U.S. History Spring Final

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U.S. support of anti-communist forces around the world: Nicaragua

Soviets use as safe house in U.S. backyard, helped anticommunist rebels Contras

Berlin crisis

Soviets, Stalin build a wall or blockade to divide east and west Berlin so the US and allies sent planes with supplies to west Berlin to help them

How music affected the culture

With radio, music became more interracial, Beatles, spread civil rights + peace movements + reject mainstream ideas

World bank and WTO

World Bank : loans, economic support for developing countries World Trade Organization : encouraged the expansion of world trade

Brown vs. Board of Education (of Topeka)

a 1954 landmark US Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation in public education, Thurgood Marshall A.A. lawyer that headed many NAACP cases, ruled that seperate but equal was a load of bull

Pearl Harbor : Effects

a lot of American loss, disabled US battle fleet for 6 months but prime minister Nagumo was too conservative and didn't attack strong enough, the American Pacific fleet survived, partly why bombed Hiroshima + Nagasaki (as well as fear + racism)

Agent Orange

a pesticide that killed vegetation, U.S. used it in Vietnam to avoid guerilla style attacks in the mostly jungle country


a theory of government in which a single part or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people

The 1970s: Influence of Television

advertisements, influence culture + society, more mjnorities + singlw women, also shows counter culture together, fighting + getting along

Civil Rights Act of 1964

after 16th Street Baptist Church is bombed by Ku Klux Klan + Kennedy assassinated Johnson, Southern senators attempt to srop bill w/ filibuster (long speeches to hold up legislative action), 80 days, = passed in july banned segregration od public places + govr. ability to compel state + local govt. to enforce + Justice department to prosecute those who discriminates on account of race, sex, color, or national origin + Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Fall of Saigon (April 1975)

after U.S. leaves, North + South do not honor cease fire, 1975 fighting ^, end of april Saigon falls, Vietnam united under communism

Votes for Impeachment: Nixon

all of the House of Republicans + mamy Republicans in the Senate

Effects of the car

alllwed people to be farther away from schools, businesses, fast food + drive ins, markets, etc. invention of shopping malls, people worked in the city but could live in the suburbs, posssible w/ Interstate Highway Act

Roe vs. Wade (1973) Supreme Court Decision

allowed women legal abortion

Sierra Club

an environmental group that protects the environment and it lobbies in D.C., founded by John Muir in 1892

2017 Election: Protests

anti-trump protest for being a racists, misogynistic, and ignorant lil shit anti- Hilary protest for deleted email scandal and being first female candidate to be major candidate

Tonkin Resolution

any means necessary to repel any armed attack against forces of U.S. + prevent further aggression, allowed Johnson to send troops w/out asking Congress for declaration of war

End of Apartheid in South Africa

apartheid: political sysyem of strict segregration by race in S. Africa, leader of antiaparteid movement Nelson Mandela (imprisoned in 1962), U.S. private comp. withdrew investments in S. Africa, Congress omposes economic sanctions to stabilize struggling country, Bush meets with him after release in 1990, apartheid dismantled, Mandela as president in free election

U.S. isolationists

argued that helping the Allies would just make things worse, the only way to keep America safe was by keeping Neutrality,

Standardized testing

assess students and hold teachers accountable for meeting stndards

Forcing japan to surrender : Hiroshima

atomic bombing city to force Japan to surrender but they were willing to fight to the end, August 6, 1945 60,000 dead/missing

Voting Rights Act of 1965

ban literary tesys + fed govt. oversee voter registration, spurred by riots in Detroit + other cities (Watts, LA),

Financial reform bills: Gov't oversight of ______

banks, hedge funds, and other financial institutions

Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972

banned discrimination in education

The 24th Amendment

banned poll taxes

Drug use (psychedelics and marijuana)

became popular, to experience new things, "recreational", tune in, turn on, and drop out, but drug abuse + crime

Invasion of Afghanistan

because Afghanistan s allowing Taliban to train on land U.S. invades

Ho Chi Minh

born innVietnqm and against french govt. imoerialism, leaves for 30 yrs, starts League for the Independence of Vietnam lives in U.S., London, Paris, Moscow, serched + found Soviet communists to help,

changes in U.S. workforce during the war: Mexican americans

bracero program (brought laborers from Mexico to work on American Farms), Mexican Americans faced discrimination in the West, "zooters" (Mexican teens) were attacked by off duty sailors but when the police came, the "zooters" were arrrested

National debt/ deficit

budget deficit: spending more than you have, from $79 billion in 1981 to $221 billion in 1986 national debt: $ fed. govt. owes to owners of govt. bonds, rose ro $2.5 trillion • Congress passes Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act in 1985, bakance budget by automatic cuts in fed. spending, set records in early 1990's

Stock market Crash of 2008

came after the U.S. House of Representatives rejected the government's $700 billion bank bailout plan. This Dow drop obliterated $1.2 trillion in market value


civil works administration, provided jobs on public works projects, provided public works jobs at $15/week to four million workers in 1934


civilian conservation corps, new deal program that provided young men with relief jobs on environment conservation projects, including reforestation and flood control

Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960

closest election since 1888 + largest voyer turnout ever, WWI vetersns, both support cold war, first TV election Kennedy: wealthy, father was senator, Catholic, tan, heslthy, smiling, charm, quick wit, when MLK is incarcerated calls his wife w/out telling public, + works to release him, she later tells public Nixon: studied + worked to support family, knee surgery, sick, no makeup, beard, VP of Eisenhower In the end : Kennedy won electoral by 6.4% and the popular by 0.1%

Forcing japan to surrender :The Manhattan Project

code name for project that developed the atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico by Rob. Oppenheimer

Kennedy's foreign policies

cold war with Russia, cuban missile crisis, stop USSR from spreading communism, Peace Corps (volunteers go to help developing countries), sent "advisors" (special forces) to Vietnam, first president to send troops to Vietnam • plots to overthrow Diem to put more popular leader in place but hes killed

Clean Air Act (1970)

combated air pollution by limiting emissions from factories + cars

Bonus Army marches on Washington

group of WWI veterans who marched on Washington DC in 1932 to demand early payment of a bonus promised them by congress, President Hoover told General Douglas to kick them out ----> used tear gas and violence

ww2 :Axis Powers

group of countries led by Germany, Italy, and Japan that fought the Allies in WWII

the Nixon Tapes

he recordered them in the Oval Office, which, yes, is illegal, then wouldn't give them to the court(executive privilege) = obstruction of justice

Carter + Egypt-Israel

helped negotiate peace between Israel + Egypt, Egypt + Syria attack Israel since its creation, 1977: Anwar el-Sadat (egypt) + Menachem Begin (Israel) meet, Carter invited them to Camp David = Camp David Accords: 1978,peace treaty, Egyot recognized Israel, first Arab nation to do so, Israel withdraws troops in Sinai Peninsula

The 1970s: Fashion and Trends

home decor: individuality, nature movement, conserving energy, shaggy, color pop, geometrical patterns, house plants, vintage, close up of faces, more people, use of celebrities

Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974

illegal to deny credit to woman just because of gender

War Powers Act of 1973

restricted President's war making powers, making him consult with Congress 48 hours before

toxic waste

Poisonous byproducts of human activity, acid rain, moisture in air because mixing of water w/ chemicals by burning fossil fuels

collective bargaining and strikes

Protest form, when workers stop working (May Day) + air traffic controllers (fired by Reagan w/ 24 hour notice)

Changing demographics of Latino Population: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central Am.

