US Q1 Test

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Which of the following arguments was offered by southerners as a defense of slavery?

Blacks as a race are more physical and less intellectual than whites; therefore, slavery is the natural condition of blacks.

Ch 21. Which of the following is true of progressive reform in the 1920s?

Both social and political reforms were enacted at the state and local levels

Which of the following statements best expresses the beliefs of the Republican Party of the 1850s?

Both the dignity of labor and the availability of economic opportunity are essential ti the future progress of the United States

Ch.20 The German government decided to engage in unrestricted submarine warfare for which of the following reasons?

By preventing Allied supply shipments to Great Britain, the German government believed it could win the war before American mobilization.

Which of the following is true of the Underwood Tariff?

By reducing or eliminating tariff rates, it encouraged imports and promoted free competition.

During the nullification crisis...

Calhoun and Clay drafted a compromise tariff to resolve the crisis.

Ch. 20 What was President Wilson's response to the news that the First World War had broken out in Europe?

He issued a proclamation of neutrality and asked Americans to refrain from taking sides.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): why did Hamilton favor the assumption of state debts by the national government?

He wanted to give the holders of public securities a financial stake in the survival of the national government

What seems to have been Steven Douglas's intent in introducing the Kansas-Nebraska bill?

He wanted to promote the construction of a midwestern transcontinental railroad

Ch.14/15 This person was a leading figure in the early conservation movement and advocated that Congress give President Harrison the authority to create forest reserves.

John Muir

CH:6 Which of the following is true of George Washington's decision to resign his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army?

It established the precedent of civilian control of the American military.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Great Awakening?

It eventually led to increased tolerance of religious diversity.

Which of the following is true of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It freed slaves only in those areas in which the federal government exercised no control.

Ch.23 What impact did the Second World War have on American industry?

It furthered the trend toward bigness by consolidating manufacturing into the hands of a few giant corporations.

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was true of sharecropping when it originated?

It gave African Americans freedom from daily supervision by white landowners or overseers.

CH. 7 Which of the following was a consequence of the inability of the Confederation Congress to enforce repayment of prewar debts to the British?

It gave the British an excuse to maintain military posts on the Great Lakes

Which of the following is true of the Platt Amendment?

It granted the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.

Ch. 22 Which of the following is true of the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act?

It granted workers the right to unionize and bargain collectively with management.

Which of the following is true of the black population in the Chesapeake by the mid-eighteenth century?

It grew especially fast because imports from Africa were added to a population that sustained itself by natural increase.

Which of the following is true of the Compromise of 1850?

It included a stronger fugitive slave law

Which of the following is true of the Stono Rebellion?

It led whites in New York City to believe that a gang of thieves and arsonists was involved in a conspiracy to bring about a slave uprising.

Which of the following is true of the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

It permitted future presidents to increase the number of jobs covered by the act.

Ch. 22 Which of the following is true of the Public Works Administration, funded through the National Industrial-Recovery Act?

It provided employment for men in the construction industry and building trades, and pumped money into the economy.

Ch. 22 Which of the following is true of the Emergency Banking Relief Act?

It provided for the reopening of banks that were solvent and the reorganization of those that were not.

Q2 Test: Which of the following was true of the Louisiana Purchase?

It provided land to which eastern Indians could be removed.

Ch.23 Which of the following is true of the American military during the Second World War?

It remained segregated by race throughout the war.

Q2 Test: Which of the following is true of the Knights of Labor under the leadership of Terence Powderly?

It sought to establish a cooperative society in which workers owned the means of production.

Ch.5 Which of the following was true of the Stamp Act?

It subjected violators to a trial without a jury.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Wimot Proviso?

It transformed the debate over the War with Mexico into a debate over the expansion of slavery

Which of the following is true of the "Double V" campaign?

It was an attempt by African American leaders to force the nation to confront the parallels between the racist doctrines of the Nazis and racial segregation in the United States

Which of the following is true of the "rendezvous"?

It was annual, multi-day gathering of American, Indian, Mexican and mixed-race fur trappers from throughout the West

Ch.23 The Office of War Information was created for which of the following reasons?

It was in charge of domestic propaganda to build public support for the war.

Ch.20 The War Industries Board was created for which of the following reasons?

It was meant to serve as a clearing-house to coordinate the national economy during wartime.

The slave population in North America was unique in which of the following respects?

It was the only slave population in the New World that naturally reproduced itself

Ch. 22 Which of the following may be considered a failure of the New Deal?

It was unable to end unemployment.

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was a consequence of the reservation policy of the U.S. government?

It weakened just about every aspect of Indian life.

Ch. 22 Which of the following is true of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

It weakened the economy because other nations raised their tariff rates, which made it harder to sell their products and, in tum, gave them less money with which to buy American goods or repay their U. S. debts.

Which of the following is true of the depression of the 1890s?

Its magnitude resulted in large part from the interdependence of various sectors of the American economy.

Ch. 22 Which of the following groups generally voted Republican before the 1930s but became a major part of the New Deal coalition during the 1930s?

Northern African Americans

Ch.20 Which of the following was a consequence of the northwards migration of African Americans during the First World War?

Northern resentment led to numerous race riots in northern cities.

Ch 24: Why did economic turmoil throughout Europe and Asia cause conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union in the immediate postwar period?

Each offered a different model to solve the economic problems that plagued Europe and Asia

Why did the New England colonies develop differently from the Chesapeake colonies?

Religion was a much more important force in shaping New England society than it was in shaping Chesapeake society.

Ch. 3 Which of the following was the most successful Indian resistance movement against European dominance in colonial North America?

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680

As a result of this incident in November 1864, U.S. troops massacred over 100 Cheyenne men, women, and children.

The Sand Creek Massacre

CH:6 Which of the following was a consequence of Lord Dunmore's Proclamation, issued in November 1775?

The Second Continental Congress decided to allow African Americans to enlist in the Continental Army.

Q2 Test: Which of the following was a consequence of Lord Dunmore's Proclamation, issued in November 1775?

The Second Continental Congress decided to allow African Americans to enlist in the Continental Army

Ch. 3 By the I720s, which of the following was an important difference between northern and southern colonial societies?

The South had become a slave society, whereas the North was a society with slaves.

Ch. 22 Why did the industrial recovery program under the National Industrial Recovery Act come to an end in 1935?

The Supreme Court ruled it to be unconstitutional.

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: What is the main reason for the deaths of most white sailors during the "middle passage"?

They died from African diseases contracted from the slaves.

These who criticized the war with Mexico often expressed which of the following ideas?

They expressed racist fears that victory would bring nonwhite Mexicans into the United States

Which of the following is true of Anglo-Americans who emigrated to Texas during the 1820s?

They generally settled in their own separate communities and had little interaction with Tejanos

Ch.20 W. E. B. Du Bois and the leadership of the NAACP supported the war against Germany for which of the following reasons?

They hoped their support of the war and their demonstration of patriotism would help African Americans in their quest for equality in the United States.

Which of the following was true of the followers of the Great Awakening?

They often used their religious ideas to question social and political norms.

Ch.5 Which of the following best describes the function of the committees of correspondence?

They provided a communications network designed to involve more colonists in the resistance movement by widening the movement's geographic scope.

Ch. 25 Which of the following is true of the amendments to the Social Security Act signed into law by President Eisenhower?

They raised benefits and expanded the program's coverage.

Ch.14/15 Reconstruction governments in the South

encouraged investment in industry.

Ch. 25 With regard to school desegregation, President Eisenhower

encouraged white resistance to the Brown decision by speaking ambiguously on the issue of federal enforcement of desegregation.

Ch.14/15 The Radical Republicans in Congress believed that it was essential to

ensure the rights of the freedmen.

Ch.23 During the Second World War, women

entered the labor force in increasing numbers and often found new employment opportunities.

CH:6 Committees of observation and inspection were officially charged with enforcing the Continental Association, and they also

established elaborate spy networks to identify opponents of the resistance movement.

The journalists who exposed the wrongs of American society during the Progressive era were known as


Ch 21. Which of the following is true of President Warren G. Harding?

his appointee to head the Veterans Bureau was convicted of fraud and bribery in connection with the gov't contracts and went to federal prison

Ch. 22 In response to the people who made up the Bonus Expeditionary Force, President Hoover

labeled them as insurrectionists and sent the U.S. Army to disperse them.

