U.S. History Final

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20% of the colonies remained loyal to Britain and were harassed because of it. Loyalists would get tarred and feathered, stoned, drowned, and even executed. Over 100,000 Loyalists gave up their homes and fled to other areas.

Elastic Clause (Necessary and Proper)

A clause in National gov. that has additional powers that are implied. Stretches what the gov. can do beyond the Constitution.

Great Awakening

A colonial religious movement aimed at restoring the strict early Puritan code and dedication to the church. Religious people would go into town and set up a tent on Thursday for religion.

First and Second Continental Congress

A group of colonists who banned together to discuss independence. They agreed on starting militias across the country and they prepared to start a war against Britain. The Continental Congress served as a government for the 13 colonies as they fought the war and the congress also chose a government that would represent America after they won independence. A. The First Continental Congress: It took place in 1774. This Congress affirmed their loyalty to Britain, but they disputed Parliament's right to tax the colonists. They weren't sure if they should stay loyal or not. They agreed on boycotting British imports until the Intolerable Act was repealed and they would stop exporting to Britain is necessary. B. The Second Continental Congress: They issued an Olive Branch Petition asking the King to resolve the issues between the colonists and Parliament but this petition was rejected by the King. The rejection of the petition resulted in the formation of the Continental army, where George Washington was appointed to supervise and lead the army. Declared American Independence.


A group of colonists who rejected British rule and fought for America's independence from Britain. They also terrorized some of the Loyalists that lived in the colonies and caused them to other areas.

Constitutional Convention.

A meeting of delegates that occurred May 1787 in Pennsylvania. The purpose of the meeting was to revise and fix the Articles of Confederation, but the participants decided to create a new Constitution.

American System (1820) : Henry Clay

A plan to move toward economic independence by creating protective tariffs on imported goods from Europe. The southern states objected to the new taxes, but Congress approved the Tariff of 1816. Created Roads and canals.

Triangular Trade

A system of trading in which a country pays for its imports from one country by its exports to another. Britain: Manufactured goods, textiles, furniture, luxuries----> 13 Colonies: Rum, iron, gunpowder, cloth, tools----> Africa: Slaves, gold, pepper--->West Indies: Slaves, molasses, sugar----> 13 Colonies: Flour, fish, meat----> West Indies: Sugar, molasses, fruit----> Britain.

French and Indian War

A war that was fought between Great Britain and France. It is called the French and Indian war because there were Indians that fought on both sides. The treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. There were major taxes put on certain items that colonists had to pay. This was a result of fighting the war for the land.

Middle Passage

Africans became a part of the triangular trade and were sold into slavery in the Americas. Brutal to Africans.


An intellectual movement where philosophers valued reason and scientific methods. It was influenced by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

Sons of Liberty

An organization that resisted British tax laws. They also organized a mob that paraded a statue of a tax collector hanging from a tree and then they beheaded it and ransacked his home. As a result of their actions, many tax collectors resigned.

Why was Andrew Jackson considered the first president of the "common man"?

Andrew Jackson was the first president of the "common man" because he began the idea that anyone can become president.

How would Westward expansion upset the balance of political power in Congress as new territories were added as states to the Union?

As new territories were added, some of them became slavery states and others did not. There could be more slave states than the other, or the other way around, which could cause an imbalance of power in the Senate. There would be an imbalance in representation.

Statement of Independence

Authors declare that the colonies are free and independent states.

The Declaration of Rights

Authors declare the purpose of the American government, citizen's natural rights, and what happens when the government abuses power.

List of Grievances

Authors lay out the ways they think Britain abused its power while governing the colonies.

National and State Powers

Both could collect taxes, establish courts, regulate interstate commerce, regulate banks, borrow money, provide for the general welfare, and punish criminals.

Canals (Erie specifically) & Roads - Cumberland Road, etc.

Canals are artificial waterways. Americans built these canals because waterways were the cheapest way to transport goods. The Erie canal had a great impact because it sped up the development of the Great Lakes region. Private companies built roads and profited off of them by collecting tolls.

Intolerable Acts

Closed the port of Boston, suspended the Massachusetts Constitution, removed the governor, and set up a government that was run by the Britain Military. Included Quartering Act.

