UTH MS1 DEVO: Block 2:3 Neuro devo/new

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The caudal _____ of the neural plate becomes the spinal cord.


The cortex of embryo is still smooth at week


Cortex begins to develop major sulci and gyri by week


Sympathetic chain ganglia derived from spinal neural crest cells, and in cervical region, only ____ ganglia form and in coccygeal region, there is ____ chain ganglia.

3 cervical ganglia, 1 coccygeal chain ganglia.

Cortex has developed most of major sulci and gyri by week


by the end of cortical development, there are ___ layers, the ____ layer becomes white matter, and layer ___ developed first.

6 layers, the intermediate layer becomes white matter, and layer 6 developed first

The hindbrain has ____ segments called _______ that are specified according to the expression patterns of HOX genes.

8 rhombomeres

Alar plate is a collection of nerve cell bodies in the CNS (Nuclei) that make up dorsal gray matter. Receive and relay input from _________________.

Afferent (sensory, somatic, visceral) neurons (top light blue)

Basic organizing feature of the spinal cord are the ________.

Alar and basal plates.

The cerebellum arises largely from extension of ______ plate of _____cephalon.

Alar plate of Metencephalon

The two organizing centers of the forebrain develop from the anterior neural tube:

Anterior neural ridge (ANR) and second organizing center

In subventricular zone, you can keep getting neurons and oligodendrocytes developing, but they come from ____ instead of radial glial cells.

B cells that make intermediate precursors.

What morphogen determins the dorsal-ventral axis of the spinal cord?

BMP (dorsal, sensory) and SHH (ventral, motor)

What links the cerebral hemispheres?

Commisures (bands of neural tissue connecting hemispheres) and corpus callosum (by week 6) if don't link, not compatible with life.

The three major inter-hemispheric pathways:

Corpus callosum, and anterior & posterior commissures.

Neurogenesis of cerebellum: the ventricular zone becomes the internal germinal layer, which produces neuroblasts that form the...

Deep cerebellar nuclei, primitive purkinje neuroblasts, golgi neuroblasts AND GLIOBLASTS (--> macroglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes)

Cranial nerve II is the only CN associated with

Diencephalon All the others (lower down! like on the brain from anatomy lab. mostly associated with medulla)

Cerebral hemispheres end up growing so much they cover the

Diencephalon (thalami), mesencephalon (midbrain), and rhombencephalon (hindbrain)

*Just like the spinal cord, the morphogen ____ is at a higher concentration on the dorsal side and the morphogen ____ is at a higher concentration on the ventral side of the brain

Dorsal: BMP Ventral: SHH

each spinal nerve (mixed) splits into dorsal and ventral primary rami; dorsal to innervate _____ and ventral to innervate _____.

Dorsal: epiaxial muscles (deep muscles of back) Ventral: hypaxial muscles (diaphragm, abdominal muscles, limb muscles)

Second organizing center secretes FGF 8 too, but between midbrain and hindbrain. There it induces expression of... which..

EN1 and EN2, differentiates midbrain and cerebellum

Pituitary gland: duel development: anterior lobe origins:

Ectodermal placode on roof of stomodeum invaginates to form RATHKE's POUCH, and grows dorsally. It loses attachment to stomodeum and cells on outside make into anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis). posterior surface= pars intermedia of adenohypophysis.

After glioblasts differentiate, the ventricular layer forms the __________ of the ventricles and central canal of the spinal cord.

Ependymal cell lining

The anterior neural ridge forms at the most cranial border of the neural plate. growth factor _____ induces expression of transcription factor ____ to differentiate the telencephalon.


ANR secretes FGF 8 at cranial border of neural plate, and induces expression of ... which...

FOXG1, plays a key role in differention of telencephalon.

The Metencephalon's adult derivative is the

Pons and cerebellum

Neuroblasts can no longer divide and is differentiated because it has formed...

Processes: primitive axon and dendrite.

