vocab units 7-12 Final Exam Review

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Feeling a tremendous sense of ANIMOSITY over the disputed grade and the ensuing argument with the teacher, Karalee was unable to focus on teh lesson being presented by rigid and officious Mr. Umbrage. (a) hostility (b) relief (c) disarmament (d) none of the above


The rumors of unethical behavior and corruption may prove INSUPERABLE obstacles to the governor's re-election. (a) insurmountable (b) edgewise (c) deliberate (d) debunked


As soon as I opened the door there was an ACRID smell. WE later found the rotting mouse under the refrigerator causing the odor. (a) pleasant (b) portable (c) washable (d) pungent


After a brief RESPITE at this cafe, we will continue our walking tour of NYC. (a) coffee (b) caffeination (c) rest (d) celebration


BLITHELY, Alice followed the rather large and decidedly unconventional rabbit down the hole, unaware of the bizarre adventure that awaited her. (a) unconcernedly (b) trustingly (c) thoughtfully (d) perpetually


When Micah asked me what that rather embarrassing word meant, I wasn't sure if he was being INGENUOUS and really didn't know what it meant, or if he was just trying to get a rise out of me. (a) illogical (b) unsophisticated (b) challenging (d) none of the above


For my mom's fiftieth birthday party, my aunts and I met at the Bristol and made CLANDESTINE plans to surprise her. We didn't want her to find out. (a) outrageous (b) covert (c) flashy (d) embroidered


I so COVET Michael's Pokemon collection that I might even be willing to trade my cache of 1970's comic books for it. Maybe. (a) crave (b) dispel (c) believe (d) enforce


James' decision to bully his classmate online caused the administration to suspend him. The disciplinarian claimed it was incorrigible behavior and DISREPUTABLE to his school. (a) enraging (b) divisive (c) painful (d) disgraceful


When I walked into the penguin enclosure at the zoo I could immediately smell the stinky animals and their fishy dinner. Boy was that POTENT!! (a) enlivening (b) faint (c) dominating (d) dependable


I always felt abused by professors whose instructions for assignments were vague at best, and whose grading of these assignments was CAPRICIOUS and followed no clear rubric. You never knew what you needed to do to get a good grade! (a) consistent (b) steady (c) fickle (d) deviant


When Jessica told me to schedule anything for December of next year, she ALLUDED that she would want us to save that day for her wedding. (a) implored (b) discovered (c) hinted (d) belittled


The QUIESCENT volcano laid dormant for years until one day it erupted in a fiery explosion of rock and lava. (a) dramatic (b) idle (c) extrinsic (d) intrinsic


I love that you want to talk in class, but the story of your weekend bowling adventure is IRRELEVANT to our discussion of "The Great Gatsby". (a) significant (b) impertinent (c) pertinent (d) timely


Jazzapalooza was something of a MISNOMER, as there was very little jazz played at the three-day music festival. (a) feat (b) inaccuracy (c) accomplishment (d) brevity


My thesis statement "Moby Dick is a book about everything" was a PLATITUDE in comparison with the eloquent and significant thoughts of my peers. (a) inanity (b) rhetoric (c) partiality (d) truant


I didn't want to be a snitch and IMPLICATE my buds in the cheating scandal, so I took the whole rap on myself without mentioning any names. (a) illuminate (b) incriminate (c) entrance (d) None of the above


The habit of reading was INVETERATE in her; she read at least one chapter of a book every night for thirty years. (a) ingrained (b) believed (C) short-lived (d) surprising


EXULTANT and flushed with triumph, the marathoner ran a victory lap around the track as the crowd roared its approval. (a) saddened (b) riddled (c) jubilant (d) engrained


Perhaps you prefer the SOPHOMORIC potty humor of Jon Stewart, but I prefer the more intellectual humor of Woody Allen. (a) intelligent (b) elevated (c) juvenile (d) pretense


With his glasses knocked ASKEW, Shane cowered in the corner, unable to see the bullies' approach. (a) straight (b) lopsided (c) enforced (d) below


My students complained VOCIFEROUSLY when I announced that we'd be doing another research paper this quarter. Slackers! (a) loudly (b) quietly (c) unanimously (d) None of the above


Kelly had to be very careful giving her speech to Congress. She didn't want anyone to MISCONSTRUE her words into something she didn't believe. (a) believe (b) entertain (c) misinterpret (d) misfire


When we hiked through the rainforest, we found many ENDEMIC creatures that we wouldn't be able to see anywhere else in the world. (a) exotic (b) beautiful (c) enchanting (d) native