Puerto Ricans: citizens = came legally because of economic Cuba : refugees of Castro regime Dominican republicans : political refugees Mexicans: bracero program + 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act based on family unification + after 5 years = right to vote Central Americans: as drug cartels gain more power + givt. becomes more corrupt, central americans travel to the U.S. hoping to acquire more opportunites

The 1970s: Disco: Music and Culture

R n' B, Motown, funk, soul, salsa, french word, Nazi occupation of France, Studio 54, mirror balls, smoke machines, Saturday Night Fever, African Americans, Latinos, + gay to escape, brought races together

Bonus Army

WWI veterans that marched on Capitol Hill for a bonus they were promised in 1924 (Adjusted Compensation Act) and to be given in 1945, but demand in 1932. riot broke out when police try to evict them, Gen. Douglas MacArthurianin charge of evicting them, gives orders to use tear has and boyonets = Hoober looses reelection

Woodward and Bernstein

Washington Post journalists used tips by secret soirce in govt. "Deep Throat" (pffftttahahahahha) FBI official, said Nixon was connected

Centrism/ the "third way" economics

"New Democrat", reconcile liberal + conservative ideals strong national defense tough stands on crime free trade welfare reform ties with corp. govt. is too big + inefficient Clinton

Television and Rock and Roll

"No family problem was so great that it could not be solved within the alotted 22 minutes", avoided reallife issues like depression, mental illness, alcoholism, influenced consumerism Rock and Roll: originated from African American rhythm + blues, w/ radio music from all cultures were listened to by all

Financial Crisis

-- Bush put little control on banks --banks did risky lending --people took loans out they couldn't afford -- foreclosures and house prices went down --had to have a bank bailout

The Bush (II) Years

-- believed in tax cuts "trickled down economics" --No Child Left Behind act (help improve public schools) --after 9/11 called "war on terrorism" --invaded Afghanistan (government allowed Taliban to train there) --improved national security (patriot act and Department of homeland security) --invaded Iraq believed they had weapons of mass destruction --no WMD found in Iraq --hurricane Katrina hit but Bush took too long to respond --recession in 2007 led to foreclosures and fall of house prices --made 700 billion bank bailout

Supreme Court Intervention

-- supreme court ended recount and Bush won

Florida Recount

-- whoever won florida won the election -- demanded recounts of Florida because it was a close call


--1999, high school shooting that killed 12 people --metal detectors installed in schools across the nation --new anti-bullying policies

Electoral College vs. Popular Vote

--Al gore (vice president of Clinton) and Bush fought for 2000 presidency -- Al gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral vote --Very close in electoral vote, Florida was deciding state -- demanded recounts but supreme court ended recounts and favored Bush --Supreme court basically decided who won (it was Bush)

2017 Election Electoral College vs. Popular vote

--Hilary clinton won the popular vote but Donald won the electoral vote --whoever wins electoral gets to be president

Describe 1 current event/situation + how its roots lie in history

--ISIS and the war on terrorism still continues --Al Qaeda, Taliban, and Osama Bin Laden

Saddam Hussein

--Iraq's ruthless dictator --invaded Kuwait, controlled 20% of oil --Bush demanded Iraqi troops to withdraw -- fought them back

U.S. Intervention in Haiti

--Jean Aristide was elected as president but overthrown by military coup which led to turmoil --Haitians immigrated to US --Clinton sent troops to help but Haiti fell to a bad economy, disease, and crime

2008 Election

--Obama became the first African American president (Democratic) -- beat McCain and war veteran

Healthcare Reform how it was challenged and 2015 Supreme Court Decision

--Obama won support of Democrats to pass the bill but republicans were all against it -- the house and senate approved and passed the bill --most significant federal healthcare legislation since medicare

Scandal of Clinton

--President Clinton had sexual harassment suits --investments made in whitewater development corporation --first attorney found no evidence on clinton --next prosecutor kenneth starr also didn't find anything but uncovered affair with whitehouse intern

effect of deregulation of banks

--banks made loans to people that couldn't pay them back --made higher interest rates to make profit for banks --led to foreclosures and house prices dropping --large banking and investment firms closed

American Terrorism

--bombing of Oklahoma government building --led to creation of barrier around buildings --Brady bill passed to control gun violence --columbine shooting

U.S. Intervention in Somalia

--civil war in Somolia led to no food -- US and the UN joined to bring peace by sending food and fighting --too many lives were lost so the helping countries pulled out troops and aid -- Somolia continued their war for years

U.S. Intervention in the Balkans (former Yugoslavia)

--collapse of communism broke the country of Yugoslavia --communist leader Tito had contained ethnic and religious trouble --when he died the country broke into 6 major republics --conflict with (Eastern orthodox serbs, Catholic Croats, Bosnian Muslims) led to a civil war --Serbs led ethnic cleansing (killing of one group) --years went by until world decided to help

health care reform in clinton administration

--family medical leave act, a law guaranteeing most full time employees 12 workweeks of unpaid leave each year for personal or family health reasons --Hilary Clinton (wife) appointed to head health care task force, the bill never passed

Explain the social, economic, and cultural forces which led ro changes American migration + immigration

--industrial revolution needed more workers to help with the work load --civil wars led to many refugees fleeing to America --land of the free and economic opportunity

Impeachment and Hearings of clinton

--investigator Starr recommended impeachment for affair --republican house of representatives impeached clinton due to perjury and obstruction of justice --the senate didn't allow the impeachment and clinton was acquitted of all charges

What can past wars teach Americans about any involvement in future conflicts?

--is it a just cause --is it worth it --when to pull out ;) --should we react faster --is it our business

Economic Stimulus Package (ARRA 2009)

--president Obama, pump money into sinking economy --787 billion dollar bill (American recovery and reinvestment act) -- tax cuts, aid to state and local governments, funds for infrastructure

Healthcare Reform what it requires, how it changed laws

--prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to patients with existing conditions, cost too much money, too mush federal power, pressure on small buisnesses

Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks

--series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2000 -- The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage

Bank Bailout (TARP)

--stock market plunged --700 billion dollar bailout of banks in risky lending practices --helped prevent financial meltdown

What anomilies (or unusual circumstances) in last elections can Americans learn from when making decisions in future elections or reforming our votong systems?

--the popular vote should determine who the president is --presidents have lost the popular vote but won presidency --it doesn't make sense, if more people want one person why do we end up with someone else

WTC Bombing in 1993

--trucks sent into underground parking structure of world trade center and exploded but didn't break down building --first attempt at bring buildings down

Immigration Act of 1990

--was signed into law by George H. W. Bush --it provided family based immigration visa, created five distinct employment based visas, categorized by occupation, as well as the diversity visa program which created a lottery to admit immigrants from "low admittance" countries or countries where their citizenry was underrepresented in the U.S.


1 : Ocr. 4,1957 184 lb containing small transmitter 2 : much larger w/ Laika (a dog aboard) but died since couldn't return to earth shocked Americans effect: Congress approves National Defense Act ($1 billion for more scientists + teachers of space, loans for high school + college grads to continue learning)

causes of the Great Depression

1) distribution of wealth, 2) stock speculation (practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits), 3) little consumer spending, 4) lack of government interference in the economy, 5) After war economy, european demand for U.S. crops goes down BUT farmers keep growing same amount = surplus + prices drop 6) easy credit not regulated = debt

Effects of the Great Depression

1) unemployment, women tried to work, 2) bread line (people wait in line for food at charities), 3) homelessness (Hooverville- term used to describe makeshift shantytowns set up by homeless people during the great depression) 4) Lil' Red Scare : people begin to think that capitalism fails 5) Great Depression in Europe and other countries because of WWI, communism + fascist beliefs take hold through Hawley-Smoot Tariff (raised taxes on imported goods so much that caused world wide Depression) 6) Family : suicide rate goes up especially with men, gender roles restrict their self esteem when they can no longer be a bread winner + many run away, children drop out 7) minorities suffer the most: African Americans = unemployment 50% + repatriation (local, state, federal officials encourage, force Mexican Americans to return to Mexico)

Siege at Wounded Knee

1890 massacre of Sioux at Wounded Knee, S. Dakota, published in 1970, raises consciousness of mistreatment of Native Americans, American indian Movement took over village + wouldnt leave till Congress investigated, fed. troops sieged it killing 2 AIM members, govt. pledged to rexamine native treaty rights

Social Security Act

1935 law that set up pension system for retirees, established unemployment insurance, and created insurance for victims of work related accidents, it also provided aid for poverty stricken mothers and children, the blind, and disabled.

Explain the social, economic, and cultural forces which led Americans to view + treat CHILDREN differently.

1950's: Population grows, baby boomers, Dr. Benjamin Spock's Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care = emphasized nurturing of children + love median family income: lofe was good, child labor NOT needed, fed. funding for education = more schools, children's shows + toys, as they grow older they purchase more expensive goods

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

1970, to protect ecological chain, limit/eliminate pollutants,

OPEC oil Embargo

1973, arab war against Israel, Arab members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (multinational org. that sell oils to other nations + cooperates to regulate the price + supply of oil, embargo on Israel's allies [U.S ]), U.S.. had 1/3 of U.S. energy, until 1974, gas prices ^

Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) (Democrat)

1977-1981, president during stagflation, won slim pop. vot + 297 to Ford's 240, backlash against professional politicians (Nixon), born again Christian (support Christian fundamentalists) granted amnesty(pardon) to men who had avoided the Vietnam draft oil inflation: asks people to conserve + Congress to raise taxes put Paul Volcker in charge of Federal Reserve Board, raised interest rates = ended inflation

Oklahoma City Bombing

1995, white supremists in U.S.

