UVA -US History & Government

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This division would destroy the alliance between the Soviets and the West, leading to the ___________ War between the two superpowers and the emergence of a bipolar world.


salutary neglect

Colonial Conflict Throughout the chaos in England during the English Civil War, policy toward the Colonies had been one of __________ __________, allowing them great autonomy.

Meanwhile, the ________________ _______________' Alliance formed to support sharecroppers and other African American farmers in the South.

Colored Farmers

C_________________ and their are where most of the hard work of lawmaking is actually done. Here bills are read, debated, and revised. It is also where most bills d______, by either being tabled (put aside) in subcommittee or committee, or by being voted down.

Committees & subcommittees die

If found guilty, he or she is removed from office. This followed the British model in which the House of C____________________ (the lower house) had the power to impeach, and the House of Lords (upper house) heard arguments and decided.


C________________ Powers: These are powers that are shared equally by both the national and state government. The power to t______ and the power to establish c____________ are both concurrent powers.

Concurrent tax courts

After debate has ended, the members of each house vote on the bill. If it passes out of both houses, it moves to the C______________ C________________ which must transform the two very different draft bills (as different revisions and amendments were made as the bill made its way through each house) into one.

Conference Committee

Ghost Dance

Conflict continued as well: the __________ __________ Movement united Plains tribes in a spiritual movement and in the belief that whites would eventually be driven from the land.

Reconstruction Acts

Conflict over how harshly to treat the South persisted in Congress between Republicans and Democrats and in 1867, a Republican-led Congress passed the __________________ Acts, placing former Confederate states under the control of the US Army, effectively declaring martial law.

If the president does veto the bill, it returns to C__________________ where both houses can vote again.


A member of C__________________ is required, however, to introduce the bill. With the exception of r__________________ bills, bills can start in either house.

Congress revenue

Amendments to the Constitution can either come from C________________ or from the s________ legislatures.

Congress state

The movement grew to include voter registration campaigns organized by CORE, the ______________________, supported by students and other activists (both black and white) from around the country

Congress of Racial Equality

All amendments to date, however, have been proposed by C_______________.



Consequently, in order to exploit these resource-rich lands, Spanish colonizers took part in the European-driven trans-______________ slave trade, kidnapping African people or purchasing them on the West African coast, bringing them to the Americas and forcing them into slavery in mines and plantations in the Western Hemisphere.

Likewise, the Civilian __________________ Corps (CCC) offered employment in environmental conservation and management projects.


For the federal Supreme Court to review a state supreme court's decision, there must be an issue involving the interpretation of the federal C__________________.


A movement of young conservatives elected to Congress in 1994 promised a ____________________ ______________ _____________________, a conservative platform promising a return to lower taxes and traditional values.

Contract with America

How did the Progressive Movement change the United States during the Second Industrial Revolution? A. Trade unions fought for workers' rights and safety; the Social Gospel, an early philosophy of charity and philanthropy, developed to support the poor and urban disadvantaged. B. The Seneca Falls Convention drew attention to the question of women's suffrage. C. Progressives argued to extend rights and protections to Native Americans, particularly those displaced by settlement on the Great Plains. D. The Supreme Court ruled segregation unconstitutional in Plessy v. Ferguson.

Correct. Unions improved conditions for industrial workers; the Social Gospel imparted a sense of social responsibility that eventually manifested in laws and regulations protecting the rights and safety of workers, farmers, the poor, and others. B. Incorrect. While women's suffrage continued to be an important issue during the Progressive Era and while women continued to advocate for their rights, the Seneca Falls Convention took place several decades before. C. Incorrect. Protection of Native Americans was not a central part of the Progressive platform. D. Incorrect. The Supreme Court maintained that segregation was constitutional in Plessy v. Ferguson.

On June 6, 1944, or ______________, the US led the invasion of Normandy, invading German-controlled Europe.

D- Day

Sherman Silver Purchase

Debate would continue until the passage of the _______________________ Act in 1890, which allowed Treasury notes to be backed in both gold and silver.

However, the Nixon administration was found to have engaged in corrupt practices. A burglary at the ____________________ _________________ Headquarters , based at the Watergate Hotel, was found to have been connected to the Oval Office.

Democratic National Headquarters

The resulting Gulf War, or Operation ____________ ____________ (1991)—cemented its status as the world's sole superpower

Desert Storm


Despite differences from the South, social stratification existed in New England as well: according to Puritan belief, wealth and success showed that one was a member of the _______, or privileged by God.

Indian Removal

Despite efforts by the Cherokee, who unsuccessfully argued for the right to their land in the Supreme Court in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), President Andrew Jackson enforced the 1830 ______________ Act, forcing Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and others from their lands in the Southeast.


Despite his opposition to such deep federal economic control, Jackson was forced to contend with controversial ___________.


Despite ongoing conflict between Native Americans and Spanish colonizers, there was social mixing among the people. Intermarriage and fraternization resulted in a stratified society based on _______, not only in North America but throughout Spanish and Portuguese holdings in the Americas.

defend trade penetrate

Despite the Confederacy's alliance with Britain, the United States prevailed. Congress declared war under Madison with the intent to -__________ the United States, -end chaotic _______ practices and treatment of Americans on the high seas, and - __________ British Canada.

Plessy v. Ferguson

Despite the Fourteenth Amendment, the rights of African Americans were regularly violated. In 1896, the Supreme Court upheld segregation in ___________ v. ____________ when a mixed-race man, Homer Plessy, was forced off a whites-only train car. When Plessy challenged the law, the Court held that segregation was, indeed, constitutional; according to the Court, separate but equal did still ensure equality under the law.

Homestead Act of 1862

Despite the racism faced by Chinese immigrants, Americans of European descent were encouraged to settle the Frontier. The _____________________ granted 160 acres of land in the West to any settler who promised to settle and work it for a number of years;


Despite the separation of powers provided for in the Constitution, __________________ like Thomas Jefferson called for even more limitations on the power of the federal government.


Despite this action, British and French ships accosted American ships in the Atlantic and forced American sailors into naval service (__________________).

D__________________-in-Chief: The president is also considered the chief diplomat of the United States.


The Supreme Court ruled that enslaved persons were not citizens; it also found the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, meaning Congress could not forbid expanding slavery to US territories.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

education & leadership

DuBois, on the other hand, favored immediate desegregation and believed African Americans should aim for higher ______________ and positions in society. His stance was supported by the advocacy group, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).


During the Adams administration, the Federalists passed the harsh Alien and Sedition Acts. The ________ Act allowed the president to deport "enemy aliens"; it also increased the residency requirements for citizenship.


During the ___________ -___________ Debates, Lincoln spoke out against slavery, while Douglas supported the right of states to decide its legality on their own.

1824 John Quincy Adams

During the election of _______, Andrew Jackson ran against John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and William Crawford, all Republicans (from the Democratic-Republican party); ______________________ won.

Second Great Awakening

During this period, religious revival became popular and people turned from Puritanism and predestination to Baptist and Methodist faiths, among others, following revolutionary preachers and movements. This period was called the __________________________.


Earlier in the region, in 1649 the Maryland _______________ Act had ensured the political rights of all Christians there, the first law of its kind in the colonies.

Hence, it has the most expressed powers in the Constitution. Section __________ contains eighteen clauses listing specific powers which can be divided into peacetime powers and war powers:



Elected officials would increasingly come to better reflect the electorate, and the brash war hero Jackson was popular among the "_________________ man."

As a result, they created the E_______________ C_____________. Over the years, the political parties have expanded the process into a nine-month series of elections by various groups of people.

Electoral College

The most famous of these is Abraham Lincoln's E ________________ _______________

Emancipation Proclamation.

Additionally, the Immigration Act of 1965 overturned the provisions of the ________________ Quota Act, ending the racist limitations on immigrants to the US.


In response to widespread xenophobia and a sentiment of isolationism following the First World War, Congress limited immigration specifically from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Southern Europe with the racist acts (x2)

Emergency Quota Act of 1921 21+24 and National Origins Act of 1924.

The federal government allotted aid to states to be distributed directly to the poor through the Federal ________________ __________________ Act.

Emergency Relief


Encomiendas allowed colonists to demand tribute and forced labor from local Native peoples, essentially ___________________ them, to profit from the land.


England and the Thirteen Colonies While the Spanish and French arrived generally as single men for trade, who would intermarry with local inhabitants, the English brought their families and settled in North America, with the goal of establishing __________________ settlements.


England expanded the Molasses Act of 1733, passing the ________ Act in 1764 to raise revenue by taxing sugar and molasses. Sugar was produced in the British West Indies and widely consumed in the Thirteen Colonies.

Enlightenment Ideas The founders of the United States were all very learned men who were educated in the philosophy of the E____________________. Several key elements of this philosophy are reflected in the Constitution.


While it is tempting to view the Constitution as a timeless document, it is important to understand that it was actually very much a product of the time in which it was written. The ideals that inform it grew directly out of the E______________________, and the governing structure it created was in direct response to both colonial discontent under Britain and problems faced by the new republic.


import < export

Ensuring a beneficial balance of trade is essential; the country must ___________ more than it imports.


Eventually former Confederate states also had to ratify the 1865 ______________ Amendment, which abolished slavery;


Exploitation of colonial resources and the dynamics of the Columbian Exchange supported _________________, the prevailing economic system: European powers controlled their economies in order to increase global power.

Types of Powers Governmental powers in the Constitution can be divided into six types: *___________________ Powers: Also known as enumerated powers, these are powers that are specifically granted to the federal government only. An example of an )____________________ power is the power to make treaties with foreign nations.


silver standard

Farmers were also concerned about fiscal policy. In order to reduce their debt, they believed that introducing a _______ ____________ would inflate crop prices by putting more money into national circulation.


Farmers were suffering from crushing _______ in the face of westward expansion, which destroyed their lands; they were also competing (and losing) against industrialized and mechanized farming.


Farther south, the ____________ controlled the coast at the Columbia River.

And the ______________________ (FHA) was created for the long term to insure low-cost mortgages.

Federal Housing Administration

To stabilize the economy and rein in the banks, Congress passed the _________________ _________________ Act in 1913 to protect the banking system.

Federal Reserve

F_____________________ is a system in which both the state government and federal government retain sovereignty by dividing up the areas for which they are responsible.



Federalists and Democratic-Republicans Joy in the victory over Great Britain was short-lived. Fearful of tyranny, the Second Continental Congress had provided for only a weak central government, adopting the Articles of _________________ to organize the Thirteen Colonies—now states—as a loosely united country.

The First Amendment Speech: The liberties most central to the American identity are articulated in the ____________ Amendment: speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion.


Groups like ___________________________ lobbied against civil rights reform for women and advocated for traditional, two-parent, heterosexual families.

Focus on the Family

salutary neglect Ohio

Following another period of ________________ _______________ in the Colonies, in 1754, French and English conflict exploded once again in North America as fighting broke out in the _______ Valley.


Following the 1688 Glorious Revolution in England, many colonists thought they might gain more autonomy; however, the new leadership under William and Mary continued to _________ self-rule.

Algonquin Iroquois

France had allied with the _______________, traditional rivals of the British-allied ________________.


France had come to control the vast _______________ Territory, from the Ohio Valley area through the Mississippi Valley, the area down the Mississippi River to its capital of New Orleans, and as far as the reaches of the Missouri River and the Arkansas/Red River stretching west.


France prioritized trade; the ____ and beaver pelts from game plentiful in the Northeast were in great demand in Europe. French colonists were also more likely to establish agreements and intermarry with local Native Americans than other European powers; they did not establish settlements based on forced labor or arrive with families.

Following weak responses by the Hoover administration, _________________________was elected to the presidency in 1932.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The ________________________, so-called because they rode buses from around the country to join the movement in the Deep South.

Freedom Riders


French Hegemony in the Midwest and Northeast Unlike Spain, which sought not only profit but also to settle the land and convert Native Americans to Christianity, France was mainly focused on ________.


French explorers like Samuel de ________________ reached what is today Quebec, Vermont, upstate New York, and the eastern Great Lakes region as early as the seventeenth century.


From a financial perspective, the country would again struggle. Disagreement over the Tariff of ________ divided industrialists, who believed in nurturing American industry, from Southern landowners, who depended on exporting cotton and tobacco for profit.


Frontier life was difficult, however, as the land of the Great Plains was difficult to farm. Meanwhile, ranching and herding __________ became popular and profitable. White settlers also hunted the buffalo; mass buffalo killings threatened Native American survival.


Furthermore, debt and disorganization made the country appear _______ and vulnerable to Great Britain and Spain. If the United States was to remain one country, it needed a stronger federal government.

Jim Crow

Furthermore, oppressive social structures remained: the _______ ________ laws enforced segregation in the South.


Furthermore, the Second Great Awakening had fueled the ______________ movement.


Furthermore, there were concerns that the Colonies required a stronger military presence following ____________'s Rebellion in 1763.


Furthermore, those countries that obtained access to more gold and silver—notably, Spain, which gained control of mines in Central America and Mexico—exponentially increased their wealth, dramatically changing the balance of economic power in Europe. Long-term consequences included the decline of _______________ and the rise of capitalism.

Leaders like Marcus ___________ believed in self-sufficiency for blacks, who were settling in urban areas and facing racial discrimination and ________________.

Garvey isolation

However, the cabinet as we know it today was established immediately under ________________ ___________________.

George Washington

The Watergate scandal eventually forced Nixon to resign, and Vice President ____________ ___________ took office for one term. Nixon's resignation further destroyed many Americans' faith in their government.

Gerald Ford

The Supreme Court ruled that the court must provide legal counsel to poor defendants in felony cases.

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)


Given the British alliance with the Iroquois, England would also refer to the Beaver Wars and Iroquois control over the Northeast (today, the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region) to assert their own claim over this area, which was called the _________________ Territories.

Perhaps most notable was the _____________ -__________ Act, which established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure customer deposits in the wake of bank failures.


This legitimacy can be derived from a number of places: from G_______ in a theocracy, from m______________ might in a dictatorship, or from the p__________themselves in a democracy or a republic.

God military people

In the end, the G_______________ C_________________ was reached.

Great Compromise

The ongoing ___________ ____________ of African Americans to the North led to differing views on black empowerment.

Great Migration


Great Plains, Southwest, Pacific Northwest Farther west, tribes of the Great Plains like the Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache, Comanche, and Arapaho would later come into ___________ with American settlers as westward expansion continued.

National Grange Las Gorras Blancas

Groups like the ________________ advocated for farmers. More extreme groups like______________________ disrupted the construction of railroads altogether in efforts to protect land from corporate interests.

_________________ _________________, who had never been in favor of the silver standard, asked Congress to repeal the Act.

Grover Cleveland


Growing nationalism in the United States pressured Madison into pushing for war after the Battle of _______________ in Indiana, when General William Henry Harrison fought the Northwest Confederacy, a group of tribes led by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh.

Suspected terrorist fighters captured there and elsewhere during the War on Terror were held in a prison in ___________________ ________, Cuba, which was controversial because it did not initially offer any protections afforded to prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions.

Guantanamo Bay

In 1964, Congress passed the G_______________________ Resolution in response to the perceived attack on an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. The resolution essentially gave the president a blank check for m______________ action in Vietnam, which led to a rapid and massive escalation of US military spending and troops.

Gulf of Tonkin military

Congress never formally declared war in Vietnam but gave the president authority to intervene militarily there through the ______________________________ (1964).

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Bank of the United States (BUS)

Hamilton prioritized currency stabilization and repayment of debts; he also believed in establishing a national bank—the ________________, which Washington signed into law in 1791.

The ____________ Renaissance, the development and popularity of African American-dominated music (especially jazz), literature, and art, was extremely popular nationwide and contributed to the development of American pop culture.


President _____________________ had taken power following FDR's death in 1945.

Harry Truman

During this period, the US annexed __________, __________, ___________ ___________, and took over the ______________ _______________.

Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and took over the Panama Canal; H, G, P R, P C

Under the _______ __________________ Treaty, Great Britain granted its claims to the area that would become the Panama Canal (at the time, in Colombia) to the US.

Hay Pauncefote


He also favored tariffs and excise (sales) _________, which Anti-Federalists—who became known as Democratic-Republicans—vehemently opposed.

Johnson's _____________ ____________ program provided early intervention for disadvantaged children before elementary school (and still does today)

Head Start

Rather than force a US invasion of Japan, which would have resulted in huge numbers of casualties, he authorized the bombing of ___________________ & ____________________ in Japan, the only times that nuclear weapons have been used in conflict.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The US ultimately withdrew from Vietnam. North Vietnamese forces, led by _______________________, took over the entire country. For more detailed information, please see Chapter Two, "World History."

Ho Chi Minh

The ___________________ (HOLC) refinanced mortgages to protect homeowners from losing their homes,

Home Owners Loan Corporation


Horseback riding facilitated the hunt; previously, hunters ________________ buffalo or frightened them off of cliffs.

The H_______________ must choose the president if there is no majority in the Electoral College.


The creation of the Department of ___________ and ____________ Development increased the federal role in housing and urban issues.

Housing & Urban Development

Answers: A. Incorrect. Horses were introduced to North America by Europeans; neither the Navajo nor the Ancestral Pueblo had access to them before contact. B. Correct. The Ancestral Pueblo had settled in what is today the Four Corners region; the Navajo came to control land extending through present-day Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. C. Incorrect. The Anasazi or Ancestral Pueblo themselves had built cliff dwellings. D. Incorrect. The Navajo did not have a strictly hierarchical society.

How were the Navajo influenced by the Ancestral Pueblo, or Anasazi? A. The Navajo continued the practice of pastoralism, herding horses throughout the Southwest. B. The Navajo expanded control over land originally settled by the Ancestral Pueblo. C. The Navajo began building cliff dwellings, improving on the Anasazi practice of living in rounded homes built from wood. D. The Navajo developed a strictly hierarchical society, abandoning the looser organization of the Ancestral Pueblo.

Andrew Johnson

However Lincoln's vice president, _______________ ___________________, enforced Reconstruction weakly and the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan emerged to intimidate and kill black people in the South;


However in 1660, the House of _______________, which governed Virginia, declared that all blacks would be lifelong slaves.

Louisiana Purchase

However, Jefferson also oversaw the ____________ _______________, which nearly doubled the size of the United States. This troubled some Democratic-Republicans, who saw this as federal overreach, but the Louisiana Purchase would be a major step forward in westward expansion.


However, Latinos and Latinas who had lived in the region under Mexico lost their land and were denied many of the __________ that whites enjoyed—even though they had been promised US citizenship and equal rights under the Treaty. They also suffered from racial and ethnic discrimination.

Black Hills

However, by the late nineteenth century, gold was discovered in the _______ ________ of South Dakota on the Great Sioux Reservation.


However, following defeats by strong colonial military leaders like George Washington and despite its strong alliances and long- term presence on the continent, ______________ eventually surrendered.


However, it soon became clear that the Articles of Confederation were not strong enough to keep the nation ____________.


However, not all was well. ________________ had strongly opposed the war. They had also opposed economic policies taken under Jefferson and Madison.


However, should the government overstep its bounds, the people have the right to ___________________ it and replace it.


However, stability in England and an emerging culture of _____________________ in the Thirteen Colonies caught the attention of the British Crown;


However, the Crown worried that this plan allowed for too much colonial ________________________, adding to tensions between the Thirteen Colonies and England.

Second Battle of Bull Run

However, the ___________________________ was a tactical Confederate victory, led by General Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The Union army remained intact, but the loss was a heavy blow to Union morale.

Interstate Commerce

However, the elite were also powering industrial growth. Government corruption led only to weak restrictive legislation like the ___________________ Act of 1887, which was to regulate the railroad industry.

Lexington and Concord

However, violent conflict began in 1775 at ________________ & _______________, when American militiamen (minutemen) had gathered to resist British efforts to seize weapons and arrest rebels in Concord.

American Woman Suffrage Association

However, women were also freed up to engage in social activism, and they were active in reform movements. Activists like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked for women's rights, including women's suffrage, culminating in the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention led by the _______________ ______________ _____________ ______________.

________________ Powers: These are powers the federal government has that are not in the Constitution.


Garvey's United Negro _____________________ Association would go on to inspire movements like the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam



In 1680, the __________ Revolt, led by the leader Popé, resulted in a two-year loss of land for Spain.


In 1765, Britain enforced the ________________ Act, requiring colonists to provide shelter to British troops stationed in the region.

Whiskey Rebellion

In 1795, rebellion against the excise tax on whiskey broke out; the ___________ _____________ indicated unrest in the young country and was put down by militia.


In 1836, Texas, where there were a great number of white settlers, declared _____________________ from Mexico; one reason was because Mexico abolished slavery, an institution white Texans wished to retain.


In 1845, Texas joined the Union; this event, in addition to ongoing US hunger for land, triggered the __________________ War.


In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act reopened the question of extending slavery to new states north of the Missouri Compromise line established in 1820. The Act stipulated that the settlers of the Kansas territory would _______ on whether to permit slavery.

Dred Scott

In 1856, an escaped slave, ________ ________, took his case to the Supreme Court to sue for freedom. Scott had escaped to the free state of Illinois and sought to stay there; his former "owner" had argued that he could him back regardless of the state he was in.

Stephen Douglas

In 1858, a series of debates between Illinois Senate candidates, Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democrat __________ ___________, showed the deep divides in the nation over slavery and states' rights.


In 1887, the __________ Act ended federal recognition of tribes, withdrew tribal land rights, and forced the sale of reservations—tribal land. It also dissolved Native American families; children were sent to boarding schools, where they were forced to abandon their cultures and assimilate to the dominant American culture.

Wounded Knee

In 1890, the military forced the Sioux to cease this ritual; the outcome was a massacre at __________________ and the death of the Sioux chief, Sitting Bull.


In Britain, it was argued that the colonists had _____________ representation and so the Act—and others to follow—were justified.


In December 1814, twenty-six Federalists called a meeting in Connecticut to discuss the economic tumult. At the ______________ Convention, some attendees issued calls for New England to secede from the United States.


In May 1775, the _____________ Continental Congress met at Philadelphia to debate the way forward. Debate between the wisdom of continued efforts at compromise and negotiations and declaring independence continued.


In New England, _________________, members of the Church of England who believed it had strayed too far from its theological roots, had come to North America seeking more religious freedom.


In President Washington's Farewell Address, he recommended the United States follow a policy of __________________ in international affairs, setting a precedent for early American history.


In ______, Lincoln was elected to the presidency. Given his outspoken stance against slavery, South Carolina seceded immediately thereafter, followed by Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas. (MAFLGT)

Irish Catholics and Germans

In addition, immigration from Europe to the United States was increasing—mainly _________________ & ____________________.


In an attempt to avoid the conflict, Congress passed the ______________ Act under the Jefferson administration in 1807, which limited US international trade;


In art and culture, romanticism and reform movements elevated the "_________________ man," a trend that would continue into the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

Missouri Compromise

In debating the nature of westward expansion, the Kentucky senator: Henry Clay worked out a compromise. The _____________ _______________, also known as the Compromise of 1820, allowed Missouri to join the union as a slave state, but provided that any other states north of the thirty-sixth parallel (36030') would be free.

Federalist Papers

In order to convince the states to ratify the Constitution, Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay wrote the ____________ ______________, articulating the benefits of federalism.

Rights & Grievances

In response to the Intolerable Acts, colonial leaders met in Philadelphia at the First Continental Congress in 1774 and issued the Declaration of __________ and _______________, presenting colonial concerns to the King, who ignored it.


