Week 5 (Readings and Video Notes)

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Societal Impact

(Example= Mother Teresa)

Gender differs in leadership styles and effectiveness. Women Leaders:

-aren't less task oriented or more interpersonal than men leaders. -do lead in a more participative manner than men. -tend to be more transformational than men.

Two parts of servant leadership:

-vision and direction. -Goals

We likely will see more women in elite leadership roles with

1. changes in workplace norms and developmental opportunities for women 2. greater fender equity in domestic responsibilities 3. greater negotiation power of women, especially regarding the work home balance 4. the effectiveness and predominance of women owned businesses 5. changes in the incongruity between women and leadership

Strengths of Adaptive leadership

1. contrast to many other leadership theories, adaptive leadership takes a process approach to the study of leadership. 2. adaptive leadership stands out because it is follower centered. 3. is unique in how it directs attention to the use of eldership to help followers deal with conflicting values that emerge in changing work environments and social contexts 4. it provides a prescriptive approach to leadership that is useful and practical 5. a unique contribution to the field of leadership studies by identifying the concept of a holding environment as an integral part of the leadership process

Three ways to maintain productive levels of stress:

1. create a holding environment (establishing an atmosphere that people can feel safe tackling difficult problems) 2. to provide clear direction 3. regulate their own personal distress (stress of the leader)

Leader behaviors in adaptive leadership

1. get on the balcony 2. identify the adaptive challenge 3. regulate distress 4. Maintain Disciplined attention 5. Give the work back to the people 6. Protect leadership voices from below

Leader Behaviors (adaptive leadership)

1. get on the balcony 2. identity the adaptive challenge 3. regulate distress 4. maintain disciplined attention. 5. give the work back to the pope 6. protect leadership voices form below

Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader

1. listening: servant leaders communicate by listening first. the recognize that listening is a learned discipline that involves hearing and being receptive to what others have to say. Through listening, servant leaders acknowledge the viewpoint of followers and validate these perspectives. 2. empathy: is standing in the shoes of another person attempting to see the world from that person's point of view. Empathetic servant leaders demonstrate that they truly understand what followers are thinking and feeling. When a servant leader shows empathy, it is confirmed and validating for the follower. It makes the follower feel unique. 3. Healing: to heal means to make whole. Servant leaders care about the personal well being of their followers. they support followers by helping them overcome personal problems. Greenleaf argues that the process of healing is a two way street-in helping followers become whole, servant leaders themselves are healed. 4. Awareness: is a quality within servant leaders that make them acutely attuned and receptive to their physical, social, and political environments. It includes understanding oneself and the impact one has on others. with awareness, servant leaders are able to step aside and view themselves and their own perspectives int he greater context of the situation. 5. Persuasion: is clear and persistent communication the tofcnvies others to change. Creates change through the use of gentle nonjudgmental argument. 6. Conceptualization: refers to an individual's ability to be a visionary for an organization, providing a clear sense of its goals and direction. Also equips servant leaders to respond to complex organizational problems in creative ways, enabling them to deal with the intricacies of the organization in relationship to its long term goals. 7. Foresight: encompasses a servant leader's ability to know the future. It is an ability to prod ct what is coming based on what is occurring in the present and what has happened in the past. 8. Stewardship: About taking responsibility for the leadership role entrusted to the leader. Servant leaders accept the responsibility to carefully manage the people and organization they have been given to lead. In addition, they hold the organization in trust for the greater good of society. 9. Commitment to the growth of people: places a premium on treating each follower as a unique person with intrinsic value that goes beyond his or her tangible contributions to the organization. Servant leaders are committed to helping each person in the organization grow personally and professionally. Commitment can take many forms, including providing followers with opportunities for career development, helping them develop new work skills, taking personal interest int he their ideas and involving them in decision making. 10.Building Community: servant leadership fosters the development of community. a community is a collection of indidivudla who have shared interests and pursuits and feel a sense of unity and relatedness. community allows followers to identify with something greater than themselves that they value. servant leaders build community to provide a place where people can feel safe and connected with others, but are still allowed to express their own individuality

Answer to gender equality for could be found in the balcony scene of

Shakespeare's famed Romeo and Juliet.

Model of Adaptive Leadership

Situational Challenges ==Leader Behaviors ==adaptive work

Regulating personal distress

Stress is inherent in change, adaptive leaders need to withstand the pressures from those who want to avoid change and keep things the same. Leaders need to keep people focused on the hard work they need to do and the tension that accompanies that, while at the same time being sensitive to the very real frustrations and pain that people feel when doing adaptive work. To help others through the adaptive process, adaptive leaders need tome sure they have rather own act together.

Situational Challenges

Technical challenges. Technical and adaptive challenges. Adaptive challenges.

The words and languages e use define reality.

The names that we give create context. The workplaces of social construction as well. It reflects the shared meanings of the discourse and behaviors of the members of the workgroups.

Psychotherapy Perspective

This explains how per;e accomplish adaptive work. adaptive leaders understand that people need a supportive environment and adapt better when they face difficult problems directly. Learn to distinguish between fantasy and reality and resolve internal conflicts.

Criticism about Gender and Leadership

This perspective involves an understanding of the impact of various demographic characteristics on leadership, including gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. However, unlike the research examining gender and leadership, research into minority leaders is scant. Much of the research examining gender in leadership has taken place in western contexts, research on gender and leadership in other contexts is sparse. we must realize the limited generalizability of the extant literature on gender and leadership and researchers should expand their purview to address gender and leadership from a cross cultural perspective. Concerns the dearth of essential, complementary research agendas on the domestic sphere. Research on gender and leadership focuses on decreasing the gender gap in leadership positions, thereby lessening gender segregation at work however, the leadership gap will not be closed without a concurrent focus on closing the gender gap at home

Regulate Distress

adaptive challenges create the need to change, and the process of change creates uncertainty and distress for people. Feeling a certain level of distress during change is inevitable and even useful fo most, but feeling too much distress is counterproductive and can be debilitating. The challenge for a leader is to help others reocnfize the need for change but not become overwhelmed by the need for the change itself. the adaptive leader needs to monitor the stress people are experiencing and keep it within a productive range. The model suggests three ways that leaders can maintain productive levels of stress" creative a holding environment---provide direction, protection, orientation, conflict management, and productive norms ---regulate personal distress