The Korean War: Effects

37,000 americans dead, 103,000 wounded, China relarions worsen, amres forces integrated, military $^, Japan relations ^, future Presidents involved in Asia Southeast Asia Treaty Organization: defensive alliance by oreventing communism w/ Pakistan, Thailand, Phillipines, Australia, New Zealand, France, Britain, + U.S.

Poverty and Injustice

50 million Americans lived in poverty, with suburbs urban living grew worse especially for minorities, inner cities, urban renewal govt. programs for redevelopment of urban areas, + rural also suffer especially shareceoppers, coal miners, + farmers

The Tet offensive

9 days after other attack, assat on 36 provincial, 5 major cities, + U.S. embassy in Saigon, to hold xities untill urban pop. support them, U.S. + South defeat them, but blow to U.S.


A key New Deal agency that provided work relief through various public works projects

AIDS Crisis and Government Response

AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome first in 1981, laat stage of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), attacks immume system, no cure, 1dt spread among homosexual men + needle drug uses, but later spread to many others, 1994 killed more than 250,000 Americans, Reagan reacts slowly, Bush funds for research rise substantially

Invasion of Iraq

According to U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition mission was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people

What does Hoover do to help after volunteerism doesn't work?

After Hooverviles begin to pop up Hoover enacts the Reconstruction Finance Coprooration in qoew/ billions of. Dollars to railroads and businesses and extended loans to struggling knew , he believed that T would cause trickle down economics , Y the companies and banks

the 2000 Election

Al Gore v.s. George Bush -- very close collection --decided by supreme courts --AL Gore won popular vote but Bush won Electoral vote

Third party candidate

Alabama governor George Wallace, Nixon called him an extremists, shot by assassin, 1.7% of pop. vote + 0.2% of electoral


American Federation Labor Union, now includes the CIO and has a lot of power

Mobilization of army and industry

American production helped the Allies win the war, peacetime industry to wartime industry, regulated production of civilian goods, mass defense spending ended the Great Depression, everyone had a job to supply war wrought Europe, War Production Board + Office of War Mobilization U.S. 2x the production of Axis powers combined

Earth Day 1970

April 22, 1970, nationwide protest, 20 million Americans, Sierra Club and Wilderness Society

The 1970s: Immigration Trends

Asian + Latin immigrants, Cuban + Dominican Republican political refugees, Immigration and Nationality Act opens quotas more

The Persian Gulf War

August 2, 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait (rich in oil, 20% of world), Saddam Hussein (Iraqi dictator), didn't want him to invade Saudi Arabia too, international coalition demanding Iraqi troops withdraw Opetation Desert Storm: January 16, 1991 Gen. Powell + Gen. Schwarzkopf 5 weeks of plane bombings on Iraqi forces, Iraqi forces launch Scud missiles (not much damage, but thought they had nuclear weapons too), Bush + coalition free Kuwait but leave Baghdad in Iraq alone

Hoover Dam

Boulder Dam, much needed employment in 1930's to Southwest

Resignation (who took over) and lasting impact on the presidency

August 8, 1974 Nixon addresses nation, resigns, 1st + only president to resign • public distrusts govt. • Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments (1974): limit on campaign contributions, partial presdiential funding by govt., Federal Election Commission to enforce • Freedom of Information Act Amendments (1974): penalized govt. officials who withheld documents illegally • Govt. in the Sunshine Act (1976): opened mewting of govt. agencies to public, by 1977 all states passed Sunshine laws • Ethics in Govt. of 1978: required financial disclosure forms from public officials, restricyed fovt. officials to lobby, created office of special prosecutor ☆ Gerald Ford takes over, supported by both parties because of hard work BUT he pardons Nixon + inflation goes way ^

Betty Friedan

Author of the Feminine Mystique and one of the founders of NOW

International Economy after the war: reparations, reconstruction

BAD, Germany + Italy have to pay reparations, BUT democratic govt.s put in place Marshall Plan aids tho Civil wars erupt in newly independant countries


Back and forth between labor workers and employers to compromise on needs and wants is (president of United amine Workersh starts Congress of Industrial Organizations, low income and ethnically diverse

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Bein Wall in Germany separating West (U.S. supported) + East (Soviet ruled), Nov. 1989

Eastern Europe: cold war

Berlin was located in the middle of communist Germany but half of Berlin was non communist so US and allies had to fly in supplies to the people, Soviet Union tried to stop this by building walls and blockades

Yalta Conference

Big Three agree that Poland, Bulgaria, + Romania would hokd free elections

Freedom Rides

Boynton v Virgina supreme court rules segregration on interstate buses + in waiting rooms was illegal = test of federals law enforcement, sleing 1961 CORE stage freedon rides from D.C. to New Orleans sat in front + used white rest stops = in Alabama busbin firebombed + 2nd bus attacked by white mob Kennedy makes deal w/ state ploce, they protect the riders + he wouldnt intervene when they arrested them for disturbing the peace

ww2 : Allies

Britain, France, US, China, and Soviet Union alliance who fought in WWII against Axis powers

1992 Election

Bush leaves with low approval William Jefferson Clinton: humble home, governor of Arkansas, "New Democrat" centrist, national defense, tough on criminals, free tradex welfare reform, ties w/ corp. H. Ross Perot: Texas billionare, self funded Clinton blames economic problems on Bush, Bush attacks Clinton's morality + inexperience

No Child Left Behind Act

Bush, installs to help improve public schools by making them meet federal standards

Central Intelligence Agency

CIA, Confress in '47, to gayher info, installed new govt. in Iran + Guatemala

Carter + Cuba

Carter tries to fix relations with Castro, 1980 Castro allows people to leave island from port of Mariel to U.S. BUT also have to take criminals, less than 20% were criminals + most were poltical prisoners


Centered, stag means staying the same, so people made the same amount of money BUT flation, prices were going up, OPEC embargo on oil,high unemployment, unemployment rose, President Ford promotes WIN (whip inflation now) but doesn't work

United Farm Workers (UFW) union

Chavez merged farmworker union with Filipino farm laborer, nonviolent, worker's strikes + boycott of grapes, Dolores Huerta helps "si se puede"

The "Warren" [Supreme] Court major verdicts which protect rights

Chief justice Earl warren says equal but seperate cant be constitutional , decisions supported civil rights Mapp v. Ohio : evidence ontained illegaly = not uses in case Gideon v. Wainwright : criminals have right to lawyer even if cant pay Escobedo v. Illinois : accused offered access to lawyer before questioning Miranda v. Arizons : accused have right to hear 5th + 6th Amendment Engel v. Vitale: separation of church + state, students not required to recite prayers Abington v. Schempp: bible reading in public schools not allowed, against 1st Amendment

Explain the social, economic, and cultural forces which led Americans to view + treat MINORITIES differently.

Civil rights movement chicano movement second wave feminism suffrage industrialization relied on immigrant workers minorities fighting in the war election of Obama


Civilian Conservation Corps 1933 : sent 250,000 young men to work camps to performs reforestation and conservation tasks , removed surplus of workers from cities, provided healthy conditions for boys , provided $ for families

Joseph Stalin

Communist leader of Russia after Vladimir Lenin who kept power through fear and cruelty, one of the Big Three (w/ Churchill + FDR), killed snyone that opposed him or he suspected

Phyllis Schlafly

Conservative an opponent of ERA, she campaigned to stop ERA, said it would destroy family, ERA fell 3 states short to become Amendment

Effects of New Deal for Native Americans

Dawes Act of 1887 took a lot of land away, Collier created "Indian New Deal" to give Indians more authority over land and funding for schools and hospitals, Indian Reorganization Act gave land back to tibes


Drug Enforcement Agency, federal war against illegal drugs

European Union

E.U. creates the euro, everyone except England gets rid of $, interlocks trade between major European countries

Pump Priming

Economic theory that favored public works projects because they put money into the hands of consumers who would buy more goods, stimulating the economy (money put on bottom and goes to the top businesses)


Environmental Protection Agency, enforces federal gederal enviornment standards

Rachel Carson and Silent Spring

Environmental book about pesticide and eh affected us by going up the food chain, DET


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; fair chance at workplace

the ERA

Equal rights amendments, guarantee gender equality under law

Pearl Harbor : Americans' response

FDR declares war on Japan + Congress agrees,almost unanimously they join the allies against the axis powers, ended political division between interventionist and isolationist, 16 million serve, 300,000 Mexican + 25,000 Native + 1 million African Americans join, women, (Women's Army Corps: clerical workers, truck drivers, instructors, + lab technicians, 150,000 women volunteered) converted peacetime industry to wartime industry Japanese Internment Camps

