Works/Hints (1 - 180)

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Invisible Man

Dr. Bledsoe expels the protag from college and gives him false letters of rec

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

Dr. Chasuble courts Miss Prism

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

Dr. Chausble is scheduled to rechristen a main char

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Dr. Manette obsessively makes shoes to relieve his guilt


Dr. Pangloss parodies Leibniz and metaphysicists

(A) Doll's House

Dr. Rank with TB and syphilis leaves black X's on a card in a mailbox

No Exit

Garcin says "hell is other people"

No Exit

Garcin was a pacifist army deserter in Brazil

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Gaspard killed Marquis of St. Evremonde for running over his child

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Gaspard leaves a note signed "Jacques" after murdering someone

Les Miserables

Gavroche is killed while sent by the Friends of the ABC to collect rifle cartridges

Vanity Fair

George Osborne dies before the Battle of Waterloo

Uncle Tom's Cabin

George Shelby helps Cassy and Emmeline escape

Uncle Tom's Cabin

George teaches a man the difference between g's and q's

(The) Call of the Wild

Hal and Mercedes are criticized for bringing "blankets for a hotel"

David Copperfield

Ham's fiance runs off with James Steerforth who both drown in a storm


JRR Tolkien defended the literary quality of the work

Heart of Darkness

a city reminds protag of "whited sepulchre"

Julius Caesar

a famous speech declares "the evil that men do lives after; the good is oft interred with their bones"

(The) Canterbury Tales

a devil drags a man's body and frying pan to hell

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Rachel Halliday and Quaker Phineas gives chars shelter

(The) Portrait of a Lady

Madame Merle is the illegitimate mother of Pansy

(The) Waste Land

Madame Sosostris warns of drowning to death

(The) Waste Land

Madame Sosostris was "known to be the wisest woman in Europe"

(A) Farewell to Arms

Miss van Campen suspects the protag's jaundice was caused by alcoholism

(The) Color Purple

Mister ___ hides the Nettie's letters to the protag

(The) Scarlet Letter

Mistress Hibbins lives in Governor Bellingham's mansion

Brave New World

Mitsima teaches how to work with clay

(The) Sun Also Rises

Robert Cohn beats up the bullfighter Pedro Romero

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

a dialogues occurs between the "First Voice" and "Second Voice"


a director, poet, and actor discuss the purpose of the theater

Catch 22

a doctor, sharing a tent with Chief White, is dead when his name is found on McWatt flight register

(The) Tempest

a drowned body incites a song "doth suffer a sea-change into something rich and strange"


a duel is fought to determine if a Jew was a witch

Jane Eyre

Rochester does not marry Blanche Ingram

Jane Eyre

Rochester is secretly married to Bertha Mason who is hidden in the attic

Don Quixote

a duke and duchess play many jokes on the protag like pretending to appoint him Governor of Barataria


a dust storm encounters when the protag performs a death ritual

As I Lay Dying

a father is eager to buy a new set of teeth after his wife dies

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a father wishes that his son Harry Harris and himself were never born

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

a "mousy" girl screams "violence, violence!" and constantly drinks brandy

(The) Red Badge of Courage

a "tattered man" witnesses the death of Jim Conklin

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a blue piano "expresses the spirit of the life which goes on here"

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

a boy accidently kills her mother with a shotgun

Les Miserables

a boy brings his infant brothers to live in a giant plaster elephant

Waiting for Godot

a boy tells the protags that the title char wil "surely arrive tomorrow" and calls a man "Mr. Albert"

Leaves of Grass

a boy watches mockingbirds by the Paumanok

(The) Idiot

a boy with tuberculosis forgets to put the cap on his pistol after reading his suicde note "Essential Statement"

(The) Sun Also Rises

a char claims a love affair between Jefferson Davis and Ulysses S. Grant

Ethan Frome

a char claims her hair ribbon is a "tribute to the unusual"

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char claims to be "tsar of the underworld" and calls another "babbling old witch"

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char claims to have given magic by telling lies


a char compares his heart to a "rusted tobacco tin"

(The) Waste Land

a char complains "My nerves are bad to-night"

Anna Karenina

a char consults the French clairvoyant Landau

Little Women

a char contracts scarlet fever from the Hummel family baby

Long Day's Journey into Night

a char courts the obese prostitute Fat Violet

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char covers a lightbulb with a Chinese lantern so she looks better


a char cries "ah ah ah ow ow oo"

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char danced to the Varsouviana before confronting her husband

Waiting for Godot

a char debates different accounts of the crucifixion and whether Jesus saved a thief at the crucifixion

King Lear

a char declares "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!"

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char declares "I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion"


a char declares "a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride"

(The) Three Musketeers

a char delays ships to England to retrieve diamond studs

(The) Cherry Orchard

a char delivers an ode to a 100 year old cupboard

Much Ado About Nothing

a char demands others to "remember that I am an ass"

(The) Canterbury Tales

a char demonstrates how to lecture a husband

East of Eden

a char dies after learning his daughter Una dies

Animal Farm

a char dies after outlining the Seven Commandments

(A) Farewell to Arms

a char dies in Switzerland when the protag flees the Battle of Caporetto

Great Expectations

a char dies in a fire while wearing her wedding dress

Slaughterhouse Five

a char dies of gangrene after wearing wooden clogs

Death in Venice

a char discovers his name is pronounced with a long "u" sound

Cry, the Beloved Country

a char discusses his son with John Harrison

Paradise Lost

a char disguises as a cherub/angel to ask Uriel for directions

Jane Eyre

a char disguises himself as Mother Bunches to tell his future wife's fortune

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

a char disguises himself as Mr. Brook to find the truth about an affair

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a char distributes locks of her hair as she dies

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char doesn't realize her lover is two similar looking brothers

Long Day's Journey into Night

a char dreamed to becomes a nun or pianist

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char drinks in disgust of his family's "mendacity"


a char drives his mother Eurydice to madness

(The) Sound and the Fury

a char drowns himself in the Charles river on June 2, 1910

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

a char eats a telegram that announced a man died while serving to avoid porcupine

(The) Sun Also Rises

a char ends marrying his former fiance Mike Campbell

Death of a Salesman

a char envies his neighbor Bernard for being a successful lawyer

(The) Merchant of Venice

a char exclaims "My daughter!" after Jessica elopes with Lorenzo

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char explains "Nowadays the world is lit by lightning!"

Death of a Salesman

a char fails summer school after walking in on an affair

Sense and Sensability

a char falls in love with John Willoughby but he abandons her so she marries a Colonel instead


a char feeds a suitor seed cake out of her mouth


a char fights Montano while drunk


a char fights a ghost of his mother with a walking stick but destroys a chandelier

Paradise Lost

a char finds mouth fulls of ashes after biting into fruit

War and Peace

a char forces his son to postpone his wedding for a year

(The) Merchant of Venice

a char forfeits his property and fails to collect a contract without spilling blood

Twelfth Night

a char forges a fake love letter written to M,O,A,I


a char gets confused over an image of the protag's mouth in a newspaper


a char gets her milk stolen during an attack by the schoolteacher's nephews

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char gets upset at the quick decay and smell of his mentor's dead body

Heart of Darkness

a char gives a biscuit to a dying man who has white tied around his neck

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a char gives and sells nickel candy for a penny

Waiting for Godot

a char gives another man a turnip after being asked for a carrot

Little Women

a char gives her mother a bottle of cologne for Christmas

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a char goes "Bunburying" to avoid social obligations

Ethan Frome

a char goes to Bettsbridge to see a new doctor

Pride and Prejudice

a char goes to London instead of Gretna Green before being discovered by her uncle Mr. Gardiner


a char goes to the Bridge of Geese and learns to beat his wife for obedience after seeing a herder beat his mule

Waiting for Godot

a char has a dance called "The Net" and a hat that forces him to "think"

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char has a dog Perezvon who falls ill eating bread with a pin inside

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char has a vision of the Devil which ruins his testimony during a trial the next day


a char has piano lessons with Ms. Emperor twice a week

Jane Eyre

a char has the word "Resurgam" on her tombstone after dying of consumption

Paradise Lost

a char hears a "dismal universal hiss"

Hedda Gabler

a char hopes to have a "triangular relationship" with a married couple

Our Town

a char imagines Shakespeare's plays and the Sentinel newspaper underneath a new bank

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char in incapacitated after sitting on a hot stove after an invasion by Francis Drake

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char infuriates his mother by not going to work but the movies instead

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char injures his ankles by reliving his glory days jumping hurdles

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

a char introduces himself as William Thompson from Ohio visiting his uncle

Anna Karenina

a char invents a new cooperative enterprise system


a char is a member of the Junior Anti Sex League

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char is associated and followed by yellow butterflies

Wuthering Heights

a char is bitten by the dog Skulker and forced to stay at the title estate

Hedda Gabler

a char is called "one cock in the basket"

Heart of Darkness

a char is called a "papier mache Mephistopheles"

(The) Sound and the Fury

a char is castrated when he attacks a group of girls thinking it was his sister due to the smell

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char is compelled to drink until he hears a "click"

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char is confronted about his dead friend Skipper and their gay feelings

Pride and Prejudice

a char is constantly mocked for having "fine eyes"

Death of a Salesman

a char is disappointed about his refrigerator compared to his neighbor's General Electric

Sense and Sensability

a char is disinherited for impregnating 15 year old Eliza Williams


a char is distressed by a cryptic postcard reading "U.P.up"

(The) Idiot

a char is enraptured by Holbein's Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb

(The) Thousand and One Nights

a char is enslaved by the Old Man of the Sea

Paradise Lost

a char is fascinated by her own reflection in a pond

Vanity Fair

a char is given a note asking to elope

Little Women

a char is humiliated at the Moffats ball and marries the tutor John Brooke

(The) House of the Seven Gables

a char is hypnotized after Holgrave tells her a story about a relative Alice

Hedda Gabler

a char is insulted for leaving his bonnet (hat) on a chair

Waiting for Godot

a char is kicked in the shin for comforting a crying man


a char is killed for wearing the belt of Pallas

(A) Doll's House

a char is known for dancing the Tarantella

Treasure Island

a char is marooned for 3 years


a char is mocked for his speech on parliamentary reform

Wuthering Heights

a char is mocked for not knowing how to read his own name and the date 1500

To Kill a Mockingbird

a char is named one-shot when asked to kill a rabid dog

Finnegans Wake

a char is nicknamed Earwicker for trying to catch earwigs with a flowerpot

Death of a Salesman

a char is often accompanied with flute music

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

a char is painted blue and called the "Sick Arab"

Vanity Fair

a char is punished by being made Governor of Coventry Island

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char is raised by the servants Marfa and Grigory


a char is sent to a chain gang in Alfred, Georgia for killing Brandywine, but escapes

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char is sentenced to 20 years of labor after 3000 rubles are planted on him

Brave New World

a char is strange because alcohol was mixed with his blood surrogate

(The) Taming of the Shrew

a char is tricked into claiming that the sun is the moon

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char is tricked into thinking she is Queen of Madagascar

Hedda Gabler

a char is writing about a book on "Domestic Industries of Brabant during the Middle Ages"

War and Peace

a char joins the Freemasons after a dueling Dolokhov


a char kills a porn director at Duk Duk Ranch


a char leaves a note wanting tea instead of coffee

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

a char leaves snake skin near another who then gets bitten


a char leaves the lake to get revenge on Heorot

Great Expectations

a char lives in a room filled with stopped clocks and a moldy wedding cake

Hedda Gabler

a char loses a precious object at Mademoiselle Diana's brothel or soiree


a char loses a race after slipping in blood

East of Eden

a char loses his family fortune when delays causes ice in refridgerated trains to melt spoiling vegetables inside which inspires his son to make a fortune selling beans

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a char loses his home to a sadistic bulldozer driver


a char loses his kingdom after losing a dice game


a char makes cocoa for a guest while giving a catechism of 309 Q/As

Sense and Sensability

a char marries Sophia Grey to keep his wealthy lifestyle

My Antonia

a char marries Tiny Soderball

Jane Eyre

a char meets her employer after his horse slips on ice

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char misses the DAR meeting to check on her daughter at typing school

Wuthering Heights

a char mistakes her bed for the Fairy Cave at Penistone Crags

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a char mixes up her three-volume novel with a baby

(The) Color Purple

a char moves to Tucson, Arizona to follow the flute player Germaine

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char nicknamed "Shakespeare" works at a shoe warehouse

Gone With the Wind

a char nicknamed Bonnie Blue dies in a horse racing accident

(The) Tempest

a char notes "the great globe itself...shall dissolve" because "we are such stuff/as dreams are made on"

Great Expectations

a char obsessed with "portable property" refers to his father as "The Aged Parent" or "Aged P"

No Exit

a char offers another to "be her glass" after she cannot find her mirror in her purse

On the Road

a char often often stays up talking poetry with Carlo Marx

Brave New World

a char often quotes Shakespeare having been the only thing he's read

Catch 22

a char only sees people in his office when he isn't there

Heart of Darkness

a char passes control of a boat to a "pilgrim"

Vanity Fair

a char performs Clytemnestra at a charade party

Julius Caesar

a char persuades another by stating "The fault, dear Brutus, is in our stars, not ourselves"

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a char picks cakes from Aunt Chloe and rides with a dollar from title char

Death of a Salesman

a char plans to sell sporting equipment in the Florida Idea

Pride and Prejudice

a char plays backgammon with the protag's father instead of reading sermons to girls

Henry V

a char poses as a Welshman named Le Roy

Wuthering Heights

a char prepares to kill a man who he locks out

Julius Caesar

a char presents another with "a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse"

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a char pretends to have a fictional invalid friend to avoid social obligations

King Lear

a char pretends to lead Gloucester off a cliff to die

Twelfth Night

a char proclaims "if music be the food of love, play on"

My Last Duchess

a char produced a "spot of joy" on the cheek of the title char

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

a char produces juice from the love-in-idleness flower

Brave New World

a char pushes a woman's clothes through a ventilator and calls her a "impudent strumpet"

Great Expectations

a char raises her adopted daughter to break men's hearts

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char recalls how a drunk spat tobacco juice at Susan McPheeters, the Cotton Carnival Queen

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

a char references a biology professor who is working a genetic modification to create a race that looks like him"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char refers a magnet as the 8th world wonder

No Exit

a char refuses to sit on a green sofa because she is wearing pale blue

(The) Stranger

a char refuses to throw away a cigarette when questioned by the police

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a char regains his faith after dreaming about the biblical wedding of Cana


a char relates human history to a hockey goal

Little Women

a char reminisces about a charades game based on Pilgrim's Progress


a char reminisces on Gibraltar

As I Lay Dying

a char repeats "He could do so much for me if he just would"

Absalom, Absalom

a char repeats "I don't hate it. I don't hate it."

Catch 22

a char repeats "I'm cold" before dying under a parachute

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

a char repeats "Nautron respoc lorni virch" every morning

All Quiet on the Western Front

a char repeats "forgive me, comrade" after discovering the wallet of a man he killed revealing that he was a printer

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char repeats "poker should not be played in a house with women"

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a char reveals his identity by an inscription on a cigarette case

(The) Sound and the Fury

a char runs off with a carnival pitchman with a red tie and steals her uncle's money

(The) Tempest

a char says "Hell is empty / And all the devils are here"

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

a char says "Why, then, the world's mine oyster" after being denied a loan

Animal Farm

a char says ribbons are badges of slavery

Vanity Fair

a char sells overpriced horses for men fleeing Brussels

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char sends a son floating down a river in a basket

Animal Farm

a char sent to a glue factory after breaking their leg

David Copperfield

a char shelters 2 orphans and a widow in his boathouse

All Quiet on the Western Front

a char shoots his inujured horses out of mercy

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char shouts "Go then! Go to the moon -- you selfish dreamer!"

Julius Caesar

a char shows the audience a tattered cloak, calling one tear "the most unkindest cut of all"

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char skips typing class at Rubicam's Business College to visit penguins at the zoo

Hedda Gabler

a char spends his honeymoon writing a book on the domestic handicrafts of the Brabantians


a char stars in Clare Quilty's play The Enchanted Hunters

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a char steals Miss Feeley's ribbon, Miss Eva's necklace and Rosa's earrings

(A) Tale of Two Cities

a char steals and sells corpses' body parts

(The) Crucible

a char struggles to remember the 10 commandments

Waiting for Godot

a char struggles to remove his boot and says "Nothing to be done"

Death of a Salesman

a char talks about an 84 year old man who died on a train wearing green slippers

Death of a Salesman

a char talks about the difference being "liked" but not "well liked"

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

a char tells a joke about two horny elephants

Animal Farm

a char tells stories about "Sugarcandy Mountain"


a char tells the protag that Jesus was a Jew

Don Quixote

a char thinks his brains are melting when curds are put into his helmet


a char throws her slippers at another

Heart of Darkness

a char throws his shoes and helmsman overboard which upsets a group of starving cannibals


a char tormented by an evil spirit during church

(A) Tale of Two Cities

a char tosses a coin to a father whose son was killed by carriage

(The) Scarlet Letter

a char tricks Master Brackett claiming to have learned medicine from an Indian

Oliver Twist

a char tries to drown his dog Bull's Eye

Wuthering Heights

a char turns her lover's coffin to face her so their bodies can mingle

(The) Color Purple

a char undergoes ritual scarring out of empathy for his lover Tashi's female circumcision ritual

Treasure Island

a char uses Ben Gunn's cheese obsession to win his loyalty


a char uses herb moly to rescue his companions

War and Peace

a char uses numerology to justify killing the Antichrist

Of Mice and Men

a char visits a black stable buck with a crippled spine named Crooks

(The) Tempest

a char vows to "break my staff" and "drown my book" before dismissing a wedding masque

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a char wants to take a class on fixing radios, but becomes a tractor driver instead

Our Town

a char warns the newly dead not to relive a past memory

(A) Doll's House

a char warns the protag for spending 3 weeks making Christmas ornaments

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char warns to push with a crust of bread instead of his fingers

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char was called "Blue Roses" in high school

Brave New World

a char watches the porn "Three Weeks in a Helicopter" reminding him of Linda and Pope's relationship

Of Mice and Men

a char wears a glove full of Vaseline and suspects his wife of having an affair with Slim

Little Women

a char weeps after selling her chestnut hair for 25 dollars

Twelfth Night

a char who loves cakes and ale asks "there shall be no more cakes and ale?"

