Weight Management Final

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The BMI is a fast, inexpensive and easy to use tool to assess weight. However, like all tools, it has disadvantages. Which of the following are disadvantages of the BMI?

-Athletes especially those with more muscle mass, would incorrectly be assessed as overweight or obese. -It will give an inaccurate low value to elderly people who have bone loss. -Different ethnicities have different body fat contents at the same BMI.

Which of the following is true about leptin?

-it's a hormone -it signals that the body has had enough fat -losing weight results in a decrease in leptin levels

What factors contribute to an environment which promotes obesity?

-large portion sizes -eating away from home -cheaper food -soft drinks replacing water as a beverage

From "Fat Chance" what are some suggestions for how to maintain or achieve a healthy weight?

-maintain or boost activity level -eat foods with lower calorie density, that is, foods that are high in volume and low in calories

Which of the following statements were noted in Elizabeth Kolbert's article that help to explain why humans so easily gain body fat.

-our distant ancestors evolved to store body fat to survive "hard times." -Ovulation (fertility) is related to body fat stores.

In the article "Fat Chance," Eric Ravussin gives which explanations for why many humans have trouble losing weight or keeping weight off.

-weight loss means a drop in the body's metabolic rate--the body needs fewer calories - people who are obese may be resistant to leptin -people have "thrifty genes" or or bodies which efficiently store calories as fat -our lives require less activity and give us more access to cheap and tasty foods

One of the recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for achieving a healthy weight is to limit "screen time" (that is, viewing television, computer/pad monitors, phones) to ____________ daily.

1-2 hours daily

According to numerous surveys, physical inactivity (such as sitting and watching TV or "screen time" with phone or computer) accounts for about ___________ of a person's waking hours.


Digesting and absorbing food takes energy and is known as the thermic effect of food or dietary-induced thermogenesis. According to An Introduction to Nutrition (page 566) the thermic effect accounts for about ________ of the energy expended per day.


According to many different scientific studies on weight loss, the number of participants who were successful at losing weight is in the ___________% range.


Obesity is defined as a BMI of _____ or greater.


It's not just the percent of body fat but the location of the fat that relates to disease risk. Fat around the waist line, or central obesity, represents a higher disease risk. For men, a waist measure of ____ inches or greater represents high risk. For women, a waist measure of _____ inches or great represents high risk.

40; 35

Dieting (decreasing calorie intake) can help people lose weight. However, keeping the weight off is the bigger challenge. Only an average between ___________ percent are successful at preventing "weight regain."


A sensible weight-loss diet reduces daily calorie intake by ____________ below daily energy expenditure.

500 to 1000

At least _____ percent of American adults do not obtain enough physical activity to generate positive health benefits.


Alcohol contains ________ calories per gram.


There is mounting evidence that people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity than people who get __________ hours of sleep a night.


How does resistance training (such as weight lifting or other types of "strength training") can help to promote weight loss and maintenance.

A continuous "circuit" of low weight and high repetition exercises will burn substantial calories. Regular resistance training increases resting metabolic rate. Building and maintaining muscle helps to prevent fat-weight gain.

Which of the following are used in Motivational Interviewing to help a client make a change?

Ask the client what changes are most important to them. Ask "open-ended" questions, like those that start with "How," "What," "On a scale from one to ten. . ." State to the client that it's their decision to make a change.

Eating Disorders fall on a continuum with self-starvation on one end and _________________ on the other end.

Binge eating

Some of the potential health risks associated with a higher than "normal" BMI include:

Cardiovascular Disease Type 2 Diabetes High Blood Pressue

Which of the following is true about Disordered Eating as compared to Eating Disorders?

Disordered eating is often temporary.

From the Obesity Prevention Source web site, which of the following are listed as obesity causes?

"sit time" lack of sleep toxic food environment

Moving more and sitting less means more activity and, more calories burned. Which of the following also supports the idea that excessive sitting is unhealthy, as discussed in the Module 9 Resources?

