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Old Tastament

Noun: العهد القديم - The Bible is fertile ground for exegesis—over the past five centuries there have been as many interpretations as there are pages in the Old Testament.


Adjective: خلافي - مسبب للخلاف - The columnist was so vehement in his opposition to the divisive issue of fracking that even when he moderated his comments his piece was too incendiary for publication.


Adjective: خير - هادف للنفع - What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply, and essentially, benevolent.


Adjective: داهيه - Monte was astute at navigating the world of finance; sartorially, however, he was found wanting—he typically would attempt to complement his beige tie with a gray suit and white pants.


Adjective: داهيه -بارع - Despite her relaxed and flexible style, Ms. de la Fressange is a shrewd businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself


Adjective: طموح في إثاره اعجاب الاخرين - The council fools no one with its pretentious claims for being 'of world stature'.


Adjective: عابر - For one brief moment, I caught a fleeting glimpse of what looked to be hurt in her eyes


Adjective: عادل - منصف - To help local government, we are introducing what we call the equitable share of revenue for local government.


Adjective: لا يمكن إشباعه - Sprawling and unfocused, the novel unwittingly ends up mirroring the life of its chief protagonist, who was equal measures capricious and insatiable.


Adjective: لاذع - She is known as a scathing critic of the former Egyptian regime.


Adjective: متعدد الاستعمالات


Adjective: متعدد الاصوات - She had a miraculous quality of touch, a seemingly autonomous left hand; no artist in her generation could clarify with such deftness the polyphonic writing of the Baroque masters.


Adjective: محفوف بالمخاطر - In the era of Big Data, we've come to believe that, with enough information, human behavior is predictable. But number crunching can lead us perilously wrong.


Adjective: مستعصي - The ascent of Mount Everest was first conquered nearly sixty years ago, but it nevertheless remains a symbol of gordian struggle in the popular psyche, demanding incredible determination and physical endurance


Adjective: مفهوم - واضح - Paul spoke haltingly and would stop and start frequently, at times uttering nothing more than a few unintelligible syllables.


Adjective: مفيد - صحي


Adjective: مقتضب - وجيز = It was a typically terse rejoinder from a character who has never hidden his mystification for those who squander their natural talent


Adverb: بمرح - he threw back his head and laughed merrily


Noun: الفقر المدقع - Once news of the scandal broke, the executive found himself facing penury; even the firm who had coveted him the most rescinded its offer


Noun: القابليه - A particular bacterium that has never encountered a particular virus will usually succumb to it, a susceptibility that may, surprisingly, be beneficial to the colony in which the bacterium lives.


Noun: القامه - Some scouts initially doubted Pedroia because of his short stature, but he is a plucky player, surprising everyone with his boundless energy and fierce determination.


Noun: القليل - اليسير - An efflorescence of creativity rarely occurs in a genial milieu; even a modicum of strife, whether in the home or in society at large, can spur great work in both art and literature.


Noun: المجد - النجوميه - The early spectacular successes propelled the pitcher to meteoric stardom, but a terrible injury tragically cut short his career.


Noun: المخدرات - He was then charged with using illegal narcotics and causing a disturbance


Noun: بيت دعاره - Some strip clubs offer workers employee status, but they are in the minority; in Nevada, where prostitution is legal in some counties, workers at brothels are considered independent contractors.


Noun: تآكل - إنهاك - The attrition of French was attributed to preeminence of English in the workplace, particularly in affluent, "white-collar" jobs.


Noun: تآكل - تعرض لعوامل التعريه - On Earth, almost all evidence of the solar system's unruly early history has been worn away by erosion, biological activity, and the slow dancing of the continents.


Noun: تأبين - Innuendo was never far from his mind, and he found himself wishing otherwise at a funeral when the words of a markedly sober eulogy brought to his head a suggestive pun


Noun: تأريخ - تسجيل الأحداث - Susan Sheehan investigates the case of a schizophrenic patient at the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, in Queens Village, New York, in 1981, and Ed Caesar chronicles a ten-billion-dollar Russian money-laundering scheme at Deutsche Bank.


Noun: تابل - مفرد توابل - The spice saffron is made from the stigma of the Crocus sativus plant; the vast number of blossoms required to produce saffron and the delicacy of the flower makes the spice the most expensive in the world.


Noun: تحسن ملحوظ - حركه صاعده - Since memories of recent events tend to be far more accessible, during a prolonged economic upswing investors often discount plausible scenarios forecasting a recession.


Noun: تخدير - Before the effects of anesthesia were disseminated, patients had to experience the full pain of a surgery.


Noun: تخلي - Noun: The act of leaving a country, political party, etc. to go to another one - Recent changes in policy have resulted in large-scale defection from the party.


Noun: تخليص - فداء - There would be some vindication, some redemption , some soul-cleansing


Noun: تصادم - I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all interstellar processes that have taken place on the terrestrial planets


Noun: خلفيه المسرح - All this she attained against a backdrop of instability.


Noun: دبوس


Noun: دهاء - سعه الحيله


Noun: زميل - ابن نفس البلد - He and his scientific compatriots are amplifying a recent realization about our celestial home: Instability is our natural state.


Noun: زهره - The spice saffron is made from the stigma of the Crocus sativus plant; the vast number of blossoms required to produce saffron and the delicacy of the flower makes the spice the most expensive in the world

gambling rink

Noun: ساحه لعب القمار - Not even the mayor's trademark pearly-toothed grin could save him from charges of malfeasance: while in power, he'd been running an illegal gambling rink in the room behind his office.


Noun: سبات - كسل - Feelings of lethargy and fatigue are creeping into my being


Noun: سلوك - تصرف - After a few sips of cognac, the octogenarian shed his irascible demeanor and became expansive, speaking fondly of the "good old days".


Noun: سوء تقدير - miscalculations were made in counting properties


Noun: عباءه - Verb: يخفي - Had the committee any inkling that it was being investigated for fraud, surely it would have been more dilligent in trying to cloak any venality.


Noun: عباره مجازيه -


Noun: عبث -


Noun: عته - مرض عقلي - People with dementia have a degenerative disease of the brain for which there is no cure


Noun: مستنقع - وحل - One side was fence, the other a swamp, a mire skewered by rotting birch trunks bracketed by hard tinder fungi


Noun: ملكيه - Far from eschewing a(n) extravagant lifestyle and adopting one commensurate with that found in developing nations, the international humanitarian outreach has accorded its members perquisites befitting a decadent monarchy.


Noun: منبوذ - مبعد


Noun: نواة الخليه - These cells contain a central nucleus—a command center that is stuffed with DNA and walled off by a membrane.


Noun: نوبه - The judge cared not one whit for histrionic, and would liberally berate any who embellished their testimony with elaborate, pleading gestures or, worse yet, broke into feigned bouts of sobbing.


Noun: نيزك - شهاب - The Chelyabinsk meteor emerged from the asteroid belt, perhaps from a smashup that took place about 30,000 years ago.


Noun: هجره - رحيل - Despite hypotheses ranging from armed conflict to climate change, the abandonment of more than 600 Pueblo cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde by a.d. 1300 still puzzles archaeologists.


Noun: هجوم - انقضاض - But according to Walsh, Jupiter actually formed quite a bit farther out and then, during the solar system's initial 5 million years, executed a series of dramatic swoops.


Noun: هدوء - رباطه جأش - The control and composure he showed for the first goal was world class


Noun: هرطقه - Most religious cults do teach what the Christian church would declare to be heresy but some do not


Noun: هوايه - تسليه - Map collecting is an esoteric hobby to most, but to geography geeks it is a highly enjoyable pastime.


Noun: هوس - مس - جنون - Chang said this indicates that mania is not what is fueling the creativity


Noun: هياج - إثاره - If agitation , anxiety or suicidal thinking appears, parents and therapists must take immediate action


Noun: وبعدين - He agreed to pay a ninety-year-old woman twenty-five hundred francs every month until her death, whereupon he would take possession of her apartment in Arles.


Noun: وجع القلب - Younger fans might remember him chiefly as the voice of Chef on "South Park," while older ones might picture Hayes in his prime: as the hypermasculine Shaft, or the sultry Casanova who seduced fans with songs about heartache and fathered fourteen children.

steer clear of

Verb: يتجنب - يبتعد عن - Movie marketing works in a highly predictable, and obnoxious, fashion: the more we are assaulted with images of intergalactic battles, or a pouty heroine hoping to regain her lost love, the greater likelihood that the movie is one best steered clear of


Verb: يتحطم - The remarkable thing about the mayoral race, in retrospect, is that so many people wanted the job of managing a municipality so obviously about to disintegrate.


Verb: يتحمل - يمر بـ - يخضع - يقاسي - the baby underwent a life-saving brain operation


Verb: يتخذ وضعيه معينه للجسد - There can be much posturing amongst the literary in-circle, such that an outright snub might actually be an implicit admission of a work's inherent merit


Verb: يتلف - يخرب - يدمر - A corollary of Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the east coast of the U.S., is a push to build higher sea walls to protect against future hurricanes.


Verb: يبرر - For someone so unjustifiably assured of success, the recently installed CEO perhaps surprised very few when his series of impractical business solutions did not pan out for the floundering firm


Verb: يتأمل - يفكر مليا - And if he is pondering this career move, it is unlikely to be the first time


Verb: يتجاوز - يتعدي - ينتهك - Du Bois and his followers did not, for a long time, seriously encroach on Washington's influence.


Verb: يتجاوز - يسبق - Verb: move faster than and overtake (someone else). - Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess.


Verb: يتجنب - He shunned concise sentences, and would sometimes write an entire page without a single period.


Verb: يتجنب - Authors will often sacrifice personal beliefs, remaining apolitical, in order to skirt controversy and remain palatable to a broader audience. This might indeed be a prudent position, considering that some readers bristle when an author whom they typically enjoy injects overtly political themes into a novel--even themes they might in principle espouse


Verb: يتماثل للشفاء - While he was still convalescing, the doctors advised Phillip to remain home, lest he was contagious, even though his symptoms had receded


Verb: يتمشي - he wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets


Verb: يحرم - She became very old in this comforting life, and in the last few years divested herself of many possessions so that her niece and nephew, of whom she was fond, would not have much to go through after she was dead.


Verb: يذعن - يوافق علي مضض - If we do not make a stand, we will acquiesce to our positioning as mere spectators in the construction of our society


Verb: يذم - يقدح بقسوه - Even when the vituperators are women, they mostly fling profanities at themselves, not at their male relatives.


Verb: يربك - يحير - it had set the stage for a second great upheaval, one that has been baffling scientists for half a century.


Verb: يرتدي - The choreographer was mainly concerned with sartorial details, as the period production required the leads to don a number of different outfits


Verb: يرتدي - Early in the eighteenth century, visitors to the Tower of London could gaze upon a painted wooden statue of Henry VIII, the English king who'd died some two hundred years before. Royally robed, sceptre in hand, the likeness befitted Henry's reputation for extravagance


Verb: يرتفع فجأه - With credit card bills skyrocketing, a shockingly large number of Americans are truly insolvent


Verb: يرد - يقاوم - Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor.


Verb: يسرف في شرب الخمر - A fine night's carousing at the college ball was followed by a boisterous afternoon on the river at the annual regatta.


Verb: يشتاق - Machine learning yearning


Verb: يشترك - يشارك - Everyone including all the Leaders partook in the following activities: Indoor Climbing Wall, Absailing and rock climbing and River Gorge walking


Verb: يشجع - يحث - An efflorescence of creativity rarely occurs in a genial milieu; even a modicum of strife, whether in the home or in society at large, can spur great work in both art and literature.


Verb: يشجع - يعزز - The group's attempts to be more than a talk shop have often only fostered more discord.


Verb: يشهد شهاده - The field of cryptozoology is the search for animals unknown to science and those for which we have no scientific attestation


Verb: يصد - يطرد - يرفض - the alleged right of lien led by the bankrupt's attorney was repelled

call out

Verb: يصرخ - ينادي - Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were contrived, as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."


Verb: يصلب - يعذب حتي الموت - He famously expressed this argument in his "Cross of Gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention, in which he argued that continuing the "gold only" standard would "crucify" the honest laboring classes on a "cross of gold."


Verb: يصمد أمام عاصفه - Two things perhaps account for this oversight: for one, any pianist for whom no extant recordings exist is likely not to weather time well.


Verb: يصوغ - يشكل - يقولب - The idea that the human mind is a blank slate, able to be molded at will, has been challenged by Tennenbaum, whose research shows that not only do infants display certain predilections but also that these preferences may well be hard-wired.


Verb: يصيد بفخ أو بشرك - While the parasitic Cuscuta vine extracts substantial resources from the vegetation it preys on, it also enhances chemical communication between plants linked by its snaring hooks and tendrils, in a relationship that is debilitating to the host in some ways, distinctly beneficial in others.


Verb: يضايق - Harried by a swarm of tabloid reporters, their camera flashes creating an incessant whir, the celebrity made a quick escape into a limousine with tinted windows.


Verb: يضايق بزن - she constantly pestered him with telephone calls


Verb: يضخم - Instead of calling his financial advisor, Harold acted precipitously, buying 4,000 shares of the latest "hot" stock, only to find out that the company had a history of inflating its year end numbers.


Verb: يضر - Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which compromise its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was.


Verb: يضرب بالكوع - The English player accused the Frenchman of deliberately elbowing him in the face after he was left with a broken nose


Verb: يضرب بقوه - The judge's closing remarks were nothing if not exhaustive; not only did he belabor his every point, but he underscored each utterance with the pounding of the gavel.


Verb: يضع نهايه لـ - يقمع - She said the workshop seeks to quell the nagging voice that asks, "Is my story valuable? Does anyone even care?"


Verb: يضعف - يتلف - يلحق الضرر - Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which impair its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was.


Verb: يضن علي - يحسد - She was not so base as to begrudge the beggar the unwanted crumbs from her dinner plate.


Verb: يعيق - An internal effort to ban the torture of detainees at Guantánamo Bay was thwarted


Verb: يعيق - يشوش - يزعج - Her potential unrealized, Martha was ultimately a victim of her environment, hampered by those around her who insisted that she forsake her artistic dreams for a routine, but predictable life.


Verb: يعيق - يمنع - cold inhibits plant growth


Verb: يعيق النمو - It stunted the growth of Mars, making it into the cold and nearly airless world it is today—bad luck for prospective Martians.


Verb: يغش - يزور - يزيف - Some wine-makers throughout history sought to enhance either the quality or quantity of their product by adulterating the basic raw material, grapes, with other products.


Verb: يغضب - يغيظ - her silences infuriated him


Verb: يغطس - ينغمر - Fortunately for us, Earth had not yet formed when Jupiter was on the move; if it had, our planet might have plunged into the sun or spun off into dark oblivion.


Verb: يغفل عن - Most scholarship into the sudden disappearance of the Olmec civilization 2,500 years ago has focused on the change in meteorological conditions favorable to subsistence crops. Much of this research, though, has overlooked the role that changing geography, most notably the course of rivers, played.


Verb: يقلص - يقلص النفقات عادة - It included 105 job losses and a cutback in shift work, with some of the large staff numbers recruited in the past year expected to be let go first.


Verb: يقلق شخص ما - But I feel the same kind of disquiet I felt when I first heard about faith schools.


Verb: يقلل - I must say Amsterdam is a great place, but my life expectancy would spectacularly diminish if I stayed there


Verb: يقيس - Astronomers can gauge the star's intrinsic brightness


Verb: يهلك القسم الأعظم - Napoleon was considered a juggernaut until he decided to invade Russia in winter; after which, his once indomitable army was decimated by cold and famine.


Verb: يهمل - يتخلي عن - But at some point in life, you must abandon books, forsake the forewarning words of others, and find out for yourself.


Verb: يهيج - يقلق


Verb: يهين - Her expression was slightly affronted , slightly embarrassed as she opened her mouth to refute his suggestion


Verb: يوافق - Yielding to increased pressure from the international community, the nation of Himeria consented to cede a large swathe of land it had formerly captured.


Verb: يوبخ - يؤنب - The angry pedestrian reproved the careless driver for his recklessness


verb: يتصرف - يعتمد علي نفسه بدون مساعده - However, they are all talented enough to fend for themselves .


verb: يخفي - 'She carefully picked up two small bottles, concealing one with the other.'


راضي - قانع - مرتاح البال - he had to be content with third place


مبتذل - 'It's a trite and hackneyed old platitude - but sometimes, you do just have to stop and look at what's around you.


متأصل - راسخ - The notion that novelists should be solitary creators has long been deeply ingrained


يتغلغل - The company has enormous values that permeate all levels and all places in the world that it operates.


A sarabande, is a dance that was popular in Baroque music in the 17th and early 18th centuries.


Adjective: (of a natural event) large-scale and violent. - Despite the world's brightest researchers, the latest GPS technology and powerful computer models, scientists cannot reliably forecast the cataclysmic geological events


Adjective: (of the air or weather) hot and humid. - Adjective: (of a person, especially a woman) attractive in a way that suggests a passionate nature. - Younger fans might remember him chiefly as the voice of Chef on "South Park," while older ones might picture Hayes in his prime: as the hypermasculine Shaft, or the sultry Casanova who seduced fans with songs about heartache and fathered fourteen children.


Adjective: A show of bravery or defiance, often in order to make a false impression or mislead someone. - Hayes, by presenting himself with all the bravado of other soul men, but at half the volume, traded the big-voiced charisma that had defined soul in the nineteen-sixties for a more conceptual, introspective approach.


Adjective: Contained within the circuitry of a computer or computer peripheral device, and not changeable by programming; -- of functions. - The idea that the human mind is a blank slate, able to be molded at will, has been challenged by Tennenbaum, whose research shows that not only do infants display certain predilections but also that these preferences may well be hard-wired.


Adjective: careless and unsystematic; excessively casual - Seeing that the student had clearly rushed through the assignment at the last minute, the professor returned the paper with a failing grade and cautioned the student to dedicate more time to his studies and to avoid handing in such sloppy work in the future


Adjective: characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization. - Seeing that the student had clearly rushed through the assignment at the last minute, the professor returned the paper with a failing grade and cautioned the student to dedicate more time to his studies and to avoid handing in such slipshod work in the future


Adjective: having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.


Adjective: lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting. - Although the professor is brilliant, his bland monotone gives his lectures a soporific effect.


Adjective: luxurious - Most lottery winners go from being conservative, frugal types to outright profligates who blow millions on fast cars, lavish homes, and giant yachts.


Adjective: meaning based on or influenced by personal feelings or emotions. - This is a question still debated by philosophers, but let's simplify it by saying objective has to do with unbiased observations and subjective has to do with biased (personal) evaluations


Adjective: meaning not based on or influenced personal feelings or emotions, but hard, factual evidence - This is a question still debated by philosophers, but let's simplify it by saying objective has to do with unbiased observations and subjective has to do with biased (personal) evaluations


Adjective: of or characteristic of a professional author. - That an author can become inured to adverse criticism does not necessarily bode well for that individual's artistic development, since even the most stinging reviews are often meted out in the implicit hope that an author will seek, in future works, to mitigate his or her writerly transgressions.


Adjective: placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details - Meticulous to a fault, Sarah is often considered persnickety; unless, of course, her consummate eye for detail works in one's favor.


Adjective: sexually explicit. - "Normal People" included forty-one minutes of sex scenes, making it "the BBC's raunchiest drama ever."


Adjective: to make someone cheerful, happy or confident - Astrophysicists are heartened by the fact that the Milky Way is a totally unremarkable galaxy, since this very ordinariness affords them a template with which to make viable extrapolations concerning the structure and dynamics of many other galaxies—both known and unknown.


Adjective: unchanging in pitch; without intonation or expressiveness - Although the professor is brilliant, his bland monotone gives his lectures a soporific effect.


Adjective: آيل للسقوط - During the 1970s, even as NASA was retreating from the majestic Apollo missions to a rickety Skylab, several groups of researchers set out to decode the lunar samples brought back by the astronauts.


Adjective: أبدي - سرمدي - the secret of eternal youth


Adjective: أجش الصوت - Marya got a cold that wouldn't go away. When I called her to talk in February, her voice sounded hoarse.


Adjective: أساسي - رئيسي - Importantly, the project will not involve actually changing diets, as sweet potato is already a staple food in the target area.


Adjective: أليف - داجن - Adjective: (of an animal) tame and kept as a pet or on a farm. - Bones found in the samples showed that the consumption of domesticated turkeys—which were fed maize—decreased from 55 to 14 percent, while there was a marked increase in wild-animal bones


Adjective: إنتهازي - Police want to boost the numbers of residents participating in the scheme which is proven to cut crime and acts as a deterrent to opportunist thieves and intruders.


Adjective: إنسان كاذب متصنع - This phony is an embarrassment to all who have honorably served our country.


Adjective: اضطراب - These conflicting ideals arise from a fundamental uneasiness on the part of both photographers and viewers of photographs toward the aggressive component in "taking" a picture.


Adjective: اطراء بزياده - Adjective: complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree. - The critics were so fulsome in their praise that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish after a light smattering of applause, retreated from public view


Adjective: التخفي - خفي الشخصيه والأفكار - I like to think of the essays as a kind of thriller; with Myself, the elusive prey, and Montaigne, the sleuth, locked in a battle of equals who were too close for dissimulation and too smart for satisfaction.


Adjective: المحقق - رجل المباحث - I like to think of the essays as a kind of thriller; with Myself, the elusive prey, and Montaigne, the sleuth, locked in a battle of equals who were too close for dissimulation and too smart for satisfaction.


Adjective: باذخ - The truth is that, at present, I only have to lift my eyes by ten degrees and I have a sumptuous panoramic view of a building site.


Adjective: بارد جدا - It was played on loop for a horrific "Appel," when the prisoners had to stand outside for hours in frigid temperatures while being counted, many dropping dead from hunger, thirst and fatigue.


Adjective: بارز - ناتئ - ملحوظ - Diversity of values, what philosophers calls the 'fact of pluralism', is the salient feature of modern societies in the West


Adjective: بارع - Nick Lane and Bill Martin answered both questions in 2010, in a bravura paper called, "The energetics of genome complexity,"


Adjective: بارع - he became so proficient at the piano that she gave concerts and was hired by an orchestra in a large city.


Adjective: باهظ - The lawyer's demands were so unconscionable that rather than pay an exorbitant sum or submit himself to any other inconveniences, the defendant decided to find a new lawyer.


Adjective: بذيء - سوقي - Once again the press enthusiastically publicised these scurrilous claims


Adjective: بسيط - تافه - From our contemporary viewpoint, the pretensions of this film may seem a trifle ludicrous, but at the time it provoked endless debate and discussion and gave a new intellectual respectability to the cinema.


Adjective: بشع - the most gruesome murder


Adjective: بشكل دوري -


Adjective: بشكل متدني - تحت المتوسط - He imputed his subpar performance on the test to a combination of stress and poor sleep.


Adjective: بغيض - The smell of cigarettes can be rather obnoxious, even in the street


Adjective: بغيض - كريه - Invariably, these disturbing events are punctuated by Trump's predictable yet repugnant Twitter rants.


Adjective: بكر - سليم - The moon's surface contains an intact chemical record of all the asteroids that have pummeled it over the eons.


Adjective: بلا رحمه - The South's President Lee Myung-bak, during a visit to front-line troops Thursday, said that South Korea must make "unsparing" retaliation if it suffers another surprise attack.


Adjective: بلا مشاعر او تعابير - وش خشب - The humor of Oscar Wilde remains a classic example of laconic wit; his terse remarks and deadpan delivery belied an acerbic sarcasm and brilliant insight into the world around him


Adjective: بلدي - محلي - national and municipal election


Adjective: بنج - مخدر - This effect was convincingly demonstrated by a study in which it was found that partially anesthetized tadpoles were less likely to be captured by dragonfly larvae than were unanesthetized tadpoles


Adjective: بهي - فخم - That the word " bloviate"—originally used to describe how American president Warren Harding spoke pompously and at length—is still most often employed in a political context shows that politicians are still prone to forsake direct speech.


Adjective: بين المجرات - Movie marketing works in a highly predictable, and obnoxious, fashion: the more we are assaulted with images of intergalactic battles, or a pouty heroine hoping to regain her lost love, the greater likelihood that the movie is one best steered clear of


Adjective: تافه - It is a testimony to Roth's talent that he could not quite bring himself to write a book as dull and flat as his original conception for his novel Everyman seemed to demand.


Adjective: تافه - No matter how childish, no matter how petty or wrong she'd been I was always on her side.


Adjective: تراجيدي - There was no evidence it was anything but a very tragic accident.


Adjective: تشهير - قذف - Because political mudslinging has become a staple of the 24-hour media cycle, most of us, despite protestations to the contrary, are tendentious on many of today's pressing issues.


Adjective: تقي - Now the third important point related to government regulation is the aim of religion education is to develop pious and devout students


Adjective: تم استنزافه - مستنزف - Special effects in movies are exciting, in that unlike the story, whose permutations seem to have long ago been exhausted, they continue to evolve: if we were magically beamed years into the future (of course that story has been told numerous times before), the special effects would hold us in thrall; the story would be awfully familiar.


Adjective: تهور - طيش - It would be extremely rash to make such an assumption


Adjective: توقعي - There is an anticipatory anxiety about what the internet reaction might be and what pushback they will get on Twitter.