War and Peace

a char wins 43,000 rubles playing faro

(A) Tale of Two Cities

a char wishes to be "Resurrection-Man"

Death of a Salesman

a char with a UVA logo on his shoes can barely graduate with the help of Bernard


a char worries a man is a police officer and takes a taki


a char writes "The Key to all Mythologies"

Little Women

a char writes a play called "The Witch's Curse"


a char writes a poem on Deasy's letter about cattle (foot and mouth) disease

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a char writes abouts a man and pretends to break off a relationship in her diary

War and Peace

a char's brother dies of overdose on abortion medication

(The) Sound and the Fury

a char's castration involves an unlocked gate

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char's high school crush Jim accidentally breaks a glass unicorn

Little Women

a char's love is revealed when a stolen glove is discovered

Vanity Fair

a char's name is crossed out from the family bible after marrying behind his father's back

Pride and Prejudice

a character at Pemberley describes a young lady as "tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"

Pride and Prejudice

a character is helped seduced by her governess Mrs. Young, until she confesses to her brother

Song of Myself

a child asks "What is the grass"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a child of incest has a pig's tail and is eaten by ants

Native Son

ends with the protag's lawyer Boris Max giving a speech defending him and criticizing racism

(The) Cherry Orchard

ends with the servant Firs locked in the house ready to die

(The) Cherry Orchard

ends with the sound of axes cutting down the title estate

(The) Trial

features a parable where a man who waits outside a door to gain entrance to the law and constantly hears "not just yet"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"All breathing human passion far above"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

"All the world wondered" as "Cossack and Russian / Reeled from the saber stroke"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"Cold Pastoral" illustrates a paradox of events being stoic and passionate

Crime and Punishment

"Gunpowder" shouts at the protag to stop shouting

(The) Waste Land



"Lay of the Last Survivor" is the fourth funeral

Dover Beach

"Sophocles long ago" heard "the eternal note of sadness" on the Aegean sea


"The Black Sluggard" is accompanied by Ulrica


"The Citizen" throws a biscuit tray at the protag

Brave New World

"a gramme in time saves nine"

Kubla Khan

"ancestral voices prophesying war!"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"beauty is truth, and truth beauty"

Brave New World

"civilization is sterilization"

Kubla Khan

"deep romantic chasm"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"heifer lowing at the skies" led by a "mysterious priest"


"history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake"

(A) Tale of Two Cities

"it is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done" is said before a guillotine

To Kill a Mockingbird

"no code" matter a poor woman "before she broke it"

(The) Raven

"suddenly the air grew denser"

(The) Raven

"the air perfumed from an unseen censer"

Leaves of Grass

"the ship has weathered every rack"

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

"water, water, everywhere / not any drop to drink"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"what leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

"what mad pursuit? what sturggle to escape"

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

2 family rivals hold rifles between their knees in church

Our Town

3 baseball players mock a char for being kicked off the stage

(The) Canterbury Tales

3 men drink poisoned wine to try to kill Death

(The) Canterbury Tales

3 men kills each other for gold coins at the bottom of an oak tree

To Kill a Mockingbird

Calpurnia looks after the narr and her brother

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Captain Nemo gives gold to the poor in India and saved a wounded pearl hunter

Treasure Island

Captain Smollet is disposed over a mutiny on the Hispaniola

(The) Three Musketeers

Cardinal Richelieu plans a blackmail plot

On the Road

Carlo Marx represents Allen Ginsberg

Of Mice and Men

Carlson finds his Luger missing after suggesting it to kill Candy's old dog

As I Lay Dying

Cash gives 13 reasons for why he made a coffin "on the bevel"

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Cassy reunites with her daughter in Canada

East of Eden

Cathy poisons madame Faye and takes over a brothel

To Kill a Mockingbird

Cecil Jacobs scares the protag in a ham costume

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

Cecily Cardew and Gwendolyn Fairfax both get engaged to the same nonexistent man


Cepparello pretends to be a virgin while confessing to a friar and becomes a saint after death

Uncle Tom's Cabin

500000 British woman signed the Stafford House address to the novel's author

Song of Myself

52 stanza poem from Leaves of Grass that begins "I celebrate myself, and sing myself"

Romeo and Juliet

Abraham and Balthazar immediately draw swords on Benvolio

Romeo and Juliet

Abram gets into a fight with Sampson and Gregory

(The) Canterbury Tales

Absalom pokes Nicholas's buttocks with a hot coulter

Paradise Lost

Belial and Mammon debate the "Great Flood" in Pandaemonium

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Ben Rogers is convinced that painting a fence is better than swimming and gives an apple for it

Great Expectations

Bentley Drummle becomes betrothed to the protag's childhood love

Native Son

Baldwin claimed that the protag was Uncle Tom's descendant

Romeo and Juliet

Balthasar gives Romeo false information, leading him to buy poison

(The) Merchant of Venice

Bassanio is the protag homosexual lover

East of Eden

Caleb's father rejects his gift of a knife in favor of his brother's stray puppy

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

opens with "Half a league, half a league"

(The) Second Coming

opens with a "falcon that cannot hear the falconer"

Henry V

opens with a chorus talking about "a Muse of fire"

Cry, the Beloved Country

opens with a description of a "lovely road" to Ixopo

Oedipus Rex

opens with a priest giving a speech about the plague

(The) Trial

opens with an arrest in Frau Grubach's boarding house

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

opens with an invitation to make a visit "when the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table"


opens with the birth of Bhishma

O Pioneers!

opens with the protag's young brother crying because his cat is stuck atop a telegraph pole

(A) Farewell to Arms

opera singer Ralph Simmons gives the protag an ill fitting suit

Finnegans Wake

originally published in section as Work in Progress


outlines 3 paths (wisdom, action, and devotion) to transcend the 3 gunas

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag writes to Albert asking for two pistols as he is "going on an adventure", but uses it to commit suicide, an action imitated by many young German readers

Death in Venice

protag wrote Intellect and Art which is compared to Schiller's Simple and Sentimental Poetry

Death in Venice

protag's admiree loses a wrestling match against Jasiu

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

protag's affection for Mary Jane leads him to hide a sack of gold in a coffin


praise of a imaginary war hero named Comrade Ogilvy

Jane Eyre

protag's best friend Helen Burns died of typhus at Lowood School

Death of a Salesman

protag's boss turns on a tape of his child reciting state capitals

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag's brother John was once a carpenter, but now a well known and outspoken politician

Oliver Twist

protag's brother is Edward Leeford known by "Monks"

Madame Bovary

protag's corpse vomits a blood liquid during her funeral


protag celebrates the anniversary of Oberon and Titania

(The) Jungle Book

protag chases off the tiger Shere Khan

Ethan Frome

protag cheats on his wife Zeena with her cousin

(The) Stranger

protag claims he committed a crime "because of the sun"

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag climbs a mountain to watch the sunrise

Death of a Salesman

protag commits suicide in a car crash to give his family insurance money


protag compares great thunderstorms to a Aztec red convertible driver named detective Trapp

Crime and Punishment

protag compares himself to Napoleon


protag compares life to a "poor player that struts and frets his hour upon a stage"

On the Road

protag constantly eats apple pie, ice cream, and cough drops

(The) Three Musketeers

protag continuously chases a man from Meung

Native Son

protag covers up a murder by beheading the woman and shoving her into a furnace


protag cries after a blind singer tells a tale

Fathers and Sons

protag cuts himself during an autopsy and contracts typhus which kills him

(The) Stranger

protag cuts out ads for Kruschen Salts

Eugene Onegin

protag dances with Lensky's fiance Olga at a ball


protag decides to marry Will Ladislaw after the death of Causabon

Henry V

protag declares "once more unto the breach, dear friends"


protag defeats Turner in a battle against the Latins


protag describes life as "but a walking shadow"

Heart of Darkness

protag desperately waits a month for a supply of rivets

All the King's Men

protag devises the "Great Twitch Theory" where people aren't responsible for their actions

Death in Venice

protag dies after eating overripe strawberries

Jude the Obscure

protag dies in Christminster after Sue Bridehead leaves him

Madame Bovary

protag dies when a blind beggar's song ends

All the King's Men

protag discovers a bribe between Judge Irwin and Governor Stanton

(The) Magic Mountain

protag's cousin Joachim Ziemsen dies of tuberculosis

Don Quixote

protag's exploits are based on a manuscript by the fictional Cide Hamete Benengeli

O Pioneers!

protag's family owns a plot of land known as "The Divide"

(The) Tin Drum

protag's father dies after swallowing his Nazi party pin

(The) Stranger

protag's father vomitted repeatedly watching an execution

Les Miserables

protag disguises as Monsieur Madeleine after stealing silver from Bishop Myriel

(A) Farewell to Arms

protag dives into the river to escape the "battle police"

King Lear

protag divides his assets between his daughters Regan and Goneril, leaving out Cordelia

(The) Stranger

protag doesn't cry at his mother's funeral but smokes and drinks coffee instead

Crime and Punishment

protag dreams a peasant Mikolka whipping a mare to death

Crime and Punishment

protag dreams being read the biblical story of Lazarus

Billy Budd

protag's final words before being hung are "God bless Captain Vere!"

To Kill a Mockingbird

protag's friend Dill is based on Truman Capote

(The) Red Badge of Courage

protag's friend, Tom Wilson, is "the loud soldier"

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag's friends Retty, Izz, and Marian are all in love with her husband

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag's grandmother forces the protag to marry Logan Killicks

Catch 22

protag's high body temperature allows him to get out of the job

David Copperfield

protag's housekeeper (Peggotty) and mother are both named Clara


protag's husband Causabon changes his will to prevent her from marrying his cousin Will Ladislaw by taking away her inheritance

Madame Bovary

protag's husband attempts to cure Hippolyte's clubfoot but gives him gangrene instead

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag's husband beats her for miscutting a piece of tobacco

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag's husband leaves Wessex to start farming in Brazil

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

protag's journey with a slave Jim along the Mississippi River

Don Quixote

protag's library is burned down the priest Pedro Perez and Nicholas Barber

Ethan Frome

protag's lover ends up paralyzed after a sledding accident

(A) Farewell to Arms

protag's lover fears rain while the beginning states "rain brings cholera"


protag's meets his husband in Rome where he has heart attack on their honeymoon

(The) Good Earth

protag's mentally disabled daughter is nicknamed the "poor fool"

(The) Age of Innocence

protag's mother begs the Van der Luydens to invite a char to a party on Duke of St. Austrey's behalf

(The) Tin Drum

protag's mother dies after seeing eels being pulled off the head of a dead horse

(The) Song of Hiawatha

protag's mother is Wenonah who was seduced by the dangerous "West-Wind"

All the King's Men

protag's mother is married to Theodore Murrel, but she had an affair with Judge Irwin, his real father

(The) Red Badge of Courage

protag's mother milks a cow and knits 8 pairs of socks for him

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag dreams of finding his Mercedes after reading The Count of Monte Cristo

Slaughterhouse Five

protag dreams of lions after seeing a production of Cinderella from which he gets silver painted boots

Of Mice and Men

protag dreams of owning a rabbit farm

(The) Magic Mountain

protag dreams of two witches slaughtering a child in the snow

Death in Venice

protag drinks a glass of pomegranate juice and soda water while watching musicians


protag duels his rival Brian de Bois-Guilbert while disguised as the "Disinherited Knight"


protag duels his rival before the Templars


protag encounters and cannot escape a lion, leopard, and she-wolf


protag encounters fortune tellers and soothsayers that walk with their head backwards


protag encounters the murdered lovers Paolo and Francesca

(The) Portrait of a Lady

protag ends up in a stifling marriage with Gilbert Osmond

(The) Age of Innocence

protag ends up marrying May Welland despite his love for a Polish countress

Oedipus Rex

protag enters a grove, that he will die in, sacred to the Furies

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag entertains strangers at the Tarantula Arms

Rip Van Winkle

protag escapes the Catskills with his dog Wolf

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

protag escapes the Maelstrom

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag eventually falls in love with and sails off in the sunset with Haydee, Ali Pacha's daughter

Fathers and Sons

protag eventually marries his love's sister Katya

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag exiles himself from Ireland at the end

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag exonerates Muff Potter for not killing Dr. Robinson

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag experiences a moment of ecstasy under a pear tree which leads her to decide to find a "bee for her bloom"

All the King's Men

protag fails to complete his thesis on Cass Mastern due to his lack of focus and "Great Sleep"

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag fails to find Sibeko's daughter at Barbara Smith's house

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

protag fakes his death by killing and dragging a pig to escape his father, Pap


protag falls for Freddy Eynsford Hill

(The) Magic Mountain

protag falls in love with Clavdia Chauchat


protag falls in love with Gretchen

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag falls in love with Mitch

(An) American Tragedy

protag falls in love with Sondra Finchley which causes him to kill his girlfriend

Catch 22

protag falls in love with a hospital chaplain while suffering from liver jaundice

(The) Metamorphosis

protag falls in love with a hunchbacked girl of locksmiths in a Murakami story "Samsa in love"

Invisible Man

protag falls into a altered sense of time while listening to Louis Armstrong

Heart of Darkness

protag fantasizes about "blank spaces" on a map as a child


protag fathers a child named Euphorion with Helen of Troy

(The) Old Man and the Sea

protag fears the "Indians of Cleveland"

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

protag fights Apollyon in the Valley of Humiliation

Don Quixote

protag fights a man with shiny armor nicknamed the Knight of the Mirrors

Don Quixote

protag fights some Yanguesans after their horses have sex

Fathers and Sons

protag finally kisses his love Madame Odintsova on his deathbed

Madame Bovary

protag find a velvet lined cigar case after a party

Heart of Darkness

protag finds a painting of a blindfolded woman holding a torch

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag finishes off Danglars' fortune by having him kipnapped by Italian bandits led by Luigi Vampa during the Roman Carnival

Don Quixote

protag flees to the mountains after freeing a group of galley slaves

Death in Venice

protag follows the beautiful Polish boy Tadzio

(The) Stranger

protag fondles his girlfriend's, Marie Cardona, breasts while they watch a movie

(The) Trial

protag fools around with Leni, a web fingered servant of a lawyer

(A) Doll's House

protag forged her father's signature to borrow money for Italy

Don Quixote

protag frees Gines de Pasamonte, a puppeteer whose ape can tell people's fortunes

Don Quixote

protag gains his companion after promising him an island governorship

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag gets 1000 tickets to win a new Bible

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag gets a letter from the priest Theophilus Msimangu about his sister Gertrude's illness

War and Peace

protag gets arrested for saving an Armenian girl from a burning house

Gulliver's Travels

protag gets involved in a war fought over how an egg should be cracked

Ethan Frome

protag gets jealous of Denis Eady who eventually gets rejected by the protag's lover

Absalom, Absalom

protag gets killed for having an affair with 15 year old Milly

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag gets lost at McDougal's cave with Becky Thatcher

Don Juan

protag gets sent to England by Catherine Great

Don Juan

protag gets the Greek pirate princess Haidee pregnant and abandons her

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag gives Valentine Villefort a pill to appear dead allowing Maximilian Morrel to understand his love

Great Expectations

protag gives an escaped convict pork pie and brandy

Death of a Salesman

protag gives his sons a punching bag signed by Gene Tunney

Crime and Punishment

protag gives money to Marmeladov's family who was killed by a carriage

Henry V

protag gives the Saint Crispin's day speech calling his men a "band of brothers"

(The) Old Man and the Sea

protag goes 84 days before catching a marlin, but when he catches it, it gets eaten by a shark

(The) Sun Also Rises

protag goes an a 5 day fishing trip with Bill Gorton and meet Harris


protag goes through 9 rings of the title mountain

Invisible Man

protag goes to Sybil for information, but she wants him to rape her

Picture of Dorian Gray

protag goes to an opium den after leaving Lady Narborough's party

Henry V

protag goes to battle at Shrewsbury against Hotspur and saves his father's life

(The) Good Earth

protag goes to the House of Hwang to buy land and a wife O-lan

Vanity Fair

protag graduates from Miss Pinkerton's Academy with Amelia Sedley


protag hangs herself after being sealed in a cave

Henry V

protag hangs out at the Boar's Head Tavern with John Falstaff, who later dies

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag hangs out with Davin, Lynch, and Cranly at University College

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

protag has a "long grey beard and glittering eye"

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag has a little brother Abraham who eavesdrops on their parents

Anna Karenina

protag has a nightmare of an old peasant rummaging through a sack

Madame Bovary

protag has affairs with Rodolphe Boulanger and Leon Dupuis

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag has affections for the fictional Shep Huntleigh

Death of a Salesman

protag has an affair with "The Woman in Boston"

Vanity Fair

protag has an affair with Marquis of Steyne

(The) Tin Drum

protag has an affair with Roswitha Raguna and Maria Trucinzki

(The) Idiot

protag has an epileptic fit after breaking an expensive vase at a party

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag has an epiphany when he makes eye contact with a girl wading in the sea

Crime and Punishment

protag has tea with a detective at the Crystal Palace

Gulliver's Travels

protag hates a race of save humans called Yahoos

Oedipus Rex

protag hears 3 peals of thunder signalling his death

(The) Tin Drum

protag helps Jan Bronski steal a necklace for Agnes

(The) Stranger

protag helps his friend Raymond Sintes seduce and spit into his girlfriend's face

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

protag hides in a basket of dirty laundry and is thrown into the river

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag hopes that her lover will marry her sister Liza-Lu

Heart of Darkness

protag imagine a Roman soldier at "the very end of the world" looking at the Thames River