FDR's death and Truman's succession to office

FDR died few weeks before V-E day, Truman had to finish WWII

The Holocaust's effects

FDR made the War Refugee Board to help save Eastern European Jews, sympathy for victims by US and Britain, killed about 6 million jews, death camps to keep Jews

court packing

FDR plan to add up to six new justices to the nine member supreme court after the court had ruled that some New Deal legislation was unconstitutional

U.S. interventionists

FDR was held back by Neutrality acts, passed Neutrality Act of 1993 which allowed nations at war to buy stuff from US with their own ships, Lend Lease Act

The Red Scare

Federal Employer Loyalty Program (March 1947):FBI + security agencies can screen fed. employees + Attorney General compile list of suspicioso people many fired Smith Act : 1940, unlawful to teach/advocate violent overthrow of govt. fear that communist were working to destroy the American Way of Life > 11 sent to prison in N.Y. in '49 McCarthyism grew when Senator McCarthy, in a press conference, says he jas a list of 100 S.U. spies in the govt., but for some strange reason that list kept shrinking, he ruoned many people's careers by accusing w/ heresay + imprisoning + even executing them

Bay of Pigs invasion

Fiedel Castro is communist leader, cuban fighters try invasion with US and get captured and die, failure by US and Kennedy

Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt's distant cousin, she traveled the US and served as his "eyes and ears", advocate for women and black rights

D-Day: Normandy Invasion June 6, 1944

General Dwight Eisenhower, landed allied forces on five beaches of Normandy, it was a deception that tricked Germans to believe the attack would occur in Calais England and not Normandy, beach Omaha has stiff opposition for Americans, gained a toe hold on France, cliffs on hills machine guns fired, trenches+ mines on the beaches + soldiers weighed down w/ packs drowned

Changes to Europe and the Middle East borders and governments

Germany divided into communist east and noncommunist west, nations in eastern Europe became communist under Soviet control, colonial people wanted independence from European powers

Liberation of Europe

Germany fought two front war, Soviets from east and US from the west, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, + Hungary, • August 1944: Paris freed + untouched, Hitler is losing control, Rommel tries to kill him but fails + commits suicide, army approaches Berlin and Hitler kills himself, V-E day (Germany surrenders)

U.S. support of anti-communist forces around the world: Glasnost and Perestroika

Glasnost: new openess, reform of Soviet system by Gorbachev Perestroika: moving away from socialist or state controlled, created shift in the 2 superpowers, S.U. economy in shambles, food shortages, military spending

The Vietnam War

Ho Chi Minh organizes League for the Independence of Vietnam, fought againat French w/ $2.6 billion U.S. aid Truman, Eisenhower continues w/ aid Domino theory, • Dien Bien Phu: vietnamese win afer 55 day siege, 15,000 dead = Geneva Accords: 17th parallel N+S, free elections in 1956 to unify • USS Maddox attacked = Tonkin Bay Resolution • Operatipn Rolling Thunder: so N. stops helping Vietcong, doesn't work, more troops • McNamara + Westmoreland "americanize" the war • 6 million tons of bombs + napalm + agent orange to disrupt food supply • stalemate: 1967, tiger v. elephant Tet Offensive: North attacks major cities in South to convince to join but loose • Secretary of Defense Clifford calls for peace negotiations, • Johnson says limit of bombing + says he wont run for another term, peace now policy • Nixon wins = peace negotiations, Vietnamization + bombing of Ho Chin Minh trail BUT war w/ Cambodia • Oct. 1972: peace terms, North refuses but w/ more bombing North agrees, January 1973: Paris Peace Accords: cease fire, U.S. removal, POW's exchanged

HUAC and Joseph Macarthy

House Unamerican Activities Committee : to investigate suspicious people, probed govt. armed forces, unions, educstion, science, newspapers, + MOVIE industry = Hollywood Ten Joseph R. McCarthy : senator of Wisconsin, use coercion + paranoia to gain power in Govt. cases were televised + people stop supporting him

Native Americans: Which rights and issues did they address?

Indian Self-Determination act of 1975: more control of seperate govt. American Indian Movement helped : protests against mistreatment + past wrongs legal batyles to regain land, mineral, and water rights

Paris Peace Accords (1973)

January 1973: Paris Peace Accords: (Vietnam) cease fire, U.S. removal, POW's exchanged

Asian Americans: combatting prejudice and social/political gains

Japanese American Citizens League: 1929, protect civil rights, worked to recieve compensation for property lost during japanese internment in WWII Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments: 1965

Trouble in Southeast Asia

Khmer Rouge starts genocide in Cambodia, kills 1.5 million 1975-1979, US doesnt intervene until Rouge seizes Mayaguez (U.S.), Ford sends marines to free, South Vietnam falls to North, refugees flee in rickety, crammed boats, boat people, largest mass migration by sea, go to Southeast Asia, U.S., and Canada

Nixon normalizes relations with China

Kissinger speaks to Premier Zhou Enlai about sensitive topics • officialy visits Februaury 1972, Great Wall, Imperial Palace, etc.

sit-down strikes

Labor protest in which workers stop working and workplace until their demands are met United Automobile Workers Union performed a sit down strike at General Motors, they were recognized 44 days later, 'ro o million members were in unions

Assassination of Osama bin Laden

Obama Administration

Appeasement of Japan and Germany

League of Nations was weak, France and Britain just gave them everything to maintain peace, Japan and Germany were taking over small countries and defying the Treaty of Versailles, China Massacre Munich Pact, Seudentland given by French, Austria accepts Germany as dominate country and becomes Anschluss

Second New Deal

Legislative activity begun by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 to solve problems created by the Great Depression

The Civil Rights movement

MLK, Christian, nonviolent against segregration by law, and segregration by society want equal right to vote + use public services + jobs Malcolm X in 1960's by any means necessary Black Panther's 1970's, armed against police brutality Congress of Racial Equality : CORE influenced by Henry David Thoreau + Mohandas Gandhi Hernandez v. Texas: allowed Mexican Americans on trial juries Brown II : Supreme Court tries to inact its decision but many southern stats pledge Not to "Southern Manifesto" + Ku Klux Klan revives = "White Citizen's Council" Civil Rights Act of 1957: establised federal Civil Rights Commission • MLK, baptist minister, protest + marches, nonviolence, dont hate whites • Ralph Abernathy : Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) nonviolence, Prayer Pilgrimage in Washington D.C. • March of Washington August 28, 1963 by NAACP, SCLC, + SNCC, 200,000 rallied for economic equality + civil rights

Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America

Major Opposition of Bill Clinton

Malcolm X

Malcolm Little, X for lost agrican name, in prsion converts to Islam (support of segregration, no drugs/alcohol), pilgrimage to Mecca = realizes nonviolence + acveptqnce of whites is ok but assassinated in Feb. 1965


Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed by Congress to encourage job safety

My Lai Massacre (p.2141)

March 16, 1968: U.S. troops look for guerilla fights posimg as civilians, Liet. Calley orsers troops to shoot + kill 400-500 Vietnamese, many refused to participate, inadequate investigation angered many

Three mile Island

March 28, 1979, core of nuclear reactor began to melt, governor shut it down, President Jimmy Carter + wife travel to reactor but public still like uh no, govt. stopped building them temporarily for 1/4 centuru, but energy shortages in 2000's

Countries of origin and ages of terrorists (9/11)

Mostly Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt; men who were in their 20s-30s, very young and impressionable

Free Trade

NAFTA- gradual removal of trade restrictions with Canada, Mexico, and US --promote economic growth, increase exports, encourage economic investment --signed agreements for environmental protections, safety hazards, and workers rights

Women's Rights Movement (Second-Wave Feminism)

NOW, Feminine Mystique, Ms. magazine, ERA, the pill, Roe v. Wade

Suez Canal

Nasser, president of Egypt wants to build canal on Nile + asks Bitain + France for help, then recognizes China so they withdraw, then he nationalizes the Canal which can stop oil trade, France + Britain invade But Eisenhower is upset and theu withdraw


National Aeronautics and Space Administration coordinate space related efforts of U.S. scientists + military

the Viet Cong

National Liberation Front guerilla fighters to undermime Diem govt. + unite Vietnwm under communism + killed goct. officials + destroyed roads and beidges, suppliied by North, hit-run attacks, the tiger v. elephant, if riger bites and runs the elephant will slowly bleed to death nighttime = planes + artillery uneffective, build hiding places under huts


