 1767 on tea, glass, lead, paper imported into the colonies, they led to boycotts and heightened tensions between British and American colonies

John Cabot was sponsored by the English monarch to search for a "Northwest Passage" to the Indies. Which area did he manage to reach and claim for England? 1. Ontario 2. Cuba 3. Newfoundland 4. Brazil


New negroes

Newly arrived African slaves in the colonies, planters maintained small number of newly arrived at one time

Who had to ratify the Constitution before it could go into effect?

Nine states in ratifying conventions

Before the federal government settled into its permanent home in Washington DC the nations capital had most recently been located where?


From the upper south, virginia, arkansas, tennessee and what state joined force with the confederacy?

North Carolina

The basic reason for the early, prolonged absence of humans in the Western Hemisphere is that 1. plentiful food made it unnecessary for northern European tribes to seek a different home. 2. large herds of mammoths made migration to the Americas too dangerous. 3. the warm climate of Africa attracted most of the earth's population. 4. North and South America had become detached from the gigantic continent of Pangaea.

North and South America had become detached from the gigantic continent of Pangaea.

How did northerners view the purpose of the civil war in the early days?

North was ready to fight to end slavery and would have lost to much like food

Support for the Wilmot Proviso of 1846 came from 1. Northerners desiring either the abolition of slavery altogether or those Northerners who wanted to reserve new lands for white settlers. 2. Southerners who had concluded that it was futile to press for slavery's expansion into an area where it could not flourish. 3. Southerners who could not afford to relocate their agricultural operations to the West. 4. Northerners and Southerners who were morally opposed to slavery

Northerners desiring either the abolition of slavery altogether or those Northerners who wanted to reserve new lands for white settlers

How did Northerners respond after the Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter in April 1861?

Northerners overwhelmingly supported the war

Why did paleo-Indians migrate to the interior of North America?

Part of continuing search for game

How did plantations differ from farms in antebellum South?

Plantations were agricultural operations reliant on twenty or more slaves

Prior to the Civil War, why did the South remain agriculturally based instead of diversifying its economy?

Planters made good profits and feared economic change

Federalist president John Adams made republicans hopeful in 1797 when he

Pledged respect for the French and neutrality in foreign affairs

What was the legacy of Shay's Rebellion?

Political leaders realized the Articles were inadequate


Political party that evolved out of the Democratic Republicans after 1834. Strongest in the South and the West, the Democrats embraced Andrew Jackson's vision of limited government, expanded political participation for white men and the promotion of an ethic of individualism


Political party that evolved out of the National Republicans after 1834. With a Northeast power base, the Whigs supported federal action to promote commercial development and generally looked favorably on the reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening

The Mexican-American War was called "Mr. Polk's War" by those who believed that 1. Polk's aggression was an attempt to extend slavery. 2. Mexico was mistaken in claiming the boundary of Texas to be the Nueces River. 3. Polk had been in secret negotiations with the British to divide the west between the two countries. 4. Mexico didn't like Polk and was determined to keep Texas.

Polk's aggression was an attempt to extend slavery

Who was credited with leading a violent rebellion against the British in 1763?


Indentured servants

Poor immigrants who signed contracts known as indentures, in which they committed to four to seven years of labor in North America in exchange for food, transport and shelter

What was the compromise proposed by lewis cass that granted the settlers of the western territories the right and power to decide certain issues, most importantly the question of slavery in the new states?

Popular sovereignty

In devising their new constitutions, what did most states reduce the power of?

Power of the governor.

Three midnight riders

Prescott, Dawes, Revere

In the mid-1850s, Abraham Lincoln typified 1. Republican ideology in asserting that only individual slave owners, and not Congress, could stop the spread of slaver 2. the legal profession, of which he was a part, in believing that the Supreme Court should end slavery. 3. the white northern male belief that although slavery was not morally wrong, it would eventually destroy national unity and should thus be eliminated. 4. Republican ideology in believing that Congress must stop the spread of slavery and put it on the course to extinction

Republican ideology in believing that Congress must stop the spread of slavery and put it on the course to extinction

The Sedition Act targeted mainly 1. any private citizen who spoke out in public against the Federalist Party. 2. postal employees delivering Republican pamphlets. 3. any gathering of people questioning Adams or his foreign policy. 4. Republican newspaper editors who freely published criticism of the Adams administration.

Republican newspaper editors who freely published criticism of the Adams administration

How did the extinction of large game affect Clovis culture?

Required paleo-Indians to adapt to local environments and splintered uniformity of Clovis culture

Acoma pueblo revolt

Revolt against the Spanish by Indians living at the Acoma pueblo in 1599. Juan de Oñate violently suppressed the uprising, but the Indians revolted again later that year, after which many Spanish settlers returned to Mexico

The last of the 13 original states to ratify the constitution was

Rhode Island

Stono rebellion

Slave uprising in South Carolina in waving group of slaves armed themselves and killed more than Twenty whites, were suppressed

Which element of slavery formed the central theme of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book?

Slavery's destructive impact on the family

How did slaves express resistance to their situation on a daily basis in the antebellum South?

Slaves engaged in forms of resistance such as feigning illness, breaking farm equipment or playing dumb

What development forced the issue of slavery onto the North's wartime agenda in 1862?

Slaves ran away to Union lines, which raised questions about their status

At the Philadelphia convention, which of the following was the compromise reached on the issue of who counted as population for the purpose of deciding representation?

Slaves were counted under the three-fifths clause

At the Philadelphia convention, which of the following was the compromise reached on the issue of who counted as population for the purpose of deciding representation? 1. Slaves were counted under the three-fifths clause. 2. Indians were only to be counted if they were assimilated. 3. No state could reclaim a slave who had taken refuge in a free state. 4. Slaves were not to be counted as persons.

Slaves were counted under the three-fifths clause

How did delegates decide to count slaves when determining the apportionment of representatives?

Slaves were counted under the three-fifths clause

What did the woodland burial mounds suggest?

Social and political hierarchy

Why did the Confederate army have such a high rate of desertion?

Soldiers had to leave in order to return home and attend to the needs of their impoverished families

The migrants who settled on the Texas land granted to Stephen F. Austing by Mexico in the 1820s were

Sourtherners who brought cotton and slaves with them.

Which was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election?

South Carolina

Events in the Louisiana Territory in 1802 alerted the United States to a potential national security problem, as 1. a large confederation of Native Americans had hatched a plan to cross the Mississippi River and attack the United States. 2. Spain had turned over the territory to France, which was then under the rule of powerful expansionist Napoleon. 3. a large contingent of slaves from Saint Domingue had taken refuge there and were planning to capture New Orleans. 4. England was negotiating to buy the territory from France.

Spain had turned over the territory to France, which was then under the rule of powerful expansionist Napoleon.

What was a consequence of Columbus' first journey?

Spain was a challenger to Portugal in finding a sea route

During the 1500s, the New World was primarily dominated by 1. Portugal, because it was the first country to secure the St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers and was thus able to control the interior of the continent. 2. Spain, because it had more colonial possessions than other European countries. 3. France, because of the Catholic Church's missionary work there. 4. England, because Spain and Portugal had diverted their attention to trade with Asia

Spain, because it had more colonial possessions than other European countries.


Spanish forts built to block Russian access to California

According to Benjamin Rush and other republican writers, how could women contribute to a better society?

Teaching sons virtue and good morals.

manifest destiny

Term coined in 1845 by journalist John O'Sullivan to justify American expansion, claimed it was the nation's manifest destiny to transport its values and civilization westward. It framed the American conquest of the West as part of a divine plan

Bleeding Kansas

Term for the bloody struggle between proslavery and antislavery factions in Kansas in the fall of 1854 following its organization as a territory. Corrupt election tactics led to a proslavery victory, but free soil Kansans established a rival territorial government and violence quickly ensued


Term that refers to Spanish explorers and solids who conquered lands in the new world

Why did Congress refuse to annex Texas into the Union? 1. Congressional leaders refused to allocate money for annexation. 2. Most members feared an attack by English profiteers. 3. Texas would come into the Union as a slave state. 4. Congress did not want to increase the number of Indians under its jurisdiction.

Texas would come into the Union as a slave state.

What did the declaration of rights in the first continental congress claim?

That only colonial government could legislate for their residents


Thayendanegea was a leader of which Indian tribe?

What was a major obstacle for the British in the Revolutionary War?

The British focused on capturing port cities, which wasn't a serious loss to the Americans since 95% lived on the countryside

What did Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense argue?

The British monarchy was an absurd institution

Which of the following conditions was included in the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War?

The British recognized the United States as sovereign and independent states

What did Supreme Court rule in the 1832 case of Worcester vs. Georgia?

The Cherokee were a separate nation within Georgia

What did the Supreme Court rule in the 1832 case of Worcester v. Georgia?

The Cherokee were a separate nation within Georgia. When Georgia announced that it would subject the Cherokee to state law and seize their property, the tribe appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Although that case was set aside, in a second one, Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee people occupied sovereign territory within Georgia and thus were not subject to Georgia's laws (336, 337)

Why did Americans believe the French navy would be critical to their military efforts during the Revolutionary War?

The French could impede British troops and supplies in the Atlantic

What inspired Gabriel's rebellion in Virginia in 1800?

The Haitian Revolution


The Indians who inhabited San Salvador and many Caribbean islands and who were the first people Columbus encountered after making landfall in the new world

What critical obstacle did Illinois senator Stephen Douglas face as he maneuvered to route a transcontinental railroad through Chicago in the 1850s?

The Nebraska territory's 1830 designation as a permanent Indian reserve

Which of the following was a critical difference between the Virginia and New Jersey Plans?

The Virginia Plan repudiated the principal of a confederation of states while the New Jersey Plan accepted the notion

Why did the Continental currency deteriorate so rapidly during the 1770s?

The congress held no reserves of precious metals to back currency

What was the spoils system that Andrew Jackson adopted?

a policy of replacing competent civil servants throughout the federal government with party loyalists

In 1827 the Cherokee tribe of Georgia wrote a constitution modeled on what document?

The U.S. Constitution. More than any other southern tribe, the Cherokees had incorporated white political and economic practices into their tribal life. They had adopted written laws, including, in 1827, a constitution that was modeled on the U.S. Constitution due to them intermarrying with whites (336)

What 1792 event stimulated road building?

The US Post Office was established

Union blockade

The United States' use of its navy to patrol the southern coastline to restrict Confederate access to supplies. Over time, the blockade became increasingly effective and succeeded in depriving the Confederacy of vital supplies

What provisions did the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 include to address the issue of slavery in the former Indian territory?

The act allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide the issue using popular sovereignty

Which issue in the debate of 1849-1850 led to the Compromise of 1850?

The balance of power between North and South in Congress


The centuries long drive to expel Muslims from the Iberian peninsula undertaken by the Christina kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. Victories helped the Portuguese gain greater access to sea routes

On what condition did France agree to provide military supplies and naval power to the American colonies in 1776?

The colonies would agree to declare complete independence from Britain

To meet the interest payments on the national debt under his consolidation ("assumption") plan, Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to pass 1. an increased import duty. 2. an increased export duty. 3. a 25 percent excise tax on whiskey. 4. legislation making it illegal to smuggle.

a 25 percent excise tax on whiskey

How did the deaths of millions of Indians by the end of the 16th century affect Spain?

The deaths created a labor shortage that led to the purchase of African slaves

What effect did the Seven Years' War have on England's national debt?

The debt had doubled since William Pitt took office.

Christopher Columbus like most educated Europeans believed that

The earth was spherical and could be circumnavigated


The first permanent settlement in North America, established in 1607 by colonists sponsored by the Virginia company

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments in the Constitution, officially ratified by 1791. First through Eighth deal with individual liberties and the last two deal with boundary between federal and state authority

Why were there few plantations in the South's upcountry in the 19th century?

The geography and climate were unsuited to commercial agriculture


The goods the Mexica collected form conquered pearled, form basic food products to candidates for human sacrifice. Engendered resentment among the subjects, which created vulnerability

How did the government of Massachusetts respond to Shay's Rebellion?

The governor disputed private armed militiamen

Natural increase

The growth of population through reproduction as opposed to immigration, accounted for about 3/4 of American population in 18th century

Congress rejected which of Hamiltons economic programs?

The import

Why did American cotton production experience a boom in the late 1790s?

The invention of cotton gin allowed greater production


The land bridge between Siberia and Alaska that was exposed by glacial ion, allowing people to migrate to the Western Hemisphere


The largest ceremonial site in ancient North America located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River across from St. Louis, where thousands of inhabitants build hundred of earthen mounds

Pueblo Bonito

The largest residential and ceremonial site, containing more than 600 rooms and 35 kivas, on the major Anasazi cultural center of Chaco Canyon in present day New Mexico

How did mechanical reapers and better plows permit farmers to increase their crop productivity?

The machines allowed more land to be brought into cultivation

What role did the Indians play in the Treaty of Paris?

The major European powers did not consult Indians at all

in the 19th century, free southern blacks could enjoy all of the following privileges except

ample opportunities for betterment

Which of the following statements describes the state of abolitionism in the United States in the late 1830s?

The movement was divided over the question of whether to endorse women's rights

Pennsylvania Dutch

The name given by other colonists to German immigrants to middle colonies, Germans made up largest part of migrants from continental Europe

Why did many Americans who supported the patriot cause accept the legitimacy of the committees of public safety, the regrouped colonial assemblies and the Continental Congress?

The new governing bodies were made of many of the same men who had held elective office before

What happened as a consequence of states' rewriting their laws of incorporation beginning in 1811?

The number of corporations skyrocketed. In 1811, states started to rewrite their laws of incorporation, allowing the chartering of businesses by states. The number of corporations expanded rapidly, from about twenty in 1800 to eighteen hundred in 1817 (Pgs. 327, 330)

what common thread wove together northern men to form the Republican party in 1854?

The opposition to the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States

Protestant reformation

The reform movement that began in 1517 with Martin Luther's critiques of the Catholic Church.

What characteristics made the South the cotton kingdom?

The region's climate and geography were ideally suited to cotton cultivation

Who was responsible for passing tax bills under the articles?

The state governments.

Which part of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act did Northerners find the most upsetting?

The stipulation that all citizens were expected to assist in the apprehension of runaways

Virtual representation

The theory that all British subjects were represented in Parliament, whether they had elected representatives in that body or nor. American colonists rejected the theory, arguing that only direct representatives had the right to tax the colonists

Columbian exchange

The transatlantic exchange of goods, people, and ideas that began when Columbus arrived in the Caribbean ending the separation of the eastern and western hemispheres.

What was the columbian exchange?

The transatlantic trade of goods, ideas and people that began in 1492

The Tainos shared which of the following traits with the Europeans? 1. They farmed, fished, and held no religious beliefs. 2. They farmed, knew how to build boats, and held religious beliefs. 3. They left numerous written documents. 4. They fished, used navigational instruments, and worshiped the spirits of ancestors

They farmed, knew how to build boats, and held religious beliefs.

Treaty of tordesillas

The treaty negotiated in 1494 to delineate land claims in the new world. It drew an imaginary line west of the Canary Islands; land west of the line was for Spain and east of the line belonged to Portugal

What material strengths and weaknesses did the north have in supplying its army? The South?

The union had liberty, industry and seas were in their hands they also had gunpowder. For the south, confidence, food, trained officers, resourceful, built gunpowder mills, and defensive

What was the economic impact of Spain's involvement in the Americas?

Their expenses outnumbered the revenue so they were almost bankrupt

Why did American farmers oppose Hamilton's new excise on whiskey?

Their livelihoods dependence on the grain they grew for the distillation of alcohol


Theory asserting that states could nullify acts of Congress that exceeded congressional powers. South Carolina advanced the theory of nullification in 1828 in response to an unfavorable federal tariff. A show of force by Andrew Jackson, combined with tariff revisions, ended the crisis

Why were canals an important innovation in the early nineteenth century?

They allowed cheaper transport because boats could support heavier loads

What did the five states without extensive land claims in the west propose about how the western lands should be used?

They asked that the land be reallocated as a large national domain that could be sold to settlers seeking to migrate

How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white Americans? 1. They wanted to send American militia to help put down the rebellion. 2. They felt sympathy for the slaves. 3. They became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores. 4. They paid no attention to the rebellion.

They became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores

How did the election of 1828 change the viewpoints of national politicians?

They began to see the value of political parties

Which of the following is an accurate description of Archaic Indians? 1. They hunted smaller game with traps, nets, and hooks and used tools to process wild foods. 2. They domesticated animals as a food source. 3. They depended on agriculture for food. 4. Most established permanent, though small, villages.

They hunted smaller game with traps, nets, and hooks and used tools to process wild foods.

Around 4000 BP, which of the following important changes occurred among Woodland cultures? 1. They began focusing less on hunting and more on plant gathering because their traditional animal food sources were becoming scarce. 2. They abandoned their hunting-gathering lifestyle and built permanent settlements devoted to raising corn. 3. They incorporated limited forms of plant growing and pottery making into their hunting-gathering lifestyle. 4. They abandoned their hunting-gathering lifestyle and began domesticating animals for food sources.

They incorporated limited forms of plant growing and pottery making into their hunting-gathering lifestyle

How did some Republican lawmakers in the South attempt to stop racial segregation in public facilities during reconstruction?

They levied fines against transportation companies that tried to segregate black and white passengers

What were the British leaders' responses to Gage's request for more troops?

They refused and ordered him to arrest any troublemakers

Fort Sumter

Union fort on an island at the entrance to Charleston harbor in South Carolina. After Confederate leaders learned that President Lincoln intended to resupply Fort Sumter, Confederate forces attacked the fort on April 12, 1861, this marking the start of the Civil War

What scenario did Lincoln believe would bring a peaceful end to the secession crisis in the spring of 1861?

Unionists in the Lower South would assert themselves, overturn the secession decision and rejoin the Union

Shays's Rebellion

Uprising led by farmers centered in western Massachusetts. Dissidents protested taxation policies of the eastern elites who controlled the states's government. Shay's rebellion caused leaders throughout the country to worry about the confederation's ability to handle civil disorder

How did archaic people differ from Paleo-Indian ancestors?

Used stone tools to prepare food from plants

Oneida community

Utopian community organized by John Humphrey Noyes in New York in 1848. Noyes's opposition to private property led him to denounce marriage as the root of the problem. The community embraced sexual and economic communalism to the dismay of its mainstream neighbors

The Virginia Resolves suggested that

Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians.

What was collected as tribute from Mexica subject people?

Wide variety of goods

Why did southwestern people develop agriculture?

Wild plants were unreliable

In large measure, the panic! of 1819 occurred as a result of

a contraction of the money supply and plummeting prices of commodities

in 1860 jefferson davis demanded

a federal slave code for the territories

Mounting tensions between Bostonians and British soldiers in early 1770 led to the Boston Massacre,

a skirmish in which five people were killed.

The purpose of "seasoning" slaves was to

acclimate them to the physical and cultural environment of the southern colonies.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the confederation government lacked

an executive and judicial branch as well as the power to levy taxes.

The first shot at Lexington was fired by

an unknown person.

Elite southerners maintained their power over the yeoman majority

by convincing yeomen of their shared interests

The Articles of Confederation were finally approved in 1781 when all the states agreed to surrender their

claims to western lands.

Massachusetts responded to Shays's Rebellion with a

dispatch of a private army of militiamen.

What did pro-Constitution forces call themselves?


democrats claims that the south was being subjected to nego domination during reconstruction

had almost no basis in fact, false stufff

In eighteenth-century America, the main sources of population growth and diversity were

immigration and natural increase

In eighteenth-century America, the main sources of population growth and diversity were 1. immigration and natural increase. 2. Irish and Italian immigrants. 3. Eastern European and Palatine German immigrants. 4. Russian and English immigrants.

immigration and natural increase.

Steamboats had a detrimental effect on the environment because they

led to deforestation and air pollution

once he gained office, president grant became notable for his

naive and stubborn loyalty to corrupt advisors

by 1860, 52% of southern slaves worked

on plantations

The Stamp Act of 1765

set an ominous precedent in the eyes of the colonists.

the republican party developed in the 1850s around the issue of

slavery in the territories

alexander stephens of georgia and other southern moderates opposed secession on the grounds that

slavery was more protected in the Union than outside of it,

In 1860, Democrats meeting to choose a presidential candidate in Charleston, South Carolina, wound up 1. selecting Jefferson Davis as their candidate. 2. deadlocked over their choice for seventy-two ballots. 3. splitting the party into southern and northern factions over the issues of popular sovereignty and a federal code protecting slavery in the territories. 4. agreeing unanimously on Stephen A. Douglas

splitting the party into southern and northern factions over the issues of popular sovereignty and a federal code protecting slavery in the territories

In 1853, the United States negotiated the Gadsden Purchase in order to 1. secure mining rights in the Southwest. 2. support the dream of a southern route for the transcontinental railroad. 3. remove troublesome Native Americans from the area ceded by Mexico. 4. set up James Gadsden as territorial governor and possible presidential candidate.

support the dream of a southern route for the transcontinental railroad.

What was a weakness of the Continental army?

they didn't have enough people

How did Mormons establish a thriving community and efficient irrigation system in the Utah desert?

through cooperative labor under Young's direction

The battle of Bunker Hill

was a costly victory for the British.

Most loyalists or Tories were from what group of people?

wealthy merchants

in the presidential election of 1848 who skirted the issue of slavery by refusing to adopt a party platform


what defined the planter class, what percentage of white southerners belonged to this group

whits who owned plantations and grew crops, considered higher than slaves or free working people. 3%

Which slaves were liberated by the Emancipation Proclamation?

Only slaves in non Union occupied parts of the South

Creek War

Part of the wat of 1812 involving the Creek nation in the Mississippi territory and Tennessee militiamen. General Andrew Jackson's forces defeated the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814, forcing them to sign away much of their land

What did Jefferson suggest in his inaugural address?

Party policies were not the most important thing in American democracy.

Which colony was known as "the best poor Man's Country in the World"? 1. Pennsylvania. 2. Rhode Island. 3. New York. 4. Massachusetts.


During the 1500s what was the most valuable export from new Spain?

Precious metals

What financial decision caused the South to experience a much higher rate of inflation than the North during the Civil War?

Printing paper money

Why was Alexander Hamilton's unsuccessful Report on Manufacturing designed to encourage?

Production of American made goods

Why did James Madison eventually restrain his opposition to Hamiltons debt package?

Promised he would support Madison's notion of moving the capital city along the Potomac river.

Wilmot Proviso

Proposal put forward by Representative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania in August 1846 to ban slavery in territory acquired from the Mexican American War. The Proviso enjoyed widespread support in the North but Southerners saw it as an attack on their interests

New England Puritanism owed its religious roots to the 1. followers of John Huss during the fifteenth century. 2. Mayflower Compact. 3. schism between the Roman and Byzantine churches. 4. Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century.

Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century.


Protestant immigrants from Northern Ireland, Scotland, and northern England


Protestants who sought withdrawal from the Church of England, included the pilgrims

Why did American public schools begin to replace male teachers with female teachers in the 1830s?

Public school districts preferred women teachers because they were cheaper than men

What was the purpose of the coercive acts?

Punishment for the dumping of the tea

Halfway covenant

Puritan compromise that allowed unconverted children of visible saints to become halfway members of the church

Churches played no role in the civil government of New England communities because 1. Puritans did not want to emulate the Church of England, which they considered a puppet of the king rather than an independent body that served the Lord. 2. Puritans held that religious beliefs should never influence government. 3. the majority of Puritans wanted to ensure that minor religions retained their autonomy and freedom. 4. Puritans believed it to be sacrilegious to conduct the affairs of government in the same structure used to worship God.

Puritans did not want to emulate the Church of England, which they considered a puppet of the king rather than an independent body that served the Lord.

What was the stamp act designed to do?

Raise revenue

English reformation

Reform effort initiated by Henry VIII that included banning Catholic Church and declaring monarch head of Church of England, primary concern was consolidation of political power

Great awakening

Religious revivals through colonies in 1730s and 1740s started in MA, emphasized vital faith and personal choice

Oregon Trail

Route from Independence, Missouri to Oregon traveled by American settlers starting in the late 1830s. Disease and accidents caused many more deaths along the trail than did the Indian attacks, which migrants feared

Who sent George Washington to Ohio Valley in 1753?

Royal governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie

Why did Lewis and Clark and their crew appear to be peaceful to suspicious Indian tribes?

Sacajawea and her child accompanied them

Sons of Liberty

Sam Adams, Dr. Joseph Warren, Paul Revere- civil disobedience, to protest the stamp act

Why did the federal government first attempt to regulate steamships used for interstate commerce?

Steamship accidents killed passengers. Water travel was transformed in 1807 when Robert Fulton's steam-propelled boat, the Clermont, churned up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany, touching off a steamboat craze. In 1820, a dozen boats left New York City daily, and scores more operated on midwestern rivers and the Great Lakes. By the early 1830s, more than seven hundred steamboats were in operation on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. A journey upriver from New Orleans to Louisville, Kentucky, took only one week. Such speed came with costs, however—sudden boiler explosions and terrible fatalities as well as negative effects on the environmental such as deforestation and air pollution. The increasing deaths led to initial federal attempts—at first unsuccessful—to regulate safety on ships used for interstate commerce (323-324)

As a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, 1. Abraham Lincoln scored a landslide victory against Stephen A. Douglas and became a U.S. senator. 2. Stephen A. Douglas scored a landslide victory against Abraham Lincoln and became a U.S. senator. 3. Stephen A. Douglas won a senate seat, but Abraham Lincoln became nationally known. 4. the Democrats shunned Stephen A. Douglas

Stephen A. Douglas won a senate seat, but Abraham Lincoln became nationally known

How did Andrew Jackson characterize Indians?

Subjects of the United States. Jackson broke with earlier Indian policy, thinking it absurd to negotiate with the Indians as if they were foreign nations. He also did not think that the assimilation of the Indians was a feasible goal. Jackson asserted that Indian cultures would survive only if eastern tribes were removed to territory west of the Mississippi River (334)

In 1764, in an effort to generate income for England, George Grenville initiated the

Sugar Act.

What determined the thin spread of Native American population across North America?

Survival strategies of hunting, gathering and agriculture

Particle inheritance

System of inheritance in which land was divided equally among sons, eventually became too small and forced children to move away to find new land for farming

Task system

System of labor in which leaves were given daily task and had free time after

What English immigrant built the earliest factory mechanical spinning machine that produced thread and yarn in 1790's?

Samuel Slater; by 1815, nearly 170 spinning mills had been built along New England rivers (325)

In the eighteenth century, the majority of immigrants coming to America were

Scots-Irish or slaves from Africa.

What motivated Portuguese explorers to find a sea route initially to Asia in 1480s?

Sea route were safer than land routes

First continental congress

September 1774 gathering of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to discuss the crisis precipitated by the coercive acts, the congress produced a declaration of rights and limited boycott of trade with Britain

What did the New York Female Moral Reform Society work to eradicate?

Sexual sin. The women who started the New York Female Moral Reform Society in 1833 wanted to eliminate sexual sin, especially prostitution. They believed that uncontrolled male sexual expression threatened society in general and women in particular. In the society's nationally distributed newspaper, the Advocate of Moral Reform, they denounced men who visited brothels or seduced innocent women (343)

How was Abigail Adams a more radical figure than her husband in March of 1776?

She hoped for improvements in women's legal status and her husband dismissed the ideas

After their arrival in the Western Hemisphere, Paleo-Indians migrated to the southern tip of South America and virtually everywhere else in the Western Hemisphere within 1. 10,000 years or so. 2. 50 years or so. 3. 100 years or so. 4. 1,000 years or so.

1,000 years or so.

What percent of the nation's industrial workers lived in the south by 1860 when the economies of the north and south were diverging

10 percent

Stamp Act

1765 British law imposing a tax on all paper used for official documents, for the purpose of raising revenue. Widespread resistance led to its repeal in 1766

XYZ affair

1797 incident in which American negotiators in France were rebuffed for refusing to pay a substantial bribe. The incident led by the United States into an undeclared war with France called the Quasi War, which intensified antagonism between Federalists and republicnas

Missouri Compromise

1820 congressional compromise engineered by Henry Clay that paired Missouri's entrance into the Union as a slave state with Maine's entrance as a free state. The compromise also established Missouri's southern border as the permanent line dividing slave from free states

Kansas Nebraska Act

1854 law that divided Indians territory into Kansas and Nebraska, repealed the Missouri Compromise and left the new territories to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. The measure led to bloody fighting in Kansas

Dred Scott decision

1857 Supreme Court decision that ruled the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. The Court ruled against the slave Dred Scott , who claimed that travels with his master into free states made him and his family free. The decision also denied the federal government the right to exclude slavery in the territories and declared that African Americans were not citizens

Out of the 13,000 Americans who died in the Mexican American War, how many perished from Mexican bullets and shells?


What was the new law concerning the number of states needed to amend the Constitution?

2/3 states needed

From 1700 to 1770, the black population in the South increased almost three times faster than the white population of that area; by 1770, blacks made up 1. 75 percent of the southern population. 2. 40 percent of the southern population. 3. 20 percent of the southern population. 4. 90 percent of the southern population.

40 percent of the southern population

Head right

50 acres of free land granted by the Virginia company to new settlers who paid their own transportation to the Chesapeake and to planters for each indentured servant they purchased

siege of Vicksburg

6 week siege by General Grant intended to starve out Vicksburg, Mississippi. On July 4, 1863, the 30,000 Confederate troops holding the city surrendered. The victory gave the Union control of the Mississippi River and together with Gettysburg marked a turning point of the war

By 1860, what percentage of the world's supply of cotton was produced in the southern United States?

75 percent

what percentage of world cotton supplies came from the american south by 1860?

75% grown by slaves

What did Benedict Arnold offer to the British General Clinton in New York in exchange for money in 1779?

A British victory at West Point

Hunter gatherer

A at of life that involved hunting game and gathering food from natural sources, as opposed to engaging in agriculture. Archaic Indians and their descendants survived using this technique in North America for centuries

Pontiac's rebellion

A coordinated uprising of Native American tribes in 1763 in the Northwest after the end of the Seven years war. The rebellion heightened Britain's determination to create a boundary between Americans and Indians, embodied in the Proclamation of 1763

Who was Alexander McGillivray?