In response, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Townshend enforced the punitive ________________ Acts which imposed more taxes and restrictions on the colonies;


In response, the government passed the _______________ Acts, closing Boston Harbor and bringing Massachusetts back under direct royal control.


In the 1783 Treaty of ________, the United States was recognized as a country, agreeing to repay debts to British merchants and provide safety to those British loyalists who wished to remain in North America. The American Revolution would go on to inspire revolution around the world.


In the Pacific Northwest, ______________ was a major source of sustenance, and Native American peoples created and used canoes to engage in the practice. Totem poles depicted histories.


In the Southwest, the ___________ controlled territory in present-day Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

1st Great Awakening (1750)

In the mid-eighteenth century, a sense of religious fervor called the ______________ _________________ spread throughout the Colonies; people became devoted to God beyond the confines of traditional Christianity, attracted to traveling preachers and convinced that they must confess sins publicly to avoid going to hell.


In the sixteenth century, Sir Walter _____________ established the Roanoke colony in present-day Virginia;


In this way, North America was part of the _______________ Exchange, the intersection of goods and people throughout the Atlantic World.


Indeed, ____________ were established in the West and Southwest for this purpose, throughout Mexico and parts of what is today Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

I________________ Powers: These are powers that derive specifically from US sovereignty and are inherent to its existence as a nation. For example, the powers to make t______________ and to wage w________ are both inherent powers.

Inherent treaties war

As a result, the president is now expected to manage i__________________ crises, negotiate e__________________ agreements with other countries, and monitor and maintain confidential information related to the s__________________of the nation and to the rest of the world.

International Executive Security

And prosecuted the Northern Securities railroad monopoly under the _________________ ____________________ Act, breaking up trusts and creating a fairer market.

Interstate Commerce

______________tionist President Woodrow Wilson played an important role in negotiating the peace - his Fourteen Points laid out an idealistic international vision, including an international security organization.


In the 1979 ____________ Revolution and the resulting hostage crisis, when the US Embassy in __________ was taken over by anti-American activists, the economy suffered from another oil shock. (For more information on these events, please see Chapter Two, "World History.")

Iranian Tehran

Fugitive Slave Act

It also reaffirmed the ___________ __________ Act, which allowed slave owners to pursue escaped slaves to free states and recapture them. It would now be a federal crime to assist escaped slaves, an unacceptable provision to many abolitionists.

Northwest Ordinances

It also set parameters for westward expansion and establishing new states: the _________________ _______________ of 1787 forbade slavery north of the Ohio River. Areas with 60,000 people could apply for statehood.


It could not tax citizens, but could tax ___________.


Jackson managed the ___________________ Crisis without resorting to violence; paradoxically, he protected the federal government at the expense of states' rights, working out a compromise in 1833 that was more favorable to the South.


Jackson rewarded his supporters, appointing them to important positions as part of the _________ system.


Jackson's popularity with the "common man," white, male farmers and workers who felt he identified with them, and the fact that owning property was no longer a requirement to ________, gave him the advantage and a two-term presidency.

cotton gin slavery

Jacksonian Democracy Demographics were changing throughout the early nineteenth century. Technological advances such as the ___________ _____ had allowed exponential increases in cotton; therefore, more persons were enslaved than ever before, bringing more urgency to the issue of ______________.

In the J__________________ following the election, electors gather in their states to cast their votes for president. Technically, electors are not bound to vote in line with their state's popular vote.



Jefferson _________ the federal government. The Alien and Sedition Acts were repealed. Economic policies favored small farmers and landowners, in contrast to Federalist policies, which supported big business and cities.


Jefferson was also forced to manage chaotic international affairs. Britain and France, at war with each other in the _______________ Wars, were attempting to blockade each other's international trade, threatening US ships, as the United States did business with both countries.

The ____ _____ laws remained in place in much of the South, reaffirmed by the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson.

Jim Crow


John Brown in Kansas In 1856, clashes between antislavery _________-__________, or people that opposed the expansion of slavery, and border ruffians came to a head.


John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania and Samuel Adams' Massachusetts ___________ Letter argued for the repeal of the Townshend Acts (which were, indeed, repealed in 1770) and demanded no taxation without representation.

POSTWAR AND CONTEMPORARY UNITED STATES Civil Rights and Social Change During the 1960s, the US experienced social and political change, starting with the election of the young and charismatic ________________________ in 1960.

John F. Kennedy

Jay's Treaty

John Jay attempted to reinstate neutrality; ____ ___________ was unsuccessful and unpopular, only negotiating the removal of British forts in the western frontier. Furthermore, it concerned Spain, which feared changes in the balance of power on the continent.

__________ __________(1632 - 1704) was one of the most influential of the Enlightenment thinkers, and his philosophical writings strongly influenced the central figures of the American and French Revolutions.

John Locke

It then empowers Congress to create the rest of the judiciary, which it did beginning with the J__________A______________.

Judiciary Act of 1789

The J________________________ created the federal judiciary.

Judiciary Act of 1789

In this case, William Marbury—citing the J __________________________—sought relief from the court when James Madison, Secretary of State to the newly inaugurated Thomas Jefferson, did not deliver the federal a_________________________ Marbury was given under the previous president, John Adams.

Judiciary Act of 1789 appointment

taxes acts

King George III enforced heavy _____ and restrictive ________ in the colonies to generate income for the Crown and punish disobedience.


King George III signed the Proclamation of _____, an agreement not to settle land west of the Appalachians, in an effort to make peace; however much settlement continued in practice.

The ________________________ further empowered workers by integrating unskilled workers into actions.

Knights of Labor

This case determined that the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was lawful.

Korematsu v. US (1945)

The first major crisis occurred in the Middle East when Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded oil-rich _____________.


minority groups like the ____________ community engaged in more advocacy



Later, following the establishment of the Second Bank of the United States, the Panic of _______ erupted when the government cut credit following overspeculation on western lands;

Bleeding Kansas

Later, one of its members, Abraham Lincoln, would be elected to the presidency. Violence broke out in Kansas between pro- and anti-slavery factions in what became known as ____________ Kansas.

Six Nations

Later, the Tuscarora tribe would join, and the union became known as the ____ ________________.

To ally with and support Great Britain without technically declaring war on Germany, FDR convinced Congress to enact the _____________________ Act, directly supplying Britain with military aid, in place of cash-and-carry.


L__________________________, on the far right, support an extremely limited government, economically and socially.


Black Codes

Likewise, states developed the oppressive __________ __________ to limit the rights of African Americans.


Likewise, the Bill of Rights helped convince the hesitant. In ______, the Constitution was ratified.


Locke argued for ____________________: that the people must come together to create a government for the protection of themselves and their property, thereby giving up some of their natural rights.

consent natural

Locke's concepts of government by _____________ of the governed and the ______________ rights of persons became the bedrock of the United States government.

Inflammatory events like German submarine warfare (U-boats) in the Atlantic Ocean, the sinking of the _________________, which resulted in many American civilian deaths,



Madison and other ________________ like John Adams believed in separation of powers, republicanism, and a strong federal government.

Iroquois & Algonquin

Major civilizations that would play an important and ongoing role in North American history included the ___________ and ______________ in the Northeast;


Many Algonquin in French-controlled North America converted to __________________.


Many _____________________, including some Ivy League schools, were founded during this time to train ministers;

Judicial Decisions: In ______________________________ (1803) the Supreme Court established the precedent of judicial review, the power of the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws.

Marbury v. Madison

While the Constitution delineates which kinds of cases the Supreme Court may hear, its real power was established by the precedent of an early case, M_______________________ (1803).

Marbury v. Madison

This case established judicial review.

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Civil rights workers organized the _________________________in 1963, when Dr. King delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech.

March on Washington

Furthermore, while the US-led ________________ _______________ began a program to rebuild Europe, the USSR consolidated its presence and power in eastern European countries, forcing them to reject aid from the Marshall Plan.

Marshall Plan

Cold War at Home and Abroad With the collapse of the relationship between the USSR and the US, distrust and fear of communism grew. Accusations of communist sympathies against public figures ran rampant during the ___________________ Era in the 1950s, reflecting domestic anxieties.


The idea of implied powers was supported by the Supreme Court in _______________ v _______________ (1819).

McCulloch v. Maryland

The court ruled that states could not tax the Bank of the United States; this ruling supported the implied powers of Congress.

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Despite having promised independence to the Philippines, ____________________ elected to keep it;



Meanwhile, North America served also as a battleground for France and England, already in conflict in Europe and elsewhere. In the mid-seventeenth century, the Algonquin and Iroquois, allied with the French and Dutch, and English, respectively, fought the _____________ Wars for control over the fur trade in the northeastern part of the continent.


Meanwhile, following the Siege of ______________, Mississippi, Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant gained control over the Mississippi River, completing the Anaconda Plan.

middle class

Meanwhile, social change in the Northeast and growing Midwest continued. As the market economy and early industry developed, so did an early ___________ ____________.

Neutrality Proclamation

Meanwhile, the French Revolution had begun in Europe. However, President Washington issued the ____________ ________________ in 1793.

Sand Creek

Meanwhile, the Great Plains and Rockies were already populated with the Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache, Comanche, Arapaho, Pawnee, and others. Conflict between Native American tribes and white settlers was ongoing; the 1864 ______ _______ Massacre in Colorado, when US troops ambushed Cheyenne and Arapaho people, triggered even more violence.

The ________________ Act provided medical care to elderly Americans



Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were dispatched to explore the western frontier of the territory: Jefferson hoped to find an all-________ route to the Pacific Ocean (via the Missouri River). While this route did not exist, Lewis and Clark returned with a deeper knowledge of the territory the US had come to control.

This ruling established that defendants must be read their due process rights before questioning.

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)


Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny British provocation at sea and in the northwest led to the War of ______.

Like John Locke, Baron de ____________________(1689 - 1755) is best known for his philosophical contributions to the political structure of the United States.


The federal government was reorganized under the Constitution, shifting from a one-body political system to a three-branch system as conceived by M__________________________.


Buses were segregated at the time, and leaders including Dr. King organized the __________________ _________ Boycott to challenge segregation -- the effort was ultimately successful.

Montgomery Bus

universal manhood

Most states had extended voting rights to white men who did not own land or substantial property: ____________ _____________ suffrage.

_____________ _____________ revolutionized labor by including women, children, and African Americans into labor actions. Poor conditions led to philosophies of reform.

Mother Jones


Much of this wealth was generated by heavy___________ in what became known as the Second Industrial Revolution (the first being textile- driven and originating in Europe).

The _____________ was formed to advocate for African Americans nationwide and still functions today.


The US strategy of ________________ __________________ allowed it to take control of Japanese-held Pacific islands, proceeding closer to Japan itself despite kamikaze attacks on US ships, in which Japanese fighter pilots intentionally crashed their planes into US ships.


The United States was then able to focus more effectively on the war in the Pacific. The United States had been able to break the Japanese code -- at the same time, Japan had been unable to crack US code thanks to the *_____________Code Talkers, who used the *____________ language, which Japan was unable to decipher.


Congress also passed the _____________________ Acts of 1930s in face of conflict in Asia and ongoing tensions in Europe. For more information on the First World War, please see Chapter Two, "World History."


However, the __________________ Act of 1939 allowed cash-and-carry arms sales to combat participants -- in this way, the United States could militarily support its allies (namely, Great Britain).


Thomas Jefferson

Nevertheless, _____________ ________________ was elected to the presidency in 1801 in a non-violent transfer of power.

FDR offered Americans a _________ _________: a plan to bring the country out of the Depression.

New Deal

Called the N_________ J___________ Plan, this plan distributed decision- making power equally between the states, regardless of land mass or population.

New Jersey

_____________ ________________ (1469 - 1527) is best known for his work The Prince, a book of political advice for a new prince seeking power.

Niccolo Machiavelli

The __________________ Amendment, giving all women the right to vote, was ratified in 1920.


Encouraging open borders, the United States signed the ______________________________(NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada, creating a free trade zone throughout North America, removing trade restrictions.

North American Free Trade Agreement


Not only did France clash with Britain in the northern part of the continent, but the two colonial powers came into conflict in the South as well. In 1736, French forces, allied with the Choctaw, attacked the English-allied Chickasaw as part of France's attempts to strengthen its hold on the southeastern part of North America in the ________________ Wars.

New Imperialism

Not only were products from the US market economy available in the United States; in order to continue to fuel economic growth, the United States needed more markets abroad. _______ __________________ described the US approach to nineteenth and early twentieth century imperialism as practiced by the European powers. Rather than controlling territory, the US sought economic connections with countries around the world.

The court ruled that same-sex marriage was legal throughout the United States.

Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)


On June 17, 1775, the Americans fought the British at the Battle of ___________ Hill; despite American losses, the number of casualties the rebels inflicted caused the king to declare that the colonies were in rebellion. Troops were deployed to the colonies; the Siege of Boston began.


On the other hand, Juan de ________________, who never left Spain, argued that the Native Americans needed the rule and "civilization" brought by Spain, justifying their treatment at the hands of colonizers.


One company would dominate each step in manufacturing a good, from obtaining raw materials to shipping finished product, through ___________ integration.


One of the final conflicts of the war, the Battle of __________________________ Court House, resulted in Confederate surrender at Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, where General Lee surrendered to General Grant. The war ended shortly after.

Specie 1837

Opposed to the Bank of the United States, he issued the ________ Circular, devaluing paper money and instigating the financial Panic of _______.

railroads and steamships

Other technological advances like the _______________ & _______________ were speeding up westward expansion and improving trade throughout the continent;

Attorney-General Palmer authorized J. Edgar Hoover (who would later head the FBI) to lead a series of raids (the _____________ Raids) on suspected radicals, precipitating the hysteria of the Red Scare -- Palmer was later discredited.


As Colombia refused to recognize the treaty, President Roosevelt engineered a revolution, creating the new country of _____________, and beginning construction of the canal.


However, political conflict and continuing economic troubles led to the ______________________, the result of the silver standard and of the failure of a major railroad company.

Panic of 1893

The president may also grant p__________s and r___________s for individuals convicted of federal crimes. The purpose of this is to provide a final option for those who have been unfairly convicted.

Pardons and reprieves


Patrick Henry protested the Stamp Act in the Virginia House of Burgesses; the tax was seen as a _________________ of colonists' rights, given that they did not have direct representation in British Parliament.

At home, Congress passed the USA __________ Act to respond to fears of more terrorist attacks on US soil


Holy Experiment

Penn had been given the land later called Pennsylvania by the Crown to settle a debt; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware were founded in the Quaker spirit as part of Penn's _____ _____________ to develop settlements based on tolerance.

Furthermore, under the _________ Amendment, the United States effectively took over Cuba despite previous promises of independence.


This case established the precedent of separate but equal (segregation).

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

This is one of the president's more controversial powers, as pardons are often seen to be politically motivated or a tool for those with p_______________ or p____________ connections.

Political or personal

Government POLITICAL THEORY p__________________ t_______________ is the study of the principles and ideas used to describe, explain, and analyze political events and institutions.

Political theory


Poorer farmers were generally _________ farmers; they did not own land and rarely made a profit.

People's (Populist)

Populism and the Progressive Era The ________________ Party formed in response to corruption and industrialization injurious to farmers (later, it would also support reform in favor of the working class and oppressed groups like women and children).

Johnson launched a War on ________________, passing reform legislation to support the poor.


Pickney's Treaty

President Washington had Thomas Pickney negotiate a new treaty with Spain; providing for US rights on the Mississippi River and in the Port of New Orleans, _____________ ____________ was a diplomatic success, ratified by all thirteen states.

In addition to managing their departments, the members of the cabinet are also all in the line of presidential succession as established by the P___________S_______________Act (first passed in 1792 but most recently amended in 1947).

Presidential Succession

border ruffians

Pro- and antislavery activists quickly flooded Kansas with the intention of influencing the vote on slavery. Proslavery Missourians who crossed the border to vote in Kansas became known as ____________ ______________.

FDR was a Democrat in the *__________________ tradition -- the *______________________ legacy of social improvement was apparent throughout the New Deal and his administration.


The tension between the people's perception of their relationship to the federal government and the mechanism of Senate elections came to a head during the P________________________ Era.


Women activists also aligned with labor and the emerging ______________________ Movement.


THE UNITED STATES BECOMES A GLOBAL POWER Socioeconomic Change and World War I Social change led by the ______________________ in the early twentieth century resulted in better conditions for ____________, increased attention toward ______ labor, and calls for more livable _________.

Progressives workers child cities

*P__________________ Powers: These are powers that are denied to both the national government and the state governments. Passing bills of attainder (laws that declare someone guilty without a trial) is a *p_______________ power.


Soto & Coronado

Prominent conquistadors included Hernando de _______ and Francisco Vasquez de _________________;


Protests against the Quartering Act in Boston led to the Boston ____________ in 1770, when British troops fired on a crowd of protesters.

The federal government distributed funding to states through the ____________ __________ Administration (PWA) for the purpose of developing infrastructure and to provide construction jobs for the unemployed.

Public Works

The US signed a peace treaty with Spain in 1898. As a result, it controlled _____________ _____________ & _____________.

Puerto Rico and Guam


REVOLUTION AND THE EARLY UNITED STATES The American Revolution Despite British victory in the French and Indian War, Britain had gone greatly into _________.

John Brown

Radical abolitionists, like ___________ ___________, attacked and murdered white southerners in protest. A pro-slavery US Senator, Preston Brooks, viciously beat abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate. Bleeding Kansas foreshadowed the violence that would ensue over the future of slavery during the Civil War.


Reactionary nativist movements like the _________________ Party feared the influx of non-Anglo Europeans, particularly Catholics, and discrimination was widespread, especially against the Irish.

The _______________ _____________ revamped the economic system, cutting taxes and government spending.

Reagan Revolution


Realizing how difficult it would be to defeat the Confederacy, the Union developed the ______________ Plan, a plan to "squeeze" the Confederacy, including a naval blockade and taking control of the Mississippi River.

For example, during the Age of R______________rationality undermined popular belief in divine right (the idea that the king was chosen by God), destroying the legitimacy of the French monarchy.


Despite the tense climate, social liberalization continued in the US Following the Bush administration, during which tax cuts and heavy reliance on credit (especially in the housing market —the Subprime Mortgage Crisis) helped push the country into the Great _______________, the first African American president, Barack Obama, was elected in 2008.


On the home front, fear of homegrown radicals—particularly of communists and anarchists—and xenophobia against immigrants led to the ________ Scare in 1919 and a series of anti-immigration laws.



Reform movements continued to include ____________________, which ranged from moderate to radical.

indentured servants

Requiring plantation farming, Virginia required _______________ _______________, who were freed from servitude after a period of work (some of which, were from Africa).

Compromise of 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes

Resentment over the Reconstruction Acts never truly subsided, and military control of the South finally ended with the _______________________, which resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876, granting _______________________ the presidency, and removed troops from the South.

Due in great part to the escalation of the Vietnam War, LBJ announced his intention not to run for another term, and the conservative _________________ _________________ became president in 1970.

Richard Nixon

However, the ________________ Twenties, a seemingly trouble-free period of isolation from chaotic world events, would come to an end.


This case legalized abortion in the first trimester throughout the United States.

Roe v. Wade (1973)

The ____________________ administration focused its attention on economic change at the corporate level.


The _______________ _______________ to the Monroe Doctrine, which promised US intervention in Latin America in case of European intervention there, essentially gave the US total dominance over Latin America.

Roosevelt Corollary

The Progressive Era also saw a series of acts to protect workers, health, farmers, and children under Presidents _________________ & _____________.

Roosevelt and Taft

In Montgomery, Alabama, ___________ ___________, an African American woman, was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus.

Rosa Parks

Born eight years after John Locke's death, Jean-Jacques ________________ (1712 - 1778) extended the idea of the social contract in his writing entitled The Social Contract.


In the House of Representatives, the powerful R____________ Committee not only determines which bills make it to the floor for debate, but also sets time limits for debate on each bill.



Samuel Adams continued to stir up rebellion with his Committees of ____________________, which distributed anti-British propaganda.


Samuel Adams led the Sons and Daughters of ______________in violent acts against tax collectors.

In 1781, when it was all but assured that the colonies would win the Revolution, the S _______________C__________________C had convened to organize a government for the emerging nation.

Second Continental Congress

Instead, it was derived from one line in s__________________: "he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices."

Section 2

S____________________________ states, "He [or she] shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he [or she] shall judge necessary and expedient."

Section 3 of Article II

(Later, to monitor stock trading, the ______________________ was established -- it also has the power to punish violators of the law.)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Unlike the League, however, it included a ________________ __________________ comprised of major world powers, with the power to militarily intervene for peacekeeping purposes in unstable global situations.

Security Council

However, any treaties negotiated by the president must be approved by the S_____________ before taking effect.


This power, however, is not unlimited. Based on the advise and consent clause of the Constitution, the S_________________ must approve all presidential appointments.


While the president may make appointments, no one may take one of these offices without the approval of the majority of the S_______________.



Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina spoke out in favor of __________________, wherein he argued that a state had the right to declare a law null and void if it was harmful to that state.

In 1913, the s_______________________ Amendment to the Constitution was ratified -- it required the direct election of senators by the people of a state.


The _______________ _______________ Act, despite its intended purpose—to prosecute and dissolve large trusts and create a fairer market place—had actually been used against unions and farmers' alliances.

Sherman Antitrust

The trust- buster Roosevelt enforced the ________________ ________________ Act

Sherman Antitrust

Fort Sumter

Shortly after the South's secession, Confederate forces attacked Union troops in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina; the Battle of ______ _________ sparked the Civil War.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Shortly thereafter, Congress passed the _________________ Act of 1854 which allowed those two territories to decide slavery by popular sovereignty as well, effectively repealing the Missouri Compromise.


Since the South depended on _______________ trade in cotton for much of its income, a naval blockade would have serious economic ramifications for the Confederacy.

US support for Israel in the__________ War and 1973 _____________ War caused OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), led by Saudi Arabia and other allies of Arab foes of Israel, to boycott the US As a result, oil prices skyrocketed.

Six Day & Yom Kippur Wars

S___________ votes are needed to end a filibuster, therefore senators often attempt to gather sixty or more votes for a bill before it comes to the floor to ensure it is not filibustered.


More modern philosophies included the ____________ ____________, the notion that it was society's obligation to ensure better treatment for workers and immigrants.

Social Gospel


Social views on the role of women changed; extra income allowed them to stay at home. The Cult of __________________, a popular cultural movement, encouraged women to become homemakers and focus on domestic skills.


Socially and politically, ________ men of varying levels of economic success and education were able to have stronger political voices and more opportunities in civil society. However, women, African Americans, and Native Americans were oppressed. With continental expansion came conflict with Native Americans.


Sometimes referred to as part of the ongoing _____________ Wars, this revolt included several Native American tribes. (In the literature and in some primary sources, pueblo is often used interchangeably with "Indian" to refer to Native Americans; here, the term refers to Navajo, Apache, and other tribes that came together to resist Spanish hegemony in the region.)

slave codes

South Carolina institutionalized slavery in North America for the next two centuries by adopting the __________ __________ from Barbados.

The ___________________________________(SCLC) and Dr. King, a religious leader from Georgia, believed in civil disobedience, non-violent protest.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

After the Civil Rights Era, whose victories had occurred under the auspices of the Democratic Johnson administration, many Southern ________________ switched loyalties to the Republican Party.

