Wellness Chap 6 Body Composition.

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Diabetes: Causes a disruption in metabolism, it blocks insulin so glucose builds up in the body.

Body fat distribution & health: is an important indicator of health. Men & postmenopausal women store fat in the abdominal area. >>

Measurement of fat & lean mass are most valuable for measuring changes in body comp.

Body weight is not an accurate method of assessing body comp, but it is useful for tracking progress.

bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA): Sends electrical current through the body, measuring resistance to it. >>

Electricity moves slower in fat, & faster in muscle. You can use a BIA scale at home.

Body Composition: the body's relative amount of fat & fat-free mass. That is managed long-term with the 4 components of physical fitness.

Fat-free mass: All the body's nonfat tissues--bone, water, muscle, connective tissue, organ tissue, teeth.

A certain amount of fat is needed for the body to function. Fat is incorporated into brain, nerves, heart, lungs, liver, boobs, etc.

Fat: is the main source of stored energy in the body, it cushions organs & regulates body temp--this essential body fat makes up 3-5% in men & 8-12% in women.

Problems w/not having enough essential fat: reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, & immune system disorders & w/premature death.

Female athlete triad: a condition consisting of three interrelated disorders: Abnormal eating patterns & (excessive exercising), followed by lack of menstrual periods (Amenorrhea), & decreased bone density (premature osteoporosis).>>

The extra fat in the abdomen increases risk factors for heart disease, stroke, high BP, diabetes. >>

It gets measured by waist circumference. Men w/over a 40 inch waist. Women w/over a 35 inch waist, are significantly more at risk of disease.

Mild to moderate overweight is a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Obese people are more than 3 times as likely to get Type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic Syndrome: (insulin resistance). resist insulin, high BP, high glucose levels, high LDL & low HDL, *chronic inflammation-response of blood vessels to harmful substances, damaged cells, etc, that can lead to heart disease, cancer, allergies, muscle degeneration).

Obesity: severely overweight, characterized by excessive body fat. BMI would be over 30%. Carries major health risks.

Overweight/Obesity: 67% are overweight. 33-35% are obese. Obesity doubles mortality rate, & can reduce life expectancy by 10-20 years. >>

Example.-2 women both 5'5, 130 lbs. but their body fat% can be very different.

Overweight: is usually defined a total body weight above recommended range for good health; sometimes defined as body mass index between 25-29.9%

1 pound of fat = 3500 kcal's. Muscle weighs more than fat, so height weight measurements can be misleading.

Percent Body Fat: The most important consideration in body comp, is the proportion of the body's total weight that is fat. >>

Calculate BMI: Divide body weight, by height x height. ex.- BMI= [140/(5'6 x 5'6)] x 706 = 22.7 bmi. >>

Problems w/BMI is doesn't calculate muscle vs fat.

Abnormal eating--(bulimia/anorexia nervosa) it causes the other two conditions. happens to girls where reveling clothing are part of the sport, or endurance, or weight is part of the requirements.

S/S: also weight/hair loss, dry skin, brittle fingernails, cold hands, low BP/HR, swelling in hands/feet. Life threatening if not treated.

Bod Pod: measures body comp, by air displacement. Determines the percentage of fat, by calculating body density, by how much air is displaced by the individual.

Skinfold measurements: Measures the thickness of skinfolds at several different sites on the body. It uses equations to compare to laboratory calculations. It's measured with a caliper.

waist-to-height ratio is a better measurement. waist should be less than half your height.

Sleep loss: increases production of hormone gherlin, which boost appetite & slows metabolic rate.

Estimating body fat: (BMI, UW, Bod Pod, skin fold measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), & dual-energy X-Ray absorptiomentry). The only true measurement is during an autopsy.

Underwater weighing: most accurate has a -+ 3 margin of error. People w/more body fat-(float & weigh less underwater). Lean people--(sink & weigh more).

Advanced Techniques: DEXA & TOBEC-- Works by measuring the tissue absorption of High & Low energy X-ray beams.

Waist circumference measurement, is better than waist to hip ratio. Men <.94, Women < .82.

Most of the fat is stored in "fat cells,"-(adipose tissue), located under the skin-(subcutaneous fat), & around major organs-(visceral or intra-abdominal fat).

the number of fat cells is genetically predetermined. but the cells can become larger or smaller. The primary source of excess body fat, is excess calories through diet.

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