A creek Indian chief and cultural broker of Georgia

What characteristic was common across the many tubes inhabiting North America at the dawn of European colonization?

A culture developed according to local natural environment

What did the California legislature enact in 1850 in an effort to rid the gold mines of non Americans?

A foreign miners' tax law that levied high taxes on independent non American miners

The 1828 election inaugurated what change in American politics?

A less formal campaigning style. The correct answer is c. While Jackson and Adams remained personally above the electoral fray, by 1828 state-level candidates routinely gave speeches to woo voters, appearing at picnics, public banquets, and other popular forums. They also used more informal and even blunt campaign rhetoric to enhance their popular appeal (331)


A people whose empire stretched from coast to coast across central Mexico and who numbered as many as 25 million. Characterized by steep hierarchy and devotion to the war god

Incan empire

A region under the control of the Incas and their emperor, Atahualpa that stretched along the western coast of South America and contained more than nine million people and wealth in gold and silver

What did plantation owners mean when they described the master slave relationship in terms of paternalism?

A slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance

Ku Klux Klan

A social club of Confederate veterans that quickly developed into a paramilitary organization supporting Democrats. With too few Union troops in the South to control the region, the Klan went on a rampage of violence to defeat Republicans and restore white supremacy

Which of the following characterizes the first stage of the battle of Saratoga?

A victory for the British despite heavy losses

Ladies Association

A women's organization in Philadelphia that collected substantial money donations in 1780 to give to the Continental troops as a token of the citizens' appreciation. A woman leader authored a declaration, "The sentiments of an American Woman" to justify women's unexpected entry into political life

After 1820 what caused slavery to become more profitable, which in turn increased the South's political power?

Cotton production expanded to the West

Which state had a tiny slave population and was the only border state in which Unionism won an easy victory


Which was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860?

South Carolina

What was the effect of property qualifications on voters and candidates in the new states?

Disfranchise 25-50% of male votes.

How did Mass respond to Shays Rebellion?

Dispatches a private army

Which of the following best describes the U.S. government's early policy toward Indians in the Northwest Territory? 1. Leave them alone and hope American settlers could get along with them. 2. Obtain their lands with bona fide treaties signed by authorized chiefs. 3. Engage the Indians in brutal warfare followed by extermination. 4. Displace the Indians and clear the way for permanent American settlements in Ohio.

Displace the Indians and clear the way for permanent American settlements in Ohio.


Dissenters from the Church of England who wanted genuine reformation rather than partial reformation sought by Henry VIII, emphasized importance of relationship with God, developed though bible, prater and introspection

Who were most of the Americans who bought and settled the Texas land sold by Austin in the 1820s?

Southern cotton planters and their slaves

How were states going to be readmitted to the Union under the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867?

Southern voters had to vote on new states constitutions and ratify the 14th Amendment

The Virginia Resolves, authored by Patrick Henry of Virginia, were a response to the

Stamp Act

Who was responsible for passing tax bills under the Articles of Confederation?

State governments

Burial mounds

Earthen mound constructed by ancient American people's especially throughout the gigantic drainage of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, after about 2500 years ago and often used to bury important leaders and enact major ceremonies

What happened when women entered the manufacturing workforce during the Civil War?

Employers reduced wages

Pro-Constitution forces called themselves


What financial problem did the confederation government face after the war?

Had debt

Which factor contributed to a rift between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson during the 1790s?

Hamilton believed that government was safest when in the hands of the commercial elite

Which factor contributed to the rift between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson during the 1790's?

Hamilton thought the people were safest in the hands of people with money. Commercial elites.

How did the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 transform many towns in upstate New York in the late 1820s?

It brought economic growth but also prostitution and drinking

Why did politicians prefer to work in state government over national government under the articles?

It was more relevant. More important. More significant.

What happened to Roanoke island?

It's colonists disappeared while the leader was in England getting supplies

Who established an unsuccessful colony along the St. Lawrence River in 1541?

Jacques Cartier

During the process of ratifying the constitution, what was true of the three most populous states, Virginia, Mass, and New York?

Large majority opposed it.

Iroquoian society was unusual in that they were


Battle of Yorktown

October 1781 battle that sealed American victory in the Revolutionary War. American troops and a French fleet trapped the British army under the command of General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia


One of the two dominant political groups that emerged in the 1790s. they supported the revolutionaries in France and worried about monarchical Federalists at home, included Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

What did Congress accomplish with the land ordinances of 1784 and 1785?

The ordinances set out a rectangular grid system for surveying land.

Until the adoption of the 12th amendment in 1804, the Vice President was

The runner up in the electoral college

How did Spain benefit from selling Florida in the mid 16th century?

The settlement protected Spanish ships from pirates

How did abolitionists in the 1840s and 1850s make their issue more attractive to white Northerners?

They began to frame their cause in terms of limiting the geographic expansion of slavery

Why did critics oppose the federal governments assuming the states old revolutionary war debt?

They thought it would subordinate states to federal power.

The core of Antifederalists opposition to the constitution centered on what fear?

They thought that distant power might infringe on people's liberty.

Why did politicians and editorialists oppose women's groups calling for the vote?

They thought women should stay home to raise their children and civilize their husbands.

What was the result of the Lincoln Douglas debates?

They thrust Lincoln into the national spotlight

What prevented France and England from colonizing the new world in the 16th century?

They were absorbed by diplomatic and domestic issues in Europe

Why were some states reluctant to include language pertaining to equality in their bills of rights and constitutions?

They were afraid the words could be construed to apply to slaves

Gettysburg 1863

This marked both the farthest northward advancement by the Confederacy and the turning point that led to its defeat. The Confederates lost 20,000 and Lee retreated to Virginia.

Why was the presidential election of 1800 thrown into House of Representatives?

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr got an equal number of votes

Why did British issue the Proclamation of 1763?

To minimize potential for violence between colonists and Indians

Why were New Mexico and Florida established?

To solidify Spain's territorial claims in North America

Why did Cortes lead an expedition into Mexico in 1519?

To try to discover and exploit a wealthy kingdom he had heard about

Why did Cortes keep Montezuma hostage?

To use him as a political puppet through which he could rule the empire

Why was Washington sent to Ohio Valley?

To warn French that they were trespassing on Virginia land

Why were canals such an important innovation in the early nineteenth century?

Transport via canal was cheap because animal drawn barges could move heavy loads

The compromise of 1850 ended the slave trade in which city?

Washington D.C


Where did the Americans suffer their worst defeat of the revolutionary war?

Albany plan of union

Written by Ben Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson, proposed colonial control over Indian relations


a derogatory term that Southerners applied to southern white Republicans who were seen as traitors to the South. Most were yeoman farmers

Most northerners believed that john brown's 1859 raid on Harpers ferry virginia was

a lawless act of unwarranted violence

General Ulysses S Grant took the confederate stronghold of vicksburg, mississippi by means of

a lengthy siege, tried to attack directly but it ended up being a long siege

As president, Andrew Jackson favored

a limited federal government and the establishment of a federal Indian policy to remove the Indians

Which of the following was a critical difference between free black urban elites and typical free blacks in the South before 1860?

access to education

According to the Articles of Confederation how many states had to consent to amend the government?

all 13

The Second Great Awakening of the 1820s and 1830s can be described as

an unprecedented religious revival that promised access to spiritual peace and salvation

What did proslavery congressmen hope to suppress with their 1836 gag rule?

antislavery petitions in Congress

In the first half of the 19th century when prospective entrepreneurs obtained bank loans to finance their new venues, the loans were issued in the form of


in the presidential election of 1836, three whig candidates to run in his place

because each candidate had a solid popular regional base but none had the support of all regions

by 1810 free blacks in the south were growing more numerous and were

becoming a source of worry to white southerners

The primary reason native peoples in California remained hunters and gatherers for hundreds of years after Europeans arrived in the Western Hemisphere was that 1. the small number of tribes in the region freely shared acorn-gathering territory. 2. both land and ocean provided an abundant food supply. 3. California was the least populated area in ancient America, and little competition existed for food sources. 4. the California peoples developed specialized diets that included only fish and marine life.

both land and ocean provided an abundant food supply.

In the eighteenth century, the Southern slaveholding gentry dominated

both the politics and the economy of the South

senator stephen a douglas of illinois won passage of the resolutions in henry clay's omnibus bill by

breaking the bill into its various parts and fashioned a different coalition to pass ech one

Burgoyne's defeat at the battle of Saratoga was a decisive moment in the Revolutionary War because it

brought France into the war on the side of the patriots.

the practical destruction of the slave system was accomplished

by the civil war itself

The author of the radical pamphlet Common Sense

called for independence and a republican government.

Adams's Judiciary act 1801

created Federalist judge positions right before he leaves office, makes President Jefferson's and republican's lives miserable

What were some obstacles the British army faced?

difficulty supplying the army with food and supplies

the passion among southern planters for defending their honor often led to

duels, with pistols

Christopher Seider

eleven year old boy, first to die as a result of revolutionary acts

Collecting taxes is an example of reversed powers


Antifederalists were convinced that under the Constitution elected representatives would always be

from the upper class

President lincoln's reconstruction plan, the 1863 proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction offered

full pardons to ex rebels who would renounce secession and accept the abolition of slavery

before the 1850s southerners had used the threat of secession as a ploy to

gain concessions within the union

legislation passed by the republicans during the civil war

helped the northern war effort

Black Hawk's resistance to removal from Illinois led to

his capture and the massacre of some 400 of his people

The spread of public schools in the 1820s and 1830s made education more accessible to students and affected teaching by

initiating a shift toward hiring women as cheap instructors.

. The Proclamation of 1763 was also meant to 1. permit American colonists to advance west of the Mississippi River. 2. threaten the Indians of the Ohio Valley. 3. give the colonial assemblies control over westward movement. 4. keep the peace between Indians and colonists.

keep the peace between Indians and colonists.

The Proclamation of 1763 was also meant to

keep the peace between Indians and colonists.

The most visible and dedicated loyalists (also called Tories by their enemies) were

local judges, customs officers, wealthy merchants, and urban lawyers.

In the western states of kentucky and missouri the struggle over whether to secede from or remain in the union was

marked by violence

What was the surveyor's mark on a map that divided the north from the south

mason dixon line

what tasks were assigned to elderly slaves

mind livestock and clean stables

Well into the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress was forced to procure supplies and labor and to pay soldiers by

offering land grant certificates and issuing certificates of debt.

Powhatan and his people were suspicious of English intentions because the colonists 1. often resorted to violence in their interactions with Indians. 2. frequently intermarried with Indian women. 3. adopted Indian children. 4. made a concerted effort to convert Indians to Christianity

often resorted to violence in their interactions with Indians.

As a part of the Great Compromise, delegates at the Philadelphia convention agreed

on a lower house whose seats would be apportioned on the basis of population, and an upper house—the Senate—that would have two senators per state.

Many Germans and Scots-Irish without passage money arrived in Philadelphia as "redemptioners," who were

persons who had obtained money for passage from a friend or relative in the colonies or by selling themselves as servants once they arrived.

Funding for transportation improvements in America between 1815 and 1840 came mostly from 1. state governments. 2. the federal government. 3. private and state funding. 4. private investment.

private and state funding

Who owned almost all railroads in the early days of the industry in the 1850s?

private corporations

Electoral college

process of voting for executive positions, each state sends electors equal to number of Congress people, based on population, initially winner was president and runner up was vice president

The initial goal of the Second Continental Congress was to

raise and supply an army and negotiate a reconciliation with England.

when southern delegates met to draw up new state constitutions in 1865, they

refused to follow president johnson's mild requirements for restoration to the union

The Constitutional Convention deadlocked over the issue of


In the 1500s, the British and French 1. saw no benefit to colonization as long they could successfully raid Spanish treasure ships. 2. tried to duplicate Spain's New World discoveries and successes but were diverted by religious wars. 3. successfully colonized in North America only in territory where the Spanish were not already present. 4. sent explorers into the New World but were unable to sustain thriving colonies.

sent explorers into the New World but were unable to sustain thriving colonies.

The American goal of capturing Montreal and Quebec early in the war

showed that the Americans were not just reacting to the British invasion of Massachusetts.

Why did the southern economy remain agriculturally based, instead of becoming diversified?

since planters were earning healthy profits gained more land and slaves

A woman in the early republic who owned and conveyed property, made contracts, and initiated lawsuits was probably 1. friends with influential men in her neighborhood. 2. a lawyer. 3. single. 4. married.


The majority of cotton production in the antebellum period was done by

slave labor

Southern planters tended to buy newly arrived Africans in small groups because

small groups of slaves ensured that newcomers could be trained by the planters' seasoned slaves.

The colony of New Netherland was marked by a 1. large, remarkably diverse population. 2. large population consisting almost exclusively of people from France and Spain. 3. small, remarkably homogeneous population. 4. small, remarkably diverse population.

small, remarkably diverse population.

What did the framers of the US Constitution create an electoral college to elect the president and vice president of the United States?

so that a US president would not owe his office to any state or national elected officials

In 1492, Native American cultures were 1. characterized by an impressive level of similarity and unity. 2. divided into about a dozen groups whose members shared most important cultural traits. 3. becoming increasingly unified and similar. 4. so varied that they defy easy and simple description.

so varied that they defy easy and simple description.

What did the state of New York do after it failed to secure land from the Iroquois with an individual treaty?

sold the land even without the treaty

Slave trade compromise

stated that slavery could not be outlawed for 20 years

In the high-stakes debates surrounding the Compromise of 1850, Senator William H. Seward of New York stunned Congress and disagreed with Daniel Webster and Henry Clay when he 1. suggested that the North ought to secede from the Union if a proslavery president should happen to be elected in 1852. 2. announced that it was no longer possible to work in any fruitful way with Southerners in Congress. 3. stated that there was "a higher law than the Constitution"—the law of God. 4. advocated that the North marshal all its resources to stop slavery expansion in the territories and to roll back the institution of slavery where it already existed.

stated that there was "a higher law than the Constitution"—the law of God.

During the 1840s and 1850s, U.S. factories were able to become more productive because 1. steam engines began to be used as an energy source. 2. the use of electricity became widespread. 3. waterwheel technology improved. 4. water and animal power had been phased out.

steam engines began to be used as an energy source

Lord North removed all the Townsend duties except for the tax on


One of the precipitating causes of the panic! of 1837 was

that the Bank of England began call in loans made to American merchants

what did the presidential election of 1856 reveal about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the democratic and republican parties?

that the republicans had become the democrats main challenger and slavery in the territories was the elections principal issue


the theory of slavery that emphasized the reciprocal duties and obligations between masters and their slaves, with slaves providing labor and obedience and masters providing basic care and direction. Whites employed the concept of paternalism to deny that the states system was brutal and exploitative

Most of the new states spelled out their citizens' rights and liberties in written contracts because

the unwritten nature of British political traditions led to Americans being denied liberties they had assumed they possessed.

What was one early American strategy?

to retreat as they were being defeated in order to save people

Charles II made William Penn the proprietor of a new colony partly 1. to spread the system of Quaker beliefs. 2. to keep him quiet about corruption and scandal involving the queen. 3. to encourage Methodists to move from England. 4. to rid England of Quakers.

to rid England of Quakers.

Why did so many Americans pick up and move frequently during the nineteenth century?

to seek better economic prospects

A "country-born" slave was one who

was born into slavery in the colonies.

While Abraham Lincoln espoused a typical racial attitude for a white man of his day, he personally believed that slavery 1. was morally wrong. 2. was an institution dangerously misunderstood by most Northerners. 3. would be acceptable with a few humane modification 4. should be allowed to expand into the territories but be abolished where it already existed

was morally wrong

the ambitious economic development programs of the republican state governments in the reconstruction era south

was not a solution to the south's economic problems

for the 19th century southern slaves working in the big house

was seen as privilege but had serious drawbacks

In eighteenth-century New England, the Congregational Church 1. was popular, but plurality was the norm. 2. was not as popular as the Anglican Church. 3. was supported by taxes paid by all residents. 4. tried to undermine the Puritan Church, which was losing membership

was supported by taxes paid by all residents.

Franklin piece, the democratic presidential candidate in 1852 was nominated largely because he

was sympathetic to southerners views on public issues

Because of the success of the Virginia colony, Powhatan's people 1. moved far away. 2. were Christianized. 3. allied with the neighboring tribes and the Spanish. 4. were almost exterminated.

were almost exterminated.

In the new republic, traditional gender relations 1. were altered in light of republican ideals that pointed out the equality of men and women. 2. shifted as women abandoned domestic duties for a new role in the political sphere. 3. remained largely unaltered from the norm. 4. were briefly reversed because the war spared more women than men.

were altered in light of republican ideals that pointed out the equality of men and women

Most runaway slaves

were caught and returned

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 generally

were concerned about the weaknesses in the government under the Articles of Confederation.

Among the reasons why immigrants left their homelands for the United States in the 1840s and 1850s

were famine and deteriorating economic conditions in their mother countries, along with the opportunities in America for skilled artisans.

most poor whites

were hardworking people who aspired to climb into the ranks of the yeomanry

some northerners were opposed to the extension of slavery into the land gained from the war with mexico because they

were hostile to blacks and wanted to reserve new lands for whites

Indentured women 1. were given more rights than were their male counterparts, to entice them to the colony. 2. were not permitted to marry until their servitude was complete. 3. were as rare as skilled workers and could set the price of their labor. 4. often ran off with free men to start farms of their own

were not permitted to marry until their servitude was complete.

when slave boys and girls in the antebellum south reached the age of eleven or twelve most

were sent to the fields to learn farm work

In colonial America, deists

were usually educated and followed the ideas of European Enlightenment thinkers.

ex slaves wanted to make personal decisions without white interference such as whether or not

women and children would labor in the fields

The convention at Seneca Falls in 1848 advocated

women's rights and suffrage.

The convention at Seneca Falls in 1848 advocated 1. women's rights and suffrage. 2. the abolition of slavery. 3. equal pay for women workers. 4. better sanitary conditions to curb the rising infant mortality rate

women's rights and suffrage.

During the civil war, when the northern industrial boom caused unemployment to decline and wages to rise

workers' standard of living fell due to inflation and taxes

French and Indian war

world war, in North America was a war for control, called the seven years war

In 1775, most of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress remained reluctant to break with Britain because they

worried about the loss of Britain's military support, the effect on their economies, and political stability.

War Hawks

young men newly elected to Congress of 1811 who were eager for war with Britain in order to end impressments, fight Indians, and expand into neighboring British territory, included Henry Clay, John Calhoun

As a result of the Seven Years' War,

Indians lost their land and had to face colonists moving west.

As a result of the Seven Years' War, 1. England's royal treasury was filled, due to war booty. 2. Indians lost their land and had to face colonists moving west. 3. cracks in the English-American alliance were mended. 4. colonists had a new respect for British military leaders.

Indians lost their land and had to face colonists moving west.

The group that suffered the greatest losses in the War of 1812 was the 1. United States. 2. Indians. 3. British. 4. War Hawks in Congress



Individuals who believed that Christians could be saved by faith alone and did not need to act in accordance with God's laws as set forth in bible, considered heresy

About a month after the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, delegates from all of the colonies met to discuss their course of action at the

Second Continental Congress

About a month after the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord, delegates from all of the colonies met to discuss their course of action at the 1. Second Continental Congress. 2. Continental Association. 3. House of Burgesses. 4. First Continental Congress.

Second Continental Congress

How did Congress respond to Andrew Jackson's plan for expelling the Indians from American territory east of the Mississippi River?

It backed him and appropriated $500,000 to relocate eastern tribes west of the Mississippi

How did the embargo act of 1807 impact the US?

It closed down American exports, increased unemployment, and reduced government revenues

What was the purpose of the 15th amendment which was ratified in 1870?

It extended black male suffrage to the entire nation

Why did some Americans blame the second Bank of the United States for the panic of 1819?

It had failed to control state banks

Why did some Americans blame the second Bank of the United States for the panic of 1819?

It had failed to control state banks. Americans blamed the panic of 1819 on the second Bank of the United States for failing to control state banks that had suspended specie payments in their eagerness to expand the economic bubble. By mid-1818, when the Bank of the United States called in its loans and insisted that the state banks do likewise, the contracting of the money supply sent tremors throughout the economy (330)

battle of Bunker Hill

Second battle of the war, on June 16, 1775, involving a massive British attack on New England militia units on a hill facing Boston. The militiamen finally yielded the hill, but not before inflicting heavy casualties on the British

How did John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia affect the South?

It led some southern whites to conclude that many Northerners wanted to end slavery with violence

How did the creation of the United States Post Office in 1792 aid in stimulating the American economy?

It led to a surge in public and private road building to facilitate the transport of mail

How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white Americans?

It might spread to the U.S.

How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 address issues facing African Americans?

It prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory

Why did the idea of manifest destiny gain support from so many Americans?

It provided a strong ideological justification for American's desire to acquire and own more land

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin influence northerner's attitudes toward slavery?

It put forth a stirring moral indictment

How did the fourteenth amendment restrict states?

It reduced congressional representation for states that withheld suffrage from some of its adult male population

What did the Tenure of Office Act stipulate?

It required the Senate to approve the removal of a government official appointed with senate approval

How did England attempt to secure a North American settlement in the late 16th century?

It sent explorers but couldn't sustain a thriving colony

Why was the battle of Bull Run in July 1861 significant?

It taught Lincoln that victory would neither be quick nor easy

What about the doctrine of popular sovereignty made it attractive to Northerners and Southerners alike?

It was ambiguous about the moment at which the fate of slavery would be decided

Which of the following statements best characterizes the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770?

It was over in minutes, and the British regiments were then moved to an island in the harbor for their protection.

Why was the presidential election of 1828 unprecedented (unknown)?

Its outcome was determined by popular vote. In 1828, twenty-two out of twenty-four states gave voters the privilege of designating the number of electors committed to a particular candidate, rather than leaving the choice of electors to the state legislatures. The result was greatly increased voter turnout: Nearly three times as many people voted in 1828 as had in 1824, and the level of participation remained high throughout the 1830's (331, 332)

How was President Jackson different from President Thomas Jefferson?

Jackson exercised his presidential veto power over Congress. He was perfectly willing to veto legislation of which he did not approve. All the presidents before Jackson had used the veto a total of nine times combined; Jackson used it twelve times during his eight years in office (333)

Who, along with Alexander Hamilton, was instrumental in calling for the Philadelphia meeting in May 1787 to discuss the Articles?

James Madison

Who became the president of the new Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

Why did Thomas Jefferson advocate giving, not selling, the land of the Northwest Territory to American settlers?

Jefferson wanted to encourage rapid democratic settlement and discourage land speculation

What accounted for the 35% increase in the US population between 1790-1800?

Larger average family size and adequate food and land resources

slave codes

Laws enacted in southern states in the 1820s and 1830s that required the total submission of slaves. Attacks by antislavery activists and by slaves convinced southern legislatures that they had to do everything in their power to strengthen the institution of slavery

Two-thirds of the constitutional conventions delegates were?


Toussaint L'Ouverture was known for

Leading the slave revolt in the Haitian Revolution

James Madison objected to the proposals in Alexander Hamilton's Report on Public Credit because they profited speculators along with...

Leading to high taxation

A typical pattern for boys not remaining on the farm in the 1820s and 1830s was to

Leave school at the age of 14 and become either an apprentice in a trade or an entry-level clerk

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Legislation passed by Congress in 1866 that nullified the black codes and affirmed that black Americans should have equal benefit of the law. President Andrew Johnson vetoed this expansion of black rights and federal authority, but Congress later overrode his veto


Members of society of friends, God spoke through inner light

Which Americans were the most vigorous defenders of limited suffrage during the first third of the nineteenth century?

Members of the propertied elite

In Advice to American Women, Mrs. A. J. Graves offered support for which new idea about gender relations in Jacksonian America?

Men and women occupy separate spheres in American society (339)

Who served as mercenaries for other tribes?


Where in the Americas did the cultivation of corn begin?


What argument did President Polk use to justify his decision to claim Mexico's northern provinces in 1846?

Mexico could not protect the territory from Indian attacks and raids

President Polk's battle strategy misfired because

Mexico refused to trade land for peace.

American Temperance Society

Organization founded in 1826 by Lyman Beecher that linked drinking with poverty, idleness, ill health and violence. Temperance lecturers traveled the country gaining converts to the cause. The temperance movement had considerable success, contributing to a sharp drop in American alcohol consumption

What did Jefferson suggest in his inaugural address?

Party politics was not the most important thing in American democracy

Why were some states reluctant to include "equality language" in their bill of rights and constitutions?

People may think that it applied to slaves.

How did Martin Van Buren "the Little Magician" present himself to southern Democrats when he ran for president in 1836?

"A northern man with southern principles" Partisans of rival candidate John c. Calhoun hoped to discredit Van Buren among southern pro-slavery Democrats by pointing to Van Buren's support of suffrage for New York's propertied blacks at the 1821 state convention on suffrage. Van Buren's supporters countered this by claiming that Van Buren had merely favored retaining the existing stiff property qualifications for the few elite blacks who had always voted in New York, while at the same time eliminating all such obstacles to voting for white men in the state (347)

In 1823, President James Monroe issued what became known as the Monroe Doctrine, a statement that the Americas 1. "will ultimately come under the rule of one republic, the United States." 2. "are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power." 3. "have no interests in Europe that supersede the Western Hemisphere's domestic tranquility." 4. "are destined to become one economic unit with laws and procedures by which Europe must abide."

"are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power."

The Gaspée incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees known as

"committees of correspondence."

Acres of land under the Land Ordinance of 1785 cost how much per acre?


King James revoked the Virginia Company charter and made Virginia a royal colony in 1624. Factors contributing to this decision included 1. John Smith's execution of two of the younger sons of English aristocrats. 2. Powhatan's uprising and an investigative report showing that disease and mismanagement were responsible for high mortality rates among colonists. 3. John Smith's reports of hostility with Indians. 4. John Smith's arbitrary actions and the need to stop colonists from skimming the "royal fifth" from the tobacco profits.

Powhatan's uprising and an investigative report showing that disease and mismanagement were responsible for high mortality rates among colonists.

How did the Compromise of 1877 resolve the controversy surrounding the 1876 presidential election?

President Hayes promised to withdraw all federal troops from the South

Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln's proclamation issued on January 1, 1863 declaring all slaved in Confederate controlled territory free. The proclamation made the Civil War a war to free slaves, however its limitations-exemptions for loyal border states and Union occupied areas of the Confederacy-made some ridicule the act

Who's plan for reconstruction allowed for the organization of a new state government when 10% of a state's voting population had taken an oath of allegiance

President lincoln's

How did Robert Morris propose increasing the revenue of the confederation government?

Proposed a 5% tax

What did the United States promise to do in the 1790 Treaty of New York?

Protect the borders of Creek boundaries

Visible saints

Puritans who has passed tests of conversion and Church membership and through to be God's elect

The dominant group in eighteenth-century Philadelphia society in terms of wealth and political power was

Quaker merchants.

The dominant group in eighteenth-century Philadelphia society in terms of wealth and political power was 1. fishermen. 2. artisans. 3. wheat farmers. 4. Quaker merchants.

Quaker merchants.

What was the major objection to the Virginia Plan by the smaller states at the Constitutional Convention?

Representation based on population in both houses

Which antifederalist conviction did James Madison challenge in essay number 10 of The Federalist Papers?

Republican government had to be small scale

How did ex slave holders envision emancipations effects on the southern economy and social system


by the terms of president lincoln's reconstruction plan, a rebel state would be allowed back into the union only after

10 percent of the state's voting population had taken an oath of allegiance

What did congress promise to soldiers who committed for the entirety of the war?

100 acre land grant

How long did the fighting continue at the Battle of Yorktown before General Cornwallis and his troops surrendered on October 19, 1781?

12 days

Declaratory act

1766 law issued by Parliament to assert Parliament's unassailable right to legislate for British colonies, putting Americans on notice that the simultaneous repeal of the Stamp Act changed nothing on the imperial powers of Britain

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

1784 treaty with the Iroquois Confederacy that established the primacy of the American confederation to negotiate with Indians and that resulted in large land cessions in the Ohio Country. Tribes nor present at Fort Stanwix disavowed treaty

Jay Treaty

1795 treaty between the United States and Britain, negotiated by John Jay. It secured limited trading rights in the West Indies but failed to ensure timely removal of British forces from western forts and reimbursement for slaves removed by the British after the Revolution

Treaty of Greenville

1795 treaty between the United States and various Indian tribes in Ohio. The United States gave the tribes treaty at $25,000. In exchange the Indians ceded most of Ohio to the Americans, brought only temporary peace to the region

Alien and Sedition Acts

1798 laws passed to suppress political dissent. The sedition act criminalized conspiracy and criticism of government leaders, the two alien acts extended the waiting period for citizenship and empowered the president to deport or imprison without trial any foreigner deemed a danger

Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

1798 resolutions condemning the Alien and Sedition Acts submitted to the federal government by the Virginia and Kentucky state legislatures. The resolutions tested the idea that states legislatures could judge the constitutionality of federal laws and nullify them

Marbury vs Madison

1803 Supreme Court case that established the concept of judicial review in finding that parts of the Judiciary Act of 1789 were in conflict with the Constitution. The Supreme Court assumed legal authority to overrule acts of other branches of the government

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of French territory west of the Mississippi River that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, nearly doubled the size of the United States and opened the way for future American expansion west

Lewis and Clark expedition

1804-1806 expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark that explored the trans-Mississippi West for the IS government. The expedition's mission was scientific, political, and geographic


18th century philosophical movement that emphasized isle of reason to reevaluate previous doctrines and traditions

At the time of Columbus's arrival in the New World, the population of Native Americans in North America is prudently estimated to have been 1. 500,000. 2. 1 million. 3. 15 million. 4. 4 million.

4 million

The Constitution was to be considered ratified as soon as it had been approved by

9 of the states

According to the Articles of Confederation how many states had to consent to pass laws?