Southern Democrats


Spain eventually ______________________ the territory, subjugating the peoples living in the region to colonial rule.


Spain in the West and Southwest Spanish __________________ explored what is today the Southwestern United States, claiming land for Spain despite the presence of Southwestern tribes.


Spanish colonization not only included the control and settlement of land but also the mission to spread ______________________.

The leader of the House is called the S_________________of the House. He or she is the leader of the majority party in the House.


The line of succession is as follows: following the vice president is the S___________________________, then the P__________________________ of the Senate, followed by each cabinet member in the order of the department's creation, beginning with the Secretary of S________ and ending with the Secretary of Homeland S_______________.

Speaker of the House president pro tempore State Security


Speaking a language similar to those of the Chickasaw and Choctaw, the Creek would later participate in an alliance with these and other tribes —the Muscogee __________________—to engage the United States, which threatened tribal sovereignty.

Millions of Americans faced unemployment and poverty. __________________, or margin-buying, meant that speculators borrowed money to buy stock, selling it as soon as its price rose.


He established four executive departments, so the first cabinet consisted of four positions: the Secretary of S____________ (Thomas Jefferson), the Secretary of the T___________ (Alexander Hamilton), the Secretary of W_________ (Henry Knox

State Treasury War

Three-Fifths Compromise

States with large African American slave populations accounted for those persons with the ______________ Compromise, which counted a slave as three-fifths of a person; while represented in a state's population to determine that state's number of representatives in Congress, enslaved persons had no place in the political process.

The National Organization for Women and feminist leaders like Gloria _________________ led the movement for equal pay for women in the workplace.


Divisions between interventionists and isolationists continued. Following the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1932, the _____________ Doctrine determined US neutrality in Asia.


In New York City in 1969, the ___________________ riots occurred in response to police repression of the gay community. These riots and subsequent organized activism are seen as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.


In addition to funding a general arms buildup and supporting measures to strengthen the military, the Reagan administration funded and developed advanced military technology to intimidate the Soviets, despite having signed the _______________________________________ (SALT I and II) limiting nuclear weapons and other strategic armaments in the 1970s.

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties

The End of the Cold War and Globalization The administration of George H. W. Bush signed the _________________________, or START, Treaty with the Soviet Union in 1991, shortly before the dissolution of the USSR.

Strategic Arms Reduction

_____________ activists, organizing in the mold of the Civil Rights Movement, engaged in non-violent (and, at times, violent) protest against the Vietnam War.


Building on their success, civil rights activists, now including many students and the _______________________________ (SNCC), led peaceful protests and boycotts to protest segregation at lunch counters, in stores, at public pools, and other public places.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Marbury v. Madison not only illustrated how judicial decisions can expand federal power in general, but it also broadened the power of the S____________ ____________ in particular, laying the groundwork for future decisions that would have a similar impact.

Supreme Court

Many Americans did not support intervention, however. According to the ______________ Amendment, Cuba would revert to independence following the war.


The _______________________(TVA), was the first large-scale attempt at regional public planning --despite being part of the First Hundred Days, it was a long-term project.

Tennessee Valley Authority


Tensions increased with the Tariff of _____; Calhoun and South Carolina threatened to secede if their economic interests were not protected.

Reserved Powers: These are powers that are held by the states through the T_____________ Amendment, which states that all powers not expressly given to the federal government belong to the states.


This relationship is best codified in the T_______________ Amendment, which states that any powers not explicitly given to the federal government are reserved for the states.


the administration of President George W. Bush, who declared a War on________________, an open- ended global conflict against terror organizations and their supporters.


However, this protracted conflict—the Vietnam War—also led to widespread domestic social unrest, which only increased with US deaths there, especially after the Vietnamese-led ____ Offensive (1968).



The 1765 __________ Act, the first direct tax on the colonists, triggered more tensions. Any document required a costly stamp, the revenue reverting to the British government.


The American _____________________ Society wanted to end slavery and send former slaves to Africa.


The Battle of Atlanta, was the final major battle of the Civil War; following the Union victory led by General William T. _______________, the Union proceeded into the South, and the Confederacy fell.


The Battle of _________________ was a major Union victory, led by General George Meade. It was the bloodiest battle in American history up to this point; the Confederate army would not recover.

Antietam McClellan

The Battle of _______________was the first battle to be fought on Union soil. Union General George B. ________________ halted General Lee's invasion of Maryland, but failed to defeat Confederate forces.


The British government organized with North American colonial leaders to meet at Albany; Benjamin Franklin helped organize the defensive ___________ Plan of Union and argued for this plan in his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, using the famous illustration Join, or Die.


The British people did not favor the war and voted the Tories out of Parliament; the incoming _________ party sought to end the war.

tobacco & rice

The Carolinas and Georgia would also become important sources of _______________ and _______;


The Coast _______, whose language was widely spoken throughout the region, dominated the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula area.

Scott v. Sandford

The Court heard the case, __________ v. ___________, and ruled in favor of Sandford, upholding the Fugitive Slave Act, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and nullifying the Missouri Compromise. The Court essentially decreed that African Americans were not entitled to rights under US citizenship.


The Creek, or ______________, also descended from the Mississippian peoples, originated in modern Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida.


The Embargo Act only _____________ the US economy further. In addition, the United States was fighting North African pirates in the Mediterranean, who were seizing US ships.

Good Feelings

The Era of ________ _____________ began with the presidency of James Monroe as a strong sense of public identity and nationalism pervaded in the country.


The Gilded Age and the Second Industrial Revolution Back in the Northeast, the market economy and industry were flourishing. Following the war, the _____________ Revolution, accelerated in the United States.


The Glorious Revolution in England and America 1.In 1688, James's Catholic wife gave birth to a son, raising the prospect of a Catholic heir to the throne. 2.To forestall such an event, Protestant parliamentary leaders carried out a bloodless coup known as the "__________________ Revolution."


The Hartford Convention and the Treaty of Ghent The War of 1812 was very unpopular in New England because it disproportionately affected the region, which was the most dependent on ___________________ commerce.

Second Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution had begun on the global level with textile production in Great Britain, had been fueled in great part by supplies of Southern cotton, and was evolving in the United States with the development of heavy industry— what would come to be called the ___________________________.


The Iroquois actually consisted of five tribes. According to tradition, before European contact, five tribes—the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, and Onondaga—made peace thanks to the leadership of the peacemaker _______________.

maize, beans, and squash

The Iroquois farmed according to the three sisters tradition, farming , _____________, _____________ & ________________ ; these plants complement each other, providing natural protection from pests and the elements, and increasing availability of nitrogen necessary for growth.


The Midwest Later, the young United States would come into conflict with the Shawnee, Lenape, Kickapoo, Miami, and other tribes in the _____________________ region of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan in early western expansion.

pastoralism hogans

The Navajo also practiced ____________, and lived in semi-permanent wooden homes called ____________, the doors of which face eastward to the rising sun.

less hierarchical

The Navajo had a less _________________ structure than other Native American societies, and engaged in fewer raids than the Apache to the north.


The Navajo were descendants of the Ancestral ____________ or Anasazi, who had settled in the Four Corners area, engaging in three sisters agriculture and stone construction, including cliff dwellings.


The North American colonial economy was part of the Atlantic World, taking part in the ________________ trade (pictured on the following page) between the Americas, Africa and Europe, where slaves were exchanged in the Americas for raw materials shipped to Europe to be processed into goods for the benefit of the colonial powers, and sometimes exchanged for slaves in Africa.


The Shawnee, Lenape, Miami, Kickapoo, and others had come together not only out of common interest—to maintain ______________________ territory at the northwest of the United States (present-day Indiana and region) but also because they followed Tecumseh's brother Tenskwatawa, who was considered a prophet.


The South became increasingly socially _____________, with enslaved persons, indentured servants, landowners, and other classes.

Chickasaw & Choctaw

The Southeast In the South, major tribes included the ____________ and _____________, the descendants of the Mississippi Mound Builders or Mississippian cultures, societies that built mounds from around 2,100 to 1,800 years ago as burial tombs or the bases fortemples.


The Spanish Crown granted __________________, land grants to individuals to establish settlements, allowing the holder to ranch or mine the land.


The Spanish also introduced African people to the Americas, and North America was no exception. Forced labor and diseases like ______________ had decimated Native American populations in Mexico and the Southwest.


The Tariff of 1828, or Tariff of _________________, benefitted Northern industry, but heavily affected Southern exports;

Little Big Horn

The US reneged on its promise, encouraging exploration and seeking control over that gold. The resulting Sioux Wars culminated in the 1876 Battle of ________________ and General George Custer's famous "last stand."


The United States came to an agreement with the Sioux in South Dakota, offering them land as part of the burgeoning _________________ system.


The __________ Age saw an era of rapidly growing income inequality, justified by theories like Social Darwinism and the Gospel of Wealth, which argued that the wealthy had been made rich by God and were socially more deserving of it.

Monroe Doctrine hegemony

The __________ __________, James Monroe's policy that the Western Hemisphere was "closed" to any further European colonization or exploration, asserted US ________________ in the region.


The ___________ Years' War broke out in Europe in 1756; this conflict between the British and French in North America was known as the French and Indian War.


The ______________ were an Algonquin-speaking people based in the Ohio Valley; however their presence extended as far east and south as the present-day Carolinas and Georgia.

Freedmen's Bureau

The ________________ ____________ was tasked with assisting freed slaves (and poor whites) in the South. While technically enslaved African Americans had been freed, many slaves were not aware of this; others still remained voluntarily or involuntarily on plantations. All slaves were eventually freed; however, few had education or skills.


The ________________, whose origins trace to Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida, spoke a similar language to the Chickasaw. These two tribes would later form alliances with the British and French, fighting proxy wars on their behalf.


The _________________ Act forbade criticism of the president or of Congress.


The _________________ were a settled tribe originally based in what is today northern Mississippi and Alabama and western Kentucky and Tennessee, and like the Iroquois, they farmed in the sustainable three sisters tradition.


The _________________ would ultimately push the Shawnee and other tribes associated with the Algonquin from the Northeast and Great Lakes area farther west to present-day Wisconsin.


The _________________, also a matrilineal society, originally lived in what is today southern New Jersey and the Delaware Valley (but were later driven west by colonization). Also Algonquin- speaking, the _________ were considered by the Shawnee to be their "grandfathers" and thus accorded respect.


The __________________ Party was formed in an effort to introduce a silver standard.

Winthrop Boston

The colonial Puritan leader John _______________ envisioned the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the model of the Biblical City upon a Hill, rooted in unity, peace, and what would be a free, democratic spirit; its capital was ______________. These philosophies would later inform the American Revolution.


The colonial leader John _________ introduced tobacco to Virginia farmers, which became the primary cash crop.


The concepts of religious tolerance were not isolated to New England. The _____ -_____________ region was well-suited for agricultural crops and trade, with fertile lands and natural harbors.


The conflict led to friction among Spanish thinkers over the means, and even the notion, of ______________________.

monopolies & trusts

The creation of _______________ and ____________ helped industrial leaders consolidate their control over the entire economy; a small elite grew to hold a huge percentage of income.


The first established colony,_________________, was also located in Virginia, which became so profitable that the Crown took it over as a colony in 1624.

Mayflower Compact

The first group of Separatists, the Pilgrims, arrived on the Mayflower in 1620 and had drawn up the _______________ _____________, guaranteeing government by the consent of the governed.

Democratic- Republican (eventually, the Democratic Party).

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, a list of guarantees of American freedoms, was a concession to the anti-Federalists, who would later become the ______________________ Party

Frederick Douglass

The former slave _________________ __________________ advocated for abolition. An activist leader and writer, he publicized the movement along with the American Anti-Slavery Society and publications like Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.


The industrial change in the North did not extend to the South, which continued to rely on plantations and ____________ exports. Nor were the majority of demographic changes occurring in the South. Differences among the regions grew, and disputes over extending slavery into new southwestern territories obtained from Mexico continued. Another compromise was needed.


The insulted Americans began an undeclared conflict in the Caribbean until the Convention of ______ negotiated a cessation of hostilities.


The king ignored the Congress' Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up _______, which asked him to consider again the colonies' objections;

popular sovereignty

The later Compromise of 1850 admitted the populous California as a free state and Utah and New Mexico to the Union with slavery to be decided by _______________ ______________, or by the residents.


The leader of the ____________ people, Pontiac, led a revolt that extended from the Great Lakes region through the Ohio Valley to Virginia.


The new country was heavily in debt. Currency was weak, and taxes were high: Daniel Shays led Shays' _______________, a revolt of indebted farmers who rose up to prevent courts from seizing property in Massachusetts and to protest debtor's prisons.


The ongoing ______________ Indian Wars continued conflict with the Shawnee, Lenape, Kickapoo, Miami, and other tribes in the Ohio region;

gold rush

The population of California would grow rapidly with the _________ _______ as prospectors in search of gold headed west to try their fortunes.


The priest ______________ de las Casas, appalled at the oppression of colonization, argued for the rights and humanity of Native Americans. De las Casas lived in the Americas and had first-hand experience with the brutal consequences of colonization.

John Brown

The radical abolitionist _____ _______ led violent protests against slavery. Abolitionism became a key social and political issue in the mid-nineteenth century.

Amsterdam York

The settlement of New __________________, an ideal port and trading post, came under English control in 1664 and was renamed New _______;

Representatives Senate

The states adopted both plans, creating the House of ___________________ and the ___________, to most fairly represent the large and small states at the federal level. (See Chapter Three, "Government," for more information.)


The term ________ described mixed-race persons; eventually France would control much of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi region through Louisiana and New Orleans, valuable trade routes.


The term _________ referred to people of mixed white European and Native American, who were more privileged than the Native American peoples.

Valley Forge

The tide turned in 1777 at __________ _________, when Washington and his army lived through the bitterly cold winter and managed to overcome British military forces.

Jackson Ghent

The war resulted in no real gains or losses for either the Americans or the British; However Andrew ___________ became a popular war hero following the Battle of New Orleans (fought two weeks after the Treaty of ______ was signed, ending the war in 1814).


The war sparked a resurgence of the _________________ Party in New England. Many Federalists deeply resented the power of the slaveholding Virginians (Jefferson and then Madison), who appeared indifferent to the war's economic impact on their region.


The___________, also Algonquin-speaking, moved from Wisconsin to the Ohio Valley region forming settled societies and farming maize. They also took part in the fur trade as it developed during European colonial times.

With the Progressive __________________ __________________'s ascension to the presidency in 1901 following President William McKinley's assassination, the Progressive Era reached its apex.

Theodore Roosevelt

Great Migration

These differing views reflected diverse positions within and beyond the African American community over its future. Furthermore, many blacks fled the South for greater opportunities in the North, in cities, and farther West, as part of a greater demographic movement known as the ____________ ______________.

vertical & horizontal

These processes were made possible thanks to ___________ and ____________ integration of industries.

Northwest Confederacy

These tribes formed the __________________Confederacy to fight the United States, developments discussed in more detail in later sections.


They formed the Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy, on February 1, ________, under the leadership of Jefferson Davis, a senator from Mississippi.


They were later joined by the _______________, who had been persecuted in England by King Charles I, whom many suspected of weakening the Church of England and even of plotting to restore Catholicism.


This was due, in part, to the influence of Lord ______________, who had been charged by Charles I to found a part of Virginia (to be called Maryland) as a Catholic haven—helping him maintain power in an England divided between Catholics and Protestants.

Brown v. Board of Education

This would remain the law until _____________ v. ______________in 1954.

Common Sense

Thomas Paine published his pamphlet _____________ ____________; taking Locke's concepts of natural rights and the obligation of a people to rebel against an oppressive government, it popularized the notion of rebellion against Britain.

Trail of Tears

Thousands of people were forced to travel mainly on foot, with all of their belongings, to Indian Territory (today, Oklahoma) on the infamous _________________, to make way for white settlers.

Northern states with few slaves disagreed. This issue was settled with the T____________________ Compromise which declared that each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of the census. (Women, who could not vote until the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, were also counted in the census.)



Throughout this region, Spanish colonizers encountered ___________________ from Native Americans.


Thus the ____________ system emerged.

This case established "symbolic speech" as a form of speech protected by the First Amendment.

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

clause 2

To borrow money

clause 5

To coin money and regulate its value; regulate weights and measures

clause 9

To create federal courts below the Supreme Court

clause 4

To create naturalization laws; to create bankruptcy laws

clause 11

To declare war; to make laws regarding people captured on land and water

clause 10

To define and punish crimes at sea; define violations of international law


To determine the exact structure of the government, delegates at the convention settled on what became known as the Great _________________, a bicameral legislature.


To ensure that the British mercantilist system was not threatened, it passed the _________________ Acts in 1651 to prevent colonial trade with any other countries. *In 1651, the British Parliament, in the first of what became known as the Navigation Acts, declared that only English ships would be allowed to bring goods into England, and that the North American colonies could only export its commodities, such as tobacco and sugar, to England.

Powers of Congress: clause 1

To establish and collect taxes, duties, and excises

clause 7

To establish post offices and roads

clause 17

To exercise exclusive jurisdiction over Washington, D.C. and other federal properties

clause 8

To grant patents and copyrights

clause 18

To make all laws necessary and proper to the execution of the other expressed powers (elastic clause)

clause 14

To make laws governing land and naval forces

clause 13

To provide and maintain a navy

clause 16

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia and governing it when in the service of the Union

clause 15

To provide for summoning the militia to execute federal laws, suppress uprisings, and repel invasions

clause 6

To punish counterfeiters of federal money

clause 12

To raise and support armies

clause 3

To regulate foreign and interstate commerce

An avid proponent of liberty and democracy, Alexis de ___________________ (1805 - 1859) is best known for his work Democracy in America. Published in 1835, it detailed his travels throughout the United States, and chronicled his political analysis of what he saw.



Traditionally nomadic or semi-nomadic, these tribes depended on the ___________for food and materials to create clothing, tools, and domestic items; therefore they followed the herds.

President Harry S. Truman's ______________ ________________ stated that the US would support any country threatened by authoritarianism (communism), leading to the Korean War (1950 - 1953), a conflict between the US and Soviet-backed North Korean forces, which ended in a stalemate.

Truman Doctrine

Popular Vote: Presidential elections are held nationwide every four years on the T________________________________.

Tuesday After the first Monday in November

While the term length was set in the original Constitution, the term limit was added in the T__________________________ in 1951, in response to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four elections to the presidency (he was the first—and last—president to be elected to more than two terms).

Twenty- Second Amendment

Separately, the _________________ Amendment made poll taxes unconstitutional.


New Jersey equal

Two plans had been presented: the ______ ___________ Plan, which proposed a legislature composed of an _________ number of representatives from each state (which would benefit smaller states)

2) if a case involves the U____ government and s_____ government

US & state

The discovery of a letter from the Spanish minister de Lome, which insulted President McKinley, along with the mysterious explosion of the United States battleship _____________________ in Havana spurred the US into action.

USS Maine


Ultimately, ___________ emerged as the dominant power on the continent.


Ultimately, through both violent conflict and political means, Native American civilizations lost control of most of their territories and were forced onto __________________ by the United States. Negotiations continue today over rights to land and opportunities and reparations for past injustices.

Emancipation Proclamation

Undaunted, on January 1, 1863, President Lincoln decreed the end of slavery in the rebel states with the __________________ ___________________.

The Civil Rights Movement extended beyond the Deep South. Cesar Chavez founded the ___________________ (UFW), which organized Hispanic and migrant farm workers in California and the Southwest to advocate for _________________ and collective ___________________.

United Farm Workers unionizing collective bargaining

The ________________ ___________________ was formed in the wake of the Second World War, modeled after the failed League of Nations.

United Nations

Praxis #5081

United States History NORTH AMERICA BEFORE EUROPEAN CONTACT Northeastern Societies Prior to European colonization, diverse Native American societies controlled the continent; they would later come into economic and diplomatic contact, and military conflict, with European colonizers and United States forces and settlers.

Prohibited Powers Although Congress was made much more powerful by the Constitution, a real fear of tyranny existed among the framers. While Section _________ of the Constitution lists the powers of Congress, Section______ lists what Congress cannot do.


XYZ Affair

Vice President John Adams, a Federalist, became the second president. France continued to seize American ships, so Adams sent representatives to negotiate; however, in what became known as the ______________, the Americans were asked for bribes in order to even meet with French officials.

In the twentieth century, this happened most notably in the V________________ War, which was never officially declared.


The more populous states found this system to be unfair. Instead, they argued for a plan called the V______________ Plan, based on proportional representation.

Virginia Plan

In 1965, led by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Congress passed the _______________________Act, which forbade restrictions impeding the ability of African Americans to vote, including literacy tests.

Voting Rights Act

The ________________ Act ensured the right to unionize and established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).


Because of this, in 1974 Congress passed the W___________________ Resolution

War Powers


War efforts in North America accelerated under the British leader (essentially, Prime Minister) William ____ the Elder, who invested heavily in defeating the French beyond Europe (see Chapter Two, "World History," for details).


Western banks foreclosed on western farmers, and farmers lost their ________.

John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie

Westward expansion required railroads; railroads required steel, and industrial production required oil: all these commodities spurred the rise of powerful companies like ________________________'s Standard Oil and _____________________'s US Steel.


Westward expansion triggered questions about the expansion of slavery, a _____________ issue. Slavery was profitable for the southern states which depended on the plantation economy, but increasingly condemned in the North.


While Jamestown and Virginia were populated by diverse populations of settlers, businessmen, indentured servants, and slaves, the _________________________ were different farther north.


While many Native American, or First Nations, people speak variants of the ________________ language, these people themselves have historically been a majority in what is today Quebec and the Great Lakes region.


While socially organized under a _________________ system, the Shawnee had male kings and only men could inherit property.


While tensions and bitterness existed between Northern authorities and Southern leaders, Reconstruction did provide for ____________________ of Southern education systems, tax collection, and infrastructure.


While the US was defeated in that battle, reinforcements would later defeat the Sioux and the _________________ system continued.


While the explorer Jacques ____________ had claimed New France (present-day Quebec) for France in the sixteenth century, Champlain founded Quebec City and consolidated control of France's colonies in North America in 1608.

European and Chinese

While the free markets and trade of the capitalist economy spurred national economic and industrial growth, the working class, comprised largely of poor __________________ & __________________ immigrants working in factories and building infrastructure, suffered from dangerous working conditions and other abuses.


While this settlement disappeared by 1590, interest in colonization reemerged as _____-_____ companies sought royal charters to privately develop colonies on the North American Atlantic coast.


While widely known for their equestrian skill, __________ were introduced by Europeans and so Native American tribes living on the Great Plains did not access them until after European contact.

Clinton also came under fire for personal scandals: allegations of corrupt real estate investments in the ____________________ scandal and inappropriate personal behavior in the White House.



With early industrialization and changing concepts following the Second Great Awakening, ___________ were playing a larger role in society, even though they could not vote.


With limited governmental controls or interference in the economy, American _______________—the free market system—was becoming dominated by the elite.

manifest destiny

With the Louisiana Purchase, the country had almost doubled in size. In the nineteenth century, the idea of ___________ ___________, or the sense that it was the fate of the United States to expand westward and settle the continent, prevailed.


Women were also active in the __________________ movement. Organizations like the Woman's Christian Temperance Union advocated for the prohibition of alcohol, which was finally achieved with the Eighteenth Amendment, although it was later repealed with the Twenty-First.

Later, during the Second New Deal, the ____________ _____________ Administration (WPA) was established.

