Walt Disney-TedOA

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Like many boys, Walt's imaginationb was fired by propoganda about the "war to end all wars" Walts dreams of making the world safe from democracy only grew more grandiose when roy enlisted in the US navy

Souce 1 Page 31 Fanning Imagination

Fanning , Jim . Walt Disney. 17209. New York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. 127.

Source 1

but unlike at the movies, dianeylands guests would not be passive spectators but active participants in the story

Source 1 Page 103 Fanning what he wanted for disneyland

In the spring of 1910, the Disneys heade4d for Kansas City, Missouri, leaving behind their home in Maceline... Walt and brother roy woked as delivery boys for their demanding father"

Source 1 Page 24 Fanning Disney's childhood

Disney reluctantly joined his family in Chicago and entered McKinley High School. It was there that he found his first taste of success as a cartoonist when the high school magazine oublished his cartoons.

Source 1 Page 30 Fanning Disney's Schooling

With money he made from working for the post office,(age 16) Disney made enough money to buy his own movie camera.. Mounting it on a tripod, he filmed himself as Charlie Chaplin.

Source 1 Page 31 Fanning Money/ finances

Walt studied drawing at the Chicago Institue of art three nights a week.....

Source 1 Page 31 Fanning schooling

Roy heard that aa commercial art firm, Pesmen-Rubin, needed an apprentice. The owners, Louise Persmen and bill Rubin, liked Disney's drawing and his enthusiasm. In October 1919, they hired him.

Source 1 Page 36 Fanning Jobs

Walt met and made friends with a co-worker named Ubbe Iwwerks later shortened to UB Iwerks.... the two young artists made a fateful decision: they decied to go into business for themselves.

Source 1 Page 36-37 Fanning intro to UB Iwerks

see previous page.. Disney began following the prinples an procedures explained in the books and the improvement in the film Ad's product was immedietly evident. Disney's employers were pleased, and soon Disney and Iwerks were making cartoons with drawn animation for Kansas city Film ad.

Source 1 Page 40 Fanning Kansas City Film ad

"... my wife used to say, 'but why do you want to build an amusement park? theyre so dirty' disney later responded " i told here that was just the point-mine wouldnt be. "

Source 1 Page 98 Fanning clean to be disney

Disney also consulted amusenment park owners for their opinions of the disneyland project. Their responce was unanimous: Save your money, forget the whole thing, it will never work. Disney went ahead exactly as he planned.

Source 1 page 101 Fanning he didnt listen to others opinions

when Disney announced his plan to build his inprecedented theme park in April 1954, he promised that it would open to the public in July 1955, leaving barely more than a year to complete construction. Building crews worked frantically right up until the july 17 deadline, and disneyland opened on schedule.

Source 1 page 101 Fanning about the construction and opening date

The story behind the train. is that disney had a little train trake in his office and qanted to find a house with a big enough yard to put a little train in it. Then he made disneyland and decided to put in a train

Source 1 page 104 and 97 Fanning behind the railroad

The grand opening.... Disneyland was surrounded by a traffic jam that congested a 10-mile radius as 33,000 people swarmed into a just barley compleated park.

Source 1 page 107 Fanning opening day

7 weeks after the "opening" 1 million guests had visited disneyland. After disney closed it and spend 24 hours for 7 weeks fixing it

Source 1 page 107 fanning real opening

Almost everyone warned us that Disneyland would be a Hollywood spectacular-a spectacular failure," said walt disney. instead, disneyland was a spectacular success.

Source 1 page 109 Fanning "failure"

But according to Walt "Disneyland really began when my two daughters were very young. Saturday was always 'Daddys day' and I would take them to the merry go round and sit on a bench eating penuts while they rode. And sitting there, alone. i felt that there should be something build, some kind of a family park were parents and children could have fun together".

Source 1 page 98 Fanning making for disney

First cartoon: " Walt's first effort at cartooning was a picture of a house complete with billowng from te chimney, drawn on the side of the Disney homestead woth a stick dipped in gooey, black tar."