CH. 7 the governments first independent source of revenue under the Articles of Confederation was

land sales provided for in the Northwest Ordinances

Q2 Test: French missionaries, unlike their Spanish counterparts, decided they could best convert Native Americans to Christianity by

learning Indian languages and going among the natives.

Ch.14/15 African American leaders in the South during Reconstruction

led efforts to establish public schools in the region.

during the civil war, congress enacted legislation that

led to the creation of land-grant colleges

in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president...

less than a majority of popular votes and a majority of electoral votes

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): In the Rush-Bagot Treaty, Great Britain and the US agreed to

limit their naval forces on the Great Lakes

Ch. 22 The Agricultural Adjustment Act attempted to restore the purchasing power of farmers by encouraging them to

limit their production of specific crops

Ch. 22 Which of the following is true of the American Liberty League?

lt supported the use of racist propaganda in an attempt to turn white southerners against the New Deal and splinter the Democratic Party.

After passage of the Fugitive Slave Law...

many fugitive slaves living in the North saw the act as a threat to their freedom, moved to Canada

Q2 Test: As a result of the Haymarket bombing,

many people associated labor unions with foreign-born radicals.

The paternalistic ideology of the plantation elite

masked the harsher beliefs of rich planters concerning the inferiority of blacks and the importance of making money.

Ch. 3 The part of the New England trading system that was triangular in nature involved,

molasses, rum, and slaves.

Ch 24: After the second world war, Japan's reconstruction was

monopolized by the US

Ch.14/15 The term scalawag was used to describe

native white southerners who cooperated with the Republicans.

Ch.20 The Wilson administration came to see American exports to the Allies as

necessary to the economic well-being of the United States.

CH:6 The Continental Association called for the

non importation and nonconsumption of British goods.

Ch. 25 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., urged his followers to adhere to the philosophy of

nonviolent civil disobedience.

The Democrats chose James Buchanan as their presidential nominee in 1856 largely because he had

not been involved in territorial controversies

Ch. 25 The National Defense Education Act of 1958

offered fellowships and loans to college students.

Ch. 3 In Pennsylvania, William Penn

offered religious toleration to all settlers.

In the 1870s, the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment

only protected citizens' rights against infringement by state governments, and did not apply to the actions of individuals or private businesses.

The different political factions that joined together to form the Republican Party in 1854 were united by their

opposition to the expansion into the territories

CH:6 In response to the threat of smallpox in the ranks of the Continental Army, Washington

ordered the inoculation of all members of the regular army and of all new recruits.

Ch. 25 President Truman contributed to American anticommunism after the Second World War by

ordering investigations into the loyalty of federal employees.

Ch.14/15 A basic economic problem in the South in the post-Civil War period was

overdependence on cotton.

The Populists ultimately failed to build an urban-rural coalition because they

overemphasized the free silver issue.

One of the major causes of the depression of I 893 was

overexpansion by American railroads and industries.

Ch. 14/15 In decisions after the Civil War, the Supreme Court

participated in the northern retreat from the Reconstruction commitment to equality for the freedmen.

The most decisive factor in winning the vote for women was the

participation of women as laborers and volunteers on the home front during the First World War.

Ch.14/15 In an attempt to limit President Johnson's powers and safeguard its own Reconstruction plan, Congress

passed legislation requiring the president to issue military orders through the General of the Army.

CH:6 The most difficult task facing the delegates to the First Continental Congress was

reaching a consensus on the nature of the constitutional relationship between the colonies and England.

In the 1870s, the southern states began to enact poll taxes to

reduce the political power of African Americans.

Ch 21. Many of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance

rejected white culture and exalted the "New Negro"

Ch.14/15 Prior to the 1880s the federal government believed that Indians could best be civilized by

relegating them to reservations.

Through such devices as the initiative, the referendum, and the recall, progressive reformers hoped to

replace the favoritism of the boss system with rational, accountable management chosen by responsible voters.

Q2 Test: The most important reason for repeal of the Stamp Act was the

replacement of Grenville as prime minister by Lord Rockingham.

Ch.14/15 The outcome of the congressional elections of 1866

represented an endorsement of the Reconstruction plans of the Republican congressional leaders.

CH:6 When the delegates to the Second Continental Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence, they

risked their lives by committing treason.

Ch. 22 The banking crisis that began in the United States in 1929 was caused in part by

risky loans made during the 1920s

In Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall

ruled that the laws of Georgia had no force in the Cherokee nation

As indicated in his response to Horace Greeley's call for emancipation, Abraham Lincoln's primary goal was to

save the union

Ch.23 During the Second World War, the Red Cross

segregated blood plasma by race.

Ch.20 The purpose of the Committee on Public Information was to

shape and mobilize public opinion in support of the war effort.

Working-class reformers in the Progressive era strongly supported

shorter working hours and safer working conditions.

Ch. 25 The target of Rosa Parks's protest in Montgomery, Alabama, was the denial of the right of African Americans to

sit wherever they liked on city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, without having to give up their seats to white passengers.

Q2 Test: Fear of the Slave Power was fear that the

slaveholding elite that controlled the South was determined to control the entire nation.

Ch.14/15 The black codes enacted in the South after the Civil War showed that southerners

sought to return African Americans to a position of servility.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): In his inaugural address, Jefferson

sought unity after the bitter presidential election of 1800 by declaring "we are all republicans, we are all federalists"

Ch.14/15 In Congressional debates concerning Reconstruction of the former Confederate states, Thaddeus Stevens argued that

southern property should be confiscated and used to give freedmen homesteads and a chance at economic independence.

With regard to the doctrine of nullification, John.C Calhoun asserted that federal legislation could be overruled by

special state convention

Ch 24: the purpose of the Marshall Plan was to

speed the economic recovery of Europe

CH:6 The long-term significance of the Declaration of Independence lies in its

statements of principle.

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court asserted that

states could constitutionally enact legislation by which separate-but-equal facilities were required for whites and blacks.

Ch.14/15 The Fifteenth Amendment

stipulated that states could not deny the right to vote on the basis ofrace, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Ch.20 President Wilson sent thousands of troops to Russia in 1918 to

subvert the new Russian Bolshevik government.

Ch.23 If the United States was to become the "great arsenal of democracy," it had to

successfully convert major industries from production of consumer goods to production of m ii itary materiel.

In his speeches in the 1850s, Abraham Lincoln...

suggested that the South sought to spread slavery throughout the nation

Ch.14/15 In 1890, agents of the federal government attempted to

suppress traditional Indian religions such as the Ghost Dance.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following would have been most likely to benefit from the Embargo Act?

the owner of a New England textile mill

In his Two Treatises of Government Locke argued that

the people could oust a ruler from power if he failed to protect their rights.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following statements best expressed the criticism leveled against Hamilton's proposal that Congress assume outstanding state debts?

the plan will enrich speculators who have purchased securities at a small fraction of their face value

Ch 24: In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, which of the following was a major concern of officials in the American government about the Soviet Union?

the possibility that the Soviet Union would exploit economic and political instability in Europe and Asia to the detriment of US interests

In the Dred Scott decision...

the presence of an aggressive Slave Power was confirmed in the minds of many northerners

CH. 7 Under the Constitution of the US, who has primary responsibility for the conduct of foreign affairs?

the president of the US

Ch 21. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the American economy between 1919 and 1929?

the purchasing power of most American workers increased

Ch.5 The decision to send British troops to Boston in 1768 was largely due to

the riot that followed the seizure of the Liberty by customs officials.

Ch.23 The Manhattan Project refers to

the secret plan to build an atomic bomb.

The annexation of the Hawaiian Islands was preceded by

the seizure of Hawaii's government, which was plotted by American sugar growers andcarried out with the assistance of American troops.

the civil war caused which of the following in the north

the shift to mechanized agriculture accelerated

The Union Army's march to the sea through Georgia under General Sherman was notable because

the soldiers inflicted total destruction on the land and its economic resources.