Regulate distress

adaptive challenges creates the need for change and the process of change creates uncertainty and distress for some people. regulating stress means keeping stress int eh productive range.

adaptive work is the process toward which

adaptive leaders direct their work. It is the focus and intended goal of adaptive leadership. Adaptive work develops from the communication process that occurs between the leader and followers but is primarily the work of followers. It occurs within a holding environment where people can feel safe as they confront possible changes in their roles, priorities and value

Empowering refers to

allowing followers the freedom to be independent, make decisions on their own, and be self-sufficient. It is a way for leaders to share power with followers by allowing them to have control. Empowerment builds followers' confidence in their own capacities to think and act on their own because they are given the freedom to handle difficult situations in the way they feel is best

A meta-analysis review of the research literature on leader emergence reveled that

although women were less likely than men were to emerge as group leaders, they were more likely to serve as social facilitator than men were. Another gender difference that advantages men in leadership is that men are more likely than women to ask for what they want. Reaching elite leadership position is not done in a vacuum, people must negotiate with others to access the right positions, experiences, opportunities, resources, and assistance in both the professional and domestic spheres. Not only are women lessliekly to negotiate than men are, the negotiations needed to ascend the leadership hierarchy often are instructed, ambiguous and rife with gender triggers

servant leadership is a paradox

an approach to leadership that runs counter to common sense

Glass Ceiling:

an invisible barrier that separate women and minorities from top leadership positions.

servant leadership is about transformation and future focus

and adopting its leadership princes complements agile ways or working really well

Women earn 57% of bachelors degrees. 60% of master's degrees. and more than half of the doctoral degrees.

and they make up nearly half of the US labor force

Three main components of Servant Leadership Model:

antecedent conditions, servant leaders behaviors, and leadership outcomes

servant leadership is an

approach focusing on leadership from the point of view of the leader and his or her behaviors. It emphasizes that leaders be attentive to the concerns of their followers, emphasizes with them, and nurture them. They put followers first, empower them, and help them develop their full personal capacities. They are ethical and lead in ways that serve the greater good of the organization, community and society at large

Technical challenges are problems in the workplace or community that

are clearly defined with known solutions that can be implemented though existing organizational rules and procedures. They are problems that can be solved by experts. For technical challenges, people look to the leader for a solution and they accept the leader's authority to resolve the problem

Antecedent Conditions =

are conditions that are breeding event or that cause something else to happen (context and culture. Leader attributes. Followers receptivity)

Technical challenges

are problems in the workplace or community that are clearly defined with known solutions that can be implemented though existing organizational rules, problems that can be resolved by experts. Through technical challenges they look to the leader for a solution and they adopt the leaders authority to resolve the problem

Effective leaders are able to move back and forth

as a participant and observer between the struggle of their people and the intentions of the group, organization or community

The scores you received on the servant leadership questionnaire indicate the degree to which you exhibit the seven behavior characters of a servant leader. You can use the results to

assess areas in which you have strong servant leadership behaviors and areas in which you may strive to improve

Women often reaction in one of two ways to Gender Stereotypes:

assimilation(if respond this way this means they assimilate to the stereotype) or reactance (some may respond by engaging in stereotype countering behaviors)

Servant leadership is taught at many colleges and university. In the United States, Gonzaga university and regent university are recognized as prominent leaders in this area

because of the academic attention they have given to servant leadership. Overall, the most recognized and comprehensive inter for training in servant leadership is the Greenleaf Center for servant leadership

Gender pipeline would be better served by

being more inclusive rather than restricting access

Emotional healing involves

being sensitive to the personal concerns and well being of others. It includes recognizing others' problems and being willing to take the time to address them. Servant leaders who exhibit emotional healing make themselves available to others, stand by them, and provide them with support

If we shift leadership away from feminine and masculine attributes to achievement base leadership skills we can begin to

break down the barriers that reduce an ambitious woman to a single syllable and expand the capacity for leaders and create leadership environments where both men and women can fully embrace all leadership styles without limitation

great leadership is when you

can coach others rather than be merely authoritarian.

The adaptive leadership model states, that Situational challenges create

certain leader behaviors which then can result in adaptive work.

In leadership roles, gender stereotypes are particularly damaging for women because agents as opposed to

communal, tendencies often are indispensable. According to role congruity theory, the agents qualities thought necessary in leadership role are incompatible with the predominantly communal qualities stereotypically associated with women, thus resulting in prejudice against female leaders

An ideal world, servant leadership results in

community and societal change. Individuals within an organization who care for each other become committed to developing an organization that cares for the community. Organizations that adopt a servant leadership culture are committed to helping those in need who operate outside of the organization.

Women do have somewhat less work experience and

employment continuity than men, drives largely by the disproportionate responsibility women assume for child rearing and domestic duties.

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (van Dierendonck and Nuijten)

empowerment, humility, standing back, authenticity, forgiveness, courage, accountability, stewardship

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (Dennis and Bocarnea)

empowerment, trust, humility, agape love, vision

In a meta-analysis comparing the effectiveness of female and male leaders, men and women were

equally effective leaders, overall, but there were gender differences such that women and men were more effective in leadership roles that were congruent with their gender. Thus women were less effective to the extent that the leader role was masculinized.

Because servant leaders shift authority to those who are being led, they

exercise less institutional power and control

Power distance is important when talking about the culture this measures the

extent the less powerful members of organizations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Where power is shared equally, servant leadership may be more common.

The receptivity of followers is a

factor that appears to influence the impact of servant leadership own outcomes such as personal and organizational job performance. Follower receptivity concerns the question "do all followers show a desire for servant leadership?" Research suggests the answer may be no. Some followers do not want to work with servant leaders.

Stereotypes are cognitive shortcuts that

influence the way people process information regarding groups and group members. Gender stereotypes are pervasive, well documents, and highly resistant to change. Gender stereotypes both describe stereotypic beliefs about the attributes of women and men, and prescribe how men and women ought to be. Men are stereotyped with agents characteristics such as confidence, assertiveness, independence, rationality, and decisiveness whereas women are stereotyped with communal characteristics such as concern for others, sensitivity, warmth, helpfulness and nurturance.

