US History Unit 2

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During the first several years of the war, which group accounted for more than 20 percent of combat deaths despite being only about 10 percent of the population? Select one: a. African Americans b. Asian Americans c. immigrants d. Native Americans

a. African Americans

What was the United States' main goal in Vietnam? Select one: a. Containing the spread of communism b. Upholding the Geneva Accords c. Reunifying Vietnam d. Negotiating a cease-fire agreement

a. Containing the spread of communism

All of the following are reasons why Ford pardoned Nixon except? Select one: a. Ford did not want Nixon to go to jail. b. It would continue to polarize Americans over the issue. c. It would entail years of ongoing legal proceedings. d. The Nixon family had suffered enough.

a. Ford did not want Nixon to go to jail.

Who pardoned Richard Nixon? Select one: a. Gerald Ford b. Jimmy Carter c. Lyndon Johnson d. Ronald Reagan

a. Gerald Ford

Which of the following describes the actions of Cesar Chavez? Select one: a. He adopted the tactics of nonviolent protest. b. He ran for Congress as a liberal democrat. c. He protested against agricultural unionization. d. He adopted militant tactics.

a. He adopted the tactics of nonviolent protest.

What was one legacy of the Vietnam War for the United States? Select one: a. Many Americans had a more cynical attitude toward their government. b. South Vietnam remained independent. c. The region of Southeast Asia became more stable politically. d. North Vietnam was unable to capture Saigon.

a. Many Americans had a more cynical attitude toward their government.

All of the following were candidates for president in 1968 except Select one: a. Martin Luther King Jr. b. Richard M. Nixon c. Hubert Humphrey d. George Wallace

a. Martin Luther King Jr.

All of the following were candidates for president in 1968 except Select one: a. Martin Luther King Jr. b. Hubert Humphrey c. Richard M. Nixon d. George Wallace

a. Martin Luther King Jr.

Who was the first leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference? Select one: a. Martin Luther King Jr. b. Thurgood Marshall c. Rosa Parks d. Ella Baker

a. Martin Luther King Jr.

Who was the main advocate for the "Just Say No" program? Select one: a. Nancy Reagan b. Jerry Falwell c. Sandra Day O'Connor d. Ronald Reagan

a. Nancy Reagan

What happened at Kent State University on May 4, 1970? Select one: a. National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of protestors, killing four and wounding nine. b. Henry Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand." c. The policy of Vietnamization was ended. d. The Pentagon Papers were published for the first time.

a. National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of protestors, killing four and wounding nine.

Nixon's program that reduced the role of the federal government and put more emphasis on state and local governments was called? Select one: a. New Federalism b. New Frontier c. New Deal d. New Nationalism

a. New Federalism

The leader of the republican "Contract with America" during the 1990's was? Select one: a. Newt Gingrich b. George W. Bush c. Nancy Pelosi d. Gerald Ford

a. Newt Gingrich

The court case that affirmed a woman's right to choosing to have an abortion was? Select one: a. Roe v Wade. b. Miranda v Arizona c. Gideon v Wainwright d. Plessy v Ferguson

a. Roe v Wade.

The civil rights leader that used the slogan "ballots or bullets" was? Select one: a. Stokely Carmichael b. Bobby Seale c. Huey Newton d. Malcolm X.

a. Stokely Carmichael

The policies in which government and businesses make a special effort to hire minorities is called? Select one: a. affirmative action. b. assimilation. c. de facto segregation. d. civil rights.

a. affirmative action.

All of the following were used by the Vietcong except Select one: a. agent orange. b. ambush techniques. c. underground tunnels. d. booby traps.

a. agent orange.

The Vietnam War cease-fire violation by the North Vietnamese led to Select one: a. an evacuation of all American personnel in Vietnam. b. U.S. bombings in North Vietnam. c. military supplies being sent to help the South Vietnamese continue the fight. d. an increase in U.S. troops back into the region.

a. an evacuation of all American personnel in Vietnam.

Gerald Ford was the first president to Select one: a. become the chief execute without being elected to the executive branch b. veto legislation. c. visit Russia d. visit China.

a. become the chief execute without being elected to the executive branch

In the 1970's, La Raza Unida focused its efforts on Select one: a. electing Latinos to public office. b. promoting cooperation between various Latino groups. c. reclaiming land taken from Mexican landholders in the 19th century. d. educational reform.

a. electing Latinos to public office.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in Select one: a. employment and public accommodations. b. the housing industry. c. elections. d. the banking industry.

a. employment and public accommodations.

