World civ

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The introduction of Coptic Christianity into Ethiopia is traditionally ascribed to whom? Frumentius Sheba Menilek I Prester John



A tool for identifying north using a magnetic needle; it was made useful for sea navigation in Song times when placed in a protective case.

A common belief in most African religions held that the gods created social hierarchies. a supreme being had created the universe. natural phenomena could not be explained or controlled. an individual needs to explore their own spirituality.


According to Confucius, what was the basic unit of society? Village Family Kingdom Individual


According to legend, who founded Rome? Latium Romulus and Remus Silla and Gaulius Domitian


Where is the Cave of Hands located? France Argentina Egypt


The Vikings used _____ to determine if land was near.


According to Map 6.2, "Roman Expansion, 262 B.C.E.-180 C.E.," which of the following was the northernmost Roman city during the period 262 B.C.E.-180 C.E.? London Vienna York Lyons


Who led the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire? Christopher Columbus King Charles III Francisco Pizarro Hernán Cortés


scholar-official class

Chinese educated elite that included both scholars and officials. The officials had usually gained office by passing the highly competitive civil service examination.

According to Egyptian belief, the Nile's rise and fall was dictated by tides. Ra. priests. the pharaoh.


Which Hebrew leader captured the city of Jerusalem? Saul David Judah Solomon



French Protestants

_____ is the revival of Confucian thinking that began in the eleventh century, characterized by the goal of attaining the wisdom of the sages, not exam success.

Neo Confucianism

_____ is the term for the Japanese general-in-chief.


_____ were Medieval professors who developed a method thinking reasoning, and writing in which questions were raised and authorities cited on both sides of a questions


_____ is the Chinese educated elite that included both scholars and officials. The officials had usually gained office by passing the highly competitive civil service examination.

Scholar-official class


Spanish for "conqueror"; a Spanish soldier-explorer, such as Hernán Cortés or Francisco Pizarro, who sought to conquer the New World for the Spanish crown.


Tents in which the pastoral nomads lived; they could be quickly dismantled and loaded onto animals or carts.

_____ was a knight known who has sworn loyalty to a particular lord.


_____ is a school of Buddhism that emphasized meditation and truths that could not be conveyed in words.


_____ is a method of selecting officials in imperial China based on competitive written tests.

examination system

_____ is a system of printing in which one piece of type is used for each unique character

movable type


"A fourteenth-century term used to describe the long Christian crusade to wrest Spain back from the Muslims; clerics believed it was a sacred and patriotic mission."


"rebirth"; following the Middle Ages, a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome

According to Map 14.1, "Invasions and Migrations of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries," what makes the migration of the Magyars unique among the migrations illustrated in this map? The Magyar migrations were entirely land-based. The Magyars tended to avoid contact with the peoples of Europe to a large extent. The Magyars' trek through Italy likely brought them into contact with the Vikings. The Magyars' migrations covered a much longer period of time than that of the Vikings or the Muslims.


According to Map 5.2, "Greek Colonization, ca. 750-550 B.C.E.," how did Greek colonization routes mimic those of the Phoenicians? Their primary route was along the coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea. They built their most important settlements in the region of Syria. They largely avoided contact with the coastline of North Africa. Their migratory route typically flowed in an easterly direction.


According to Map 8.2, "The Barbarian Migrations, ca. 340-500," which group overran the heart of the ancient Greek empire? The Visigoths The Vandals The Huns The Ostrogoths


According to Map 9.2, "The Expansion of Islam and Its Trading Networks in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries," which of the following was the northernmost river reached by Islamic traders by the year 1500? Volga Dnieper Danube Rhine


After his initial voyage to the Americas in 1492, how did Columbus describe the natives he met? As handsome, peaceful, and primitive As brutal savages As incapable of becoming Christian As primitive and warlike


Although the date varies by location, when did the shift to agriculture first occur? 9000 B.C.E. 1000 B.C.E. 15,000 B.C.E. 3000 B.C.E.


Animal domestication led to humans becoming able to digest which of the following? Milk Grain Meat Minerals


Archimedes's many contributions to Hellenistic science include his theories about which of the following? Hydrostatics Physics Astronomy Heliocentrism


Arianism was condemned by Constantine at what council in 325? Nicaea Athens Rome Tours


At its height, what was the population of ancient Rome? 1 million 10 million 10,000 100,000


Based on Map 16.3, "Seaborne Trading Empires in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," who was most heavily involved in overland trading in the Middle East during the period illustrated? Arabs Dutch Chinese British


By 1500, Portugal controlled the flow of what lucrative product to Europe? African gold Persian silk Indian sugar and spices Brazilian silver


By 4000 B.C.E., how far north of the Fertile Crescent had horticulture spread? To Britain To Ethiopia To Scandinavia To Russia


By taking over city-states in Central Asia, the Han under Emperor Wu were taking control of what transregional route? Silk Road Grand Canal Incense Route Khyber Pass


By the eleventh century, what did popes begin to see as the biggest threat to the moral leadership of the church? Secular control over the church The failure of the Holy Roman Emperor to unify the empire The lack of money invested in or given to the church The lack of education among the clergy


Charlemagne used missi dominici to connect his central government to which of the following? Local authorities Church leaders Constantinople Rome


During the pax Romana, what regions became prime grain producers for the empire? Britain and Belgium Gaul and Italy Southern Spain and Italy Egypt and Syria


During the republic, which of the following was true of the Roman Senate? One of its chief responsibilities was to advise officials and consuls. Like the consuls, it changed its membership annually. Its only function was to pass legislation. It had little power and was advised by consuls.


Feudalism was based on the exchange of which of the following? Personal allegiance Titles and dignitaries Money and gifts Children to foster


Following the conversion of North Africans to Islam, where did the deepest penetration of Islam occur south of the Sahara? In the West African kingdoms of Ghana and Mali Along the east coast of Africa In Namibia Along the southern coast of Africa


For a time the papacy moved from Rome to _____. France Spain Holy Roman Empire Scotland


For what did Neolithic peoples use obsidian? It was used to make knives and blades. It was melted to construct plow blades. It was woven into carpets to make them stronger. It was easily carved into storage jars.


From what material were the tools of Shang farmers made? Stone Wood Bronze Iron


Han coins and jewelry were usually made of what metal? Bronze Silver Gold Iron


Harappan craftsmen are the first known producers of what cloth? Cotton Wool Silk Linen


How did Buddhism influence Ashoka's rule? He appointed officials to oversee the moral welfare of the realm. He banned all other forms of religious thought. He began a series of religious wars against non-Buddhists. He required all of his people to convert to the faith even though he was a Jainist.


How did Moctezuma II try to reform the empire before the Spaniards arrived? Restricted social mobility Reduced military service Expanded noble ranks Reduced controls and taxes


How did papyrus compare with clay tablets as a writing material? It was more fragile and less likely to survive. It was more difficult to write on. It was less prone to disintegration. It required a stylus to carve the symbols.


How did the development of the saddle contribute positively to the growth of trans-Saharan trade? It enabled the Berbers to dominate the desert. It increased the speed of the caravan trade. It enabled merchants to cross the desert safely. Its creation made animals useful for the first time in the trans-Saharan caravan trade.


How did the introduction of large numbers of Turks affect the Islamic world? The Turks brought badly needed military strength to the Islamic world. The large number of foreigners made the caliph uneasy. The Turks usually embraced Shi'ism, which greatly increased the number of Shi'ites. The new converts rapidly increased a shift toward pastoralism.


How did the structure of medieval families in southern Europe differ from the northern model? Southern families had to work the land. Southern families might include stepchildren. In northern families, the serfs could buy their freedom. In the south, extended families were more likely to live together.


How far west did the Vikings make a permanent settlement? Iceland Newfoundland Nova Scotia Ireland


How is the dominant soil type in the Yellow River basin, loess, best defined? A loose, wind-driven soil that is easy to till A loose, sandy soil that is not very fertile Hard-packed earth difficult to dig into An iron-rich soil with a reddish tint


How many hours a week did early foragers generally spend gathering food? Ten to twenty hours Forty hours Fifty hours or more One to three hours


How many relationships did Confucius see as the basis of society? Five One Three Seven


How was Henry II of England able to claim lordship over Aquitaine? He married a wealthy heiress, Eleanor. He claimed it through military conquest. He inherited it through his mother. He married a Viking princess after he claimed England.


How was slavery in the Islamic world different from the slavery practiced later in the Americas? In the Islamic world, slavery was seldom hereditary. In the Islamic world, it was forbidden to enslave "protected peoples." In the Islamic world, slaves did not become soldiers. In the Islamic world, slaves were used exclusively for agricultural labor.


In Shang culture, what was a taotie? A stylized animal face image A message intended for a god A priest who lived in a temple A tool used to write


In Song China, agricultural specialty crops included which of the following? Sugar Bananas Pumpkins Olives


In most Neolithic communities, which group of people were the first to work out written codes of law? Priests Farmers Craftsmen Warriors


In the photograph "Gandharan Frieze Depicting the Buddha's Enlightenment," the serene appearance of Buddha, despite his being surrounded by enemies, is evidence of his having attained which of the following? Enlightenment Noble status Rebirth Eternal life


In the sixteenth century, there was a huge increase in the use of enslaved Africans in Brazil in order to produce what crop? Sugar Cotton Tobacco Rum


In the third century B.C.E., the main challenge to Roman control of the Mediterranean came from which of the following? Carthage Ptolemaic Egypt Alexandria Macedonia


In what way are the ruins of Machu Picchu, pictured here, reminiscent of the ruins discovered at Mohejo-daro? Their symmetrical designs suggest that both were well-planned urban developments. They were both built in a mountainous region. The buildings in both appear to be unvaried in design and purpose. Both are multitiered designs.


In what year did Muhammad die? 632 751 569 815


Koryŏ built a wall at the Yalu River in the eleventh century to help keep out what enemy? Khitans Chinese Manchurians Jurchens


Mongols were aided in their conquest of Syria by exploiting the unrest of what part of Syria's population? Christians Muslims Zoroastrians Jews


Neanderthals lived side by side with which of the following for millennia? Homo habilis Homo sapiens Cro-Magnon Australopithecus


Of all the ways that Renaissance society was hierarchically divided, what was regarded as the most "natural" distinction and therefore the most important one to defend? Gender Level of education Social class Race


On what material were Mayan texts recorded? Bark paper Glass Human skin Vellum


On what was political authority in the Ethiopian kingdom based? The Christian faith The Muslim Shari'a The legacy of the pharaohs Military strength


One division between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims is the question of who interprets the Qur'an and the Sunna. Who has that authority for the Shi'a? An imam The caliph The ulama The umma


Petrarch and other humanist poets and writers sought to reconnect with the culture and texts of what earlier society? The Roman Empire The Early Middle Ages The empire of Alexander The Hebrews of Judaea


Philip II of Macedonia was able to conquer Greece because the Greek city-states were unable to put aside their quarrels and unite to defend themselves. still occupied fighting the Persians. severely weakened by earthquakes. unprepared for his surprise attack.


Shang warriors' weapons were tipped with what? Bronze Steel Iron Bone


The Aztecs created a strong position in the lands of Mexico through which of the following? An alliance system based on trade and tribute, backed by the use of force Superior military technology Their promotion of a strong agricultural and commercial economy Their worship of the god of war, Huitzilopochtli


The Confucian scholar-official system began during the Han Dynasty. Zhou period. Qin Dynasty. Age of Division.