Transcontinental Railroad

Congress helped the creation of the railroad by financing and granting the land for the project. The Transcontinental Railroad includes the union pacific railroad and the central pacific railroad. These railroads opened up the west to immigrants and homesteaders and increased migration towards the west. Chinese and Irish immigrants mostly built the railroad. This revolutionary idea sped up the destruction of the Native American culture and buffalo.

Eli Whitney - Cotton gin:

Created by Eli Whitney, was a machine that separated the seeds from the raw cotton fibers. This machine had a big impact on the economy.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott was a slave who was taken by his owner from Missouri to Illinois and then Wisconsin. Scott sued for his freedom, but the Supreme Court said he was not a citizen, so he didn't have the right to sue. Since he was a slave, he was considered property. This allowed the owners to send him back to Missouri as a slave.

How did the discovery of gold in Georgia change the federal government's relationship with Native American tribes?

Due to the discovery of gold on Cherokee territory, treaties created between the Natives and Americans, prior to the Gold Rush, meant nothing as soon as gold was discovered.

Oregon Territory (1846)

England originally claimed this land, but agreed to joint occupation after the war of 1812. Many Americans migrated along the Oregon Trail and many Mormons migrated west to escape religious persecution.

How did geography affect the development of Colonial America?

Geography would affect what the colonists sold and traded to other countries. It also determined what they would get in return and the amount of money they would get by selling the goods.


Goal is to create a favorable balance of trade by increasing exports and decreasing imports and becoming self-sufficient.

Missouri Compromise (1820): Henry Clay (Maine, Missouri, Missouri Compromise/Mason Dixon Line)

Henry Clay proposed the compromise, which admitted Missouri as a slave state and in return, Maine would be a free state. It also banned slavery from the Louisiana Purchase territories. It was unconstitutional.

Tariff of 1816

It occurred in the South. The U.S. wanted to move toward economic independence by creating a protective tariff on European imports. The tariff intended to discourage foreign imports and encourage American manufacturing. This benefited the industrial North, but not the agrarian South. The South objected to the taxes because they had to pay more money for manufactured goods. Congress approved the tariff disregarding the South's objection.

Proclamation Line of 1763

It was used to keep colonists from venturing into Indian reservations. Colonists were prohibited from settling any land west of the Appalachian Mountains. This would prevent further conflicts between the colonists and the Native Americans. However, colonists wanted to travel westward and settle, so they ended up ignoring the proclamation.

Jacksonian Democracy

Jackson became the first commoner president. He related to the idea of politics for all classes, where common people can participate in government. Under his rule, he appointed common people, like his friends and people who were loyal to him, to positions within the government.

John Locke (Natural Rights of "Life, Liberty, and Property")

John Locke was an Enlightenment thinker whose idea, Natural Rights, was put into the Declaration. His idea provided equality for all of the colonists. Government cannot deny these rights or abuse them. The government has the power to protect these rights and they cannot create any law or engage in any action that would deny life, reduce liberty, or prevent a person from pursuing happiness.

Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776 (Thomas Jefferson)- It is our vision of who we want to be as a country. It expresses the ideal freedoms and justice that should exist in a country. It explains how we will be different as a country and what the American experience will be about. It also states how all men are created equal. The Declaration states natural rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.The Declaration of Independence has 4 major parts, the Preamble, the Declaration of Rights, the List of Grievances, and the Statement of Independence.

Compromise Tariff of 1833

Lowered tariffs over next 10 years (Henry Clay). Used to resolve the Nullification Crisis.

Checks & Balances

Makes the three branches work together and prevents any of the 3 branches from becoming too powerful.

Original 13 Colonies (Northern/Middle/Southern)

Many of the colonists escaped religious persecution and they only existed primarily to benefit England.

Texas War for Independence (1836)

Mexico had control over Texas. Americans that lived in this region wanted independence from Mexico because they were dissatisfied with Mexican Rule. Stephen F. Austin tried to petition President Santa Anna for independence, but he got thrown in jail, which led to war. The Mexican army would attack rebels and capture forts. They would also kill all of the prisoners. General Sam Huston led the Americans to victory. Texas became independent and requested for admission into the U.S.

Could the Constitution be written without compromise?

No, because each state would have a different opinion based on the state's politics and economics.

Is popular sovereignty the best method for deciding whether a state will be free or slave?