Adjective: ثرثار - He was loquacious, providing a great deal of his introspection in public


Adjective: ثقيل الوزن - He had a pretty good beard going and he moved with a slow, ponderous deliberation, like he was reaching the end of a long journey


Adjective: ثنائي العيون - While symmetry is often cited as the reason humans—and most other vertebrates—have two eyes, redundancy was clearly also part of nature's plan: though our binocular vision would be greatly diminished, we would still be able to see with only one eye


Adjective: جاف - The countless arid days left everyone unprepared for the sudden downpour; the deluge brought traffic to a halt as it inundated the road


Adjective: جامد - صلب - By using flexible fabrics instead of conventional rigid molds, concrete elements can vary in volume according to structural requirements


Adjective: جبان - I was too timid to ask for what I wanted


Adjective: جدير بالإزدراء والاحتقار - On at least three occasions the way you treated this girl was cowardly and contemptible .


Adjective: جدير بالملاحظه - NASA's Apollo missions achieved many notable things


Adjective: جذاب - ملفت للانتباه - Because even his staunchest advocates would be loath to consider his novels riveting, either the reviewer of his latest work has been ethically compromised, or the author has actually plotted what can, in all positive senses of the word, be described as a thriller.


Adjective: جريء - The defiant, boisterous marches that eclipsed Trump's inauguration helped to inspire a wave of courageous activism, such as the spontaneous protests at airports in the wake of the Muslim ban and the demonstrations against proposed cuts to Medicaid led by disability activists.


Adjective: جليل - مهيب - The Book of Kells is one of the most magnificent and famous extant illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages; combining masterful artwork and superb calligraphy, it is truly an august artifact of the past.


Adjective: جوهري - جذري - Indeed not every eighteenth-century American supported slavery, and some political radicals were extremely critical of the practice.


Adjective: جوهري - حقيقي - There is not a natural, intrinsic sense of community created through television.


Adjective: حاد - صاخب - "Breaking free from her guards, she rushed forward to rescue my snippet of hope, and shrill voices rang out behind her."


Adjective: حاد - موجه إلي شخص ما - He was also said to have 'quite a pointed nose' with light or grey stubble on his chin


Adjective: حاذق - لبق - The governor has considerable political talents, but as a speaker he is far less adroit than his opponent, whose oratorical skills are breathtaking.


Adjective: حار متقد - Meteorologists predict torrid temperatures for this summer and caution against overexposure to the heat without adequate protection and hydration.


Adjective: حارق - But there was 51 Pegasi b, hugging close in a searing-hot orbit.


Adjective: حارق - incendiary grenades


Adjective: حالم - غير عملي - غير واقعي - When Chopin the pianist is mentioned, it is his dreamy gaze and supple wrists (as well as countless female admirers gathered around the piano returning that same dreamy stare).


Adjective: حدث مستصحب لحدث اخر - adjective: describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another Concomitant with his desire for nature was a desire for the culture and energy of a big city.


Adjective: حر قائظ


Adjective: حريف - لاذع - the pungent smell of frying onions


Adjective: حساس - رقيق - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision


Adjective: حساس جدا - The critics were so fulsome in their praise that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish after a light smattering of applause, retreated from public view


Adjective: حظه وحش - To be fair to the hapless reporter, I think he was rather embarrassed about this assignment


Adjective: حقير - وضيع - There is a paucity of jobs hiring today that require menial skills, since most such jobs have either been automated or outsourced.


Adjective: حكيم - متبصر - متعقل - Authors will often sacrifice personal beliefs, remaining apolitical, in order to skirt controversy and remain palatable to a broader audience. This might indeed be a prudent position, considering that some readers bristle when an author whom they typically enjoy injects overtly political themes into a novel--even themes they might in principle espouse


Adjective: حيله - Two-years in Manhattan had changed Jenna from an ingenuous girl from the suburbs to a jaded urbanite, unlikely to fall for any ruse, regardless of how elaborate


Adjective: حُبيبي - مُحبب - به حبيبات


Adjective: خاسر - فاشل - ناقص النمو - Adjective: failing to produce the intended result. - An abortive attempt to overthrow the government


Adjective: خانع - Though she was too meek to actually speak in front of a large crowd, such timidity did not carry over to the speeches she had written, which resounded with confidence and purpose.


Adjective: خسيس - حقير - The hill was marked with a splendor that belied the abject poverty huddled at its base.


Adjective: خطابي - Adjective: relating to the art or practice of public speaking - The governor has considerable political talents, but as a speaker he is far less adroit than his opponent, whose oratorical skills are breathtaking.


Adjective: خطبه مسهبه نقديه - He has already planned his acceptance speech: a tirade against those who have suggested that he retire


Adjective: دخيل - فضولي - متطفل - By its very nature, this commercial intrusion is designed to be obtrusive and dominant.


Adjective: درجه تانيه - رديء - The poet, snubbed by all the major houses, went out of his way to make snide comments during public readings, going so far as to call other writers second-rate.


Adjective: ذو صلاحيه - يتمتع بامتياز معين - Shareholders who are not employed by a company are not privileged to any company information that is not yet publicly-available; management could benefit from any such asymmetry of knowledge, which could possibly provide them a financial advantage, while potentially harming those in the general public who invest in the company.


Adjective: ذو علاقه بالغذاء - The 'trophic contamination hypothesis' posits that shorebirds accumulate industrial and urban pollution at stopover sites, toxins that are subsequently released in sudden high doses as fat is burned during migratory flights, disrupting the bird's ability to make migratory decisions.


Adjective: رائد - Rachel Carson offers a groundbreaking examination of the environmental impact of DDT and other pesticides


Adjective: رائع - The Book of Kells is one of the most magnificent and famous extant illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages; combining masterful artwork and superb calligraphy, it is truly an august artifact of the past


Adjective: رائع - The burgeoning environmental movements of the middle part of last century are seen as signal achievements, ushering in an age of both greater environmental consciousness and reforms to stem the damage already done


Adjective: رائع - فاخر - They expect a degree of service to go with the exquisite delicacies they have selected for purchase.


Adjective: راشد - رزين - Innuendo was never far from his mind, and he found himself wishing otherwise at a funeral when the words of a markedly sober eulogy brought to his head a suggestive pun


Adjective: رجولي - The piece consisted of a strong masculine quality through the incorporation of proud gestures and demonstration of great physical skill


Adjective: رحيم بالاخرين - شفوق - The comic community to which artists address themselves is a community of reasoning, loving, joyful, compassionate beings.


Adjective: رشيق - ماهر - بارع - Paul, losing 19-0 in a ping-pong match against his nimble friend, basically capitulated when he played the last two points with his eyes closed.


Adjective: رغاي - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision


Adjective: رهيب - شاق - We have yet to complete the assessment of Canada's biodiversity. Most of the vertebrates have been assessed, but our challenge will be the assessment of invertebrates and plants. This task is daunting not only because of the high number of species, but also because of the diversity, each species requiring a different approach


Adjective: سابق - Many of the president's erstwhile critics seem willing to give him a chance


Adjective: ساخط - حانق - After enduring daily taunts about my name, I became enraged and pummeled the schoolyard bully and his sycophantic friends in a brutal melee


Adjective: ساذج - To the untutored eye the jungle canopy can seem little more than a dense latticework of branches and leaves. For the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, even a small area can serve as a veritable cornucopia of pharmaceutical cures. The field of ethnobotany, which relates both to the natural pharmacy offered up by the jungle and the peoples who serve as a store of such knowledge, has become increasingly popular in the last decades as many anthropologists, hoping to take advantage of this vast bounty, learn the language and customs of the tribes in order to glean from them thousands of years worth of knowledge.


Adjective: ساذج - من السهل خداعه - But there is no evidence which shows that juries are gullible fools, easily led by a passing headline


Adjective: ساطع - Despite significant advances in research about women, the role of female labor remains the single most glaring omission in most economic analyses of the history of European industrialization. Women far outnumbered men as workers in the textile industries, yet wage indices and discussions of growth, cost of living, and the like incorporate data only about the male labor force.


Adjective: سخيف - أبله -


Adjective: سريع الزوال - Most nascent memories are evanescent - unless the brain has sufficient time to make sense of them, they will dissipate


Adjective: سريع ودقيق - Requiring split-second decisions, the career of an investment banker is clearly not a viable one for those prone to dithering .


Adjective: سطحي - ظاهري - متعجل فيه - Parkin's characterization of the movement as neoscholastic is too cursory to be accepted without further investigation.


Adjective: سعيد ومتفائل - While Morbidelli is explaining all this to me in a cheery Italian accent, I cannot help fixating on the grim connotations of his last name.


Adjective: سيء الظن في الناس - Adjective: Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others. - Upbeat but cynical is a perfect description of her voice


Adjective: شائك - The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must effect a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.


Adjective: شامل - Adjective: form an arch over - In claiming that there are overarching commonalities among every culture, Jungenfreud perhaps overstate his case


Adjective: شايف نفسه محور الكون - If you are an egocentric, you consider yourself the center of the universe--you are an extreme form of the egoist.


Adjective: شديد الانحدار - The slope leading to the mountain fortress is so precipitous that the only conceivable way to carry out the project is by building the road downhill, since construction equipment is able to move down, but not up, the steep terrain.


Adjective: شديد القسوه - وحشي - Draconian political repression and austerity programmes are driving the recent small-scale protests. Unless their causes are addressed, they will only multiply


Adjective: شرير - a wicked and unscrupulous politician


Adjective: شنيع - The convicted felon's life sentence was commensurate with the heinousness of his crime


Adjective: شهواني - US women who initially reject his amorous advances often have a change of heart when they run his name through a search engine


Adjective: شهواني - شبق - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision


Adjective: شهير - Lady Gaga, in challenging what it means to be clothed, is an iconoclast for wearing a "meat dress" to a prominent awards show


Adjective: شيء كان له أكثر اهميه في الماضي - In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose bumps, and this response is widely considered to be vestigial—that is, something formerly having a greater physiological advantage than at present.


Adjective: شيوعي - اشتراكي - Each evening, I walked half a mile to our communal dinner


Adjective: صاخب - ضاج - The modern sensibility, which favors plot mechanics over lyrical panache, has done little to temper the aging author's fondness for flowery prose. None of this seems to matter much, as the episodes in his latest romp are so uproarious that even younger readers will find themselves readily forgiving the author for the unwarranted use of six-syllable words.


Adjective: صادق - مخلص - they offer their sincere thanks to Paul


Adjective: صالح للاكل - while mushrooms are popular in many cuisines, it is imprudent to eat those found in the wild, as many frequently found mushrooms resemble edible mushrooms but are, in fact poisonous.


Adjective: صحي - Coupled with the salubrious climate of Coimbatore, the course provides the much needed respite from the hustle and bustle of our life


Adjective: صريح - In a strong indication of the way the entire party is rallying behind the candidate with moderate credentials, the outspokenly conservative former mayor of a major city has promised to raise a substantial amount of money for the candidate's campaign.


Adjective: صريح - Though the recent row between the much loved prime minister and the ambassador from the erstwhile colonial power will, in all likelihood, not foment outright protests--the way an incursion by this same foreign power into the country's airspace did--surely such discord will only serve to further gall a people long since wary of foreign influence.


Adjective: ضئيل - Adjective: (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.


Adjective: ضار - مؤذ - While the kitchen may be free of the toxins polluting the outdoors, certain cooking implements, when heated at high temperatures, can release noxious vapors


Adjective: ضروري - While she had the requisite talent to be a professional comedian, her stage fright precluded any such forays into this demanding career.


Adjective: ضعيف - Britain's hold on the colonies, though, 'was the grip of a tired and feeble old man


Adjective: ضعيف - سقيم - In animals with feathers, fur, or quills, this creates a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for predators to think twice before attacking. But human hair is too puny to serve these functions.


Adjective: ضعيف - سهل الانقياد - That's what public relations propaganda is all about - conning frail , vain humans.


Adjective: ضعيف - هش


Adjective: ضعيف الشخصيه - The heckler, hiding amongst the amorphous crowd, is the epitome of spinelessness - as soon as he has been identified, he goes scuttling off, head down, grumbling to himself.


Adjective: ضفي - خاص بضفه النهر - What is currently worrying civil engineers is not so much a predicted increase in annual precipitation as the likelihood that many storms will come in tighter successions, thereby making flooding in lower lying riparian regions far more likely.


Adjective: ضمني - مضمر - مفهوم ضمنيا - At their best, adverse book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her transgressions pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved.


Adjective: ضيق


Adjective: ضيق - Kathleen's perfume was overwhelming in the cramped apartment, but once we stepped outside the smell dissipated and we could breathe once again.


Adjective: طاهر - نقي - an immaculate white suit


Adjective: طباقي - To the uninitiated, the music of Bach, at once intensely personal because of the simplicity of its melodies and inaccessible because of contrapuntal complexity, can seem the product of two distinct composers.


Adjective: طريق (لفه طويله) - مش مباشر ومختصر - Adjective: (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way. - Undine Spragg—who, in the course of the novel, makes a circuitous and sinister journey


Adjective: طويل الامد - Federal Court decisions in two cases stemming from the protracted lockout are expected next week


Adjective: ظالم - The exuberance of Karevolotski's narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a gloomy protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive world.


Adjective: ظاهر - Adjective: stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. - The delay may have a deeper cause than the ostensible reason


Adjective: عاجز - فاقد القدره أو الاهليه - In 1963, he suffered the first of several strokes which finally incapacitated him


Adjective: عاصف - صاخب - Their culture says it is OK to be boisterous , to be loud and speak your mind.


Adjective: عبوس - مكشر - مكفهر - Family photos of the author suggest that she was a sullen child: she seemed to wear a permanent frown -


Adjective: عتيق - The kind of journalism that insists on clinging to time-honored forms of reportage is languishing insofar as it fails to exploit social media. At the same time, were a traditional news service, by whole-heartedly embracing the Internet, to disregard the very tools that allowed for its ascendancy in the first place, it would likely suffer a similar fate.


Adjective: عجيب - مدهش - Deep literacy has wondrous effects, nurturing our capacity for abstract thought, enabling us to pose and answer difficult questions, empowering our creativity and imagination, and refining our capacity for empathy.


Adjective: عدواني - As soon as his slightest whim was not met, the actor became petulant, snapping even at those not involved in the filming of the scene.


Adjective: عرضه - حساس - patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection


Adjective: عرضي - طاريء - غير نظامي - متقطع - As they mature, workers grow out of casual work attitudes and adjust to the workplace norms of jobs that they are more interested in retaining.


Adjective: عفيف - طاهر - محتشم - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision


Adjective: عقيم - غير مثمر - Some minor governmental bungling in the environmental sector can hardly account for what many watchdog organizations are declaiming as gross negligence: indeed entire swathes of once fertile land now gone barren cannot solely attributed to flaws in state policy.


Adjective: عقيم - ملهوش لازمه - لا طائل تحته - The chairman of the board, sensing that any effort was futile, became apathetic the company's plight, and only shrugged his shoulders when the shareholders notified him that the corporation was insolvent


Adjective: علني - صريح - Overt racism is a bad thing now


Adjective: عليل - The increased number entering the labor force has only served to strain an already ailing job market


Adjective: غافل - غير واعي - مش واخد باله - That the comedian was so oblivious as to be unable to discern the effect she had on others was not lost on her audience, who quickly stood up to leave, hoping their action would at last send an unambiguous message.


Adjective: غامض - يفهمه القليل فقط - Adjective: understood by few; mysterious or secret - If the dos and don'ts of tipping are so arcane , why is it so prevalent?


Adjective: غريب - خارق للطبيعه -


Adjective: غريب - غير معتاد - Creativity rarely flowers in a genial milieu, so it is somewhat curious that Mann's formative years as an artist can best be described as sunny


Adjective: غريب اجنبي - In fact, the Cossack regards the Russian peasant as a foreign, outlandish , despicable creature


Adjective: غريب عن المألوف - He seemed weird but the strangest thing about this peculiar man was his clothing


Adjective: غير سوي - غير طبيعي - Nelly felt the Quiz Bowl director acted superciliously towards the underclassmen; really, she fumed, must he act so preternaturally omniscient each time he intones some obscure fact—as though everybody knows that Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America.


Adjective: غير كاف - Though the poet's work was praised highly by critics, sales of his anthologies were scanty ; it is possible the poor sales were due to his language being too abtruse to be readily understood


Adjective: غير مبالي بسبب إلف العاده - Whether bottled water is healthier than non-bottled water is moot from an ecological standpoint — the hazard discarded plastic bottles pose to the environment clearly suggests we should be less blase about our unbridled consumption.


Adjective: غير متبادل - The real irony is that Gone With the Wind tells not a great love story as much as a great unrequited love story.


Adjective: غير مثير وممل ويتحرك ببطء - Yet another creation in line with the plodding melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort is likely to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority will dismiss the film as soporific drivel.


Adjective: غير مستغل - A company that invests the necessary infrastructure in a large untapped diamond mine can reap as much as 700% profit in the first year. Some of the largest untapped diamond mines in the world are in the nation of Shagoca. Therefore, the American company that brokers a deal in the capital Conkin that allows it to put the necessary infrastructure in place at those mines stands to reap tremendous profits.


Adjective: غير مستقر - Earth, our anchor and our solitary haven in a hostile universe, is in a precarious situation.


Adjective: غير مستقر - There is no clean separation between the unsettled past and the present.


Adjective: غير مسرف في الأكل والشرب -


Adjective: غير مسيس - Authors will often sacrifice personal beliefs, remaining apolitical, in order to skirt controversy and remain palatable to a broader audience. This might indeed be a prudent position, considering that some readers bristle when an author whom they typically enjoy injects overtly political themes into a novel--even themes they might in principle espouse


Adjective: غير ملفت للانتباه - The digital revolution has given us, for the first time, the image in its pure form, an image without body. The image conveyed by a painting, on the other hand, is always a material entity, however unobtrusive, a particular thing made out of pigments, binders and a support.


Adjective: غير منتهي - مش خلصان - We got bogged down in interminable discussions


Adjective: فاتر الهمه


Adjective: فاخر - a deluxe hotel


Adjective: فاضل - عفيف - خلوق - Should applications of technology be socially virtuous by any standard?


Adjective: فزع - خواف - They are skittish and fearful of most people and talk to no one but each other.


Adjective: فضولي - متطفل -


Adjective: فطري - سليقي - The idea that the human mind is a blank slate, able to be molded at will, has been challenged by Tennenbaum, whose research shows that not only do infants display certain predilections but also that these preferences may well be innate.


Adjective: فظ


Adjective: فظ - For all his boorishness, Honore de Balzac betrayed a remarkable sensitivity to the plight of 19th-century women, populating his novels with characters sympathetic to women's rights.


Adjective: فظ - With her plaid shirt and brusque manners, she is so caught up in her own family traumas she can't branch out for herself


Adjective: فقير - Directors of such banks prosper while depositors turn pauper


Adjective: فنان مبدع - Jourdan Urbach, a violin virtuoso who discovered ...


Adjective: قابل للإلغاء أو النقض - And if you ever decide you don't want the revocable trust, it can be time-consuming to revoke


Adjective: قابل للتطبيق - Astrophysicists are heartened by the fact that the Milky Way is a totally unremarkable galaxy, since this very ordinariness affords them a template with which to make viable extrapolations concerning the structure and dynamics of many other galaxies—both known and unknown.


Adjective: قاتل - he injected at least two hundred and fifteen of his patients with lethal doses of opiates.


Adjective: قاس - وعر - This composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy rather than to woo the audience.


Adjective: قاسي - بلا رحمه - Not that people had much choice in the matter - bandits were ruthless and bloodthirsty.


Adjective: قديم - عتيق - Some analysts worry about consumers' perception that the electronics industry is always on the verge of major breakthroughs; that perception could hurt the industry by making consumers reluctant to buy products they believe will soon be outmoded


Adjective: قريبه من بعضها - Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who could become a physician and dominated kindred professions like nursing and occupational therapy


Adjective: قوي - ثابت - he had a sturdy, muscular physique


Adjective: قوي - مفعم بالنشاط - From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels, sensitivity to novelty is increased.


Adjective: كئيب


Adjective: كئيب - For all his surface affability, Marco was remarkably glum when he wasn't around other people.


Adjective: كئيب - داكن اللون - the night skies were somber and starless


Adjective: كئيب - قاتم - مكفهر


Adjective: كامل - كلي - مطلق - For fans of the Harry Potter series, the fell Lord Voldemort, who terrorized poor Harry for seven lengthy installments, has finally been vanquished by the forces of good—unless, that is, JK Rowling decides to come out of retirement.


Adjective: كثيره - The variations in our bodies are multitudinous and I find our differences quite glorious!


Adjective: كسول - After staying up all night she felt extremely sluggish; however, she still ran three miles with her friends


Adjective: كلي الوجود - موجود في كل مكان - In France cultural subsidies are ubiquitous : producers of just about any film can get an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such loans are never fully repaid.


Adjective: كمالي - غير ضروري - Adjective: غير مجدي - Despite the concerted efforts of her supporters, the mayor's actions were clearly untenable, rendering even the most impassioned pleas superfluous.


Adjective: كوابيسي - ذو كوابيس - Adjective: of the nature of a nightmare; very frightening or unpleasant. - That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the prophetic power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.


Adjective: لا هو انطوائي ولا اجتماعي - Some people fall closer to the extremes while others, known as ambiverts , settle in the middle


Adjective: لا يسبر غوره - متعذر فهمه - her grey eyes were dark with some unfathomable emotion


Adjective: لا يقهر - noun: a force that cannot be stopped Napoleon was considered a juggernaut until he decided to invade Russia in winter; after which, his once indomitable army was decimated by cold and famine.


Adjective: لا يمكن الإستغناء عنه - He assured them that if their work were perceived as indispensable to society, they would eventually achieve all the rights of citizenship.


Adjective: لا يوصف- فوق الوصف - She had thought that naming the stone would be an insult to its ineffable gravity.


Adjective: لاذع - That an author can become inured to adverse criticism does not necessarily bode well for that individual's artistic development, since even the most stinging reviews are often meted out in the implicit hope that an author will seek, in future works, to mitigate his or her writerly transgressions.


Adjective: لذيذ - Adjective: (of food or drink) delicious. - Delectable handmade chocolates


Adjective: مألوف - Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the blemishes of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might have been shunned


Adjective: مؤذ - Though he stole his little sister's licorice stick with malevolent glee, Chucky soon became contrite when his sister wouldn't stop crying.


Adjective: مؤذ - ضار - adjective: harmful to living things The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was deleterious to the fishing industry in the southern states.


Adjective: ماكر - Noun: مكر - دهاء - So that was a very cunning ploy that she used


Adjective: ماكر - مخادع - Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his cronies and nothing for his languishing people.


Adjective: ماهر - As a child she was quite maladroit, but as an adult, she has become an adept dancer.


Adjective: مبالغ فيه - Pessen does present a quantity of examples, together with some refreshingly intelligible statistics, to establish the existence of an inordinately wealthy class.


Adjective: مبتذل - مألوف جدا - Characterized by an awkward blending of old and new architectural styles, it appealed to the general population, but sophisticates found it vulgar and ugly


Adjective: مبتهج - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Adjective: مبقع - Unlike the talented artists in his workshop, Paul had no such bent for the visual medium, so when it was time for him to make a stained glass painting, he ended up with a prosaic mosaic.


Adjective: مبهرج - صارخ - Warren Buffett, famous multi-billionaire, still drives a cheap sedan, not because he is penurious, but because luxury cars are gaudy and impractical.


Adjective: مبيتمسحش - J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan project as the architect of the atomic bomb left such a(n) indelible mark on the public conscience that the remaining fifteen years Oppenheimer spent railing against nuclear weapons seem a mere historical footnote


Adjective: متأصل - راسخ - ملازم - كامن - An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have divergent aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible.


Adjective: متبرم - متذمر - Since Uncle Mike was the family curmudgeon, each Thanksgiving he was plied with copious amounts of wine, in the hope that he would become less grouchy.


Adjective: متثبت - he was mugged by three men who stole his bike


Adjective: متحمس - First, where do these kids (and they are still minors) get their fervid imaginations from?


Adjective: متحمس - Now in their 50s, she and her husband are zealous promoters of the mission they began in 1981.


Adjective: متدين - Now the third important point related to government regulation is the aim of religion education is to develop pious and devout students


Adjective: مترامية الآطراف - Verb: يتمدد ويسترخي وهو منبطح - Sprawling and unfocused, the novel unwittingly ends up mirroring the life of its chief protagonist, who was equal measures capricious and insatiable.


Adjective: متسامح - متساهل - Physical punishment is administered, although parents tend to be indulgent with young children.


Adjective: متساهل - He suggested that leaders on both sides should be more lenient


Adjective: متساهل - متسامح - The permissive society has taught people to think in terms of the immediate gratification of desires and appetites


Adjective: متساو - Tocqueville, apparently, was wrong. Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions.


Adjective: متشابك -


Adjective: متشابك - The tangled relationships between Ryan and Marissa


Adjective: متشوق - With numerous exciting public works projects in the offing, residents are understandably agog.


Adjective: متضارب - متنافر - As the night wore on, the discordant cacophony could no longer drown out the S.S. voices rising in drink and the occasional cries of their victims. I recognized the music as the 'Marinarella.


Adjective: متضاعف - arold Innis noted in 1948, as television was on the cusp of revolutionizing American life, that "sudden extensions of communication are reflected in cultural disturbances," and it's clear we are stumbling through another such episode. Such disturbances today are manifold


Adjective: متعجرف - Whether bottled water is healthier than non-bottled water is moot from an ecological standpoint — the hazard discarded plastic bottles pose to the environment clearly suggests we should be less cavalier about our unbridled consumption.


Adjective: متعصب لمذهب أو رأي سياسي - History has recast the 15th century Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola as a rabble-rousing zealot lording over the "bonfire of the vanities"; yet this so-called heretic —mainly because he directed his censure at the church—was a crusader for austerity and thus a check on a papacy that had run a course of profligacy.


Adjective: متعلق بالمطبخ - They were judged on a range of culinary skills, including the planning and presentation of the meals.


