Week5: Families chapter 8

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What are the effects on adolescent boys who have full time working parents?

-More negative than for girls, more arguments with mothers and siblings, poorer school performance for boys in middle and upper middle class families

How are many adoption agencies today compared to the past?

Many adoption agencies today have no income requirements for adoptive parents and now allow adults from a wider range of backgrounds to adopt children, including single adults, gay & lesbian adults, and older adults

When does marital satisfaction increase for most parents?

Marital satisfaction increases after adolescents or emerging adults leave home

What do some cross-cultural studies reveal about parent-adolescent conflict?

Parent-adolescent conflict is lower in some countries than in the United States (e.g Japan and India)

What is differential parenting and what does it result in?

Parents behaviors often differs towards siblings within the same family, an aggressive child might evoke authoritarian parenting. It results in non-shared environmental influences among siblings

How are children from gay & lesbian families through donor insemination?

Researchers have found that the children and adolescents created through new productive technologies are as well adjusted as their counterparts conceived by natural means

What happens two years after divorce?

Restabilization has occurred and parenting skills have improved.

What is the divorce rate like in the US?

The divorce rate increased dramatically in the 1960s and 1970s. But it has declined in recent decades

What made divorce rates start to spike up in late 40s

The end of world war 2 in 1945; families were strained under the burden of living with a man who may have been incapacitated during war, or women had a new found freedom in working and didn't want to give it up

What does the effect of dual-earner families depend on?

The gender of the adolescent and number of hours mom works

What are the keys to effectively parenting adopted children (which is no different than those for effectively parenting biological children)

-Being supportive and caring -Being involved and monitorin the adolescents behavior and whereabouts -Being a good communicator -helping the adolescent learn to develop self control

What are the effects on adolescent girls who have full time working parents?

-Often quite positive, tend to become more positive, have higher career aspirations

How does the emerging adults relationship with their parents improve when they leave home?

-They often grow psychologically to their parents and share more with them then they did before they left home -challenges in the parent emerging adult relationship involve the emerging adults increasing autonomy possessing adult status in many areas, yet still depending on parents in some manner

Older or youngersiblings has been linked to development of certain personality characteristics for adolescents

1. A recent review concluded that "firstborns are the most intelligent, achieving, conscientious, while later borns are the most rebellious, liberal, and agreeable" 2. Adolescents who weee showered with love tend to be much more giving and forgiving of others. The popular conception of the only child is that of a "spoiled brat" but research presents a more positive potestad of the only child

What type of outcomes can adolescence and emerging adults whose parents have divorced at a higher risk for?

1. Behavior problems 2. Psychological distress 3. Lower academic achievement 4. Dysfunctional relationships in emerging adulthood

Those who had an anxious attachment style, have what type of romantic relationship?

1. Emotional 2. Jealous 3. Possessive

What are the effects of divorce in family process factors?

1. Exposure to conflict between parents 2. Effects on parenting practices 3. Increases in economic stress

What are two important characteristics of sibling relationships?

1. In dealing with peers, coping with difficult teachers, and discussing taboo subjects (such as sex), siblings can be more influential in socializing adolescents than parents are 2. High sibling conflict can be detrimental to adolescent development, especially when combined with ineffective parenting. Most siblings spend far less time with each other in emerging adulthood than they did in adolescence. As siblings move out of their home and sibling contact becomes more optional, conflicted sibling relationships in adolescence often becomes less emotionally intense

What type of outcomes are young people whose parents get divorced at higher risk for?

1. It's more likely they are unsupervised l; higher rates of drug and alcohol use, initiation of sexual intercourse at an earlier age 2. Depression and withdrawal, adolescents often caught in the middle and feel somehow responsible. More likely to recieve mental health treatment 3. Less likely to attend college 4. Greater problems in forming close romantic relationships; wariness if entering marriage; their determination to avoid divorced

What are the distinct qualities of ethnic minority families?

