Vocabulaire sur la colonisation, la Négritude et la créolisation

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le métissage

(la mixité des races)

Edouard Glissant

- influenced by Aimé Césaire and his writing -from Martinique -"devant le monument aux Esclaves martiniquais"

1885 Conférence de Berlin

- regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period, and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power

Aimé Césaire

- wrote "Cahier d'un retour au pays natal" -a poet, writer, founded la Négritude

Maryse Condé

- wrote "Liaison dangereuse" -romancièrer, essayiste -contemporary literature figure -won le Grand Prix Littéraire -parents believed French language was a magic key

Jules Ferry

-Former Prime Minister of France -promoted colonial expansion

Dany LaFerrière

-wrote "Je voyage en français" -believes the French language is internal (brings it along with him)

Joseph Zobel

-wrote "La Rue des Cases-Nègres" -autobiography was successful and made into a film -important author de la littérature antillaise



La Guinée


la Martinique, Martiniquais(e)

Martinique, inhabitant of Martinique

les Antilles, antillais(e)

The Antilles, West Indian

les expositions coloniales

These fairs were meant to show the people of the Metropolis the different facets of the colonies with reconstructions and people

l'archipel (m), archipélique

a group of islands, a state or country comprised of islands

le rhizome, rhizomatique

a rootlike subterranean stem, commonly horizontal in position, that usually produces roots below and sends up shoots; a way of thinking about learning based on the plant


ancient, ancestral (ancestral, hérédiatire)




determining (décisif, essentiel)

bredouille (adj)


les entrailles (f)

entrails, guts


from now on


granted, consented (approuvé)


identity, identity-related

sous un jour

in a light (+ adjective like different or shadowy)


influence, ascend

La Plus Grande France

l'idée coloniale; expression during the expansion of France


learned, scholar



Le Diaspora

movement of population from original homeland


predict, prédire


predictable, foreseeable (attendu)

la créolisation

process in which Creole cultures emerge in the New World; colonization lead to mixtures of people of indigenous, African and European descent, which came to be know as creolization

la quête de soi

self-definition, search for oneself

l'esclavage (m), les esclavagistes

slavery, the slavers

connaître un succès


la canne à sucre

sugar cane


teleological, related to teleology, the philosophical doctrine that final causes, design, and purpose exist in nature

les Caraïbes

the Caribbean

la case

the box, compartment

le tournant

the corner, the turning point

la dislocation

the dislocation

l'ivresse (f)

the drunkenness

l'éclatement (m)

the explosion

l'éparpillement (f)

the fragmentation, dispersal (la dispersion, la dissémination)

Le colonialisme

the justification of the extension of the sovereignty of a state on the territories situated outside its national borders

la mission civilisatrice

the mission to "civilize", specifically a French term; rationale for intervention or colonization, purporting to contribute to the spread of civilization

le racisme

the racism

le partage

the sharing (la division en portions)

les bateaux négriers

the slave ships

la traite des esclaves

the slave trade/trafficking

l'étape (f)

the stage, step (une partie d'un processus)

le peuplement

the stand, settlement, the populating

la souffrance

the suffering

le plateau

the tray, set, plate

être friand(e) de

to be fond of


to conceive, plan or design (conçois, conçois, conçoit, concevons, concevez, conçoivent) j'ai conçu


to declare, decree

la mise en perspective

to put in perspective


to unlearn, forget


unpredictable (inattendu)


visceral, instinctual

occidental(e) (-aux)


le béké

white creole, in charge at a plantation

s'inquiéter, inquiétant(e)

worry, worrying

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