During the Civil War, the north differed from the south in which of the following respects?

the south became poorer; the north remained prosperous

Manifest Destiny was the belief that...

the territorial expansion of the United States was inevitable, divinely ordained and just

Ch 21. Which of the following was a characteristic of the American economy during the 1920s?

the trend toward the consolidation of economic power in the hands of oligopolies continued

Ch 21. Which of the following is true of the Sacco and Vanzetti case?

the two men were convicted largely because of their political beliefs and Italian origins

Q2 Test: The key to the American system of manufacturing was

the use of machine-tooled, interchangeable parts.

Ch. 25 As a result of Silent Spring,

the widespread use of DDT in the United States ended.

Ch.23 The internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War was based on

their ethnic origin.

Which of the following is true of "black laws" passed by many Midwestern states in 1850s?

these laws prohibited African Americans from living within the border of such states

Ch 21. Modernists claimed victory in the Scopes trial because

they believed the testimony in the trial proved fundamentalism to be illogical

CH.7 Which of the following is true of most states in which the legislature abolished slavery in the early years of the nation?

they favored gradual emancipation

Ch 24: Why did Ngo Dinh Diem and President Eisenhower refuse to allow national elections in Vietnam as called for in the Geneva Accords?

they feared that Communist leader Ho Chi Minh would win

The Mayflower Compact was an agreement among the people on board the Mayflower that

they, the Plymouth settlers, constituted a politically organized body with the legal authority to make decisions for the colony.

Ch.23 As a result of wartime revenue acts,

the number of Americans paying income tax increased significantly.

Ch.20 Which of the following is true of American agriculture during the First World War?

Gross farm income increased dramatically.

Q2 Test: Which of the following is true of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

It did not clearly define what constituted a "restraint of trade."

Ch. 25 Which of the following was a consequence of the Highway Act of 1956?

It encouraged the process of suburbanization.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following would be most likely to support the Federalists?

A New England farmer

Which of the following would be the most likely to benefit from the economic growth of Britain's North American colonies during the eighteenth century?

A Slave trader

Ch.5 Which of the following is true of the Boston Massacre?

A Boston mob goaded British soldiers into firing into a crowd.

Which of the following was a reason for the early problems that.confronted the Jamestown colony?

A severe drought made it difficult for the settlers to cultivate crops.

Ch.20 Which of the following is true of American women during the First World War?

A significant number of women moved into jobs that had previously been reserved for men.

Which of the following is true concerning indentured servants?

A significant percentage did not live through the period of their indenture.

Ch.20 Which of the following contributed to the Red Scare that followed the First World War?

A wave of postwar strikes

Which of the following best expresses the beliefs of Booker T. Washington?

African Americans should prove themselves worthy of respect by working hard and acquiring property.

Ch 21. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the philosophy of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association?

African Americans should separate themselves from corrupt white American society

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following was a provision under the Missouri Compromise?

After Missouri's admission to the Union as a slave state, slavery was prohibited in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the 36 30

Secretary of State William H. Seward successfully acquired which of the following for the United States?


Ch. 3 Which of the following was a provision of the Navigation Acts?

All foreign goods bound for the colonies will be shipped by way of England.

Which of the following is true of politics in the Gilded Age?

Allegiances to national parties and their candidates were usually evenly divided.

Which of the following is true of the multi-candidate presidential race of 1842?

Although Andrew Jackson led in both popular and electoral votes, he was not elected

CH.14 & 15 Which of the following was true of Andrew Johnson?

Although from Tennessee, he remained in the Senate after his state seceded from the Union.

Ch 24: Which of the following statements is true of President Eisenhower in the area of foreign policy?

Although he relied heavily on his sec. of state, he controlled the making of foreign policy

Ch.5 Which of the following ideas was presented by Daniel Dulany in Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes on the British Colonies?

Although the colonies are dependent on Great Britain, they are not Great Britain's slaves.

Which of the following is true of the attempts between 1870 and 1910 to legalize women's suffrage on a state-by-state basis?

Although these attempts met with limited success, they laid the groundwork for the future by training a corps of female leaders.

Ch.20 Which of the following statements best expresses President Wilson's belief about America's place in the world?

America has a mission to lead the world into a new era of peace based on open diplomacy, free trade, and democratic politics.

Which of the following is true of the economic relationship between the United States and Mexico by 1910?

American capitalists owned Mexico's railroads and mines.

Ch.20 Taking all things into consideration, which of the following is the most important reason for the Senate's defeat of the Treaty of Versailles and United States membership in the League of Nations?

Americans were unwilling to abandon the nation's traditional attachment to nonalignment and freedom of choice in international affairs.

CH:6 Which of these statements is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in Common Sense?

An America that throws off the exploitive British yoke and declares itself an independent republic will be strong, and its citizens will be free.

Which of the following was the overriding characteristic of United States foreign policy in Latin America in the early twentieth century?

An increase in U.S. control over the region

CH. 7 Those who opposed that ratification of the Constitution were known as


Ch. 3 Which of the following is a Quaker belief?

Anyone, male or female, may preach the word of God.

Ch 24: why did the CIA secretly overthrow the Guatemalan government under Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in 1954?

Arbenz expropriated land belonging to the United Fruit Co. and thus was suspected of being a communist

CH. 7 Why, after a period of relative stability, was the American economy plagued by inflation from late 1776 into the 1780s?

As people's faith in the government declined, their faith in the worth of the nation's currency also declined

Which of the following arguments was used by women such as Jane Addams to defend female suffrage?

Because of their unique qualities, women will have a humanizing impact on all aspects of society

Which of the following is a characteristic of the German immigrants to the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Because they belonged to a variety of Protestant sects, they added to the religious diversity of middle colonies such as Pennsylvania.

Ch. 3 Which of the following was a consequence of the trans1t1on from indentured servitude to enslaved labor in the Chesapeake?

Chesapeake society became more socially and economically stratified.

Because of its railroads, stock yards and grain elevators, which of the following cities dominated the economy of the Midwest by the middle of the 19th century?


Which of the following statements about the slave family is true?

Children were often named after relatives of past generations as a way of emphasizing family history

CH 13: which of the following was true of the south during the early months of the civil war

Confederate armies had more volunteers than the government could properly arm

As a consequence of the sinking of the Maine,

Congress authorized President McKinley's request for $50 million in defense funds.

Ch. 25 Which of the following was accomplished during the Eisenhower years?

Congress authorized construction of the interstate highway system.

Ch.23 Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship among the Allies during the Second World War?

Cooperation among the Allies was undermined by an undercurrent of suspicion.

Q2 Test: The leader of the movement seeking to reform the treatment of the mentally ill was

Dorothea Dix.

Ch 21. Underconsumption was caused which of the following?

Due to falling wages and rising unemployment, many middle- and lower-income Americans could no longer buy the products they needed and wanted

The Supreme Court applied the separate-but-equal doctrine to schools in

Cummins v. County Board of Education.

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: Which of the following is true concerning the 1776 battle for New York City?

Due to mistakes made by Washington and his men, the city fell to the British

Ch 21. For the American economy, the period 1920 to 1922 was a time of

Declining farm prices and rapidly rising unemployment

Which of the following was a characteristic of the land distribution system of early Massachusetts Bay?

Distinguished individuals received the largest and best plots.

Ch.20 Which of the following beliefs is part of the body of ideas known as Wilsonianism?

Empires must be dismantled in keeping with the principle of self-determination.

Ch. 3 The Navigation Acts, ,vice-admiralty courts, and enumerated goods are all associated'with

English mercantilism.

Which of these statements is most consistent with the religious ideas expressed by Jonathan Edwards?

Even though human beings are filled with sin, they may be released from the bondage of that sin if they totally submit to the will of God.

Ch.5 Which of the following statements best expresses the argument presented James Otis in his 1764 pamphlet protesting the Sugar Act and proposed Stamp Act?

Even though the colonists believe an act of Parliament to be unconstitutional, they must obey that act until it is repealed.

Ch. 3 The Salem Village witchcraft crisis occurred for which of the following reasons?

Experiencing feelings of powerlessness and insecurity, many Puritans found in witchcraft an explanation for the disorder and change around them.

Which of the following was a consequence of the case of Anthony Burns?