National Organization for Women, true equality for all women, end discrimination in workplace + education, Equal Rights Amendment: gaurantee gender equality under law, reproductive rights, abortion

Alcatraz protest

Native Americans occuly island of Alcatraz that was supposed to belong to Sioux, after massacre, through treaty

Wagner Act

New Deal law that abolished unfair labor practices, recognized the right of employees to organize labor unions, and gave workers the right to collective bargaining


Ngo Dinh Diem, puppet presdient put in by U.S., nationalist + anticommunist, Refused to particilate in free elections under U.S. advise, roman catholic, signed anti-Buddhist lefislation + refused to enact land reforms

1968 Election

Nixon used central ideals, spokesperson for middle class, "new federalism" state of the union = sharing revenue w/ states

Henry Kissinger

Nixon's leading advisor on national security + international affairs, altered his cold war approach • realpolitik: concrete national interests instead of abstract idealogies • talked about how communist forces weren't really united • helps talk to Zhou Enlai: premier of China


North American Trade Organization: opened trade more in N. America critics : taking U.S. jobs to Mexico (+Asia) supporters : will better trade really did : interlocked trade in N. America


North Atlantic Treaty Organization, military alliance to counter Soviet expansion, 12 countries agree

Green Party Candidacy in 2000 Election

Ralph Nader (Independant Party) essentially took away votes from Al Gore and GWB. This led to a really close race between Rep and Dem (deciding factor was Florida) which resulted in the Supreme Court stopping electoral vote counting in FL and GWB winning the presidency.

Who had control of House and Senate '92-'99?


Midterm election of 1994

Republicans win House + Senate after 58 of the past 62 years, Newt Gingrich leads

From Roosevelt to Obama, which president do you think MOST changed America (and/or its place in the world)

Roosevelt spent 12 years in office and had an enormous impact on America. He took office in the depths of the Great Depression. He immediately called Congress to special session and declared a four-day banking holiday. The first "Hundred Days" of Roosevelt's term were marked by the passage of 15 major laws. Some of the important legislative acts of his New Deal included: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- hired more than three million men to work on various projects. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- used the Tennessee River to provide electricity for the depressed area. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)- created the Public Works Administration to provide aid to cities for construction and the National Recovery Administration to help businesses. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)- corrected abuses which led to the stock market crash. Works Progress Administration (WPA)- hired many people for a variety of projects including in the arts. Social Security Act - Created the Social Security System. One of the election promises Roosevelt ran on was the repeal of prohibition. On December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment passed which meant the end of prohibition. Roosevelt realized with the fall of France and the Battle of Britain that America could not remain neutral. He created the Lend-Lease Act in 1941 to help Britain by delivering old destroyers in exchange for military bases abroad. He met with Winston Churchill to create the Atlantic Charter vowing to defeat Nazi Germany. America did not enter the war until December 7, 1941 with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Important victories for the US and the allies included the Battle of Midway, the North African campaign, the capture of Sicily, the island-hopping campaign in the Pacific, and the D-Day invasion. With an inevitable Nazi defeat, Roosevelt met with Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Yalta where they promised concessions to Soviet Russia if the Soviets entered the war against Japan. This agreement would eventually set up the Cold War. FDR died on April 12, 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Harry Truman took over as president. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Roosevelt's terms as president were marked by bold moves to fight two of the largest threats to America and the world: the Great Depression and World War II. His aggressive and unprecedented New Deal programs left a lasting mark on the American landscape. The federal government grew stronger and became deeply involved in programs traditionally reserved for the states. Further, FDR's leadership throughout World War II led to victory for the Allies even though Roosevelt died before the war ended.

Teheran Conference

Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met face to face in Tehran, Iran--->stalin and FRD convinced Churchill to do cross-channel invasion, led to the invasion of France aka Operation Overlord,

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks : wont give up seat, gets arrested, + Montgomery stages bus boycott for a year until Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional

improved relations with USSR

Russia invites U.S. after China visit, Strategic Amrs Limitation Treaty (froze deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles + limit on antiballistic missiles

Savings and Loan Crisis

S&L crisis, 1989, 1,000 savings and loans banks failed, too many risky loans, fed. govt. $200 billion bailout to depositors

The Draft

Selective Service Act of 1948 people say is unfair, avoids college students + certain occupations, most of 2.5 million from working class, poor families, A.A.'s 20% of deaths (2x their pop. in U.S.), Stop-the-Draft week Oct. 1967, draft eligible makes burn draft cards = lottery to eliminate abuses

Iran Hostage Crisis

Shah (supported by U.S. leaves + seeks treatment for cancer in U.S.), fundamentalist Islamic clerics led by Ayatollah Khomeini takes power, a group of students attacked the US Embassy and took 52 Americans captive for 444 days, take control of U.S. embassy, let go sick, African Americans, + women, Carter can't free all, Reagan does on inaugural day

Carter + Nicaragua

Somoza family rules with iron grip w/ support of U.S. leftist group, Sandinistas starts rebellion in '78, Gen. Somoza tries to crush rebellion, Carter withdraws U.S. support, Sandinistas come to power

The Iron Curtain and Soviet Isolation

Soviet rule in Eastern Europe isolated it from the rest of the world, laying a barrier around East Germany, Poland, Czechloslavakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria=satellite states • uprisings occured in Poland + Hungary

The 1970s: Troubled Economy

Stagflation, wages stay the same BUT prices are going up and OPEC embargo, embargo on oil, created high unemployment

the Potsdam Conference

Stalin, Attlee, and Truman meet in Berlin suburb,Postdam, they decided to split Germany into four zones, Soviet, US, French and British, Stalin could collect reparation money fromGermany, Stalin promised to adhere to the Yalta pledge,

SDI/ "Star Wars"

Strategic Defense Initiativex plan to develop innovate defenses to guard the U.S. against missile attacks with lasers, people called it Star Wars + unrealistic

Explain the social, economic, and cultural forces which led Americans to view + treat WOMEN differently.

Suffrage movement Second Wave feminism Sexual revolution during WWII women worked the jobs of men' birth control allowed women to pursue careers

Changing demographics of Latino Population

Sunbelt, from rural to urban in 50's, gain political power

Bombings of US Embassies in Africa

The 1998 United States embassy bombings were attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998, in which over 200 people were killed in nearly simultaneous truck bomb explosions in two East African cities, one at the United States Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the other at the United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya

Supreme Court Overturning of Section IV

The Supreme Court effectively struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by a 5-to-4 vote, freeing nine states, mostly in the South, to change their election laws without advance federal approval. This led to voting restrictions (Ex.-Texas: needing a voter ID which is costly; etc).


The ending of authorized segregation, or separation by race. • Jackie Robinson : 1st A.A. to play major league baseball, • Truman makes executive order to desegregate the army 1948 • Greensboror sitins at lunch counters that redused colored to eat but would allow them tobbuy school supplies + wade ins @ public beaches + read ins @ public libraries • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: SNCC grass roots movement that tried to obtain equality


Trickle down economics, supply side, if taxes are reduced, businesses will earn more + in turn will hire/pay more to produce more because they can afford it, then business will grow

The Korean War: details about U.S. involvement

Truman doesn't want another Hitler + w/ U.N backing him up aids South K., (S.U. not there because U.N. wouldn't acknowledge China, butthurt much), troops in Japan go to S. Korea, BUT not ready, so other U.N. countries join, • Gen.MacArthur plans suprise attack on port of Inchon way behind 3th parallel in 1950 + pushed them back to 3th parallel Truman worried, Douglas was like its cool, so they push em back to China BUT them China attacks them, Truman says limited war + Douglas pissed + send letter, gets fired, but people get pissed • stalemate: til 1953, small, bloody battles w/out giving, Eisenhower talks to diplomats + implies nuclear action + death of Stalin = July 27, 1953 ceasefire

U.S. support of anti-communist forces around the world: El Salvador

U.S support govt. as they battle leftist rebels even though govt. corrupt

Eisenhower Doctrine

U.S would help any Moddle East Country threatened by communism

The 1970s: Middle East Turmoil

U.S. + Britain put Shah Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in power in 50's but feared he would cooperate w/ Hitler + exile him BUT put him back in because of pop. demand, • food shortages + mistrust • strengthened infrastructure + transportation, gave oio to wealthy + forced western ideals, resigns, recieve cancer treatmenr in U.S., people get mad, want to try him, Ayatollah takes over = Declaration of Islamic Republic of Iran (April 1, 1979) • Iranian militants seize U.S. embassy • 66 hostages taken Nov. 4,1979 so U.S. butts out • they let go women, African americans, and sick • Operation Eagle Claw: U.S. tries to rescue but crashes • Hostages released on Reagan's inaugural day

