Vita certification

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Which of the following is true?

c. Quality review is an effective tool for preparing an accurate tax return.

Alan must take a required minimum distribution in 2021.


VITA/TCE sites are required to conduct Quality Reviews:

Of every return prepared at the site

The site is busy with many taxpayers waiting for assistance. All volunteers are busy preparing tax returns. Can you quality review the return you just prepared instead of waiting for someone else to quality review the return?

c. No, self review is never an acceptable quality review method

Mary qualifies for which of the following credits?

d. Both a and b

Which of the following statements are true?

d. all of the above

What is Fred and Wilma's total qualified education expenses used to calculate the American Opportunity Credit?


What is the amount of Fred and Wilma's standard deduction?


What amount is required to be reported as wages on Sheila's tax return?


Mary, a VSC-certified greeter, reviews the taxpayer's completed Form 13614-C, page 2, to identify what potential volunteer certification level is needed for this tax return. Mary sees the taxpayer has checked the "yes" box indicating he has selfemployment income and the certification level next to the question is (A). All other questions answered "yes" have a (B) certification. When Mary assigns the return to a tax preparer, what tax law certification level does the tax preparer need?


Which volunteers must pass the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) certification test?

All VITA/TCE site volunteers must pass the VSC certification test

What should the certified volunteer preparer do before starting the tax return?

All of the above

As part of the intake process, each site must:

All of the above.

Prior to working at a VITA/TCE site, ALL VITA/TCE volunteers (greeters, client facilitators, tax preparers, quality reviewers, etc.) must:

Both a and b a. Annually pass the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) certification test with a score of 80% or higher. b. Sign and date the Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement, agreeing to comply with the VSC by upholding the highest ethical standards.

Chris and Marcie cannot claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) because they are too young and have no qualifying children.


Chris and Marcie must claim the EIP3 of $2,800 as taxable income on their 2021 tax return.


In most cases a volunteer must review photo identification for every taxpayer(s) to deter the possibility of identity theft.


The Brooks qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit.


You do not need to see proof of cash donations made by a taxpayer if you feel that the information is not unusual or questionable.


What is the most advantageous filing status allowable that Joe can claim on his tax return for 2021?

Head of household

Jan, a greeter, overheard an IRS tax law-certified volunteer, Jim, trying to sell insurance to a taxpayer he was helping. Jim is an insurance agent in the community. Jan feels like Jim was pushy, made the taxpayer uncomfortable, and violated Volunteer Standard of Conduct #3. What should Jan do?

Tell the coordinator what she heard, so he can immediately remove Jim from the site and report the incident using the external referral process by sending an email to [email protected]

All IRS-certified volunteer preparers participating in the VITA/TCE programs must use Form 13614-C along with an effective interview for every return prepared at the site.


During the intake process, the volunteer should verify the taxpayer (and secondary taxpayer if married filing jointly) has government-issued photo identification. Additionally, taxpayers must provide verification of taxpayer identification numbers (SSN or ITIN) for everyone listed on the tax return.


Joe can claim a higher standard deduction because he is blind.


To ensure quality service and accurate return preparation, every site is required to have a process for assigning taxpayers to IRS tax law-certified preparers who are certified at or above the level required to prepare their tax return.


When reviewing Form 13614-C, you see the "Interest" question is marked "Yes" and the taxpayer gives you a Form 1099-INT. You should ask the taxpayer if they had any other interest income.


Bob, an IRS tax law-certified volunteer preparer, told the taxpayer that cash income does not need to be reported because the IRS does not know about it. Bob indicated NO cash income on Form 13614-C. Bob prepared a tax return excluding the cash income. Jim, the designated quality reviewer, was unaware of the conversation and therefore unaware of the cash income and the return was printed, signed, and e-filed. Who violated the Volunteer Standards of Conduct?

a. Bob, the tax law-certified volunteer who prepared the return.

Which child qualifies Shelia for EITC?

a. Rebecca

Explaining the intake/interview and quality review process is important so the taxpayer understands they are expected to:

d. All of the above.

Mary wants to split the refund between her savings and checking accounts. How is this accomplished, if possible?

d. Complete Form 8888, Allocation of Refund (Including Savings Bond Purchases)

Alan cannot claim the Earned Income Tax Credit because his age is more than the age limit.


Archie and Tina will not itemize deductions but can deduct the full amount of their charitable contribution.


Bobbie can exclude his unemployment compensation on his 2021 tax return


Mary's gambling winnings do not have to be reported on her return.