Fear that the Slave Power dominated American government increased among northerners

Ch.5 As a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763

France ceded its major North American possessions to Great Britain

as a consequence of the Battle of Shiloh,

General Grant realized that a complete conquest of the south would be necessary to save the Union.

CH:6 "These are the times that try men's souls." This statement by Thomas Paine was written in response to

General Washington's retreat across New Jersey.

Which of the following is true of expansionists who supported the War with Mexico?

General Winfield Scott's campaign against Mexico City

Q2 Test: Which of the following is a Puritan belief?

God has already chosen those who are to be saved, and nothing one does will change one's fate

Ch. 25 Which of the following is considered a major contributor to the postwar economic boom?

Government spending

Ch 21. Which of the following was one of Harding's major problems as president?

He appointed to government positions friends who, through bribery and fraud, used their offices for personal gain

Which of the following is true of Theodore Roosevelt's beliefs while serving as President?

He approved of big business as long as it did not unfairly manipulate the marketplace.

Ch. 22 Which of the following statements best explains the contradiction contained in Hoover's approach to the depression?

He authorized the use of federal funds to feed drought-stricken livestock, yet he rejected the use of federal money to feed impoverished farm families.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following is true of Alexander Hamilton?

He believed that people were motivated primarily by economic self-interest

Why did President Jackson reject the doctrine of nullification?

He believed that sovereignty rested with the people; therefore, he did not accept the idea of state sovereignty

Which of the following is true of W. E. B. Du Bois

He believed that the "Talented Tenth" within the African American community should lead in the pursuit of racial equality.

Which of the following is true of Jacob S. Coxey?

He called for public works projects financed by low-interest loans from the federal government to local governments.

Ch.5 In light of the major problem confronting the British government in 1763, what decision did Prime Minister George Grenville make concerning Britain's North American colonies?

He decided that the colonies should assume a greater share of the cost of running the empire.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following is true of Tecumseh?

He encouraged the development of a pan-Indian federation among northern and southern Indians

Ch.23 Which of the following is true of the Office of Price Administration?

It established a nationwide rationing program for certain consumer goods.

Ch. 25 Which of the following explanations of Truman's 1948 victory is correct?

He won the African American vote in key northern states, thus gaining those states' electoral votes.

Which of the following became the leading spokesman for American socialism in the 1890s?

Henry Clay Frick

Ch. 3 Which of the following is true of William Penn's policies in Pennsylvania?

His Indian policies made the area attractive to Indians encountering difficulties with whites elsewhere.

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: Which of the following questions best expresses the ideological dilemma that faced the colonists from 1765-1774?

How can we justify our opposition to certain acts of Parliament without questioning Parliament's authority over us?

CH. 7 The leaders of Shays's Rebellion used which of the following arguments to justify their actions?

If government becomes destructive of the rights of the people, the people have the right to overthrow that government

Which of the following best states the free-labor ideology?

If you work hard and live a virtuous life, you will move up the social and economic ladder.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): The Jay Treaty was significant in which of the following respects?

In persuading the House to appropriate the funds necessary to carry out the treaty's provisions, the Federalists violated one of their key principles by engaging in grassroots politicking

Ch. 25 Which of the following was a consequence of the increased use of automated electronic processes in American industry during the 1950s?

Industrial productivity increased.

Ch. 25 Which of the following is true of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?

It allowed states to pass right-to-work laws outlawing the "closed shop."

Which of the following is true of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at the time of its founding?

It believed that African Americans should seek legal redress through the courts to end racial discrimination and to gain voting rights.

CH:6 Which of the following was the most important consequence of the Battle of Saratoga?

It brought France into the war as an American ally.

Why was the House of Burgesses important to the development of the British colonies in North America?

Its presence established the precedent of self-government at the local level in England's North American colonies.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): What was the outcome of the contested presidential election of 1796 between John Adams (Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)?

John Adams was elected president, and Thomas Jefferson was elected vice president

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Washington believed which of the following to be behind the Whiskey Rebellion?

The Democratic societies

Ch 24: How did President Truman ultimately define the American war goal in the Korean War?

Korea was to be reunified by force

CH:6 Which of the following is true of American soldiers and sailors held as prisoners of war by the British?

Many died of disease because they received meager rations and were confined in prisons that were crowded and unsanitary.

Ch. 3 Which of the following of the King Philip's War

Many of the Native American followers of King Philip were captured and sold into slavery.

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was true of the Exodusters who migrated from the South to Kansas in the late 1870s?

Many of them were fonner slaves and received aid from the Kansas Freedmen's Relief Association.

How did Maryland differ from Virginia?

Maryland offered freedom ofreligion to all Christian settlers.

Ch.23 Which of the following was a feature of the bracero program?

Mexican farm workers were admitted to the United States on short-term work contracts to fill agricultural jobs left vacant by Americans.

Q2 Test: Which of the following statements is most consistent with the beliefs of Horace Mann?

Misery and crime can be ended through universal education.

The radical, new southern position of the territories espoused by John C. Calhoun in 1846 contradicted the...

Missouri Compromise

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom philosophy?

Monopolies must be broken up in order to revive competition and recreate an open marketplace.

After the war of 1812,

More people in the North began to work for others in return for wages

Ch.14/15 Which of the following is true of northerners who settled in the South immediately after the Civil War?

Most came because they were seeking business opportunities or a warmer climate.

Ch.23 Which of the following is true of government military contracts during the Second World War?

Most were awarded to the nation's top one hundred corporations.

Ch 24: which of the following was a provision of the 1954 Geneva accords?

National elections to unify Vietnam were to be held in 1956

CH 4: most of the eighteenth-century population growth in the British colonies in North America was due to

Natural increase resulting in part from the healthy colonial environment.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): The embargo initiated by Pres. Jefferson in 1807 had the greatest impact on

New England

CH. 7 After the Iroquois confederacy repudiated the 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix,

New York State began to purchase large tracts of land from individual Iroquois nations, thus reducing the Confederacy by 1790 to a few scattered reservations

Q2 Test: What is an indentured servant?

One who contracts to work for a planter for up to seven years and in return receives passage to the New World

Ch.14/15 Which of the following is true of the early conservation movement?

Opposition to the movement was strongest in the West.

Some New England textile mill workers responded to their deteriorating working conditions in the 1830s by

Organizing and going on strike

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: Which of the following ideas was considered by Parliament to be basic to the British theory of government?

Parliament may exercise absolute authority over all colonial possessions

Ch.5 Which of the following statements best expresses the argument presented by John Dickinson in Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania?

Parliament may not use its power to regulate colonial trade for the purpose of raising revenue.

CH:6 As a result of the Battle of Yorktown,

Parliament stopped all offensive operations in America and authorized peace negotiations.

Ch.5 Which of the following is true of the patriots' perception of the Coercive and Quebec Acts?

Patriots linked the two and viewed both as a deliberate plot by the British to destroy their rights.

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: Which of the following is true of William Pitt's policies toward the colonies during the Seven Year War?

Pitt's policies placed recruitment of troops from the colonies in local hands.

What prompted the massive migration of Irish to the United States in the 1840s?

Potato famine in Ireland

Which of the following was in large part a consequence of Upton Sinclair's 1906 book The Jungle?

President Roosevelt supported passage of the Meat Inspection Act.

Which of the following statements is true of the Progressive movement?

Progressives used advancements in communications such as the telephone and the telegraph to exchange information and coordinate their efforts.

Which of the following is true of President Andrew Jackson

Promoting a limited role for government, he used the veto more often than all previous presidents combined

CH. 7 Which of the following was a feature of the Virginia Plan?

Proportional representation would be provided in both houses of a two-house legislature

Ch 24: What was the main obstacle to achieving a negotiated settlement in the Korean War?

Questions regarding the fate of many N. Korean and Chinese POWs who did not want to return home

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism philosophy?

Regulatory commissions should be established to ensure the wise use of economic power by large corporations.

Ch.14/15 Which of the following factors was instrumental in ending armed Indian resistance against whites?

Relentless pursuit of Indians by U.S. soldiers

A high protective tariff was usually favored by


CH. 7 Which of the following policies was established by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

Residents of the western territories would have the same rights as citizens of the original states

CH. 7 The fear that the Articles of Confederation government would become too powerful led to which of the following?