Works Progress

The Federal ____________' Project and the Federal A___ Project created jobs for writers and artists, who wrote histories, created guidebooks, developed public art for public buildings, and made other contributions.

Writers & Art

In 1945, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt had met at the __________Conference to determine the future of Europe.



Yet at the war's end, the United States had successfully defended itself as a country and reaffirmed its ____________________. Patriotism ran high.


Yet bitterness over Northern victory persisted, and President Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865. Post-war ____________________ would continue without his leadership.

The embarrassing ______________________ Telegram (in which Germany promised to help Mexico in an attack on the US),



__________ would also join the nation as a free state. However, more tension and compromises over the nature of slavery in the West were to come.


___________ conflicts would continue on the Frontier farther west between the US and the Apache, Comanche, Sioux, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and other tribes throughout the nineteenth century.


____________'s holdings ultimately extended through Mexico into Texas, the Southwest, and California, reaching as far north into what are today parts of Montana and Wyoming. Spain also controlled the Gulf Coast, including New Orleans and Florida.

George Washington

_______________ _________________ had been appointed head of the Continental Army and led a largely unpaid and unprofessional army; despite early losses, Washington gained ground due to strong leadership, superior knowledge of the land, and support from France (and to a lesser extent, Spain and the Netherlands).


_________________ between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans were deeper than ever and the presidential elections of 1800 were tense and controversial;


_________________ integration describes the process of companies acquiring their competition, monopolizing their markets.


a large-scale __________ economy was emerging.

The process by which this is done is intentionally cumbersome and complicated. The framers of the Constitution believed that the longer the process took, the more deliberation there would be, decreasing the risk of a___________ of power.


That changed on September 11, 2001, when the terrorist group _____________________ hijacked airplanes, attacking New York and Washington, D.C. in the largest attack on US soil since the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. The 9/11 attacks triggered an aggressive military and foreign policy under

al Qaeda

Amending the Constitution Congress is responsible for another significant legislative process: a___________________ the Constitution. The framers understood that they could not possibly foresee every threat to state sovereignty and personal liberty nor every need that would require government management.


Social Progress: Enlightenment thinkers believed strongly that social progress was possible. As a result, the writers of the Constitution built in a means for a___________________ the Constitution, allowing it to progress with the nation it governed.


Other interested parties may also file a__________ briefs, position papers supporting a particular side or argument.



and the _______________Amendment, which in 1870 granted African American men the right to vote. (No women, regardless of race, would receive the right to vote in federal elections until the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920.)

Sherman Antitrust

and the __________________ Act (1890), which was intended to break up monopolies and trusts, in order to allow for a fairer marketplace;

And the US ________________ the Philippines, which would fight an ongoing guerrilla war for independence.


and the legislative branch—via the Senate—has the power to a___________or__________r ______ presidential appointments.

approve or reject

The Senate a________________ executive appointments and appointments to federal positions in the judicial system.


Civil liberties are rights—provided for either directly by the Constitution or through its historical interpretations—which protect individuals from _______________ acts of the government.


Brown took place shortly after the desegregation of the _____________ ______________, and public support for civil rights and racial equality was growing.

armed forces

Ultimately it was able to achieve more tribal __________________ and address problems facing Native American communities throughout the United States.


however, he wrote about the importance of b___________________ of power in the success of a republic.

balance of power

Their ideal government would maintain only the most b__________ functions in order to ensure the functioning of the nation.


Simply called Congress, this branch is composed of a b_______________ legislature (two houses).


Many b_______ originate in the executive branch, either from the president's office or from one of the executive departments. The president also often uses the power of the veto to influence legislation.


Farm workers were underpaid and faced racial discrimination. The UFW used ________________ and non-violent tactics similar to those used by civil rights activists in the South


Once a case is accepted, each party must file a b_____ arguing its side of the case, specifically referencing the c__________________ issue in question.

brief constitutional

STRUCTURES AND POWERS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT In its original form—as described in the Constitution—the federal government was made up of the three branches. Almost immediately upon the ratification of the Constitution, it began to grow and now includes a massive b________________________ made up of departments and agencies.


The c_________________ consists of the heads of the executive departments and may advise the president on a variety of matters. It is not directly referred to at all in the Constitution.


Where the legislative branch creates laws, and the executive branch takes actions to enforce those laws, the judicial branch can only weigh in when an actual c_________ is presented to it.


In ten states, a c__________________ system is used, in which members of a party in a state gather together at party meetings and vote for the candidate using raised hands or by gathering in groups.


By threatening to veto, the president can force c____________ to bills that align more with her or his political agenda.


however, the United States promulgated the Iraq War, deposing Saddam Hussein and supporting a series of governments until it withdrew its troops in 2011, leaving the country in a state of ________.


House of Representatives The House of Representatives is the house which was designed to directly represent the people, and it was originally the only part of the federal government that was directly elected by the c_______________.


Following JFK's assassination in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson's administration saw the passage of liberal legislation in support of the poor and of _______ rights.


At the same time, the Democrats gained the support of African Americans and other minority groups who benefitted from _______ rights and ___________ legislation.

civil liberal

Locke, however, observed that the government that grew out of this desire would inevitably be imbalanced and c__________ -based, as those with more resources structured the government to best protect their own rights at the expense of others.


For example, over time as new technologies have emerged, such as radio and television, the c____________________ clause has been expanded to allow the federal government to regulate them.


Puerto Rico is represented by a resident c______________________.


Meanwhile, in Southeast Asia, _________________ forces in North Vietnam were gaining power.


Sometimes justices also write c____________________ opinions, which agree with the majority's ruling, but provide different reasoning to support the decision.


Clinton faced dissent in the mid-1990s with a _______________________ resurgence.


Alternatively, an amendment can be proposed if two-thirds of the states call for a national c______________________ convention.

constitutional convention

the judicial branch can determine the c______________________ of laws (judicial review).


The WPA was a long-term project that generated ____________________ jobs and built _____________________ throughout the country. It also employed writers and artists

construction infrastructure

The policy of ____________________, to contain Soviet (communist) expansion, defined US foreign policy


The Supreme Court has made several rulings to limit gerrymandering, including requiring each district to have equal population and c_____________________ or connected lines.


The president also has the power to c___________ both houses of Congress to force them to consider matters requiring urgent attention.


The rise of a _______________________ among the youth—the development and popularity of rock and roll music, the culture of hippies, and changing concepts of drug use and sexuality—added to a sense of rebellion among Americans, usurping government authority and challenging traditional values. For more information on the Vietnam War, please see Chapter Two, "World History."


For example, the Constitution only provides directly for the Supreme Court, but empowers Congress to create other c_____________.


So did the evolution of early technology like radio, motion pictures, and automobiles—products which were available to the middle class through ___________.


While mass-production helped the emerging middle class afford more consumer goods and improve their living standards, many families resorted to ________ to fuel consumer spending.


Union membership suffered -- so did farmers, due to falling _______ prices.



customs officers were empowered to search colonists' homes for forbidden goods with writs of ________________.

Many felt that allowing unlimited terms opened the door for a d____ ____________ dictator and threatened liberty.

de facto

They support d_______________ military spending and committing troops abroad, although often make exceptions for h____________________ or human rights purposes.

decreasing humanitarian

With the election of President Bill Clinton in 1992, the US took an active role in international _______________, helping broker peace deals in the former Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East.


During the administration of the conservative President Richard Nixon, the conflict in Vietnam ended and a ________________ relationship with China began.


In its original conception, each state selected its electors by whatever means it chose. At first, most states allowed their state legislatures to choose their electors. By the end of the 1830s, almost every state allowed for the d____________ election of electors.


Other justices who did not vote with the majority may write d__________________ opinions.


The federal court system is composed of three levels of courts. First are the d______________ courts. There are 9__________ district courts in the country, served by 700 judges.

district ninety-four

Today, all of the justices on the Supreme Court hold law degrees from major universities and first served in federal d____________ or a________________ courts. They also generally share p__________ preferences with the president who appointed them, although judicial inclinations do not always neatly align with political ones.

district or appellate policy

Each state legislature divides its state into essentially equally populated congressional d________________.


Structure of the Federal Government The crises of the 1780s made it clear that a stronger central government was needed. However, the states did not want a central government that was so strong that it would oppress the states or the people. The solution? Increase the power of the government, but prevent the concentration of power by d_________________ it.


The Civil Rights Movement had national public attention, and had become a major _______________ political issue.


At the same time, LBJ's overseas agenda was increasingly unpopular. Adhering to containment and _____________theory—US policy toward communism in an effort to stop its spread—Johnson drew the United States deeper into conflict in Southeast Asia.


according to _____________ theory, once one country fell to communism, others would quickly follow.


During the 1970s, the ________________ suffered due to US involvement in the Middle East.


For example, the management of public e____________________ is a reserved power.


They handle e__________ percent of all federal cases. The next level of courts are the 1____ (#) c_____________ courts of appeal. These courts review district court decisions and the decisions of federal regulatory agencies.

eighty 12 circuit

Later, the Supreme Court overturned the ruling, citing the e______________ clause.


These include: Clarifying Legislation: Using the e______________ clause, much legislation has been passed whose purpose is to clarify or expand the powers of the federal government.


They derive from the e_______________ clause of the Constitution, Article I, Section 8.

elastic AI S8

The Allies had agreed on free ______________ for European countries following the fall of the fascist regimes.


While intended to create jobs and bring electricity to the impoverished, rural inhabitants of the Tennessee Valley area, one of its true objectives was to accurately measure the cost of __________ power, which had been supplied by private companies.


and ___________________ issues became more visible.


He believed that powers should be e__________, but differ in nature, saying, "When the [law making] and [law enforcing] powers are in the same person, there can be no liberty."


They do, however, believe the government should intervene to control economic factors that impede e________________.


The first prohibits the government from establishing a state religion or favoring one religion over another.


Religion: The freedom of religion comes from two clauses in the First Amendment: the ___________________ clause and the _____________ clause.

establishment free exercise


even earlier, the United States had signed the Treaty of _______________, a trade agreement, with Qing Dynasty China.

3. No e_________________ laws: An e___________________ law is a law which punishes an individual or group for breaking a law that was not a law when the act was committed. For example, slavery was abolished in 1865. If an ex post facto law was passed at that time, it would have punished anyone who had owned slaves before 1865.

ex post facto

Of the three mentioned, the president is the only e__________________ role that is specifically defined in the Constitution.


There are no restrictions on who can write a bill. In fact, most are not written by Congress, but begin either in the e____________ branch or are written by s__________________________.

executive special interest groups

Executive Actions: Although Congress holds most lawmaking power, the president is able to issue e_______________ a___________________ which have the force of law without having to involve Congress.

executive actions

The division of power has shifted over time with more power going to the federal government as its scope has e______________________.


What these terms mean vary slightly from state to state -- however, liberals generally have a more e________________ view of government, whereas conservatives have a more r_______________ view.

expansive; restrictive

However, the president does have a number of e___________________ powers.


This assumption was later revealed to be ________


They also advocate f_____- reaching government-run programs from healthcare to schools to utilities.


Discontent was particularly strong among f__________, who were losing their property at devastating rates. Their unhappiness exploded into violence in 1786 when ____________ _____________ led a rebellion against Massachusetts tax collectors and banks.

farmers Daniel Shays

FDR was increasingly concerned about the rise of ______________ in Europe, seeing it as a global threat.


However, since the price of stocks fluctuated, when buyers lost confidence in the market and began selling their shares, the value of stocks _____.


The Civil Rights Movement also included ______________ activists who fought for fairer treatment of women in the workplace and for women's reproductive rights.


In the Senate, debate is unlimited. This allows for a unique tactic called the f__________________, in which a senator or group of senators continues debate indefinitely to delay the passage of a bill.


The Clinton administration also eased ___________ _________________ in the United States, rolling back some of the limitations provided for under Glass-Steagal.

financial restrictions

If a bill does get voted out of committee, it goes to the f____________ for debate.


or 3) if a case involves the US government and f_____________ d_____________.

foreign diplomats

Ending the gold standard reduced the value of the dollar in relation to other global currencies, and ______________ ________________ in the United States increased.

foreign investment

This resolution requires the president to inform Congress within f___________________ of a troop deployment and restricts deployment unsupported by congressional authorization to s_______________.

forty-eight hours sixty days

They support f________ -market solutions to economic problems and a decrease in the regulation of business.


The second prohibits the government from restricting religious belief or practice.

free exercise

As part of globalization, the facilitation of global commerce and communication, the Clinton administration prioritized __________ _________.

free trade

To garner support for his position, FDR spoke publicly about the Four Freedoms:

freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

Christian ____________________ became popular, particularly among white conservatives.



furthermore, in desperate need of cash, the Crown sought ways to increase its ________________ from the Colonies.

This process can often become quite political, with political parties attempting to draw the lines to ensure the maximum number of seats for their party. This is called g_______________________.


The US dominated ___________ trade: American corporations established themselves globally, taking advantage of free trade to exploit cheap labor pools and less restrictive manufacturing environments (at the expense of American workers).


This investment in military technology—the arms race with the Soviet Union—helped bring about the end of the Cold War with the 1991 fall of the USSR and later, a new era of _________________.


Conservatism strengthened in response to the heavy role of ______________________ in public life throughout the 1960s, high rates of government spending, and social challenges to traditional values.


The federal government also can exert influence over state governments through g_______________________, money that is provided for a particular purpose.


Most notable are: 1. No suspension of *h____________ _____________: A writ of *____________ ______________ is a legal demand a prisoner can make to appear in court in order to profess their innocence.

habeas corpus

He celebrated the democratic underpinnings he saw in America—the emphasis on hard w________ and m_________—and saw it as unique from the European experience.

hard work & merit

Olive Branch

he also ignored the _______ ____________Petition which sought compromise and an end to hostilities.

The indictment may only be for treason, bribery, and other "___________________________________." While not specifically defined in the Constitution, this is traditionally taken to mean crimes that are specific to office holders.

high crimes and misdemeanors

Once it is placed in the "h________________," the bill is assigned a number and sent to the appropriate committee.


Theodore Roosevelt

however, these measures would remain largely toothless until President ________________________'s "trust-busting" administration in 1901.

Cesar Chavez also used _______________ strikes to raise awareness of the problems faced by farm workers.


CONSTITUTIONAL UNDERPINNINGS OF THE US GOVERNMENT Any study of the United States government must begin with its founding document: the Constitution. It was written as both an expression of i____________ and as a practical f__________________ for the functioning of the country.

ideals framework

This allowed for the unrest brewing in France to erupt in the French Revolution. Similarly, the Confederate states in the US South broke away from the Union at the outbreak of the Civil War because they believed the federal government no longer represented their issues and was therefore an i____________________ government.


According to Machiavelli, a good ruler understands that sometimes i________________ acts must be done to ensure the public good.


The House may bring charges of i_____________________ against the president or a Supreme Court justice. Impeachment is the process by which a federal official can be officially charged with a crime.


They believe the government should not curtail the rights of its citizens, and support the existence of i_____________ rights like the right to privacy.



in 1682, the Quaker William ______ founded the city of Philadelphia, based on tolerance.

The legislative branch also has the power to _I_________T____________D_ the guilt of a president.

indict, try, and determine I, T, D

In addition, without an organizing authority, states began issuing their own currencies and crafting their own, competing trade agreements with foreign nations, halting trade and sending i______________ through the roof.


Many of the president's diplomatic powers are I________________.


However, those radical philosophies of separation were at odds with the NAACP, which believed in ___________________.


Commercial banks had to take part in the system, allowing "the Fed" to control ___________________ rates and avoid a similar crisis


This recognition must come from both i___________ and e____________ forces.

internal & external

They also believe the government should not i__________________ to curtail or protect individual rights.


The US ___________________—with the blessing of the United Nations, and the support of other countries.


LBJ embraced liberalism, believing that government should fight poverty at home, and play an _____________________role abroad (in this era, by fighting communism).


The New Deal especially generated _______.


Through this power, the president not only controls the entirety of the executive branch as well as foreign policy, but also wields significant and long-term influence over the j_____________ branch.


Without a national j______________ system, there was no mechanism to solve the inevitable economic disputes.


This established j__________________, the Supreme Court's power to determine the constitutionality of laws. This has become the most significant function of the court, and has it allowed it to shape public policy.

judicial review

It also handles conflicts between the states via the federal j_______________ and by regulating i______________ t________________.

judiciary interstate trade

Specific Powers: Much like the House, the Senate has certain unique powers: Whereas the House has the power to impeach, the Senate acts as the j___________ in the impeachment of a president and determines his or her guilt. The Constitution requires a two-thirds supermajority to convict a person being impeached. The Senate enters judgment on its decision, whether that be to convict or acquit, and a copy of the judgment is filed with the Secretary of State.


The president has the power to appoint j_____________ to the federal courts (including the Supreme Court),


The New Deal addressed __________ issues as well.


Great Depression Following WWI, the United States had experienced an era of consumerism and corruption. The government sponsored __________-___________ policies and supported manufacturing, flooding markets with cheap consumer goods.


However, that level of sovereignty exists only to the extent that those rules do not interfere with those of the l___________ society.

larger society

Rousseau, instead, argued for government built on the rule of l_________.


Rule of Law: The very desire for a written constitution—a law above all others—reflected Enlightenment thinking, as it ensures a rule of l_______, rather than a rule of man.


The rule of ______ was another Enlightenment idea which became a central tenet of the new United States government.


There are two basic reasons for government: to provide l____________& o___________, and to protect people from c___________.

law and order conflicts

As a result, these laws would apply to all equally and would equally benefit all. By allowing these l________, rather than an individual or group of individuals, to govern society, make decisions and settle disputes, the inequities Locke feared could be avoided.


Lawmaking The primary function of the legislature is to write and pass l___________.


The Judicial Branch The Constitution's framework for the judicial branch is the l_________ detailed of the three branches. It is also a passive branch.


Also, it curbed federal power by fragmenting it and slowing down the l_________________ process.


Legislative Powers: Like the judicial branch, the president is constitutionally accorded some l_________________ powers in order to limit the powers of the legislative branch.


This has evolved into an annual formalized address to Congress in which the president lays out executive l__________________ priorities.


A loss of l______________________ is at the center of every failed government and state.


Internal recognition of a government's authority is called its legitimacy. This is the extent to which the people accept their government's authority.


Regardless of its source, however, once l________________ is lost, a government cannot continue.


The Congress of the Confederation, as it was called, did not have the power to levy t_________ or raise an a_________.

levy taxes or raise an army

Despite these controversies and political division, society became increasingly ________________.


President Kennedy had envisioned a _________________United States in the tradition of the Progressives. His youth and charisma were inspiring to many Americans, and his assassination in 1963 was a shock. Kennedy's vice president Lyndon B. Johnson continued the liberal vision with the _______________ _______________.

liberal Great Society

Political Orientations In modern government, political ideology can be sorted into two main categories: l____________ and c_______________.

liberal & conservative

The Rise of Conservatism Radical social change in the 1960s, coupled with the toll of the Vietnam War on the American public, many of whom had lost loved ones in the war, or served themselves in combat, led to backlash against _____________________.


Later, it would enter into force in 1994 between the US and the Russian Federation as an agreement to ________ the large arsenals of strategic weapons possessed by both countries.


Rather than simply empowering authority, the Constitution aims to l_________ government while still allowing it to fulfill its function.


An organization like the National Rifle Association, on the other hand, has very l_________ sovereignty.


The president is required to either fully accept or fully reject a bill -- he or she may not veto only sections of it. This is called a l_______________________, and the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 1___________.

line-item veto 1996

However, African Americans' voting rights were still not sufficiently protected. According to the Fifteenth and the Nineteenth Amendments, all African Americans—men and women—had the right to vote, but many Southern states had voting restrictions in place such as _____________ tests and _________taxes, which disproportionately affected African Americans.

literacy tests & poll taxes

Designed to be a "l__________ document." the Constitution and how it is interpreted has changed in the almost 230 years since it was written. However, its core principles have not. They continue to serve as the foundation and guiding light of American government and politics.


These risky consumer _______, over speculation on _______ and the value of farmland, and weak ____________ protections helped bring about the Great Depression.

loans crops banking

He or she is generally the l________________-serving member of the Senate.


Political m____________________ led to deadlocks in state legislatures over appointments, leaving Senate seats vacant for months at time.


In order to impeach a president or justice, a simple m_____________ is required. Only two presidents have ever been tried for impeachment: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. *Also Donald Trump.


Next, the justices meet in private to discuss the case and to vote. The chief justice then assigns a justice to write the m______________ o________________, a detailed explanation of the majority's decision and reasoning.

majority opinion

In a nation ruled by m______, governance is at the whim of an individual or small group of individuals. Decisions are arbitrary based on the interests and needs of those in a_________________.

man authority

De Tocqueville had more complicated views on equality. He believed that inequality drove economic growth and that "radical equality" led to m__________________.


With the continual rise of the ___________ class, women took a more active role in advocating for the poor and for themselves.


Despite promises to lower government spending, the Reagan administration invested huge sums of money in the ________________.


Due to its role in global conflict from the Spanish-American War onwards, the US had established ________________ bases and a military presence worldwide, in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East.


The Spanish-American War had been the first time the United States had engaged in overseas ________________ ________________ and __________ beyond North America, entirely contrary to George Washington's recommendations in his Farewell Address.

military occupation & conquest

Clinton's election also indicated a more liberal era in American society: while conservative elements remained a strong force in politics and sectors of society, changing attitudes toward ___________________in the public sphere and increased global _______________________ (especially with the advent of the Internet) were a hallmark of the 1990s.

minorities communication

Election of the President Almost half of Article II is dedicated to describing the process of electing the president. The framers wanted to ensure the president represented all of the states and was immune from the m_______ rule of democracy.


Many American politicians are m_________________ and fall in between these two camps.


In it, Machiavelli takes on the question of how government's purpose should be fulfilled. He argues that public *m______________ and private or personal *m______________ are two very different ideas.


Sovereignty can exist at different levels and to different degrees. For example, the United States has complete n_________________ sovereignty because other nations recognize the US government's right to rule its own people and manage its own affairs.


They believe military power is necessary to maintain n______________ s__________________, so they advocate increased military spending and tend to be quicker to commit troops abroad.

national sovereignty

and growing American _____________________, or pride in and identification with one's country, triggered US intervention.


In this capacity, the president has the power to recognize other n_________________, receive a______________________, and negotiate t________________.

nations ambassadors treaties

He is responsible for several of the foundational ideas of the American government. Locke argued that, by nature, all men (women were not widely considered until later in history) are free and equal and endowed with certain _____________ rights: life, liberty, and property.


Much like Locke, Rousseau believed that government was a natural extension of the individual's desire to protect and best enjoy his (and her) n__________ rights.


Qualifications: In order to qualify for the presidency, candidates must be ______________- born American citizens, at least _________________ years old, and have resided in the United States for at least _________________ years.

natural thirty-five fourteen

The elastic clause gives Congress the right to "make all laws n_________________________" for carrying out other powers.

necessary and proper

This ________ ___________________ expanded US markets and increased US presence and prestige on the global stage.

new imperialism

There are n_______ justices who serve on the Supreme Court. Appointed by the president and approved by the Senate, Supreme Court justices serve for l _______.

nine life

4.No titles of n________________ :It was important to the framers to provide safeguards against a return to monarchy. Therefore, they prohibited an American nobility of any kind.


National Nominating Convention: Then, in July of the election year, the party holds a national n___________________ convention.


