vocabulary workshop level h unit 8 choosing the right word

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as hoc 4

As there was no agency concerned with race relations, the mayor created a ... committee to deal with such matters

syndrome 4

a high temperature, yellowish complexion and general feeling of fatigue are all characteristics of the mononucleosis ...

ad hoc 2

our fundraising committee formed ... in order to more efficiently help the displaced or uninsured families that were affected by the floods

lackluster 3

t was hard to believe that the eager, vibrant youth I had known was now this shabby derelict, staring into space with ... eyes


we learned with dismay that out application has been neither approved nor rejected, but ... to a higher authority for further consideration


we may find ... annoying, but the fact s that they often serve as gadflies to bring about desirous changes


we must not assume that their behavior, however .. by conventional standards, is a sign of mental illness


with the extreme cold and the deep snow stills holding one. the gradual lengthening of the days was the only ... of spring


True, we won the game, but i think our team gave a rather ... performance in beating a weak opponent by so narrow a margin


a candidate for high office should seek to debate the issues on an objective level, instead of ... to the prejudices of the times

de facto

although the law forbids residential separation of the races, we know that a state of ... segregation exists in some communities

malcontents 2

because they have followed a policy of bringing in executives from the outside, instead of promoting from within their own ranks, the office is filled with grumbling ....

cantankerous 3`

he had been happy go lucky as a young man, but years of disappointment and misfortune have turned him sour and ...

empathy 4

her visits to the nursing home are motivated not by a detached sense of duty but by a genuine ... for those who are lonely


how can you compare a mere social .. with a misdeed that has caused such a great harm to other people

aberration 2

how is one to explain that strange ... from the habits and standards that he had followed for so many years?

de facto 2

i find myself in the position of ... supervisor, now i would like to have the title that goes along with the job


in all aspects of their behavior, raina and joe showed the self indulgence and gross indifference to others that is characteristic of the true ...


in many respects it is a good movie, but sadly, the director has allowed sentiments to spill over into sentimentality, and sentimentality into ...

harbinger 3

is it too optimistic to hope that your willingness to undertake that thankless task is the ... of a new maturity and a more responsible attitude

depredations 2

it took years for that country to recover from the ... wrought by the second world warand its concomitant social and economic dislocations

mellifluous 3

like everyone else, I was charmed by the ... tones of the speaker, but later i could extract very little real meaning from what she had said


said to churchill to the british people after the munich agreement, "we must reject these ... assurances of peace in our time"


since you have been spending time with these new friends, i sense in you a sort of mental ... that both worries and disappoints me


so strong is my ... with the poems of frost that i often feel as though i could have written them myself


the ... citizens formed a committee to disseminate a petition, to organize a strike, and to monitor legislative proceedings


the ... looks that they directed at us made it only too clear that we had little hope for mercy at their hands


the ... of poverty, drug addiction, and crime that afflicts our cities calls for remedial action no a truly national scale


the ... of the terrible disease could be seen only too clearly in her extreme emaciation and feebleness


the car was forever breaking down, but its owner seemed to derive a sort of perverse satisfaction out of battling with the ... old heap

casuistry 3

the history of the world teaches us that we should never let ourselves be blinded by the meretricious ... of a demagogue, no matter how appealing it may appear at first glance


the man in the gray cap is a ... who engages in all kinds of illegal activities but somehow never gets caught


the movement of the fox north into the arctic territory ... the continuation of a warming climate

ad hoc

the negotiators agreed not to try to draw up an overall treaty but to deal with each specific problem on a ... basis


the pitcher's lightning fastball has proved the ... of many a celebrated home-run hitter

piece de resistance

then came miss bolton's cornet solo, which we all recognized immediately as the ... of that long musical evening

peccadillo 3

think you are showing poor judgment in condemning them so severely for what is, after all, little more than ...

remanded 4

those cases that call for further attention will be ... to the proper agencies

bathos 3

those sentimentalized effusions introduced a note of ... into what should have been an occasion marked by dignity and restraint


though he had embraced a creed of unabashed ... in his youth, he ended his life among a group of ascetics living in the desert

piece de resistance 2

would it be ungracious of me to suggest that the ... of the feast, given on the mean as filet migon. had the taste and texture of old show leather?

nepotism 3

yes, I believe in helping out relatives, but i haven't spent a lifetime building this business to make it a monument to ....

pandering 4

yes, you have scored a quick chimerical success, but you have done it only by ... to low and depraved tastes


your efforts to prove that because "no one is perfect" all moral standards are relative therefore meaningless, struck me as sheer ...


"Am i to be accused of ...," queried the Mayor, "just because my wife, daughter, and brother happen to be the best applicants for the job"

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