U.S. History II Final Exam Part II

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Ida B. Wells (1862-1931)

After being denied a seat on a railroad car because she was black, she became the first African American to file a suit against such discrimination. As a journalist, she criticized Jim Crow laws, demanded that blacks have their voting rights restored and crusaded against lynching. In 1909, she helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

As a result of Cold War military reforms, the __________ became the dominant branch of the American armed forces.

Air Force

The most famous disclosure of espionage activities in the U.S. government in the late 1940s involved the case of

Alger Hiss.

What caused the Gulf of Tonkin affair?

American support for covert operations in Vietnam led North Vietnam to attack a U.S. ship

The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 sought to

Americanize western Indians.

Patrons of Husbandry

An educational and social organization for farmers founded in 1867, better known as the Grange.

Gilded Age (1860-1896)

An era of dramatic industrial and urban growth characterized by loose government oversight over corporations, which fostered unfettered capitalism and widespread political corruption.

During the Truman Legislation,

An order for the desegregation of the Armed Forces was issued.

Josiah Strong and John Fiske justified American imperialism by stressing

Anglo-Saxon superiority.

Stone v. Farmers Loan and Trust Company


Patrons of Husbandry Founded


Greenback Party Started


Election of Rutherford B. Hayes


Munn v. Illionis


Munn v. Illinois

1877 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Granger law allowing the state to regulate grain elevators.

Bland-Allison Act


James A. Garfield elected president


Chinese Exclusion Act


Mongrel Tariff


Pendleton Civil Service Act


Mongrel Tariff

1883 tariff that applied diverse rates for different commodities.

Election of Grover Cleveland


Interstate Commerce Commission created


Wabash Railroad v. Illinois


Benjamin Harrison elected


Dependent Pension Act


McKinley Tariff


Sherman Anti-Trust Act


Sherman Silver Purchase Act


Grover Cleveland elected second time


Populist Party Founded




Election of William McKinley


William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech


Dingley Tariff


By the end of 1931, unemployment rose to

25 percent.

"Sockless Jerry" Simpson

A charismatic agrarian radical who embraced the Alliance movement and was elected to Congress in 1890.

James A. Garfield

A distinguished Civil War veteran who became speaker of the house and was elected president in 1881; was shot by a disgruntled office seeker and died from complications after a little over six months in office.

Political "Machine"

A network of political activists and elected officials, usually controlled by a powerful "boss," that attempts to manipulate local politics.

The 1950s in America were categorized by

A new affluence and a thriving economy

The Harlem Renaissance, an artistic and literary blossoming, featured the works of A) Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston. B) H. L. Mencken, Eugene O'Neill, and Sinclair Lewis. C) Thomas Wolfe, Ernest Hemingway, and the Fugitive poets. D) Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Marcus Garvey.

A) Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston.

Bill Clinton declared that the successor to a doctrine of containment should be free trade. A) True B) False

A) True

Both Korea and Vietnam were fought due to the "domino theory" that stated that if one country fell to communism, others would follow. A) True B) False

A) True

George W. Bush declared a doctrine of "preemptive war" after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. A) True B) False

A) True

John F. Kennedy was president during the Cuban Missile Crisis. A) True B) False

A) True

John Foster Dulles used the concept of "going to the brink" to refer to the U.S. willingness to go to war and/or use nuclear weapons to contain communism. A) True B) False

A) True

One aspect of nativism in the 1920s was fear of recent immigrants who might be socialists or anarchists. A) True B) False

A) True

Proponents of literary and artistic change included T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. A) True B) False

A) True

The Truman Doctrine was a statement of the policy of containment of communism in 1947. A) True B) False

A) True

The fall of the Berlin Wall occurred during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. A) True B) False

A) True

The great migration of African Americans from the South to the cities of the North continued into the 1930s. A) True B) False

A) True

The revived Ku Klux Klan (KKK) of the 1920s thrived only in the South. A) True B) False

A) True

The most significant economic and social development of the early twentieth century was A) the automobile. B) radio. C) aircraft. D) movies.

A) the automobile.

The first successful Kansas cow town was


Anti-liquor societies and individuals included all the following except

Adolphus Busch.

What was the driving force for social change that gained civil rights for African Americans

African American activism

What group was rigidly excluded from all three Levittown's

African Americans

James Gillepsie Blaine (1830-1893)

As a Republican congressman from Maine, he developed close ties with business leaders, which contributed to him losing the presidential election of 1884. He later opposed President Cleveland's efforts to reduce tariffs, which became a significant issue in the 1888 presidential election. Blaine served as secretary of state under President Benjamin Harrison and his flamboyant style often overshadowed the president.

The Sacco and Vanzetti case became a cause célèbre because of the defendants' A) fundamentalist religious views. B) opposition to World War I. C) connections with organized crime. D) radical Italian backgrounds.

D) radical Italian backgrounds.

The scientific work of Einstein, Heisenberg, and others A) reinforced the traditional faith in reason and order. B) increased confidence in our ability to fully understand the world. C) was incompatible with the disillusionment and despair of the postwar period. D) suggested that there is a limit to our ability to understand the universe.

D) suggested that there is a limit to our ability to understand the universe.

In the 1950s, Americans experienced a contradiction in

Denouncing the Soviet Union for human rights violations while discriminating against African Americans

The economic abundance of the 1950s

Did not benefit the steel industry and agriculture as much as other industries

Which was not an important stimulus to American economic growth in the late 1940s and early 1950s

Direct government aid to industrial development

How did the political activism for African American rights change from the 1950s to the early 1960s?

Direct, peaceful confrontation replaced reliance on court action


During the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes, 1877-81, a moderate Republican party faction led by Senator James G. Blaine that favored some reforms of the civil service system and a restrained policy toward the defeated South.

How did the Allies decide to split up the reparations in postwar Germany?

Each country would take reparations from its own occupation zone.

One reason Operation Overlord succeeded was

Eisenhower surprised the Germans by attacking at Normandy.

Pendleton Civil Service Act

Established the Civil Service Commission in 1883 and marked the end of the spoils system.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed due to

European fears of Soviet military aggression

Southern blacks who migrated to Kansas were called


Lyndon Johnson must bear great responsibility for the American problems in the Vietnam War because he

Failed to confront the American people with the stark reality of the war

"He kept us out of war" was the 1916 Republican campaign cry against Wilson.


A great concern to the United States and Britain was the rise of China as a militaristic power.


African Americans played in major league baseball from the very first years.


After the Civil War, more people moved to the frontier than to cities.


Andrew W. Mellon said, "The chief business of the American people is business."


As head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, John Collier hoped to eliminate tribes and fully assimilate Native Americans into the national culture.


Before 1878, the federal government had never authorized the coinage of silver.


Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler's troops invaded the Sudetenland.


Buying stocks on margin helped restrain speculation in the stock market.


By 1920, both Puerto Rico and the Philippines had gained complete independence from the United States.


By 1942, the Axis Powers included the Soviet Union.


Cuba was France's oldest colony in the Americas.


During World War II, Congress readily renewed and extended such New Deal programs as the National Youth Administration.


During the Gilded Age the same party never controlled both the presidency and Congress.


George A. Custer lost to the Sioux at the Battle of Wounded Knee.


In 1887, the United States bought Alaska from Britain for $7.2 million.


In 1892 Ellis Island became the gateway of entry for immigrants from Asia.


In 1910, the largest group of hyphenated Americans was from Ireland.


In 1922, delegates of five nations met and signed a treaty limiting the size of their navies.


In 1927, delegates of five nations met and signed a treaty limiting the size of their navies.


In 1940, in calling for the United States to be the "arsenal of democracy," Roosevelt wanted to provide assistance to the Soviet Union.


In 1941, the lend-lease program concentrated on stopping Italian conquests in eastern Europe.


In the spring of 1932, the Bonus Expeditionary Force sought to block payment of bonuses to Wall Street tycoons.


Italian Americans and German Americans were interned in camps in Arizona for the duration of the war.


Joseph Glidden's invention of barbed wire in 1873 helped protect the cotton fields of Nebraska.


Labor unions experienced phenomenal growth in the twenties.


Most of the migrants to the West were very poor people desperate to buy cheap land.


Mussolini's Nazi party promised a growth of national pride and a return to law and order.


Native Americans were segregated in the military.


Nativism was the belief that immigrants could, and should, be Americanized quickly.


President Wilson, a pacifist, never allowed U.S. military forces to intervene in Mexico.


Robert M. La Follette preached, "The chief business of the American people is business."


The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between FDR's election and his inauguration.


The Boston police strike of 1919 helped launch Warren G. Harding's political career.


The Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 lowered rates on agricultural products.


The Great Sioux War was actually a minor skirmish with Indians in the Dakota Territory.


The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 declared that the United States would finally join the League of Nations.


The New Deal's programs ended the Great Depression.


The Open Door policy described America's approach to Cuba after 1900.


The Pendleton Act allowed for the coinage of more silver.


The Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896 included a ruling that states could not interfere with the rights of blacks.


The Populist party fused with the Republicans in the election of 1896 in an attempt to gain free and unlimited coinage of silver.


The Reconstruction Finance Corporation assisted farmers, homeowners, and labor unions.


The Scottsboro case in 1931 involved efforts to organize workers in the Southwest.


The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 outlawed corporate actions in "restraint of trade."


The Teapot Dome scandal was the major issue in the 1924 election.


The War Refugee Board was amazingly successful at rescuing Jews from Europe.


The Zimmerman telegram revealed Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.


The end of World War II led to another period of isolationism in the United States.


The first act passed in March 1933 was the Economy Act, designed to reopen the major banks.


The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese island of Okinawa.


The first college football game was played during the Civil War.


The first professional baseball team was the New York Yankees.


The largest naval battle in history occurred at the Coral Sea.


The major industry of the New South was tobacco manufacturing.


The rush of poor, politically unimportant miners into the West hampered the creation of new states.


The sinking of the Titanic off Ireland by U-boats made many Americans anti-German.


The stock market crash caused the Great Depression.


Theodore Roosevelt fought in Cuba as a commissioned officer in the regular U.S. Army.


Turner's frontier thesis praised the role of women and Mexicans in the creation of a democratic West.


Wilson thought Germany's admission of war guilt was the most necessary part of the peace negotiations.


Women made major and lasting gains as workers when they entered the workforce in large numbers during World War I.


During World War II, the fastest rate of urban growth occurred in the

Far West.

A precursor of the stock market crash occurred in the speculative mania of the mid-1920s in


Greenback Party

Formed in 1876 in reaction to economic depression, the party favored issuance of unsecured paper money to help farmers repay debts; the movement for free coinage of silver took the place of the greenback movement by the 1880s.

A pioneer in making parks available for city dwellers was

Frederick Law Olmsted.

Which 1968 presidential candidate cut deeply into Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey's voter base by running on the American Independence Party ticket?

George C. Wallace

Roosevelt decided Hitler had to be stopped after

Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939.

Pork Barrel

Government project or measure that includes benefits for most congressional districts.

Lyndon Johnson's reform program was called the

Great Society

In 1946 and 1947, conflict in __________ caused the Truman administration to worry about the rise of Soviet power and the spread of communism around the globe.

Greece and Turkey

The first president to attempt to seriously seriously to alter the historic pattern of racial discrimination in the United States was

Harry Truman

W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963)

He criticized Booker T. Washington's views on civil rights as being accommodationist. He advocated "ceaseless agitation" for civil rights and the immediate end to segregation and an enforcement of laws to protect civil rights and equality. He promoted an education for African Americans that would nurture bold leaders who were willing to challenge discrimination in politics.

William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)

He delivered the pro-silver "cross of gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic Convention and won his party's nomination for president. Disappointed pro-gold Democrats chose to walk out of the convention and nominate their own candidate, which split the Democratic party and cost them the White House. Bryan's loss also crippled the Populist movement that had endorsed him.

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

He founded a leading college for African Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama, and become the foremost black educator in America by the 1890s. He believed that the African American community should establish an economic base for its advancement before striving for social equality. His critics charged that his philosophy sacrificed educational and civil rights for dubious social acceptance and economic opportunities.

How did Joseph McCarthy develop such power over his fellow Senators?

He instilled fear in them.

What did President Kennedy do to help South Vietnam in 1961?

He sent money and advisers

How did Kennedy secure the African American vote in the 1960 presidential election?

He supported the release of Martin Luther King Jr. from jail

How did President Eisenhower deal with Joseph McCarthy?

He waited for McCarthy's zeal to be his own undoing.

What were Johnson's feelings about committing the United States to the war in Vietnam?

He worried about the consequence of either withdrawal or invasion so he committed to a large-scale but limited military intervention

The book that stirred people's consciousness about the destruction of the Indians was written by

Helen Hunt Jackson.

The phrase "survival of the fittest" was coined by

Herbert Spencer.

The Share the Wealth program was proposed by

Huey P. Long.

Fourteenth Amendment

In 1868 guaranteed rights of citizenship to former slaves, in words similar to those of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Mississippi Plan

In 1890, Mississippi instituted policies that led to a near-total loss of voting rights for blacks and many poor whites. In order to vote, the state required that citizens pay all their taxes first, be literate, and have been residents of the state for two years and one year in an electoral district. Convicts were banned from voting. Seven other states followed this strategy of disenfranchisement.

Which statement best describes the social change that American women experienced from the 1920s to the 1960s?

In the 1960s, there were actually fewer women enrolled in college and professional schools than there were in the 1920s

"Jim Crow" laws

In the New South, these laws mandated the separation of races in various public places that served as a way for the ruling whites to impose their will on all areas of black life.

Peoples attitude toward organized religion in the 1950s was

Incredibly positive and religious affiliation boomed

What was Dr. Benjamin Spock's 1946 bestselling book about?

Infant and Child Care

How did the civil rights movement change in the mid- to late sixties?

It became more militant and considered violence to force social change

What effect did the Vietnam War have on the future U.S. foreign policy?

It caused America to abandon its containment policies

Which statement about Johnson's war on poverty is correct?

It emphasized self-help and brought almost 10 million people out of poverty

What effect did the formation of NATO have on the Cold War?

It intensified Russian fears of the West and escalated the Cold War.

