WMU Pre-Solo Quizzes

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Alternating Red and Green

Exercise extreme caution

Where is the North gate located?

Fine Lake

Where is the West gate located?

Galesburg, 5 way intersection

Is cruising altitude dependent on magnetic or true heading?


If an aircraft is flying at a 180 heading, what cruising altitude is appropriate? a. 5,500ft b. 4,500ft c. 6,000ft

b. 4,500ft

How long are flight plans held for by the FSS

1 hour if not opened

What is the traffic pattern altitude at BTL?

1,000ft AGL/2,000ft MSL

Vfe 100%


Minimum Safe Altitudes: Congested city town or settlement

1000ft highest obstacle, 2000ft radius of the aircraft

Great Lakes Approach Frequency?


Vfe 50%


BTL Ground Fequency?


Vo at 2600lbs


WMU Practice Area frequency?


WMU Dispatch Frequency?


BTL Tower Frequency?


BTL ATIS frequency?


Vo at 3000lbs




When abeam the touchdown point, what is the power, flaps, and speed?

15" MAP, 50% flaps, 100kts



Takeoff distance?

1685 ft

What is the scale on a sectional chart?


Cloud clearances in Class G when flying above 1,200ft AGL but below 10,000ft MSL during the day?

1SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class G when flying at or below 1,200ft AGL during the day?

1SM, clear of clouds

Special VFR weather minimums?

1SM, clear of clouds



BAT1 and 2 are

24 volts

What is the dimension of BTL in AGL?


How many volts and amps in ALT1?

28 volts, 75 amps

How many volts and amps in ALT2?

28.75 volts, 20 amps

Max Landing Weight


When must you switch to tower when arriving on a gate?

2nm from the gate

At what altitude does cruising altitude follow heading?

3,000ft AGL

Fuel reserves?

30 mins day, 45 mins night, 1 hour WMU



What is the dimension of BTL in MSL?


Basic VFR weather minimums?

3SM, 1000ft ceiling

Cloud clearances in Class D?

3SM, 500 below, 100 above, 2000 horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class C?

3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class E when flying below 10,000ft?

3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class G when flying during night time below 10,000ft

3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class B?

3SM, Clear of clouds

METAR KBTL 171953Z 04015KT 10SM CLR 19/07 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP156 T01940067. Active RWY: 06R What is the crosswind component

5 knots

What degree Fahrenheit of peak EGT is needed for best economy leaning?

50 degrees lean

Minimum Safe Altitudes: Sparsely Populated

500ft from any person, vessel, or structure

Minimum Safe Altitudes: Other than congested

500ft to surface

What is the usable capacity of fuel?

56 gallons. 23 in each wing

Cloud clearances in Class E when flying at or above 10,000ft?

5SM, 1000 above, 1000 below, 1SM horizontal

Cloud clearances in Class G when flying at or above 10,000ft

5SM, 1000 below, 1000 above, 1SM horizontal

If winds are reporting 310 @ 18kts and the active runway is 33, what is the crosswind component?

6 knots

What is the capacity of the fuel system?

60.5 gallons. 30.3 in each wing





Propeller diameter, blades, and type

74 inches, 3 blades, constant speed

What degree Fahrenheit of peak EGT is needed for best power leaning?

75 degrees rich

When turning final, what is the final approach speed?


Alcohol and Flying

8 hours bottle to throttle, cannot be under the influence or using drugs, BAC cannot be higher than 0.04, cannot carry intoxicated passenger unless they are under medical care



Landing ground roll?

853 ft

When turning base, what is the speed and flaps?

90kts, 100% flaps





Where can a run-up be performed?

A1, A2, or A4

Alternator Failure

ALT Master Switch - OFF ALT Circuit Breaker - CHECK AND RESET ALT Master Switch - ON - if does not reset Switch off unneccessary equipment on main bus and non-essential buses to shed loads. Land as soon as practical

Transponder is needed

Above 10,000ft msl In and above Class A, B, and C airspace Within the mode C veil of class B airspace

CAPS Deployment

Airspeed - Minimum Possible Mixture - Cutoff Activation Handle Cover - Remove Activation Handle - Pull Straight Down

What documents must be inside the aircraft in flight?

Airworthiness Certificate Registration Certificate Operating Handbook Weight and Balance

Which aircraft has the right-of-way over the other aircraft listed?