Rhode Island and New York refused to ratify an amendment allowing the Confederation Congress to impose a duty on imports

Which of the following is true of the Civil War?

Rifled muskets firing the minie ball are one explanation for the high number of casualties

CH:6 The British were surrounded and General Burgoyne's entire force of over six thousand men surrendered in the Battle of


Which of the following was an agreement reached at the Yalta Conference?

Russia would declare war on Japan shortly after Hitler's defeat.

By the early antebellum period, American slaves

Saw themselves as a single group unified by race

The Cherokee invented a system of writing for his people


Anne Hutchinson challenged Puritan orthodoxy by expressing which of the following beliefs?

She taught that the elect could communicate directly with God.

CH. 7 Of the questions raised at the Constitutional Convention about the establishment of a national legislature, which was the most difficult to resolve?

Should the states have proportional representation of equal representation in the states?

Why did many planters consider slave women more valuable than slave men?

Since the children of slave women were also slaves, their offspring added to the planter's labor force and capital.

Which of the following is true of slave culture in the antebellum south?

Slave culture, especially in appearance and in forms of expression, retained many influences from the African past.

Which of the following best expresses the belief of William Lloyd Garrison?

Slavery can be ended by winning over the hearts of slavery owners and slavery supporters to Christ

Ch. 3 Which of the following may be considered the "linchpin" of the Atlantic trading system?


Which of the following occurred in response to California's application for statehood in 1850?

Some southern politicians wanted to postpone California's admission to the Union and make it a slave territory

Overall, the British colony that experienced the most rapid economic growth during the last half of the eighteenth century was

South Carolina

Which of the following had the highest average wealth per freeholder in Anglo-America by the time of the American Revolution?

South Carolina

Individual farmers in the new market economy of the 1800s

Specialized in growing crops that could be sold for cash on the market

At its 1860 convention, the Democratic Party...

Split into northern and southern wings, each nominating a different presidential candidate

The explosion of canal building in the 1820s and 1830s was caused by the

Success of the Erie Canal

The United States opposed the existence of spheres of influence in China for which of the following reasons?

Such spheres threatened American trading interests in China.

Which of the following convinced many Progressives that President William Howard Taft had abandoned Roosevelt's progressive agenda?

Taft signed legislation that maintained what many Progressives believed to be excessively high tariff rates.

Ch. 25 Which of the following statements is most consistent with the ideas expressed by Martin Luther King, Jr., in his speech launching the Montgomery bus boycott?

The African American protest movement is just and is right in the eyes of God.

Which of the following held spiritual significance to Plains Indians?

The American bison

A Union victory in this battle cut the Confederacy in half and gave Union forces control of the Mississippi River.

The Battle of Vicksburg

Ch.5 Which of the following British actions angered Native Americans in the Ohio Country and eventually led to Pontiac's uprising?

The British raised the price of goods traded to Indian tribes in the Ohio Country.

Q2 Test: Which of the following correctly states the belief of Thaddeus Stevens and other congressional Republicans who criticized Lincoln's approach to Reconstruction?

The Confederate states, by seceding and making war against the United States, lost their status as states and should now be treated as conquered territories.

Q2 Test: Which of the following is true of the Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison?

The Court declared that the section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 that authorized the Court to issue writs of mandamus was unconstitutional.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): What is the theory of judicial review as applied to the Supreme Court?

The Court may nullify any federal or state legislative act by declaring it to be unconstitutional

Which of the following is true of late-nineteenth-century Supreme Court decisions concerning the Interstate Commerce Commission?

The Court upheld the constitutionality of the ICC. but its decisions weakened the commission's powers.

Ch. 3 During the late seventeenth century, how did the goals of English colonists begin to differ from the goals of the French?

The English wanted to acquire more land; the French wanted control over the valuable fur trade in the Great Lakes and Mississippi valley regions

What part of the Compromise of 1850 increased sectional controversy and conflict during the 1850s?

The Fugitive Slave Law

CH:6 What was the western border of the American nation established by the Treaty of Paris?

The Mississippi River

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was the key to the granting of statehood to Utah in 1896?

The Mormons agreed to give up polygamy.

northern women made up most of the volunteers who ran the thousands of auxiliaries of this organization during the civil war

The US Sanitary Commission

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following was a provision of the Adams-Onis Treaty?

The US gave up its claims to northern Mexico

Ch.23 What was achieved at the Dumbarton Oaks conference in 1944?

The United Nations Organization was approved in principle by the Allies.

Ch. 3 What was the cause of the King Philip's War?

The Wampanoags were concerned that their ancestral lands were being surrounded by white settlements

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following is true of the election of 1808?

The Younger Federalists used widespread discontent with the Democratic-Republican policy, especially the embargo, to their advantage

The development of national railroad system was hampered by which of the following?

The absence of a national standard for track width

For which of the following reasons did the spread of tobacco cultivation in Virginia lead to conflict with the Indians?

The abundant land required for tobacco cultivation caused the settlers increasingly to encroach on Indian lands.

Q2 Test: Which of the following was a provision of the Chinese Exclusion Act passed by Congress in 1882?

The act prohibited Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens of the United States

Ch. 25 William Levitt is noted for which of the following?

The adaptation of assembly-line methods to the process of home construction

CH:6 Why was the French alliance beneficial to the Americans?

The alliance widened the war, making it impossible for the British to concentrate solely on the American mainland.

Which of the following arguments was used by opponents of the Treaty of Paris?

The annexation of areas populated by dark-skinned people will undermine Anglo-Saxon purity.

Ch.20 Which of the following events touched off the First World War?

The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

Ch.23 In 1943, which of the following stalled German advances in eastern Europe and was in large part responsible for placing German forces on the defensive?

The battle for Stalingrad

Which of the following is true of the Mormon community established in the Great Salt Lake valley?

The church elders eventually controlled the territorial government of Utah

Which of the following best expresses the ideology behind the Open Door policy?

The closing of any area to American products, citizens, or ideas threatens the survival ofthe United States.

Which of the following was James Oglethorpe's original purpose in founding Georgia?

The colony was to serve as the southernmost defensive buffer for the English colonies against Spanish Florida.

Ch.20 Which of the following caused the Wilson administration to break diplomatic relations with Germany?

The decision by the German government to engage in unrestricted submarine warfare

Which of the following was a consequence of the war of 1812?

The difficulty of moving troops and supplies during the war spurred interest in the building of a more reliable road system.

Ch. 25 In its report To Secure These Rights, President Truman's Committee on Civil Rights proposed which of the following?

The enactment of antilynching and antisegregation legislation

CH:6 Which of the following was true of the officers of the Continental Army?

They developed an intense commitment to the patriot cause.

Ch.20 Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v. U.S.?

The government can restrict the First Amendment right to free speech in time of war.

Ch.5 Which of the following was the most pressing problem facing Great Britain at the end of the Seven Years War?

The government's war debt

Ch.20 Which of the following was a consequence of the First World War?

The government's wartime policies nourished the trend toward bigness in American industry.

CH. 7 What led to the calling of the Annapolis Conference?

The inability of the Confederation Congress to establish and implement a national trade policy

Why did the American colonies become less dependent on Europe for manufactured goods during the eighteenth century?

The increased demand for goods that accompanied the growth of the colonial population encouraged the development of colonial manufacturing enterprises.

Ch.14/15 President Johnson's refusal to allow any change in his Reconstruction policies caused which of the following?

The influence of the Radical Republican faction grew among conservative and moderate Republicans.

Ch.20 The military outcome of the First World War was decided by which of the following?

The influx of American men and material into Europe

Q2 Test: Which of the following led the British formally to declare war against France in 1756?

The killing of General Edward Braddock and the devastating defeat of his forces in July 1755 by a combined force of French and Indians

Ch. 22 Which of the following finally ended the depression?

The massive government spending that accompanied the Second World War

After 1852, anger toward the Mormons in the Utah territory increased throughout the United States for which of the following reasons?

The mormons officially sanctioned polygamy

Ch.23 Which of the following statements concerning the wartime economy is true?

The national debt skyrocketed during the war years.

CH. 7 Which of the following was a feature of the Articles of Confederation government?