Excessive sitting may lead to back problems such as disk damage. . Much less muscle activity leads to poor blood sugar control. Sitting may lead to tightness in the hips and lack of muscle which, in turn, affects mobility (ability to walk). Excessive sitting is linked to a drop in HDLs, the good blood cholesterol that protects us from heart disease

Don is a competitive runner. His family was recently concerned about him when their family road-trip was interrupted daily because Don need to "get his run in" every day. He become very upset if anyone even suggested that he skip the run for a day. Don may be suffering from:

Exercise addiction

Jane's doctor is concerned about her risk of diabetes and heart disease after she find that Jane's blood pressure and blood sugar levels are too high. Her doctor measures Jane's waist at 38 inches. Jane learns from her doctor she may be dealing with __________________ Syndrome.


A BMI measure of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered ____________.


In an experiment on appetite, buckets of free popcorn were given to people who attended a matinee at a movie theater. The popcorn used was very stale (one week old). What did the researchers learn about appetite from this experiment? - Most people did not eat much of the free popcorn because it was so stale. - People ate about the same amount of popcorn whether they were give a large bucket or a mediurm bucket of popcorn. -Those who got the large bucket of popcorn ate much more popcorn.

Those who got the large bucket of popcorn ate much more popcorn.

" . . . fat supplies between 30 and 80% of exercise energy requirement."


"In most scientific studies successful weight loss is accomplished only by changing the diet and by increasing physical activity."


Anorexia nervosa can be a fatal illness.


As we age, even if our calorie intake and our exercise routine stays constant, we tend to gain weight.


Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.


Habits are a behavior that does not involve a decision. Habits are automatic.


Jane Brody notes in her article, "Many Fronts in Fighting Obesity," that the obesity epidemic is linked to both an increase in the amount of calories we eat and a drop in how often we eat meals prepared at home


Losing as little as 10% of excess body weight can improve health and reduce disease risk.


One of the best times to break a habit and start a new, healthier habit, is while on a vacation.


One of the problems with telling a client what to do, such as exercise more or differently, is that the client will defend their current behavior and become less open to making healthy changes.


One possible way to change your "set point" is by exercising regularly.


Relapse, in the Stages of Change model, is not only normal, it's expected.


Roughly 2 million U.S. households live more than a mile from a supermarket and don't have cars or access to cars.


True or False: Weight loss results in lower leptin levels. Lower leptin levels signal the brain that the body needs fat. That signal tells the body to EAT!


True or false: "Normal weight Americans are now a minority." from "Fat Chance," Nutrition Action Newsletter, December 2010


True or false: According to An Introduction to Nutrition (page 565), the majority of energy required by the body (between 50 to 70%) is needed for basal metabolic functions.


True or false: According to the article, "Fooled by Food," when people are served food in larger bowls (versus smaller bowls), they tend to eat more.


True or false: Elizabeth Kolbert provides some statistics on weight gain in the US in her article, "XXXL Why are we so Fat?" She states that the percentage of American adults who were overweight jumped from 25% in the 1970s to 33.3% in the 1980s.


True or false: Over the past 30 years in the U.S., the percentage of calories from fat in people's diets has gone down, but obesity rates have skyrocketed.


True or false: Research is looking into how the bacteria in our gut may influence such things as our body weight.


True or false: The BMI measures relate to health risks. However, the risk for the same BMI varies by race. For example, Asian Americans have a higher risk than Caucasian Americans with the same BMI.


True or false: The number of people considered overweight and obese in the world has now surpassed the number who are starving.


Weight loss occurs whenever energy output is greater than energy intake.


When studying the calorie intake and weight gain of Americans for the past 100 years, we find that excess weight gain is more closely linked to reduced activity and not to increased calorie intake.


Match the nutrient on the right with the recommended intake on the left.

carbs - a minimum of 130 g fiber - 25g for women, 39g for men total fat - 20-35% of total calories saturated fat - less than 10% of total calories protein - 10-35% of total calories

Some of the goals of Motivational Interviewing are to explore the gap between goals and current behaviors, increase motivation to change, and support self-efficacy? What is self-efficacy?

confidence belief that a personal goal is attainable having the information, tools and support to succeed

According to Stages of Change Model (or the Transtheoretical Model), which of the following are important "stages" in making a change?

contemplating the need to change preparing a plan setting a realistic goal

Some of the distinguishing characteristics of bulimia nervosa are:

distorted body image purging weekly restricted food intake

According to "How to Get a Gut," which of the following might explain how we put on fat over time?

drinking juices and sodas frequently routinely getting five hours of sleep

The 2010 Guidelines for Americans lists which of the following dietary recommendations as key to weight management?

eat more fruits and vegetables reduce portion sizes decrease or limit fruit juice intake

The theory or theories behind the volumetrics diet is that:

eating foods with more "water" helps to reduce calories. consuming more vegetables routinely is linked to successful weight loss. people tend to eat the same weight of food day after day.

