USGBC LEED Green Associate Exam Prep

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Which of the following is the best to measure a material's ability to reflect sunshine?

SRI (Solar reflectance Index)

Which of these is a preferred strategy for reducing waste?

Source reduction, reuse, recycle, and waster to energy

Which of the following statement are not true?

Bicycle racks will help community connectivity, and retention ponds will not reduce storm water runoff

Which of these strategies can help to promote bicycling to work?

Bicycling networks

Which of these would qualify as part of a bicycle network?

Bike trails, dedicated bike lanes, and slow-speed streets

Which of these landscape features retain rainwater and slow the rate of runoff?

Biodwales, dryponds, and raingardens

SS Prerequisite: Environmental Site Assessment applies to which type of projects?

Healthcare and Schools

During construction of an occupied building, what must be done to protect the indoor air quality?

Seal off occupied areas of the building from the construction, and protect ductwork and ventilation to occupied places

Which sources of energy must projects meter for EA Prerequisite Building-Level Energy Modeling?

utility supplied electricity, and utility supplied natural gas

Which of these should be included on the walking map to document nearby uses for LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses?

walking routes and a scale

What room surfaces must be considered when calculating the average sound absorption coefficient for each space type for EQ Credit Acoustic Performance?

walls, ceilings, and floors

Which of these is recommended for projects that have limited storage area for waste containers?

single-stream recycling

Which of these does not contribute to MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste management Planning?

soil, rock found on-site, and tree stumps

To prevent light pollution and earn SS Credit: Light Pollution Reduction what must be avoided?

up-lighting, glare, and trespass

Which of the following can reduce storm water runoff and alleviate the urban heat island effect?

using a vegetated roof, using porous pavement with high albedo, and building a retention pond on site

To earn LT Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location what must the team provide to confirm that the LEED ND neighborhood or plan area in which the project is located meets credit criteria?

rating system and rating system version, certification designation, and certification level and certification date

Which of the following will not reduce materials sent to recycling facilities?


Which of these are concerns addressed by SS Credit: Rainwater Management?

reduce site runoff volume, and mimic natural hydrology of the site

Which of these are benefits of a properly executed Cx process that meets the goals and objectives of the owner's project requirements?

reduced energy consumption, lower operating costs, and improved coordination with subcontractors

Which of these are needed to calculate the reverberation time?

room volume, and total sound absorption in the room

Which of the following is considered open spaces for a LEED project?

Landscape areas

What is the minimum ventilation rate required for EQ Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment, Option 1. Flush-out during

0.3 CFM

What is the baseline water use for a public lavatory faucet?

0.5 gpm

What is the baseline water use for water closets?

1.6 gallons per flush

For all projects for LT Credit: Bicycling Facilities within what distance must the short-term bicycle storage be located?

100 feet walking distance of any main entrance

If a LEED BD+C: Schools project has earned 48 points and they want to earn a Gold level certification, how many additional points would they need to earn?

12 points

How many continuing education hours are required for LEED Green Associate to maintain their credentials?

15 hours biannually

What is the baseline water use for a private lavatory faucet?

2.2 gpm

Projects that have not earned points under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve what percentage reduction from the base ratios to earn LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint?


How many levels of LEED professional credentials are there?


Studies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), found that people in the United States spend, on average, what percentage of their time indoors?


What percentage of a site, prior to the project, must be previously developed land in order to be designated a previously developed site?


What is the best type of site to build a project on? [

A brownfield or previously developed land

What do LEED-certified projects receive?

A certificate, a plaque, and marketing tips

For LEED certification, you should include the following as part of the project's area except:

A shared parking structure on an adjacent property

Which of these statements best describes Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

AN analysis of the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service

What is the referenced standard for filtration media used in air-handling equipment?


What is the referenced standard for EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance?

ASHRAE 62.2 - 2010

The ASHRAE standard that sets the baseline case for minimum energy efficiency to be used in EA Prerequisite - Minimum Energy Performance and EA Credit - Optimize Energy Performance is:

ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010

What can a project team do if a prerequisite or credit is not achieved after it has been reviewed?

Accept the decision or appeal the decision

To achieve SS Credit: Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat what type of vegetation must be used to restore previously disturbed areas?

Adaptive vegetation and native vegetation

For WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction additional landscape water requirement (LWR) reductions from the calculated baseline beyond the prerequisite requirement may be achieved using any combination of which of these strategies?

Alternative water sources, and smart scheduling technologies

For EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance which of these are requirements for projects using natural ventilation strategies?