Death in Venice

protag imagines an ugly Socrates lecturing Phaedrus

Eugene Onegin

protag inherits his uncle's countryside mansion and bathes in a nearby icy river

Billy Budd

protag initially sails on the Rights-Of-Man, but gets impressed onto the HMS Bellipotent

Eugene Onegin

protag insults Zaretsky for choosing his Guillot as his second

Don Quixote

protag intervenes in a battle battle between sheep and giants

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

protag is "as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean"

(The) Red Badge of Courage

protag is "still a man" because he made mistakes in the dark

(The) Old Man and the Sea

protag is a fan of "the great DiMaggio"

Fathers and Sons

protag is a frog-dissecting doctor

Main Street

protag is a part of the drama group Thanatopsis club

Don Quixote

protag is a peasant from La Mancha

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag is abandoned by her mother Leafy

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

protag is accompanied by Hopeful at the Interpreter's House

(The) Call of the Wild

protag is accompanied by Ysabel and Toots at Judge Miller's Santa Clara home

(The) Faerie Queene

protag is aided by Faith, Hope, Charity

Ethan Frome

protag is an engineer who ends up where he is due to a carpenter's strike

(The) Trial

protag is arrested by Franz and Willem, whom the protag sees later get whipped and flogged

(The) Stranger

protag is asked "Do you really live with the thought that when you, you die, and nothing remains?"


protag is banished by his father Cedric for joining the crusades

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag is beaten with a cabbage stump for preferring Byron over Tennyson

Henry V

protag is betrayed by the Earl of Cambridge, Lord Scroop, and Sir Thomas Grey

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag is buried under a lime tree after his suicide

Picture of Dorian Gray

protag is called "Prince Charming" by his lover

(A) Doll's House

protag is called a "twittering lark" and "squirrel"

Don Juan

protag is captured and sold in a slave market in Constantinople

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag is caught kissing Johnny Walker under a flowering pear tree

Lord Jim

protag is condemned for abandoning Muslim passengers on the sinking Patna as an officer


protag is contrasted with his assistant Wagner

(The) Tin Drum

protag is convicted of murdering the nurse Sister Dorothea after finding a bloody ring finger

Don Quixote

protag is defeated by Samson Carrasco disguised under a pseudonym

Don Quixote

protag is defeated by the Knight of White Moon

Les Miserables

protag is denied because of his yellow passport

On the Road

protag is deserted in Mexico City by Dean Moriarty and catches dysentery


protag is devastated when his childhood love Annabel Leigh dies of typhus

Great Expectations

protag is disciplined by Joe Gargery with "The Tickler"

Death in Venice

protag is disgusted by an old man pretending to be young wearing makeup and a wig

All Quiet on the Western Front

protag is distraught over killing Gerard Duval

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

protag is elected Pope of Fools during the Festival of the Fools

Invisible Man

protag is expelled for introducing another char to Jim Trueblood who impregnated his wife and daughter

Death in Venice

protag is ferried by an unlicensed boatman who quickly leaves without collecting money in fear of getting caught

Gulliver's Travels

protag is first a surgeon, then a ship captain


protag is first seduced at the Enchanted Hunters hotel

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag is forbidden from attending the funeral of Matt Bonner's yellow mule that her husband bought


protag is forbidden from sprinkling dirt on her dead brother


protag's mother, Caroline Beaufort, dies of scarlet fever contracted by his adopted sister Elizabeth Lavenza


protag's nurse Eurycleia recognizes his scar when washing his feet


protag's pursuit dies in childbirth after marrying Dick Schiller


protag's pursuit is actually named Dolores Haze


protag's ring is hurled into a fireplace

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag's second husband buys 200 acres and opens a store and post office, eventually becoming mayor of the town


protag's servant and lover is Cacambo along with Martin

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag's sister Gertrude becomes a prostitute

(The) Color Purple

protag's sister lived in Africa with the missionaries Samuel and Corinne

Crime and Punishment

protag's sister's fiance tries to frame her by slipping a banknote in her pocket


protag's sisters include Eteocles and Ismene

(The) Good Earth

protag's sons include Nung Wen and Nung En who plan on selling his land


protag's tutor encourages him to live in the "best of all possible worlds"


protag's wife Molly has an affair with Blazes Boylan


protag's wife Valeria has an affair with the taxi driver Maximovich

Jude the Obscure

protag's wife blames him for their failed relationship and remarries Phillotson

Rip Van Winkle

protag's wife dies when she "broke a blood vessel in a fit of passion"

(The) Good Earth

protag's wife discovers a pair of pearls that the protag gives away to his servant

(The) Good Earth

protag's wife is mistreated by the slave Cuckoo

David Copperfield

protag's wife is pursued by Uriah Heep


protag's wife tries to wash out a "damned spot"


protag's wife urges "spirits that tend to mortal thoughts to unsex me here"

Death of a Salesman

protag's wife wants him to consider Howard Wagner, a non traveling job

O Pioneers!

protag's younger brother Emil is killed by the drunk Frank Shabata while he embraces his wife Marie

All Quiet on the Western Front

protag, Leer, and Kropp swim naked across a canal to meet 3 French women


protagonist asks "what's hecuba to him, or he to hecuba"


protagonist attends school at Wittenberg


protagonist calls himself "a king of infinite space"


protagonist commands "now pile your dust upon the quick and dead"

Of Mice and Men

protags are forced to leave Weed because one of them assaulted a woman in a red dress

Waiting for Godot

protags have nicknames "Gogo" and "Didi"

Waiting for Godot

protags wait for a man who never appears

To His Coy Mistress

speaker says "A hundred years should go to praise" with "two hundred to adore each breast"


speaker sees his friend "walk dripping from a sea-journey on the highway across America"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker sits by the Humber river while the subject finds' rubies by the Ganges River

Song of Myself

speaker sounds his "barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker states "I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker states "I should have been a pair of ragged claws"


speaker states "you bang on the catatonic piano the soul is innocent and immortal"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker states there is "time yet for a hundred indecisions / And for a hundred vision and revisions"

(The) Raven

speaker tells the subject to return to "the Night's Plutonian shore"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker wants to "tear our pleasures with rough strife through the iron gates of life"

(The) Road Not Taken

speaker was "sorry he could not travel both" of the "two roads"

(The) Road Not Taken

speaker will be "telling this with a sigh"


speaker's friends release an "eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani saxophone cry"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speakers describes himself as "Politic, cautious, and meticulous"


speakers praises "the groaning saxophone" and "the vast lamb of the middle class"

To His Coy Mistress

speakers suggests that they should be "like amorous birds of prey"


speakers watches figures who "throw their watches off the roof to cast their ballot for Eternity outside of time"

Invisible Man

protag is forced into a "Battle Royal" with other blindfolded blacks to pick up coins and fight on a electrified mat for a college scholarship

(The) Three Musketeers

protag is forced to accept a promotion from Cardinal Richelieu

(A) Farewell to Arms

protag is forced to shoot an engineer who refuses to free his vehicle

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag is forced to shoot her rabid husband when he tries to kill her

Pride and Prejudice

protag is forced twice to dance with clergyman


protag is found by Nausicaa after spending 7 years with the nymph Calypso

Great Expectations

protag is given money by the lawyer Mr. Jaggers


protag is haunted by the ghost of her daughter

(The) Red Badge of Courage

protag is hit on the head with a rifle leading others to believe he was shot

(An) American Tragedy

protag is in a stolen car driven by Willard Sparser

Fathers and Sons

protag is in love with Anna (Madame) Odintsova

Great Expectations

protag is in love with Miss Havisham's ward Estella who is a convict's daughter

Slaughterhouse Five

protag is kept with Montana Wildhack in a Tralfamadorian zoo


protag is kicked from Westphalia for his fling with the baron's daughter

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag is kicked out of the Flamingo Hotel for immoral behavior

Slaughterhouse Five

protag is kidnapped with Roland Weary by the Germans and placed in a zoo on the planet Tralfamadore

Slaughterhouse Five

protag is killed by Paul Lazzaro after giving a speech in Chicago


protag is killed by a dragon

David Copperfield

protag is known as "Trot"


protag is led across the Ohio River by Stamp Paid

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag is married on Richard Crick's farm

Great Expectations

protag is nicknamed Handel from being a blacksmith


protag is obsessed with a paperweight with coral embedded in glass

Invisible Man

protag is often mistaken for a man named "Rinehart" after listening to Homer Barbee

(The) Rape of the Lock

protag is protected by sylphs like Ariel and Umbriel

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

protag is pulled by Help and led to the Wicket Gate

Native Son

protag is questioned by the prosecutor Buckley

(The) Color Purple

protag is raped by her stepfather and married off to the abusive Albert

Rip Van Winkle

protag is recognized by Peter Vanderdonk


protag is rescued by Virgil as he takes the protag along his journey


protag is rescued from Torquilstone castle by Robert Locksley

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

protag is saved by a Hermit, a Pilot, and the Pilot's boy

David Copperfield

protag is sent to Salem House for biting his stepfather's (Edward Murdstone) hand

David Copperfield

protag is sent to a boarding school in Canterbury after running away from his wine-bottling job

(The) Tin Drum

protag is sent to jail based on vittlar's testimony

Native Son

protag is sentenced to electrocution for accidently suffocating Mary Dalton with a pillow

(The) Color Purple

protag is sentenced to work for a mayor for 12 years after initially refusing by yelling "Hell No!"

Oliver Twist

protag is shot while accidently robbing his aunt's house

Gulliver's Travels

protag is sold to the queen of Brobdingnag

My Antonia

protag is suggested by Lena Lingard to visit the title char

Rip Van Winkle

protag is surprised to see a picture of George Washington instead of George III


protag is taken to Auerbach's Cellar and a Walpurgisnacht celebration

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag is taken to an insane asylum after swearing to "the kindness of strangers"

Crime and Punishment

protag is taken to prison and learn to pray in Siberia

David Copperfield

protag is targeted by Mr. Creakle and his one legged assistant Tungay

Invisible Man

protag is taught rhetoric by Brother Hambro

(The) Song of Hiawatha

protag is the grandson of Nokomis

Anna Karenina

protag is the mother of Seryozha and moves Italy after birthing a daughter


protag is tortured by the Minister of Love or MiniLuv

(A) Christmas Carol

protag is visited by the three spirits of Christmas

Death in Venice

protag is worried about a disinfectant smell in the air, but people say it is only sirocco and not a cholera outbreak

(The) Jungle

protag joins Mike Scully's gang after his son Antanas dies

Oliver Twist

protag joins gang of child pickpockets who all work for Fagin

Billy Budd

protag kills John Claggart for mutiny which leads Captain Vere to setence him to hanging


protag kills Mezentius in a battle against the Rutulians after his greatest warrior is lured by a phantom sent by the queen of the Gods


protag kills Valentine and causes his lover to poison her mother

(The) Three Musketeers

protag kills a man and has sex with his lover

(The) Grapes of Wrath

protag kills a man with an axe


protag kills all suitors of his wife

Eugene Onegin

protag kills his friend Lensky in a duel

(An) American Tragedy

protag knocks out Roberta Alden with a camera on a canoe ride causing her to drown

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag laughs when village children are given free milk from a farmer

Crime and Punishment

protag leads Porfiry Petrovich to investigate two painters instead

(The) Tin Drum

protag leads a gang called "The Dusters"

(The) Trial

protag learns Italian verbs to give a tour of a cathedral


protag leaves El Dorado with 100 red sheep and jewels

(The) Call of the Wild

protag leaves civilization after the murder of John Thornton

(The) Magic Mountain

protag listens to debates over medieval philosophy between Naphta and Settembrini

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag lives as a pirate with Joe Harper and goes to his own funeral

Invisible Man

protag lives in a underground room with 1,369 light bulbs using stolen electricity from the Monopolated Light and Power Company

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag loses her family's ancestral home Belle Reve due to "epic fornications"

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag loses her husband Vergible "Tea Cake" Woods when he is bitten by a rabid dog during a flood after a hurricane in the Everglades

(The) Idiot

protag loves Aglaya Yepanchin, but she ends up getting abandoned by a Polish count

Gulliver's Travels

protag loves a race of intelligent horses

Gone With the Wind

protag manages the Tara plantation

David Copperfield

protag marries Agnes Wickfield after first wife dies of miscarriage


protag marries Baby Suggs' son Halle

Gone With the Wind

protag marries Charles Hamilton and Frank Kennedy, all members of the KKK

Absalom, Absalom

protag marries Ellen Coldfield after stopping a slave rebellion in Haiti


protag marries Lady Rowena with the permission of her father Cedric of Rotherwood

(The) Good Earth

protag marries a slave of the Hwang family

O Pioneers!

protag marries her childhood love Carl Linstrum


protag masterbates while Gerty MacDowell lift her skirt during a fireworks show

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag meets Father Vincent at Mrs. Lithe's house and asks him to help hire a lawyer

(The) Trial

protag meets Huld and falls in love with his nurse

(The) Jungle

protag meets Jack Duane in jail


protag meets Robert Walton in the North Pole

Invisible Man

protag meets Tod Clifton in the Brotherhood, but Tod quits and begins selling Sambo-Dolls instead

East of Eden

the Chinese servant Lee declares that the most important word is "timshel" which means "thou mayest"

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

the Duke and Dauphin perform the Royal Nonesuch

(The) Tempest

the Duke of Milan resigns at the end

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords are rivals


the Swedes kill a char for sheltering refugees

Les Miserables

the Thenardiers get free labor from a girl sent by her mother Fantine

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag meets a crazy man Heinrich who searches for wildflowers to make a nosegay for his lover

(A) Christmas Carol

protag meets a guide who keeps Ignorance and Want under his cloak


protag meets a young author Stephen

For Whom the Bell Tolls

protag meets another group led by El Sordo


protag meets great saints including Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Saint Peter, and St. John

Fathers and Sons

protag meets his love at Madame Kukshina's house

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag meets his love at a ball in Walheim

Rip Van Winkle

protag meets some Dutch settlers playing ninepins

Don Juan

protag meets the Muslim girl Leila in Saint Petersburg

(The) Good Earth

protag meets the concubine Lotus Blossum at a tea shop he frequents

Don Quixote

protag mistakes a barber's washbasin for the golden Helmet of Mambrino, an object from Orlando Furioso


protag mistakes lemurs for workers from his land reclamation project

Lord Jim

protag moves to Patusan and falls in love with Jewel

Madame Bovary

protag moves to Yonville

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag narrates her life story to Phoebe Watson

Gulliver's Travels

protag observes a conflict between the Big and Little-Endians

Death of a Salesman

protag often gets stockings as gifts which he gives to his wife

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag often uses the word "Tixo" as exclamation

Henry V

protag orders the execution of Bardolph and Nym and duels Michael Williams

(The) Color Purple

protag overcomes her situation with the help of her husband's lover Shug Avery

Invisible Man

protag parties at the Chthonian apartment building

Native Son

protag plans with others to rob Blum's Delicatessen

(A) Farewell to Arms

protag plays billiards with Count Greffi

(The) Tin Drum

protag plays jazz at "The Onion Cellar" with Klepp and Scholle

(The) Tin Drum

protag plays jazz in Bebra's troupe made up of dwarves


protag predicts the downfall of Syme by his absence in chess club


protag pretends his name is "Nobody" to escape the cyclops Polyphemus

(The) Cherry Orchard

the governess Charlotta performs card tricks and ventriloquism at a party

(The) Raven

the narr "wheeled a cushioned seat" and "sat engaged in guessing"

Heart of Darkness

the narr describes a child as "the snake had charmed me"

Heart of Darkness

the narr finds 2 women knitting black yarn

(The) Thousand and One Nights

the narr is aided by her sister Dunyazad

Heart of Darkness

the narr is led by a Russian man dressed as a harlequin

(The) Stranger

the narr wishes for a large crowd to greet him with cries of hate at his execution

King Lear

the noble Caius disguises himself as the Earl of Kent

On the Road

the novel's manuscript was written on a giant scroll

(The) Crucible

the slave Tituba is accused of helping others talk to the devil

(The) Glass Menagerie

the son decides to join the Merchant Marine

Hedda Gabler

protag pretends to want to live a villa to make small talk with her husband who actually buys one with Aunt Juliana's help

Billy Budd

protag punches Red Whiskers which leads him to love the protag instead of hate him

Oliver Twist

protag punished for asking for more bread

Native Son

protag rapes and kills his girlfriend Bessie Mears with a brick


protag reads the inscription "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" in Limbo


protag reads the inscription "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" in Limbo (first circle)

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag reads the poetry of Ossian to his love Charlotte, Albert's wife

Madame Bovary

protag realizes her husband is dull after attending a ball by Marquis d'Andervilliers

Much Ado About Nothing

protag rebukes the adage that "the savage bull doth bear the yoke"

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag receives Cardinal Caesar Spada's lost fortune with Abbe Faria's help after escaping prison

All Quiet on the Western Front

protag receives Kemmerich's unused boots

Crime and Punishment

protag receives his mom's letter that his sister is engaged with Luzhin

For Whom the Bell Tolls

protag receives orders from General Golz


protag receives the book "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism"

Pride and Prejudice

protag refuses Lady Catherine de Bourgh to not get engaged with the estate owner

Jane Eyre

protag refuses to marry and go to Africa with her cousin St. John (Sinjin) Rivers

(The) Portrait of a Lady

protag rejects marriage proprosals from Lord Warburton and Gilbert Osmond

(A) Christmas Carol

protag remembers his ex-fiance Belle and sister Fan

Don Quixote

protag renames his horse Rocinandte

(The) Sun Also Rises

protag replies "Yes... Isn't it pretty to think so"

Les Miserables

protag rescues Marius while escaping through the sewers

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag resigns a position assisting an ambassador that Wilhelm acquires for him