I am not so much a proponent of classic novels as I am an EXPONENT of the high importance placed on these novels in high school and college, which is the reason why I counsel my students to read them. (a) advocate (b) tertiary (c) hater (d) skeptic


To celebrate your accomplishments, we will revel far into the night; break out the rook beer! (a) celebrate (b) frivolous (c) intake (d) none of the above


Because they were deemed "too big to fail", the US's government promised to INDEMNIFY investors in those financial institutions in the hopes of calming a jittery market. (a) compensate (b) deliver (c) terminate (d) believe


Poor Jimmy couldn't FATHOM why his friends didn't want to go see the move "Fantastic Beasts" with him. It was clearly the most anticipated movie of the year. (a) discover (b) comprehend (C) pretend (d) focus


The little girl showed her COMPUNCTION for kicking her sister after her Dad grounded her for one night. She apologized and took her punishment without complaint. (a) instability (b) delightfulness (c) contrition (d) sadness


After my husband proposed, I was ELATED!!! I smiled from ear-to-ear and gave everyone around me hugs!! (a) calm (b) overjoyed (c) intense (d) content


The first session of the newly elected parliament was CHAOS with all the members shouting simultaneously and unable to come to a consensus. (a) short-lived (b) entertaining (c) pandemonium (d) None of the above


After James spilled his purple Kool-Aid, the couch was trashed; the dark stain was Indelible (a) bright (b) juicy (c) mixed (d) permanent


Good looking and tall for his age, Edmond had a reputation (especially with the ladies he encountered in the hallway) for his SUAVE demeanor and charming nonchalance. (a) polished (b) crass (c) indifferent (d) none of the above


"Are you questioning my OMNIPOTENCE? Of course I can make it rain whenever I want," said the king to the Little Prince. (a) supremacy (b) power (c) ability (d) focus


Because I'm a nice teacher, I have decided to WAIVE doing the research paper this quarter. Not! (a) renounce (b) reinstate (c) engage (d) None of the above


In RETRIBUTION for the heinous attack on their sacred shrine, the Pastafarians launched a devastating missile strike that took out most of the Tomatoolian's industrial sauce complex. (a) brevity (b) response (c) revenge (d) disbelief


Although the closet was quite COMMODIOUS, the shelves were so poorly arranged that you couldn't actually get much stuff into it. (a) spacious (b) empty (c) deep (d) None of the above


One of the main concerns of the Tea Party is that the WASTRELS in Congress are frittering away tax dollars on unaffordable luxuries like health care for all Americans. (a) imprudent people (b) spendthrift(s) (c) penny-pinchers (d) lackadaisical folk


The capitol wanted to suppress the hope of the people when it established the "Quarter QUELL" in "The Hunger Games" trilogy. (a) squash (b) enliven (c) strengthen (d) force


The deep cave was in STARK contrast to the blazing sunlight outside. It took several minutes for my eyes to adjust to the depth of darkness we experienced. (a) striking (b) fuzzy (c) believable (d) outrageous


Somber and hushed, the mourning crowd gathered outside the dead leader's home. (a) entranced (b) enraged (c) subdued (d) None of the above


Sure, your new TV stand looks nice in the living room now, but its beauty is all SUPERFICIAL. It's made out of a really cheap material and it will probably fall apart in a few years. (a) ingrained (b) intense (c) substantial (d) insubstantial


We have few EXTANT manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon period of English history, but the few that we do possess are jewels of imagination and literary sophistication. (a) damaged (b) surviving (c) Holistic (d) None of the above


When it comes to catastrophic natural disasters like the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, CONDOLENCES are not enough; we must act to help alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world. (a) prayers (b) celebrations (c) sympathies (d) none of the above


Raven used her CLAIRVOYANT powers to help her friends through the trials and tribulations of high school. Her visions allowed her to see the future, an unusual talent that caused as much trouble as it solved. (a) unusual (b) telepathic (c) challenging (d) justified


Turnitin.com is the website you will have to turn your research papers in to. It scans every paper and catches matches to ensure that you have not committed PLAGIARISM. (a) theft (b) a crime (c) endowment (d) implementation


Early in the morning, I like to take my rowboat on the lake and watch the sunrise. I find it so PLACID out there in the quiet morning, with only the sound of early morning birds and water lapping against the side of the boat. (a) awakening (b) tranquil (c) desirable (d) virtuous


The politician was considered a RENEGADE because he refused to vote the party line solely for the sake of party cohesion. (a) cordial (b) turncoat (c) disgrace (d) None of the above


In many parts of the world, bugs are an important protein addition to the local diet, but to most Americans, such as dish would be highly UNPALATABLE, rejected simply because of the 'ick' factor. (a) unappetizing (b) delicious (c) savory (d) prized