9 out of the 13

Who had to ratify the constitution before it could go into effect?

9 states

After fifty years of contact with Europeans in the New World, 1. 90 percent of the Indians had died primarily from the harshness of colonial policies and diseases inadvertently transmitted by Europeans. 2. five out of ten Indians in New Spain had died primarily from war and coerced labor. 3. nine out of ten Indians in New Spain had died primarily from harsh working conditions and torture when they refused to convert to Catholicism 4. five out of ten Indians in New Spain had died from smallpox, measles, and other microorganisms Cortés purposefully used to destroy the natives

90 percent of the Indians had died primarily from the harshness of colonial policies and diseases inadvertently transmitted by Europeans

By what percentage had the Indian population been reduced in new Spain by 1570?



A British naval practice of seizing sailors on American ships under the claim that they were deserters from the British navy. Some 2500 American men were taken by force into service, a grievance that helped propel the United States to declare war on Britain

Newburgh Conspiracy

A bogus coup staged by Continental army officers and leaders in the Continental congress in 1782-1783. They hoped that a forceful demand for military back pay and pensions would create pressure for stronger taxation powers. General Washington defused the threat

Royal colony

A colony ruled by a kind or queen and governed by officials appointed to serve the monarchy and represent its interests

What was a shared feature of all the state constitutions drawn up during the American Revolution?

A commitment to republicanism

Committees of correspondence

A communications network established among towns in Massachusetts and among colonial capital towns in 1772-1773 to provide for rapid spread of news about political developments, politicized ordinary townspeople sparking a revolutionary language of rights and duties

The league of five nations, which remained powerful well into the 18th century was formed as

A confederation of the Iroquoian tribes for the purpose of war and diplomacy

Declaration of Independence

A document containing philosophical principles and a list of grievances that declared separation from Britain. The Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration on July 4, 1776, ending a period of intense debate with moderates still hoping to reconcile with Britain

The Anasazi culture disappeared due to

A drought that lasted more than 50 years

Fugitive Slave Act

A law included in the Compromise of 1850 to help attract southern support for the legislative package. Its strict provisions for capturing runaway slaves provoked outrage in the North and intensified antislavery sentiment in the region

Common Sense

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 that laid out the case for independence. In it, Paine rejected monarchy, advocating its replacement with republican government based on the consent of the people. The pamphlet influenced public opinion throughout the colonies

Report on Manufactures

A proposal by Treasury Secretary Hamilton in 1791 calling for the federal government to encourage domestic manufacturers with subsidies while imposing tariffs on foreign imports. Congress initially rejected the measure

battle of Oriskany

A punishing defeat for Americans in a ravine named Oriskany near Fort Stanwix in New York in 1777. Mohawk and Seneca Indians ambushed German American militiamen aided by allied Oneida warriors and 500 on the Revolutionary side were killed


A system of governing used during the Reconquest and in new Spain. Allowed the Spanish owner to collect tribute form the town in return for providing law and order and encouraging Indians to convert to Christianity

Battle of Saratoga

A two-stage battle in New York ending with the decisive defeat and surrender of the British general John Burgoyne on October 17, 1777. This victory convinced France to throw its official support to the American side in the war

How did abolitionists respond to Lincoln's plans for reconstruction?

Abolitionists found his plan;s terms too easy and were enraged

When did north and South America become isolated from the other continents?

About 240 million years before humans existed

When considering the wartime leadership of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, a central irony emerges in that 1. Lincoln successfully shepherded the nation through an awful war and yet struggled with his own misgivings about America's form of republicanism. 2. neither man was very committed to the efforts he embarked on. 3. Abraham Lincoln brought little political experience to his presidency yet rose to the occasion to become a masterful leader, whereas Jefferson Davis, a seasoned politician, proved to be a relatively ineffectual chief executive. 4. Jefferson Davis made grandiose public statements about what the Confederate States of America might be able to accomplish but privately believed that the South never had a chance.

Abraham Lincoln brought little political experience to his presidency yet rose to the occasion to become a masterful leader, whereas Jefferson Davis, a seasoned politician, proved to be a relatively ineffectual chief executive.

What delayed development of agriculture in Pacific Northwest people?

Abundance of wild plants and fish

Why did people attend outdoor camp meetings?

Access to spiritual peace. The ministers who preached at camp meetings used an emotional style that offered a quicker and more direct path to spiritual peace. This gave the members of the audience instant salvation, not the kind that required years of soul-searching and preparation. It paralleled political democratization by offering salvation to anybody who chose it (341)

Embargo Act of 1807

Act of Congress that prohibited US ships from foreign ports and effectively banned overseas trade in an attempt to deter Britain from halting US ships at sea. The embargo caused grave hardships for Americans engaged in overseas commerce

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Act that directed the mandatory relocation of eastern tribes to territory west of the Mississippi. Jackson insisted that his goal was to save the Indians. Indians resisted the controversial act, but in the end most were forced to comply

In the 1796 presidential election, what was the end result between opponents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?

Adams became president (federalists) Jefferson vice (republican).

If Andrew Jackson had any doubts that John Quincy Adams became president in 1824 as a result of a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay, he became confident that he was right when 1. Adams made Clay his secretary of war. 2. Clay's letters to Adams were leaked to the press. 3. it was discovered that money had been exchanged between the two men. 4. Adams made Clay his secretary of state.

Adams made Clay his secretary of state.

Seeking to reduce the fear of many Southerners that the newly elected Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party meant to tamper with slavery, 1. Robert Toombs wrote, "The Republicans have pledged to respect our slave property and I know them as honorable men." 2. Alexander Stephens wrote, "Revolutions are much easier started than controlled. I consider slavery much more secure in the Union than out of it." 3. James Henry Hammond wrote, "Abraham Lincoln is no abolitionist, that I am certain of." 4. Howell Cobb wrote, "Abraham Lincoln has given me his personal assurance that our most cherished institution is safe in the arms of a Republican administration

Alexander Stephens wrote, "Revolutions are much easier started than controlled. I consider slavery much more secure in the Union than out of it

In his farewell address, president Washington spoke for a "unified body politic" and against permanent what?

Alliances with foreign countries.

Sugar Act

Also known as Revenue Act, 1764 British law that decreased the duty on French molasses, making it more attractive for shippers to obey the law, and at the same time raised penalties for smuggling. The sugar act regulated trade, but it's primary purpose was to raise revenue

The leading exemplar of the Second Great Awakening, Charles Grandison Finney, insisted that 1. Americans "vote in the Lord Jesus Christ as the governor of the universe." 2. women had too much influence in the church already, and any more would rock its very foundations. 3. "Alcohol is the devil's work." 4. the legal system taking hold in the United States was the work of Satan and that only the business class was benefiting from societal changes.

Americans "vote in the Lord Jesus Christ as the governor of the universe

The leading exemplar of the Second Great Awakening, Charles Grandison Finney, insisted that

Americans "vote in the Lord Jesus Christ as the governor of the universe."

In 1845, New York journalist and armchair expansionist John L. O'Sullivan coined the term manifest destiny, by which he meant that

Americans had the God-given right to expand their superior civilization across the continent.

In 1829, an African American, Boston printer by the named of David Walker published

An Appeal... to the Coloured Citizens of the World, which condemned racism, invoked egalitarian language of the Declaration of Independence, and hinted racial violence if whites did not changed their prejudice ways (344)

What was the republican notion about concerning marriage in the United States in the 1790s?

An affectionate marriage promotes women's service to their husbands and families so that men can better serve the public good

battle of Tippecanoe

An attack on Shawnee Indians at Prophetstown on the Tippecanoe River in 1811 by American forces headed by William Henry Harrison, Indiana's territorial governor. Tecumseh deepened his resolve to make war on the United States

Pueblo revolt

An effective revolt of pueblo Indians in New Mexico under the leadership of Pope against spaniards, targeted symbols of Christianity, drove Spanish out of New Mexico

After 1828, political leaders considered the development of political parties to be:

An effective way to encourage vote loyalty that transcended specific candidates and elections

four initial positions of the Cabinet

Attorney General Edmund Randolph Secretary of War Henry Knox Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson Secretary of treasury Alexander Hamilton

In 1829, private railroad companies gave canals competitions and the 1st nation's railroad laid 13 miles of track in

Baltimore and Ohio (325)

Chesapeake Incident 1807

British ship opens fire on US ship, which is forced to surrender, US soldiers taken by British, results in Embargo Act

how were the popular and electoral votes distributed in the 1876 presidential election

Congress created a special electoral commission to arbitrate the disputed returns, all commissioners voted their party affiliation putting hayes over the electoral

Military Reconstruction Act

Congressional act of March 1867 that initiated military rule of the South. Congressional reconstruction divided the ten unreconstructed Confederate states into five military districts each under the direction of a Union general. It also established the procedure by which unreconstructed states could reenter the Union

Great Compromise

Connecticut Compromise, three branches, systems of checks and balances

The battle of fallen timbers in 1794 was a decisive event because it

Constituted a major defeat for the major tribes in the Northwest territory

liberal constructionism

Constitution can have interpretation nuances, more power to national government, George Washington

Judiciary Act of 1789

Constitution creates Judicial Branch, Supreme court and lower federal courts

strict constructionism

Constitution should be followed exactly with little room for interpretation, more power to states

Fourteenth Amendment

Constitutional amendment passed in 1866 that made all native born or naturalized persons US citizens and prohibited states from abridging the rights of national citizens. The amendment aimed to provide a guarantee of equality before the law for black citizens

Fifteenth Amendment

Constitutional amendment passed in February 1869 prohibiting states from depriving any citizen of the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It extended black suffrage nationwide. Woman suffrage advocates were disappointed that the amendment failed to extend voting rights to women

What was the purpose of the Iroquoian confederation?

Cooperate on tasks and burdens of war and diplomacy

What 1792 event stimulated road building?

Creation of the U.S. Post office.

The continental army achieved an impressive victory over the British on Christmas night in 1776, when the Americans....

Crossed the Delaware River and surprised the Hessians in Trenton, NJ

Middle passage

Crossing of the Atlantic by slave ships traveling from west Africa to the Americas. Slaves crowded and mortality rates high

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

Declaration issued in 1848 at the first national woman's rights convention in the United States which was held in Seneca Falls, New York. The document adopted the style of the Declaration of Independence and demanded equal rights for women, including the franchise

The first state to ratify the Constitution was


Who was the first state to ratify the constitution ?


The core of Antifederalists' opposition to the Constitution centered on what fear?

Distant power might infringe on people's individual liberties


Doctrine of Swiss Protestant theologian John Calvin, focused on predestination, strict discipline in daily and religious life

Clovis points

Edit infield shaped spearheads used by Paleo-Indians and named for the place in New Mexico where they were first excavated

The terms of the Treaty of Paris included 1. England receiving Canada, all land east of the Mississippi, and islands previously held by France. 2. England winning rights to all land east of the Mississippi, and the Indians of the Ohio Valley receiving land to the west of the Mississippi. 3. France retaining possession of Canada, Martinique, and Guadeloupe, with Spain holding onto Cuba. 4. England receiving lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spain receiving lands west of the Mississippi River.

England receiving lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spain receiving lands west of the Mississippi River

The terms of the Treaty of Paris included

England receiving lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spain receiving lands west of the Mississippi River.

After Gates's defeat and Arnold's treason,

England's southern campaign faced small bands of American guerrillas fighting a series of fierce battles in the southern backcountry.

Puritan revolution

English civil war that arose out of disputes between Charles I and parliament, ended with execution of Charles I, resulted in Puritan rule in England until 1660

Navigation acts

English laws passed in the 1650s and 1660s requiring that English colonial goods be shipped through english ports on English ships with English sailors in order to benefit English merchants, shippers and seamen

King William's War, an attack by Great Lakes and Canadian French forces on villages in New England and New York, demonstrated to the American colonists that 1. they could hold their own in military matters. 2. English military protection from hostile neighbors was still very valuable. 3. they needed to populate the western territory as soon as possible to drive out the French. 4. the French were not committed to hanging on to their New World possessions.

English military protection from hostile neighbors was still very valuable.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Enormously popular antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and published in 1852. It helped to solidify northern sentiment against slavery and to confirm white Southerners' sense that no sympathy remained for them in the free states

Newly imported African slaves usually arrived alone. How did they develop kinship relationships in the existing slave communities? 1. New arrivals used sign language, since they did not speak the same dialect. 2. Seasoned slaves taught new arrivals the ways of the plantation and shared food with them. 3. The master or plantation owner assigned new arrivals to seasoned slaves in kinship units. 4. Established slave families often adopted new arrivals as "fictive" kin.

Established slave families often adopted new arrivals as "fictive" kin.

On what assumption did the Confederacy base its belief that European nations would break the Union blockade and recognize it as a legitimate nation?

European textile manufacturers would be unable to survive without the South's cotton

Who was opposed to war in the early 1800s?


Federalists and Antifederalists

Federalists favored ratification of 7 articles Antifederalists feared that too much government power would cause tyranny

Pro-Constitution forces called themselves 1. Pro-Constitutionalists. 2. the Constitutional Party. 3. Antifederalists. 4. Federalists.


Political parties

Federalists: National power, England, liberal constructionist, Northern states, favor abolition, industry Republicans: State power, France, strict constructionist, Southern states, favor slavery, agriculture

Phillis Wheatley

Female domestic slave who wrote a book of poetry published in London

Merrimack and Monitor

First meeting of ironcland war ships or steam engine ships


First meeting of ironcland war ships or steam engine ships

A large influx of immigrants arrived in America between the years 1840 and 1860; three-fourths of them came from either

Germany or Ireland.

The articles were finally approved in 1781 when all states agreed to do what?

Give up their land claims.

Members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, believed that 1. there was no such thing as God; rather, each human being was his or her own "god." 2. God spoke directly to each individual through an "inner light" and that neither a minister nor the Bible was necessary to discover God's word. 3. God spoke directly to each individual through an "inner light" and that only a few individuals possessed the talent to interpret God's voice sufficiently to be a clergyman. 4. God spoke directly to each individual through an "inner light" that directed them to worship only on Wednesdays and Saturdays

God spoke directly to each individual through an "inner light" and that neither a minister nor the Bible was necessary to discover God's word.

What were the luxury goods imported into Europe in the 12th-15th centuries?

Gold, silk and spices

Confederate States of America

Government formed by Lower South states on February 7,1861, following their secession from the Union. Secessionists argued that the election of a Republican to the presidency imperiled slavery and that the South no longer had political protection within the union

Freedmen's Bureau

Government organization created in March 1865 to distribute food and clothing to destitute Southerners and to ease the transition of slaves to free persons. Early efforts by the Freedman's Bureau to distribute land to the newly freed blacks were later overturned by President Andrew Johnson

What caused an uproar in Boston in 1768?

Governor Bernard's dissolution of the colonial assembly

American claims to the Oregon Country competed with

Great Britain

Who did Washington choose to be his secretary of the treasury?


Why did Alexander Hamilton advocate the US government's assumption of the states' wartime debts?

Hamilton wanted to cement the nation by consolidating federal power over the states

Report on Public Credit

Hamilton's January 1790 report recommending that the national debt be funded but not repaid immediately at full value. Hamilton's goal was to make the new country creditworthy, not debt free. critics complained that it would benefit speculators

Why did James Madison undertake the drafting of a Bill of Rights in 1789?

He believed it would soothe the divisions of the 1780s

How did William Pitt turn the Seven Years' War in favor of the British?

He committed massive resources to the war

What strategy did Thomas Jefferson employ the national debt?

He implemented significant reductions in military expenditures

What was President Washington's first reaction to the war between England and France that began in 1793? 1. He pledged American support for the French. 2. He issued a Neutrality Proclamation. 3. He pledged American support for the British. 4. He tried to negotiate peace between the two countries.

He issued a Neutrality Proclamation.

How did President Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?

He nationalized the Pennsylvania militia

Why was George Washington quickly and unanimously elected president in February 1789?

He personified the republican ideal of leadership

How did President Jackson respond to South Carolina's threat of nullification?

He sent armed ships to Charleston harbor

What happened to John Brown after his raid on Harper's Ferry

He was executed

What "qualm" did Thomas Jefferson have over purchasing the Louisiana Territory? 1. The purchase could have led to a war with Spain. 2. Most of the territory was unsuited for farming. 3. He wasn't sure he had constitutional authority to make the purchase. 4. The price was too high.

He wasn't sure he had constitutional authority to make the purchase

Which conquistador was buried in the Mississippi River by his men?

Hernando de soto

What undermined Martin Van Buren's chance for a second term as president?

His inability to end the economic depression. Van Buren was a master of sophisticated party organization and had been an important part of Jackson's administration. However, a month after he took office in 1837, an economic panic hit. His attempts to create an independent treasury system did not come to fruition until 1840, after four years of a tumultuous economy had more or less ruined his chances for a second term.

What led Republicans to choose Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for president in the election of 1860?

His moderate views of slavery, solid republican credentials and residence in the crucial states of Illinois led Republicans to nominate Abraham Lincoln

In which southern colony did the black population outnumber the white population almost two to one?

South Carolina

In which southern colony did the black population outnumber the white population almost two to one? 1. Virginia 2. Georgia 3. North Carolina 4. South Carolina

South Carolina

The migrants who settled on the Texas land granted to Stephen F. Austin by Mexico in the 1820s were 1. New Englanders who were looking for a warmer climate. 2. Tejanos. 3. Southerners who brought cotton and slaves with them. 4. Irish Catholics who wanted land of their own.

Southerners who brought cotton and slaves with them


Southerners' pejorative term for northern migrants who sought opportunity in the South after the Civil War. Northern migrants formed an important part of the Southern Republican Party

The government of which country sponsored Christopher Columbus's 1492 exploration? 1. France 2. Spain 3. Italy 4. Portugal


Mexica covered land equal to

Spain and Portugal

Why was Thomas Jefferson so alarmed by the rumor that France had taken possession of the trans-Mississippi territory?

Spain had been a weak neighbor but Jefferson knew that France, then ruled by Napoleon would not be

The system of coerced labor in New Spain grew directly out of Spaniards' assumption that 1. they needed to rule harshly in order to maintain control over the Indians. 2. Spaniards were superior to Indians. 3. coercion was the only way Indians would work. 4. Indians were so smart that, if not watched, they would sabotage mines

Spaniards were superior to Indians.

What was the Reconquest?

Spanish Christians' drive to expel Muslims from the Iberian peninsula

The gender and number of Spanish settlers in New Spain created a society in which 1. Spaniards married Spaniards and Indians married Indians and the two groups rarely mixed. 2. a fluid family and class structure based on Spanish norms emerged. 3. a fluid family and class structure based on Indian norms emerged. 4. Spanish men frequently married Indian women and a class structure emerged with only 1 to 2 percent of the population dominating.

Spanish men frequently married Indian women and a class structure emerged with only 1 to 2 percent of the population dominating.

Which states did Federalists target first in their strategy to ratify the US Constitution in 1787?

States most likely to ratify quickly

Why did necessity for western land intensify in the 1780s?

The American population expanded significantly between 1770 and 1790

What accounted for high voter turnout in 1828 and rising voter turnout in the 1830s?

The removal of property qualifications for voters

Why did planters promote Christianity in the slave quarters?

They believed Christianity would make slaves more obedient

Why did the British decide to shift their focus to the south?

They believed Georgia and Carolina loyalists would provide a base for recapturing the Southern colonies

How did most Americans react to the outbreak of the French Revolution?

They celebrated in the victory of the French people

On what grounds did Republicans oppose Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798?

They conflicted with the protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights

What was the significance of Sherman's land and the establishments of the Bureau of Refugees, Freemen and Abandoned Lands for free slaves?

They created an expectation among ex slaves that they would become independent citizens and landowners

How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention create a presidency out of the reach of direct democracy?

They devised the electoral college.

What did colonial leaders do at the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia in the spring of 1775?

They discussed and planned the colonies' response to the events in Lexington and Concord. The congress intended to raise and supply and army as well as explore reconciliation with Britain

What were the Republicans bale to accomplish during the Civil War?

They enacted their platform of federal programs to encourage economic growth

How did Southern black codes undermine black freedom during presidential reconstruction?

They explicitly discriminated against former slaves

Why did southern state legislatures enact legislation that restricted the rights of free blacks in the 1820s and 1830s?

They feared the influence of the growing free black population on the institution of slavery

What was the status of English presence in North America in the end of 16th century?

They had tried but failed to secure a beachhead by 1600

What did committees of correspondence do in patriot communities in the 1770s that dismayed the loyalists?

They searched homes for contraband goods

Why did Thomas Jefferson state that "a [slave] child raised every 2 years is of more profit than the crop of the best laboring [slave] man"? 1. Children worked harder and complained less than adult slaves. 2. Children ate less than a laboring slave man did. 3. Through natural increase his slave holdings would grow to larger numbers and thus include more laboring individuals. 4. The mortality rate of adult male slaves was high.

Through natural increase his slave holdings would grow to larger numbers and thus include more laboring individuals.

First Barbary War

Tripolitan War, resulted from piracy and bribery of Tripoli, first war fought on foreign soil

What was the relationship between Americans and Native Americans like by 1780?

Violent raids by Americans had driven most Indians to ally with Britain or Spain

In the western counties of where did antipathy for the Confederacy was so strong that in 1863 citizens there voted to create a separate Unionist state


At the Constitutional Convention, the proposal to create a two-chamber legislature, with representation in both houses based on each state's population, was known as the

Virginia Plan

At the Constitutional Convention, the proposal to create a two-chamber legislature, with representation in both houses based on each state's population, was known as the 1. New Jersey Plan. 2. Virginia Plan. 3. Connecticut Plan. 4. Three-Fifths Plan.

Virginia Plan

At the Constitutional Convention, the proposal to create a two-chamber legislature, with representation in both houses based on each state's population, was known as the

Virginia Plan.

The Virginia Resolves suggested that 1. Britain did not need more tax revenue. 2. the monarchy alone had the right to tax Virginians. 3. Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians. 4. colonists could not afford to pay more taxes

Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians.

What right was omitted in the Bill of Rights?


King Philip's war

Wampanoag Indians attack colonial settlements in western Massachusetts in 1675, colonists reminded by attacking, colonists won

Seven years war

War between britain and France that ended with British domination of North America, known as French and Indian war, hogh expense laid foundation for conflict that would lead to American Revolution

Which group held the most exalted position in Mexican society?


Valley Forge

Washington along with his soldiers spend the winter of 1777-1778, trained by Freidrich von Stueben

Lowell Mills

Water powered textile mills constructed along the Merrimack River in Lowell, MA, that pioneered the extensive use of female laborers. By 1836, the eight mills there emplyed more than five thousand young women, who lived in boardinghouses under close supervision

Why did Senators Daniel Webster and Henry Clay force an early vote on rechartering the Bank of the United States?

Webster and Clay thought it could cause President Jackson to lose the 1832 election

What accounted for the labor shortage that characterized the American economy in the first half of the 19th century?

Western expansion and government land policies

Retreated to Boston

What did the British General William Howe do after the victory at Bunker Hill?

He was really a woman

What made Robert Shurtliff on Massachusetts an atypical member of the continental army?

Supply the army from 3,000 miles away

What obstacle did the British army face in the revolutionary war?

More than the number killed in battle

What proportion of revolutionary war fatalities occurred on British prison ships?

Regain allegiance

What was the British goal in fighting the war in America?

Turn back and defeat British

What was the american strategy in the war with Britain?

Money becomes devalued

What was the economic result of the continental Congress's decision to issue paper money?

To raise and supply an army

What was the initial goal of the second continental congress?

Made it unanimous

What was the significance of the New York delegates endorsement of the Declaration of Independence on July 15, 1776?

More than a reaction to the invasion of Massachusetts

What was the significance of the continental army's campaign in Montreal and Quebec?

Georgie and S Carolina

Where did the British troops achieve victory at the beginning of their campaign in the south in 1778 and 1780?

The group most outspoken in its opposition to war with Mexico were the Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1. Southerners. 2. Democrats. 3. Republicans. 4. Whigs.


How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white America?

White Americans became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores

Which of the following was a critical difference between white couples' marriage and slaves' marriages in the antebellum South?

Whites' marriages were legally recognized but slaves' marriages were not

Saw an opportunity to defeat England

Why did France ally with the Americans after the battle of Saratoga?

Afraid it was destroy political stability

Why did delegates to the second continental congress remain reluctant to break with Great Britain?

How did David Wilmot's Proviso propose dealing with slavery in the lands acquired in the Mexican War?

Wilmot suggested prohibiting slavery in the new territories

Who published the nationally circulated Advocate of Moral Reform?

Women who condemned men for sexual sin (343)

Burial mounds and chiefdoms are associated with 1. Southwestern cultures. 2. Great Basin cultures. 3. Woodland cultures. 4. Pacific Northwest cultures.

Woodland cultures.

Burial mounds and chiefdom snare associated with

Woodlands people

The infamous Trail of Tears was

a 1,200-mile forced march by Cherokees who were expelled from their land

The infamous Trail of Tears was 1. the Cherokee trip home from Washington after meeting President Jackson in a vain attempt to keep some of their land. 2. a Cherokee ritual mourning the loss of hundreds of their people in a brutal, unprovoked massacre. 3. a 1,200-mile forced march by Cherokees who were expelled from their land. 4. the route taken by Cherokee warriors when they retreated after their defeat by the U.S. army.

a 1,200-mile forced march by Cherokees who were expelled from their land

What was the infamous Trail of Tears?

a 1200 mile forced march of Cherokees who were expelled from their land

During most of the seventeenth century, New Netherland was 1. the fastest-growing colony in the New World due to its popularity with European immigrants. 2. a Dutch colony whose land was discovered in explorations made by Peter Stuyvesant in the 1630s. 3. a Dutch colony whose land was discovered in explorations made by Henry Hudson in 1609. 4. an English colony based on tobacco farming and trade with the Dutch.

a Dutch colony whose land was discovered in explorations made by Henry Hudson in 1609.

A compelling reason underlying South Carolina's argument for nullification in 1828 was that

a Northern-dominated federal government might decide to end slavery, which would threaten the very foundation of the South's economic system

three-fifths clause

a clause in the Constitution stipulating that all free persons plus three fifths of all other people would constitute the numerical base for approaching both representation and taxation. The clause tacitly acknowledged the existence of slavery in the United States

Although individualism was a common characteristic of antebellum southern culture, planters were linked by

a common proslavery ideology, economic interests, ties of blood and kinship

Plantation owners often described the master-slave relationship in terms of "paternalism," 1. which meant that the master's relationship with his slave mirrored his relationship with God. 2. a concept whereby a slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance. 3. which meant that masters had no direct contact with their slaves. 4. which is to say that the relationship between master and slave was akin to that of government and citizen.

a concept whereby a slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance.

The League of Five Nations, which remained powerful well into the eighteenth century, was formed as 1. an alliance among Spain, England, France, the Netherlands, and Portugal in AD 1500 to promote New World exploration. 2. a confederation of the Iroquoian tribes for the purposes of war and diplomacy. 3. an alliance among the Algonquian tribes for the purposes of perpetuating their nomadic existence. 4. a confederation of the Aztec tribes for the purpose of establishing a trade network.

a confederation of the Iroquoian tribes for the purposes of war and diplomacy

The Seven Years' War resulted from 1. a dispute between Indians, the French, and the British over territory in the Ohio Valley. 2. French claims to fur trapping along the Ohio Valley. 3. navigation of the Ohio River. 4. a dispute between Indians, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and the French over territory in the Ohio Valley.

a dispute between Indians, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and the French over territory in the Ohio Valley

The Seven Years' War resulted from

a dispute between Indians, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and the French over territory in the Ohio Valley.

An increased supply of items such as tobacco and sugar in eighteenth-century colonial America led to

a drop in prices and a resulting increase in the purchase of luxury goods by ordinary people.

A hallmark of the Jacksonian era was

a faith that people and societies can shape their own destinies.

What did southern democrats demand at the convention in Charleston in April 1860?

a federal slave code for the territories

Puritan communities in the first half of the seventeenth century could be characterized by 1. conformity to a work ethic that demanded that children as young as eight work alongside their parents. 2. strict segregation of males and females in worship. 3. a high degree of conformity in community members' views on morality, order, and propriety. 4. huge celebrations on holy holidays such as Christmas or Easter.

a high degree of conformity in community members' views on morality, order, and propriety.


a large farm worked by twenty or more slaves. Although small farms were more numerous, plantations produced more than 75 percent of the South's export crops

King Philip's War (1676) left New England settlers with 1. a large war debt, a devastated frontier, and an enduring hatred of Indians. 2. a society so devastated by death and destruction that fresh infusions of English settlers were required to repopulate many areas. 3. the task of rebuilding Boston, which the Nipmucks and Narragansetts had leveled. 4. a deep and abiding respect for Native Americans

a large war debt, a devastated frontier, and an enduring hatred of Indians.

The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for dumping the tea, included 1. a law closing Boston Harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for. 2. a law stipulating that any Massachusetts colonist accused of a capital crime would be tried in Canada or England. 3. an addendum to the Declaratory Act. 4. the appointment of Benedict Arnold as the new governor of Massachusetts.

a law closing Boston Harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for

The Coercive Acts included

a law closing Boston harbor until the Tea act was paid for

The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament to punish Massachusetts, included

a law closing Boston harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for.

northern sentiment against slavery was crystallized in part by the publication of uncle tom's cabin

a novel about plantation life written by a northern white woman

A unicameral legislature is:

a one house system of government

Initially, the white South defended slavery as a "necessary evil"; eventually, however, southern intellectuals began to argue that slavery was 1. a segment of southern society that could not be dismissed. 2. a positive good because it civilized blacks and brought them Christianity. 3. essential to the cotton industry. 4. a long-standing institution and—for that reason alone—should be continued.

a positive good because it civilized blacks and brought them Christianity

The American Party, or Know-Nothings, appeared in the mid-1850s as 1. a reaction to large numbers of Roman Catholics coming to the United States from Germany and Ireland. 2. a political organization designed to include all Americans. 3. an organization advocating equal rights for all immigrants. 4. part of the movement to bind together Americans who had grown apart because of the continuing controversy over slavery

a reaction to large numbers of Roman Catholics coming to the United States from Germany and Ireland.