An alarm must indicate when any one of the openings is closed during occupied hours, and monitor carbon dioxide concentrations

What is the definition of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

An analysis of the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service

What is the definition of Heat Island Effect?

An increase in air temperature in a developed area compared with an undeveloped area

Which of these parking spaces must be included in a projects total parking capacity?

Any off-street parking spaces outside the project boundary that are available to the building's users, new and existing garage or multilevel parking spaces, and new and existing surface parking spaces

Which of the following are Site Development Strategies?

Avoiding developing on environmentally sensitive lands, and locate the project on a site that has been previously developed

Which of these design decisions has a major effect on reducing energy demand for a building?

Building orientation

At what time during the planning and design phase should project teams evaluate sustainable options to satisfy SS Credit: Site Assessment?

Before design

When is the best time for a new construction project team to commit to green building?

Before site selection

What is the best approach for a high-performance irrigation system design for channeling water directly to the plants?


Which of these is an important design decision to build green at a community scale?

Build a neighborhood that is compact, complete, connected, and convivial

Identify the options for MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction.

Building and material reuse, reuse historic building, renovation of abandoned or blighted building, and whole-building life-cycle assessment

Early in the design phase what energy efficiency strategy could help a project to reduce the overall energy needs for the building?

Building orientation

What standard must commercial clothes washer meet for WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction?

CEE Tier 3A

To comply with EA Prerequisite Fundamental Refrigerant Management projects must not use what type of refrigerant for new HVAC&R systems?


Which of these strategies describes the main principles of passive building design?

Capturing sunlight and wind for natural lighting, cooling, and heating

Which of these materials must be included in the Materials and Resources (MR) credit category?

Casework, metal studs, and doors

When selecting a location for a new green building which of these factors should the design team consider?

Climate, existing roads and transit, and cultural history/traditions

Which of these types of systems is more sustainable?

Closed Loop systems

A developer has selected an urban site near a shopping center. This will help which of the following?

Community connectivity

Which of these use process water?

Cooling towers, washing machines, and the dishwasher

Which of these should be considered by the design team when addressing the social context of a project?

Cultural history and traditions

Measured performance areas of a green building could include which of theese?

Energy Use, Operating costs, water use, occupation satisfaction, and carbon emissions

A project team is designing an office building to achieve 35% indoor potable water use savings. What project information is needed to calculate the baseline that will be used to gage the project's total potable Water Use Reduction?

Daily uses, flow rates of fixtures, and occupancy

What program allows a local utility to coordinate with building operators to decrease their electricity use during peak times?

Demand Response (DR)

What are the phases that comprise an integrative process?

Discovery, Design and Construction, and Occupancy/Operations/Performance Feedback

For a LEED BD+C: Hospitality project which of these water-consuming appliances must be included in WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? [Choose three]

Dishwasher, food steamer, and combination oven

What standard must residential clothes washer meet for WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction?

Energy Star

What standard for fixture performance must be used to calculate the Baseline Case for Water Use Reduction credits?


Which of these can be used to earn continuing education hours?

Education relevant to green building, LEED project participation, Publish a book or article on green building, and Volunteering for local organizations that support the LEED systems

Green building pursues solutions that represent a healthy and dynamic balance between which of these areas?

Environmental, Economic, and Social

Which of these are the most common, measurable, and well-understood environmental impacts that LCA tools evaluate?

Eutrophication, ozone depletion, and global warming potential

What is considered the interior of a building for EQ Credits?

Everything within the waterproofing membrane

Which of the following can be classified as "sensitive land"?

Farmland, Water bodies, and Habitats

Which of these is critical to the iterative process design approach?


When determining WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction which of these may be included or excluded from the landscaped area calculations at the project team's discretion?

Food gardens and athletic fields

What organization is responsible for managing LEED professional credentials?


What organization is responsible for managing the certification process of LEED projects?


What is needed to calculate the average refrigerant atmospheric impact?

GWP of the refrigerant, ODP of the refrigerant , and equipment life

Which program is used to qualify off-site green power for LEED?


What certification must green power and RECs have to qualify for EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets?

Green-e Energy

What is the name of the USGBC's annual event that is the world's largest conference and exposition dedicated to green building?


Buildings and land-use are responsible for contributing to climate change due to which of these environmental impacts?

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

If building occupants can take public transportation, ride bicycles, or walk to the building what environmental impact associated with commuting are they helping to reduce?

Greenhouse gas emissions

Which of these refrigerants has no ozone depletion potential?