1. Large and extended families are more common among ethnic minority groups than among non-Latino white Americans 2. ethnic minority adolescents are more likely to come from low-income families than non-Latino white adolescents 3. single parent families are more common among African American and Latinos than among non-Latino white Americans 4. Ethnic minority parents, on average, are less well educated

Those who had a secure attachment style, have what type of romantic relationship when they get older?

1. Less likely to have one night stands 2. Find it easy to get close to other 3. Most likely to be an a a committed relationship

Those who had an avoidant attachment style, have what type of romantic relationships?

1. More likely to have one night stands 2. Less likely to get involved in a relationship 3. If in a relationship, they are more likely to distance themselves from their partners

Mothers and fathers often interact differently with their adolescents for what 3 reasons?

1. Mothers are more involved with their children and adolescents 2. Fathers increase the time they spend in parenting when they have sons 3. In many cultures, mothers socialize daughters to be more obedient and responsible for their sons

The organizing theme of coparentjng identifies certain conditions that place children and adolescents at developmental risk:

1. Poor coordination 2. Active undermining and disparagement of the other parent 3. Lack of coordination and warmth 4. Disconnection by one parenting partner

Competent adolescent development is most likely to happen when adolescents have parents who:

1. SHOW THEM SUPPORT, WARMTH, and RESPECT 2. Effectively manage family matters and monitor adolescents lives effectively 3. Demonstrate sustained interest in their lives 4. Communicate expectations for high standards of conduct and achievement 5. Display authoritative, constructive ways of dealing with problems and conflict

Reasons of divorced adults

1. Youthful marriage 2. Low educational level 3. Low income 4. Not having a religious affiliation 5. Having parents who are divorced 6. Having a baby before marriage

What did researchers find in two parent African American families with adolescents?

1. mothers reported having a warmer relationship with their adolescents 2. Both parents indicated they had a warmer relationship with younger than older adolescents

Studies indicate secure attachment leads to a better adjusted individual as one enters emerging adulthood. Correlated with what?

1. parents who display a loving relationship 2. Psychological stability in adolescents 3. Successful romantic relationships

What is one of the most common complaints voiced by emerging adults and their parents when returning to live at home?

A loss of privacy

What does a positive family climate for adolescents involve other than effective parenting?

A positive relationship between parents, whether they are married or divorced

What percentage of families, parents, and adolescents engage in prolonged, intense, repeated, unhealthy conflict?

About 20-25 percent

What did the old model of parent adolescent relationship suggest?

As adolescents mature, they detach themselves from parents and move into a world of autonomy apart from parents. Parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence

Why is it more parent-adolescent conflict in the United States than other countries?

Because parents in many countries give more responsibility to adolescents than parents in the US

How does coparenting disagreements undermine adolescents adjustments?

By interfering with secure attachment to their mothers and the adolescents autonomy

How are those adopted early in life?

Children and adolescents who are adopted early in their lives are more likely to have positive outcomes than their counterparts adopted later in life

Why do parents use more than one style?

Depending on life circumstances for the parent, styles may vary. For example, a parent working too much may become neglectful

Adolescents in stepfamilies have a greater likelihood of:

Depression, Anxiety, conduct disorders, lower academic achievement, engaging in delinquent activities

___ adolescents experience more conflict with their parents than do adolescents who mature ___

Early; late

What is a key aspect of managerial role of parenting? And when is it important?

Effective monitoring , watch out for latchkey adolescents (the 3 to 6 o clock problem) , important ad children move into adolescent years

What has longitudinal studies showed that conflict between divorced parents are linked to?

Emotional problems, insecure social relationships, and antisocial behavior

When do most divorces occur?

Fifth to tenth year of marriage

Adolescent females tend to have an especially negative reaction to their mothers remarriage? Why?

Girls have a hard time, because they tend to become closest to their moms and this new man takes away the closeness

What is the traditional parenting style?

High in responsiveness (warmth) and high in a kind of demandingness (maturity) that does not encourage discussion and debate. Parents expect compliance by virtue of cultural beliefs and the inherent authority of the parental role

What type of experiences do adopted children more likely experience compared to their counterparts adopted later in life?

In general, adopted children and adolescents are more likely to experience psychological and school related problems than non adopted children

What occurs in successful emerging adulthood?

