WOMEN ch 10

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Many couples who are concerned about infertility decide to consult health-care professionals for an blank which includes a medical examination of both partners.

"infertility workup,"

A preterm birth (also called a premature birth) is defined as less than ? weeks' gestation;

37 preterm birth places a child at risk for medical complications.

A woman normally gives birth after ? weeks' gestation.


this is a woman experienced in childbirth who provides continuous support to a family throughout labor and delivery

A doula

the more subtle kind of sexism, argues for women's special niceness and purity.

Benevolent sexism, the more subtle kind of sexism, argues for women's special niceness and purity. When the woman in the study by Hebl and her colleagues (2007) asked for help in buying a gift, the employees showed significantly more benevolent sexism to the pregnant-looking woman than to the nonpregnant- looking woman. After all, this woman is pregnant, so she needs extra help. (they were overly helpful and even patronizing)

Many healthcare advocates suggest that the childbirth experience should be made more comfortable and emotionally satisfying for women. Specifically, natural childbirth includes the following components 5 pts

Empathic health-care providers who can encourage a woman's sense of empowerment during pregnancy and childbirth. 2. Education about pregnancy and childbirth, to reduce fear and dispel myths. 3. Relaxation techniques and exercises designed to strengthen muscles. 4. Controlled breathing and other focusing techniques that can distract attention away from the pain of the contractions. 5. Social support throughout childbirth from the baby's father, the mother's partner, or a person trained as a caregiver.

developed and underdeveloped countries with prenatal care

Even in developed countries, many women do not receive prenatal care. obv not common to use prenatal care in underdeveloped nations

research on lesbian mothers compared to heterosexual moms

Extensive research on lesbian mothers reveals that they do not differ from heterosexual mothers in their parenting skills or the adjustment of their children. However, lesbian families currently face numerous legal obstacles

the more blatant kind of sexism, is based on the idea that women should be subservient to men and should "know their place."

Hostile sexism, When the woman in this study asked to apply for a job, the store employees showed significantly more hostile sexism to the pregnantlooking woman than to the non-pregnant-looking woman.

with this there is an increased risk of premature delivery and a low-birthweight infant.

If life events are extremely stressful,

this kind of childbirth emphasizes factors such as empathic health-care providers, education, relaxation, focusing techniques, and social support;


Four General Themes About the Psychology of Women

THEME 1 Psychological gender differences are typically small and inconsistent. THEME 2 People react differently to men and women. THEME 3 Women are less visible than men in many important areas. THEME 4 Women vary widely from one another.

The Biology of Pregnancy In a typical pregnancy, the egg and the sperm unite while the egg is traveling down a fallopian tube.

The Biology of Pregnancy In a typical pregnancy, the egg and the sperm unite while the egg is traveling down a fallopian tube. The fertilized egg continues along the fallopian tube and then floats around in the uterus. When it is about six days old, it may implant itself in the thick tissue that lines the uterus (Pobojewski, 2008). If a fertilized egg does not implant itself, then this tissue is sloughed off as menstrual flow. This is the same menstrual flow that occurs when an egg has not been fertilized. However, if implantation does occur, this tissue provides an ideal environment in which a fertilized egg can develop into a baby

In another study, Horgan (1983) measured people's attitudes toward pregnant women by checking where maternity clothes were located in department stores.

The expensive, high-status stores placed maternity clothes near the lingerie and loungewear. This arrangement suggests an image of femininity, delicacy, luxury, and privacy. In contrast, the less expensive, low-status stores placed maternity clothes near the uniforms and the clothing for overweight women. This placement implies that pregnant women are fat, and they have a job to do.

this childbirth approach also focuses on allowing women in labor to make relevant choices; it discourages the unnecessary use of high-technology procedures

The natural-childbirth

The Biology of Childbirth Labor for childbirth begins when the uterus starts to contract strongly. The labor period is divided into three stages.

The three stages in labor are dilation of the cervix, childbirth, and expulsion of the placenta Social factors can influence the duration of labor and the amount of pain medication required.