HFC - 134a

What are the performance areas that must be addressed for EQ Credit Acoustic Performance?

HVAC background noise, sound transmission, reverberation time, and sound reinforcement and masking systems

Which of these systems must be commissioned for EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?

HVAC&R equipment and controls, domestic hot water systems, lighting and daylighting controls, and renewable energy systems

Which of these are strategies for reducing indoor water use?

High efficiency plumbing fixtures, submeters, and the use of non-potable water

Identify the options projects can choose to locate the project site on in order to earn LT Credit High-Priority Site

Historic district, priority designation, and brownfield remediation

How can a water end-use profile help a project team?

Identifies the projects largest users of water, and evaluates cost-effectiveness of conservation strategies

What is the first step in improving the quality of indoor air?

Improve air ventilation

ASHRAE 55-2010 is the standard used by LEED to create the baseline for:

Indoor air contaminants and thermal comfort

To satisfy the requirements for WE Credit Water Metering projects can install permanent water meters on which of these water subsystems?

Indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings, process water, and reclaimed water

Which of these LT Credit: Green Vehicles options can a LEED BD+C: Hospitality project use to earn the credit?

Install electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), and Install liquid or gas alternative fuel fueling facilities or battery switching station

Which of these are required for projects earning EQ Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan if a permanently installed HVAC system must be used during construction?

Install filtration to protect the return side of the system

Which of the following is effective at reducing potable water consumption indoors?

Installing low-consumption flush fixtures and low-flow rate faucets

When designing a green building to address environmental, financial, and occupant satisfaction issues what type of approach to sustainable design should the team use?


Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) must met what standard?

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering requires that projects measure total potable water use for which of these?

Irrigation and building

What can captured rainwater or treated graywater be used for in place of potable water?

Irrigation, toilets and urinal flushing, and cooling towers

Which of these tools could be useful for a team to help set project team sustainability goals early in the design phase?

LEED Checklist

What is the proper title to refer to a LEED Professional credential?

LEED Green Associate

What tool is used to manage all the project activity for LEED certification?


Which of these is a rating system development tool designed to test new and revised LEED credit language, alternative compliance paths, and new or innovative green building technologies and concepts?

LEED Pilot Credit Library

What is a "brownfield"

Land where the presence of hazardous materials may affect any redevelopment of the property

To gain a point for lighting control which of the following must be in use?

Lighting for presentations and projections must be controlled separately, and use of multi-zone switches

What strategy can help projects to promote alternatives to single-occupant car commuting and reduce the environmental impact due to parking?

Limit parking on the project site

Which of the following are strategies to meet the location credit requirements?

Locate the project within a LEED-Certified neighborhood development, and locate the building within proximity of surrounding density and diverse uses

LID is an abbreviation for which of these development methods used to minimize environmental impacts due to construction?

Low Impact Development

What unit is used to measure a luminaire's uplight when using the calculation method for SS Credit: Light Pollution Reduction?


Which of these is one of the best ways to identify areas for improvement to ensure that all building systems are performing well and continue to meet sustainability goals throughout the life of the project?

Measurement and verification

Which of these concerns in the condenser water system for cooling towers are controlled by WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use?

Microbes, corrosion, and scale

Which of these site conditions would be important to a project team that has set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Nearby mass transit

What type of feedback loop enables a system to self-correct and stay within a particular range of function or performance and helps to keep the system stable?

Negative feedback loop

The USGBC provides rating systems for what types of buildings?

Neighborhoods, Offices, Schools, and Retail

What must be included when determining the total vehicle parking capacity for a project?

New and existing parking spaces, new and existing garage or multilevel parking spaces, and Any off-street parking spaces outside the project boundary that are available to the building's users

For EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance which of these are requirements for projects that include residential units?

No decorative log heaters, and solid glass enclosures on indoor fireplaces

Heating and cooling a building without using mechanical equipment is what type of design strategy?

Passive design

Which of these is found in significant quantity in rainwater runoff from roads, parking lots, and other hardscapes?


The triple bottom line concept incorporates a long-term view for assessing potential effects and best practices for what resources?

Planet, Profit, and People

The integrative process requires more time and collaboration during which of these phases than conventional practices?

Planning and design

Which of these can LEED for Schools projects exclude in the LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses development density calculation?

Playgrounds, soccer fields, and football stadium concession stands

Which of these is an example of a positive feedback loop?

Population growth, and Climate change

Which of these applies to LEED Interpretations?