Adjective: متعمد - Ending up at Concordia after a childhood spent moving between Europe, Africa and the U.S. wasn't premeditated


Adjective: متفائل - My daughter-in-law told me he called one day and he sounded very upbeat


Adjective: متفشي - In countries with rampant graft, getting a driver's license can require no more than paying an official.


Adjective: متفق عليه بالإجماع - They were unanimous that the police had been present all through the riots, but had not helped


Adjective: متفوق - And sometimes, US drama is superior to the UK equivalent


Adjective: متفوق - the world's preeminent expert on asbestos


Adjective: متلون


Adjective: متنازع فيه - محل جدال Adjective: ليس ذو أهميه - That the psychopharmacological journal had already published the findings of the clinician's experiment rendered moot any prior misgivings she had regarding the validity of her control group


Adjective: متنافر - At times morose, she could just as suddenly become jubilant, a change in mood that was favorable yet so unpredictable as to be jarring.


Adjective: متنوع - But scholars still scratch their heads over the multifarious symptoms and effects of the livestock plague he depicted in the Georgics, applying scientific thinking to a form of writing that was more concerned with symbolism.


Adjective: متهرب - She was evasive about her phone number


Adjective: متهور - طائش - A police investigation blamed the driver of the minibus for reckless driving


Adjective: متواضع - بسيط - To most, the word 'architecture' connotes a grandeur typically associated with the Old World—flying buttresses, Doric columns, baroque flourishes, byzantine arabesques—and thus many of the more unassuming structures are often thought to be cobbled together instead of following some prescribed architectural idiom


Adjective: متواضع - بسيط - he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise


Adjective: متواضع - لا يسعي لإثارة الاعجاب - The neighborhood French bistro, though typically unpretentious, has had to contend with the common perception that any eatery with the word 'French' appended to its name must connote something chic.


Adjective: متودد - متملق - As the job fair neared to an end, the recent college graduate became ever more fawning, desperately trying to befriend prospective employers he had earlier not even deigned to give so much as a cursory glance


Adjective: مثير للخلاف - Some of the most contentious and disputed issues of our day are matters of bioethics


Adjective: مثير للمشاكل - History has recast the 15th century Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola as a rabble-rousing zealot lording over the "bonfire of the vanities"; yet this so-called heretic —mainly because he directed his censure at the church—was a crusader for austerity and thus a check on a papacy that had run a course of profligacy.


Adjective: مجامل


Adjective: مجعد - Martha was wary of those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow


Adjective: محاصر - The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred spasmodically with each side taking much needed rest during the respites.


Adjective: محب - ميال -


Adjective: محتار - Her mother was mystified. "Why did you do that?"


Adjective: محتار - مرتبك - In the last few decades, technological progress has proceeded at such a dizzying rate that, beyond the obvious advantages a given technology confers on the user, the non-specialist becomes bewildered when pressed to explain how anything really works.


Adjective: محتال - Despite many parts of the sex business becoming legal, its laborers still see themselves either glamorized in popular culture as high-earning hustlers or portrayed as victims of trauma and manipulation.


Adjective: محترم - مبجل - Until Walt Whitman, there was no distinct American voice in poetry; true, the poems of Emerson are highly esteemed today, but the prosody of those poems are not altogether different from that of England's Lake Poets.


Adjective: محرم - Rooted in an era that tabooed discussions of sex, he rebounded to the opposite extreme and exaggerated the roles of sex and sexual conflict in the development of the psyche.


Adjective: محسوم مسبقا - The belief that Earth and the rest of the solar system were born in largely their present form—the arrangement and characteristics of the planets almost preordained—has deep, clinging roots in the history of science.


Adjective: محير - A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with little training can pose a legitimate question that can baffle a seasoned expert.


Adjective: محير - مربك - The yearly financial statement of a large corporation may seem bewildering at first, but the persistent reader soon finds its pages of facts and figures easy to decipher.


Adjective: مخادع - Max was so wily that he never could be caught in an outright lie; his duplicity worked its seductive spell through a calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness.


Adjective: مختل - Peter Sellers was truly a protean actor—in Doctor Strangelove he played three very different roles: a jingoist general, a sedate President and a deranged scientist.


Adjective: مختلف - منفرج: كل في اتجاهه الخاص - An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have divergent aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible.


Adjective: مخدر - The forty-five-minute album, consisting of just four extended psychedelic-orchestral tracks, changed not only the sound of soul but also its scale.


Adjective: مخضرم - A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with little training can pose a legitimate question that can confound a seasoned expert.


Adjective: مخفف بالماء او ماشابه - Ragwort contains a battery of toxic and resilient alkaloids: even honey made from its flowers contains the poison in dilute form.


Adjective: مدحي - تمجيدي


Adjective: مدرك - Though the scientist was cognizant of the fact that such vicissitudes were inherent to the field of quantum mechanics, she was not discouraged


Adjective: مدنس - Henry VIII remains the poster boy for codpieces, those profane protuberances that drew eyes crotchward in the sixteenth century.


Adjective: مذعور - Recently, Macintosh and his wife, Claire, had family pictures taken and were aghast to see how much they seem to have aged in the year


Adjective: مذهل - The crime records were startlingly consistent.


Adjective: مربح - During the heyday of Prohibition, bootlegging had become such a lucrative business that many who had been opposed to the 18th Amendment began to fear it would be repealed.


Adjective: مرتعش - With the gold medal at stake, the gymnast awaited his turn, his quivering lip betraying his intense emotions


Adjective: مرضي - In his initial works, the playwright made physical disease a pivotal factor in the action; from this, his early critics inferred that he had a predilection for focusing on morbid subject matter


Adjective: مرغوب - Just as they have long craved mastery of reverse swing, so England have coveted a mystery spinner.


Adjective: مرن - Ragwort contains a battery of toxic and resilient alkaloids: even honey made from its flowers contains the poison in dilute form.


Adjective: مرن - لين - When Chopin the pianist is mentioned, it is his dreamy gaze and supple wrists (as well as countless female admirers gathered around the piano returning that same dreamy stare).


Adjective: مرهق - Without vision, the process of conceptualisation can becomes an onerous task for any individual


Adjective: مرهق - شاق - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision


Adjective: مروع - In "Abuses of Power," Ronan Farrow shares the harrowing allegations by multiple women of their abuse and harassment by Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful executives in Hollywood.


Adjective: مزاجي - استبدادي - Ignoring the crowd's entreaties for mercy, the judge remained implacable, meting out a punishment that was as harsh as it was arbitrary.


Adjective: مزاح - Everyone found Nancy's banter innocuous—except for Mike, who felt like she was intentionally picking on him.


Adjective: مزدحم - The world is swarming with countless prokaryotes that evolve at breathtaking rates.


Adjective: مزدري - محتقر - she tells me I'm fat and is always making derogatory remarks


Adjective: مزدهر


Adjective: مزدهر - ناجح - Each decade has its own zeitgeist—the 1990's was a prosperous time in which the promise of the American Dream never seemed more palpable.


Adjective: مزور - مزيف - Researchers trying to make it possible to trace counterfeit documents to the printer that produced them are exploiting the fact that the rotating drums and mirrors inside laser printers are imperfect devices that leave unique patterns of banding in their output. Although these patterns are invisible to the naked eye, they can be detected and analyzed by computer programs that the researchers have spent the past year devising.


Adjective: مزيف - A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham


Adjective: مزيف - All claims to objectivity become spurious and illusory


Adjective: مساعد للشخص علي اكتشاف او تعلم شيء ينفسه - Adjective: enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves. - Emotions, he says, are 'our main heuristic guide to discovering moral truths''


Adjective: مستبد - متعجرف -


Adjective: مستحق لللوم - مستحق للتوبيخ - Whether the network renews the latest pilot series hinges upon the critical assumption that the audience will not only empathize with a male protagonist very different from it, but will continue to do so once he begins to commit acts that are clearly reprehensible.


Adjective: مستعجل - I had to make a hurried trip to the airport


Adjective: مستغرق - في عالم تاني - Thus she grew up with and was influenced by certain Romantic traditions of performance, whatever the stringency of her musical scholarship; Landowska knew how to hold audiences breathless, and when she gave recitals, they responded with deathlike silence and rapt attention


Adjective: مستفز - I was very pleased to be asked to comment on the engaging and provocative articles in this volume


Adjective: مستقيم - عمودي - It occurs when the tiny muscle at the base of a hair follicle contracts, pulling the hair upright.


Adjective: مستمر - مثابر - A judge has told a persistent drink-driver to pass a medical examination before he can drive again


Adjective: مسحور - According to Greek mythology, the God of Eros supposedly would strike a person in the eyes and make them smitten with their beloved


Adjective: مسرطن - Adjective: having the potential to cause cancer. - Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are confounded with those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes.


Adjective: مسرف - مبذر - It was rather extravagant to buy both


Adjective: مسعور - a frenzied attack


Adjective: مش تقليدي - مش امعه - Mr. Hirsch says he will aim to preserve the foundation's support of heterodox thinkers, individuals who are going against the trends in a field or an acknowledged set of opinions.


Adjective: مشؤوم - Nobody could say that anything sinister was happening


Adjective: مشتعل - ملتهب - The whole process took about 500,000 years—an eternity in human terms, but blazingly fast for the solar system, which is 4.6 billion years old.


Adjective: مشدود - On the stage a white sheet, stretched taut over several room dividers, served as a screen.


Adjective: مشدوه - مندهش - At first, she was startled and a little spooked, but then she ran her hand over the stone and it felt like a normal stone.


Adjective: مشغول البال - He said nothing. He didn't seem angry or preoccupied. Just blank


Adjective: مشكوك فيه - It is a sad but just indictment of some high school history textbooks that they frequently report as factual claims that historians hotly debate or that are even completely contradicted by reliable primary sources.


Adjective: مشوه - Adjective: reproduce (a message, sound, or transmission) in a confused and distorted way. - Tossing about in a tempest, the fishing vessel sent a message that was so garbled as to be incomprehensible.


Adjective: مصر - مثابر - On the other hand, this dogged student and prodigious technician - who insisted on spending hours each day practicing scales from theory books - was never able to jettison completely the influence of bebop, with its fast and elaborate chains of notes and ornaments on melody.


Adjective: مصعوق - Recent meteorological conditions in areas of the northeastern part of the country have been so aberrant as to leave scientists dumbfounded. Even those models scientists developed to accommodate these extreme outliers have been found wanting.


Adjective: مصغر - The king and queen cosseted the young prince, giving him a prized miniature pony for his fifth birthday.


Adjective: مضطرب - he is terribly distraught


Adjective: مضطهد - Jonas assigns applications to one of two piles, "the persecuted and not so persecuted".


Adjective: مضياف - The Chamorro people are warm, hospitable and friendly, and they made me feel welcome.


Adjective: مطلع علي - ملم بـ - new staff should be acquainted with fire exit routes


Adjective: مطلي بالذهب - Mark Twain referred to the Victorian period in America as the "Gilded Age", implying the ample moral corruption that lay beneath a mere veneer of respectability.

drawn out

Adjective: مطول شويه - For readers of novels, in which the denouement is drawn out, every loose plot thread neatly wrapped up, the short story often has a(n) unfinished feel to it.


Adjective: مظلم - مظلم بسبب الضباب - The gravestones were barely seen through a thick layer of murky fog that encompassed everything it could get its claws around


Adjective: معاد - عدائي - But it was clear last night that the proposals would face hostile opposition from some health professionals


Adjective: معجب بنفسه - مغرور - I was naive and conceited enough to believe that posting entries into this page would actually achieve something.


Adjective: معدم - Adjective: adjective: lacking money; poor In extremely trying times, even the moderately wealthy, after a few turns of ill-fortune, can become impecunious.


Adjective: معقد - I seem to remember my dreams in unusually intricate detail and twice as often as most people.


Adjective: معقد لا يحل - Whatever the claims that photography might make to be a form of personal expression on a par with painting, its originality is inextricably linked to the powers of a machine


Adjective: مغري - فاتن - This time pressed on alluring looking maroon coloured vinyl, six more sweet tasting morsels of bitter sweet pop


Adjective: مفاجيء - eukaryotes were born through the abrupt and dramatic union of two prokaryotes.


Adjective: مفتوح علي الاخر - A gaping spiritual maw that could swallow New York City.


Adjective: مفض إلي - the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere


Adjective: مقاتل - مناضل - But increasingly these more militant leaders forced Washington to concede his position as the sole Black spokesperson to the White community.


Adjective: مقتصد - Monte was no miser, but was simply frugal, wisely spending the little that he earned.


Adjective: مقدار ضخم - They have plenty of money and as a result they consume vast quantities of drink.


Adjective: مقدس - Even some of the most sacred sporting events are not immune to venality, as many of the officials have received substantial bribes to make biased calls.


Adjective: مقدس - Her achievements were the result of a lifetime of scholarship, truly remarkable physical gifts, and resilient rhythm, all combined with excellent judgment about when not to hold the printed note sacrosanct


Adjective: مقيد - مكبوت - A school of conservationist thought that continues to gain traction in academic circles contends that despite the most noble of intentions, the U.S. National Parks and Forests Services has, in allowing for the uncurbed growth of trees within parks, contributed to the outbreak of forest fires. While it is true that park rangers can respond to fires quickly, often such fires are far fiercer than in areas not so choked with trees and underbrush. That is not to say that all fires are deleterious: indeed forest fires play an appreciable role in the functioning of the ecosystem; they check the growth of trees so that any given area is less likely to become densely wooded.


Adjective: مقيم - قاطن - Those in attendance represented a hodgepodge of the city's denizens: chimney sweepers could be seen sitting elbow to elbow with stockbrokers.


Adjective: ملائم - مناسب - Adjective: شديد الذكاء


Adjective: ملتهب بالعواطف - Despite the concerted efforts of her supporters, the mayor's actions were clearly untenable, rendering even the most impassioned pleas superfluous.


Adjective: ملتو- غير مباشر - She entered the lingerie shop, idly browsing and refusing assistance from a saleswoman, taking a roundabout route towards the target


Adjective: ملخبط - But the sound has been turned down and the mix is so jumbled that it's impossible to derive anything from them


Adjective: ملغز - Hayes is seldom remembered as an enigmatic, restless creative, and even less so as a political leader.


Adjective: ملموس - محسوس - Able to coax a palpable sense of menace from the bucolic backwaters of her native Missouri, Micheaux adroitly shows us, in her latest book, that a surface of idyllic charm can belie a roiling underbelly of intrigue, corruption, and murder.


Adjective: ملون - متفيم - Harried by a swarm of tabloid reporters, their camera flashes creating an incessant whir, the celebrity made a quick escape into a limousine with tinted windows.


Adjective: ممتد لفتره طويله - Since memories of recent events tend to be far more accessible, during a prolonged economic upswing investors often discount plausible scenarios forecasting a recession.


Adjective: ممتع - With this in mind, I am most gratified with the test results and would guess that someone with younger eyes could do even better.


Adjective: ممتنع - she seemed reluctant to answer


Adjective: ممل - رتيب - If you don't like the word monotonous, I'll say dull and stupid.


Adjective: ممل - مزعج - The figure-skating pair's convincing victory last week was particularly irksome to their rivals, who were in peak form and complained privately about the judging. That the pair won when their rivals were terrific too is also impressive


Adjective: ممنوع - Trucks arrive, and the girl is herded into one. Her mother is barred from going with her.


Adjective: مناقض للرأي العام - Adjective: opposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice. Journalists fancy themselves to be skeptics and contrarians


Adjective: منبه - مثير - منشط - While caffeine is well-known as a stimulant, few are aware that an excess of caffeine can actually have a soporific effect.


Adjective: منتشر - سائد - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Adjective: منتشر - شائع - The solar system around us is rife with instability.


Adjective: منحرف - غير اخلاقي - I'm just speechless at that level of depraved planning.


Adjective: منحرف - غير مستقيم - Even minutes before the guests were set to arrive, she fussed over the smallest detail, fastidiously rearranging the silverware lest a fork should be set askew.


Adjective: منعش - The bracing sea air


Adjective: منعش - مجدد - Adjective: having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being. She believed firmly in the restorative powers of fresh air.


Adjective: منكوب - مبتلي - Facing the pressure of an impending deadline, Sarah was afflicted with a case of thorough writer's block; she could not think of a single word to write


Adjective: مهتريء - It doesn't matter that she's tacky enough to find the Fairford home shabby, with its floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and ferns and wood fire where (she thinks) elaborate gilding and orchids and a gas log ought to be.


Adjective: مهمل - directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties


Adjective: موفق ومناسب جدا - Conceptually that was quite accurate, even if it was not the most felicitous choice of words.


Adjective: مولع بالجدال


Adjective: مولع بالقتال - Cartwright has gone further than what is already well-known —that the expression of genes is dependent on social context. By introducing a relatively docile species of bee into the colony of a far more aggressive species, he effected a change not even thought to be possible for the species, given its genotype: the docile bee, after six months in the hive, had become highly combative.


Adjective: مولود بعد وفاة ابيه - Adjective: كتاب منشور بعد وفاة مؤلفه - In 1632, two of Shakespeare's fellow actors published the First Folio, a posthumous collection of his works


Adjective: مُتكلف - غير طبيعي - Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were contrived, as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."


Adjective: مُسهب - At nearly 450 pages, the novel is prolix: the author does not often resist the temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary flourish.


Adjective: مُطنب - At nearly 450 pages, the novel is long-winded: the author does not often resist the temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary flourish.


Adjective: نحيل - She was gaunt , painfully thin, expressionless, wearing a sleeveless top, dark pants, and sandals.


Adjective: هائل - It was an emphatic victory and formidable testimony to his talent and determination.


Adjective: هاجع - في سبات عميق


Adjective: هزيل - she was so emaciated she could hardly stand


Adjective: هين - يسير -


Adjective: واضح - مفهوم - The popularization of science by writers with a knack for making the abstruse pellucid is not an exclusively modern calling. Indeed the origins of this specific craft harken back to Voltaire, who, in his Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, made the practically inscrutable writing of the revered British physicist digestible to a lay audience.


Adjective: واضح جلي - he was very thin, with a conspicuous Adam's appl


Adjective: واضح للعيان - جلي - The neglect of the old theater was manifest in the extreme dilapidation of the building, which was no longer safe to enter


Adjective: واقع بين النجوم - Adjective: occurring or situated between stars. - I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all interstellar processes that have taken place on the terrestrial planets


Adjective: وحشي - Mr Banks said that the legislation was draconian in its approach.


Adjective: وحشي - This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless - Adjective: inmoral - After having his pay cut, Phil spread vicious rumours about his boss.


Adjective: ودي - Despite its veneer of pearly-toothed smiles and amicable handshakes, the world of politics is one of constant machinating in which everyone is always jockeying for a more estimable position.


Adjective: وشيك - She had been negligent even in her fundamental duties and thus her termination was as imminent as it was justified.


Adjective: وشيك - The light was difficult now with sunset impending, and his vision was untrustworthy.


Adjective: وليد - ناشيء - Most nascent memories are evanescent - unless the brain has sufficient time to make sense of them, they will dissipate


Adjective: يتطفل - يتدخل في اللي ملهوش فيه - I'm sick of you prying into my personal life


Adjective: يحدث له الخطر - The acrimony between the president and vice-president sent a clear signal to voters: the health of the current administration was imperiled


Adjective: يختنق - يشنق - A school of conservationist thought that continues to gain traction in academic circles contends that despite the most noble of intentions, the U.S. National Parks and Forests Services has, in allowing for the uncurbed growth of trees within parks, contributed to the outbreak of forest fires. While it is true that park rangers can respond to fires quickly, often such fires are far fiercer than in areas not so choked with trees and underbrush. That is not to say that all fires are deleterious: indeed forest fires play an appreciable role in the functioning of the ecosystem; they check the growth of trees so that any given area is less likely to become densely wooded.


Adjective: يدفع برفق - Bacteria have repeatedly nudged along the path towards complexity.


Adjective: يستحق عن جداره - After running the house for more than 60 years, she deserves a well earned break.


Adjective: يقظ - The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings.


Adjective: يقظ - محترس - One study that did so found that well-fed guppies are more alert for predators and are consequently less likely to be killed than are their hungry counterparts, which feed with greater intensity.


Adverb: بثبات - دون تغيير - Invariably, these disturbing events are punctuated by Trump's predictable yet repugnant Twitter rants.


Adverb: بسرعه - علي نحو متعجل - he hastily changed the subject


Adverb: بسلاسه - Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were contrived, as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."


Adverb: بشكل غريب - Mr Assir, whose mother, oddly, is Shia, was marginal in Sidon before he started to rail on television against Mr Assad and Hizbullah.


Adverb: بشكل متقطع - The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred spasmodically with each side taking much needed rest during the respites.


Adverb: بقدر - The kind of journalism that insists on clinging to time-honored forms of reportage is languishing insofar as it fails to exploit social media




Noun: A person who goes to the movies, especially regularly. - The sight of a single actor portraying several characters in the same scene is no longer a shock to the average moviegoer, such special-effects trickery having become so commonplace


Noun: Extremely masculine - Younger fans might remember him chiefly as the voice of Chef on "South Park," while older ones might picture Hayes in his prime: as the hypermasculine Shaft


Noun: The fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride - رمح - The horse broke into a furious gallop


Noun: a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted. - In the 1890s, scientists discovered a cyanide process that allowed workers to extract pure gold from much lower grade ore, thus significantly increasing domestic gold production.


Noun: a person who campaigns vigorously for political, social, or religious change; a campaigner. - History has recast the 15th century Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola as a rabble-rousing zealot lording over the "bonfire of the vanities"; yet this so-called heretic —mainly because he directed his censure at the church—was a crusader for austerity and thus a check on a papacy that had run a course of profligacy.


Noun: a person who is luxuriously self-indulgent - منغمس في الترف - Far from eschewing a(n) extravagant lifestyle and adopting one commensurate with that found in developing nations, the international humanitarian outreach has accorded its members perquisites befitting a decadent monarchy.


Noun: a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime - It is well known amongst classical music aficionados that the principal violinist will often dazzle audiences by playing with seeming abandon, though every note will have been rehearsed countless times and with unwavering focus


Noun: an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period. - the operetta is a pastiche of 18th century styles


Noun: an incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture or synthesis of something else. - Noun: حصيله ثانويه - نتيجه ثانويه - he saw poverty as the byproduct of colonial prosperity


Noun: collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine. - Many literary luminaries whose works appear so firmly entrenched in the canon as to make their inclusion seem inevitable actually owe much to happenstance: had Malcolm Cowley, the head editor at publishing giant Viking Press, not been able to wield such influence, and had he not championed the works of Faulkner and Fitzgerald, both authors may have turned out to be little more than footnotes to the history of 20th century literature.


Noun: style of painting scenes from real or rustic life - All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portraiture and genre.


Noun: the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing. - Vocabulary will be tested contextually, and the reading passages are both dense and written with a sophisticated level of diction.


Noun: the condition of being anonymous - With university lecture halls rivaling small-concert venues in terms of the number of those in attendance, it is incumbent upon incoming freshmen—most long coddled in an intimate learning environment—to become adept at navigating the treacherous waters of anonymity.


Noun: the genetic constitution of an individual organism. - Cartwright has gone further than what is already well-known —that the expression of genes is dependent on social context. By introducing a relatively docile species of bee into the colony of a far more aggressive species, he effected a change not even thought to be possible for the species, given its genotype: the docile bee, after six months in the hive, had become highly combative.


Noun: the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. - For a parent with observed phenotypes , its actual genotypes can be inferred similarly


Noun: آفه - Noun: A destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.. - Ragwort was accidentally introduced to New Zealand in the late nineteenth century and, like so many invading foreign species, quickly became a pest.


Noun: أثر قديم - These instabilities are relics of the chaos in which Earth and the other planets formed.


Noun: أحجيه - لغز - Considered one of his most famous works, its incomplete status at the time of his death has given Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor a certain obscurity in Western culture, and many apocryphal stories have arisen surrounding it; unfortunately, the truth is lost to us.


Noun: أحجيه - لغز - معضله - The Riddle of Solitude in the Age of the Coronavirus


Noun: أخدود - According to this model, the solar system never quite found its steady groove after Jupiter migrated back out and the sun blew out its birth nebula.


Noun: أخويه - نادي رجال - Most college fraternities are known for arcane rituals that those hoping to join the fraternity must learn.


Noun: أدب - أخلاق - The real test of a person's civility is the way they treat those who have less power and status than they do


Noun: أرض مقطوعه الشجر ومعده للزراعه وسط غابه - For six weeks during the late winter of 1989, I had a cabin in the woods to call my own. It stood in a small clearing just off a muddy road


Noun: أسطول حربي - A small convoy of Talons had disembarked from the host of the armada and was cutting through the waves at near breakneck speeds


Noun: أفق - وجهه نظر - The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must effect a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.


Noun: ألم - An ache in her ribs that she thought was caused by a persistent cough was actually the splintering of bone, caused by tumors in her marrow.


Noun: ألم مبرح - he crashed to the ground in agony


Noun: أمر إستدعاء - When her family received a summons for their deportation to Terezin in January 1942, she went to see her beloved teacher for a final lesson.


Noun: أمر رسمي - Well, let me ask you about that, because you're being very clear that there must be two separate appeals to the Security Council for a mandate


Noun: أهميه - Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, holding forth on questions of great import; yet philosophy is very much alive today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens' marketplaces.


Noun: إتزان - I was very impressed with her poise and composure.


Noun: إتفاقيه Verb: يمنح - يعطي - Months after his visit in 1996, peace accords were signed. - Far from eschewing a(n) extravagent lifestyle and adopting one commensurate with that found in developing nations, the international humanitarian outreach has accorded its members perquisites befitting a decadent monarchy.