US stats on women w preterm births

United States shows that women with little education and overly thin women are at risk for a preterm birth. Also, Black women are almost twice as likely as White, Latina, and Asian mothers to have a preterm birth

stats for women aged 30-40 pregnancy

Women who are between 30 and 40 years of age are less likely than younger women to become pregnant. However, women older than 35 are now more likely than in previous decades to become pregnant, often with reproductive technolog

According to the discussion of sexual interest during pregnancy, a. the majority of women report less interest in sex when they are pregnant, but individual differences are prominent. b. contrary to public opinion, most women report greater interest in sex than prior to their pregnancy. c. although the majority of women say that they are less interested in sex when they are pregnant, the frequency of sexual intercourse is actually higher during pregnancy. d. we do not have useful data on this topic, because psychologists have paid so little attention to research on pregnancy.


An important principle of natural childbirth is that a. learning about pregnancy and childbirth will reduce fear. b. with proper coaching, pain can be almost completely eliminated. c. women should learn to coach themselves in order to produce the best possible birth experience. d. relaxation techniques and muscle-strengthening exercises can eliminate the need for medication.


Page 321 10-6. The research on nausea during pregnancy shows that a. 50-90% of women experience nausea at some point in their pregnancies. b. the majority of women experience nausea throughout the entire 9 months of their pregnancy, although it is not disabling. c. nausea is called "morning sickness" because it only occurs prior to noon. d. only about 10% to 20% of women report experiences with nausea during pregnancy.


Page 322 10-12. Studies of pregnant women show that they a. often report feeling physically unattractive during this period. b. may show decreased concern about their bodily functions, other than the pregnancy itself. c. show a uniform decrease in sexual arousal throughout pregnancy. d. show a uniform increase in negative feelings throughout pregnancy.


Page 324 10-22. According to the discussion of hostile and benevolent sexism toward pregnant women, a. people tend to show both hostile and benevolent sexism toward a woman who is pregnant. b. people tend to show hostile sexism—but not benevolent sexism—toward a pregnant woman. c. people tend to show benevolent sexism—but not hostile sexism—toward a pregnant woman. d. surprisingly, people treat pregnant and nonpregnant women similarly, in terms of these two forms of sexism.


Page 329 10-37. The "high-tech" approach to childbirth has a. led to lower death rates for both babies and their mothers. b. made mothers feel more positive about their infants. c. reduced the number of cesarean births that are performed. d. eliminated most of the pain of childbirth.


Page 335 10-49. The data on birth rates for US ethnic groups show that a. the average adult White woman and the average adult Black women have about the same number of children. b. the average Latina woman has almost twice as many children as the average White woman. c. Native American women have the highest birth rate of all ethnic groups. d. Asian women have a significantly lower birth rate than any other ethnic group. Pages 335-336


Pages 326-327 10-27. Which of the following statements about labor and childbirth is correct? a. The second stage ends when the baby is born. b. During the first stage of labor, the placenta is abruptly expelled. c. Contractions typically slow down the delivery of the baby. d. The dilation of the cervix is a relatively speedy process, usually taking 3 to 5 minutes.


Pages 332-334 10-44. Imagine that you have a friend who delivered a healthy baby about a week ago. Which of the following reactions might you expect her to report? a. An isolation from other adults b. A feeling of freedom, because she is no longer continually carrying the baby inside herself c. An intense joy that her newborn can communicate both love and appreciation d. A renewed sense of energy and excitement, now that she has lost weight and her hormones have returned to normal levels


Research on pregnant women and smoking indicates that a. many pregnant women try to stop smoking, but it's difficult to overcome this addiction. b. Black and Latina women are more likely than White women to smoke during pregnancy. c. although women are aware of the harm to the developing fetus, few pregnant women try to stop smoking during their pregnancy. d. pregnant women typically increase their rate of smoking, because hormonal increases strengthen nicotine addiction.