New England's population continued to grow steadily during the seventeenth century primarily due to 1. the continuing flood of immigrants from England. 2. a new source of immigrants from continental Europe. 3. an influx of settlers from colonies farther south. 4. a relatively high birthrate coupled with a climate that helped many children survive and live into adulthood.

a relatively high birthrate coupled with a climate that helped many children survive and live into adulthood.

In 1864, when General William T. Sherman stated that he intended to "make Georgia howl," he was gearing up for 1. the nation's first military campaign in which biological warfare would be used. 2. a scorched-earth military campaign aimed at destroying the will of the southern people. 3. a military campaign in which he planned to have the men under his command take Georgians' cotton and sell it to England to help finance the northern war effort. 4. a military campaign in which his sole purpose was to recruit black men for the Union army.

a scorched-earth military campaign aimed at destroying the will of the southern people.

Hartford Convention

a secret meeting of New England federalist politicians held in late 1814 to discuss constitutional changed to reduce the South's political power and thus help block policies that injured northern commercial interests

during the 19th century, the cities of charleston, mobile and new orleans all had

a small elite of free blacks


a social philosophy that embraced representative institutions, a citizenry attuned to civic values above private interests, and a virtuous community in which individuals work to promote the public good


a substantial landowner who tilled his estate with twenty or more slaves, Planters dominated the social and political world of the South. Their values and ideology influenced the values of all southern whites

Mason-Dixon line

a surveyors's mark that had established the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania in colonial times. By the 1830s, the boundary divided the free north and the slave south

Accusing people of witchcraft in seventeenth-century New England seems to have been 1. a way to explain the continual disorder in some communities by blaming difficulties on mostly older, relatively defenseless women assumed to be in league with Satan. 2. a creatively perpetrated hoax, as few people really believed in witches. 3. a way to explain the continual disorder in some communities by blaming difficulties on young, prosperous women who elicited jealously among less well-to-do colonists. 4. a way to explain the continual disorder in some communities by blaming difficulties on mostly older, relatively defenseless men assumed to be in league with Satan.

a way to explain the continual disorder in some communities by blaming difficulties on mostly older, relatively defenseless women assumed to be in league with Satan.

In the early nineteenth century, the Anglo-American view of women was embodied in the legal concept of feme covert, which held that 1. single women were not legally responsible for their own actions until the age of twenty-five. 2. legally, the need for men to control their wives was an antiquated notion. 3. a wife's civic or legal existence was completely subsumed by that of her husband. 4. single women were the legal responsibility of all adult males over the age of twenty-one in a household.

a wife's civic or legal existence was completely subsumed by that of her husband

Because of the colonial New England practice of "partible inheritance" in land distribution, by the eighteenth century, lands could no longer be subdivided, as the plots had become too small for a family to make a living. Partible inheritance means that l 1. about equally among all the sons in a family. 2. among the wife and three oldest children in a family. 3. between the eldest and youngest males of the family. 4. about equally among all the children in a family.

about equally among all the sons in a family.

The purpose of "seasoning" slaves was to 1. acclimate them to the physical and cultural environment of the southern colonies. 2. teach them English. 3. break them so they would obey their masters. 4. slowly introduce them to the slaves already on the plantations so that the slaves from differing cultures would get along.

acclimate them to the physical and cultural environment of the southern colonies.

in december 1865 republican legislators argued that president johnson's reconstruction program had

achieved political reunification but sacrificed black rights

Which of the following were some of the key elements of the Compromise of 1850?

admitting California into the Union as a free state and passing the Fugitive Slave Act

president johnson's response to the 14th amendment was to

advise southerners to reject the amendment

The Olive Branch Petition of July 1775 1. was proposed by Parliament to end the fighting in the colonies. 2. proposed that the king repeal all the legislation imposed by Parliament on the colonies. 3. asked the king to ease up on the colonists and remove all British troops from America. 4. affirmed loyalty to the monarch, blamed Parliament for all the troubles, and asked that American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments.

affirmed loyalty to the monarch, blamed Parliament for all the troubles, and asked that American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments

The Olive Branch Petition of July 1775

affirmed loyalty to the monarch, blamed Parliament for all the troubles, and asked that American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments.

int he late 1860s the majority of southern republicans were

african americans

What was Lincoln's motivation for issuing the emancipation proclamation

after events were tumbling rapidly he wanted to take some definitive steps in respect to military action and slavery

Following the lead of southern academics, writers, and clergy in the 1820's and 1830's white southerners began to

aggressively defend slavery as a positive good

Although the three regions of British North America became more distinct in the latter part of the eighteenth century, they still shared several unifying experiences, such as 1. growing concern over the slavery issue and the increasing importance of evangelical religion. 2. agricultural roots, a lessening reliance on religion, and a realization of their British colonial identity. 3. very similar colonial governments and a growing concern over the slavery issue. 4. steadily declining opportunities to buy land and a related increase in industrial development.

agricultural roots, a lessening reliance on religion, and a realization of their British colonial identity

By the early 1850s in response to the political reforms that had swept the nation in the previous half century, every southern state had extended suffrage to

all adult white males

by the early 1850s in response to the political reforms that had swept the nation in the previous half century, every southern state had extended suffrage to

all adult white males

In the economy of Jacksonian America, bankers

all of the above

by 1860 the slave population of the south surpassed that of

all the other slave socities in the new world combined

Poor northern men objected to the unions 1863 draft law because it

allowed a draftee to hire a substitute or pay a $300 fee to avoid service altogether

sharecropping was different from the military system of wage contracts insofar as it

allowed blacks more freedom

by the 1850s who was eligible to vote in southern states

almost all white males

Treaty of Paris

also called the Peace of Paris. September 3, 1783, treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. The treaty acknowledged America's independence, set its boundaries, and promised the quick withdrawal of British troops from American soil. It failed to recognize Indians as players in the conflict.

New Jersey Plan

alternative plan drafted by delegates from small states, retaining the confederation's single house congress with one vote per states. Like the Virginia Plan, it enhanced congressional powers, including the right to tax, regulate trade and use force on unruly state governments

Lawyers of the 1820s and 1830s created the legal foundation for an economy that gave priority to

ambitious individuals interested in maximizing their own wealth.

Targeting the central issues of his debates—slavery and freedom—Stephen A. Douglas tried to depict Abraham Lincoln as 1. an avid supporter of the Fugitive Slave Act. 2. pandering to public sentiment by insisting that slavery was wrong, something that Douglas claimed Lincoln did not really believe. 3. uninformed on some of the key issues pertinent to their debates. 4. an abolitionist and color-blind egalitarian who loved blacks

an abolitionist and color-blind egalitarian who loved blacks

After 1828, political leaders considered the development of political parties to be 1. inimical to disinterested and virtuous political behavior. 2. an effective way to encourage voter loyalty that transcended specific candidates and elections. 3. an effective way to win elections through the process of corrupt bargaining and other manipulations of the electoral system. 4. too undignified because of the frequent use of barbecues in campaigns.

an effective way to encourage voter loyalty that transcended specific candidates and elections

In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison launched the LIberator in order to advocate for

an immediate end to slavery

What did the superintendent of finance, Robert Morris, suggest as a solution to the confederation's postwar economic problem's?

an import tax

most nineteenth century southern planters saw economic diversification as

an unnecessary diversion from their agricultural economy

The presidential election of 1824 was complicated by 1. candidates taking open and aggressive positions on the Missouri Compromise. 2. Henry Clay's reputation as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans. 3. Andrew Jackson's decision to challenge another candidate to a duel. 4. an unprecedented five candidates seeking the support of one political party.

an unprecedented five candidates seeking the support of one political party

Migration to Oregon 1. appealed to women more than men. 2. appealed to men more than women. 3. was a positive experience for everyone. 4. encouraged political and social equality between men and women.

appealed to men more than women

how was president andrew johnson more of a democrat than a republican with regard to states rights

appealed to the unions, defending state rights except secession, opposed republican efforts to expand power of federal government

the fugitive slave act of 1850 allowed the seizure of an alleged slave after a slaveholder

appeared before an appointed commissioner and swore the slave was his

The Great Compromise ended the impasse over what constitutional problem

apportionment of representation

what was the reaction in the north to the 1863 military draft law, especially in NYC

argued that it was unconstitutional to achieve an unconstitutional end, black mobs rampaged there were riots and buildings in ruins

In the election of 1864, Democrats were badly divided over which of the following issues?

armistice versus continued war

Although the exact time people began migrating to North America is debated by experts, the first migrants probably arrived 1. around 15,000 BP. 2. over 1.5 million years ago. 3. around 25,000 BP. 4. less than 5,000 years ago.

around 15,000 BP.

The commercial economy of New England was dominated by 1. artisans. 2. printers. 3. merchants. 4. farmers.


One of the key elements in the political landscape of Jacksonian America was the upsurge of universal white male suffrage, 1. in spite of increased property qualifications for voters in most states. 2. as poll taxes were often paid by members of political parties in return for votes. 3. though voting became more difficult because many states levied poll taxes. 4. as most states abolished property qualifications for voting.

as most states abolished property qualifications for voting

One of the key elements in the political landscape of Jacksonian America was the upsurge of universal white male suffrage,

as most states abolished property qualifications for voting.

The authors of the series of essays known as The Federalist Papers originally wrote them

as newspaper articles detailing the failures of the Articles of Confederation.

Slave marriages were not governed by the unequal power relationships characteristic of white marriages because 1. African custom ensured equality between husbands and wives. 2. slave owners ultimately controlled slaves and enforced equality in slave unions. 3. as property themselves, slaves could not enter into contractual obligations, including marriage. 4. married slaves wanted to make sure they did not follow any customs of white society.

as property themselves, slaves could not enter into contractual obligations, including marriage

The majority of poor white southerners who owned no property

aspired to climb to the ranks of yeomenry

The Declaratory Act showed Britain's refusal to compromise on Parliament's power to tax because it

asserted Parliament's right to legislate for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever."

In the final phases of the Revolutionary War, the British

attempted to recapture the southern colonies and place loyalists in power.

As a result of the War of 1812, the Federalist Party 1. basically died as a political force, having opposed a war that most Americans chose to view as a nationalistic and patriotic victory over England. 2. proposed that the Constitution be amended to allow for concurrent presidents: one representing the North and one representing the South. 3. put forth a constitutional amendment that the nation's capital be moved farther west to accommodate the country's shifting population. 4. gained new strength because of New Englanders' support for the conflict.

basically died as a political force, having opposed a war that most Americans chose to view as a nationalistic and patriotic victory over England.

In 1664, New Netherland 1. became New York when King Charles II presented it to his brother James, the Duke of York, as part of a larger grant of land. 2. formed a representative government and lowered property taxes in the colony. 3. established a stronger colonial government that proved able to thwart England's bid to overrun the colony. 4. became New Jersey when the king purchased it from the Netherlands as part of a deal stipulating that the Dutch exit the New World forever.

became New York when King Charles II presented it to his brother James, the Duke of York, as part of a larger grant of land.

The Mexican-American War 1. became a wedge that divided the nation based on the issue of slavery in the territories. 2. gave rise to the Peace Democrats. 3. convinced Americans that continuing to support military heroes as presidential candidates was unwise. 4. awakened the South to the realization that slavery could never survive in the Southwest.

became a wedge that divided the nation based on the issue of slavery in the territories

General Gage planned a surprise attack on an ammunition storage site in Concord

because he was ordered to quell the dissenters before they became more organized.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) influenced Northerners' attitudes toward slavery 1. by including some of the earliest research showing scientific evidence of the effects of slavery on those enslaved. 2. by suggesting that the federal government should pay the fair market value for all slaves and then relocate them west of the Mississippi River. 3. by arguing that the North was in no way responsible for the institution of slavery. 4. because it was a compelling novel and a vehicle for a stirring moral indictment of slavery.

because it was a compelling novel and a vehicle for a stirring moral indictment of slavery.

Anasazi culture disappeared 1. for reasons that remain a mystery. 2. because of a drought that lasted more than fifty years. 3. because many Anasazi left in pursuit of the great bison. 4. because the Anasazi lost a series of wars with neighboring Indian groups.

because of a drought that lasted more than fifty years.

thousands of women oh both sides of the civil war expressed their patriotism in an untraditional way by

becoming nurses

. The Virginia colony in 1607 could have better survived had the colonists 1. fought the Indians using guerrilla warfare. 2. been willing to learn how to farm. 3. brought more equipment with them from England. 4. spread out more along the coast

been willing to learn how to farm.

At the time of the war with Britain, white women 1. began to participate in politics through discussion and fundraising. 2. were allowed to join the army if and when male recruits became scarce. 3. were forbidden to talk politics. 4. participated in political rallies aimed at boosting morale

began to participate in politics through discussion and fundraising

how did the kkk begin and develop

began with the white terror a violence against blacks, that formed this group which was a social club of confederate veterans that quickly developed into a paramilitary organization supporting democrats, wanted to restore white supremacy

The most horrifying hazard faced by people traveling on steamboats in the early nineteenth century was

being injured or killed by the frequent boiler explosions.

President lincoln decided not to abandon fort sumter because he

believed that abandoning it would violate his inaugural promise to defend federal property

Throughout the antebellum years, the slave based economy of the south

benefited the national economy

what effect did nat turner's uprising have on virginia's laws regulating the behavior of slave and free blacks

black enslavement was necessary and proper, it taught them discipline and saved their soul

in its 1857 decision in the dred scott case the supreme court ruled that

blacks were not citizens of the US, travel in free territories did not make slaves free, and congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories

The confederacy devised a military strategy that demanded that the south

blunt invasions, protect its army, and outlast the north

According to the British, the major purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to 1. boost sales for Britain's East India Company. 2. punish the Americans for importing tea from Holland. 3. raise more revenue from the sale of tea to cover military costs in North America. 4. break the American boycott of tea imported from England

boost sales for Britain's East India Company

According to the British, the major purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

boost sales for Britain's East India Company.

The Embargo Act of 1807 affected the United States by 1. causing most citizens to rally in support of President Jefferson. 2. bringing U.S. exporting to a standstill, increasing unemployment, and seriously reducing government revenues. 3. causing the British to stop impressment when its agricultural supplies dwindled. 4. raising the nation's stature with European powers.

bringing U.S. exporting to a standstill, increasing unemployment, and seriously reducing government revenues

When proslavery forces in Lecompton, Kansas, drafted a proslavery constitution in 1857 that many felt was fraudulent, Stephen A. Douglas 1. refrained from making any public statements concerning the framework of the Kansas government. 2. stood solidly behind southern Democrats and President James Buchanan in supporting the document. 3. demanded that the votes be recounted before he would take a stand on that issue. 4. broke with the Buchanan administration and the southern members of his party by coming out against the proslavery constitution.

broke with the Buchanan administration and the southern members of his party by coming out against the proslavery constitution.

What happened between senator charles sumner and representative preston brooks during the congressional debate about kansas in 1856? what did it indicated about tensions over kansas?

brooks beat sumner over the head with a cane until Sumner was unconscious, and it showed that the south was twisted and violent because he was reelected

Burgoyne's defeat at the battle of Saratoga was a decisive moment in the Revolutionary War because it 1. vindicated Burgoyne's strategy of mounting an attack from Canada. 2. discredited Horatio Gates, resulting in his being replaced by Nathaniel Greene. 3. brought France into the war on the side of the patriots. 4. caused Benedict Arnold to defect to the British.

brought France into the war on the side of the patriots

The Second Great Awakening

brought forth an outpouring of evangelical religious fervor that offered salvation to the less than perfect

The Second Great Awakening 1. constituted a second wave in a temperance movement that had failed in its first attempt. 2. brought forth an outpouring of evangelical religious fervor that offered salvation to the less than perfect. 3. was a philosophical offshoot of the market revolution emphasizing the pitfalls of a society run by bankers and lawyers. 4. was the spiritual component accompanying the second party system.

brought forth an outpouring of evangelical religious fervor that offered salvation to the less than perfect

The market revolution experienced by Americans after the War of 1812

brought increasing numbers of people out of old patterns of rural self-sufficiency into the wider realm of national market relations

The New England town meeting 1. is a mythical concept in early American history and was never very important. 2. was the first political format in early America to allow women and blacks a significant political voice. 3. was basically a male-bonding experience that allowed the men of the community to gather for militia drills and a day of revelry. 4. brought together a town's inhabitants and freemen in an exercise of voting and popular political participation that was unprecedented elsewhere during the seventeenth century.

brought together a town's inhabitants and freemen in an exercise of voting and popular political participation that was unprecedented elsewhere during the seventeenth century.

The increasing number of white settlers traveling west in wagon trains during the mid-1800s brought devastation to the Plains Indians because whites 1. were intent on annihilating all Indians they came in contact with. 2. began killing off great herds of deer and antelope. 3. were determined to rid the West of all Indians. 4. brought with them alcohol and diseases like smallpox, measles, cholera, and scarlet fever.

brought with them alcohol and diseases like smallpox, measles, cholera, and scarlet fever.

The increasing number of white settlers traveling west in wagon trains during the mid-1800s brought devastation to the Plains peoples because whites

brought with them alcohol and diseases like smallpox, measles, cholera, and scarlet fever.

the 1853 gadsen purchase which involved buying some 30,000 square miles of territory from mexico stemmed from the desire to

build a transcontinental railroad to california

the Union blockade of the Confederate states made it necessary for the Confederate government to

build its own industrial sector

the union blockade of the confederate states made it necessary for the confederate government to

build its own industrial sector

When westbound settlers asked the government for protection from the Plains Indians, the government responded by 1. building forts along the trail and adopting the policy of "concentration" in dealing with Indians. 2. sending soldiers with each wagon train of settlers heading west. 3. sending army troops to round up all renegade Indians. 4. calling tribal meetings and chastising the Indians for attacking wagon trains

building forts along the trail and adopting the policy of "concentration" in dealing with Indians.

When westbound settlers asked the government for protection from the Plains Indians the government responded by

building forts along the trail and adopting the policy of "concentration" in dealing with Native Americans.

The easiest task jefferson davis and the confederate government faced was

building the armed forces of the confederacy

American opposition to the Stamp Act took the form of

burning an effigy of a stamp collector, breaking windows, and ransacking an official's home.

In the early 1770s, several incidents brought the colonies' conflict with England into sharp focus, including the

burning of the Gaspée.

Aside from leading to the legal destruction of slavery, the Civil War itself helped destroy slavery in practice 1. as slave owners increasingly realized the advantages of free labor and began paying their slaves for their labor without actually freeing them. 2. by disrupting the routine, organization, and discipline necessary to keep slavery intact. 3. because thousands of weary and disgusted slaveholders freed their slaves. 4. because most male slaves joined the Union army.

by disrupting the routine, organization, and discipline necessary to keep slavery intact.

Women in early-nineteenth-century Washington, D.C., played an important role in political circles 1. in an attempt to obtain political offices for themselves. 2. by voting in unified blocks. 3. by controlling their husbands' economic affairs. 4. by influencing patronage, writing letters of recommendation, and shaping personal connections.

by influencing patronage, writing letters of recommendation, and shaping personal connections.

How did general Ulysses S. Grant take the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg, Mississippi?

by laying a lengthy siege

How did American ships secure safe passage off the coast of North Africa from 1776 to 1801?

by paying tribute to Muslim coastal states

Under the Ordinance of 1785's guidelines for land sales in the Northwest Territory, land would be sold

by public auction at a minimum purchase price of a dollar per acre and in minimum parcels of 640 acres each.

Before the Constitution could go into effect, it had to be ratified

by ratifying conventions in nine of the thirteen states.

According to Benjamin Rush, and other republican writers, how could women contribute to a better society?

by teaching sons virtue and good morals

The New Jersey Plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention 1. called for a one-chamber legislature in which each state would have one vote. 2. called for severely limiting the powers of the congress. 3. featured a two-chamber legislature elected by voters. 4. reserved control over taxation, revenue, and commerce to individual states.

called for a one-chamber legislature in which each state would have one vote

The New Jersey Plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention

called for a one-chamber legislature in which each state would have one vote.

. The author of the radical pamphlet Common Sense 1. was actually Benjamin Franklin writing under a pseudonym. 2. urged the common people to revolt against the wealthy merchants and planters. 3. called for independence and a republican government. 4. asked the colonists to reconsider their cry for independence to restore harmony in the colonies.

called for independence and a republican government

Mary Todd Lincoln

came from a privileged, slave holding family.

Hoping to create regional markets for goods, Pennsylvania and New York in the 1810s commenced major state-sponsored

canal enterprises. Both Pennsylvania (in 1815) and New York (in 1817) began funding canals, which were shallow waterways designed to accommodate barges pulled by horses or mules trudging along a towpath next to the canal. The states hoped to create large regional markets for goods: Pennsylvania's Schuylkill Canal reached 108 miles to the west, and New York's Erie Canal spanned the 350 miles between Albany and Buffalo, effectively linking New York City to the entire Northwest Territory via the Great Lakes (325)

In their campaign in the South, beginning in 1778, the British 1. planned to use loyalists to fight backcountry regulators who had always supported the patriot planters. 2. quickly captured Charleston, South Carolina, without encountering any Continental army regiments. 3. captured Georgia and South Carolina and dealt General Gates a devastating defeat at Camden, South Carolina. 4. targeted Virginia as the first southern colony to capture.

captured Georgia and South Carolina and dealt General Gates a devastating defeat at Camden, South Carolina

In their campaign in the South, beginning in 1778, the British

captured Georgia and South Carolina and dealt General Gates a devastating defeat at Camden, South Carolina.

Members of the Oneida community 1. challenged sexual mores through the practice of complex marriage. 2. abandoned the community after a year or two. 3. established a matriarchal social structure. 4. used the community as a haven for literary and artistic pursuits.

challenged sexual mores through the practice of complex marriage

The Articles of Confederation were finally approved in 1781 when all the states agreed to surrender their 1. claims to western lands. 2. power to declare war. 3. power to regulate trade. 4. right to levy their own taxes.

claims to western lands

The most serious obstacle to settlement in the Northwest Territory was 1. heavy taxation imposed by the government on industrial development. 2. the lack of government policy on slavery in the area, which hindered farmers and caused the eruption of violent protests. 3. heavy tree growth that prevented easy farming. 4. clashes with the Indian tribes that occupied the land.

clashes with the Indian tribes that occupied the land

The most serious obstacle to settlement in the Northwest Territory was

clashes with the Indian tribes that occupied the land.

Throughout the Civil War, the Richmond government tried to promote southern unity and nationalism; politicians were aided in this attempt by 1. the lack of Unionists in the entire South. 2. clergymen, who stated that God had blessed slavery and the new nation. 3. slaves, who believed that once the war was over they would have a place as free people in the Confederacy. 4. yeomen, who understood that they needed to continue to ally themselves with the planters in order to move up in society.

clergymen, who stated that God had blessed slavery and the new nation

What was the balance of power like after the end of the French and Indian war?

colonists could determine their power, and need England less, however, England was exerting more control

Modern archaeologists study ancient peoples by 1. making an educated guess based primarily on what they know about a specific natural environment. 2. relying only on what they can learn from artifacts. 3. combining a variety of approaches that include the study of artifacts and attention to environmental factors. 4. relying only on written documents.

combining a variety of approaches that include the study of artifacts and attention to environmental factors.

Modern archaeologists study ancient peoples by 1. combining a variety of approaches that include the study of artifacts and attention to environmental factors. 2. relying only on what they can learn from artifacts. 3. making an educated guess based primarily on what they know about a specific natural environment. 4. relying only on written documents.

combining a variety of approaches that include the study of artifacts and attention to environmental factors.

The Gaspee incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees called

committees of correspondence

In the 1820s and 1830s, shoe binding, an important component of shoe manufacturing, was

comparatively low-paying work performed by women at home.

The Gold Rush created a social environment that was

competitive, violent and unhealthy, but growing rapidly.

When reflecting on John Brown's raid on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, most Northerners 1. applauded the actions of this intrepid foe of slavery. 2. concluded that his ideals couldn't excuse violence. 3. stated that they were sorry they had not contributed money to his cause. 4. clearly thought him insane.

concluded that his ideals couldn't excuse violence.

the military reconstruction act of 1867 disappointed some radical republicans because it did not

confiscate and redistribute southern plantations to former slaves, which some republicans saw as equally important in allowing blacks to establish their autonomy from their former masters

What caused the seven Year's war?

conflicts over territory in the Ohio valley

In most Protestant denominations in the period from 1800 to 1825 white women made up the majority of


in the debate over the wilmot proviso, senator john c calhoun contended that congress did not have the authority to ban slavery in the territories because

congress could not deprive any state of equal rights in the territories

on the whole experiments in reconstruction during the civil war established that

consensus about the federal role in reconstruction would be elusive, experiments were uncertain

Judicial review

constitutionality of the law

what characterized the lives of free blacks in the south

constricted life of poverty and dependence

Tecumseh's most impressive achievement was probably his 1. success in regaining Shawnee lands claimed by the U.S. government. 2. military conquest of the Ohio country. 3. construction of a pan-Indian confederacy. 4. invention of a common Native American language.

construction of a pan-Indian confederacy

The charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company was unique because it 1. allowed women investors to vote along with men in the concerns of the colony. 2. obligated the English government to reimburse investors for any financial losses they might suffer during the first five years of settlement. 3. contained a feature that allowed the government of the company to be located in the colony rather than in England. 4. encouraged those emigrating to Massachusetts to abandon the traditional English class structure.

contained a feature that allowed the government of the company to be located in the colony rather than in England.

when president lincoln won reelection in 1864 he was given a mandate to

continue fighting the war until slavery and the confederacy were ended

Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe left no doubt that America was separated from Asia by an enormous ocean. His voyage 1. made the Italian merchants rejoice because their control of the Asian trade would no longer be challenged. 2. resulted in the founding of the first Portuguese colony in the New World. 3. convinced Europeans that a westward passage to the East was not a feasible route. 4. validated the findings of Columbus and Cabral.

convinced Europeans that a westward passage to the East was not a feasible route.

In the election of 1796, a procedural flaw resulted in the election of political rivals as president and vice president; this flaw was 1. corrected by passage of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804. 2. left uncorrected because Congress believed the situation would not occur again. 3. corrected by dismantling the electoral college. 4. redressed by having each elector to the electoral college vote again.

corrected by passage of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804

The Stono rebellion proved that eighteenth-century slaves

could neither overturn slavery nor win in the fight for freedom.

The Stono rebellion proved that eighteenth-century slaves 1. could neither overturn slavery nor win in the fight for freedom. 2. would continue to rebel until they received their freedom. 3. could not organize themselves against their armed masters. 4. were dangerous in large, organized numbers.

could neither overturn slavery nor win in the fight for freedom.

in the 1850s the majority of the south's yeomen

could not afford private schooling and had no access to public education

what did the 1857 dred scott case rule with regard to scotts citizenship? how did the case increase sectional tension?

courts demonstrated that it enjoyed no special immunity from the sectional and partisan passions that convulsed the land some state were free some werent

The Erie Canal at Lockport completed in 1825 was

covering 350 miles between Albany and Buffalo and linking the port of New York City with entire Great Lakes region; after wheat & flour moved east, household goods moved west, & passengers went both directions (325)

The New Jersey Plan departed from the Articles of Confederation by 1. changing the legislature to a two-house congress. 2. creating a plural presidency to be shared by three men elected by the congress from among its membership. 3. endowing the presidency with the power to declare war. 4. giving the states total control over taxation and regulating trade.

creating a plural presidency to be shared by three men elected by the congress from among its membership

A new social class was made up of children who were born in the Spanish New World to parents who had emigrated from Spain, referred to as 1. mestizos. 2. Cajuns. 3. creoles. 4. peninsulares.


The Continental army enjoyed its first victory over the British on Christmas night in 1776, when the Americans

crossed the Delaware River to surprise the Hessians at Trenton.

General william t. sherman's 1864 invasion of Georgia was intended to

crush the will of the southern people

in the 1820s and 1830s state legislatures in the south took steps to

curtail the growth of the free black population and restrict the liberty of free blacks

In an effort to boost the failing economy in 1839, Van Buren proposed an independent treasury system funded by government deposits which would

deal only in hard money

Van Buren pushed for an independent treasury system, funded by government deposits, which would

deal only in hard money

The Battle of Horseshoe Bend was marked by the 1. death of Tecumseh. 2. decisive defeat of British forces after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed. 3. death of over 500 Native Americans. 4. brilliant leadership of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry.

death of over 500 Native Americans.

Prohibitory Act

declares America independent

The social and political distance that existed between planters and small farmers decreased between 1660 and 1700. Factors involved in this change include the 1. immigration of peoples of the "middling" class and the diversification of commercial activity. 2. opening of frontier lands and an increase in the number of indentured servants in the colony. 3. diversification of commercial activity and the increase in free workers. 4. decline in the number of indentured servants in the colony and a greater dependency on slave labor.

decline in the number of indentured servants in the colony and a greater dependency on slave labor.

most southerners who backed the confederate cause did so to

defend the institution of slavery, protect the southern way of life and to defend the territorial integrity of the confederacy

the republicans 1860 presidential platform

defined a broad social and economic agenda that appealed to a wide range of northerners

nineteenth century planters characterized the master-slave relationship in terms of christian guardianship or paternalism which

defined slavery as a set of reciprocal obligations between masters and slaves

Stamp Act Congress of 1765

delegations for colonies to discuss the declaration of rights and grievances sent to the crown, resulted int he repealing of the Stamp Act

Plantation mistresses were like slaves in that their husbands 1. did not allow them to carry out their duties without supervision. 2. treated them unkindly. 3. demanded that they be subordinate. 4. admired their physical strength.

demanded that they be subordinate

John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry 1. demonstrated the determination of some abolitionists. 2. demonstrated the shortcomings of popular sovereignty. 3. helped to unify Northerners and Southerners against Brown's violent actions. 4. reassured Southerners about the safety of slavery.

demonstrated the determination of some abolitionists.