Rebecca and John are dependents on Shelia's tax return


Sheila's most advantageous filing status allowable is

head of household

Which of the Reynolds children qualifies for the child tax credit (CTC)?

laura and timothy

7. The Brooks qualify for the Credit for Other Dependents.


Bobbie can claim the student loan interest deduction on his tax return.


Fred and Wilma Jones can claim the Credit for Other Dependents.


Mary is subject to the additional 10% tax on early distributions.


Sheila can prevent having a balance due next year by using the Tax Withholding Estimator at and then adjust her withholding.


The taxable amount of Fred's Social Security is $7,650.00


Heidi, a VSC-certified volunteer, is working at the intake station. As part of her duties, she is required to explain to the taxpayer what they are expected to do today as part of the return preparation process. What should Heidi tell them?

d. All of the above.

Ann, an IRS tax law-certified tax preparer, told the taxpayer that cash income does not need to be reported because the IRS will never know about it. Ann indicated NO cash income on Form 13614-C. Ann prepared the return without the cash income. The designated quality reviewer was unaware of the conversation and therefore unaware of the cash income and the return was printed, signed, and e-filed. Did the designated quality reviewer violate the Volunteer Standards of Conduct?


Is having a donation/tip jar at the quality review station within the VITA/TCE site a violation of the Volunteer Standards of Conduct?


Sue, a VITA/TCE coordinator, was watching the local news when she saw Aaron, a new tax law-certified volunteer, in a story about several bank employees being arrested for suspicion of embezzlement. She saw Aaron being led out of the bank in handcuffs. Three days later, Sue is shocked when she sees Aaron show up at the site ready to volunteer, apparently out on bond. She pulls Aaron aside and explains that his arrest on suspicion of embezzlement could have a negative effect on the site and therefore she must ask him to leave the site. Sue removed his access to the software, she then uses the external referral process to report the details to IRS-SPEC by sending an email to [email protected]. Did Sue take appropriate actions as the coordinator?


Can a volunteer be removed and barred from the VITA/TCE program for violating the Volunteer Standards of Conduct?


Maggie wants her tax refund quickly; however, she doesn't have a bank account for direct deposit. She asks Josh, the tax law-certified preparer, to deposit her refund into his checking account and turn the funds over to her when received. If Josh agrees to do this, has he violated any of the Volunteer Standards of Conduct?


Pat is a paid tax preparer in the community; he also gives back to the community by serving as an IRS tax law-certified volunteer tax preparer at a VITA/TCE site. While conducting the interview with the taxpayer, Pat discovers the taxpayer's small business will generate a loss, making the return out of scope for the VITA/ TCE program. Pat explains to the taxpayer that the tax return cannot be prepared at the VITA/TCE site, but he will offer the taxpayer a discount at his paid tax preparation business down the road. Did Pat violate the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC)?

a. Yes, it is a violation of the VSC for Pat to solicit business from any taxpayer at the VITA/TCE site

What amount can Mary claim as an adjustment for the supplies she purchased out of pocket?

b. $250

Jake is an IRS tax law-certified volunteer preparer at a VITA/TCE site. When preparing a return for Jill, Jake learns that Jill does not have a bank account to receive a direct deposit of her refund. Jill is distraught when Jake tells her the paper refund check will take three or four weeks longer than the refund being direct deposited. Jill asks Jake if he can deposit her refund in his bank account and then turn the money over to her when he gets it. What should Jake do?

b. Jake should explain that a taxpayer's federal or state refund cannot be deposited into a VITA/TCE volunteer's bank account and she will have to open an account in her own name to have the refund direct deposited.

Bobbie is eligible for the following credit

b. Lifetime Learning Credit

Mary's most advantageous filing status is:

b. Married Filing Jointly

Max prepares a tax return for Ali at a VITA/TCE site. He finds out during the interview that Ali has no health insurance. After Ali leaves the site, Max writes her name and contact information down to take home to his wife who sells health insurance for profit. Which of the following statements is true?

b. Max has violated the VSC because he is using confidential information to engage in a financial transaction to further his own or another's personal interest.

If a taxpayer offers you a $20 bill because they were so happy about the quality service they received, what is the appropriate action to take?

c. Thank the taxpayer, and explain that you cannot accept any payment for your services.

What is the total amount of federal income tax withholding shown on the Fred Jones' Form(s) W-2 and 1099?

d. 6622

When does the taxpayer sign the tax return?

d. After quality review and after being advised of their responsibility for the accuracy of the information on the return.

Failure of a VITA/TCE volunteer to comply with the Volunteer Standards of Conduct could result in which of the following?

d. All of the above may be considered an appropriate action depending on the type of violation and the sponsoring organization's corrective actions.

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