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After the 1890s, American expansionism: a. Was limited to North America b. Was partly fueled by the need to stimulate American exports c. Was welcomed by the majority of Hawaiians d. Discouraged patriotism e. Was denounced by writers such as Josiah Strong and Alfred T. Mahan


All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American war except: a. Cuba b. Hawaii c. Puerto Rico d. The Philippines


American territorial expansionism: a. Began in 1890 b. Was a feature of American life since well before independence c. Began with the Spanish American War d. Began with the war in the Philippines


General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture a. Jose Marti b. Pancho Villa c. Emiliano Zapata d. Emilio Aquinaldo


In the Insular cases, the Supreme Court: a) Determined that Puerto Ricans and Filipinos would become us citizens in 1904 b) Held that the constitution did not fully apply to the territories acquired by the united states during the the Spanish American war c) Determining that Puerto Ricans and Filipinos were entitled to the same rights as us citizens d) Held that the annexation of the Philippines violated the fourteenth Amendment e) Ruled that the Foraker Act of 1900 which declared Puerto Rico an insular territory, was unconstitutional


In which of the following conflicts were U.S. military troops were not involved a. The Boxer Rebellion b. The Russo-Japanese war c. The Hawaiian revolution d. Cuba's second war for independence


The Boxer Rebellion took place in: a. 1883 b. 1900 c. Mexico d. Puerto Rico


The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to a. Restore the Manchu dynasty to power b. Remove foreign influence from China c. Set up a democratic government in China d. Set up a communist government in China


The Philippine War: a. Resulted in Filipino independence. b. Was far longer and Bloodier than the Spanish- American War. c. Was little debated at the time d. Was part of the American effort to liberate the Philippines e. Is well remembered today


The Roosevelt Corollary: a. Encouraged American bankers to help finance the shaky Latin American governments b. Stated that the United States could intervene in the affairs of western hemisphere countries to forestall the intervention of other powers c. Rescinded most of the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine d. Justified American intervention in the far east


The United States acquired all of the following as a result of the Spanish American war except: a. Puerto Rico b. Panama c. Guam d. Philippines


The battleship Maine: a. Exploded as it left Miami for Cuba b. Was a source of a battle-cry in the Spanish-American War c. Carried arms to the Cuban insurrectionists d. Disappeared at sea with no trace, but newspaper reporters claimed that Spain had ordered it sunk


The publisher of the New York Journal was: a. Henry W. Grady b. William Randolph Hearst c. Charles Foster Kane d. Frederick Jackson Turner


Which of the following stated the constitution did not fully apply to the territories recently acquired by the United States? a) Teller amendment b) Insular cases c) Platt amendment d) Plessy v Ferguson e) Chinese exclusion act


All of the following statements about Emilio Aguinaldo are true except: a. Aguinaldo led the armed struggle for independence against the Spanish b. Aguinaldo led the Filipinos in war against the United States c. Aguinaldo believed that Filipinos could only govern themselves with US assistance d. Aguinaldo opposed American imperialism e. Aguinaldo argued that the United States was betrayed its own values by annexing the Philippines


All of the following were imperialist powers in the late 1800s except a. Japan b. Spain c. China d. U.S.


As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States: a. Was deeply divided between war supporters and opponents b. Acquired Cuba as a colony c. Became a world power d. Suffered a huge financial strain and went into a depression


In 1899, President William McKinley explained in an interview with Methodist Church Leaders that his decision to annex the Philippines a. Was an easy foreign- policy decision b. Was dishonorable an undermined U.S democracy c. Was in part based on his desire to educate and uplift the Filipinos d. Was bad for U.S business interests. e. Was part of his plan to grant Filipinos U.S. citizenship


In order to acquire the Canal Zone, the United States supported Panamas revolt against: a. Mexico b. Venezuela c. Columbia d. Costa Rica


The Spanish American War: a. Lasted several years b. Was a victory for Spain c. Brought the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico under U.S. control d. Resulted in thousands of U.S. combat deaths e. Ended American expansionism


The Teller Amendment stated that: a. The United States would annex the Philippines b. Cuba was to be a protectorate of the United States c. The United States would not annex Cuba d. Puerto Rico was to become a territory of the United States e. The United States would not annex the Philippines