Residents of Washington D.C. and territories held by the United States (Guam, American Samoa, and the US Virgin Islands) are represented by non-voting o____________________


However, following the war, the USSR __________________ Eastern Europe, preventing free elections. The United States saw this as a betrayal of the agreement at Yalta.


In order to remove, or oust, a president from office, the Senate must vote two-thirds in favor. This has never happened in American history --Andrew Johnson's removal failed by _____ vote.


Small states advocated equal representation, with each state having the same number of representatives, each with o_____ vote.


Because they think private citizens and organizations can operate more effectively than the government, they generally o______________ government- run social programs and believe a national healthcare system would lead to a decrease in the quality of care.


The colonies had broken away from Britain, in short, because of what they viewed as the o___________________ rule of an over-bearing central government.


Once all briefs are read, both parties present oral arguments in the Supreme Court. In the oral arguments, each lawyer presents an o ______ s ________________ of his or her party's argument and then fields questions from the justices.

oral summary

It is very difficult to have a case heard by the Supreme Court. The court only has o_______________ j________________ (first court to hear the case) in three situations: 1) if a case involves two or more s_______

original jurisdiction states

Ultimately, the US would ___________________ the USSR militarily, a precipitating factor to the fall of the Soviet Union. (For more information on the fall of the USSR, please see Chapter Two, "World History.")


the legislative branch can o__________________________ and pass the law anyway.

override the president's veto (with a two-thirds vote)

These changes were controversial: many American jobs went _________________, especially manufacturing jobs, where labor was cheaper.


It is subject to state and federal laws and o____________. It has the right to make some rules regarding its own internal organization and affairs


Since the two houses have p___________________ processes, the same bill often starts in both houses at the same time.


As a result, a government's legitimacy derives from the consent of the p_______________. This also means that when a government is no longer fulfilling its purpose and loses the people's consent, r_______________ is an appropriate and justified response.

people revolution

This system had two other advantages. The House of Representatives would also be directly elected by the p______________, and the Senate by the s________________ l__________________.

people state legislatures

The president is in charge of foreign relations and is responsible for negotiating all treaties -- however, as part of the system of checks and balances, the president requires the Senate's approval before any treaty becomes a p___________________ agreement.


Jackson had the p_______________ (the greatest percentage), but did not win a majority. The vote went to the House, and, after some backroom politics, they voted for J_______________________, much to Jackson's dismay.

plurality John Quincy Adams

If, however, there are less than ten days left in Congress's session, and the president does not sign the bill, it automatically dies. --This is called a p__________ veto.


The president sets the p________ agenda both as the leader of his or her party and through the State of the Union address.


It may not rule or make decisions based on hypotheticals. Yet this branch has grown to be at least as influential as the other two branches both in setting p________ and molding the s__________________ & s_______________ of the federal government.

policy size and shape

Social Contract: The document begins "We the People..." because the founders believed that government was a social contract, legitimized only by the consent of the people. This is also known as p_________________ s____________________.

popular sovereignty

Each state would be assigned a number of representatives based on its p____________________ (enslaved people deprived of their rights would even be counted among the population, benefiting those states with large slave populations).


He also argued that legitimacy derived from p_____________


The Legislative Branch At the writing of the Constitution, the branch of the federal government endowed with the most p_______________ was the legislative branch.


The TVA was the first public __________ company and still operates today.


therefore maintenance of p____________ was the most important priority for any leader.


Unable to raise an army, the Congress of the Confederation was p_______________ to intervene. The rebellion was finally suppressed when citizens of Boston contributed funds to raise a state militia. Shays' Rebellion made it clear that the new government was unable to maintain order.


Decisions made by the Supreme Court establish p________________________, rulings that guide future court decisions at all levels of the judicial system.


President Bush believed in the doctrine of _____________________, that if the US was aware of a threat, it should preemptively attack the source of that threat.


Once that is done, the unified bill returns to both houses for a final vote. If it passes, it then proceeds to the p________________for signature or veto.


In a p_____________________ election, members of a political party in a state vote at a polling place for whom they believe is the best candidate for their party.


They do not support government p________________ of any kind, and believe a completely u____________________ market is most efficient and effective.

programs unfettered

The framers protected some liberties explicitly in the Constitution via the ______________ powers, and expanded on them in the Bill of Rights (listed earlier in this chapter).


Starting with the removal of p____________ qualifications during the Jacksonian era (1830s), views of democracy began to change, and the electorate expanded. Aside from property requirements, each expansion resulted from a new amendment to the Constitution.


It is the larger of the houses with the number of representatives from each state based on the states' population (p_________________________ representation).


Under Roosevelt, the Act was used to ____________________ enormous trusts like the Northern Securities Company, which controlled much of the railroad industry, and Standard Oil.


In the United States, the ideological views of each are as follows. Liberals (also known as the left) believe in the power and responsibility of government to effect positive change. They see the government as essentially effective, and view it as a p______________ of and p_____________ for its citizens.

protector & provider

Cuba became a US ____________________ ;


At its core, political theory explores the p_______________ of government.


The Vietnam War was extremely unpopular in the US due to high casualties, the unpopular draft (which forced young American males to fight overseas) and what seemed to many to be the ______________________________ of the war.


*However, no voter q__________________________ are written into the Constitution


It is also unconstitutional to draw lines based solely on r___________.


Reason: The Constitution is a document based on r____________, and is therefore relatively simple and straightforward. It lays out the structure of government without detailing every single f_______________ of that government.

reason function

Fundamental Concepts in Political Theory Regardless of how they respond to these questions, all formal governments require r___________________ of their authority in order to exist.


The Electoral College was designed to elect a president for a nation that was scattered and had greater r_______________ than national loyalty.


It also insists that governing decisions are made outside the scope of r_______________, by actively separating the two.


The president does have the power to r________________ any of his or her appointees from office —with the exception of judges—without Senate approval.


Electors are apportioned based on population -- the number of a state's electors is the same as its number of ______________________ plus its number of __________________ (so each state has at least _________ electors).

representatives senators three

Although a member of the French upper class, Montesquieu was a strong proponent of r___________________ government.


Each of these amendments _____________ the actions of the federal government rather than actually granting a freedom to the people.


Specific Powers: Although it is technically considered the lower house, there are still powers that belong only to the House of Representatives: All r________________ bills must start in the house. While the Senate may amend the bills, the framers wanted to keep the power of the purse in the hands of the house most beholden to the people.


Eventually, this government would be overturned in r______________ as the imbalance would lead to a loss of consent by those at the bottom.


While some later readers have argued that The Prince was written as a satire, or at least with exaggerated r_______________________, the ideas within it guided politics throughout the Western world for the next four hundred years.


Saddam's forces were driven from Kuwait, and Iraq was restrained by ______________ and ____________ zones.

sanctions & no-fly

Commander in Chief: The first line of s_________________ of Article II declares the president commander in chief of the army and navy.

section 2

Unlike Martin Luther King Jr., who believed in integration, Malcolm X and other activists, including groups like the Black Panthers, believed that African Americans should stay ________________ from whites to develop stronger communities.


Montesquieu advocated for divided government: the s_________________ of powers.


Qualifications: As the upper house, the Senate was designed to have greater autonomy with stricter qualifications. Senators are elected for s____ year terms (rather than the two-year terms of members of the House) in order to allow them time to make decisions that might not be popular but that are best for the nation.


At the convention, Southern states argued that their (non-voting) s_______________ population should count towards their overall population, therefore entitling them to more representatives.


It favors s _________ states and minority groups, giving them greater influence on the election than they would have in a direct election system.


As a result, liberals generally support a government that actively regulates the economy and implements extensive s_____________ programs -- for example, liberals would advocate for a national health care system.


However, tax cuts forced Congress to cut or eliminate ____________programs that benefitted millions of those same Americans. Later, the _________ __________ Act of 1986 ended progressive income taxation.

social Tax Reform

John Locke was not the first to consider this idea, also known as the s____________ contract, but his conception of it strongly impacted later thinkers and is fundamental to the modern republic.

social contract

Many workers were inspired by __________________, the philosophy developed in Europe that the workers should own the means of production and that wealth should be distributed equally, taking into account strong economic planning.


There are also more extreme ideologies on each side of the spectrum. On the far left, s_________________ advocate for a complete overhaul of the American economic and political system. They believe that the free market creates inequality, and that the market should be closely controlled by government to eliminate that inequality.


A group is s_______________ when others outside of the group recognize and respect that group's right to govern its own affairs and manage its own conflicts.


As a result, the first government they created, whose framework was called the Articles of Confederation, was intentionally weak. Called a "firm league of friendship," it was designed to create a loose confederation between the colonies (now states) while allowing them to retain much of their individual s_____________________.


Because of this desire, men turn over certain individual s____________________ to a neutral party (a government) which holds the responsibility to maximize the individual enjoyment of rights as well as the public good.


Recognition from outside governments comes in the form of s__________________, the right of a group to be free of outside interference.


He led government involvement in negotiations between unions and industrial powers, developing the ____________ ____________ for fairer treatment of workers.

square deal

Nixon also oversaw economic reforms—he lifted the gold standard in an effort to stop _____________________, a phenomenon when both unemployment and inflation are high at the same time.


Corrupt s__________ legislatures sold Senate seats to the highest bidder rather than electing the most qualified individual. As a result, the Senate seemed disconnected from the democratic process, a millionaire's club rife with corruption.


The framers designed the Senate so that representatives were chosen by the s__________ legislatures -- there was no direct connection between the Senate and the people.


Most cases also can only be appealed—or reviewed by a higher court—up to the s____________s___________c___.

state supreme court

Only cases that meet certain criteria (e.g. a dispute between two s____________, a case involving federal employees or agencies, or a violation of federal law) are heard in federal courts.


The Senate The Senate was designed to be the house of the s_______________.


The legislature was intentionally and clearly subordinate to the s_________. Representatives were selected and paid by state legislatures.


The sovereignty of groups —and more specifically of s_________—is an ongoing question within the United States.


While the federal courts hear more civil cases than criminal, the majority of these are still handled within the s____________.


those were left to the s____________. In 1789, in every state, only propertied white men—one in fifteen white men—were allowed to vote.


The federal government can attach s______________ to this funding. For example, grant-in-aid was given to the states in the late 1970s for highway improvement. However, states who accepted the money were required to set the drinking age at twenty-one years old in their state. This was a way for the government to influence law that was technically beyond their purview.


The landmark case Roe v. Wade _______________________________________.

struck down federal restrictions on abortion.

Therefore, in cases of conflict between the states and the federal government, the federal government's authority generally s_____________________ that of the states.


However, according to the s____________________ clause (Article 6, Clause 2) the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land."

supremacy A6 C2

this legislation gave the federal government unprecedented—and, some argued, unconstitutional—powers of __________________ over the American public.


Reagan championed domestic ____ cuts and an aggressive foreign policy against the Soviet Union.


Every state is guaranteed at least one representative. Apportionment of representatives is based on the census, so seats are reapportioned every t_______ years with the new census.


If the president does not wish to take such a clear stand on a bill, he or she can also simply ignore it. If the president does nothing for t____ days, the bill automatically becomes law, even without a signature.


*However, globalization also facilitated global conflict. While __________________ had been a feature of the twentieth century, the United States had been relatively untouched by large-scale terrorist attacks.


Fallen Timbers

the Americans gained more territory in Ohio and Indiana following the defeat of allied tribes at the Battle of ____________ ____________ in 1794.


the BUS wanted payment from state banks in hard currency, or ________.

Roosevelt continued overseas expansion following McKinley's Spanish-American War (1898 - 1901), in which the US gained control over Spanish territory in ______________, _____________, & _________________.

the Caribbean, Asia, and the South Pacific C, A, S P


the Great Awakening helped develop a more ____________________ North American religious culture. It also created a divide between traditional European Christianity and emerging North American faiths.

longhouses maize

the Iroquois in particular were known for innovative agricultural and architectural techniques, including the construction of ____________ and the farming of _____________.


the ______________ Amendment, which upheld the provisions of the Civil Rights Act;

However, as the power of the federal government grew, the people increasingly came to think of it as representing t___________________ rather than their states.


Oral arguments are limited to t____________ minutes per side.


To be a senator, candidates must be at least _________, have been a citizen of the United States for ______ years, and—at the time of the election—live in the _________ they will represent.

thirty years old nine state

They are staggered in t____________ groups.


Using Britain as his model, he argued that the most effective governments divided power between t____________ different bodies or branches.


Either way, once the amendment has been officially proposed, it is not ratified until t____________________of state legislatures (or special conventions convened by each state) approve it.


Continuing economic instability also triggered ____-down reform.


During the Reagan Era, conservative Republicans espoused a return to "__________________" values.


The Senate approves (ratifies) all t_______________ signed by the president.


According to supply-side economics (popularly known as Reaganomics), cutting taxes on the wealthy and providing investment incentives, wealth would "____________ ______________" to the middle and working classes and the poor.

trickle down

Presidents have circumvented this check in the past, however, by deploying t_______________ without requesting a formal declaration of war.


In this role, the president is the supreme leader of US military forces. He or she can deploy t___________ and dictate military p____________.

troops policy

Actions like this earned Roosevelt his reputation as a _______-buster.


Federal Reserve banks were established to cover ____________ regions of the country


There are t__________________ amendments to the Constitution, the first ten of which were passed immediately in 1791.


One group is up for election every t_________ years. This ensures that all senators do not face re-election at the same time, allowing for more consistent governance.


Qualifications: Members of the House of Representatives are elected for t_________-year terms in an effort to keep them beholden to the people.


To signify that no one state is more important than any other, representation in the Senate is apportioned equally, with __________ senators per state, making a total of __________ senators.

two 100

For Congress to propose an amendment to the Constitution, t________________ of each house must vote in favor of the amendment.


These fifteen departments employ more than t______________ of all federal employees.


If t ____________________ of each house vote in favor of the bill, Congress will o______________ the veto and the bill will become law anyway. However, this rarely happens.

two-thirds override

Any laws had to be passed by a t______________ vote, and any changes to the Articles had to be passed u____________________—essentially an impossible feat.

two-thirds unanimously

However, each decision made about the structure of the government was an attempt to either prevent the re-emergence of t___________ or fix the mistakes of the first, f_____________ government.

tyranny failed

the court ruled that the Bank of the United States was u_____________________, as the Constitution did not expressly give the federal government the power to operate a bank.


As a result, the Articles established a political system which consisted of a u____________________ legislature (only one house) with extremely limited authority.


Strengthening ___________ guaranteed collective bargaining rights and protected workers.


With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the balance of international power changed. The bipolar world became a _______________ world, and the United States was the sole superpower.


Essentially a means of preventing u_________________ imprisonment, this was viewed as an essential element of a just government. The Constitution forbids its suspension except in cases of rebellion or invasion. (Note: A______________ _______________, during the Civil War, was the first president to suspend habeas corpus.)

unreasonable Abraham Lincoln

Based on the British model, most colonies—and then states—had bicameral legislatures with an u___________ and l____________ house.

upper & lower

Other radical movements included __________________, whose adherents conceptualized establishing utopian settlements with egalitarian societies.


For example: the executive branch—via the role of president—has the power to v____________________ laws passed by the legislature.

veto (reject)

The president of the Senate is the US v_______________________. However, he or she only has the power to vote in case of a tie. The vice president is often absent from the Senate, in which case the p______________________________ presides.

vice president president pro tempore

Any attempt by another country to impose rules or regulate internal conflict would be viewed as a v___________. Many wars have begun based on conflicts over sovereignty.


While this structure was not originally adopted under the Articles of Confederation, the framers chose it when reorganizing the government. This was in large part due to a dispute at the convention over the structure of the legislative body—specifically the v_____________ power of each state.


However, this power is checked as well. While the president controls the military, Congress retains the power to declare w_________.


Rousseau argued that a general *w______ exists, a good common to everyone, and that this general *w______ should be the basis of all laws.


Today, most states are w _______________, meaning the electors are expected to all vote in line with the outcome of the state's popular vote.


In the twentieth century, the US became a superpower, transforming the role of the president into that of a w__________ leader as well as the leader of the nation.

world leader

All other cases come to the Supreme Court through the federal appellate courts or the state supreme courts. Appellants must request a w__________________________, an order to the lower court to send up their decision for review.

writ of certiorari

Spanish abuses in Cuba had concerned Americans; however, many events were sensationalized and exaggerated in the media—this _______________ ________________ aroused popular concern and interest in intervention in Cuba.

yellow journalism

*However, the federal government has expanded considerably over the past 225 years, in large part due to the expansion of the executive branch. Today, the executive branch is also responsible for administering a federal bureaucracy that spends $__ trillion a year and employs ____ million people.

$3 2.7

Harper's Ferry

*John Brown at Harper's Ferry In 1859, John Brown led another attack. He planned to raid the federal armory at __________ ___________, Virginia, where he aimed to steal weapons and arm enslaved people for an insurrection. The raid was put down by proslavery militiamen and US Marines commanded by General Robert E. Lee, who would go on to become the commander of the Confederate Army. Brown was captured, convicted of treason, and hanged. Two years later, the country erupted into Civil War.

2. No bills of *a__________________: A bill of *a________________ is a law that declares an individual or a group guilty of a crime without holding a trial. -- Much like with the writ of habeas corpus, this was seen as an essential protection in a fair society.


Answers: A. Incorrect. While there were numerous tribes in the region besides the Iroquois and the Algonquin, and while the Iroquois themselves were made up of smaller tribes, regional political organization and alliances were strong before European contact. B. Correct. Powerful tribes controlled trade and territory; among these were the powerful Iroquois Confederacy. C. Incorrect. The political landscape was highly organized; European settlers would later have to form alliances and sign treaties with local regional powers. D. Incorrect. Many people inhabited the land and had done so for centuries.

1) Which of the following best describes the political landscape of the Northeast before European contact? A.) Many small, autonomous tribes scattered throughout the region fought over land and resources. B.)Several organized tribes controlled the region, including a major confederation. C.)A disorganized political landscape would facilitate European colonial domination. D.) The land was largely uninhabited, allowing easy exploitation of resources.

A. Incorrect. While Locke's Second Treatise criticized absolute monarchy and so became very popular in the Thirteen Colonies, where colonists sought more autonomy, it was only one of many factors; given the other answer choices, this choice is incomplete. B. Incorrect. Restrictive measures like the Navigation Acts did limit colonial trade to Britain only, to the chagrin of colonial merchants who desired to broaden their commercial enterprises. Still, this choice does not completely answer this question. C. Incorrect. The Great Awakening was a religious revival that contributed to ongoing cultural differences between the Colonies and Europe in that it deepened divisions between Christian practices in Europe and newer religious thought in North America. However, this choice does not sufficiently answer the question, given the other options. D. Correct. All of the above are true.

10) Which of the following were factors in stirring up colonial discontent? A. Locke's Second Treatise B. trade restrictions like the Navigation Acts C. the Great Awakening D. all of the above

*8.Another aspect of public welfare addressed by the Great Society was the environment; Johnson pressed for expansion of the national parks system, improvement of the nation's air and water, and increased land-use planning. 9.Liberal Democrats brought about significant changes in immigration policy with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which abandoned the quota system of the 1920s.

10.By the end of 1965, the Johnson administration had compiled the most impressive legislative record of liberal reforms since the New Deal; it had put issues of poverty, justice, and access at the center of national political life, and it expanded the federal government's role in protecting citizens' welfare. 11.The results of the War on Poverty were that the poor were better off in an absolute sense, but they remained far behind the middle class in a relative sense. The proportion of Americans living below the poverty line dropped from 20 percent to 13 percent between 1963 and 1968.


10.Settlers saw Berkeley's strategy as a plot to impose high taxes and to take control of the tobacco trade. 11.Nathaniel Bacon, a member of the governor's council, led a ______________ against Berkeley's strategy; Bacon and his men killed a number of peaceful Indians for which Berkeley arrested Bacon.

A. Incorrect. While the Quartering Act did require colonists to provide housing for British soldiers, whose numbers were increasing in the Colonies with rising tensions, protests against it did not include the Boston Tea Party; this event protested the Tea Act. B. Incorrect. The Quartering Act required colonists to take British soldiers into their own homes to provide them with a place to stay, not to build them housing. C. Incorrect. The Quartering Act was not a tax. D. Correct. Anger at being forced to provide shelter for British soldiers led to protests; in 1770, British soldiers fired on protests against the Quartering Act in what came to be called the Boston Massacre.

11) How did the Quartering Act impact the colonists? A. Colonists were forced to take British soldiers into their homes; protests against the Act led to the Boston Tea Party. B. Colonists were forced to build quarters for British soldiers who were stationed locally. C. Colonists had to provide one-quarter of their earnings to support British soldiers stationed locally. D. Colonists were forced to take British soldiers into their homes; protests against the Act led to the Boston Massacre.

A. Incorrect. The Whiskey Rebellion erupted in response to the imposition of excise taxes (in addition to tariffs) under the Federalist Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policies, which reflected a stronger federal government. B. Correct. Shays' Rebellion, in which Daniel Shays led a rebellion of indebted farmers shortly after the end of the Revolution, showed the need for a stronger federal government to ensure national stability and was a major factor in planning the Constitutional Convention. C. Incorrect. Shays and his allies—indebted farmers—revolted against seizures of land and debtors' prisons, consequences of post-revolution disorganization and the indebtedness of the new United States. Furthermore, Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania had stirred up pre-revolutionary protest against the Townshend Acts and the concept of being taxed without proper representation in Parliament; this document was not a factor in Shays' Rebellion. D. Incorrect. Shays and his group were driven by personal interest, not politics; furthermore, Shays' Rebellion took place before the Constitution was written and before these fiscal policies were put into place.

12) What was the impact of Shays' Rebellion? A. It showed resistance to imposing excise taxes on whiskey and other consumer goods. B. It showed the tenuous nature of governmental control in the young United States and illustrated the need for a stronger federal government. C. Inspired by Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Daniel Shays and other farmers rose up to protest taxes and the fiscal policies engineered by Alexander Hamilton during the Washington administration. D. Shays, who was concerned about strengthened federal powers under the new Constitution, organized radical Democratic-Republicans to protest the fiscal measures espoused by Hamilton, particularly the Bank of the United States.

Manifesto and Declaration of the People

12.When Bacon's militant supporters threatened to free Bacon by force, Berkeley agreed to political reforms and restored voting rights to landless freemen. 13.Not satisfied, Bacon's men burned Jamestown and issued a "___________________ & __________________ of the People," demanding removal of all Indians and an end to the rule of wealthy "parasites."

A. Correct. Despite efforts by the tribes to retain control over their land, they would eventually lose a series of conflicts and the United States would establish states in the Midwest and Ohio Valley region. B. Incorrect. While Britain allied with the Shawnee-led Northwest Confederacy, Britain and France did not form an alliance during this time. By the turn of the century, France no longer had a presence at all in North America. C. Incorrect. While most of these tribes were Algonquin-speaking, the ethnic Algonquin were not major participants; furthermore, Tecumseh was Shawnee, not Mohawk. In addition, the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga composed the Iroquois Confederacy, which did not take part in this conflict. D. Incorrect. The British and Americans did not form an alliance in North America; they came into conflict in the region.

