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An issue that divided the North and South and led to the Civil War was...

balance of power between the states and the federal government.


A tax imported on imported or exported goods.

A study of the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt indicates that...?

Presidential power tends to increase during wartime. Both used their war power roles. For example, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, while Roosevelt issued Executive Order #9066, which forcibly relocated Japanese-Americans to camps in the Western deserts and the Arkansas swamplands.

New South

Term that described changes in the Southern economy. Industrial development and agricultural diversification (growing different types of crops) were encouraged.In the decades following the Civil War, overproduction which led to lowers prices of farm goods, caused economic hardship for farmers. In the decades following the Civil War, overproduction which led to lowers prices of farm goods, caused economic hardship for farmers.


Government-designated areas where Native American Indians were forced to live.

Pacific Railway Act 1862

In the second half of the 1800's, the federal government encouraged the building of transcontinental railroads by giving land to the railroad companies.

Northerners opposed slavery mainly because...

of job competition between free and slave laborers.

Solid South

Nick-name given to the former Confederate States after Reconstruction because they consistently supported (voted for) the Democratic Party.


Northerners who moved down South to participate in Reconstruction governments.

Homestead Act 1862

Promoted development of western lands by providing free land to settlers. Demonstrated the federal government's commitment to the settlement of western territories. Most directly affected the Great Plains.

In the 1850s, why did many runaway slaves go to Canada

The Fugitive Slave Act kept them at risk in the United States. Escaping into a free state did not insure freedom for a slave. The Fugitive Slave Law stated that a slave, even one residing in a free state, had to be returned to his/her owner. Going to Canada was the only sure way to be free.

What happened four-score seven years ago

The US was born.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin Stirs Controversy", "Kansas Rocked by Bloody Conflict", "John Brown's Raid Angers South"

The nation had grown increasingly divided over the future of slavery.

Civil War

The period of warfare between the Confederate States of America (1861-1865) and the United States over the issue of states' rights and slavery.

Popular Sovereignty

The vote of people living in a territory who were responsible, before the Civil War , for deciding whether slavery would be permitted in that territory, see the Compromise of 1850.

Reasons for North (Union) Victory-

• North was better prepared economically to fight the war. • North had more human resources and war material.

Secession of Southern States from the Union

-Increasing sectionalism - Disagreements over states rights issues (the South felt that the Federal Government did not have the right to abolish slavery in their states). -Breakdown of compromise- failure of the Compromise of 1850 1820 and Kansas Nebraska Act. -Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Lincoln made it very clear that he opposed slavery in the new territories. Southerners wanted slavery extended to the new territories so the south could keep enough strength in the Senate to protect Southern interests (slavery).

What were the 5 provisions of the compromise of 1850?

1. California enters the Union as a free state. 2. The Mexican lands will be divided into two territories - New Mexico and Utah. Popular sovereignty will decide whether they will be slave or free. 3. Land that was claimed by Texas and New Mexico would become part of New Mexico. Texas was given $10 million for this land. 4. There would be the abolition of the slave trade in Washington D.C. **Remember that Washington D.C. is the center of the slave trade in the U.S. 5. The Fugitive Slave Law would be enforced; in other words, runaway slaves would HAVE to be returned to their masters.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854- overturned the Missouri Compromise by proposing that the question of slavery in territories should be decided by popular sovereignty.

In the mid 1800s, the growth of the populations of California and the western territories was mainly a result of the

Discovery of gold and silver.. This set off a mass migration of many Americans to the west coast in search of fortune. The Panama Canal was not built until the early 20th century. The secession (leaving the Union) of southern States did not promote west. Most freedmen after the civil War moved North to work in factories

Freedman's Bureau

Following the Civil War, Congress set up this agency to protect the rights of the Southern African Americans during Reconstruction. Along with other help. they provided clothing, education, medicine, and food to newly freed slaves. When Reconstruction ended in 1877, Southern schools returned to segregation.

Radical Republicans-

Group of Republicans that wanted harsh punishments for the South. • Opposed Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction because the plan offered amnesty (official forgiveness) to nearly all Confederates who would swear allegiance to the U.S. • Believed that Reconstruction should be used to force political and social reform in the Southern States. • A major goal was to gain voting rights for the newly freed slaves. • Did not want to readmit Southern States into the Union unless they ratified the 14th amendment.