The three types of cortical development disordersare

Proliferation/apoptosis, migration, organization

Neural crest cells in each rhombomere migrate to specific locations in the embryo:

R1-2--> phar arch 1 R4--> phar arch 2 R6-7--> phar arch 3

excitatory neurons do ____ migration inhibitory neurons do ____ migration

Radial tangential

SHH induces the paraxial mesoderm to differentiate into

Sclerotome (which becomes vertebrae) and Dermomyotome (which becomes skin and epiaxial/hypaxial muscles)

Sulcus limitans

Shallow, longitudinal groove left in lateral walls of neural tube. Separates developing gray matter into dorsal alar plate and ventral basal plate. Runs length of spinal cord through mesencephalon.

Special visceral afferents:

Smell and taste!

The spina bifida in which meninges or spinal cord protrudes through a vertebral arch that failed to fuse is called

Spina bifida cystica Usually causes hydrocephaly too, because CSF can't circulate well. 3 types

The spina bifida in which vertebral arches (usually L5 or S1) fail to fuse= incomplete vertebral arch, is called

Spina bifida occulta Usually see little dimple and tuft of hair there.

Spina bifida cystica: Meningocoele

Spinal cord in normal spot, but meningeal sac protrudes through defect.

There are two places of adult neurogenesis:

Subventricular zone and hippocampus.

The alar plate of the mesencephalon gives rise to the

Superior colliculi (vision) and inferior colliculi (audition)

Prosencephalon, during week 5, divides into the :

Telencephalon and the diencephalon

The diencephalon's adult derivative is the

Thalami: Thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus

Spina bifida is a defect in ...

The closure of the caudal neuropore.

Which layer of the cerebral cortex is the oldest?

The inside most layer. (inside out migration in cortical plate)

What is the marginal layer of developing spinal cord?

The outer white matter layer. increases in mass because of addition of different axons and incoming dorsal root sensory fibers

corpus callosum connects

The two cerebral hemispheres.

Thalamus grows and closes off the ___ ventricle by fusing together


The neural canal in each vesicle becomes a definitive, distinct ______ in the future brain:



abnormal accumulation of CSF. blockage of aqueduct. Enlarged head of baby and high pressure

Pontine flexure:

aka dorsal flexure. Forms between metencephalon and myelencephalon splits the walls of myelencephalon --> thinned roof of fourth ventricle. Helps in development of cerebellum and pons.

Cephalic flexure:

aka mesencephalic, midbrain. At level of future midbrain and persists in adult as the bend between brainstem and forebrain

What is the defect in which the rostral ("cranial") neural tube never closed?

anencephaly, cranioraschischisis.

The body of the medulla becomes flat on the ____ side.


Mesencephalon's neural canal becomes

aqueduct of sylvius

Cerebellum has three parts:

archicerebellum (vestibular system) Paleocerebellum (sensory function) Neo-cerebellum (control of movements)

The lumen of the neural tube is reduced to a small ______.

central canal --> neural canal.

By day 25 of development, the hindbrain has developed into 8 rhombomeres, and the rhombencephalon (hindbrain), which divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon, give rise to ______ nerves. Name the rhombomeres that give rise to each CN and if they are associated with a phar arch, which one.

cranial motor nerves. cn IV: from R1 CN V: from R1, 2, 3 to P1 CN VII: from R4&5 to P2 CN VI: from R5 CN IX: from R6 to P3 CN X: from R7 to P4 CN XI & XII: from R8

In embryonic neurogenesis, neurons are derived directly from

early radial glial cells, not neuronal intermediate progenitor cells

The subplate neurons's role:

establishing connections between cortex and developing thalamus. form transient synaptic connections.


eyes fuse to form one central eye (cyclops) because lateral ventricles fuse. MIlder form: just incomplete devo of midline structures

At the end of week _____, the motor nerve fibers of ventral basal plate arise, and eventually join with the _______ of the dorsal alar plate to make ______.

four; Dorsal nerve root post ganglion; spinal nerves!

Chiari malformation

herniation of cerebellum, tonsils, and medulla down formen magnum.


herniation of intracranial contents via defect in cranium

The thalami are the

hypothalamus, thalamus, and epithalamus.

Special visceral efferents:

innervate skeletal BRANCHIOMERIC muscles: muscles related to pharyngeal arches.