What was the term for Americans who felt that the Johnson administration was not doing enough to escalate and win the war? Select one: a. hawks b. doves c. eagles d. tigers

a. hawks

President Carter's foreign policy was marked by a commitment to Select one: a. human rights. b. free trade. c. compromise. d. detente.

a. human rights.

What action did Nixon take that provided temporary relief from stagflation in 1971? Select one: a. implemented wage and price controls b. reduced state budgets and the federal budget c. raised interest rates d. increased taxes

a. implemented wage and price controls

The modern feminist movement became more organized and focused after the Select one: a. publication of The Feminine Mystique. b. founding of the Nation Women's Political Caucus. c. publication of the first issue of Ms. magazine. d. passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

a. publication of The Feminine Mystique.

The first Earth Day, celebrated in 1970, was a response to what? Select one: a. the growing concern over effects of pollution. b. the failure of the Clean Air Act of 1963. c. the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. d. the incident at Three Mile Island.

a. the growing concern over effects of pollution.

What prompted the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation in all interstate travel facilities? Select one: a. the shocking treatment of the Freedom Riders b. the march on Washington c. James Meredith's federal court case d. the Birmingham riots

a. the shocking treatment of the Freedom Riders

What was the planned goal of the Children's March? Select one: a. to be arrested b. to peacefully protest on the sidewalks of Birmingham c. to use violence against the Birmingham police d. to show the world the violent way kids were treated in the South

a. to be arrested

What was the goal of the march on Washington D.C. in 1963? Select one: a. to persuade congress to pass the civil rights bill b. to persuade President Johnson to carry on Kennedy's work c. to provide a forum for Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech d. to celebrate the end of segregation in Birmingham

a. to persuade congress to pass the civil rights bill

During the Freedom Summer, civil rights workers tried to further rights in which area? Select one: a. voting b. transportation c. housing d. education

a. voting

The members of the counterculture movement were mostly Select one: a. white, middle-class college youths. b. Latinos and Native Americans. c. poor urban youths. d. entertainers, artists, and musicians.

a. white, middle-class college youths.

The toxic leaf killing chemical used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War was called? Select one: a. Napalm b. Agent Orange c. Mustard Gas d. Anthrax

b. Agent Orange

Who revealed that President Nixon had taped virtually all of his presidential conversations? Select one: a. John Dean b. Alexander Butterfield c. Archibald Cox d. Spiro Agnew

b. Alexander Butterfield

One of the most influential pop artists of the 1960's was Select one: a. Langston Hughes b. Andy Warhol c. Bob Dylan d. Thomas Nast

b. Andy Warhol

Stokely Carmichael was a founder of the Select one: a. Black Panthers. b. Black Power movement. c. Nation of Islam. d. Black Muslims.

b. Black Power movement.

President Nixon normalized relations and reversed previous American policy established in 1949 by visiting which country in 1972? Select one: a. the Soviet Union b. China c. Vietnam d. East Germany

b. China

All of the following leaders were assassinated except? Select one: a. Martin Luther King Jr. b. George Wallace c. Malcolm X d. John F. Kennedy

b. George Wallace

What did President Carter do to protest the Russian invasion of Afghanistan? Select one: a. He called for military troops to help protect the Afghans. b. He called for a boycott of the Moscow Olympics. c. He launched a nuclear attack on Russia. d. He sent humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

b. He called for a boycott of the Moscow Olympics.

What did President Kennedy order to enforce James Meredith's court case allowing him to enroll at the University of Mississippi? Select one: a. He ordered the governor to open the college to African American students. b. He ordered federal marshals to escort Meredith to classes and protect his parents from violence. c. He ordered congress to pass a civil rights bill. d. He ordered state officials to send officers to arrest protestors.

b. He ordered federal marshals to escort Meredith to classes and protect his parents from violence.

Ford continued Nixon's detente policy by supporting an agreement between the Soviet Union and Western Europe that they would recognize and accept spheres of influence around the world. This was called the? Select one: a. War Powers Act b. Helsinki Accords c. Salt II Treaty d. Salt I Treaty

b. Helsinki Accords

Which of the following best defines the domino theory? Select one: a. Communism will cause the fall of the United States. b. If one country falls to communism, others in the region will fall, too. c. Communism will topple the global economy. d. Socialist governments are a threat to freedom.

b. If one country falls to communism, others in the region will fall, too.