(A) Christmas Carol

protag revisits memories in Fezziwig's warehosue

Heart of Darkness

protag rides the ship Nellie


protag rips a foe's arm and kills their mother with the sword Hrunting

Les Miserables

protag robs a boy Petit Gervais

Don Quixote

protag rolls up his friend in a blanket after refusing to pay his bill at an inn


protag rules for 50 years before a man steals a golden cup

Their Eyes Were Watching God

protag runs away to Eatonville with Jody Starks who marries her and becomes mayor of Eatonville


protag sails across Atlantic to South America to find his lover and valet

Jane Eyre

protag saves Edward Rochester from a fire blamed on Grace Poole

Les Miserables

protag saves sailor who is rigging a ship

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

protag says "alright then, I'll go to hell" while impersonating and visiting the Phelps farm

Main Street

protag scandalizes her husband Will by redecorating his Victorian House


protag screams "Do it to Julia"

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

protag sees "Four times fifty living men ... dropped down one by one"

Ethan Frome

protag sees Ruth Varnum and Ned Hale kissing

Ethan Frome

protag sees his love through the window as a dancing girl with a red scarf

Don Juan

protag sees the ghosts of the Black Friar while staying with Lady Adeline

Catch 22

protag sees the psychiatrist Sanderson after sexually assaulting Nurse Duckett

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag sews his collar with black thread instead of white thread

(The) Stranger

protag shoots an Arab five times after being threatened with a knife

Hedda Gabler

protag shoots herself with her father's pistols to avoid being blackmailed by Judge Brack


protag shoots the playwright of The Enchanted Hunters

Native Son

protag signs a fake ransom note as "Red"

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

protag sinks into the Slough of Despond after leaving the City of Destruction


protag slaps a char for lying about getting soda with a friend with a red convertible

(The) Song of Hiawatha

protag slays 12 serpents that guard the evil magician Pearl-Feather


protag sleeps with the prostitute Monique

Oedipus Rex

protag solves the Sphinx riddle

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag states the first two disciples were David and Goliath

Death in Venice

protag stays at the Hotel des Bains after his luggage is sent to Como

Catch 22

protag stop wearing his uniform in protest for a man whose internal organs spilled out

(The) Tin Drum

protag stops growing at the age of 3


protag struggles to translate the word Logos


protag studies at the University of Ingolstadt, reading works of Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus

(The) Good Earth

protag supports his family by pulling a rickshaw in the city

Slaughterhouse Five

protag survives the fire-bombing of Dresden

Invisible Man

protag takes Mr. Norton to the Golden Day Saloon which leads him to be expelled


protag takes an emerald ring and bracelet from her dead mother's jewelry collection and gives her sister Celia the rest

Madame Bovary

protag takes arsenic to kill herself

Madame Bovary

protag takes piano lessons with Mademoiselle Lempereur to have an affair with Leon


protag talks about meeting the king of the winds

(The) Three Musketeers

protag teaches his servant Grimaud to ignore and hang his wife

King Lear

protag tells his Fool to "Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks!"


protag tells stories about eating Helios' cattle

Of Mice and Men

protag thinks about "living on the fatta the lan"

Les Miserables

protag throws a coin into the fireplace

Vanity Fair

protag throws a dictionary out a carriage yelling

Wuthering Heights

protag throws hot applesauce in his childhood bully's face

Don Quixote

protag throws rocks to end an inaccurate puppet show by Master Pedro who has a monkey on his shoulder

Crime and Punishment

protag ties wood and iron to woman, as a "silver cigarette case"

Don Quixote

protag tilts at windmills

Don Quixote

protag tries to attack some giants that turn out to be windmills

Great Expectations

protag tries to avoid Arthur Compeyson, who stood up his spinster guardian's wedding

Don Quixote

protag tries to fight the "enchanted Moor", a mule driver with a tame lion

Don Quixote

protag tries to find his love Dulcinea of Toboso (aka Aldonza Lorenzo)

Main Street

protag tries to get a group to perform Androcles and the Lion, but they choose The Girl from Kankekee instead because they consider Shaw too "highbrow"


protag tries to return home to Ithaca and his wife Penelope


protag tries to track down Lady Cunegonde

Eugene Onegin

protag turns down a love letter in a passage known as his "sermon"

Sense and Sensability

protag twists her ankle while running down a hill at Barton Park

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag unsuccessfully exonerates a peasant accused of murder

(The) Color Purple

protag uses a man's old yellow dress to make the "Sister's Choice" pattern for her quilt

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag uses false names like Abbe Busoni, the Envoy, Lord Wilmore, Sinbad the Sailor, and Count of Monte Cristo

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag uses the Mondego's betrayal of Ali Pacha and his family during the Greek Revolution to ruin him into suicide

(The) Stranger

protag visits Masson's beach house where he is bothered by the sun

Cry, the Beloved Country

protag visits a colony of blind people

Gulliver's Travels

protag visits an island inhabited by people 6 inches tall

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

protag visits the Valley of Conceit

Gulliver's Travels

protag visits the floating island of Laputa

King Lear

protag wanders naked into a storm with a Fool

Death in Venice

protag wants to travel after seeing a red-haired man staring at him

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag was a former English teacher fired because of an affair with a 17 year old student

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

protag was married to Allen Grey who committed suicide after he was revealed to be gay

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag wins a Bible at Sunday school


protag wins a swimming race against Breca

(An) American Tragedy

protag withholds money from his pregnant sister Esta to buy Hortense Briggs a jacket


protag witnesses a mosque with 24 elders and a griffin after meeting Matilda

Henry V

protag woos Katherine with a mixture of English and French after defeating a man who sends him a gift of tennis balls

Invisible Man

protag worked at Liberty Paints before a boiler exploded and injured him during a fight with Lucius Brockway

(An) American Tragedy

protag works as a bellhop in Kansas City, but flees to Lycurgus, NY after riding in a stolen car that kills a girl

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag works with Retty, Izz, and Marian at Talbothay's Dairy Farm

(The) Last of the Mohicans

protag works with Uncas and Chingachook

Heart of Darkness

protag worries about warm blood in his shoes while in a fog

Death in Venice

protag writes an epic on Frederick the Great

Eugene Onegin

protag writes bitter notes in the margin of his copy of Don Juan

(The) Tin Drum

protag writes his memoirs in an asylum after being convicted of murder

(The) Grapes of Wrath

the Wilsons lend their tent to make death more comfortable

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Colonel Aureliano Buendia crafts gold fishes to pass time

Catch 22

Colonel Cathcart continuously raises missions


Colonel Pickering bets against Higgins' to pass a girl for duchess

(The) House of the Seven Gables

Colonel Pyncheon and his family are cursed by a farmer

Pride and Prejudice

Colonel's MIller's regiment relocation leads to a trip to Brighton

King Lear

Edmund schemes to take his older brother Edgar's rightful inheritance from their father, Gloucester

King Lear

Edmund tricks his father into believing Edgar is planning to kill him

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Jim is freed when Miss Polly dies

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Joad family's journey to California during Dust Bowl

(The) Crucible

Mary Warren gives a poppet with a needle in it

(The) Seagull

Masha consults Dr. Yevgeny Dorn about her love for the protag

(The) Seagull

Masha wears black all the time and eventually gives up on the protag pursuing a schoolteacher instead

(The) House of the Seven Gables

Matthew Maule cursed the family patriarch and the rest of his family

(The) Three Musketeers

Milady de Winter, a char's servant, is foiled by the title chars


Minos wraps his tail around himself as punishment in the second Circle

(The) Tempest

Miranda, Ariel, and Prospero cause a shipwreck by summoning a storm

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

Miss Prism reveals she accidently left a baby in a handbag at Victoria Station

Animal Farm

Snowball is driven out by Napoleon at the Battle of Cowshed

Dover Beach

Sophocles heard the "turbid ebb and flow of human misery"

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

A play within this play is described as "tedious, brief, merry, and tragic"


Aeschere is abducted in sleep and decapitated


Aethelstane gets out of his coffin during a funeral

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

Albert de Morcerf, the son of his former lover Mercedes, challenges him to a duel

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Alex rapes the protag which bears a child named Sorrow

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Alice Walker wrote an essay about "looking" for this book's author at her grave

(The) Last of the Mohicans

Alice and Cora, Colonel Munro's children, are abducted by Magua

(The) Glass Menagerie

Amanda boasts of Sunday in Blue Mountain when she had 17 suitors

War and Peace

Andrei Bolkonsky's engagement is broken after an injury during the Battle of Austerlitz

Twelfth Night

Andrew Aguecheek, Sir Toby Belch, and Feste attempt to humiliate Malvolio

Ethan Frome

Andrew Hale refuses to loan the protag 50 dollars

Finnegans Wake

Anna Livia dictates a letter to her son Shem and gives a delivery to Shaun

(A) Doll's House

Anne-Marie helps raise the kids in a house where macaroons have been banned

To His Coy Mistress

Annie Finch wrote a response to this poem where the speaker claims not to be a "bird of prey"

Dover Beach

Anthony Hecht wrote a mocking response to this poem about "that bitter allusion to the sea"

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Archdeacon Claude Frollo kills a gypsy dancer when she spurns his love


Arjuna employs Krishna as his charioteer

Cry, the Beloved Country

Arthur Jarvis is an ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln with a bookshelf dedicated to him

Cry, the Beloved Country

Arthur Jarvis is murdered by a gang that includes Matthew and Johannes Pafuri

Jane Eyre

Aunt Reed sends the protag to the red room

Hedda Gabler

Aunt Rina dies near after her nephew shows up

To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus makes his son read to the morphine addict Mrs. Dubose

As You Like It

Audrey and the clown Touchstone get married

To Kill a Mockingbird

Aunt Alexandra stays at the protag's house for a while

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Aunt Polly forces the protag to paint her fence

Jane Eyre

Bertha Mason burns down Thornfield Hall

Jane Eyre

Bertha Mason inspired the book "The Madwoman in the Attic"


Bhima slays Duryodhana in the final conflict

Absalom, Absalom

Biblically titled novel about Thomas Sutpen

East of Eden

Biblically titled novel about the Hamilton and Trask families

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Big Daddy's family fails to tell him about his colon cancer

Oliver Twist

Bill Sikes murders the prostitute Nancy

Treasure Island

Billy Bones hides in the Admiral Benbow Inn


Book 2 describes a feud between Briseis and Chryseis

Much Ado About Nothing

Borachio and the maid Margaret are seen having sex in a window


Brian de Bois-Guilbert dies of a seizure while dueling the protag

(The) Faerie Queene

Britomart represents chastity and seeks to marry Sir Artegall

(A) Raisin in the Sun

Bruce Norris' Clybourne Park is a sequel to this play

(The) Idiot

Burdovsky claims to be the son of the protag's benefactor Pavlishchev and demands his inheritance

Oliver Twist

Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins steal Mr. Brownlow's handkerchief, but the protag is blamed

Pride and Prejudice

Charlotte Lucas marries Mr. Collins

David Copperfield

Clara Peggotty sails to Australia to begin a new life


Clara and Freddy are impressed by a girl's "new small talk"

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Claude Frollo is thrown off the title building during Esmerelda's execution

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Claude Frollo stabs Captain Phoebus to death, but blames it on Esmerelda

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Clopin Trouillefou, King of Truands, interrupts a play by begging for money and later tries to hang the playwright

Absalom, Absalom

Clytie sets a fire to the protag's Hundred plantation whose only survivor is Jim Bond

(The) Three Musketeers

Comte de Rochefort insults the protag's horse

Lord Jim

Cornelius betrays the protag leading him getting shot

All Quiet on the Western Front

Corporal Himmelstoss abuses the abuses the protag and other soldiers

Les Miserables

Cosette falls in love and marries Marius

Les Miserables

Cosette is raised by Father Madeleine who is actually Jean Valjean

(The) Sun Also Rises

Count Mippipopolous talks about getting your money's worth and knowing what you have

Anna Karenina

Countess Ivanova tells the protag's son she is dead


Creon refuses to let Polyneices be buried

Of Mice and Men

Curley summons a mob to come for the protags

Main Street

Cy Bogart earns respect after he beats up a German farmer's son during wartime


De Lacey is exiled after helping a Turkish man escape prison

As I Lay Dying

Darl is sent to an insane asylum for burning down Gillepsie's barn

(The) Last of the Mohicans

David Gamut tries to teach beavers to sing psalms

On the Road

Dean Moriarty represents the author's friend Neal Cassady

(The) Gift of the Magi

Della sells her hair at Madame Sofronie's shop on Christmas Eve

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Demetrius falls in love with Helena

As I Lay Dying

Dewey Dell tries to get an abortion, but gets seduced and raped by the pharmacist Skeet Macgowan


Dioneo tells the last story of a man testing his wife Griselda

(The) Brothers Karamazov

Dmitri is accused of murdering his father Fyodor who was actually murdered by the epileptic Smerdyakov

Much Ado About Nothing

Dogberry exposes Don John's scheme to accuse another of infidelity

Great Expectations

Dolge uses a leg iron to assault the protag's sister

To Kill a Mockingbird

Dolphus Raymond pretends to be drunk to explain his black mistress

Lord Jim

Doraminas shoots the protag in retribution for the death of his son

(The) Canterbury Tales

Dorigen promises to sleep with a clerk if he can clear a coast of rocks

Cry, the Beloved Country

Dubula organizes a bus boycott that delays the protag

Twelfth Night

Duke of Orsino marries Viola

(The) Last of the Mohicans

Duncan Heyward leads children to Fort William Henry

Slaughterhouse Five

Edgar Derby is executed for stealing a teacup

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

Edmond Dantes' takes revenge on people who imprisoned him in the Chateau d'lf

Sense and Sensability

Elinor marries Edward Ferrars

Slaughterhouse Five

Eliot Rosewater introduces the protag to the works of Kilgore Trout


Emmanuel Goldstein describes how the Middle overthrew the High with the Low


Entellus defeats Dares in a boxing match during funeral games

No Exit

Estelle attempts to stab Inez with a paper knife

No Exit

Estelle drowned her baby after having an affair with Roger

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Eva's father Augustine St. Clair promises to free the title char

(The) Waste Land

Evelyn Waugh names a novel titled after the line "I will show you fear in a handful of dust"

(The) Crucible

Ezekiel Cheever tells the tale of a voodoo doll

Sense and Sensability

Fanny convinces to her husband John to give the main family nothing whom he planned to give 3000 pounds

Sense and Sensability

Fanny forces the main family to move from Norland Park to Barton Park

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Father Arnall's sermon inspires the protag to pursue a life of Christ until he sees a beautiful woman on the beach

(The) Brothers Karamazov

Father Zossima mentors Alyosha

Moby Dick

Fedallah's turban is made from his own beard

(The) Tempest

Ferdinand and his wife discover a "brave new world / that has such people in it!"


Finn and his sons is part of the "four funerals"

To Kill a Mockingbird

First Purchase church was the first thing bought by freed slaves


Fred Vincy tries to sell a horse to settle a debt


Fred courts and marries Mary Garth

Remembrance of Things Past

Gilberte marries the closet homosexual Robert de Saint Loup, a Guermantes

(The) Crucible

Giles Corey dies crying "more weight!"


Given its complex female characters, some authors believe it was written by a Sicilian woman


Goldstein leads the Brotherhood, a rival of the main political group

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Gooper and Mae scheme to acquire Big Daddy's inheritance, but are thwarted when Maggie pretends to be pregnant

(The) Taming of the Shrew

Gremio and Tranio have a bidding war in Padua to marry Bianca

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Gringoire puts on a play in the Palace of Justice

(A) Farewell to Arms

Helen Ferguson says a char has no shame


Helen gives a character a potion for good dreams

War and Peace

Helene's husband challenges the her seducer in a duel

Native Son

Henry Dalton often donates ping pong tables to the South Side Boys Club

(The) Red Badge of Courage

Henry Fleming wants to redeem himself

Absalom, Absalom

Henry kills his half brother after learning about his black ancestry

Great Expectations

Herbert Pocket teaches the protag to be a gentleman

(The) Tin Drum

Herbert falls in love with a figurehead of a ship at a Museum


Homer epic about the Trojan war

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Honey gets so drunk she vomits and sleeps on the bathroom floor

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Honey's hysterical pregnancy supposedly caused Nick to marry her


Isabella buries her lover's, Lorenzo, head in a pot of basil after her 3 brothers kill him

No Exit

Inez was a former lesbian postal clerk killed by Florence turning on the gas at night


Isaac of York gives the protag money to defend his daughter Rebecca

Treasure Island

Israel Hands kills O'Brien and injures the protag

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Ivy and Sairy Wilson offer their tent to the protag's Grandfather


J. Alfred Prufrock claims he is "not... nor meant to be" the protagonist

Oliver Twist

Jack Dawkins is known as The Artful Dodger

As You Like It

Jacque declares "All the word's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"

Pride and Prejudice

Jane marries Charles Bingley, owner of Netherfield

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Jake Dunlap steals some diamonds and blames Uncle Silas for it

Cry, the Beloved Country

James Jarvis helps restore Ixopo after his son is accidently killed

Cry, the Beloved Country

James Jarvis obtains a copy of the Gettysburg Address due to his son's fascination with Lincoln

Cry, the Beloved Country

James Jarvis vows to rebuild a new church

(The) Merchant of Venice

Jewish moneylender Shylock sues Antonio for a pound of his flesh

Native Son

Jan Erlone's girlfriend is killed by a black man

(The) Sound and the Fury

Jason scolds Luster for driving left of a Confederate monument

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Jerry Cruncher works at Tellson's Bank

(The) Merchant of Venice

Jessica tells Lancelot that she is ashamed to be her father's daughter

As I Lay Dying

Jewel is the illegitmate son of Reverend Whitfield

As I Lay Dying

Jewel works for Lon Quick to buy a horse


John Gardner wrote a sequel "Grendel"


John Raffles blackmails his former partner Nicholas Bulstrode about his past who ends up killing him