My husband and I have a TACIT agreement that I will see "Rogue One" with him on opening night. I never said I'd go, but it's certainly assumed. (a) understood (b) unutterable (c) contractual (d) forced


After being arrested for the fifth time in three months on burglary charges, the judge refused to set bail for the RECALCITRANT teenager, saying that the boy would only commit more crimes if he let him out of jail until the first of his many trials. (a) apologetic (b) frantic (c) wayward (d) none of the above


It is my ARDENT wish that all my students made learning gains on the state reading test. Of course, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, but since they aren't, you might think i lied. (a) casual (b) wholehearted (c) simple achievable


I felt rather APPREHENSIVE when the teacher announced that we would be presenting a speech in class; I suffer from a bad case of stage fright. (a) excited (b) entranced (c) anxious (d) None of the above


The ALLURE of easy money has led many an unsophisticated investor into the clutches of unscrupulous con artists and slippery get-rich schemes. (a) appeal (b) fortune (c) scarcity (d) hollowment


Please don't tell me I'm sweet just to PLACATE me. I am still upset that you stole my lunch. No compliment that you give to me can make up for my lost lasagna. (a) appease (b) disgust (c) justify (d) engage


In an attempt to OBVIATE the unpleasant side effects of the medication, the physician suggested that the patient lose more weight before beginning the treatment. (a) encounter (b) devour (c) avoid (d) None of the above


The murder suspect PROFESSED his innocence to anyone who would listen, but the DNA evidence irrefutably manifested his involvement in the crime. (a) denied (b) avowed (c) disintegrated (d) dispelled


Mark stayed home form work under the PRETEXT of having a sick child. He really just wanted to sleep in and watch Netflix. (a) excuse (b) belief (c) mettle (d) enjambment


Even though China invaded his country and he was forced into exile, the current Dalai Lama says that he feels no RANCOR toward his oppressors, only compassion. (a) bitterness (b) love (c) difference (d) challenge


Before the temple could be built, the ground had to be CONSECRATED by the priest. (a) cheered (b) cleaned (c) blessed (d) none of the above


Eric is known for his BRASH behavior-talking back to teachers, challenging the authority of the principal, and loudly voicing unpopular opinions-which unfortunately often leads to a detention because he seems incapable of thinking through the consequences of his actions. (a) brazen (b) inspiring (c) heated (d) touching


I appreciate how ASSIDUOUSLY you completed your homework - beautiful handwriting, interesting sentences, it's just that we're on unit 9, not 10. I'm afraid you'll have to go back and make up the missing work. (a) carefully (b) carelessly (c) moderately (d) affectionately


When I as six, I was questioning my belief in Santa Claus. Then, my mom took me to the mall for TANGIBLE proof that he was real. I sat on his lap and I'm still a believer!! (a) concrete (b) wispy (c) silly (d) abstract


Every time I try to fall asleep, my mind jumps around and RUMINATES on all the embarrassing things that I did years ago. Then, I can't fall asleep! (a) skimps (b) falsifies (c) represses (d) contemplates


The procedure of placing secret holds on Executive nominees has proven to be quite CONTENTIOUS and promises to mire the Senate in endless arguing and hand-wringing, further exacerbating their inability to get anything done. (a) opportune (b) ill-timed (c) controversial (d) unifying


Even though I took VOLUMINOUS notes, once I got home they didn't seem to make sense, so I asked Mrs. Stevenson the next day for help. (a) countless (b) intense (c) focused (d) None of the above


The LAMENTABLE condition of Podunk High School has deteriorated to such as state of decrepitude that the school board has finally decided to build a completely new school. (a) fresh (b) garish (c) inept (d) deplorable


I love all those great British novels from the late 1800's, but many of my students seem to ABHOR them because they perceive them as too lengthy and too descriptive, with too little "action". (a) Dread (b) detest (c) uphold (d) None of the above


I was amazed by the fortitude shown by Caribbean refugees willing to climb aboard dangerously DECREPIT boats in the hopes of reaching the (hope for) safety of the US. (a) intimidating (b) scanty (c) dilapidated (d) none of the above


Officious and supercilious, the MARTINET was nothing more than a rent-a-cop with a golf cart and a walkie-talkie. (a) judge (b) disciplinarian (c) clown (d) None of the above


It seems REPREHENSIBLE to me to fly into an unprovoked argument without trying all other avenues of reconciliation first. (a) imperfect (b) disgraceful (c) significant (d) None of the above