No, because eventually, after the Civil War, all slaves were free. An example of popular sovereignty being a bad method is, The Kansas Nebraska act. Kansas and Nebraska wanted to have slaves in their state, however, after the Civil War, the two states could not become a slave state.

Was Colonial America a democratic society? Explain why or why not.

No, because, according to the lecture, even though men were allowed to vote on who would be in the local assembly, they could not determine who the governor would be and who would be on the advisory council. In the second video it stated that Colonial America did not give any of the slaves rights and treated them like criminals.

Did the Articles of Confederation provide the United States with an effective government?

No, the Articles of Confederation did not provide the United States with an effective government because it had weaknesses that lead to the replacement of the Confederation and the start of the Constitution.

Were the Navigation Acts reasonable policies passed by Britain to regulate the economy of the Colonies?

No, the Navigation Acts were not reasonable. Even though the acts benefited both the colonies and England, according to the lecture, the Navigation Acts were used by Britain to control trade in the colonies and England. The colonies had no say in where they could ship their goods to and how much money they could earn.

What was President Jackson's response to the Supreme Court's decision in Worcester v. Georgia?

On December 29, 1835, Jackson's administration signed the Treaty of New Echota.

Natural Rights

One of the most important enlightenment ideas in the Declaration of Independence. Government cannot deny these rights or abuse them. It is their job to protect these rights.

Consent of the Governed

One of the most important enlightenment ideas in the Declaration of Independence. The people of the country give the government its right to exist. It also means if the government abuses that power the people have a right to destroy the government and replace it with a new one.

Bleeding Kansas

Over 200 people were killed and violence erupted due to slavery issues.

Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion led by Daniel Shays of farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, protesting mortgage foreclosures. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out. Led to the Constitution.

Navigation Acts

Rules created to benefit England which initially helped the colonial industry as well. Restricted trade, so colonists smuggled goods.

Why did some colonists remain loyal to Britain?

Some Colonists decided to remain loyal because they were afraid of fighting a war against Britain and the consequences of the war. Loyalists were afraid of going against them because Britain has fought many wars before and won. Some loyalists also believed that their prosperity is because of Britain, even though they put taxes on colonial goods. They also think Britain's actions are temporary and they should be patient and not start a war with them.

Nullification Crisis

South Carolina blames the Tariff of 1816 for its economic problems. The state believed they had the right to nullify federal laws that they thought were unconstitutional. They threatened to secede from the Union. This almost led to bloodshed, but a compromise was reached.

Why did South Carolina nullify the Tariff of 1816? How did President Jackson respond to their actions?

South Carolina nullified the tariff because it caused them to have economic problems. They would threaten to secede from the Union. President Jackson responded to their action by creating a force bill. 50,000 American troops marched into South Carolina and forced the government to abide by the tariff.

Stamp Act

Taxed documents and other printed items (newspapers, playing cards, etc). This tax caused more people to get upset about Britain passing tax laws. Due to all the tax laws, colonists started terrorizing tax collectors, which caused Britain to repeal the Stamp Act. Replaced with the Declaratory Act.

Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854

Territories of Nebraska and Kansas were divided in half and they both used the idea called popular sovereignty to determine whether slaves would be allowed in the two territories. Both territories allowed slavery, but in 1861 the Civil War had erupted.

3/5ths Compromise

The 3/5ths Compromise was to give states that had slavery less of an influence in Congress. Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person for census and representation.

Manifest Destiny

The Americans desire to move Westward. The U.S. believed that they had the right and duty to expand westward. Many people believed this was inevitable and justified by God.

Why were the Anti-Federalists opposed to the new Constitution and how did the Federalists seek to defend the new Constitution?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the new Constitution because it did not include the Bill of Rights. The Anti-Federalists thought the Bill of Rights should be included because the Bill of Rights would list the specific rights each person had that the government could not deny. The Federalists defended the Constitution by suggesting that the Constitution already included the protection of the people's rights and that the Congress could always create more amendments.

Limited Government

The Constitution limits the power of the national government. The Constitution does this by giving each branch specific powers.

What did the Declaration of Independence say about the institution of slavery and why did the Continental Congress remove these sections?

The Declaration stated that King George the Third was responsible for the slave trade and he was preventing America from ending slavery. The Continental Congress removed the sections because they did not want any mention of slavery in the document.

