Web Development Applications

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JS: When you sue the HTML5 File API, which statement is the simplest way to reference several files at once?

<input type="file" multiple>

Where do you place link for external style sheet

<head> </head>

CSS3 rule that can be used to display a non-standard font in a Web page


CSS3 rule that defines andy font desired by a Web designer; the font library is hosted on the Web server


A CSS3 at-rule that defines an animation and its position

@key frames

CSS3: You can use the ____________ rule to create CSS3 animations


What should you use to define a common format for your Web site and standardize the appearance of the site?

A Style guide

cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

A W3C technology for applying structure and formatting instructions total pages and other markup language documents. Formatting can be placed within the HTML or called remotely from an external style sheet.

JS: Which of the following best describes a function?

A named set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value

What is a variable in JavaScript?

A named space of memory that allows you to store a value

What is an expression in JavaScript?

A part of a statement that is evaluated as a value

Consider the following code from a CSS document: body { background-color: #008080; color: #FFFFFF; } This code is an example of what?

A rule

application programming interface (API)

A source code specification that enables components of an application or program to work together to produce the desired functionality.

MPEG-4 (MP4)

A streaming, digital multimedia format used to store video, audio, subtitles and still images.

In JavaScript, what is an argument?

A value or expression containing data or code that is passed on to a function or procedure


A video codec supported by HTML5-compliant browsers that does not require a plug-in; uses less battery and processing resources.

JS: Technique for transmitting data objects between a server and a Web application without disturbing a Web page's display or behavior

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

The element appears to float above the document and can be positioned as needed.


JS: You should use the append(), prepend(), after() and before() jQuery methods if you want to perform which function?

Add new content

How do you embed CSS in a single Web page as an internal style sheet?

Add the <style> element to the <head> sectino of your HTML file.

You want to apply an inline style to a single element that will override the style applied to that element by the external style sheet to which the HTML document is attached. How do you apply an inline style?

Add the style attribute directly to the element tag to which you want to apply the style.


An HTML5 used for rendering visual images on the fly by providing scripts with a bitmap canvas.


An open-source audio and video format used for streaming digital multimedia. Uses the Theoracodec for compression.


An open-source media file format designed for the Web. Web M audio streams are compressed with the Vorb is audio codec. WebM video streams are compressed with the VP8 video codec.

In programming, what should you use to instruct the program how to store or evaluate a value?

An operator

JS: A directory on a computer where applications can be stored and run without access to the original application

Application cache

JS: A collection of standards and programming instructions that enable access to a software application or operating system

Application programming interface (API)

6 + 6;


JS: Although Java and JavaScript are very different languages with no relationship between them, both languages use some syntax elements based on ________ programming language


Why can new features be added to the CSS3 specification more quickly than in previous versions to enhance its support of borders, background, colors, text effects and so forth?

Because CSS3 provides a modularized standard

JS: A collection of data (such as video, audio and images) stored as a single entity

Block (Binary Large Object)

In the CSS Box model, the box that immediately encloses the padding


What CSS Box Model can you specify the width, style, and color attributes?


What is the default value for aligning images relative to text using CSS?


How can you define the position of an animation using the @keyframes rule?

By specifying a percentage from 0% to 100%, or by using the keywords "to" and "from" @keyframes logoanimation { 0% {left: 0px; top: 0px;} 50% {left: 200px; top: 0px;} 100% {left: 0px; top:0 px;} }

Which of the following would be the best method to use for floating images to the left and right of text in HTML5?

CSS classes

In a style sheet, a property and value applied to format a specified HTML element (selector). A declaration combined with a selector is a CSS rule.

CSS declaration

In a style sheet, any HTML element to which designated styles are applied.

CSS selector

JS: An HTML5 API used to provide on-the-fly graphics or animation to a Web page


JS: Provides a place on a Web page for rendering visual images without the need for a plug-in


JS: A way of changing a variable's value from one data type to another

Casting in JavaScript

A variable whose value can change from one data type to another

Casting variable

Synthesis of code to simplify it and reduce duplication; linking two or more units of information, such as strings or files, to form one unit


In the CSS Box Model, the innermost box.


