US History Unit 4 WWI

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Victory Gardens

People raise their own vegetables in order to leave more food for the troops


Stalemate As time went on a ______ formed in the battlefields of France

Western Front

Stalemate _________ _______ = deadlocked region in northern France


Taking control of another nation, indirectly or directly

McKinley Leader

Teddy Roosevelt criticized President ____________ for being a weak ___________

U.S. Troops Empires Germany Weak

Reasons why WWI ended ______ joins the war. Bringing supplies and fresh ________ ______ Crumble ______ is ______ and German citizens force the emperor to step down

British intelligence

Intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram

Ferdinand Assassinated Nationalist Hand

June 28, 1914, Archduke Frank ________, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was ________ in Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian ________, belonging to an organization known as the Black _________

Big Four

Leaders of the victorious Allied nations were known as _____________

W.A.S. D.U.M.B.

League of Nations problems

Sedition Act of 1918

Made it illegal to criticize the President or the government

accommodations, medals, Honors

Many African Americans won praise from their commanders and received war ______, ______, ______


Many Americans and Europeans believed ________ troops would quickly bring the war to an end

North Farms

Many Mexicans moved ______, providing labor for _________ and ranches in the American Southwest

Immigrants Suspected Spies

Many ___________ were _________ of being ________ and potential traitors

Zimmerman Telegram

Message sent to German ambassador

Cities Factory

Mexicans also moved to _____ to take wartime ________ jobs

Discrimination Hostility

Mexicans faced _______ and ________ from Americans

Military Naval

Militarism A rise in _______ expenditure, an increase in military and _____ forces


Militarism After 1871, the war atmosphere provoked by the secret _________ led to an arms race among world powers


Militarism was stock piling ________

1,198 128

Sinking of the Lusitania killed a total of ________, _____ of which were Americans

USS Maine Spain Maine

Sinking of the ________ "To Hell with _______, Remember the _______"


Nationalism Countries became very __________


Nationalism Some countries wanted their __________

Loyalty Devotion

Nationalism ______ & _______ to a nation


New technologies caused more ______ than ever before

Warfare Gas Machine Tanks Flame Airplanes Subs

New weapons Trench ______ Poison ______ _______ gun _______ _______ throwers ________ ________

11 - 11 -11, 1918

On the __th hour, of the __th day, of the __th month, ____ the fighting stopped

European nations

One week after Austria Hungary's Attack on Serbia, the five major _________ ______ were at war


Pamphlets and speeches helped deliver _________ messages

Great Migration

The "______ _______" changed the racial makeup of many Northern cities

Fuel Administration Energy

The ______ ________ encouraged people to conserve coal and oil. Daylight savings time was introduced to conserve __________

Navy Clerics Pharmacists Photographers Nurses

The ________ enlisted 11,000 women, whose jobs included ______, ______, _______, ________

Espionage Act of 1917

set up consequences for people who aided the enemy


spying to acquire secret government information

Home front

the civilian population (and their activities) of a country at war


the state of not taking sides, especially in a war or dispute

Women Workforce

The war increased the need for _______ in the __________

Immigrants Wartime

The war stopped the flow of ________ to the US, which allowed African Americans ____________ jobs

Liberty Bonds

To raise money to pay for the war, the government began selling ________ _______ and Victory Bonds


Treason or going against your country

Puerto Rico Guam Philippines

Treaty of Paris granted u.S. control of: _________ ________ ________

Punish German

Treaty of Versailles Goal was to _______ ________ more than to create a lasting peace


Treaty of Versailles The other Allied governments saw Wilson's plan as too ____________ towards the "aggressor" nations esp. Germany

Took away Decline

Treaty of Versailles problem It ______ ______ Germany's land, money, livestock, and natural resources, which forced their trading and population to ____________

Adolf Hitler Nazis WWII

Treaty of Versailles problem Led to the rising of _______ ________ and the German ________, who eventually started ______________