U.S. support of anti-communist forces around the world: Afghanistan

U.S. supports anti Soviet rebels, guerilla styled fighters, 1988 S.U. forces fled

Nixon's attempts to end the war

Vietnainzation + Peace with honor, bombing of Ho Chi Minh trail to stop food + weapon supply

Ensuing freedom in Eastern Europe

communism looses power in Poland, Hungary, Czechslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania in 1989, Albania in 1990, + Yugoslavia in 1991, S.U. tries to attempt coup but protestors rally to support Gorbachev, S.U. seperates into 15 countries, Boris Yelstin becomes leader of Russian Federation

Pearl Harbor : Reasons/ attack details

conflict over power in Asia and Pacific with US, China Massacre = U.S. embargo of oil + steel, stop negotiations, planned to destroy American naval and air presence in the Pacific, Japan wanted to expand but the US didn't allow it, December 7, 1941 by Gen. Tojo

1980 Election (Nixon)

conservative Republican who wanted to deregulate, optimism, lived through Great Depression + Hollywood actor, won by electoral landslide but small popular against Carter, talked down Carter through inflation, Iran, + S.U. invasion of Afghanistan, hostages released on his inaugural day

Influence of Eastern Religions

counterculture experience, Judeo-Christian traditions, explored Buddhism, harmony with nature, influence environmental movement

U.S. internationalists

desired peace in their country and around the world

Disabled Americans

disabled veterans, Kennedy establishes Panel on Mental Retardation in 1961) Eunice Shriver starts athletic camp for disabled people, became Special Olympics 1990: Congress passes bill to protect the disabled

Economic principles of John Maynard Keynes

distribution of wealth, stock speculation, little consumer spending, lack of government interference in the economy, and low employment, recommend government to spend more money to keep people employed, wanted more provocative gov. control

Effects of New Deal for African Americans

during the depression AA were the ones to get fired first and hired last, created the Black Cabinet (unofficial advisers for FDR), harmed when white farmers were paid to reduce crop production ---> AA being fired Executive Order 8802 = fair hiring practices in any govt. job + Fair Employment Practices Committee : enforce 8802

Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975

granting tribes more control of resources + education

1965 Immigration and Nationality Amendments

eliminated origin quotas for immigrants

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

enforcement was hard, women used this to challenge discrimination

Define conservatism

favored free market, less regulations, agree with liberalism on core American beliefs, freedom + equality, but diverge on others

guerrilla warfare

fighting carried on through hit-and-run raids


first living creature to orbit earth, on Sputnick 2, dog, S.U. hero


first tried détente, met with Leonid Brezhnev in June 1979, signed SALT II treaty, but debate in Senate, December 1979 S.U. invaded Afghanistan to help communist govt, withdrew SALT II treaty, imposing sanctions (penalties) on Soviets, U.S. boycott of 198p Summer Olympics in Moscow, suspension of grain to S.U.


flexible diplomacy by Nixon ro ease U.S., Soviet, + China tensions

the Marshal Plan

foreign policy that offered aid to western European countries after WWII, rose demand for U.S. imported goods

Gloria Steinem

founded Ms. Magazine, used media to expose sexism, undercover at Playboy (exposed how they were humilisted to earn $)

Ms. Magazine

founded by Gloria Steinmen, expose sexism, title to protest women's value by marital status

FDR's "Four Freedoms" Speech (p.1700-)

freedom from fear, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want

Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia

french name, a communist who takes over Cambodia, much like Stalin he begins to massacre "enemies of the state"

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

government agency that insures bank deposits, guaranteeing that depositors money will be safe

changes in U.S. workforce during the war: african americans

government jobs were segregated, Randolph (AA labor leader) made list of demands to FDR, led to Executive order 8802 which meant fair hiring practices in any government job Double V campaign : victory against fascism abroad + fascism against at home NAACP + Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1932-1945)

governor of New York won democratic presidency, came from upper class, had polio and could barely walk, married Eleanor Roosevelt

Deregulation of ___________

govt. control over industry, during Reagan's presidency

Define liberalism

govt. intervention to help needy, regulations, advocated for civil rights

USS Cole near Yemen

in 2000, al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole, an American warship anchored of the coast of Yemen killing 17 American Sailors, these attacks angered americans and frustrated politicians

Beginnings of Desegregation: Military

in Korean War, armed forces were desegregated

baby boom

increase in births between 1945 and 1964 because soldiers come back from WWII to have babies with wives, a baby born evwry 7 seconds in 1957,

Opposition: the Tea Party

informal movement made up of local groups who want to reduce the size and scope of federal governments


jellied gasoline dropped in canisters that exploded on impact and cover large ares in flames, dropped by US planes during the Vietnam War

The Rosenbergs

jewish husband + wife, Klaus Fuchd is accused and it eventually leads to Rosenberg arrest because of 1 spy, sentenced to death to push them to give names but both said they hadn't, electrocuted in '53, later evidence was found that showed Julius was guilt but Ethel had only a minor part

Freedom vs. Security: see our handouts and p. 1761-2; 1884-5

koremarsu v. U.S. : 1944, 1942 select people could be banned from war zones, Korematsu resists + arrested, says he denies equal protection under law, court upholds order, only 3 disagreed Now : many people protest against racial profiling because of 9/11, Muslims + African Americans continue to be discriminated against (like yall didn't know) 1790's Alien Act : allows president ro imprison resident aliens Sedition Act : limits freedoms of speech + press 1860's Lincoln suslwnds habeas corpus (no one imprisoned w/out charges being filed) 1940's : ^ than 100,000 Japanese Americand in internment camps


large scale buying, much of it on credit, larger pop. after Great Depression + wartime rationing, more production = 50% of goods to world from U.S.

Clinton, Bush, Perot: Voter turnout

largest voter turnout since Ken. v Nixon, Clinton: 43% of pop. Bush: 37% Perot: 19% Democrats win House of Reps. + Senate

Ralph Nader

lawyer who investigated flawed car designs, wrote Unsafe at Any Speed (1965), started safety movement, formed many consumer advocacy groups

laissez-faire policies

less government control over private businesses, FDR was against this with the rise of industrialism, the govt. used this policy to let big businesses prosper

Clean Water Act (1973)

limit pollution of water by industry and agriculture

Migration and housing (suburbs)

low home loans from GI bill leads to more homes being bought and built, increasing economy, migration out of inner city to suburban, ^ pop. = crowded urban areas William Levitt : used same blueprint plans to mass produce houses faster Federal Housing Administration : low interest loans Interstate Highway Act : invention of the road trip = Disneyland Sunbelt : south + west states,appealing climate (air conditioning) + more jobs, Cuban refugees, Latinos move to urban areas, Sunbelt gains political power + latino vote becones important

Vietnam Vets

many were not given their paid due, since they had lost + fougjt in a war that mamy were against they faced harsh discrimination + traumatized by war memories many who didnt have supporting families ended up homeless Vietnan Veterans Memorial built in 1982

Silent Majority

middle clas, Nixon says he is a spokesperson for them

Chicano Movement: Greater representation

movement that focused on rsising Mexican American consciousness, improved education opportunities, history + culture, National Council of La Raza (1968)reduce poverty + discrimination + better opportunities, modeled after african American nonviolent protests,

The Holocaust

name now used to describe the systematic murder by the Nazis of Jews and others, concentration camps • Numenburg Laws: ban inter Jew + Gentile mariage, denied citizenship, limited occupations, • Kristallnacht: night of broken glass, Jewish refugee kills german diplomat in Paris, officials kill 200 jews, destroy 1,500 synagogues + 7,500 jewish owned businesses


national recovery administration, new deal agency that promoted economic recovery by regulating production, prices, and wages

Love Canal

near Niagra Falls, upstate N.Y. exceptionally higj rayes od birth defects + cancer, thkusands of toxic chemicals, dumping in ground for decades, = Superfund in 1980

Weapons of Mass Destruction

not nuclear weapons, but weapons used to create massive amount of destruction and maximum loss of life

Baby boomers and the generation gap

older exoerienced 50's + nuclear family, + Great Depression + WWII, new have it good, lack kf understanding, nreak away from mainstream society

