Week 7: Quiz 1
What were the advantages of using railroads instead of canals to transport goods?
Compared to canals, railroads cost less to build and could scale hills more easily, trains also moved faster and carried more weight than the ships.
Which of the following Supreme Court decisions established the power of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce?
. Gibbons v. Ogden
According George Fitzhugh, a slavery supporter quoted in the text, what was the difference between slaves and free laborers?
According to Fitzhugh, a slave has more freedom than a free laborer worker because, according to Fitzhugh, "laborers work longer and harder for less allowance than the slave" (Fitshugh)
Where did the immigrants come from
Ireland and Germany
How did feelings of nationalism influence foreign policy?
John Quincy Adams and Monroe hoped to promote nation expanses, and they did. American's pressure and Adams diplomacy got Spain to sell Florida
Why did Britain want to prevent the spread of the Industrial Revolution?
The British wanted to the spread of the Industrial Revolution because they wanted the advantage to themselves, they didn't want any of the other nations getting ahead of them, economically and socially.
The term Industrial Revolution best refers to
a series of technological developments that transformed manufacturing.
electric telegraph
allowed eletric pulses to travel long distances along metal wires as coded signal
Denmark Vesey's slave revolt prompted many southerners to
argue that public debate in the North over slavery would encourage more rebellion.
Erie Canal
best-known canal, ran 363 miles across NYC from Lake Erie to the Hudson River, making NYC the nation's greatest commercial center, causing the city to rapidly increase in population
Samuel Slater helped launch the Industrial Revolution in the United States by
building the first water-powered textile mill.
Samuel Slater
built the nations first water powered textile mill
Boston Associates
built their first mill at Waltham, Massachusetts, in which al operations in the manufature of cloth occured
burned wood or coal, causing the engine to boil the water, creating steam, this steam turned a large rotating paddle, pushing the boat through the water
campaigned for laws to discourage immigration or to deny political rights to newcomers
How did canals improve transportation
canals provided efficient transportation that kinked farms to citieds
land transportation
carts, wagons, sleighs, and stagecoats
morse coade
code of dots and dashes, allowed messages to be sent rapidly
Robert Rulton
designed the first commercially successful steamboat, Clermont
How did factory owners benefit from the change in factories
factory workers benefitted because untrained workers were more numerous and less costly
The themes of James Fenimore Cooper's work about the American frontier were based on
his desire to show America's nationalistic spirit in the West.
Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts
How did factories change the lives of the workers
machines increased the pace of work and divided labor into small tasks done by separate workers, reduced the amount of skill and training required for individual jobs
working class families
men - went off the work and retunred wi the money to support the family women - stayed at home
working class family
men women and children all had to work and they still were very poor
most dramatic advance in transportation in the 1800s
Economic factors limited the South's population growth and helped create a largely agricultural, slave-based society because
most new immigrants were drawn to wage work in northern factories.
Americans who campaigned for laws to discourage immigration or to deny political rights to newcomers were known as
Where did all major settlements in the U.S. take place and way?
near a harbor because water was the best form of transportation
industrial revolution
not only changed the nation's economy but also its culture, social life, and policies
Many settlers in Florida and Georgia were upset with the Seminoles because they
provided safe havens for runaway slaves.
The Adams-Onís Treaty is an example of the Monroe administration's desire to
reduce regional tension by promoting national expansion.
The Industrial Revolution saw the rise of labor unions, groups of workers who united to
seek better pay and working conditions from their employers.
Workingmen's Party
sought free public education and laws to limit the working day to 10 hours instead of 12
national road
the country's best road, made by crushed rocks, founded by the federal government, extended from Maryland to the Ohio River (present-day West Virginia) in 1818
the money needed to build factories
How did the steamboat improve transportation
the steamboat made it easier to travel upstream against the current
Why did designers first begin manufacturing products with interchangeable parts?
to increase factory efficiency
The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812 encouraged the development of American factories in the Northeast because
Americans could not obtain imported products.