Which statement about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is correct?

It led to a dramatic increase in African American voting registration in the South

What effect did the Marshall Plan have?

It led to a successful financial recovery in Western Europe.

How did the United States react to the 1950 treaty between Stalin and Mao?

It refused to recognize the new Chinese regime and focused on Japan as its main ally in Asia.

Why did the government increase federal funding for science education in 1957?

It was responding to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik

What effect would the Baruch Plan have had on America?

It would have given the United States a monopoly on atomic weapons.

Between 1866 and 1895, the only president assassinated was

James A. Garfield.

In the Panay incident in 1937,

Japanese airplanes sank an American warship.

Which was a difference between John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson?

Kennedy was a better public speaker than Johnson

What was one major factor that helped Kennedy defeat Nixon in the 1960 presidential election?

Kennedy's performance in the first televised presidential debate

Where did the showdown in Asia occur between the United States and the Soviet Union?


William Jennings Bryan

Leader of the pro-silver forces, whose "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic convention won him the Democratic presidential nomination, but fractured the Democratic party into pro-silver and pro-Gold factions; he would ultimately lost to William McKinley in the election of 1896 but his impassioned candidacy helped transform the Democratic party into a vigorous instrument of "progressive" reform during the early twentieth century.

The Montgomery bus boycott

Led to the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. as a black civil rights leader

By 1960, what percentage of black children in the Deep South were attending schools with Whites?

Less than 1%

Who led the Montgomery bus boycott?


What erroneous advice did General MacArthur give President Truman during the Korean War?

MacArthur advised Truman to authorize an invasion of North Korea because he thought that China would not attack U.S. troops.

Which of the following famous men had the greatest influence on the philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Mahatma Ghandi

An early and major American victory in the Spanish-American War occurred at

Manila Bay.

What effect did the memories of the Great Depression have on Americans in the 1950s?

Many Americans became almost deliberately obsessed with gathering material goods.

What was a drawback of suburban life for the family?

Many people had only infrequent contact with extended family members

What effect did the postwar life have on women in American society?

Many women who had joined the workforce during the war returned to the home to assume the more traditional roles of wife and mother.

The Glided Age

Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner's 1873 novel, the title of which became the popular name for the period from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century.

Who put the most pressure on Kennedy to openly support racial justice?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The irreconcilables were primarily

Midwestern and western progressives.

By 1960, America's gross national product was _____ the 1940 GNP?

More than double

What change in labor practice came about in the postwar era?

Most people started working less than 40 hours each week.

The liberals in the Republican party in 1884 who could not support their candidate for president, James Blaine, were named



Name given to the reform element of the Republican party by party regulars who considered them the "good government" crowd for ignoring partisan realities; also called the Mugwumps.

John F. Kennedy's domestic program was known as the

New Frontier

Martin Luther King Jr's philosophy advocated

Nonviolent, passive resistance to unjust laws

Which country was NOT politically controlled by the Soviet Union after World War II?


How did African American activism affect social change for other ethnicities?

Other ethnic groups were inspired by African American activism and launched their own protests

Free and Unlimited Coinage

Owners of precious metals could have any quantity of their gold or silver coined free, except for a nominal fee to cover costs.

By 1900, a greater proportion of the population was urbanized in the

Pacific coast.

Bland-Allison Act

Passed in 1878 over President Rutherford B. Hayes's veto, the inflationary measure authorized the purchase each month of 2 to 4 million dollars' worth of silver for coinage.

Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion

Phrase that may have cost James G. Blaine the 1885 presidential election; Blaine lost much of the Irish vote when a delegation of Protestant ministers visited Republican headquarters in New York, and one of them referred to the Democrats as the party of "rum, romanism, and rebellion," an insult to Catholics that Blaine let slide.

Granger Movement

Political movement that grew out of the Patrons of Husbandry, an educational and social organization for farmers founded in 1867; the Grange had its greatest success in the Midwest of the 1870s, lobbying for government control of railroad and grain elevator rates and establishing farmers' cooperatives.

Populist/People's party

Political success of Farmers' Alliance candidates encouraged the formation in 1892 of the People's party (later renamed the Populist party); active until 1912, it advocated a variety of reform issues, including free coinage of silver, income tax, postal savings, regulation of railroads, and direct election of U.S. senators.

"Nativism" included religious prejudice against all the following except


James B. Weaver

Presidential candidate for the Populist party in the election of 1892 who was defeated by Grover Cleveland.

"Separate but Equal''

Principle underlying legal racial segregation, which was upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and struck down in Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

Coxey's Army

Protest group led by Jacob S. Coxey, a wealthy Ohio quarry owner turned Populist that demanded that the federal government provide unemployed people with meaningful work; its march on Washington attested to the growing political strength of populism.

What kind of programming became popular after television stations abandoned live dramatic programs?

Quiz shows

The Stalwarts in the Republican party strongly supported

Radical Reconstruction.

Interstate Commerce Commission

Reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Wabash Railroad v. Illinois, Congress established the ICC to curb abuses in the railroad industry by regulating rates.

Grover Cleveland

Reform Democrat who rose rapidly from obscurity to the White House; elected president first in 1884 and then in 1892; his presidency represented no sharp break with the conservative policies of his predecessors, except in opposing governmental favors to business, but was noteworthy for railroad regulation and tariff reform.


Reform wing of the Republican party that supported Democrat Grover Cleveland for president in 1884 over Republican James G. Blaine, whose influence peddling had been revealed in the Mulligan letters of 1876.


Reform wing of the Republican party which supported Democrat Grover Cleveland for president in 1884 over Republican James G. Blaine, whose influence peddling had been revealed in the Mulligan letters of 1876.

Civil Service

Replaced the spoils system, which filled federal government jobs with persons loyal to the party, with a merit system for public employees.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Republican President in the aftermath of Reconstruction from 1877 to 1881, known for his new style of uprightness, a sharp contrast to the graft and corruption of the Grant administration.

James G. Blaine

Republican Senator from Maine who led the Half-Breeds during the presidency of Rutherford B, Hayes, narrowly lost to Grover Cleveland in the 1884 presidential election, and served as secretary of State under Benjamin Harrison.

Roscoe Conkling

Republican Senator from New York who led the Stalwarts during the presidency of Rutherford B, Hayes, 1877-81; involved in a scandal over corrupt federal custom houses that pitted him against the president.

Benjamin Harrison

Republican who defeated Grover Cleveland in the election of 1888; was a competent and earnest figurehead whose administration was known for its extravagant expenditures on military pensions and other programs but also enacted some of the most significant legislation of the entire period.

Wabash Railroad v. Illinois

Reversing the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Munn v. Illinois, the 1886 decision disallowed state regulation of interstate commerce.

Who inspired the Montgomery bus boycott?

Rosa Parks

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?

Russia would remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba in exchange for America's promise not to invade Cuba

The Treaty of Portsmouth resulted from American intervention in the

Russo-Japanese War.

In the 1890s, anti-imperialists included

Samuel Gompers, Andrew Carnegie, and William James.

Which is the correct order for the following incidents in the West?

Sand Creek Massacre, Little Big Horn, surrender of Geronimo, Wounded Knee

After 1890, the "new immigrants" included all the following except


Death of James A. Garfield and inauguration of Chester A Arthur as president

September 19, 1881

Why was Rosa Parks arrested in 1955?

She refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man

Mary Elizabeth Lease (1850-1933)

She was a leader of the farm protest movement who advocated violence if change could not be obtained at the ballot box. She believed that the urban-industrial East was the enemy of the working class.

How did the drive-in culture of the 1950s change the way America shopped?

Shipping centers and malls were built all over the country

The new American Suburbs of the 1950s

Showed a surprising occupational diversity among inhabitants

MLK Jr. founded the ____ to obtain civil rights for African Americans

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

The Truman administration failed to pass any civil rights legislation because

Southern politicians managed to block legislation

Who advocated "black power" as the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s?

Stokely Carmichael

The most prominent student protest organization was the

Students for a Democratic Society

The largest sources of immigration to the West were

Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Ireland.

Crime of '73

Term used by advocates of currency inflation to denounce Congress' general revision of the coinage laws in 1873 dropping the provision for the coinage of silver, which they said was a move to ensure a scarcity of money.

The turning point of the Vietnam War which convinced U.S. leaders that the war would end in a stalemate was the

Tet offensive

The term "Baby Boom" refers to a significant increase in

The American birth rate

What organization was formed in 1960 as a result of "sit-in" demonstrations?

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

How did U.S. intervention in China differ from its intervention in Korea?

The U.S. extracted itself from the conflict when civil war broke out in China but sent troops to South Korea's aid.

What was the main issue that American college student protested during the sixties?

The Vietnam War

Spoils of Office

The appointive offices that were available on both the local and national levels, and were expected to be filled after an election by individuals on the side of the winning party.

By 1960, the most racially integrated institution in American Society was

The armed forces

Which was crucial to life in the suburbs?

The automobile

Why did some people criticize American suburban life?

The disliked the conformity and uniformity of suburban life


The fixed ratio of the value of silver to gold that Congress established in 1837; 16 ounces of silver were considered equal to one ounce of gold.

As a result of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

The slow process of desegregating schools began

Which section of the nation benefitted the most from the economic boom of the 1950s?

The sunbelt states

Which statement best describes the transition from war to peace in America after World War II?

The transition from war to peace caused inflation and labor unrest.

Big-Stick Diplomacy refers to

Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy.

Why were people in Italy and France voting for communist parties in 1947?

They felt discontent due to economic problems and food shortages.

What event promoted a massive wave of "sit-ins" across the country?

Three African American college students refused to leave a lunch counter after being denied service

Which individual was an African American appointed to a prominent post of the federal government during the Kennedy administration?

Thurgood Marshall

What was the initial goal of the montgomery bus boycott?

To create a semi-segregated seating arrangement on a first-come, first-serve basis

Why did Eisenhower send 1,000 paratroopers to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957

To ensure that black students could attend a desegregated school.

A key invention in making western agriculture profitable was the sodbuster plow.


A major challenge to European countries was repaying their war debts to the United States.


A recession occurred in 1937 when FDR ordered sharp cuts in federal expenditures.


African American pilots were trained in a segregated facility at Tuskegee in Alabama.


After 1890, most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe.


Alfred Thayer Mahan was a leading advocate of American sea power and imperialism.


American missionaries saw America's expansion as divinely ordained to convert the heathens and Catholics to Protestant Christianity.


Between 1870 and 1900, Americans settled more land in the West than had been occupied by all Americans up to 1870.


By 1900, nearly 30 percent of city dwellers were immigrants.


By 1900, the United States had more saloons than grocery stores.


By the end of 1936, the Supreme Court had ruled against New Deal programs in seven out of nine major cases.


Charles Darwin did not agree with Herbert Spencer's adaptation of his ideas to the human realm.


Civil service reform was a result of the assassination of President James A. Garfield.


During the 1920s, farming became a cooperative business but most farmers struggled to survive.


Emilio Aguinaldo at first aided George Dewey against the Spanish in the Philippines.


Even before the Spanish-American War, the Cubans traded more with the United States than with Spain.


Franklin Roosevelt's talented pool of advisers was called the "brain trust."


Frederick Law Olmsted designed Central Park in New York City in the 1850s.


Grover Cleveland advocated laws to regulate the railroads.


In 1890, 80 percent of New Yorkers were foreign born.


In 1918, the United States sent troops to fight the Bolsheviks in Russia.


In southern textile mills, women and children outnumbered men as workers.


In the Spanish-American War, Commodore George Dewey won a major victory against Spain in the Philippines.


In the Spanish-American War, more American armed forces personnel died from disease than in combat.


Lester F. Ward stressed humankind's basic compassion


Many breweries were established by German Americans.


Middle-class black women established women's clubs to help the aged and infirm in their communities and to combat racism.


More people worldwide died in the flu pandemic of 1918-1919 than during World War I.


One part of the Works Progress Administration was the Federal Writers' Project.


Perhaps the most enduring voting change brought by FDR was the shift of the black vote to the Democratic party.


President Arthur supported both civil service reform and tariff reform.


Probably the decisive reason the United States entered World War I was the issue of submarine warfare.


Racial violence erupted after the end of the war, with twenty-five riots and over eighty lynchings.


Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath depicted "dust bowl" migrations to California.


The "Good Neighbor" policy applied to Latin America.


The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) of 1933 tried to help farmers by getting them to reduce production.


The Catholic, "wet" candidate for president in 1928 was Alfred E. Smith, a Democrat.


The Dawes Act was passed by reformers who attempted to dismantle the Native American tribes.


The Democratic party appealed to southern white voters.


The Ghost Dance was a new religion, begun by the Paiute Wovoka, that swept the Plains and scared the American authorities.


The Grange was an organization of farmers who became politicized because of their poor economic condition, which they blamed on the high rates charged by the railroads and big business.


The Hawaiian Revolution was encouraged by American planters for economic reasons.


The Ohio gang exploited government for their own personal benefit.


The Teller Amendment denied interest in annexing Cuba.


The Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution brought an end to Prohibition.


The United States built the Panama Canal on land that had previously belonged to Colombia.


The Wagner Act, passed in 1935, gave workers the right to organize and bargain in unions.


The War Industries Board was the most important agency mobilizing the nation for war.


The center of the black community was the black church.


The first regulatory agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission, was created in 1887.


The high tariff hurt farmers by limiting their export markets.


The most democratic sport in America was baseball.


The southern crop-lien system encouraged the growing of cotton.


Under the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, the United States assumed the right to intervene in Latin America.


Utah only entered the Union after the Mormons abandoned the practice of polygamy.


V-E day was celebrated before the fall of Japan, in May 1945.


When the Germans sued for peace, they wanted the negotiations to focus around the Fourteen Points.


Wilson's decision to attend the Paris Peace Conference was a political blunder in the eyes of many Americans.


With the future uncertain, the birthrate plummeted during the Depression.


Farmers' Alliance

Two separate organizations (Northwestern and Southern) of the 1880s and 1890s that took the place of the Grange, worked for similar causes, and attracted landless, as well as landed, farmers to their membership.