The Sumerian mathematical system was based on units of sixty, ten, and six and survives in what modern system? Time measurement Musical notation Calculus Square roots


The adoption of armor by Chinese soldiers was a response to which of the following military technologies? The crossbow Siege engines Gunpowder Bronze swords


The burial sites of Paleolithic humans reveal that they believed that all things and natural occurrences had which of the following? Spirits Meaning Danger Economic value


The first Indian civilization—the Harappan civilization—is also known as which of the following? The Indus Valley civilization The Mauryan Empire Mesopotamia The Indo-Aryan civilization


The term forager is now used by historians instead of what traditional term? Hunter-gatherer Caveman Stone-age man First people


The thinker Xunzi argued that people are born selfish and greedy but can be trained to be good. human nature is fundamentally good. people will always be corrupted by experience. there is no point in trying to change human nature.


To support its increased foreign trade, what shipping innovation did the Song introduce? Water-tight bulkheads Ships powered by sails only Smaller and faster ships The use of Indian ships and crews


To what does the Carolingian Renaissance refer? A growing veneration of the fathers of Roman Christianity A growing interest in the ideas of classical Greece and Rome An enthusiastic interest in Roman military history Charlemagne's clever invention of a bureaucracy necessary to operate a vast empire


To whom did the term pagan originally refer? Those who lived in the countryside Those who lived in the city Those who worshipped no god at all Those who worshipped more than one god


Under Augustus, women could be freed from male guardianship if they had a certain number of children. had a son killed in a war. were related to Augustus. bought their freedom from the state.


Under Qin Legalist principles, in addition to taxes, subjects owed the state which of the following? Labor service Worship of the emperor Proof of education Animal sacrifice


Unlike Confucius, Xunzi was willing to discuss which of the following? Religion Ethics Morality Education


What Hindu text urges action in this world? Bhagavad Gita The Sutras Ramayana Rig Veda


What alloy is created by mixing copper with another metal such as arsenic? Bronze Tin Steel Iron


What are the collections of sayings or anecdotes about Muhammad called? Hadith Ulema Shari'a Madrasa


What city dominated Europe's trade with Asia? Venice Paris Seville Barcelona


What crop was a major contributor to the rise in population of central Africa around 1000 C.E.? Bananas Yams Millet Sorghum


What did Alexander the Great do after the Persian Empire fell? Set out to conquer much of the rest of Asia Returned home to Macedonia Gave command of Persia to his favorite general Turned west toward Italy


What did Cortés do upon reaching the city of Tenochtitlan? He took Moctezuma hostage. He demanded the Mexica pay him tribute. He claimed the city for Spain. He proclaimed himself a god.


What discovery marks the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic? Agriculture Stone tools Religion Burial


What does the Venus figure represent? fertility/sexuality obesity in women agriculture knowledge


What does the term Bantu refer to? A linguistic classification of African peoples who lived south of the Congo River. The name given to the ruler of the kingdom of Ghana. The region between the Sahara Desert and the subtropical region of central Africa. A form of slavery practiced in West Africa.


What evidence is there in this illustration of the practice of Arab conquerors adopting certain practices of subjugated peoples? The wearing of veils by the women and their seclusion from the men The inclusion of children in the mosque and the wearing of facial hair by some men The colorful and ornate dress of the men and plain dress of the women The artistic patterns on the walls of the mosque and covering the heads of everyone inside the mosque


What happened to the students who prepared for Song civil service exams? The majority never became government officials. They usually stayed in the lower levels of the emperor's administration. Those from poor backgrounds were passed over for positions as government officials. They were all but guaranteed to pass.


What happened when Christopher Columbus returned to the island of Hispaniola for a second time? He forcibly enslaved the indigenous people and subjected them to forced labor. He imported large numbers of African slaves to work on new sugar plantations. He immediately discovered riches for Spain. He offered the local people self-government.


What helped a woman ensure security in her extended family? Giving birth to a son Inheriting money of her own Becoming a mother-in-law Learning to read and write


What important contribution did the Hyksos make to Egyptian society? Their bronze technology and weaponry was adopted by Egyptians. As naval pioneers, they introduced the center-stern rudder to Egyptian ships. They encouraged Egyptians to worship the god Amon. Their mathematicians introduced the abacus to Egypt.


What important talent did Mongol women possess? They were expert horseback riders. They were known for their beautiful pottery. They were trained to be skilled warriors. They preserved Mongol culture by being masterful orators.


What is the key theme of the Epic of Gilgamesh? The duty of a soldier to serve the king The idea that men and women were created by magic Humanity's search for immortality The constant battle between good and evil


What killed most of the African slaves who died on the voyage to the Americas? Dysentery Typhus Cholera Smallpox


What qualified Bodhisattvas to help guide Buddhist believers to enlightenment? They had already achieved enlightenment. They could recite the most prayers from memory. They were descendants of the Buddha himself. They were once Brahmin priests before converting.


What river is the life blood of western Africa? Niger Nile Amazon Mississippi


What role did race play in the African slave trade? Race had little or no association with slavery. Slavery was generally associated with lighter-skinned peoples. Only black Africans were enslaved. Caucasians were never enslaved in Africa.


What significant political change did Diocletian enact? He divided the Roman Empire into two parts. He converted to Christianity and made it the state religion. He used the titles "Augustus" and "Caesar." He adopted the court ceremonies of the Persian Empire.


What species of animal did humans domesticate around 15,000 years ago? Dogs Cattle Horses Sheep


What surrounded Sumerian temples? The houses of ordinary citizens Forests Barren land The king's palace


What title did Taizong of the Tang Dynasty gain when he defeated the Turks in 630 C.E.? Great Khan Second Emperor Sultan Son of Heaven


What tribe was Muhammad from? Quraysh Bedouin Nabatean Thamud


What was Aristarchus's most important contribution to astronomy? He believed that Earth and the planets revolve around the sun. He argued that Earth is far larger than the sun. He asserted that telescopes are necessary for all astronomical work. He theorized that the stars are close to Earth and to one another.


What was Mansa Musa's most significant innovation? He used loyal family members as provincial governors. He abolished the stratified social structure. He introduced European-style military reforms. He established a process by which slaves could buy their freedom.


What was an agora? A marketplace A fortified stronghold A temple complex A plot of arable land for farming


What was an agora? A marketplace YA temple complex A fortified stronghold A plot of arable land for farming


What was an ayllu? A clan that served as the basic unit of Incan society An Incan system of public works projects A substantial degree of state-supplied social welfare A set of rules that regimented the lives of the Incan people


What was one of the first crops to be developed in India? Wheat Lentils Rice Cotton


What was relatively unusual about women in Roman families? They were able to inherit and own property. They were not allowed to learn to read or write. They seldom ventured outside their homes. They had no role in raising their children.


What was significant about Sima Qian's writings? They included a comprehensive history of China and set a standard for historical writing. They represented the first time a Han official had written in support of Legalism. They were the first collection of Daoist ideas on government. They told the history of the eunuchs who served the Han emperors.


What was the basis of Otto I's power in Germany? His alliance with and control of the church in the German states The support of the German states' feudal nobility His alliance with the northern Italian cities His strict control over lands distributed to the nobles


What was the most significant food item introduced from Europe to the New World? Meat Wheat Olive oil Sugar


What was the predominant agricultural activity in the Yangzi River basin? Rice farming Wheat farming Cotton farming Vegetable farming


What was the purpose of Gobekli Tepe? Religious observation Recreation Burial grounds Government buildings


What was the religious policy of the Gupta emperors? They were Hindu but tolerated all faiths. They encouraged the adoption of Islam. They demanded that their subjects be Hindus. They persecuted Buddhists.


What were chinampas? Floating gardens Early religious leaders Weapons Human sacrifices


When did the Zhou rise up and overthrow the Shang? Around 1050 B.C.E. Around 2250 B.C.E. Around 1400 B.C.E. Around 3150 B.C.E.


Where did Sumerians build their largest temples? In the center of the city On the outskirts of the cities In the middle of crop fields On man-made islands in the river


Where did most Renaissance artists receive their training? In the workshops of older artists In monasteries, decorating manuscripts From books on art techniques At Dominican-run universities


Where did the Olmec civilization flourish? In the coastal lowlands of Mexico In the high mountains of South America In the flat plains of northern Mexico In interior valleys of Central America


Where was William the Conqueror from? Normandy Scotland Ireland Spain


Which English king was forced to sign the Magna Carta? John I Richard II Henry VII William II


Which civilization produced some of the best iron products in the world? Meroë Sumer India Persia


Which feature of the remains of the Neolithic-era Village at Banpo, pictured in Global Viewpoints, is indicative of this community's sedentary nature? The existence of storage pits The uneven depth of the pits The close proximity of the pits in relation to one another The relatively small number of pits


Which fifth-century Merovingian leader helped unify the Franks? Clovis Charles Martel Gregory Merovech


Which nation won the Hundred Years' War, thanks in part to the efforts of Joan of Arc? France England Germany Spain


Which of the following allowed Homo sapiens to migrate to Australia and New Guinea? Simple rafts Large boats Swimming Land bridges


Which of the following describes religious practices in western Sudan? They were animistic and polytheistic. Most people adhered to Islam. Christianity became the norm once it was introduced into Ethiopia. People in that region of Africa practiced an extinct form of monotheism.


Which of the following facilitated communication between China, Vietnam, and Japan? Japan, Korea, and Vietnam adopted the Chinese script for writing. Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China developed a common sign language. All three used the same phonetic script for writing. All three societies used the same spoken language.


Which of the following is true of Paleolithic mating patterns? Most Paleolithic humans sought mates from outside their kinship groups. Mates were generally people taken captive in conflict. Most mates were purchased from a distant tribal group. Mates were usually selected from within the same kinship group.


Which of the following is true of the Hellenistic city? It resembled modern cities and served as both a cultural and an economic center. It had homogeneous populations. It was overseen by kings with limited authority. It was hampered by an inefficient bureaucracy that proved difficult to maintain.


Which of the following statements is true about women in ancient Aryan society? Women lived in patrilineal and patriarchal tribal groups. Women could never remarry if widowed. Almost all females were married while they were still children. Women were economically equal to men and could hold property.


Which of the following was a focus of the religious movement known as Sufism? Divine love and knowledge through intuition rather than rational deduction and study The interests of women The overthrow of the caliphate Knowledge through rational deduction and the rejection of the mysticism of other major religions of the time


Which of the following was a result of increased Japanese contact with the Asian mainland in the eighth century C.E.? A smallpox epidemic A general decline in prices due to competition The disappearance of the Japanese language The introduction of Buddhism


Which of the following was an important consequence of the Renaissance? The gulf between the learned minority and uneducated majority increased. Scholars and artists increasingly came from economically humble origins. The social and economic status of women improved. The culture of village life came to be dominated by Christian humanism.


Which of the following was true of Spartan men? Their most meaningful relationships were same-sex ones. They valued family above all else. They viewed military service as a necessary evil. They saw their wives as partners and equals.


Which of these best describes England at the time of the death of Henry VII? At peace both domestically and internationally At war both domestically and internationally At peace domestically but at war internationally At war domestically, but at peace internationally


Which of these was an important source of revenue for Shang kings? War booty Import taxes Religious tithes Sales taxes


Which of these was primarily "women's work" during the Neolithic period? Weaving cloth Herding sheep and goats Hunting Plowing fields


Who founded the Umayyad Dynasty? Mu'awiya Ali Uthman Umar


Who was the first European explorer to realize that Columbus had discovered an unknown continent? Amerigo Vespucci Bartholomew Diaz Pedro Álvares Cabral Vasco da Gama


Why did older men have the most power in the Mesopotamian social system? Mesopotamian societies were patriarchal. Older men tended to form political alliances with powerful priests. Older men presided over important ancestor-worship rituals. The most important value in Mesopotamian society was reverence for elders.