Sense and Sensability

John is the owner of Norland Park

Brave New World

John the savage participates in Indian religious rituals

(The) Scarlet Letter

Jonathan Pue's manuscript is held together with faded red tape

Finnegans Wake

Joseph Campbell and Henry Morton Robinson wrote a skeleton's key to this work

Ethan Frome

Jotham Powell is hired to drive a char to Shadd's Falls

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

Judge Hate-Good orders the execution of Faithful


Juno destroys the protag's fleet


Justine Moritz is framed for the murder of the protag's brother

All Quiet on the Western Front

Kat is killed by shrapnel while being carried to safety

Catch 22

Kid Sampson is killed by a propeller from a low flying plane


King Richard the Lion-Hearted aids the protag

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

Kipling published a sequel to this poem asking the title group to write another poem

(A) Doll's House

Krogstad blackmails the protag

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

Lady Bracknell reveals that Jack is a Moncrieff and can marry Gwendolen Fairfax

(The) Sun Also Rises

Lady Brett Ashley constantly eludes Jake Barnes


Lessing's Nathan the Wise is based on this work's "Ring Parable"

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Life-in-Death is described as having "skin as white as leprosy"

Jude the Obscure

Little Father Time hangs himself and his half siblings with a note that reads "Done because we are too menny"

Crime and Punishment

Lizaveta, Alyona's sister, is killed after Alyona

(The) Cherry Orchard

Lopakhin buys Madame Renevskaya's estate at an auction

(The) Raven

Lowell said that the author and subject was "3/5th genius and 2/5th sheer fudge"

(The) Taming of the Shrew

Lucentio and Hortensio dress up as a latin and music teacher to woo Bianca, Baptista Minola's younger daughter

Sense and Sensability

Lucy Steele abandons her fiance Edward to marry his brother Robert

Pride and Prejudice

Lydia runs from Longbourn with militia officer George Wickham

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Lysander falls in love with Hermia

Catch 22

M&M enterprises buys the world's supply of Egyptian cotton

Brave New World

Malthusian drills, Podsnap's Technique and the Bokanovsky's Process are used

Twelfth Night

Malvolio is locked in a dark cellar

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher help Lucy escape being killed by Madame Defarge

Sense and Sensability

Marianne marries Colonel Brandon

(The) Stranger

Marie testifies watching a movie with the protag

Julius Caesar

Mark Antony's gives a funeral oration opening with "friends, Roman countrymen, lend me your ears"

Heart of Darkness

Marlowe searches for Kurtz along the Congo river

Crime and Punishment

Marmeladov's daughter Sonya prostitute to support the family

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Martha replies "I am!" to the title question

(The) Color Purple

Mary Agnes or Squeak is raped by a prison warden

Long Day's Journey into Night

Mary Tyrone is addicted to morphine

Romeo and Juliet

Mercutio says "you shall find me a grave man" as he dies

(The) Crucible

Mercy Lewis steals a man's life savings

(The) Jungle Book

Messua mistakes the protag as her son Nathoo

(The) Portrait of a Lady

Mr. Bantling is an escort for the journalist Henrietta Stackpole

Jane Eyre

Mr. Brocklehurst orders the protag to stand on a stool

Oliver Twist

Mr. Bumble and Leeford throw away a locket and ring belonging to the protag

Cry, the Beloved Country

Mr. Carmichael takes a robbery case pro deo and help get Johannes Parfuri and Matthew acquitted

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Mr. Casey and Dante Riordan argue over the death of Charles Parnell


Mr. Charrington owns a bookstore above the protag's house

David Copperfield

Mr. Creakle forces the protag to wear a sign "Be careful of him, he bites"

Little Women

Mr. Laurence gives a char a piano

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

Mr. Ramsey repeats a line from this poem in To the Lighthouse

Oliver Twist

Mr. Sowerberry and Noah Claypole fight the protag

Brave New World

Mustapha Mond often banishes chars to other islands

King Lear

Nahum Tate's version of this play adds the servant Arante and a happy ending

War and Peace

Natasha Rostova marries the protag

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Ned Land and Pierre Arronax travel aboard the Abraham Lincoln


Neo-Bolshevism and Death Worship are compared to Ingsoc

(The) Merchant of Venice

Nerissa and Gratiano fall in love at Belmont

Rip Van Winkle

Nicholas Vedder shows favor or disfavor depending on how he smokes his pipe

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Nick and Honey visit the a bickering couple

Fathers and Sons

Nikolai has an affair with his maid Fenitchka


O'Brien tortures the narr with rats in Room 101

On the Road

Old Bull Lee has sporadic relationships with Camille, Marylou, and Inez

On the Road

Old Bull Lee is known as the "Holy goof"

On the Road

Old Bull Lee represents the author's friend William S. Burroughs

Animal Farm

Old Major teaches the song "Beasts of England"


Old woman claims to be Princess of Palestrina and daughter of Pope Urban X

East of Eden

Oliver practices marriage under a willow tree with Caleb's brother Abra Bacon

Twelfth Night

Olivia falls in love with a woman crossdressed as Cesario

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Ophelia educates Topsy who thinks she just grew instead of being made by anyone

Great Expectations

Orlick attacks a char with a hammer

Catch 22

Orr suggests to the protag that he escape to Sweden

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Pablo, Pilar's husband, steals the detonators used to blow the bridge


Pampinea is the leader of the group known as the Brigata

(The) Canterbury Tales

Pluto restores the sight of a blind man

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Parson Tringham tells the protag's father of his prestigious lineage


Paul D. becomes the protag's lover and helps her come to terms with her child's death

Slaughterhouse Five

Paul Lazarro avenges the death of Roland Weary

Fathers and Sons

Pavel challenges the protag to a duel for kissing his brother's mistress Fenitchka

Fathers and Sons

Pavel is shot in the thigh during a duel

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Peter Quince and his "mechanicals" put on a "tedious brief' play of Pyramus and Thisbe

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Peter Wilks has funeral after having his savings stolen in the Royal Nonesuch

(The) Jungle

Phil Connor rapes his wife Ona

(The) Waste Land

Phlebas the Phoenician drowns

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Phoebus, Captain of the King's Archers, and the heroine fall in love

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

Pierre Gringoire puts on a unsuccesful mystery play The Good Judgement of Madame the Virgin Mary

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Pietro Crespi commits suicide after failing to marry twice

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Pietro Crespi is an Italian dance teacher who commits suicide after rejection by one of his students

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Pilar encourages the protag to start a relationship with Maria

(The) Cherry Orchard

Pishchik pays off his debt when Englishmen find white clay on his estate

Crime and Punishment

Porfiry Petrovich investigates Raskolnikov's murder of a pawnbroker

Waiting for Godot

Pozzo drives his slave Lucky by a leash and wants to sell him at the fair

Waiting for Godot

Pozzo goes blind and must be pulled by Lucky with a rope

Romeo and Juliet

Prince Escalus's relative Count Paris wants to marry Juliet

(The) Thousand and One Nights

Prince Qamar uses magical keys to fly "The Ebony Horse"

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Puck declares "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Puck messes around with the feelings of four lovers

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Quimbo and Sambo beat the title char to death

Leaves of Grass

Ralph Vaughan Williams set music to "Passage to India" and "On the Beach at Night" in this collection

On the Road

Ricky tells the protag the meaning of tomorrow

Invisible Man

Ras the Exhorter opposes the Brotherhood

(The) Faerie Queene

Redcrosse Knight looks to be united with Una though he is deceived by the witch Duessa

King Lear

Regan and her husband Cornwall yell "Out, vile jelly" while plucking out Gloucester's eyes because he tries to help the protag

On the Road

Remi Boncoeur invites the protag to SF and gives him a job as a night watchman

(The) Sound and the Fury

Reverend Shegog delivers a powerful Easter sermon

(The) Idiot

Rogozhin murders Nastasya Filippovna hours before she can marry the protag

(The) Idiot

Rogozhin offers Nastasya 100,000 rubles but she throws it in a fireplace and he stabs her

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo describes Queen Mab on the way to a party

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo initially loves Rosaline

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo says "that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet"

As You Like It

Rosalind crossdresses as the boy "Ganymede"


Rosamond Vincy ruins her doctor husband Tertius Lydgate by spending too much

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Rose of Sharon breastfeeds a sick man at the end

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Rose of Sharon gives birth to a stillborn child in a flooded boxcar

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Rose of Sharon is abandoned by her husband Connie Rivers

(The) Grapes of Wrath

Rose of Sharon requests that a service station attendant bury a dog


Roussillon cooks the heart of his daughter's lover Cabestanh and feeds it to her


Sanskrit epic that contains the Bhagavad Gita

(The) Brothers Karamazov

Satan tells Jesus that humans should never have been given free will, so Jesus kisses him

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Senator Bird criticizes his wife for her voting behavior

(The) Thousand and One Nights

Sinbad the sailor has "seven voyages"

As You Like It

Sir Rowland de Boys has sons who defeats Charles in wrestling

(The) Seagull

Stanislavsky's first success came from putting on this play at the Moscow Art Theater

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

Stanley Kowarski rapes the protag

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

Stanley, an avid bowler, buys Blanche a one way bus ticket to Laurel

(The) Tempest

Stephano and Trinculo give alcohol and get an island native drunk

(The) Tempest

Stephano and Trinculo help Caliban assassinate Ferdinand and Miranda

Anna Karenina

Stephen (Stiva) Oblonsky cheats on his wife Dolly

Cry, the Beloved Country

Stephen Kumalo travels from Ndotsheni to Johannesburg to see his son's trial

(A) Tale of Two Cities

Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay look alike


Syme writes and revises dictionaries

(The) Sound and the Fury

T.P. and Luster become guardians for a char

Moby Dick

The Parsee servant, Fedallah, has 3 predictions come true

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

The troup "The Mechanicals" are called "rude mechanicals" by a char

Hedda Gabler

Thea Elvsted tries to reconstruct an important document

(The) Canterbury Tales

Theseus imprisons Palamon and Arcite as they fight over Emily


a black poodle follows the protag home

Vanity Fair

William Dobbin is love with a woman whose husband was killed at Waterloo

Dover Beach

Yeat's "The 19th Century and After" was a response to this poem

(The) Seagull

Trigorin pursueus the actress Arkadina whose son later kills himself

(The) Stranger

Thomas Perez, an elderly of The Home for aged Persons, has a heat stroke at a funeral

(The) Crucible

Thomas Putnam argues over money and land deeds

(The) Waste Land

Thunder says "Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata"

All the King's Men

Tiny Duffey reveals an affair between Anne Stanton and Willie Stark which leads Adam Stanton to shoot Willie

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

Titania falls in love with Nick Bottom with a donkey's head

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Tom Loker tracks Eliza across a frozen river

(The) Glass Menagerie

Tom asks his sister to blow out the candles at the end

(The) Idiot

Totsky promises Ganya 75,000 rubles if he marries a woman he hates

(The) Taming of the Shrew

Tranio convinces a woman she is rich and pursues her daughter

Romeo and Juliet

Tybalt is called "the prince of cats"

Death of a Salesman

Uncle Ben talks about how he "walked into the jungle" and came out rich

(The) American

Valentine dies of wounds in a duel with Noemie Nioche

Les Miserables

Valjean is pursued by Javert

As I Lay Dying

Vardaman accidently drills 2 holes in a char's face while drilling into her coffin

Main Street

Vida Sherwin marries Raymond Wutherspoon


Walter Tyke is chosen over Camden Farebrother to be hospital chaplain

Absalom, Absalom

Wash Jones kills the protag with a scythe on his child's birthday

(The) Canterbury Tales

Wife of Bath talks about what women desire

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a blind Mexican flower vendor stumbles in one scene

(The) Raven

a "bust of Pallas" is set on a "midnight dreary"

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

a black flag signals the protag's execution

Ode to Joy

a Father dedicates a kiss to "the entire world"

Catch 22

a Henry Fonda look alike jumps out the window to avoid other officers

Brave New World

a New Mexico woman is relocated by Lenina Crowne and Bernard Marx


a Packard motor car hits Charlotte after she reads the protag's diary

Little Women

a Pickwick book club is inspired by The Pickwick Papers

(The) Rape of the Lock

a bag of "sighs, sobs, and passions" are found in the Cave of Spleen


a beggar challenges the protagonist to a boxing match

Oliver Twist

a burglary investigation discovered the protag's painting is his mother, Agnes Fleming

Catch 22

a businessman disguises his company by adding an ampersand to the name

Ethan Frome

a cat breaks the protag's wife favorite pickle dish

(The) Merchant of Venice

a chair claims "the quality of mercy... droppeth like a gentle rain from heaven"

Moby Dick

a chapel contains plaques honoring maritime deaths

(The) Canterbury Tales

a char "wend" to a person "when that they were sick"

Remembrance of Things Past

a char Bergotte dies staring at Vermeer's View of Delft and was inspired by Anatole France

Oliver Twist

a char accidentally hangs himself when he thinks he sees his girlfriend's eyes

Of Mice and Men

a char accidently breaks Curley's wife's neck which kills her after she allows him to stroke her hair

Animal Farm

a char advocates for a windmill but is chased by dogs ordered by his opponent

Animal Farm

a char always replies "I will work harder"

Catch 22

a char appears in a tree during a funeral

(The) Merchant of Venice

a char asks "if you prick us, do we not bleed?"

Much Ado About Nothing

a char asks Sexton make a note that Conrad has made him look like an ass

(The) Stranger

a char asks if it's legal to call a man a pimp


a char attends the Beardsley School for Girls where she stars in her first play

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char avoids another by screaming "Fire!"

Anna Karenina

a char becomes disillusioned after discovering Madame Stahl's illness is fake

Catch 22

a char becomes the vice shah of Oran and caliph of Baghdad


a char begins a death sentence parodying Eliot's "Ash Wednesday" beginning "Because you took advantage of a sinner"

King Lear

a char begs to be led off a cliff after crying "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods / They kill us for their sport"

Anna Karenina

a char breaks his horse Frou-Frou in a race

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a char buys paper lanterns and takes baths to calm her nerves

(The) Red Badge of Courage

a char calls a group of men "mule drivers" and "mud diggers"

(The) Glass Menagerie

a char calls himself "the opposite of a stage magician"


a char calls jealousy "the green-ey'd monster"


a char calls reputation "an idle and most false imposition"

Death of a Salesman

a char cannot get a loan at Frank's Chop House

Catch 22

a char cannot stop flying missions due to the title paradox

All Quiet on the Western Front

a char carries Haie Westhus to safety after he is wounded

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a char carries a bag with her parent's bones

Pride and Prejudice

a char catches a cold traveling to Netherfield Park in the rain

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

a char causes people at a bar to laugh by ordering "bergin and water"


a char chooses to get beaten 72000 times instead of 12 bullets in his skull

(The) Sun Also Rises

a char claims "Lincoln freed the slaves on a bet"

Great Expectations

a convict uses the alias Provis when visiting the protagonist

Native Son

a couple eats fried chicken at Charlie's Kitchen Shack to experience black life

Sense and Sensability

a couple meet when a man carries inside a women who slips and falls in the rain

Leaves of Grass

a creature "launch'd forth, filament, filament, filament out of itself"

(The) Second Coming

a creature "with lion body and the head of a man" is seen

(The) Second Coming

a creature has a "gaze black and pitiless as the sun"

(The) Second Coming

a creature with "its slow thighs" is circled by the shadows of "indignant desert birds"

(The) Canterbury Tales

a crow who betrayed an adultress had its feathers turned black

Brave New World

a crowd chants "We want the whip" after man self flagellates in an air lighthouse

(The) Canterbury Tales

a dead child punished for a grain under his tongue sings until his tongue is removed

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

a deaf judge orders a deaf man to be pilloried for witchcraft

Tintern Abbey

a few lines were written "a few miles above" the title structure


a former schoolteacher worked as a slave at Sweet Home Plantation

(The) Thousand and One Nights

a giant bird named Roc has a mother who destroys ships


a giant shouts "Raphel mai ameche zabi almi" from a well


a giant with 3 faces is trapped in the frozen Lake Cocytus

Little Women

a girl becomes a governess for the King family (Mrs. Kieke)

(The) Crucible

a girl pretends to be scared of a yellow bird in court

(The) Three Musketeers

a group declares "All for one, one for all"

(The) Last of the Mohicans

a group hides in a cavern behind a waterfall

For Whom the Bell Tolls

a group of men plot to blow up a bridge during the Spanish Civil War

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a group of people with amnesia put up sign reading "God Exists"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a gunshot kills a tattooed man and causes a stream of blood across the town

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a jahova woman wants to create a prayer circle around a dying woman in a tent

Twelfth Night

a jester disguises himself as Sir Topas to mock a servant

Waiting for Godot

a joke about a drunk Englishman in a brothel is interrupted

Oedipus Rex

a king places wool wrapped olive branches on an altar to lift a plague


a king throws his daughter tied to a spear

Native Son

a lawyer gives the protag a wooden cross necklace that he throws away when he sees the KKK

(The) Merchant of Venice

a lead casket reveals a portrait of Portia which allows Bassanio to marry her

Madame Bovary

a letter with fake tears is given in a basket of apricots

Main Street

a librarian urges people to read and preserve books at the Jolly Seventeen club

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

a lullaby goes "weaving spiders, come not here" and "thorny hedgehogs, be not seen"

(The) Stranger

a magistrate and prosecutor attack the protag for emotional indifference

Madame Bovary

a man and woman have sex in carriage after an opera

Death of a Salesman

a man asks the waiter Stanley about seeds stores in the area

(The) Stranger

a man becomes miserable after beating his dog Salamano who runs away

(The) Crucible

a man claims he cannot sign his name because he already gave up his soul

Cry, the Beloved Country

a man is killed before he can finish his "The Truth About Native Crime"

Moby Dick

a man is saved by clinging to a coffin built for him

Madame Bovary

a man moves with Heloise Dubuc to Tostes


a man on opium enters a woman's room by hiding in a chest

King Lear

a man pretending to be Tom O'Bedlam was robbed of his birthright

King Lear

a man pretends to be the beggar Tom O'Bedlam after killing Oswald

One Hundred Years of Solitude

a man shot is mistaken for a chicken thief

(The) Stranger

a man shows the protag a silver crucifix and calls him the Antichrist

Robinson Crusoe

a man stranded on an island for 26 years


a man tours England giving lectures on morality for the Wannafeller Moral Reform World League

(The) Cherry Orchard

a man turns down a bank job to play billiards and eat sweets

Brave New World

chars play Riemann Surface Tennis and Obstacle Golf

(The) Last of the Mohicans

a massacre occurs when a man hits a baby at Fort William Henry

(The) Waste Land

a merchant invites the narr to have lunch at the Cannon Street Hotel


a millionaire gives his fortune to "the most original moralist of England"

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

a minister refutes Anabaptists in four unpublished sermons

(The) Jungle Book

a mongoose kills the cobras Nag and Nagaina


a monk Friar Alberto pretends to be the angel Gabriel into having sex with a woman

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

a monologue begins "The lunatic, the lover, and the poet"

As You Like It

a monologue tells of the "seven ages of man"


a mother shouts "Men! Men! Men!"