Noun: إجلال - بيعه - One of the arbitrary decrees in place during the emperor's rule is that all citizens pay him weekly homage at his palace.


Noun: إجماع - There is a rising consensus amongst immunologists that the observed rise in allergies in the general population can be attributed to decrease exposure to everyday germs. Known as the hygiene hypothesis, this counterintuitive idea could have far reaching implications—for one, we may now have to be more wary of those paternal prescriptions to scrub our children's hands at every opportunity.


Noun: إحتجاج - Because political mudslinging has become a staple of the 24-hour media cycle, most of us, despite protestations to the contrary, are tendentious on many of today's pressing issues.


Noun: إحتفال - His lifestyle of revelry and luxurious excess could hardly be called austere.


Noun: إختلاس - One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts— from embezzlement to infidelity—sabotaging their campaigns.


Noun: إدعاء يتهم شخص ما - In "Abuses of Power," Ronan Farrow shares the harrowing allegations by multiple women of their abuse and harassment by Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful executives in Hollywood. - The term allegation implies just that, alleged, an unproved assertion.


Noun: إرهاص - نذير - In some ways, they said, the midterms were not as bleak a harbinger as some Democrats fear.


Noun: إزهار - In a recent history of the Renaissance, by showing how the artistic efflorescence of that era was intimately linked to its commercial vitality, Jardine demonstrated that the spirit of acquisitiveness may be inseparable from that of cultural creativity.


Noun: إستسلام - All around the world, Britain's defeat or capitulation was expected within weeks


Noun: إستياء ناتج عن الاحساس بالظلم - She'd torment me in the usual ways, leading to a great deal of resentment on my part


Noun: إشمئزاز - Paul kowtowed to his boss so often the boss herself became nauseated by his sycophancy.


Noun: إصطلاح - طريقه تعبير - اسلوب كلام - In Twitter parlance, ...


Noun: إطلاق سراح مشروط - he committed a burglary while on parole


Noun: إعانه ماليه - دعم حكومي - In France cultural subsidies are ubiquitous : producers of just about any film can get an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such loans are never fully repaid.


Noun: إعزاز - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Noun: إقلاع مركبه فضائيه - A successful space shuttle launch is contingent upon such a great number of factors—any of which can sabotage a lift-off—that spectators should not chafe at the slightest sign of delay


Noun: إمبراطوره - China's emperors and empresses knew what they wanted


Noun: إمتلاء بالحيويه - The exuberance of Karevolotski's narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a gloomy protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive world.


Noun: إنجذاب - ألفه - he has an affinity for the music of Berlioz


Noun: إنفاق - Something has got to be done to stop this inexorable rise in expenditure.


Noun: اتفاق وكأنه سري - Why would she have to be in cahoots with anybody?


Noun: اخصائي الاورام والسرطانات - Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are obscured by those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes.


Noun: ادعاء - Budgets were cut right back and all pretension to filmmaking disappeared


Noun: ارتجال


Noun: ازدياد - But much of the record of the last stages of accretion of the planets is preserved, especially on the moon, Mercury, and Mars.


Noun: استقامه - ادب - لياقه - Surely more equitable than his predecessor, Malcolm nonetheless should not be expected to display unbounded magnanimity, especially to those subordinates whose actions clearly run afoul of propriety.


Noun: اسطبل خيل


Noun: اضطراب - فوضي - Whether the writer's most recent work will cement his status as a great novelist is debatable; that, with this work, he continues to create probing narratives that capture a country in the midst of turmoil is unassailable.


Noun: اكل للحوم البشر - حيوان يأكل من لحم جنسه - Planaria, accommodatingly, are cannibals, so McConnell merely had to blend trained worms and feed them to their untrained peers.


Noun: الأجيال القادمه - With all the trappings of a "successful" novelist, Farminghouse will most likely experience an ephemeral fame: his hackneyed plot devices might be covered up by rollicking action, but such theatrics will likely wear thin in the eyes of posterity.


Noun: الإدراك المتأخر - with hindsight , I should never have gone


Noun: الافساد - To think that Socrates' original words have remained free of bastardization is strikingly naïve: the only extant words we have of Socrates are not actually those of the philosopher himself, but were attributed to him by Plato, in many of the latter's writing (a transcription that itself has, in the past two millennia, undergone countless translations and revisions).


Noun: البلديه - The remarkable thing about the mayoral race, in retrospect, is that so many people wanted the job of managing a municipality so obviously about to crumble.


Noun: التركيز علي نقطه واهمال الباقي - Noun: Excessive introspection, self-absorption, or concentration on a single issue. - The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must effect a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.


Noun: التعدديه - Douglass' vision of the future as a melting pot in which all racial and ethnic differences would dissolve into "a composite American nationality" appears from the pluralist perspective of many present-day intellectuals to be not only utopian but even wrongheaded.


Noun: الثدييات - The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted.


Noun: الجيوب الأنفيه - Her sleeplessness exacerbated her cold--when she woke up the next day, her sinuses were completely blocked.


Noun: الحيوانات آكلة اللحوم - The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted.


Noun: الحيوانات آكله الاعشاب - The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted.


Noun: الخطيب - المتحدث - The orator gave such an impassioned speech that the crowd seemed moved to ebullience


Noun: الرضا عن النفس - the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency


Noun: الرعي - After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food, human societies followed markedly divergent courses; some adopted herding, others took to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging


Noun: الزبائن - verb: enlarge or increase; improve Ideally, the restaurant's augmented menu will expand its clientele and increase its profits.


Noun: الزهد - Saintliness has become so closely linked with asceticism that many assume that for a person to be spiritual he or she has to renounce all worldly pleasures


Noun: السباكه - The vacation cabin had no electricity and no indoor plumbing, but despite these inconveniences, Nigel adored its rustic charm


Noun: السلف - The initiative was perhaps the forerunner of today's hospitality boxes, although with a slight difference.


Noun: الشيء المناسب والكامل Noun: satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable. - That is, photography has two antithetical ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.


Noun: الصالح العام لشخص او مجموعه - Its bosses say they are looking to reduce sugar and fat for the health and welfare of us all.


Noun: الصدفه - Many literary luminaries whose works appear so firmly entrenched in the canon as to make their inclusion seem inevitable actually owe much to happenstance: had Malcolm Cowley, the head editor at publishing giant Viking Press, not been able to wield such influence, and had he not championed the works of Faulkner and Fitzgerald, both authors may have turned out to be little more than footnotes to the history of 20th century literature.

armed conflict

Noun: الصراع المسلح - Despite hypotheses ranging from armed conflict to climate change, the abandonment of more than 600 Pueblo cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde by a.d. 1300 still puzzles archaeologists.


Noun: الطيور الساحليه - The 'trophic contamination hypothesis' posits that shorebirds accumulate industrial and urban pollution at stopover sites, toxins that are subsequently released in sudden high doses as fat is burned during migratory flights, disrupting the bird's ability to make migratory decisions.


Noun: الطيور المائيه - Imperiled by excessive logging activity, the Canadian snow goose is unusually sensitive to any encroachments into its territory, displaying a pugnacity rare amongst waterfowl.


Noun: العالم الآخر - Great comic art is never otherworldly


Noun: العامه - I can't wait for the crowd who plead for understanding of why certain populaces have brought terrorism on themselves to try and wiggle this one around 180 degrees.

attention span

Noun: الفتره اللي الشخص يقدر يقعد فيها منتبه ومركز - Carl enjoyed the music and culture surrounding the opera house, but, possessing a limited attention span, he secretly wished the performances could be slightly truncated


Noun: الفصل العرقي - التمييز العنصري - In the summer of 1905, twenty-five Black intellectuals met at Niagara Falls. They hoped to form a national organization that would battle all forms of segregation and discrimination


Noun: الكفاف - Most scholarship into the sudden disappearance of the Olmec civilization 2,500 years ago has focused on the change in meteorological conditions favorable to subsistence crops.


Noun: الماره - المتفرجون - Yet you are given the impression that the author was an innocent bystander to events which were supposed to have been under his control


Noun: المحافظ علي البيئه - Noun: a person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife. - A school of conservationist thought that continues to gain traction in academic circles contends that despite the most noble of intentions, the U.S. National Parks and Forests Services has, in allowing for the uncurbed growth of trees within parks, contributed to the outbreak of forest fires. While it is true that park rangers can respond to fires quickly, often such fires are far fiercer than in areas not so choked with trees and underbrush. That is not to say that all fires are deleterious: indeed forest fires play an appreciable role in the functioning of the ecosystem; they check the growth of trees so that any given area is less likely to become densely wooded.


Noun: المريد - التابع - الحواري - Some of today's tech CEO's are spoken of in the press and on social media in such reverential tones that they have taken on a nearly messianic quality, entrepreneurs following their every move like a gaggle of disciples


Noun: المسؤول عن المونيكير - Undine and her mother are reliant on their masseuse and manicurist, Mrs. Heeny, to decipher the codes and hierarchies of aristocratic New York.

planted acreage

Noun: المساحه المزروعه - A ten-year comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields per acre revealed that when only planted acreage is compared, Soviet yields were equal to 68 percent of United States yields.


Noun: المساواه - While Martin stresses Douglass' antiracist egalitarianism, he does not adequately explain how this aspect of Douglass' thought fits in with his espousal of the liberal Victorian attitudes that many present-day intellectuals consider to be naïve and outdated.


Noun: المعارضه - Thousands of these detainees fill Egyptian prisons; hundreds of websites have been blocked; and the country's press is almost totally controlled by the government amid an ongoing heavy crackdown aimed at crushing all dissent.


Noun: المواشي - Livestock generally avoid grazing where ragwort is growing, but they will do so once it displaces grass and clover in their pasture. -


Noun: النار المشعله للتخييم - نار الرحلات - The indigents, huddled under the overpass, tried to start a small bonfire in the hope of staying warm.


Noun: النخبه من أهل الفكر والثقافه


Noun: اله او معبود - The Aztecs, in choosing the hummingbird, which exhibits an inordinately bellicose temperament in spite of its diminutive size, made a fitting selection for the depiction of Huitzilopochtli, the deity associated with multiple spheres but primarily with war.


Noun: الهوامش - Many philosophers are known for a single utterance, an epigrammatic saying that long outlives them. There is often great irony in this phenomenon. While most undergraduate philosophy students can quote the 18th Century philosopher David Hume as saying "Reason is the slave of the passions," David Hume himself actually consigned this apothegm to the marginalia of his text. In all likelihood, he had soon forgotten he had ever written any such thing


Noun: الوقار - For now, though, the beard is strictly for purposes of gravitas


Noun: اليعسوب - This effect was convincingly demonstrated by a study in which it was found that partially anesthetized tadpoles were less likely to be captured by dragonfly larvae than were unanesthetized tadpoles


Noun: انخفاض عدد السكان نتيجه للتهجير او اي عوامل اخري - Researchers analyzing refuse from one Pueblo community found remains of maize—a Pueblo crop—in 44 percent of samples from years when the community flourished, but in only 10 percent of samples from years near the time of depopulation, while the remains of wild plants increased significantly.


Noun: انشطار - تفرع ثنائي - At first, the dichotomies of work and play, games and play, adult leisure and children's play, and sport and play served to define play by what it was not


Noun: انشوده النصر أو الثناء - But what is lost in all these paeans is that the seeds for why many today continue to doubt climate change were planted in the prognostications of the 1960s


Noun: انصهار - اندماج - A fusion of an idea from anthropology and an idea from psychology


Noun: انمحاء - On Earth, almost all evidence of the solar system's unruly early history has been worn away by erosion, biological activity, and the slow dancing of the continents. On the moon, there is no erasure. The moon never forgets.


Noun: ايقاع - Chopin's ballades are filled with sharp changes in moods--a dolorous melody can give way to a lighthearted tempo.


Noun: بائع متخصص في نوع معين من السلع - Conrad is a purveyor of comforting myths.


Noun: بجعه - A flock of geese just now came in low over the deck


Noun: بديل مؤقت - transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work


Noun: براد شاي -


Noun: براعه - Secondly, Chopin's coeval and friend, Franz Liszt, was of such legendary prowess that Chopin himself wished he could play his own etudes the way Liszt did.


Noun: براعه - The octopus is remarkable for its intelligence , demonstrating exceptional problem-solving skills and memory; beyond its mental acumen, the octopus possesses exceptional physical dexterity , allowing it to precisely manipulate objects


Noun: بروفه - Now she carried the stone to every rehearsal in a leather bag and set it beside the piano


Noun: بطل القصه أو الفيلم - The first time I read Edith Wharton's novel "The Custom of the Country," which was published in 1913, I felt at once that I had always known its protagonist and also that I had never before met anyone like her.


Noun: بقايا - At the same time, Jupiter deposited enough material closer to the Earth that our planet ended up colliding with one of the leftover planetary cores.


Noun: بلاغه - As editors, each of the two writers served as a check on the other's rhetorical excesses, so that each submitted news articles free of unnecessary embellishment.


Noun: تأمل - تفكر - دراسه - Mathematics and Contemplation on linear algebra and its applications.


Noun: تجويف - حفره - Water had scoured two symmetrical hollows into the stone, giving it an owlish look, or a blind look, or, anyway, some quality that was oddly attractive.


Noun: تخمين - تكهن - The prognosis depends on the cause and the severity of the neurologic deficit.


Noun: تداعيات - any change is bound to have legal ramifications


Noun: ترسيب - What is currently worrying civil engineers is not so much a predicted increase in annual precipitation as the likelihood that many storms will come in tighter successions, thereby making flooding in lower lying riparian regions far more likely.


Noun: ترو - تأن - In censuring the academic committee for apparently being dilatory in appointing a chancellor, the university president mistook deliberation for procrastination—the committee had been guilty of nothing more than a scrupulous vetting of all candidates.


Noun: تزييف - We no longer require artists to provide ideal images of humanity for our moral edification but rather regard such idealization as a falsification of the truth


Noun: تسرع - عجله - I write in haste


Noun: تشابك - As with any tangle between technology and culture, empirical evidence is elusive, but two things, at least, are clear.


Noun: تشكيله متنوعه - A miscellaneous collection of things or people


Noun: تشهير - قذف - Despite an auspicious beginning, the election campaign quickly devolved into calumny and acrimony, with each side casting aspersions.


Noun: تشويق - There's another 4 days left on that and the suspense is killing me!


Noun: تشويه سمعه شخص ما - she sued him for defamation


Noun: تصوير - وصف - That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the prophet power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.


Noun: تضاريس - The slope leading to the mountain fortress is so precipitous that the only conceivable way to carry out the project is by building the road downhill, since construction equipment is able to move down, but not up, the steep terrain


Noun: تضييق - Teachers often complain that it imposes too many strictures on them that force them to teach too much too fast


Noun: تظاهر - his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well


Noun: تعارض - Beneath discrepancies and divergences there lay a shared basis of belief.


Noun: تعاليم - Later in his life, Leo Tolstoy was ostracized from the Russian Orthodox Church for his writings that contradicted church doctrine.


Noun: تفاعل - The kind of intelligence favored by the interplay of increasingly smarter catchers and increasingly keener escapers is defined by attention — that aspect of mind carrying consciousness forward from one moment to the next. It ranges from a passive, free-floating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation


Noun: تفان - إخلاص


Noun: تفوق - The attrition of French was attributed to preeminence of English in the workplace, particularly in affluent, "white-collar" jobs.


Noun: تقلبات - amid the vagaries of choice, chance, and circumstance, mathematics can tell us something about what it is to be human.


Noun: تقليص - تخفيف - Successful candidates receive free tuition in two instruments in addition to a 50% fee remission


Noun: تلميح - إشاره - تعريض - Innuendo was never far from his mind, and he found himself wishing otherwise at a funeral when the words of a markedly sober eulogy brought to his head a suggestive pun


Noun: تمثيل - انتحال - Her impersonation of a writer giving advice to aspiring writers is funny because it's true.


Noun: تنازل - the strikers returned to work having won some concessions


Noun: تنافر أو تضارب النغمات - As the night wore on, the discordant cacophony could no longer drown out the S.S. voices rising in drink and the occasional cries of their victims. I recognized the music as the 'Marinarella.


Noun: تهريج - Yet among English writers Dickens is, as he once called himself, part-jesting and part-serious, "the inimitable."


Noun: تهكم - After enduring daily taunts about my name, I became enraged and pummeled the schoolyard bully and his sycophantic friends in a brutal melee.


Noun: تهكم - هجاء


Noun: توريه - Innuendo was never far from his mind, and he found himself wishing otherwise at a funeral when the words of a markedly sober eulogy brought to his head a suggestive pun


Noun: توسل - مناشده - استعطاف - Ignoring the crowd's entreaties for mercy, the judge remained implacable, meting out a punishment that was as harsh as it was arbitrary.


Noun: ثأر - إنتقام - Hakimullah Mehsud, an aide of Pakistan's Taliban chief, Baitullah Mehsud, said the attack was retaliation for the operations in Swat


Noun: ثقه بالنفس - رباطة جأش - Never one to mince his words, Antonio was the perfect dissembler;even an outright fabrication was delivered with aplomb.


Noun: جبين - Martha was wary of those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow


Noun: جدال - مهاتره - The marriage between the duke and the duchess was a(n) unseemly affair, one that quickly devolved into public altercations operatic in scope.


Noun: جديه - The earnestness of the daytime talk shows of the 1970's has morphed into something far more sensational and vulgar: today guests actually stand up and threaten to take swings at one another.


Noun: جريء - جسور - No journalist was bold enough to take on the Prime Minister


Noun: جلطه - An increase in blood pressure, by itself, does not indicate that a person is at greater risk for a myocardial infarction; there must be a cluster of symptoms before a doctor comes to such a conclusion.


Noun: جماعه - Significantly, complaints regarding younger workers have persisted for over two decades, but similar complaints regarding older workers have not grown as the earlier cohorts aged


Noun: جماعه - Some of today's tech CEO's are spoken of in the press and on social media in such reverential tones that they have taken on a nearly messianic quality, entrepreneurs following their every move like a gaggle of disciples


Noun: جناح - جانب - With the critics waiting in the flanks, their pens flourished like rapiers, Henderson steeled himself for what would inevitably be a media circus regarding the release of yet another of his popular—though always pilloried in the press—series of books featuring a dashing heroine capable of unlimited physical prowess and endless derring-do.


Noun: جنحه - جريمه - Undocumented people who are found prostituting, which is classified as a misdemeanor in the state of New York, can be arrested and deported


Noun: جو خانق غير صحي وضار - Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are confounded with those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes.


Noun: جوهر - فحوي - Favoring quantity over substance, many amateur writers labor under the delusion that the more involved the sentence structure the more profound the thought being conveyed.


Noun: حادث - One year my great grandfather was witnessing the event when a mishap took place.


Noun: حب الإقتناء - In a recent history of the Renaissance, by showing how the artistic efflorescence of that era was intimately linked to its commercial vitality, Jardine demonstrated that the spirit of acquisitiveness may be inseparable from that of cultural creativity.


Noun: حبل النجاه - I looked over to Cohler for guidance. He smiled pleasantly. No lifeline.


Noun: حدث عنيف مفاجيء - it had set the stage for a second great upheaval, one that has been baffling scientists for half a century.


Noun: حراثه - After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food, human societies followed markedly divergent courses; some adopted herding, others took to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging


Noun: حريه العمل - While young elephants are typically given some latitude, mothers will often keep young calves in their line of vision to ensure that an adult elephant is always nearby.


Noun: حساسيه - the scale of the poverty revealed by the survey shocked people's sensibilities


Noun: حطام - The building, which is more than two hundred and fifty years old, is obscured by a half-dozen trees. One of the looming sycamores seems to have saved the chapel on 9/11 by absorbing debris from the towers.


Noun: حطام - The moon is thought to have formed from the wreckage of that cataclysm.


Noun: حظ - They dubbed this puzzling world a "hot Jupiter" and waited to see if it was a fluke.


Noun: حفا - شفا - The young brave soon found he was on the brink of a cliff hanging high over a wide river


Noun: حفله موسيقيه يحييها عازف فرد - Thus she grew up with and was influenced by certain Romantic traditions of performance, whatever the stringency of her musical scholarship; Landowska knew how to hold audiences breathless, and when she gave recitals, they responded with deathlike silence and rapt attention


Noun: حكايه - قصه - طرفه - He told her anecdotes about his job


Noun: حكم الأثرياء - Pessen overestimates their importance by concluding from them that the undoubted progress toward inequality in the late eighteenth century continued in the Jacksonian period and that the United States was a class-ridden, plutocratic society even before industrialization.


Noun: حماسه - noun: a large number of something Despite a raft of city ordinances passed by an overzealous council, noise pollution continued unabated in the megalopolis.


Noun: حماسه - اتقاد - With numerous exciting public works projects in the offing, residents are understandably agog; yet because such prodigious undertakings are inevitably plagued with numerous setbacks, much of the fervor is likely to be tempered with a heavy dose of reality.


Noun: حماسه شديده - The orator gave such an impassioned speech that the crowd seemed moved to ebullience


Noun: حيوان فقاري - The limbs of tetrapod vertebrates evolved from fins, with the digits as a novel feature


Noun: حيوانات منطقه معينه - While the dense brush can make for tough going, the state park features a wilderness that is virtually pristine; some will gladly trade their comfort for a chance to behold fauna few others ever have.


Noun: حيويه - Noun: (especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animated. - He was struck by her vivacity, humor and charm


Noun: حيويه - نشاط - Even in his advanced years, Winston Churchill maintained a vitality greater than that of someone half his age.


Noun: خبث - تعمد الأذي - This time, the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind


Noun: خداع -


Noun: خدر - فقد الإحساس - In my right hand, numb with cold, I still gripped Bach's beautiful Sarabande from the English Suite


Noun: خزي - عار - he left the army in disgrace


Noun: خضاب - صبغه - The digital revolution has given us, for the first time, the image in its pure form, an image without body. The image conveyed by a painting, on the other hand, is always a material entity, however unobtrusive, a particular thing made out of pigments, binders and a support.


Noun: خطأ فادح - Verb: Make a stupid or careless mistake - she stopped, finally aware of the terrible blunder she had made


Noun: خطه مضاده - he was at heart a crowd-pleaser, a theatrical entertainer, with no interest in subverting the conventions of the novel as his great successors D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf would have; nor did he contemplate the subtle and ironic counterminings of human relations


Noun: خلاصه - Hoping for a precis, the committee was unable to dedicate enough time to read Mary's entire 200-page dissertation.


Noun: خلاف - نزاع - Because William had left no will, after the funeral, contention arose among his children over ownership of the family heirlooms; it was tragic to see such bitterness among the family in a time of mourning


Noun: خلل - An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have divergent aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible.


Noun: خلود - سرمديه - The whole process took about 500,000 years—an eternity in human terms, but blazingly fast for the solar system, which is 4.6 billion years old.


Noun: دافع - حافز - Unlike the trend in modern art to subvert reality, the trend in photography has yet to fall prey to such an impulse; photographs that lack verisimilitude are often seen as nothing more than oddities.


Noun: دافع - قوه الدفع - There is no point in combing through the director's work for hints of ideological significance. It is unnecessary: his ideology—Marxist, anti-imperialist, aligned with the perceived interests of the powerless and the marginal—is the chief impetus of his films. The clarity and force of that ideology are considerable, but its bluntness sometimes bothers critics, who often scold the director for lacking subtlety.


Noun: دقه - There is a "terrifying exactitude with which crimes reproduce themselves," Quetelet said.


Noun: دوشه - Despite the initial hullabaloo, the play was of no great moment in Hampton's writing career, and within a few years the public quickly forgot his foray into theater arts.


Noun: دويتو - Noun: A performance by two people, especially singers, instrumentalists, or dancers. - They decided to play Bach's E Minor Sarabande, from the Fifth English Suite, as a piano duet.


Noun: دير -


Noun: ذخيره - But this very argument provides ammunition for those who claim that most of Douglass' ideas, being so representative of their time, are now obsolete.


Noun: ذره - Researchers analyzing refuse from one Pueblo community found remains of maize—a Pueblo crop—in 44 percent of samples from years when the community flourished, but in only 10 percent of samples from years near the time of depopulation, while the remains of wild plants increased significantly.


Noun: ذعر - This guideline caused consternation among representatives of these companies in these regions


Noun: رئيس الدير - In the twelfth century, William of Saint-Thierry, an abbot and theologian at the monastery of Mont-Dieu, in France


Noun: رافد النهر - The Coatzacoalcos River, the main river passing through La Venta, could have had notable tributaries diverted as a result of climate change, leading to not only severe flooding in certain areas, but also to a lack of sufficient water for subsistence crops planted near the erstwhile alluvial plain. -


Noun: رحابه - I settled into work as usual, and even welcomed the greater stillness, which seemed to enlarge the sense of spaciousness in my home.


Noun: رد - دحض - نقض - These points may seem obvious, but had Martin given them more atten tion, his analysis might have constituted a more convincing rebuttal to those critics who dismiss Douglass' ideology as a relic of the past.


Noun: رقعه - مساحه - Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a necropolis: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses.


Noun: رقعه منفسحه - The noble families of England once owned vast expanses of beautiful, bucolic land


Noun: رقه - هشاشه - I learnt that the most precious things in my life have never been treated with any delicacy


Noun: ركود - Stagnation of the convergent plasma flow at the middle heats the plasma.


Noun: ركود إقتصادي - The public education sector typically sees an increase in enrollment during a recession, as parents are less likely to opt for costly private schools, a trend that sounds like a boon for unemployed teachers. Yet what often happens during a recession is that those who are chronically unemployed enter the education profession, thereby saturating the market with teachers and even leading longtime educators, particularly those not protected by unions, to lose their jobs.