The national government did not have the power to raise revenue effectively

During the nineteenth century,

The number of single women in the United Staes increased significantly.

CH. 7 Jefferson supported ratification of the Constitution, but he disliked which of the following about the document?

The omission of a bill of rights

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was true of life on the Plains?

The pattern of settlement meant that settlers often suffered social isolation.

Which of the following is true of southern society between 1830 and 1860?

The percentage of white southern families owning slaves steadily declined.

Why did Puritan migrations into the Connecticut valley eventually lead to war with the Pequot Indians?

The presence of English settlers in the area disrupted the trade patterns on which Pequot power was based.

The standard of living rose for all property-owning in the colonies for which of the following reasons

The price of British manufactured goods fell relative to the incomes of Americans.

Ch. 3 Which of the following is true of Bacon's Rebellion?

The rebellion involved land-hungry whites who alternately attacked Indians and battled with established authorities in Virginia.

Ch. 25 Industry was attracted to the Sunbelt for which of the following reasons?

The region's right-to-work laws which outlawed closed shops

Which of the following was a major demographic characteristic of southern society between 1830 and 1860?

The regions population density was low.

Ch. 22 Which of the following was the most important factor in Roosevelt's decision to seek a third term?

The rise of an aggressive Germany under the leadership of Adolph Hitler

Ch. 3 Which of the following was a consequence of New England's population growth in the late seventeenth century?

The scarcity of land caused some New Englanders to abandon agriculture and learn new skills so that they could support themselves in an urban area.

Ch.23 Which of the following was a consequence of the Teheran Conference of December 1943?

The three Allied leaders finally agreed that Operation Overlord would be launched in early 1944.

Beginning in the 1820s, why did western migrants find the Midwest more attractive than the southwest

The transportation routes of the Midwest were better developed than those of the Southwest

Which of the following is true of relations between the United States and Great Britain during the late nineteenth century?

The two nations slowly concluded that the interests of both could best be served by warmer relations.

Which of the following is true of the settlement achieved in the 1902 United Mine Workers' strike?

The wages of the mine workers were increased.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): which of the following was a consequence of the War of 1812?

The war served to encourage the growth of young industries such as the textile industry

Ch.20 Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the steelworkers' strike in 1919?

The workers were attempting to gain the right to collective bargaining, a shorter workday, and better wages.

Ch.5 Why did the American colonists protest Parliament's passage of the Sugar and Currency Acts?

These acts placed a financial burden on many colonists who were already suffering from the effects of a depressed colonial economy.

Which of the following correctly describes the attitude of most English settlers toward the Native Americans and their way of life?

They assumed the Native Americans to be their inferiors and showed little respect for Indian society.

Which of the following was true of American farmers in the late nineteenth century?

They concluded that an inadequate amount of money in circulation made their debts more burdensome.

Ch. 3 Why, beginning in the mid-1660s, did Chesapeake planters begin to purchase more African slaves?

They could no longer obtain an adequate supply of white indentured servants.

Ch. 3 Which of the following was a consequence of the Navigation Acts?

They stimulated the colonial shipbuilding industry, especially in New England.

The puritans advocated which of the following changes in the Church of England?

They wanted the church to be free from political interference.

Ch.20 Which of the following is true of African Americans during the First World War?

They were usually assigned to menial labor.

CH. 7 Which of the following was a characteristic of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention

They were, for the most part, members of the economic elite

Which of the following was generally true of slaves in the South Carolina and Georgia low country?

They worked under the task system.

Ch.5 Which of the following is an accurate description of the Sons of Liberty, created in 1765?

This intercolonial association was created by the elite in an attempt to channel crowd action into acceptable forms of resistance.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Thousands of former slaves joined the Union armies.

Annexationists in Hawai'i plotted the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian government for which of the following reasons?

To avoid paying the new American tariff on Hawaiian sugar imported into the United States

Which of the following is a reason for the rapid manufacturing and commercial expansion experienced by the Northeast during the forty years following the war of 1812?

Transportation costs were dramatically reduced as a result of extensive internal improvements.

Ch. 25 Which of the following is true of organized labor during the 1950s?

Union membership grew slowly because of the transition to a service-oriented economy.

Q2 Test: What impact did the urban growth of the late nineteenth century have on industrialization?

Urban growth and industrialization fed off and promoted each other.

Ch.9 Research indicates that in the forty-five years before the Civil War, Slavery

Was a profitable labor system

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): Which of the following was true of Washington's Farewell Address?

Washington attempted to portray the Republican opposition as dangerous and misguided

Q2 Test: The section of the Fourteenth Amendment that had the greatest legal significance in subsequent years was the section that

conferred citizenship on freedmen and prohibited states from abridging of their constitutional rights.

Members of the Social Gospel movement believed that

helping others is the path to individual salvation and to creating God's kingdom on earth.

Those who advocated the acquisition of an American empire in the late nineteenth and early twentiethcentury espoused which of the following ideas?

When the United States intervenes and remakes the societies of weaker nations, it isextending the benefits of liberty and prosperity to less fortunate people.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis?

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis? The American character has been shaped by the ever-expanding continental frontier.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): at the Constitutional Convention, George Washington

consistently voted in favor of a strong national government

Ch.23 Which of the following statements is most consistent with the public's attitude toward women entering the labor force during the war years?

Women should enter the labor force for the duration of the war, but they should return to the home when the war is over.

Ch. 22 Which of the following statements is correct concerning the application of New Deal laws and programs to women?

Women were not eligible for employment in the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Ch. 22 Which of the following was true of the Social Security Act of 1935?

Workers and employers, not the government, paid for old-age benefits.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): through his fiscal policies, Hamilton wanted to

consolidate power at the national level

Ch.14/15 Which of the following was the first national park in the United States?

Yellowstone National Park

Did the headright system benefit the wealthy gentry in Virginia? Why?

Yes, because it allowed them to amass more land and obtain laborers to work that land.

CH. 7 Did James Madison consider the large size of the American republic to be an advantage? Why or why not?

Yes, because there would be so many competing interest groups that no one group would be able to control the government

To adequately staff the Lowell textile at Waltham, Massachusetts, mill managers first Turned to

Young girls from New England farms

As a result of the fall of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson,

a path into Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi lay open before the union army

Ch. 25 The Dixiecrats who attracted national attention in 1948 were

a political party made up of breakaway Democrats opposed to the Democratic Party's position on civil rights.

As a result of the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia,

a scattered pattern of settlement emerged in the colony.

creation of the national banking system led to

a sounder currency

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): In the Convention of 1818, the US and GB agreed to

a ten-year joint occupation of the Oregon County

Ch.23 During the Second World War, the personal income of most American workers

reached new highs.

The Office of Indian Affairs...

cooperated with the military in the removal of Indians from western lands and protected citizens who wanted to settle in the West

The central banking system established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

could control the amount of money in circulation by adjusting the discount rate.

Ch 24: The Soviet Union and United States both coveted good relations with Third World nations because such nations

could provide sites for military and intelligence bases

Ch.20 As a result of the Paris Peace Conference at the Versailles palace, the Allies

created a chain of pro-Western buffer states around Russia.

During the civil war, Congress and the Treasury Department

created a national banking system with the authority to issue national bank notes

John Locke argued that human beings

acquire all knowledge through observations of the external world

The Republican party of 1850s...

adopted a platform that appealed to those who were interested in the economic development of the West

In response to the Nat Turner Rebellion, many southern states passed laws

against educating blacks

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: In the immediate aftermath of the passage of the Coercive and Quebec Acts, the colonies

agreed to send delegates to an intercolonial congress which would meet in Philadelphia

The survival of the Jamestown settlement is largely due to

aid received from the Powhatan Confederacy during the settlement's first two years.

Ch. 25 One result of the anticommunist crusade during the late 1940s and early 1950s was the dismissal as security risks of

alcoholics, homosexuals, and debtors in the employ of the federal government.

Before the Massachusetts Bay colony became a royal colony, the right to vote was limited to

all property-owning adult males who were members of the Puritan church.

Ch.23 The primary task of the War Production Board was to

allocate resources and coordinate production among the nation's factories as they converted from civilian to military production.