Source 1 Page 22 Fanning First cartoon

Walt Disney arrived in California in the summer of 1923 with a lot of hopes but little else. He had made a cartoon in Kansas City about a little girl in a cartoon world, called Alice's Wonderland, and he decided that he could use it as his "pilot" film to sell a series of these "Alice Comedies" to a distributor. Soon after arriving in California, he was successful. A distributor in New York, M. J. Winkler, contracted to distribute the "Alice Comedies" on October 16, 1923, and this date became the start of the Disney company.

Source 2 Alice in wonderland- first serious cartoon

after the loss of Oswald, that Walt had to come up with a new character, and that character was Mickey Mouse. With his chief animator, Ub Iwerks, Walt designed the famous mouse and gave him a personality that endeared him to all. Ub animated two Mickey Mouse cartoons, but Walt was unable to sell them because they were silent films, and sound was revolutionizing the movie industry. So, they made a third Mickey Mouse cartoon, this time with fully synchronized sound, and Steamboat Willie opened to rave reviews at the Colony Theater in New York November 18, 1928. A cartoon star, Mickey Mouse, was born.

Source 2 Mickey Mouse creation

Walt Disney made his Alice Comedies for four years, but in 1927, he decided to move instead to an all-cartoon series. To star in this new series, he created a character named Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Within a year, Walt made 26 of these Oswald cartoons, but when he tried to get some additional money from his distributor for a second year of the cartoons, he found out that the distributor had gone behind his back and signed up almost all of his animators, hoping to make the Oswald cartoons in his own studio for less money without Walt Disney.

Source 2 Oswald the rabbit creation

the Disney staff found that merchandising the characters was an additional source of revenue. A man in New York offered Walt $300 for the license to put Mickey Mouse on some pencil tablets he was manufacturing. Walt Disney needed the $300, so he said okay.

Source 2 Selling and income of Mickey

n 1934, Walt Disney informed his animators one night that they were going to make an animated feature film, and then he told them the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. There were some skeptics in the group, but before long everyone had caught Walt's enthusiasm, and work began in earnest. It took three years, but at Christmas time, 1937, the film was finished, and it was a spectacular hit.

Source 2 Snow white creation

Bennett, Brian . "A Brief History on Disney Parks." Planet Mouse. Walt Disney Co., n.d. Web. 30 Mar 2014. <http://www.mouseplanet.com/dtp/archive/other/history.htm>.

Source 2 http://www.mouseplanet.com/dtp/archive/other/history.htm

Disney , . "Disney ." Walt Disney Archives . Disney . Web. 26 Mar 2014. <https://d23.com/walt-disney-archives/disney-history/>.

Source 2 https://d23.com/walt-disney-archives/disney-history/

"I don't believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to people everywhere than finding the solutions to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we're convinced we must start with the public need. And the need is not just for curing the old ills of old cities. We think the need is for starting from scratch on virgin land and building a community that will become a prototype for the future."

Source 3 Disney quote

After building a train to ride his two daughters around his new home in Holmby Hills, California, Disney began formulating a dream in 1948 to build Mickey Mouse Amusement Park across the street from his studio.

Source 3 Disneyland intention

"Walt Disney is a legend; a folk hero of the 20th century. His worldwide popularity was based upon the ideals which his name represents: imagination, optimism, creation, and self-made success in the American tradition. Walt Disney did more to touch the hearts, minds, and emotions of millions of Americans than any other person in the past century. "

Source 3 Legacy of Disney

"On December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated musical feature, premiered at the Carthay Theater in Los Angeles. The film produced at the unheard cost of $1,499,000 during the depths of the Depression, the film is still considered one of the great feats and imperishable monuments of the motion picture industry. During the next five years, Walt Disney Studios completed other full-length animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi."

Source 3 Preimer of Snow White

Animation historians love to say "It all started with a mouse". In fact it actually began with a visionary named Walt Disney.

Source 3 Quote.. and starting with Disney

"A pioneer in the field of television programming, Disney began television production in 1954, and was among the first to present full-color programming with his Wonderful World of Color in 1961. The Mickey Mouse Club was a popular favorite in the 1950s."

Source 3 Television apprearinces

"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."

Source 3 To everyone about Disney- walt disney himself

"I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they're in another world."

Source 3 quote from Disney

Thomas, Bob. "Walt Disney Biography." Walt Disney. Disney. Web. 27 Mar 2014. <http://www.justdisney.com/walt_disney/biography/long_bio.html>.