The term yellow journalism arose from the: a. Use of native reporters in the press coverage of the battles in the Philippines b. Press coverage of the trials of three Cuban officials who were accused of accepting bribes in the form of gold shipments from insurrectionists. c. Circulation war between two New York newspapers d. Use of propaganda in underground newspapers published by the Cuban insurrectionists


When the U.S. and Columbia could not agree on a price for the canal zone: a. The matter was submitted to an international board for arbitration b. Roosevelt sent the army to Columbia to force Colombian leaders to accept the American offer c. The Colombian province of Panama rebelled against Colombia d. Colombian officials offered the deal to the British


Who said, speak softly, and carry a big stick? a. William Jennings Bryan b. Grover Cleveland c. Theodore Roosevelt d. William H. Taft


Queen Liliuokalani a. Was Forced by Americans living in Hawaii to grant a constitutional government for the islands in 1899 b. Welcomed American sugar planters to Hawaii c. Was an American pretender to the Hawaiian throne d. Opposed the Americanization of Hawaii


The 'White man's burden' a. Refers to the horrors of lynching b. Refers to the failure of Reconstruction c. Was a term coined by Mark Twain d. Comes from a poem by Rudyard Kipling e. Comes from a speech by Booker T. Washington


The Platt Amendment a. Recognized Cuban autonomy b. Granted independence to Puerto Rico c. Limited the U.S presence in the Philippines. d. Authorized the United states to intervene militarily in Cuba e. Declared Cuba a colony of the United states


The open-door policy, if rooted in the self-interest of American businessmen and their desire to exploit Chinese markets also: a. Was supported by American imperialists b. Showed Americas concern for social justice c. Could be used as a training ground for the U.S. military d. Tapped the deep-seated sympathies for those who opposed imperialism


Who was the president when the U.S. acquired the right to build a canal across Panama a. Grover Cleveland b. William Jennings Bryan c. William McKinley d. Theodore Roosevelt


President William McKinley justified U.S annexation of the Philippines on all of the following grounds EXCEPT: a. The United States needed to civilize Filipinos b. The United States needed islands for business and trade c. The United States believed the Filipinos were not ready for self-government d. The United States needed to Christianize the Filipinos e. The United States needed to ensure that the Philippines became an independent democracy


Supporters of the Anti-imperialist League a. Wanted to civilize savage peoples b. Argued in favor of "benevolent" imperialism c. Maintained that Filipinos were entitled to U.S. citizenship d. Argued that Puerto Ricans were entitled to U.S. citizenship e. Believed that American energies should be directed at home, not abroad.


Alfred Thayer Mahan: a. Argued that sea power was essential to national greatness b. Said that colonies were too expensive to defend and maintain c. Predicted the united states and Germany would contend for world domination d. Is represented correctly by all the above


During the "age of empire," American racial attitudes: a) Had a global impact b) Inspired Canada to grant the Chinese immigrants equal rights c) Inspired Austrians to grant suffrage to native peoples d) Influence south Africans decision to abandon apartheid e) Had a limited impact


Emilio Aguinaldo: a. Was the Filipino rebel leader b. Led the Spanish forces at San Juan Hill c. Was installed as Cuba's governor in 1898 d. Was the martyred leader of the Cuban rebellion


Journalists who worked for newspapers like William Randolph Heart's New York Journal, which sensationalized events to sell papers, were called: a. Yellow journalists b. Trustees c. Social reformers d. Muckrakers e. Freelancers


Of the following statements, the one that best reflects an anti-imperialist attitude is a. "It is not necessary to own people to trade with them" b. "The expansion of our trade and commerce is the pressing problem" c. Is there no nation wise enough, brave enough to aid this blood-smitten land?" d. Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours"


The secretary of state who proclaimed the open-door policy toward China was: a. John Hay b. Henry Adams c. William Seward d. Albert Beveridge


Which of the following did not stimulate U.S imperialism? a. Need for a new source of cheap labor b. Thirst for new economic markets c. Desire for military strength d. A belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture


Which statement about the Spanish American War is true? a. The war lasted only four months and resulted in less than 400 U.S. battle casualties b. Congress indicated that it was going to war to annex Cuba c. The war came as little surprise given the fact that William McKinley campaigned in 1896 on a platform favoring imperial expansion d. Admiral Dewey secured Manila Bay by defeating the Spanish in a bloody three day battle e. The treaty that ended the war granted U.S. citizenship to the people of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam


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