Farmers' Alliances

Two separate organizations (Northwestern and Southern) of the 1880s and 1890s that took the place of the Grange, worked for similar causes, and attracted landless, as well as landed, farmers to their membership.

What was the first focus of the NAACP efforts to end segregation practices?


Middle-class recreation for women and children included all the following except


In Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court ruled that school segregation

Violated the 14th amendment by creating feelings of inferiority and inequality.

A program of "ceaseless agitation" for blacks was advocated by

W. E. B. Du Bois.

"I have no trouble with my enemies, I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends . . . They're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!" said

Warren G. Harding.

How was participation in the Vietnam War most connected to socioeconomic class?

Wealthy young men were more likely to be in college and thus avoid the draft

In 1940, Roosevelt ran for president against

Wendell L. Willkie.

What is one reason why the Gulf of Tonkin affair was such a costly victory for Johnson?

When the war started in earnest, Johnson was vulnerable to the charge of deliberately misleading congress

Herbert Spencer's disciple who popularized social Darwinism in America was

William Graham Sumner.

The chief justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Harding was

William Howard Taft.

"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns," said

William Jennings Bryan.

Who invented the concept of the mass construction of the suburban home?

William Levitt( Arthur Levitt)

The Spanish-American War occurred during the presidency of

William McKinley.

Theodore Roosevelt became president as a result of the death of

William McKinley.

How did the Deep South respond to court-ordered desegregation?

With massive and widespread resistance

President Eisenhower's approach to desegregation was to

Work behind the scenes to support the movement

The "beats" were

Writers and poets who rebelled against materialistic 1950s values

Which political party made significant gains in Washington in the 1950s, capturing the presidency in 1952?

X the Democratic Party

The Taft-Hartley Act was a 1947 bill that outlawed

X the formation of labor unions.

How did the Soviet Union approach disarmament discussions after World War II?

X with a plan to gradually reduce the number of weapons of mass destruction

The implications of social Darwinism included

a belief in the progress of human societies.

One effect of urban sanitary reforms was

a decline in diseases such as typhoid fever.

What was the Berlin airlift?

a military operation to bring supplies to troops and civilians in Soviet-controlled Berlin

The New South's creed was not

a pessimistic, defeatist view of the South's future.

What was one effect of McCarthyism?

a political and cultural conformity that discouraged dissent

What was the 1961 freedom ride?

a protest in which a biracial group tested the desegregation laws on public transportation

The United States entered the war with Spain largely because of

a public aroused by the yellow press.

The Court-packing scheme of 1937 was all of the following except

a successful attempt to gain popularity among progressives

When President Johnson managed to get Congress to pass Kennedy's proposed tax cut in 1964, the result was

a sustained economic boom

One result of the Bonus Expeditionary Force's march to Washington was

a violent clash between the army and unarmed veterans of the Great War.

The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in the aftermath of the a) Bay of Pigs invasion b) Cuban missile crisis c) arrival of American combat troops in Vietnam d) election of John F. Kennedy

a) Bay of Pigs invasion

The Harlem Renaissance, an artistic and literary blossoming, featured the works of a) Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Countée Cullen. b) H. L. Mencken, Eugene O'Neill, and Sinclair Lewis. c) Thomas Wolfe, Ernest Hemingway, and the Fugitive poets. d) Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Marcus Garvey

a) Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Countée Cullen.

The "good neighbor policy" involved a) FDR and Latin America. b) Hoover and postwar Europe. c) Mussolini and Ethiopia. d) the United States and Canada.

a) FDR and Latin America.

The Roosevelt Corollary applied the Monroe Doctrine to Hawaii. a) True b) False

a) False

During World War I, propaganda and the control of news about the war were advantages held by a) Great Britain. b) the League of Nations. c) Germany. d) the Central Powers.

a) Great Britain

In the Panay incident in 1937, a) Japanese airplanes sank an American warship. b) German submarines attacked a British oceanliner. c) Hitler moved into Ethiopia. d) the Chinese asked for help against the Japanese.

a) Japanese airplanes sank an American warship.

The irreconcilables were primarily a) Midwestern and western progressives b) representative of hyphenated Americans c) conservative Republicans d) southern Democrats

a) Midwestern and western progressives

The election of 2008 was historic for all of the following reasons except that a) Sarah Palin was the first woman to run for president b) Obama was the first African American nominated by either party. c) John McCain was the oldest candidate for the presidency d) the Internet was used to get grassroots support.

a) Sarah Palin was the first woman to run for president

The New Deal's "cornerstone" and "supreme achievement," according to FDR, was a) Social Security. b) the Wagner Labor Relations Act. c) the Tennessee Valley Authority. d) the PWA and WPA.

a) Social Security

After Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, Eisenhower a) suspended diplomatic relations with Cuba. b) traveled to Cuba to meet with Castro c) organized a United Nations force to overthrow Castro d) loaned the Cuban government money to rebuild the nation

a) Suspended diplomatic relations with Cuba

Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt first met at a) Teheran. b) Casablanca. c) Potsdam. d) Yalta.

a) Teheran

The generation of cheap electricity was a major purpose of the a) Tennessee Valley Authority. b) Civilian Conservation Corps. c) Atomic Energy Commission. d) Federal Power Commission.

a) Tennessee Valley Authority.

"In God We Trust" became mandatory on American money in 1955. a) True b) False

a) True

A first step toward direct relief for the unemployed was the CCC. a) True b) False

a) True

A major United States contribution to the naval war effort was the use of convoys to escort merchant ships across the Atlantic. a) True b) False

a) True

About 20 percent of all workers were unemployed at some time during 1991 a) True b) False

a) True

According to Reinhold Niebuhr, spiritual peace involved pain "caused by love and responsibility" for all people. a) True b) False

a) True

After the Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt served as governor of New York. a) True b) False

a) True

American missionaries regarded America's expansion as divinely ordained to convert the heathens and Catholics to Protestant Christianity a) True b) False

a) True

As a result of the Arabic pledge, Germany virtually abandoned submarine warfare. a) True b) False

a) True

As a result of the Little Rock crisis, the city's high schools closed rather than allow integration a) True b) False

a) True

Betty Friedan was a leading feminist and a founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) a) True b) False

a) True

Between 1980 and 1989, the federal debt grew from $908 billon to $2.6 trillion a) True b) False

a) True

By 2005, Hispanics were the largest minority group in the nation a) True b) False

a) True

Challenges to the Plessy decision's separate-but-equal doctrine were led by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) a) True b) False

a) True

Cordell Hull was not an isolationist. a) True b) False

a) True

Defense spending was the most important contributor to economic growth after World War II. a) True b) False

a) True

Deportation of Mexican American workers was popular because they were involved in labor union activities. a) True b) False

a) True

Détente was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Communist powers initiated by Richard Nixon a) True b) False

a) True

Emilio Aguinaldo at first aided George Dewey against the Spanish in the Philippines. a) True b) False

a) True

Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to prison for violating the Espionage Act. a) True b) False

a) True

Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to prison for violating the Espionage Act. a) True b) False

a) True

Expenditures by the federal government during World War II exceeded the total of all previous federal spending. a) True b) False

a) True

FDR ended the Civil Works Administration because of its high costs and because he feared people would become dependent on the government. a) True b) False

a) True

Farm groups in the 1920s stressed the creation of marketing cooperatives. a) True b) False

a) True

Foreign policy after World War II was generally bipartisan. a) True b) False

a) True

George Kennan devised the concept of containment. a) True b) False

a) True

George W. Bush discarded cold war policies of containment and deterrence and adopted a new policy of preemptive military action. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1918, the United States sent troops to Russia. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1918, the United States sent troops to fight the Bolsheviks in Russia a) True b) False

a) True

In 1931, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1939, seventeen percent of the nation's labor force was still out of work. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1948, Truman banned racial discrimination in federal employment. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1968, George C. Wallace, a defender of segregation, received over 13 percent of the popular vote for president as the nominee of the American Independent party. a) True b) False

a) True

In 1983, an Islamic suicide bomber killed over 240 Americans at the U.S. Marine headquarters in Lebanon a) True b) False

a) True

In 1990, with the collapse of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, Germany was reunited as one country for the first time since World War II. a) True b) False

a) True

In 2007, President Bush was blamed for the inept federal response to human suffering in the wake of Hurricane Katrina a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1880s the major field of United States overseas activity was the Pacific Ocean. a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1880s, the Pacific was the major area of U.S. overseas activity. a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1890, American tariff policies on sugar upset the economy of Hawaii a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1890s American tariff policies on sugar upset the economies of Hawaii and Cuba. a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1920s, the U.S. had troops in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Haiti. a) True b) False

a) True

In the 1960 presidential election, Nixon carried more states than Kennedy did. a) True b) False

a) True

In the Spanish-American War, Commodore George Dewey won a major victory in the Philippines. a) True b) False

a) True

In the Spanish-American War, U.S. forces suffered heavy losses in Cuba. a) True b) False

a) True

In the Spanish-American War, more American soldiers died from disease than in combat. a) True b) False

a) True

Jack Kerouac wrote On the Road. a) True b) False

a) True

Jackie Robinson was the first black major league baseball player. a) True b) False

a) True

Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority, a movement of the religious right. a) True b) False

a) True

Jimmy Carter succeeded in negotiating a treaty to return the Panama Canal to Panama a) True b) False

a) True

John Fiske used Darwinian ideas to justify Anglo-Saxon dominance a) True b) False

a) True

John Fiske used Darwinian ideas to justify Anglo-Saxon dominance. a) True b) False

a) True

John Foster Dulles advocated more than containment in foreign policy, namely the liberation of Eastern Europe a) True b) False

a) True

John Kennedy's religion played a significant role in the 1960 election; he overcame the traditional American bias against Roman Catholicism to become the nation's first Catholic president. a) True b) False

a) True

Joseph R. McCarthy even called war hero General George C. Marshall a traitor. a) True b) False

a) True

Kuwait was invaded by Iraq when it raised its price for oil in opposition to OPEC policy a) True b) False

a) True

Malcolm X was a leader in the Black Muslim movement. a) True b) false

a) True

Marcus Garvey believed blacks should flee America for Africa. a) True b) False

a) True

Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. a) True b) False

a) True

More Americans died in flu epidemic of 1918-19 than in World War I. a) True b) False

a) True

More than 300,000 soldiers died at the Battle of Verdun in 1916 a) True b) False

a) True

More than 300,000 soldiers died at the Battle of Verdun in 1916. a) True b) False

a) True

Most Republicans and Bill Clinton supported the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) a) True b) False

a) True

Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House of representatives in 2007 a) True b) False

a) True

Of all minorities in the 1960s, the plight of the Native Americans was the most desperate. a) True b) False

a) True

One of Bill Colton's major achievements was comprehensive reform of the welfare system. a) True b) False

a) True

President Kennedy's program to help Latin America was called the Alliance for progress. a) True b) False

a) True

President Lyndon B. Johnson was truly committed to civil rights a) True b) False

a) True

President Wilson used the American military in Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. a) True b) False

a) True

Probably the decisive reason the United States entered World War I was the issue of submarine warfare. a) True b) False

a) True

Probably the decisive reason the United States entered World War I was the issue of submarine warfare. a) True b) False

a) True

Proponents of literary and artistic change included T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. a) True b) False

a) True

Reagan argued that cutting taxes and domestic federal spending would increase government revenues. a) True b) False

a) True

Real wages of labor increased between 1921 and 1928. a) True b) False

a) True

Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female justice on the Supreme Court. a) True b) False

a) True

Sinclair Lewis's Main Street took a negative view of small-town values. a) True b) False

a) True

Some conservatives originally saw AIDS as nature's retribution for homosexuality a) True b) False

a) True

The "merchants of death" included American munitions makers. a) True b) False

a) True

The Armory Show displayed works by post-impressionists and cubists. a) True b) False

a) True

The Cambodian "incursion" led to widespread rioting on U.S. College campuses. a) True b) False

a) True

The Catholic, "wet" candidate for president in 1928 was Alfred E. Smith, a Democrat. a) True b) False

a) True

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 barred racial discrimination in hotels and restaurants. a) True b) False

a) True

The Grapes of Wrath depicted dust bowl migrants to California. a) True b) False

a) True

The Manhattan Project developed the atomic bomb. a) True b) False

a) True

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) used its oil reserves as a political and economic weapon after the Yom Kippur War of 1973 a) True b) False

a) True

The Port Huron statement lunched the Students for a Democratic Society, which adopted the term "New Left" for their efforts at grassroots democracy. a) True b) False

a) True

The Tet offensive had a great effect on U.S. public opinion as opposition to the Vietnam War grew. a) True b) False

a) True

The Tokin Gulf resolution sanctioned America's escalation of the Vietnam conflict. a) True b) False

a) True

The United Nations Charter was drawn up in San Francisco by delegates from fifty nations, even before the fighting in Europe had ended. a) True b) False

a) True

The United States built the Panama Canal on land that had previously belonged to Colombia a) True b) False

a) True

The United States built the Panama Canal on land that previously belonged to Colombia. a) True b) False

a) True

The United States gave diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union in 1933. a) True b) False

a) True

The Wagner Act passed in 1935 gave workers the right to organize unions. a) True b) False

a) True

The War Powers Act requires a president to withdraw troops sent abroad after sixty days, unless Congress specifically authorizes a longer stay. a) True b) False

a) True

The advocates of neo-orthodoxy believed Norman Vincent Peale represented "religiousness without religion." a) True b) False

a) True

The author of The Great Gatsby was F. Scott Fitzgerald. a) True b) False

a) True

The baby boomers were an essential ingredient in the rebellions of the 1960s. a) True b) False

a) True

The basic economic problem during World War II was finding workers to fill the jobs available. a) True b) False

a) True

The founder of the United Farm Workers was Cesar Chavez. a) True b) False

a) True

The leader of Iraq who precipitated the Gulf War was Saddam Hussein. a) True b) False

a) True

The leader of the North Vietnamese was Ho Chi Minh. a) True b) False

a) True

The leading black novelist in the Depression was Richard Wright. a) True b) False

a) True

The sensationalist approach of William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer's newspapers came to be called "yellow journalism". a) True b) False

a) True

The sit-ins in 1960 ignited the first mass movement in African American history. a) True b) False

a) True

The suburban boom was stimulated by favorable government mortgage policies. a) True b) False

a) True

Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act dealt with affirmative action for women. a) True b) False

a) True

Under Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States and Britain bombed Taliban sites in Afghanistan. a) True b) False

a) True

William Jennings Bryan was a fundamentalist. a) True b) False

a) True

William Levitt was a leader in the creation of suburbs. a) True b) False

a) True

William Levitt's homes were not initially available to blacks. a) True b) False

a) True

William Randolph Hearst practiced yellow journalism. a) True b) False

a) True

With the Fourteen Points, Wilson hoped to keep Russia in the war and to create disunity between the people and the governments of the Central Powers. a) True b) False

a) True

With the Fourteen Points, Wilson sought to keep Russia in the war and to create disunity among the Central Powers. a) True b) False

a) True

Women's gains in employment during World War I proved temporary. a) True b) False

a) True

World War II caused the deaths of fifty million people worldwide. a) True b) False

a) True

The "new imperialism" of the 1890s especially stressed a) access to new markets. b) converting heathens to Christianity. c) annexing territory to the United States. d) military conquests of other nations.