Which of the following is NOT a source of carbohydrates?


Which of the following are sources of fats in our diets

eggs sunflower seeds cheese peanuts and walnuts olive oil coconut oil

A calorie measures:

energy in food

Which of the following make up a person's body weight?

fat, muscle, water, bones, organs

From the article "Food & Addiction," you learned that foods high in _________ and ________ may lead to more "cravings" or addictive-like responses in people.

fats and sugars

In the article, "Fooled by Food," the researches found that people ate 29% more fruits or vegetables when:

fruits or vegetables were cut up and place in a big bowl in the center shelf of the fridge

Gretchen Rubin, the author of a book about mastering habits, states that about about 40% of our day is made up of our daily habits. According to Ms Rubin what are some of the types of habits most people want to change?

healthier diet exercise regularly more rest and better relaxation time

The metabolic syndrome is a collection of many different physical conditions which includes which of the following?

high blood sugar high blood pressure low HDLs

The first stages of the Stages of Change Model (also known as the Transtheoretical Model) are:

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation

Which of the following is considered a factor which may promote healthy weight through the "built environment."

public transportation protected bike paths your can walk to a park nearby your home

Match the description on the left with the calorie ranges on the right.

sedentary adult female - 1600-2000 active adult female - 2000-2400 sedentary adult male - 2000-2600 active adult male - 2400-3200

Good food sources of protein include:

soy dairy beef egg

Which of the following describes a "toxic food environment?"

the easiest and cheapest food near you at work or school is from a vending machine your nearest grocery store is actually a "convenience" store your coworkers bring cookies, cakes and dessets to share almost daily

Which of the follow is/are signs of someone suffering from muscle dysmorphia?

unhealthy use of supplements binging and purging preoccupation with appearance and weight

Visceral fat is found in the _____________ .


The CDC reports which of the following groups experience high rates of obesity?

All groups

According to Essential Tools for Enhancing Client Motivation, many people want to make healthy changes, like exercise more or eat healthier, but they have trouble committing or being consistent about the healthy change. This behavior of wanting one thing but doing another or "sitting on the fence" is common and is known as ____________________.


According to the article "8 Weight Mistakes," it's okay to overeat during the holidays because most people will lose that weight gained during the holidays.


Anorexa nervosa usually begins with an extreme diet like a 48 hour fast.


Fiber is found in both plant and animal foods.


If a diet is very low in carbohydrates and high in protein, weight loss will occur even if calorie intake is higher than calorie need.


If the goal is to reduce fat from a specific area of the body (such as waist/abs or thighs/buttock) the key is to perform specific exercises which target those areas.


It is possible to create a healthy diet which provides zero carbohydrates.


Most eating disorders are treatable with an education about eating healthy.


No more than 3 to 5 lb of weight should be lost per week to minimize adverse effects on fat-free body mass, nutrient status, overall health and exercise performance.


Several types of beverages, like green tea, and herbs have been shown to effectively boost metabolism.


The dramatic increase in obesity rates in since the 1980s appears to be one that only the US is dealing with. Asian and European nations are not seeing the same increase in obesity rates.


True or False: Jane Brody writes that the increase in calories in the American diet comes mostly from an increase in the consumption of sugar.


True or false: For athletes who are working out intensely, strength-training, very few are able to consume enough protein from food sources alone to support muscle development.


True or false: When using the Body Mass Index to assess weight, two different tables are used: one for males, another for females.


When planning a weight-loss diet, you can rely on the formula that you will lose one pound of body weight for every 3500 calorie deficit. (Such as eating 500 fewer calories every day for one week.)


Successful weight loss is defined as intentionally losing at least 10% of body weight and keeping it off for at least 10 years.

False. 1 year

What three elements combined make a food more "eatertaining," according to information from Elizabeth Kolbert's article?