The Indian Education Act gave greater control over the education of Native Americans to Select one: a. the Bureau of Indian Affairs. b. Native American tribes. c. state governments. d. the American Indian Movement.

b. Native American tribes.

The treaty that limited the number of weapons that both the Soviet Union and the United States could produce that was never ratified but still followed was called? Select one: a. Camp David Accords b. Salt II c. Salt I d. Helsinki Accords

b. Salt II

What is the name given to the 1968 nation-wide attack by the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong which many believe was the turning point of the Vietnam War? Select one: a. Ho Chi Minh Invasion b. Tet Offensive c. Mai Lai massacre d. Vietminh blitzkrieg

b. Tet Offensive

What document of the 1960's called for increase opportunities for citizens to participate in political decisions? Select one: a. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. The Port Huron Statement c. Human Rights Initiative d. Equal Rights Amendment

b. The Port Huron Statement

The Domino Theory was given to explain which potential problem: Select one: a. The difficulties of maintaining support in America for a war that does not directly affect citizens' well-being. b. The fall of many democratic governments to communism. c. The problem of guerilla warfare and the difficulties that a traditional army has in fighting back. d. The problem of maintaining soldiers' morale when they are fighting an "invisible" enemy.

b. The fall of many democratic governments to communism.

What was a common reason that many young Americans opposed the Vietnam War? Select one: a. They were opposed to the military policy allowing women to serve in combat. b. They believed that the conflict was basically a civil war and the U.S. military should not be involved. c. They believed that protesting against the war while fellow Americans were fighting and dying was wrong. d. They were part of a youth movement known as the New Right.

b. They believed that the conflict was basically a civil war and the U.S. military should not be involved.

Why did so many Americans and the Johnson administration initially support U.S. involvement in Vietnam? Select one: a. They believed that South Vietnam was a threat to American security. b. They believed that the spread of communism jeopardized democracy. c. They believed that North and South Vietnam should be divided because of different political beliefs. d. They believed that communism would not be able to survive in South Vietnam

b. They believed that the spread of communism jeopardized democracy.

Why did so many Americans and the Johnson administration initially support U.S. involvement in Vietnam? Select one: a. They believed that communism would not be able to survive in South Vietnam b. They believed that the spread of communism jeopardized democracy. c. They believed that North and South Vietnam should be divided because of different political beliefs. d. They believed that South Vietnam was a threat to American security.

b. They believed that the spread of communism jeopardized democracy.

Which of the following was a civil rights attorney who was responsible for winning many NAACP lawsuits (including Brown v. Board of Education) and who later became a Supreme court justice? Select one: a. James Meredith b. Thurgood Marshall c. Martin Luther King, Jr. d. Stokely Carmichael

b. Thurgood Marshall

Ford continued Nixon's detente policy by supporting an agreement between the Soviet Union and Western Europe that they would recognize and accept spheres of influence around the world. This was called the? Select one: a. Salt II Treaty b. War Powers Act c. Salt I Treaty d. Helsinki Accords

b. War Powers Act

The large music festival that occurred in upstate New York in August 1969 was called Select one: a. The Freedom Festival b. Woodstock c. Counterculture d. Haight-Ashbury

b. Woodstock

At the turn of the century, there was a worry that computer would malfunction and the world would turn to chaos. This phenomenon was called? Select one: a. The bubble b. Y2K c. Generation X d. Terrorism

b. Y2K

One conclusion that could be drawn from the 2000 presidential election is that Select one: a. a recount of the ballots should always be conducted. b. a relatively small number of votes can determine an election's outcome. c. the Electoral College favors Florida voters. d. ballots are easy to read if people, rather than machines, read them.

b. a relatively small number of votes can determine an election's outcome.

All of the following are accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement except Select one: a. better job opportunities. b. decrease in percentage of African Americans in jail. c. increase in registered voters. d. the end of de jure segregation.

b. decrease in percentage of African Americans in jail.

All of the following are accomplishments of the Civil Rights Movement except Select one: a. better job opportunities. b. decrease in percentage of African Americans in jail. c. the end of de jure segregation. d. increase in registered voters.

b. decrease in percentage of African Americans in jail.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in Select one: a. the banking industry. b. employment and public accommodations. c. elections. d. the housing industry.

b. employment and public accommodations.

During the early 1980's, conservatives objected to what they believed were excesses in Select one: a. free enterprise. b. government regulation. c. big business. d. military spending.

b. government regulation.