a) access to new markets

The "new imperialism" of the 1890s especially stressed a) access to new markets b) converting heathens to Christianity c) annexing territory to the United States. d) military conquests of other nations.

a) access to new markets

The subject of the Supreme Court decision in Hopwood v. Texas (1996) was a) affirmative action b) congressional districts c) rights of illegal immigrants d) the attack on the Branch Dravidians at Waco, Texas

a) affirmative action

The Sputnik syndrome led to a) all of the above b) increased defense spending c) the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) d) the National Defense Education Act (NDEA)

a) all of the above

Benjamin Spock was an influential writer who focused on a) babies and children. b) popular music, particularly rock 'n' roll. c) the abstract expressionist art world. d) television.

a) babies and children

The Taft-Hartley Act a) banned the closed shop and permitted the union shop. b) created the Central Intelligence Agency. c) provided educational and vocational benefits for veterans. d) gave a civilian commission control of atomic energy.

a) banned the closed shop and permitted the union shop.

With the Nixon Doctrine, the United Sates a) called for revising the containment policy b) advocated the eventual breaking of NATO c) proposed a greater military commitment by the South Vietnamese d) followed a slower process of desegregating public schools.

a) called for revising the containment policy

After World War II, a significant migration occurred from a) cities to suburbs. b) the rural South to the rural North and Midwest by southern African Americans. c) the South, Southwest, and West to the Northeast. d) rural areas to central cities.

a) cities to suburbs.

Conservative southern Democrats influenced Roosevelt because they a) controlled Congress. b) had opposed his election. c) supported massive spending to aid the unemployed. d) All of the above.

a) controlled Congress

The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 a) cut personal income taxes by 25 percent b) reduced the national debt by one third c) raised capital gains taxes on the most wealthy citizens d) all of the above

a) cut personal income taxes by 25 percent

McNary-Haugenism sought to solve the problems of agriculture by a) dumping surpluses on the world market. b) restricting production. c) tighter federal regulation of farming. d) making direct grants to poor farmers

a) dumping surpluses on the world market

Under a treaty signed with the Soviet Union in 1987, the United Sates agreed to a) eliminate intermediate -range nuclear forces b) withdraw support for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) c) restrict biological and chemical warfare d) intervene in Afghanistan

a) eliminate intermediate -range nuclear forces

In response to Truman's Fair Deal proposals, the Democratic Congress a) enlarged many New Deal programs. b) enacted major civil rights legislation. c) repealed the Taft-Hartley Act. d) provided for national health insurance.

a) enlarged many New Deal programs.

As president, Harry Truman wanted to a) extend and expand many New Deal programs. b) eliminate many New Deal programs that were unfriendly to business. c) combat inflation by stopping wage increases for labor. d) cut taxes to stimulate economic growth

a) extend and expand many New Deal programs

One likely cause of juvenile delinquency during the 1950s was the a) greater mobility provided by cars. b) large baby boom generations. c) wide dispersion of television. d) rapid growth of surburban communities.

a) greater mobility provided by cars

Jimmy Carter's 1976 victory can be attributed to a) his strong support among southern African Americans b) the traditional Democratic sweep of the West c) his long career as a national politician d) the high voter turnout in the election.

a) his strong support among southern African Americans

William Jennings Bryan resigned as Secretary of State a) in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania. b) after the discovery of the Zimmerman telegram. c) because President Wilson rejected the Sussex pledge. d) to run for president in 1916.

a) in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania

William Jennings Bryan resigned as secretary of state a) in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania b) after the discovery of the Zimmerman telegram. c) because President Wilson rejected the Sussex pledge. d) to run for president in 1916

a) in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania

A crucial factor in the 1960 presidential campaign involved the a) jailing of Martin Luther King Jr. b) shooting down of the U-2 spy plane c) failed Bay of Pigs invasion d) decision to send troops to Vietnam.

a) jailing of Martin Luther King Jr.

The CIO led the campaign to organize workers in a) mass-production industries. b) agriculture. c) the skilled trades. d) federal work-relief programs.

a) mass-production industries.

The irreconcilables were primarily a) midwestern and western progressives. b) representatives of hyphenated Americans. c) conservative Republicans. d) southern Democrats.

a) midwestern and western progressives.

All of the following statements about post-World War I America are correct except a) most working women kept their wartime industrial jobs. b) racial violence broke out in Chicago c) the police went on strike in Boston d) a Red Scare erupted against radicals

a) most working women kept their wartime industrial jobs.

The Platt Amendment a) placed restrictions on the Cuban government b) gave self-government to the Philippines c) required United States control of the Panama Canal d) exempted from the tariff all territories gained in the Spanish-American War.

a) placed restrictions on the Cuban government

The Platt Amendment a) placed restrictions on the Cuban government. b) gave self-government to the Philippines. c) required United States control of the Panama Canal. d) exempted from the tariff all territories gained in the Spanish-American War.

a) placed restrictions on the Cuban government.

In 1948, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey a) proposed to run the government more efficiently b) objected to Truman's cold war foreign policies c) called for the repeal of most New Deal programs. d) all of the above

a) proposed to run the government more efficiently

The States' Rights Democratic party in 1948 stood for a) racial segregation. b) racial integration. c) civil rights for blacks. d) black voting rights.

a) racial segregation

In 1938, the Ludlow Amendment a) required a referendum on a declaration of war. b) called for the United States to rearm in preparation for war. c) denounced the German invasion of Poland. d) established the cash-and-carry trade policy.

a) required a referendum on a declaration of war

John Keats' The Crack in the Picture Window was stinging critique of a) suburban life b) modern art c) television d) the quality of American housing of the era

a) suburban life

The Gastonia Strike occurred in the a) textile industry. b) new automobile industry. c) Midwest among members of the Farm Bureau. d) among aviation workers after Lindbergh's flight.

a) textile industry

Wilson's failure to take a major Republican to the postwar peace conference was a mistake because a) the Republicans controlled Congress. b) most Republicans supported the League of Nations. c) Theodore Roosevelt advocated the League of Nations. d) All of the above

a) the Republicans controlled Congress

Wilson's failure to take a major Republican to the postwar peace conference was a mistake because a) the Republicans controlled congress b) most Republicans supported the League of Nations c) Theodore Roosevelt advocated the League of Nations. d) all of the above

a) the Republicans controlled congress

From April 1948 to May 1949, a) the Soviets blockaded Berlin b) the United Nations debated the formation of Israel c) a North Korean advance nearly defeated South Korea d) Joseph R. McCarthy held hearings on Alger Hiss

a) the Soviets blockaded Berlin

The Nye Committee investigations seemed to prove that a) the United States entered World War I to permit the munitions manufacturers to make greater profits. b) the United States should back down from its dispute with Japan over China. c) the only way to end the war was with a treaty. d) the United States was not responsible for the success of the attack by Japan.

a) the United States entered World War I to permit the munitions manufacturers to make greater profits

The free-speech movement attacked a) the modern university b) congressional support for the Vietnam War. c) movie and book censorship d) Nixon's dishonesty over Watergate.

a) the modern university

Massive Resistance is the term used for a) white resistance to court-ordered integration of the schools b) black protests in the wake of the Brown decision c) Martin Luther King Jr's grassroots organization d) Eisenhower's defense policy

a) white resistance to court-ordered integration of the schools

What artistic movement is associated with the "beats"

abstract expressionism

The passage of the National Security Act in 1947

acted to coordinate and unify America's military establishment.

The defense policy statement known as NSC-68

advocated a massive expansion of the American military.

One segment of the economy that never recovered after the Great War was


Germany took priority in the fighting because

all of the above

The Harding administration tried to overturn progressive reforms by

all of the above

The National Industrial Recovery Act provided for

all of the above

The Revenue Act of 1916

all of the above

The Tennessee Valley Authority

all of the above

The wartime Espionage and Sedition Acts

all of the above

By 1890, small farmers in the West

all the above

The latest evidence suggests the sinking of the Maine was caused by

an accidental explosion and fire on the ship.

At the conference in Casablanca, Churchill and Roosevelt decided to

assault Sicily and Italy.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

assured European countries that the United States would help defend them.

The death toll in the September 11, 2001, attacks was approximately a) 2,000 b) 4,000 c) 8,000 d) 10,000

b) 4,000

The Boxer Rebellion took place in a) the Philippines b) China c) Cuba d) Algeria

b) China

The Boxer Rebellion took place in a) the Philippines. b) China. c) Cuba. d) Algeria.

b) China.

U.S. military forces halted Japanese advances at the battles of a) Corregidor and Iwo Jima. b) Coral Sea and Midway. c) Okinawa and Guadalcanal. d) Solomons and New Guinea.

b) Coral Sea and Midway.

By the 1950s, the dominant American personality had become "other-directed," according to a) John Kenneth Galbraith. b) David Riesman. c) Benjamin Spock. d) Allen Ginsberg.

b) David Riesman.

The election of 1952 was a turning point in politics because a) Democrats won the presidency b) Eisenhower won several southern states c) all of the above d) republicans gained control of congress.

b) Eisenhower won several southern states

"One nation under God" was added to all U.S. currency in 1955. a) True b) False

b) False

"Operation Dixie" was the campaign to enact right-to-work laws in the South. a) True b) False

b) False

"You just don't want a surrender of the United States," said FDR in reference to opposition to the League of Nations. a) True b) False

b) False

A letter from Deputy de Lôme played a significant role in creating tensions that led to the annexation of Hawaii. a) True b) False

b) False

A letter from Depuy de Lome played a significant role in creating tensions that led to the annexation of Hawaii a) True b) False

b) False

African Americans were used as codebreakers in the military. a) True b) False

b) False

Andrew Mellor said, "The chief business of the American people is business." a) True b) False

b) False

As part of the Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti were deported because of their radical political ideas. a) True b) False

b) False

Before his election as president, Franklin Roosevelt served as a U.S. senator from New York. a) True b) False

b) False

Bob Dylan first recorded "Howl" and "On the Road" in 1959. a) True b) False

b) False

Buying stocks on margin helped restrain speculation in the stock market. a) True b) False

b) False

By 1966, participants in the black power movement demanded voting rights and declared they would burn the cities until that was accomplished. a) True b) False

b) False

Coolidge became president when Harding resigned in the midst of the Teapot Dome scandal. a) True b) False

b) False

Douglas MacArthur believed fighting Red China would involve the U.S. "in the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy." a) True b) False

b) False

During World War II, Congress readily renewed and extended such New Deal programs as the National Youth Administration. a) True b) False

b) False

During World War II, women were barred from serving in the army. a) True b) False

b) False

Eisenhower failed in his objective to abolish the Social Security program a) True b) False

b) False

Excessively high wages for labor in the 1920s helped cause the stock market crash in 1929. a) True b) False

b) False

Ford's full pardon of Nixon was a popular act that ended the nightmare of Watergate. a) True b) False

b) False

Fuel for the economic boom of the 1990s included expanded defense spending. a) True b) False

b) False

George H. W. Bush defeated Michael Dukakis in 1988, in one of the closest presidential elections of the twentieth century. a) True b) False

b) False

Harding filled his cabinet with mediocre appointments. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1910, the largest group of hyphenated Americans was from Ireland a) True b) False

b) False

In 1910, the largest group of hyphenated Americans was from Ireland. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1916,Woodrow Wilson again defeated Theodore Roosevelt for president. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1933, President Roosevelt advocated joining the League of Nations. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1935, Hitler began Germany's conquest of Ethiopia. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1939, the U.S. Army was the third largest in the world, behind only Germany and Russia. a) True b) False

b) False

In 1984, Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter. a) True b) False

b) False

In December 1954, the Senate voted 67 to 22 to expel Senator Joseph McCarthy. a) True b) False

b) False

In Nicaragua, the Reagan administration supported the Sandinistas. a) True b) False

b) False

In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the Supreme Court approved the use of racial quotes in college admissions. a) True b) False

b) False

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith praised the postwar economic growth as the ultimate solution to many social problems. a) True b) False

b) False

In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Police Commissioner "Bull" Connor criticized the civil rights protesters. a) True b) False

b) False

In his 1925 trial in Dayton, Tennessee, John T. Scopes was found innocent. a) True b) False

b) False

In his attitudes toward government and business, FDR was ideologically committed to enforcing anti-trust laws. a) True b) False

b) False

In the 1950s most major novels celebrated American life and had happy endings. a) True b) False

b) False

In the 1990s, the Supreme Court defended affirmative-action programs in employment and education. a) True b) False

b) False

In the 1992 election, Bill Clinton won with about 50 percent of the vote. a) True b) False

b) False

In the Bill Clinton's impeachment trail, the Supreme Court acquitted him. a) True b) False

b) False

In the Russo-Japanese War, the United States fought with the Japanese. a) True b) False

b) False

In the Spanish Civil War, the U.S. intervened on the side of the pro-Franco Catholics against the Communists. a) True b) False

b) False

In the elections of 1946, the Democrats won majorities in both houses of Congress. a) True b) False