Why did the Carthaginians recall Hannibal from Italy? The Romans had attacked Carthage itself. His father was dying. He had disgraced himself there. He had served his full term as general.


Why might Pure Land Buddhism have appealed to ordinary people? It taught that simple faith in Buddha was enough for salvation. It urged a social reordering to improve the conditions of the peasantry. It incorporated many aspects of native Japanese religion. It rejected all Chinese and Indian influences.


Why was the growth of great empires (like those in Mesopotamia and Egypt) less likely to develop in ancient Greece? The rugged terrain discouraged expansion of any one center. Greek military technology was slow to develop. Its people were too ethnically and culturally diverse. The dominance of a middle class, not peasants, worked against empire building.


Why were madrasas important to the Muslim world? They attempted to prepare men for religious and legal responsibilities. They encouraged the understanding of Aristotelian thought. They prepared young men for business careers. They encouraged young men to develop military talents.


_____ is the worlds oldest metal type print book. Jujki Juseyo Chway Aniyo


_____ was proven to be a forgery by Lorenzo Valla. Donation of Constantine Donation of Philip Donation of Charlemagne Donation of Pepin


_____ were an African trading class. Wangara scribes plebians Brahman


The Tale of Genji

A Japanese literary masterpiece about court life written by Lady


A Native American culture that thrived along Peru's northern coast between 100 and 800 C.E.


A large and prosperous Aztec city that was built starting in 1325. The Spanish admired it when they entered in 1519.


A program of study designed by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature.

Protestant Reformation

A religious reform movement that began in the early sixteenth century and split the Western Christian Church.

Ptolemy's Geography

A second-century work translated into Latin around 1410 that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduced latitude and longitude markings.

Esoteric Buddhism

A sect of Buddhism that maintains that the secrets of enlightenment have been secretly transmitted from the Buddha and can be accessed through initiation into the mandalas, mudras, and mantras.

Punic Wars

A series of three wars between Rome and Carthage in which Rome emerged the victor.


A small, maneuverable, three-masted sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade.

encomienda system

A system whereby the Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of indigenous peoples as laborers and to demand tribute payments from them in exchange for providing food, shelter, and instruction in the Christian faith.

stateless societies

African collectives bound together by ethnic or blood ties rather than by being political territories.

According to Aristotle, true knowledge could be discerned from which of the following? Prayer or divine intervention Observations of the real world Specialized religious ritual Contemplation of perfect possibilities


According to Luther, how did one achieve salvation? Through missionary work Through faith alone By being predestined to receive it From all good works


According to Map 10.2, "African Kingdoms and Trade, ca. 800-1500," based on their size and number, along which major river did many of Africa's largest and most numerous trade centers develop? The Congo The Niger The Nile The Limpopo


According to Map 12.3, "The Spice Trade, ca. 100 B.C.E.-1500 C.E.," which cities or countries were most likely to engage in the ever-increasing spice trade? Those that were located on or near the Caspian Sea Those that were maritime powers Those that were accessible to the trade routes that ran through the Tibetan Plateau Those that were located along major inland waterways in southern and eastern Asia


According to Map 16.1, "The Fifteenth-Century Afroeurasian Trading World," what evidence exists to suggest that Zheng He intended to impose Ming dominance over trade? His route showed he sought to trade in a wide variety of goods. His route mimicked those of predominant Indian Ocean trade routes. His route covered an enormous distance. His route showed he was careful to avoid contact with such maritime powers as the Portuguese.


According to Map 4.1, "The Geography of Historical China," what geographic feature was likely very important to many Neolithic settlements? Access to the Korean peninsula Nearness to river ways Access to the sea Close proximity to mountains


According to Map 9.1, "The Expansion of Islam, 622-900," during which of the following periods did Islam experience the largest territorial growth? 622-632 632-656 656-750 750-900


According to the Book of Documents, what did a ruler have to do to retain the Mandate of Heaven? Expand his territorial holdings Govern in the best interests of the people Remain humble and discreet Make sacrifices to the gods


According to the Book of Documents, what did a ruler have to do to retain the Mandate of Heaven? Make sacrifices to the gods Govern in the best interests of the people Remain humble and discreet Expand his territorial holdings


According to the Qur'an and Muslim law, what kinds of punishments were required for licentious behavior? Harsh punishments were given to women, but no punishments were given to men. Both men and women were to receive the same punishments. No punishments were given, because sexual behavior is not controlled. Only light punishments were given to women; none were given to men


According to the Upanishads, what is moksha? A cleansing fire ritual for women after childbirth Release from the wheel of life and freedom from reincarnation Human reincarnation as a lower animal The cosmic tally of one's deeds


According to the philosophy of the Laozi, people would be better off if they did what? Learned to read Knew less Developed new tools Traveled more


After defeating Athens in the Peloponnesian War, Sparta was defeated in 371 B.C.E. by what city-state? Delos Thebes Corinth Alexandria


Among the many weaknesses of the First Crusaders' army was their lack of what? Knights Strong leadership Enthusiasm Military experience


As Holy Roman emperor, Charles V inherited authority over diverse lands and viewed it as his particular duty to keep what unified? The New World Western Christendom Other royal marriages Scholastic education


Ashoka's religious policies spurned all other religions except Buddhism. supported orthodoxy in Buddhism. weakened the central government of the empire. were directed at the suppression of Jainism.


Based on Map 6.2, "Roman Expansion, 262 B.C.E.-180 C.E.," which of the following was likely attractive to the Romans due to its strategic importance as a harbor city? Jerusalem Carthage Lugdunum Corduba


Based upon the trade and settlement patterns of the Phoenicians in the map "Phoenician Settlements in the Mediterranean," which of the following is true? Their voyages brought them into contact with the Babylonians. They were master shipbuilders. They likely never encountered Egyptians. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were vital to their trade routes.


By the classical era, Greek religion focused on which of the following? Monotheistic worship of Zeus as the one true god Worship of a group of gods understood to live on Mount Olympus Individual worship of a polis's chosen deity and abandonment of all Pan-Hellenic rituals Worship of only male deities, as female deities came to be seen as too powerless


By the mid-sixteenth century, what empire had established control over eastern Mediterranean routes to trading centers in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the rest of North Africa? Safavid Ottoman Mali Spain


For what did Neolithic peoples use obsidian? It was woven into carpets to make them stronger. It was used to make knives and blades. It was easily carved into storage jars. It was melted to construct plow blades.


Gender standards of the Renaissance required men in political power to be which of the following? Financially independent Married Young and healthy Born into the upper class


How are Roman women portrayed in Rome's founding legends? Dominant and superior Virtuous and brave Conniving and deceitful Meek and quiet


How did Cortés defeat the Aztec Empire? He had help from Pizarro. He allied with the Tlaxcala. He promised Aztec slaves freedom. With only six hundred Spaniards, he marched into Tenochtitlan.


How did Egyptians view the afterlife? As a place of punishment As pleasant As a fictional realm that nonetheless inspired great wonder As bleak and very frightening


How did Romans view slavery during the republic? The only people who could be taken as slaves were North Africans. It was an unfortunate state but one from which a slave might become free. It became less economically important over time as Rome grew to include more citizens. It was viewed as a lifelong condition for the enslaved.


How did Rome solve the problem of feeding its growing population? Leaders started subsidizing the cost of basic commodities. Emperors provided free bread, oil, and wine to the population. The Senate forced thousands of residents out of the city to colonize the frontiers. Emperors combined small tenant farms into huge agricultural operations.


How did Socrates die? hanged poison natural causes beheaded


How did most Muslim marriages come about? Couples usually met at school. Marriages were arranged by families or guardians. Local religious leaders served as matchmakers for young people. A girl was encouraged to choose her spouse from among her father's employees.


How did people of the Byzantine Empire view themselves? They saw themselves as Greeks because of their close cultural relationship with Greece. They considered themselves Romans as Byzantium was the eastern part of the Roman Empire. They saw themselves as something new, calling themselves the Byzantines. They considered themselves Persians because most of the rulers of the Byzantine Empire were Persian.


How did the Hellenistic city differ from the polis? It perceived itself as a community of citizens. It was not autonomous and had to follow royal orders. It tolerated same-sex relations. It was united by religious rituals.


How did the Muslim tradition of veiling women likely originate? According to the Qur'an, Aisha, the prophet's wife, began the practice. The custom of veiling was probably of Byzantine or Persian origin. The veiling of women had long been mandatory in pre-Islamic Arab traditions. Abraham, an early Islamic prophet, had required it for the women who followed him into exile.


How did women's work change as a result of settled agriculture? Women became merchants because they now had time to produce things to sell. Women likely began to spend more time tending to household needs. Women continued to be quite mobile and continued to add to family diet through foraging. Women were responsible for working the fields while their husbands hunted.


How is the intellectual and toolmaking superiority of Homo sapiens reflected in Map1.1, "Human Migration in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras"? Homo sapiens travelled faster. Homo sapiens travelled farther and crossed bodies of water. Homo sapiens often mimicked the routes travelled by Homo erectus. Homo sapiens travelled primarily along coastlines.


How was Roman society divided in the early republic? Between Roman citizens and non-Romans who were seen as subject peoples Into two groups—the patricians and the plebeians Between Roman citizens and their slaves Between urban and rural dwellers


Humanist and Renaissance ideas of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were spread by what new technology? Stirrups Printing press Paper Telegraph


In 1545, the papacy created what body to help plan the Church's response to the Reformation? The Council of Worms The Council of Trent The Council of Rome The Council of Augsburg


In general, how did residents of ancient cities tend to view residents of rural areas? City dwellers tried to imitate the people of the rural areas. City dwellers viewed themselves as more sophisticated. City dwellers saw themselves as equal to the farmers. City dwellers looked up to and envied those who lived in the country.


In order to do well on the civil service examinations, Song students typically did what to prepare? Traveled abroad to learn the ways of other cultures Mastered specific forms of composition, including poetry Studied pending and recent legislation Adopted Zen Buddhist meditation techniques


In terms of India's geography, what regions have been home to its great empires? Jungles of the Vindhya Mountains Fertile plains in the river valleys Forests at the foot of the Himalayas Deserts of the Rajasthan regions


In the Inca Empire, what was the mit'a? The system of maintenance for the royal mummies The system of conscripting labor from villages The system of collecting monetary taxes The system for drafting soldiers


In the mid-twelfth century, which of the following created a subsistence crisis in Central Asia? A sustained drought led to crop failure and other hardships. A drop in the mean annual temperature led to agricultural problems. An outbreak of plague caused widespread death among agricultural workers. A population boom put pressures on agricultural resources.


In what area did the Greeks probably influence Indian societies the most? writing art food architecture


In what way was the Moche civilization similar to the Aztec? Nahuatl was spoken by both the Moche and the Aztec. Both the Moche and the Aztec sacrificed prisoners of war. Both civilizations originated in northern Mexico. Huitzilopochtli was worshiped by peoples of both societies.