13) Despite King George III's agreement with Native American tribes in the Northwest (Great Lakes and Ohio Valley region) in issuing the Proclamation of 1763, the United States did not recognize this deal. What was the impact of that diplomatic reversal? A. A series of conflicts between the Americans and the Northwest tribes—the Shawnee, Lenape (who had been pushed west from the Atlantic coast by colonization), Kickapoo, Miami, and others—culminated in the Battle of Fallen Timbers; later, organized into the Northwest Confederacy under the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, inspired by his brother Tenskwatawa, and backed by the British, the tribes once again came into conflict with the Americans, defending their land at the Battle of Tippecanoe and in the War of 1812. Ultimately, the US would control the land. B. The French and British were able to form the Northwest Confederacy, allying against the United States in an effort to control more land in North America. C. A series of conflicts between the Americans and the Northwest tribes—the Algonquin, Oneida, Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and others—culminated in the Battle of Fallen Timbers; later, organized into the Northwest Confederacy under the Mohawk leader Tecumseh, inspired by his brother Tenskwatawa, and backed by the British, the tribes once again came into conflict with the Americans, defending their land at the Battle of Tippecanoe and in the War of 1812. Ultimately, the US would control the land. D. The Northwest Confederacy of British and American soldiers united to drive Native American tribes from what is today the Midwest region of the United States, in order to allow whites to establish settlements in the region.

A. Incorrect. While early industry and railroads were a feature of this era, universal manhood suffrage and the popular notion of the "common man" actually meant that more power went to working people and small rural farmers. Also, rising numbers of poor European immigrants tipped the balance of power away from the rich. B. Incorrect. European immigrants were not wealthy; furthermore, their rapid influx led to nativist movements such as the Know-Nothing party. The Whigs emerged later as an offshoot of the Democratic-Republicans. C. Correct. Universal manhood suffrage allowed all white males, whether or not they owned property, to vote; the "common man" had a voice in government, and Jackson enjoyed their support. Likewise, an influx of poor European immigrants changed the country's demographics, providing more workers for early industry, more settlers interested in populating the west, and a stronger voice in government against the wealthy. D. Incorrect. Jackson did not favor a strong federal government. However, the series of tariffs passed during the early nineteenth century, which benefitted the North at the expense of the Southern economy, led to the Nullification Crisis in which John C. Calhoun of South Carolina argued that states could declare federal laws they judged harmful to their own interests null. Jackson managed to negotiate compromises to end the crisis.

14) How did demographics play a part in democratic change during the early and mid-nineteenth century, particularly in the context of Jacksonian Democracy? A. The rising strength of industry in the Northeast, coupled with the beginnings of railroads, strengthened support for pro-business politicians and the business class. B. Wealthy European immigrants shifted the balance of power away from the "common man" to business owners and the elites, leading to the rise of the powerful Whig party. C. Universal manhood suffrage shifted the balance of political power away from the elites; immigration accelerated westward expansion and began to power early industry and urban development. D. Jackson's focus on strengthening the federal government dissatisfied the South, leading to the Nullification Crisis.


14.Although Bacon died from disease in 1676, Bacon's Rebellion prompted tax cuts, a reduction of corruption, the opening of public offices to yeomen, and expansion into Indian lands. 15.To forestall another rebellion among former indentured servants, Chesapeake planters turned away from indentured servitude and explicitly ________________ slavery in 1705.

A. Incorrect. While the Missouri Compromise was indeed a compromise over how far west slavery would be permitted to extend, this choice does not fully answer the question, given the other answer choices available. B. Incorrect. The abolitionist movement did indeed impact politics to the extent that permitting slavery was at the forefront of Congress' agenda. However, given these answer choices, this choice does not fully respond to the question. C. Incorrect. The Second Great Awakening did indeed influence society by liberalizing thought, including popularizing humanism and the abolition of slavery. However, this answer choice is incomplete given the other options available. D. Correct. All of the answer choices are true.

15) How did the Missouri Compromise reflect divisions over slavery? A. It showed disagreement over the nature of westward expansion. B. It showed the impact of the abolitionist movement on politics. C. It showed how the Second Great Awakening had influenced society. D. all of the above

*These scandals fueled social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists who favored a return to the conservative era of the 19_0s.


The war ended with Japanese surrender on September ___, 1945.


Answers: A. Incorrect. The Lenape were forced west by European colonization, not by conflict with the Iroquois. B. Incorrect. While their experience was indeed illustrative of the wide range of the Algonquin language, the Miami moved from present-day Wisconsin, not Ontario. C. Correct. While the Algonquin people were primarily located in what is today Quebec and southern Ontario, the Algonquin language was spoken widely throughout North America among both settled and semi-settled non-Algonquin peoples. D. Incorrect. While many tribes did move throughout the region as a result of intertribal conflict, the Northwest Confederacy emerged later in response to the United States; furthermore, it was not rooted in a shared Algonquin experience.

2) How do the movements of the tribes of the Northwest (throughout present-day Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin) illustrate tribal interactions before European contact and during colonial times? A. Having been pushed westward by the Iroquois, the Lenape are just one example of forced migration in early North American history. B. The migration of the Miami from Ontario to the Ohio Valley illustrates the diffusion of the Algonquin language throughout the continent. C. Despite the wide geographic range of the Shawnee, Kickapoo, Miami and Lenape, all these peoples spoke variants of the Algonquin language; this shows the importance of this language for many Native American tribes whether or not they were Algonquin people. D.Ongoing conflict between the Northwest Algonquin Confederacy, based in Ontario and the Upper Midwest, and the Iroquois Confederacy, based in the eastern Great Lakes region and present day Upstate New York, resulted in instability that forced tribes to move throughout the region.

Preemption would drive the invasion of Iraq in *____________. In *____________, the US attacked Iraq, believing that Iraq held weapons of mass destruction that could threaten the safety of the United States.


The number of pardons granted by presidents has fluctuated over time with Woodrow Wilson granting the most: 2480. In recent years, presidents have issued fewer than one hundred pardons per president.


The Constitution lays out basic requirements for membership to the House. In order to qualify, candidates must be at least ____ years old, have been a US citizen for at least ___ years, and live in the ___________ they are representing at the time of the election.

25 7 state

The president must win a majority—not a plurality—of the Electoral College in order to win. This is _________ votes.


Answers: A. Incorrect. The Mississippi Mound Builders and their civilization had disappeared by European contact; the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and other tribes were their descendants. B. Correct. The Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and others were Muskogean-speaking peoples; the Cherokee spoke an Iroquoian language. Both tribes were settled. C. Incorrect. While the tribes in the Southeast did speak languages from these families, they were not nomadic. D. Incorrect. The Ancestral Pueblo, or Anasazi, lived in the Southwest.

3) At the time of European Contact, the SE United States was mainly populated by: A. the Mississippi Mound Builders. B. settled tribes who spoke Muskogean and Iroquoian languages. C. nomadic tribes who spoke Muskogean and Iroquoian languages. D. the Ancestral Pueblo cliff dwellers.

constitutional Protestant

3.Mary, James's Protestant daughter by his first wife, and her husband, William of Orange, were enthroned. 4.Queen Mary II and William III agreed to rule as ________________________ monarchs loyal to "the __________________ reformed religion" and accepted a bill of rights that limited royal prerogatives and increased personal liberties and parliamentary powers.

The United States has a complex dual court system -- each state has its own multi-part judicial system in addition to the federal one. Even though federal district courts handle over 3________________ cases a year, ninety-seven percent of criminal cases are heard in state and local courts.


Answers: A. Correct. The Great Plains tribes depended on buffalo, which were plentiful before European contact and settlement, for food; they also used buffalo parts for clothing and to make necessary items. B. Incorrect. Horses were not introduced to North America until European contact. C. Incorrect. Great Plains tribes did not depend on the fur trade for survival before European contact or afterwards. D.Incorrect. While three sisters agriculture was widely practiced throughout North America, most major tribes living on the Great Plains were hunter-gatherers and depended primarily on buffalo for food.

4) Tribes living in the Great Plains region were dependent on which of the following for survival? A.buffalo for nutrition and materials for daily necessities B. domesticated horses for hunting and warfare C. access to rivers to engage in the fur trade D. three sisters agriculture

*2.Johnson lacked the Kennedy style, but he capitalized on Kennedy's assassination, applying his astonishing energy and negotiating skills to bring to fruition several of Kennedy's stalled programs and many more of his own, in the ambitious "Great Society." 3.On assuming the presidency, Johnson promptly pushed for civil rights legislation as a memorial to his slain predecessor (see Chapter 27). His motives were complex. As a southerner who had previously opposed civil rights for African Americans, Johnson wished to prove that he was more than a regional figure—he would be the president of all the people.

4.Wherever he acted, Johnson pursued an ambitious goal of putting "an end to poverty in our time"; the "War on Poverty" expanded long-established social insurance programs, welfare programs, and public works programs. 5.The Office of Economic Opportunity, established by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, created programs such as Head Start, the Job Corps, Upward Bound, Volunteers in Service to America, and the Community Action Program.

The size of the House grew every ten years along with the population of the United States until 1929, when Congress set the number at ___________ voting representatives where it has remained since.


Approximately _______________ bills are introduced in Congress each year, only _______ percent of which become laws.

5,000 2.5


5.Social tensions between elite planters and struggling __________________ laborers reached a breaking point in Virginia during Governor William Berkeley's regime; Berkeley gave tax-free land grants to members of his council.

A. Correct. Spain established missions to spread Christianity, in addition to settling and exploiting the land; France worked to establish networks of trade and did not concentrate on religious conversion (although the Church was present and at work in its colonies). Both intermarried locally. B. Incorrect. Spanish encounters with tribes in the West and Southwest were frequently violent; métis were not the result of a campaign of forced marriages. C. Incorrect. France came to control Northeastern Canada (New France, what is today Quebec and other regions) and parts of the Midwest south through Louisiana. Spain did control some territory through the Gulf Coast, but primarily settled the Southwest. D. Incorrect. Spain brought African slaves to the Americas and, in North America, forced them to work in mines. Given the nature of the fur trade, which supported New France in the northern part of the continent, there was no real role for slaves; however, slavery was practiced in colonies in the southern parts of North America where plantation farming was profitable. France also practiced slavery widely in other colonies such as Haiti and throughout the Caribbean.

6) How did Spanish and French colonization in North America differ? A. Both intermarried with Native Americans; however the Spanish took a more aggressive approach in spreading Christianity. B. Spain sought accord and agreement with Native Americans, while France forced marriages as part of settling the land, resulting in the mixed-race métis class. C. France colonized the Southwest; Spain colonized the Northeast and Midwest. D. France imported enslaved Africans as part of the Triangular Trade in order to support New France, while Spain mainly exploited local Native American tribes, forcing them to perform labor and essentially enslaving them.


6.To acquire land, poor white freeholders and aspiring tenants wanted local Indians ________________ from the treaty-guaranteed lands along the frontier.

However, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December ___, 1941, the US entered the war.


A. Incorrect. While it is true that the climate in the former colonies of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia supported plantation agriculture, requiring large numbers of unskilled laborers to grow and harvest crops like tobacco and rice, this choice does not sufficiently answer the question. B. Incorrect. Indeed, geography in the Northeast lent itself to the establishment of ports and commercial centers in these areas, but this answer choice does not sufficiently respond to the question. C. Incorrect. It is true that the climate in the Northeast supported crops grown on small family farms rather than those grown on plantations; thus, there was very little demand for African slaves in that area and a preponderance of tenant farmers instead. However, this choice does not completely answer the question. D. Correct. All of the above answer choices are true.

7) On the Atlantic coast of North America, which of the following contributed to demographic differences between North and South? A. a climate that supported plantation agriculture in the southern colonies, which resulted in high demand for African slaves B. geography favorable to ports in the Northeast, resulting in diverse and tolerant centers of commerce and trade in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia C. a climate that supported small-scale agriculture and family farms in the northern colonies, which resulted in a very low demand for African slaves D. all of the above

opposed Indian removal

7.Wealthy planter-merchants __________________ Indian removal; they wanted to maintain the labor supply and to continue trading furs with the Native Americans.

Today, each member of Congress represents approximately ___________________ people.


A. Incorrect. Winthrop was a leader in Massachusetts and his philosophies applied to development in that region. B. Correct. William Penn founded these colonies in the spirit of his tolerant Quaker faith. C. Incorrect. Joint-stock companies sought profit in Virginia; profit was not Penn's primary motive in founding Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. D. Incorrect. While conquest was certainly an element of colonization, this was not Penn's primary motive, nor was Christian conversion. Furthermore, spreading Christianity was not a priority of the English as it was for the Spanish.

8) Upon what premise were Mid-Atlantic colonies like Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey founded? A. A beacon of unity and humanity, reminiscent of John Winthrop's City Upon a Hill. B. Tolerance, as part of William Penn's Great Experiment. C. Profit, in accordance with their roots in joint-stock companies seeking profit from the land through royal charters. D. Conquest and conversion, in order to take land from Native American tribes and convert those original inhabitants to Christianity.


8.Poor freeholders and propertyless men formed militias and began _____________ Indians in 1675; the Indians retaliated by killing whites. 9.Not wanting the fur trade disrupted, Governor Berkeley proposed building frontier forts.

A. Incorrect. These colonial powers formed alliances with different North American tribes as part of ongoing rivalries on and off the continent in maneuvering for power and control of land. B. Incorrect. The British colonies were not a religious battleground; furthermore, the Hundred Years' War had ended in Europe before the explorations of Columbus and the beginnings of settlement in the Western Hemisphere. C. Correct. The Beaver Wars, the Chickasaw Wars, and later the French and Indian War, which was part of the Seven Years' War, are all examples of British-French conflict playing out in North America. D. Incorrect. France and Britain never had a long-term alliance on North America.

9) How did the British and French rivalry spill over into North America? A. While Britain and France were often on opposite sides in European conflict, they found common ground against Native Americans in North America. B. European conflicts between Catholics and Protestants affected Catholic French and Protestant English settlers; related violence from the Hundred Years' War broke out between them as a result. C. These European powers engaged in proxy wars, supporting the Iroquois and Algonquin, respectively, as well as the Chickasaw and Choctaw, in jockeying for control of land in the Great Lakes and southeastern regions of North America. D. France and Britain formed an alliance to prevent Spain from moving eastward on the continent.

The court determines its own caseload. It receives approximately 9________________ requests for writs each year but typically only accepts 8________ cases.

9000 eighty

John Brown

A man named _________ __________, along with his four sons and a small group of followers, heard the news that an antislavery activist had been attacked in Lawrence, Kansas.


A new party, the ________________ Party, was formed by angered Democrats, Whigs, and others as a result

war treaties money

A unicameral central government had the power to wage ______, negotiate _______________, and borrow ____________.

29) The presidential action that best exemplifies his or her role as Chief Executive is: A. appointment of a new Secretary of the Interior B. vetoing a bill C. negotiating a treaty with Russia D. receiving the ambassador from Finland

A. Correct. As Chief Executive, the president is responsible for the management of the federal bureaucracy and all of the federal departments. B. Incorrect. Vetoing a bill is a legislative action. C. Incorrect. Negotiating treaties is part of being Chief Diplomat, not Chief Executive. D. Incorrect. Much like negotiating a treaty, receiving an ambassador is an example of the president functioning as the Chief Diplomat, not Chief Executive.

46) Autocratic governments typically have which kind of party system? A. a single-party system B. a two-party system C. a multi-party system D. no party system

A. Correct. Because autocratic governments are controlled by one person or a small group of people, challenges to their authority are unwelcome. However, party affiliation usually indicates members of the ruling group and gives a semblance of democracy. B. Incorrect. Two-party systems require two opposing points of view, which is not conducive to autocracy. C. Incorrect. Governance in a multi-party system emerges as a result of broad choice in determining leadership. This does not exist in an autocratic government. D. Incorrect. It is true that most absolute monarchies operate without parties. However, the majority of autocracies today are not monarchies but are instead some form of dictatorship. In these cases, having some kind of political party helps create a common ideology.

2) Which of the following is an example of a legitimate government? A. the German Federal Republic in the 1990s B. the Dole government in Hawaii in the 1890s C. Mexican rule of Texas in the 1830s D. the rule of Maximilian I in Mexico in the 1860s

A. Correct. Both former West and East German citizens recognized the newly unified German Federal Republic as the legal and political authority over both territories. Bringing the national capital back to Berlin legitimized the government in the eyes of the East, while maintaining the western currency and many western laws did so in the West. B. Incorrect. While Sanford Dole and his group declared themselves rulers of Hawaii, the Hawaiian people maintained a belief in the legitimacy (based on divine right) of the Hawaiian monarchy. They did not acknowledge any of the laws the sugar magnates tried to put into place. C. Incorrect. Although Texas was technically a Mexican state, the predominately American population blatantly ignored Mexican law, particularly in regard to slavery and religion. This ultimately led to the Texas War for Independence and the establishment of the Republic of Texas. D. Incorrect. Created with the help of Napoleon III of France, Maximilian I's monarchy in Mexico was never recognized as legitimate by the majority of the people. Because there was no precedent for divine right in Mexico, and because of the authority invested in Mexican President Benito Juarez, he was never able to establish genuine rule.

23) How did the New Deal repair the damage of the Great Depression and help the United States rebuild? A. Immediate economic reforms stabilized the economy during the First Hundred Days; later, longer-term public works programs provided jobs to relieve unemployment and develop infrastructure. B. Social programs put into effect during the First Hundred Days provided jobs for Americans; measures to protect homeowners, landholders, and bank deposits followed to guarantee financial security. C. Programs like the Tennessee Valley Authority helped the government determine proper pricing and institute price controls for important public goods. D. FDR proposed supporting banks and big business with federal money in order to reinvigorate the market by limiting government intervention.

A. Correct. FDR focused on immediate economic stabilization upon taking office, then attacked poverty and unemployment on a sustainable basis. B. Incorrect. While some social programs were initiated during the First Hundred Days, emergency financial measures like the Glass-Steagal Act, the HOLC, and the AAA were the hallmark of the First Hundred Days, when FDR prioritized immediate economic stabilization. C. Incorrect. While one purpose of the TVA was indeed to determine the true cost of providing electricity, the government did not enforce price controls on public goods in the long term or on a widespread basis. Furthermore, the TVA was mainly an exercise in regional planning and poverty relief. D. Incorrect. FDR's focus was on limiting the power of large banks and dramatically increasing government intervention in the market.

14) Which of the following best demonstrates the rule of law? A. The president and members of Congress can be charged with crimes. B. A government passes a law raising taxes, but later it does not require the wealthy to pay. C. Congress passes a law declaring the Constitution null and void. D. A king sentences his rival to death.

A. Correct. In a government ruled by man, those who make and enforce the laws would be exempt from following them. However, in the United States, even those in authority are subject to punishment if they do not respect rule of law. B. Incorrect. If the exemption for the wealthy were written into the original law, it might be unfair, but this would still be an example of the rule of law. However, by enforcing the law selectively, the government is arbitrarily governing; thus the people are subject to rule by man. C. Incorrect. The Constitution is intended and written to be the highest law in the land; it is the basis for rule of law in the United States. If Congress were to declare it null and void, it would be violating the highest law in the land. Congress would be asserting its members' own power to govern (man's power) over that of the law. D. Incorrect. A king sentencing someone who is a personal threat to death is a classic example of arbitrary use of power and of rule by man.

49) US involvement in Europe after World War II is an example of A. internationalism B. isolationism C. interdependence D. none of the above

A. Correct. Learning from worldwide depression and the rise of totalitarianism after World War I, the US took on the responsibility of aiding the quick rebuilding of Western Europe. This is a clear example of internationalist foreign policy. B. Incorrect. The US invested in Europe financially and militarily after World War II, including through the Marshall Plan and the creation of NATO. An isolationist policy would have advocated no involvement at all. C. Incorrect. The relationship between the United States and Western Europe was very one- sided after World War II. An interdependent foreign policy would have required give-and- take from both sides. D. Incorrect. US foreign policy, throughout history, has always fallen into one of these three categories.

32) Why are justices appointed for life? A. to insulate them from political pressure B. to prevent them from running for political office C. to ensure continuity of decisions D. to make the judicial branch the strongest branch of government

A. Correct. The framers were very concerned about judges making unfair decisions based on fears of job security or political allegiances. B. Incorrect. While justices are appointed for life, they are not required to serve for life. They may resign at any time, and there is no law against them running for office. While it is rare, there have been a few justices who have left the court to serve in an elected office. C. Incorrect. While the relative stability of the court is a benefit of life-long appointments, it was not the specific goal of the framers. D. Incorrect. If the framers designed any one branch to be more powerful, it was the legislative, not the judicial. Regardless, their focus was on the separation of powers and ensuring checks on the powers of each branch.

37) Which of the following is an absolute right? A. freedom to hold any religious belief B. freedom of speech C. freedom from search and seizure D. freedom to bear arms

A. Correct. The government has no authority to restrict people's beliefs. They may, however, restrict religious activity if it violates other laws. B. Incorrect. Freedom of speech may be restricted if the speech is defamation, obscenity, or if it incites illegal activity. C. Incorrect. While there are restrictions on unreasonable search and seizure, searches that follow the law are allowed. D. Incorrect. There are many restrictions on the purchase, ownership, and use of guns.

4) The Declaration of Independence was most greatly influenced by which political theorist? A. John Locke B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau C. Niccolo Machiavelli D. Alexis de Tocqueville

A. Correct. The inalienable rights described in the Declaration of Independence, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," are a direct reference to the natural rights described by John Locke. The only variation: "pursuit of happiness" rather than "property," is seen as an expansion by Thomas Jefferson on Locke's original theory. B. Incorrect. Writing after Locke, Rousseau also acknowledges the existence of natural rights. However, it is Locke who names them. Rousseau's focus is more on how society best protects those rights. C. Incorrect. Machiavelli wrote about the nature of power, not the rights of man. His perspective on government can be seen as top-down, rather than Locke's more bottom-to- top view. D. Incorrect. De Tocqueville wrote almost sixty years after the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Therefore, his writing could not possibly have influenced it.

41) Which of the following is an example of an issues-driven organization? A. Americans for Tax Reform B. the American Medical Association (AMA) C. the AFL-CIO D. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

A. Correct. This organization was formed around the issue of tax reform. People who are interested in this issue then join this group. B. Incorrect. The American Medical Association is a membership-based organization for doctors. It determines which issues would be important to doctors and pursues those interests. C. Incorrect. The AFL-CIO is a union; therefore it is a membership-based organization. D. Incorrect. The NAACP's goal is to represent African Americans. Its agenda is based on the needs and wants of its membership.

19) Congress was similar to the Congress of the Confederation in that A. both were designed to be slow-moving and deliberative. B. both represented the states only. C. both held very limited powers. D. both were unicameral.

A. Correct. While Congress was designed to be more efficient and effective than the Congress of the Confederation, which was able to achieve very little, it was still divided into two houses with complicated structures in order to prevent a consolidation of power through quick legislation. B. Incorrect. While the Senate was originally designed to represent the states, the House of Representatives has always directly represented the people. C. Incorrect. The powers of Congress were greatly expanded beyond those of the Congress of the Confederation. D. Incorrect. Congress is a bicameral legislative body consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

25) What was the purpose of the United Nations Security Council? A. to provide a means for international military intervention in case of conflict that could threaten global safety, in order to avoid another world war B. to provide a forum for the superpowers to maintain a dialogue C. to provide a means for countries to counter the power of the US and USSR in an effort to limit the reach of the superpowers D. to develop a plan to rebuild Europe and Japan

A. Correct. While the UN was modeled in part after the League of Nations, the Security Council was (and is) able to militarily intervene in cases of armed conflict that could pose a global threat, an ability the League of Nations did not have. B. Incorrect. While both the US and the USSR had permanent seats on the Security Council, the purpose of the Council was not to facilitate their relationship, nor did it. C. Incorrect. The Security Council was formed before the Cold War and did not necessarily envision the development of a bipolar world; furthermore, it was not intended as a forum for global dialogue (that is the role of the UN General Assembly). D. Incorrect. The Security Council was not involved in post-war development; its purpose was (and is) to safeguard international security.