b) False

In the spring of 1932, the Bonus Expeditionary Force sought to block payment of bonuses to Wall Street tycoons. a) True b) False

b) False

J. Strom Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on the Progressive party ticket. a) True b) False

b) False

J. Strom Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on the Progressive party ticket. a) True b) False

b) False

Japanese were tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. a) True b) False

b) False

John F. Kennedy constantly worked hard to achieve full civil rights for African Americans a) True b) False

b) False

Josiah Strong defended imperialism for economic reasons a) True b) False

b) False

Josiah Strong defended imperialism for economic reasons. a) True b) False

b) False

Keynesianism involves reducing government spending in times of severe unemployment. a) True b) False

b) False

Lower American tariffs made repayment of war debts easier for European nations. a) True b) False

b) False

Most blacks who migrated to the North lived in the suburbs a) True b) False

b) False

Most blacks who migrated to the North lived in the suburbs. a) True b) False

b) False

NATO members included both East and West Germany. a) True b) False

b) False

National Security Council memorandum number 68 called for the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). a) True b) False

b) False

Native Americans were segregated in the military. a) True b) False

b) False

Obama's health-care initiative was passed quickly by Congress. a) True b) False

b) False

Operation Desert Storm involved sending U.S. troops into Romania to support democratic, anti-Communist forces. a) True b) False

b) False

Organized crime began during the Depression. a) True b) False

b) False

Perhaps the most enduring voting change brought by FDR was the shift of the farm vote to the Democratic party. a) True b) False

b) False

President Nixon vetoed both the Endangered Species Act and the National Environment Policy Act. a) True b) False

b) False

Private commercial radio programs began in 1920. a) True b) False

b) False

Radio was the most popular form of mass culture in the 1920s. a) True b) False

b) False

Richard J. Daley urged people to "tune in, turn on drop out" a) True b) False

b) False

Strategic bombing played a major role in the destruction of Germany's military production. a) True b) False

b) False

The "Black Cabinet" referred to the effects of the dust bowl on farmers' homes. a) True b) False

b) False

The "Blue Eagle" was a symbol for the AAA. a) True b) False

b) False

The "Hundred Days" refers to the long waiting period between FDR's election and his inauguration. a) True b) False

b) False

The 1968 Republican convention in Chicago was the scene of tumultuous riots. a) True b) False

b) False

The Axis powers included the Soviet Union. a) True b) False

b) False

The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the turning point in the war in the Pacific. a) True b) False

b) False

The Boston Police Strike of 1919 helped launch Warren Harding's political career. a) True b) False

b) False

The Carter administration supported a fundamentalist Muslim leader in Iran against the westernized shah of Persia. a) True b) False

b) False

The Contract with America was Bill Clinton's domestic program a) True b) False

b) False

The Employment Act of 1946 guaranteed every citizen a job. a) True b) False

b) False

The Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 lowered rates on agricultural products. a) True b) False

b) False

The GI Bill guaranteed every former soldier a job. a) True b) False

b) False

The GI Bill helped eliminate differences in the opportunities for blacks and whites in higher education. a) True b) False

b) False

The GI Bill helped eliminated differences in the opportunities for blacks and whites in higher education. a) True b) False

b) False

The House Un-American Activities Committee was led by Joseph McCarthy. a) True b) False

b) False

The Kellogg-Briand Pact called for a national referendum for a declaration of war. a) True b) False

b) False

The Marshall Plan aided in the rebuilding of Japan after World War II. a) True b) False

b) False

The Open Door Policy applied to Latin America. a) True b) False

b) False

The Open Door policy described America's approach to Cuba after 1900 a) True b) False

b) False

The Panama Canal opened in 1909 at the end of Theodore Roosevelt's administration. a) True b) False

b) False

The Panama Canal opened in 1909 at the end of Theodore Roosevelt's administration. a) True b) False

b) False

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation loaned money to banks, railroads, and life insurance companies but not directly to individuals in need. a) True b) False

b) False

The Roosevelt Corollary applied the Monroe Doctrine to Hawaii. a) True b) False

b) False

The Scottsboro case in 1931 involved efforts to organize workers in the Southwest. a) True b) False

b) False

The Supreme Court's decision in Smith v. Allwright approved the internment of Japanese Americans. a) True b) False

b) False

The United States ratified the Treaty of Versailles in 1920. a) True b) False

b) False

The United States's declaration of war in 1941 passed the Congress unanimously. a) True b) False

b) False

The War Refugee Board was amazingly successful at rescuing Jews from Europe. a) True b) False

b) False

The Washington Armaments Conference resulted in the adoption of the Kellogg- Briand Pact for world peace. a) True b) False

b) False

The Yalta agreements succeeded in establishing free governments in Eastern Europe. a) True b) False

b) False

The Yalta agreements succeeded in establishing free governments in eastern Europe. a) True b) False

b) False

The Zimmerman telegram revealed Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. a) True b) False

b) False

The Zimmerman telegram revealed Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. a) True b) False

b) False

The best example of mass production in the 1920s was the motion picture industry. a) True b) False

b) False

The government paid for three-fourths of the war's cost through taxes. a) True b) False

b) False

The invasion of Sicily came only six weeks after the Normandy invasion. a) True b) False

b) False

The most influential group of American writers in the 1920s was the expatriates. a) True b) False

b) False

The most popular household product after World War II was the air conditioner. a) True b) False

b) False

The most popular household product after World War II was the air conditioner. a) True b) False

b) False

The organized labor movement suffered during the war because of the labor shortage. a) True b) False

b) False

The outcome of the 2004 presidential election depended on Florida a) True b) False

b) False

The revived Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s thrived only in the South. a) True b) False

b) False

The tactic of "leapfrogging" was used to pursue Hitler in the last days of World War II. a) True b) False

b) False

Theodore Roosevelt fought in Cuba as a commissioned officer in the regular U.S. Army. a) True b) False

b) False

Though first proposed in the 1920s, the Equal Rights Amendment was not ratified until the 1970s. a) True b) False

b) False

Truman coined the phrase "iron curtain." a) True b) False

b) False

Two years after the Vietnam War ended, South Vietnam took control of the North. a) True b) False

b) False

Union membership in the 1920s remained steady. a) True b) False

b) False

W. E. B. Du Bois was a leader in the Universal Negro Improvement Association. a) True b) False

b) False

White Flight described the migration to the new sunbelt a) True b) False

b) False

White flight described the migration to the new Sunbelt. a) True b) False

b) False

Wilson thought Germany's admission of war guilt was the most important part of the peace negotiations. a) True b) False

b) False

Wilson thought Germany's admission of war guilt was the most necessary part of the peace negotiations. a) True b) False

b) False

World War II began in Europe before it started in Asia. a) True b) False

b) False

by 1920, both Puerto Rico and the Philippines had gained complete independence from the United states. a) True b) False

b) False

In Operation Iraqi Freedom, the United States had the support of troops from a) the United Nations b) Great Britain c) France and Germany d) None of the above-the United States acted alone.

b) Great Britain

As a result of the Immigration Act of 1965, the majority of future immigrants were a) western Europeans b) Hispanics and Asians c) Canadians d) Arabs

b) Hispanics and Asians

The effort to outlaw war led to the a) Neutrality Acts. b) Kellogg-Briand Pact. c) London Economic Conference. d) Clark Memorandum.

b) Kellogg-Briand Pact

The largest naval engagement in history occurred at a) Pearl Harbor. b) Leyte Gulf. c) Corregidor. d) Midway.

b) Leyte Gulf

William Faulkner wrote about a) Greenwich Village. b) Mississippi. c) the lost generation in Paris. d) undergraduate life at Princeton University.

b) Mississippi

"Reaganomics" was a term used for a) the continuation of New Deal programs b) Reagan's "supply-side" economic proposals c) Reagan's tax hikes d) high military expenditures

b) Reagan's "supply-side" economic proposals

The Tower Commission placed much of the blame for the Iran-Contra affair on a) the ineptitude of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Intelligence b) Reagan's aloofness and ignorance c) a lack of oversight by congressional committees d) the bad judgment of military leaders.

b) Reagan's aloofness and ignorance

The greatest victory by radical progressives during the Wilson administration was the a) expansion of the military before entry into World War I b) Revenue Act of 1916 c) League of Nations. d) War Industries Board

b) Revenue Act of 1916

The greatest victory by radical progressives during the Wilson administration was the a) expansion of the military before entry into World War I. b) Revenue Act of 1916. c) League of Nations. d) War Industries Board

b) Revenue Act of 1916.

Theodore Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomacy with a) Panama and Cuba b) Russia and Morocco c) China d) Africa

b) Russia and Morocco

Theodore Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in a) Panama and Cuba. b) Russia and Morocco. c) China. d) Africa.

b) Russia and Morocco.

The Treaty of Portsmouth resulted from American intervention in the a) Boxer Rebellion. b) Russo-Japanese War. c) Dominican Republic. d) Panama Canal.

b) Russo-Japanese War.

The Treaty of Portsmouth resulted from American intervention in the a) Boxer Rebellion b) Russo-Japanese War. c) Dominican Republic d) Panama Canal

b) Russo-Japanese War.

Demographic forces favorable to Reagan and conservatism included growth in the a) young adult population b) Sunbelt population c) working-class population in the urban Northeast d) number of immigrants from Latin America

b) Sunbelt population

In the Spanish-American War, more American soldiers died from disease than in combat. a) True b) False

b) True

Michael Harrington's The Other American influence the a) Alliance for Progress b) War of Poverty c) Civil Rights Act of 1964 d) Supreme Court's decision on criminal justice.

b) War of Poverty

In the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy ordered a) surgical air strikes on Cuba b) a quarantine of Cuba. c) the Bay of Pigs invasion d) the removal of U.S. missiles from Turkey.

b) a quarantine of Cuba

The ideal for middle-class women in the 1950s was to be a) an independent white-collar professional. b) a wife and mother. c) employed outside the home. d) like Rosie the Riveter

b) a wife and mother

The ideal for middle-class women in the 1950s was to be a) an independent white-collar professional b) a wife and mother c) like Rosie the Riveter d) employed outside of the home

b) a wife and mother

The Iran-Contra affair involved a) selling arms for hostages in Iran b) Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North c) secretly supporting the Nicaraguan rebels b) all of the above

b) all of the above

The Maine probably blew up as a result of a) Cuban terrorists b) an accident c) Spanish sabotage d) a devastating hurricane

b) an accident

The Maine probably blew up as a result of a) Cuban terrorists. b) an accident. c) Spanish sabotage. d) a devastating hurricane.

b) an accident.

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) involved a) support of the Contras in Nicaragua b) an anti-missile defense system c) arms reduction talks with the Soviet Union d) a plan for peace in the Middle East.

b) an anti-missile defense system

For the Bush administration, the major problem in the early 1990s was a) the rise of global terrorism b) an economic recession c) the end of the Cold War d) the opposition of the religious right

b) an economic recession

The Teapot Dome scandal involved a) Harding's extramarital affair in the White House kitchen. b) an oil deposit in Wyoming. c) fraud in regulating the new electrical household appliance industry. d) corruption in the Veterans Bureau.

b) an oil deposit in Wyoming

At the conference in Casablanca, Churchill and Roosevelt decided to a) attack in North Africa. b) assault Sicily and Italy. c) launch the Normandy invasion. d) use the atomic bomb against Japan.

b) assault Sicily and Italy.

To deal with labor strikes after World War II, Truman a) supported the Taft-Hartley Act. b) backed wage increases. c) nationalized the railroads. d) drafted strikers into the army.

b) backed wage increases

Lend-Lease was part of the United States's policy aimed at a) neutrality. b) becoming the arsenal of democracy. c) indirectly intervening in the Spanish Civil War. d) ensuring FDR's reelection.

b) becoming the arsenal of democracy.

After World War II, a significant migration occurred from a) the rural South to the rural North and Midwest b) cities to suburbs c) rural areas to central cities d) the South, Southwest, and West to the Northeast

b) cities to suburbs

Causes of the economic malaise of the 1970s included a) major tax increases under LBJ to finance the Great Society b) competition in international markets c) labor shortages caused by the Vietnam War. d) all of the above

b) competition in international markets

Which chronology is correct a) sinking of the Maine, de Lome letter, Teller Amendment, battles around Santiago b) de Lome letter, sinking of the Maine, Teller Amendment battles around Santiago c) de Lome letter, battles around Santiago, sinking of the Maine, Teller Amendment d) sinking of the Maine, de Lome letter, battles around Sanitago, Teller Amendment

b) de Lome letter, sinking of the Maine, Teller Amendment battles around Santiago

The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution a) gave women the right to vote. b) established Prohibition. c) required popular election for U.S. Senators. d) established equal rights for women.

b) established Prohibition

Opponents of the preparedness movement before World War I, a) agreed with Theodore Roosevelt that "there is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight." b) feared the creation of a large standing army. c) worried about a strong navy. d) All of the above

b) feared the creation of a large standing army.

Postwar disagreements between the United States and the Soviet Union especially concerned a) the formation of the United Nations. b) governments in Eastern Europe. c) the reconstruction of Japan. d) the Nuremberg trials.

b) governments in Eastern Europe.

The Revenue Act of 1942 a) raised sufficient revenue to pay for World War II. b) greatly increased the number of income taxpayers. c) placed a federal sales tax on most rationed goods. d) All of the above

b) greatly increased the number of income taxpayers.

The direct descendants of the Beats were the a) members of SDS. b) hippies c) antiwar protestors d) Yippies

b) hippies

Alfred Thayer Mahan is best known for his writings about the a) dangers of annexing the Philippines b) importance of sea power c) irrelevance of isthmian canal. d) sinking of the Maine

b) importance of sea power

Alfred Thayer Mahan is best known for his writings about the a) dangers of annexing the Philippines. b) importance of sea power. c) irrelevance of an isthmian canal. d) sinking of the Maine.

b) importance of sea power.

By 1971, the New Left had declined as a political movement because a) Nixon had ended the war in Vietnam b) it had abandoned its democratic and pacifist principles. c) most of its leaders had died in the rioting on campuses d) the Yippies had taken over the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

b) it had abandoned its democratic and pacifist principles.