Many positions in the Mongol Empire's administration went to which ethnic group? Turks Uighur Turks Persians Chinese


Military rule in Japan emerged from the combination of a native warrior tradition and what else? The impact of Korean invasions Confucian ethical principles of duty to superiors The rise of a civil service class The influence of an aristocratic court


One of the duties assigned to the Dominicans was to preach to city dwellers about what topic? Crusading Heresy Monastic reform The need for education


One of the earliest deities Egyptians worshiped was Amon, god of the dead. the sun. the underworld. fertility.


One of the main goals of Christian humanism was to reform which of the following? Italian bankers The Christian Church The Holy Roman Empire The Crusader states


Philip II of Macedonia was able to conquer Greece because the Greek city-states were still occupied fighting the Persians. unable to put aside their quarrels and unite to defend themselves. unprepared for his surprise attack. severely weakened by earthquakes.


Pope Gregory VII, in an attempt to assert more papal authority over the church, declared that any layperson, including rulers, who appointed a church official should face what action? They should be reinvested. They should be excommunicated. They should be investigated. They should be re-ordained.


Sumerian scribes were trained largely to do what? To record religious texts and ritual manuals To keep property and wealth records To write tax documents and legal cases To write official histories of royal families


The Aryans spoke an early form of what language? Hindi Sanskrit Persian Tamil


The Khmer Empire was centered in what modern-day country? Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Laos


The Neanderthals of Europe were a branch of what hominid group? Australopithecus Homo erectus Homo habilis Homo sapiens


The Sumerian mathematical system was based on units of sixty, ten, and six and survives in what modern system? Musical notation Time measurement Calculus Square roots


The symmetry of the ruins of Mohejo-daro pictured here is indicative of the possibility that this settlement was not typically in contact with outsiders. well-planned. started by a migratory people. ruled by a power king or queen.


Timur, who arose as a new conqueror as Mongol rule declined, began as which of the following? A Persian scholar A Turkish noble A Uighur herdsman A Mongolian nomad


Under Augustus, women could be freed from male guardianship if they had a son killed in a war. had a certain number of children. were related to Augustus. bought their freedom from the state.


Unity in the Maya world was developed by a common language and what activity? A common way of dressing Extensive trade and commerce The development of a strong centralized government Intermarriage between Maya and Olmec communities


What Hindu text urges action in this world? Rig Veda Bhagavad Gita The Sutras Ramayana


What advantage did Xunzi have when compared to Confucius and Mencius? He offered broad ideas that were less developed and detailed. He had considerable political experience. He trained to be a priest and thought heaven should be involved in human affairs. His father had been a philosopher as well.


What are priests referred to as in the Indian caste system? Buddhas Brahmins Shudras Jains


What are sutras in the Buddhist tradition? Animals sacrificed to the Buddha The written teachings of the Buddha The steps on the Eightfold Path Sacred names taken by monks


What are sutras in the Buddhist tradition? Animals sacrificed to the Buddha The written teachings of the Buddha The steps on the Eightfold Path Sacred names taken by monks


What commodity from the Americas did the French find most profitable? Iron ore Furs Slaves Silver


What did the Aryans use to ease the difficult task of clearing the jungle? Pesticides Iron tools Fire Wooden plows


What did the use of plows allow Neolithic people to do? Spend less time working Produce a significant amount of surplus food Develop less specialized economies Develop the first religions


What does the term ghana mean? "Rain maker" "War chief" "The divine" "Father"


What does this illustration reveal about educational norms during the Middle Ages? Lectures were typically frowned upon as a preferred method of instruction. Females were deemed intellectually inferior to males. Students and instructors were typically adorned with the same robes. Pupils were expected to be active participants in lecture sessions.


What family came to dominate Korea following a coup in 1196? The Liao family The Ch'oe family The Honen family The Minamoto clan


What goods predominated in the trade of Central Asian nomads? Textiles Horses and fur Grain Iron


What happened to Alexander's empire following his death? Athens declared its independence from Macedonia. His empire was torn apart by more than forty years of civil war. His empire was peacefully partitioned by a trio of powerful generals. His son ruled briefly as emperor until he was assassinated.


What happened to Alexander's empire following his death? His empire was peacefully partitioned by a trio of powerful generals. His empire was torn apart by more than forty years of civil war. Athens declared its independence from Macedonia. His son ruled briefly as emperor until he was assassinated.


What happened to the father of Temujin (or Chinggis Khan)? He was captured and enslaved by a rival. He was poisoned by a rival. No one knows because his story is lost. He was killed by his wife.


What important position did Solon hold as he reformed Athens? Tyrant Archon King Emperor


What important theological issue did the Nicene Creed address? It stated that secular leaders could intervene in spiritual concerns. It explained the nature of Christ's divinity. It supported the ideas of Arianism. It denied that Christ was as divine as God the Father.


What is Ahimsa? heavan non-violence type of warfare spiritual awakening


What is the term for a social system built around male dominance? Pastoralism Patriarchy Theocracy Matriarchy


What likely caused the fifteenth-century decline of Great Zimbabwe? High mortality rates owing to diseases brought by Arab traders Agriculturally unproductive land Exhausted gold mines Corrupt rulers


What major climate change occurred about 15,000 years ago? El Nino wind patterns first developed. Temperatures warmed and glaciers melted. Temperatures became slightly colder. Monsoon patterns began.


What major climate change occurred about 15,000 years ago? Monsoon patterns began. Temperatures warmed and glaciers melted. El Nino wind patterns first developed. Temperatures became slightly colder.


What material was used for writing in Mesopotamia? Animal bones Soft clay Parchment Papyrus


What method did early states use to control their populace? Exemption from taxation Threats of violence Promises of wealth Offers of free food


What new method for choosing government officials was introduced in 605 C.E. under the Sui Dynasty? Monastic training Written examinations Military challenges Oral examinations


What personal change did Ashoka make following the conquest of Kalinga? He converted to Jainism and became an ascetic monk. He converted to Buddhism after witnessing the horror of war. He became a paranoid, reclusive emperor. He divorced his wife and married a Kalingan princess.


What policy guided the Viking king Canute's rule of England? Divide and conquer Assimilation and reconciliation Increased tribute payments Rule of law enforced by sheriffs


What qualified Bodhisattvas to help guide Buddhist believers to enlightenment? They were descendants of the Buddha himself. They had already achieved enlightenment. They were once Brahmin priests before converting. They could recite the most prayers from memory.


What roles did the druids fill in Celtic society? They were largely military leaders and scribes They served religious and legal functions. They served as clan elders and bards. They were chieftains and scribes.


What surrounded Sumerian temples? The king's palace The houses of ordinary citizens Barren land Forests


What was one of the Carolingians' disadvantages when faced with Viking attacks? They lacked money for supplies. They suffered because of their lack of a navy to fight Viking ships. They relied on the gods to intercede and save them. They had inadequate military equipment made of inferior metals.


What was one of the most unique features of Harappan cities? Assembly halls Drainage systems Wide roads Communal wells


What was the Rig Veda? The name given to Harappan texts An oral collection of ritual texts, treatises, and hymns A collection of Greek epics borrowed by the Aryans An oral collection of military stories


What was the most important subject studied at any medieval university? Logic Theology Law Medicine


What was the name of an important mound-building people who existed in present-day Ohio? Mississippian Hopewell Anasazi Hohokam


What were Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco in Aztec society? Twin gods Twin cities Sacred temples Co-rulers


Which Buddhist school of thought appealed to laypeople during the Tang era? Zen school Pure Land school Theravada school Chan school


Which area of East Asia was the least affected by Chinese cultural influences? Korea Tibet Japan Vietnam


Which of the following allowed Homo sapiens to migrate to Australia and New Guinea? Swimming Simple rafts Land bridges Large boats


Which of the following describes the similarities between Islamic, European, and Chinese education systems? All three discouraged debate among teachers. All three required students to master a sacred language. All three encouraged unmarried women to go to schools. All three separated education from religious texts.


Which of the following did Masako, widow of Minamoto Yoritomo, work to preserve? Women's literature The interests of the Hōjō family Shingon Buddhism Minamoto's line of succession and the power of her firstborn son


Which of the following dominate Central Asian geography? Tropical forests Arid grasslands High mountain ranges Fertile plains


Which of the following foods dominated the diet of Paleolithic foragers? Trapped animals Plants Fish Hunted animals


Which of the following helped form Luther's understanding of Christianity as relying only on faith, grace, and Scripture? His father's personal faith His study of Saint Paul's letters in the New Testament His successful tenure at the University of Wittenberg His close reading of Plato in Greek


Which of the following is associated with Jainism? Democracy Nonviolence Gender equality Personal liberty


Which of the following is true of the Minoans? They were a matriarchal society that lived on the island of Sicily. They formed a society that lived on the island of Crete. They were the first peoples who formed a society on the Greek peninsula. They settled in Greece after they were driven from their homes in Persia.


Which of the following refers to heavily armed Greek foot soldiers? Acropolis Hoplites Legionaries Chora


Which of the following statements is true about women in ancient Aryan society? Women were economically equal to men and could hold property. Women lived in patrilineal and patriarchal tribal groups. Women could never remarry if widowed. Almost all females were married while they were still children.


Which of the following was a consequence of Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324-1325? Europeans attempted to convert the people of Mali to Christianity. The Mediterranean world gained knowledge of the wealth of Mali. Berbers began invading Mali in order to capture its gold. Egypt and Arabia closed itself off from Mali trade.


Which of the following was an important activity of the Eastern Turks? They practiced settled agriculture. They frequently raided China. They controlled a united confederation. They were Buddhists.


Which of the following was true of the Aryans? They were the native people of the Ganges Valley. They spoke an Indo-European language. They were a warrior people who destroyed the Indus civilization. They put an end to the strict Harappan caste system.


Which of the following was true of the emperor Constantine? He abdicated his power. He supported Christianity. He was assassinated by the army. He raised taxes on clergy.


Which of the following was true of the emperor Constantine? He was assassinated by the army. He supported Christianity. He abdicated his power. He raised taxes on clergy.


Who chose Taizu to become the first emperor of the Song Dynasty? Buddhist monks The army Khitan warlords His civilian followers through a popular election


Who helped the Zhou kings rule their newly conquered kingdom? Military experts from Korea and Japan Family members and other loyal followers A powerful, centralized bureaucracy Local, native warlords


Who settled the dispute over Spain and Portugal's competing claims to the Americas? The Holy Roman emperor Pope Alexander VI Pedro Álvares Cabral King Ferdinand of Spain


Who was at the head of each Aryan tribal group? An assembly of tribesmen A raja or chief A head priest A god-king


Who was the author of the Aeneid? Augustus Virgil Cicero Julius Caesar


Who were known as "clients" in Sumer? Household slaves Free people who were dependent on the nobility Indentured servants who had contracts with local nobles Destitute persons supported by the city temple


Who were known as "clients" in Sumer? Indentured servants who had contracts with local nobles Free people who were dependent on the nobility Destitute persons supported by the city temple Household slaves


Why did Mencius believe that a benevolent ruler would be successful? He would be proclaimed a god. He would have his subjects' loyalty. He would be able to intimidate his subjects. He would never be invaded or attacked.


Why did the Hittites and Egyptians conclude a peace treaty in 1258 B.C.E.? Persia Meroë Sumer India


Why did the Huns retreat from Italy in the mid fifth century? They were forced out by Visigoths. They were weakened by disease and poor food supply. They did not find what they needed. Their leader, Attila, had died, and their new leader wanted to return home.


Why was the ius gentium important to Roman society? It provided for the impeachment of the consuls. It covered both Roman citizens and foreigners as a kind of universal law. It limited the rights of patricians and elevated plebeians. It was the first written law code in the Mediterranean world.


