Week 12

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what are pheromones?

A chemical released by one animal that affects the behavior of physiology of another animal, usually smelled or tasted.

What is lipoprivation?

A dramatic fall in the level of fatty acids available to cells; usually caused by drugs that ignite fatty acid metabolism.

What is glucoprivation?

A dramatic fall in the level of glucose available to cells; can be caused by a fall in the blood level of glucose or by drugs that inhibit glucose metabolism.

What is system variable?

A variable that is controlled by a regulatory mechanism, for example, temperature in a heating system.

What is extracellular fluid?

All body fluids outside cells: interstitial fluid, blood, plasma, and cerebrospinal fluid.

What evidence is there to suggest that pheromones even play a role in mediating human behavior?

All female college: synchronized menstrual cycles. Direct evidence menstrual synchronization: underarm sweat to extract to recipient synchronized menstrual cycle with donor.

Difference between anorexia and bulimia.

Anorexia is excessive dieting and compulsive exercising. Bulimia is outs of excessive hunger and eating followed by forced vomiting or purging with laxatives.

What is obesity?

BMI > 30

What factors play a role in a person's sexual orientation?

Biological causes

The olfactory bulb/vomeronasal organ are sensitive to what type of molecules?

Can respond to some airborne molecules but is primarily sensitive to nonvolatile compounds found in urine or other substances.

What kind of components/nutrients are in food?

Carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals.

What role does not play a factor in a person's sexual orientation?

Childhood experiences

Treatments of anorexia and bulimia

Difficult to treat successfully, cognitive behavior therapy not very effective.

What hormones have been implicated in maternal behavior?

Estrogen, Progesterone, oxytocin

Possible causes of obesity?

Genetic differences, Regulation of body weight, Availability of snack food, fructose, sedentary life style, Heredity.

What is correctional mechanism?

In a regulatory process, a mechanism that signals when the system variable deviates from it's set point.

What is detector?

In a regulatory process, the mechanism that is capable of changing the value of the system variable.

What is ingestive behavior?

Intake of food, water, and minerals such as sodium

Possible causes of anorexia and bulimia

Intense fear of becoming obese, obsessions with food and weight loss.

What is hypotonic?

Interstitial fluid gains water. cell will GAIN water. endangers cells

What is hypertonic?

Interstitial fluid loses water. Cells will LOSE water. endangers cells.

Which two fluid compartments must be kept within precise limits? Why must they not deviate from these limits?

Intracellular and intravascular. a loss of water deprives the of the ability to perform many chemical reactions and gain of water can cause their membranes to rupture.

What are the 3 distinct extracellular fluids?

Intravascular fluid, interstitial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid.

What are the pheromone effects?

Lee-Boot effect, written effect, vandenbergh effect and bruce effect.

Biological causes of sexual orientation

Male homosexuals: neither masculinized nor defeminized, Female homosexuals: masculinized and defeminized. Bisexuals masculinized but not defeminized.

What area is involved in the control of male sexual behavior?

Medial Preoptic area, organizational effect: sexually dimorphic nucleus, activational effect: castration and testosterone.

What are the organizational effects of the androgens?

Natures impulse is to create a female. No androgens: female behavior in adulthood. No androgens: male behavior in adulthood, behavioral defeminization and behavioral masculinization.

When evaporation occurs (excessive sweating), fluid is lost from all three fluid compartments (intracellular, interstitial, and intravascular). therefore, it causes both osmometric and volumetric thirst.

No answer

What role do ovarian hormones play on sexual behavior in humans?

Ovarian hormones do not control humans but they influence on sexual interest. They control the willingness and ability of female to mated. Differs between animals and humans because in animals it can stop sex but in humans it cannot stop sex. Activational effects.

What hormones seem to play a role in pair bond information?

Oxytocin and vasopressin

What is hypoglycemia?

Potent stimulus for hunger. A drop in blood glucose level.

