week 6 nursing informatics

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Learning Theories

Describes how individuals absorb, process, and retain knowledge during learning e.g. teaching to how to use a system

Lewin's Field Theory (father of change theory)

Human behavior related to personal characteristics and social in which persons exist (driving and restraining forces

cognitive science

Study of mind and intelligence and how information can be applied


sum of the driving forces equals the sum of the restraining forces

General Systems Theory(proposed by Ludwig B. )

the system is either open or closed. ○ Open system: continually exchanges information with the environment outside the system itself or higher levels of complexity in the system. ○ Closed system: isolated from the environment and receive no input from outside

Choas Theory (Proposed by Edward Lorenz 1963)

Chaos theory deals with the differences in outcomesdepending on conditions at the starting point ex: when there was a switch in changing from blackboard to bright space change is non linear, change is not always smooth it will be challenges

Nursing informatics theory

Deals with the illustration of nursing data, information, and knowledge Assists with the management and communication ofnursing information within the healthcare environment. Provides a nursing perspective Clarifies nursing values and beliefs Produces new knowledge and develops standardizednursing terminology for use in electronic records. provided by graves and Corcoran model

Change Theory

Examines pattern of acceptance that innovations follow across a population Studies the process of decision-making that occurs when decidingwhether to adopt an innovation Change theories identify that introducing a change no matter howminor (e.g. minor system upgrade), or major (e.g. moving frompaper documentation to EHR) can provoke discomfort amongusers. Usually users ask themselves "What will this mean to me? Examples: Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory & Lewin's Field theory

sociotechnical theory

Impact of technology's implementation on an organization ○ Interactions of organization between information management tools and techniques and knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and needs of employees

Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory (1962)

Innovators (2.5%) - freely take on the innovation2. Early adopters (13.5%) - promotes innovation and influence others Early majority (34%) - averse to risks but will make safe investments . Late majority (34%) - need to be sure that the innovation is beneficial; adopt due to peer pressure5. Laggards (16%) - suspicious, resistant; must be convinced that the innovation will not fail before adopting.

Feedback loop of General Systems Theory

Negative feedback results when there is a lack of something. The action it produces is to add the missing item to restore a variable to its state of equilibrium. Positive feedback results when there is too much of something.The action in positive feedback is to take away the excess.

Nursing organizations

Nursing American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA) Nursing Informatics Working Group (NIWG) Multidisciplinary groups International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society(HIMSS) American Health Information Management Association(AHIMA) European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)

Roles for Nursing Informatics Specialis

Project manager Consultant Director of clinical informatics Researcher product developero Policy developer Entrepreneur

what are the 3 stages of Lewin theory

Unfreezing-desire to change occurs (someone who is used to writing and then learn a new system like by documenting seeing the need to change) Moving to a New Level or Change-(most time consuming actual change ) Refreezin-(establishing the change or new habit)

Roles of nursing informatics

Using data, information, and knowledge for patient care The defining of data in patient care Acquiring and delivering patient care knowledge Creating new tools for patient care from new technologies Applying ergonomics to nurse−computer interfaces The integration of systems Evaluating the effects of nursing systems

restraint forces

forces that act to restrain or decrease driving forces

driving forces

forces that influence a situation like keep it going

in the ANA Nursing Informatics: Scope andStandards of Practice, 'wisdom' was formally added intothe Nursing Informatics ModelDr. Ezihe Ahanonu (Ph.D. FNP-BC, MPH, RNE, BSN, RM, RN)

in 2008

what are the 5 stages of rogers theory

knowledge of an innovation- need for information Persuasion-an individual forms an opinion about the innovation negative, neutral, or positive Decision -potential adopter may try the innovation based on own opinion or peer Implementation-the adopter wants knowledge, such as how touse the innovation and how to overcome problems with itsuse. Confirmation-Conflicting information about the innovation may cause theadopter to reverse a decision.

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