What did the protests of the Sons of Liberty prove to the colonists?

demonstrations could have a decisive impact on politics

The First Continental Congress

denied Parliament's right to tax and legislate for the colonies but acknowledged its authority to regulate their trade.

As a result of his lopsided win in the election of 1832, Andrew Jackson tried to

destroy the Bank of the United States before its charter expired, a process he began by removing federal deposits from the bank and depositing them in Democratic-leaning banks throughout the country

the battle of shiloh was important because it

destroyed the confederacy's chance to control the west

During the Revolution, the Continental Congress and various states issued paper money, which resulted in

devaluation of the money and escalating prices.

In order to adapt to the demands of longer ocean voyages, the Portuguese 1. left Portugal less often. 2. developed a vessel known as the caravel. 3. used enslaved Africans to pilot their ships. 4. stole technology and maps from Italian merchants

developed a vessel known as the caravel.

Within ten years of arriving at the territory around the Great Salt Lake, the Mormon community

developed an efficient irrigation system and made the desert bloom through cooperative labor.

To create a presidency out of the reach of direct democracy, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

devised the electoral college.

large southern landowners complained that the army's solution to the transition from slave labor to free labor would not work because it

did not allow for the use of physical punishment, they believed that if they couldn't whip their workers then the new system wouldn't work

the confederate government at richmond hoped that the war would mold the south into a nation; attempts to promote a southern nationalism

did not decrease tension between yeomen and planters to win over unionists

Among other things, religious toleration in Quaker-dominated Pennsylvania meant that colonists there 1. tended to be less religious than in other colonies. 2. could attend any church but were required to worship every week. 3. did not have to pay taxes to maintain a state-supported church 4. did not have to put up with Catholics.

did not have to pay taxes to maintain a state-supported church

Masters in the Chesapeake were so hungry for labor that they 1. did not hesitate to devise legal ways to extend the time their servants owed them. 2. convinced England to send convicts for long-term servitude. 3. captured Indians and forced them to work. 4. bought up small farmers' land, forcing the farmers to work for them

did not hesitate to devise legal ways to extend the time their servants owed them

Most white Southerners in the antebellum South 1. worked small farms with the help of only a few slaves. 2. considered themselves planters. 3. had about twenty slaves, including domestic servants. 4. did not own slaves.

did not own slaves

freedmen in the occupied confederate states were very unhappy that the new labor regime imposed by the union military during the civil war

did not provide them with their own land

the ambitious economic programs of the republican state governments in the reconstruction era south

did not solve the south's economic problems

President Lincoln's efforts to stifle opposition to the war 1. resulted in imprisonment of a vast number of northern Democrats. 2. did suppress free speech. 3. were largely symbolic and involved no real action. 4. were tantamount to a reign of terror.

did suppress free speech

Why were pardons to former confederate soldiers under lincoln's proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction important?

didn't require them to extend social or political rights to ex slaves or anticipate a program of long term federal assistance

An important transition in American politics took place during the Jacksonian era as

different campaigning tactics and increasingly democratic rhetoric made it necessary for candidates to appeal to common people

The Revenue Act of 1767

directed that some of the revenue generated from its application be used to pay the salaries of royal governors.

The Seven Years' War taught colonists that

discipline within the British military was far more brutal than they had expected.

Property qualifications for voters and candidates in the new states 1. were replaced by a minimum-age requirement of twenty-two. 2. ensured that free blacks in the North would be able to vote. 3. were so liberal that essentially all adult white males could vote. 4. disfranchised 25 to 50 percent of all adult white males.

disfranchised 25 to 50 percent of all adult white males

the final straw that convinced republicans in the house of representatives to vote in favor of president johnson's impeachment was johnson's

dismissal of the secretary of war, without senate approval, which violates the tenure of office act

Conflicts addressed at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention

distribution of power, representation, slavery

The Archaic Indians of the Great Basin maintained their basic hunter-gatherer way of life until long after AD 1492 by 1. concentrating their settlements near the rainy foothills of mountains. 2. relying primarily on a diet of small-game meat. 3. diversifying their food sources and migrating to favorable locations. 4. carefully charting and following the migrations of a particular game animal.

diversifying their food sources and migrating to favorable locations.

From 1800 to 1820, church membership in the US


the 1866 civil rights act was extraordinary in that it sought to

dramatically expand black rights and federal authority

Jemima Wilkinson was an exhorting woman; specifically, she 1. was a Quaker who took her message to the deep South. 2. was the most successful female clothier in Philadelphia between 1815 and 1825. 3. was the first woman to be ordained as an Anglican minister, a practice sanctioned in New York between 1790 and 1820. 4. dressed in men's clothes and preached openly in Rhode Island and Philadelphia.

dressed in men's clothes and preached openly in Rhode Island and Philadelphia.

The Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal in 1494 1. resolved their differences with the Catholic Church concerning territorial ownership and the division of wealth brought back from these territories. 2. protected Spain's holdings in the New World, protected Portugal's holdings in Africa, and removed the financially exhaustive competition to reach Asia. 3. drew an imaginary line down the Atlantic Ocean, and that which was west of the line belonged to Spain and that which was east belonged to Portugal. 4. finally removed the Muslims from the European continent

drew an imaginary line down the Atlantic Ocean, and that which was west of the line belonged to Spain and that which was east belonged to Portugal.

Bostonian reaction to the Tea Act culminated in December of 1773 with the

dumping of thousands of pounds of tea into Boston harbor.

Under the Articles of Confederation, 1. five states had to approve war-making decisions. 2. all thirteen states had to approve routine decisions. 3. each state had a single vote in Congress. 4. three-quarters of the states had to vote to approve or amend the articles.

each state had a single vote in Congress

Under the Articles of Confederation,

each state had a single vote in Congress.

Mercantilism was a(n) 1. economic policy that favors the business of agriculture. 2. socioeconomic policy that places merchants and bankers in decision-making positions. 3. economic policy that places the welfare of the mother country above the welfare of the colonies. 4. socioeconomic policy that declares that parity between merchants and farmers must exist in order to maximize profits.

economic policy that places the welfare of the mother country above the welfare of the colonies

The free-labor ideal affected attitudes toward education in mid-ninteenth century America because

education offered another opportunity for Americans to achieve their potential thorugh hard work and self-discipline.

One of the most radical reform movements of the 1830s was the

effort to abolish slavery

the religion of 19th century plain folk

emphasized free choice and individual worth

The form of Christianity adopted by slaves in the 19th century

emphasized justice

the form of christianity adopted by slaves in the nineteenth century

emphasized justie

When women entered the manufacturing workforce during the civil war

employers began to reduce wages

Slaves increasingly used the chaos and turmoil of the Civil War to whittle away at their bondage by 1. indiscriminately poisoning white Southerners. 2. overtly attacking their masters when they had the chance. 3. banding together to sabotage the efforts of the Confederate army. 4. employing various means to undermine white mastery and expand control over their own lives.

employing various means to undermine white mastery and expand control over their own lives

during the civil war, republicans were able to

enact their platform of federal programs to encourage economic growth

In AD 1492, the empire of the Mexica 1. traded peacefully with neighboring groups, which allowed the Mexica to develop a rich culture that included writing, waterworks, gardens, and zoos. 2. encompassed 2.5 million people and had a rich culture due to the region's abundant rainfall and natural resources. 3. encompassed up to 25 million people and became enriched by redistributing the wealth of those they conquered. 4. stretched from Brazil to Mexico and encompassed 5 million people.

encompassed up to 25 million people and became enriched by redistributing the wealth of those they conquered

the issue of slavery in the territories erupted in congress in 1849 after president taylor

encouraged california and new mexico to apply for admission to the union as states

Agriculture changed Archaic cultures because it 1. encouraged the gradual establishment of permanent settlements and discouraged mobility. 2. discouraged permanent settlements and encouraged mobility. 3. made Native Americans more vulnerable to smallpox and other diseases. 4. quickly led to the disappearance of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

encouraged the gradual establishment of permanent settlements and discouraged mobility.

Because of their distrust of the economic elite, Andrew Jackson and many of his followers wanted to

end government support for business, thereby encouraging individual liberties and economic opportunities

In the 1796 presidential election, opponents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

ended up as president and vice president

In the 1796 presidential election, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson 1. ran on the same ticket. 2. had very similar political outlooks. 3. pledged to disband the electoral college. 4. ended up being president and vice president.

ended up being president and vice president

in the 1872 presidential election, democrats endorsed the anti grant liberal party because the new party

endorsed a policy of home rule from the south, that is control by white southerners

unlike democrats whigs in the antebellum south

endorsed government intervention in the economy

The First Continental Congress created the Continental Association, whose purpose was to

enforce a staggered and limited boycott of trade.

White Southerners' greatest fear regarding their slaves during the Civil War was that they would 1. engage in violent revolt. 2. steal even more property than they had stolen before the conflict broke out. 3. run away. 4. refuse to work.

engage in violent revolt.

Evidence indicates that before 1492 Native Americans 1. engaged in violent conflict with others infrequently and in limited ways. 2. engaged in extensive and frequent religious and familial conflicts. 3. lived in peace and harmony with each other. 4. engaged in violent conflict and that some practiced cannibalism.

engaged in violent conflict and that some practiced cannibalism.

In contrast to the Germans, Irish immigrants in teh 1840s adn 1850s often

entered at the bottom rung of the free-labor ladder as wage earners or domestic servants.

When George Washington took control of the Continental army, he found

enthusiastic but undisciplined troops.

14. In addition to some miners, the gold rush in California benefited 1. government officials. 2. foreign interlopers. 3. wage laborers. 4. entrepreneurs who supplied the miners.

entrepreneurs who supplied the miners

In addition to some miners, the gold rush in California benefitted

entrepreneurs who supplied the miners.

By the mid 1820s the total annual enrollment at the female academies and seminaries in the United States

equaled enrollment at male colleges

Federalist papers

essays defending the Constitution written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton

jefferson davis's objective as president of the newly formed confederate states of america was to

establish the confederacy as a permanent, independent republic

The exploration of the Spanish and Indian territory west of the Mississippi River by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark was successful in 1. preparing later American explorers and settlers so their western journeys were completely free of hardship. 2. making it possible to negotiate treaties to ensure peace with all of the Indian tribes from the Mississippi River to the Columbia River. 3. establishing good relations with many Indian tribes and collecting valuable information on the peoples, plants, animals, and geography of the region. 4. finding a waterway between the east and west coasts of the United States.

establishing good relations with many Indian tribes and collecting valuable information on the peoples, plants, animals, and geography of the region

The Civil War affected the United States by 1. assuring the equality of all Americans. 2. slowing down business activity in both the North and the South. 3. greatly weakening national loyalty in the North. 4. establishing the sovereignty of the federal government and the dominance of industrial capitalism.

establishing the sovereignty of the federal government and the dominance of industrial capitalism

In what became known as the Freeport Doctrine, Stephen A. Douglas argued that 1. halting the spread of an institution as economically valuable as slavery would cause dire financial consequences for the United States. 2. the democratic foundations of the United States made it impossible for a Supreme Court decision to supersede the implementation of a concept such as popular sovereignty. 3. Northerners need not worry about the effect of the Dred Scott decision on the future of slavery in the territories, because the decision would very likely be reversed in the near future. 4. even though settlers could not, at that time, pass legislation barring slavery in the territories, they could ban slavery just as effectively by not passing the police laws necessary to protect slave property.

even though settlers could not, at that time, pass legislation barring slavery in the territories, they could ban slavery just as effectively by not passing the police laws necessary to protect slave property.

Relatively few white Northerners got involved in the campaign to eradicate slavery because

even though they may have viewed slavery as counterproductive or immoral, they tended to be racists

The wade davis bill specifically forbade who from participating in the drafting of new state constitutions

ex confederates

Andrew Jackson set an important political precedent when he selected his cabinet by

excluding members of political factions that were not loyal to him

During the Civil War, the "twenty-Negro law" enraged many white Southerners because it 1. targeted for military service every slaveholder with at least twenty slaves. 2. exempted from military service one white man on every plantation with twenty or more slaves. 3. paid slaveholders scarce government funds for every twenty slaves they owned or supervised. 4. meant that every slaveholder with at least forty slaves had to turn over twenty of them for use by the Confederate government

exempted from military service one white man on every plantation with twenty or more slaves

the scarcity of large scale slave revolts in the antebellum south demonstrates that

existing conditions made the success of insurrections unlikely

In 1860, the increasingly confident Republican Party 1. expanded their platform to address other issues. 2. nominated John C. Breckinridge for president. 3. gained popularity in the South. 4. focused on the slavery issue with more intensity than ever.

expanded their platform to address other issues.

Despite their ideological commitment to states' rights and limited government, Confederate leaders 1. forced every state to issue resolutions making their case against the Emancipation Proclamation. 2. continued their staunch support of states' rights critic Jefferson Davis because of his popularity among Southern people. 3. denied the right of West Virginians to break away from Virginia and create their own state. 4. expanded their power by drafting soldiers into the Confederate army and confiscating large amounts of property for the war effort.

expanded their power by drafting soldiers into the Confederate army and confiscating large amounts of property for the war effort

Portugal's early interest in exploration and expansion stemmed from its desire to 1. shift the balance of power in Europe from France to itself. 2. control the gold and slave trade of Africa. 3. shift the balance of power in Europe from England to itself. 4. expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula and gain access to African trade posts.

expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula and gain access to African trade posts.

Contact and trade between the peoples of the Old and New Worlds 1. enabled clever European traders to take advantage of gullible Indians. 2. caused chaos and anxiety in European communities. 3. exposed Indians to devastating Old World diseases. 4. resulted in the diffusion of American technology in Europe

exposed Indians to devastating Old World diseases

Compared to the Spanish colonists in the New World in the sixteenth century, the English of the Virginia Company 1. intermarried with the Indians more frequently. 2. expressed less interest in finding great wealth. 3. were more likely to slaughter the Indians. 4. expressed less concern for the conversion of the Indians to Christianity.

expressed less concern for the conversion of the Indians to Christianity.

the primary issue of the presidential election of 1856 was the

extension of slavery into the territories

for antebellum plantation mistresses plantation life was

extremely circumscribed by the plantation

ultimately the confederate government's bold measures

failed to transform the south's agricultural economy into an industrial one

The Legislative Branch checks on the Judicial Branch by appointing federal judges


Who provided the labor for the majority of the farms in the antebellum southern upcountry?

family members

in the antebellum southern upcountry, most farms were worked by

family members

The term yeoman planter refers to a 1. farmer who rents his land. 2. poor farmer who wears the yoke of an ox and pulls his own plow. 3. wealthy farmer who owns only a few slaves. 4. farmer who owns a small plot of land that is worked primarily by himself and his family.

farmer who owns a small plot of land that is worked primarily by himself and his family.


farmers who owned and worked their own small plots of land. Those living within the plantation belt were more dependent of planters than were those in the upcountry, where small farmers dominated

By 1770, New Englanders had only one-fourth as much wealth as free colonists in the South, in large part because

farms did not produce huge surpluses of cash crops in quantities necessary to become wealthy.

As chancellor of the exchequer in 1767, Charles Townshend

favored imposing taxes that would help pay off England's war debt and make the colonists pay the cost of maintaining British troops in America.

. The core of Antifederalists' opposition to the Constitution centered on 1. the power it gave to the common man. 2. the doctrine of separation of powers. 3. fear that distant power might infringe on people's liberties. 4. the creation of a stronger chief executive.

fear that distant power might infringe on people's liberties

what stereotypes did a women have to overcome before being accepted as nurses in the civil war

female delicacy about being a middle class traditional white woman

the majority of plantation slaves worked as

field hands

Bull Run

first actual battle of the civil war where confederate soldiers charged union men

Stamp Act 1765

first direct tax, affects everyone

. During the Revolutionary War, Indian tribes 1. first hoped to stay neutral, but many ended up fighting on the British side. 2. embraced the revolutionary cause from the onset of hostilities. 3. first joined the British but later switched to the revolutionary side. 4. participated in violence against both sides

first hoped to stay neutral, but many ended up fighting on the British side

During the Revolutionary War, Indian tribes

first hoped to stay neutral, but many ended up fighting on the British side.

battle of Bull Run

first major battle of the Civil War, fought at a railroad junction in northern Virginia on July 21, 1861. The Union suffered a sobering defeat, while the Confederates felt affirmed in their superiority and the inevitability of the Confederate nationhood

Battle of Long Island

first major engagement of the new continental army, defending against 45,000 British troops newly arrived on western Long Island (today Brooklyn). The Continentals retreated with high casualties, and many taken prisoner

. In response to promises that had been made in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution, James Madison drew up the 1. Whiskey Bill. 2. Fugitive Slave Act. 3. Judiciary Act of 1789. 4. first ten amendments to the Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights.

first ten amendments to the Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights

Battle of Monmouth

first time Washington doesn't have to surrender, first test of Continental army after training, ends in a draw

plantation belt

flatlands that spread from South Carolina to east Texas and were dominated by large plantations

What kinds of crops predominated on the farms of the plantation belt yeomen farmers?


The apparent uniformity of the big-game-oriented Clovis culture was replaced by great cultural diversity in the last eleven millennia because people devoted more energy to 1. developing trade networks, which led to more bartering and exchange of ideas. 2. domesticating animals to replace the large mammals, which led to greater specialization of tribal roles. 3. foraging, which pushed them into other natural environments and led to more profound environmental adaptations. 4. developing stationary agriculture, which led to more diverse farming cultures.

foraging, which pushed them into other natural environments and led to more profound environmental adaptations

In march 1862 congress established a national policy on fugitive slaves that

forbade the return of runaways to their masters

Henry Clay wanted to force the issue of the renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States before the presidential election of 1832 because he hoped to

force Andrew Jackson into an unpopular veto on the issue in order to secure support for Clay as president

the union army's solution to the problem of how to organize labor on federally occupied land in the south was

force exslaves into a system of wage labor, blacks were forced to enter into contracts, work diligently and remain obedient

In 1830, President Jackson convinced Congress to pass legislation that

forced Native Americans to relocate west of the Missippi

In 1830, President Jackson convinced Congress to pass legislation that

forced Native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi and opened up about 100 million acres of land for white settlers

Trail of Tears

forced westward journey of Cherokees from their lands in Georgia to present day Oklahoma in 1838. Despite favorable legal action, the Cherokees endured a grueling 1200 mile march overseen by federal troops. Nearly a quarter of the Cherokees died en route

What did Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson hope to accomplish with the Albany Plan of Union?

formation of a strong federal government

In 1777 the newly drafted Articles of Confederation defined the union as a loose confederation of states existing mainly to

foster a common defense

The growth of railroads in the 1850s

fostered iron production, coal production, and the telegraph industry.

From what source did northern challenges to slavery first emerge in the United States around 1830?

free black communities

As manpower needs in the Continental army increased,

free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.

As manpower needs in the Continental army increased, 1. about twenty thousand black men enlisted. 2. the southerners allowed their black slaves to serve. 3. Indians were promised the return of their land if they would assist in the cause. 4. free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.

free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.

What was the most important factor that divided south and north after 1820

free labor vs slavery

Indentured servants saw themselves as 1. slaves. 2. free people who were servants temporarily. 3. people without rights and with little likelihood of ever receiving their "freedom dues." 4. virtual prisoners without hope of release.

free people who were servants temporarily.

After a servant served his or her indenture, an employer was required to give him or her 1. a share of the master's crop. 2. nothing. 3. free land. 4. freedom dues.

freedom dues

Early in the struggle to win Kansas, proslavery supporters 1. provided an excellent example of how the legal and orderly implementation of popular sovereignty might take place. 2. got no support from the presidential administration of Millard Fillmore. 3. from out of state invaded Kansas, to control the election through fraud and intimidation. 4. saw that the cause was lost and retreated from the contest.

from out of state invaded Kansas, to control the election through fraud and intimidation

The Quebec Act affronted many Americans because it

gave Roman Catholic Quebec control of the Ohio Valley

In a new distinction between democracy and republicanism, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

gave a direct voice to the people only in the House.

the 14th amendment's provisions for voting rights

gave congress the right to reduce the congressional representation of states that withheld suffrage from part of their adult male population

The Mexican-American War ended with the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, under the term sof which Mexico

gave up all claims to Texas above the Rio Grade and ceded the provinces of New Mexico and California to the United States.

the first railroad lines in the united states were

generally short and not yet an efficient distribution system for goods

Dissenting colonists believed that the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

generate increased revenue to pay the salaries of royal governors and judges—a reminder of Parliament's taxation and legislative powers

responses to harriet beecher stowe's uncle tom's cabin varied according to

geography, southerns hated it but northerners loved it

After General Grant became the general in chief of the Union armies in March 1864, he made two important decisions to send the western armies into

georgia and to take on lee directly

The Dred Scott decision increased sectional tension by 1. strengthening the Democratic Party by unifying its northern and southern branches. 2. seeming to indicate clearly that the issue of slavery could be determined in any territory long before the moment of statehood. 3. giving credence to the belief in the North that a Slave Power conspiracy existed and was laboring to subvert northern liberties. 4. precipitating the resignation of Supreme Court justices from the North.

giving credence to the belief in the North that a Slave Power conspiracy existed and was laboring to subvert northern liberties

south carolina representative preston brooks attack on massachusetts senator charles sumner had the effect of

giving the republican party a symbol of southern villainy

In the late 1840s and early 1850s massive numbers of immigrants poured into California seeking


relationships on nineteenth century southern plantations were

governed by rigid hierarchial roles, the master was the top of the hierarchy ruling over family and children along with slaves

. Headrights were initiated by the Virginia Company and continued by the royal government as an incentive to encourage settlement in the Virginia colony. A headright 1. granted the right of primogeniture to immigrants as well as the right to purchase land at steep discounts. 2. permitted the head of a family the right to vote in the House of Burgesses. 3. granted the head of non-English immigrant families the rights of English citizenship. 4. granted fifty acres of land to every settler who paid his own transportation to the Chesapeake.

granted fifty acres of land to every settler who paid his own transportation to the Chesapeake.

The Archaic Indians in the Great Basin inhabited a region of 1. predominantly desert topography with little plant or animal life. 2. great environmental diversity, including marshes, deserts, and mountains. 3. few game animals and waterfowl. 4. moderate temperature variations and long growing seasons.

great environmental diversity, including marshes, deserts, and mountains

The deaths of millions of Indians affected Spain 1. greatly. The lack of natives created a labor shortage that led to the purchase of African slaves. 2. little. Spain had exhausted all natural resources in the areas it had colonized. 3. greatly. By this death toll, the Spaniards accidentally realized the value of germ warfare and used it in the future. 4. little. The Spanish believed Indians to be inferior and their deaths to be no great loss

greatly. The lack of natives created a labor shortage that led to the purchase of African slaves.

John Brown's leadership of a massacre at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas, led to 1. guerrilla war engulfing the territory. 2. an increase in the number of proslavery demonstrations nationwide. 3. the realization of the need for a revote on the popular sovereignty issue. 4. government troops declaring martial law in the territory

guerrilla war engulfing the territory

According to John Winthrop's sermon aboard the Arbella, the Puritans had "entered into a covenant" with God, meaning that they 1. were to transfer the beliefs of the Church of England to the western shores of the Atlantic in return for ten generations of exceptional religious leaders. 2. had been chosen to set up a missionary franchise in America with the exclusive charge to convert Native Americans to Christianity. 3. had agreed to leave England in return for God's assurance that they would prosper and become wealthy in God's new kingdom. 4. had been uniquely chosen to do God's special work of building a holy community as an example to others.

had been uniquely chosen to do God's special work of building a holy community as an example to others.

At the end of 1862, the eastern theater of the Civil War 1. had been a great success for the Union because the same northern generals stayed on for the duration, getting wiser with each battle. 2. had reached a stalemate. 3. made it obvious that the rebellion was nearly over. 4. had seen one Union victory after another

had reached a stalemate.

In the Jacksonian era, ideas about gender relations revolved around the notion that husbands and wives

had separate spheres of activity; the 1830's witnessed the development of the concept that men and women inhabited separate spheres of action, with their own distinctive duties. Men found their status and authority in the new world of work, while women remained behind, looking after home and family (339)

By 1845, the American Temperance Union and other temperance advocates

had succeeded in decreasing alcohol consumption in the United States

By 1845, the American Temperance Union and other temperance advocates 1. had convinced twelve states to ban entirely the sale or manufacture of alcoholic beverages. 2. had backed down and were demanding that their adherents abstain from alcohol only on Sunday. 3. had succeeded in decreasing alcohol consumption in the United States. 4. were demanding that their adherents consume only sacrificial wine.

had succeeded in decreasing alcohol consumption in the United States

The alleged plot by Gabriel, a 24-year-old slave, to stage a slave rebellion led white Virginians to 1. quell unrest by granting slaves the right to legal marriage. 2. adopt a policy of gradual emancipation. 3. hang 27 black men for contemplating rebellion. 4. implement laws for the better treatment of slaves.

hang 27 black men for contemplating rebellion

The basic intent of the two Alien Acts passed by Congress was to 1. discourage all immigration to the United States. 2. jail newly arrived French persons and confiscate their property. 3. deport any French person who had been in the United States for less than a year. 4. harass French immigrants already in the United States and discourage others from coming.

harass French immigrants already in the United States and discourage others from coming

in september 1862 robert e lee pushed the fighting across the potomac into maryland because

he believed a confederate victory on northern soil might end the war

In 1854 Illinois Senator Stephen A Douglas sponsored the Kansas Nebraska Act and included a section repealing the Missouri Compromise because

he needed southern support to pass his legislation

In 1854, Stephen A. Douglas sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act and included a section repealing the Missouri Compromise because 1. he agreed with the arguments of proslavery theorists about the best way to organize southern society. 2. he needed southern support to pass his legislation, the price of which was opening up the Nebraska territory to the possibility of slavery. 3. unbeknownst to his colleagues and constituents, Douglas pocketed large sums of money from southern legislators in return for supporting their causes. 4. he had never supported the Missouri Compromise in the first place.

he needed southern support to pass his legislation, the price of which was opening up the Nebraska territory to the possibility of slavery.

Washington was elected president unanimously and gained the admiration of many Americans primarily because 1. as leader of the Continental army he had earned a reputation for uncompromising devotion to egalitarian and democratic values. 2. he seemed to personify the eighteenth-century ideal of the disinterested republican political leader. 3. many eighteenth-century Americans shared his commitment to religious values. 4. of his brilliant intellect.

he seemed to personify the eighteenth-century ideal of the disinterested republican political leader

Why did King George II seek to extract more money from the colonists?

he thought the colonists should help pay England's war debt

Abraham Lincoln became the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1860 because 1. he supported high tariffs and a Pacific railroad, and had begun denouncing the South for the sin of slavery. 2. he threatened to lead his own party-splitting exodus if the party did not nominate him. 3. he was a moderate on the volatile issue of slavery, demonstrated solid Republican credentials, and represented the crucial state of Illinois. 4. fellow Republicans Edward Bates and Salmon P. Chase lobbied the nominating committee to select Lincoln.

he was a moderate on the volatile issue of slavery, demonstrated solid Republican credentials, and represented the crucial state of Illinois.

how did corruption, economic depression, labor violence and attempts to annex Santo Domingo reflect on the presidency of Ulysses S Grant

he was naive, showed he wasn't a good president, he was undermined and wasn't willing to enforce policies abandoning his job

By proposing federally funded internal improvements, scientific research, and a national university located in Washington, D.C., President John Quincy Adams believed 1. he was picking up where his own father had left off as president in his efforts to employ the government as an engine of reform. 2. he was forging the basis of a new political party able to counter the upsurge of popular voting. 3. he was picking up where Jefferson and Madison had left off, using the power of the government to advance knowledge. 4. he was actually forwarding a program that would save Americans millions of dollars in other areas of government.

he was picking up where Jefferson and Madison had left off, using the power of the government to advance knowledge

In 1862, the Homestead Act 1. put an end to widespread speculation on western land purchases. 2. promised every former slave a homestead with forty acres and a mule. 3. helped to encourage Westerners to be loyal to the Union. 4. instituted America's first public education system.

helped to encourage Westerners to be loyal to the Union.

nineteenth century planters were able to concentrate on marketing, finance, and general plantation affairs because they

hired overseers, professionals who made a career out of supervising slaves

Black Hawk's resistance to removal from Illinois led to 1. a reversal of U.S. Indian policy. 2. the defeat of the American volunteer militia. 3. his capture and the massacre of some 400 of his people. 4. the establishment of a 5,000-acre Illinois reservation for the Fox and Saux.

his capture and the massacre of some 400 of his people

On what grounds did Dred Scott base his claim to freedom in his 1857 Supreme court case?

his travels and residences in free areas

dred scott based his claim to freedom on

his travels and residences in free areas

in 1857 stephen a douglas came out against the proslavery lecompton constitution for kansas in part because he

hoped the action would improve his political prospects

the typical plantation belt yeoman of the nineteenth century

hoped to become a large planter

Relationships between Americans and Indians during the Revolutionary War were increasingly characterized by 1. antagonism because most Indians joined the British in fighting the Americans. 2. hostility and violent anti-Indian campaigns. 3. cooperation in fighting a common enemy—the British. 4. cooperation because the Indians allied with the French in fighting the British.

hostility and violent anti-Indian campaigns

Relationships between Americans and Indians during the Revolutionary War were increasingly characterized by

hostility and violent anti-Indian campaigns.

In 1517, Martin Luther publicized his criticism of the Catholic Church. The theological differences between Luther and the Catholic Church centered on 1. how salvation could be gained. 2. the divinity of Jesus. 3. who could become a priest. 4. the role of saints.

how salvation could be gained

. The fundamental issue raised at the Constitutional Convention was 1. whether or not slavery should be abolished. 2. how to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states. 3. whether the new national government should be more powerful or less powerful than the confederation government. 4. whether or not presidential powers should be increased.

how to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states

The fundamental issue raised at the Constitutional Convention was

how to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states.

Factors leading to the postwar depression that began in the mid-1780s included

huge state and federal war debts, private debt, and rapid expenditure.