Studies of motherhood in different North American cultures indicate that a. for immigrant women, cultural beliefs may conflict with modern medical practices. b. the customs and rituals surrounding pregnancy are similar across a wide variety of cultures. c. Black mothers, who pride themselves on their strength and independence, prefer to raise their children alone. d. most North American Indian cultures emphasize the importance of fathers participating in the birth experience.


The discussion of the biology of pregnancy stated that a. the egg and sperm unite while the egg is traveling down the fallopian tube. b. the uterine lining is sloughed off just after the fertilization of the egg has occurred. c. the fallopian tubes are responsible for increasing the production of progesterone and estrogen in a pregnant woman. d. the placenta develops during the first months after fertilization, but then it gradually diminishes in size toward the end of pregnancy.


What can be concluded about physical reactions to pregnancy? a. The individual differences in physical reactions are very large. b. All pregnant women experience a tendency toward nausea. c. In most parts of the United States, pregnancy is regarded as a nine-month sickness. d. About 95% of women report less interest in sexual activity during pregnancy.


Which of the following students provides the best summary of the information about pregnant women and employment? a. Tomas: "Black women and women in developing countries have usually expected that they will work during pregnancy." b. Silvia: "Currently, very few North American women continue their jobs until just before their due date." c. Andrea: "During pregnancy, even normal physical activity in the workplace often results in a premature delivery." d. Stephen: "In the current decade, pregnant women are not at risk for premature delivery caused by physically demanding activities in the workplace."


Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the research on social factors and childbirth? a. Erika: "In many countries in the world, people consider childbirth to be a normal event, rather than a medical procedure." b. Juan: "In some cultures, a woman is allowed to have companions with her during childbirth, but only a few hospitals in North America allow this." c. Suli: "Mothers typically enjoy having a relative or friend to keep them company while they are giving birth, but no medical benefits have yet been discovered." d. Sam: "The research shows that a doula or other trained professional actually increases the likelihood of a cesarean section."


Women who are characteristically optimistic are especially likely to

adapt successfully to being pregnant

For many women, pregnancy represents a transition into

adulthood. They may describe a sense of purpose and accomplishment about being pregnant

A common emotional reaction to pregnancy is a. the realization that there is a tremendous discrepancy between idealized views of pregnancy and the reality of pregnancy. b. a feeling of transition into adulthood. c. pleasure at watching one's body grow larger. d. a feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose.


According to the discussion on emotional reactions to pregnancy, a. women are typically depressed during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. b. women often report feeling somewhat anxious and emotionally fragile during pregnancy. c. women typically report that their strongest feeling is that other people admire them and respect them. d. most women report primarily negative emotions about their pregnancy.


Page 323 10-14. Which of the following students provides the most accurate summary of the information about women's reactions to pregnancy? a. Isadore: "Because of widespread publicity, only 2% of pregnant women smoke during pregnancy." b. Ling: "Women may resent that other people seem to regard them only as a pregnant woman, with no other personal identity." c. George: "Women have strongly positive emotional reactions to pregnancy; married and unmarried women are equally positive." d. Ruth: "Unfortunately, no appropriate research has yet been conducted on this important question."


Page 328 10-31. The data on Cesarean births show that a. the newborn's health is significantly better with a Cesarean birth than with a vaginal birth. b. women who have had Cesarean births are more likely than other women to say that the birth experience was traumatic. c. unfortunately, it is very difficult for hospitals to reduce their rate of Cesarean births. d. most women actually prefer to have a Cesarean birth, but physicians prefer vaginal delivery.


Pages 332-334 10-42. According to your textbook's discussion of the reality of early motherhood, a. fathers typically help much more with childcare than mothers had expected. b. mothers often report that they do not feel competent about taking care of a newborn. c. mothers often report that their baby's social interactions match the expectations that they had created about motherhood. d. mothers are generally pleased to see that they can easily adopt the role of an unselfish mother.


Pages 332-334, 349 10-45. The discussion of motherhood examines infant mortality rates for several countries. According to these data, a. the United States and Canada have the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. b. in some countries in Africa, more than 10% of infants die before their first birthday. c. the countries with the lowest infant mortality rates are all located in Europe. d. all the developed countries have almost identical infant mortality rates.