Why did some Founding Fathers feel the need to replace the Articles of Confederation with the proposed Constitution?

The Founding Fathers decided to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new Constitution because the confederation did not have a central government that had leadership, Congress did not have enough power to place taxes, Congress needed approval to pass laws, Congress could not create a military, there were no national courts, and all 13 states had to agree on an amendment.

Great Compromise: Virginia Plan & New Jersey Plan

The Great Compromise was an agreement made during the Constitutional Convention, in 1787, which allowed the delegates to create a new Constitution.

Bicameral Legislature (House and Senate)

The House and the Senate have the ability to propose amendments. Every Senate has 2 people and the amount of representatives is determined by the state's population.

What was the purpose of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

The Indian Removal Act was created to remove Indians who were living east of the Mississippi River. This forced Indians to leave their lands. They were forced to leave because gold was discovered on their lands.

What was the extent of U.S. territorial claims by 1830?

The U.S. was moving further west. The country had not claimed the unorganized territory, the Oregon country, and the territory claimed by Mexico.

Homestead Act (1862)

The act was created to encourage Americans to migrate westward and settle in the west. Congress granted 160 acres of land for a small fee to any family head of household who would live on the land for 5-7 years. Over 600,000 settlers took advantage of this government program. Exodusters(ex-slaves) also migrated westward after the Civil War. The frontier was officially closed in 1890.


The federal system of the federal government. The Northerners wanted federalism, or a Federal Government, a national bank, and protective tariffs.

Industrial Revolution: Textile Mills (Lowell Mill)

The industrial revolution was an ongoing effort to increase production by using machines powered by sources other than humans and animals. The first successful textile mill was created in Pawtucket Rhode Island in 1793. The mills were powered by water. Textiles create cloth.

Who were the main authors of the Declaration of Independence?

The main authors of the Declaration of Independence were Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams.

What were the main sections and purposes of those sections in the Declaration of Independence?

The main sections of the Declaration of Independence were the Preamble, the Declaration of Rights, the List of Grievances, and the Statement of Independence. The Preamble stated why America was separating from Britain. The Declaration of Rights explained the purpose of the American government, citizen's rights, and what would happen if the government abused power. The List of Grievances layed out the way America believed Britain abused its power while governing the colonies. The Statement of Independence declared that the colonies were free and independent states.

Separation of Powers

The separation of powers divides the government into independent branches that are accountable for each other.

Should states be allowed to reject federal laws that they believe are unconstitutional (violations of the U.S. Constitution)?

The states should be allowed to reject federal laws,if they are unconstitutional, because the Constitution states that power should be divided between the federal and state governments. The governments should have equal power.

What is the purpose of a tariff? Why did the North support them and the South oppose them?

The tariff was created to help the U.S. move toward economic independence. It was intended to discourage foreign imports and encourage American manufacturing. The Northern economy supported the tariff because it was on its way to becoming fully industrialized, while the Southern economy was mostly based on agriculture.

Patronage/Spoils System

The winner takes all. When Jackson appointed jobs in the government to his friends and people who were loyal to him. The Spoil System was the idea that allowed people of any class to participate in the government.

Amending the Constitution

They amended the Constitution by having the House or the Senate propose amendments. If ⅔ of the House and Senate approve the amendment, then ¾ of the state legislatures need to approve it.


They believed in a strong national government that would empower over the states. They believed the government would protect us from the British and the state governments. George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison were federalists.

State Powers

They could establish local govs., set up schools, regulate state commerce, make regulations for marriage, and establish and regulate corporations.

Nation Powers

They could maintain war, declare war, establish a postal system, set standards for weights and measures, and protect copyrights and patents.

Articles of Confederation

They were written by the Continental Congress. Due to the weaknesses of the Confederation, it was replaced with the U.S. Constitution. America was governed by the Articles of Confederation before the Constitution. - Failed because Congress did not have the power to tax, Congress didn't have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce, there was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress, there was no national court system or judicial branch, and almost every state had its own militia, but the national gov. was unable to gather a combined military force.