One of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s practices to gain public attention for the civil rights movement was? Select one: a. public meetings with city officials. b. nonviolent demonstrations. c. race riots. d. petitions posted on public buildings.

b. nonviolent demonstrations.

The Black Panthers created a new political party that supported all of the following except? Select one: a. exempting African Americans from military service. b. recruiting African Americans for political office. c. the end of police brutality in the ghettos. d. creating self sufficient African American communities.

b. recruiting African Americans for political office.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibited discrimination in Select one: a. elections. b. the housing industry. c. public buildings. d. the banking industry.

b. the housing industry.

The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., led to Select one: a. the retaliation assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. b. the worst urban rioting in American history. c. African American refusing to serve in the military during the Vietnam. d. the FBI conducting numerous investigations into several African American organizations.

b. the worst urban rioting in American history.

What was the goal of the march on Washington D.C. in 1963? Select one: a. to celebrate the end of segregation in Birmingham b. to persuade congress to pass the civil rights bill c. to persuade President Johnson to carry on Kennedy's work d. to provide a forum for Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech

b. to persuade congress to pass the civil rights bill

Which was a main goal of the Moral Majority? Select one: a. to eliminate entitlement programs b. to restore traditional moral values in the values in the United States c. to pass affirmative action laws d. to limit government regulation in business

b. to restore traditional moral values in the values in the United States

Which was not a new tactic that was widely used by Americans in Vietnam? Select one: a. napalm b. tunnels to hide troops c. Agent Orange d. search and destroy missions

b. tunnels to hide troops

In the Brown ruling, the Supreme Court declared that separate public education for African Americans Select one: a. was legal under the precedent set by the Plessy decision. b. violated the right to equal protection under the law. c. was constitutional. d. was allowed in state that legally enforced segregation.

b. violated the right to equal protection under the law.

How many Americans were taken hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979? Select one: a. 127 b. 3 c. 52 d. 444

c. 52

The most important vehicle in the Vietnam War was the Select one: a. Jeep. b. Aircraft Carrier. c. Huey Helicopter. d. B17 Bomber.

c. Huey Helicopter.

Who was the first African American to attend the University of Mississippi? Select one: a. Thurgood Marshall b. Martin Luther King Jr. c. James Meredith d. Stokely Carmichael

c. James Meredith

Who used the Tonkin Gulf incident as a reason to deepen U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War? Select one: a. Dwight Eisenhower b. John F. Kennedy c. Lyndon Johnson d. Richard Nixon

c. Lyndon Johnson

Whose assassination was followed by violent riots in 130 U.S. cities? Select one: a. George Wallace b. Robert Kennedy c. Martin Luther King Jr. d. Eugene McCarthy

c. Martin Luther King Jr.

Which 1968 Democratic presidential candidate was assassinated? Select one: a. Clark Clifford b. George Wallace c. Robert Kennedy d. Martin Luther King Jr.

c. Robert Kennedy

What was Reagan's "Strategic Defense Initiative" nicknamed? Select one: a. Defense-o-rama b. Reaganomics c. Star Wars d. Missile Prep

c. Star Wars

All of the following were reason why President Johnson declined to run for a second term except? Select one: a. a disappointing primary campaign showing. b. Senator Kennedy's candidacy. c. The Bay of Pigs invasion. d. the Vietnam War.

c. The Bay of Pigs invasion.

_________ enabled North Vietnam to send troops to South Vietnam. Select one: a. Operation Rolling Thunder b. The strategic hamlet program c. The Ho Chi Minh Trail d. The fall of Dien Bien Phu

c. The Ho Chi Minh Trail

The Domino Theory was given to explain which potential problem: Select one: a. The difficulties of maintaining support in America for a war that does not directly affect citizens' well-being. b. The problem of guerilla warfare and the difficulties that a traditional army has in fighting back. c. The fall of many democratic governments to communism. d. The problem of maintaining soldiers' morale when they are fighting an "invisible" enemy.

c. The fall of many democratic governments to communism.

Which of the following was a civil rights attorney who was responsible for winning many NAACP lawsuits (including Brown v. Board of Education) and who later became a Supreme court justice? Select one: a. Martin Luther King, Jr. b. Stokely Carmichael c. Thurgood Marshall d. James Meredith

c. Thurgood Marshall

All of the following buildings were hit by hijacked airplanes on 9/11 except Select one: a. North Tower b. South Tower c. U.S. Capital Building d. Pentagon

c. U.S. Capital Building

The policies in which government and businesses make a special effort to hire minorities is called? Select one: a. assimilation. b. de facto segregation. c. affirmative action. d. civil rights.

c. affirmative action.