Why were slaves in high demand throughout the Hellenistic world? Slaves were traded for goods from China and India. Manual labor continued to produce most goods. Large-scale agriculture was dependent on slaves. Monarchs equated their power with how many slaves they owned.


According to Aristotle, true knowledge could be discerned from which of the following? Contemplation of perfect possibilities Prayer or divine intervention Observations of the real world Specialized religious ritual


According to Hammurabi's code, who controlled a woman's dowry after she married? The woman's father The woman's husband The woman herself A judge


According to Map 13.1, "East Asia in 1000 and 1200," which region in East Asia experienced the least impact from the territorial changes that occurred between 1000 and 1200? Song China Tanggut Champa Liao


According to Map 2.1, "Spread of Cultures in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley, ca. 3000-1640 B.C.E.," which major geographic feature did Egypt and Mesopotamia have in common? Neolithic sites Marshlands that often restricted human travel Major rivers that facilitated trade and communication The Mediterranean Sea


According to Map 2.2, "Empires and Migrations in the Eastern Mediterranean," which of the following would have made Egypt a difficult region to invade, as some historians have suggested? The Nile River cut straight through the heart of the kingdom. The waters of the Mediterranean Sea where it meets the Nile Delta were rough. The Red Sea could make passage through much of the Arabian Desert especially difficult. The deserts surrounded the narrow swath of land occupied by the kingdom.


According to Map 2.3, "The Assyrian and Persian Empires, ca. 1000-500 B.C.E.," at its height which of the following regions fell within the boundaries of the Persian Empire? Macedonia Greece Mesopotamia The Arabian Peninsula


According to Map 6.2, "Roman Expansion, 262 B.C.E.-180 C.E.," which region was home to the largest number of land trade routes? Germania Spain Gaul Britain


According to Maps 4.1 and 4.2, which of the following is likely true of the Zhou Dynasty? They housed numerous urban settlements. They often came into contact with peoples from Mesopotamia. They inherited the traditions of Neolithic culture. They found trade to be difficult.


According to Maps 4.1 and 4.2, which of the following is likely true of the Zhou Dynasty? They often came into contact with peoples from Mesopotamia. They found trade to be difficult. They inherited the traditions of Neolithic culture. They housed numerous urban settlements.


According to advocates of Legalism, what characteristics should the ideal government have? Government should be small and weak. All governmental leaders should be highly moral and pious. Government should be bureaucratic and authoritarian. Government should put an end to social hierarchy.


According to legend, what saint Christianized Ireland? Christopher Jerome Patrick Benedict


According to the Dutch humanist Erasmus, what was the key to moral improvement? Public demonstrations of piety Strict control of the papacy Education The suppression of vice


According to the Upanishads, what is moksha? A cleansing fire ritual for women after childbirth The cosmic tally of one's deeds Release from the wheel of life and freedom from reincarnation Human reincarnation as a lower animal


According to the map "The Warring States, 403-221 B.C.E.," what advantage did regions such as Qin or Chu have over Han or Wei? They had more direct access to the East China Sea. Their relatively similar size reduced the possibility of political fragmentation. Their ease of expansion gave them access to more resources. They had more direct access to major rivers.


Among the Asante in modern-day Ghana and the Yoruba in modern-day Nigeria, what figure held power equal to or even greater than the king? The chief priest The son of the king The Queen Mother The wife of the king


Approximately when did the Chinese begin to practice agriculture? 1000 B.C.E. 5000 B.C.E. 9000 B.C.E. 750 B.C.E.


As Neolithic religious structures became more hierarchical, what was the purpose of the most important religious practice? Foretelling the future Ensuring military success Ensuring fertility Granting a special skill


As in Egypt, Harappan agriculture was aided by which of the following? Man-made lakes Monsoon rains A long, hot growing season Mild temperatures


Ban Zhao's Admonitions for Women promoted the ideal virtues for Han women, particularly the virtue of physical strength. humility. pride. piety.


Barbarians migrated into Roman territory looking for which of the following? Women for brides or slaves The knowledge and skills needed to make iron Better supplies and more farmland A promised holy site


Based on Map 6.2, "Roman Expansion, 262 B.C.E.-180 C.E.," which of the following was likely attractive to the Romans due to its strategic importance as a harbor city? Jerusalem Corduba Carthage Lugdunum


Beginning about 9000 B.C.E., people in the Fertile Crescent began to domesticate what crop? Yams Rice Wheat Squash


Beginning in the sixth millennium B.C.E., people attached wooden sticks to frames and pack animals to use as a simple version of what developing technology? Fences to mark boundaries of territory Weapons Plows Early threshers


By 800, how might the Tang Dynasty be characterized? It was just beginning its rise. It had just been defeated by the Uighur. It was in decline with a weak government. It was in the midst of a golden age.


By the middle of the thirteenth century, there were many Mongol converts to Catholicism. Muslims in power in China. Nestorian Christians in Central Asia. Chinese in positions of power in Mongolia.


During the Struggle of the Orders, how did the plebeians force political concessions? All plebeians declined to pay annual taxes and local fees. Plebian farmers refused to sell agricultural goods to the cities. Plebian men refused to serve in the military. Plebian leaders ordered the assassination of several senators and consuls.


During the rule of Khubilai in China, how did Mongols interact with the Chinese people and their culture? Mongols adopted Chinese-style housing and gave up their use of yurts. Mongol governors and other administrators were required to wear Chinese-style clothing. Chinese were treated as legally inferior to all non-Chinese. Mongols adopted many Chinese cultural practices.


During which of the following periods did the ancestor common to both chimpanzees and humans probably live? 3 to 5 million years ago 12 to 14 million years ago 5 to 7 million years ago 10 to 12 million years ago


How did China's population change between 742 and 1100? It rose to approximately 50 million people. It stayed stagnant, remaining at what it had been in 2 C.E. It doubled, making China's population the largest of any country in the world. It declined steadily due to famine.


How did Gaius Marius recruit men to serve in an African campaign? He recruited them by paying them gold coins. He promised them citizenship. He promised land to landless men in return for their service. He offered to pardon them if they had been criminals.


How did Rome solve the problem of feeding its growing population? Leaders started subsidizing the cost of basic commodities. The Senate forced thousands of residents out of the city to colonize the frontiers. Emperors provided free bread, oil, and wine to the population. Emperors combined small tenant farms into huge agricultural operations.


How did the Hebrew religion change as a result of the Babylonian Captivity? It almost disappeared. It was adopted by the Chaldeans. It was redefined and established as the law of Yahweh. It was exposed to Zoroastrianism.


How did the Maya survive their arid environment? They hauled water from the coast. They dug deep wells. They found water in deep natural wells. They used irrigation canals.


How did the Muslim military elite ensure the recruitment of troops and their loyalty? They scattered soldiers as landlords across conquered lands. They promised military recruits eternal salvation. They provided soldiers with a monthly ration of food and an annual cash stipend. They created new cities that offered special amenities for retired soldiers.


How did the development of China compare with that of India and Mesopotamia? China had many more cultural breaks in its history. China had no written language. China had little contact with other people in Eurasia. China engaged in much more long-distance trade with other civilizations.


How did the influx of migrants from the Arabian peninsula affect the lives of the coastal people of East Africa? The migrants had little to no influence as they remained strictly segregated from the indigenous peoples. The Arabs introduced a strict social and racial hierarchy to the native culture and prohibited marriage between Arabs and Africans. The migrants introduced Islamic culture, intermarried with Africans, and helped form a society that combined Asian, African, and Islamic traits. The Arabs aggressively spread Islamic culture throughout the region and suppressed more traditional religious beliefs and cultural practices.


In 727 B.C.E., King Piye conquered and unified Egypt from his home kingdom of Babylonia. Persia. Kush. Phoenicia.


In 771 B.C.E., the Zhou capital was moved to what city after the king was killed and replaced by his son? Chang-an Anyang Luoyang Beijing


In early Germanic villages, which of the following indicated a man's wealth and determined his social status? The number of wives he had The amount of land he owned The number of cattle he possessed His relationship with the king


In organizing his army, Chinggis Khan sought to do which of the following? Use exclusively Chinese units Incorporate women into the cavalry Break traditional tribal loyalties Mix infantry and cavalry in one unit


In what region did the first known states develop? Persia Egypt Mesopotamia India


Khipu, a method for recording information, was made out of what? Animal bones Stone Strings Obsidian


Khubilai discouraged the Mongols in China from doing what? Learning to read Chinese Returning to Mongolia Marrying the Chinese Harming Chinese citizens


Of all the religions the Mongols encountered, which expanded the most under their empire? Buddhism Orthodox Christianity Islam Catholicism


On which of the following did the prosperity of the Indus (Harappan) civilization depend? Their skill in making and trading jewelry Extensive trade with China Intensive cultivation of the fertile river valley The religious toleration shown to conquered peoples


One result of the Struggle of the Orders was the creation of a law code that made all patricians more powerful than plebeians. plebeians more powerful than patricians. citizens, plebeian and patrician, equal before the law. Roman-born citizens more important than foreigners.


Paleolithic humans may have encouraged the growth of new plants by doing what? Planting seeds Harvesting crops Setting fires Hunting large game


Prior to becoming a bishop, Ambrose of Milan had received what kind of training? Military Rhetoric Legal Medical


Scholars speculate that crops such as bananas and plantains originated where? They are indigenous to Africa. They were brought to Africa from South America. They were brought to Africa from Asia. They were brought to Africa from Europe.


Social hierarchies in early states were usually heightened by the introduction of what state mechanism? Coinage Economic records Written laws Written religious texts


The First Punic War ended with a Roman victory and the creation of Rome's first hospitals. monarchy. navy. diplomatic corps.


The Hebrews created a monarchy with Saul as leader by fighting what other Palestinian people in the eleventh century B.C.E.? Assyrians Egyptians Philistines Phoenicians


The Mahayana Buddhism that spread to Central Asia was influenced by Iranian religions to become more sacrificial. ritualistic. devotional. monastic.


The assembly called by Charles V in Valladolid, Spain, in 1550 debated what issue? Relations with the Muslim Ottoman Empire The role of women in society The exploitation of the native population of the Americas The Catholic Counter-Reformation


The cult of which of the following was one of the most significant aspects of medieval religious life? The Holy Ghost The pope The saints The sacraments


The extensive coastline illustrated in Map 5.1, "Classical Greece, ca. 450 B.C.E.," played an important role in the development of major settlements in the interior of Anatolia. that region's numerous land-based trade routes. the Greeks as a seafaring people. a wide variety of agricultural products.


The hijra of 622 occurred when Muhammad and his followers fled to what city? Jerusalem Baghdad Medina Mecca


The plays of Sophocles emphasized the precedence of which of the following over human law and customs? Family needs Personal happiness Divine law Military success


The presence of the Ka'ba attracted pilgrims to what city? Baghdad Damascus Mecca Medina


To counter the temples' power, military leaders who became kings began to build what kinds of structures? Public cemeteries to honor war dead as heroes Rival temples to worship war gods Palaces to demonstrate the king's strength Marketplaces to highlight goods from conquered territories


To whom did the term pagan originally refer? Those who worshipped no god at all Those who worshipped more than one god Those who lived in the countryside Those who lived in the city


Under Qin Legalist principles, in addition to taxes, subjects owed the state which of the following? Animal sacrifice Worship of the emperor Labor service Proof of education


Under what circumstance could a woman in the Muslim world become educated? If she was born into a family of scholars If she owned enough slaves to do the housework If her husband or male guardian encouraged it If she first married and had children


Weakness in the Abbasid Empire was revealed when Tahir did which of the following? Invaded Baghdad and killed the caliph Declared the Umayyads to be the true caliphs Became governor of Khurasan and ruled it independently of Baghdad Founded the city of Cairo as a new trade center


What advantage did Xunzi have when compared to Confucius and Mencius? He offered broad ideas that were less developed and detailed. His father had been a philosopher as well. He had considerable political experience. He trained to be a priest and thought heaven should be involved in human affairs.