An aircraft in distress

Engine Air Start

Bat Master Switches -on Power Lever - 1/2 Open Mixture - Rich Fuel Selector - Switch Tanks Ignition Switch - Both

Cabin Fire in Flight

Bat-Alt Master Switches - OFF Heater - OFF Air vents - CLOSED Fire Extinguisher - ACTIVATE Cabin Doors - PARTIALLY OPEN Air vents - OPEN when fire extinguished

Preflight Action

Become familiar with all available information NWKRAFT Notams Weather Known ATC delays Runway lengths Alternates available Fuel requirements Takeoff and Landing distances

Engine failure on takeoff

Best Glide - ESTABLISH Mixture - CUTOFF Fuel Selector - OFF Ignition Switch - OFF Flaps - AS REQ

Engine failure in flight

Best Glide - ESTABLISH Mixture - FULL RICH Fuel Selector - SWITCH TANKS Fuel Pump - BOOST Alt Air - ON

Forced Landing

Best Slide - ESTABLISH Radio - Transmit MAYDAY Transponder - SQUAWK 7700 ELT - ACTIVATE Power Lever - IDLE Mixture - CUTOFF Fuel Selector - OFF Ignition Switch - OFF Fuel Pump - OFF

What are the limitations of student pilots?

Cannot act as PIC with passengers or property. 3SM visibility during day and 5SM visibility during night.

What is the airspace of BTL?

Class D

Solid Green

Cleared for takeoff Cleared to land

Flashing Green

Cleared for taxi Return to land

If the active runway is 13, what are the gates in use?

East and South

When do VORs have to be checked for IFR flight?

Every 30 days

Where is the South gate located?


Minimum Safe Altitudes: Anywhere

If a power unit fails, no danger is done to persons or property on the surface

Is runway heading based on true or magnetic heading?


Engine fire during start

Mixture - CUTOFF Fuel Pump - OFF Fuel Selector - OFF Power Lever - FORWARD Starter - CRANK

Engine Fire in Flight

Mixture - CUTOFF Fuel Pump - OFF Fuel Selector - OFF Airflow Selector - OFF Power Lever - IDLE Ignition Switch - OFF Cabin Doors - Partially Open

What are requirements for altimeter settings?

Must use the altimeter setting of an airport within 100nm of the aircraft, an appropriate station, or departure airport.

If the active runway for landing is 05L/R, what are the gates in use?

North and East

What is necessary to solo an airplane as a student pilot?

Pass a knowledge test, complete pre-solo flight training, have an endorsement in make and model for 90 days.

What documents must a pilot possess during flight?

Photo ID, pilot certificate, medical certificate, necessary endorsements

Wing Fire In Flight

Pitot Heat Switch - Off Navigation Light Switch - Off Landing Light - Off Strobe Light Switch - Off If possible, side slip to keep flames away from fuel tank and cabin

Emergency Descent

Power - IDLE Mixture - AS REQ Airspeed = Vne 200 KIAS

Emergency Engine Shutdown on the Ground

Power Lever - IDLE Fuel Pump - OFF Mixture - CUTOFF Fuel Selector - OFF Ignition - OFF Bat and Alt Switches - OFF

Flashing White

Return to starting point

When are seatbelts needed for passengers

Seatbelts and shoulder harnesses needed during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Enroute, nothing is needed.

When are seatbelts needed for pilots?

Seatbelts must be worn at all times. Shoulder harnesses only needed during takeoff and landing

If the active runway is 23L/23R, what are the gates in use?

South and West

Solid Red

Stop Continue circling an give way

Flashing Red

Taxi clear of the runway Airport unsafe, do not land

Engine type?

Teledyne Continental IO-360-ES

What are the responsibilities of the PIC?

The PIC is directly responsible and the final authority of an aircraft. In an emergency, the PIC may deviate from any FAR but must submit a report to the administrator upon request.

Overtaking right of way

The aircraft being overtaken has the right of way, pass on the right

Landing right of way

The aircraft on final approach has right of way over ground based aircraft. The lowest plane has the right of way.

When two planes of same category are converging at the same altitude, who has the right of way?

The aircraft on the other's right

Which aircraft has the right of way?

The least maneuverable aircraft

When two planes of different categories are converging, what is the order?

Towing/Refueling, Balloon, Glider, Airship, Airplane, Rotorcraft

Where is the East gate located?

Truck stop

What must be established before entering a Class D airspace?

Two-way radio communication

If the active runway is 31, what are the gates in use?

West and North

If an aircraft is flying on a 360 heading, what cruising altitude is appropriate? a. 5,500ft b. 4,500ft c. 6,000ft

a. 5,500ft

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