Hippocampus: neurons can also develop from here, but they come from ____

intermediate precursors from subgranular zone's radial glia.

Ependymal cells come from

late formed radial glial cells

Oligodendrocytes arise from _____

lateral radial glia, and they form oligodendrocyte intermediate precursors

Diencephalon (thalami): Thalami first appear as bulge on..

lateral walls of third ventricle

The ___ zone is formed first, above the ______ zone

marginal, ventricular

The aqueduct of Sylvius comes from the neural canal of the _____ and it connects the _______ to the ______

mesencephalon, fourth to third ventricle.

Spina bifida cystica: meningomyelocele

more severe form of SBC, spinal cord and nerve roots AND meningeal sac protrudes through defect (to right)

General somatic efferent fibers (motor) refer to

motor nerves for skeletal muscle,

Neurons of ventral side of spinal cord (basal) send out ___ nerves to innervate ____

motor nerves to innervate muscles!

The first thing made by the ventricular layer in the developing spinal cord is _______ that migrate to the mantle layer

neuroblast cells.

The anterior commissure forms first and connects...

olfactory bulbs and center of hemispheres.

Neural crest cells become tons of things, including...

parasympathetic ganglia of CN's, pharyngeal arches, glial cells, peripheral sensory neurons, parasympathetic and sympathetic peripheral motor neurons, dorsal root ganglia for sensory relay.

Another part of diencephalon!: Pituitary gland: duel developmental origins: origin of posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)

posterior lobe of pituitary: distal part of infundibulum (diverticulum in floor of third ventricle) (grows ventrally towards stomodeum)

General visceral efferent fibers (motor) refer to

preganglionic autonomic fibers (innervation of glands and such)

Neuroblasts from basal plates migrate ventrally to become many things, including:

red nuclei, reticular nuclei, motor nuclei or CN III and CN IV.

The POST commissures form next and connect

right and left hippocampus

Alar plate contains cell bodies (nuclei) of the

sensory neurons (general somatic, general visceral, and general special visceral AFFERENTS) DAS

Special somatic afferents:

sight, hearing, equilibrium

Because the medulla body becomes flat, four columns of sensory nuclei are developed dorsal to sulcus limitans:

special somatic, general somatic, Special visceral, General visceral. ALL afferents ( sensory)

The layer that goes away (is transient) in cortical development is the



the molecular signal telling cells to stop migrating up once they get past the layer they're supposed to be on top of.

The Diencephalon's neural canal becomes the

third ventricle

Neurogenesis of cerebellum occurs in _____ distinct proliferative zones, and each zone gives rise to a different cell population in the cerebellum.


LIM1 expressed in prechordal plate and neural plate , designates --> OTX2 expression there too, designates -->

Forebrain Midbrain

3 primary vesicles of the brain at day 26 (week four)

Forebrain: prosencephalon Midbrain: mesencephalon Hindbrain: rhombencephalon

Cervical flexure:

Forms between rhombencephalon and spinal cord, does not persist in adult

The rhombencephalon's neural canal becomes the

Fourth ventricle.

Encephalocoele: meningohydroencephalocele:

Meninges, part of brain and part of ventricular system outside of cranium. Born with big bulge growing outside of head.

What is the defect that is a severe form of rostral neuropore defect, in which parts of cranium do not form (usually forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain)?

Meroencephaly (baby Jaxon)

The rhombencephalon, during week 5, divides into the :

Metencephalon and myelencephalon

The mesencephalon's adult derivative is the


Spina bifida cystica: Raschischisis/myeloschisis

Most severe form of any spina bifida. Neural tube failed to fuse, so you have flat neural mass directly exposed to amniotic fluid --> necrosis

Basal plate is a nucleus forming ventral gray matter, and it sends input by way of ________ to _________ and also forms _________.

Motor fibers to skeletal muscle; and also forms ventral roots of spinal nerves. (bottom pink)

The basal plate contains cell bodies (nuclei) of the

Motor neurons (general somatic, general visceral, and special visceral EFFERENTS) BDM

The mesencephalon, during week 5, divides into the :

NOPE! doesn't divide. stays as is.

