U.S. History Unit 2 Test

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What does the American Revolution teach us about the "American" character?

They were resilient to fight and risk their lives in order to achieve independence.

What were the purposes of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The acts were designed by federalists to limit power of the opposition of democratic republican party. -Alien Acts: president can find and deport anyone who opposed a threat to the government. -Sedition Acts: president can imprison or fine anyone who speaks out against the government.

Why do we have the Bill of Rights? They are the ______ ____ amendments of the Constitution.

They protect people's rights from the government. "first ten"

Summarize colonial resistance to British taxation.

They protested, boycotted British goods, and their resistance to taxation led to things such as the Boston Massacre

What assistance did Americans receive from foreign parties?

They received aid from France and Spain

In what ways did Britain try to justify the Sugar Act?

They used the Sugar Act to pay off the debt from the 7 years war.

2nd Continental Congress

Its aim(s) was/were to raise an army, develop strategy, and claim colonial independence.

When the framers drafted the Constitution, what was the most contentious issue?

How states would be represented at Congress. This turned into a battle between small and large states.

When were the Articles of Confederation created?


Which article is this? Article says the president should be chief executive of armed forces.


Which article is this? This article grants a governmental branch the power to interpret laws.


Which amendment applies to this? President Obama issued citizens to take in military troops into their homes.

3. no quartering of troops

Which amendment applies to this? A man gets pulled over for speeding. The police asked him to step out of his car, and he searched through the car. Which amendment does this break?

4. no illegal search or seizure

What was the theory of nullification?

A state can declare an act of Congress and void if it seems unconstitutional.

What prompted the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party?

"no taxation without representation." The Boston Massacre had led to the Boston Tea Party.

What were the causes and outcomes of the battles at Lexington and Concord?

1. British troops moved to seize a weapons cache from colonists in Concord, Massachusets. Then, the colonists stopped them, which caused the Battle of Lexington. 2. After Lexington, the British marched on to Concord where they found an empty arsenal. As they marched back to Boston, the British were attacked by Minutemen who fired from behind fires and stone walls. 3. THESE BATTLES LED TO THE START OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR

What was wrong with the Articles of Confederation?

1. Congress could not lay or collect taxes, and a government needs money to function. 2. Congress could not regulate interstate or foreign trade, which caused the states to bicker amongst themselves. 3. No national court system, and states began to bicker amongst themselves beacause of this. 4. No executive to enforce laws, which caused people to continually break laws. 5. In Congress, when they wanted to make laws, there was only one vote per state, and arguments formed between small and large states because of this. 6. 9/13 states needed to pass laws, but it was difficult to pass laws. 7. Amendment only by unanimity-could not change it.

List the Bill of Rights (F.A.T.S.D.A.T.U.R.P).

1. F: freedoms 2. A: arms (the right to bear...) 3. T: troops (no quartering of...) 4. S: search and seizure (no illegal...) 5. D: due process of law 6. A: accused (right of...) 7. T: trial by jury in civil cases 8. U: unusual or cruel punishment 9. R: rights unenumerated 10. P: powers reserved to the states and to the people

What was the Stamp Act and what was the colonists reaction to it?

1. It was a new tax imposed on all American colonists that required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper. 2. The colonists were upset and saw this Act as a threat because they thought the British wanted control colonial legislature; the boycotted this act. 3. Colonists boycotted this act which was eventually repealed because of this.

What were the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's beliefs?

1. Jefferson favored strong state gov'ts, while Hamilton favored a strong central gov't. 2. Jefferson favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution, while Hamilton favored a loose interpretation of the constitution. 3. Jefferson opposed the national bank, while Hamilton favored the national bank. 4. Jefferson believed in strong state gov'ts led by the "common man", while Hamilton believed in strong central gov'ts led by industry and the wealthy.

List the Articles of the Constitution. (Lazy Elephants Jump Slowly And Never Run).

1. Legislative (make laws) 2. Executive (enforce laws) 3. Judicial (interpret laws) 4. States (how they fit into framework) 5. Amendments (a change in the Constitution) 6. National Supremacy (The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land) 7. Ratification (approval)

What are the three parts of the Constitution?