Barty's habit of crunching carrots was extremely OBNOXIOUS when I was trying to watch my television show. All I heard was the loud chewing, chewing, chewing. (a) distasteful (b) negligible (c) wonderful (d) shameful


Since few people have RSVP'd, I'm not sure how many tables to ALLOCATE for the conference. (a) distribute (b) delve (c) heat (d) elect


The politician promised to improve the SQUALID neighborhood by removing graffiti, but after he was elected, he was unable to muster the funds and the political bravery for such a difficult task. (a) poor (b) filthy (c) affluent (d) None of the above


The town burned from a CONFLAGRATION around sixty years ago and has never been rebuilt. It still smolders. (a) party (b) flood (c) flame (d) tornado


In her TRENCHANT voice, the mom told her son that he would be grounded for a month if he could not keep his grades about a 95%. (a) sweet (b) stylish (c) sarcastic (d) forceful


In Charles Dickens's short story, "A Christmas Carole", the main character Scrooge is known for his PARSIMONY as well as his curmudgeonly dislike of children, merrymaking, frivolity, and pleasure in general. (a) stoical nature (b) frugality (c) quirkiness (d) none of the above


Aunt Jennifer's hands, GNARLED by arthritis, had trouble continuing her embroidery of the topaz tigers. (a) inflicted (b) beautiful (c) intensified (d) knotted


The video gamer's habit of playing NOCTURNALLY caught up with him when he overslept for school three days in a row. (a) consistently (b) late at night (c) joyously (d) privately

late at night

The teacher was in no way INDULGENT. She ran her classroom with the utmost authority, not allowing any flexibility or accommodations for her students. (a) authoritarian (b) lenient (c) plausible (d) lofty


APATHETIC about her future, my sister's educational and career plans lay fallow, and she was unable to work up any energy to move forward or make a decision. (a) inspired (b) brooding (c) listless (d) None of the above


The diver tried to grab hold of the eel, but the SINUOUS beastie slithered from her grasp and made its escape. (a) meandering (a) believable (c) discernible (d) flippant


Nick was faced with a choice when Gatsby wanted to meet Daisy. However, he didn't have the INTEGRITY to refuse getting involved in an extra-marital affair. (a) gumption (b) energy (c) morals (d) sensitivity


I love the beautiful but POIGNANT black-and-white photographs taken by WPA workers (especially DOrothy Lange) during the Great Depression. These pictures movingly depict the deep distress and agony of the nation, but also its strength and resilience. (a) moving (b) scalding (c) burning (d) sketchy


As new words come into our language, other words, such as whom and whither, become OBSOLETE and fall out of usage. (a) traditional (b) out-dated (c) royal (d) none of the above


When Andrew received word that he received an award for EXEMPLARY service to the teaching profession, he blushed. He simple loved doing his job, which is what drown him to dedicate his life to his students' well-being and growth (in the first place). (a) trustworthy (b) honest (c) praiseworthy (d) genius


The current economic crisis presents a difficult and distressing QUANDARY for many unemployed workers: pay the mortgage or put food on the table. (a) pocket (b) predicament (c) element (d) none of the above


After hacking up COPIOUS amounts of greenish phlegm, I decided that perhaps it was time to go to the doctor. (a) profuse (b) sickly (c) spacious (d) brutish


The diligent teacher saddled with apathetic students was CHASTISED for their low performance on the recent standardized test, and so he was not given a merit raise. (a) praised (b) gentrified (c) reprimanded (d) beloved


The constant, deadly REPRISALS committed against one another for perceived insults to their religion or ethnic group is one of the difficulties in promoting peace in the Middle East; no one seems to be willing to turn the other cheek. (a) retaliations (b) visitations (c) miscommunications (b) none of the above


DERIDED by teachers and classmates for his stammering speech and poor grades, Einstein overcame these impediments to become a brilliant physicist and interestingly enough, a thoughtful philosopher. (a) enamored (b) scorned (c) pouted (d) none of the above


While some teachers do not like for their students to DEVIATE from the traditional five paragraph essay format, I trust my students to creatively utilize the writing instruction that I've given them and move beyond that cliched formula. (a) agree (b) focus (c) collaborate (d) separate


Animal control workers found several EMACIATED horses on the abandoned property when they make their raid. (a) skeletal (b) beautiful (c) entrancing (d) charming


The US continues to be in the VANGUARD of medical and technology innovation; how long they will be able to hold on to their lead, however, may depend on the investment they are willing to make in education. (a) spearhead (b) misnomer (c) fail-safe (d) bottom-dweller