What are priests referred to as in the Indian caste system? Jains Buddhas Brahmins Shudras


What attracted Chinese women to Buddhism? It guaranteed every woman status as a bodhisattva. It accepted the idea of female rulers and female independence. It encouraged women to pursue salvation and serve the faith on terms nearly equal to men. It taught that being born female was higher than being born male.


What characteristics did the gods of polytheistic Neolithic societies develop? They were originally believed to resemble people but later were depicted as animals. They were seen as heavenly creatures with wings. They took on social hierarchies and had specific labor responsibilities. They were always depicted as strong animals.


What city did the Crusaders sack during the Fourth Crusade? Jerusalem Venice Constantinople Rome


What crime was Socrates tried and executed for in 399 B.C.E.? Denying the divinity of Zeus Giving information to a Persian intelligence agent Corrupting the youth of Athens Undermining the authority of the government


What determined the kind of monastic life available to someone in the Middle Ages? Level of education When he or she entered the monastery or convent Social class Degree of piety


What did Epicurus believe was the principal good of human life? Helping others The accumulation of power and wealth Pleasure, which he defined as the absence of pain Individual contribution to the civic life of the polis


What did Greco-Roman ships traveling down from the east coast of Africa take to trade with peoples of that region? Raw cotton and textiles Slaves for the East African markets Manufactured goods Ivory and animal skins


What did Paul of Tarsus advocate with regard to Christian ideals? That Christians should avoid contact with pagans That Christianity should be used to defeat Rome That Christ's teachings should be proclaimed to all That Christ's message applied only to Jews


What did the Arab invaders of the Sind and the Turkish invaders of Khurasan have in common? Ethnic background Respect for Hinduism Belief in Islam Interest in Buddhism


What did the Mongols force the Koryŏ leader(s) to do in the thirteenth century? Adopt Mongol names and customs Abdicate in favor of a Mongol king Move to Beijing Join forces with the Mongol army and invade China


What did the first Qin emperor standardize, enabling China to operate more efficiently? The prices for rice and wheat were set by the government so that no one paid more than others. Ritual celebrations were set to a calendar so that they could be observed everywhere at the same time. The Chinese script, weights, measures, and coinage were standardized to facilitate trade. Scholars were put to work on an official volume of Confucian theories so that religious rituals could be standardized.


What discovery marks the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic? Religion Burial Agriculture Stone tools


What dynasty did the Korean general Yi Song-gye found in 1392? Silla Ming Chosŏn Paekche


What happened after the Maya abandoned their cultural and ceremonial centers? The Maya were enslaved by the Aztecs. Mayan civilization declined and disappeared. Mayans preserved their culture by living in small farming communities. The Moche moved in and established their own civilization.


What important position did Solon hold as he reformed Athens? Emperor King Archon Tyrant


What is simony? A violation of clerical celibacy The purchase of church lands The sale of church offices A refusal to go on crusade


What is the Hindu concept of dharma? The balance sheet of good and bad deeds The belief in reincarnation The moral law that Hindus are to observe The rejection of ritualism


What is the first great nomad confederation that historians have clearly identified? The Scythians The Turks The Xiongnu (or Huns) The Uzbeks


What is the focus of the Japanese literary masterpiece The Tale of Genji? It tells the story of a civil war. It describes the life of a concubine in a small city. It depicts court life in great detail. It is an epic story of the creation of the Japanese people.


What is unusual about the written language of the Harappan people? It was written on papyrus and silk. It was very similar to Sumerian cuneiform. No one has yet deciphered it. It consisted of only four hundred letters.


What part of western Europe did the Muslims conquer in the ninth century? Italy France Sicily Spain


What rights did women have under pre-Islamic Arab tribal law? Women were protected from being sold into marriage. Early Arab laws allowed women to obtain divorce. Women had virtually no legal status or property or succession rights. Women had relatively equal political rights to men.


What role did the first rulers of Ur, Uruk, and other Sumerian city-states play? Merchants Scribes Priests Farmers


What term describes a crop that has been modified by selective breeding? Marketed Husbanded Domesticated Trained


What term is used for the first fully bipedal hominid known to palaeontologists? Homo habilis Homo sapiens Australopithecus Ardipithecus


What was life like for Jews living under Islam? They occupied a similar place to that of Jews living in Christian Europe. They had a status that was considerably lower than that of Christians. They participated fully in commercial and professional activities. They frequently found themselves subject to violent oppression.


What was one of the few specialist professions among the Mongol people? Wool felter Cheese maker Blacksmith Mare milker


What was relatively unusual about women in Roman families? They were not allowed to learn to read or write. They had no role in raising their children. They were able to inherit and own property. They seldom ventured outside their homes.


What was right outside the central core of Anyang? Farms Temples Industrial areas Merchants' shops


What was the Rig Veda? A collection of Greek epics borrowed by the Aryans An oral collection of military stories An oral collection of ritual texts, treatises, and hymns The name given to Harappan texts


What was the basic Germanic social unit? The family The individual The tribe The state


What was the most common form of leadership in the stateless societies of Africa? Kingship Theocracy Local council Dictatorship


What was the name Chinggis Khan was born with? Temuulen Otgonbaya Temujin Khulan


What was the term buddha mean? chosen one survivor enlightened one king


What was the ultimate virtue according to Confucius? Piety Physical strength Humanity Humility


What writings provide the historical documentation of the life of Jesus? The biographies written by his contemporaries tell his life story. Accounts written by Pontius Pilate provide the most comprehensive information. The four Gospels of the Bible provide the principal evidence for his life and deeds. The sermons he wrote are the main source for his life story.


Where did the Shang kings obtain the slaves that provided them with one of their most important sources of revenue? They were orphans who were taken by the king and sold into slavery. They were the king's former concubines, who were often sold into slavery. They were often men and women taken as war captives. They were people who were in debt to the king.


Which Persian emperor conquered the Indus Valley and Kashmir about 513 B.C.E.? Cambyses Xerxes Darius Cyrus


Which of the following describes the earliest Sumerian writings? They were written using the first known alphabet. Each symbol represented a sound in the spoken language. They were pictographs in which each sign pictured an object. They were ideograms in which each sign symbolized an idea.


Which of the following gave rise to a fundamental division in the umma and in Muslim theology? The failure of Abu Bakr to clearly designate his successor The civil war that arose between the followers of Uthman and Mu'awiya The assassination of Ali and the assumption of the caliphate by Mu'awiya Mu'awiya's decision to emphasize tribalism over Muslim political and religious unity


Which of the following is an estimate of the native population of the Americas in 1492? 75 million 250 million 50 million 100 million


Which of the following was a consequence of humans living in close proximity with animals? Humans began to consider animals as property. Humans spread disease to animals, leading to the extinction of some species. Humans were exposed to more pathogens. Humans had an easier time domesticating animals.


Which of the following was an important feature of the houses of Catal Huyuk? They were spaced apart to combat disease Elites lived in round houses with 2 doors They were made of mud brick They were constructed without roofs


Which of the following was true of Roman religion? It advocated human sacrifice. It was a deeply reflective religion emphasizing inner piety. It was largely a matter of rites and ceremonies, not inner piety. It was centered on ancestor worship.


Which of the following was true of Spartan men? They valued family above all else. They saw their wives as partners and equals. Their most meaningful relationships were same-sex ones. They viewed military service as a necessary evil.


Which of the following was true of the Mongol system of tax-farming in China? It allotted farmland to the highest bidders. It was favored by ordinary Chinese over their traditional taxes. It involved the sale of tax licenses to Central Asian Muslim merchants. It helped establish social stability.


Which statement is true about Tupac Amaru's resistance to the Spanish? He used Christian arguments to appeal directly to the king. His small-scale attacks only sped up Spanish colonization. Any time he got too close to the Spanish, he and his men were exposed to disease. His resistance was undermined by his allies.


Who was Chandragupta? A famous Greek ambassador who was sent to the Mauryan court The leader of Buddhist reform in India The founder of the Mauryan Empire The military leader who defeated Alexander the Great at Taxila


Who was Kautilya? India's greatest general An Aryan chieftain Chandragupta's minister The founder of Jainism


Who was the Carthaginian general who brought the Second Punic War to the gates of Rome? Tarquin the Proud Scipio Aemilianus Hannibal Pyrrhus


Who was the victor at the Battle of Hastings? Edward the Confessor Richard III William of Normandy Harold Godwinson


Why did Han officials encourage peasants to be independent and productive? All peasants had high social ambitions and were easily coerced into doing difficult jobs for the possibility of advancement. Most peasants also had secondary skills such as metalworking and weaving and were vital to keeping the economy strong. Peasants made up the bulk of the population and contributed vital taxes and labor services to the state. China's peasants were well known for their military skills and were required to serve in the emperor's army.


Why did Mencius believe that a benevolent ruler would be successful? He would be proclaimed a god. He would be able to intimidate his subjects. He would have his subjects' loyalty. He would never be invaded or attacked.


Why did Zhou Zheng travel so much in later life? he was looking for more territory to conquer he was looking for love (in all the wrong places) he was trying to find the fountain of youth he was bored


Why did older men have the most power in the Mesopotamian social system? The most important value in Mesopotamian society was reverence for elders. Older men tended to form political alliances with powerful priests. Mesopotamian societies were patriarchal. Older men presided over important ancestor-worship rituals.


Why did people in the early Americas not use the wheel? Anything circular was viewed as an omen of bad luck. Boats were preferred for transportation. There were no large animals to pull wagons. They failed to invent the wheel.


Why is the Book of Songs especially valuable for people studying early Zhou China? It explains the complexity of the Mandate of Heaven. It tells the story of China's first musicians. It serves as the best source for understanding everyday life at various social levels. It is a political manual much like India's Arthashastra.


Why is the Book of Songs especially valuable for people studying early Zhou China? It tells the story of China's first musicians. It explains the complexity of the Mandate of Heaven. It serves as the best source for understanding everyday life at various social levels. It is a political manual much like India's Arthashastra.


Why was the ius gentium important to Roman society? It provided for the impeachment of the consuls. It limited the rights of patricians and elevated plebeians. It covered both Roman citizens and foreigners as a kind of universal law. It was the first written law code in the Mediterranean world.


With which of these is Zhu Xi associated? Buddhism Legalism Neo-Confucianism Daoism


_____ were holy wars sponsored by papacy for recovery of the holy city of Jerusalem from the Muslims?



Campaign against witchcraft in Europe and European colonies during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in which hundreds of thousands of people, mostly women, were tried, and many of them executed

A follower of Confucius, Mencius claimed what about human beings? That people need to serve their rulers without question That people can never learn to recognize right from wrong That people should govern themselves That human nature is fundamentally good


According to Mahavira, what kinds of objects have souls? All animate objects, but only some inanimate objects, have souls. Only living creatures, human and animal, have souls. Only human beings have souls. All objects, living or inanimate, have souls.