Servant leadership is a paradoxical approach to leadership that challenges our traditional beliefs about

leadership and influence. Servant leadership emphasizes that leaders should be attentive to the needs of followers, empower them, and help them develop their full human capacities.

The barriers women encounter on their leadership journey have been dubbed the

leadership labyrinth. removing these barriers will help ensure equal opportunities, access to the greatest talent pool, and diversity, which hav been linked to organizational success.

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (Wong and Davey)

serving and developing others, consulting and involving others, humility and selflessness, modeling integrity and authenticity, inspiring and influencing others

Leadership is defined as feminine or masculine.

Feminine Attributes include being collaborative, cooperative, relationship oriented and caring for others. Masculine attributes include being assertive, aggressive, task oriented and self confident. Non gendered attributes are communal and agenting

Outcomes of Servant Leadership

Follower performance and growth. Organizational performance. Societal Impact.

Servant leadership, which originated in the writings of


Robert Greenleaf coined the term servant leadership

Greenleaf's persona and writings have significantly influenced how servant leadership has developed on the practical and theoretical level

Greenleaf credits his formulation of servant leadership to

Hermann Hesse's novel the Journey to the East

Servant leadership also affects the way organizational teams function.

Hu and Liden found that servant leadership enhanced team effectiveness by increasing the members' shared confidence that they could be effective as a work group. Furthermore, their results showed that servant leadership contributed positively to team potency by enhancing group process and clarity.

Praise for servant leadership came from

a wide range of well known leadership writers, including Tennis, Blanchard and Hodges, covey, degree, singe, and wheatly. Servant leadership was adopted as a guiding philosophy in many well known organizations such as The Toro Company, Herman Miller, Synovus Financial Corporation, ServiceMaster, Men's Wearhouse, Southwest Airlines and TDIndustries.

Top three emergent leadership requirements are

ability to motivate. ability to work well across cultures and geographical boundaries. ability to facilitate change.

The point is that cultures influence the way servant leadership is

able to be achived

Adaptive leaders engage in

activities that mobilize, motivate, organize, orient, and focus th attention of others. The goal of adaptive leadership is to encourage people to change and learn new ways of living so that they may do well and grow. In short, adaptive leadership is the behavior of leaders and the actions they take to encourage others to address and resolve changes that are central in their lives.

The central focus of the Servant leadership model is

the seven behaviors of leaders that foster servant leadership: conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting followers first, helping followers grow and succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, and creating value for the community. These behaviors are influenced by context and culture, the leader's attributes and the followers' receptivity to this kind of leadership

An adaptive leader challenges others to face difficult challenges, proving them with

the space or opportunity they need to learn new ways of dealing with the inevitable changes in assumptions, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that they are likely to encounter in addressing real problems

Leadership labyrinth presents three explanations for women's under representation in higher level leadership positions. this model states that

the three explanations =human capital, gender differences and prejudice.

Development of the adaptive leadership framework emerged largely from

the work of Heifetz and his associates

In adaptive leadership, leaders do not use

their authority to control others; rather, leaders interact with people to help them do adaptive work

Providing direction, protection, orientation, conflict management, and productive norms

these are specific ways leaders can use their formal and informal authority to help people manage the uncertainty and distress that accompany adaptive work. They are prescribed behaivors for adaptive leaders

Follower Receptivity =

this factor influences the impact of servant leadership on outcomes such as personal and organizational job performances

Adaptive leadership is about

how leaders encourage people to adapt-to face and deal with problems, challenges, and changes. Adaptive leadership focuses on the adaptation required of people in response to changing environments. Simply stated, adaptive leaders prepare and encourage people ro deal with chang. Adaptive leadership stresses the activities of the leader in relation to the work of followers in the contexts in which they find themselves.

Leadership Labyrinth=..

human capital (education, work experience, developmental opportunities and work home conflict) Gender differences (style and effectiveness, commitment and motivation, self promote, negotiation, traits) Prejudice (gender stereotypes, biased perception and evaluations, vulnerability and reactance, cross pressures)

Leadership Labyrinth=

human capital== prejudice== gender differences

servant leadership is about

influence rather than power and control. focusing on other strengths rather than weaknesses. listening rather than giving orders. long rang benefits instead of short term benefits

The qualities and disposition of the leader influence the

servant leadership process

Strengths of the Servant Leadership Model

1. servant leadership is unique in the way it makes altruism the central component of the leadership process. Servant leadership argues unabashedly that leaders should put followers first, share control with followers, and embrace their growth. It is the only leadership approach that frames the leadership process around the principle of caring for others. 2. servant leadership provides a counterintuitive and provocative approach to the use of influence, or power, in leadership. 3. rather than imply that servant leadership is a panacea, research on servant leadership has shown there are conditions under which servant leadership is not a preferred kind of leadership. 4. recent research has resulted in a sound measure of servant leadership. Using a rigorous methodology, Liden, Wayne developed and validated the Servant leadership questionnaire. It comprises 28 items that identify seven distinct dimensions of her ant leadership. Studies show that the SLQ is unique and measures aspects of leadership that are different form those measured by the transformational and leader-member exchange theories. The SLQ has proved to be a suitable instrument for use in future research on servant leadership.

Criticisms of the Servant Leadership Model

1. the paradoxical nature of the title servant leadership creates a semantic noise that diminishes the potential value of the approach. Because the name appears contradictory, servant leadership is prone to be perceived a fanciful or whimsical. 2. there is debate among servant leadership scholars regarding the core dimensions of the process. Researchers have been unable to reach consensus on a common definition or theoretical framework for servant leadership. 3. a large segment of the writing on servant leadership has a prescriptive o erroneous that implies that good leaders put others first. While advocating an altruistic approach to leadership is commendable, it has a utopian ring because it conflicts with individual autonomy and other principles of leadership. 4. it is unclear why conceptualizing is included as one of the servant leadership behaviors in the model.