Army Smaller

Treaty of Versailles problem Set limitations on Germany's _______, forcing them to have a much _________ army

Little influence

Treaty of Versailles, was signed by Germany in 1919 with ______ _______ from Wilson's 14 points

Defense Soldiers protection

Trench Warfare New weapons used seemed to be made more for ________; so trenches were made for the __________ _________


Trench Warfare has ____ sides

No Man's Land

Trench Warfare middle = ____ _____ _____

Seward's Folly Acquisition of Hawaii

U.S. imperialism

Teddy Roosevelt Yellow Journalism Sinking the USS Maine

U.S. involvement in Spanish-American War caused by: (3)


US Senate Reject Treaty The Senate was strongly opposed to the Treaty, especially Wilson's own League of Nations, because they felt it would further _________ the US in foreign affairs

Did not join

US ___ ___ ___ the League of Nations

Germany April 6

US declared war against ________ on _______ __, 1917

Teller Amendment

US declares war but Cuba will be independent after war

Propaganda Ration War Bonds

US used _______ posters to influence citizens to _______, support the _____, buy War ________, and more

Prosecuted Convictions

Under the Espionage and Sedition acts some 2,000 people were ________ with roughly half resulting in __________

Seward's Folly

United State's acquisition of Alaska

Food Administration Food Consumption

Victory Gardens The ____ _______, under Herbert Hoover —> responsible for increasing _____ production while reducing _________


Volunteers for the War 2 million were _______ to enlist

First war

WWI ______ ______ in which women officially served

Happy Goods

War Industries Board Government encourage businesses to keep employees _______ to continue producing war time _______

Big Government Resources

War Industries Board Relationship between ____ business and ___________ to ensure efficient use of _________ during the mobilization of the American economy for war


What country was forced to take blame for the entire war?

To create a lasting peace

What was the goal of Wilson's 14 points?

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What was the spark that ignited WWI?

Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism

What were the 5 causes of WWI

Bolshevik Revolution

When Vladimir Lenin and the Communists take over Russia


Who was not invited to the Peace conference

They thought it would involve the U.S. in future conflicts

Why didn't the senate approve the Treaty of Versailles?

Formation of the League of Nations

Wilson's 14th Point

Shipping Manufacturing Railroad

Women took positions in the _______, ______, and _______ industries

Exaggerated Hearst & Pulitzer

Yellow Journalism was overly _____________ Journalists were _______ & ________

Secretary German Mexico

Zimmerman Telegram German foreign ________ sends message to the _______ ambassador in _____________

Germany New Mexico Arizona TX

Zimmerman Telegram suggested Mexico ally itself with _______ -> Mexico would be given back ____ _____, ________, and _______ - lands taken from them by US

Stalemate Deadlock

______ = or ______is any position or situation in which no action can be taken or progress made

Many Over seas

______ African Americans were drafted, 42,00 served ____ ____

Treaty of Paris

________ __ _______ officially ended the War

Rough Riders Theodore Roosevelt

________ _______: Volunteer cavalry led by _______ _______ at San Juan & Kettle Hills

Volunteers Drafted

________ for the War, not all soldiers were ________


domination of one country by everything


forced military service


information designed to influence opinion

Committee on Public Information Sell

new government agency that attempted to "_____" the idea of war to the American people

US Recruit

As the _____ entered the War; it was necessary to ______ more soldiers

South North

Between 300,000 and 500,000 African Americans left the ______ to settle in the ______ to fill the job voids

Wilson - U.S. Orlando - Italy George - Great Britain Clemenceau- France

Big Four

Influence Support

British used propaganda (info designed to _______ opinion) to win American __________

Interest Allies

Business links Business ________ leaned toward the ________

Loaned Billion

Business links US banks heavily _________ money to the Allies -> over $2 ___________


By 1917 WWI had already devastated ___________


By buying bonds, Americans were loaning the government money that would be _________ with interest in a specified number of years

Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire

Central Powers

Lice Rats Flooded Diseases Flesh Foot

Conditions of trench warfare ______ ______ ______ trenches ______ Decaying ________ Trench_____