Pages 334-335 10-47. A mother of a young infant has many positive emotional reactions to childbirth. Which of the following positive reactions is not likely to be reported? a. A feeling of confidence because she has given birth. b. A sense of amazing energy, because she is no longer carrying the weight of a baby c. Enjoyment of family activities that include the baby d. Pleasure in her private interactions with the baby


The data on infant mortality and maternal mortality rate show that: a. in a comparison of 15 technologically advanced countries in the world, the US has the lowest neonatal mortality rate. b. about 1 in 3,000 women in Canada and the United States dies because of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. c. in sub-Saharan Africa, about 3% of infants die before their first birthday. d. in sub-Saharan Africa about 1 in 50 women dies due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth.


What is one typical difference between the motherhood experiences of Black women and White women? a. Motherhood is less valued in the Black community. b. Grandmothers and other relatives are more likely to assume some child care responsibilities in the Black community. c. Motherhood is more associated with strength in the White culture. d. Black women are more likely to be raising children alone, without the help of an extended family.


Which of the following would be the best example of "hostile sexism" directed toward a pregnant woman? a. People act in an overly helpful manner toward a pregnant woman. b. Employers are likely to avoid hiring a pregnant woman. c. People do not make eye contact with a pregnant woman. d. Strangers feel that they have a right to touch the stomach of a pregnant woman.


You visit a nearby mall and look through two department stores that cater to two different kinds of shoppers. If you looked in the maternity clothes section of each store, you would be likely to see that a. in the low-status store, the maternity clothes are near the baby clothes, but in the high-status store, the maternity clothes are near the "luxury clothing." b. in the low-status store, maternity clothes are near the uniforms. c. in the low-status store, maternity clothes are much more visible, so that pregnant women are encouraged to feel special. d. in both cases, maternity clothes are close to the sportswear.


age 324 10-20. Imagine that you are at a party at a friend's home, and you see a pregnant woman in one of the rooms. Based on the information in the section on attitudes toward pregnant women, you would expect to find that people would a. avoid any mention or acknowledgment of her pregnancy, consistent with the point that pregnancy is an invisible topic. b. be likely to touch her stomach and give plenty of uninvited advice. c. stand somewhat closer to her than to a nonpregnant woman. d. avoid being in the same room with her, because it's embarrassing to discuss the topic of pregnancy.


What can we conclude about emotional reactions to childbirth? a. With the right mental attitude, a woman in labor should not find childbirth to be an uncomfortable experience. b. There is a wide range of emotional reactions to the childbirth experience. c. Most women's descriptions of childbirth do not emphasize the pain. d. Despite the media images, most women report either a neutral or a negative reaction to the childbirth experience.


Social support is correlated with

better psychological well-being and with better physical health

A woman who has just had a child is likely to feel that a. she has been well trained for her work as a new mother. b. although the baby demands care at many times throughout the day and night, she does not actually spend many hours on the task. c. her newborn gives little positive reinforcement or emotional reaction other than crying. d. most people will express their admiration for a mother's competent child care.


According to the introduction of the chapter on pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood, a. the topic of pregnancy is now one of the most active research areas in the psychology of women. b. the psychology research on pregnancy primarily focuses on normal, uncomplicated pregnancies. c. the psychology research tends to focus on topics such as teen pregnancy and unwanted pregnancies. d. many current television sitcoms focus on pregnancy and childbirth.


According to the research on emotional reactions, pregnant women a. almost always report highly positive emotions throughout pregnancy. b. typically have unusual fearful reactions because people are responding to them differently now that they are pregnant. c. often experience a mixture of both positive and negative emotions. d. typically experience negative emotions at the beginning of their pregnancy but gradually shift to positive emotions by the end.


According to the stereotypes about motherhood, a. mothers know very little about taking care of babies. b. women who are mothers are asexual and not interested in taking care of their husbands' needs. c. a woman experiences complete fulfillment when she becomes a mother. d. fathers are really more competent than mothers in the area of child care.