Criticisms of Adaptive Leadership

1. very little empirical research has been conducted to test the claim fo adaptive leadership theory even though the conceptual framework for this approach was set forth more than 20 years ago in Heifetz's leadership without easy answers. 2. conceptualization of the process of adaptive leadership needs further refinement. adaptive leadership was designed intentionally as a practical approach to leadership and is composed of a series of prescriptions about what leaders should do to help people engage in adaptive work. However, the major factors in the adaptive process and the way these factors relate to one another to facilitate adaptive work is not clearly delineated. 3. can be criticized for being too wide ranging and abstract. 4. from a theoretical perspective, adaptive leadership hints at but does not directly explain how adaptive leadership incorporates a moral dimension

On the political front, women currently occupy

100 of the 535 seats in the US congress, women of color occupy just 31 seats

Robert Greenleaf coined the phrase servant leadership in the

1970s. its a form of leadership that replaces self interest with service to others

The servant leadership questionnaire by Liden, Wayne, it is a

28 term scale that measures seven major dimensions of servant leadership: conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting followers first, helping followers grow and succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, and creating value for the community

The adaptive leadership questionnaire is composed of

30 items that assess six dimensions of adaptive leadership: get on the balcony, identify the adaptive challenge, regulate distress, maintain disciplined attention, give the work back to people, and protect leadership voices from below. the results you obtain on this will provide you with information on how you view yourself and how others view you on these six dimensions of adaptive leadership.

The five prescribed behaviors above provide

A GFENERAL BLUEPRINT FOR HOW ADAPTIVE LEADERS CAN MITIGATE THE frustration people feel during adaptive change

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (Barbuto and Wheeler)

Altruistic calling, emotional healing, persuasive mapping, organizational stewardship, wisdom

Women are among the leadership ranks in

American organizations, occupying more than half of all management and professional positions and a quarter of all CEO positions. Women represent only 4% of Fortune 500 CEOs and hold on 16.9% of the Fortune 500 Board seats and a mere 14.6% of the Fortune 500 executive officer positions

Model of Servant leadership

Antecedent Conditions ==Servant Leader Behaviors == Outcomes

To more easily identify complex adaptive challenges and also distinguish them from technical challenges there are four archetypes or basic patterns of adaptive change to consider:

Archetype 1: gap between espoused values and behaviors. this archetype is present when an organization espouses, or claims to adhere to values that it doesn't in reality support by its actions. Archetype 2: Competing commitment. when an organization has numerous commitments and some come into conflict with each other, this archetype is in play. Archetype 3: speaking the unspeakable. the phrases sacred cow and elephant in the room are examples of this archetype-when there are radical ideas, unpopular issues, or conflicting perspectives that people don't dare address because of their sensitive or controversial nature. Archetype 4: Work avoidance. this archetype represents a situation where people avoid addressing difficult issues by staying within their comfort zone or by using diversionary methods

Promoting leadership effectiveness=

Individual level (promoting effective negotiations and use of effective leadership styles) --Interpersonal level (decreasing gender stereotypes) -- organizational level (diversifying leadership, equity in paternity/maternity leave)--- societal level (gender equity in domestic responsibilities)

Gender Stereotypes=

Men are stereotyped with agentic characteristics (includes assertiveness, competitiveness, independence). Women are stereotyped with communal characteristics (includes compassionate, kind, sensitive and nurturing).

How can adaptive leadership be appleid to real life situations?

On an indivudal level, adaptive leadership provides a conceptual framework made up of a unique set of constructs that help us determine what type of challenges we face and strategies for mangling them. Individuals can easily integrate these constructs into their own practices of leadership. On the organizational level, adaptive leadership can be used as a model to explain and address a variety of challenges that are ever present during change and growth

Strengths fo Gender and Leadership

Understanding the research into gender and leadership can help us promote more women into the upper echelons of leadership. This larger and more demographically diverse pool of candidates not only make it easier to find talented people, but it also facilitates greater levels of organizational success. Furthermore, promoting richly diverse group of women into leadership roles will not only help make societal institutions, businesses, and governments more representative, bit it can also contribute to more ethical, productive, innovative and financially successful organizations that demonstrate higher levels of collective intelligence and are less rife with conflict. A consideration of the effects of gender on leadership has important implications for a comprehensive understanding of leadership. Contemporary approaches to gender and leadership involve questions that directly affect leadership success, such as style and effectiveness differences between men and women and the varied barriers confronting women. Research on gender and leadership is productive in both dispelling myths about the gender gap and shining a light on aspects of the gender barriers that are difficult to see and therefore are often overlooked. Mere awareness of these gender biases can be detrimental to women performing in leadership roles. The changes needed to overcome these problems within organizations and society can occur only when we are aware of the often subtle and disguised prejudices. Understanding the many components of the labyrinth will give us the tools necessary to combat this inequality from many perspectives, including individual, interpersonal, organizational and societal approaches. In addition, this research addresses larger, more significant considerations about gender and social systems

Human capital differences

Women have less human capital investment in education and triaging and work experience than men. This results in the dearth of qualified women, the pipeline problem (pipeline is not empty but leaking). Also , there is a division of labor, this is explanation that women's self select out of leadership tracks but choosing the mommy track or positions that do not funnel into leadership positions.

Increasing parity in the involvement of women and men in child care and housework will go

a long way in reducing the leadership gap. In balancing work and home life, an appealing approach for women is structural role redefinition. This approach involves negotiating with both family and colleagues to renegotiate role expectations both at work and at home.

Servant leadership provides

a philosophy and set of behaviors that individuals in the organizational setting can learn and develop

Servant Leadership=

a relational theory. Leaders give up control and makes a choice transcend self-interests to service others/employees. Greenleaf believed that servant leaders placed the good of followers over their own self interest. It is a relational process that meaningfully engages all participants and enables each person to contribute to achieving the vision.

Servant leadership is

a tried and tested leadership approach that is about creating a shift from managing results to designing environments that create results.

Another approach at reducing the leadership gap is to

embrace women's negotiation power and restructure negotiators to their advantage

The way Heifetz and his colleagues defined adaptive leadership it has been

conceptualized as an elementals t or subset of Complexity Leadership theory, a framework designed to explain leadership for organizations of the 21st century that concentrate on knowledge or information as a core commodity rather than the production of goods that was prevalent in the industrial era. Complexity leadership theory focuses on the strategies and behaviors that encourage learning, creativity, and adaptation in complex organizational systems. Within this framework, adaptive leadership is described as a complex process that emerges to produce adaptive change in a social system.

