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vitamin 46 Capitalize all words in a title except

articles (a, an, the) the to in an infinitive (To Live or to Die) prepositions under five letters (Gone with the Wind) conjunctions (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet)

vitamin 45 It looks (like, as if) it might rain.

as if

vitamin 45 My grandmother retorted, "Do (like, as) I say, not (like, as) I do."


vitamin 19 We will meet (at,__) the movie.


vitamin 40 I did not think I would have to participate in P.E. (because, being that) I forgot my gym clothes.


Vitamin 4 You ride a bus if you're in _______.


Vitamin 47 The sectional game is this weekend; I (can, can't) hardly wait to get on the field!


Vitamin 69 Springfield is the (capital, capitol) of Illinois.


Vitamin 69 The (capital, capitol) is easy to spot because of the dome on the top.


Vitamin 4 _______ has three e's as in "EEEK!"


vitamin 14 Use a colon between biblical ______ and _____.

chapters, verses

Vitamin 48 Kindergarten comes from the German words meaning ____ and _____.

children and garden

Vitamin 91 If Casey's were any (further/farther) away from school, many students would not make it here on time.


vitamin 27 There are (less, fewer) female students than male students


Vitamin 68 On the other hand, pro- means _______; for example, if you are progressing, you are moving forward.


vitamin 15 As he walked down the hall, the (freshman, freshmen) was greeted by his sophomore girlfriend.


Vitamin 7 In attitude, Sam is different (than, from) his siblings.


vitamin 33 While boughten is technically a word, it should be replaced with _________?

more formal words such as store-bought, ready-made, or commercial

Vitamin 66 I am just happy that I get to exempt (to, two, too) of my finals!


vitamin 34 I (use, used) to run track in high school.


vitamin 13 If a list follows immediately after a ____ or _______, do NOT use the colon.

verb, preposition

Vitamin 70 I thought I did (good, well) on the test.


Vitamin 79 If his story (was/were) true, then why did he lie to begin with?


Vitamin 79 I wish I (was/were) going somewhere fun this summer.


vitamin 54 (Who, Whom) does she think did my work?


vitamin 54 The lawyer for (who, whom) she worked had made partner in the firm.


Vitamin 15 All the (woman, women) in the room were chatting.


Vitamin 43 Where do we use a comma with a noun of address?

Before the noun of address

Vitamin 48 Spell the word for what grade a student is in after preschool.


Vitamin 8 Underlining:

Magazine Album or CD Book Newspaper Movie TV Show Game

Vocab #9 Spurned

Shunned or Rejected

vitamin 20 Alumna

Singular, Female Graduate

vitamin 20 Alumnus

Singular, Male Graduate

vitamin 52 My brother and I live 900 miles (a part, apart)


Vitamin 41 There (is, are) a few ways to write an essay.

are) because the verb is referring to the subject, ways, which is plural.

vitamin 50 How should mischievous be pronounced?

like miss chivus

vitamin 14 Use a colon before a ____ quotation.


Vitamin 89 A (lose/loose) leg caused the chair to be unsteady.


Vitamin 89 No one wants to (lose/loose) the championship game!


Vitamin 81 The apartment complex hires extra help in the (maintainance/maintenance) department for the summer.


vitamin 35 They gave more presents to Tom than (I,me.)


vitamin 50 A child is said to be (mischevious, mischievous) if he plays pranks on his teachers.


Vitamin 49 The coach gave a speech to raise (moral, morale) after the loss.


vitamin 49 Kyle wanted to call off of work, but his (morals, morales) reminded him that he would be letting his boss down.


Vitamin 11 He was (really, real, very) intelligent.


vitamin 53 Once I looked at my (reciept, reciept) I knew I had been overcharged.


vitamin 53 I (received, recieved) a package from Amazon today.


Vitamin 2 (Irregardless, Regardless) of the weather, we will have a parade.


vitamin 26 The child (respectfully, respectively) replied, "Yes, ma'am."


vitamin 26 The alleged criminal was questioned by the police, his family, and his boss-- (respectfully, respectively).


Vocab #19 Derelict

rundown; Abandoned

vitamin 13 Use a colon after the _______ in a business letter.


Vitamin 94 A ________ must be able to keep a secret.


Vocab #16 Conciliatory

seeking compromise

Vocab #20 Embittered

to cause bitter or resentful feelings

Vitamin 71 Leave means "_______."

to depart

Vitamin 68 It is easy to remember precede and proceed if you that pre- means _________.

to go before

Vocab #18 Delineate

to outline or describe precisely

Vocab Winnow

to sift or separate good from bad

Vocab #11 Supplant

to supersede and replace

Vocab # 23 Exacerbate

to worsen

Vitamin 66 I'm hoping to exempt some of my finals (to, two, too).


Vocab #21 Encroaching


Vitamin 85 Add the correct punctuation to the following sentence: Amy said, "You should listen to Kanye's new song, Broke and Begging for Money."

"You should listen to Kanye's new song, 'Broke and Begging for Money'." (Add single quotations around the song title, after the comma and before the period.)

vitamin 21 The Latin phrase alma mater translates to ________.