Leaves of Grass

a narr who "look'd up in perfect silence at the stars"

Pride and Prejudice

a new tenant at Netherfield Park leads to "it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife"

Anna Karenina

a noblemen accepts a woman's rejection by working in the fields


a painter uses a char to model as Thomas Aquinas so he can draw the protag

(The) Taming of the Shrew

a pedant pretends to be Vincentio to confirm a dowry

Sense and Sensability

a rejection letter for a women contains her hair

Crime and Punishment

a soldier "Achilles" declares he is going to America before shooting himself

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

a phrase parallels Psalm 23

(The) Glass Menagerie

a picture of a man in a "doughboy's World War I cap" hangs on the wall

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

a pillar of salt that used to be Lot's wife is in the Valley of Ease

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

a plan to embarass Falstaff has him dress as Herne the Hunter

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a police officer kills a char by crushing his skull with a pick-handle

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a policeman shoots off a woman's knuckles trying to shoot Floyd Knowles

(The) Trial

a priest tells the protag the parable "Before the Law"


a princess is won by shooting an arrow into the eye of a rotating mechanical fish

Of Mice and Men

a protag killed a mouse and puppy because he squeezed them too tight

War and Peace

a purple dog barks at a birch tree after a shot kills Platon

Long Day's Journey into Night

a quack Doc Hardy treats the main family

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

a radio is thrown out the window for rumba music

Of Mice and Men

a recurring speech goes "Guys like us are the loneliest guys in the world"

Dover Beach

a reply to this poem ends with the speaker giving the titular lady "a bottle of Nuit d'Amour"

(The) Waste Land

a rooster crows "co co rico co co rico"

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a section describes a turtle flipped over while crossing a road

(The) Grapes of Wrath

a section on selling jalopies

Moby Dick

a sermon is given by Father Mapple

Long Day's Journey into Night

a servant Cathleen is sent to the drugstore for a char's arthritic hands

Oedipus Rex

a shepherd leaves the protag to die on Mt. Cithaeron

(The) Thousand and One Nights

a slave girl Morgiana kills a man disguised as an important guest

Animal Farm

a song is a combination of La Cucaracha and Oh My Darling, Clementine

Waiting for Godot

a song is sung about a dog beaten to death with a ladle

(The) Tempest

a speech "all things in common nature should produce" was taken from a Montaigne essay "Of Cannibals"

Paradise Lost

a stalemate is broken after the discovery of gunpowder

(The) Canterbury Tales

a story has a fox and rooster Chanticleer

(The) Brothers Karamazov

a story is told about a guardian angel trying to pull a sinner out of lake of fire with an onion

Les Miserables

a street gang is named Patron Minette

(The) Three Musketeers

a tattoo of a fleur de lis reveals that a char was an ex-felon

Madame Bovary

a tax collector makes napkin rings as a hobby

Catch 22

a thief steals a bedsheet for dates


a thief steals a gem-encrusted goblet

Invisible Man

a woman with an American flag tattoo on her stomach dances for a group of boys

No Exit

a valet without eyelids can be summoned by a bell with faulty wiring


a woman's lover is hidden in a barrel that's sold by her husband

(The) Cherry Orchard

a women flees and is still haunted by Paris as the city she drowned her son Grisha in

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

a women loves Fenton, but is forced to be with Dr. Caius (Slender)


a wolf skin wearing spy is decapitated


a woman accepts a marriage proposal saying "yes I said yes I will Yes"


a woman asks a nobleman for his falcon to cure her sick son, but he ends up cooking it for her

Of Mice and Men

a woman discusses her ambitions to be an actress behind sounds of horseshoes

(The) Sun Also Rises

a woman divorces a man whose revolver she had to unload every night

Crime and Punishment

a woman encourages the protag to kiss the earth in town square

(The) Waste Land

a woman fiddles whisper music on her long black hair

Brave New World

a woman is impregnated by the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning

Song of Myself

a woman joins "28 young men" bathing by the shore as the "twenty-ninth bather"

(The) Cherry Orchard

a woman often receives telegrams from her lover in Paris

As You Like It

a woman pretending to be Ganymede convinces Phoebe to marry the shepherd Silvius

Our Town

a woman revisits her twelfth birthday

(The) Glass Menagerie

a woman sells subscriptions to The Companion over the phone

(The) Sun Also Rises

a writer moves to Paris with the social climber Frances Clyne

(The) Magic Mountain

about Hans Castorp's 7 year stay at a Swiss sanatorium


about Leopold Bloom wandering through Dublin


about a scholar who is dissatisfied with the knowledge gained from his studies

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

about the ill fated ride of 600 soldiers in the Crimean War

(The) Stranger

about the indifferent French Algerian Meursault

(A) Farewell to Arms

about the nurse Catherine Barkley and ambulance driver Frederic Henry


about the nymph obsessed Humbert Humbert

Our Town

act 2 centers on George Gibbs and Emily Webb's marriage

Our Town

acts include "daily life", "love and marriage", and "death and eternity"


adapted into the play "My Fair Lady"

Tintern Abbey

addressed to the poet's "dear, dear Sister" Dorothy


addresses a friend stuck in the "total animal soup of time"

Treasure Island

chars try to escape the antagonist's Black Spot

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

chars use air guns to hunt sharks

Our Town

chars use ladders to represent talking from the second story

Slaughterhouse Five

after a man is shot, a bird says "Poo-tee-weet"

Death of a Salesman

after the protag fails an interview, Biff steals a fountain pen

Paradise Lost

aims to justify the ways of God to man

Waiting for Godot

all the chars wear bowler hats

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

allegorical novel about Christian's journey to the Celestial City from the City of Destruction

Catch 22

an Anabaptist is interrogated for signing "Washington Irving" on documents

Catch 22

an IBM machine constantly promotes Major


an Italian laments his lack of testicles, unable to rape the pope's daughter


an Old Woman, daughter of Pope Urban X, eats one of her buttocks during a siege

Our Town

an actor plays the "belligerent man" and asks questions in the audience

Madame Bovary

an agricultural fair awards Catherine for 54 years of farm service


an attacking lion is used in similes multiple times

(The) Metamorphosis

ends with the family taking a trolley ride into the country

(The) Gift of the Magi

ends with the narr explaining the origin of the Christmas present

Waiting for Godot

an incoherent monologue begins with the dicussion of the "public works of Puncher and Wattmann"

(The) Old Man and the Sea

ends with the protag dreams of lions on a beach


ends with the protag meeting Lucifer at the bottom

Oedipus Rex

an old slave is brought to testify against murder

One Hundred Years of Solitude

an orphan causes a spell of insomnia

Anna Karenina

an unsuccessful author Sergei joins the pan-Slav movement

Robinson Crusoe

believes footprints in the sand to belong to the devil


ends with the protag seeing the Triune God at the Empyrean

(The) Three Musketeers

antag convinces John Felton to murder the Duke of Buckingham


antag tries to befriend the cottagers Monsieur de Lacey and his children Agatha and Felix

(The) Three Musketeers

antag's maid Kitty falls in love with the protag

Robinson Crusoe

appears in a novel about Susan Barton in a work by Coetzee

(The) Faerie Queene

chars like the Redcrosse Knight and Britomart represent Christian ideals

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

as "abbe busoni" he gives a diamond to Caderousse for giving him information

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

as "sinbad the sailor" he gives a diamond to Monsier Morrel the son of his former boss

No Exit

at the end, Garcin says "Well, let's get on with it"

Cry, the Beloved Country

at the end, Napoleon Leitsiti teaches the villagers new farming techniques

Fathers and Sons

at the end, Pavel goes to Dresden

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

at the end, a char tells the audience to think they "have but slumbered here if we shadows have offended"

(The) Sun Also Rises

at the end, a woman laments "we could have had such a damned good time together"


at the end, angels suddenly drop burning rose petals

Vanity Fair

at the end, protag kills Jos for life insurance money

Little Women

at the end, protag starts an experimental boys' school with Professor Fritz Bhaer

(The) Gift of the Magi

author claims the prized possessions would make the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon envious

On the Road

author wrote a follow up called The Dharma Bums

Robinson Crusoe

awoken by a parrot calling his name

Robinson Crusoe

based off of Alexander Selkirk

(The) Song of Hiawatha

based on the research of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

(A) Tale of Two Cities

chars named One, Two, Three

(A) Tale of Two Cities

begins "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"


begins "halfway along our life's path"

Anna Karenina

begins "happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"

(The) Rape of the Lock

begins "what dire offence from am'rous causes springs"

(The) Rape of the Lock

begins "what might contests rise from trivial things"

Twelfth Night

begins after a shipwreck off the Illyrian coast

(The) Sound and the Fury

begins outside a golf course which used to be a plantation


begins the night before Good Friday in 1300

(The) Scarlet Letter

begins when Jonathan Pue's manuscript is found by a Custom House worker

(The) Second Coming

begins with "Turning and turning in the widening gyre"

(The) Gift of the Magi

begins with Della counting out one dollar and eighty-seven cents

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

begins with a children's story about a moocow and baby tuckoo

(The) Red Badge of Courage

begins with a rumor that the group is moving tomorrow


begins with a warrior who must fight his relatives

(The) Canterbury Tales

begins with the "drought of March" followed by the "sweet showers" of April

Don Juan

begins with the dedication "Bob Southey! You're a poet, Poet-laureate"

(The) Crucible

begins with the illnesses of Ruth and Betty

(The) Idiot

begins with the protag returning on a train from a Swiss Sanatorium


begins with the word "rage"

(The) Seagull

chars often quote Hamlet like an actress who recites Gertrude's part

(The) Canterbury Tales

carpenter John sleeps in a tub while his wife Alison has an affair with NIcholas

To Kill a Mockingbird

carved soap, old coins, and a pocket watch are found in a tree hole


centers on the Kurukshetra War fought between rivals Kauravas and Pandavas

(The) Sound and the Fury

centers on the beloved Caddy, Harvard student Quentin, and mentally disabled Benji

(A) Tale of Two Cities

char has a shadow named "The Vengeance"

(A) Tale of Two Cities

char uses knitting to plot deaths of a family

Great Expectations

char was raised in Satis House which has maintained his poor state


character mourns how his mother "followed my poor father's body like Niobe"


character remarks "frailty, thy name is woman"

(The) Canterbury Tales

characters meet at the Tabard Inn

Brave New World

chars are shown The Imitation of Christ and other pornagraphic books

(The) Sun Also Rises

chars go to Pamplona to see bulls running

Paradise Lost

chars include Chaos, Night, Sin, and Death

(The) Second Coming

claims "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold"


cloanthus wins a boat race


cognitive dissonance is known as doublethink

(The) Jungle Book

collection of stories about man-cub Mowgli


collection of stories told by 7 female and 3 male Florentines feeling the plague

(The) Thousand and One Nights

collection of stories told by Scheherazade that features stories about Sinbad and Ali Baba

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

comedy where the title chars Mistress Ford and Mistress Page trick Falstaff to having affairs with them

Catch 22

compares flying a B-25 to "a cantilevered goldfish bowl"

(The) Divine Comedy

comprised of Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

Remembrance of Things Past

comprised of the sections Swann's Way, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, The Guermantes Way, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Prisoner, The Fugitive, and Time Regained

Our Town

concludes with a monologue about the "stars doing their old old crisscross journeys across the sky"

Finnegans Wake

consists of 17 chapters and took the author 17 years to complete

Leatherstocking Tales

consists of The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie

Invisible Man

contains a black nationalist group called the Brotherhood led by Brother Jack


contains a dialogue between Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna

Finnegans Wake

contains many names and places with the initials "HCE"

(The) Jungle Book

contains the story about the title mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

Robinson Crusoe

converts a cannibal to Christianity

(The) Three Musketeers

d'Artagnan joins the title group after dueling them all


dedicated to the author's friend Carl Solomon

Moby Dick

dedicates a chapter to Nathaniel Hawthorne


deemed an artistic failure by its protagonist's emotions in a TS Eliot essay

(The) Trial

ends with the protag stabbed to death by two men describing it as "Like a dog!"

(The) Age of Innocence

ends with the protag visiting Europe with his son Dallas


defends Heorot from Grendel

Kubla Khan

describes "gardens bright with sinuous rills"

(The) Road Not Taken

describes "leaves no step had trodden black"

(The) Raven

describes "silken, sad, uncertain rustling" of purple curtains


describes a city at war in nine parts on a shield


describes a figure "whose love is endless oil and stone" and "whose named is the Mind!"


describes a place "where the faculties of the skull no longer admit the worms of the senses"

Kubla Khan

describes a site where "Alph, the sacred river ran, through caverns measureless to man"

Kubla Khan

describes an Abyssinian maid singing of Mount Abora


describes light, fire, and darkness as the three forces of nature


describes people surrounded by "orange crates of theology"

(The) Second Coming

describes the "ceremony of innocence" by the "blood-dimmed tide"

Dover Beach

describes the "grating roar of pebbles"

(The) Sound and the Fury

different sections are narrated by various family members


discusses how Daedalus failed twice to create a golden sculpture of Icarus

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

divided into sections "Fun and Games", "Walpurgisnacht", "The Exorcism"

(The) House of the Seven Gables

ends with the discovery of a secret Indian deed to land in Maine behind a portrait

Our Town

drunk organist Simon Stimson commits suicide


each chapter is associated with a symbol, color, and time of day


each sin punishment is a contrapasso (poetic justice)

Ode to Joy

encourages "millions" to "be in embraced in brotherhood"

Song of Myself

ends by telling its subject "I stop somewhere waiting for you"

(The) Second Coming

ends describing a "rough beast that slouches towards Bethlehem to be born"

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

ends saying that Charlotte may die of a broken heart

As You Like It

ends with 4 marriages presided by Hymen

Invisible Man

ends with Ras the Exhorter (Destroyer) sparking a race riot in Harlem

One Hundred Years of Solitude

ends with a broken house and dying deformed child of incest consumed by ants


ends with protag crowned by the Garden of Eden at the summit

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

ends with protag saying "he prayeth best, who lovest best"

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

ends with protag wanting to forge the "uncreated conscience of his race"

Ethan Frome

ends with the Zeena after to take care of the protag and his lover

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

ends with the bitter reply "Wouldn't it be funny if that was true?"