Servant Leader Behaviors (servant leadership model)

conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting followers first, helping followers grow and succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, creating value for the community

Servant Leader Behaviors =

conceptualizing--emotional healing--putting followers first--helping followers grow and succeed---behaving ethically--empowering --creating value for the community

Servant leaders create value for the community by

consciously and intentionally giving back to the community. They are involved in local activities and encourage followers to also volunteer for community service. Creating value for the community is one way for leaders to link the purposes and goals of an organization with the broader purposes of the community.

three antecedent, or existing, conditions have an impact on servant leadership:

context and culture, leader attributes and follower receptivity

Antecedent conditions that are likely to impact servant leaders include

context and culture, leader attributes, and follower receptivity

Meta-analyses of research examining style differences between women and men found that

contrary to stereotypic expectations, women were not found to lead in a more interpersonally oriented and less task oriented manner than men in organizational studies. One robust gender difference found across settings is that women led in.a more democratic or participative manner than men. These finding indicate that women's greater use of democratic style appears to be adaptive in that they are using the style that produce the most favorable evaluations

As Greenleaf highlighted in his original work, the central goal of servant leadership is to

create healthy organization that nurture individual growth, strengthen organizational performance, and, in the end, produce a positive impact on society.

In order to maximize deliver and customer value our leaders need to

demonstrate an ability to adapt

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (Laub)

developing people, sharing leadership, displaying authenticity, valuing people, providing leadership, building community

Significant organizational reform will make it

easier for women to reach top positions

The prescribed behaviors of servant leadership are not esoteric; they are

easily understood and generally applicable to a variety of leadership situations.

Human capital

education. work experience. developmental opportunities. work-home conflict.

The process of adaptive leadership works like this:

first the leader takes time to step back from a challenging situation to understand the complexities of the situation and obtain a fuller picture of the interpersonal dynamics occurring among the participants. Second, in any situation or context where people are experiencing change, the leader first makes an assessment to determine if the change creates challenges that are technical or adaptive in nature. If the challenges are technical, the leader addresses the problems with his or her authority and expertise or through the rules and procedures of the organization. If the challenges are adaptive, the leader engages in several specific leader behaviors to move the adaptive process forward

Outcomes (servant leadership model)

follower and performance and growth. Organizational performance. Societal impact.

There is a positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors which are

follower behaviors that go beyond the basic requirements of their duties to help the overall function of the organizations. It enhances group processes and clarity.

Servant leadership focuses on the behaviors leaders should exhibit to put followers first and to support

followers' personal development. It is concerned Wirth how leaders treat followers and the outcomes that are likely to emerge.

Conceptually, the process of adaptive leadership incorporates ideas from

four different viewpoints: the systems, biological, service orientation, and psychotherapy perspective. First, adaptive leadership takes a system perspective, in that this approach assumes that many problems people face are actually embedded in complicated interactive systems. Problems are viewed as complex with many facets, dynamic in that they can evolve and change and connect to others in a web of relaitonships. Second, the biological perspective to adaptive leadership recognizes that people develop and evolve as a result of having to adapt to both their internal cues/state and external environments. Third, adaptive leadership assumes a service orientation. Similar to a physician, an adaptive leader uses his or her expertise or authority to serve the people by diagnosing their problems and prescribing possible solutions. Fourth, this approach incorporates the psychotherapy perspective to explain how people accomplish adaptive work. Adaptive leaders understand that people need a supportive environment and adapt more successfully when they face difficult problems directly, learn to distinguish between fantasy and reality, resolve internal conflicts, and learn new attitudes and behaviors

Prejudice is

gender bias stemming from stereotyped expectations (women take care and men take cadge)

Substantial empirical evidence reveals that

gender stereotypes can significantly alter the perception and evaluation of female leaders and directly affect women in aspiring to leadership roles

Stereotypes =

gender stereotypes include beliefs about the attributes of men and women and prescribe how men and women ought to be. (they are cognitive shortcuts that influence the way people process information regarding groups and group members)(alone stereotypes are not bad-advantage stereotypes is that enables us to respond rapidly to situations because we may have had. similar experience before. disadvantage is that is makes us ignore differences between individuals and so we make generalizations.)


gender stereotypes. biased perception and evaluations. vulnerability and reactance. cross-pressures.

Servant leadership does not occur in a vacuum but occurs within

given organizational context and a particular culture

The gender gap in leadership is a

global phenomenon whereby women are disproportionately concentrated in lower level and lower authority leadership positions compared to men. discussions of women's under presentation in high level leadership positions generally revolve around three types of explanations. the first set of explanations highlights differences in women's and men's investments in human capital. the next category of explanations considers gender differences between women and men. the final type of explanation focuses on prejudice and discrimination against female leaders

Protect leadership voices from below

have to be cautious to listen and be open to the ideas of people who may be at the fringe or marginalized in the group. leaders should try to resist the to shut down the minority voice for the sake of majority. protecting these voices allows everyone to be fully engaged. this increases buy in to any changes that a leader is trying to promote

Follower performance and growth, the key here is to

help them reach self-actualization , this is the level at the top of Mallow's hierarchy of needs. This is when followers realize their full capabilities and this happens because the leaders are nurturing them. Followers come more effective at fulfilling their job at this level. There isa positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors which are follower behaviors that go beyond the basic requirements of their duties to help the overall function of the organizations. It enhances group processes and clarity.

Providing direction involves

helping identify the adaptive challenges that others face and then framing these so they can be addressed.

-adaptive leadership is concerned with

helping people address adaptive challenges

adaptive leadership is concerned with

helping people address adaptive challenges.

Adaptive leadership is about...

helping people change and adjust to new situations. Originally formulated by Heifetz (1994), adaptive leadership conceptualizes the leader not as one who solves problems for people but rather as one who encourages others to do the problem solving

Women currently outnumber men in

higher education

Adaptive work

holding environment. Leader and followers. Interaction

When people's beliefs, attitudes and values are affected by a problem, leaders need to take an adaptive approach

how leader decides if he or she faces an adaptive challenge is to determine whether or not the challenge strikes at the core feelings and thoughts of others. Adaptive challenges are usually value laden and stir up people's emotions. Furthermore, if challenges require that people learn new ways of coping, they are adaptive.