JS: can access third-party JavaScript libraries by referencing a:

Content Delivery Network

JS: A Web site that hosts third-party JavaScript libraries

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

background-color: #008080;


JS: A W3C standard that specifies the way objects are manipulated through script

Document Object Model (DOM)

JS: A standard that specifies how objects in a Web document can be referred to an manipulated through scripting languages

Document object model (DOM)

A reference technique used to access a property or method of an object

Dot notation

JS: Allows you to move items on a Web page from one location to another


JS: An HTML5 API that allows Web page elements to be moved inside and outside the Web page


JS: An area of a Web page that has been defined as a place where dragged items can be placed

Drop zone

JS: standard that was developed to minimize the differences between JavaScript and JScript


Consider the following code: div { -webkit-border-image: url(flowers.png) 80 40 round; } What function does the -webkit- prefix perform?

Ensures the CSS3 code that it precedes will render properly in Chrome, Safari and iOS browser

JS: onclick

Event handler is used by the submit object

Part of a statement in a script this is evaluated as a value; Part of a statement this is evaluated as a value; it can use any combination of variables, operators, and other expressions.


T/F: Because JavaScript is platform-independent, all user agents will implement the code identically.


T/F: CSS3 animations require the use of plug-ins such as Adobe Flash and Apple QuickTime in order to run HTML5 compliant browsers.


T/F: In JavaScript, the variable name "Result" is the same as the variable names "result" or "RESULT."


T/F: Logic errors usually cause error alerts


T/F: When you create an overlay, a positive Z-index value usually places the element behind another element, whereas a negative Z-index value usually places the element in front of another element.


T/F: When you embed JavaScript within an HTML document, you place the code between <code> tags.


T/F: You can use debugging tools to locate and repair erroneous code.


T/F: You need to use a debugging tool to help you detect and locate errors in your code because such tools are not native to any browser.


T/F: You use the animation property to define an animation and its position


JS: Provides access to a local file system on a client for Web applications to use


If you want a particular block-level element to always appear at the upper-right corner of the browser window, no matter how far down a user scrolls on the page, which type of CSS positioning should you apply?


The element remains in the same position when the page is scrolled


Achieved by assigning specific pixel widths to elements

Fixed-width layout

Specifies the typeface to be used


JS: An HTML5 API used to provide location-based services


JS: Provides values in terms of latitude and longitude


A variable whose value can be accessed from any function or script block on the page.

Global Variable

JS: Where can you reference jQuery library by reference the file in:

HTML <scrip> tag or within the <head> section of HTML document

JS: The HTML5 Canvas element has two attributes:

Height and width

JS: Allows you to control the way your browser manipulates information about past URLs visited


The traditional authoring language used to develop Webpages for many applications.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

JS: When you use the offline AppCache API to create a manifest file, how do you identify the manifest file to which a Web page should link?

Include a manifest attribute in the <html> tag for the Web page

The element gets its position from the parent element.


What function does the CSS3 background-clip property perform?

It determines whether the background extends into the border or not.

What does element1~element2 selector mean?

It selects each occurrences of element2 that is preceded by elemen1

JS: What technology is required to draw objects on the "canvas" of the HTML5 Canvas API?


The development of HTML5 APIs is expected to intensify as mobile devices continue to multiply. Which technology provides the advanced interactivity required for APIs?


Also known as relative width or fluid layout

Liquid layout

A variable whose value cannot be access from any function other than the one in which it was declared

Local variable

6 >= 6;


JS: A list of the files that are needed for a Web application to work offline


In the CSS Box Model, the outer-most box that immediately encloses the border


Question 24 :What CSS3 2D transform method combines all of the 2D transform methods into one, which enables an element to rotate, scale, move (translate) and skew?


JS: An action that can be performed by an object


JS: actions that an object can be made to perform. (like calculation, onscreen move or writing of text inot a window).


JS: You can use either the parseInt() or the parseFloat() method to solve what potential problem in JavaScript?

Misinterpreting the dual-purpose + operator

Defines the file type, such as text or video, and the extension, such as css or mp4, for a user agent or browser

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

A symbol character used in programming expressions to instruct the program how to store or manipulate (operate on) a value


A programming component that models the characteristics of abstract or real "objects" and can be grouped into classes


What term describes a self-contained programming component that can be used in various situations and in different places in an application?


JS: Allows you to use an online application when the network is down

Offline AppCache

JS: An HTML5 API that allows Web programs to function when an Internet connection is not available

Offline AppCache

JS: A program that permits the user to continue working with Web sites and documents even when a network connection is unavailable.

Offline Web application

Specifies transparency for an HTLM element


In the CSS Box Model, the defined are that immediately encloses the content


JS: Various attributes of an object, like height, color, font size, sentence length and so forth.


A descriptive characteristic of an object (such as color, width or height) that the developer stipulates in the creation of the object


Change the way a selector renders in a browser


What term is a characteristic of an object that describes the object's attributes?