"fostering mother"

Vitamin 19 I can't remember where I left my pen (at, .)


vitamin 35 Everyone in class is taller than (I,me.)

(I) Because it would not make sense to say, "taller than me am."

Vocab #1 Gratuitous

- Uncalled for, lacking good reason - given or done free of charge

Vitamin 1 ( A lot, Alot ) of students registered early?

A lot

Vocab #2 Hackneyed

A phrase or idea that had become insignificant as a result of its overuse

Vitamin 83 Billy is always posting on Facebook about his (fiancée/fiancé) Sarah.

Answer: (fiancée)

vitamin 22 The Homecoming (attendents, attendants) rode in a convertible for the parade.


Vitamin 59 (Congradulations, Congratulations,) Mary! We are so proud of you for graduating!


Vitamin 61 The student (Council, Counsel) is in charge of Homecoming Week.


Vitamin 57 The following spelling words have no tricks to go with them, but you can always make up your own!

Embarrass Accommodate Recommend Benefit Truly Conscious

Vitamin 8 Quotations:

Episode Song Poem Short Story Essay

Vitamin 44 There is no need to use and before etc. because _____________.

Et Cetera literally means "AND other things.")

Vitamin 73 Everyone went to Gatsby's parties (accept, Except) Daisy


Vocab #27 Indiscernible

Impossible to see or clearly distinguish

vitamin 37 Correct or incorrect pronoun usage? "Although the motorcycle hit the building, it was not damaged."

Incorrect, "it" could refer to the building or motorcycle.

Vitamin 84 I told (mom/Mom) we would be home late.


vitamin 43 Fix the sentence: "What do you think of the new rules Maggie?"

Place a comma after rules because Maggie is the noun of address

Vitamin 20 Alumnae

Plural, Female Graduates

vitamin 20 Alumni

Plural, Male and Female Graduates

Vitamin 94 A _________ is a great place to rest a your aunt when she is tired.


Vocab #3 Insolence

Rude/Disrespectful behavior

vitamin 51 I had the toughest time in college during (Spring Semester, spring semester) 2011.

Spring Semester

vitamin 25 Why should commas be used both before and after the year and state when writing a full date or city and state?

The use of two commas indicates that the information can be removed without changing the sentence's meaning.

Vitamin 42 (There, Their) house is larger than ours, but (their, there) are many issues with it.

Their; there

Vocab #8 Motley

Varied, miscellaneous

vitamin 29 All of the major characters in The Great Gatsby hail from the (west, West).


vitamin 32 (Does this sentence need a comma?) The big fluffy dog ran quickly across the yard.

YES. And can be added between the adjectives. They are of equal weight.

vitamin 52 All Danny wanted was to be (a part, apart) of the team.

a part

Vitamin 73 Celebrities always talk forever when they(accept, Except) their awards.


Vocab #23 Infusion

addition of something necessary or helpful

Vitamin 72 We are (all ready, already) for our quiz this Friday!

all ready

vitamin 28 I did not make the team, but it was (all right, alright) because then I was able to join another club.

all right

Vitamin 88 Poets make many (illusions/allusions) to mythology.


vitamin 21 The school from which a person graduates OR the school song is known by the Latin phrase ________.

alma mater

Vitamin 72 You may think that we have (all ready, already) had this vitamin, but that one was about using the words all right instead of alright.


vitamin 27 A larger (amount, number) of money is spent on wars each year than on education.


Vitamin 5 What is the name of the sign that means and in informal writing?


Vocab #5 Lucid

clearly explained/expressed

Vitamin 44 In a list before the end of a sentence, a _____ must be used after etc.


Vitamin 64 Susie's purse (complements, compliments) her outfit.


Vitamins 65 The coach (complemented, complimented) his players on their improvement from the last game.


Vitamin 65 Cora received many (complements, compliments) on her new shoes at school.


Vitamin 4 __________ is derived from the Latin word venio meaning "to come." The prefix Con- means "together.


Vitamin 47 I (could, couldn't) care less about the Bears game this Sunday.


vitamin 17 Which punctuation mark should be used to emphasize a point, indicate an abrupt change in thought, or create a special effect?


Vitamin 56 Since my family had so much fun at Disneyworld this year, we decided that we will (definitely, defiantly) return next year.


Vocab #22 Eradicate

destroy completely; put an end to

Vitamin 60 The students (drug, dragged) themselves to class when they realized they were the only school in session that cold, snowy day.


vitamin 36 The (dust covered, dust-covered) library was completely void of patrons.

dust - cover

Vocab #12 Truculent

easily annoyed or angered; confrontational

vitamin 30 During Hitler's reign over Germany, many Jewish citizens (immigrated, emigrated) from Germany for their own safety.


vitamin 31 An (imminent, eminent) judge presided over the famous trial.


vitamin 55 The rest of the class was not (enthused,enthusiastic) about the idea of homework on a Friday.


vitamin 55 An (enthused, enthusiastic) student cheered, "Yay! English homework!"


Vitamin 91 Please contact me with any (further/farther) questions.


Vitamin 70 Because my mother was in a (good, well) mood, I felt it was safe to ask her for money this morning.