The invisible barrier preventing women from ascending into elite leadership positives was

initially dubbed the glass clueing, a term introduced into the American vernacular by two Wall Street journal reporters in 1986. Even in female dfomainted occupations, women face the glass ceiling, whereas white men appear to ride a glass evaluator to the top leadership positions. Early and Carli identified limitations with the glass ceiling metaphor, including that it implies that everyone has equal access to lower positives until all women hit this single, invisible and impassable barrier. They put forward an alternative image of a leadership labyrinth conveying the impression of a journey riddled with challenge all along the way

Natural thinkers together articulate eight core competences that believe will differentiate leaders of the future.

innovation, strategic, excitement, tactical, communication, production, consensual and delegation

Get on the balcony

is a metaphor for stepping out of the fray and finding perspective in the midst of a challenging situation. Being not he balcony enables the leader to see the big picture-what is really happening. on the blatancy, the leader is momentarily away from the noise, activity and chaos of a situation, allowing him or her to gain a clearer view of reality. It allows threader to identify value and power conflicts among people, ways they may be avoiding work, and other dysfunctional reactions to change

What is the mechanism that explains how servant leadership works?

it begins when leaders commit themselves to putting their followers first, being honest with them, and treating them fairly.

Helping followers grow and succeed refers to

knowing follower's professional and personal goals and helping them to accomplish those aspirations. Servant leaders make followers' career development a priority, including mentoring followers and providing them with support. At its core, helping followers grow and succeed is about aiding these invidious to become self-actualized, reaching their fullest human potential..

Women are judged differently when they

lead, as opposed to men that show the same quality. They think they are acting out of the norm.

Adaptive leadership is about....

leader behaviors that encourage learning, creativity and adaptation by followers in complex situations

Servant leadership works best when

leaders are altruistic and have a strong motivation and deep seated interest in helping others. In addition, for successful servant leadership to occur, it is important that followers are open and receptive to servant leaders who want to empower them and help them grow.

Adaptive leadership works because

leaders are willing to engage in all of these behaviors with the intention of helping followers do adaptive work

if challenges are technical in nature,

leaders can fix the problem with their own expertise

Adaptive leadership has been used effectively to explain how

leaders encourage effective change across multiple levels, including self, organizational, community, and societal. Most of the writing about adaptive leadership has been prescriptive and based on anecdotal and observational data rather than data derived from rigorous scientific inquiry.

Identify Adaptive Challenges

leaders must analyze and diagnose these challenges. Failures in leadership often occur because leaders fail to diagnose challenges correctly. The adaptive leadership process suggests that leaders are most effective using adaptive leadership behaviors for adaptive challenges and technical leadership for technical challenges. treating challenges with the wrong kind of leadership is maladaptive.

Identifying adaptive challenges means

leaders need to focus their attention on problems they cannot solve themselves and that demand collaboration between the leader and followers.

Women face significant gender biases and social disincentives when they

self promote and negotiate. Self promoting women are seen as less socially attractive and less hirable.

Empirical research supports small differences in

leadership styles and effectiveness between men and women. Women experience slight effectiveness disadvantages in masculine leader roles, whereas roles that are more feminine offer them some advantages. Additionally, women exceed men in the use of democratic or participatory styles and they are more likely to use transformational leadership behaviors and contingent rewards, which are styles associated with contemporary notions of effective leadership. Research shows a small gender difference such that women re more likely to focus on the welfare of others and ethical behavior

In sum, there is scant support for the notions that women receive

less education than men, that they quit their jobs more often than men do, or that they opt out of the leadership track for the mommy track. There is support for the notion that women have less work experience and more career interruptions than men, largely because women assume significantly more domestic responsibility. Finally, women receive less formal training and have fewer developmental opportunities at work than men both of which likely related to prejudice against female leaders

One prominent set of explanations for the labyrinth is that women have

less human capital investment in education, training and work experience than men. The supposed lack of human capital is said to result in a dearth of qualified women, sometimes called the pipeline problem. however, a closer look at the numbers reveals that women are indeed in the pipeline but that the pipeline is leaking

Societal impact, another outcome expected of servant leadership is that it is

likely to have a positive impact on society. Although societal impact is not commonly measured in suites of servant leadership

Servant leaders demonstrate nine key attributes:

listing, self awareness. foresight, empathy, persuasion, stewardship, healing, conceptualization, building community

When you surprise leadership identity in either men or women you

lower the overall organizational performance. When you suppress it in women you diminish the corporate value of human capital assets.

Leadership discourses reinforces the

masculinity of leadership identity

The implicit association test was developed by Anthony Greenwald, mandarin banjo, and Brian nosek to

measure automatic associations by examine reaction times when people classify pictures or words.

When women are promoted to leadership positions they are more likely than

men are to be placed on a glass cliff, appointed to precarious leadership situations associated with greater risk and criticism

Adaptive leadership is actually

more follower centered. It focuses primarily on how leaders help others do the work they need to do, in order to adapt to the challenges they face. Generally, adaptive leadership is concerned with how people change and adjust to new circumstances.

Transformational leadership is the

most effective leadership style because it inspires loyalty, stimulates innovation and engenders organizational commitment. (but this gets called a feminine attributes...)

Adaptive leadership is a complex process compromising

multiple dimensions, including situation challenges, leader behaviors and adaptive work. The overriding focus of the process is to engage individuals in doing adaptive work. This unique emphasis on mobilizing individuals to confront adaptive challenges makes adaptive leadership very different from other traditional leadership approaches that focus on leader traits, skills, behaviors, and authenticity. Adaptive leadership centers on the adaptations equiried of people in response to changing environments and how leaders can support them during these changes

Gender stereotypes against women create

negative perceptions about how they lead or if they can lead at all. this also creates negative self perceptions that erodes leadership identity

Research shows that women respond in

one of two ways to the gender based leadership stereotype: either they demonstrate vulnerability by assimilating to the stereotype or they react against it by engaging in stereotype countering behaviors

Liden, Wayne suggest that

organizations that want to build a culture of servant leadership should be careful to select people who are interested in and capable of building long term relationships with followers.