Fat, sugar, salt

Your client struggles to avoid overeating. You have had the conversation about how important it is in a effective weight-loss effort to burn more and eat fewer calories. What other suggestions can you give here about how to minimize food cravings. (As noted in the article, "Food & Addictions?")

Fill up on nutrient dense foods like vegetables and fruits.

Which of the following is the best example of a SMART goal?

I will exercise five days a week this month by walking to around the park.

Gaining weight, that is gaining muscle mass, is not easy. Which of the following approaches to weight gain are mentioned in our text?

Increase daily dietary protein intake to about 1.6 grams/kg of body weight. Increase calorie intake to meet energy needs plus add an additional 700 to 1000 calories daily. Consume both plant and animal sources of protein .

The American College of Sports Medicine worksheet on "The Power of Ritual" suggests a way to form a new habit -- by thinking of it as ritual. Which of the following is a way to help start a new ritual, according to this worksheet?

Make time in your schedule for the new ritual and commit to that time.

________________ is defined as ". . an environment that promotes increased food intake, nonhealthful foods, and physical inactivity."


Match the nutrient with the number of calories per gram that nutrient provides.

Proteins - 4 Carbs - 4 Fats - 9

Which of the following demonstrates a variety of food choices (as described on pages 78-79 from An Introduction to Nutrition)?

Replacing pasta or rolls with rice

Match the letter in SMART goal on the right with the meaning on the left.

S - Specific M- Measurable A- Action Oriented R- Realistic T - Timely

Carbohydrates are divided into which two groups?

Simple and complex

Which of the following are types of carbohydrates?

Starch, fiber, sucrose

Because activity may be key to avoiding regaining weight after losing it, how much daily activity (or moderate exercise) is recommended?

The authors of our text recommend at least 75 minutes a day. In order to combat obesity, the authors of our text suggest 90 minutes over and above that required for "normal living." US agencies like the Surgeon Generall recommend a daily minimum of 30 to 60 minutes.

True or false:

Visceral fat is a better predictor of disease risk than total fat mass.

Sally started a walking/jogging exercise plan. Her goals are to improve her health and lose some weight. Like most people, she would like to lose fat. What advise would you give her about how long and fast to walk or run?

Walk or run for 30 minutes or more, at a moderate pace--one at which you can still talk.

The four components of "body weight" are lean mass, bone mass, fat mass and ______________.


From the article on sleep an weight control, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. which of the following theories were mentioned explaining why a lack of sleep may lead to unhealthy weight gain?

a lack of sleep may affect our "appetite" hormones, ghrelin and leptin less sleep may lead to more fatigue and that may lead to less activity more awake time may mean more snacking time

Another genetic influence of our weight involves the "set-point theory." This theory describes:

a point where the body naturally maintains a set weight

Orthorexia nervosa is:

a type of obessive-compulsive disorder an extreme and unhealthy focus on "healthy" eating

Which of the following are risk factors for developing an eating disorder?

an obsessive-compulsive personality experiencing dating violence preoccupation with being thin using laxatives as a way to lose weight participating in activities which encourage low body weight like wrestling or distance running

Some of the distinguishing characteristics of anorexia nervosa are:

below normal body weight fear of being fat distorted body image

Sally took your advice and has been walking routinely for several months now. How does regular aerobic exercise or "training" effect the use of fat as fuel during exercise?


From the reading, you learned that treatment of eating disorders may include:

learn coping to stressful situations use of antidepressant drugs familiy therapy

Genetics influence our body's hormones which in turn may influence things like our appetite and metabolic rate. An example of a hormone involved in appetite and metabolism is:


Quick weight loss is possible by significantly restricting food and fluid intake and by encouraging sweating. What may result from this approach?

loss of lean tissue like muscle resting metabolism is reduced weight loss is primarily due to loss of body water and glycogen future weight loss attempts may be more difficult

Which of the following unintended "side effects" may occur during a weight loss diet?

loss of lean tissue or muscle mass fewer calories burned during activity a decrease in (basal) metabolism

From the article, Scaling Back, you learned that very-low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets were found to have unintended consequences such as:

lower metabolic rates they are not sustainable constipation part of weight loss is from loss of water-weight

Which of the following changes to the American lifestyle may have accidently promotes weight gain over the last 40 plus years?

more people drive cars more fast food restaurants more "screen" time (TV and computer) more jobs do not require activity bigger portion sizes

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