1. Preamble 2. Articles (7) 3. Amendments (27)

What ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence?

1. The Enlightenment; John Locke was an English philosopher who stated that all people have the natural rights to life, liberty, and property. 2. Thomas Paine's Common Sense; stated American independence would give Americans the chance to create a better society.

Which amendment applies to this? A group of Carmel girls gathered in front of an abortion center to protest. They did not disturb anyone, and were granted permission to protest.

1. freedom of speech

Which amendment applies to this? It says the federal powers have only those listed in the articles.

10. power reserved to the states and the people.

Which amendment applies to this? Horatio was arrested for shop lifting. He demanded an attorney present before he began questioning.

6. right of accused

Which amendment applies to this? Percy was involved in a car accident. He filed suit against the person who hit him and everyone else that was around him. Which amendment states that he would have a trial by a jury of his peers?

7. trial by jury in civil cases

Which amendment applies to this? Chad, a 17- year-old, received a drinking ticket, and was sent to prison for 6 years and had to pay a fine.

8. unusual or cruel punishment

Which amendment applies to this? Badella laid in a swimsuit in her backyard. Her neighbor called the cops because he said she was distracting the workers. Badella said she has a right to wear her bikini and tan in her backyard because of which amendment?

9. rights unenumerated

What was the significance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

It set up a method for territory to become a state. They had to have at least 60,000 people to become a state.

Where did the Treaty of Gent take place?

Belgium; this was the last war between the U.S. and Britain

Tea Act

Cause: Allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists. This would lower the price of tea and encourage colonists to stop smuggling the tea. Less smuggling would result in more tax money. Effect: The colonists disguised as Indians and sneaked onto three tea-filled ships in the harbor and dumped over 340 chests into Boston Harbor.

Intolerable Acts

Cause: Boston Tea Party Effect: Punished Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party by closing the Boston Harbor, banning committees of correspondence, allowing British soldiers to be housed anywhere (Quartering Act) and allowing British officials to stand trail in Britain.

Boston Massacre

Cause: Bostonians did not like the presence of British troops and thought of them as foreign enemies. The soliders knew that they were not welcomed. Both sides resented each other, and name-calling, arguments, and fights between Bostonians and the soliders were common. On March 5, 1770, a British soldier had an argument with a colonist and struck him. A crowd gathered around the soldier, throwing snowballs and shouting insults. Soon a small number of troops arrived. The crowd grew louder and angrier by the moment. Effect: The soliders fired into the crowd, killing five men.

Proclamation Act of 1763

Cause: British leaders feared that more fighting would take place on the frontier if colonists kept moving onto American Indian lands. Effect: This law banned settlement west of the Appalachian Mountians. It also ordered settlers to leave the upper Ohio River Valley.

Sugar Act

Cause: It was an act passed by Parliament that was designed to raise revenue from the American colonists. the Act set a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies which impacted the manufacture of rum in New England. Effects: The colonists were undergoing a period of financial difficulties and their resentment was due to both the economic impact of the Sugar Act as well as the Constitutional issue of taxation without representation.

Quartering Act

Cause: Parliament punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party. This Act required colonists to house British soldiers. Effect: Increased people's anger at Britain. It fan the flames of the revolution.

Stamp Act

Cause: The British Government needed to create money to support the Army so they created the Stamp Act of 1765. This act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items. Effect: The colonists protested against the Stamp Act immediately. Colonists formed a secret society called the Sons of Liberty.

Townshend Acts

Cause: These acts placed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. To enforce this, British officials used writs of assistance. These allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. Effect: Colonists hated the new laws because they took power away from colonial government. The colonists responded by once again boycotting many British goods.

What was the most heated issue determining how states would be represented?


What were the 4 political effects of the American Revolution?

Creation of U.S.A Demise of colonial gov.-> state gov. Creation of Articles of Confederation Creation of Constitution

What form of government do we live under?

Federal Republic

How did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention divide power between the states and federal government?

Federalism-power is shared between a central government and small state&local government.

Compare the views of Federalists and Anti-federalists.