Emancipation Proclamation

Order issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 (effective Jan. 1863) that declared slaves free in the areas still held by the Confederates. Major purpose was to help the North win the Civil War because it helped keep England from siding with the South.

President Andrew Johnson

Takes over for Lincoln after his assassination. • Supported Lincoln's policy of Reconstruction- wanted to allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly as possible (wanted Southern States back in Congress). • The Radical Republicans in Congress disagreed with Johnson about how to handle Reconstruction, which led to the impeachment of Johnson. Johnson was officially impeached because he fired the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, without Senate approval, but the impeachment failed and Johnson remained in office.

The Fugitve Slave Law was a compromise between Northern and Southern states which was a part of...

The Compromise of 1850

Which argument did President Abraham Lincoln use against the secession of the Southern States?

The government was a union of people and not of states.


Those who actively supported the South during the Civil War.

Missouri Compromise

To settle the issue regarding an even balance between the number of slave and free states when Missouri was to be admitted as a slave state, this agreement admitted Maine as a free state, thus maintaing balanced representation in the Senate.

"Bleeding Kansas" (1850s)

Violence erupted as proslavery and antislavery people rushed into the Kansas territory to register their votes regarding slavery. among the acts of violence was John Brown and his antislavery group who killed proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek. Phrase used to describe clashes between proslavery and antislavery groups. The Kansas Nebraska Act, which overturned the Missouri Compromise, allowed each territory to decide, by popular vote, whether to be a slave or free state.

Both the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settled conflicts between the North and South over

admission of states to the Union. The admission of new states was a precarious condition prior to the Civil War. If there was an imbalance in the number of slave and free sates it could have produced legislation in Congress to either ban or encourage slavery.

The South won many battles and the Civil War lasted four years.

factors other than resources and production were important. The South, even though it lagged in resources and production, felt so strongly in its right to sovereignty (states-rights) that this fueled its determination to fight.

After the Civil War, a major goal of the Radical Republicans in Congress was to

gain voting rights for the newly freed slaves

correct order

industrial revolution--> demand for cotton--> invention of the cotton gin --> rise in slave labor

Slavery did not become a lasting institution in the Northern states primarily because

it did not prove to be profitable on small farms in the North. The type of agriculture practiced in the North did not utilize large numbers of slaves, and so slavery was not profitable there.

Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

it separated the seeds from the cotton. It made cotton easier to harvest and thus more cotton was being produced on large plantations. Cotton became the most profitable cash crop in the South, and the demand for slaves to keep up with production increased.

In the period between 1820 and 1860, Southerners wanted slavery extended to the Western territories so that the South could

keep enough strength in the Senate to protect Southern interests. With 2 senators from each state, an even balance of senators representing the interests of slave states and free states could be maintained only when these states are equal in number.

The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the United States by the

ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865. Since the original Constitution had allowed slavery to exist, it took an amendment to make slavery an illegal practice. The 13th Amendment accomplished this. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, issued during the Civil War, freed only those slaves that were being held instates that had seceded form the Union.

Constitutional Amendments During Reconstruction

13th, 14th, 15th were all passed during the Reconstruction Era and showed that Federal powers could be expanded to protect the rights of minorities. 13th Amendment (1865)-Law that formally abolished slavery in the U.S. 14th Amendment-(1868) • Law that officially gave citizenship to African Americans and legally protected them under the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution. • Extends the protections of the Bill of Rights to include actions of state governments. • Allowed the National Government to place more restrictions on the actions of state governments. 15th Amendment- (1870) Law that granted African Americans voting rights. Southern States collected poll taxes and required literacy tests in order to keep African Americans from exercising their voting rights.

Jim Crow Laws

1870's 1880's • Attempts by state and local governments to restrict the freedoms of African Americans after the end of the Civil War. • Led to an increase in violations of the rights of African-Americans. • Limited the effectiveness of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. • Provided the legal basis for racial segregation in the late 19th century (late 1800's) U.S.

Underground Railroad

A secret network that aided slaves in escaping slave-owners and reaching free states. Supported by many abolitionists.


A way of settling a dispute by making concessions on both sides.

What were the 3 provisions of the Missouri Compromise?

A. Maine was admitted as a free state. B. Missouri was admitted as a slave state. C. Slavery would not be allowed in the rest of the Louisianna Purchase north of the 36 30 line.