8) Which of the following would a libertarian vote for, but not a liberal? A. regulation of business B. abortion rights C. criminal rights D. lower taxes

A. Incorrect. A liberal would most certainly vote for the regulation of business, as liberals feel that an unregulated economy has unfair negative impact on many citizens. A libertarian, on the other hand, is adamantly opposed to any government interference in the economy. B. Incorrect. A libertarian would support a woman's right to an abortion, viewing any government attempt to limit it as an unfair overreach. A liberal, believing in the importance of individual rights, would vote to protect this as well. C. Incorrect. A liberal is very much in support of individual rights, even those afforded to criminals. Liberals believe that the government, in its role as protector, has an obligation to protect all members of society. A libertarian, however, would argue the government has no right to intercede on behalf of criminals further than basic imprisonment for the sake of maintaining fundamental law and order. This action would extend beyond the necessary functions of government. Some libertarians might not even support the ability of a government to imprison, rendering the question moot. D. Correct. A libertarian would certainly support lower taxes. In fact, a libertarian would likely argue for a complete repeal of taxes. Taxes are collected in order to support government activity, most of which is opposed by libertarians. In their view, lowering taxes returns the money to the hands of the individual where it belongs. A liberal, however, would oppose lowering taxes. The money collected from taxes is used to support social programs which they believe are the responsibility of the government and are necessary for a stronger, more effective country.

34) Which of the following would be written by a special interest to lobby the court? A. writ of certiorari B. amicus brief C. bill of attainder D. writ of habeas corpus

A. Incorrect. A writ of certiorari is an order sent from the Supreme Court to a lower court to send up a case for review. B. Correct. Amicus briefs are written by organizations, agencies, or other groups who hope to influence to court to take a particular decision. C. Incorrect. A bill of attainder is a law passed declaring someone guilty without a trial. These are prohibited. D. Incorrect. A writ of habeas corpus is an order to bring someone before a court to allow them to challenge their detention.

35) Which of the following is NOT considered protected speech? A. burning the American flag B. writing an article criticizing the government C. publishing a false list of supposed KKK members D. protesting outside of an abortion clinic

A. Incorrect. Although there have been attempts to make this illegal, including a failed constitutional amendment, burning an American flag is considered protected speech. B. Incorrect. Freedom to criticize the government was one of the primary reasons freedom of speech was included in the Bill of Rights. C. Correct. Incorrectly alleging that someone is a member of a white supremacist group is considered libel (if written) or slander (if spoken). This is not protected by the Constitution. D. Incorrect. As long as the protest remains peaceful, it is protected by the right to assemble as well as freedom of speech.

52) Which of the following is NOT an example of an NGO? A. Amnesty International B. Wikimedia Foundation C. Oxfam D. The World Trade Organization

A. Incorrect. Amnesty International is a private non-profit dedicated to the fair treatment and/or release of political prisoners. B. Incorrect. Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides access to and encourages the development of free, multilingual content. C. Incorrect. Oxfam is a private non-profit foundation focused on eliminating global poverty. D. Correct. The World Trade Organization is an IGO that governs the rules of trade between nations.

44) The British historian Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Based on this, which of the following systems do you think he would have most likely supported? A. a monarchy B. a democratic republic C. a unitary government D. an aristocracy

A. Incorrect. Because a monarchy is an autocratic government, power is concentrated in the hands of one person; this leads, according to Acton, to corruption. B. Correct. In a democratic republic, power is distributed across multiple branches of government. C. Incorrect. In a unitary government, only one branch of government holds all of the power. Acton would view this as a dangerous concentration. D. Incorrect. While power is less concentrated in an aristocracy than in a monarchy, control is still consolidated in the hands of a relative few.

47) Which of the following is NOT true of multi-party systems? A. They lead to coalition governments. B. They have parties with more radical views. C. They result from single-member districts. D. Parties seek to win a plurality of votes instead of a majority.

A. Incorrect. Because it is difficult for one party to win a majority, governments in multi-party systems are formed through compromises and alliances between different parties. B. Incorrect. In a multi-party system, clearer and more extreme views are more effective in garnering a support base. C. Correct. Two-party systems result from single-member districts where there is a winner- takes-all race for each individual seat. In a multi-party system, seats are apportioned based on the percentage of the vote received by each party. D. Incorrect. Because representation is proportional, parties do not need a majority in order to be influential—or even represented—in government.

43) Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, changes in politics have coincided with the emergence of new media or a change in the organization of media. This shows that: A. New media develops in response to political changes. B. Media has a greater impact on the functioning of government than other political systems. C. There is no connection between the functioning of media and politics. D. Politics is responsive to changes in how people communicate.

A. Incorrect. Because media reaches beyond politics, it tends to lead political developments and trends. B. Incorrect. While this statement shows the importance of media, it is only one player in the political system. It does not carry more weight than political parties or interest groups, both of which have had a tremendous impact on shaping American politics. C. Incorrect. There is a clear connection between the two, as they are dependent on each other for functioning (although their relationship can be antagonistic at times). D. Correct. Politicians are always trying to find the best way to connect to their constituencies; therefore they must be adaptable to new media as it emerges. Also, new media changes the way in which politics is reported, which then changes the way it functions.

12) Which of the following groups had the most to gain from a revision of the Articles of Confederation? A. small farmers B. members of state legislatures C. women D. merchants

A. Incorrect. Because small farmers primarily raised crops and livestock for their own consumption or local trade, they had little interaction with government at the federal level. B. Incorrect. While they understood its weaknesses, members of the state legislatures enjoyed the level of sovereignty the Articles of Confederation gave them. C. Incorrect. Women were not a part of the political landscape, and were not addressed in the Articles of Confederation. There was also no sense that they would be addressed in any revision. D. Correct. Merchants' income relied on trade, which disintegrated under the Articles of Confederation. They required strong trade relationships with other countries, as well as clear laws governing trade between the various states.

48) The United States and the Cuban leader Fidel Castro were at odds following the Cuban Revolution. Which of the following is NOT an example of an attempt by the United States to influence Cuba during the twentieth century? A. encouraging emigration from Cuba to the United States B. placing severe economic sanctions on Cuba C. building a military base at Guantanamo Bay D. supporting the failed Bay of Pigs invasion

A. Incorrect. During the Cuban Revolution and later in the twentieth century, the United States facilitated the entry of Cubans escaping the Castro government. B. Incorrect. The United States placed severe economic restrictions on Cuba that persist to this day. C. Correct. The US military base at Guantanamo Bay was established before the Cuban Revolution. D. Incorrect. The Kennedy administration supported this failed attempt at toppling the Castro government.

18) The power to hold elections is an example of a(n) A. inherent power B. prohibited power C. concurrent power D. expressed power

A. Incorrect. Elections are inherent to a democratic government. However, the power to regulate those elections is not. For example, in the United States elections are primarily controlled by local and state governments. B. Incorrect. Elections are held by governments in the United States. C. Correct. Federal, state, and local governments all have the authority to hold elections. D. Incorrect. Because state and local governments also have this power, it is not an expressed power.

7) Which of the following would most likely be supported by liberals? A. an open trade agreement with China B. funding a new stealth bomber C. a law restricting the use of national forests D. vouchers for students to attend private schools

A. Incorrect. Free trade agreements remove restrictions on the free market, allowing goods, labor, and resources to move more freely across borders. Liberals argue that free trade leads to decreased wages and the loss of American jobs. B. Incorrect. Increased military spending is generally not supported by liberals. Because a new stealth bomber serves no immediate purpose but serves the more general national defense, it is even more likely to be rejected by this group, which would prefer that the money be put toward government social programs. C. Correct. Protection of the environment is a central liberal goal. Because liberals view government as a vehicle for the improvement of society, they believe the government has a duty to actively protect nature for its citizens. D. Incorrect. School vouchers would be supported by conservatives; they are based on the belief that a private organization—a school in this case—is more capable of providing a quality service than its public counterpart. Liberals, on the other hand, would advocate increased spending in public schools.

20) How did the Spanish-American War change perceptions of the United States? A. It was clear to Europe and Latin America that the United States had military and territorial, in addition to economic, aspirations as an imperial power. B. The United States had begun to prove itself as a military power on the global stage, with strong naval capabilities. C. It was clear that nationalism was strong among the American people. D. all of the above

A. Incorrect. Given the failure of the United States to follow through on its promises of independence for Cuba and the Philippines, it was clear that the country had interests in gaining territory. However, this choice does not completely answer the question. B. Incorrect. The United States had indeed demonstrated formidable naval powers, fighting a war in both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. However, this choice does not completely answer the question. C. Incorrect. While a strong sense of nationalism drove public opinion to favor the war, this choice does not completely answer the question. D. Correct. All of the above answer choices satisfy the question.

Which of the following is true about the roots of the Civil War? A. John C. Calhoun used slavery as the reason behind his doctrine of nullification; indeed, disagreements over the institution of slavery precipitated the Nullification Crisis, an early example of Southern discontent with the federal government. B. The high numbers of immigrants moving to the North in the early nineteenth century represented a threat to the South, which had a smaller population in comparison, so it wanted to maintain control over the slaves. C. Lincoln and Douglas provoked anti-slavery sentiment in their debates around the country. D. The Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act all reflected dissent within the Union over the nature of the future of the country—whether slavery should be extended as the United States grew.

A. Incorrect. High tariffs were the impetus behind nullification. B. Incorrect. Slavery was an essential part of the plantation economy of the South; its benefit lay in its role in supporting the cotton trade, not in balancing population relative to the North. C. Incorrect. The Lincoln-Douglas debates reflected white Americans' conflicted views on slavery; furthermore, Douglas was not against outlawing the institution, believing instead it was an issue best left up to states. D. Correct. These pieces of legislation represent ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between differences in views over slavery in determining the future of the country.

16) Which of the following best illustrates the system of checks and balances? A. state and federal government power to levy taxes B. a governor's right to send the National Guard in a crisis C. the Senate's power to approve treaties signed by the president D. Congress's power to censure its members

A. Incorrect. Levying taxes is a power held by both the federal and state governments. It is not a limitation on the power of any branch of government. B. Incorrect. This is an example of a power reserved to the states. Again, it is not a limitation on the power of any one branch. C. Correct. With the authority to approve treaties, the Senate can review and even restrain presidential foreign policy. One example of this was the Senate's rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I in 1919. Although President Wilson signed the treaty and was even one of its chief architects, the Senate refused to ratify it. As a result, the United States was never a party to the treaty or part of the League of Nations. D. Incorrect. While the power of censure curbs the power of any individual within Congress, it is not a limitation of the power of the legislative branch as a whole.

6) Which of the following is NOT true or consistent with Machiavelli's argument in The Prince? A. For a ruler to maintain power, the ends always justify the means. B. Divine right is essential for a monarch to maintain legitimacy. C. The Prince provides a blueprint for gaining and keeping power. D. Rulers should not be judged by moral standards.

A. Incorrect. Machiavelli clearly argued that power was the true source of legitimacy. A ruler must pursue it at any cost or risk losing authority. B. Correct. Machiavelli was a pragmatist rather than a theorist. His writing focused on the best way for actual rulers to govern, rather than on determining the philosophical sources of their right to rule. C. Incorrect. This is a true description of The Prince. Although some see it as satirical, Machiavelli clearly writes it as a treatise on effective governing. D. Incorrect. This is a central tenet of Machiavelli's argument. He distinguishes between the moral standards of the individual and those of a ruler. He argues that rulers must make decisions based on maintaining the power of their state. Moral reasoning only clouds the issue, and often directs them away from necessary action.

21) Why did the framers give the House of Representatives the power to start revenue bills? A. Based on their qualifications, members of the House would have more economic knowledge. B. Members of the House would be less influenced by outside forces and political parties than members of the Senate. C. The House was more truly a national legislature; therefore, it should be in charge of the national budget. D. The frequency of elections for House of Representatives would make them more responsive to the will of the people in terms of spending.

A. Incorrect. No educational or vocational experience is specified as a required qualification for congressional representatives. B. Incorrect. If anything, members of the House are more influenced by party and other forces because they face election so frequently. C. Incorrect. While the House is the house of the people, its representatives are actually more locally focused than those in the Senate; each congressperson represents a relatively small number of people. D. Correct. The framers thought it was important that those who spent the money be held most accountable to the people to avoid corruption and misuse.

10) Which of the following ideas most influenced the framers of the Articles of Confederation? A. In order to have the consent of the people, all people must be allowed to vote. B. Three separate and balanced branches of government are essential for the protection of liberty. C. The central government's primary authority should be in monitoring trade. D. A strong central government threatens the liberty of the people.

A. Incorrect. Only representatives voted on laws, and those representatives were selected by the state legislatures. There was no direct voting at the national level under the Articles of Confederation. B. Incorrect. The Articles of Confederation provided for one branch of government only: a legislature. C. Incorrect. The legislature had no authority to legislate trade under the Articles of Confederation. Even international trade was regulated between individual states and the countries with which they traded. D. Correct. Fear of an overpowering central government was the primary factor considered in writing the Articles of Confederation.

25) The cabinet is made up of A. the president's closest advisors. B. the heads of each executive department. C. the heads of each house of Congress and the chief justice of the Supreme Court. D. the secretaries of state, defense, the treasury, and the attorney general.

A. Incorrect. Presidential advisors are part of the White House staff and are separate from the cabinet. B. Correct. Based on Section 2 of Article II of the Constitution, the cabinet is the formalization of the president's right to seek advice from the heads of the executive departments. C. Incorrect. There is no official convening of the heads of each branch of government. D. Incorrect. These four secretaries made up the first cabinet under George Washington. However, the cabinet has expanded over the years to include the heads of new departments that were created.

3) Which political theorist argued for the separation of powers? A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau B. Baron de Montesquieu C. John Locke D. Alexis de Tocqueville

A. Incorrect. Rousseau is best known for his writings on the social contract and natural rights. While deeply interested in the philosophical underpinnings of government, he did not particularly delve into its structure. B. Correct. Montesquieu believed that the separation of powers into three branches of government was essential to the success of a republic. C. Incorrect. Much like Rousseau, Locke's political writings focused on outlining natural rights and the nature of the social contract. He was more interested in the "why" of government than the "how." D. Incorrect. While de Tocqueville admired much about the American system of government, including the separation of powers, his focus was more on the actual functioning of an existing democracy, rather than the theory of an ideal republic.

5) Which best describes social contract theory? A. Government is a necessary evil to provide order for the people. B. Government is an agreement between a ruler and his or her subjects. C. Government exists as a promise to the people. D. Government exists at the will of the people.

A. Incorrect. Social contract theory does view government as a necessary element of a civilized society, but it does not believe that government is harmful or evil. Instead, social contract theory argues that government exists to serve the people and best provide for the common good. B. Incorrect. While social contract theory does allow for a governing body separate from the individual and with a greater degree of sovereignty, the contract does not exist between that body and the people. The contract is what itself creates the governing body. C. Incorrect. From a social contract perspective, government is not a promise by an outside ruler, but the result of consensus among a group of individuals living in a common society. D. Correct. Social contract theory argues that government is the natural consequence of individuals' attempts to protect their natural rights. As a result, individuals agree to turn over some of their sovereignty to a governing body in order to best enjoy those rights. Central to social contract theory is the idea that the people ultimately hold the power and can either allow a government to exist or remove it if it does not serve its purpose.

15) In the American federal system of government, the state governments' power derives from A. the Constitution B. the people of that state C. the state legislatures D. the people of the nation

A. Incorrect. The Constitution delineates the power and structure of the federal government, but does not address the nature of state governments. B. Correct. Each state government is a democratic republic in which authority is derived from the consent of the governed. C. Incorrect. State legislatures are one of the structures within the government—they do not give the government any of its power. D. Incorrect. A state government only has authority over citizens within its borders, so the population of the state endows the government with its power.

30) The Electoral College represents which of the beliefs of the framers of the Constitution? A. Government derives its authority from the consent of the people. B. Concentration of power can lead to tyranny. C. The federal government derives its authority from the states. D. The federal government needs greater power to provide stability to the nation.

A. Incorrect. The Electoral College, when created by the framers, excluded the people entirely from the selection of the president. B. Incorrect. While the tyrannical potential of concentrated power concerned the framers, it did not relate to the development of the presidential election process. C. Correct. The Electoral College is designed to balance the power of the states and to best represent their interests without allowing a single state to dominate. D. Incorrect. While stabilizing the nation through federalism was the motivation for writing the Constitution, it was not a consideration when creating the Electoral College.

22) How did the United States change in the 1920s? A. The Great Migration ceased. B. African American culture became increasingly influential. C. The Great Depression caused high unemployment. D. Thanks to the New Deal, millions of Americans found jobs.

A. Incorrect. The Great Migration was an ongoing phenomenon; furthermore, discrimination and violence against African Americans in the South continued to drive black people to northern cities. B. Correct. The Harlem Renaissance is one example of the emergence of African American culture in the public imagination; as US popular culture developed, African American contributions had a strong influence. C. Incorrect. The Great Depression began in 1929, and mass unemployment followed; it was not a major feature of the 1920s. D. Incorrect. The New Deal was a consequence of the Great Depression and a feature of the 1930s.

17) How did the Dawes Act impact Native Americans in the West? A. It forced them to move from their ancestral lands to what is today Oklahoma. B. It revoked tribal rights to land and federal recognition of tribes, forcing assimilation. C. It granted them land on reservations: for example, the Sioux received deeds to the Great Sioux Reservation in the Black Hills of South Dakota. D. It provided 160 acres of land to any settler willing to farm land on the Great Plains for at least five years, threatening Native American rights to land.

A. Incorrect. The Indian Removal Act was responsible for this. B. Correct. The punitive Dawes Act forced assimilation by revoking federal recognition of tribes, taking lands allotted to tribes and dissolving reservations, and forcing children into assimilationist schools (thereby dividing families). C. Incorrect. The Dawes Act actually dismantled the reservation system. D. Incorrect. The Homestead Act was responsible for this.

31) Where did the Supreme Court's power of judicial review come from? A. the Judiciary Act of 1789 B. an order by the president C. an amendment to the Constitution D. the court's own interpretation of the Constitution

A. Incorrect. The Judiciary Act was the first law to be subjected to judicial review; it did not empower the court to determine the constitutionality of law. B. Incorrect. The president does not have the power to change the powers of the Supreme Court. C. Incorrect. There is no amendment to the Constitution that concerns the Supreme Court. D. Correct. The court endowed itself with the power of judicial review in the case of Marbury v. Madison.

24) Why did the former allies, the United States and the Soviet Union, turn against each other following the end of the Second World War? A. Stalin felt that the Marshall Plan should have been extended to the Soviet Union. B. Because of the fear of communism in the United States, the US had considered invading the USSR following the occupation of Nazi Germany. C. Despite assurances to the contrary, the USSR occupied Eastern European countries, preventing free elections in those countries. D. The Soviet Union was concerned that the United States would use the nuclear bomb again.

A. Incorrect. The Marshall Plan was not intended for the USSR; it was part of an effort to create a post-war Europe in the model of the Atlantic Charter, espousing free trade and democracy. B. Incorrect. During WWII, the US and Soviet Union were allies (despite mutual suspicion), and the US did not plan to invade the USSR. C. Correct. Stalin's refusal to permit free elections or democracy in the countries of Eastern Europe were seen as a betrayal of the agreement reached by the Allies at Yalta, and a major reason for the collapse of the US-Soviet relationship. D. Incorrect. While this was a major concern of the Soviet Union, it was not the precipitating reason for the collapse of the relationship.

22) Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Senate represents the states? A. the power to approve treaties B. equal representation of each state in the Senate C. vice president serves as president of the Senate D. selection of senators by state legislatures (before 1913)

A. Incorrect. The Senate power to approve treaties ensures the states are not forced into a treaty detrimental to their interests. B. Incorrect. The Senate has equal representation to show that all states are equally important in the Union. C. Correct. The vice president's role in the Senate has nothing to do with the influence of states on the national government. Instead, it is a way for the executive branch to check the legislative. D. Incorrect. The framers originally chose to have state legislatures select senators precisely to ensure the legislative body was beholden to the states.

18) How was a small elite of wealthy businesspersons able to dominate the economy during the Gilded Age? A. The Sherman Antitrust Act put a few expert business leaders in charge of economic policy. B. Monopolies and trusts, developed through horizontal and vertical integration, ensured that the same business leaders controlled the same markets. C. Industrialization was encouraging the United States to shift to a planned economy in keeping with philosophical changes in Europe. D. The silver standard allowed specific businesspeople holding large silver reserves to dominate the market.

A. Incorrect. The Sherman Antitrust Act, though largely toothless until the Roosevelt administration, was intended to break up monopolies and avoid the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few. B. Correct. Horizontal and vertical integration of industries allowed the same companies—and people—to control industries, or create monopolies. Those elites who monopolized specific markets organized trusts so that one group controlled entire sectors of the economy. C. Incorrect. The United States was a capitalist economy (though imperfect, due to strong monopolies). A planned economy would be a socialist economy. D. Incorrect. The silver standard affected government fiscal policy and backed currency; it did not directly affect class organization.

1) Which of the following is NOT an example of the US protecting its national sovereignty? A. declaration of war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor B. signing of the Treaty of Paris at the end of the Revolutionary War C. President Eisenhower sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to integrate the schools D. patrolling of the US-Mexico border

A. Incorrect. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was viewed as a direct violation of American sovereignty. The US declared war to send a message to Japan that such a violation would not be tolerated. B. Incorrect. The Treaty of Paris of 1783 established the United States as a sovereign nation independent of Great Britain. It protected the new country from interference from other nations, specifically Great Britain. C. Correct. In Little Rock, the governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, refused to enforce the Supreme Court-ordered integration of the public schools. President Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock to enforce national authority over a noncompliant state. This was an internal matter, not a matter of state sovereignty. D. Incorrect. Controlling who enters into the United States is a prime example of national sovereignty.

33) The Warren Court in the 1960s was accused of judicial activism, or legislating through court decisions. Whose rights were expanded under the Warren court? A. blacks B. women C. defendants D. youth

A. Incorrect. The case that most impacted the rights of blacks in the twentieth century was Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided in 1954. B. Incorrect. The most significant decision affecting women in the second half of the twentieth century, Roe v. Wade, was decided in the Berger Court. C. Correct. Several cases during the 1960s expanded the rights of defendants in court. Two of the most notable were Miranda v. Arizona and Gideon v. Wainwright. D. Incorrect. Although youth activism was at an all-time high during this time, it did not have a significant impact on the court.

9) Why did the framers of the Articles of Confederation create a decentralized political system? A. to cancel the debts the states owed from the Revolution B. to ensure that abuses of power like those that existed under British rule did not exist C. to delay the question of slavery D. to promote national sovereignty

A. Incorrect. The decentralized government created under the Articles of Confederation impeded the ability of both the national government and the state governments to pay off their debts. B. Correct. The perceived tyranny of Britain's rule was fresh on the minds of the framers. Their primary goal was to prevent it from re-emerging. C. Incorrect. While this would later become an area of great concern under the Constitution, slavery was not one of the key issues discussed when forming the original government. D. Incorrect. The decentralized political system was designed to promote state sovereignty over national sovereignty.