Tea Act/Boston Tea Party

This act angered many colonists, which then caused the Boston Tea Act. The Tea Act was a tax put on tea that was only sold by the colonists. Britain then encouraged the colonists to buy tea from Britain because there were no taxes put on the cheap tea. The act then led to 60 members of the Sons of Liberty to dump 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

This land was purchased for $15 million from Napoleon. Thomas Jefferson was responsible for the largest land acquisition. This purchase allowed the U.S. to gain the strategic port of New Orleans and control over the Mississippi River, which doubled territory.

Market Revolution: Free enterprise system

This system was also known as capitalism. Economic changes were possible due to this system. Under this system, investments are made by personal decision, not by government control. The free enterprise system benefited people who found better, faster, or more efficient ways to run businesses.

Mexican-American War (1846): Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)

This war was caused by the resentment of American annexation and occupation of Texas and a dispute over its southern boundary. President Polk supported the expansion and ordered troops to cross the Rio Grande into Mexican Territory. Generals Zachary Taylors and Winfield Scott led many of the American's victories and eventually defeated Mexico. This resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase.


Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, and Patrick Henry were all anti-federalists. Anti-Federalists believed in a strong local government. They thought the states should have most of the power. Opposed the Constitution. They didn't want a President, they wanted a Bill of Rights.

Why do we celebrate July 4th as the date of America's independence?

We celebrate July 4th because that was the day Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. July 2nd was the day America was actually freed from British rule.

Force Bill

When 50,000 troops from the U.S. government marched to South Carolina. The South Carolina government was then happy to abide by the tariff.

Boston Massacre

When a mob of Boston colonists harassed British troops and got shot at. The citizens of Boston called a town meeting in order to remove the troops and put them on trial.

Gold Rush (1849)

When gold was discovered in Sacramento at Sutter's Mill. The Gold Rush increased migration towards the west because many 49'ers from the U.S. and all over the world wanted to become rich. At the end of 1949, California's population exceeded 100,000. Gold revolutionized California's economy. 1857, gold production approached $2 billion. California was known as "El Dorado."

Indentured Servitude

When servants worked 4-7 years in exchange for passage.

Gadsden Purchase

When the Americans paid Mexico $10 million for the land in order to secure a southern railroad route to the Pacific.

Sugar Act

When the British placed a tax on sugar. This reduced the tax on sugar. Britain's goal was to encourage colonists to stop smuggling cheap products. They also brought down prices of goods and hoped the colonists would purchase those goods. However, Britain also placed new taxes on other items.

Townshend Act

When the British placed taxes on tea, lead, paper, and glass. Britain then repealed this act and then passed the Tea Act.


When the colonists stopped importing and exporting goods to and from Britain and when they destroyed 342 chests of tea from Britain. The Boston Tea Party is one example of the colonists boycotting the British.

The Preamble

Why they were separating from Britain is necessary.


Withdrawal from the Union.

Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War?

Yes, because after the French and Indian War, the British placed many taxes on certain items like sugar, stamps, newspapers, etc. in order to pay for the war, even though they took no part in fighting or causing the war.

Does the system of checks and balances provide us with an effective and efficient government?

Yes, because checks and balances forces the three branches to work together and prevents the branches from becoming too powerful.

Can the industrial revolution be considered a cause of Westward Expansion?

Yes, because new inventions like the Transcontinental Railroad opened up the west to immigrants and homesteaders and increased migration towards the west.

Was the American War for Independence inevitable?

Yes, the American War for Independence was inevitable because Britain was placing unfair taxes on the colonist's items. The British thought that placing these taxes would help them pay for the French and Indian War. The taxes and acts that were given by the British angered the colonists. Due to their anger, they formed the Sons of Liberty and the First and Second Continental Congress. These groups of colonists fought for the colonies and decided to declare independence from Britain.

Did Americans at the time recognize any negative consequences of Westward Expansion?

Yes, the Americans recognized that there was division between territories due to slavery. Congress tried to avoid conflict by creating compromises.

Can the Supreme Court settle moral issues? (Dred Scott decision)

Yes, the Supreme Court can settle moral issues. In the Dred Scott Decision, the Supreme Court determined that slaves were not considered people. The Supreme Court said that slaves were property, so they did not have the right to sue people.

Do separation of powers and checks and balances make our government work too slowly?

Yes, the separation of powers and checks and balances makes our government work slower. The government works slowly because separation of powers ensures that one branch does not become too powerful, while checks and balances make the government more fair and efficient.

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