What actions in Florida made Andrew Jackson a military hero?
Andrew Jackson led a force into Florida to fight Seminoles and seize Spanish forts.
What was the goal of economic nationalism?
Because of the Tariff of 1816 the Democratic Republican used federal power to help industrialists and their workers.
The central idea of the Monroe Doctrine was
European countries had no right to interfere with independent countries in the Americas
Why did Francis Lowell use young girls to staff his cloth factories?
Francis Lowell used young girls to staff his cloth factories because Lowell wanted to avoid using child labor, which was commonly used in fabric mills in England. The workers did not need to be physically strong, as the work was not strenuous. However, the workers had to be fairly intelligent to master the complicated machinery. The solution was to hire young women. In New England, there were a number of girls who had some education, in that they could read and write. And working in the textile mill seemed like a step up from working on the family farm.
Who was the principle author of the Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay
interchangeable parts
Identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufacturing, improved efficiency in factories
cotton gin
Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It removed seeds from cotton fibers. Now cotton could be processed quickly and cheaply. Results: more cotton is grown and more slaves are needed for more acres of cotton fields
What was the most important innovation of the Industrial revolution in the United States?
Some of the most important innovations of the Industrial revolution in the United States was the innovation of roads, steamboats, canals, railroads, textile mills, interchangeable parts, and morse code
Robert Fulton helped revolutionize transportation in the United States by
designing the first commercially successful steamboat.
How did the processes of making shoes and clothes change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
As a result of the Industrial Revolution the processes of making shoes and clothes changed because Slater built the nation's first water-powered textile mill, producing cotton.
Why did transportation restrict economic growth in the United States before the 1800s?
Before the 1800s transportation restricted economic growth in the United States because it was a long and slow process to transport goods, making it a slow process to make money.
Francis Cabot Lowell
Boston merchant who developed another industrial system in Massachusetts
Only a fourth of white southern men owned slaves. Why was slavery so important to the culture of the South despite this?
Most southerners defended the slave system because most southerners, although they didn't have any slaves, they hoped to acquire their own slaves and plantation, they also fear that if slaves went free that they would seek rebelion, southerners also like the thought of racial superiority.
What were some of the positive and negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution?
Positive - rapid production and transportation, improved agriculture and communication (morse code) Negative - poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution
What obstacles confronted the Irish and German immigrants who came to the United States during this time?
Poverty forced immigrants to cluster in shabby neighborhoods. The immigrants competed with African Americans for jobs and housing. Nativists campaigned for laws to discourage immigration or to deny political rights for newcomers.
What were some of the arguments for and against establishing the second Bank of the United States?
Some people argued that establishing the second Bank of the United States was a bad idea because some people did not agree with the federal control that the bank would have over America
How did the steamboat change transportation on the Mississippi River?
Steamboats made it easier to travel upstream against the current, allowing for easier access in moving more goods and people.
What events led to the "era of good feelings"?
The "era of good feelings" was influenced by nationalism. Nationalism affected economic and foreign policy and was supported by the Supreme Court rulings
How did the construction of the Erie Canal affect industry in the United States?
The Erie Canal provided efficient water transportation that linked farms to cities. The Erie Canal made NYC the nation's greatest commercial center, the city grew rapidly The Erie Canal also enhanced the value of farmlands in the Great Lakes Region because farmers there now had easier access to eastern markets for their goods
Why did the Industrial Revolution in the United States began in the Northeast?
The Industrial Revolution began in the Northeast of the United States because their was greater access to capital. The northeast also had more cheap labor to work in the factories and had many swiftly flowing rivers to provide water power for the new factories. While the south had land and good climate that favored agriculture.
Explain the causes and effects of the Vesey slave revolt
The Missouri Compromise caused Vessey to rebel, causing the Vesey slave revolt, and because of the Vesey slave revolt the Southern politicians insisted that their safety required northerm silence on slavery.
How did the Tariff of 1816 affect the North and the South?