Servant leaders place the good of followers

over their own self interests and emphasize followers development

Eubank, Geffken, Orzano, and Ricci used adaptive leadership as the

overarching framework to guide the curriculum they developed for a family medicine residency program. They argue that if physicians practice the behaviors promoted in adaptive leadership they can acquire the process skills that are necessary to implement and sustain true patient centered care and healing relationships. Using the adaptive leadership framework, Adams, Bailey, Anderson and Thygeson identified nurse and physician behaviors that can facilitate the transition from curative to palliative care by helping family members do the adaptive work of letting go

Gender biases can be

particular detrimental in the decision making processes for selecting elite leaders, given that the generally unstructured nature of those decisions allows biased decisions without accountability.

Establishing productive norms is a

responsibility of the adaptive leader. Norms are the rules of behavior that are established and shared by group members and are not easily changed. When norms are constructive, they have a positive influence on the progress of the group. However, when norms are unproductive and debilitating, they can impede the group. A leader should pay close attention to norms and challenge those that need to be changed and reinforce those that maximize the group's effectiveness and ability to adapt to change.

Give the work back to the people

people want leaders to provide some direction and structure to their work and want to feel secure in what they are doing, but too much leadership and authority can be debilitating, decrease people's confidence to solve problems on their own and suppress their creative capacities. Giving work back to the people requires a leader to be attentive to when he or she should drop back and let the people do the work that they need to do. This can be a fine line; leaders have to provide direction, but they also have to say this is your work -how do you think you ant to handle it? for adaptive leaders, giving work back to the people means empowering people to decided what to do in circumstances where they feel uncertain, expressing belief in their ability to solve their own problems, and encouraging them to think for themselves rather than thinking for them

holding environment is the.

place where adaptive work is conducted

Meuser, Liden, Wayne, and Henderson found empirical evidence showing that when servant leadership was matched with followers who desired it, this type of leadership had a

positive impact on performance and organizational citizenship behavior. the opposite was seen when there was no match between servant leadership and the desire of followers for it.

Organizational performance, several studies have found a

positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors, which are follower behaviors that go beyond the basic requirements of their duties and help the overall functioning of the organization.

Long term outcomes of putting others first include

positive social change and helping society flourish

Adaptive leadership is

practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. focuses on the adaptations required of people in response to changing environments. They prepare and encourage people to deal with change.

Another oft-cited barrier to women's advancement is the

presumed gender difference in commitment to employment and motivation to lead. however, research Indicates that women show the same level of identification with and commitment to paid employment roles as men do, and both women and men view their roles as workers to be secondary to their roles as parents and partners.

Adaptive changes, these are central to the process of adaptive leadership

problems that are not clear cut or easy to identify and can't be solved the leaders authority or expertise. these require leaders to encourage others with their support to define challenged situation and implement solutions. requires people to change their assumptions, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

Adaptive challenges are

problems that are not clear cut or easy to identify. they cannot be solved by the leader's authority or expertise or through the normal ways of doing things in the organization. Adaptive challenges require that leaders encourage others, with their support to define challenging situations and implement solutions.

In contrast to other leadership theories, Adaptive leadership takes a

process approach. it is follower center, they mobilize people to engage in adaptive work. it helps followers deal with conflicting values that emerge in work environments. It contributes to the concept of a holding environment as an integral part of the leadership process

Servant leadership values community because it

provides a face to face opportunity for individuals to experience interdependence, respect, trust and individual growth

Biological perspective

recognizes that people develop and evolve as a result o having to adapt to both their internal cues and external environments. the ability to adapt allows people to thrive in new circumstances. rated to the path goal theory and transformational theory

In the model of servant leadership most of the servant leader behaviors focus directly on

recognizing follower's contributions and helping them realize their human potential. The expected outcome for the followers is greater self-actualization. That is, followers will realizer their full capabilities when leaders nurture them, help them with their personal goals, and give them control. Another outcome of servant leadership, suggested by Meuser is that it will have a favorable impact on follower in role performance-the way followers do their assigned work. When servant leaders were matched with followers who were open to this type of leadership, the results were positive. Followers become more effective at accomplishing their jobs and fulfilling their job descriptions. Finally, another expected result of servant leadership is that followers themselves Amy become servant leaders. Greenleaf's conceptualization of servant leadership hypothesizes that when followers receive caring and empowerment from ethical leaders they, in turn, will Kelly begin treating others in this way. Servant leadership would produce a ripple effect in which servant leaders create more servant leaders.

Creating a holding environment also allows a leader to

regulate the pressures people face when confronting adaptive challenges. It can be descried as analogous to a pressure cooker because initially a leader turns up the heat on the issue

Orientation is the

responsibility a leader has to orient people to new roles and responsibilities that may accompany adaptive change. When a change requires adopting new values and acting in accordance with those values, people may need to adopt entirely new roles within the organization

Men and women both view roles as workers as

secondary to partner and parent roles. Women are less likely to promote themselves to leadership positions, but more likely to serve as social facilitator Men will ask for what they want.

Servant leadership turned upside because

servant leaders transcend their self interest to serve the needs of others

A meta-analysis by Early, Johannesen-Schmidt, and van Engen found

small but robust difference between female and male leaders on these styles such that women's states tend to be more transformational than men's Ann women tend to engage in more contingent reward behaviors than men. Although these styles predict effectiveness, recent findings suggest that the devaluation of female leaders by male subordinates has been shown to extend to female transformational leaders.

In addition to serving, Greenleaf states that a servant leader has

social responsibility to be concerned about the have-nots and those less privileged.

Women respond to these work home conflicts in a variety of ways

some women choose not to Marry or have children, others choose to become superwomen and attempt to excel in every role and others take leaves of absence, take sick days, or choose part time employment to juggle these work home conflicts

Get on the Balcony

step out of the fray and find perspective win the midst of a challenging situation, lets the leader see the big picture. Allow the leader to ID conflict among people and ways they may be avoiding work.

Greenleaf says that servant leaders demonstrate

strong moral behaviors towards followers, organizations and other stakeholders

Gender differences

style and effectiveness. commitment and motivation. self-promotion. negotiation. traits.

Adaptive Leader Viewpoints:

systems perspective. Biological perspective. service orientation. Psychotherapy perspective.

The practice of leadership requires

that leaders address three kinds of situational challenges. There are challenges or problems that are primarily technical in nature, challenges that have both a technical and an adaptive dimensions, and challenges that are primarily adaptive in nature.