In 2000, for the first time, a) more than 1 million immigrants arrived in the United Sates. b) most immigrants did not come from Europe c) new federal laws prevented illegal immigration from Asia d) California voters finally approved bilingual education

b) most immigrants did not come from Europe

For two years after the war began in Europe, the Wilson administration pursued a policy that stressed a) secret aid to Britain b) neutrality c) opposition to Britain's "freedom of the seas" policy d) support for Germany if it would stop the U-boat attacks.

b) neutrality

For two years after the war began in Europe, the Wilson administration pursued a policy that stressed a) secret aid to Britain. b) neutrality. c) opposition to Britain's "freedom of the seas" policy. d) support for Germany if it would stop the U-boat attacks.

b) neutrality.

Albert J. Beveridge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt agreed on a) low tariffs for agricultural products. b) obtaining overseas possessions. c) opposition to the Spanish-American War. d) the need for a small navy.

b) obtaining overseas possessions.

The dust storms on the southern plains were especially bad in the 1930s because a) the AAA encouraged farmers to plow up their crops. b) of the overfarming techniques of industrial agriculture. c) so many people had left their farms and moved to California. d) the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional so many programs to help agriculture.

b) of the overfarming techniques of industrial agriculture

Walter Reuther was a leader in a) the early motion picture industry. b) organizing automobile workers. c) the Federal Writers' Project. d) opposing FDR's court-packing plan

b) organizing automobile workers

Jackson Pollock was a leading a) rock 'n' roll singer. b) painter. c) Beat poet. d) novelist.

b) painter.

Perhaps Gerald Ford's most memorable act as president was a) preventing the fall of South Vietnam b) pardoning Richard Nixon c) achieving peace in the Middle East d) rescuing U.S. hostages in Nicaragua.

b) pardoning Richard Nixon

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge a) was irreconcilably opposed to the Treaty of Versailles. b) proposed some amendments to the Treaty of Versailles. c) did not care about the League of Nations but disliked Wilson personally. d) served as a delegate to the peace negotiations but later opposed the treaty.

b) proposed some amendments to the Treaty of Versailles

In 1948, Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey a) called for the repeal of most New Deal programs. b) proposed to run the government more efficiently. c) objected to Truman's cold war foreign policies. d) All of the above

b) proposed to run the government more efficiently.

Harding was more progressive than Wilson in matters dealing with a) government regulation of business. b) race. c) the environment. d) agriculture.

b) race

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 a) lowered rates to spur trade and fight the depression. b) raised rates to all-time highs. c) was vetoed by President Hoover because it punished American farmers. d) generated revenue to help the unemployed.

b) raised rates to all-time highs.

In the 1920s, progressivism a) disappeared. b) remained strong in Congress. c) reached its peak in the Coolidge administration. d) held on to the White House.

b) remained strong in Congress.

Wilson's Fourteen Points included all the following except a) freedom of the seas b) replacing the tsar on the Russian throne c) the League of Nations d) an independent Poland

b) replacing the tsar on the Russian throne

Rock 'n' roll grew directly out of a) abstract expressionism. b) rhythm and blues. c) the music of the Beat generation. d) television musicals.

b) rhythm and blues.

As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover promoted a) keen competition among corporations. b) standardization of products (tires, bricks, etc.). c) a vigorous trust-busting campaign. d) federal ownership of the radio and airline industries.

b) standardization of products (tires, bricks, etc.).

The Tea Party Movement a) wished to aid revolutionaries in the Middle East b) stood for limiting government and taxes c) threatened to split the Democratic party d) all of the above

b) stood for limiting government and taxes

Wartime rationing included a) cars and washing machines. b) sugar, coffee, and gasoline. c) private housing construction. d) All of the above

b) sugar, coffee, and gasoline.

The Scopes trial involved a) immigrant anarchists accused of robbery. b) teaching evolution in public school. c) racketeers and violations of Prohibition. d) a challenge to women's suffrage

b) teaching evolution in public school.

"Free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic," said a) Woodrow Wilson b) Eugene V. Debs c) Oliver Wendell Holmes d) Henry Cabot Lodge

c) Oliver Wendell Holmes

Joseph R. McCarthy was a a) Russian spy caught in 1951. b) former State Department employee who exposed Communist agents. c) Republican senator from Wisconsin. d) top foreign policy adviser to President Truman during the Korean War

c) Republican senator from Wisconsin

Of all the third-party presidential candidates up through the 1924 election, the one who received the largest vote was a) Eugene V. Debs. b) William Jennings Bryan. c) Robert La Follette. d) Theodore Roosevelt

c) Robert La Follette

"I have no trouble with my enemies, I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends . . . they're the ones that keep me walking the floor at night," said a) Andrew Mellon. b) Calvin Coolidge. c) Warren Harding. d) Henry Ford.

c) Warren Harding.

In 1940 Roosevelt ran for president against a) Thomas E. Dewey. b) Robert A. Taft. c) Wendell L. Willkie. d) Alfred M. Landon.

c) Wendell L. Willkie.

The chief justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Harding was a) Andrew Mellon. b) Charles Evans Hughes. c) William Howard Taft. d) James Cox.

c) William Howard Taft.

The Spanish-American War occurred during the presidency of a) Benjamin Harrison b) Theodore Roosevelt. c)William McKinley. d) Grover Cleveland

c) William McKinley

The Spanish-American War occurred during the presidency of a) Benjamin Harrison. b) Theodore Roosevelt. c) William McKinley. d) Grover Cleveland.

c) William McKinley.

The Supreme Court packing plan was defeated in part because of a) Democratic losses in 1936. b) its violation of the Constitution. c) a change in the Court's direction in rulings on key measures. d) All of the above

c) a change in the Court's direction in rulings on key measures

In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court Ruled that a) busing for school integration was unconstitutional b) Native Americans were to receive 4 million acres in Wyoming c) abortion in the first three months of pregnancy was legal. d) the Watergate cover-up was sufficient to impeach Nixon

c) abortion in the first three months of pregnancy was legal.

The Battle of Midway demonstrated the decisive role of a) submarines. b) bombers. c) aircraft carriers. d) battleships.

c) aircraft carriers.

European debts to the U.S. influenced the U.S. to a) change its attitude toward the League of Nations. b) intervene in European colonies in Latin America. c) become more isolationist. d) maintain a large army and navy after World War I.

c) become more isolationist.

Margaret Sanger was a leading proponent of a) the Harlem Renaissance. b) Protestant fundamentalism. c) birth control. d) modernism in literature

c) birth control

Reductions in agricultural production especially hurt a) consumers. b) larger farmers. c) black and Chicano farm workers. d) manufacturers of farm equipment.

c) black and Chicano farm workers

The decisions made at the Yalta Conference did not include agreement that a) Russia would have three votes in the U.N. General Assembly. b) Russia would have an occupation zone in the nonindustrialized area of East Germany as well as in part of Berlin. c) both the Soviet Union and the United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended. d) free elections would be held in Poland to select a government.

c) both the Soviet Union and the United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended.

Opponents of the Treaty of Paris argued that a) foreign involvements would undermine the Monroe Doctrine. b) the Philippines would be difficult to defend. c) bringing large numbers of aliens into the U.S. would threaten the welfare of the nation. d) All of the above

c) bringing large numbers of aliens into the U.S. would threaten the welfare of the nation.

President Wilson sent General Pershing into Mexico to a) unemployment b) make Mexicans salute the American flag. c) chase Pancho Villa. d) protect American business investments.

c) chase Pancho Villa.

A major cause of the 2008 economic collapse was the a) war in Iraq b) Contract with America c) collapse of the housing market from unreal prices and irresponsible mortgage practices d) Bush's expansion of affirmative action programs

c) collapse of the housing market from unreal prices and irresponsible mortgage practices

The Teller Amendment a) justified the sinking of the Maine. b) declared Puerto Rico and Hawaii U.S. possessions. c) denied the intention to take Cuba. d) laid claim to an isthmian canal route.

c) denied the intention to take Cuba.

The Teller Amendment a) justified the sinking of the Maine b) declared that Puerto Rico and Hawaii were U.S. possessions. c) denied the intention to take Cuba. d) laid claim to an isthmian canal route

c) denied the intention to take Cuba.

As president, Harry Truman wanted to a) eliminate many New Deal programs that were unfriendly to business b) combat inflation by stopping wage increases for labor c) extend and expand many New Deal programs d) cut taxes to stimulate economic growth

c) extend and expand many New Deal programs

The NAACP sought to solve racial problems by a) advocating emigration to Africa. b) developing black artistic and musical talents. c) focusing on legal challenges to discrimination. d) All of the above

c) focusing on legal challenges to discrimination

The Stonewall riots sparked a movement for a) Native American rights b) desegregation of public facilities c) gay rights d) reform in American prisons

c) gay rights

The Moral Majority lobbied for all of the following except a) reversing Roe v. Wade b) replacing evolution with creationism in school texts c) governmental aid for people with AIDS d) reducing the size of government

c) governmental aid for people with AIDS

A major activity of Hispanic workers was a strike against a) corporations that traded with Castro's Cuba b) the enforcement of the Supreme Court's decision in Chavez v. Arizona (1966) c) grape farmers in California d) the drafting of illegal immigrants to fight in Vietnam

c) grape farmers in California

Reagan won the election of 1980 because of all of the following except a) a revival in eveangical religion b) Carter's failure to free the hostages in Iran c) his deep intellectual abilities d) his charm and star quality

c) his deep intellectual abilities

"Right-to-work" laws a) protected the employment rights of African Americans. b) prevented discrimination against women in industry. c) hurt labor unions. d) were the New Deal's last major achievement for labor.

c) hurt labor unions.

Modernism included a) nativism and the Ku Klux Klan. b) prohibition and fundamentalism. c) impressionism in art and Freudianism in psychology. d) Garveyism and immigration restriction.

c) impressionism in art and Freudianism in psychology

The most serious economic problem that Truman faced was a) unemployment. b) strikes and labor stoppages. c) inflation. d) depression.

c) inflation

The Neutrality Act of 1939 a) prohibited all trade with belligerents. b) allowed trade with only one side in a war. c) kept U.S. ships from war zones but approved cash-and-carry trade even for arms. d) permitted nonmilitary trade in U.S. ships only.

c) kept U.S. ships from war zones but approved cash-and-carry trade even for arms

Section 7a of the NIRA was important for a) farmers. b) industrialists. c) labor. d) the unemployed.

c) labor

In his impeachment proceedings, Bill Clinton was charged with a) profiting from the Whitewater development. b) having an affair with Monica Lewinsky c) lying under oath to a grand jury d) all of the above

c) lying under oath to a grand jury

Alfred E. Smith's candidacy was important because it a) appealed to farmers. b) brought Catholics into the Republican party. c) made Democrats of many people in big cities. d) proved Democrats did not have to carry the South.

c) made Democrats of many people in big cities

Reagan sent Marines to Grenada to a) eliminate the influence of the Contras b) disrupt the Latin American drug trade with respect to the United Sates c) overthrow a government with Communist ties d) fulfill the terms of the Iran-Contra deal

c) overthrow a government with Communist ties

Marcus Garvey advocated a) an end to racial discrimination and segregation. b) membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. c) racial pride and self-reliance for Negroes. d) modernist thinking, especially the ideas of Freud

c) racial pride and self-reliance for Negroes

Under President Reagan, organized labor a) grew because of the increasing number of jobs in the booming economy b) endorsed Reaganomics c) suffered from the defeat of the Air Traffic Controllers Union. d) enjoyed the support of the administration in most labor disputes.

c) suffered from the defeat of the Air Traffic Controllers Union.

Eleanor Roosevelt helped the president by a) shielding him from labor and women activists. b) providing a happy and serene home life. c) taking political risks he could not take. d) All of the above

c) taking political risks he could not take

Germany lost the Battle of the Atlantic because a) the Allies had radar. b) it lost all of its U-boats. c) the Allies had broken the Germans' secret code. d) it withdrew its navy to fight in the Mediterranean.

c) the Allies had broken the Germans' secret code

Truman's program for the economic recovery of Europe was called a) NATO. b) the Truman Doctrine. c) the Marshall Plan. d) containment.

c) the Marshall Plan.

In World War II, the greatest number of casualties were suffered by a) Germany. b) Japan. c) the Soviet Union. d) Great Britain.

c) the Soviet Union

During the postwar prosperity, a) the average income for blacks grew faster than for whites. b) the average income for blacks did not grow. c) the gap between the average incomes for blacks and whites increased. d) the average income for blacks and whites grew at the same rate.

c) the gap between the average incomes for blacks and whites increased.

The march from Selma to Montgomery emphasized a) integrated public transportation b) equal access to public accommodations such as restaurants and hotels. c) voting rights d) desegregation of public schools

c) voting rights

"Yellow journalism" was the term applied to the popular newspapers that

carried sensational stories about events in Cuba.

Joseph McCarthy led the crusade against alleged __________ in American government during the 1950s.


Conservative southern Democrats influenced Roosevelt because they

controlled Congress.

The Civilian Conservation Corps

created jobs for unemployed men aged eighteen to twenty-five.

Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon

cut taxes on the wealthy.

A key element in the postwar consumer revolution was the a) development of shopping as a form of recreation. b) growth of consumer credit. c) increase in advertising, especially on television. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Examples of conformity in the 1950s included a) Levittowns. b) the growing memberships in social organizations. c) the religious revival of the 1950s. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

General Douglas MacArthur said, a) There is no substitute for victory. b) Once war is forced upon us, there is no alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. c) Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Germany took priority in the fighting because a) Nazi forces posed a greater threat to the western hemisphere. b) German science had greater potential for devising a devastating weapon. c) the Atlantic was crucial to victory. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

In the summer of 1940 a) the United States and Britain swapped destroyers for naval and air bases. b) Congress appropriated $4 billion for a two-ocean navy. c) the first peacetime draft became law. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

Organized labor in the 1920s was weakened by a) the Red Scare. b) "yellow dog" contracts. c) welfare capitalism. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The Harding administration tried to overturn progressive reforms by a) appointing conservatives to the Supreme Court. b) following pro-business policies. c) reducing income taxes and raising tariffs. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The National Industrial Recovery Act provided for a) $3.3 billion in spending through the PWA. b) codes of fair practice for industries. c) the right of workers to form unions. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The religious revival of the 1950s was spurred by a) the cold war. b) television. c) a mobile population's need for community. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The wartime Espionage and Sedition Acts a) were upheld by the Supreme Court. b) led to the persecution of more than 1,500 people. c) hit hard at socialists and radicals. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

U.S. officials were slow to aid Jewish refugees because a) they feared anti-Semitism in the United States. b) experience with wartime propaganda created doubts about reports of the Holocaust. c) reported evidence of genocide seemed beyond belief. d) All of the above

d) All of the above

The postwar Red Scare was aimed at a) black radicals who started race riots. b) continuing German influences in society. c) opponents of the League of Nations. d) Bolsheviks, radicals, and aliens.

d) Bolsheviks, radicals, and aliens.