What financial problem did the confederation government face after the war?

huge states and federal war debts

Early Woodland Indians practiced basic survival strategies including 1. hunting deer and gathering nuts and seeds. 2. building large, permanent settlements and growing a variety of crops. 3. following the great herds of bison and harvesting wild-growing corn. 4. herding sheep and fishing for salmon.

hunting deer and gathering nuts and seeds

like a majority of republicans abraham lincoln held that slavery was

immoral but that black equality was unachievable

throughout 1861 abolitionists pressed president lincoln to emancipate southern slaves, arguing that

in seceding, southerners had forfeited their right to constitutional protection

in the post revolutionary era, there were brief flurry of emancipation

in the tobacco growing regions of the upper south

Virginia's constitution was the first to

include a bill of rights.

Writers of the new state constitutions believed that voting requirements should

include property ownership because property owners had independence of mind.

Dissenting colonists believed that the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was 1. increased revenue to pay the salaries of royal governors and judges—a reminder of Parliament's taxation and legislative powers. 2. to start a war. 3. to show colonists that the British wanted to cooperate on trade. 4. to put Dutch tea companies out of business.

increased revenue to pay the salaries of royal governors and judges—a reminder of Parliament's taxation and legislative powers.

Growing colonial resentment of British authority during the 1760s could be attributed to

increased taxation and increased intrusion by Britain.

Growing colonial resentment of British authority during the 1760s could be attributed to 1. continuous abuse by the British soldiers. 2. increased exports from other countries. 3. increased taxation and increased intrusion by Britain. 4. increased trade possibilities.

increased taxation and increased intrusion by Britain.

Shays's Rebellion of 1786 was the result of 1. Samuel Adams inciting farmers in Massachusetts. 2. debt-strapped farmers in Pennsylvania. 3. commercial and western creditors' harsh payment terms. 4. increased taxes on farmers in Massachusetts.

increased taxes on farmers in Massachusetts

Shays's Rebellion of 1786 was the result of

increased taxes on farmers in Massachusetts.

white southerners' rejection of the 14th amendment

increased the influence of radical republicans

general george mcclellan's weakness as commander of the army of the potomac was that he was

indecisive and slow to act

what characterized the lives of upcountry yeomen who lived in the hills and mountains

independent farm family, own land, raising animals, seeking self sufficiency and independence

Sugar Act 1764

indirect tax that only affected merchants

what characterized the compromise of 1877

informal understanding for democratic promise, hayes vowed to refrain from using the army to uphold the remaining republican regimes in the south

The spread of public schools in the 1820s and 1830s made education more accessible to students and affected teaching by 1. raising the pay of most teachers. 2. requiring that all teachers possess college degrees. 3. elevating the status of teachers as professionals. 4. initiating a shift toward hiring women as cheap instructors.

initiating a shift toward hiring women as cheap instructors

News of Benedict Arnold's treason 1. ended rebel support in the South for good. 2. inspired renewed patriotism in America. 3. caused American morale to sink to an all-time low. 4. caused the French to withdraw their support from the Americans.

inspired renewed patriotism in America

News of Benedict Arnold's treason

inspired renewed patriotism in America.


interracial sex. proslavery spokesmen played on the fears of whites when they suggested that giving blacks equal rights would lead to this. In reality, slavery led to considerable sexual abuse of black women by their white masters

Early in the struggle to win Kansas proslavery supporters

invaded Kansas to control the election through fraud and intimidation

The Indian policy in seventeenth-century Pennsylvania 1. involved purchasing Indians' land, respecting their claims, and dealing with them fairly. 2. was more repressive then the Indian policies in the other English colonies of the time. 3. involved letting the Indians keep their lands if they became Quakers. 4. was similar to Indian policies of the other English colonies of the time.

involved purchasing Indians' land, respecting their claims, and dealing with them fairly.

What poor northern men found especially galling about the new draft law of 1863 was that 1. enlistments for those drafted into the army were twice as long as those for men who volunteered their services. 2. they had to provide much of their own equipment. 3. they fell under a special "hostility" clause and were paid less than so-called patriotic men who volunteered. 4. it allowed a draftee to hire a substitute or pay a $300 fee to avoid conscription.

it allowed a draftee to hire a substitute or pay a $300 fee to avoid conscription.

What effect did the 1854 kansas nebraska act have on political party formation

it broke up the whigs and the disaffection of significant numbers of northern democrats

The Quebec Act offended many Americans because

it gave Roman Catholic Quebec control of the Ohio valley

In 1829, Mexico outlawed the introduction of additional slaves in Texas because

it hoped to discourage any more American settlers from coming to the area.

What describes the Ku Klux Klan act of 1871?

it made the interference with voting rights a federal felony

All postcolonial American state constitutions drafted in the 1770s shared what conviction about government

it rested on the consent of the governed

Portugal was an unlikely nation to lead Europe into the Age of Exploration because 1. it was a small, landlocked nation that, prior to the 1500s, had little interest in expanding its borders. 2. it was a small nation with less than 2 percent of the population of Christian Europe. 3. its monarchy was controlled by the Catholic Church, which resisted the idea of exploration. 4. it was primarily populated by impoverished, illiterate peasants whose monarchy was destabilized by economic warfare.

it was a small nation with less than 2 percent of the population of Christian Europe.

Why did the French ally with the Continentals?

it was an opportunity for them to defeat the British

Anne Hutchinson's emphasis on the "covenant of grace" stirred religious controversy in early Massachusetts because 1. she said only her followers would achieve salvation. 2. it was feared she was disrupting the good order of the colony. 3. she encouraged other women to take an active part in religious governance. 4. she said the Puritan leaders should be excommunicated

it was feared she was disrupting the good order of the colony.

One of the many weaknesses of the Continental army was that 1. it was inexperienced and undermanned. 2. it was fighting on its own soil. 3. there were too many pockets of loyalists in the colonies. 4. it was undermanned because military service was not politically fashionable.

it was inexperienced and undermanned

One of the many weaknesses of the Continental army was that

it was inexperienced and undermanned.

Treasonable acts, as defined by state laws in 1775 and 1776, included

joining the British army or supplying it with food or ammunition.

beginning in 1865 the southern states adopted a series of laws known as black codes which were intended to

keep blacks subordinate to whites, subjected blacks to all kinds of discrimination

Despite suffering heavy losses in his 1864 virginia campaign, general grant did not believe that he was defeated because he

knew that the confederates had lost proportionally as many men


labor system that emerged in the South during reconstruction. under this system, planters divided their plantations into small farms that freedmen rented, paying with a share of each year's crop. Sharecropping gave blacks some freedom, but they remained dependent on white landlords and country merchants

Jefferson Davis had the appearance of the perfect wartime leade;r in reality he was

lacking in military skill

Northwest Ordinance

land act of 1787 that established a three stage process by which settled territories would become states. It also banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. The ordinance guaranteed that western lands with white populations would not become colonial dependencies

black codes

laws passed by state governments in the South in 1865 that sought to keep ex slaves subordinate to white. At the core of the black codes lay the desire to force freedom back to the plantations

Compromise of 1850

laws passed in 1850 meant to resolve the dispute over the spread of slavery in the territories. Key elements included the admission of California as a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act. The compromise soon unraveled

gradual emancipation

laws passed in five northern states that balanced states' civil rights against slaveholders' property rights by providing a multistage process for freeing slaves, distinguishing persons already alive from those not yet born and providing benchmark dates when freedom would arrive for each group

A typical pattern for boys not remaining on the farm in the 1820s and 1830s was to 1. enter the military. 2. leave school at the age of fourteen and become either an apprentice in a trade or an entry-level clerk. 3. enter the ministry. 4. attend college in preparation for a career in a profession.

leave school at the age of fourteen and become either an apprentice in a trade or an entry-level clerk

In 1786, a Massachusetts farmer and one time captain in the Continental army named Daniel Shays

led a tax revolt

Steamboats had a detrimental effect on the environment because they 1. killed various species of fish, disrupting the ecosystem. 2. depleted the ozone layer. 3. led to deforestation and air pollution. 4. frequently spilled coal and other toxic substances into the water.

led to deforestation and air pollution.

Ultimately, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 1. caused southern congressmen to propose tighter restrictions on all Northerners wishing to enter the South. 2. motivated the federal government to remove the arsenal from the community. 3. influenced dozens of slave uprisings. 4. left an increasing number of southern whites to conclude that many Northerners wanted to end slavery with violence.

left an increasing number of southern whites to conclude that many Northerners wanted to end slavery with violence

feme covert

legal doctrine grounded in British common law that held that a wife's civic life was subsumed by her husband's. married women lacked independence to own property, make contracts, or keep wages earned. The doctrine shaped women's status in the early republic

South Carolina planters favored slaves from the central African Congo and Angola regions because 1. they came from a region in Africa that was similar in climate to South Carolina, and thus they stayed healthier and were able to work more. 2. they were more common and thus less expensive. 3. linguistic and cultural similarities allowed them to communicate with other African slaves from the same region, thereby easing newcomers' acculturation to slave life. 4. they were larger and stronger.

linguistic and cultural similarities allowed them to communicate with other African slaves from the same region, thereby easing newcomers' acculturation to slave life.

Under royal government in Virginia, the colony's inhabitants could vote for 1. local burgesses. 2. the colony's governor. 3. members of Parliament. 4. taxation measures.

local burgesses.

by the end of the civil war, newly organized state governments in what states met president lincoln's requirements for rejoining the union, but congress would seat any of their representatives

louisiana, tennessee, arkansas, and virginia

Continental army morale during the winter of 1777-78 was

low because corruption was undermining the patriots' cause.

For workers in early Massachusetts factories, wages were

low because workers were easily replaced.

The representatives of the Iroquois Nation at the Albany Congress

made no commitment to helping the British fight the French.

the new political party system of the 1850s

made political compromise difficult

Employees of early textile mills in New England were

mainly young women who left rural farms and flocked to factory towns in the hope of gaining more autonomy

After the Seven Years' War, the Earl of Bute decided to keep several thousand British troops in America, ostensibly to

maintain the peace between the colonists and the Indians.

panic of 1837

major economic crisis that led to several years of hard times in the United States from 1837 to 1841. Sudden bankruptcies, contraction of credit and runs on banks worked hardships nationwide. The causes were multiple and global and not well understood

Thomas Jefferson made it a point to dress in plain, casual clothing to 1. hide his true identity in order to solicit visitors' candid views about his administration. 2. make an important point about republican simplicity and manners. 3. make Americans believe he was an able and focused president because he paid no attention to his personal appearance. 4. enable him to play practical jokes on diplomatic visitors, a pastime Jefferson relished.

make an important point about republican simplicity and manners

King Henry VIII saw in the Protestant Reformation the opportunity to 1. renounce his Catholic faith so that he could achieve salvation. 2. end religious disputes and unrest in England. 3. make himself the head of the church in England. 4. organize a large army and march on the Vatican.

make himself the head of the church in England.

. Only 38 of the 144 Englishmen who made the first voyage to what would become Jamestown, Virginia, survived the first year. This high mortality rate is explained primarily by 1. disease, cannibalism, and ignorance of farming methods. 2. bad drinking water, cannibalism, and starvation. 3. malnutrition, disease, and the failure to let go of traditional notions of class and labor. 4. malnutrition and sporadic fights with the Indians.

malnutrition, disease, and the failure to let go of traditional notions of class and labor.

what responsibilities did planter class women have on the plantation

managed the home, directed their work punished

U.S. involvement in the War of 1812 encouraged economic growth in the 1. Western Hemisphere, because Americans opened up new markets in Latin America. 2. North, because shippers there were forced to switch over to other industries due to the embargo and trade stoppages. 3. South, because farmers there sold more agricultural produce to other sections of the nation. 4. manufacturing sector, because the embargo and trade stoppages meant that American factories received a temporary respite from competition with the British.

manufacturing sector, because the embargo and trade stoppages meant that American factories received a temporary respite from competition with the British

American cotton production underwent a real boom in the late 1790s because of 1. transportation innovations, especially the improved canal system. 2. market conditions and the invention of the horse-drawn plow. 3. market conditions and the invention of the cotton gin. 4. the increased need for cotton due to the burgeoning population.

market conditions and the invention of the cotton gin

For the Indians, the peace that began in 1783

meant displacement and only a temporary lull in fighting.

The Halfway Covenant was a 1. a rule adopted in Massachusetts allowing the unconverted to worship in the colony's meetinghouses, but only in the back half of the buildings. 2. measure designed to alleviate a labor glut in Massachusetts by instituting a half-day's pay for a half-day's work. 3. measure instituted by Puritan leaders in 1662 allowing the unconverted children of visible saints to become halfway church members, a measure meant to keep communities as godly as possible. 4. legal agreement between merchants and shippers dividing the cost of lost cargoes between the two.

measure instituted by Puritan leaders in 1662 allowing the unconverted children of visible saints to become halfway church members, a measure meant to keep communities as godly as possible.


members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Most Americans deemed the Mormons heretics. After Smith's death at the hands of an angry mob in 1844, Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah in 1846

After 1815, the idea of separate spheres and separate duties for men and women was strengthened by the fact that

men's work was newly disconnected from the home and increasingly brought cash to the household

After 1815, the idea of separate spheres and separate duties for men and women was strengthened by the fact that 1. men's work was newly disconnected from the home and increasingly brought cash to the household. 2. an experiment in which males and females attended the same colleges and went on to similar jobs proved unsuccessful. 3. most women went to work in the newly established mills and factories. 4. most men worked at home, either in farming and cottage industries, and separation of men from women was necessary to avoid discord and distraction

men's work was newly disconnected from the home and increasingly brought cash to the household

The commercial economy of New England was dominated by


Continental dollars were

merely paper backed by no precious metals.

Children born from a Spanish man and an Indian woman in the Spanish New World would be considered part of which social class? 1. creoles 2. peninsulares 3. mestizos 4. Cajuns


for plantation mistresses the most painful aspect of plantation life was


Southerners felt that giving blacks equal voting rights would lead to what?

miscegenation, the sexual mixing of the two races

what issue dod the diarist mary chestnut boykin expose as being of great concern to planter class women


What did utopian communities like those of the Fourierists hope to achieve?

models of perfection

Ideology in monarchial society vs republican society

monarchial- society based on hereditary title and wealth, people exist to serve the monarch republican- society ordered on ability, government exists to serve the people

catalysts of the Revolution

more British military presence, prevention of expansion, end of salutary neglect

Southerners moved west in the first half of the nineteenth century in search of

more and better land for growing cotton

Among free black men of fighting age in the North, 1. most fought in the Union army. 2. many fled to Canada to avoid being reenslaved by the Confederate forces. 3. the war seemed like an irrelevant war between whites. 4. a very low proportion of the population actually participated in combat during the Civil War.

most fought in the Union army.

. In the quarter century after 1775, legislatures provided for the immediate or gradual abolition of slavery in 1. Maryland, Virginia, and most northern states. 2. Maryland and most northern states. 3. all of the original thirteen colonies. 4. most northern states.

most northern states

In the quarter century after 1775, legislatures provided for the immediate or gradual abolition of slavery in

most northern states.

Why did the number of white male voters increase between the elections of 1824 and 1828?

most states abolished property qualifications for voting

In 1863 general lee decided to attack the union army at gettysburg, pennsylvania, in the hopes of

moving the fighting out of Virginia, felt confident that an aggressive assault on the North would be successful


name taken by southern Democrats who harnessed white rage in order to overthrow Republican rule and black political power and this, they believed, save southern civilization

The Constitution most clearly shifted the balance of power in favor of

national over state governments.

The huge increase in the slave population in the South during the second half of the eighteenth century can be attributed to

natural increase and the Atlantic slave trade.

in the years after the revolution slavery was challenged by

natural rights philosophy and evangelical protestantism

Pinckney treaty

navigation rights, Spain concedes east of Mississippi river

underground railroad

network consisting mainly of black homes, black churches and black neighborhoods that helped slaves escape to the North by supplying shelter, food and general assistance

What was the Indian's initial reaction to the war?

neutrality, later they chose sides

Because the South lacked economic diversity, 1. railroads were reluctant to build in the South. 2. the government dragged its feet in creating an effective banking system there. 3. newly arrived European immigrants tended to settle in the North. 4. it was dependent upon the North for food products.

newly arrived European immigrants tended to settle in the North

The nationally circulated Advocate of Moral Reform was a

newspaper published by women that took men to task for the sexual sin of frequenting prostitutes and perpetuating prostitution.

The nationally circulated Advocate of Moral Reform was a 1. best-selling novel satirizing Americans' preoccupation with fixing their broken society. 2. newsletter published by a consortium of powerful evangelical ministers. 3. newspaper published by women that took men to task for the sexual sin of frequenting prostitutes and perpetuating prostitution. 4. magazine published by women that condemned prostitutes for possessing low moral character.

newspaper published by women that took men to task for the sexual sin of frequenting prostitutes and perpetuating prostitution.

did lincoln expect the burdens of the post war era to be easier or more difficult than the burdens of wartime

no he thought it would be almost the same

Under the legal doctrine of feme covert wives had

no independent legal identity

the whig party's showing in the presidential election of 1852 demonstrated that it

no longer had strong national support

did the compromise of 1850 represent a final settlement of all the issues it addressed

no slavery had not been settled

The free soil party's 1848 presidential platform called for

no slavery in the western territories, it was created by antislavery democrats and whigs

jefferson davis had the appearance of the perfect wartime leader; in reality he was

not a good military or political leader

The Albany Plan of Union, as proposed by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson, was

not approved by the colonies or by England.

When the Constitution was drafted, slavery was 1. explicitly named as being a landowner's liberty. 2. not named, but its existence was recognized and guaranteed. 3. the most hotly debated issue. 4. euphemistically outlawed.

not named, but its existence was recognized and guaranteed

When the Constitution was drafted, slavery was

not named, but its existence was recognized and guaranteed.

When the war with mexico ended in 1848 congress had

not resolved the status of slavery in the territories that the united states had gained in the war

Dorothea Dix and Clara Barton are both known for their Civil War efforts as 1. nurses on the battlefield and behind the lines. 2. prison camp reformers. 3. surgeons specializing in battlefield amputations. 4. strike leaders in northern industries

nurses on the battlefield and behind the lines.

confederate states responded to richmond's policy of impressment with

objections that it usurped states' rights

The British lost the Revolutionary War partly because

of America's alliance with France, which provided artillery and ammunition, fresh troops, and naval support.

Mexico's northern borderlands were vulnerable to American expansionists partly because 1. many Native Americans secretly welcomed invaders from the United States. 2. the rolling plains and pleasant climate of the Southwest enticed invading armies. 3. of the influence of Protestant missionaries. 4. of sparse populations and hostile Native Americans.

of sparse populations and hostile Native Americans.

The colonial economy in the eighteenth century was unique because 1. a few colonists held most of the wealth, whereas most people were very poor. 2. the standard of living in the colonies rose by one-tenth of a percent. 3. of the relatively high standard of living of the free population. 4. almost all colonists considered themselves wealthy.

of the relatively high standard of living of the free population.

how did the passage of the 1862 homestead act contribute to the northern war effort

offered 160 acres of public land to settlers who would live and labor on it, bolstered western loyalty

In order to raise the necessary troops for the Continental army, the congress 1. offered a land grant of five hundred acres to anyone who signed on for one year or more. 2. required that soldiers sign on for the duration of the war. 3. offered a bonus for enlistment and land grants to those who committed for the war's duration. 4. relied on the trained local militias

offered a bonus for enlistment and land grants to those who committed for the war's duration

In order to raise the necessary troops for the Continental army, the congress

offered a bonus for enlistment and land grants to those who committed for the war's duration.

to make emancipation more acceptable to white northerners president lincoln initially

offered to deport african americans out of the country

As a part of the Great Compromise, delegates at the Philadelphia convention agreed 1. that voters would directly elect the members of the upper house, the Senate. 2. on a procedure for direct election of a chief executive. 3. on the Supreme Court and a system of lower national courts. 4. on a lower house whose seats would be apportioned on the basis of population, and an upper house—the Senate—that would have two senators per state.

on a lower house whose seats would be apportioned on the basis of population, and an upper house—the Senate—that would have two senators per state

unicameral legislature

one house, proposed by New Jersey Plan, favored smaller states

What did the Virginia Resolves argue?

only Virginians could control taxes for Virginia

16. Texans gained their independence from Mexico in 1836 1. when Santa Anna surrendered after a bloodless coup. 2. when two-thirds of the inhabitants voted to establish the Lone Star Republic. 3. after U.S. government troops defeated Santa Anna's troops at the Alamo. 4. only after fierce fighting and much bloodshed.

only after fierce fighting and much bloodshed

Texans gained their independence from Mexcio in 1836

only after fierce fighting and much bloodshed.

the emancipation proclamation that went into effect on January 1, 1863 liberated

only slaves in the non union occupied parts of the confederacy


opponents of the ratification of the Constitution, feared that a powerful and distant central government would be out of touch with the needs of the citizens. complained that the Constitution failed to guarantee individual liberties in a bill of rights

Republicans used the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions to

oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts using state legislatures

The common thread that wove together northern men into the Republican Party in 1854 was their 1. belief that citizenship was too easily achieved by ill-prepared foreigners. 2. opposition to the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States. 3. conviction that the federal government should do much more to implement social reform in the nation. 4. belief that Congress should move quickly to abolish slavery where it existed.

opposition to the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States

Some Whig leaders blamed the financial collapse of 1837 on former President Jackson's

opposition to the national bank

In the national crisis surrounding the presidential election of 1860, southern moderates refused to support the more radical members of the Democratic Party clamoring for a federal slave code. Instead, they 1. organized the Constitutional Union Party and put forth an extensive platform much different from anything offered by the Republicans and Democrats. 2. joined Republicans in an effort to preserve the Union. 3. attempted to revive the Whig Party. 4. organized the Constitutional Union Party, a political party that had no platform.

organized the Constitutional Union Party, a political party that had no platform.

In April 1866 congressional Republicans achieved a historic first in American history when they

overrode a presidential veto of major legislation

in aprill 1866 congressional republicans achieved a historic first in american history when they

overrode a presidential veto of major legislation

After the confederates bombarded fort sumter in april 1861, northerners responded by

overwhelmingly supporting war

According to historians, a planter in the antebellum South may be distinguished from a farmer by virtue of his 1. owning at least twenty slaves. 2. earning all of his income from cotton. 3. owning at least one hundred acres of land. 4. owning at least one hundred slaves.

owning at least twenty slaves

Henry Clay's American System was a 1. system of trade agreements with European nations stipulating that imports and exports must be made available in equal amounts. 2. bill in Congress stipulating that only native-born Americans could occupy important government and military posts. 3. program that revised the steps by which aliens might become naturalized U.S. citizens. 4. package of protective tariffs to promote manufacturing and federal expenditures for internal improvements.

package of protective tariffs to promote manufacturing and federal expenditures for internal improvements

for what war efforts are dorothea dix and ciara barton known

paid military nurses well known for working in insane asylums, barton worked in battlefield units

during the reconstruction period, southern democrats were able to gain support from white yeomen by claiming that blacks

paid very little taxes and argued that white farmers were supporting blacks with their own high tax payments

The Daughters of Liberty suggested that women participate in public affairs and protest the Townsend duties by...

participating in nonconsumption

The Daughters of Liberty urged women to participate in public affairs and protest the Townshend duties by

participating in nonconsumption agreements.

The Daughters of Liberty urged women to participate in public affairs and protest the Townshend duties by 1. marching on the governor's mansion as a group. 2. participating in nonconsumption agreements. 3. growing their own tea plants. 4. joining the Sons of Liberty in street protests.

participating in nonconsumption agreements.

the 1830s, issues were defined, and political personalities publicized, by

partisan newspapers; recognizing the importance of newspapers in rallying support, party leaders cultivated editors and dispensed favors to secure the loyalty of publications, even those in remote towns and villages. Leading papers would print stories about their favored candidates, and those stories would be reprinted in other papers as quickly as the mail system allowed (331)

In the election of 1800, 1. party lines were drawn between Republicans and Federalists. 2. Adams's chief opponent was Alexander Hamilton. 3. Republicans began switching to the Federalist Party. 4. Adams gained momentum because of his work in resolving the crisis with France.

party lines were drawn between Republicans and Federalists

The war with Great Britain declared by Congress in 1812 was 1. averted when the British agreed to end impressment. 2. passed by a vote that was divided along sectional lines. 3. certain to end with an American victory from the beginning, due to the country's military preparedness. 4. predicted to end in an easy victory and, indeed, was much shorter than expected.

passed by a vote that was divided along sectional lines

Robert Morris proposed to increase the revenue of the confederation government by

passing a 5 percent import tax (called an impost).

Dissenting colonist believed that the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was to...

pay the salaries of royal officials

As the battle over the expansion of slavery intensified in the 1840s, Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan proposed the doctrine of "popular sovereignty," a measure that would allow 1. a vote by Supreme Court justices to decide whether or not territories might sanction slavery. 2. people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery. 3. a national referendum on the issue of slavery expansion. 4. a special congressional commission to decide slavery's fate in the territories.

people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery

Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan proposed the doctrine of popular sovereignty a measure that would allow

people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery

What was the meaning of popular sovereignty as understood by senator lewis class

people who settled the territories would decide for them selves slavery's fate

Who would have the opportunity to buy land under the Ordinance of 1785 guidelines for the Northwest Territory?

people willing to buy minimum parcels of 640 acres each

Women served in the Continental army by 1. fighting as soldiers just as men did. 2. spying on British commanders. 3. performing domestic tasks and nursing the wounded. 4. sewing American flags according to the pattern made by Betsy Ross.

performing domestic tasks and nursing the wounded

Women served in the Continental army by

performing domestic tasks and nursing the wounded.

in the 1830s northern states began to provide fugitive slaves with protection from their owners by means of

personal liberty laws

wealthy slaveholders in the 19th century south maintained their political power by

persuading the white majority that the interests of slave owners and nonslaveholders were the same

The most important change in eighteenth-century colonial America was 1. more intensive land development. 2. phenomenal population growth. 3. an especially rapid decrease in the Indian population. 4. an increase in the British population due to famine in England

phenomenal population growth

The most important change in eighteenth-century colonial America was

phenomenal population growth.

In 1767, Charles Townshend enacted the Revenue Act, which

placed new duties on imported items such as tea, glass, lead, paper, and painters' colors.

Virginia Plan

plan drafted by James Madison and presented at the opening of the Philadelphia constitutional convention. Proposing a powerful three branch government, with representation in both houses of the congress tied to population, this plan eclipsed the voice of small states in national government

which socio economic classes in the south supported white supremacy?

planter class

High rates of voter participation continued into the 1840s and 1850s because

politics remained the arena where different choices about economic development and social change were contested

Indentured servants tended to be 1. poor young men born in the colony. 2. poor young men born in England. 3. young men and older women from England. 4. natives and prisoners from England

poor young men born in England

Between 1492 and 1592, the approximately 225,000 Spaniards who settled in the colonies were made up primarily of 1. poor young men of common lineage who were artisans, laborers, soldiers, and sailors. 2. artisans, laborers, and sailors of Jewish or Islamic faith who escaped the Spanish Inquisition. 3. the displaced younger sons of Spanish nobility who were left poor by primogeniture. 4. the young men of common folk who brought their families to gain land and wealth in the New World

poor young men of common lineage who were artisans, laborers, soldiers, and sailors.

the democratic party fractured in 1860 after delegates at its nominating convention voted in favor of a platform endorsing

popular sovereignty in the territories

result of Marbury vs. Madison

power of judicial review established, therefore limiting the power of the president

How did the South's slaveholding elite quash debate on the subject of slavery in the 1830s?

powerful whites hounded slavery's critics out of colleges, churches and political lige

whether they were whigs or democrats all 19th century southern political candidates

presented themselves as protectors of republican equality.

The Proclamation of 1763 was meant to

prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

The Proclamation of 1763 was meant to 1. protect the Iroquois Indians from French settlers encroaching upon their lands. 2. protect the French fur trade. 3. prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. 4. establish a permanent boundary line dividing Indian land and colonial claims.

prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Writers of the new state constitutions believed that voting requirements should

prevent women from demanding the vote

navigation acts

prevents colonies from trading unless through British ports or with British

the south experienced a much higher rate of inflation than the north did during the civil war because the confederacy financed the war primarily by

printing paper money, raising only 1/20 of its money through taxes

Funding for transportation improvements in America between 1815 and 1840 came mostly from

private and state funding

Many women demonstrated their patriotism during the anti-British boycott by 1. producing homespun cloth. 2. burning effigies. 3. harassing British officials. 4. throwing anti-British tea parties.

producing homespun cloth

Many women demonstrated their patriotism during the anti-British boycott by

producing homespun cloth.

The only bright spot in the south's efforts at supplying the confederate troops was its

production of weaponry and ammunition

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 1. required compulsory elementary education in each new township. 2. provided for the eventual creation of eight to ten new states. 3. funded an exploratory party to locate the Northwest Passage. 4. prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

When it was founded in 1854 what was the Republican Party's goal regarding the issue of slavery?

prohibiting the extension of slavery into any American territory

Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation

promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British.

Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation 1. stating that all Virginians should join him in freeing their slaves so they could fight for the British. 2. promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British. 3. stating that he would free his own slaves, along with all female, young, and elderly slaves who would fight for the British. 4. stating that any slave caught fighting for the British would be hanged immediately.

promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British.