Precedent setting, project teams are required to adhere to all LEED Interpretations posted before their registration date, and Posted publicly in the online addenda database

How is preferred parking determined?

Preferred parking spaces have the shortest walking distance to the main entrance of the project, exclusive of spaces designated for people with disabilities

Greenguard Certification is the third-party certification program for:

Products for use in indoor spaces

Which of the following strategies can be used in order to meet the transportation credit requirements?

Provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of total parking spaces, and develop in areas that have multimodal transportation access

Which of these applies to LEED Project CIRs?

Provide technical guidance, remain confidential, and submitted in LEED OnLine with a fee

Which of these should be included in the site survey for SS Credit: Site Assessment?

Proximity to major sources of pollution, and monthly precipitation and temperature ranges

Which of these alternatives to single vehicle driving could help to significantly reduce carbon emissions from transportation?

Public transportation, walking, and bicycling

Which of these strategies could help a project to achieve a goal for net-zero waste?

Recycling, Reusing, and Composting

What is a benefit of a landscape architect using native and adaptive plants for the projects landscape design?

Reduced water consumption, and provides habitat for local fauna

In order for a project to achieve LEED certification what must they do?

Satisfy all prerequisites, and earn a minimum number of credits for the rating system

The Integrative process should be implemented during which phase?

Schematic design

Which LEED BD+C credit uses the BUG method?

SS Credit Light pollution reduction

Which LEED BD+C credit is the most important to consider when addressing the project's sustainability early in the pre-schematic design phase?

SS Credit Site Assessment

A LEED BD+C: Retail project has satisfied all requirements for LEED Certification and has earned the following points: LT 7, SS 6, EA 23, MR 9, EQ 11, IN 0, RP 2


The green building process and LEED rating systems first focused on environmental metrics but the list is expanding to encourage indicators in which of these other areas?

Social justice and Public health

In its solid waste management hierarchy, the EPA ranks which four preferred strategies for reducing waste?

Source reduction, reuse, recycling, and waste to energy

Once the project team has determined that the building will be a LEED project what is the first step in the LEED certification process?

Submit a registration form and fee to GBCI

How are walking and bicycling distance measured?

Sum of the continuous segments along infrastructure that is safe and comfortable

Which LEED BD+C credit is the most important to consider when addressing the project's sustainability early in the pre-schematic design phase?

Sustainable Site (SS) Credit Site Assessment

If a LEED BD+C: Core and Shell project has earned LT Credit Access to Quality Transportation which of these sustainability goals have they met?

Take advantage of existing infrastructure

Who is responsible for documenting the Basis of Design (BOD)?

The Design team

The cumulative effect of conventional building practices has profound implications for human health, the environment and the economy. What term is often used to refer to the concept of sustainability and sustainable design?

The Triple Bottom Line

What is the definition of heat island effect?

The absorption of heat by hardscapes, such as dark, non-reflective pavement and buildings, and its radiation to surrounding areas

What is commissioning?

The process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements

What does it mean for a project to be net-zero energy?

The project uses no more energy from the grid than they generate on site

To satisfy the requirements for MR Prerequisite Storage and Collection of Recyclables what materials must projects collect?

Tuna fish cans, ink cartridges, wrapping paper, and ice-tea bottles

If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for LT Credit Access to Quality Transit, the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring the routes with service at or above the prior level and are scheduled for completion within what time frame?

Two years

What is the correct usage of the organizations name?

USGBC or U.S. Green Building Council

The Location and Transportation (LT) category rewards projects for decisions about building location in which of these design decisions?

Using a compact development approach, proving connection to amenities, and having access to alternative transportation

Which of these activities contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change?

Using electricity to heat and cool buildings, driving to work in automobiles, and landfills

Which of these sources could help a projects to earn EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets?

Utility provided green power, carbon offsets that meet certification requirement, and RECs that meet certification requirement

ASHRAE 62.1-2010 is the standard used by LEED to create the baseline for:

Ventilation design and indoor air quality

Which of these statements best defines building commissioning?

Verification after construction that the structure and its systems and subsystems meet project requirements as intended and designed

What standard for high-efficiency fixtures specifies fixtures that use less water than those specified by the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992


Which of these is used to calculate the project's landscape water requirement and reduction from baseline for WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction?

WaterSense Water Budget Tool

Which of these fixtures eliminates the demand for potable water entirely?

Waterless urinals, and composting toilets

Potable water comes from what sources?