Page 320 10-5. The placenta a. is the thickened wall of the uterus during pregnancy. b. is another name for the growing embryo. c. is an organ that helps to provide the embryo with oxygen and nutrients. d. is the cord that attaches the embryo to its mother.


Page 328 10-33. A friend says that she has heard that social factors can influence a woman's childbirth experience. According to the information in Chapter 10, you should reply, a. "No, the mother may be happier if someone stays with her during labor and delivery, but there are no consistent advantages, as far as her actual childbirth." b. "No, the mother is actually more self-conscious and nervous if someone stays with her during labor and delivery." c. "Yes, in Canadian and US research, a woman has fewer complications if she has the same nurse staying with her during labor and delivery." d. "Unfortunately, there has been no well-controlled research on this important topic."


Page 332 10-41. How are mothers actually treated in our North American culture? a. They are admired and respected. b. They are rarely mentioned in literature or in the media. c. They occupy a position of relatively low prestige. d. They are respected by men, but not by women.


Page 336 10-51. According to the discussion of motherhood and women of color, a. different racial and ethnic groups respond quite similarly to motherhood. b. Latina mothers typically reflect the ideal of marianismo. c. some cultural beliefs may conflict with the US medical model of pregnancy and childbirth. d. extended families are more important in Native American culture than in Black culture.


Pages 319-320 10-3. The introduction to the section on pregnancy and childbirth pointed out that a. in the current era, mothers hold positions of substantial prestige in North American culture. b. the popular media pay attention to pregnancy and childbirth, but researchers tend to ignore this important area. c. both researchers and the media tend to pay little attention to events concerned with motherhood. d. researchers tend to focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy and childbirth.


Pages 326-237 10-26. The discussion of biological components of childbirth pointed out that a. contractions become very regular as childbirth approaches. b. the dilation of the cervix occurs during the last stage of labor. c. contractions help to move the baby down the vagina. d. progesterone levels rise sharply during the first stage of labor.


Pages 329-330 10-39. Studies on "natural childbirth" have shown that a. the experience is usually so effortless that the name "natural childbirth" is appropriate. b. mothers who have had "natural childbirth" have more positive attitudes, but no less pain, compared to those who have a typical hospital experience. c. mothers who have had "natural childbirth" typically require less medication. d. "natural childbirth" actually provides no statistically significant benefits.


The discussion of preterm births pointed out that a. the incidence of preterm birth does not seem to be related to the number of years of education a woman has. b. no ethnic-group differences have been reported in the incidence of preterm births. c. women who are overly thin are at risk for a preterm birth. d. in North America, most babies who are born prematurely are no longer considered at risk for medical complications.


Your textbook discussed the relationship between social factors and the childbirth experience. According to this discussion, a. researchers have not yet studied this issue systematically, but anecdotal evidence suggests that social factors are important. b. researchers have studied this relationship, and they did not find a connection between social factors and childbirth. c. researchers have found that women require less medication if a nurse or a relative remains with them during childbirth. d. researchers were surprised to find that women actually require longer labor if a nurse or a relative remains with them during childbirth.


the physician makes an incision through the woman's abdomen and into the uterus to deliver the baby.

c section

Pregnant women typically express some negative feelings, fears, and anxieties, such as

cconcern about the pain of childbirth

Many people believe that all women should have children, a viewpoint called

compulsory motherhood

According to the US research about women's employment during pregnancy, a. most recent college graduates do not plan to be employed following the birth of their first child. b. when women work outside the home during pregnancy, they have an increased risk for premature delivery. c. most women can take time off during the last weeks of pregnancy, without losing any salary. d. female and male employees are both likely to avoid hiring a pregnant job applicant.


According to the discussion of miscarriage, a. the term refers to both intended and unintended termination of pregnancy. b. the data show that only about 1% of all pregnancies in the United States end in a miscarriage. c. almost all women experience intense grief following a miscarriage. d. as in many other aspects of pregnancy, women have varied emotional reactions to miscarriage.