Under the draft, who was eligible to be called into military service? Select one: a. men and women between the ages of 21 and 29 b. men and women between the ages of 18 and 26 c. men between the ages of 18 and 26 d. men between the ages of 21 and 29

c. men between the ages of 18 and 26

Which of the following is an example of the difficult fighting conditions faced by U.S. troops in Vietnam? Select one: a. extreme desert heat b. heavy snowfall and icy conditions c. mountainous terrain and jungles d. severe lack of rainfall

c. mountainous terrain and jungles

The weapon used to set fire to the jungle was called Select one: a. land mines. b. molotov cocktail. c. napalm. d. agent orange.

c. napalm.

One of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s practices to gain public attention for the civil rights movement was? Select one: a. petitions posted on public buildings. b. race riots. c. nonviolent demonstrations. d. public meetings with city officials.

c. nonviolent demonstrations.

President Bush convince congress to declare war in Iraq on the intelligence that Iraq was building? Select one: a. weapons of mass destruction b. chemical weapons c. terrorist cells d. intercontinental ballistic missiles

c. terrorist cells

The mission of Apollo 8 was to Select one: a. land on the moon. b. participate in a space walk. c. test flight trajectory and operations for a moon landing. d. take pictures of Mars.

c. test flight trajectory and operations for a moon landing.

The post-9/11 law that allows government agencies to gather "foreign intelligence information" from both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens is called? Select one: a. the Civil Service Act b. the Federal Security Act c. the Patriot Act d. the Homeland Security Act

c. the Patriot Act

What event drained money away from President Johnson's social reforms. Select one: a. the FBI investigation of the Black Panthers b. the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. c. the Vietnam War d. urban rioting in New York City

c. the Vietnam War

The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., led to Select one: a. African American refusing to serve in the military during the Vietnam. b. the retaliation assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. c. the worst urban rioting in American history. d. the FBI conducting numerous investigations into several African American organizations.

c. the worst urban rioting in American history.

The toxic leaf killing chemical used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War was called? Select one: a. Anthrax b. Napalm c. Mustard Gas d. Agent Orange

d. Agent Orange

Stokely Carmichael was a founder of the Select one: a. Black Muslims. b. Black Panthers. c. Nation of Islam. d. Black Power movement.

d. Black Power movement.

The Camp David Accords were an agreement between Israel and Select one: a. Syria. b. the Soviet Union. c. Iran. d. Egypt.

d. Egypt.

What was known as the hippie capital? Select one: a. Harvard b. Woodstock c. Miami d. Haight-Ashbury

d. Haight-Ashbury

How did Malcolm X's pilgrimage to Mecca cause him to split with the Black Muslims? Select one: a. He learned nonviolent protest was frequently used in Muslim countries. b. Martin Luther King was assassinated while he was away and it made him more militant. c. He decided bullets were more useful than ballots. d. He learned orthodox Islam preached and practiced racial equality.

d. He learned orthodox Islam preached and practiced racial equality.

The most important vehicle in the Vietnam War was the Select one: a. Aircraft Carrier. b. B17 Bomber. c. Jeep. d. Huey Helicopter.

d. Huey Helicopter.

How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution lead to greater involvement in Vietnam? Select one: a. It gave President Nixon the reason to reinstate the draft. b. It gave Congress the ability to increase the numbers of troops that were sent to Vietnam. c. It made the U.S. responsible for maintaining peace in the oceans surrounding Vietnam so that trade could continue d. It gave President Johnson broad war-making powers that allowed him to escalate U.S. involvement in the conflict.

d. It gave President Johnson broad war-making powers that allowed him to escalate U.S. involvement in the conflict.

Who used the Tonkin Gulf incident as a reason to deepen U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War? Select one: a. John F. Kennedy b. Richard Nixon c. Dwight Eisenhower d. Lyndon Johnson

d. Lyndon Johnson

Which of the two political figures were killed in 1968? Select one: a. Robert F. Kennedy and Malcolm X b. Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy c. Malcolm X and John F. Kennedy d. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy

d. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy

OPEC's response to U.S. military aid in Israel was to cut off sale of _____________ to the U.S. Select one: a. Nuclear energy b. Natural Gas c. Gas d. Oil

d. Oil

What happened under the policy of Vietnamization? Select one: a. President Nixon increased U.S. troop levels in Vietnam. b. President Nixon ended the public bombing campaign against Cambodia. c. President Nixon recognized a unified Vietnam. d. President Nixon called on the South Vietnamese to take a more active combat role.

d. President Nixon called on the South Vietnamese to take a more active combat role.