Source 3 http://www.justdisney.com/walt_disney/biography/long_bio.html

"During it's original construction and during the first decade of operation, Walt kept his own hand on the design of Disneyland. The first actual rendering of the park, drawn by Herb Ryman, was personally directed by Walt. The drawing was instrumental in securing the balance of the financial backing Walt needed."

Source 4 Disneyland

"One problem wasn't Disneyland...the problem was the financial constraint that dictated the original, small size of Disneyland. A seed was germinated in Walt Disney's fertile mind. The idea for another park located far enough from Disneyland so that it wouldn't compete with the older sibling, but large enough to have room for hundreds of new ideas, was born."

Source 4 Disneyland

"The concept was tested in 1964. Disney's Imagineering department built four attractions for the New York World's Fair. There were two main reasons for Disney's heavy involvement. First, Walt planned to move the attractions to Disneyland at the conclusion of the fair. This would provide additional attractions at the park with most of the cost borne by the sponsors of the fair exhibits. Second, the 1964 fair was a test...to see if the East coast populace would respond to Disneyland-like entertainment."

Source 4 Disneyland

"The second world war had a devastating effect on the Disney Studios. The facility was taken over by the military. The studio spent the duration producing military training films and war bonds sales pitches and designing unit insignia and emblems. Many of the studio animators were inducted into the military. It took years for the company to recover from the war's consequences."

Source 4 Struggle/disneyland

"What wasn't expected was the high-rise hotels, restaurants, tourist traps, and such...Walt was able to keep the bawdy carnival atmosphere out of Disneyland, but he couldn't keep it out of Anaheim. Furthermore, the Disney financial experts soon realized the incredible boon that hotel resort income would have been. The Disneyland Hotel, always the flagship hotel in Anaheim, wasn't owned by the Walt Disney Company until the Michael Eisner era almost forty years after Disneyland's gates opened."

Source 4 disneyland

"Disneyland was Walt's dream. For years he dreamed and hoped of building a "little family park" where parents could take their children for a day of fun -- for both kids and adults. "

Source 4 about disneyland

"Disneyland opened to a star-studded fanfare on July 17th, 1955. The opening of "the Happiest Place on Earth" was a media event that, even as late as the 1990's, has rarely been exceeded for glitz, glamour, excitement, and drama."

Source 4 disneyland

"He learned that his lifetime of cigarette smoking was to have consequences. He had surgery for lung cancer in 1966. Though he appeared to be recovering, he had a relapse and died on December 15, 1966."

Source 5 Death

"Disney's dream of creating a city of the future was realized in 1982 with the opening of EPCOT, which stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a real-life community of the future. Disney theme parks have continued to expand with the opening of Disney's Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom in Disney World."

Source 5 His dream

"After Disney's death, his classic films continue to be shown, the TV Disney Channel broadcasts his work to TV audiences 24 hours a day, and his theme parks in America and elsewhere, including Tokyo and Paris, sell his wholesome vision of America as a mecca."

Source 5 Impact on society

"The impact of Walt Disney's career has been felt throughout much of the twentieth century. His creation of wholesome cartoon characters and first-rate animation made Disney what British cartoonist David Low called "the most significant figure in graphic arts since Leonardo."

Source 5 Impact on society

"He smoked constantly, yet seemed to dislike this bad habit in others. Politically, he was the total opposite of his father. Disney joined the Republican Party in California and remained a firm political conservative. Though he loved country life, he spent most of his life in cities."

Source 5 Personality

"Disney was known as a perfectionist and a demanding man. Some people saw him as self-centered, and he seemed often baffled when people disagreed with him. He was described by friends and coworkers as a driven man, even "a workaholic." Disney's personal life was filled with paradoxes."

Source 5 personality

" In 1960, Disney had become a wealthy man, despite many ups and downs in his career. Just as he neared the pinnacle of his career, after having won five Oscars for his production of the movie Mary Poppins.."

Source 5 success

"Disney's impact on childhood entertainment is almost immeasurably great and, at the time of his death, Disney's business empire was estimated to be worth over $100 million a year."