Noun: رموز مقطوعه موسيقيه - she somehow plucked the score from the air and ran to our truck, offering it up to me inches from the tailgate


Noun: رهاب الاحتجاز - الخوف من الاماكن المغلقه


Noun: رواسب - One promising line of research involves organochlorines, toxins deposited on mudflats in the 1970s and 1980s, now buried by sediments but finally close enough to the surface to be of issue to foraging shorebirds.


Noun: رونق - أبهه - بذخ - The hill was marked with a splendor that belied the abject poverty huddled at its base.


Noun: ريشه - In animals with feathers, fur, or quills, this creates a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for predators to think twice before attacking.


Noun: زميل مش لدرجه الصديق - Her subjects appear to be acquaintances whom she has asked to pose


Noun: زياده - As a necessary consequence of the proliferation of the human species men began to depart from the simplicity of the earlier times; they sought for new means to increase the amenities of life and to acquire a superfluity of goods


Noun: سبيل - وسيله إلي - Bacteria have made a start up every avenue of eukaryotic complexity, but then stopped short.


Noun: ستره - رداء - Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, holding forth on questions of great import; yet philosophy is very much alive today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens' marketplaces. -


Noun: سحر - Max was so wily that he never could be caught in an outright lie; his duplicity worked its seductive spell through a calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness.


Noun: سخافه - عدم ملائمه - The public only had so much patience with Newman: his litanies of the government's supposed ineptitude had become so frequent that even his most avid supporters soon began to shift the dial on their radios.


Noun: سخريه -


Noun: سخريه - تهكم - That, through no fault of his own, George Cuvier, the father of extinction theory, has mostly slipped into obscurity, his name typically surfacing only in paleontology journals, is an outcome that—given his field and his claim that his work would endure—smacks of irony


Noun: سديم - We have missions that include active nebulas , swirling dust clouds, moving asteroids and asteroid fields


Noun: سرقه السلع من المتاجر - When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record.


Noun: سلطه ثلاثيه - In 36, Octavian defeated Pompey's son Sextus Pompeius at Naulochus, and also ousted Lepidus from the triumvirate

flea market

Noun: سوق المستعمل - By pure serendipity, Sarah discovered, at a flea market in Peoria, a matching earring to replace the one that fell down the storm drain back home.


Noun: سياده - سلطه عليا - For these reasons, many modern Austrian economists reject the doctrine of consumer sovereignty


Noun: سيف - With the critics waiting in the flanks, their pens flourished like rapiers, Henderson steeled himself for what would inevitably be a media circus regarding the release of yet another of his popular—though always pilloried in the press—series of books featuring a dashing heroine capable of unlimited physical prowess and endless derring-do.


Noun: سيماء - Noun: a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood - Despite a long career at famous establishments, the noted croupier chose instead to join the new casino, where he felt he was properly appreciated for his professional mien and efficiency at the table.


Noun: شاويش - رقيب - Drill sergeants are known to castigate new recruits so mercilessly that the latter often break down during their first week in training.


Noun: شبع - The 'trophic contamination hypothesis' posits that shorebirds accumulate industrial and urban pollution at stopover sites, toxins that are subsequently released in sudden high doses as fat is burned during migratory flights, disrupting the bird's ability to make migratory decisions. For example, large contaminant doses might hamper refueling by reducing the satiation signal in shorebirds so that they do not accumulate sufficient fat for migration.


Noun: شبه قلوي - Ragwort contains a battery of toxic and resilient alkaloids: even honey made from its flowers contains the poison in dilute form.


Noun: شح - John Gibb Millspaugh suggests that it's a kind of stinginess not to let people know about the religious community that means so much to you.


Noun: شحات - متسول - She was not so base as to begrudge the beggar the unwanted crumbs from her dinner plate.


Noun: شخص ثمانيني - After a few sips of cognac, the octogenarian shed his irascible demeanor and became expansive, speaking fondly of the "good old days".


Noun: شخص لامع - نجم - Many literary luminaries whose works appear so firmly entrenched in the canon as to make their inclusion seem inevitable actually owe much to happenstance: had Malcolm Cowley, the head editor at publishing giant Viking Press, not been able to wield such influence, and had he not championed the works of Faulkner and Fitzgerald, both authors may have turned out to be little more than footnotes to the history of 20th century literature.


Noun: شخص متعد - منتهك للحرمه - The skateboarders acted with effrontery, skating through the church grounds and spray-painting signs warning trespassers.


Noun: شخص معاصر - Secondly, Chopin's coeval and friend, Franz Liszt, was of such legendary prowess that Chopin himself wished he could play his own etudes the way Liszt did.


Noun: شرير - فاسد - The mothers of the kidnapped victims remonstrated to the rogue government to release their children, claiming that the detention violated human rights


Noun: شظيه Noun: منشق عن جماعه - An ache in her ribs that she thought was caused by a persistent cough was actually the splintering of bone, caused by tumors in her marrow.


Noun: شعار - The mantra "publish or perish" is so well known amongst academics that it is difficult to romanticize the life of a researcher, however many accolades are showered on a few luminaries


Noun: شعبيه - A school of conservationist thought that continues to gain traction in academic circles contends that despite the most noble of intentions, the U.S. National Parks and Forests Services has, in allowing for the uncurbed growth of trees within parks, contributed to the outbreak of forest fires. While it is true that park rangers can respond to fires quickly, often such fires are far fiercer than in areas not so choked with trees and underbrush. That is not to say that all fires are deleterious: indeed forest fires play an appreciable role in the functioning of the ecosystem; they check the growth of trees so that any given area is less likely to become densely wooded.


Noun: شفقه - After supping her fill of horrors, her capacity to feel compassion was deeply affected


Noun: شق - That night, the stone fell off the shelf and struck the bone around her eye, causing an orbital fracture and maybe a concussion, as she forgot where she was and could not speak for several hours.


Noun: شق - ندبه - There are glues that can join stone to stone so well that the seam can hardly be detected, and the woman used such a glue to fit the stone back together.


Noun: شق في الجلد او في اللحم - The planarian itself has enjoyed a newfound popularity, too, after Levin cut the tail off a worm and shot a bioelectric current through the incision, provoking the worm to regrow another head in place of its tail.


Noun: شك Noun: معرفه محدوده - Had the committee any inkling that it was being investigated for fraud, surely it would have been more dilligent in trying to cloak any venality.


Noun: شك - ظن - Martha was wary of those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow.


Noun: شهاده - Although the river itself had vanished, the banks and bed were an attestation to years of erosion from running water


Noun: شيء ثمين - Instant celebrity is often a fleeting asset because if there is no real achievement to interest the public—no stage or screen triumphs, no interesting books, no heroic exploits—people quickly become bored.


Noun: صاحب مقام رفيع - The Prime Minister looked very foolish after his row with the foreign dignitary was caught on video and posted on youtube.


Noun: صدمه - أذي - Despite many parts of the sex business becoming legal, its laborers still see themselves either glamorized in popular culture as high-earning hustlers or portrayed as victims of trauma and manipulation.


Noun: صديق حميم - Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his chums and nothing for his languishing people


Noun: صديق مقرب - Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his cronies and nothing for his languishing people.


Noun: صراحه - Although the lab assistant openly apologized for allowing the samples to spoil, her candor did not appease the research head, and she was let go.


Noun: صراع - خلاف سياسي - Sensing internal strife within the current regime, the media firm partial to the splinter group eyeing a coup was perhaps a little too hasty in publishing an editorial critical of the government, which quickly put its house in order, squelched the opposition group, and summarily declared the piece an act of treason


Noun: صرح - مبني ضخم - The imposing Victorian edifice on North Bridge in Edinburgh which once housed the capital's daily newspapers is now making news in its own right.


Noun: صعود - طلوع - Noun: a climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill. - The first ascent of the Matterhorn


Noun: صفعه - That, through no fault of his own, George Cuvier, the father of extinction theory, has mostly slipped into obscurity, his name typically surfacing only in paleontology journals, is an outcome that—given his field and his claim that his work would endure—smacks of irony


Noun: صفقه - Auctions have a contradictory reputation. The most high-profile sales are the rarest ones when unprecedented prices are achieved for unique items; however, there are myriad occasions when items are sold well below their estimates and buyers get great bargains


Noun: صلاه - ابتهال - The public only had so much patience with Newman: his litanies of the government's supposed ineptitude had become so frequent that even his most avid supporters soon began to shift the dial on their radios.


Noun: صندوق العرض - A glass case used for displaying articles in a store or museum. - Verb: يعرض - Bacteria showcase a second, simpler way of building a cell


Noun: صندوق حديدي فيه كنز او مال - Corporations that do not rely in some way on governmental largesse tend to be better off when their respective government's coffers are empty.


Noun: صولجان - Early in the eighteenth century, visitors to the Tower of London could gaze upon a painted wooden statue of Henry VIII, the English king who'd died some two hundred years before. Royally robed, sceptre in hand, the likeness befitted Henry's reputation for extravagance


Noun: صيغه التصغير - Adjective: مصغر - noun: to indicate smallness He prefers to be called a diminutive of his name: "Bill" instead of "John William." adjective: very small When he put on his father's suit and shoes, his appearance was that of a diminutive youth.


Noun: ضروره - Look, given the exigency of the situation, my requirements must be fulfilled with utmost haste.


Noun: ضلوع - An ache in her ribs that she thought was caused by a persistent cough was actually the splintering of bone, caused by tumors in her marrow.


Noun: ضواحي - Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a necropolis: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses.


Noun: طائر الطنان - It had long been thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers.


Noun: طائفه - If small churches and dissenting sects thrived in the slums, the great current was active or passive disbelief


Noun: طبع - مزاج - she had an artistic temperament


Noun: طبيب - Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who could become a physician and dominated kindred professions like nursing and occupational therapy


Noun: طحلب - This combination of features is shared by almost every cell in every animal, plant, fungus, and alga


Noun: طرد - إخراج - Previously, expulsion from school was the punishment of last resort for head teachers


Noun: طرق التدريس - Noun: the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept. - An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have divergent aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible.


Noun: طريق سريع - A construction project has been tasked with building a four-lane road from a remote mountain fortress to a major expressway lying at the base of the mountain.


Noun: طريق مسدود - It seemed there would be no resolving the matter, since both sides felt they had reached an impasse; neither side would capitulate, and the resulting acrimony would keep their relationship strained and fragile for years to come


Noun: طعن - قذف - The two motives to which I refer are poverty and fear of social obloquy


Noun: طفيليه -


Noun: طليعه - مقدمه - The flood of innovation that has engendered many of last decade's technological breakthroughs has also claimed some victims in its wake: companies once at the vanguard of such innovation have now become mostly obsolete


Noun: طنين - Harried by a swarm of tabloid reporters, their camera flashes creating an incessant whir, the celebrity made a quick escape into a limousine with tinted windows.


Noun: عائق - The trip to Jupiter embodies our ability to overcome the technological impediment


Noun: عائق - a hindrance to the development process


Noun: عاده غريبه - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Noun: عبير - رائحه طيبه - Walking into the cafe, I could hear happy, chortling people and smell the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans.


Noun: عدم ملائمه - While the President was not the most capable fellow, he was by no means treasonous. But his political rivals colored his ineptness as disloyalty to foment the revolutionary climate that led to his ouster.


Noun: عدو - An implacable foe of corruption, Eliot Ness hounded out graft in all forms—he even helped nab Al Capone.


Noun: عدو الإنسان - 'I've been called in the past, probably with justification, a misanthrope but it isn't so much that I dislike people (well not all of them anyway) but that I have a physical need to be apart from them.'


Noun: عدوانيه - Aggressiveness - Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression


Noun: عذاء - Since you, the parent is the baby's primary source of physical and emotional nourishment , your well being can contribute to the presence or absence of colic.


Noun: عذراء - بكر - She decides to pack an overnight case and visit her maiden aunt, off in the country.


Noun: عربه القطار المسؤوله عن الحركه - My Superman would be more powerful than a locomotive, stronger than my father's red Rambler


Noun: عرض - An increase in blood pressure, by itself, does not indicate that a person is at greater risk for myocardial infarction; there must be a cluster of symptoms before a doctor comes to such a conclusion.


Noun: عسر القراءه - Thanks to the diploma she is now qualified to assess the symptoms of dyslexia and plan their learning programme


Noun: عشب - حشيش - Noun: A wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants. -


Noun: عشب اخضر - We sat side by side at one of the big, crowded, round tables set up on a lawn under the bright sun


Noun: عضله القلب - An increase in blood pressure, by itself, does not indicate that a person is at greater risk for a myocardial infarction; there must be a cluster of symptoms before a doctor comes to such a conclusion.


Noun: عطر - He wanted to know if a butterfly could remember something about its life as a caterpillar, so he exposed caterpillars to the scent of ethyl acetate followed by a mild electric shock.


Noun: علاوه Noun: إمتياز - Far from eschewing a(n) extravagant lifestyle and adopting one commensurate with that found in developing nations, the international humanitarian outreach has accorded its members perquisites befitting a decadent monarchy.


Noun: علم الأوبئه


Noun: علم الأورام - Oncologists struggle to determine the long-term carcinogenic effects of basic household products, as these effects, whatever they may be, are confounded with those resulting from the miasma of toxins we breathe once we leave our homes.


Noun: علم العروض - Until Walt Whitman, there was no distinct American voice in poetry; true, the poems of Emerson are highly esteemed today, but the prosody of those poems are not altogether different from that of England's Lake Poets.


Noun: علم العملات


Noun: علم المتحجرات - And if the fossils go to a private collector, they are effectively lost to paleontology and the public for good.


Noun: عمل روتيني - No more will they have to face the daily domestic chores most of us take for granted.


Noun: عويل - The BBC must have been wailing in despair when they realised the wasted potential of their "Neighbours


Noun: عيب - خلل - Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the blemishes of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might have been shunned


Noun: غرور - Indeed, conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials of patriotism.


Noun: غريب الأطوار - Glover regularly stands apart from his fellow oddballs , even when surrounded by weirdos


Noun: غريزه - The predator is searchingly aggressive, inner-directed, tuned by the nervous system and the adrenal hormones, but aware in a sense closer to human consciousness than, say, a hungry lizard's instinctive snap at a passing beetle.


Noun: غزوه - Mushtaq was a maverick strokeplayer with a love of sudden forays down the pitch, even to quick bowlers, and daring strokes that had bowlers tearing their hair out.


Noun: غزوه - غاره - Though the recent row between the much loved prime minister and the ambassador from the erstwhile colonial power will, in all likelihood, not foment outright protests--the way an incursion by this same foreign power into the country's airspace did--surely such discord will only serve to further rankle a people long since wary of foreign influence.


Noun: غشاء - These cells contain a central nucleus—a command center that is stuffed with DNA and walled off by a membrane


Noun: غمزه - Corrupted by handshakes and sly winks, the government was run by a leader who cared only for his cronies and nothing for his languishing people.


Noun: فأل - نذير - Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character.


Noun: فائض - But with the new surplus of words and images has come a new generation of educators to guide the way.


Noun: فاتح - The Spanish conquistadors were known for their avarice, plundering Incan land and stealing Incan gold.


Noun: فخامه - To most, the word 'architecture' connotes a grandeur typically associated with the Old World—flying buttresses, Doric columns, baroque flourishes, byzantine arabesques—and thus many of the more unassuming structures are often thought to be cobbled together instead of following some prescribed architectural idiom


Noun: فدان - A ten-year comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields per acre revealed that when only planted acreage is compared, Soviet yields were equal to 68 percent of United States yields.


Noun: فرو - In animals with feathers, fur, or quills, this creates a layer of insulating warm air or a reason for predators to think twice before attacking.


Noun: فسيفساء - Unlike the talented artists in his workshop, Paul had no such bent for the visual medium, so when it was time for him to make a stained glass painting, he ended up with a prosaic mosaic.


Noun: فشل أو هزيمه مصحوبه بعار - As the finances of the energy-trading firm began unraveling, what eventually became unmistakable was that the company had been concocting "value" out of thin air, thanks not to the trading strategies it promoted as visionary but to financial games that turned a once-solid entity into the most notorious debacle in an era of corporate scandals.


Noun: فصيل - A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.


Noun: فضيات المائده - Even minutes before the guests were set to arrive, she fussed over the smallest detail, fastidiously rearranging the silverware lest a fork should be set askew.


Noun: فطر - This combination of features is shared by almost every cell in every animal, plant, fungus, and alga


Noun: فطنه - But the overlap between love of books and native business acumen is fairly narrow.


Noun: فطنه - حده - The acuity of hearing and vision may deteriorate.


Noun: فطنه - ذكاء


Noun: فظاظه - There is no point in combing through the director's work for hints of ideological significance. It is unnecessary: his ideology—Marxist, anti-imperialist, aligned with the perceived interests of the powerless and the marginal—is the chief impetus of his films. The clarity and force of that ideology are considerable, but its bluntness sometimes bothers critics, who often scold the director for lacking subtlety.


Noun: فكره مهيمنه - The constant struggle to make a living in the arts in New Zealand runs like a leitmotiv throughout the book


Noun: فلاح - ريفي -


Noun: فم - بلعوم - A gaping spiritual maw that could swallow New York City.


Noun: فن رسم الأشخاص - All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portraiture and genre.


Noun: فوضي - هياج - our solar system originally had a fifth giant planet that got ejected entirely during this commotion


Noun: فيض - مقدار وافر - Based on a spate of hospitable planets--or Goldilocks planets, as scientists affectionately dub them--recently found orbiting the stars of three distinct solar systems, astronomers have been able to extrapolate the number of earth-like planets in the universe, a figure much higher than previously estimated.


Noun: فيضان - طوفان - The countless arid days left everyone unprepared for the sudden downpour; the deluge brought traffic to a halt as it inundated the roads


Noun: فيلق - During the Roman conquest, the fort was sacked by Vespasian's legions


Noun: فيلم عن رحله - Noun: a movie, book, or illustrated lecture about the places visited and experiences encountered by a traveler. - The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must effect a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.


Noun: قارب


Noun: قبه - Fittingly, the cover of "Hot Buttered Soul" featured the dome of Hayes's shaved, bowed head.


Noun: قبيله - عشيره - Over time, the various tribes coalesced into a single common culture with one universal language.


Noun: قتال - "Clausewitz's Fog" refers to the disorientation soldiers feel regarding the precariousness of their situation: the volatility and unpredictability inherent to risking one's life in combat.


Noun: قتيل/جريح الحرب أو حادثه ما - Hitler, like Napoleon, made the imprudent move of invading Russia in winter, suffering even more casualties than Napoleon had


Noun: قداسه - Saintliness has become so closely linked with asceticism that many assume that for a person to be spiritual he or she has to renounce all worldly pleasures


Noun: قداسه - حرمه - Even during the quiet sanctity of evening prayer, she held her chin high, a sanctimonious sneer forming on her face as she eyed those who were attending church for the first time.


Noun: قدرة التحمل - she was close to the limit of her endurance


Noun: قراءه بعنايه - A selection of videos in the lounge awaited our perusal


Noun: قرص ساعه - تليفيزيون - راديو .. الخ - The public only had so much patience with Newman: his litanies of the government's supposed ineptitude had become so frequent that even his most avid supporters soon began to shift the dial on their radios.


Noun: قسط - Adjective: جزء من سلسله روايات - جزء من كتاب - For fans of the Harry Potter series, the fell Lord Voldemort, who terrorized poor Harry for seven lengthy installments, has finally been vanquished by the forces of good—unless, that is, JK Rowling decides to come out of retirement.


Noun: قشرة - الثمره - Since John had left his banana peel at the top of the stairwell, he accepted culpability for Martha's broken leg


Noun: قصر - سكن خاص - verb: to suddenly move in a particular direction All alone in the mansion, Henrietta started when she heard a sound.


Noun: قصيده ذات ثلاث مقاطع


Noun: قطبيه - استقطابيه -


Noun: قطع - بتر - Memories Can Be Injected and Survive Amputation and Metamorphosis


Noun: قطع الاشجار والاستفاده منها - تحويلها لخشب مثلا - Imperiled by excessive logging activity, the Canadian snow goose is unusually sensitive to any encroachments into its territory, displaying a pugnacity rare amongst waterfowl.


Noun: قطعه موسيقيه - But Chopin was a formidable pianist in his own right: after all, he was able to play, from start to finish, all twenty-four of his etudes, a set of pieces so demanding that even today's great pianists feel taxed after performing them.


Noun: قطيع - A flock of geese just now came in low over the deck


Noun: قفير - خليه نحل - The brick was not dropped on top of the hive because there were height differences between the source colony hives


Noun: قلة الخبره والحكمه - The two writers were of equal talent—indeed Mikhail may have been the more gifted—yet it was his timidity that led him to switch careers, whereas Dimitri was able to rely on his skills of self-promotion to thrive in a competitive marketplace


Noun: قلعه - حصن - A construction project has been tasked with building a four-lane road from a remote mountain fortress to a major expressway lying at the base of the mountain. -


Noun: قمع - Draconian political repression and austerity programmes are driving the recent small-scale protests. Unless their causes are addressed, they will only multiply


Noun: قناعه - Rex was bilious all morning, and his face would only take on a look of contentedness when he'd had his morning cup of coffee.

propulsive force

Noun: قوه دافعه


Noun: كائن حي - Zoom in closely, and you will see that these organisms are all surprisingly similar at a microscopic level.


Noun: كاتب عمود في جريده - Ms. Daum, a former columnist for The Los Angeles Times ...


Noun: كاتب فاشل - If good taste has deemed the vampire genre tired and trite, the entertainment industry surely is not listening: for every bloodsucker baring fangs there is a hack baring some script


Noun: كاتب مسرحي - In his initial works, the playwright made physical disease a pivotal factor in the action; from this, his early critics inferred that he had a predilection for focusing on morbid subject matter


Noun: كاريكاتير


Noun: كاهن - Stonehenge is arguably the most widely recognized megalithic site in the world, and, despite many popular images, was completed more than a millennium before the Celtic druids arrived in Britain; the misconception can likely be traced to William Stukeley, a pioneer of British archaeology who credited the druids in his writings about megalithic sites


Noun: كبش الفداء - While all the coworkers participated in attempting to merge their company with a rival, after their proposal collapsed, Dustin was the one ostracized as a scapegoat in the resulting chaos and was forced to leave the company


Noun: كبير العمال - The foreman has devised the following solution: dismantle each construction vehicle and tie a part upon the back of a donkey, an animal capable of making the steep ascent.


Noun: كرامه - 'It is well understood that honour and dignity are more important than everything.'

lawn chair

Noun: كرسي الحديقه

rocking chair

Noun: كرسي هزاز -


Noun: كسرة خبز - فتات - She was not so base as to begrudge the beggar the unwanted crumbs from her dinner plate.


Noun: كفن -


Noun: كلام فارغ - Yet another creation in line with the plodding melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort is likely to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority will dismiss the film as soporific drivel.


Noun: كلام ورا الكلام - While Morbidelli is explaining all this to me in a cheery Italian accent, I cannot help fixating on the grim connotations of his last name.


Noun: كوكب خارج المجموعه الشمسيه - Astronomers have had great success using transit photometry to detect exoplanets by looking for repeating patterns of dips in the intensity of light emitted by distant yet observable stars.


Noun: كوكبه - مجموعه نجوم - In 1995, two Swiss astronomers detected 51 Pegasi b, a planet orbiting a dim yellow star located 50 light years away in the constellation Pegasus.


Noun: لا وعي - Fortunately for us, Earth had not yet formed when Jupiter was on the move; if it had, our planet might have plunged into the sun or spun off into dark oblivion.


Noun: لحاء الشجر - At first glance, a tree could not be more different from the caterpillars that eat its leaves, the mushrooms sprouting from its bark, the grass growing by its trunk, or the humans canoodling under its shade.


Noun: لحن - Dedicated to Balakirev, this piece has a lyrical melody with light fingerwork in the right hand.


Noun: لحن حزين - She had always considered the pipe organ to be a melancholy instrument, so she was unsurprised to hear the gloomy dirge it produced at the funeral.


Noun: لغز - The easiest way to understand the issue is by returning to the conundrum of the biased coin


Noun: لغو - ثرثره - Written by Mike O'Malley and originally performed as a 2003 play — which is woefully apparent from the flavorless visuals and the characters' exhausting logorrhea — the story centers on a young couple navigating a mandatory church retreat.


Noun: لقب Noun: Alias - The biggest problem with the pedagogy of science is not that classical concepts are covered in more detail in the classroom than modern ideas; it is that all content is presented as verified even though it is all a product of the scientific method, an accurate reading of which implies that "established science" is the moniker given to theories or laws which have just not been proven wrong yet as opposed to having been proven to be indefinitely correct.


Noun: مؤثر - محب للغير - Ruddock was, moreover, an altruist; he always worked for the good of his fellow-men.


Noun: ماده لاصقه - ماده تساعد علي التماسك - The digital revolution has given us, for the first time, the image in its pure form, an image without body. The image conveyed by a painting, on the other hand, is always a material entity, however unobtrusive, a particular thing made out of pigments, binders and a support.


Noun: مالك ارض بوضع اليد - The government appropriated land that was occupied by squatters, sending them scurrying for another place to live.


Noun: مبارده - روح المبارده - The interviewer is looking for your ability to show initiative, take responsibility and communicate.


Noun: مبتديء - حديث العهد - A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with little training can pose a legitimate question that can confound a seasoned expert.