Who won the 1968 presidential election? Select one: a. Hubert Humphrey b. Lyndon B. Johnson c. Robert Kennedy d. Richard M. Nixon

d. Richard M. Nixon

Vietnamization, the policy of removing U.S. soldiers and replacing them with South Vietnamese forces, was set forth by which leader? Select one: a. Lyndon Johnson b. Dwight Eisenhower c. John F. Kennedy d. Richard Nixon

d. Richard Nixon

Which 1968 Democratic presidential candidate was assassinated? Select one: a. Clark Clifford b. Martin Luther King Jr. c. George Wallace d. Robert Kennedy

d. Robert Kennedy

What was the response of the NAACP to the arrest of Rosa Parks? Select one: a. They held a series of protest marches in Washington. b. They organized sit-ins at bus depots all over the country. c. They documented Rosa Parks arrest and televised the injustice. d. They formed the Montgomery Improvement Association to organized a very effective bus boycott.

d. They formed the Montgomery Improvement Association to organized a very effective bus boycott.

What was the response of the NAACP to the arrest of Rosa Parks? Select one: a. They organized sit-ins at bus depots all over the country. b. They held a series of protest marches in Washington. c. They documented Rosa Parks arrest and televised the injustice. d. They formed the Montgomery Improvement Association to organized a very effective bus boycott.

d. They formed the Montgomery Improvement Association to organized a very effective bus boycott.

All of the following are aspects of President Carter's National Energy Act except? Select one: a. tax credits for developing conservation measures. b. removal of price controls on oil and natural gas. c. a tax on gas-guzzling cars. d. building nuclear power plants.

d. building nuclear power plants.

Whom did conservatives blame for the increasing permissiveness in American society? Select one: a. the Beatles b. women and minorities c. democrats d. campus rebels and the counterculture

d. campus rebels and the counterculture

What type of segregation did African Americans face in the North? Select one: a. economic b. de jure c. housing d. de facto

d. de facto

What type of segregation did African Americans face in the North? Select one: a. housing b. de jure c. economic d. de facto

d. de facto

Which of the following was not considered a disadvantage to Reaganomics? Select one: a. Use of off-shore manufacturers with cheaper labor costs b. federal deficits c. increased social inequality d. declining inflation

d. declining inflation

Phyllis Schlafly became well known for her efforts to Select one: a. organized radical demonstrations for women's rights. b. get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. c. reversed the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade. d. defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.

d. defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.

New Orleans has a very unique geographic location in that it is surrounded by water and Select one: a. it is considered the highest point in the United States. b. it is only accessible by boat. c. it sits on a high plateau. d. it sits below sea level.

d. it sits below sea level.

Which of the following is an example of the difficult fighting conditions faced by U.S. troops in Vietnam? Select one: a. extreme desert heat b. heavy snowfall and icy conditions c. severe lack of rainfall d. mountainous terrain and jungles

d. mountainous terrain and jungles

The weapon used to set fire to the jungle was called Select one: a. land mines. b. agent orange. c. molotov cocktail. d. napalm.

d. napalm.

The incident at Three Mile Island rekindled debate over Select one: a. pollution. b. transcontinental pipelines. c. pesticides. d. nuclear power.

d. nuclear power.

President Johnson lost support from the war after expressing optimism because of Select one: a. the Cuban Missile Crisis. b. the Bay of Pigs invasion. c. the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. d. the Tet Offensive.

d. the Tet Offensive.

The Children's March was influential in helping the Civil Rights Movement because Select one: a. Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech at the end of the march. b. President Kennedy participated in the march. c. America was outraged that children were put in jail. d. the violence was played out on TV.

d. the violence was played out on TV.

All of the following were part of Bill Clinton's political agenda except? Select one: a. to promote economic growth. b. to implement a universal health care plan. c. to balance the federal budget. d. to increase the size of government.

d. to increase the size of government.

In the Brown ruling, the Supreme Court declared that separate public education for African Americans Select one: a. was legal under the precedent set by the Plessy decision. b. was constitutional. c. was allowed in state that legally enforced segregation. d. violated the right to equal protection under the law.

d. violated the right to equal protection under the law.

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