38) If the police search a home without a warrant, any evidence found could not be used based on: A. the equal protection clause B. the exclusionary rule C. the establishment clause D. Miranda rights

A. Incorrect. The equal protection clause is the section of the Fourteenth Amendment that protects against arbitrary discrimination. B. Correct. The exclusionary rule prohibits any evidence obtained illegally from being used at trial. C. Incorrect. The establishment clause prevents the government from establishing a state religion or showing preference to a particular religion. It does not deal at all with searches. D. Incorrect. Miranda rights protect against self-incrimination, and inform the accused of his or her right to an attorney. They do not address searches.

39) All of the following result from the two-party system EXCEPT A. how the Speaker of the House is selected. B. the lack of effective third parties. C. the lifetime appointment of Supreme Court justices. D. how members are assigned to committees.

A. Incorrect. The majority-minority split of the House is a direct result of the two-party system. The Speaker of the House is the Congressional leader of the majority party. B. Incorrect. The two parties dominate to such an extent that it is not possible for a third party to garner enough support or access to play a significant role in American politics. Furthermore, the agendas of the major parties are so broad that most citizens feel one or the other represents their interests and so do not seek out an alternative third party. C. Correct. While the appointment of Supreme Court justices can certainly be very political, their lifetime terms are constitutionally mandated and unrelated to political parties. D. Incorrect. Committee membership is a result of the majority-minority split in the House which is, in itself, the result of the two-party system.

27) Which of the following is an implied power of the president? A. granting pardons for federal crimes B. seeking ratification of a treaty from the Senate C. appointing a justice to the Supreme Court D. holding a regularly scheduled cabinet meeting

A. Incorrect. The power to grant pardons is an expressed power of the president. B. Incorrect. The Constitution gives the president the power to negotiate treaties, but requires him or her to seek approval from the Senate. C. Incorrect. Appointing federal judges and Supreme Court justices is an expressed presidential power. D. Correct. While the Constitution does permit the president to seek the advice of executive department heads, it does not explicitly create a body like the cabinet which meets regularly with the president.

28) Which of the following earns the president the unofficial title of "Chief Legislator"? A. He or she maintains US embassies abroad. B. He or she votes in Congress in case of a tie. C. He or she sets the agenda for much of what is debated in Congress. D. He or she chooses the Speaker of the House.

A. Incorrect. The president is responsible for embassies (via the State Department), but this is an executive responsibility, not a legislative one. B. Incorrect. The vice president votes in the Senate in the case of a tie. The president never has a vote in either house. C. Correct. Using legislation promoted through various executive departments, the presidential role as leader of his or her party, and the State of the Union address, the president leads public policy. D. Incorrect. The Speaker of the House is the head of the party that holds the majority in the House. The president has no authority in selecting that person.

13) Which of the following aspects of the Constitution reflects the social contract philosophy? A. the presidential cabinet B. checks and balances C. judicial review D. direct election of representatives

A. Incorrect. The presidential cabinet strengthens the enforcement capabilities of the executive branch. It does not address the idea of the social contract in any way. B. Incorrect. Checks and balances most closely relates to Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers. C. Incorrect. The ability of the judicial branch to determine the constitutionality of laws reflects the Enlightenment ideas of the rule of law and separation of powers. D. Correct. The Constitution provides for the direct election of representatives (to the House of Representatives) to establish the sovereignty of the people. By selecting their leaders, the people are endowing these individuals with the authority to make governing decisions.

36) Which of the following does NOT address a due process issue? A. a law prohibiting marriage between cousins B. a law establishing grounds for termination of parental rights C. a law prohibiting airplane travel by convicted felons D. a law prohibiting indecent exposure

A. Incorrect. The right to marry—and privacy within marriage—was one of the first implied rights recognized by the court. This law, however, is constitutional because there is a rational explanation for the restriction. B. Incorrect. The right to parent is also considered a fundamental, implied right. The specifics of the grounds would determine the constitutionality of the law. C. Incorrect. The right to travel is also a recognized right by the court. This law would most likely be found unconstitutional, however, as the prohibition is too broad. D. Correct. There is no fundamental right to public nudity. Nudity generally falls under the right to privacy; however, when it becomes a public act, the individual's rights only extend as far as those of others in society.

21) Which of the following precipitated US entry into the First World War? A. the sinking of the Lusitania B. nationalism stirred up by the Zimmerman telegram C. the threat of German U-boats in the Atlantic D. all of the above

A. Incorrect. The sinking of the Lusitania had a strong impact on public opinion in the United States, as many American civilians died on board. However, this event alone did not cause the US to enter into the war. B. Incorrect. Nationalism was growing in the United States, fueled in part by the legacy of the Spanish-American War and anti-immigrant xenophobia. However, despite its embarrassing nature, the Zimmerman telegram was not the only factor that pushed the US to join the war. C. Incorrect. German U-boats threatened American activity and shipping in the North Atlantic Ocean, but this threat was not the only reason the United States was compelled to join hostilities against Germany. D. Correct. All of the above events together precipitated US entry into the First World War.

53) Which of the following issues would be addressed by the United Nations? A. the voting age in France B. the election of the president of the United States C. the national highway system in Canada D. disarmament after civil war in Sierra Leone

A. Incorrect. The voting age in France is an internal matter that does not threaten global security, so it does not fall under the purview of the UN. B. Incorrect. The election of a president in any country is considered an inherent power and an internal matter. As such, the UN has no authority to intervene. However, the UN can send in officials to monitor elections to ensure they are conducted fairly. C. Incorrect. Internal infrastructure does not fall under the UN's purview either. However, a developing country (which Canada is not) may request financial assistance from the UN for development projects. D. Correct. From 1999 to 2005, the UN stationed peacekeeping troops in Sierra Leone to disarm combatants after the country's civil war. Creating a stable and peaceful Sierra Leone was directly in line with the UN's mission to promote global peace. In this mission, the UN destroyed more than 42,000 weapons and 1.2 million rounds of ammunition.

40) Third parties primarily impact presidential elections by A. increasing voter turnout. B. preventing either party from winning a majority in the Electoral College. C. encouraging more voters to officially join a political party. D. bringing forward issues to be adopted by the major parties later.

A. Incorrect. There are some voters who will come out to vote for a third party candidate who would not do the same for a candidate from one of the major parties. However, these numbers are not enough to significantly impact voter turnout. B. Incorrect. A third party candidate has never had such an impact on a presidential election. The closest was the three-way race among Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and John Quincy Adams. The three split the vote such that no one won a majority. However, none of these men represented a third party. C. Incorrect. Political party affiliation is not impacted by the presence of third parties. D. Correct. This is by far the most significant role third parties play. They are able to discuss more controversial issues and espouse more radical positions. This often pushes the major parties to discuss the issues as well and take a stand.

26) Which of the following criteria must a vice president meet according to the Constitution? A. She or he must be a natural-born citizen of the United States. B. She or he must be of the same party as the president. C. She or he must have previously served in the legislature. D. There are no requirements specified.

A. Incorrect. This is a de facto requirement of the vice presidency because it is a requirement for the presidency. B. Incorrect. While no president has ever run intentionally with a member of the opposing party, this is not a constitutional requirement. In 1797, Thomas Jefferson became John Adams' vice president although they were from different political factions (there were no formalized parties) because the Constitution then stipulated that the person with the second-most votes would become the vice president. C. Incorrect. Although the vice president serves as the president of the Senate, no previous legislative experience is required. D. Correct. There are no specific requirements for the vice president in the Constitution. However, because he or she must be able to step in for the president, it is implied that he or she must meet the same criteria as the president.

23) Which of the following is an example of the "unwritten" Constitution? A. the Senate's confirmation of a Supreme Court justice B. the nomination of a presidential candidate at a nominating convention C. Congress writing a law regulating interstate commerce D. the House of Representatives voting to impeach the president

A. Incorrect. This is one of the powers of the Senate listed in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, also known as the advise and consent clause. B. Correct. This process for selecting a presidential nominee was created by the political parties and is not addressed at all in the Constitution. C. Incorrect. This is one of the powers listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. D. Incorrect. Impeachment is a power granted to the House of Representatives by Article I, Section 2.

51) In 1994, over half a million people were killed in Rwanda during a genocide that lasted only a few weeks. An idealist response by the United States to this tragedy would have been to: A. take no action B. declare war on Rwanda C. insist that the UN or other international organizations take action D. impose economic sanctions on Rwanda

A. Incorrect. This would be a realist response. Because the genocide had no direct impact on American interests, realism dictates no involvement. This is essentially what happened. B. Incorrect. An idealist would view war as a last resort and would find it immoral to begin a war in this situation. C. Correct. Idealists would insist on intervention as the only moral option. They would also believe in the enforcement power of an international organization like the UN to maintain peace. D. Incorrect. A liberal would support economic sanctions as a tool to influence the Rwandan government. Based on the severity of the situation, however, an idealist would view this as insufficient action.

11) Shays' Rebellion was considered a crisis of government because A. people were previously unaware of the amount of debt that remained from the Revolution. B. it illustrated the national government's inability to maintain order. C. it allowed foreign intervention in American affairs. D. civil liberties were once again threatened as they had been under British rule.

A. Incorrect. While it was Massachusetts' attempt to deal with its war debt that led to the rebellion, the debt was no secret. B. Correct. The inability of the federal government to suppress the rebellion showed a major weakness in the new government. C. Incorrect. No foreign nations involved themselves in this affair. However, many were afraid that the military weakness it demonstrated would inspire foreign nations to attempt to gain control of American territory, if not the whole country. D. Incorrect. While the farmers rebelled because they did feel that they were being unjustly taxed—similar to the situation under British rule—this fear in no way threatened the stability of the federal government.

45) In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin used secret police, purges, and censorship to rule. This type of government is called A. monarchy B. democratic republic C. dictatorship D. oligarchy

A. Incorrect. While monarchies are also autocratic governments, the authority for rule comes from God. B. Incorrect. In a democratic republic, power is shared and power is derived from the consent of the governed. C. Correct. An autocratic government in which power is maintained by force is a dictatorship. D. Incorrect. In an oligarchy, power is concentrated in the hands of a few. While Stalin was supported by a massive bureaucracy, all of the true power resided with him alone.

17) The power to coin money is an example of a(n) A. inherent power B. prohibited power C. concurrent power D. expressed power

A. Incorrect. While most national governments do have this power, not all do. For example, the national government did not have this power under the Articles of Confederation. This shows it is not a power that derives automatically from national sovereignty. B. Incorrect. Congress does have the power to coin money. C. Incorrect. Only the federal government may coin money in the United States. D. Correct. Article I of the Constitution states that Congress has the power to coin money.

42) The most effective task for a lobbyist is A. organizing protests B. giving expert information to legislators C. mobilizing letter-writing campaigns D. leading politicians' campaigns for election

A. Incorrect. While some interest groups may engage in public protest, most do not. Moreover, such protests are rarely organized by lobbyists. B. Correct. As a resource for legislators and their aides, a lobbyist can influence their thinking on a particular topic. C. Incorrect. While letter-writing campaigns can be an effective grassroots strategy, they are beyond the purview of a lobbyist. D. Incorrect. Lobbyists do not play a direct role in helping politicians get elected, although they can mobilize on behalf of certain politicians who support their issues.

24) The clause of the Constitution that prohibits the suspension of writs of habeas corpus except in cases of rebellion or invasion demonstrates that the framers believed that A. the people of the nation were likely to rebel. B. the president sometimes—like in cases of war—needs unlimited power. C. it is important to balance individual liberty with the security of the nation. D. the new laws would be resisted by most people.

A. Incorrect. While they knew that rebellion led to the birth of the nation, they believed they were creating a nation that would be unlikely to inspire one. B. Incorrect. The framers were greatly opposed to—and fearful of—unlimited executive authority. C. Correct. Under the Articles of Confederation, they had seen the danger of putting too high of a premium on individual liberty. While it was still one of the highest priorities for them, the needs of the nation had to come first. D. Incorrect. This section was not a reflection of their fears of rebellion, but rather an attempt to limit potential tyranny in a reasonable way that did not ultimately undermine the nation.

20) Which of the following congressional powers was a direct response to the failings of the Articles of Confederation? A. the power to grant patents B. the power to make laws governing land forces C. the power to levy taxes D. the power to declare war

A. Incorrect. While this was added to support American manufacturing, patents were not a significant issue under the Articles of Confederation. B. Incorrect. Without even an army of any kind under the Articles of Confederation, there was no concern with the federal government being able to govern one. C. Correct. An inability to levy taxes crippled the first federal government, making it unable to pay off its debt or function in any legitimate way. D. Incorrect. While a lack of military power was a major concern, there was no direct foreign threat under the Articles of Confederation, and so no need to declare war.

50) Which of the following actions follows a realist approach? A. creating the United Nations B. building the Berlin Wall C. imposing economic sanctions on Russia following conflict with Ukraine D. sending economic aid to Afghanistan

A. Incorrect. With its goal of promoting world peace through cooperation among nations, the United Nations is a prime example of liberalism. B. Correct. East Germany built the Berlin Wall in order to prevent defections to the West. This is an example of self-preservation. C. Incorrect. The use of economic sanctions to influence a government's policy—in this case, Russian aggression against Ukraine—is a key liberal approach. D. Incorrect. Providing economic aid is an example of liberalist global cooperation.


According to the ________ system, an individual's place in societal hierarchy was determined by his or her race, with white people most privileged.

fur Iroquois

Active in the ____ trade, the Algonquin developed important relationships with French colonizers and a rivalry with the ______________.

Under his presidency, the US emerged from the recession, ended its occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, passed the _________________ Care Act, which reformed the healthcare system, and legalized same-sex marriage.


Following the attacks, the US struck suspected al Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, beginning the ____________________ War, during which time the US occupied the country.



African Americans in the South, though freed from slavery, were also struggling under _____________________, in which many worked the same land for the same landowners, leasing land and equipment at unreasonable rates, essentially trapped in the same conditions they had lived in before. These harmful consequences led to the development of reform movements, social ideals, and change.

population industrial blockade

Aftermath and Reconstruction Despite the strong leadership and vast territory of the Confederacy, a larger __________________(strengthened by immigration), stronger ____________________ capacity (including weapons-making capacity), the naval ________________ of Southern trade, and superior leadership resulted in Union victory.

To address the effects of overspeculation on land, the ________________ ______________________ Act (AAA) reduced farm prices by subsidizing farmers to reduce production of commodities.

Agricultural Adjustment

The movement continued to gain visibility as non-violent protesters were met with violence by the police and state authorities, including attacks by water cannons and police dogs in __________________.


Constitutional Convention

Alexander Hamilton and James Madison called for a ________________ _________________ to write a Constitution as the foundation of a stronger federal government.


Also in 1819, the United States purchased ____________ from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty.


Also known as the Five Nations, they organized into the regionally powerful Iroquois __________________ --> bringing stability to the eastern Great Lakes region including Upstate New York, Southern Ontario, and parts of Quebec and the Midwest.

At the same time, the labor movement emerged to support mistreated industrial workers in urban areas. Samuel Gompers led the _______________________________ , using strikes and collective bargaining to gain ________________ for the unskilled workers who had come to cities seeking industrial jobs.

American Federation of Labor (AFL) protections

The ___________________________ (AIM) brought attention to injustices and discrimination suffered by Native Americans nationwide.

American Indian Movement


American colonists were also increasingly influenced by Enlightenment thought. John Locke's Second _____________ was published in 1689; critical of absolute monarchy, it became popular in the Colonies.


Americans were still divided over independence; Patriots favored independence while those still loyal to Britain were known as ___________.


An early sign of colonial discontent, ______________'s Rebellion in 1676 against Governor Berkeley of Virginia embodied the growing resentment of landowners, who wanted to increase their own profit rather than redirect revenue to Britain.


An unlimited supply of desirable goods obtainable at a _____ cost made this possible, and the colonies offered just that. In this way, European powers would be able to maintain their reserves of gold and silver rather than spending them on imports.


And the _____________ Plan, which proposed a legislature composed of representatives proportional to the population of each state.

The House has only selected the president once: in 1824, ____________________x3 split the electoral vote.

Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and Henry Clay


Another Algonquin-speaking tribe, the _______________ were originally from the Great Lakes region but would move throughout present-day Indiana and Wisconsin.

Wilmot Proviso

Anti-slavery factions in Congress had attempted to halt the extension of slavery to the new territories obtained from Mexico in the 1846 ___________ __________, but these efforts were unsuccessful.

Judicial Powers: While the executive and judicial branches are quite separate, the president has powers intended to check the power of the judicial branch. Primarily, this is the power to appoint federal judges.


A______________________ Power: One of the most significant presidential powers is the power to appoint federal officials.


Powers of Congress The structure and powers of Congress are outlined in ________________ of the Constitution.

Article I

A________________ only provides for a president, vice president, and an unspecified number of executive departments.

Article II

Powers of the Executive Branch A__________________ is considerably shorter than Article I because the framers intended the role and powers of the president to be more limited than those of Congress.

Article II

The Executive Branch Defined by A_________________ of the Constitution, the executive branch enforces all federal law.

Article II

A____________, the article of the Constitution which discusses the judicial branch, only details the S_______________ C_________________.

Article III Supreme Court

So they added Article _____________________ to the Constitution, which lays out a procedure for amending it. This is one of the most significant aspects of the Constitution as it makes it a "living document."

Article V

Guadalupe Hidalgo

As a result of the Treaty of ____________________, which ended the war following the surrender of the Mexican General Santa Ana, the United States obtained territory in the Southwest: the Utah and New Mexico Territories, and gold-rich California.

salutary neglect

As a result of the war and subsequent unrest, Britain once again discarded its colonial policy of ___________ _______________;

Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas (V,T,NC,A)

As a result, ______________, ________________, _________________, ____________________ seceded and joined the Confederacy. West Virginia was formed when the western part of Virginia refused to join the Confederacy.


As a result, colonists began ___________________ British goods and engaging in violent protest.

Civil Rights Act (1866)

As a result, the punitive Congress passed the ________________ Act in 1866, granting citizenship to African Americans and guaranteeing African American men the same rights as white men (later reaffirmed by the Fourteenth Amendment).


As the railroads expanded westward, white farmers suffered: they lost their land to _______________ interests. In addition, Mexican Americans and Native Americans were harmed and lost land as westward expansion continued with little to no regulations on land use.


As this land had been ceded to England from France (lacking any consultation with the native inhabitants) the Ottawa people and other Native Americans _____________further British settlement and fought back against colonial oppression.


At the ___________ Convention, Federalists developed an anti-Republican platform; however by the time they completed their discussions and were ready to head to Washington, the War of 1812 had already ended. The Federalists essentially collapsed afterwards.


At the end of Jefferson's presidency, Congress passed the ________________ Act, which allowed trade with foreign countries besides Britain and France; under President James Madison, tensions would remain high.

clipper Matthew Perry

At the same time, however, the US was opening up trade with East Asia, thanks to __________ ships that made journeys across the Pacific Ocean faster and easier. Earlier in 1853, Commodore ___________ ____________ had used "gunboat diplomacy" to force trade agreements with Japan;

FDR and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met in response to the non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin to sign the ____________ Charter, which laid out the anti-fascist agenda of free trade and self-determination.


this position is now the Secretary of Defense) and the A_______________ G___________________, or head of the Justice Department (Edmund Randolph).

Attorney General

This case ruled that while affirmative action was constitutional, the university's quota system was not.

Bakke v. Regents of University of California (1978)

Other incidents included the ___________________ invasion in Cuba (1961), a failed effort to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro, and the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), when Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba and military crisis was narrowly averted, both under the administration of the popular President John F. Kennedy.

Bay of Pigs

Ten Percent

Before his death, Lincoln had crafted the _______________Plan: if ten percent of a Southern state's population swore allegiance to the Union, that state would be readmitted into the Union.

These first ten amendments, now called the B____________________, were a condition for ratification imposed by those who thought the new government wielded too much power.

Bill of Rights

Commonly dated from October 29, 1929, or _______ Tuesday, when the stock market collapsed. During the same time period, a major ___________ occurred in the Great Plains, affecting farmers throughout the region.

Black drought


Black leaders like Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois sought solutions. Washington believed in gradual desegregation and vocational education for African Americans, providing it at his _____________ Institute.


Border ruffians helped to secure a proslavery legislature in Kansas, which drafted a proslavery constitution known as the ______________ Constitution. Meanwhile, anti-slavery activists established an extralegal regime of their own based in Topeka.

English & French

Both of those tribes would also be important allies of the ___________ and , respectively, in future conflicts, in that part of the continent.

Bull Run

Both sides believed the conflict would be short-lived; however, after the First Battle of _______ _______ when the Union failed to rout the Confederacy, it became clear that the war would not end quickly.


Both tribes were organized in clans along ________________ lines, and both spoke languages of the Muskogean family.


Britain gained control of French territories in North America—as well as Spanish Florida—in the 1763 Treaty of _______ which ended the Seven Years' War.

Civil rights came to the forefront with the 1954 Supreme Court case ____________________________________, when the Warren Court (so-called after Chief Justice Earl Warren) found segregation unconstitutional, overturning its decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.

Brown v. Board of Education

The Supreme Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; it ruled that separate but equal, or segregation, was unconstitutional.

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

After months of fighting, following the deadly and drawn-out Battle of the ___________ when the Allies faced fierce German resistance, the Allies were able to enter Germany and end the war in Europe.


demise (of Federalists)

But the tactic backfired: by suggesting secession during wartime and condemning the new American government, Federalists appeared unpatriotic. The Hartford Convention discredited the Federalist Party and sowed the seeds for the party's ____________.

Boston Tea Party

By 1773, in a climate of continued unrest driven by the Committees of Correspondence, colonists protested the latest taxes on tea levied by the Tea Act in the famous _________ ______ __________ by dressing as Native Americans and tossing tea off a ship in Boston Harbor.


By 1828, divisions within the party had Jackson and his supporters known as ____________________, in favor of small farmers and inhabitants of rural areas, and states' rights.


By summer of 1776, the Continental Congress agreed on the need to break from Britain; on July 4, 1776, it declared the _____________________ of the United States of America and issued the Declaration of Independence, drafted mainly by Thomas Jefferson and heavily influenced by Locke.

Christopher Columbus

COLONIAL NORTH AMERICA The Americas were quickly colonized by Europeans after ________________ __________________ first laid claim to them for the Spanish, and the British, French, and Spanish all held territories in North America throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.

While President Jimmy Carter had been able to negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt in the ____________ _____________ Accords, he was widely perceived as ineffective. Carter lost the presidency in 1980 to the conservative Republican ______________ _______________.

Camp David Ronald Reagan

The court ruled that restricting corporate donations to political campaigns was tantamount to restricting free speech; this ruling allowed the formation of influential super PACs, which can provide unlimited funding to candidates running for office.

Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010)

Widespread public support for civil rights legislation was impossible for the government to ignore. In 1964, Congress passed the __________________ Act, which outlawed segregation.

Civil Rights

The _____________________________, led by activists like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, fought for African American rights in the South, including the abolition of segregation, and also for better living standards for Blacks in northern cities.

Civil Rights Movement


Clay and his supporters became known as National Republicans and, later, _______, a splinter group of the Democratic-Republicans which supported business and urbanization; they also had federalist leanings.

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