When British troops under General Howe captured Philadelphia in September 1777, the British government

proposed a negotiated settlement that did not include American independence

The Supreme Court undermined reconstruction by ruling in the Slaughterhouse cases that the 14th Amendment

protected only those rights stemming from the federal government

the supreme court undermined reconstruction by ruling in the slaughterhouse cases that the 14th amendment

protected only those rights stemming from the federal government

Richard Hakluyt, a strong proponent of colonization, argued that English colonies would 1. provide a dumping ground for England's surplus goods and disenfranchised younger sons of the nobility. 2. enhance England's ability to maintain a balance of power in Europe and throughout the Mediterranean world. 3. provide raw materials for England and a strategic political outpost. 4. provide a market for English goods and a place for the unemployed.

provide a market for English goods and a place for the unemployed.

for the most part southern whites who joined the republican party after the civil war supported

public schools and economic opportunity

The Plains Indians who lived in what became Nebraska were 1. moved north into Canada. 2. pushed farther west. 3. concentrated on reservations in Nebraska and Kansas. 4. moved east to live in Iowa

pushed farther west

in the aftermath of emancipation, southern blacks sought all of the following except

racially integrated churches

Upcountry yeomen, who lived in the hills and mountains, 1. were as well educated as the average Northerner. 2. were commonly opposed to the slavery system of their plantation neighbors. 3. raised hogs, cattle, and sheep, and sought self-sufficiency and independence. 4. concentrated on raising tobacco rather than cotton, with the help of one or two slaves

raised hogs, cattle, and sheep, and sought self-sufficiency and independence.

President Jefferson believed that a properly limited federal government 1. raised money only through federal internal taxes, not customs duties. 2. had a strong executive branch to balance the power of the legislature. 3. ran the postal system, collected customs duties, staffed lighthouses, conducted a periodic census, and maintained federal courts. 4. would maximize the number of government jobs so more citizens could have input.

ran the postal system, collected customs duties, staffed lighthouses, conducted a periodic census, and maintained federal courts

Strikes by workers in northern industries, calculated to improve wages during the Civil War, 1. drastically undermined the patriotism of most workers. 2. often proved remarkably successful. 3. rarely succeeded. 4. were more effective for women than for men.

rarely succeeded.

by the end of 1862 the military struggle in the east had

reached a stalemate

the most crucial result of the 1854 kansas nebraska act was that it

realigned the nation's two major political parties

When Mexico refused the Polk administration's offer to buy Mexico's northern territories, the reaction of the United States was to

realize that it would take military force to achieve manifest destiny.

Early in 1775, as royal authority collapsed in Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage

realized the seriousness of the situation and requested twenty thousand additional troops from England.

In his first inaugural address Abraham Lincoln

reassured the South that he had no right to interfere with slavery where it existed

In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln was 1. rather belligerent toward Southerners, threatening to unleash the army on them if any more states seceded from the Union. 2. clearly uncomfortable with the principles he espoused regarding the Union. 3. reassuring and conciliatory toward the South on the issue of slavery but firm and inflexible concerning the perpetuity of the Union. 4. waiting until the last minute for word about the latest conditions in the South before he delivered his speech.

reassuring and conciliatory toward the South on the issue of slavery but firm and inflexible concerning the perpetuity of the Union

The British strategy in the war in America was to

recapture the thirteen colonies in a divide-and-conquer approach, with loyalist help.

Throughout the duration of the civil war, european nations refused to

recognize confederate nationhood

reconstruction constitutions introduced two major categories of changes to southern life those that

reduced aristocratic privilege and those that expanded state responsibility for the general welfare

. In devising their new constitutions, most states 1. gave veto power to the governor, who had a four-year term. 2. reduced the powers of the governor. 3. abolished the lower house. 4. gave veto power to the governor and kept an appointed upper house.

reduced the powers of the governor

In devising their new constitutions, most states

reduced the powers of the governor

In devising their new constitutions, most states

reduced the powers of the governor.

Writers of the new state constitutions believed that voting requirements should 1. open up the political process to a wider group. 2. be tied to literacy. 3. be widely debated so that all citizens could have a voice. 4. reflect colonial property qualifications to prevent women and very poor people from demanding the vote.

reflect colonial property qualifications to prevent women and very poor people from demanding the vote

Southerners felt so much hostility toward the Republican Party during the presidential election of 1860 that they 1. burned Lincoln in effigy in most major areas of the South. 2. passed temporary laws allowing women to vote in the hope of defeating the Republicans. 3. refused to allow Lincoln's name to appear on the ballot in ten of the fifteen slave states. 4. boycotted the polls in numerous states.

refused to allow Lincoln's name to appear on the ballot in ten of the fifteen slave states

from the beginning of the civil war, northern blacks had volunteered to fight until well into the war, the war department

refused to make them soldiers

The British goal in fighting the war in America was to 1. gain support from Indian tribes and loyalists. 2. keep the colonists from obtaining help from other foreign nations. 3. regain colonial allegiance, not to destroy the colonies. 4. take control of the southern colonies and then defeat New England and the middle states.

regain colonial allegiance, not to destroy the colonies

The British goal in fighting the war in America was to

regain colonial allegiance, not to destroy the colonies.

the slave patrols of the antebellum south served to

reinforce yeomen and planters' mutual commitment to white supremacy, to make sure slaves were not moving about at night without permission

Tecumseh responded to the many challenges facing Native Americans in the early republic by 1. rejecting assimilation and proudly embracing Native American traditions. 2. practicing advanced agricultural techniques. 3. living a bitter life of alcoholism and depression. 4. giving in to the white settlers and imitating their seemingly more successful way of life.

rejecting assimilation and proudly embracing Native American traditions

As the secession crisis loomed over the final weeks of the presidential administration of James Buchanan, his response was to 1. remain in Washington and do nothing. 2. call several special sessions of Congress to deal with the circumstances. 3. prod Congress to beef up the military in case there was a war. 4. spur the Supreme Court into action to get a ruling on secession before Lincoln took office.

remain in Washington and do nothing

after the confederate attack on fort sumter, the states of delaware, maryland, kentucky and missouri chose to

remain loyal to the union

In response to the colonial reaction to the Stamp Act, the British government

repealed the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power by passing the Declaratory Act

what group labled johnson's reconstruction plan a rebirth of the old south


in the long run, the passage of the 15th amendment meant that

republicans could ignore the issue of black equality

the 15th amendment which guaranteed that suffrage rights could not be denied on account of race was passed in large part because

republicans felt that it would give them a partisan advantage

The daily life of the nineteenth century plantation mistress

required long hours of work

The wade davis bill differed from lincoln's plan for reconstruction by

requiring that at least half the voters in a former rebel state take the loyalty oath before the reconstruction could begin

Treaty of Ghent

result of War of 1812

what was the greatest fear of white southerners with regard to blacks during the war

retaliatory violence, slaves undermined white masters and expanded control of their own life

President Johnson shocked reformers when he instructed military and government officials to

return all confiscated and abandoned land to pardoned ex Confederates

president johnson shocked reformers when he instructed military and government officials to

return all confiscated and abandoned land to pardoned exconfederates, this came as a surprise to southerners

The delegates meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 were supposed to

revise the Articles of Confederation

The Great Awakening can best be described as a(n)

revival movement to convert nonbelievers and revive the piety of believers.

The Great Awakening can best be described as a(n) 1. revival movement to convert nonbelievers and revive the piety of believers. 2. movement to convert Catholics. 3. appeal to the head, not the heart. 4. appeal to Protestants to band together as one

revival movement to convert nonbelievers and revive the piety of believers.

The profitable export crop that depended on the expertise of slaves brought from West Africa to Carolina was 1. cotton. 2. indigo. 3. rice. 4. tobacco.


Which staple crop was grown almost exclusively along a narrow strip of coast stretching from the Carolinas into Georgia?


The staple crop in the tidewater area from the Carolinas into Georgia, which required canals, dikes, and huge numbers of slaves, was 1. rice. 2. tobacco. 3. hemp. 4. cotton


despite all the restrictions whites places on free blacks in the antebellum period whites did not limit free blacks

right to own property, including slaves

In 1688, the Glorious Revolution in England influenced American colonists to 1. organize military groups to sail to England to help overthrow William of Orange. 2. pledge new support for the concept of the Dominion of New England. 3. rise up against royal authority (and the concept of the Dominion of New England) in Massachusetts, New York, and Maryland. 4. show their support for the religious convictions of King James II.

rise up against royal authority (and the concept of the Dominion of New England) in Massachusetts, New York, and Maryland.

the know nothing party that emerged in the 1850s arose from the split between

roman catholic immigrants and protestant americans

King James's land grant to the Virginia Company of over 6 million acres and everything they might contain was in essence a(n) 1. royal license to poach on Spanish claims and on Indian lands. 2. attempt to challenge the Catholic Church's authority to legitimatize territorial conquests. 3. attempt to ally with France to weaken Spain's control over Europe. 4. declaration of war against Powhatan and the Roanoke Indians.

royal license to poach on Spanish claims and on Indian lands.

the issue that undermined the compromise of 1850 was

runaway slaves in new england

A widespread form of protest that particularly angered masters was 1. poisoning chickens and pigs. 2. scorching the family's clothes on ironing day. 3. burying the family's silver. 4. running away.

running away

most free blacks living in the antebellum south were

rural, uneducated, unskilled agricultural laborers and domestive servants

While Robert Morris's tax proposal didn't take effect and the Bank of North America did not resuscitate the economy in the 1780s, the confederation still had the potential to obtain wealth through 1. borrowing from France and Germany. 2. retiring the war debt. 3. stabilization of the economy with gold and silver. 4. sale of the huge territory ceded by Virginia, which in 1784 became the national domain.

sale of the huge territory ceded by Virginia, which in 1784 became the national domain

In the 1850s Abraham Lincoln believed that the Constitution

sanctioned slavery only where it existed

abraham lincoln believed that the constitution

sanctioned slavery where it existed already but allowed congress to contain its spread

After the American victory at Saratoga, France allied with the Americans because it 1. wanted to extract revenge on England for France's defeat in the French and Indian War. 2. wanted to gain a foothold in Canada once the Americans beat back the British. 3. wanted to link the New England colonies with Quebec. 4. saw an opportunity to defeat England, France's archrival.

saw an opportunity to defeat England, France's archrival

After the American victory at Saratoga, France allied with the Americans because it

saw an opportunity to defeat England, France's archrival.

When Catholic priests such as Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas complained to the Spanish government about the brutal treatment of Indians, royal officials 1. sent delegates to investigate and punish the guilty. 2. ignored the problems because money was still flowing into Spain and because they thought priests were "too soft." 3. encouraged the Catholic Church to suppress complaints from the priests and friars. 4. saw the behavior in terms of a greater fear—that the Spanish bureaucracy was losing control over the encomenderos.

saw the behavior in terms of a greater fear—that the Spanish bureaucracy was losing control over the encomenderos.

what is significant about the outcome of john brown's raid on harpers ferry, virginia?

sectional tensions between southerners and northerners

the presidential election of 1856 made it obvious that

sectionalism had created a new party system

What did antebellum planters do to most slave boys and girls when they reached the age of eleven or twelve?

sent them to fields of work

In Advice to American Women, Mrs. A. J. Graves represented the new ideas about gender relations in Jacksonian America in her support for the concept of

separate spheres for men and women, based on the middle-class notion that women had a unique contribution to make in the home as more men ventured into the competitive world of market relations

In Advice to American Women, Mrs. A. J. Graves represented the new ideas about gender relations in Jacksonian America in her support for the concept of 1. women courting men in a more aggressive fashion so as to secure the most desirable husbands. 2. raising the legal age of marriage for men and women. 3. limiting the size of American families. 4. separate spheres for men and women, based on the middle-class notion that women had a unique contribution to make in the home as more men ventured into the competitive world of market relations.

separate spheres for men and women, based on the middle-class notion that women had a unique contribution to make in the home as more men ventured into the competitive world of market relations

Lincoln Douglas debates

series of debates on the issue of slavery and freedom between Democrat Stephen Douglas and Republican Abraham Lincoln, held as part of the 1858 race in Illinois. Douglas became senator, but the debates helped catapult Lincoln to national prominence

Seventeenth-century Chesapeake society was essentially a society of 1. servants and ex-servants. 2. free adult males. 3. English noblemen seeking to enhance their fortunes. 4. families who relied heavily on their slaves

servants and ex-servants

Hernán Cortés's dominance over Mexico was most significant because it 1. supplied Spain with gold and diverted Spain's attention away from enemies in Europe. 2. destroyed the Mexican heritage and diverted Spain's attention away from enemies in Europe. 3. served as a model for future colonization and made Spain the most powerful nation in Europe. 4. destroyed the Athapascan heritage and made Spain the most powerful nation in America

served as a model for future colonization and made Spain the most powerful nation in Europe.

A fourteen-year-old Indian girl named Malinali provided invaluable assistance to Hernán Cortés by 1. kidnapping Montezuma. 2. helping the Spanish to avoid smallpox and other deadly New World diseases. 3. serving as an interpreter and a cultural broker. 4. saving Captain John Smith from execution

serving as an interpreter and a cultural broker.

What did British soldiers do when they entered Washington in 1814?

set fire to much of the city including the White House and the capitol

In the land ordinances of 1784 and 1785, Congress

set out a rectangular grid system for surveying land and established township perimeters.

the georgia state legislature in the 1850s demonstrated its commitment to slavery by

setting low tac rates on slaves, the characteristic form of planter wealth

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was successful in the House of Representatives only because 1. seventeen northern congressmen voted with their southern colleagues in the interest of sectional political harmony. 2. twenty southern congressmen tipped the balance in favor of the bill. 3. Henry Clay cast the deciding vote that pushed it through. 4. John C. Calhoun had secured enough votes in the state legislature of South Carolina to support secession should Missouri not be allowed to enter the Union as an unrestricted slave state.

seventeen northern congressmen voted with their southern colleagues in the interest of sectional political harmony

What did the New York Female Reform Society work to eradicate?

sexual sin

The southern lady has been idealized in history; in reality 1. she was waited on by servants and had few responsibilities. 2. she was only responsible for entertaining and for the education of her children. 3. she was often idle because her only responsibility was to bear children. 4. she could have the responsibility of managing servants, directing the slave hospital, and supervising the henhouse and dairy.

she could have the responsibility of managing servants, directing the slave hospital, and supervising the henhouse and dairy.

John Adams represented British captain Thomas Preston and the soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre in order to...

show that local leaders believed even unpopular defendants deserved a fair trial

John Adams, cousin of Samuel Adams, represented British captain Thomas Preston and his soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre to

show that the Boston leaders were defenders of British liberty and law.

. The American goal of capturing Montreal and Quebec early in the war 1. was foiled when Indians in the area joined British troops. 2. was swiftly accomplished in 1775. 3. showed that the Americans were not just reacting to the British invasion of Massachusetts. 4. was quickly and bloodlessly accomplished only in Quebec.

showed that the Americans were not just reacting to the British invasion of Massachusetts

The Athapascan tribes—mainly Apache and Navajo—were 1. skillful warriors who preyed on the sedentary pueblo Indians. 2. descendants of the Anasazi cultures who lived in settled agricultural communities. 3. migrants from Mesoamerica who invaded the southwest. 4. successful farmers who grew both corn and sunflowers.

skillful warriors who preyed on the sedentary pueblo Indians

in the antebellum period, the least common slave occupation was

slave driver, skilled trade was rare but drivers were rarer, they had to drive other slaves to work harder in the fields

The defining feature of the southern colonies in the eighteenth century was


What did the french writer alexis de tocaqueville observe as the major difference between south and north


The Wilmot Proviso of 1846 proposed that 1. slavery be prohibited in California but allowed in the remainder of the area ceded by Mexico. 2. any slaves taken in the area ceded by Mexico be freed at age twenty-eight. 3. slavery be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico. 4. slavery be allowed to expand only into the area below the southern boundary of Missouri ceded by Mexico

slavery be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico

The shift from an indentured servant labor force to a slave labor force occurred for many reasons; one was that 1. slavery provided a perpetual labor force. 2. the mortality rate among indentured servants was rising. 3. indentures all ended at the same time. 4. many indentured servants decided to return to England

slavery provided a perpetual labor force.

the slave states of the upper south did not vote for secession in the winter of 1860-61 primarily because

slavery was much less integral to the economies of those states as opposed to the lower south states.

Which of the following plantation values strongly influenced southern life before the Civil War? 1. respect for whites, hatred of blacks, and love of God 2. slavery, honor, and male domination 3. chastity, honor, and virtue 4. slavery, godliness, and cleanliness

slavery, honor, and male domination

Southern masters preferred black slaves over white indentured servants because

slaves served for life and could be disciplined more harshly.

Southern masters preferred black slaves over white indentured servants because 1. indentured servants were surly and talked back. 2. masters had to pay indentured servants a small sum each year. 3. indentured servants would not work as many hours as slaves. 4. slaves served for life and could be disciplined more harshly.

slaves served for life and could be disciplined more harshly.

As the civil war dragged on president lincoln decided that emancipation was necessary because

slaves were the underpinning of the confederate war machine

. Delegates to the First Continental Congress 1. sought to identify their liberties as British subjects and debated possible responses to the Coercive Acts. 2. halted trade and denounced the king. 3. established their own parliament and defined their liberties as English subjects. 4. achieved unity and denounced Parliament.

sought to identify their liberties as British subjects and debated possible responses to the Coercive Acts

Delegates to the First Continental Congress

sought to identify their liberties as British subjects and debated possible responses to the Coercive Acts.

what was the purpose of southern states "black codes"?

sought to keep exslaves subordinate to whites by subjecting them to every sort of fidscrimination

Who were southern redeemers?

southern democrats that wanted to harness white rage, a way to overthrow the republican government

Most of the artifacts that have survived from the Paleo-Indian era suggest that the first Americans 1. used bows and arrows to kill small animals. 2. specialized in hunting big mammals. 3. ate no plant foods. 4. developed permanent settlements along the Canadian Rockies.

specialized in hunting big mammals.

. The Spanish colonial outposts in New Mexico and Florida 1. grew rapidly because of economic support from the Spanish government. 2. stagnated before being wiped out by an Indian rebellion. 3. stagnated and primarily attracted missionaries. 4. grew rapidly because of profits from tobacco cultivation

stagnated and primarily attracted missionaries.

Slaves were aware of the colonies' evolving political struggle with England; some slaves tried to promote their bid for freedom by 1. volunteering to serve in the colonial militia. 2. fleeing to the North. 3. stashing away ammunition for a planned uprising. 4. talking back to their masters.

stashing away ammunition for a planned uprising.

As late as 1850, there were no statewide public school systems in the South because 1. state legislatures failed to provide many essential services, and planters saw no need to educate their workforce. 2. Southerners were too involved in making money for themselves. 3. the South had no money for schools. 4. Southerners sent their sons and daughters to the North for schooling.

state legislatures failed to provide many essential services, and planters saw no need to educate their workforce

social contract

state of nature is violent (pure freedom) people give up pure freedom to government government protects natural rights if government doesn't, people can overthrow

During the 1840s and 1850s, U.S. factories were able to become more productive because

steam engines began to be used as an energy source.

Abraham Lincoln's first goal when he took office as president was to

stop secession from spreading to the upper south states

for republicans the dred scott decision had the effect of

strengthening the party

What effect did the new party system have on politics during the 1850s?

strict divisions made political compromise impossible

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president because he had 1. a majority of the popular vote and strong support in the free states. 2. some support in the slave states and strong support in the free states despite unified opposition. 3. some support in all parts of the nation. 4. strong support in the free states despite winning only 39 percent of the national popular vote

strong support in the free states despite winning only 39 percent of the national popular vote

Spanish conquerors exploited the weaknesses of the Mexican empire, which included 1. subject peoples who did not see the Mexica as legitimate or fair rulers. 2. an overreliance on trade with neighboring cultures. 3. diverse tribal factions that were often in conflict with one another. 4. a brewing democratic reform movement

subject peoples who did not see the Mexica as legitimate or fair rulers

in the antebellum southern upcountry, the female domestic sphere was

subordinated to the will of the male patriarch of the family

The seventeenth-century New England economy mainly consisted of 1. subsistence farming mixed with fishing and timber harvesting for markets in Europe and the West Indies. 2. diversified agriculture producing staples for the world market. 3. little more than subsistence farming with some produce for the local market. 4. re-exporting commodities shipped from England.

subsistence farming mixed with fishing and timber harvesting for markets in Europe and the West Indies.

Critics opposed the federal government assuming the states' old Revolutionary War debt because 1. such action could subordinate the states to federal power. 2. state governments earned their revenue through debt repayment. 3. the federal government planned to charge a hefty service fee. 4. the federal government was only going to assume the debt, not actually pay it.

such action could subordinate the states to federal power

By 1700, the British Caribbean annually exported nearly 50 million pounds of 1. sugar. 2. indigo. 3. tobacco. 4. rice.


Lincoln attempted to avoid declaring war on the seceded southern states by only sending what to the union troops stationed at Sumter?


southerners expected that britain and perhaps france would ally with the confederacy to avoid having their

supply of cotton interrupted

during his time as a congressman and senator from tennessee, president johnson

supported traditional democratic causes


supporters of the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787-1788, became on the the two dominant political groups that emerged during the decade, supported Britain in foreign policy, and commercial interests at home. included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams

in the 1850s the democrats remained relatively united by

supporting popular sovereignty

President lincoln persuaded maryland's legislature to reject secession by

suspending the write of habeas corpus and marching troops into baltimore

. According to republican ideals of the late eighteenth century, women and mothers were most important in 1. volunteering for church activities. 2. their duty to obey their husband. 3. running an orderly household. 4. teaching virtuous sons.

teaching virtuous sons.

Factors that encouraged exploration and territorial expansion included 1. technological advances in navigational instruments and the abandonment of supernatural worship. 2. the stability of fifteenth-century European life and the opening of trade between all countries. 3. the shift in power among European countries and longer life expectancies. 4. technological advances in navigational instruments and monarchs who hoped to enlarge their realms, enrich their dynasties, and magnify their power and prestige.

technological advances in navigational instruments and monarchs who hoped to enlarge their realms, enrich their dynasties, and magnify their power and prestige

Southerners felt so much hostility toward the Republican party during the presidential election of 1860 that

ten states refused to allow Lincoln's name to appear on the ballot

Because of the seventeenth-century New England land distribution policy, towns 1. were connected by well-engineered roads that encouraged trade. 2. featured homes that surrounded pastures so the grazing animals would be protected. 3. tended to consist of centrally located family homes and gardens surrounded by agricultural land. 4. were few and far between, with most people living on isolated small farms.

tended to consist of centrally located family homes and gardens surrounded by agricultural land.

cotton kingdom

term for the South that reflected the dominance of cotton int he southern economy. Cotton was particularly important in the tier of states from South Carolina west to Texas. Cotton cultivation was the key factor in the growth of slavery

free labor

term referring to work conducted free from constraint and according to the laborer's own inclinations and will. The ideal of free labor lay at the heart of the North's argument that slavery should not be extended into the western territories

As Roger Williams spent a great deal of time with Native Americans, he believed 1. that Indian religion was evil and blasphemous. 2. English settlers had a legal right to take Indian-held land. 3. that Indian religion and culture was as good as that of the Puritans. 4. that all Indians should be converted to the Puritan faith.

that Indian religion and culture was as good as that of the Puritans.

Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia issued what proclamation?

that able bodied slaves would be promised freedom if they fought for the British

The Puritan doctrine of predestination held that before the creation of the world, God had decided who would achieve salvation, 1. that nothing one did could alter one's fate, and that because of God's love for humankind most would know eternal life. 2. that nothing one did could alter one's fate, and that very few deserved or would achieve eternal life. 3. and that God would communicate clearly with each soul he had decided to save. 4. that nothing one did could alter one's fate, and that God might change his mind at any time.

that nothing one did could alter one's fate, and that very few deserved or would achieve eternal life.

What was included in the Treaty of Paris?

that the king of England recognized America as independent

As a part of the Great Compromise, delegates at the Philadelphia convention agreed

that the lower hose would be apportioned by population of the states

The major objection to the Virginia Plan by the smaller states at the Constitutional Convention was

that the representation of the states in both houses of the congress would be based on population.

what are the 3 reconstruction era constitutional amendments and how were blacks affected by each of them

the 13th amendment which abolished slavery, the 14h amendment that granted citizenship and the 15h amendment that was the right to vote

Haitian Revolution

the 1791-1804 conflict involving diverse Haitian participants and armies from three European countries; at end Haiti became free, independent black run country, fueled fears of slave insurrections in the United States

The idea of manifest destiny gained considerable support because of 1. competition between the two political parties. 2. the American people's strong desire for more land. 3. the aggressive tendencies of other nations. 4. unselfish and other-worldly idealism.

the American people's strong desire for more land

By the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783,

the British acknowledged that the United States were "free Sovereign and independent States."

Puritans who described themselves as Separatists believed that 1. their religious convictions should remain separate from those found on the European continent. 2. a strict interpretation of the Bible required separate religious services for men and women. 3. the Church of England was beyond redemption and sought to separate themselves from it permanently. 4. a trial separation from the Church of England would give them time to sort out what they most needed to change in their religious lives.

the Church of England was beyond redemption and sought to separate themselves from it permanently.

When Columbus first arrived in the New World, he believed he was in 1. the Caribbean. 2. St. Augustine. 3. Cuba. 4. the East Indies.

the East Indies.

The most decisive factor in ending the Revolutionary War at Yorktown was

the French forces taking control of the Chesapeake, thus commanding the bay and the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina.

After Cornwallis achieved the upper hand in Virginia, the picture changed dramatically because

the French gave military support to Washington.

What did the attack at Fort Necessity reveal about the French commitment to the Ohio territory?

the French had no intention of leaving the disputed territory

What led to the end of the Revolutionary War at Yorktown?

the French taking over the Chesapeake

George Greenville claimed that Americans had virtual representation because...

the House of Commons represented all British subjects, wherever they were

Between 1830 and 1832 thousands of northern white women sent petitions to Washington to protest

the Indian Removal Act. Following Congress's passage of Indian Removal Act of 1830, thousands of northern white women launched a petition drive to protest the expulsion law. Their petitions to federal government argued that Cherokee Indians of Georgia were a sovereign people with a right to stay on their land. Such mass petitioning by women had not been seen before; unfortunately, petitions had no effect on President Jackson's policy toward Indians (335)

What was the result of the Boston Tea Party?

the Intolerable acts or Coercive Acts Mass. governor act, Boston port act, expanded quartering act, also part- Quebec act

In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison launched

the Liberator, an abolitionist newspaper advocating an immediate end to slavery.

The Wampanoag Indians attacked the New England settlements in 1675 because 1. the New Englanders had been steadily encroaching on land the Indians needed to survive. 2. the Indians were tired of the Puritans trying to convert them. 3. of a long-standing feud over the kidnapping of a Puritan woman that finally erupted into warfare. 4. a new spiritual leader arose among the Wampanoags and commanded the Indians to drive the whites from their homeland.

the New Englanders had been steadily encroaching on land the Indians needed to survive.

A servant labor system in the British colonies was created by 1. the New World's labor shortage and the poverty of Englishmen who were willing to work. 2. racism and the lower cost of an African slave compared to that of an indentured servant. 3. the poverty of the English people who sought to escape debtor's prison or religious persecution. 4. following the model of Spain's labor system

the New World's labor shortage and the poverty of Englishmen who were willing to work.

Which region had the advantage in resources when the Civil War began?

the North had many more resources than the South

When Francisco Vásquez de Coronado ventured into the Southwest and Great Plains of North America, he was searching for 1. the fabled cliff dwellings of the Anasazi. 2. the Gold City of Cahokia. 3. the Seven Cities of Cíbola. 4. the burial mounds of the Adena.

the Seven Cities of Cíbola.


the South's romantic ideal of male female relationships. it's underlying assumptions about the weakness of white women and the protective authority of men resembled the paternalistic defense of slavery

How did the Stamp Act differ from the Sugar Act?

the Stamp Act was an internal tax that affected a great number of colonists

The most lasting effect of Marbury v. Madison (1803) was 1. that the Supreme Court awarded William Marbury the largest monetary settlement in such cases until the Civil War. 2. that the Supreme Court awarded William Marbury the government post he had been denied, at twice the original salary. 3. the Supreme Court's claim to the right of judicial review. 4. that the Supreme Court ruled, for the first time, that a case should logically be heard in a federal district court

the Supreme Court's claim to the right of judicial review

In 1794, General Anthony Wayne's defeat of the Indians at Fallen Timbers resulted in

the Treaty of Greenville

The doctrine of nullification outlined by John C. Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations argued that

the Union was a voluntary confederation of states that had yielded only some fo their power to the federal government, and when Congress overstepped its powers, states had the right to nullify Congress' acts

In support of the doctrine of nullification, South Carolina's leader pointed to

the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

The dominant issue in the 1844 presidential election campaigns was 1. the annexation of Texas. 2. the annexation of Oregon. 3. Henry Clay's American System. 4. war with Mexico.

the annexation of Texas

The dominant issue in the 1844 presidential election compaigns was

the annexation of Texas.

Continental army

the army created in June 1775 by the Second Continental Congress to oppose the British. George Washington, a Virginian, commander in chief, had the task of turning local militias and untrained volunteers into a disciplined army

To restore faith in the credit of the federal government, Alexander Hamilton proposed

the assumption of the states unpaid war debts by the federal government

In the debate of 1849-1850 that led to the Compromise of 1850, the major issue was 1. the balance of power between the North and the South in Congress. 2. whether or not the North, which had a greater manufacturing sector than the South, should be more heavily taxed for road construction. 3. whether or not the nation should engage in a civil war. 4. tariffs and interstate commerce regulations.

the balance of power between the North and the South in Congress.

A shared feature of all the state constitutions drawn up during the American Revolution was 1. a call for a strong centralized government. 2. two houses: upper and lower. 3. the conviction that government rests on the consent of the governed. 4. a governor with strong powers.

the conviction that government rests on the consent of the governed

A shared feature of all the state constitutions drawn up during the American Revolution was

the conviction that government rests on the consent of the governed.

The Wisconsin glaciation created conditions that permitted 1. a very narrow land bridge to surface for a short time so that some migrating hunters could leave Asian Siberia and enter American Alaska. 2. freezing of the waters of the Bering Strait, which supported over-the-ice migration of hunters into American Alaska. 3. a warming of the waters of the Bering Strait, thereby raising the sea level 350 feet and allowing easy navigation over submerged icebergs. 4. the creation of Beringia, which supported herds of mammoth, bison, and smaller animals.

the creation of Beringia, which supported herds of mammoth, bison, and smaller animals.

the most frequent cause of the ending of slave marriages was

the death of one of the spouses

. The Quaker maxim "In souls there is no sex" helps explain 1. the degree to which Quakers allowed women to assume positions of religious leadership in the seventeenth century. 2. the fact that Quakers generally frowned upon the customary gender structure of their own day and time. 3. the Quaker belief that men and women would be saved in equal numbers. 4. why Quaker women held many important political offices in seventeenth-century Pennsylvania.

the degree to which Quakers allowed women to assume positions of religious leadership in the seventeenth century.