(A) Farewell to Arms

engages in "priest-baiting" with Lieutenant Rinaldi

(The) Song of Hiawatha

epic poem about the lover of Minnehaha

Don Juan

epic poem about the title easily seduced Spanish libertine


epic poem by Virgil

(The) Faerie Queene

epic poem that serves as an allegory to celebrate Elizabeth I

War and Peace

epilogue describes the "sea of European history" after "seven years had passed"

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

epistolary novel about the title melancholy young artist who kills himself over unrequited love

Robinson Crusoe

escapes captivity in Africa to be rescued by a Portuguese captain

No Exit

existentialist play about Inez, Garcia, and Estelle in hell


features Camden Farebrother who believes to be a poor clergyman

(The) Thousand and One Nights

features a cave with 40 thieves

(The) Brothers Karamazov

features the parable of "The Grand Inquisitor" where Jesus returns and gets arrested in Seville

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

female protag marries the poet Pierre Gringoire at the Court of Miracles to prevent his execution

Robinson Crusoe

fights off wolves and escapes using money from Brazilian plantation


first 7 sphers based on the planets, Sun, and moon with the last two being the stars and the Primum Mobile that contains angels and creatures never poisoned by original sin

(The) Thousand and One Nights

first English translation was by Richard Burton

(The) Thousand and One Nights

first French translation was by Antoine Galland

(The) Waste Land

first line "April is the cruelest month"


first line begins "I sign of arms and the man"


first line to the footnote repeats the word "Holy!" 15 times

(The) Good Earth

first part of a trilogy that contains Sons and A House Divided

(The) Tin Drum

first part of the author's Danzig Trilogy which is followed by Cat and Mouse and Dog Years

(The) Road Not Taken

first poem in the collection Mountain Interval

(The) Canterbury Tales

first story is told by the Knight and Miller


first work in the Nowell Codex

(The) Jungle

follows Jurgis Rudkus moving from Lithuania to Packingtown

(The) Taming of the Shrew

frame story is a drunk Christopher Sly tricked into thinking he is noble

Robinson Crusoe

frequently reads "three very good Bibles"

Robinson Crusoe

gives a lecture after a massacre

Native Son

has 3 sections: Fear, Flight, Fate

Robinson Crusoe

has a dream where a man descends in a "great black cloud"

(The) Divine Comedy

has common numerical 9 + 1 pattern in every stage

Robinson Crusoe

he sells Xury to a ship captain

(The) Taming of the Shrew

heroine is the eldest daughter of Baptista Minola

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

heroine's goat is named Djali


his father died of grief after his son died in a hunting accident


his foe is a descendant of Cain

Robinson Crusoe

his nephew moores him in China

(The) Sun Also Rises

hotel owner Montoya provides support for those who show "the real thing"

Mending Wall

hunters would "have the rabbit out of hiding, to please the yelping dogs"

(The) Portrait of a Lady

in Florence, Countess Gemini enjoys gossiping about married women's affairs

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

in a dream, the protag is asked "Whence came you, and whither are you bound"

Invisible Man

in a dream, the protag receives a briefcase with a note from his grandfather

(The) Pilgrim's Progress

in the second part, protag is assisted by Great-Heart

Leaves of Grass

includes "O Captain! My Captain!", "Song of Myself", "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer", "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" "A Noiseless Patient Spider", "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking", Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"

(The) Thousand and One Nights

includes "The Three Apples" and "The Hunchback's Tale" and "Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp"

(The) Waste Land

includes Tiresias and the clairvoyant Madame Sosostris

(The) Three Musketeers

includes the servants Bazin and Planchet

Uncle Tom's Cabin

inspired by Stephen Foster's "My Old Kentucky Home"

Brave New World

inspired by Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We"

Tintern Abbey

inspired by a trip to Southern England with William Culvert along the river Wye

(An) American Tragedy

inspired by the execution of Chester E. Gillette for murdering Grace Brown

Kubla Khan

it advises readers to "Beware! Beware!" the speaker's "flashing eyes" and "floating hair"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

it answers the question "Was there a man dismayed?"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

it chronicles the War of the Thousand Days

Paradise Lost

it declares itself an "adventurous Song, with no middle flight intends to soar"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

it describes "a yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes"

Don Juan

it mocks Keats' premature death as he was "kill'd off by one critique"


its "Porter scene" is the subject of a Thomas De Quincey essay


its antag is known as "the Modern Promotheus"

Paradise Lost

its author was inspired by a "Heavenly Muse" that "dove-like sat'st brooding"

(The) Tyger

its counterpart is "The Lamb" which states "God...gave thee such a tender voice"

(The) Raven

its creation was recounted in "The Philosophy of Composition"

(A) Farewell to Arms

its ending where the protag walks back to the hotel in the rain was rewritten 47 times

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

its epigraph is from Dante's Inferno

(The) Sun Also Rises

its epigraph quotes Gertrude Stein's declaration that "you are all a lost generation"

(The) Thousand and One Nights

its frame story reveals that the narr tells these stories to delay her execution by her husband, King Shahryar

To His Coy Mistress

its opening line titles a Robert Penn Warren novel about Beaumont's obsession with Colonel Fort

Paradise Lost

its preface "The Verse" attacks jingling sounds to justify its lack of rhyme

Picture of Dorian Gray

its preface compares the dislike of realism to Caliban's rage upon seeing his face

Paradise Lost

its protags take "their solitary way" hand in hand with wandering steps and slow

Catch 22

its sequel is Closing Time featuring Sammy Singer

Kubla Khan

its setting is a "savage place" haunted by a "woman wailing for her demon-lover"

Kubla Khan

its title was inspired by a passage from Purchas' Pilgrimmage

(A) Christmas Carol

many scenes are set in the Cratchit family home

Robinson Crusoe

lands on the "Island of Despair"

(The) Waste Land

last line "Shantih, Shantih, Shantih" is taken from the Upanishads


last line "the rest is silence"

Tintern Abbey

last poem in Lyrical Ballads

(The) Waste Land

last section "What the Thunder Said"

To His Coy Mistress

last stanza describes the "willing soul" that "transpires at every pore with instant fires"

As You Like It

life with end in "mere oblivion / sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything"

Jane Eyre

lightning splits a chestnut tree in half where the protag receives a proposal

(The) Waste Land

like Les Fleurs Du Mal, it addresses the reader as a hypocrite

Ode on a Grecian Urn

love "leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy'd, / A burning forehead, and a parching tongue"

(The) House of the Seven Gables

many chars die in a oak chair beneath a portrait of an ancestor

On the Road

many of the chars are based on the author's friends

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

many plates and utensils are inscribed by "Mobilis in Mobile N"

Moby Dick

main char offers a gold doubloon for first to find title character

My Antonia

main chars grow up in Black Hawk, Nebraska

On the Road

main chars listen to a concert by the blind pianist George Shearing

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

main chars play "Bringing Up Baby", "Get the Guests", "Hump the Hostess"

(The) Gift of the Magi

main chars want to change the name of a letterbox from "Dillingham" to "D"

Remembrance of Things Past

massive seven volume novel by Marcel Proust

Oedipus Rex

messenger from Corinth reveals the protagonist's death

Our Town

milkman Howie Newsome dies

(The) Rape of the Lock

mock-epic poem about a stolen strand of Belinda's hair


mocked by Unferth for losing to Breca in a contest

Little Women

money is raised to visit the family patriarch, a Civil War chaplain

Sense and Sensability

most of the novel takes place at a cottage in Barton Park owned by John Middleton

(The) Jungle

muckracking novel exposing Chicago's meatpacking industry

Twelfth Night

named because it was performed at the end of Christmas festivals

(The) Tyger

narr asks "did he who made the lamb make thee"

(The) Tyger

narr asks "what the hammer? what the chain?"

(The) Waste Land

narr asks about a corpse planted in your garden after seeing the "unreal city" of London

(The) Tyger

narr asks if God smiled "when the stars threw down their spears / and water'd heaven with their tears"

Remembrance of Things Past

narr associates a char with the deprivation of his mother's goodnight kiss


narr considers drowning his wife while swimming at Hourglass Lake

Mending Wall

narr describing bricking needing to use a "spell to make them balance"

Wuthering Heights

narr dreams that a ghost's hand reaches into his room and breaks the window

Remembrance of Things Past

narr falls in love with Albertine known as "The Fugitive"

Remembrance of Things Past

narr gets intrigued by the homosexual Baron de Charlus

(The) Second Coming

narr is troubled by the "vast image out of Spiritus Mundi"

Remembrance of Things Past

narr marries Odette de Crecy and Vinteuil's Sonata serves as their love theme

Moby Dick

narr observes a man shave with a harpoon

Mending Wall

narr owns an "apple orchard" whose "apple tres will never get across" to eat pine cones

Mending Wall

narr questions the necessity of the title object as "here there are no cows"

Remembrance of Things Past

narr recalls his time in Combray, involuntarily dipping a madeleine in tea

Mending Wall

narr states "spring is the mischief in me"

Heart of Darkness

narr submits the report "Suppression of Savage Customs"

(The) Stranger

narr takes the bus from Algiers to Marengo

Heart of Darkness

narr tears off a postscript reading "exterminate all the brutes!"

(The) Waste Land

narr tells the "Gentile" or "Jew" to remember the handsome man that was you

Mending Wall

narr tells the bricks "Stay where you are until our backs are turned"

Heart of Darkness

narr tries to conceal Kurtz's last words "the horror! The horror!" from his wife

Moby Dick

narr's roommate has a strange, 24 hour Ramadan with a black idol named Yojo

My Last Duchess

narrated by the Duke of Ferrera about his dead wife

Our Town

narrated by the Stage Manager

Moby Dick

narrator compares an imperfect tax system to the unfinished cathedral of cologne


narrs gather at the basilica of Santa Maria


narrs include Dionio, Panfilo, Filistrato, and Pampinea


noted for demonstrating medieval knowledge of a spherical Earth

(The) Second Coming

notes "the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity"

(The) Sound and the Fury

novel about the decline of the Compson family

(The) Call of the Wild

novel about the dog Buck

(The) Idiot

novel about the foolish Prince Myshkin

Their Eyes Were Watching God

novel about the life of Janie Crawford

Slaughterhouse Five

novel about the optometrist Billy Pilgrim being "unstuck in time"

Treasure Island

novel about the pirate Long John Silver narrated by Jim Hawkins

(The) Old Man and the Sea

novella about Santiago the fisherman

Gulliver's Travels

novel about the title char visiting countries like Blefuscu and Lilliput

Ethan Frome

novel about the title char's affair with Mattie Silver

(A) Christmas Carol

novella about the miserable Ebeneezer Scrooge

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

novel about the title deformed and ugly Parisian bell-ringer Quasimodo


novel about the title medieval Saxon knight

(The) Brothers Karamazov

novel about the title three siblings including Dimitri, Ivan, Alyosha

Gone With the Wind

novel concludes "After all, tomorrow is another day"


novel is framed as "Confession of a White Widowed Male" edited by psychologist John Ray

Vanity Fair

novel is framed as a puppet show "Before the Curtain"

All the King's Men

novel narrated by Jack Burden chronicling the rise of the southern politician Willie Stark

My Antonia

novel narrated by Jim Burden and his friendship with the title Bohemian woman

Lord Jim

novel narrated by Marlow about a disgraced sailor

Ethan Frome

novel takes place in Starkfield, Massachusetts

Finnegans Wake

novel that opens midsentence with the line "riverrun, past Eve and Adam's"

Death in Venice

novel where Gustav von Aschenbach dies in the titular Italian city

All Quiet on the Western Front

novel about Paul Baumer set during WWI

On the Road

novel about Sal Paradise's travels across America

Don Quixote

novel about a Spanish knight with his squire Sancho Panza

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

novel about a girl who fell down a rabbithole

Jude the Obscure

novel about a stonemason and his relationships with Arabella and Sue Bridehead

Invisible Man

novel about a unnamed black man who believes he cannot be seen due to his race

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

novel about a woman who marries Angel Clare

(An) American Tragedy

novel about life and execution of Clyde Griffiths

Native Son

novel about life of the African American Bigger Thomas

As I Lay Dying

novel about the Bundren family journey to Jefferson to bury Addie's coffin

(The) Good Earth

novel about the Chinese farmer Wang Lung and his ambitious acquisition of land

(The) House of the Seven Gables

novel about the Pyncheon family in the titular home

Gone With the Wind

novel about the Southern belle Scarlet O'Hara during the Civil War


novel about the baby that Sethe murdered to save from slavery

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

novel about the childhood and intellectual development of Stephen Dedalus

Cry, the Beloved Country

novel about Absalom Kumalo's killing of Arthur Jarvis

O Pioneers!

novel about Alexandra Bergson and other immigrant families in rural Nebraska

Fathers and Sons

novel about Arkady Kirsanov and his nihilist friend Bazarov

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

novel about Captain Nemo and the submarine Nautilus

Main Street

novel about Carol Kennicott's attempts to bring culture to Gopher Prairie, named for a small road

(The) Color Purple

novel about Celie's life in Southern Georgia and letters addressed to God


novel about Dorothea Brooke in a small English town

Sense and Sensability

novel about Elinor and Marianne Dashwood

Of Mice and Men

novel about George and his autistic friend Lenny

(The) Portrait of a Lady

novel about Isabel Archer who is manipulated by Madame Merle after inheriting a fortune from Mr. Touchett

(The) Trial

novel about Josef K arrested for an unknown crime in a absurd justice system

(The) American

novel about Marquis de Bellegard interfering with Christopher Newman's efforts to marry Claire de Cintre

(The) Last of the Mohicans

novel about Natty Bumpo or Hawkeye who is friends with Chingachgook

(The) Age of Innocence

novel about Newland Archer and his lifelong love for Ellen Olenska

(The) Tin Drum

novel about Oskar Matzerath who plays with the title instrument

Cry, the Beloved Country

on his journey, the protag stays at Mrs. Lithebe's house

Cry, the Beloved Country

one chap contrasts Beresford's appeal to tradition with Sir Earnest Oppenheimer's call for a mining camp

As I Lay Dying

one chapter only contains the line "My mother is a fish"

Little Women

one char loves pickled limes and burns other's notebooks

Hedda Gabler

one char often has "vine-leaves in his hair"

(The) Tempest

one char saves a keg of alcohol from a shipwreck and gets extremely drunk


one char says he will "die upon a kiss"


one char stabbed after calling his assassin an egg

(The) Portrait of a Lady

one setting is the English country manor Gardencourt

(The) Canterbury Tales

one story borrows Ovid and tells the reader to read Ovid


only Wiglaf doesn't desert the protag in a battle


only the protag's dog Argos recognizes him as a beggar

Tintern Abbey

opens "Five years have past; five summers, with the length of five long winters"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

opens "Let us go then, you and I"

Dover Beach

opens "the sea is calm tonight"

(The) Road Not Taken

opens "two roads diverged in a yellow wood"

Remembrance of Things Past

opens stating "for a long time, I went to bed early" describing the narr's difficulty in falling asleep

Crime and Punishment

pedophile Svidrigailov commits suicide when Tonya rejects him

Brave New World

people are ranked from Alpha to Epsilon

Brave New World

people get high on soma

Bhagavad Gita

philosophical subsection of the Mahabharata

All Quiet on the Western Front

protag carries Katczinsky (Kat) who dies of a splinter wound in his arms


picnic lightning kills the protag's "very photogenic mother"

Julius Caesar

play about Cassius and Brutus' plot to assassinate Caesar

(The) Cherry Orchard

play about Madame Ranevsky losing the title estate

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

play about Maggie and the Pollitt family

As You Like It

play about Orlando and Rosalind's escape from the forest of Arden

(The) Taming of the Shrew

play about Petruchio subduing Katherina

Waiting for Godot

play about Vladmir and Estragon

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

play about a terrible party hosted by George and Martha

(A) Raisin in the Sun

play about the Younger family and their dream of owning a house

King Lear

play about the title monarch who divides his kingdom with his 3 daughters

Hedda Gabler

play about the titular unhappy and manipulative wife of George Tesman

Twelfth Night

play about the twins Viola and Sebastian following a shipwreck

Henry V

play about titular British king's success at the battle of Agincourt

(The) Seagull

play in which Treplev shoots the title bird as gift for Nina

Much Ado About Nothing

play is set in Messina

(The) Seagull

play mainly takes place at Sorin's, Arkadina's brother, estate

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

play where Algernon Moncrieff and Jack Worthing pretend to have the same name

Much Ado About Nothing

play where Claudio is tricked into rejecting Hero and Beatrice marries Benedick

Uncle Tom's Cabin

plot is based on the Arthur Shelby's debt

To His Coy Mistress

poem about a man convincing his lover to sleep with him and begins "had we but world enough, and time"

Tintern Abbey

poem about a ruined monastery on the banks of the river Wye

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

poem about a speaker who observes a room where "the women come and go talking of Michelangelo"

My Last Duchess

poem about the portrait of nobleman's dead wife

(The) Tyger

poem about the title animal "burning bright, in the forests of the night"

Tintern Abbey

poem is addressed to "my dearest, / my dear, dear Friend"

Dover Beach

poem set on the cliffs of England on "a darkling plain where ignorant armies clash at night"


poem that opens "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked"

Mending Wall

poem that repeats the line "Good fences make good neighbors"

(The) Second Coming

poem titled after Christ's return to Earth

Ode to Joy

poem used in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

(The) Road Not Taken

poem where the narrator takes the path "less traveled by"

Kubla Khan

poem where the title Mongol ruler decrees a "stately pleasure dome" at Xanadu

My Last Duchess

portrait of the title char was painted by Fra Pandolf

Anna Karenina

princess Kitty Scherbatsky marries Konstantin Levin

Robinson Crusoe

procures pistols, powder horns, and swords

Invisible Man

protag accidently empties a spittoon on a preacher who believes gave him false letters of rec

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

protag accidently kills the family horse Prince

Don Quixote

protag admires and is inspired by Amadis of Gaul

Lord Jim

protag allows Cornelius and the pirate Gentleman Brown to kill Dain Waris

All Quiet on the Western Front

protag and Kat plot to steal a goose


protag and Virgil ascent to the title Mountain on the far side of the world

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag and friend witness a murder by Injun Joe


protag and his lover Beatrice ascend through 9 concentric celestial spheres of Heaven

Ethan Frome

protag and his lover try to commit suicide by sledding into a elm tree


protag and tutor experience an earthquake in Lisbon


protag argues with the shape shifter Buck Mulligan

(The) Old Man and the Sea

protag arm-wrestled for a day with a "negro from Cienfuegos"

Oedipus Rex

protag asks his daughter to take him outside to die on holy ground

Death of a Salesman

protag asks his wife why she bought American cheese instead of his favorite Swiss

Fathers and Sons

protag asserts that "a good chemist is twenty times as useful as any poet"


protag attacks Mr. Bodwin with an ice pick after mistaking him for a former slave owner

Don Quixote

protag attends the funeral of Girostomo, where Marcela gives a speech

(The) Grapes of Wrath

protag becomes a fugitive after witnessing the death of preacher Jim Casey

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag becomes a hero for enduring unfair punishment by Father Dolan

Don Quixote

protag becomes a knight after reading too many books about chivalry

(The) Call of the Wild

protag becomes a legend among Yeehats

(A) Christmas Carol

protag becomes a patron to the crippled Tiny Tim

War and Peace

protag becomes a peasant and friends Platon

Slaughterhouse Five

protag becomes president of the Lions Club

(The) Count of Monte Cristo

protag befriends Abbe Faria in jail

On the Road

protag befriends Carlo Marx in Denver

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag befriends Fraulein von B after leaving Wahlheim for Weimar

Great Expectations

protag befriends Herbert Pocket who marries Clara Barley

On the Road

protag befriends Old Bull Lee in New Orleans

David Copperfield

protag befriends Tommy Traddles and James Steerforth at boarding school

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag begins crying after a woman yells "Klopstock!"


protag believes "we must cultivate our garden"

(The) Sorrows of Young Werther

protag believes that one member of the love triangle must die, so he chooses himself

Don Quixote

protag believes the Balsam of Fierabras has healing powers


protag breaks Dido's heart leading her to commit suicide

(The) Adventures of Tom Sawyer

protag breaks a relationship with Amy Lawrence

(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

protag breaks his glasses at Clongowes school

Hedda Gabler

protag burns Eilert Lovborg's manuscript

(The) Trial

protag buys a pair of identical landscapes from the painter Titorelli

Picture of Dorian Gray

protag calls Mr. Hubbard because he is afraid his servant Victor will look at the title object


protag calls himself Henry Flower to talk with Martha

(The) Tin Drum

protag can shatter glass with his voice


published by City Lights Bookstore which prompted the store for an obscenity trial


published under the pen name Glirastes in Leigh Hunt's The Examiner

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

readers "attempting to find a plot in it will be shot"