1965 Immigration and Nationality Amendments : quota

opened up based on family unification aided Latinos + Asian immigrants + Americans

the Black Panthers

organization of militant African Americans founded in 1966 founded on idelas on Malcom X, said that pacifism wasnt enough to earn African Americand their rights, at their meetingd tjey were known to openingly hold guns, and said thqt violence was ok in a certain extent

Cesar Chavez

organized the UFW, grape boycott, worker w/ Dolores Huerta, United Farm Workers

Herbert Hoover (Rep.) 1928-1932

overcame personal tragedy, graduated from Stanford, became rich mining engineer, devoted to public service, president in 1929 The Ugh the beginning. Of the Depression Hoover turned to Volunterrism as a reliable source to help Americans By 1) encouraging businesses to keep employment, wages, and prices at a stable leave AND 2) asking govt. To cut taxes, lower interest rates, and create public works for jobs

Iranian revolution

overthrowing of the Iranian shah in order to set up a new government by the Ayatollah Khomeini (fundamentalist islamic cleric)

Sexual Revolution: oral contraceptive ("the pill")

people began to accept premarital sex, people lived in communes: together sharing resources (like a lil village or something),

migrant farm workers

person who travels from farm to farm to pick fruits and vegetables

New Technology's impact on globalization and American society

personal computers made worker productivity grow, transformed industry = new industries, video games, phones, Steve Jobs + Bill Gates, amassed great fortunes, biotechnology: use of living organisms in development kf new products, new medicine + science break throughs, less people to work but more efficient, information age: internet(world wide web), email, computers, phones, satellites : mechanical devices that orbit earth, receive + send information signals to tv, phones, + computers, 24-hour Cable News Network (CNN), internet changes commerce, education, research + entertainment globallization : process by which national economies, politics, cultures, + societies mix w/ other nations around world = created multinational corporations: companies that produce + sell goods + services around world wide range of service economy jobs: lowest + highest paid

Cuban Missile Crisis

photos taken of S.U missiles in Cuba, after Castro takes power Navy quarantines Cuba, letter to Krushchev, tells public, Kennedy proposes Cuba: Turkey compromise, air force in high alert, Black Saturday (U.S. plane down in S.U. + Cuba), U.S. ships send depth charges, S.U. diplomat (Bobby) in D.C. = agree to compromise • hotline from White House to Moscow • Nuclear Test Ban Theory : several countries join too

Iran-Contra Affair

politic scandal that involved Reagan paying Iran in weapons if they would pressure Lebanon into releasing hostages, didnt work, U.S. uses $ from weapons to support Contras in Nicaragua (banned by Congress), Oliver North convicted, later overturned, Reagan still left office w/ high approval

"Moral Majority"

political org. founded by Rev. Jerry Falwell in 1979 to advanxe religious goals, opposed 1962 Supreme court decision Engel v. Vitale (no religious teachinfa in public schools) + Roe v Wade (abortion legal), condemned Equal Rights Amendment + homosexuality, Republican support, registered 2 million voters

Sexual Revolution: loosening of social morals

premarital sex ok, drugs use ok, even good for you

The Korean War : Causes

previously Japan ruled Korea was broken at 38th parallel of latitude, (from Northeast China to Yalu River) Communist takeover in China sparks U.S. departure + after N.Korea military buildup, North attacks June 25, 1950 + Seoul falls in days

collective bargaining

process in which employees negotiate with labor unions about hours, wages, and other working conditions

Berlin Airlift

program in which US and British pilots flew supplies to West Berlin during a Soviet blockade

New Deal Programs

programs and legislation enacted by FDR during the great depression to promote economic recovery and social reform created jobs through public projects (schools, libraries, public buildings) Regulations on banks, businesses, welfare (unemployment insurance) and social security, at its highest unemployment was 25%

Opposition to the New Deal (p.1601-2)

progressive catholic priest, Charles Coughlin, said it there wasn't enough government authority and southern conservative, Huey Lang (assasinated), said it was too much government

Endangered Species Act (1973)

promoted protection of endangered plantd and animals

Tiananmen Square Protests in Beijing

protests to support democratic ideals, China sends tanks, lone protestor stands in way, govt. on June 4, 1989, places ban on photos, put rubber ducks on tanks, internet not allow rubber ducks or pictures U.S. suspends arm sales to China

Effects of New Deal for Women

provided women the chance to increase their political influence, promote women's rights, Eleanor Roosevelt helped women, first female cabinet member, secretary of Labor (Frances Perkins)

GI Bill (1950's)

provides funding for veterans, unemployment, job training, education, low cost student loans/ grants, low interest for home loans, 8 million used it


public works administration, new deal agency that provided millions of jobs constructing public buildings

The 1970s: Punk: Music and Culture

rebellious, angst, from rock, popular in U.K., U.S., + Australia, not mainstream

Environmental Disasters

reinforced concern about environment + called for much needed action

Osama Bin Laden

related to king Saudi Arabia, doesn't like U.S. in his country, starts Taliban, behind 9/11

1950s: Economic Recovery

returning soldiers were worried about slower peacetime economy + joblessness, = GI Bill (benedits for veterans), inflation because people had $ butt here wasn't enough stuff, so they amped ^ production and 50% of world's goods came from U.S., life was good, Productivity: ^ because of new tech. because of Arms Race, Marshal Plan rose demand for U.S. imported goods, franchise buisnesses

Forcing japan to surrender : Nagasaki

second atomic bomb dropped on Japan, forced Japan to surrender unconditionally because they knew US wouldn't stop bombing them 35,000 dead V-J Day: August 5, 1945

The 1970s: Changes in Women's Roles

second wave Feminism, civil rights movement, black + white women, reject housewife model, Femenine Mystique, beauty pageants protested, Sexual Revolution, 196p: FDA approces birth control, finish edu. + crime goes down, Clause Title VII: outlaws sexist discrimination, Equal Credit Opportunity Act" 1974

The Vietnam War: Kennedy's beginnings and intervention

sends special forces "advisors" Nov. 8 1960, SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization): contain spread of communism in Southeast Asia


severe Recession from 1980-1982, unemployment eose to 10%, famrers against oversea competition lost farma, but 1983 turn around, but more poor people, latin + asian immigrants pour in to work at low paying jobs, richest grow richer

Nuclear Arms Treaty

signed by S.U. + U.S., stop missiles

Nixon's "Southern Strategy"

tactic of the Repiblican Party for winning presidential elections by securing the electoral votes of Southern states, tried to place many southerner as judges in fed. courts

Japanese American Internment

temporary imprisonment for fear of disloyalty, stripped of their rights and belongings, not allowed to join military until 1943, 442nd Regimental Combat Team became very successful

What was the Dust Bowl

term used for the central and southern great plains during the 1930's when the region suffered from drought and dust storms, loose topsoil, high winds • cause Sioux Milk City Producers Association strike, demnds not met + poured 1,000 gallons of milk on the road • tenant farmers • Okies : Dust bowl refugees from Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas

Beginnings of Desegregation

termination policy: ended all programs monitored by Bureau of Indian Affairs. ended fed. responsibility for health + welfare of N.V.

Al Qaeda

terrorist group established by Osama bin Laden to rid Muslim countries of Western influence

Counter Culture

the Baby Boomers encountered a divide in their generation, the ones who had seen the Great Depression and WWII in contrast with the 50's and 60's baby boomers, 11


the accusation of being a S.U. spy, (ex: like if someone gets sccused of being a pedophile + found innocent but still...)