Noun: مبغض معادي للنساء - I would have hoped as a society that by the 21st century we would be at the point where both sexes embraced that word-where we all identify as feminists unless we're just blatant misogynists


Noun: متاهه - Within lies a modern labyrinth arranged around the physical remains of ancient Roman town houses, together with more conventional exhibition spaces


Noun: متاهه - n other experiments, he trained planaria to run through mazes


Noun: متطفل - To her I was always an outsider, an interloper


Noun: متفرج - مشاهد - For the first time in years I attended a championship match not as a reporter but as a spectator


Noun: مثابره


Noun: مثال - نموذج - Helen's older sister Jenny is the epitome of the perfect Mum


Noun: مثقال ذره - مقدار ضئيل - The judge cared not one whit for histrionic, and would liberally berate any who embellished their testimony with elaborate, pleading gestures or, worse yet, broke into feigned bouts of sobbing.


Noun: مجازفه - مغامره - مخاطره - The governor has long been obsessed with excising the media from the politician-public relationship. That's been the unifying aim of all her seemingly disconnected ventures since entering public life: a determination to erode, and eventually end, the media's hold on political communication.


Noun: مجاعه - In Italy and Greece serious food shortages almost produced famine in 1943


Noun: مجامله - ملاطفه - Hotels generally provide still mineral water in the rooms as a courtesy


Noun: مجرم - Despite numerous red herrings, there's no way to logically deduce the culprit's identity


Noun: مجموعه - Ragwort contains a battery of toxic and resilient alkaloids: even honey made from its flowers contains the poison in dilute form.


Noun: مجموعه من المختارات الادبيه - Though the poet's work was praised highly by critics, sales of his anthologies were scanty; it is possible the poor sales were due to his language being too abstruse to be readily understood


Noun: مجيء - حلول - the advent of television


Noun: مخاطره - Managers who categorically squelch insights from low-tiered employees run the obvious hazard of smothering creativity; conversely, these very same managers are more likely to unquestioningly embrace any ideas that flow down from the top brass


Noun: مخالفه - إنتهاك - At their best, adverse book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her transgressions pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved.


Noun: مخدر - he injected at least two hundred and fifteen of his patients with lethal doses of opiates.


Noun: مخطوطات - I'd already discovered poems of his hanging like little scrolls on the wall of a new friend's room


Noun: مدلك - Working as a masseur has been, up to now, the main job opportunity for blind people in the city


Noun: مدلكه - Undine and her mother are reliant on their masseuse and manicurist, Mrs. Heeny, to decipher the codes and hierarchies of aristocratic New York.


Noun: مذنب - A comet is discovered and as it comes closer to earth, it becomes apparent it may strike our planet


Noun: مذيع الأخبار


Noun: مرؤوس - Not one for social pleasantries, the Chief of Staff would brusquely ask his subordinates for anything he wanted, even coffee.


Noun: مرافق المجموعه - Maria had an antipathy for tour groups, often bolting to the other side of the museum as soon as she saw a chaperone leading a group of wide-eyed tourists.


Noun: مرح - سرور - بهجه - Of all deceptive things on earth nothing is so deceptive as mere gaiety and merriment


Noun: مرسوم - Despite a raft of city ordinances passed by an overzealous council, noise pollution continued unabated in the megalopolis.


Noun: مرسوم - One of the arbitrary decrees in place during the emperor's rule is that all citizens pay him weekly homage at his palace.


Noun: مرعي - Livestock generally avoid grazing where ragwort is growing, but they will do so once it displaces grass and clover in their pasture.


Noun: مرعي - The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great measure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted.


Noun: مرقه - The chef cook-off featured one gourmand who had the unfortunate distinction of mixing the wrong broths, creating an imbroglio that diners would not soon forget.


Noun: مرونه - Such a view, however, fails to account for the resilience of a people capable of transferring crops and moving settlements as need be.


Noun: مزاجنجي في الاكل - أكيل - The chef cook-off featured one gourmand who had the unfortunate distinction of mixing the wrong broths, creating an imbroglio that diners would not soon forget.


Noun: مسار - He developed the idea of a "Social Physics," and began to explore the possibility that human lives, like planets, had an underlying mechanistic trajectory


Noun: مساعد الكاهن -تابع Noun: a person assisting the celebrant in a religious service or procession. - There seems to be an inverse relationship between how the author is treated in the press and how he is seen in his own literary circle: the more the critics savage his work, the more obsequious his acolytes.


Noun: مسبار - Verb: يسبر - يستطلع - يجس - hands probed his body from top to bottom


Noun: مسلسل كوميدي - Though the new sitcom did decently in the ratings, Nelson railed against the show, saying that it was nothing more than an execrable pastiche of tired clichés and canned laughter.


Noun: مصدر أذي - Long the bane of many a traveler, the anopheles mosquito may soon cease to be an intolerable nuisance — scientists are working to completely eradicate the species, by preventing its eggs from ever hatching.


Noun: مصدر إزعاج - Long the bane of many a traveler, the anopheles mosquito may soon cease to be an intolerable nuisance — scientists are working to completely eradicate the species, by preventing its eggs from ever hatching.


Noun: مصمم الرقصه - The choreographer was mainly concerned with sartorial details, as the period production required the leads to don a number of different outfits


Noun: مطر غزير - The countless arid days left everyone unprepared for the sudden downpour; the deluge brought traffic to a halt as it inundated the roads


Noun: مطرقه القاضي او رئيس الجلسه - The judge's closing remarks were nothing if not exhaustive; not only did he belabor his every point, but he underscored each utterance with the pounding of the gavel. -


Noun: مطعم - The neighborhood French bistro, though typically unpretentious, has had to contend with the common perception that any eatery with the word 'French' appended to its name must connote something chic.


Noun: مظلمه - شكوي - Prisoners must file a formal grievance to appeal a medical decision, since healthcare is intertwined with strictly correctional functions.


Noun: مظهر الحقيقه - Unlike the trend in modern art to subvert reality, the trend in photography has yet to fall prey to such an impulse; photographs that lack verisimilitude are often seen as nothing more than oddities.


Noun: معاهده - اتفاق - The President wanted to promulgate the success of the treaty negotiations, but he had to wait until Congress formally approved the agreement.


Noun: معتقل سياسي - An internal effort to ban the torture of detainees at Guantánamo Bay was thwarted


Noun: معيار - مبدأ - نموذج - In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to dictate


Noun: مغترب - Noun: A person who is from outside a particular town or city. - "it's usually the out-of-towner who ends up lost"


Noun: مغرور - بيتكلم عن نفسه كتير - he is a self-absorbed egotist


Noun: مقاطعه - In the decades leading up to the 1970s, the primarily French-speaking Canadian province of Québec saw its proportion of native French speakers diminish from year to year.


Noun: مقبره تنتمي لمدينه قديمه - Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a necropolis: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses.


Noun: مكان إقامه - موطن - منزل - Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a necropolis: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses.


Noun: مكانه - منزله - The judge's standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, undamaged.


Noun: مكوك - Space Shuttle


Noun: مكيده Verb: يدبر مكيده - Despite its veneer of pearly-toothed smiles and amicable handshakes, the world of politics is one of constant scheming in which everyone is always jockeying for a more estimable position


Noun: ملاذ - مأوي - It may have strengthened his hand if he had once recognised that Australia is still, as always, one of the world's havens for refugees.


Noun: ملجأ - ملاذ - مأوي - They have simply sought refuge from persecution: they are refugees


Noun: مملكه - This was an early instance of Big Data—the first time that mathematical analysis had been applied in earnest to the messy and unpredictable realm of human behavior.


Noun: مناوشه - The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred spasmodically with each side taking much needed rest during the respites.


Noun: منجم ثراء - These internal power plants provided the host cell with a bonanza of energy


Noun: منزل - سكن - Despite hypotheses ranging from armed conflict to climate change, the abandonment of more than 600 Pueblo cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde by a.d. 1300 still puzzles archaeologists.


Noun: منصب ثابت أو دائم - Noun: The status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals. - An inherent flaw in the university system is that faculty and students often have divergent aims: professors constantly strive to gain tenure at the expense of pedagogy, while most students earnestly seek to obtain the best education possible.


Noun: مهرج - Whenever the jester fell to the ground in mock pain, the king guffawed, exposing his yellow, fang-like teeth.


Noun: مهمه عمل - He later moved to software company NCR as a project leader, before doing a three-year stint for the Commercial Bank of Kuwait, designing its Visa credit card system.


Noun: مواشي - Though sheep can eat it for months before showing any signs of illness, if cattle eat it they sicken quickly, and fatality can even result.


Noun: موطن القوه - How to get out of this cycle? I don't know. I'm a writer; answers are not my forte.


Noun: موقع بعيد عن القياده المركزيه لمؤسسه او دوله - The study of memory has always been one of the stranger outposts of science


Noun: موكب - In the days after 9/11, Marya watched a parade of rescue workers and volunteers pass through her neighborhood on their way to Ground Zero and had an urge to help.


Noun: موهبه - قدره - كفاءه - أهليه - he had a remarkable aptitude for learning words


Noun: موهبه - مقدره خاصه - The popularization of science by writers with a knack for making the abstruse pellucid is not an exclusively modern calling. Indeed the origins of this specific craft harken back to Voltaire, who, in his Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, made the practically inscrutable writing of the revered British physicist digestible to a lay audience.


Noun: ميدان - مجال - صعيد - The Aztecs, in choosing the hummingbird, which exhibits an inordinately bellicose temperament in spite of its diminutive size, made a fitting selection for the depiction of Huitzilopochtli, the deity associated with multiple spheres but primarily with war.


Noun: ميراث - Because William had left no will, after the funeral, contention arose among his children over ownership of the family heirlooms; it was tragic to see such bitterness among the family in a time of mourning


Noun: ميراث - Countless generations have been divided on Mendelssohn's legacy—should he inhabit the same pantheon as Bach and Haydn, or be relegated to the ranks of could-have-beens? After all, it can be argued that his apogee came at the age of 14 with his Octet in E-flat, a work, many believe, the composer never eclipsed in his remaining twenty-six years.


Noun: نافوره - Some thermally active fountains spew sulfur fumes—the air around them is sometimes malodorous that many have to plug their noses.


Noun: ناقد - The critics were so fulsome in their praise that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish after a light smattering of applause, retreated from public view


Noun: نبات - While the parasitic Cuscuta vine extracts substantial resources from the vegetation it preys on, it also enhances chemical communication between plants linked by its snaring hooks and tendrils, in a relationship that is debilitating to the host in some ways, distinctly benefecial in others.


Noun: نبته الشيخ - سامه - Ragwort was accidentally introduced to New Zealand in the late nineteenth century and, like so many invading foreign species, quickly became a pest.


Noun: نبذ Noun: the act of treating something as unworthy of serious consideration; rejection - Many scientists simply assumed that invertebrates like planaria couldn't be trained, making the dismissal of McConnell's work easy


Noun: نتوء - Henry VIII remains the poster boy for codpieces, those profane protuberances that drew eyes crotchward in the sixteenth century.


Noun: نزاهه - استقامه - He was a man of strong character and integrity who liked to understand things for himself


Noun: نزهه قصيره - an excursion to London Zoo


Noun: نزوه - She did it on a whim when the opportunity presented itself


Noun: نصب - إحتيال - This week we're looking at the consequences of fraud and financial mismanagement


Noun: نضوب - نقص - the depletion of the ozone layer


Noun: نضوج مبكر - Notwithstanding the boy's precocity, he was simply too immature to jump to the 6th grade.


Noun: نظره للماضي - استذكار احداث الماضي - In retrospect, that simple and comforting view had begun to unravel long before most scientists recognized what was happening.


Noun: نفايات - Researchers analyzing refuse from one Pueblo community found remains of maize—a Pueblo crop—in 44 percent of samples from years when the community flourished, but in only 10 percent of samples from years near the time of depopulation, while the remains of wild plants increased significantly.


Noun: نفايات - بقايا - Though detritus filled the streets, people seemed unconcerned with the appearance of their city


Noun: نفسية الشخص - That we can, from a piece of art, drive the unconscious urges of the artist—urges that remain hidden even from the artist himself—will remain a(n) intractable issue, as it is one not readily amenable to empirical analysis: we can never definitively know what is submerged deep inside the artist's psyche, let alone reconcile any such revelations with the artist's work.


Noun: نفور - مقت - he had a deep-seated aversion to most forms of exercise


Noun: نقد لاذع - The author Meghan Daum created her writing "master class" about a year and a half ago after noticing Twitter vitriol directed at smart but unpolished essays that she assumed had not been well edited.


Noun: نقص - عجز - It has been demonstrated that a blood protein deficiency is the cause of this inherited illness.


Noun: نقطه التوقف في رحله - The 'trophic contamination hypothesis' posits that shorebirds accumulate industrial and urban pollution at stopover sites, toxins that are subsequently released in sudden high doses as fat is burned during migratory flights, disrupting the bird's ability to make migratory decisions.


Noun: نقطه تحول - My Favorite Things was another kind of watershed. Here Coltrane played the soprano saxophone, an instrument seldom used by jazz musicians.


Noun: نكسه - توقف - With numerous exciting public works projects in the offing, residents are understandably agog; yet because such prodigious undertakings are inevitably plagued with numerous setbacks, much of the fervor is likely to be tempered with a heavy dose of reality.


Noun: نوبه Noun: A sudden uncontrollable outbreak of intense emotion, laughter, coughing, or other action or activity. - Giacomo's concerti, much like the composer himself, were a mercurial affair. Fits of passion would, without warning, give way to sudden idylls, as though the composer had been trying to mirror his inner conflicts. Only in his later works, which are far more abstract, does he eschew trying to capture his inner states.


Noun: نوع خمر - With each passing day, the strip club in downtown Manhattan grew a little emptier. Fewer customers were drinking premium liquor and eating steaks in the plush banquettes


Noun: وابل - The moon apparently experienced another intense barrage of asteroids at that time, a full 700 million years after the formation of the solar system.


Noun: واجهه المبني - The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the façade of the building


Noun: واضع كلمات الأوبرا - The critics were so fulsome in their praise that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish after a light smattering of applause, retreated from public view


Noun: وباء - Either the folk had died in the fire, died of the pestilence , or fled at first breath of either.


Noun: وحشيه - همجيه - The very means by which the dictator had clung to power, his legendary savagery , had destroyed his internal support


Noun: وراثه - few scientists dispute that heredity can create a susceptibility to alcoholism


Noun: ورق البردي - Documents written on papyri were found in some pyramid temples, especially at Abusir.


Noun: ورنيش - Parson Weems, George Washington's preeminent biographer during the president's life, is responsible for spreading many of the canards we today accept as the unvarnished truth.


Noun: وصفه - As it is almost upon us, I have opted for some quick, easy recipes using ingredients that you probably have at home


Noun: وليد - The country's fledgling democracy


Noun: وليمه - Despite the fact that the health-inspection procedures for catering establishments are more stringent than those for ordinary restaurants, more of the cases of food poisoning reported to the city health department were brought on by banquets served by catering services than were brought on by restaurant meals.


Noun: يأس - قنوط - To readers of V.S. Naipaul—especially those who are familiar with the latter half of his oeuvre—the author's claim that he started off as a comic writer will in itself seem comical—so despair is the tone of most of his novels.


Noun: يرقه - This effect was convincingly demonstrated by a study in which it was found that partially anesthetized tadpoles were less likely to be captured by dragonfly larvae than were unanesthetized tadpoles


Noun: يقظه - إستيقاظ - The flood of innovation that has engendered many of last decade's technological breakthroughs has also claimed some victims in its wake: companies once at the vanguard of such innovation have now become mostly obsolete

prop up

Phrasal Verb: يدعم - The writers who are allowed to talk are those who prop up the dominant culture


Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense. 'her voice was low but vehement' 'vehement criticism'

hold forth

Verb Idiomatic: To extend or offer, propose. Verb Idiomatic: Talk at great length; expatiate; harangue. - Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, holding forth on questions of great import; yet philosophy is very much alive today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens' marketplaces.


Verb: (of a person or animal) search widely for food or provisions. - It had long been thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers.


Verb: no longer functioning - The idea of a unique identity has become defunct in the age of computing, where people operate via multiple personas to express themselves more openly and anonymously


Verb: provide food and drink, typically at social events and in a professional capacity. - he catered a lunch for 20 people


Verb: raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference - The chairman of the board, sensing that any effort was futile, became apathetic to the company's plight, and only shrugged his shoulders when the shareholders notified him that the corporation was insolvent

reach a maximum

Verb: reach a maximum - Despite the fact that he'd maxed out fifteen credit cards, Max was still a sybarite at heart: when the police found him, he was at a $1,000 an hour spa in Manhattan, getting a facial treatment.


Verb: sell or be sold in greater quantities than. - At the zenith of his artistic career, Elvis was outselling any other artist on the charts.


Verb: strike repeatedly, typically with the fists. - Bob did not fight back for the fifteen minutes that the half-dozen men pummeled him


Verb: اضافه شيء لم يكن موجود في الشيء الاصلي - Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which impair its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was.


Verb: الفعل من انحسار المد - الفعل من الجزر - Unless the current practice of deforestation is sanctioned by no less than a global committee, the world's biodiversity will continue to ebb, robbing posterity of potential pharmacological breakthroughs.


Verb: توبيخ - The golfer received a reprimand for a breach of rules


Verb: شيك - The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress.


Verb: صارم - After a long, stern lecture from her father, Olivia conceded to having broken the window.


Verb: عجيب - غريب - All sophisticated life on the planet Earth may owe its existence to one freakish event


Verb: فعل - Eventually Washington had to watch his own words and deeds carefully, for he had to reckon with reactions not only from the White community but from the Black community as well.


Verb: لزاما - Verb: it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is incumbent on. - It ill behooves the president elect to forthwith abrogate the policies that kept his predecessor in good standing on both sides of the political divide.


Verb: مرح - With all the trappings of a "successful" novelist, Farminghouse will most likely experience an ephemeral fame: his hackneyed plot devices might be covered up by rollicking action, but such theatrics will likely wear thin in the eyes of posterity.


Verb: مستكين - ذليل - خاضع - There will be several servile sycophants who will come forward as 'White Knights' to regain their lost positions

reliant on

Verb: معتمد علي - متكل علي - Undine and her mother are reliant on their masseuse and manicurist, Mrs. Heeny, to decipher the codes and hierarchies of aristocratic New York.


Verb: هاوي - In Dornan's telling, Clinton was a "self-indulgent hedonist and phony," a dabbler in drugs, a letch


Verb: يؤجر - The modern apartment building can be seen as a descendant of the insulae of ancient Rome, where the stories above business establishments were leased to the lower classes who could not afford to own their own residences.


Verb: يؤدي عمل غير متقن أو به سوء تصرف - Some minor governmental bungling in the environmental sector can hardly account for what many watchdog organizations are declaiming as gross negligence: indeed entire swathes of once fertile land now gone barren cannot solely attributed to flaws in state policy.


Verb: يؤنب - If one scolds a person too much, then he can't handle things well as expected


Verb: يؤول إلي - ينقل إلي - Despite an auspicious beginning, the election campaign quickly devolved into calumny and acrimony, with each side casting aspersions.


Verb: يبالغ - يغالي - In claiming that there are overarching commonalities among every culture, Jungenfreud perhaps overstate his case


Verb: يبتكر - Verb: plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought. - Researchers trying to make it possible to trace counterfeit documents to the printer that produced them are exploiting the fact that the rotating drums and mirrors inside laser printers are imperfect devices that leave unique patterns of banding in their output. Although these patterns are invisible to the naked eye, they can be detected and analyzed by computer programs that the researchers have spent the past year devising.


Verb: يبتلع - يلتهم - When animals ingest chemicals such as PCBs, the toxins are not broken down in the body but are instead stored in fatty tissue


Verb: يبرر - يسوغ - While hard to justify from a financial point of view, from a strategic point of view this makes sense.


Verb: يبشر - That an author can become inured to adverse criticism does not necessarily bode well for that individual's artistic development, since even the most stinging reviews are often meted out in the implicit hope that an author will seek, in future works, to mitigate his or her writerly transgressions.


Verb: يبعث علي تذكر شيء معين


Verb: يبعث علي تذكر شيء معين - Although she did not approve of her father's smoking, she was forced to admit that the smell of his pipe tobacco was reminiscent of her youth


Verb: يبعث من جديد - Only through lowering taxes can we stimulate the growth of small businesses, which will revitalize the state's whole economy.


Verb: يبقي - يحافظ علي - The need to maintain close links between industry and schools


Verb: يبلل - يندي - Oriented to the prevailing wind, the front wall of perforated cardboard, moistened by a trickle of seawater pumped in, cools and moistens hot air blowing in.


Verb: يبيد - يفني - Theoretically, malaria could be eradicated in any given area, if all the mosquitoes carrying malaria in that area are exterminated. If such a course of action is carried out at a worldwide level, then the global eradication of malaria is possible.


Verb: يبيع متجولا - Verb: try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from house to house or place to place. -


Verb: يتآكل - The governor has long been obsessed with excising the media from the politician-public relationship. That's been the unifying aim of all her seemingly disconnected ventures since entering public life: a determination to erode, and eventually end, the media's hold on political communication.


Verb: يتأمل - يفكر مليا - In the morning, as I wake up, I start ruminating


Verb: يتباهي - يفتخر - A suit of the king's armor, boasting a bulbous codpiece weighing more than two and a half pounds, is still on display at the Tower


Verb: يتبرعم - ينبت - At first glance, a tree could not be more different from the caterpillars that eat its leaves, the mushrooms sprouting from its bark, the grass growing by its trunk, or the humans canoodling under its shade.


Verb: يتجاهل - The kind of journalism that insists on clinging to time-honored forms of reportage is languishing insofar as it fails to exploit social media. At the same time, were a traditional news service, by whole-heartedly embracing the Internet, to disregard the very tools that allowed for its ascendancy in the first place, it would likely suffer a similar fate.


Verb: يتخلص من - On the other hand, this dogged student and prodigious technician - who insisted on spending hours each day practicing scales from theory books - was never able to jettison completely the influence of bebop, with its fast and elaborate chains of notes and ornaments on melody.


Verb: يتخلص من - يتخلص من الأرواح الشريره - Verb: drive out or attempt to drive out (an evil spirit) from a person or place.


Verb: يتخمر - A revolution is brewing in Egypt - and this time it will spread far beyond Tahrir Square


Verb: يتدخل - A drunken man assaulted two special constables when they intervened in a row in the town centre, Swindon magistrates heard


Verb: يتراجع - يستدرك - she retracted her hand as if she'd been burnt


Verb: يتراجع بنفور أو خوف أو اشمئزاز - In an early experiment, McConnell trained the worms à la Pavlov by pairing an electric shock with flashing lights. Eventually, the worms recoiled to the light alone.


Verb: يتردد - As excited as he was to have been chosen for the reality television show, he was wavering about involving his family, particularly his children, whom he felt would not understand the situation fully


Verb: يتردد - Requiring split-second decisions, the career of an investment banker is clearly not a viable one for those prone to dithering .


Verb: يتردد - يحدث صدي - Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, holding forth on questions of great import; yet philosophy is very much alive today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens' marketplaces.


Verb: يتزحزح - يسلك الامور - No less obdurate than his predecessor, the new prime minister already faced opposition from those who charged that he refused to budge even on trifling issues.


Verb: يتشاجر - يتخانق - Noun: شجار - But following violent scuffles on the floor of the House, the bill was dropped.


Verb: يتشبث - The belief that Earth and the rest of the solar system were born in largely their present form—the arrangement and characteristics of the planets almost preordained—has deep, clinging roots in the history of science.


Verb: يتصاحب - يقعد مع ناس Verb: mix socially, especially with those of higher social status. - Evidently, the secondary exposure to Hollywood through this man, who hobnobs with the greats there every week, had left his audience singularly untouched


Verb: يتصور - يتخيل - يري - يعتقد - He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors.


Verb: يتطفل


Verb: يتظاهر - يتكلف - During interrogation, the suspect affected a frightened persona, hoping that such a display of cravenness would deflect the authorities' suspicion, as they were looking for someone who had pulled off several very brazen crimes


Verb: يتعافي - While he was still recuperating, the doctors advised Phillip to remain home, lest he was contagious, even though his symptoms had receded


Verb: يتعثر - why some otherwise similar children flourish at school while others flounder


Verb: يتعجب - يندهش -


Verb: يتغاضي - يتغافل - His favorite rhetorical strategy was to expose the hypocrisy of those who, while professing adherence to the ideals of democracy and equality of opportunity, condoned slavery and racial discrimination.


Verb: يتغاظ - يتضايق - A successful space shuttle launch is contingent upon such a great number of factors—any of which can sabotage a lift-off—that spectators should not chafe at the slightest sign of delay


Verb: يتغلب - يتفوق - The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress.


Verb: يتفادي الاحتياج لشيء - Early sewing machines were poorly received by textile workers, who feared the technology would obviate the demand for their skills; despite their protests, the sewing machine became popular both in the factory and in the home


Verb: يتفاقم - As the President's health aggravated, his team of doctors were focused more on exculpating themselves than attempting to figure out a remedy the leader's degeneration to prevent the enervation that was keeping him from performing his executive duties to the fullest.


Verb: يتفتت - The remarkable thing about the mayoral race, in retrospect, is that so many people wanted the job of managing a municipality so obviously about to crumble.


Verb: يتفوق - يتجاوز - يتقدم عن - Countless generations have been divided on Mendelssohn's legacy—should he inhabit the same pantheon as Bach and Haydn, or be relegated to the ranks of could-have-beens? After all, it can be argued that his apogee came at the age of 14 with his Octet in E-flat, a work, many believe, the composer never eclipsed in his remaining twenty-six years


Verb: يتكلم بطلاقه - He is paralyzed by his inability to communicate or articulate his feelings


Verb: يتكلم وكأنه يلقي خطاب للجمهور - Some minor governmental bungling in the environmental sector can hardly account for what many watchdog organizations are declaiming as gross negligence: indeed entire swathes of once fertile land now gone barren cannot solely attributed to flaws in state policy.


