Virtual Teams
1) Greater flexibility 2) Saves time and cost 3) encourages appreciation of diversity
Involves monitoring team process toward goals, systems monitoring, team monitoring and backup behavior and coordination.
Action Process
Traditional team research emphasizes that successful co-located teams are able to communicate effectively and share information crucial to project completion in a timely manner.
Allen, 1977
Coordination is the degree of functional articulation and unity of effort between different organizational parts and the extent to which the work activities of team members are logically consistent and coherent.
Cheng, 1983
In their study they found that virtual teams generate more ideas than traditional teams.
Chidambaram & Bostrom,1993
Goals, people, technology
Core features
Persons are located all over the world, their language skills will differ and there will be cultural differences so members have to be cognizant of these factors.
Cultural Distribution
1) Geographical 2) Temporal 3) Cultural 4) Organizational
1) loss of social contact 2) feelings of isolation 3) lack of trust
Virtual teams are located across the globe, while traditional team members interact face to face.
Geographical Distribution
Clear, precise and mutually agreed upon goals are the glue that holds a team together.
Includes conflict management, motivation and confidence building and affect management.
Interpersonal Process
As the life of many virtual teams is relatively limited, trust must quickly develop.
Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1999
Research on trust in the virtual environment has found that short-lived teams are in fact able to develop high trust but they do so by following a swift trust model rather than the traditional model of trust development.
Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1999
Virtual teams that exhibit high trusting behaviors experience significant social communication as well as predictable communication patterns, substantial feedback, positive leadership, enthusiasm and the ability to cope with technical uncertainty
Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1999
The extent to which feedback is provided on a regular basis, improves communication effectiveness leading to higher trust and improving team performance
Jarvenpaa et al, 1998
Unpredictable communication patterns have been found to undermine the coordination and success of virtual teams.
Johansson et al, 1999
Coordination has been linked to virtual team performance, but early work has also highlighted the significant difficulties that virtual teams face as they attempt to coordinate across time zones, cultural divides and divergent mental models.
Johansson et al, 1999 & Sarker & Sahay, 2002
Research on the relationship between team members' training and team performance early results suggest that consistent training among all team members improve team performance
Kaiser et Al, 2000
Studies contributed the successful performance of virtual teams to training, strategy, developing shared language, team cohesiveness, communication, coordination and commitment of the team and collaborative conflict behavior.
Kaiser et al, 2000 & Tan et al, 2000
Few empirical studies have investigated leadership effectiveness and important virtual team leader characteristics.
Kokko and colleagues, 2006
Communication has been the focus of substantial research and it has been found that traditional teams tend to communicate more effectively than their virtual counterparts.
McDonough et Al 2001
Others found that virtual teams could not outperform traditional teams.
McDonough et al, 2001
Trust development in virtual teams is a significant challenge because it is difficult to assess teammates' trustworthiness without ever having met.
McDonough et al, 2001
When compared to traditional team members, virtual team members generally report weaker relational links to teammates.
McDonough et al, 2001
The model suggest that when they don't have enough time to slowly build trust, team members assume that others are trustworthy and begin working as if trust were already in place while seeking confirming or disconfirming evidence throughout the duration of the project.
Meyerson et al, 1996
Everyone needs to be autonomous and self-reliant while simultaneously working collaborative with others.
When team formulates strategy, specify goals and analyze mission formulation and planning
Planning Process
If it is feasible for team members to physically meet, these early meetings should focus on relationship building because these early experiences strengthen the so CEO emotional development of the team and foster later success by improving performance and enhancing learning.
Robey et al 2000 & Kaiser et al 2000
It is important for virtual teams to have face to face meetings where they can focus on relationship building which would strengthen the so CEO emotional development of the team and foster later success by improving performance and enhancing learning.
Robey et al 2000 & Kaiser et al 2000
Communication among virtual team members early in the project has been found to foster the ability to form closer interpersonal relationships between members.
Robey et al, 2000
Cultural and language difference are common in global virtual teams but subtler differences among team members from different regions of the same country may be enough to negatively impact a virtual team.
Robey et al, 2000
Efforts to minimize cultural barriers have also been shown to improve coordination of team members.
Robey et al, 2000
Points out that virtual teams characterized by diverse technology skills may experience conflict when members are unable to resolve differences and compromise on the use of a specific skill during task completion ( e.g using oracle and access) which can affect their performance in terms of completing the task on time.
Sarker & Sahay, 2002
Found collaboration norms need to develop for the team to be able to consistently and coherently meld team members' contributions.
Sarker et al, 2001
Trust development is deemed crucial for the successful completion of virtual team projects.
Sarker et al, 2001
Greater effectiveness for virtual teams
Sharda et al,1988
Nonverbal communication is an important component of team communication and is usually missing in virtual teams
Sproull & Kiesler, 1991
Argues that even though there are challenges to effective coordination in virtual teams methods such as the development of coordination protocol, communication interventions and periodic meetings have been used with promising results.
Tan et al, 2000
Early and uniform training has also been found to foster cohesiveness, trust, teamwork, commitment to team goals, individual satisfaction and higher perceived decision quality.
Tan et al, 2000
1) Planning 2) Action 3) Interpersonal
Team Processes
Virtual teams can function with only simple system but frequently use more elaborate information technology
Communication tools used by virtual teams are not synchronized, member reply when their schedule permits while traditional team members have the benefit of instant communication.
Temporal Distribution
A geographically dispersed group of individuals with complementary skills committed to a common purpose and goals with accountability and rely on various telecommunications and information technologies to collaborate to accomplish goals.
Virtual Team