Technical and adaptive challenges,

the challenges are clearly defined but do not have distinct straightforward solutions within the existing organizational system. The responsibility of tackling this type of challenge is shared between the leader and the people. The leader may act as a resource for others and provide support but the people need to do the work-they need to learn to change and adapt

Many of the impediments women face in the leadership domain stem from

the incongruity between the female fender role and the leadership role. Women face a double standard in the leadership role; they must come across as extremely competent but also as appropriately feminine, a set of standards men are not held. Additionally, the transformational leadership style is particularly beneficial for women because it is not a markedly masculine style. This style encompasses traditionally famine behaviors such as being considerate and supportive and is strongly associated with leadership effectiveness. Recent research suggests that blending individualized consideration with inspirational motivation is prudent for women seeking leadership advancement. In addition, evidence suggests that the leadership role is tarting to be seen as less masculine and more androgynous

Prejudice plays an important role in

the interpersonal and individual levels; the first step in dealing with these vises is to become area of them in others and in ourselves. Women are faced with the problem of needing to bolster their leadership competence with appropriate femaleness. Adopting behaviors such as individualized consideration and inspirational motivation is a promising approach to overcome these biased expectations

Conflict management refers to

the leader's responsibility to handle conflict effectively.

The logic behind the IAT is that

the longer it takes to categorize the words when the categories ahve coutnerstereotpyical pairings compared with stereotypical pairings, the more one automatically associates women with supportive qualities as opposed to leadership qualities.

In servant leadership, interpersonal relationships are seen as

the most important facet of leadership effectiveness

Other arguments attempting to explain the leadership gap revolve around

the notion that women are just different from men. One argument in this vein is that women's underrepresentation in elite leadership position is a result of differences in leadership style and effectiveness.

The holding environment is

the place where all parties father to begin talking to each other, define issues and clarify competing interests and needs.

Heifetz and his colleagues suggest that adaptive leadership is

the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. This approach also makes a distinction between leadership and authority.

Many of these gender differences in developmental opportunities may be drive in part by

the prejudice women experience in the domain of leadership. In addition to having fewer responsibilities in the same job as men, women are less likely to receive encouragement, one included in key networks and receive formal job training than their male counterparts.

Leader Attributes =

the qualities and dispositions of the leader that influence the process

Behaving ethically is doing

the right thing is the right way. It is holding to strong ethical standards, including being open, honest, and fair with followers. Servant leaders do not compromise their ethical principles in order to achieve success.

Conceptualizing refers to

the servant leader's thorough understanding of the organization-its purposes, complexities, and mission. This capacity allows servant leaders to think through multifaceted problems, to know if something is going wrong and to address problems creatively in accordance with the overall goals of the organization.

Protect Leadership Voices from Below

this means that adaptive leaders have to be cautious to listen and be open to the ideas of people who may be at the fringe, marginalized, or even deviant in the group or organization. This is a challenge because when the leader gives voice to an out group member, it is upsetting to the social equilibrium of the group. protecting voices from below is important because it puts low status individuals on equal footing with other members of the group. It means the leader and the other people of the group give credence to the out group members' ideas and a actions,. when out group members have a voice they know their interests are being recognized and that they can have an impact on the leader and the group

Maintain Disciplined Attention

this means that the leader needs to encourage people to focus on the tough work they need to do. Maintaining discipline attention is about the leader helping people address change and not avoid it. Avoidance behaviors can take many forms. People can ignore the problem, blame the problem not he authority, blame coworkers for the problem, attack those who want to address the problem, pretend the problem does not exist, or work hard in areas unrelated to the problem

Creating a holding environment

this refers to establishing an atmosphere in which people can feel safe tackling difficult problems but not so much so that they can avoid the problem. A holding environment is a structural, procedural, or virtual space formed by cohesive relationships between people. IT can be physical space, a shared language, common history, a deep trust in an institution and its authority or a clear set of rules and processes that allow groups to function with safety. Within the holding environment, adaptive leaders use authority to help people attend to the issues, to act as a reality test regarding information to orchestrate conflicting perspective and to facilitate decision making

Protection refers

to a leader's responsibility to manage the rate of adaptive change. It includes monitoring whether the change is too much or too fast for people

Women who make up a very small minority of a male dominated group are seen as

tokens representing all women, they experience significant pressure as their highly visible performance is scrutinized and they are perceived through fender stereotyped lenses.

Key Characteristics of Servant Leadership (Sendjaya, Sarros and Santora)

transforming influence, voluntary subordination, authentic self, transcendental spirituality, covenantal relationship, responsible morality

If you want to change gender stereotypes you have to change the

underlying social influences. Society is conditioned to deny leadership identity to women and to consider men who exhibit communal role and traits as anti masculine cause "they belong to women". so to eliminate gender bias, you have to change the social influence that perpetuate it among society.

If we truly want to develop great leaders we can no longer

use genders discourse to describe leadership

Service Orientation

uses expertise and authority to serve the people by diagnosing their problems and pressing possible solutions

Putting others first is the sine qua non of servant leadership--the defining characteristic. It means

using actions and words that clearly demonstrate to followers that their concerns are a priority including placing followers' interests and success ahead of those of the leader. It may mean a leader breaks from his or her own tasks to assist followers with theirs

Servant leadership has been used extensively in a

variety of organizations for more than 30 years. Many organizations in the Fortune 500 employ ideas from servant leadership. Training a servant leadership typically involves selff assessment exercises, educational sessions, and goal setting,. The counter of servant leadership is straightforward and accessible to followers at every level within the organization.

Technical and adaptive challenge

when these occur the challenges are Cleary defined, but don't have a straightforward solution. the responsibility of tackling this type of challenge is shared between the leader and the people. the leader may act as a resource for others and provide support, but its the people that should do the actual work

Systems Perspective

where provokes are viewed as complex with any facets, they are dynamic where they can evolve and change. Ex: situational leadership

When looking at situational challenges the leader decides

whether challenges are technical or adaptive. If technical the leader uses author and expertise to solve the issue. if adaptive, the leader uses several prescribed behaviors sot move the adaptive process forward

Servant leadership begins

with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead...the difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other pope's highest priority needs are being served

Antiquated workplace norms make it difficult for

women to rise in the leadership tanks:those who take advantage of workplace leave and flexibility programs are often marginalized and those who take time off from their careers often find reentry difficult, returning at a lower level than the level they left

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