Do you see that nail PROTRUDING off the side of the shed? It is sticking out so far that I ran into it and cut my leg while I was trying to cut the grass. (a) stick out (b) stuck in (c) stand out (d) flesh out

stick out

The beautiful commercial of Frankenstein singing Christmas carols did nothing to affect my CALLOUS husband, but I certainly cried. (a) stony-hearted (b) fancy (c) eloquent (d) mushy


Clara's SPONTANEOUS recovery from cancer, without the aid of doctors or medicine, was hard to believe; many felt that it was a miracle. (a) unplanned (b) desirable (c) surprising (d) believable


The TURBULENCE encountered by the astronauts as they lifted off was soon smoothed out as they reached the outer edge of the planet's atmosphere. (a) joy (b)effervescence (c) supernovas (d) None of the above

None of the above

The leader was eventually INTERRED beneath the floor and the great cathedral in his hometown, making it a cherished destination of pilgrims for many years after. (a) cherished (polished) (c) mummified (d) None of the above

None of the above

The government will only ACQUIESCE to the opposition party's demands if the protesters relinquish their takeover of the capital and go home. Fat chance that! (a) celebrate (b) assent (c) dissent (d) reveal


BUFFETED by the winds of war and religious zealotry for the last century, the Middle East has seen few stable, democratic states that could withstand the gale. (a) strengthened (b) battered (c) invigorated (d) None of the above


The springfed Icketucknee River in north-central Florida is renowned for its LIMPID (if chilly) water; you can see the bottom, 20 to 40 feet below you, with perfect clarity. (a) cold (b) crystalline (c) desirable (d) blue


Although Marissa may pretend to be sweet and cute, she used GUILE to become the top chess player in the league. She's a trickster! (a) cunning (b) fancy (c) sympathy (d) magic


After the prosecution provided the security footage showing that the defendant robbed the bank, the jury found his guilt to be CONCLUSIVE. He was sentenced to prison. (a) definitive (b) unfathomable (c) entrancing (d) enticing


The judge could not DISCERN any remorse in the face of the murderer, so he upheld the jury's recommendation of life in prison. (a) explain (b) detect (c) defect (d) None of the above


I was CRESTFALLEN after I learned that I had not won a place at the prestigious art exhibition. (a) exhilarated (b) jubilant (c) miscreant (d) disappointed


Kelsey walked into the AUGUST ballroom and marveled at the high, vaulted ceilings and ornate, glittering Christmas decorations. (a) grand (b) flattered (c) timely (d) ferocious


Unbeknownst to the workers, the tank was filled with an extremely CORROSIVE solution that burned many of them when its contents flooded out unexpectedly. (a) pungent (b) distressing (c) harsh (d) None of the above


Because of problems with COMPATIBILITY, I was unable to install the new app I bought for my iPhone. (a) aloofness (b) brightness (c) portability (d) None of the above

none of the above

Let me be the first to COMMEND you on making a perfect score on your SAT Essay - It's quite an attainment. (a) degrade (b) downplay (c) expel (d) none of the above

none of the above

Raccoons are OMNIVOROUS and are thus able to find a satisfying meal in any garbage can, regardless of the content. (a) intense (b) specialized (c) cuddly (d) none of the above

none of the above

I had no INKLING of his animosity toward rap music until I overheard his belligerent comments made in the hallway. (a) notion (b) facade (c) repentance (d) focus


The STULTIFYING effect of alcohol and illegal drug use is a major factor in many automobile accidents. (a) inflating (b) numbing (c) enlivening (d) none of the above


If you complete the book report by Friday, I will AMEND your grade to a D so that you pass the quarter. (a) increase (b) revise (c) sync (d) None of the above


SONOROUS and hypnotic, the chanting coming from the TIbetan monastery lulled me to sleep after the long trek up the mountain pass. (a) scant (b) rich (c) lamentable (d) entrenched


I don't like vacations when we have an ITINERARY to follow. I just want to sit on the beach without a plan and (just) take the day in. (a) carefree (b) schedule (c) portable (d) radio


DISHEVELED and groggy, the students from the dorm stumbled to safety during the late-night fire alarm. (a) celebratory (b) incendiary (c) plausible (d) scruffy


The plot to steal the jewels from the Louvre was MULTIFARIOUS, comprised as it was of many ingenious steps and requiring the skills of many accomplices. (a) executed (b) varied (c) political (d) none of the above


The GARRULOUS used-car salesman was charming and persuasive, chatting easily about any subject, thus winning the confidence of would-be customers. (a) terrible (b) verbose (c) unintelligible (d) farcical


Marty agreed to lead the homecoming committee early this year, but then decided to ABJURE after he realized how much work he had to do. (a) placate (b) withdraw (c) force (d) scant


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