Vitamin 86 The twin boys managed to compile at least eight (handsful/handfuls) of mud before they were caught by the babysitter.


Vitamin 10 In the Old West, cattle rustlers were usually (hung,hanged.)


Vitamin 82 Aiden would (have/of) been much more pleasant if he had taken a nap.


vitamin 37 When a person comes to class, (his, your) homework should be ready.


vitamin 37 Each child must do (his or her, their) own work.

his or her

vitamin 38 Everybody must submit (his or her, their) own paper.

his or her

Vitamin 88 Make-up can create an (illusion/allusion) of youth.


vitamin 30 Donald Trump is very concerned about changing (immigration, emigration) laws.


vitamin 31 The sudden changes in temperature signaled an (eminent,imminent) storm.


Vitamin 24 ____________ sports get their name from two words meaning "within" and "wall."


vitamin 39 Jay Gatsby (is, was) a bootlegger from a poor family.


Vocab #4 Languid

lacking energy; Weak

Vitamin 77 The band (lead/led) the Homecoming parade.


Vitamin 77 (Lead/led) is the correct spelling for the past tense of lead.


Vitamin 3 If dad will (lend, loan) me the money, I will repay him Saturday.


Vitamin 67 Neither the Cowboys (or, nor) the Bears will make it to the Super Bowl this year.


Vitamin 29 Margo's house is (north, North) of town.


vitamin 37 Because a pronoun takes the place of a noun, it must agree with the noun in___.

number and person

Vitamin 63 Which forms of occur do not require you to double the r?

occur & occurs

Vitamin 63 The haunted asylum was known for its strange (occurences, occurrences) around Halloween.


Vitamin 67 We will either be reading today (or, nor) writing.


Vitamin 90 The woman was overjoyed that her student loans were finally (paid/payed) off.


Vitamin 76 Words such as mom, dad, noon, and racecar are referred to as ________ because they are spelled the same forward and backward.


Vitamin 76 "A man, a plan, a canal-- Panama." is an example of what type of phrase?


Vitamin 78 Mike (passed/past) me the pen so I could sign my name.


Vitamin 78 Everyone is glad to leave the middle school years in the (passed/past).


Vitamin 58 The mother's (patients, patience) with her screaming toddler was astounding.


Vitamin 58 Doctors often recommend that their (patience, patients) drink tea.


Vitamin 90 The sailor (paid/payed) out the rope as he entered the harbor.


Vitamin 16 The accused man was confused as to how his (personal, personnel) life was of any concern to the jury.


vitamin 16 In 2014, Google's (personnel, personal) rated the business "the best place to work".


vitamin 36 CSI always seems to be set in (poorly lighted, poorly-lighted) rooms.

poorly lighted

Vitamin 12 (Prescription, Perscription) is the correct way to spell what the doctor writes for his patients.


Vocab #15 Capricious

prone to sudden and unaccountable changes in mood or behavior

Vocab #10 Substantiated

provide evidence to support or prove the truth

Vitamin 4 _______ has a rat in it!


vitamin 18 The senior class is made up of (seventy five, seventy-five) students.


Vitamin 94 You must always end with a sincere closing, like saying _______.


Vocab #7 Meager

small, scanty

Vocab #17 Deferment

something which is being put off

Vitamin 23 Freshmen and (sophomores, sophmores) have Mrs. Jennings for English, but juniors and seniors have Mrs. Waller.


Vitamin 9 Sally had to have her female cat (spayed, spaded) because her brother brought home an unneutered male cat.


Vocab #14 Alacrity

speed and eagerness

Vocab #6 Marred

spoiled, ruined, or disfigured

Vitamin 86 According to Mary Poppins, a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, but I think most children require two (spoonfuls/spoonsful)


Vitamin 87 Cycling classes, in which a person rides a (stationery/stationary) bike, are some of the best workouts a person can do.


Vitamin 87 Planning a wedding usually calls for a lot of money to be spent on (stationery/stationary).


Vitamin 51 I plan to go on vacation this (Summer, summer).


vitamin 34 We were (suppose, supposed) to go to the dance together, but then it was cancelled.


Vitamin 4 Two r's & two s's/ There's no prize in this _____!


Vitamin 62 The officers (suspicioned, suspected) that the inmates were planning an escape.


Vitamin 62 My mother says that she is not throwing me a surprise party, but the random cake in the fridge triggered (suspects, suspicions).


Vitamin 75 I would rather listen to 1,000 apologies (then/than) hear one more excuse.


Vitamin 6 The most common English word is (the, the); the most frequently used letters are e and t.


Vitamin 14 Use a colon between independent clauses when ________________.

the second one explains the first.

Vitamin 42 (Their, There) is a possessive pronoun.


Vitamin 75 I would like to go to the concert and (then/than) go out to eat.


vitamin 13 Use a colon before a list if ___________.

there is a complete thought before the list.

Vitamin 44 When using "etc." in a list, there must first be ___ items preceding it.


Vitamin 66 I do not have enough time left (to, two, too) study for finals!


Vitamin 80 I will try (to/and) get an A in English, but this semester might be a tough one.


Vitamin 71 The definition of let is "_______."

to allow

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