One reason Operation Overlord succeeded was a) the Allies attacked at the narrowest point in the English Channel. b) the Germans were completely unprepared for an invasion. c) perfect weather—clear skies and calm seas. d) Eisenhower surprised the Germans by attacking at Normandy.

d) Eisenhower surprised the Germans by attacking at Normandy.

The major American advocates of modernism lived in a) New York's Greenwich Village. b) Chicago's bohemian section. c) San Francisco. d) Europe

d) Europe

During World War II, the fastest rate of urban growth occurred in the a) Northeast. b) Midwest c) South. d) Far West.

d) Far West.

Roosevelt decided Hitler had to be stopped after a) the Battle of Britain in 1940. b) the Blitzkrieg of 1940. c) Germany invaded North Africa in 1937. d) Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939.

d) Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939

"All of you young people who served in the war, you are a lost generation," said a) Albert Einstein. b) F. Scott Fitzgerald. c) T. S. Eliot. d) Gertrude Stein

d) Gertrude Stein

Clinton's most successful departure in foreign policy was in a) Chechnya b) Yugoslavia c) Israel d) Haiti

d) Haiti

The United States did not intervene in Latin America under President a) Wilson. b) Harding. c) Coolidge. d) Hoover.

d) Hoover

The Share Our Wealth program was proposed by a) Franklin Roosevelt. b) the Liberty League. c) Father Charles Coughlin. d) Huey Long

d) Huey Long

In 1968, the candidate who claimed to speak for the "silent majority" and "Middle America" was a) Hubert Humphrey b) George Wallace c) Robert Kennedy d) Richard Nixon

d) Richard Nixon

The United Sates boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow because of the a) seizure of the Mayaguez b) presidential elections c) taking of U.S. hostages in Tehran d) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

d) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Theodore Roosevelt became president as a result of the death of. a) Grover Cleveland b) James A. Garfield c) Woodrow Wilson d) William McKinley

d) William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt became president as a result of the death of a) Grover Cleveland. b) James A. Garfield. c) Woodrow Wilson. d) William McKinley.

d) William McKinley.

At the 1968 Democratic National Convention a) Hubert Humphrey won the nomination for president b) Yippies provoked anarchy in the streets c) police clashed violently with demonstrators d) all of the above

d) all of the above

By 2010, a) 46.2 million Americans lived below the poverty belt, the highest number ever. b) the wealthy top 10 percent of Americans controlled 25 percent of total income c) the Occupy Wall Street movement blamed bankers and financial brokers for the increase in poverty. d) all of the above.

d) all of the above

By the end of 2005, U.S. involvement in Iraq suffered from a) the admission that weapons of mass destruction had not been found b) guerilla attacks in Iraq c) revelations of torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners. d) all of the above

d) all of the above

In 1989, a) Chinese authorities crushed the Tiananmen Square demonstration b) the Berlin Wall came down c) Communist rule ended in Poland and Hungary d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The Watergate was a) an office building in Washington, D.C. b) the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee headquarters during the 1972 election. c) a massive cover -up of a break-in whereby it because clear that President Nixon was lying to the American people d) all of the above

d) all of the above

The wartime Espionage and Sedition Acts a) were upheld by the Supreme Court b) led to the persecution of more than 1,500 people c) hit hard at socialist and radicals d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Perhaps the crucial military maneuver in the Korean conflict involved a) using nuclear weapons against China. b) a surprise paratrooper assault on Seoul. c) an invasion of China. d) an amphibious landing at Inchon.

d) an amphibious landing at Inchon

Nixon's freeze of wages and prices in 1971 a) helped bring an end to stagflation b) led to an agreement with OPEC on oil prices c) helped end the employment crisis. d) became voluntary in 1973

d) became voluntary in 1973

Jane Addams, William James, and Andrew Carnegie all a) signed a petition supporting the annexation of Cuba b) Called for President McKinley's resignation. c) advocated invading Spain after Cuba was defeated. d) belonged to the Anti-Imperialist League.

d) belonged to the Anti-Imperialist League.

Jane Addams,William James, and Andrew Carnegie all a) signed a petition supporting the annexation of Cuba. b) called for President McKinley's resignation. c) advocated invading Spain after Cuba was defeated. d) belonged to the Anti-Imperialist League.

d) belonged to the Anti-Imperialist League.

Carter's most significant accomplishment in foreign policy was a) retaining complete control over the Panamal Canal b) an agreement with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on oil prices c) opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan d) brokering a treaty between Israel and Egypt.

d) brokering a treaty between Israel and Egypt.

Phyllis Schlafly was a leader in the a) Carter reelection campaign in 1980 b) development of the Strategic Defense Initiative c) Air Traffic Controllers' Union d) campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

d) campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

In the Birmingham campaign in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. signaled a change in strategy from a) educating whites about racism to using violence to achieve change. b) seeking federal enforcement and new laws to massive civil disobedience c) massive civil disobedience to using violence to achieve change d) changing southern white attitudes to confrontation and civil disobedience.

d) changing southern white attitudes to confrontation and civil disobedience.

Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan had a) not expanded outside its national boundaries. b) conquered all China. c) captured all southeast Asia. d) control of Manchuria, Shanghai, and French Indochina.

d) control of Manchuria, Shanghai, and French Indochina.

After World War I, the Senate a) ratified the Treaty of Versailles b) ratified the treaty except for the League of Nations c) accepted the League of Nations, but defeated the Treaty of Versailles d) defeated the Treaty of Versailles

d) defeated the Treaty of Versailles

After World War I, the Senate a) ratified the Treaty of Versailles. b) ratified the treaty except for the League of Nations. c) accepted the League of Nations but defeated the Treaty of Versailles. d) defeated the Treaty of Versailles.

d) defeated the Treaty of Versailles.

In response to Truman's Fair Deal proposals, Congress a) enacted major civil rights legislation b) provided for national health insurance c) repealed the Taft-Hartley Act d) enlarged many New Deal programs

d) enlarged many New Deal programs

In 1921 and 1924 Congress passed immigration laws that a) allowed more immigrants from war-torn Europe. b) restored immigration to prewar levels. c) restricted immigration except for people from southern and eastern Europe. d) favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

d) favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

One likely cause of juvenile delinquency during the 1950s was the a) large baby boon generation b) wide dispersion of television c) rapid growth of suburban communities d) greater mobility provided by cars

d) greater mobility provided by cars

The agreements at the Washington Naval Conference were a) policed by the League of Nations. b) rejected by the U.S. Senate. c) a major achievement of the Wilson administration. d) ineffective because they were unenforceable.

d) ineffective because they were unenforceable.

The monuments to the Eisenhower presidency were a) his Nobel Peace Prize of 1957 and construction of the Pentagon b) the Tennessee Valley Authority and Landing a man on the moon c) the Twenty-Forth Amendment and NATO d) interstate highways and the St. Lawrence Seaway

d) interstate highways and the St. Lawrence Seaway

In the Caribbean, the Wilson administration a) refused to use military force to defend investments. b) briefly sent troops to Cuba and Puerto Rico. c) withdrew all troops at the start of the World War. d) kept marines in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

d) kept marines in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

The bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building was an example of a) Islamic terrorism b) the Christian Coalition extremism c) the effect of Newt Gingrich's Contract with America d) militia hatred of the federal government.

d) militia hatred of the federal government.

The southern renaissance was an example of a) provincialism in the modern world. b) the uncertainty principle. c) the persistence of Victorian values in the 1920s and 1930s. d) modernism in literature.

d) modernism in literature.

White-collar workers a) were professionals, such as doctors and lawyers. b) worked only for large corporations. c) made a higher hourly wage than blue-collar workers. d) outnumbered blue-collar workers by 1960.

d) outnumbered blue-collar workers by 1960.

Norman Vincent Peale was a leading exponent of a) modern art. b) neo-orthodox religion. c) domesticity for women. d) positive thinking.

d) positive thinking.

In 1968, Nixon's "southern strategy" involved a) greater reliance on fighting by the South Vietnamese army b) naming a southerner, Warren Burger, to the Supreme Court c) having Strom Thurmond, a southerner, as his vice-presidential running mate. d) promising to go slowly on enforcing civil rights laws.

d) promising to go slowly on enforcing civil rights laws.

The Sacco and Vanzetti case became a cause célèbre because of the defendants' a) fundamentalist religious views. b) opposition to World War I. c) connections with organized crime. d) radical Italian backgrounds.

d) radical Italian backgrounds

In the Caribbean, the Wilson administration a) refused to use military force to defend investments b) briefly sent troops to Cuba and Puerto Rico c) withdrew all troops at the start of the World War d) sent marines into Haiti and the Dominican Republic

d) sent marines into Haiti and the Dominican Republic

During the Watergate crisis, Nixon was not accused of a) obstructing justice through paying witnesses to remain silent b) defying Congress by withholding the tapes. c) using federal agencies to deprive citizens of their rights d) stealing funds from the reelection campaign.

d) stealing funds from the reelection campaign.

The scientific work of Einstein, Heisenberg, and others a) reinforced the traditional faith in reason and order. b) increased confidence in our ability to fully understand the world. c) was incompatible with the disillusionment and despair of the postwar period. d) suggested that there is a limit to our ability to understand the universe.

d) suggested that there is a limit to our ability to understand the universe

The freedom rides were organized by a) Martin Luther King Jr. b) the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. c) the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) d) the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

d) the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Higher education became much more widespread due to a) suburbanization. b) the migration of blacks out of the South. c) the baby boom. d) the GI Bill.

d) the GI Bill

From April 1948 to May 1949, a) the United Nations debated the formation of Israel. b) Joseph McCarthy held hearings on Alger Hiss. c) a North Korean advance nearly defeated South Korea. d) the Soviets blockaded Berlin.

d) the Soviets blockaded Berlin.

In 1995, 60,000 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) peacekeeping troops were sent to maintain peace in a) Somalia b) Israel c) the former Soviet Union d) the former Yugoslavia

d) the former Yugoslavia

"Seward's folly" involved a) sending the U.S. Navy around the world. b) Seward's campaign for president in 1884. c) entry into the Spanish-American War. d) the purchase of Alaska.

d) the purchase of Alaska.

"Seward's folly" involved a) sending the U.S. navy around the world. b) Seward's campaign for president in 1884. c) entry into the Spanish-American War. d) the purchase of Alaska.

d) the purchase of Alaska.

The Fair Labor Standards Act provided for all of the following except a) a minimum wage. b) the prohibition of child labor. c) a maximum work week of forty hours. d) the right of workers to form unions.

d) the right of workers to form unions.

In United States v. Butler, the Supreme Court overturned the AAA because a) agriculture was not considered interstate commerce. b) the plan failed to help raise farm incomes. c) the programs discriminated against black sharecroppers and tenant farmers. d) the tax on food processors was unconstitutional.

d) the tax on food processors was unconstitutional

During the 1920s the United States a) continued to ignore the League of Nations. b) finally joined the League of Nations. c) quit the League of Nations. d) unofficially worked with the League of Nations

d) unofficially worked with the League of Nations

Put the following events in the correct chronological order.

de Lôme letter, sinking of the Maine, Teller Amendment, battles around Santiago

Among other items, the Atlantic Charter of 1941

declared British-American war aims.

After World War I, the Senate

defeated the Treaty of Versailles.

In part, Lyndon Johnson wanted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to demonstrate

defending South Vietnam

The frontier thesis of Frederick Jackson Turner emphasized the

democratic values found on the frontier.

McNary-Haugenism sought to solve the problems of agriculture by

dumping surpluses on the world market.

George Kennan's "containment" policy proposed

efforts to stop the expansion of Russian control and communism.

Lyndon Johnson's main theme in the presidential election of 1964 was

ending poverty in America

John F. Kennedy played down civil rights legislation because he

feared the possibility of alienating southern Democrats

What was Kennedy's top priority when he assumed the office of the presidency?

foreign policy

For recreation, the urban working class preferred

going to saloons and dance halls.

Nixon's election signaled a public reaction against

growth of the federal government

What was one of Lyndon Johnson's greatest assets in the White House?

his ability to persuade congress

Lyndon Johnson's political downfall resulted primarily from

his pursuit of the Vietnam War

William Jennings Bryan resigned as secretary of state

in the uproar after the sinking of the Lusitania.

In Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

individual states could not regulate railroad rates.

The Marshall Plan proposed

infusing massive amounts of American capital into Western Europe.

In order to test the resolve of his American, British, and French opponents, in 1948 Stalin

initiated a blockade of Berlin.

In the 1890s, Dr. James Naismith

invented basketball.

Tenantry and sharecropping led to

loss of soil fertility.

Around the time of the Chinese Civil War, Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists

lost support due to rampant government corruption and extreme inflation.

As a result of the dust storms on the plains,

many farmers could not pay their mortgages and lost their farms.

The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) led the campaign to organize workers in

mass-production industries.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

missed vital shore installations and oil tanks.

All of the following statements about post-World War I America are correct except

most working women kept their wartime industrial jobs.

What was the touchstone of the new counterculture of the sixties?


For two years after the war began in Europe, the Wilson administration pursued a policy that stressed


As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover promoted

new markets for business.

In the 1880s, the source of foreign immigration to the United States shifted from

northwestern Europe to southeastern Europe.