Hurricane Katrina

the federal government was criticized for responding too slowly to the disaster

attempting "court packing"

the supreme court was overturning all of Roosevelt's New Deals so he planned to add 6 new judges to the court to dilute their power, the constitution didn't state the number of judges in court, accused of trying to increase presidential power, he didn't have to add new people because the court began to turn to his favor

totalitarianism - Italy

they were salty about being ignored in treaty of versailles , Mussolini's Fascist party controls Italy, believed in nationalism and making Italy great again, opposed liberalism and socialism King gives him rule of Italy agraid if revolution, Il Duce (the leader) invades Ethiopia, give aid to Spanish fascist, rebels in Civil War

totalitarianism - Japan

they were salty about being ignored in treaty of versailles, had a good democracy until economy fell, had a constitutional monarchy with a stupid ass emperor, they wanted to expand their empire, the Rape of Nanjing (China)

totalitarianism - Germany

they were salty about being punished in treaty of versailles, had a democracy that wasn't working, Hitler and Nazi's rose, opposed communism and socialism, Hitler blamed everything on Jews (anti- semitic), had a secret police, indoctrinated youth, Lebrensaum, living space, invades Saar (french region), Rhineland, Austria (Anschluss), french give Sudetenland to keep peace w/ Germany Munich Pact : peace agreement between england + germany

The 1968 Democratic national Convention

to elect party candidate, riot break out when Humphrey over McCarthy (antiwar)

Health care advances

vaccine against polio made by Jonas Salk, penicilan was widespread + helped against whooping cough + tuberculosis

March on Selma

walk to governor to tell grievances after Bloody Sunday, joined by MLK + other cities walk with them,

Carter + Panama

wanted to return Panama Canal to Panama, 1977 series of treaties to give back the Canal Zone by 1999, people worried it would mess w/ U.S. shipping + security, ratified treaties in 1978

The Feminine Mystyque

why women felt discontent with only being a wife + mothet (ok that sounds bad, but they had no career or much of a future except that)

the Environmental Movement

widespread environmental activism among Americans

changes in U.S. workforce during the war: women

women find jobs in heavy industry, received paychecks, new confidence and relationships, worked blue and white collar jobs, they could do whatever a man could

The Cold War 1945-1960

worldwide rivalry between the US and Soviet Union, included nuclear weapons, Korea, Vietnam, 46 years long, begins w/ Turkish + Greecian aid, Truman Doctrine: promise to aid countries fighting communism Marshall Plan: 1948, foreign policy that gave economic aid to Western European countries, ($13 billion) Warsaw Pact : soviet union + satellite states create rival mitary alliance

Anti-War protests

• 1968 Democratic Convention to elect party candidate, riot break out when Humphrey over McCarthy (antiwar), in Chicago = Nixon wins, "peace with honor" by dissent of Democrats, + third party George Wallace (very conservative) • Kent State Univ.: National Guard kills 4 students after hearing gun shot • Jackson State (Mississippi, primarily A.A. college): 2 killed

Major battles of the pacific War

• Battle of Midway, (turning point for US) halfway to Japan in island hoping across the pacific (navy and marines), U.S. takes offensive • Bataan death march (Japanese force American and Filipino troops to march), • Battle of Coral Sea: May '42, Japan threatens to inbade Australia + New Guinea, its a draw but stops invasion • Hiroshima bomb (aug. 6 1945) 70,000 dead, Nagasaki bomb (aug 9 1945) 30,000 dead, • island hopping v. kamikaze planes

Johnson's legislation and goals (List programs he began and laws his administration passed as part of the "Great Society")

• Civil rights Act (1964, outlawed disceimination in public places) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (fought disxrimination in jobs • War in Poverty: billion $, tax cuts for middle class • 1964 Economic Opportunity Act: Job Corps, training 16-21 years of age, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Head Start Program (preschool + daycare) • Medical Care for the Aged Program (Medicare): hospital insurance for 65 or ^ in social security program + Medicaid: medical services to poor + disabled not part of Social Security • 1965 Elementary + Secondary Education Act: $ to improve, especially Native, Mexican American + Inner city schools • The Water Quality Act (1965) • The Clean Water Restoration Act(1966) • The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (1966) • The Immigration + Nationality Act of 1965 more immigrants allowed

The United Nations & Geneva Convention

• General Agreememt on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) reduced tariffs • Geneva Convention= international agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war United Nations= organization founded in 1945 to promote peace led by the US Universal Declararion of Human Rights 1948: how to treat prisoners of war Nuremnerg Trials: Nazis put on trail for war crimes

Examples of major Works Project infrastructure and buildings in the U.S.

• Hoover Dam /

ww2: Major battles of the war in Europe

• Invasion of N. Africa: U.S.(moving east) + british (from west) trap german + italian in Tunisia led by Patton, allowed them to invade Italy • Invasion of Italy, 38 day, grueling campaign w/ mountains, snow, + rivers • D-day (allies and US invade France who was controlled by Nazi) split Germany's concentration in half, • Battle of the Bulge (allies reclaim land taken by Nazi in France), Hermans make bulge in land + cut power lines to confuse them, BUT allies pull through • Stalingrad: because of cold + starvation Nazis were forced to retreat even though Hitler said no

Kent State massacre (p. 2139)

• Kent State University in Ohio, throe rocks + bottles) National Guard fires into crowd thinking he heard gunshot, other guardsmen follow, 4 dead • Jackson State University, African American college in Mississippi, 2 dead

School Desegregation

• Little Rock : 9 black students allowed to attend but mob so big that theyre not allowed + Governor calls National Guard to block entrance = Eisenhower sends fed. troops to protect them • James Merideth attempst to attend Ole Miss (Univ. of Miss.), wins fed. court case w/ help of Medgar Evers, white mob fight w/ fed. marshalls, 2 dead, Metedith graduates '63 = Evers assassinated '63 + Meredith almost assassinated 3 years later • police brutality on nonviolent protestors (many children) alarm americans + letters sent to President to act = June 11, 1963, addresses nation + enacts civil rights legislation

The 1970s: Racial Movements/ Issues

• Native Americans: poverty + suicide, American Indian Movement(poverty in urban ghettos + land rights), Alcatraz occupied, Wounded Knee protest • Asian Americans: Japanese American League, protected civilian rights • Black Panthers: Oct. 15, 1966, Newton + Seale, guns against police brutality, organized community programs, "Black is Beautiful", stop stereotypes, bleaching + perming, Soul Train helps promote • Chicano: better working conditions, salaries, "Si Se Puede", Cesar Chavez + Dolores Huerta, Delanonto Sacramento, grape boycott, allow collective bargaining, nonviolence, La Raza, brown power by Guerrez • Refugees: asian + Japanese, cubans, Dominican Republicans • Indian Self Determination act: more power over land

Watergate: Cover up

• Nixon pays burglars to not speak of higher ups refuses to hand over tapes (recorded illegaly in Oval Office) • U.S. v. Nixon : Nixon must hand over tapes, says his secretary accidentally erased them • = obstruction of justice + refusing subpoenas, voted for imleachment • later found that he commited other abuses of presidential power • also had "enemies list", used fed. agents to go after them

growing anti-war protests

• No victory, strain on economy, + Great Society plan was being pushed aside, taxes, unemployment, inflation all go ^, hawks + doves appear after Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 1960 at Univ. of Mich. teach-ins + draft age males to sign we won't go petition • University of Berkeley = Free Speech Movement • Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Another Mother for Peace, gkvt. officials say almost there but people see news + read papers = credibility gap

Consumer Protection

• Pure Food and Drug Act • Meat Inspection Act • National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966, safety belt standard in every vehicle Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

consumer protection book and work

• Pure Food and Drug Act • Meat Inspection Act • National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966, safety belt standard in every vehicle wrote Unsafe at Any Speed (1965), started safety movement, formed many consumer advocacy groups

Johnson's escalation

• USS Maddox off the coast of Vietnam was fired at, + returned fire, he sends airstrike against N. Vietnam, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • Operation Rolling Thunder: bombing campaign on North • Johnson "americanizes" war • 1965: 185,300 U.S. troops in Vietnam > 1968 ^ than 1 million,

Watergate: Crime

• burglars break into Democratic National H.Q. Watergate building • White House pays burglars to not speak/testify that higher ups gave orders • Jean Dean obstructs Justice, but later reveals that Nixon gave orders • Watergate burgkars break into psychiatric office of guy who released Pentagon Papers • Nixon refused to hand over tapes of Oval Office, claiming executive privilege • likely recorded over 18 minutes of key part of tapes

Carter's Foreign Policy

• human rights, first tried détente, met with Brezhnev, signed SALT II treaty, December 1979 S.U. invaded Afghanistan to help communist govt, withdrew SALT II treaty, imposing sanctions (penalties) on Soviets • developing world: poor nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, expansion of human rights

Nixon's other foreign policy gains

• realpolitik • acknowledging China • smoothing relations with S.U.

Changes in higher education and the workforce

• women in workforce grewin 50'+60's, But but still discrimination • Roe v. Wade, wome right to legal abortions, allows women to finish careers • medicine, law, + accounting has opened • "pink collar ghetto", most of poor in U.S. are single women, usually single mothers

Arms Race

•contest in which soviet union and US compete to build more powerful weapons ensured that both countries • •wouldn't fight w/ concept of mutually assured destruction, • • • •John Fosyer Dulles (secretary of state) believes in massive retaliation (threatening to use crushing even nuclear force) + brinkmanship (only by being on brink of war can U.S. defend against communism) • first computer + space race • Nikita Khrushchev takes over S.U., wants peace, meets w/ Eisenhower @ Geneva

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