Wk 3- Signs of Approaching Death
Loss of conteol over bladder and bowel
Rationale: neurologic control may be lost
Intake of food and drink will diminish, and general nutritional requirements are less
Rationale: The client is not moving and body processes are slowed, causing lowered requirements for food and fluids. The brain also may not be receiving neurologic stimuli for hunger and thirst.
The extremities will feel colder to the touch.
Rationale; General circulation slows and, in addition, blood flow is directed toward the core of the body.
Dry mouth and accumulation of Vicks secretions in the back of the throat often occur.
Rationale; The clients swallow and gag reflexes are diminished.
The pattern of breathing changes, such as rapid breathing followed by periods were breathing is slow or even absent for as long as 15 seconds, Cheyne-Stokes respirations.
Rationale; as the breathing centers in the brain receive less oxygen, breathing patterns are affected.
The person experiences increased sleep and difficulty waking.
Rationale; circulation to the brain slows, as general circulation diminishes.
Recognition of the familiar people, places, or objects decreases, and visions of people or things that do not exist may occur.
Rationale; this is also a function of diminished circulation to the brain.
Noisy breathing is common.
Rationale; this is caused by secretions collected in the mouth, throat, or lungs.
Occasionally, restlessness increases.
Rationale; this is often caused by oxygen hunger.