20 years $10,000

Consequences of Espionage and Sedition act include __ _____ in jail and fined up to __________

War Industry Board

Created to maintain and regulate the US economy and war production schedules

Ended the war

Germany finally signed an armistice, or cease fire, that _________________________

Reparations 33

Germany was stripped of its military, its territories were split up, and they were required to pay "__________" to the Allied countries to a total of $___ billion, a sum far beyond its financial means

Markets especially

Imperialism Countries were clashing for new ______ ______


Imperialism Increased _______ in Europe

Empire Economic Political

Imperialism The attempt to create an _______ either through _______ or ______ dominance


Imperialism Who gets North _______?

February Unrestricted Merchant

In _________ 1917, Germany went back to ____________ submarine warfare and, soon after, sank six American ________ ships

Limited Speech

In the case of Schenck v. The United States (1919), the Supreme Court ruling _________ an individuals freedom of _________ if the words spoken constituted a "clear and present danger"

Inexperienced Allied

Doughboys American soldiers were _________ but they were fresh, so their presence immediately boosted the moral of _______ forces


Doughboys __ million American troops marched into bloody stalemate

Selective Service Act

Draft for men over 18


Eventually The Great War included thirty nations on ____ continents

Platt Amendment

Gave U.S. much control in Cuba, making Cuba an American protectorate

Economic Political Military Cultural Religion

5 Reasons for Imperialism

Disloyalty German

A Climate of Suspicions Suspicions of __________ led to the mistreatment of _________ Americans

Peace WWI

A ______ conference began in Paris to try and resolve the complicated issues arising from _______

Selective service 2.8

A new system, called _____ ______, resulted in about _____ million Americans being drafted

American Expeditionary Force

AKA Doughboys

Harlem Hellfighters

African American infantry also known as:

Discrimination Segregated

African American soldiers faced _______ and prejudice and served in racially __________ units

Outraged War

After Germany sank the Lusitania, Americans were ______ and edged towards ______ with Germany

Vote 19

After WWI women will get the right to ______ with the ___th Amendment due to their contributions during WWI

Neutrality Beginning

America had followed a policy of ___________ at the _________ of WWI

Acquisition of Hawaii

America's first step towards imperialism

Sides War Dispute

American Neutrality Neutrality- the state of not taking ______, especially in a _____ or _____

Sides Immigrant Allies

Americans soon began to take _____ based on their _________ roots, but overall most of the country was rooting for the _______

Without any

Americans successfully sailed to Europe _____ ____ casualties

Agreement Ensure Common

An alliance is an ________ between two or more parties, made in order to _______ common goals and to secure _______

Cuba Spanish

An example of imperialism is Spain's control over ______ in the late 1800s. This control lead to the Cuban revolt against the ___________

Tarred Feathered Beaten Lynched

Anti German Hysteria Americans were _______, _______, and ________ and at least one German was ____________

Spying Sabotage Government

Anti German Hysteria Rumors of _____ and ______ as well as ________ propaganda

Anti-German Hatred

Anti-German Hysteria Whipped the public into a frenzy of ________-_____________ sentiment. ________ of Germans and all things German swept the country


Army ________ were the only women in the military to go overseas during the war

Win Repayment

As a result of US lending money to allies, we needed the Allies to _____, to ensure __________

Women Left

After the war, ________ returned to their previous jobs or __________ the workforce

Paranoid Protection

Alliances Europe became ________ -> formed entangled alliances for ___________

Great Britain France Russia Japan Italy US (later)

Allied Powers (6)

Lusitania German

The British passenger liner, _______ was torpedoed and sunk by _______ U-boats


The Germans claimed the Lusitania was carrying ___________

Peace Wars

The Leagues member nations would help preserve _______ and prevent future ________ by pledging to respect and protect each other's territory and political independence

treating all nations justly, including the losers of a war

The Treaty of Versailles overlooked the importance of what?

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