Thirteenth Amendement: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Amendment to the US Constitution which abolished slavery in the United States.

Oregon Treaty

An agreement between England and the United States that set the boundary between Canada and the United States.


An organization representing workers in negotiations with employers for wages, hours, and conditions.

Black Codes Ku Klux Klan

Attempted to restrict the rights of former slaves and limit the effectiveness of the 14th and 15th amendments.

Abraham Lincoln

Believed that sectional differences threatened to destroy the Union. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." • As the Civil War began, Lincoln stated that his primary goal was to preserve the Union (states remain united). • Claimed that the government was a union of people and not of states. • Lincoln justified the war by stating that his oath of office required him to defend and preserve the Union.


Concern for or devotion to the interests of a state or particular section of the US over the interests of the nation itself.

During the Civil War, Northern Democrats who opposed President Lincoln and fought against his policies were known as

Copperheads: afraid that newly freed slaves would steal jobs from white Northerners. Copperheads promoted desertion of Union soldiers and rejection of the draft.

The Supreme Court Ruling in Dred Scott v Sanford 91857 helped to increase sectional conflict because the decision

Denied Congress the power to regulate slavery in the territories. The Court ruled that Congress had no authority to prohibit the expansion of slavery in new federal territories, nullifying the Missouri Compromise . This decision was popular in the South and only added to pre-Civil War tension.

Dred Scott Decision

Dred Scott (slave) who had lived in the free state of Illinois and the free territory of Wisconsin before moving back to the slave state of Missouri, had appealed to the Supreme Court in hopes of being granted his freedom. Problems rose because was he supposed to be freed since he lived in a free territory? Decision: The Court ruled that Scott was not a citizen of the United States, that residence in a free territory did not make Scott free, and that Congress had no constitutional authority to prohibit slavery in any territory. The decision effectively overturned all of the political compromises negotiated between Northern and Southern congressional representatives over the past 30 years in a significant victory for proslavery factions. Many historians consider the Dred Scott decision to be one of the direct causes of Southern secession and the Civil War. It strengthened the Republican Party in the North by creating a platform against the expansion of slavery outside its traditional Southern boundaries and signaled to the South that Northern abolitionists would not quietly accept the Court's ruling on the matter, leading many Southerners to embrace secession as a defensive measure to protect their interests.

Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri to Enter the Union California Joins the Union as Part of Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act Establishes Popular Sovereignty in the Territories Each

Each of these events and actions dealt with the extension of slavery into the western territories. The Missouri Compromise (1820) banned slavery 36 degrees latitude. The Compromise of 1850 allowed for popular sovereignty (voters decide) in the Mexican Cession territory. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) allowed popular sovereignty in that area. It was obvious by mid 1800s that a legislative solution to the question of the extension of slavery was not working.

What was the primary reason that slavery became more widespread in the South than in the North?

Geographic factors contributed to the growth of the southern plantation systems.

Lincoln is Assassinated

Lincoln's death allowed the Radical Republicans to control Reconstruction policy.

Casualties of the Civil War

More soldiers died from disease than from wounds. The level of medical care was not much. Antibiotics and a full understanding of germ theory were not yet developed.

Events During the Civil War (1861-1865)

One is positive (Emancipation Proclamation), another negative (suspension of habeas corpus) and the last is an historical event (election of the President Lincoln to a second term).

William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe are best known for their efforts to....

Oppose the practice of slavery. (abolition) Garrison published the anti-slavery newspaper "The Liberator" and Harrier Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. Book describing slavery that contributed to the start of the Civil War by intensifying Northern dislike of slavery. Harriet Tubman escorted other runaway slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

Results (U.S. Civil War)-

Power of the central government (aka Federal Government) was strengthened over the power of the States. • The passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments all led to greater Federal supremacy over the states. • Secession was no longer regarded as an option to be exercised by States (States can't try to leave the U.S. anymore). • North undergoes rapid economic growth and industrialization because it was stimulated by increased government demand for many products. The North's economic growth during the Civil War was stimulated by increased government demand for many products in order to fight the war (ex: guns, supplies, transportation).

Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction-

Primary goal was to restore Southern representation in Congress. • The Union should be restored as quickly as possible. Which could only happen if........ • The former Confederate States are treated as if they had never actually left the Union. • Reject the idea of harsh punishments for the South. • Forgive the Southerners and welcome them back into the Union.