Verb: يتنازل - يتخلي - Saintliness has become so closely linked with asceticism that many assume that for a person to be spiritual he or she has to renounce all worldly pleasures


Verb: يتنازل - يتخلي - With an emphasis placed on calculus and the algebra necessary to understand it, the modern high school mathematics curriculum has forced traditional courses such as spherical geometry to cede ground to those subjects that underpin a conceptual understanding of calculus.


Verb: يتنازل - يتخلي عن - A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.


Verb: يتنازل - يتخلي عن - he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive


Verb: يتنبأ - يتكهن - Spinks refers briefly to and quotes the work of forty-four English and twenty Scottish divines of the period after 1603


Verb: يتهادي - يمشي بتقل - Yet another creation in line with the plodding melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort is likely to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority will dismiss the film as soporific drivel.


Verb: يتهرب - يتملص - Merchants on both sides of the border were all too happy to evade taxes.


Verb: يتوسط لحل خلاف -


Verb: يثب مرحا -


Verb: يثري - Building vocabulary enriches your thinking


Verb: يثور (بركان) - The next day, the island's volcano erupts and an earthquake follows


Verb: يثير - يحرض - Though the recent row between the much loved prime minister and the ambassador from the erstwhile colonial power will, in all likelihood, not foment outright protests--the way an incursion by this same foreign power into the country's airspace did--surely such discord will only serve to further rankle a people long since wary of foreign influence.


Verb: يثير اعتراض تافه - Hardly one to fault others, Thaddeus surprised his colleagues when he began caviling even their most trivial mistakes.


Verb: يجادل عن - ينافس - In his study of Douglass' career as a major figure in the movement to abolish slavery and as a spokesman for Black rights, Waldo Martin has provoked controversy by contending that Douglass also deserves a prominent place in the intellectual history of the United States because he exemplified so many strands of nineteenth-century thought: romanticism, idealism, individualism, liberal humanism, and an unshakable belief in progress. - Biologists agree that snakes descended from lizards, but exactly where this first happened has been a matter of debate since the 1800s, when two contending theories emerged.


Verb: يجامل - يخفف عنه - The ritual of it soothed her, calmed her nerves - there was something very protective and safe about it all


Verb: يجبر - يفرض بالقوه - The colonel was so punctilious about enforcing regulations that men feel compelled to polish even the soles of their shoes.


Verb: يجتمع - يحتشد - After the Chelyabinsk disaster, Morbidelli and a group of colleagues huddled to figure out the implications of all that instability.


Verb: يجزم - The company asserts that the cuts will not affect development


Verb: يجزم - The defendant will aver that there is no partnership agreement between the claimant and the defendant made either orally or in writing.


Verb: يجعل من شيء سلعه - Workshops hosted by published authors like Elizabeth Gilbert and nonauthors like Caroline Calloway have commodified creativity.


Verb: يجفف - To survive long-term storage in the dehydrated state, seeds have to be able to withstand desiccation to low water contents.


Verb: يجمع - An avid numismatist, Harold sedulously amassed a collection of coins from over 100 countries—an endeavor that took over fifteen years across five continents.


Verb: يجمع - The plucky election campaign has managed to corral support from the most unlikely corners — even typically derelict voters are eyeing the voting booth with more than indifference


Verb: يجمع معلومات من مصادر متعدده - To the untutored eye the jungle canopy can seem little more than a dense latticework of branches and leaves. For the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, even a small area can serve as a veritable curnocopia of pharmaceutical cures. The field of ethnobotany, which relates both to the natural pharmacy offered up by the jungle and the peoples who serve as a store of such knowledge, has become increasingly popular in the last decades as many anthropologists, hoping to take advantage of this vast bounty, learn the language and customs of the tribes in order to glean them thousands of years worth of knowledge.


Verb: يجند - يعبئ - Niagara movement never enlisted the active support of more than a small group of Black leaders.


Verb: يحاصر - The skirmish between the two beleaguered armies occurred spasmodically with each side taking much needed rest during the respites.


Verb: يحاول التفاوض علي ديل - A company that invests the necessary infrastructure in a large untapped diamond mine can reap as much as 700% profit in the first year. Some of the largest untapped diamond mines in the world are in the nation of Shagoca. Therefore, the American company that brokers a deal in the capital Conkin that allows it to put the necessary infrastructure in place at those mines stands to reap tremendous profits.


Verb: يحبس - يقيد - I must confine my writing to the inside, enclose it within a perimeter, which forms a circular line, an orbit around the text.


Verb: يحتفظ - Verb: continue to have (something); keep possession of. - Built in 1830, the house retains many of its original features


Verb: يحتفظ بقدسيته - The whole notion of living untrammeled inspired the American Revolution and was enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.


Verb: يحث - يحرض علي - In his study of Douglass' career as a major figure in the movement to abolish slavery and as a spokesman for Black rights, Waldo Martin has provoked controversy by contending that Douglass also deserves a prominent place in the intellectual history of the United States because he exemplified so many strands of nineteenth-century thought: romanticism, idealism, individualism, liberal humanism, and an unshakable belief in progress.


Verb: يحدث لـ - Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character.


Verb: يحشد - يعبيء - Progressive and liberal forces mobilized to resist his elevation to the highest court in the land, asking people to call their members of Congress, to register their opposition


Verb: يحصد - يجني - A company that invests the necessary infrastructure in a large untapped diamond mine can reap as much as 700% profit in the first year. Some of the largest untapped diamond mines in the world are in the nation of Shagoca. Therefore, the American company that brokers a deal in the capital Conkin that allows it to put the necessary infrastructure in place at those mines stands to reap tremendous profits.


Verb: يحضر - من تحضير الأرواح - That the nightmarish depictions common to most early 20th century dystopian novels are exaggerated should by no means diminish the prophet power of these works, for many of the visions they conjure up are reflected, albeit in less vivid form, in many totalitarian governments today.


Verb: يحط من قدر - Perhaps discomforted by these challenges, contemporary critics disparaged the painting


Verb: يحطم - Residents of Chelyabinsk, Russia, experienced this firsthand at 9:20 a.m. local time last Feb. 15, when a 50-foot-wide asteroid slammed into Earth's atmosphere and exploded above the town, shattering windows, collapsing the roof of a local zinc factory, and sending more than a thousand people to the hospital with glass cuts and other injuries.


Verb: يحفز - Only through lowering taxes can we stimulate the growth of small businesses, which will revitalize the state's whole economy.


Verb: يحقق - يحرز - All this she attained against a backdrop of instability.


Verb: يحل محل - يخلف - Occasionally the aesthetic focus supersedes function, elevating the piece to 'uselessness


Verb: يحلل بدقه - So let's dissect the system in detail this week.


Verb: يحول - يصيَر - Despite the concerted efforts of her supporters, the mayor's actions were clearly untenable, rendering even the most impassioned pleas superfluous.


Verb: يحير - يربك - A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte—is that even one with little training can pose a legitimate question that can confound a seasoned expert.


Verb: يحيك - يربط - Walsh knit his ideas into a theory he calls the Grand Tack, which creates a startlingly new narrative of how the Earth and other planets formed.


Verb: يخالف أو ينتهك قانون - ينتهك حرمه - Remember, there is no shame in imitating, provided you don't infringe patent laws


Verb: يخالف المرور - يمشي مخالف - يكسر اشاره - When I turned 18, all of the shoplifting and jaywalking charges were expunged from my criminal record.


Verb: يختار من مجموعه خيارات - Verb: make a choice from a range of possibilities. - At first inspired by anything but a practical solution to its pressing budget issues, the committee, after a series of blunders, finally opted for a more paragmatic approach.


Verb: يخترع - يلفق - She makes a dish she concocted by pouring soup on chicken thighs


Verb: يختلق - The judge cared not one whit for histrionic, and would liberally berate any who embellished their testimony with elaborate, pleading gestures or, worse yet, broke into feigned bouts of sobbing.


Verb: يخدع - يغش - Who builds the offices in which lawyers can bilk their clients?


Verb: يخرب - One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts— from embezzlement to infidelity—sabotaging their campaigns.


Verb: يخرم - يثقب - Oriented to the prevailing wind, the front wall of perforated cardboard, moistened by a trickle of seawater pumped in, cools and moistens hot air blowing in.


Verb: يخزن - Making these kinds of cognitive connections will go a long way toward stockpiling your vocabulary vault.


Verb: يخصص لغرض معين - And it may be that Montaigne did, too, because he often warned his readers that nothing he wrote about Myself was likely to apply for much longer than it took the ink he used, writing it, to dry.


Verb: يخطب ود - يتودد - This composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy rather than to woo the audience.


Verb: يخطف - She snatched the lock as it left his fingers and balled it up in her fist


Verb: يخفض - يقلل - The ambulance guys thanked me for being diligent and my anxiety about wasting their time was lessened


Verb: يخفض قيمة - Labour figures in the UK and Australia are at pains to devalue his electoral achievements - and point to several apparent errors of judgment during his career.


Verb: يدبر مؤامره أو مكيده - Despite its veneer of pearly-toothed smiles and amicable handshakes, the world of politics is one of constant machinating in which everyone is always jockeying for a more estimable position


Verb: يدخر - يجمع - Rarely remiss in her duties as a member of the city's environmental committee, she quickly garnered accolades from both citizens and government workers


Verb: يدس - But then, thinking that her brothers or her sister might take the stone, she tucked it right at the bottom of her sleeping bag


Verb: يدعم -


Verb: يدفع - يحث - The early spectacular successes propelled the pitcher to meteoric stardom, but a terrible injury tragically cut short his career.


Verb: يرسم الحدود - Over time, the lines that demarcate different approaches have become more visible.


Verb: يرفض بتحدي - He also saw that if he fully embraced the idea of instability and took it to its logical conclusions, he could account for many aspects of the solar system that had previously defied easy explanation: Why is Mars so small?


Verb: يرفع للأعلي - Verb: raise or lift (something) up to a higher position. - high amounts of the drug can elevate blood pressure


Verb: يرهق بالعمل - The increased number entering the labor force has only served to strain an already ailing job market.


Verb: يروي - يحكي - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Verb: يروي - يشبع - The public education sector typically sees an increase in enrollment during a recession, as parents are less likely to opt for costly private schools, a trend that sounds like a boon for unemployed teachers. Yet what often happens during a recession is that those who are chronically unemployed enter the education profession, thereby saturating the market with teachers and even leading longtime educators, particularly those not protected by unions, to lose their jobs.


Verb: يزدري - The poet, snubbed by all the major houses, went out of his way to make snide comments during public readings, going so far as to call other writers second-rate.


Verb: يزدري - I do not wish to become the object of scorn


Verb: يزدري - يتعامل بقلة إحترام - he showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly


Verb: يزدهر - Cities can either grow and prosper , or they decline and decay


Verb: يزق بقوه - The wind howls, guards scream, dogs bark, people push and shove.


Verb: يزيل - Verb: make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear - The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) eccentric, only perpetuate such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer's quirks is related with gleeful fondness


Verb: يزين - يزخرف - pictures and prints adorned his walls


Verb: يسب - يهين - People who are creative, who invent and discover new ways are reviled


Verb: يسبب إهانه أو إحراج - Everyone laughed at me and I was duly mortified -


Verb: يسبر الغور - يفهم تماما - Mark was so convinced of his basketball skills that in his overweening pride he could not fathom that his name was not on the varsity list; he walked up to the basketball coach and told her she had forgotten to add his name.


Verb: يستأصل - The US regulators are seeking to extirpate the cancer before it spreads any further.


Verb: يستأصل - يزيل - The governor has long been obsessed with excising the media from the politician-public relationship. That's been the unifying aim of all her seemingly disconnected ventures since entering public life: a determination to erode, and eventually end, the media's hold on political communication.


Verb: يستأصل من الجذور - Behind that deracinated plant we see a landscape


Verb: يستأنف - يكمل بعد توقف - Whether the network renews the latest pilot series hinges upon the critical assumption that the audience will not only empathize with a male protagonist very different from it, but will continue to do so once he begins to commit acts that are clearly reprehensible.


Verb: يستبق - يتوقع


Verb: يستخدم ببراعه - يُسخر - Many literary luminaries whose works appear so firmly entrenched in the canon as to make their inclusion seem inevitable actually owe much to happenstance: had Malcolm Cowley, the head editor at publishing giant Viking Press, not been able to wield such influence, and had he not championed the works of Faulkner and Fitzgerald, both authors may have turned out to be little more than footnotes to the history of 20th century literature.


Verb: يستخلص من خلال عمليه التقطير - From over a decade of teaching this material, we have distilled what we believe to be the core topics that every student of the subject should know


Verb: يستدعي - Unlike many poets, who are inspired by rustic settings, Harrison relied on urban backdrops to summon his muse


Verb: يستدعي - يثير - On seeing the picture, it evoked pleasant memories of times spent at school in the past.


Verb: يستشيط غضبا - I fumed at the noisy, smelly, insensitive machismo of it

gear up

Verb: يستعد - Gearing up for the 2008 Olympics, the city of Beijing worked with impressive dispatch: the National Stadium, colloquially referred to as the Bird's Nest, a work of such grandiosity that most municipalities would have labored five years to complete, was finished in less than half that time


Verb: يستعلي - يحتقر - take care not to condescend to your reader


Verb: يستل - His opponents believed his gesture to be conciliatory, yet as soon as they put down their weapons, he unsheathed a hidden sword.


Verb: يستلزم - The position of Research Director is a sinecure: the job entails almost no responsibilities, nor does the person in that position have to answer to anyone.


Verb: يستمتع - يتلذذ - Turner was primarily inspired by the processes of design and editing; he relished working with photographers


Verb: يستمع - ينصت إلي - يتبع - The popularization of science by writers with a knack for making the abstruse pellucid is not an exclusively modern calling. Indeed the origins of this specific craft harken back to Voltaire, who, in his Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, made the practically inscrutable writing of the revered British physicist digestible to a lay audience.


Verb: يستنبط - يستخرج - I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna

predicate on

Verb: يستند علي - Much of the consumer protection movement is predicated on the notion that routine exposure to seemingly benign products can actually have long-term deleterious consequences.


Verb: يستولي علي - Picture-taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self


Verb: يسعد شخص ما بحديثه - Jacques was a born raconteur: he would often regale those around him with stories from his fascinating childhood


Verb: يسعي - يكافح - يجاهد - Any community that meets resistance always strives harder to prove its worth and value to society.


Verb: يسعي للحصول علي شيء Verb: try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill). - Although he cultivated an image of anti-authoritarianism, Johnny Cash was a frequent visitor to the White House and friends with several presidents during his life.


Verb: يسفه - Her potential unrealized, Martha was ultimately a victim of her environment, stultified by those around her who insisted that she forsake her artistic dreams for a routine, but predictable life.


Verb: يسكن - يقطن - يقيم - Countless generations have been divided on Mendelssohn's legacy—should he inhabit the same pantheon as Bach and Haydn, or be relegated to the ranks of could-have-beens? After all, it can be argued that his apogee came at the age of 14 with his Octet in E-flat, a work, many believe, the composer never eclipsed in his remaining twenty-six years.


Verb: يسلب - يأخذ عنوه - The Spanish conquistadors were known for their avarice, plundering Incan land and stealing Incan gold. - Noun: غنيمه - Since his mom was a light sleeper, Timmy had to tiptoe surreptitiously through the entire house, careful to not make the floors creak, until he at last was able to enjoy his plunder: a box of chocolate chip cookies.


Verb: يسلب بالاحتيال - Thou shalt not defraud, that is, deceive or beguile.


Verb: يسلي - you can console yourself with the thought that you did your best


Verb: يسن قانون - And at the same time, several German states have already enacted the proposed French style bans on student attire.


Verb: يسوق - يقتاد - Trucks arrive, and the girl is herded into one.


Verb: يشحذ - يسن - The album was both a product of and a departure from Hayes's earlier work at Stax, where he had honed his skills as a pianist—he filled in for Booker T. Jones while Jones was away at college—and where he proved to be an especially gifted songwriter.


Verb: يشعل - Although unfinished at the time of his death, Chretien de Troyes's Perceval was an immediate success in medieval literature,igniting a fascination in the knightly quest for the Holy Grail, which it introduced to the European imagination.


Verb: يشكو - يتذمر - يتبرم - The exuberance of Karevolotski's narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a gloomy protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive world.


Verb: يشوق - In her recent book, the author conflates several genres--the detective story, the teen thriller, and the vampire romance--to create a memorable read.


Verb: يصاب بكارثه او ابتلاء - With numerous exciting public works projects in the offing, residents are understandably agog ; yet because such prodigious undertakings are inevitably plagued with numerous setbacks, much of the fervor is likely to be tempered with a heavy dose of reality


Verb: يصادر - The family toy store in Plzen, confiscated by the Nazis, was returned to them after the war, only to be taken again by the Communists in 1948.


Verb: يصادق - Unless the current practice of deforestation is sanctioned by no less than a global committee, the world's biodiversity will continue to ebb, robbing posterity of potential pharmacological breakthroughs.


Verb: يطعم - McConnell, having become interested in Hydén's work, scrambled to test for a speculative molecule that he called "memory RNA" by grafting portions of trained planaria onto the bodies of untrained planaria.


Verb: يعاتب - Her friends reproached her for not thinking enough about her family


Verb: يعاقب - يوبخ - The judge cared not one whit for histrionic, and would liberally berate any who embellished their testimony with elaborate, pleading gestures or, worse yet, broke into feigned bouts of sobbing.


Verb: يعبر عن رأيه - James opined that his efforts in the project had earned him a prolonged vacation, but when his boss rejected the idea, James returned to work without complaint


Verb: يعتاد علي - That an author can become inured to adverse criticism does not necessarily bode well for that individual's artistic development, since even the most stinging reviews are often meted out in the implicit hope that an author will seek, in future works, to mitigate his or her writerly transgressions.


Verb: يعتبر - I am simply going to keep looking forward and do what I deem is right.


Verb: يعترض - يحتج - Chelsea's grandmother thought Franz Schubert's music to be the most mellifluous ever written; Chelsea demurred, and to her grandmother's chagrin, would blast Rihanna on the home stereo speakers.


Verb: يعتنق - يتنبي - This remained in place for about a century, until the Coinage Act of 1873, which embraced a "gold only" standard, a monometallic standard, effectively dropping silver as the basis of currency


Verb: يعرض - يقترح - he began to propound the idea of a "social monarchy" as an alternative to Franco


Verb: يعرض عمل فني في معرض - Noun: المعروض نفسه - she was invited to exhibit at several French museums


Verb: يعز - he cared for me beyond measure and cherished me in his heart


Verb: يعزل - يطرد - While all the coworkers participated in attempting to merge their company with a rival, after their proposal collapsed, Dustin was the one ex-communicated as a scapegoat in the resulting chaos and was forced to leave the company


Verb: يعطي شيء بعطف ولطافه - The angry pedestrian vouchsafed the careless driver for his recklessness


Verb: يعكر صفو - Able to coax a palpable sense of menace from the bucolic backwaters of her native Missouri, Micheaux adroitly shows us, in her latest book, that a surface of idyllic charm can belie a roiling underbelly of intrigue, corruption, and murder.


Verb: يعوي - The wind howls, guards scream, dogs bark, people push and shove.


Verb: يعيد الشباب لـ - Verb: make (someone or something) look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively - The organisation is charged with rejuvenating the centre of town


Verb: يعيد الصياغه - Verb: give (a metal object) a different form by melting it down and reshaping it. - History has recast the 15th century Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola as a rabble-rousing zealot lording over the "bonfire of the vanities"; yet this so-called heretic —mainly because he directed his censure at the church—was a crusader for austerity and thus a check on a papacy that had run a course of profligacy.


Verb: يغمر بالماء - That we can, from a piece of art, drive the unconscious urges of the artist—urges that remain hidden even from the artist himself—will remain an intractable issue, as it is one not readily amenable to empirical analysis: we can never definitively know what is submerged deep inside the artist's psyche, let alone reconcile any such revelations with the artist's work.


Verb: يغير الاتجاه فجأه - A comet's orbit, on the other hand, can vary greatly—due to collisions with other objects or the loss of its mass as its icy structure melts—meaning that the proof of its existence might present as only a single data point, when the star's light is blocked only one time before the comet's trajectory veers away from the star.


Verb: يفتن - Before he died, my father reminded me that when I was four and he asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to be a writer. Of course, what I meant by "writer" then was a writer of Superman comics. In part I was infatuated with the practically invulnerable Man of Steel


Verb: يفتن - يسحر - Her deliverance of her stories will once again have her audiences spellbound


Verb: يفحص - يدقق - In censuring the academic committee for apparently being dilatory in appointing a chancellor, the university president mistook deliberation for procrastination—the committee had been guilty of nothing more than a scrupulous vetting of all candidates


Verb: يفسخ - يبطل - It ill behooves the president elect to forthwith abrogate the policies that kept his predecessor in good standing on both sides of the political divide.


Verb: يفسخ - يلغي بشكل رسمي - verb: cancel officially The man's driver's license was rescinded after his tenth car accident, which meant he would never be allowed to legally drive again.


Verb: يفشي سر - Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them.


Verb: يفقد بريقه


Verb: يفكك - The foreman has devised the following solution: dismantle each construction vehicle and tie a part upon the back of a donkey, an animal capable of making the steep ascent

make out

Verb: يفهم - That people can make out the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some common auditory perceptual abilities.


Verb: يفوق - يتجاوز - Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extra-social symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature.


Verb: يفوق - يتفوق - Chester always tried to find some area in which he excelled above others; unsurprisingly, his co-workers found him insufferable and chose to exclude him from daily luncheons out.


Verb: يقبض بقبضه يده - In my right hand, numb with cold, I still gripped Bach's beautiful Sarabande from the English Suite


Verb: يقتضي - يتمضن - The neighborhood French bistro, though typically unpretentious, has had to contend with the common perception that any eatery with the word 'French' appended to its name must connote something chic.


Verb: يقدر إستقرائيا - Verb: extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially one based on statistics) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable. - Based on a spate of hospitable planets--or Goldilocks planets, as scientists affectionately dub them--recently found orbiting the stars of three distinct solar systems, astronomers have been able to extrapolate the number of earth-like planets in the universe, a figure much higher than previously estimated.


Verb: يقدم - Because the architect had found evidence of decay in a supporting wall, her official report advanced the structural integrity of the building as a likely cause of the accident


Verb: يقدم - يعرض - What is the greatest novel of all-time? Many top-100 lists have been proffered, purporting to resolve this very issue. Yet the divergence of opinion of those compiling these rankings suggests that any definitive list is not forthcoming


Verb: يقدم عرض أو اقتراح - يرافع - I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all interstellar processes that have taken place on the terrestrial planets


Verb: يقرأ بتمعن - Institutionally, science and religion have always been at odds with each other. A historical analysis of the topic corroborates that notion. But philosophers, who peruse both domains to source their ideas, suggest that a thorough study of both fields reveals the observed dichotomy to be superficial, since, at their core, these disciplines attempt to answer the same questions about our existence.


Verb: يقصف - Dreams are difficult to understand and to study technically, owing to the hazy nature of the memories associated with them. An important aspect of dreams - in the eyes of dreamers - is what they may reveal about their subconscious and, therefore, allow them to learn about the sum of their personalities. At any given point in time, our consciousness is bombarded by information from the outside as well as thoughts and emotions on the inside, which makes it hard for people to decipher their true nature from within all the noise. But dreams can allow one to recognize the workings of their brain as a whole, as external stimuli are restricted from affecting people in that state.


Verb: يقصي - يبعد - Their relations ultimately further estrange him from his Jewish wife


Verb: يقضي بين الناس - In this case as in most planning applications, the board was always going to adjudicate on the matter,'


Verb: يقف امام الفنان ليرسمه - Her subjects appear to be acquaintances whom she has asked to pose


Verb: يكبح - يقهر - يقمع - يخفض - Lacking the tempestuousness of Martha Argerich, Mitsuko Uchida, in her piano recitals, is subdued, looking up calmly to the heavens as her fingers glide across the keys.


Verb: يكتب علاج - As the President's health aggravated, his team of doctors were focused more on exculpating themselves than attempting to figure out a remedy the leader's degeneration to prevent the enervation that was keeping him from performing his executive duties to the fullest.


Verb: يكسو - يزين - Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, holding forth on questions of great import; yet philosophy is very much alive today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens' marketplaces.


Verb: يكظم - يقمع - يكبت


Verb: يكمن - Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor.


Verb: يكون في مقدمه مجموعه - Many of the great mathematical breakthroughs, like Newton's Calculus, were spearheaded in the effort to solve scientific questions.


Verb: يلبي - يوافق - acceding to the demands


Verb: يلتزم - Booker T. Washington advocated hard work and political passivity: he argued that Blacks should devote their energies to getting rid of political agitators in their ranks and that they should always abide by the law of the land.


Verb: يلتقي - يتجمع - Verb: (of several people or things) come together from different directions so as eventually to meet. - The range through these states is mediated by the arousal system, a network of tracts converging from sensory systems to integrating centers in the brain stem.


Verb: يلتهم - he devoured half of his burger in one bite


Verb: يلفظ متصنعا - Never one to mince his words, Antonio was the perfect official;even an outright fabrication was delivered with aplomb.


Verb: يلقح - It had long been thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers.


Verb: يلقح - يحقن باللقاح


Verb: يلمح - ينظر إلي - While the dense brush can make for tough going, the state park features a wilderness that is virtually pristine; some will gladly trade their comfort for a chance to behold fauna few others ever have.