Specifies the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colors of an element, with an additional value (Alpha) for defining the opacity. For example, background: rgba(215, 143, 112, 0.4).


The element's position is affected by other elements on the page, usually because of the top, bottom, left, and right properties.


JS: You should use the remove() and empty() jQuery methods if you want to perform which function?

Remove elements and content

Defines whether an element can be resized by the user and how it can be resized


JS: You should use the text(), html() and val() jQuery methods if you want to perform which function?

Retrieve and change content

JS: An interpreted type of programming language used to add Web page functionality

Scripting language

How can you specify to include two or more different images in the background of your web page?

Specify two or more images in a single declaration using the background-image property

The normal, or default, position of the element within a page.


"6" + "6";


In which sections of an HTML document can you embed JavaScript code?

The <head> and/or the <body> sections

JS: Where in an HTML document should you place a function if you want the function to load before any user event can occur that might call the function?

The <head> section of your page

In JavaScript, what is a literal?

The actual data value you provide in JavaScript

Question 16 :What is required to create CSS3 animations?

The @keyframes rule

What is needed to provide coordinates in three-dimensional space to create a plane to help orient a 3D object?

The Z-axis

Which animation property should you use to specify how long an animation will take to complete one cycle?

The animation-duration property

Which animation property should you use to specify the number of times that an animation will play?

The animation-iteration-count property

Which animation property should you use to specify whether an animation is running or paused?

The animation-play-state property

What occurs when you specify a background-size property value of contain?

The background image is scaled to the largest size possible that allows both width and height to fit within the specified content area.

What occurs when you specify a background-size property value of cover?

The background image is scaled to the largest size possible that completely overlays the background area of the parent container while maintaining aspect ratio of the image.

Which CSS3 background property can be used to define the location to which the background position should be relative?

The background-origin property

Which CSS3 border property should you use if you want to add a configurable shadow to a box?

The box-shadow property

Which JavaScript method should you use if you want to write a message to the user in your Web page as the page loads in the browser?

The document.write() method

What happens when you assign a negative z-index value to an element?

The element will display behind other elements.


The first tag in an HTML document; it informs the interpreter (usually a browser) which version of HTML the Web page is written in.

What properties are you required to use with the @font-face rule?

The font-family and src properties

What CSS3 font property should you use if you want to condense the text in a font so that the letters within a word appear closer together?

The font-stretch property

Which variable data type represents a value of "nothing?"

The null data type

JS: What is the result of: parseInt("1.5y");

The result is: 1

What CSS3 property should you use if you want to apply a shadow effect behind characters in a Web document?

The text-shadow property

Which set of CSS3 properties can you use to alter the appearance or operation of a Web page?

The user interface properties

Why would you use the CSS3 transform properties in a Web document?

To change the shape, size and/or position of an element

Why would you use the CSS3 border-radius property n your Web document?

To create rounded corners

For what would you use the element[attribute^=value] selector

To select every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute begins with the specified value

What is the term for a CSS3 effect that allows elements to rotate, move, flip and stretch?


What is the term for a CSS3 effect that changes an element from one style to another style based on a user-triggered event?


What 2D and 3D transform method would you use to move an element from its current position?


T/F: A CSS3 transition is usually triggered by a user action, whereas a CSS3 animation usually starts automatically when a pages loads


T/F: If you do not specify the duration of a CSS3 transition, then no transition will occur.


T/F: Load-time errors, also called compiler or interpreter errors, are typically syntax errors.


T/F: Run-time errors occur after the script has loaded and is running.


T/F: The debugging process is finished once your code performs as expected when tested repeatedly in a variety of browsers and platforms.


T/F: The most common error made in JavaScript programming is neglecting to verify and follow proper case-sensitivity.


T/F: When you use the opacity property, you need to specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to determine how transparent the element appears


T/F: You define an animation's position by specifying percentages or by using the keywords "to" and "from".


The specific quality (such as a specified color, width or height) that belongs to the property of an object


JS: Specific qualities of properties. (color="red" assigns value to a property)


JS: A named space of memory that holds a value


JS: A JavaScript API that enables rendering of interactive 3D and 2D graphics in a an HTML canvas, without the need for plug-ins in HTML5-compatible browsers

WebGL (Web Graphics Library)

JS: An API used by scripting languages to send HTTP and HTTPS request to a WEb server; the server response is loaded into the script


JS: An object that is useful because it allows Web developers to update pages without reloading them


Consider the following snippet of code: section { background-image: url(globe.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; resize: both; overflow: auto; } What can you determine from this code?