Ch. 22 An ironic twist to Roosevelt's court-packing plan was that

although the measure failed, the Supreme Court nonetheless began to render pro-New Deal decision

United States acquisition of the Philippine Islands led to

an attempt to Americanize the islands

An empresario was...

an immigration agent who chose families suitable for settlement in Texas and who, in return, received land for every 100 families he settled

Ch 21. Which of the following became a standard job benefit for white-collar workers in the 1920s?

annual vacations

One of the factors contributing to the 1863 New York City riots was

anti-black sentiment on the part of white working-class New Yorkers.

Ch.14/15 "Members [of Congress] joined in the shouting and kept it up for some minutes. Some embraced one another, others wept like children. I have felt ever since the vote, as if I were in a new country." This statement was made in response to

approval of the proposed Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

The elected colonial assemblies gained power in the eighteenth century by

assuming privileges associated with the British House of Commons.

Ch 24: the CIA helped in the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh because he

attempted to nationalize foreign oil interests in Iran

Ch.14/15 Andrew Johnson's initial plan for Reconstruction

attempted, at least temporarily, to deny power to wealthy southern planters.

Adopted by the House of Representatives in 1836, the gag rule

automatically tabled abolitionist petitions and thus prevented debate on them

Ch 21. In the 1920s, the ultimate symbol of social equality was the


CH:6 George Washington's primary goal as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army was to

avoid decisive military losses.

Ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment is considered a progressive victory because

by providing for the direct election of United States senators, it took their election out of the hands of state legislatures.

When the Granges first organized in the late 1860s and early 1870s, they

helped relieve the loneliness of farm life by sponsoring meetings and educational events.

Ch. 22 Roosevelt's economic policies at the beginning of his second term revealed his desire to

balance the budget

Ch 21. Which of the following was true of African Americans living in the inner-city northern ghettos in the 1920s?

because better housing was usually closed to them, they found it very difficult to escape from such areas

Ch 24: which of the following was a consequence of America's foreign investments?

because revolutions in the 3rd world threatened such investments, it was usually in the best interests of the US to support the conservative, propertied classes

Ch 24: The United States ultimately supported France in the war in Indochina because the American government

believed doing so would help curtail the further spread of communism

Margaret Sanger's work aroused opposition among men and women who

believed that birth control threatened the family and morality.

The leaders who guided American foreign relations between 1865 and 1914

believed that exertion of American influence abroad would help maintain prosperity athome.

CH. 7 The Land Ordinance of 1785 dealing with the Northwest Territory indicates that the Confederation Congress

believed that federal aid should be given to support public schools

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt

believed that the government should manage and control lands in the public domain.

Ch. 22 In his weekly radio sermons, Father Charles Coughlin

blamed the depression on an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers.

Which of the following was a reason for Lincoln's avoidance of the issue of slavery early in the war

bringing up the issue would have destroyed any chance of a pro-union majority asserting itself in the south

Ch. 14/15 The outcome of the disputed presidential election of 1876 was significant because it

brought an end to Reconstruction.

In Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe...

brought the issue of slavery home to many who had never before given it much thought

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): As a result of the Chesapeake affair,

the military weakness of the US was exposed

Ch.20 President Wilson responded to the sinking of the Lusitania by

calling on the German government to cease submarine warfare.

The United States declaration of war on Spain in 1898

came after Spain made diplomatic concessions to the United States.

The ideas associated with the Enlightenment

challenged the notion of a divinely sanctioned political order

Railroad lines compensated for unprofitably low rates on competitive routes by

charging unusually high rates on noncompetitive routes.

The Stono Rebellion, the New York conspiracy, and the Hudson Valley land riots serve as evidence that

colonial assemblies did not have the means to prevent serious internal disorder

Ch. 3 Mercantilist theory held that

colonies can help the mother country become self-sufficient by providing it with valuable raw materials.

William Jennings Bryan's principal campaign issue in the presidential election of 1896 was his

commitment to the free coinage of silver.

In the aftermath of the 1831 Nat Turner Rebellion, the Virginia legislature

debated but then rejected a measure calling for the gradual abolition of slavery

The proposal for popular sovereignty called for deciding the issue of slavery in the territories through a...

decision by the residents in each territory

Ch 24: General MacArthur was fired as commanding general in the Korean War because he

denounced the concept of limited war supported by Pres. Truman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Most progressive reformers

did not support radical challenges to capitalism.

The two political parties in the Gilded Age

differed greatly in leadership and organization.

The Teller Amendment

disclaimed any American intention to annex Cuba.

Most American deaths in the Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War were caused by


The basic economic motivation of those who supported the coinage of silver was to

ease the burden of debtors.

Ch.14/15 In response to the Panic of 1873, many debtors and unemployed workers advocated

easy money policies, which they hoped would spur economic expansion.

Ch. 25 In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court accepted the argument that

educational facilities that are separate are, by their very nature, unequal.

Ch.5 The nonimportation movement that was called to protest the Townshend duties was

effective in reducing colonial imports from England.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court

expanded Congress's power by ruling that trade on the nation's waterways fell under the commerce clause of the Constitution

Ch.14/15 The Dawes Severalty Act was based on the belief that

families headed by men were the desired model for all societies.

Policies to expand the amount of money in circulation were generally favored by


Ch 21. The immigration quotas established by Congress in the 1920s

favored northern Europeans

Ch.14/15 Although the South lost the Civil War, it was possible that the South would gain power in Congress when readmitted to the Union because

for purposes of congressional representation African Americans would count as a full person rather than as three-fifths of a person.

Ch.14/15 Passed by Congress over President Johnson's veto, the Civil Rights Act of 1866

forced state courts in the South to practice equality by placing them under the watchful eye of the federal judiciary.

The American Party of the mid-1850s (the Know-Nothings) drew its primary support from those who feared...


Q2 Test: One of the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to

foster trade relations with Indians in the trans-Mississippi West

During the Civil War substantial numbers of wealthy southerners avoided military service by

furnishing a hired substitute

Ch 24: The United States responded to Gamal Abdul Nasser's declaration of neutrality in the Cold War by

going back on its promise to finance the Aswan Dam project

Ch. 22 Dr. Francis E. Townsend advocated

government payments of $200 per month to all citizens over age sixty.

During the 1890s, leaders who favored economic expansion but not the annexation of overseas territory

gradually lost ground to those who advocated both formal and informal imperialism.

Q2 Test: Soon after proposing his initial plan for Reconstruction, Andrew Johnson surprisingly helped subvert his own plan by

granting pardons to many wealthy southerners.

Ch.14/15 The First Reconstruction Act

guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in elections for state constitutional conventions and in subsequent elections.

Ch 21. Which of the following is true of President Calvin Coolidge?

he vetoed bills that would have established government-backed price supports for staple crops

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court

held that, under the Constitution's necessary and proper clause, Congress had the power to charter banks

Ch. 22 The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 sought to promote economic recovery by

implementing Keynesian economic theory and providing direct relief.

In 1808 Congress banned

importation of slaves

Ch 21. Which of the following was true of the Justice Department during the 1920s?

in a setback for organized labor, it helped end a nationwide strike by miners

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): The domestic program outlined by President Madison in 1815

in many respects embraced Federalist ideas.

Which of the following is true of General McClellan

in the 1862 Peninsula Campaign, he ignored President Lincoln's order to advance against confederate forces

Ch.5 During the early 1770s, the patriots sought freedom from parliamentary authority but continued to pledge allegiance to the king. This patriot position was difficult for the British to understand because

in the British mind the king was part of Parliament and the two could not be separated.

Ch. 22 Between 1929 and 1933, many American farmers tried to make up for the low prices offered for farm goods by

increasing production

Ch 21. The new consumerism between 1922 and 1929 was fueled mostly by

installment plans

The most fundamental problem faced by the Confederacy during the war was

internal problems caused by the class system of the South

The Federal Trade Commission could

issue cease-and-desist orders against unfair trade practices.