The Gettysburg Address

Purpose: to dedicate the cemetery at the Gettysburg battlefield. The speech took place for four month after the Battle of Gettysburg, which was considered a major success for the Union and turning point in the war. The President intended to bolster the confidence of the Northern soldiers.

Immediate result of the Civil War

Secession was no longer regarded as an option to be exercised by States.

When President Lincoln made this speech, which step toward civil war had already taken place?

Several Southern states has already seceded from the Union.

The basic constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War was the

Supremacy of federal authority over the States. Central to President Lincoln's thinking was the belief that the union must not be dissolved by the decision of the states to secede, thus the Civil War strengthened the cereal government position to maintain a union.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Supreme Court case that upheld the Jim Crow Laws based on the idea that the laws provided "separate but equal" public facilities for African Americans. This was based on a narrow interpretation of the 14th amendment. Jim Crow Laws would not be ended until the passage of the Civil Rights Act 1964.

Lincoln expands Presidential powers during wartime

Suspended the writ of habeas corpus (law that prevents a person from being held in jail without just cause) during the Civil War. • Arrested and jailed anti-Unionists without giving a reason. • Increased the size of the army without congressional authorization. • Censored some anti-Union newspapers and had some editors and publishers arrested. • This demonstrates that restrictions on people's rights may occur during wartime.

What was Lincoln reminding his listeners of ?

The Declaration of Independence made clear that this was a free country that considered all of its ciTIzens the same/

North vs South (resources and production in 1860)

The North was better prepared economically to fight the Civil War. The North had the resources that enabled it to lead in production.

Anaconda Plan

The Union's plan to win the Civil War; it included a naval blockade of Southern ports, seizure of the Mississippi River, and capture of the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia.


The period 1867-1877 when the federal government, through its military or local Republican governments, ruled the former Confederate States.

Writ of Habeas Corpus

The right to know the charge for which an accused person is being held in custody. During times of war, for instance, the Civil War, it was suspended for security reasons.

How were the Missouri Compromise and The Compromise of 1850 similar?

They both solves arguments over whether to add new territories as states.

What was the occasion that brought Lincoln and his audience to Gettysburg at this time?

They were there to memorialize the people who died during the Battle of Gettysburg.

Compromise of 1850

Three sections of the compromise attempted to settle the issue of slavery in new territories when it admitted California as a free state, approved a Fugitive Slave Act which required escaped slaves to be returned to their owners in the south, and the use of popular sovereignty in the territory of the Mexican Cession, where the vote of the people living in the territory would be used to decide whether it would be slave or free.

Reconstruction Era-

Time period following the Civil War, when the Southern States were reorganized and reintegrated back into the Union. • Marked by the military occupation of the South, attempts to remove a President, and major constitutional amendments. • Withdrawal of federal troops from the South marked the end of Reconstruction in the U.S.

From 1820 to 1865, the debates over nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of slavery into the new territories concerned the constitutional issue of...

balance of power between the federal and state governments.

Which of the following was the result of the Election of 1864 ?

in 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected President. Although the Civil War was still controversial, General Sherman captured Atlanta and marched across the South just 2 months before the election. This signaled to many Northerners that the war was almost over and Lincoln would lead them to victory. Less than a year laster, Lincoln would be assassinated.

In his first inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln stated his main goal for the nation was to

preserve the Union. It was Lincoln's philosophy that the Union of the states was just an unbreakable relationship. He denied the power of the South to secede. For Lincoln, the United States was an all or nothing concept. Two nations could not emerge from the one.


system of farming most common in Southern States after the Civil War. Large numbers of former slaves earned a living by becoming sharecroppers on Southern farms, keeping them economically dependent on those farms (they still needed the same farms to survive even though they were no longer slaves).

Presidential Cabinet

was a part of the US government as a result of a precedent started by George Washington. President George Washington, recognizing the need for expert advice, appointed advisors. The first advisors (members of his Cabinet) were the Secretaries of State, Treasury and War, plus an Attorney General.

Civil War

• Abraham Lincoln is elected and Southern states secede (leave or break away) from the Union, causing a war between the North (Union) and the South (Confederate States). The two major issues dividing the North and South were States rights and the status of slavery.

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