You can resize both the height and width of the section element, including the globe background image.

JS: All browsers are DOM-compliant which means that:

You do not need to develop multiple version of you scripts tailored for each browser

Occurs when the loading of an image is terminated


CSS3:Defines whether or not an element is visible when it is rotated to face away from the viewer.


JS: Which of the following is an example of a user-defined JavaScript function?


JS: Creates a pop-up box with the specified message string, which the user can dismiss by clicking the OK button in the box


JS: A value or expression containing data or code that is passed on to a function or procedure. Also called a parameter.


JS: is a value or expression containing data or code that is passed on to a function or procedure.


myNumber = 6;


A property that has been expanded in CSS3 to allow multiple images


CSS3: Specifies the painting area of the background


Determines whether a background extends into the border


Positions the background-image relative to an element's border, padding or content


Defines the size of background images


JS: Which event occurs when a user clicks the mouse button outside of a particular field?


Occurs when a user clicks the mouse button outside of a particular field


JS: If you want your function to load when the browser reaches the script point in the page or when the appropriate user event occurs, place the function in the _______ section of your HTML document.


Creates a border that appears graphical instead of as a simple line


Creates a border that uses an image instead of a line


Defines rounded corners for HTLM elements


Defines the shape or curve of a border around an element


Applies shadows to edges of elements to create visual depth


JS: A statement that transfers program execution to a subroutine, procedure or function. When the subroutine is complete, execution transfers back to the command following the call statement.

calling statement

JS: is a statement that transfers program execution to a subroutine, procedure or function.

calling statement

JS: In JavaScript, a technique for variable control in which a variable's value is changed from one type to another.


Occurs when a user modifies the value of a form field


Occurs when the user selects a link or form element


If you want a particular rule in a style sheet to be ignored, you can create a _________________ by placing code in between the /* and */ characters.


JS: Creates a pop-up box with the specified message string and requests that the user signifies "yes" or "no" by clicking the OK or Cancel button in the box


Except when declaring inline styles, you must place properties and their values within _____________ .

curly braces

JS: The JavaScript statements that are to execute as part of a function must be enclosed in

curly braces

A ____________ declaration selector rule curly braces semicolon inheritence comment consists of a property and its value.


JS: Place jQuery within this event to ensure that the jQuery code does not run until the document is finished loading


JS: Writes the specified message string in the page while the page is loading


CSS3:Selects every instance of element2 that is preceded by an instance of element1


CSS3:Selects every checked instance of a specified element


CSS3:Selects every disabled instance of a specified element


CSS3:Selects every instance of a specified element that is the first of its parent


Which CSS3 selector selects every instance of a specified element that is the first of its parent?


CSS3:Selects every instance of a specified element that is the last of its parent


CSS3: Selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute ends with the specified value


CSS3: Selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute contains the specified substring value


Which CSS3 selector selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute contains the specified substring value?


Selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute begins with the specified value


Selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute ends with the specified value


Selects every instance of a specified element whose specified attribute begins with the specified value


Occurs when an error takes place while a page or image is loading


JS: occurs when a user performs an action on a Web page that triggers a function


JS: A calculation in which the decimal point can move as needed to account for significant digits.

floating-point calculation

Occurs when a user gives input to a form element


JS: A named set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value.


JS: is a named set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value.


JS: The <canvas> element uses a method to provide the properties and methods that can be used to draw and manipulate images on the canvas. Without this method, the canvas would be blank. What is the name of this method?

getContext() method

JS: In JavaScript, a variable declared outside of any function, whose value can be accessed from any function or script block on the page.

global variable

JS: If you want your function to load before any user event can occur that might call the function, place the function in the _________ section of your HTML document


The animation-timing-function property of the @keyframes rule specifies:

how an animation progresses over one cycle.

Also know as cascading, the way that styles flow throughout a document or site


The style you define will flow, or cascade, throughout your documents, unless another style defined inside of a page specifically overrides it. This concept is known as _____________.


JavaScript is a scripting language for adding dynamic interactivity to Web pages. You can use JavaScript to:

interpret the script and return the appropriate responses on the client side or on the server side.

A method used to determine whether an operand is a number


JS: A JavaScript library used to simplify JavaScript programming


JS: Used to simplify JavaScript programming because its DOM-related methods provide a simpler way to access and manipulate HTML elements and attributes


JS: Which event occurs when a Web page is opened in the browser?


Occurs when a page is opened in the browser


JS: In JavaScript, a variable declared within a function, whose value cannot be accessed from any function other than the one in which it was declared.

local variable

An action that can be performed by an object.


Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a visible element on a page


Occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer over a visible element on a page


A self-contained programming component modeled after abstract or real "objects" that contains properties and methods needed to make a certain type of data useful.


JS: Program is a collection of individual objectes that perform different functions.


JS: A program that permits the user to continue working with Web sites and documents even when a network connection is unavailable

offline Web application

JS: Which of the following event handlers is used by the link object?


JS: Which of the following is an event handler processed by the form object?


CSS3: You can use the __________ property to make an element transparent


The CSS3 property for transparency


The amount of transparency in an element's appearance. Can be specified for various elements and properties using CSS.


Data that is to be operated upon or manipulated in some manner.


A symbol character used in programming expressions to instruct the program how to store or manipulate (operate on) a value.


A CSS3 technique used to place an HTML element on top of another HTML element.


CSS3: You can create ___________ to place a Web page element on tope of another element.


JS: A function's arguments must be enclosed in


A method that converts a string to its floating-point decimal equivalent


A method that converts a string to its integer equivalent


JS: Mode that describes when values are passed to a function, and the function's parameters receive its argument's actual value

pass by reference

JS: Mode that describes when values are passed to a function, and the function's parameters receive a copy of its argument's value.

pass by value

Mode that describes when values are passed to a function, and the function's parameters receive a copy of its argument's value.

pass by value

CSS3:Specifies the perspective from which a 3D child element is viewed by defining how far it is placed from view (in pixels)


CSS3:Specifies the bottom position of a 3D element.


JS: Language traditionally must be compiled before it can be run.


JS: Creates a pop-up box with the specified message string and requests user input into a text field in the box


A descriptive characteristic of an object (such as color, width or height) that the developer stipulates in the creation of the object




Occurs when a form's Reset button is clicked


JS: keyword is used to return values from a function to the calling statement.


JS: is a value from a calling statement that can be assigned to a variable or used in an expression.

return value

A ___________ is a format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it.


body {background-color: #008080;}


JS: You embed JavaScript functions in the ________ block of your HTML page.


JS: Language is traditionally interpreted at runtime, making it platform-independent



scripting language that adds dynamic interactivity to Web pages. Generally used on client side but can also be used on server side

JS: Which JavaScript event occurs when the user highlights the text in a form field?


Occurs when the user selects the text in a form field


A ____________ refers to any element to which designated styles are applied.




To define multiple declarations for one selector within a rule, you must separate each declaration with a ______________.


JS: In order to add drag-and-drop functionality to your Web pages, you must define an element as able to be dragged by:

setting its draggable attribute to the value "true"

What position property values does CSS provide to position block-level elements?

static, relative, absolute, fixed and inherit

Occurs when a form's Submit button is clicked


Remy Sharp has created a script that has become the de facto standard for many Web developers around the world. The script enables Web developers to:

support HTML5 in older IE browsers

JS: Which of the following JavaScript object uses the select event?


Cuts off, or clips, text that extends beyond its container


Applies shadows to edges of text characters to create visual depth


A CSS3 effect that changes the shape, size and/or position of an element.


Applies 2D or 3D transformation to an element


CSS3: You can use the ________ property to allow elements to rotate, move, flip and stretch.


Allows you to change a transformed element's position


CSS3:Specifies whether child elements will retain the parent element's position in 3D space.


CSS3 effect that gradually changes an element from one style to another style.


CSS3: You can use the ___________ property to change an element from one style to another style.


Occurs when a page is closed in the browser


JS: Although JavaScript programs are not tied to any specific hardware platform or operating system, they are tied to a specific ___________

user agent

The W3C term for any application, such as a Web browser or help engine, that renders HTML for display to users.

user agent

CSS3: You can use ____________properties to allow the user to effectively control and operate a Web page.

user interface

The interaction between a Web page and the person using it. Generally, but not always, accepts user commands and returns information.

user interface



The specific quality (such as a specified color, width or height) that belongs to the property of an object.


A named space of memory that holds a value. The value can change depending on a condition or information passed to the program, or by reassignment of a new value.


The animation-direction property of the @keyframes rule specifies:

whether to play the animation in reverse on alternate cycles.

JS: Which of the following JavaScript objects uses the onerror eventhandler?


An axis used along with X and Y for specifying Cartesian coordinates in three dimensions, whereas only the X-axis and Y-axis are used for two-dimensional coordinates.


CSS3: You can use the __________ to specify coordinates in three-dimensional space and create a plane to help orient a 3D object.


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