According to Mahavira, what kinds of objects have souls? Only human beings have souls. Only living creatures, human and animal, have souls. All animate objects, but only some inanimate objects, have souls. All objects, living or inanimate, have souls.


According to Map 11.2, "Major North American Agricultural Societies, ca. 600-1500 C.E.," which river traversed north to south through the heart of Mississippian territory? The Rio Grande The Missouri River The Ohio River The Mississippi River


According to Map 12.3, "The Spice Trade, ca. 100 B.C.E-1500 C.E.," which spice was sourced from the largest number of locations? Cloves Pepper Cinnamon Nutmeg


According to Map 14.1, "Invasions and Migrations of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries," what facilitated the Vikings' trek across Russia? They controlled the Baltic Sea. They had unfettered access to the Vistula River. They controlled Hungary. They used the Dnieper River.


According to Map 14.2, "The Crusades, 1096-1270," which Crusade route was the only one to make contact with the region undergoing reconquista? The First Crusade The Fourth Crusade The Crusade of Frederick II The Third Crusade


According to Map 2.1, "Spread of Cultures in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley, ca. 3000-1640 B.C.E.," which major geographic feature did Egypt and Mesopotamia have in common? Marshlands that often restricted human travel Neolithic sites The Mediterranean Sea Major rivers that facilitated trade and communication


According to Map 2.2, "Empires and Migrations in the Eastern Mediterranean," which of the following would have made Egypt a difficult region to invade, as some historians have suggested? The waters of the Mediterranean Sea where it meets the Nile Delta were rough. The Red Sea could make passage through much of the Arabian Desert especially difficult. The Nile River cut straight through the heart of the kingdom. The deserts surrounded the narrow swath of land occupied by the kingdom.


According to Map 2.3, "The Assyrian and Persian Empires, ca. 1000-500 B.C.E.," at its height which of the following regions fell within the boundaries of the Persian Empire? Greece The Arabian Peninsula Macedonia Mesopotamia


According to Map 5.1, "Classical Greece, ca. 450 B.C.E.," which geographic features lent themselves to the political fragmentation of Greece, but were not present in ancient civilizations such as Egypt or Mesopotamia? Deserts and major inland waterways Internal waterways and key urban areas scattered over a major peninsula Mountains and peninsular sanctuaries Rugged terrain and numerous island settlements


According to Map 5.3, "Alexander's Conquests, 336-324, B.C.E.," during his trek through Egypt, Alexander successfully overcame which obstacle that some historians suggest had long protected Egypt from invasion? His army traversed the heart of the Arabian Desert. . He invaded the heart of Egyptian territory via the Red Sea He gained access to the Nile River Valley. He crossed the Sahara Desert.


According to Map 6.1, "Roman Italy and the City of Rome, ca. 218 B.C.E.," what evidence is there to suggest that the Greeks had begun to colonize the peninsula prior to the emergence of Roman Italy? Greek cities existed on the southeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea. There are no Greek cities in the northern part of the peninsula. Some Greek cities were connected by major roads to the city of Rome. Several Greek cities existed on the southern part of the peninsula.


According to Map 6.1, "Roman Italy and the City of Rome, ca. 218 B.C.E.," what evidence is there to suggest that the Greeks had begun to colonize the peninsula prior to the emergence of Roman Italy? Some Greek cities were connected by major roads to the city of Rome. Greek cities existed on the southeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea. There are no Greek cities in the northern part of the peninsula. Several Greek cities existed on the southern part of the peninsula.


After Philip II of Macedonia unified Greece, he called upon Greeks and Macedonians to do which of the following? Form a naval alliance with Persia and invade India Move the royal court to Athens and build him a new palace Promise five years of peace to allow for recovery from the war Work together to liberate the Ionian colonies from Persian control


Athens and Persia began a series of wars over Greek cities in what region? Macedonia Peloponnesus Crete Ionia


Bride wealth—the money exchanged at the time of marriage in Southeast Asia—was usually given to whom? The bride's father The groom The couple The bride


By the fifteenth century, where were most African slaves in Europe found? The French countryside Athens The Holy Roman Empire Spain and Portugal


Carolingian power over the Franks was solidified by Charles Martel's defeat of which group in 732, at Poitiers? The Burgundians The Visigoths Celtic warriors Muslim invaders


During Ghana's heyday, what were the Mandinka known for? Creating a rival kingdom that overthrew Ghana Remaining seminomadic and nonagricultural Converting to Islam and trading with Arabs Acting as middlemen in the gold and salt trades


During the Kushan period, Indian art was strongly influenced by the art of what society? Turkish Egyptian Chinese Greek


During the Struggle of the Orders, how did the plebeians force political concessions? Plebian leaders ordered the assassination of several senators and consuls. All plebeians declined to pay annual taxes and local fees. Plebian farmers refused to sell agricultural goods to the cities. Plebian men refused to serve in the military.


During the pax Romana, what regions became prime grain producers for the empire? Southern Spain and Italy Gaul and Italy Egypt and Syria Britain and Belgium


Early humanists sought to synthesize classical teachings with which of the following? Italian customs Arabic science Political theories Christian beliefs


Even up to 1955, Ethiopia's rulers claimed that they could trace their line of succession back to which of the following? Abu Bakr, Muhammad's immediate successor James, Jesus's younger brother The Queen Mother The Hebrew king Solomon


For Luther, what did "freedom" mean? A total lack of any restrictions on religious beliefs Personal liberty from all secular laws Free will and the rights of the individual Independence from the authority of the Roman Church


For which of the following was a pharaoh believed to be responsible? Ensuring his people's safe passage to the afterlife Ruling over earth and sky Organizing Egypt's agricultural system Achieving integration between gods and humans


From what material were the tools of Shang farmers made? Wood Bronze Iron Stone


From where did Africans first gain ideas about settled agriculture? Indian Ocean traders brought plants and technology to Africa. The Greeks and Romans shared agricultural techniques with North Africa. Agriculture in Africa developed independently without outside influence. Africans learned about settled agriculture from the Middle East.


From where did the Srivijayan rulers of Sumatra draw their ideas on governing? Vietnam/Funan China's Tang Dynasty The Khmer Empire India


How did Chandragupta control the outlying areas of his empire? He trusted local kings to continue on if they took a pledge of loyalty. He forced the migration of loyal supporters to distant realms. He did not try to control the areas but instead collected taxes. He sent agents to the provinces to oversee government and keep him informed.


How did Christianity influence marriage norms in Ethiopia? Polygamy was banned throughout the kingdom. Monogamy was unusual but not unknown. Polygamy remained common but was scorned. Monogamy became common.


How did Gaius Marius recruit men to serve in an African campaign? He offered to pardon them if they had been criminals. He promised them citizenship. He recruited them by paying them gold coins. He promised land to landless men in return for their service.


How did Italian humanists view the education of women? They believed education for women should remain focused on improving domestic duties. They supported it and established schools for girls in northern Italy. They believed that women were incapable of intellectual improvement. They saw value in exposing women to classical models of reasoning.


How did Romans view slavery during the republic? It became less economically important over time as Rome grew to include more citizens. It was viewed as a lifelong condition for the enslaved. The only people who could be taken as slaves were North Africans. It was an unfortunate state but one from which a slave might become free.


How did the Song improve the compass? By using a magnetic needle By floating the needle in water By making it small enough to wear By making it smaller, attaching it to a stem, and putting it in a protective case


How did the Song prevent the Khitans from invading? They expanded the Great Wall. They launched an invasion against the Khitans before they could attack. They formed an alliance with the Jin. They paid the Khitans tribute to prevent attacks.


How did the expansion of Islam into northern Ethiopia in the eighth century affect the city of Aksum? It brought a huge influx of trade to the city. It resolved religious conflicts that had weakened the region for four centuries. It sparked a civil war and many political assassinations. It weakened Aksum's commercial prosperity.


How did the geography of Greece affect its development? It enabled a strong central government to dominate the political order. It helped to unite the Greek city-states. It was a divisive force in Greek life.


How far west did Zheng He explore in the fifteenth century? England Portugal Rome Egypt


In Aztec society, what were macehualtin? Members of the most privileged class Students in training to become priests Servants similar to serfs in western Europe Commoners, sometimes men who had failed in military campaigns


In Muslim society, how were merchants viewed? They were regarded as second-class citizens. They were usually drawn from the "protected people." Seen as unsavory, they were forced to live in specified neighborhoods. They were viewed as a respected part of society


In The Art of War, Sun Wu argued that military success required what? A leader who believed that surrender was the greatest dishonor Great heroism from every man under command A king who was willing to lead troops into battle That orders by commanders be followed without question


In addition to leading his kingdom, what other important role did the Shang king fulfill? He was a master of the healing arts. He was considered a reincarnation of Di. He controlled all trade. He served as the high priest.


In what region did the first known states develop? Egypt Persia India Mesopotamia


One of the earliest deities Egyptians worshiped was Amon, god of fertility. the underworld. the dead. the sun.


Paleolithic humans may have encouraged the growth of new plants by doing what? Hunting large game Planting seeds Harvesting crops Setting fires


Political organization among nomadic herding peoples was generally based on which of the following? Language Economic arrangements Buddhism Clan ties


Potatoes and quinoa were domesticated by 3000 B.C.E. in what region? Indus Valley Western United States Fertile Crescent Andes Mountains


Protestants differed from Catholics by insisting what about the priesthood? That it had no basis in Scripture That it was never a part of the early church That it was unnecessary That it belonged to all believers


The Mesoamerican ballgame—played by the Olmecs, Mayans, and others—used what type of equipment? An obsidian ball A wooden racket Leather hoops A rubber ball


The Mongol script that Chinggis Khan ordered created was based on the script used by what other society? Chinese Urdu Sanskrit Uighur Turks


The beginning of European exploration and expansion was marked by Portugal's 1415 conquest of what city? Casablanca Tangiers Cairo Ceuta


The development of which of the following helped to promote economic expansion in the early Zhou period? Laws Writing Education Iron technology


The earliest Indian civilization developed along what river? Ganges Nile Euphrates Indus


The iron produced in eleventh-century Song China was primarily used for which of the following? Shipping Building bridges Roads Military purposes


The peasant diet consisted mostly of vegetables and meat. fish. wild game. bread.


The spread of Hellenistic culture was bolstered by Alexander's tradition of doing what in his newly conquered territories? Censoring art and culture that criticized him Placing Macedonian kings in charge Forcibly resettling conquered peoples in Greece Founding new cities with mixed populations


The village of Nok in Nigeria is famed for which of the following metallurgic skills? Bronze casting Goldsmithing Silver mining Ironworking


The villages that became Rome were located on what river? Adige Po Danube Tiber


To counter the temples' power, military leaders who became kings began to build what kinds of structures? Marketplaces to highlight goods from conquered territories Rival temples to worship war gods Public cemeteries to honor war dead as heroes Palaces to demonstrate the king's strength


To what does the term asceticism refer? All of the Brahman faith's sacrificial rites The rejection of anthropomorphic gods What Brahmans refer to as the individual soul The practice of severe self-discipline and self-denial


To what does the term asceticism refer? The rejection of anthropomorphic gods What Brahmans refer to as the individual soul All of the Brahman faith's sacrificial rites The practice of severe self-discipline and self-denial


What are the traditional dates for the life of Confucius? 187-102 B.C.E. 430-363 B.C.E. 315-274 B.C.E. 551-479 B.C.E.