During the third stage of labor, a. the cervix becomes dilated to about four inches. b. the estrogen levels begin to rise. c. the baby begins to move down into the vagina. d. the placenta is delivered.


Page 321 10-8. Imagine that a group of pregnant women at a childbirth-education class is discussing their feelings about sexuality. What would be your prediction about their interest in sex during pregnancy? a. Surprisingly, the majority would find sex more appealing than prior to pregnancy—at least during the first six months of pregnancy. b. About 95% would report that they are less interested in sex than prior to pregnancy. c. The majority would say that their interest in sex has not changed. d. Although many would report decreased interest, some would report no change and some would report increased interest.


Page 323 10-16. With respect to pregnancy, the term "miscarriage" is defined as a. a situation in which a woman delivers a baby more than two months prior to the due date. b. a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is not implanted in the uterus. c. a "false pregnancy" in which menstruation has been biologically suppressed, leading the woman to believe that she is pregnant. d. a termination of pregnancy that is not intended, prior to the 20th week of pregnancy.


Page 323 10-18. Which of the following students provides the most accurate information about women who are pregnant during extremely stressful catastrophes? a. Gwen: "Fortunately, the fetus is very well protected inside the uterus, and so a pregnant woman does not have an increased risk of a premature delivery or a low-birthweight newborn." b. Hildegard: "Women do not have an increased risk of a premature delivery or a low-birthweight newborn, but the newborn is more likely to have developmental delays." c. Nizam: "Women do have an increased risk of a premature delivery, but no increased risk of a low-birthweight newborn or a newborn with developmental delays." d. Pablo: "Women have an increased risk of a premature delivery, as well as a low-birthweight baby."


Page 329 10-35. According to the discussion of emotional reactions to childbirth, a. almost all women feel that childbirth is one of the major peak experiences in their lives. b. most women actually have little emotional reaction to childbirth. c. most women are so physically weary that exhaustion is their primary reaction to childbirth. d. some women have extremely positive emotions, but some women have extremely negative emotions.


Pages 319-320 10-2. The beginning of Chapter 10 pointed out that pregnancy a. is a fascinating topic to psychologists, who have conducted extensive research in this area. b. is a condition that is almost always considered to be positive and life-affirming. c. is a topic that the media depict with impressive accuracy and compassion. d. is seldom mentioned in television programs.


Pages 327-328 10-29. Which of the following students' statements about childbirth is true? a. Marissa: "The third stage of labor occurs when the baby is actually delivered, and it usually lasts less than 20 minutes." b. Asenate: "The total duration of labor varies from woman to woman, but it seems to be determined by individual hormonal levels." c. Jessica: "In the United States and Canada approximately 50% of all deliveries are performed by cesarean section, mostly for the convenience of doctors." d. Kristi: "In the United States, Black women are almost twice as likely as White, Latina, and Asian mothers to have a preterm birth."


Suppose that you learn that a lesbian couple and their children have moved to a home in your neighborhood. If you were to meet their children, you could expect to find that a. their intellectual development would be similar, but they possibly would be slightly lower in social competence, compared to children in heterosexual households. b. their social, cognitive, and emotional competence would be slightly lower than the competence of children in heterosexual households. c. their psychological well-being and social skills would be somewhat higher than those of children in heterosexual households. d. their intellectual skills, adjustment, and popularity would be similar to that of children in heterosexual households. Pages 336-338


Which of the following students provides the best summary of the reality of motherhood? a. Janelle: "For most mothers, the exhaustion and drudgery of motherhood far outweighs the few positive aspects." b. Jamilla: "The positive aspects of motherhood are much more concrete than the negative aspects." c. Jerri: "Although mothers list many more positive aspects of motherhood, the few negative aspects are much more intense." d. Jill: "Despite the very real difficulties of motherhood, for most women the benefits to personal growth and rewards of interacting with children outweigh the limitations."