Wells and municipal water supply

What landscaping design supports water efficiency goals by selecting the use of drought-tolerate plants along with rocks, mulch, and other landscaping elements in order to eliminate the need for irrigation?


Thermal comfort controls should allow occupants, whether in individual spaces or shared multioccupant spaces, to adjust at least one of which of the following in their local environment?

air quality, air temperature, radiant temperature, and air speed

Which of these are eligible renewable energy systems?

Wind, wave and tidal energy, and solar thermal panels

WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction requires that all newly installed toilets, urinals, private lavatory faucets, and showerheads that are eligible must have what label?

a WaterSense label

Which of these services cannot contribute to LT Credit: Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses?

a mini storage facility

Which of these strategies can help improve a sites design for rainwater management?

a vegetated roof, and porous pavement

What is the required documentation for LT Credit: Bicycle Facilities for a LEED BD+C: Schools project?

a vicinity map showing bicycling network and route and distance along network to eligible destinations, a site plan showing bicycle storage location with walking route to main entrance and bicycling route to project boundary, and calculations for storage and shower facilities

Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce storm water runoff?

adding trees to a parking lot

What type of hardscape surface does not allow rainwater to infiltrate?

asphalt concrete parking lot, and a stone walkway

Which of these are sources of non-potable water?

captured rainwater, captured greywater, and municipally supplied reclaimed water

Which of these energy sources are nonrenewable?

coal and natural gas

What do contractors use to provide confirmation to the CxA that the systems have been installed, started up, programmed, tested, and balanced, and that the team is ready for functional testing?

construction checklists

In a green building project, which of these should the project team consider as the most important to the design decision when selecting materials to meet the project's sustainability goals?

embodied energy

When calculating surface area for vertical building elements which of these are considered as part of the layers?

enclosure, and interior finish

EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance requires that projects design learning spaces to meet which of these acoustic performance areas?

exterior noise, HVAC background noise, and reverberation time

Which of these site elements could help projects to achieve SS Credit: Open Space?

garden space with benches, and trellis with vegetation

Which of these spaces can be excluded from the requirements for EQ Credit Quality Views?

gymnasiums and auditoriums

Which of the following is the best way to alleviate suburban sprawl?

improve community connectivity

For WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction the project's calculated landscape water requirement reduction from baseline can be attributed to which of these?

irrigation system efficiency, and plant species selection

What can rainwater collected on-site be used for?

landscape irrigation, custodial uses, toilet flushing, and cooling towers

A construction waste management plan should include which of the following?

materials to be used for alternative daily cover (ADC)

What is the best strategy for reducing heat island and managing rainwater runoff?

minimize site imperviousness

When selecting plants for landscaping to reduce potable water demand for irrigation what strategy should project teams use?

native and adaptive plants

Which of the following are most appropriate for a vegetated roof?

native plants, adaptive plants, and lightweight plants

Green-e is used for which of the following?

off-site renewable energy

Where must places of respite be located?

outdoors, or be located in interior conditioned spaces

To comply with requirements for EQ Prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control where must all designated smoking areas be located?

outside, 25 feet from all entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows

Which of these must be treated as separate products for the Materials and Resources (MR) credit category?

paints of different glosses and carpet of different pile height

Which of these is an innovative construction strategy that could contribute to source reduction?

prefabrication, and designing to dimensional construction materials

Which of these commissioning (Cx) process activities must the commissioning authority (CxA) do?

prepare a final CX process report, and develop and implement a Cx Plan

Which of these are methods used for determining credit achievement in the Materials and Resource (MR) category?

product cost, and the number of qualifying products (which is at least 5)

For a product to qualify for the location valuation factor in Materials and Resources (MR) credits which of these must be satisfied?

product must be extracted, manufactured, and purchased within 100 miles of the project

The LEED rating systems Sustainable Sites (SS) credit category addresses which of these project site design and maintenance topics?

the heat island effect, site assessment, and rainwater management

Who does the commissioning authority (CxA) directly report their findings to?

the owner

Recycled materials will contribute to which of the following?

the protection of virgin materials

For LEED BD+C: New Construction projects that include residential units which of these must be implemented to comply with EQ Prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?

weather-strip all doors leading from residential units into common hallways, and seal all penetrations in the walls

How can project teams keep track of the quantity of diverted material to meet the requirements for MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management?


What is the contributing value of a material that is part of an assembly based on?


If a project team has set a goal to earn as many points as possible for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance which option would you recommend they use for EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance?

whole-building energy simulation

What type of project site landscaping method requires little or no irrigation?


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