Federalists wanted to ratify the Constitution as soon as the Preamble and Articles were done, but they wanted to do this before people's rights, aka The Bill of Rights, were established; supporters of the constitution during the debate over its ratification; favored a strong national government Anti-federalists opposed to a strong central government; saw undemocratic tendencies in the Constitution and insisted on the inclusion of the Bill of Rights.

Who led the federalists and the democratic republicans?

Federalists-Hamilton Democratic Republicans-Jefferson

What political precedents did the nation's leaders examine in forming the new government?

Greek, Roman, Parliament, Enlightenment Thinkers; let's just say the framers of the Constitution did their homework;)

Why was the Battle of Saratoga the turning point of the war?

It showed the French that Americans could win the war, and caused the French to sign an alliance with the Americans in 1778.

What is the purpose of the Preamble?

It spells out the purposes of the Constitution.

How was the presidential election of 1800 decided?

In the house of representatives. Jefferson beat Burr.

What were the causes and consequences of Shay's Rebellion?

It was caused by farmers that were being taxed when they were already in debt. It convinced political leaders to take a look at the Articles of Confederation.

Declaration of Independence

It included a list of grievances that accounted for a major portion of what the colonists hope to convey; document with unalienable rights.

How did America gain the Louisiana Territory?

Louisiana Purchase: America bought 828,000,000sq. mi. of the Louisiana Territory from France

How did loyalists differ from patriots?

Loyalists opposed independence and remained loyal to the British King. Patriots were supporters of independence.

Which people were most affected by the War of 1812?

Native Americans

Where was the Battle of Saratoga?

New York

How did the Election of 1796 underscore the growing dangers of sectionalism?

North-John Adams was a federalists and was elected president, and Thomas Jefferson, democratic republican, was elected vice president. This would cause sectionalism between the North and South.

What are the order of the Acts that the British issued for the colonies?

Proclomation Act of 1763, Sugar Act of 1764, Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Acts of 1767, Boston Massacre of 1770, Tea Act of 1773, and Intolerable Acts of 1774.

Discuss the 3/5 Compromise.

Southern states wanted their slaves to be counted in the population. Northern states did not want this to happen. So, delegates came up with a compromise that only 3 out 5 slaves would be counted in the population.

What was the "Great Compromise"?

The establishment of a two-house national legislature, with all states having representation in one house and each state having representation based on its population in the other house (larger states have more representation).

What is the overarching statement for why the Articles of Confederation were weak?

There was not enough power for the central government(Congress).

What are the Articles of Constitution? How many are there?

These spell out the powers and functions of our national government. There are 7.

How do the amendments beyond the first ten(11-27) reflect the changing needs of society?

They aspire to meet the need of its citizens and within them they evolve in response to demands that reflect human needs.

What actions did the second Continental Congress take?

They devised a plan, raised an army, and drafted the Declaration of Independence

Why did the delegates meet in 1787 in Philadelphia?

To fix the problems with the Articles of Confederation

What did the framers of the Constitution state as the main goals for government? (Preamble)

To from a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.

Battle of Yorktown

Washington-led forces by land and the French by the sea contributed to the American victory against the British.

What is republicanism?

Where people elect those who will represent them.

What contributions did civilians make to the war effort?

Women managed farms and businesses, some women traveled with their husbands where they assisted the army, and African Americans served in the Continental Army.

Which battle marked the end of the revolutionary war?



considered the hub of rebellious colonial activity.

Colonial merchants and traders claimed that Parliament had no right to invoke the Sugar Act because the colonists had elected no representatives to the body. Their (colonists) cry was, "____ ___________ ______ ______________."

no taxation without representation

The colonists reacted to the Townshend Acts with rage and well-organized resistance; as the acts included three-penny tax on tea, the most popular drink in the colonies. Women joined in the boycotts, foregoing British luxuries and even exchanging __________ for tea made from birch bark.


What departments comprised the nation's first cabinet?

state, treasury, and war(which would later be known as defense).

What was the system that was created because of Hamilton and Jefferson's differences?

two-party system

What is sectionalism?

where one region put its interests over the interests of the nation as a whole.

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