Women's emotional reaction to pregnancy seems primarily to depend on a. hormonal factors. b. cultural definitions of motherhood. c. the level of approval received from others. d. a combination of physical, social, and cultural factors.


Motherhood has a strong negative side because mothers may feel

exhausted, overworked, physically uncomfortable, incompetent, unrewarded, isolated, guilty, disappointed by failing to be the "ideal mother," and responsible for children's problems

The stereotypes about motherhood reveal our ambivalence about mothers: Mothers are supposed to feel

happy and contented, but they are also blamed for children's problems

When people interact with a woman who looks pregnant, they tend to show ? if she is doing something considered nontraditional, such as applying for a job. They show ? if she is doing something traditionally feminine, such as shopping for a gift.

hostile sexism and benevolent sexism

pros of breast milk/breast feeding

human milk is better for human infants than is a formula based on cow's milk Breast milk also protects against allergies, diarrhea, infections, and other diseases breast feeding offers some health benefits for mothers, such as reducing the incidence of breast cancer and ovarian cancer

the annual number of deaths prior to the first birthday, per 1,000 live births.

infant mortality rate

By the current definition,this is the failure to conceive after 1 year of sexual intercourse without using contraception


Childfree couples say that the disadvantages of parenthood include the

irrevocability of the decision to have a child, the interference with lifestyle and work, and the expenses.

some children die before they are 1 year of age; the neonatal mortality rate is extremely high in

low-income regions such as sub-Saharan Africa

Most women experience three major gynecological events during their lifetime:

menarche, pregnancy, and menopause. Menarche and menopause are highly private events, which women discuss only with intimate acquaintances. In contrast, pregnancy is public, especially in the last trimester

During pregnancy, some women will experience a this —prior to the 20th week of pregnancy— before the fetus is developed enough to survive after birth

miscarriage, or an unintended termination of pregnancy

Women who are infertile are similar to women with children in terms of their marital satisfaction and self-esteem, but they may be ...

more anxious; many women manage to refocus their lives when childbirth seems unlikely.

This approach to childbirth emphasizes that the mother's wishes should be taken seriously. This approach helps redistribute power, so that women in childbirth have more control over their own bodies.


this approach to childbirth says that: Women can make choices about how they want to give birth, rather than being passive and infantilized.


this approach to childbirth generally produces a more satisfying childbirth experience.


Shortly after the fertilized egg has implanted itself, this begins to develop. which is connected to the growing embryo, is an organ that allows oxygen and nutrients to pass from the mother to the embryo. helps transport the embryo's waste products back to the mother's system. This amazing organ even manufactures hormones

placenta By the end of her pregnancy, a woman's estrogen and progesterone levels are much higher than they were before her pregnancy

The most common kind of problem is called this which is a short-lasting change in mood that usually occurs during the first 10 days after childbirth, and it occurs in many different cultures. Common symptoms include crying, sadness, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and a lack of confidence, as well as feeling overwhelmed. probably result of emotional letdown following the excitement of childbirth, combined with the sleeplessness and other life changes that a new baby brings.

postpartum blues or baby blues,

Two different kinds of postpartum problems occur relatively often. name them

postpartum blues or baby blues, and p depression

is a more intense and serious disorder, typically involving feelings of extreme sadness, exhaustion, sleep disturbances, despair, lack of interest in enjoyable activities, loss of interest in the baby, and feelings of guilt; usually begins to develop within 6 months after childbirth, and it may last for many months; also associated with physical problems, such as fatigue, nausea, and backaches

postpartum depression:

Two potential problems during childbirth are

preterm births and cesarean sections.

Some women report that their ? declines as their body grows bigger


Motherhood also has a strong positive side; the benefits include a

sense of women's own strength, pleasurable interactions with children, and increased nurturing skills, as well as abstract, intense joys

12. Couples who want to have children cite advantages such as

the pleasurable aspects of children, the opportunity to educate children, and the challenge of parenthood

postpartum depression: An additional problem is that depressed mothers tend to interact less effectively with their infants, placing them at risk for

vhealth and psychological problems

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