General visceral sensory fibers (afferent) refer to

Nerve fibers sensing information from internal organs (viscera)

General somatic sensory fibers (afferent) refer to

Nerve fibers sensing pain, temperature, and touch in skin, muscles and joints

Two things that can become mesenchyme:

Neural crest cells and mesoderm. ?? check

Cranial nerve sensory GANGLIA are derived from _________ (4)

Neural crest cells, like the dorsal root ganglia; Ectodermal placodes; Epibranchial placodes; diffuse trigeminal placode.

To form neural cells, the ventricular layer first forms _______ which migrate to form the mantle layer


The layer surrounding the central canal is called the _______ and it has precursor cells to give rise to _______. It is called the ______ zone.

Neuroepithelial (ependymal) layer; neurons and macroglia; Ventricular zone *Proliferation from inside out!

The neuroepithelium of the ventricular layer can also form apolar neuroblasts, which eventually extend processes to form an axon and dendrite, and become ________.



No cranial neuropore closure. skull doesn't form and deformed nervous system exposed to amniotic, fluid = necrosis

Neural tube formation: quick review

Notochord and primitive node induces formation of neural tube. Neural tube begins as invagination of neural folds. Rostral neuropore closes by day 25-26, Caudal neuropore closes by day 27-28. lumen of neural tube --> neural canal. **but up to 5 diff sites of neural tube closure --> diff neural tube defects. Secondary neurulation: complete by week 8.

Most parasympathetic ganglia are derived from neural crest cells at the ________ or ______ regions.

Occipito-cervical (like vagus/CN X) or sacral regions (pelvic nerve).

Myelination: done by ____ in CNS and ____ in PNS.

Oligodendrocytes in CNS, and Schwann cells in PNS. myelination happens slowly, from 20 weeks to after birth.

Alar neurons usually stay dorsal, and basal neurons usually stay ventral, but one special nucleus travels from dorsal to ventral side, and it is important for hearing. It is called the ______.

Olivary nucleus. Exception to sensory neuron migrating ventrally.

Neurogenesis of cerebellum: the external germinal layer undergoes three waves of proliferation and produce...

Basket cell neuroblasts, granule cell neuroblasts, stellate neuroblasts AND GLIOBLASTS (--> macroglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes)

Another part of diencephalon!: Pineal gland forms as an outpocketing of the _________.

Caudal diencephalon. Pineal: melantonin, circadium rhythms.

The telencephalon's adult derivative is the

Cerebral hemispheres

The three flexures (curves/dips) in the C-shaped embryo starting in week 5:

Cervical Cephalic (mesencephalic, midbrain) Pontine (dorsal)

Ependymal cell lining is made by...

Glioblast differentiation from neuroepithelia of neural canal, then glioblasts become macroglia (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) --> ependymal layer/ventricular zone.

medulla devo: neuroblasts migrate dorsolaterally from the alar plate and form little islands of cell bodies called_______.

Gracile and cuneate somatosensory relay nuclei of the spinal cord.

AP axis of forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain is controlled by

HOX (but Hox class of hindbrain is diff from HOX class of fore and midbrain)

____ genes affect the development of the forebrain and midbrain.

HOX! also, like hindbrain.

Defects in closure of rostral neuropore leads to :

Incomplete devo of brain, calvaria, or face.

At week 8, the spinal cord of baby ends at level: In adults, the spinal cord ends at level:

L4- L5 L1-L2

The telencephalon's neural canal becomes the

Lateral ventricles

Cerebral hemispheres form as outgrowths of______, and they are in communication with ____ at first.

Lateral walls of prosencephalon! In a C shape. Lateral ventricles!

The basal plate of the mesencephalon gives rise to the

MOTOR nuclei (red nucleus, reticular nuclei, CN III and IV's motor nuclei)

Processes extend from the mantle layer to form another layer called the ________

Marginal zone, which becomes white matter (no cell bodies here)

The layers of the cortex, from outside in, at first, are

Marginal, cortical, subplate, intermediate, (ventricular)

Inside out devo of cortex:

Marginal, cortical, then subplate develop.. then layers start growing inside out between subplate and cortical layers.

The myelencephalon's adult derivative is the


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