The Tariff of 1816 was a tariff on imports, designed to protect American industry, the tariff increased the price of imported goods by an average of 20-25%. This encouraged Americans to buy products made in the U.S.. This hurt farmers because they had to pay higher prices for consumer goods.
What effect did the War of 1812 have on northern industry?
The War of 1812 affect the northern industry because it cut off access to British manufactured goods. So the Americasn built their own factories in the Northwest. However after the war the British goods once again flowed into the U.S., threatening to overwhelm the manufactures.
What were the benefits of using interchangeable parts? Why did it take time for manufacturers to begin using interchangeable parts regularly?
The benefits of using interchangeable parts were that it improved the efficiency in factories. It took time for manufacturers to begin using interchangeable parts regularly because traditionally items such as clocks and muskets were built one at a time by skilled artisans who made each part and assembled the device from start to finish by hand.
Determine Meaning What is the "boom-and-bust" cycle and how does it work?
The economy became subject to shocks and panics which resulted from "busts" in a "boom and bust" cycle commonly found in capitalism. During the "boom" phase, high consumer demand encourages owners to expand production. Once the expanded supply of goods exceeds demand, a "bust" followed, prices fell and producers cut back on production, closing factories and firing workers. Which resulted in the fired workers not having enough money to buy consumer goods, all resulting in a huge cycle on "boom and bust".
What factors led to slavery becoming more deeply entrenched in the southern economy?
The main factor that led to slavery becoming more deeply entrenched in the southern economy was the production of cotton. Southern planters used slaves to grow cotton. Because cotton was so profitable, to demand for slaves soared.
Summarize the main idea of the Monroe Doctrine. Explain why the United States instituted this policy.
The policy of the Monroe Doctrine responded to threats by European powers to help Spain recover Latin American colonies that had declared their independence. Monroe issued a written document declaring that European monarchies had no business medding with American republics, and in return, the United States stayed out of European affairs
How did the dominance of "King Cotton" prevent the spread of industrialization in the South?
The production of cotton limited regional development, and the south only relied on cotton as their main crop.
What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise? Did it reach its goal?
The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to keep the balance between slave and free states even, but to also keep the slave states happy. The first half of the compromise reached its goal but the second half did not, because of the Compromise there was a slave revolt caused by Vesey
Describe how the immigrants who came to the United States in the 1840s and the 1850s affected the northern economy.
The working class increasingly became compromised by immigrants. A small minority of immigrants were able to set up shop and move west and buy farmlands. However most immigrants found work on the docks, in factories, construction sites, and as servants for the middle and upper class. The rapid influx of immigrants created economic and social strains.
Thomas Jefferson said: "The momentous question, like a fire-bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once the [death] knell of the Union." What was he talking about, and what did he mean?
Thomas Jefferson is talking about the state of Missouri joining the Union. If Missouri joined the Union as a slave state that would tip the scales and the slaves states would over power the free states.
The Tariff of 1816 increased the price of imported goods, which in turn led to
an increase in domestic manufacturing.
family system
families were employed in the same milss
How did famers benefit from the industrial revolution
farms became more productive in raising large drops
Which of the following was a factor that contributed to the industrialization of the Northeast?
greater access to capital
labor unions
groups of workers who unite to seek better pay and conditions
middle class
increased as working opportunites increased, they ranked above the working class but below to upper class of bussiness owners, they worked in offices outside their homes, and set up home in suburban areas
A significant effect of the War of 1812 on the nation was
increasingly strong feelings of nationalism around the country.
Sewing machines
invented by Elias Howe and improved by Isaac Singer, the sewing machine lowered the cost and increased the speed of making cloth into clothing, the sewing machine used interchangeable parts
Samuel F.B. Morse
invented the electric telegraph
A key factor in the increase in the Southern cotton production was the
invention of the cotton gin
roads for which users had to pay a toll
Many Irish immigrants left their home country as a result of
starvation related to a famine.
Proceeds from the tolls collected at turnpikes
were used for road maintenance.