Picture of Dorian Gray

references JK Huysmans' "Against Nature" saying that the protag "poisoned him"

My Last Duchess

references a statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse by Clauss of Innsbruck


references a vision of "mohammedan angels staggering on tenement roofs illuminated"

Robinson Crusoe

saved Friday from a pack of cannibals

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

repeats the phrases "All the world wondered" and "Volley'd and thunder'd"


representing the Christian encountering a physical manifestation of sin with the three beasts representing self-indulgence, violence, and maliciousness


rings 1-5 are outside the city of Dis while rings 6-9 are inside the city of Dis


roots and vines bleed representing the slain Polydorus

Death of a Salesman

rubber pipe is found attached to the water heater

Dover Beach

sea is "like the folds of a bright girdle furled" with a "long, withdrawing roar"

(The) Last of the Mohicans

second book of the Leatherstocking Tales

David Copperfield

semi-autobiographical novel of Charles Dickens

Long Day's Journey into Night

semiautobiographical play about the Tyrone family

(The) Road Not Taken

speaker notes that he'll be telling his story "somewhere ages and ages hence"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

speaker praises a "happy melodist" to keep "soft pipes, play on" because "heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard / Are sweeter"

Leatherstocking Tales

series of 5 novels about Natty Bumppo with books named after his nicknames

Death of a Salesman

set directions say that chars may phase through walls of its setting

(A) Farewell to Arms

set during the Italian Campaign in WW1

Our Town

set in Grover's Corners

No Exit

set in a Second Empire-style room

No Exit

set in a room with a bronze ornament on the mantelpiece

Catch 22

set on the island of Pianosa

Kubla Khan

setting has "many an incense-bearing tree"


shares its title with a poem written by Horace Smith in a competition with the author

Robinson Crusoe

ship captured by Turkish pirates

(The) Gift of the Magi

short story about Jim and Della who sell their watch and hair to buy each other a watch chain and tortoise shell comb

Rip Van Winkle

short story about a man who falls asleep for 20 years in the Catskill Mountains

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker recalls having "measured out my life in coffee-spoons"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker references Marvell in wishing "to have squeezed the universe into a ball"


speaker repeats the word "moloch"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

some chars are identified by Ash Wednesday crosses on their forehead

(The) Raven

speaker mourns the death of Lenore

Tintern Abbey

speaker notes that "The picture of the mind revives again"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker notes that "yonder all before us lie deserts of vast eternity"

(The) Second Coming

source for the title of Achebe's Things Fall Apart

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker "shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker asks "Do I dare / disturb the universe?"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker asks "Do I dare to eat a peach?"

(The) Raven

speaker asks "is there balm in Gilead?"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

speaker asks what "little town by river or sea-shore" is "emptied of its folk this pious morn"

My Last Duchess

speaker chooses never to stoop

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker claims "I am Lazarus, come from the dead, back to tell you all"

Song of Myself

speaker claims "I loafe and invite my soul"

Song of Myself

speaker claims "every atom belonging to me as good as belongs to you"

(The) Road Not Taken

speaker claims how his decision "has made all the difference"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker claims that "worms shall try / that long preserved virginity"

Song of Myself

speaker compares grass to "the beautiful uncut hair of graves"

Tintern Abbey

speaker compares his childhood adventrues to a "man flying from something that he dreads"

Song of Myself

speaker declares "I am large, I contain multitudes"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker declares "Let us roll all of our strength and all our sweetness up into one ball"

Song of Myself

speaker declares "What I assume you shall assume"


speaker describes "angelheaded hipsters" who "threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism"


speaker describes people "dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix"

Tintern Abbey

speaker describes the "steep woods and lofty cliffs, and this green pastoral landscape"

Kubla Khan

speaker encounters a "damsel with a dulcimer" who turns out to be an Abyssinian maid

(The) Raven

speaker explains a sound as "some visitor... only this and nothing more"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker has "seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker"

(The) Raven

speaker hears "Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floors"

To His Coy Mistress

speaker hears "Time's winged chariot hurrying near"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker hears "mermaids singing, each to each"


speaker inquires about a "sphinx of cement and aluminum"

Song of Myself

speaker is "now thirty-seven years old in perfect health"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker is satisfied with being a deferential "attendant lord"

(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

speaker is self-conscious about his bald spot


squire Gurth and jester Wamba escape into the forest


state media claims an increase in chocolate ration

Little Women

story about Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March

My Last Duchess

strangers often have questions about the "depth and passion" of an "earnest glance" of the title char

Ode on a Grecian Urn

subject is "Attic shape"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

subject is "thou still unravish'd bride of quietness"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

subject is a "Sylvan historian"

Ode on a Grecian Urn

subject is a "foster child of silence and slow Time"

Ode to Joy

subject is referred to as "daughter of Elysium"

Ode to Joy

subject is referred to as "the spark of the gods"


subtitled "A Study in Provincial Life"

Slaughterhouse Five

subtitled The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death

(The) Song of Hiawatha

takes place by "the shores of Gitchee Gumee"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

takes place during the Battle of Balaclava

One Hundred Years of Solitude

takes place in Macondo

Kubla Khan

takes place in an area of "twenty five miles of fertile ground" enclosed by "walls and towers"

Robinson Crusoe

tames a parrot and discovers a penguin colony


tears of some characters freeze before leaving their eye

(The) Waste Land

tells of Cumaean Sibyl's wish for death

(The) Tempest

the Act 4 masque is often left out

(The) Rape of the Lock

the Baron plays a game of ombre

(The) Rape of the Lock

the Baron snips off some of Belinda's hair

Les Miserables

the Bishop of Digne lives in a hospital instead of the palace he is entitled to

(The) House of the Seven Gables

the Judge dies in a chair where his ancestor died 30 years ago, prompting Clifford and Hepzibah to flee the title structure


the Marquis of Saluzzo tests the patience of his wife Griselda by ordering the death of their children and taking a new bridge

(The) Canterbury Tales

the Nun's Priest and Knight go on a pilgrimage to Becket's shrine

Moby Dick

the Pequod crew includes Starbuck and canibal Queequeg


the antag murders Henry Clerval and his wife Elizabeth, on her wedding night


the antag's favorite works are Paradise Lost, Plutarch's live,s and Sorrows of Young Werther

(A) Doll's House

the author created an alternate German ending called a "barbaric outrage"

Leaves of Grass

the author describes a "flood tide below me"

(The) Trial

the author fictionalized his fiance as the typist Fraulein Burstner


the author rejected an alternate ending by Herbert Tree

(The) Road Not Taken

the author's friend Edward Thomas said the poem's intent was simply to mock indecisiveness

Waiting for Godot

the bare set only has one prominant tree and the protags consider hanging themselves on it with a belt

Moby Dick

the black boy Pip goes insane

Heart of Darkness

the central action is delayed by a lazy brickmaker

(The) Sound and the Fury

the central family is served by the caretaker Luster and maid Dilsey

Our Town

the choir sings "Blessed Be The Ties That Bind"

All Quiet on the Western Front

the chronic bed wetter and locksmith Tjaden features in the sequel The Road Back

Moby Dick

the cook Fleece gives a speech in the beginning

(The) House of the Seven Gables

the daguerreotypist Holgrave falls in love with Phoebe

(The) Rape of the Lock

the gnome Umbriel goes to the Cave of Spleen to get a bag of sighs and vial of tears


the dying Peter Featherstone tries to alter his will, but Mary Garth refuses to help

Brave New World

the efficiency of Henry Foster's crematorium is discussed

Lord Jim

the entomologist Mr. Stein gives the protag his old job back

(The) Three Musketeers

the epilogue reveals the result of the siege of La Rochelle

(The) Age of Innocence

the failure of Julius Beaufort's bank causes Mrs. Manson Mingott to have a stroke

(A) Midsummer Night's Dream

the fairies include Oberon, Titania, and Puck


the family lives at 124 Bluestone Road

Absalom, Absalom

the frame story has Rosa Coldfield narrate the story to Shreve, Quentin Compson's Harvard classmate

To Kill a Mockingbird

the garbage collector Zeebo is the only one who can read at the First Purchase Church

(The) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

the ghost of a baby floating in a "bar'l" haunts a raft of drunken soldiers

To His Coy Mistress

the grave is a "fine and private place"

(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame

the heroine turns out to be the long lost daughter of Sister Gudule

(The) Canterbury Tales

the host Harry Bailey offers a free meal to the best story teller

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

the house in the play was previously owned by Jack Straw and Peter Ochello

(The) Magic Mountain

the humanist Settembrini and authoritarian Naphta have a duel but Settembrini refuses to shoot a Jesuit so Naphta calls him a coward and ends up shooting himself


the king's son Haemon tries to stab the king but ends up stabbing himself

Vanity Fair

the ladies court George Osborne and Rawdon Crawley


the last 2 terraces below the previous 7 is the Ante-Purgatory which contains the Excommunicated and Late repentant

To Kill a Mockingbird

the main family is attacked from a Halloween pageant by Bob Ewell


the main house was previously inhabited by Baby Suggs

(The) Cherry Orchard

the main mother gives a homeless a valuable gold coin

Julius Caesar

the main speech laments "O judgement! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason"

Madame Bovary

the merchant L'heureux drives the protag into debt

Madame Bovary

the pharmacist Monsieur Homais drives a man out of business

East of Eden

the pimp Mr. Edwards abuses Cathy Ames which leads her to shoot her husband in the shoulder

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

the poem asks "When can their glory fade"

Eugene Onegin

the poem's author names a type of alternating masculine and feminine rhyme used

Kubla Khan

the poem's composition was interrupted by a "Person from Porlock"


the protagonist meets a captain leading an invasion against Poland

Kubla Khan

the setting has "caves of ice" and "the river Alph"

(The) Raven

the setting has "each separate dying ember wrought its ghost"

(The) Sun Also Rises

the prostitute Georgette Leblanc tries to hide her rotting teeth known as her "sickness"


the protag calls his wife "the beast with two backs"

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

the protag despairs "a thousand thousand slimy things with legs did crawl"


the protag flees home carrying his father Anchises and son Ascanius to Carthage

(The) Stranger

the protag frequently eats at Celeste's restaurant


the protag gets furious when his wife loses a strawberry patterned handkerchief

Brave New World

the protag hangs himself after his mother dies due to mass production and consumerism

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

the protag is "a sadder and wiser man"

Crime and Punishment

the protag is given a cyprus copper cross

(The) Sun Also Rises

the protag is impotent from an injury in WWI


the protag is mentioned in letters to Margaret Saville by her brother which sets the frame story of the novel

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

the protag is won by "The Nightmare Life-in-Death" in a dice game against Death

For Whom the Bell Tolls

the protag kills Anselmo after the operation

For Whom the Bell Tolls

the protag reflects on his meeting with the Russian journalist Karkov and his abstract philosophy

Heart of Darkness

the protag sees a "flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil" while watching a chain gang

(The) Tempest

the protag speaks to the audience in an epilogue "Let your indulgence set me free"

Death of a Salesman

the protag struggles to plant in his garden lamenting "I don't have a thing in the ground"

Fathers and Sons

the protag's friend Sitnokov introduces the protag to some friends


the protag's lover attacks the screen in the daily "Two Minutes Hate"

O Pioneers!

the religious old man Crazy Ivar is a loyal servant to the protag

Catch 22

the scheme "Everybody has a share" buys eggs in Malta and resells it for lower prices

All Quiet on the Western Front

the schoolteacher Kantorek encourages chars to enlist in the army


the schoolteacher burns Sixo alive

Dover Beach

the sea has receded to the "naked shingles of the world"

(The) Thousand and One Nights

the secret word to the thieves' cave is "open sesame"

(The) Cherry Orchard

the servant Firs is nicknamed Twenty-Two Calamities

Wuthering Heights

the servants Joseph and Zilla work at the title estate

My Last Duchess

the speaker "gave commands" which stopped "all smiles" of the title char

Kubla Khan

the speaker eats honey-dew and drinks "the milk of Paradise"

Julius Caesar

the speaker of a famous claims he has "neither wit, nor words, nor worth, action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, to stir men's blood"

To His Coy Mistress

the speaker's "vegetable love" would "grow vaster than Empires, and more slow"

(A) Tale of Two Cities

the spies John Barsad and Roger Cly try to frame a man in cell 105

To His Coy Mistress

the subject might reject the speaker "till the conversion of the Jews"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

the subjects "knew someone had blundered"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

the subjects went "into the jaws of Death / Into the mouth of Hell"

(The) Magic Mountain

the suicidal planter Mynheer with malaria gets with Clavdia Chauchat, the protag's love interest

(A) Farewell to Arms

the surgeon Rinaldi introduces the protag's lover


the syphilis ridden Paquette engages in "experimental physics"


the third part has the speaker repeatedly tell Carl Solomon, "I'm with you in Rockland"


the title Mountain has 7 terraces from the seven deadly sins

Julius Caesar

the title char is targeted by his enemy Lucan Pharsalia with a "lean and hungry look"

Julius Caesar

the title char is warned and stabbed on the Ides of March (March 15)

Uncle Tom's Cabin

the title char saves Eva St. Clare from drowning

My Last Duchess

the title figure had a "heart too soon made glad"

(The) Charge of the Light Brigade

the title group didn't care because "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die"

Tintern Abbey

the title location has grown "more dear" to the speaker

(The) Rape of the Lock

the title object becomes a constellation

(A) Streetcar Named Desire

the title vehicle takes Eunice and Stella to Elysian Fields

(The) Cherry Orchard

the tutor Trofimov is nicknamed the "eternal student" for his university studies


the villain gets in a drunken brawl with Cassio


the villain plants a handkerchief to prove infidelity


the villain tells the audience "I am not what I am"

As You Like It

the villian Oliver tries to kill his brother in a wrestling match

(The) Tempest

the witch Sycorax left promising to break his staff and drown his books, leaving behind Caliban and Ariel

Brave New World

the word "Lord" is often replaced with "Ford"

Dover Beach

the world "seems / to lie before us like a land of dreams" but really has "neither love, nor light"

Uncle Tom's Cabin

this work was spurred by the Bloodhound Law

(The) Waste Land

three lines only use the word "da" and then use datta, dayadhvam, damyata


title Mountain was created from the displacement of rock from Satan's fall into Hell

My Last Duchess

title char "liked whate'er she looked on, and her looks went everywhere"

My Last Duchess

title char "rode with, round the terrace" on a white mule

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

title char accidently shoots an albatross with a crossbow and wear it on his neck as punishment

My Last Duchess

title char didn't appreciate the speaker's gift of a "nine-hundred-years old name"

My Last Duchess

title char didn't appreciate the speaker's gifts any more than "the drooping of the daylight in the West"

Julius Caesar

title char is described as "was ambitious" and his rival is mocked three as being "an honorable man"

My Antonia

title char is happily married to Anton Cuzak

My Antonia

title char is impregnated and abandoned by Larry Donovan

Uncle Tom's Cabin

title char is sold to Simon Legree and whipped to death

My Antonia

title char is the only Shimerda family member to know English

(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner

title char tells his story to the Wedding Guest

My Last Duchess

title char was "looking as if she were alive"

My Antonia

title char works for the Harling family

My Antonia

title char's father plays the violin and commits suicide

(The) Three Musketeers

title chars are Athos, Porthos, and Aramis

Little Women

title chars give the Hummels Christmas breakfast

Little Women

title chars make Christmas presents for each other

Death in Venice

title event occurs while the protag sits in a chair and watches Tadzio on the beach

(The) Raven

title fig repeats the word "Nevermore"

(The) Raven

title fig was inspired by Grip from Dicken's Barnaby Rudge

My Last Duchess

title figure rode a "white mule" that gave her the same smile as if "some officious fool" gave her a "bough of cherries"


title location represents Christian life with the protag and Virgil arriving on Easter Sunday

Ode on a Grecian Urn

title object is "foster-child of silence and slow time"


title structure is based on the 4 cardinal virtues and 3 theological virtues

Vanity Fair

titled for a location in Pilgrim's Progress

My Last Duchess

titles an Atwood short story about a couple who break up over the poem's meaning

(The) Song of Hiawatha

told in trochaic tetrameter inspired by the Kalevala

Madame Bovary

town chemist receives the title "Legion of Honour"

My Antonia

two Russians throw a newlywed couple off their sled to divert a pack of wolves

(A) Tale of Two Cities

two chars are the "man of delicacy" and "man of no delicacy"

One Hundred Years of Solitude

two chars believe that a train station massacre of plantation workers was a cover up

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

two chars devour cucumber sandwiches before Aunt Augusta's arrival

O Pioneers!

two chars embracing under a white mulberry tree are shot by a jealous husband

(The) Importance of Being Earnest

two chars fight over muffins

Uncle Tom's Cabin

two chars hide in an attic and pretend to be ghosts

(The) Merry Wives of Windsor

two chars insultingly call a man "Mephistophilus" and "a Banbury cheese"

Much Ado About Nothing

two chars opposed to marriage are tricked into falling in love by eavesdropping

Moby Dick

two consecutive chapters titled "Knights and Squires"

(The) Canterbury Tales

two imprisoned men fall in love with a woman picking flowers

Cry, the Beloved Country

two politicians Tomlinson and Dubula envy the protag's younger brother's speechmaking

Ode to Joy

urges the reader to "close the holy circle tighter" and "swear by this golden wine"

Eugene Onegin

verse novel about a Russian nobleman who gets rejected by Tatyana

Les Miserables

villain is bribed to move with his daughter Azelma to America to be a slave trader


war breaks out after the protag's son kills a deer

King Lear

when Cordelia dies she tells her father that she loves him like a daughter should

Animal Farm

work takes place between Pinchfield and Foxwood

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