Ch 24: Which of the following was one of the political consequences of the Korean War?

it increased the powers of the presidency and weakened the powers of Congress in the conduct of foreign affairs

Ch 24: The Marshall Plan was successful in accomplishing which of the following?

it stimulated impressive industrial production and investment in Western Europe

Which of the following was a charateristic of "fronteir"

it was a meeting place of different cultures

John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry increased anger in the South because...

it was revealed that Brown had financial backing from several prominent abolitionists

Ch. 22 The primary objective of the Farmer's Holiday Association

keep farm products off the market in order to limit the supply and drive prices up

Ch 21. As a result of the growth of the suburbs,

pollution and trash were spread over a larger area

Ch.5 Great Britain issued the Proclamation of 1763 to

prevent clashes between colonists and Indians

Ch.25 One of the goals of the GI Bill was to

prevent demobilized veterans from flooding the civilian job market.

Ch. 25 The aspects of elementary and high-school education that the National Defense Education Act most focused on were

programs in mathematics, foreign languages, and the sciences.

in the american west, the civil war marked the beginning of

prolonged warfare against Indian peoples in the region

The primary intent of the Open Door notes of 1899 and 1900 was to

protect American commercial interests in China.

Indentured servants were important to the development of the seventeenth-century Chesapeake because they

provided a relatively cheap and abundant source of labor for Chesapeake tobacco planters.

Ch.14/15 The Hatch Act of 1887 encouraged the advancement of farming science and technology by

providing for agricultural experiment stations in every state.

Ch.5 Parliament's intent in passing the Coercive Acts was to

punish Boston and the colony of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.

Ch. 25 In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court ruled that

racially-segregated public educational facilities were unconstitutional.

Ch.14/15 Cattle raising became increasingly profitable in the 1860s and gave rise to the lucrative cattle industry because of

railroad expansion and population growth.

Ch.14/15 Between 1870 and 1910, the possibility of profiting from commercial farming in the Plains region became more favorable because

railroad expansion and the construction of grain elevators made it possible to meet the increasing demand for farm products.

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: the primary intent of the Sugar Act was to

raise a revenue

Ch.5 The primary reason for Parliament's passage of the Stamp Act was to

raise revenue to help ease the debt burden of the British government.

One of the main issues in James K. Polk's 1844 presidential campaign was the Democratic party's commitment to...

territorial acquisition and expansion

Ch. 3 In the aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion,

territory previously reserved for the Indians was opened to white settlement.

Separatists differed from Puritan Congregationalists in that Separatists believed

that the Church of England was too corrupt to be saved.

Ch. 22 Huey Long's Share Our Wealth Society advocated

that the government should provide a guaranteed annual income to each American family

Ch.5 As a result of the passage of the Tea Act

the British East India Company was given a monopoly on the sale of tea in the American colonies

English colonization efforts in North America were eventually successful because

the English sent large numbers of settlers to establish colonies based on agriculture.

Ch 24: In 1947, those who criticized President Truman's request that Congress extend aid to the Greek government in its fight against leftists asserted that

the Greek resistance movement was composed of noncommunists as well as communists

As a result of the Hepburn Act,

the ICC gained more authority to fix railroad rates, but the courts could still overturn rate decisions.

From 1899 to 1902, the United States used the army to suppress a struggle for independence in

the Philipipne Islands

Jim Crow laws spread rapidly through the South after

the Supreme Court upheld the separate-but-equal doctrine.

Ch 24: why was the planned 1960 summit meeting in Paris between Eisenhower and Khrushchev canceled?

the US refused to apologize after an American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union

Ch.20 In the early years of the First World War, it was difficult for America to remain neutral because

the United States had strong economic ties to the Allies.

During the presidency of John Tyler...

the United States negotiated its first treaties with China

Which of the following is true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

the Whig Party broke into northern and southern wings and was no longer able to operate as a national party

Most members of the planter aristocracy saw themselves as

the benevolent guardians of an inferior race

Ch.14/15 Everyday life for Indians on the Great Plains centered on

the buffalo.

Captain Alfred T. Mahan argued that the nation's well-being depended on

the building of a strong, efficient navy.

Ch 24: The principle of "plausible deniability" holds that

the covert activities of the CIA should be planned and executed in such a way that the pres. can deny knowledge of them

Ch.23 U.S. strategy during the Second World War called for

the defeat first of Germany and then of Japan.

Major southern offensive actions ended as a result of

the defeat of Lee's forces at Gettysburg

Ch 24: Which of the following was a source of instability in the aftermath of the second world war?

the disintegration of empires

The late nineteenth century has been called the Gilded Age because

the era was characterized by an obsession with riches.

Ch 24: In the "long telegram," George F. Kennan asserted that

the fanaticism expressed by the Soviets made even a temporary understanding with them impossible

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): The issuance of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 was prompted by

the fear that reactionary continental European nations might intervene in Latin America to restore Spanish colonial rule

Ch.14/15 With respect to the question of black suffrage in the South, Andrew Johnson believed that

the federal government could never force the southern states to extend voting rights to African Americans.

The Populist party called for

the free and unlimited coinage of silver

Ch 24: As a result of the Korean War,

the globalist foreign policy of the US became highly militarized

The massive nineteenth-century influx of Irish immigrants into the United States was accompanied by

the growth of anti-Catholic sentiment.

Ch.23 D-Day refers to

the invasion of Normandy by Allied troops on June 6, 1944.

One of the reasons for Roger Williams's banishment from Massachusetts Bay was his belief that

the king of England had no right to give away land belonging to the Indians.

Ch. 25 The 1958 National Defense Education Act was passed in response to

the launching of the first earth-orbiting satellite by Russia.

CH:6 The most significant aspect of the first year of the Revolutionary War was

the long lull in fighting between British and American forces at Boston.

Ch 21. Which of the following factors contributed to the Great Distribution?

the maldistribution of income

CH. 7 On the question of whether to count slaves as part of a state's population in determining its representation in the House of Representatives, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention made which of the following decisions?

three-fifths of the slaves would be counted in the population totals

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): When Jefferson was elected president in 1800, one of his goals was

to limit the power of the federal gov't

Around I 750, the largest single export from the American colonies was


In Munn v. Illinois, the Supreme Court

upheld ownership and management of the railroads by the federal government.

Ch.14/15 After the Civil War, the main purpose of the Ku Klux Klan in the South was to

use intimidation and violence to weaken the Republican coalition so that a Democratic majority could be returned to power.

Ch.20 In mobilizing the economy for the war effort, the government

virtually abandoned competitive bidding.

Q2 Test: A number of English Calvinists moved to America in the 1620s and 1630s because they

wanted to be free to practice their religious beliefs without interference by the English monarch.

Ch.23 In 1942, Prime Minister Winston Churchill rejected Stalin's appeal that Allied forces open a second front against Germany because Churchill

wanted to protect British interests in the Mediterranean and Middle East by halting German advances in North Africa.

The Boxer Rebellion against foreign presence in China

was brought to an end when the imperialist nations, including the United States, sent troops to China.

The anti-imperialist campaign against the Treaty of Paris

was hindered by the inconsistency of the anti-imperialist arguments.

CH 8 (from Q1 Test): the fight over the admission of Missouri to the Union

was of great political significance because Missouri's admission would disrupt the balance b/w slave and free states in the Senate

During the course of the Civil War, the confederacy

was plagued by severe inflation

In 1916, Wilson supported stronger reform measures in part because he

was preparing to run for reelection

The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

was used to justify frequent interventions in Latin America by the United States.

The northern naval blockade of southern ports was

weak at first but increasingly effective as the war continued

Questions on Q1 Test not covered: The colonies rejected the Plan of Union adopted by the delegates to the Albany Congress because they

were afraid they would lose their autonomy

In contrast to Irish immigrants, German immigrants to the United States

were not as likely to be subjected to negative stereotyping

Ch. 22 In the early 1930s, both Mexican Americans and Mexican nationals working in the United States

were sometimes subjected to deportation by the United States government

Members of the Whig Party...

were suspicious of rapid Western expansion and, instead, supported industrial and commercial expansion within the current boundaries of the United States

The most critical question that emerged in the aftermath of the War with Mexico was...

what to do about slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico

Ch.14/15 The rapid development of railroads in the United States was accomplished

with the help of some of the largest government subsidies ever granted.

CH:6 In the Declaration of Rights and Grievances adopted by the First Continental Congress, the delegates made it clear that the American colonists

would only voluntarily obey Parliament.

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