US Presidents and their accomplishments

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Zachary Taylor

1849-1850, Whig-General, "Rough and Ready" Died 16 months into term. Compromise of 1850 (against it, passed when he died) threatened to use force to keep South from leaving the Union

Dwight Eisenhower

1953-1961-General in WWII. West Point graduate. Ended war in Korea and helped steer the course of theCold War

Grover Cleveland

22nd and 24th president, 1885-1889 and 1893-1897, Democratic Only president to serve non-consecutive terms. Second term unsuccessful.

Grover Cleveland

22nd and 24th president,Democratic Successful 1st term. expanded the civil service and ended wasteful government programs.

Andrew Jackson

Democratic "Old Hickory" Known for vetoes. Accused of abuse of power, spoils system, Indian removal act (trail of tears), destroys US bank

Woodrow Wilson

Democratic, Pres, during WW1, created federal reserve, FCC, Clayton Anti-Trust act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), 14 Points post- war peace plan, Nobel Peace Prize

John F. Kennedy

Democratic, defused Cuban Missile Crisis, 1st Catholic Pres., Peace Corps.

Bill Clinton

Democratic, passed NAFTA (no tariffs between US, Canada, & Mexico), tried to cut the budget deficit, marred by scandals, but survived impeachment.

Martin Van Buren

Democratic- marred by an economic depression that led to bank failures and food riots.

James Polk

Democratic- presided over the Mexican War Oregon and California territories annexed to the U.S.

Barack Obama

Democratic-1st African American. Re-elected to 2nd term 2012. Passage of "ObamaCare"

Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR)

Democratic-Elected 4 times. Polio. Died during 4th term. Led America out of the Depression and through victory in WWII. New Deal, Social Security, Alphabet Soup.

Lyndon B Johnson (LBJ)

Democratic-Finished Kennedy's passing of Civil Rights Act. passed sweeping anti poverty and civil rights programs but also involved US in Vietnam War

Harry Truman

Democratic-Made choice to drop the atom bomb to prevent invasion of Japan. "The Buck stops here".

Jimmy Carter

Democratic-Naval officer on nuclear submarines, Gas Shortages, Iran Hostage Crisis, Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Stagflation, had some success with peace in the middle East,

Franklin Pierce

Democratic-Reason for the start of Republican party. Supported Kansas Nebraska Act

James Monroe

Democratic-Republican Expansionist--Bought Florida Monroe Doctrine

James Madison

Democratic-Republican Father of the Constitution War of 1812, which white house was burned.

Thomas Jefferson

Democratic-Republican Insisted "Bill of Rights" be included in Constitution. Wrote Dec. of Indep. Bought Louisiana Territory from French for $15 million. Ends A&S acts

John Quincy Adams

Democratic-Republican National Republican, accused of winning the Presidency through corruption, plagued with accusations throughout presidency.

James Buchanan

Democratic-tried, but failed, to find a compromise to keep the South from seceding from the Union Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott

Andrew Johnson

Democratic/Independent- Only Democrat VP to serve under a Republican president. reconstruction plan, freedmen's bureau, Impeached--acquitted by one vote.

John Adams

Federalist- Helped write Declaration of Independance and Constitution 1st in the White House Alien & Sedition Acts, XYZ Affair

Ulysses S Grant

Republican-Union Hero General who accepted Lee's surrender, Term known for graft, scandal, corruption. Breaks KKK

Abraham Lincoln

Republican-wanted to preserve the Union during the civil war. income tax, Opposed slavery--Emancipation Proclamation Assasinated

George Washington

Independent, Whiskey Rebellion, Neutrality Proclamation, cabinet, executive priv, Jay's & Pickney's Treaty

Rutherford Hayes

Republican one of only 3 Presidents to lose the popular vote but win the office. Compromise of 1877

Ronald Reagan

Republican, Conservative, Actor, Reagonmics/Trickledown/ Supply Slide/ Voodoo Economics, Iran Contra, " Great Communicator". Two terms--oversaw fall of Communism.

William Taft

Republican, continued Roosevelt's policies- broke up trusts, improved working conditions, dollar diplomacy Became a Chief Justice of Supreme Court.

Teddy Roosevelt

Republican, witty, man, trust buster, make military stronger, creator of national parks, passed clean food acts, Panama Canal builder

George H. W. Bush

Republican,Director of CIA, VP under Reagan, Soviet Union collapsed, Fall of Berlin Wall, First Gulf War, passage of ADA

Warren Harding

Republican- died in office just as the Teapot Dome scandal became public

Herbert Hoover

Republican-Geologist. "The Great Humanitarian". Stock Market crashed in the beginning of his term. Failed to deal with great Depression.

Benjamin Harrison

Republican-Grandson of a president. Added 6 states. Caught between reforms who were fighting the spoils system and those who wanted to continue it.

Richard Nixon

Republican-Known for foreign policy. SALT treaty, Détente, Environmental, Agency, Clean Air and Water Act, Watergate scandal, resigned.

James Garfield

Republican-Last president born in a log cabin, tried reform spoils system

Calvin Coolidge

Republican-Minimum government interference. pro-business, ignored signs of the stock market collapse, lost re-election.

Gerald Ford

Republican-Only president never elected to Pres or VP. Saw fall of South Vietnam to the communists. Pardoned Nixon.

Chester Arthur

Republican-Pendleton Act, helped create the Civil Service.

George W. Bush

Republican-Son of a president, Pres. during 9/11, 2nd Gulf War, economic downturn, debt

William McKinley

Republican-Spanish American War, Annexed Philippines and Hawaii, Assasinated

William Harrison

Whig, defeated Tehcumseh at Tippecanoe, Got sick from rain at inauguration and died one month into his term.

Millard Fillmore

Whig-Added California as a state. Passed compromise of 1850, allowing slavery in the South

John Tyler

Whig/Independent 1st to succeed a dead president. Most vetoes and first to have a veto overturned (had enemies in Congress). 1st President to be threatened with impeachment. Annexes TX

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