Cesar Chavez

organized California grape and lettuce workers to strike for higher wages

Walter Reuther was a leader in

organizing automobile workers.

The basic problem of farmers in the late nineteenth century was

overproduction of agricultural products and the subsequent decline in commodity prices.

When Johnson became president after the assassination of Kennedy in 1963 he focused first on

passing JFK's tax cuts and civil rights bill

In 1948, President Truman tried to

perpetuate New Deal legislation.

The Platt Amendment

placed restrictions on the Cuban government's independence.

Until early 1918, U.S. forces in Europe

played only a token role.

Ellis Island was best known as the

point of entry for immigrants from Europe.

In political and economic matters, FDR was


Harding was more progressive than Wilson in matters dealing with


The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930

raised rates to all-time highs.

During the 1920s, progressive reformers

remained active in the Senate.

In the 1920s, progressivism

remained strong in Congress.

Wilson's Fourteen Points included all the following except

replacing the tsar on the Russian throne.

Among the reasons the atomic bomb was used against Japan was the belief that it would

save the lives of American soldiers.

An immediate problem for rapidly growing suburban communities was providing adequate


In the Caribbean, the Wilson administration

sent marines into Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

All of the following are correct about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act except that it

set up the Interstate Commerce Commission.

After General MacArthur's victory at Inchon, Korea, Truman

shifted his military goal from restoring the 38th parallel to unifying Korea by force.

The New Deal's "cornerstone" and "supreme achievement," according to FDR, was/were

social security.

The Democratic party generally consisted of

southern whites, immigrants, and political outsiders.

The Battle of Midway was the turning point of the war in the Pacific because it

stopped the eastward advance of the Japanese.

Wartime rationing included

sugar, coffee, and gasoline.

In Vietnam, American military strategists counted heavily on

superior American firepower, especially airstrikes

The Truman Doctrine stated that American policy would be to

support free peoples who were resisting the Soviet Union or its surrogates.

Eleanor Roosevelt helped the president by

taking political risks by making alliances with black, labor, and women's groups.

The only major national issue that clearly and consistently divided Democrats from Republicans was

tariff policy.

What was the biggest factor in placing the United States on a collision course with the Soviet Union around the globe?

the American commitment to stopping the spread of communism

The disarmament plan that the Truman administration proposed to the United Nations after World War II was called

the Baruch Plan.

The Ghost Dance craze immediately preceded

the Battle of Wounded Knee.

Kennedy's failed 1961 covert operation to overthrow Cuba's Fidel Castro is

the Bay of Pigs

The many scandals in Harding's administration touched all of the following except

the Bonus Army.

In 1965, president Lyndon Johnson sent American soldiers to _______ in order to prevent a communist takeover there.

the Dominican Republic

What were the big issues of the 1952 presidential campaign?

the Korean War, communism, and government corruption

For Wilson, the most important part of the peace negotiations involved

the League of Nations.

In his healthcare program, President Lyndon Johnson secured

the Medicare program for the elderly

Wilson's failure to take a major Republican to the postwar peace conference was a mistake because

the Republicans controlled Congress.

The defense policy known as NSC-68 was based on the premise that

the Soviet Union wanted to take over the world and was a threat to the United States.

The Nye committee investigations concluded that

the United States allowed munitions manufacturers to make huge profits from World War I.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation that came very close to being a nuclear conflict between which two countries?

the United States and Russia

Albert J. Beveridge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt agreed on

the benefits of obtaining overseas possessions.

The rise of racial segregation in the South led to

the development of a separate black culture.

The chief accomplishment of the New South movement was

the development of the textile industry.

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

the end of the U.S.-Soviet arms race

The most significant social trend in postwar america was

the flight to the suburbs

Racial conflict among Americans during and after World War I resulted from

the mass movement of southern blacks to northern cities.

"Seward's folly" involved

the purchase of Alaska.

The Fair Labor Standards Act provided for all of the following for interstate businesses except

the right of workers to form unions.

What does the term "Iron Curtain" refer to?

the separation between Soviet-dominated Europe and Western Europe

In the election of 1888, the central issue was

the tariff.

In United States v. Butler, the Supreme Court overturned the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) because

the tax on food processors was unconstitutional.

What caused Truman to win the 1948 election?

the way he handled the Cold War

The Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb

through the use of espionage.

President Wilson sent General Pershing into Mexico

to chase Pancho Villa.

What was Eisenhower's major campaign pledge?

to end the Korean War

Why did the United States implement the Marshall Plan?

to improve the Western European economy and stop the spread of communism

Why did Truman establish the Loyalty Review Board?

to investigate government employees as potential communists

Why did the United States become involved in the conflict between North and South Vietnam in 1961?

to stop the spread of communism from North Vietnam to South Vietnam

Why did Kennedy authorize a covert mission in which 1,400 Cuban exiles invaded Cuba?

to topple the regime of Fidel Castro

The southern Bourbons

tolerated black political activity until the 1890s.

One crucial issue discussed at the Potsdam Conference was

war reparations.

The construction of the Panama Canal

was controversial with the United States.

American bombing of North Vietnam

was largely ineffective

The foreign policy of Lyndon Johnson

was, in many respects, simply a continuation of Kennedy's policies

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

were executed for passing American atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

The fundamental disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War was over

who would control postwar Europe.

The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890

worried eastern business and financial groups.

William McKinley (1843-1901)

As a congressman, he was responsible for the McKinley Tariff of 1890, which raised the duties on manufactured products to their highest level ever. Voters disliked the tariff and McKinley, as well as other Republicans, lost their seats in Congress the next election. However, he won the presidential election of 1896 and raised the tariffs again. In 1898, he annexed Hawaii and declared war on Spain. The war concluded with the Treaty of Paris, which gave America control over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Soon America was fighting Filipinos, who were seeking independence for their country. In 1901, McKinley was assassinated.

In the 1930s, prior to World War II, actual conflict broke out first in

Asia between Japan and China.

What finally caused Kennedy to support racial justice openly?

Authorities attacked children in a segregation protest in Birmingham, Alabama

Gorbachev stated that "The Cold War is now behind us. I am glad we won it." A) True B) False

B) False

H. L. Mencken dubbed the twenties the "Jazz Age." A) True B) False

B) False

In his 1925 trial in Dayton, Tennessee, John T. Scopes was found innocent. A) True B) False

B) False

Reagan referred to Iran as the "Evil Empire." A) True B) False

B) False

The Nixon Doctrine was basically a plan to keep fighting the war as long as it took to win in Vietnam. A) True B) False

B) False

The gangster Al Capone was finally convicted for bootlegging in 1929. A) True B) False

B) False

The modernists wanted to copy reality as closely as they could in their writings and in their art. A) True B) False

B) False

The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution A) gave women the right to vote. B) established prohibition. C) required popular election for U.S. senators. D) established equal rights for women.

B) established prohibition

The Scopes trial involved A) immigrant anarchists accused of robbery. B) teaching evolution in public school. C) racketeers and violations of prohibition. D) a challenge to women's suffrage.

B) teaching evolution in public school.

According to the New York Times in 1929, "the feminine right to equal representation in smoking, drinking, swearing, petting, and upsetting the community peace" was established by A) the Twentieth Amendment. B) the flapper. C) Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis. D) Prohibition and fundamentalism.

B) the flapper.

Who wrote the 1963 book The Feminine Mystique?

Betty Friedan

Who were the Little Rock Nine?

Black students at a recently desegregated high school in Little Rock, Arkansas

The postwar Red Scare was aimed at

Bolsheviks, radicals, and aliens.

"In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the five fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress," said

Booker T. Washington.

The NAACP sought to solve racial problems by A) advocating emigration to Africa. B) developing black artistic and musical talents. C) focusing on legal challenges to discrimination. D) all of the above

C) focusing on legal challenges to discrimination.

Marcus Garvey advocated A) an end to racial discrimination and segregation. B) membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). C) racial pride and self-reliance for blacks. D) modernist thinking, especially the ideas of Freud.

C) racial pride and self-reliance for blacks.

The National Security Act of 1947 established the

Central Intelligence Agency.

The native American who surrendered with the "I will fight no more forever" speech was

Chief Joseph.

In 1882, Congress passed legislation to exclude immigrants from


The first large-scale experiment with federal work relief was the

Civil Works Administration.

The "fifty-niners" were miners who rushed into the territory of


Mary Elizabeth Lease

Colorful leader of the farm movement in Kansas (as well as one of the state's first female lawyers) who was a fiery public speaker on behalf of various causes such as Irish nationalism, temperance, women's suffrage and free silver.

In the spring of 1968, students seized five buildings at ______ for eight days before police regained control.

Columbia University

During the Gilded Age,

Congress was evenly divided between the two major parties.


Conservative Republican party faction during the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes, 1877-1881; led by Senator Roscoe B. Conkling of New York, Stalwarts opposed civil service reform and favored a third term for President Ulysses S. Grant.


Conservative Republican party faction during the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes, 1877-81; led by Senator Roscoe B. Conkling of New York, Stalwarts opposed civil service reform and favored a third term for President Ulysses S. Grant.

What was the dominant social theme of the 1950s America


The major American advocates of modernism lived in A) New York's Greenwich Village. B) Chicago's bohemian section. C) San Francisco. D) Europe.

D) Europe.

Prohibition A) was the most ambitious social reform ever undertaken in the United States. B) emerged from the patriotism of wartime. C) was a dismal failure. D) all of the above

D) all of the above

In 1921 and 1924, Congress passed immigration laws that A) allowed more immigrants from war-torn Europe. B) restored immigration to prewar levels. C) restricted immigration, except for people from southern and eastern Europe. D) favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

D) favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

In 1968, the correct order of events was a) LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the Tet offensive, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the Democratic convention in Chicago. b) the Tet offensive, LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the Democratic convention in Chicago. c) LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the Tet offensive, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, and the Democratic convention in Chicago. d) the Tet offensive, LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the Democratic convention in Chicago, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

b) the Tet offensive, LBJ's withdrawal from the presidential race, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the Democratic convention in Chicago.

The Jobs Corps, Head Start, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) were all part of a) Martin Luther King Jr.'s proposals for Birmingham b) the War on Poverty c) Kennedy's New Frontier d) Barry Goldwater's platform in 1964

b) the War on Poverty

Albert J. Beveridge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt agreed on a) low tariffs for agricultural products. b) the benefits of obtaining overseas possessions. c) opposition to the Spanish-American War. d) the need for a small navy

b) the benefits of obtaining overseas possessions.

According to the New York Times in 1929, "the feminine right to equal representation in smoking, drinking, swearing, petting, and upsetting the community peace" was established by a) the Twentieth Amendment. b) the flapper. c) Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis. d) Prohibition and fundamentalism.

b) the flapper

Racial conflict among Americans during World War I resulted from a) integration of the military. b) the movement of southern blacks to northern cities. c) northern whites training at military bases in the South. d) the refusal of blacks to participate in a war for democracy when they could not vote.

b) the movement of southern blacks to northern cities.

President Johnson said that "we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come" after a) he defeated Barry Goldwater for president in 1964 b) the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c) the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. d) the enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

b) the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

in Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled on a) illegal immigration b) the rights of a person accused of a crime c) the reapportionment of state legislatures. d) state-sanctioned prayer in public schools.

b) the rights of a person accused of a crime

Hoover's approach to recovery placed an emphasis on a) government construction of housing. b) the voluntary efforts of the people. c) assistance to European trade. d) government aid to the unemployed

b) the voluntary efforts of the people

President Johnson decided to escalate the war in Vietnam a) to help America's ally, North Vietnam b) to contain communism in the Far East c) at the request of Chin. d) after the Tet offensive

b) to contain communism in the Far East

In the postwar era, big business grew because a) labor union contracts favored large companies. b) wartime government contracts had favored big business concentration. c) members of "the lonely crowd" preferred to work for large corporations. d) All of the above

b) wartime government contracts had favored big business concentration.

Truman's prospects in the 1948 election looked

bleak because Democratic support had been split among several candidates.

The decisions made at the Yalta Conference did not include agreement that

both the Soviet Union and the United States would reduce their armaments by half after the war ended.

The most significant result of the Korean War was that it

brought about massive American rearmament.

After the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb, Truman appointed a committee to explore the possibility of

building a hydrogen bomb.

In FDR's 1933 inaugural address, he said, a) "Take a method and try it. If it fails admit it frankly and try another." b) "I pledge you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people." c) "[T]he only thing we have to fear is fear itself." d) "I want to save our system, the capitalistic system."

c) "[T]he only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

The Communists gained control of China and the Russians exploded an atomic bomb in a) 1945. b) 1947. c) 1949. d) 1950.

c) 1949

"I would remind you that in the defense of liberty extremism is no vice," said a) Martin Luther King Jr. b) John F. Kennedy c) Barry Goldwater d) Lyndon Johnson

c) Barry Goldwater

"Don't ask, don't tell" was a) George Bush's position on the probable effects of NAFTA b) Ross Perot's attitude toward the national debt c) Bill Clinton's policy on gays in the military d) Hillary Clinton's response to questions about the cost of her proposed health care plan.

c) Bill Clinton's policy on gays in the military

A precursor of the stock market crash occurred in the speculative mania of the mid-1920s in a) Hollywood. b) Teapot Dome,Wyoming. c) Florida. d) Highland Park, Michigan.

c) Florida

In the 1880s, an attempt to build a canal across Central America was made by the a) British. b) Colombians. c) French. d) Germans.

c) French

In the 1880s, an attempt to build a canal across Central America was made by the. a) British b) Colombians c) French d) Germans

c) French

In the Hiss-Chambers case, a) Chambers denied being a communist. b) Hiss accused Chambers of espionage. c) Hiss was convicted of perjury. d) All of the above

c) Hiss was convicted of perjury.

On March 19, 2003, the U.S. invaded a) Afghanistan b) Kuwait c) Iraq d) Israel and Syria in the Middle East.

c) Iraq

"Free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic," said a) Woodrow Wilson. b) Eugene V. Debs. c) Oliver Wendell Holmes. d) Henry Cabot Lodge.

c) Oliver Wendell Holmes

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