Individuals separate from their family of origin without cutting off ties completely or fleeing to some substitute emotional refuge

Why is their a deeper effect on adolescent boys than girls?

More chores are expected of boys, and boys tend to be more resistant to chores than girls

How were adoptive parents in the first half of the twentieth century?

Most adoptive parents were from non-Latino white middle or upper socioeconomic status background

Several investigations have shown that conflict between parents and adolescents is the most stressful during the apex of pubertal growth. What type of parent / adolescent gender relationship is it?

Mothers; sons

What adolescent problems is the parent-adolescent conflict associated with other than being caused by intense, prolonged parent-adolescent conflict

Moving away from home, juvenile delinquency, school dropout, pregnancy and early marriage, membership in religious cults, and drug abuse

What does the new model of parent-adolescent relationship emphasize?

Parents serve as important attachment figures, resources, and support systems as adolescents explore a wider, more complex social world. In the majority of families, parent adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe and that everyday negotiations and minor disputes are normal

What is the reaction, exploration, and outcomes of avoidant attachment. What does it result from?

Reaction: avoids or ignore the mother, showing little visible emotion when the mother departs or returns Exploration: will not explore very much regardless of who is there; strangers will not be treated much differently from the mother Outcomes: hostile, defiant; alienate peers/teachers; angry self reliance (in adulthood) Results from: disengaged parenting

What is the reaction, exploration, and outcome of anxious-ambivalent attachment? What does it result from?

Reaction: extremely distressed when mother leaves; ambivalent upon return; resentful and resistant when the mother initiatives attention; baby may hit or push his mother when she picks him up Exploration: anxious of exploration and of strangers, even when the mother is present, vigilantly watched mom Outcomes: obsessively clingy, picked on Results from: inconsistent, hit or miss, chaotic parenting

What is the reaction, exploration, and outcome of secure attachment and what does it result from?

Reaction: visibly upset when the mother departs, but happy to see the mother return Exploration: explore freely while the mother is present, will engage with strangers Outcomes: positive attitude; likable Results from: available, responsive parent

What is one of the unique circumstances parents of adopted children face?

Recognizing the differences involved in adoptive family life

What did researchers find in non-Latino white two parents families

Researchers found that for both boys and girls, adolescents spent the most time with the same sex parent

What has research found about adopted adolescents?

Researchers have also found positive characteristics among adopted adolescents

How are children who are adopted from gay & lesbian families?

Researchers have found few new differences between children and adolescents growing up with gay fathers and lesbian mothers and children and adolescents growing up with heterosexual parents

What are family-management practices positively related to?

Students grades and self responsibility

What is reciprocal socialization?

The process by which adolescents socializf parents, just as parents socialize adolescents

The family system involves the link between marital relationships and parenting. Happily married parents are what two ways towards their adolescents?

They are more SENSITIVE and AFFECTIONATE towards their children and adolescents

What are parental changes? What do they involve?

They contribute to some difficulties in the parent-adolescent relationship, and usually involve: - Marital satisfaction -Career Reevaluation -Economic burdens -Time constraints -Health & body concerns

What was Mary Ainsworth trying to determine when she devised an experimental method called the Strange Situation? What did it measure?

the nature of attachment between caretakers and babies; it measured the child's exploration and reunion with caregiver

What is boundary ambiguity?

the uncertainty in stepfamilies about who is in or out of the family and who is performing or responsible for certain tasks in the family system

If you have an insecure attachment style, can YOU change it?

you can alter your attachment style to be more or less secure depending upon experiences and conscious efforts. To change your style to be more secure, seek therapy as well as relationship with others who are capable of a secure attachment

What are some cross cultural comparisons involving families?

•Authoritatrian parenting continues to be widely practiced •the most common pattern was a warm and controlling style, one that is neither permissive nor restrictive

What are some issues with baumrinds parenting styles?

•Differential parenting •Parents use more than one style •Traditional parenting style

What are some examples of the traditional parenting style?

•Respeto in Latino cultures •The tradition of Filial piety in Asian cultures

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