Source 5 Children impact

"Disney created a new university, the California Institute of the Arts. Disney once said, "If I can help provide a place to develop the talent of the future, I think I will have accomplished something." "Walt Disney" continues to be a household name in American homes."

Source 5 Future dream/creation A school

"Disney received more than 700 awards for his creative achievements, including an honorary Academy Award in 1939, four Academy Awards in 1954, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded to him by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. He was also honored with the Freedom Foundation Award later that same year."

Source 5 More Success

"Walt Disney." Business Leader Profiles for Students. Ed. Sheila Dow and Jaime E. Noce. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Biography in Context. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.

Source 5 http://ic.galegroup.com.ezproxy.kcls.org/ic/bic1/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Reference&limiter=&u=kcls&currPage=&disableHighlighting=true&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&p=BIC1&action=e&catId=GALE%7C00000000MPQB&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CK1604000058

Eisner , Michael. Imagineering . 1-10. 725. New York, New York : Welcome Enterprises Inc., 1996. 192. Print.

Source 6

There are two ways to look at this blank sheet of paper. You can look at it as the last page of a book, or as the greatest opportunity in the world because nobody's put anything on it. That's the way we look at it at Imagineering. Go ahead and use it to dream, create new things and let your imagination go. Why not? Everything begins somewhere.

Source 6 Last page- blank

walt and his team of imagineers invented the theme park business by inventing the process "imageineering". In the course of designing and building Disneyland, the "learning and succeeding by dreaming and doing" was employed for the very first time.

Source 6 Page 11 The Imagineers Design and words they lived by

Drivin by the desire to take his passion for storytelling far beyond the confines of two dimensions, he landed on the idea that visitors who stepped into this new park should feel as though they stepped into a movie. Every inch of the place should be part of a story, as in a movie or television show.

Source 6 Page 11 The imagineers Reason for making disney/ intention

The core of WED enterprises (walter elias disney), an independent company established in 1952 by Walt himself to help design and build his dream called Disneyland. Soon they all shared the dream. Combining their movie making skills, blood, sweat and tears, they eventually experienced firsthand what the watchers of their films came to believe: "the dream that you wish will come true".

Source 6 Page 11 The imagineers Creation of disneyland

"All I want you to think about is when people walt though or have access to anything you design, I want then, when they leave, to have smiles on their faces. Just remember that. It's all I ask of you as a designer"

Source 6 Page 18 The imagineers Quote about Disneys intentions on Disneyland

In fact, Mickey was born on the train ride back to California from New York after Walt received devastating financial news that impacted his then-current production projects. When he returned to Hollywood, he did not come back empty-handed.

Source 6 Page 190 The Imagineers Creation of Mickey

Sure, the mild-mannered little mouse is an all-raround good guy, a character who represents everyman. But he is also our hero. When Mickey appeared on the scene in 1928, he actaully represented for Walt and Roy Disney at a time when things were not going well in their business.

Source 6 Page 190 The Imagineers Started with a mouse

" I dont want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the park. I want them to feel they're in another world

Source 6 Page 90 The imagineers Quote about Disneylands impact on visitors

"I think most of al I want Disneyland to be a happy place... where parents and children can have fun.Together.

Source 6 Page 191 The Imagineers Says on the Walt and Mickey statue in disneyland

"People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if i could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working"

Source 6 Quote about working not by waiting for your dreams to come true

"Everyone falls down. Getting back up is how you learn to walk."

Source 6 Quote by Disney

WALT: There's a little plaque out there that says, "As long as there is imagination left in the world, Disneyland will never be complete." We have big plans. This year, we finished over $20 million in new things. Next June, I hope, we'll have a new Tomorrowland; and starting from the ground up, building a whole new Tomorrowland. And it's going to run about $20 million bucks.

Source 7 Question: What plans for the future do you have at Disneyland?

WALT: Well, I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life - it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. From the very start it was a problem of getting the money to open Disneyland. About 17 million dollars it took. We had everything mortgaged, including my family. We were able to get it open and for ten or eleven years now we've been pouring more money back in. In other words, like the old farmer, you've got to pour it back into the ground if you want to get it out. That's been my brother's philosophy and mine too.

Source 7 Question: NBC: What has been your biggest problem?