What are the hypotheses to explain male homosexuals, female homosexuals and bisexuals

Prenatal androgens can affect sexual orientation. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia the syndrome causes prenatal masculinization. Too much T is females.

Possible treatments for obesity?

Reduce calories in, Bariatric surgery, exercise and drug treatment.

What is hypovolemia?

Reduction in the volume of the intravascular fluid.

The regulation of body weight depends on the balance between which two factors? What two regulatory mechanisms are involved in regulating body weight?

Regulation of body weight required balance of food intake and energy expenditure. Depletion of long-term reservoir, increase motivation to eat (2) Presence of enough nutrients: reduce food intake.

What stops a meal?

Short-term and long-term satiety signals. The nutrient receptors.

When the digestive system is empty what two reservoirs does the body dependent on?

Short-term reservoir and Long-term reservoir. Short-term stores carbohydrates and is found in the liver and muscles. Long-term stores fats and is found in the Adipose tissue.

What starts a meal?

Signals from environment and signals from the stomach. Signals from the stomach may be empty stomach, release of ghrelin is a short-term hunger signal.

What is isotonic?

Solutes balanced in intracellular fluid and interstitial fluid

What are the 4 essential features and their definition.

System variable: characteristic to be regulated, Set point: optimal value of system variable, Detector: monitors value of system variable, Correctional mechanism: Restores system variable to set point.

Bruce effect

Termination of pregnancy caused by the odor of a pheromone in the urine of a male other than the one that impregnated the female; first observed in mice.

What are the effects of sex hormones in men on sexual activity?

Testosterone, no testosterone the sperm production ceases. If you block GnRH it decreases sexual interest, fantasy, intercourse

Vandenbergh effect

The earlier onset of puberty seen in female animals hat are housed with males; caused by a pheromone in the male's urine; first observed in mice.

What is intracellular fluid?

The fluid contain within the cells.

What metabolic signals are there that may cause us to start a meal?

The levels of nutrients. Hypoglycemia, glucoprivation and lipoprivation.

What is a set point?

The optimal value of the system variable in a regulatory mechanism.

What happens during the absorptive phase?

The presence of food. Balanced meal. Carbohydrates broke down into glucose, proteins into amino acids, fats remain fats.

Lee-Boot effect

The slowing and eventual cessation of estrous cycles in a group of females animals that are housed together; caused by a pheromone in the animals urine; first observed by mice.

Whitten effect

The synchronization of the menstrual of retries cycles of the group of females, which occurs only in the presence of a pheromone in a male's urine.

What happens during the fasting phase?

There are low levels of insulin and high levels of glucagon. Glucose is released from liver for brain and fatty acids for other cells.

When does osmometric thirst occur?

Thirst produced by an increase in the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid relative to the intracellular fluid, thus producing cellular dehydration. It is detected by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus.

When does volumetric thirst occur?

Thirst produced by hypovolemia. The blood plasma volume decreases. The loss of water as well as sodium. Consequences are loss of blood, vomiting and diarrhea.

What brain area is involved in female sexual behavior?

Ventromedial Hypothalamus

What are type types of thirst?

Volumetric thirst and osmometric thirst

what brain structure detects pheromones?

Vomeronasal organ

What is negative feedback?

a process whereby the effect produced by an action serves to diminish or terminate that action; a characteristic of regulatory systems.

Under what hormonal conditions do behavioral defeminization and behavioral masculinization occur.

definimization is injectection of testosterone. Masculinization is testosterone.

What is the behavioral consequence of behavioral masculinization?

effect of androgens that enables animals to engage in male sexual behavior in adulthood. Stimulates he development of neural circuits controlling male sexual behavior.

What is the behavioral consequence of behavioral defeminization?

the effect of the androgens hat prevents the animal from displaying female sexual behaviors in adulthood.

What is the only energy source used by the brain?

the long-term reservoir, glucose released from the liver. Other cells use fatty acids.

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