In the early 1500s, Martin Waldseemüller was among the very first to understand that 1. the discoveries of Columbus, Balboa, and Vespucci proved there was a continent that existed separate from Europe and Asia. 2. the earth was a sphere and not flat. 3. a round globe rather than a flat map depicted Earth with greater accuracy. 4. the Treaty of Tordesillas shifted power from Italy to Spain and Portugal

the discoveries of Columbus, Balboa, and Vespucci proved there was a continent that existed separate from Europe and Asia.

What did South Carolina politicians devise in response to the 1828 Tariff of Abominations?

the doctrine of nullification

democrats denounced some republican wartime policies as unconstitutional including

the draft, emancipation, the expansion of federal power

President lincoln finally decided to promulgate an emancipation proclamation on january 1, 1863 in response to

the duration and difficulty of the war

The only persons who do not have a revolver and a knife are those who have two revolvers" is a quote describing 1. the environment in one of Stephen A. Douglas's favorite taverns. 2. a popular local contest for woodsmen in Anderson, South Carolina, in the mid-nineteenth century. 3. the environment of the U.S. Congress early in 1860 as congressmen struggled to elect a Speaker of the House. 4. the state of affairs at a typical nineteenth-century horse-racing track.

the environment of the U.S. Congress early in 1860 as congressmen struggled to elect a Speaker of the House.

In the decades after 1820, the most important factor dividing the North and the South was 1. railroad expansion in the North. 2. the existence of an ever-increasing number of slaves in the South. 3. the industrialization of the North. 4. the agricultural dominance of the South.

the existence of an ever-increasing number of slaves in the South

battle of New Orleans

the final battle won in the wat of 1812, fought and won by General Andrew Jackson and his militiamen against the much larger British army in New Orleans. the celebrated battle made no difference since the peace had already been negotiated

The colonial economy in the eighteenth century was unique because

the free population enjoyed a relatively high standard of living.

in 1865 who/what was authorized by congress to rent confiscated land to freedmen

the freedmans bureau, eased the transition of blacks from slaves to free persons

In addition to their competition for land, colonial settlers and Indians engaged in conflicts over

the fur trade

A positive effect of the economic turmoil of Jackson's second administration was that from 1835 to 1837, for the first and only time in U.S. history

the government had a surplus of money

A positive effect of the economic turmoil of Jackson's second administration was that, from 1835 to 1837, for the first and only time in U.S. history, 1. the government had a surplus of money. 2. the number of women in the workforce equaled the number of men. 3. the unemployment rate was only 5 percent. 4. much of the money to finance railroads and canals came from private investors.

the government had a surplus of money

in a speech to the senate in 1850, daniel webster of massachusetts argued that it was unnecessary for congress to enact a legal ban on slavery in the territories because

the harsh southwestern climate effectively prohibited the expansion of cotton and slaves there

When the English assumed control of New Netherland, they continued the Dutch policy of religious toleration because 1. New York became a proving ground for England's own newly enacted policies regarding religious toleration. 2. King Charles II's liberal religious views influenced the policies there. 3. colonists there agreed to provide twice as many recruits for the English army than other colonies provided. 4. the heterogeneity of New Netherland made imposing a uniform religion not only difficult but nearly impossible.

the heterogeneity of New Netherland made imposing a uniform religion not only difficult but nearly impossible.


the hills and mountains of the South whose higher elevation, colder climate, rugged terrain and poor transportation made the region less hospitable than the flatlands to slavery and large plantations

popular sovereignty

the idea that government is subject to the will of the people. Applied to the territories, popular sovereignty meant that the residents of a territory should determine through their legislatures whether to allow slavery

Some religious leaders viewed the financial devastation wrought by the panic of 1837 as punishment for

the immoderate greed of many Americans. Some framed the devastation caused by the panic of 1837 as retribution for an immoral frenzy of financial speculation that had gripped the country. They saw the panic as a blessing in disguise, a wake-up call to Americans who needed to moderate their greed (350, 351)

All of the following resulted from the confederate government's attempts to prosecute the civil war except

the increased popularity of jefferson davis and his administration

Revisions to the Declaration of Independence included those made by GA and SC, which removed

the issue of slavery

Revisions to the Declaration of Independence included those made by Georgia and South Carolina, which removed 1. the issue of slavery. 2. the phrase "give me liberty or give me death." 3. the idea that governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed. 4. any mention of the natural equality of "all men."

the issue of slavery.

By the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, 1. the king acknowledged that the United States were "free Sovereign and independent States." 2. the Americans were given Florida and half of Louisiana. 3. the Indians retained the Ohio Valley. 4. loyalists' land was to be returned to them.

the king acknowledged that the United States were "free Sovereign and independent States."

About 11,000 years ago, the Paleo-Indians faced a major crisis because 1. the large animals they hunted had difficulty adapting to a warming climate. 2. people had difficulty living in a cooling climate. 3. an overconcentration on hunting small animals eliminated many of the food sources of the large mammals. 4. running water became scarce as the climate cooled.

the large animals they hunted had difficulty adapting to a warming climate.

. Cahokia, near present-day St. Louis, Missouri, was 1. the birthplace of the most powerful ancient chief. 2. a remarkably egalitarian Mississippian village. 3. noteworthy for its lack of burial mounds. 4. the largest Mississippian site.

the largest Mississippian site.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester vs. Georgia?

the laws of Georgia had no jurisdiction over the Cherokee

american feminists objected to the language of the 14th and 15th amendment because

the legislation extended voting rights to black men but not to women

the significance of the battle of bull run was

the lessons both the north and south drew from it, southerners had a superior army and northerners didn't expect it to be as difficult as it was

One of the main obstacles the British army faced in the Revolutionary War was

the logistics of supplying an army with food and supplies across three thousand miles of water.

One of the main obstacles the British army faced in the Revolutionary War was 1. the logistics of supplying an army with food and supplies across three thousand miles of water. 2. that they had too many generals with little experience. 3. that they were highly motivated to destroy and conquer. 4. that the loyalists were spread too thin among the colonies.

the logistics of supplying an army with food and supplies across three thousand miles of water.

George Grenville claimed that Americans had "virtual representation" because

the members of the House of Commons represented all British subjects, wherever they were.

stephen a douglas kansas nebraska act was controversial because it required

the missouri compromise

One of the factors that fueled economic growth in the United States during the mid-1800s was 1. the movement of Americans from farms to cities, where they found jobs working in factories. 2. better tariff rates with England. 3. a decline in agricultural productivity that forced industrial growth. 4. a decline in family size.

the movement of Americans from farms to cities, where they found jobs working in factories.

when the civil war broke out in 1861

the north had many more resources than the south

What did black soldiers discover once they were accepted into the Union army in 1862?

the northern military was racist

once they were accepted into the union army in 1862 black soldiers discovered that

the northern military was racist

In the 1820s and 1830s, southern efforts to strengthen slavery led to

the passage of elaborate slave codes

in the 1820s and 1830s southern efforts to strengthen slavery often led to

the passage of elaborate slave codes

A result of the comparatively high standard of living in rural Pennsylvania and the surrounding middle colonies between 1720 and 1770 was that

the per capita consumption of imported goods from England more than doubled.

Bacon's Rebellion erupted in 1676 as a dispute over Indian policy and ended as a conflict between 1. indentured servants and their masters. 2. small farmers and newly freed servants. 3. Indians and the Virginia militia. 4. the planter elite and small farmers.

the planter elite and small farmers.

during the civil war, the southern war effort created hardships that fell most heavily on

the poor

American system

the practice of manufacturing and then assembling interchangeable parts. A system that spread quickly across American industries, the use of standardized parts allowed American manufacturers to employ unskilled workers at low wages

the limited autonomy given to 19th century southern slaves contributed to

the preservation and persistence of slave families

The major legacy of Shays's Rebellion was

the realization that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and thus a reworking of national government was needed.

The major legacy of Shays's Rebellion was 1. a series of similar revolts by farmers in other states. 2. the idea that civil disobedience was an American liberty. 3. action by state legislatures to curb the powers of Congress. 4. the realization that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and thus a reworking of national government was needed.

the realization that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and thus a reworking of national government was needed.

The decisive early encounters of the civil war revolved around

the region between the ozarks and the appalachian mountains, the river was a main concern between the northerners and the southerners

shortly before the 1860 presidential election a southern business convention meeting in nashville, tennessee shocked northerners and many southerners by calling for

the reopening of the african slave trade

The presidential election of 1856 made it obvious that

the republicans were a serious threar

When New York delegates endorsed the Declaration of Independence on July 15, 1776, it meant that

the resolution for independence had passed unanimously.

As the eighteenth century progressed, tobacco, rice, and indigo made the southern colonies

the richest in North America.

No one complained about the Bill of Rights failing to protect

the right to vote

What was General Sherman's march to the sea?

the scorched earth campaign Sherman led from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia

most antebellum white southerners accepted the planters' argument that

the slave system gave every white man membership in the south's ruling class

What drove the imperative to add increasing numbers of states to the United States in the area below the Mason Dixon line in the mid 19th century?

the soaring expansion of cotton based agriculture

Antifederalism in New York centered on

the state's size and power in relation to the new federal government.

What was the Continental army's first victory?

the surprise attack on the Hessians in New Jersey on Christmas night in 1776

Most of the new states spelled out their citizens' rights and liberties in written contracts because 1. they wanted to be able to amend their bills of rights annually. 2. they hoped to become separate nations in the future and wanted to be able to attract new settlers. 3. the unwritten nature of British political traditions led to Americans being denied liberties they had assumed they possessed. 4. Americans did not trust the federal government to uphold their freedoms.

the unwritten nature of British political traditions led to Americans being denied liberties they had assumed they possessed.

The Sons of Liberty, protestors against the Stamp Act, organized a large demonstration that showed colonists

their ability to have a decisive impact on politics.

The Sons of Liberty, protestors against the Stamp Act, organized a large demonstration that showed colonists 1. the ability of the British police force to subdue protests. 2. that British authority would quell such riots in the future. 3. that stamp distributors were more popular than they had realized. 4. their ability to have a decisive impact on politics.

their ability to have a decisive impact on politics.

. Antifederalists were united mainly by 1. religious backgrounds. 2. location. 3. their desire to block the Constitution. 4. levels of wealth.

their desire to block the Constitution

Antifederalists were united mainly by

their desire to block the Constitution.

The greatest similarity among the many tribes that inhabited North America at the dawn of European colonization was that 1. they used domesticated animals for hunting and agricultural production. 2. they employed some form of written language. 3. they no longer depended on hunting and gathering for the major proportion of their food. 4. their distinct cultures had developed as adaptations to their local natural environments.

their distinct cultures had developed as adaptations to their local natural environments

The Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts) spread alarm among the colonists, who feared that 1. tea prices would continue to rise. 2. their liberties were insecure. 3. independence was just around the corner. 4. their home industries might not be able to meet the colonies' textile needs.

their liberties were insecure

The Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts) spread alarm among the colonists, who feared that

their liberties were insecure.

Colonial governors had difficulty gaining the trust and respect of influential colonists because

their terms of office were often less than five years, and they had little or no access to patronage positions.

Angelina Grimké, Sarah Grimké, and Maria Stewart, women lecturers who conveyed a powerful antislavery message, encountered hostility in the North because

they affronted a rigid cultural norm by speaking in public and presuming to instruct men

Angelina Grimké, Sarah Grimké, and Maria Stewart, women lecturers who conveyed a powerful antislavery message, encountered hostility in the North because 1. while enthusiastic, they were poor speakers. 2. no one was receptive to the substance of th 3. they insisted on being paid the same as men speaking on the same circuit. 4. they affronted a rigid cultural norm by speaking in public and presuming to instruct men.

they affronted a rigid cultural norm by speaking in public and presuming to instruct men.

Canals were an important innovation in the early nineteenth century because

they allowed cheaper transport by virtue of greatly increased loads

Canals were an important innovation in the early nineteenth century because 1. they allowed cheaper transport by virtue of greatly increased loads. 2. by using animal power, they reduced the pollution that was generated by steamboats and railroads. 3. they provided speedier transport of merchandise than had been previously possible. 4. they were primarily privately funded and thus were not dependent upon government support.

they allowed cheaper transport by virtue of greatly increased loads.

Why were textile jobs popular with women in the early 19th century?

they allowed unprecedented autonomy

How did Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa counter Indian territorial governor William Henry Harrison's divide and conquer approach to the region's Indian tribes after 1805?

they asserted that Indian lands were held in common by all tribes and could not be sold

Planters in the nineteenth century promoted Christianity in the slave quarters because 1. they knew the preachers would bring joy and thus make the slaves happier and live longer. 2. evangelicals were advocating Christianizing the slaves. 3. they didn't want infidels playing with their children. 4. they believed that the slaves' salvation was part of their obligation and that religion would make slaves more obedient.

they believed that the slaves' salvation was part of their obligation and that religion would make slaves more obedient

Why didn't the Iroquois feel compelled to help the British after the Albany Congress?

they believed the French military presence would discourage further westward expansion by American colonists

How did southern Democrats gain support from white yeomen during reconstruction?

they claimed white taxes disproportionately benefited blacks

what factor contributed to the demoralization of confederate troops by the last months of the war

they couldn't keep up with their spendings and had dwindiling finances, and battlefield reverse

States in the Upper South that opted for secession from the Union did so because 1. a special delegation from the deep South toured the upper tier of slave states and convinced the leaders of those states to secede. 2. they couldn't see themselves fighting fellow Southerners and felt betrayed when Lincoln chose to use military means against the South. 3. the new Confederate government offered those states special tax advantages if they would join the other slave states seeking independence from the government in Washington, D. 4. minor slave revolts began breaking out, clearly threatening the region's institution of slavery.

they couldn't see themselves fighting fellow Southerners and felt betrayed when Lincoln chose to use military means against the South.

What did nineteenth century planters mean when they characterized the master slave relationship as paternalistic?

they defined slavery as a set of reciprocal obligations

How did the increasing number of white settlers in the West bring devastation to the Plains Indians during the 19th century?

they exposed Indians to diseases like smallpox, measles, cholera and scarlet fever

why did ex slaves and reformers believe that newly freed blacks needed to own land

they had a right to it because they worked it for many years without compensation and didn't want to be undergird and they also didn't see what the point of being free without land was

How did the congress get people to join the continental army?

they offered land grants to any one who fought for the whole war

The slave states of the Upper South were not as quick to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election because 1. they generally believed the North would quickly send invading armies to the Upper South. 2. the U.S. army had already assembled on the northern bank of the Potomac River as a persuasive deterrent to secession. 3. they had great difficulty in getting together a quorum of legislators to debate the issue. 4. they simply did not have as great a stake in slavery as the states in the Lower South.

they simply did not have as great a stake in slavery as the states in the Lower South

how did free black men of fighting age in the north respond to the outbreak of war

they volunteered to fight

Why did some southern whites vote republican during reconstruction?

they wanted state governments to end favoritism toward wealthy planters

What happened to white supremacists who murdered 81 black Republicans in Colfax Louisiana?

they went free because no one would prosecute them

Some states were reluctant to include "equality language" in their bills of rights and constitutions because 1. women might believe they were equal to men and want the vote. 2. they were afraid the words could be construed to apply to slaves. 3. children as young as twelve might believe they could vote. 4. it could spark slave rebellions in the North.

they were afraid the words could be construed to apply to slaves

Some states were reluctant to include "equality language" in their bills of rights and constitutions because

they were afraid the words could be construed to apply to slaves.

The southern concept of chivalry in the antebellum period rested upon what assumptions about the nature of women?

they were weak and dependent on male protection

what in the end was achieved by congress during reconstruction

they worked through a crisis, the nation celebrated together and the us army was withdrawn

During the eighteenth century, colonists in America 1. thought of themselves as both British subjects and colonists. 2. worked incessantly to make their society thoroughly colonial, rejecting as much of British culture and fashion as possible. 3. were ready to break with England. 4. became remarkably homogeneous given the number of immigrants.

thought of themselves as both British subjects and colonists

. Nathaniel Bacon distressed the royal government and the elite planters of Virginia because his demands 1. permitted newly freed indentured servants to have Indian lands, which lowered the price of land and hurt landlords' investments. 2. were unfair to Indians and set slaves free. 3. threatened to transfer power from the traditional establishments to newcomers and small farmers. 4. challenged the king and Parliament's right to rule.

threatened to transfer power from the traditional establishments to newcomers and small farmers.

X, Y, and Z were the code names for 1. secret agents sent to France to avert war. 2. three unnamed French agents sent by Talleyrand to meet with American commissioners. 3. three American diplomats sent to France to avert war. 4. English spies located in France to gather intelligence.

three unnamed French agents sent by Talleyrand to meet with American commissioners

Around the time Europeans arrived in the New World, most native North Americans obtained much of their food 1. through a combination of trade and farming. 2. through a combination of hunting and gathering and farming. 3. through a combination of hunting and long-distance trade. 4. from local trade

through a combination of hunting and gathering and farming.

most whites in the reconstruction-era south believed that they could legitimately stamp out the republican party

through vigilante violence

The increasing presence of English goods in the colonial market in the eighteenth century

tied the colonists to the British economy while making them feel more British.

in the 19th century plantation belt, small farmers cotton crops

tied them to large planters

The presidential election of 1824 was notable because it was the last 1. in which a candidate from Massachusetts was elected president. 2. that was contested. 3. in which a candidate with fewer popular votes than his nearest challenger became president. 4. to be decided in the House of Representatives.

to be decided in the House of Representatives

What was the purpose of the first continental congress?

to create and send to the crown a declaration of colonial rights

An early Pennsylvania policy encouraging settlement was

to negotiate with Indian tribes to purchase land, which reduced frontier clashes.

President Polk directed the war with Mexico personally; his strategy to win the war was 1. called the "anaconda plan." 2. to occupy Mexico's northern provinces and win a couple of major battles, after which Mexico would sue for peace. 3. to divide and conquer Mexico, beginning with the northern provinces. 4. to quickly defeat the Mexicans in the southern provinces and then take Mexico City

to occupy Mexico's northern provinces and win a couple of major battles, after which Mexico would sue for peace

President Polk directed the war with Mexico personally; his strategy to win the war was

to occupy Mexico's northern provinces and win a couple of major battles, after which Mexico would sue for peace.

Why did Congress pass the Non Intercourse act in 1809?

to open up trade routes to economic hardship at home

What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

to prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

What was the purpose of the Molasses Act of 1733?

to protect British trade

In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican American War, Mexico agreed

to recognize the Rio Grande as the Texas border and cede New Mexico and california to the United States

on the question of what to do about fort sumter, robert toombs, the confederate secretary of state, advised jefferson davis

to refrain from any military action against the fort

what were the provisions of the fugitive slave act that was part of the compromise of 1850

to seize an alleged slave, slave holder had to appear before a commissioner and swear that the runaway was his, commissioner earned 10 dollars for every black returned to slavery but only five for those set free

What was the goal of the nineteenth century organization known as the American Colonization Society?

to send freed slaves and other free black Americans to the country of Liberia in West Africa

in 1855 popular sovereignty in kasas led

to the formation of two rival governments proslavery settlers free soil settlers

The dominant cash crops of the antebellum south were

tobacco, sugar, rice and cotton

The crop that turned Virginia into a stable colony was 1. cotton. 2. tobacco. 3. corn. 4. rice.


After 1803, the British regularly practiced impressment which meant that they

took American sailors by force and compelled them to serve in the British navy to fight France

mechanical reapers

tools often powered by horses of oxen that enabled farmers to harvest 12 acres of what a day, compared with the two or three acres a day possible with manual labor

The President can veto laws passed by Congress.


What did president zachary taylor a southerner propose in 1849 with regard to California statehood

trying to avoid sectional strife

The American strategy in the war with Britain was to

turn back the British and defeat their invading armies.

The American strategy in the war with Britain was to 1. keep a strong force in New York. 2. turn back the British and defeat their invading armies. 3. utilize the state militias as much as possible. 4. maintain and protect all the seaports.

turn back the British and defeat their invading armies.

bicameral legislature

two houses, proposed in the Virginia Plan, favored larger states

Quasi War

undeclared naval war with France

the northern public's commitment to reconstruction was undermined by

under yielding racial prejudice

political power in the antebellum south was

unevenly distributed

the institution of black slavery in the 19th century south encouraged whites to

unify around race not divide by class

Second Great Awakening

unprecedented religious revival in the 1820s and 1830s that promised access to salvation. It proved to be a major impetus for reform movements of the era, inspiring efforts to combat sexual sin, drinking and slavery

Behind the scenes, Harriet Tubman and other free blacks helped fugitive slaves escape from the South 1. via a complex system of tunnels. 2. by procuring ships for their passage north. 3. via the underground railroad. 4. by providing them with clothes and horses.

via the underground railroad

According to Thomas Jefferson, the source of true freedom in America was the 1. virtuous, independent farmer who owned and worked his land both for himself and for the market. 2. political party system that had come about in the late eighteenth century. 3. rising class of mechanics in American cities, single-minded men who allowed no one to push them around 4. continuation of property qualifications for voting.

virtuous, independent farmer who owned and worked his land both for himself and for the market

In strict military terms, the Battle of Gettysburg in the summer of 1863 1. was a crucial turning point for Confederate armies because it proved to be the last time Confederates launched a major offensive above the Mason-Dixon line. 2. stimulated an important council of war among major Union generals, who concluded that the North would be better off suing for peace to save the lives of their soldiers. 3. became an important experiment in which the South got to field test several new secret weapons. 4. proved to be a catastrophe because so much of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was destroyed that it no longer functioned as an effective fighting force.

was a crucial turning point for Confederate armies because it proved to be the last time Confederates launched a major offensive above the Mason-Dixon line.

The Whiskey Rebellion 1. was a protest by grain farmers against the excise tax on whiskey. 2. occurred among city workers angered by the high price of whiskey. 3. was led by Federalist merchants who sold imported liquor. 4. was led by tavern keepers on the frontier.

was a protest by grain farmers against the excise tax on whiskey

Sixteenth-century English Puritanism 1. interpreted Protestantism as a call for increased influence of the clergy in the lives of average parishioners. 2. was a set of broadly interpreted ideas and religious principles held by those seeking to purify the Church of England and to remove from it what they considered the offensive features of Catholicism. 3. was a well-organized, centrally administered religious reform movement. 4. took few ideas from Martin Luther and John Calvin.

was a set of broadly interpreted ideas and religious principles held by those seeking to purify the Church of England and to remove from it what they considered the offensive features of Catholicism.

the most attractive aspect of senator lewis cass's doctrine of popular sovereignty was that it

was ambiguous about the moment at which the fate of slavery would be decided

To most white northerners, southern secession

was an attack on a valid democratically elected government

According to the advice authors of the 1830s, women's work

was an expression of loving familial duty

According to the advice authors of the 1830's, women's work

was an expression of loving familial duty; housework was complicated, time-consuming, and exhausting labor. However, the domestic writers of the 1830's treated it not as work but as an expression of love and familial duty. This had the effect of erasing the actual effort involved in housework; thus, in an economy that evaluated work by the cash it generated, housework as work became invisible (340)

The Battle of Vicksburg in July 1863 1. was a Confederate victory that not only upset Union commanders but also rid the lower Mississippi Valley of the federal army. 2. was an important Union victory that opened up a large portion of the Mississippi River. 3. produced a stalemate after horrendous casualties. 4. was an astounding Confederate victory that gave Union commanders pause concerning whether they could actually win the war.

was an important Union victory that opened up a large portion of the Mississippi River.

An important difference between the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act was that the latter

was an internal tax that few colonists could escape.

An important difference between the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act was that the latter 1. was an internal tax that few colonists could escape. 2. instituted a tax that was to be paid mainly by merchants and shippers. 3. was enforced by British instead of American officials. 4. was merely a revision of a previously existing tax, so colonists could not object as strenuously.

was an internal tax that few colonists could escape.

while attending ford's theatre on the evening of april 14, 1865 president lincoln

was assassinated by john wilkes booth.

By 1820, divorce in the United States 1. was the one aspect of family law that had changed since the eighteenth century and, while difficult to obtain, was possible in most states. 2. remained illegal in all states. 3. was possible in every state, but only by petition to a state's legislature. 4. was possible only in southern states.

was the one aspect of family law that had changed since the eighteenth century and, while difficult to obtain, was possible in most states.

Between 1828 and 1836, the second American party system took shape; it

was, by 1836, a fully functioning, national, two-party political system

Between 1828 and 1836, the second American party system took shape; it 1. offered little more than new political labels pasted over old political organizations with the same philosophies and beliefs. 2. was, by 1836, a fully functioning, national, two-party political system. 3. featured a revival of the Federalists, who challenged Jeffersonian Republicans. 4. was chiefly sectional in nature: Whigs tended to be Northerners, and Democrats tended to be Southerners.

was, by 1836, a fully functioning, national, two-party political system

Ancient Southwestern Indians became experts in 1. soil conservation. 2. wild-game conservation. 3. waterfowl conservation. 4. water conservation.

water conservation.

After Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691, the defining characteristic of Massachusetts citizenship became 1. divine grace. 2. wealth. 3. ties of nobility. 4. familial connections to England


The social network that brought politicians together and facilitated communication for hiring and promotion during James Madison's presidential administration included

weekly parties hosted by Dolley Madison at the presidential residence

General Howe did what instead of the original plan to sail up the Hudson River?

went to Philadelphia

In 1860, the largest number of white Southerners 1. were planters. 2. were nonslaveholding yeoman farmers. 3. owned no land at all. 4. owned a small number of slaves.

were nonslaveholding yeoman farmers

In the middle colonies of the eighteenth century, slaves

were not much needed on wheat farms, which operated mostly with family labor.

Prior to emigrating west to the Great Salt Lake, Mormons 1. were well received by each community they settled in. 2. attracted members who shared their beliefs in the value of materialism and slavery. 3. were persecuted by non-Mormons because of their religious practices and were forced to move on. 4. settled in Arkansas, only to be burned out by locals.

were persecuted by non-Mormons because of their religious practices and were forced to move on

The doctrine of nullification outlined by John Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations argued that

when Congress overstepped its powers, states had the right to nullify Congress's acts

Southern whites of all classes were unanimous in their commitment to 1. keeping cotton their primary source of income. 2. white supremacy. 3. the teachings of Christianity. 4. keeping industrial growth to a minimum in the South.

white supremacy

Open slave revolts were uncommon in the South because 1. whites outnumbered blacks two to one by 1860 and were heavily armed, so rebels had almost no chance of success. 2. slaves lacked the organizational skills needed to stage a revolt. 3. slaves were not allowed to have firearms or machetes. 4. vicious hunting dogs were used by planters to keep blacks in tow.

whites outnumbered blacks two to one by 1860 and were heavily armed, so rebels had almost no chance of success

The effect of the institution of slavery on southern society was that 1. people who owned no slaves generally disapproved of the planters' practices. 2. planters treated whites who owned no slaves as far inferior to themselves. 3. whites were unified around race rather than divided by social class. 4. poor whites identified more with free blacks than with planters and agitated for laws to protect them.

whites were unified around race rather than divided by social class.

Alcohol consumption in America in the decades up to 1830 was

widespread, rising, and often tended toward abusive amounts

Who established a black settlement south of charleston in order to relieve the burden caused by the thousands of impoverished blacks who followed the union army out of the south

william tecumseh sherman

The turning point of the Seven Years' War was most likely William Pitt's

willingness to commit massive resources to the war.

What/who proposed that congress forbid slavery in territory aquired through the mexican american war

wilmot proviso

Pyrrhic victory

winning at great cost

in the antebellum plantation districts, most nineteenth century politicians learned that electoral success depended on

winning the trust and respect of ordinary voters

the impasse in the 1876 presidential election was broken by the compromise of 1877 in which democrats agreed to support rutherford b hayes inauguration in exchange for the

withdrawal of all federal troops from the south

when northern farmers took up arms in the civil war their domestic tasks were taken over by


IN 1848, about three hundred people gathered in Seneca Falls, New York for the first national

women's rights convention

President johnson found that his acquiescence to southern states' refusal to follow his reconstruction plans

won him useful political allies, in the south by paradoning ex confederate officials

Poor Richard's Almanack mirrored the beliefs of its Pennsylvania readers in its glorification of

work and wealth.

At the bottom of the social scale in the South were poor whites, who 1. made and sold moonshine to get by. 2. worked ambitiously and hoped to move up and away from their miserable living conditions. 3. owned only ten to twenty acres of farmland. 4. had no chance or hope of upward mobility.

worked ambitiously and hoped to move up and away from their miserable living conditions

Unlike European manufacturers in the first half of the nineteenth century, American manufacturers were spurred to invent labor-saving methods and devices because 1. American colleges had superior engineering schools that encouraged innovation. 2. workers were unreliable and lacked the work ethic needed for optimal production. 3. the government offered tax incentives to new innovations and inventions. 4. workers were in limited supply and thus more expensive.

workers were in limited supply and thus more expensive

in the summer of 1864 lincoln believed that winning the presidential election that fall

would be difficult

Northern slave Phillis Wheatley used bitter sarcasm in a 1774 newspaper essay exposing the hypocrisy of local slave owners; her accomplishments included 1. leading Bostonian women in promoting spinning bees. 2. inciting slaves to rebel against the British in Boston. 3. writing poetry about freedom for slaves. 4. starting the Underground Railroad.

writing poetry about freedom for slaves.

Why did plantation belt yeomen depend on slaves owners in the nineteenth century?

yeomen did not own their own heavy equipment

what group made up the largest number of white southerners by 1860

yeomen or slaveless households

Lowell mills was a corporation that hire cheap workers such as

young women of their limited employment options (326)

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