"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money."

Source 7 Quote about money by Disney

Interview by NBC. "Walt Disney Talks His Business Philosophy." NBC. !966. . Web. 31 Mar 2014. http://imagineerebirth.blogspot.com/2006/04/walt-disney-talks-his-business.html.

Source 7 http://imagineerebirth.blogspot.com/2006/04/walt-disney-talks-his-business.html

WALT: Well, by this time, my staff, my young group of executives are convinced that Walt is right, that quality will win out, and so I think they will stay with this policy because it's proven it's a good business policy. Give the public everything you can give them, keep the place as clean as you can keep it, keep it friendly - I think they're convinced and I think they'll hang on after - as you say, "after Disney."

Source 7 Question: NBC: What steps have you taken to see that Disneyland will always be good, family entertainment?

Aged 16, Walt signed up for the army, but was rejected because he was too young. Instead he became an ambulance driver in World War I France.

Source 8 16 year old disney

Walt Disney was presented with one normal sized honorary Oscar and seven little Oscars for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1938.

Source 8 Awards for disney

Walt Disney's attention to detail was legendary. He placed the bins at Disneyland 25 steps away from the hot dog stall, as this was how long it took him to eat a hot dog.

Source 8 Disney was a little quirky

Mickey Mouse was the first animated character to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Source 8 Little fact about Mickey Mouse

Everyone's favourite rubbish-compactor, Wall-E, was named after Walter Elias Disney.

Source 8 Little fact behind the name of Wall-E

When the Pirates of the Caribbean ride opened in 1967, the only fake skeletons available to Disneyland designers were rather naff, so they used real skeletons (previously employed for medical research) from UCLA's Medical Center.

Source 8 Skeletons behind the pirates of the caribbean ride

Walt was unsettled by the sight of costumed characters having to run through the 'wrong' lands to get to their allotted spots, spoiling the magic at the first site. He came up with an elaborate tunnel system which runs beneath Disney World, and allows actors to put on their costumes and appear in the appropriate land without shattering the illusion. The entire park is built on a gentle incline to accommodate these.

Source 8 Underground tunnels

Bauer Consumer Media Ltd, . "90 Facts You Didn't Know About Disney ." Empire Online . Bauer Consumer Media Ltd, 16 Oct 2013. Web. 1 Apr 2014. <http://www.empireonline.com/features/90-disney-facts/5.asp>.

Source 8 http://www.empireonline.com/features/90-disney-facts/5.asp

Disney built a miniature railroad in his backyard called the Carolwood Pacific Railroad. It had 2,615 feet of track, including trestles, loops, overpasses, and even a tunnel

Source 8 About the train in Disney's backyard

February is Awards Season, and The Walt Disney Family Museum is celebrating, with film presentations and visitor programs throughout the month. Walt personally won 32 Academy Awards® throughout his career. To this day, Walt still holds the record for the most Oscars® won by an individual, and there is only one place where you can get an up-close look at more than 20 of the famous statuettes - See more at: http://www.waltdisney.org/storyboard/award-winning-walt#sthash.n3magUTe.dpuf

Source 9

The Walt Disney Family Museum, . "Award-Winning Walt Disney ." Walt Disney Family Museum . The Walt Disney Family Museum, n.d. Web. 13 Apr 2014. <http://www.waltdisney.org/storyboard/award-winning-walt>.

Source 9

Disneys determination did not desert him, however. he rented a small shop for a studio and began work on the first a projected series of jazzed-up fairy tales.

souce 1 page 41 Fanning Beginning of his studio

Disneys wanted to make caroons that were pure entertainment. his boss at Kansas City Film Ad was uninterested in any sort of risky expansion. Disney realized that if he was to grow in the animation buisness he would have to staty his own company.

source 1 Page 41 Fanning Starting his own company

ridea broke down; food and drink ran put; fantasyland was closed because of a gas leak; high heeled shoes stuck in the asphalt softened by the hot sun; and the mark twain steamboat listed when too many people crowded onto its decks.

source 1 page 107 Fanning opening desater

"Disneyland will never be completed", Disney eas fond of saying "it will continue to frond as long as there is imagination left in the world"

source 1 page 111 fanning never finished

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