Verb: يلهث - His breath was hot and he panted like a dog


Verb: يلوث السمعه


Verb: يلوح في الأفق - يظهر - The building, which is more than two hundred and fifty years old, is obscured by a half-dozen trees. One of the looming sycamores seems to have saved the chapel on 9/11 by absorbing debris from the towers.


Verb: يليق - يناسب - Far from eschewing a(n) extravagant lifestyle and adopting one commensurate with that found in developing nations, the international humanitarian outreach has accorded its members perquisites befitting a decadent monarchy.


Verb: يمتثل - The university has since claimed that it is unable to comply with the government request.


Verb: يمتنع - يحجم - The judge admonished the counsel to keep closing arguments germane and thus refrain from citing evidence tangential to the proceedings.


Verb: يمجد - Yet another creation in line with the plodding melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort is likely to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority will dismiss the film as soporific drivel.


Verb: يمدح - يمجد


Verb: يمدح - يمجد - In the Commons, she was extravagantly lauded for her honesty, integrity, humanity


Verb: يمشي بصعوبه - They'd seen people trudging past their apartment, covered with a fine, light-gray dust.


Verb: يملي أوامره - In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to dictate


Verb: يمنح - 'I endow ordinary people with love and sincerity,' she said.


Verb: يمنع - يحظر - Federal law bars the issuance of disaster loans and grant assistance to applicants who "present live performances of a prurient sexual nature"


Verb: يمنع شيء من التمام أو النجاح - يحبط - Verb: prevent (something considered wrong or undesirable) from succeeding - The metaphorical character of Nietzsche's concepts serves to foil any definitive reading of his philosophy.


Verb: يميز - I can discern no difference between the two policies


Verb: يناشد - Police are appealing for witnesses to a serious assault outside a Richmond bar which has left the victim fighting for his life


Verb: يناضل- يتعذب - People agonize over buying washing machines and homes, but all spending is important, Mr. Edelman says.


Verb: ينافس - With university lecture halls rivaling small-concert venues in terms of the number of those in attendance, it is incumbent upon incoming freshmen—most long coddled in an intimate learning environment—to become adept at navigating the treacherous waters of anonymity.


Verb: يناور - Noun: مناوره - She put the ship through a series of difficult maneuvers at top speed


Verb: يناور - يبذل اللي في وسعه عشان يوصل للي هو عاوزه Verb: struggle by every available means to gain or achieve something - Despite its veneer of pearly-toothed smiles and amicable handshakes, the world of politics is one of constant scheming in which everyone is always jockeying for a more estimable position


Verb: ينبثق - ينشأ - The Chelyabinsk meteor emerged from the asteroid belt, perhaps from a smashup that took place about 30,000 years ago.


Verb: ينبعث - The signals were at first sporadic, but now we detect a clear, consistent pattern of electromagnetic radiation emanating from deep space.


Verb: ينتف - يقتلع - يقطف - she somehow plucked the score from the air and ran to our truck, offering it up to me inches from the tailgate


Verb: ينتقد - يعيب - Hardly one to fault others, Thaddeus surprised his colleagues when he began carping at even their most trivial mistakes.


Verb: ينتقد بشده - The band's new album was universally panned by critics, with many deriding their change to a simpler sound


Verb: ينثر - Evidence is dispersed among individual tourists and collectors, as personal mementoes


Verb: ينحرف - When the cyclist swerved into traffic, it forced the driver to brake and elicited an indignant shout of "Hey, punk, watch where you're going!"


Verb: يندد Verb: speak or write about (something) with great hostility. - In other words, it is not always clear whether they are inveighing against the application of a general natural scientific approach or of positivism in particular


Verb: يندفع بعنف وبسرعه - As he did so he caught sight of an object hurtling towards him in a rapid manner.


Verb: ينذر بـ - Two events foreshadow a significant change in the fortunes of marriage and family in Australia


Verb: ينزل الي مرتبه ادني - Countless generations have been divided on Mendelssohn's legacy—should he inhabit the same pantheon as Bach and Haydn, or be relegated to the ranks of could-have-beens? After all, it can be argued that his apogee came at the age of 14 with his Octet in E-flat, a work, many believe, the composer never eclipsed in his remaining twenty-six years


Verb: ينزوي في حضن - يأوي - the baby deer nestled in her arms


Verb: ينسب شيء لـ - Stonehenge is arguably the most widely recognized megalithic site in the world, and, despite many popular images, was completed more than a millennium before the Celtic druids arrived in Britain; the misconception can likely be traced to William Stukeley, a pioneer of British archaeology who credited the druids in his writings about megalithic sites


Verb: ينشر فكره - She knows some people will think her a spoilsport for promulgating these ideas, especially in Australia where 'an English garden' with borders and lawns is still the gardening aspiration of many


Verb: ينصب - verb: to deceive Many people have been fleeced by Internet scams and never received their money back.


Verb: ينفر - Bukowski was known for being a boorish drunk and alienating close friends and family.


Verb: ينفس عن - It's been a long economic squeeze and an extended period of political clampdown, and they've now found a new opportunity to vent their anger.


Verb: ينفق - If that Government have troops they are willing to "expend" in Mexico, it is not the British residents who will object to their presence.


Verb: ينفي عن الوطن - Eighty years ago the Irish people fought a revolution to banish foreign soldiers from our country.


Verb: ينقبض - يتقلص - ينكمش - It occurs when the tiny muscle at the base of a hair follicle contracts, pulling the hair upright.


Verb: ينقض - يبطل - During the heyday of Prohibition, bootlegging had become such a lucrative business that many who had been opposed to the 18th Amendment began to fear it would be repealed.


Verb: ينكر - She was appalled at the mayor's policy, feeling he had abjured the promises made during his campaign.


Verb: ينمو - يزدهر - Self-pollinating plants are also able to thrive in a greater variety of climates.


Verb: ينهار - يهبط بسرعه - Somehow he has turned our headlong plummet into the sign of hope for the future


Verb: ينهي - يلغي - يبطل - In fact, the chair of philosophy at Moscow University was abolished in the late 1820s


Verb: ينوح - يندب - يرثي ل - Wallace Stegner lamented the lack of gumption in the U.S. during the sixties, claiming that no young person knew the value of work


Verb: يهاجم بعنف - There seems to be an inverse relationship between how the author is treated in the press and how he is seen in his own literary circle: the more the critics savage his work, the more obsequious his acolytes.


Verb: يهتف - يهلل - He has achieved it without sponsorship, riches or public acclaim


Verb: يهدد - The hostage negotiator exhibited a sangfroid that oftentimes was more menacing than the sword at his throat, or the gun at his head.


Verb: يهرول -


Verb: يهزم هزيمه قاسيه - In York White Rose Ladies League division one, Sun's title aspirations were dealt a blow after Tap trounced them 5-2


Verb: يوزع - And the doctor must be familiar with the issues that are important to young people and know how to draw out information and dispense advice without sounding preachy


Verb:ينتقد/يحط من قد شخص علانيه - The group also decried the lack of critical press treatment in this country


Verb:يهدأ - ينحسر - the storm suddenly abated


adjective: احتيال - As the salesman became increasingly glib, promising that there was nothing the warranty would not cover, Xavier sensed that the entire operation was a racket and quickly walked out.


happen or occur afterward or as a result. - the difficulties that ensued from their commitment to Cuba


noun: a person who indulges in luxury Despite the fact that he'd maxed out fifteen credit cards, Max was still a sybarite at heart: when the police found him, he was at a $1,000 an hour spa in Manhattan, getting a facial treatment.


noun: something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen The downtown was a palimpsest of the city's checkered past: a new Starbucks had opened up next to an abandoned, shuttered building, and a freshly asphalted road was inches away from a pothole large enough to swallow a small dog.


noun: جذع - At first glance, a tree could not be more different from the caterpillars that eat its leaves, the mushrooms sprouting from its bark, the grass growing by its trunk, or the humans canoodling under its shade.


noun: خلاف - شقاق - The controversial bill proved factious, as dissension even within parties resulted


she somehow plucked the score from the air and ran to our truck, offering it up to me inches from the tailgate


showy but cheap and of poor quality.


undergrowth, small trees, and shrubs. - A witness had saw a suspect throwing a flaming device from the side of the road into the brush here, which caught fire.


verb: - she was caught canoodling with her boyfriend - At first glance, a tree could not be more different from the caterpillars that eat its leaves, the mushrooms sprouting from its bark, the grass growing by its trunk, or the humans canoodling under its shade.


verb: elaborate - The judge's closing remarks were nothing if not exhaustive; not only did he belabor his every point, but he underscored each utterance with the pounding of the gavel.


verb: تولد - The restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles were so severe that they engendered deep hatred and resentment in the German people.


verb: يؤدي عمل بغير براعه - Would he stick to inane celebrity banter and cruise through it or would he do a wannabe Jann Wenner or Michael Parkinson job and completely muff it?


verb: يبريء - As the President's health aggravated, his team of doctors were focused more on exculpating themselves than attempting to figure out a remedy the leader's degeneration to prevent the enervation that was keeping him from performing his executive duties to the fullest.


verb: يبعثر - She started clawing at the mattress until she broke it open and scattered the fluffy insides all over the cell


verb: يتراجع - يتقهقر - Receding into our homes, we looked for distraction and titillation and intimacy through our computers and phones.


verb: يتسكع - He was briefly detained and these days, from what I have heard, is mostly just puttering around his yard, keeping his views to himself.


verb: يحث - يخلي شخص يعمل حاجه معينه - My father tried to induce me to learn Arabic poetry by heart, encouraged me, gave me prizes - also for knowledge in astronomy


verb: يحل - يبطل - When President Trump entered office, in 2017, and threatened to disband the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (daca) program, of which Maya is a recipient, she decided to restart sex work and go into it full time.


verb: يخلو من - Lisa kept her voice devoid of emotion


verb: يستنكر - She was so fickle in her politics, it was hard to pinpoint her beliefs; one week she would embrace a side, and the next week she would denounce it.


verb: يضرب بعنف - Residents of Chelyabinsk, Russia, experienced this firsthand at 9:20 a.m. local time last Feb. 15, when a 50-foot-wide asteroid slammed into Earth's atmosphere and exploded above the town, shattering windows, collapsing the roof of a local zinc factory, and sending more than a thousand people to the hospital with glass cuts and other injuries.


verb: يطحن - يسحق - Other debris included ninety-one thousand litres of jet fuel, countless glass windowpanes, pulverized cement, gypsum, calcite, cellulose, hydrochloric acid, lead used on electric cables, polychlorinated biphenyls used in electrical transformers, steel columns that served as load-bearing walls, steel beams, insulation fibres, human hair, fibres from carpets, copper, titanium.


verb: يطرز - يزخرف - They were both wearing T-shirts—black for Mescal, white with an embroidered daisy for Edgar-Jones, who wore chunky gold earrings and had her hair up in a bun


verb: يقفش - Verb: catch (someone) doing something wrong. - Olympic drug tests nabbed another athlete yesterday


verb: ينحرف عن القضيه الرئيسيه - Then in 1960, a young graduate called Ted Nelson got sidetracked from his masters degree in sociology at Harvard into writing text - retrieval software


حجره غسل الاطباق - The property contains a living room, kitchen, scullery and a bathroom while three bedrooms and an attic conversion with Velux windows lie upstairs


حقيره - A dingy room


ذروه - قمه - The "Fifty Shades" books were then in their heyday, and the women were annoyed that, after decades of feminism, the heroine of those books was the stereotypical "innocent virgin" being "broken in" by a man


سخيف - مش معقول - مناف للعقل - It is absurd to blame current difficulties on any state's governor, Republican or Democrat


سلعه - بضاعه - Exports of primary commodities and the import of finished products are not favourable for any country


ضيق الافق - تقليدي - At Nestlé I found a totally different way of doing things. P.&G. was a little bit insular because the results until then were fairly good


طريد - هارب - مُحدث - fugitives from justice


عديم الاحساس - a patient who was permanently unconscious and insensate


عنيد - متصلب - You can have really strong, obstinate opinions, so long as your facts are true, you're OK


فضولي - With time, they lost their inhibitions about writing, or talking, about sex, but they remained cautious about how they labelled these scenes as e-mail attachments, in case their teen-age children got nosy.


فقدان الذاكره - Another was suffering from temporary partial retrograde amnesia after being hit on the head during a home invasion.


قصير النظر - However, the treatments do not seem to be as effective or as accurate as myopic corrections except in low corrections


قعقعه - خشخشه - حشرجه


كئيب - The dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening


كبت - the children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions


كنايه - Environmental design' is just one of the many euphemisms for the ubertrendy catch words Feng Shui


لا يقهر - At Nestlé I found a totally different way of doing things. P.&G. was a little bit insular because the results until then were fairly good, so you also think you're invincible to some extent.

defining moment

لحظه حاسمه - Such moments are defining moments , not just for their own importance as events, but for what they reveal


لياقه - ذوق - noun: propriety in manners and conduct "You will obey the rules of decorum for this courtroom or spend the night in a jail cell," said the judge to the prosecutor.


مأزق - I'm what you'd call Old Labour and I'll be in a quandary at the next election: how can I vote for a party that doesn't really exist anymore?


مبتديء - Physics textbooks can seem so abstruse to the uninitiated that readers feel as though they are looking at hieroglyphics


متباه - متفاخر - As I've said before, I don't want to put up pictures, because it seems boastful and ostentatious


متعفن - The damp musty smell in the air suggested we were still in the base, though it seemed impossible for most of it was destroyed


مجهود - a well-earned rest after their exertions


محاكاه ساخره - His voice was absolutely sincere, with no mockery or sarcasm even hinted


مخطوطه - ورق نفيس - a large collection of ancient parchment




مريح - I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious


مزيف - مزور - one of Europe's most notorious art forgers

interpersonal skills

مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين - Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor


موضه - The vogue is to make realistic films


نهم - Since avaricious desire is similar to gluttony or lust--sins of excess--it was listed as one of the seven deadly sins by the Catholic church.


وبالتالي - For one undertaking such a complex dissertation, Marcus gave a remarkably facile response when the committee asked him a probing question, thereby creating the impression that he had only a superficial knowledge of the subject.


يتأمل - يفكر مليا - 'he went off to meditate on the new idea


يتحمل - يقاسي - Their sole goal was to be sure that we would get our education and go to university and have a better life than what they had to endure.


يرتجل - he extemporized at the piano


يرثي له - The newly free country struggled to maintain order in the wake of independence, but it was woefully unprepared.


يعظ - موعظه - His deep emotional involvement with these ideas is, in fact, antithetical to the detachment Buddhism preaches.


يلخص - This interview, which was condensed and edited for clarity, was conducted in New York City.


verb: يتحدث

ill behoove

'Ill behooves' means not suitable or fitting. - It ill behooves the president elect to forthwith abrogate the policies that kept his predecessor in good standing on both sides of the political divide.


Adjective: شامل - But these incidents are mere pixels in the sweeping picture emerging from the latest theories of how our solar system formed and evolved.


Adjective: افتراضي - A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.


Adjecive: شيء غريب عن المألوف - Amongst Irish-American playwrights of the early 20th Century, her work stood out as a(n) anomaly, not so much because of its striking originality but because other contemporaneous works tended to be dogmatic on most social issues. Her plays, by contrast, allowed the audience to come to its own conclusions, a technique that foreshadowed much of 20th century theatre.


Adjective: خبيث - سام - مضر جدا - Their research can help head off not only the Nipah but also other virulent diseases that break out suddenly to plague man and beast.


Adjective: خجول - Montaigne's pursuit of the character he called Myself—"bashful, insolent; chaste, lustful; prating, silent; laborious, delicate; knowing, ignorant"—lasted for twenty years and produced more than a thousand pages of observation and revision.


Adjective: مفتقد - her room was stark and bereft of color


Adjective: خشن - فظ - He was a rather tall boy with a head full of coarse black hair.


Adjective: ساطع - the sunlight was dazzling


Adjective: ضار


Adjective: غير منهجي -


Adjective: متأخرا


Adjective: نتن


Adjective: هائج - متمرد


Adverb: جهارا - علانيه - Authors will often sacrifice personal beliefs, remaining apolitical, in order to skirt controversy and remain palatable to a broader audience. This might indeed be a prudent position, considering that some readers bristle when an author whom they typically enjoy injects overtly political themes into a novel--even themes they might in principle espouse


Adverb: سابق لآوانه - prematurely gray hair his son died premature


Adverb: شيء تم بدون مساعده احد - Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W. Griffith


Adverb: علانيه - certain transactions were not totally aboveboard


Adverb: علي مهل - برويه - The band's long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop a steady funk beat has proven to be surprisingly prescient: a concert in Cologne from 1972 sounds as if it could have taken place today.


Adverb: علي نحو مهمل - How was the game?" Katie asked idly


Adverb: فورا - حالا - It ill behooves the president elect to forthwith abrogate the policies that kept his predecessor in good standing on both sides of the political divide.


Adverb: في هذ االاتجاه - الناحيه دي - There is plenty to see hereabouts - a bird-filled lagoon, the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor, and the remarkable sand dunes of Voïdokolia Bay.


Adverb: لحد دلوقتي - We soon discovered why that part of town was hitherto unknown to me.


Compared to the rococo flourishes typical of Thomas Chippendale's creations, Matthew Taylor's armoires were positively austere/spartan.


Conjunction: خشية أن - Even minutes before the guests were set to arrive, she fussed over the smallest detail, fastidiously rearranging the silverware lest a fork should be set askew.


Verb: يدمر - يحدث الاضطرابات - يقلب نظام الحكم - Are we to save our democratic systems by subverting them?


Noun: أمر من قبل سلطه ما - Alexander Hamilton had tried to fix the gold-silver exchange rate by fiat, but of course, such restraints only inhibit the natural development of a free market.


For all the orchestra's brio, the conductor moved ponderously, his baton moving about in labored strokes.


Noun: أمعاء - It is also effective for hemorrhage of the lungs, stomach and intestines or topically for wound healing


Noun: أناني - I gave up last year when I realised that they were a bunch of dull egoists


Noun: أنقاض - بقايا - In the space of a few hours, the 4.5-billion-year-old comet was reduced to a cloud of sputtering rubble

pan out

Idiom: ينجَح - يصحح مسار - يوفق - For someone so unjustifiably assured of success, the recently installed CEO perhaps surprised very few when his series of impractical business solutions did not pan out for the floundering firm.


Noun: نقد


Verb: يسحر - He enchanted the audience with his sonorous voice and his evocations of Milan


Verb: يسخر - يتهكم - At home he had been funny, sociable, always ready for a quip or a practical joke


Verb: يبحر حول العالم - Another nuclear submarine, the Triton, circumnavigated the world in 84 days while submerged, a record that still stands


Noun: (in an insect or amphibian) the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. - Memories Can Be Injected and Survive Amputation and Metamorphosis


Noun: اشاعه كاذبه - Parson Weems, George Washington's preeminent biographer during the president's life, is responsible for spreading many of the canards we today accept as the unvarnished truth.


Noun: بيئه - وسط - Creativity rarely flowers in a genial milieu, so it is somewhat curious that Mann's formative years as an artist can best be described as sunny


In an operatic manner; as regards the opera.


Intransitive Verb: يعطي سبب - يقدم تفسير - Intransitive verb: To give a satisfactory reason; to tell the cause of; to explain; -- with for. - Two things perhaps account for this oversight: for one, any pianist for whom no extant recordings exist is likely not to weather time well.


Nonu: موجز - ملخص - The book is broken into three main sections, beginning with a brief synopsis of the state's long geologic history.


Noun : ملابس - The choreographer was mainly concerned with sartorial details, as the period production required the leads to don a number of different outfits


Noun: الجنه


Noun: شجاعه - بساله - You displayed uncommon courage and valor


Noun: مأزق - We must direct our efforts towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty


Noun: وسيط - موفق = A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.

over the eons

Sentence: علي مر العصور - The moon's surface contains an intact chemical record of all the asteroids that have pummeled it over the eons.


Spending five minutes in the sun will most likely have a benign effect on one's skin; spending fifteen minutes, on the other hand, can lead to burning and, over time, fine wrinkles.


Ted understood that he didn't want to live with a simulacrum of intimacy.


Verb: يتكهن - يتنبأ - You know, it's impossible, particularly in this part of the world and particularly in the middle of a war, to foretell the future.


That Alexander Solzhenitsyn languished for many years in a Siberian prison camp can perhaps account for the grim tone of many of his novels.


Verb: يحدد بدقه - Use the Verbal Reasoning Practice Sets to test your skills and pinpoint areas for more focused study


Traditionally vociferous in their criticism of the hazards of nuclear power—which are undeniably pressing—many environmental groups failed to cite any viable energy alternatives; still, these very groups often trumpeted the success of "green technologies," innovations that, until very recently, were able to provide only a fraction of the power required to sustain a populace.


Transitive Verb: يحقق Transitive Verb: ينتج - Transitive verb To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be. Transitive verb To bring to pass; to execute; to enforce; to achieve; to accomplish. - The travelogue is a thorny genre, even for seasoned writers, for one must effect a curious balance between inspired navel-gazing and reportage with a cosmopolitan slant.


Transitive Verb: يهمل - Transitive Verb: To leave out of account; to take no notice of. - Since memories of recent events tend to be far more accessible, during a prolonged economic upswing investors often discount plausible scenarios forecasting a recession.


Verb: يحرض - يساعد علي الجريمه - In many cases the police itself is the culprit in aiding and abetting the crime.


Verb: يبث - ينشر - He is strongly against such power when used thoughtlessly to propagate traditional ideas, which can be harmful


Verb: يبحث عن - Realizing that the city was far too crowded to find shelter, they sought a hiding place in the woods.


Verb: يبحث عن فضائح - يتتبع العورات -


Verb : يأسر - Any reader would be enthralled by the story and find themselves rapidly taking it in


Verb: ينتبه - يهتم - he should have heeded the warnings


Verb: يوزع - يفرق - For one, the new digital technology is democratizing written language and variously expanding the range of people who use and learn from it. It may also be diffusing culture; music and film of all kinds are cheaply and easily available to almost everyone.


Verb: يوصل للي هو عاوزه بالتملق والملاطفه - Able to coax a palpable sense of menace from the bucolic backwaters of her native Missouri, Micheaux adroitly shows us, in her latest book, that a surface of idyllic charm can belie a roiling underbelly of intrigue, corruption, and murder.


Verb: يوضح - يؤكد علي - Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extra-social symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature.


Verb: يوميء برأسه - موافق - The girl nodded, but her mother's remark gave her an uneasy feeling, and that night she put the stone at the bottom of her least used drawer.


Verb: يوهن - يضعف - While the parasitic Cuscuta vine extracts substantial resources from the vegetation it preys on, it also enhances chemical communication between plants linked by its snaring hooks and tendrils, in a relationship that is debilitating to the host in some ways, distinctly beneficial in others


Verb: يُغضب - The Australian public, never a public to embrace political correctness, was absolutely incensed


adjective: (of language) pompous and tedious The amount of GRE vocabulary he used increased with his years--by the time he was 60, his novels were so turgid that even his diehard fans refused to read them.


preposition: فوق - The band's long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop a steady funk beat has proven to be surprisingly prescient: a concert in Cologne from 1972 sounds as if it could have taken place today.


خاطف - On the Smith's drive through the Grand Canyon, Mr. Smith's big head obscured much of Mrs. Robinson's view, so that she only saw momentary patches of red rock.


دحيح - Serious and studious, Chen always graduated at the top of his class


أدوات المائدة

better off

أفضل حالا - Corporations that do not rely in some way on governmental largesse tend to be better off when their respective government's coffers are empty.


إئتلاف - تحالف - For inspiration, they looked to past art coalitions in Italy, such as surrealism


إدانه - قناعه - he had a previous conviction for a similar offence - she takes pride in stating her political convictions


إسم مستعار - For their pseudonym, they chose the compound Helena S. Paige


إنتصار - A garden built to celebrate Napoleon's many triumph


اتحاد التجار المحتكرين لسلعه معينه - Their large "donations" to the local police department gave the drug cartel the brazen confidence to do their business out in the open.

ousted president.

الرئيس المخلوع - President of Egypt. Morsi was sworn in on 30 June 2012, as Egypt's first democratically elected president.


الغسق - الفجر الكاذب - she looked out on the beautiful twilight

goose bumps

القشعريره - In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose bumps, and this response is widely considered to be vestigial—that is, something formerly having a greater physiological advantage than at present


بائس - Les Miserables


بطله - They decided that their novel would be a rural romance, set in the Australian outback, and agreed on the backstory of their heroine, a city girl who inherits the farm where her father—now mysteriously disappeared—grew up.


بلاعه - For example, this could be where the judgement was based on replacing septic tanks with cesspools , or with private sewage treatment plants at the expense of the applicant.


تماما - Because the movies were utterly derivative of other popular movies, they did well at the box office.


جزء مستقل - He found a large plastic container in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator containing what appeared to be frozen soup


حتي الآن - The exuberance of Karevolotski's narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a gloomy protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive world.


حفيف - One night, as I was sleeping, I heard voices like wind rustling in the leaves.

hinges upon

يتوقف علي - Whether the network renews the latest pilot series hinges upon the critical assumption that the audience will not only empathize with a male protagonist very different from it, but will continue to do so once he begins to commit acts that are clearly reprehensible.


يجمل - ينمق - يزخرف - Followers often embellish stories about their heroes


يخترق - يفهم - يدرك - I found Ulysses recondite and never finished the book, waiting instead to read it with someone else so we could penetrate its meaning together


يخضع - يستسلم - The film was incredibly mawkish, introducing highly likeable characters only to have them succumb to a devastating illness by the end of the movie

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