What did Alexander the Great do after the Persian Empire fell? Turned west toward Italy Returned home to Macedonia Gave command of Persia to his favorite general Set out to conquer much of the rest of Asia


What did Epicurus believe was the principal good of human life? Individual contribution to the civic life of the polis Helping others The accumulation of power and wealth Pleasure, which he defined as the absence of pain


What did Khubilai Khan need to build in order to conquer the Southern Song? A bridge Cannons Catapults A fleet of ships


What did Paleolithic peoples believe about dead members of their kinship groups? That the dead would return one day That the dead were gone forever That the dead became new gods That deceased family members were still with them


What did Paul of Tarsus advocate with regard to Christian ideals? That Christianity should be used to defeat Rome That Christians should avoid contact with pagans That Christ's message applied only to Jews That Christ's teachings should be proclaimed to all


What did Romans, like the Persians, do once they conquered an area? They forced the men to serve in the Roman military. They built large temples to please the gods and ensure success. They killed the men and took the women as slaves. They built roads to facilitate communication and trade.


What did Solon accomplish through his reforms in Athens? He established social equality. He eliminated the position of chief magistrate. He established democracy. He gave common citizens a place in the assembly.


What did the Spanish discover at Potosí in the sixteenth century? Silkworms Several mines with a plentiful supply of iron ore Large veins of gold Silver, in large quantities


What did the philosophy of Stoicism strongly emphasize? The ability to endure suffering The acceptance of Tyche or chance Personal achievement Living a virtuous life


What did the philosophy of Stoicism strongly emphasize? The acceptance of Tyche or chance The ability to endure suffering Personal achievement Living a virtuous life


What does the term oligarchy mean? "The rule of the excellent" "The rule of the people" "The rule of the king" "The rule of the few"


What enabled India to make contact with the outside world in the sixth century B.C.E.? Great expansion of overseas trade by Indian merchants and a new merchant fleet led to outside contact. Alexander the Great's conquest brought knowledge of the Mediterranean world. Significant technological improvements in sailing led to greater communication and travel. As the Persian Empire expanded, it made territorial conquests in the Indus Valley.


What evidence in this illustration reflects the belief of many historians that the Aztecs practiced ritual sacrifice as a means of honoring or nourishing the gods? Based upon their physical appearance, the victims may have been prisoners of war. The number of onlookers at the base of the steps suggests its importance as a religious ritual. The victim near the bottom of the steps is being dragged away, possibly to be dismembered. The victim's heart is drifting up toward the heavens.


What evidence is contained in this illustration of Empress Theodora and her court to contradict historian Procopius's assertion that she was demonic, greedy, and vicious? Her headpiece is opulent. Her attendants appear to be distressed. She appears to be stealing a chalice from one of the priests. Her head is surrounded by a halo.


What feature of Map 6.1, "Roman Italy and the City of Rome, ca. 218 B.C.E.," reflects Etruscan influence? The division of Sicily into Carthaginian and Roman territory The location of the Latin colonies The absence of roads in the northern part of the region of Apulia The existence of paved roads


What group was the most important political and military force in pre-Islamic Arabia? Jewish merchants Meccan artisans Byzantine emissaries Bedouin tribes


What happened when the Inca leader Atahualpa first met the Spanish? He lured them into a trap and seized many of their men and horses. He and his unarmed followers were taken captive. He offered them chests of jewels as a peace offering. He was seized and ultimately executed.


What is a stele? A floating garden where maize is grown A ceremony in which war captives are sacrificed The ball used in an Aztec ballgame A stone pillar monument on which Maya recorded important information


What is the best translation of the Renaissance quality of virtù? A Christian's ability to atone for his or her sins Society's ability to provide for its poor and ill An individual's ability to master all classical languages An individual's ability to shape the world around him or her


What is the meaning of split inheritance? Upon his death, an emperor had to give half his land to his closest rival. After an emperor died, his lands were split among his sons. The wives of an emperor split the land among their sons. A dead emperor retained all his lands and continued to receive tribute.


What order did the Byzantine emperor Leo III give in 730? He banned women from monasteries. He outlawed the use of singing in prayer. He ordered that Latin no longer be used for mass. He ordered the destruction of icons.


What place did concubines have in Chinese families in Song China? They held more authority in families than did wives. They were subordinate to wives, and their children were only recognized if the wife failed to bear children. Wives enjoyed the freedom a concubine gave them, so jealousy from wives was very unusual. Wives outranked concubines, but the children born to concubines and wives held equal status.


What remains our most important source of knowledge about ancient Jews? Governmental records Oral epic histories Archaeological excavations The Hebrew Bible


What was Anyang? A vision of the unity of nature An ancient legal philosophy A mythical Chinese ruler The Shang capital for more than two centuries


What was Gilgamesh searching for in the Epic of Gilgamesh? knowledge food love immortality


What was a consequence of the Peace of Augsburg? Catholics reasserted their claim over all Germans. Nearly all Germans converted to Lutheranism. All Europeans were given religious freedom. There were no religious wars in Germany for many decades.


What was a fief? A payment from a peasant to a royal tax collector The taking of land from one kingdom by another A percentage of income given by all landowners to the church Land given by a lord to a vassal in exchange for an oath of loyalty


What was an important consequence of the Crusades? Most trade routes between the Middle East and Europe were closed. Italian merchants were among those to suffer most economically. Significant intellectual links between Europe and the Middle East failed to develop. Relations between Jews and Christians worsened considerably.


What was one industry that flourished during the Koryŏ Dynasty? Textiles Brewing beer Iron smelting Ceramics


What was one of the results of endogamy? A lack of diversity of languages The inability of Homo sapiens to mate with one another An increase in fertility Differences in physical features and spoken language


What was one result of the development of agriculture in early Africa? The nuclear family became isolated from neighbors. Populations throughout Africa decreased at a slow rate. Marriage ties were weakened in all areas. Ties and connections between extended families became stronger.


What was right outside the central core of Anyang? Farms Temples Merchants' shops Industrial areas


What was the Byzantines' best-known innovation? Bronze weapons The cure for the "Justinian plague" The Cyrillic alphabet The explosive compound known as "Greek fire"


What was the Genevan Consistory? The council of Swiss bishops who rejected Calvin's teachings The pope's secret police and inquisitional body A group of Calvin's supporters who persecuted Catholics and Jews A group of Calvinist pastors and laymen who monitored citizens' behavior


What was the main feature of the reform program proposed by Tiberius Gracchus? To provide free bread to the poor of Rome To abolish the class distinctions of patricians and plebeians To establish colonies populated by ex-soldiers and their families To redistribute public land to poor Romans


What was the original meaning of barbaros, or barbarian? Someone who wore animal skins Someone who was primitive or unruly Someone who was not Christian Someone who did not speak Greek


What was unusual about slaves in Athens? Slaves could vote as a result of democratic reforms. All slaves were captured and imported from the wars in North Africa. Slaves were legally forbidden to read. Slaves were paid for their work.


When did the Zhou rise up and overthrow the Shang? Around 3150 B.C.E. Around 2250 B.C.E. Around 1400 B.C.E. Around 1050 B.C.E.


Which Chinese dynasty was the first to have writing, cities, and metalworking? Yangzi Zhou Xiongnu Shang


Which Persian emperor conquered the Indus Valley and Kashmir about 513 B.C.E.? Cambyses Xerxes Cyrus Darius


Which of the following allowed the bishops of Rome, or popes, to gain increased power and political authority in central Italy? The close personal relationship that the bishops maintained with the emperors at Constantinople The failure of the emperors at Constantinople to provide financial support for the urban development projects taking place in Rome The tradition of viewing religion as a branch of the state and the church's reliance on councils of bishops and theologians to settle doctrinal disputes peacefully The popes' ability to expand religious and secular authority as a result of their greater independence from Constantinople


Which of the following is a true statement about the underground tombs built for Shang kings? All were constructed from wood and few exist today. The coffins indicate that bodies of nobility were partly mummified. They were quite simple compared with those of other ancient civilizations. Their contents reveal that the Shang practiced human sacrifice.


Which of the following was one of the causes of Greek colonization and a particularly persistent problem for Sparta? An overabundance of natural resources The need to find new gods to worship A lack of financial prosperity in the polis Overpopulation and a limited food supply


Which of the following was true of the harem system? Only women on the Arabian peninsula were required to remain in this type of seclusion. Harems, or the seclusion of women, occurred only in areas where the Byzantines had previously ruled. Harems were most often founded in cities as a means to protect unmarried women from predatory males. By 800, women in more prosperous households stayed out of sight.


Which of these is considered the world's first city? Athens Babylon Judea Uruk


Which statement is true about the Confucian classics? They were the texts written by Confucius in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E. They rejected the ideas of yin and yang and instead promoted piety. They were written by the disciples of Confucius after his death. They were the ancient books recovered after the book burning of the third century B.C.E.


Who commonly performed the important ritual sacrifice of animals in Brahmanism? Teenagers, because they were considered pure Untouchables Male rulers only The priestly caste


Who was Kautilya? An Aryan chieftain The founder of Jainism India's greatest general Chandragupta's minister


Who was Sobek? God of the Sun God of the Moon God of Pyramid Building God of the Nile


Who were the "untouchables" in the varna system? Women who belonged to the lowest caste Child slaves The nobility Outsiders who were considered "impure"


Who were the samurai? Civilian military advisers to the emperor The Japanese merchant class The Japanese nobility Skilled warriors in Japan


Why did Atahualpa meet with Pizarro in 1532? To seize Pizarro as a prisoner To worship Pizarro as a savior-god To fight a battle To negotiate


Why did the Carthaginians recall Hannibal from Italy? His father was dying. He had disgraced himself there. He had served his full term as general. The Romans had attacked Carthage itself.


Why did the Hittites and Egyptians conclude a peace treaty in 1258 B.C.E.? India Sumer Persia Meroë


Why did the civilization of Ghana develop in the southern portion of Wagadou? Muslims had already settled there and built urban centers. The king of Ghana had a vision from his god to settle there. The Mandinka people had recently left, and the land was empty. Only the southern part received enough rainfall to be agriculturally productive.


Why was Abu Bakr elected first caliph? There were no other contenders who wanted to be caliph. Abu Bakr was the only Bedouin candidate. Khadija, Muhammad's wife, supported Abu Bakr. He was Muhammad's father-in-law and a close supporter.


_____ was a foreigner in the Gupta Empire who gives a great account of what was happening. Gaxjun Marco Polo Zheng Hu Faxian


_____ is a sect of Buddhism that maintains that the secrets of enlightenment have been secretly transmitted from the Buddha and can be accessed through initiation into the mandalas, mudras, and mantras.

Esoteric Buddhism


From the word for "war chief," the name of a large and influential African kingdom inhabited by the Soninke people.

_____ was an architectural and artistic style that began in Europe in 12th century featured pointed arches and high ceilings and flying buttressess.


bride wealth

In early modern Southeast Asia, a sum of money the groom paid the bride or her family at the time of marriage. This practice contrasted with the dowry in China, India, and Europe, which the husband controlled.


Literally, the "way of the warrior"; the code of conduct by which samurai were expected to live.


The Japanese general-in-chief.


The Roman hereditary aristocracy, who held most of the political power in the republic.

Koumbi Saleh

The city in which the king of Ghana held his court.


The dominant ethnic group of what is now Mexico, who created an empire based on war and religion that reached its height in the fifteenth century.


The most powerful city on the east coast of Africa by the late thirteenth century.


The name for the four administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata.


The oldest dominant male of the family, who held great power over the lives of family members.

foot binding

The practice of fastening the feet of girls with long strips of cloth to keep them from growing large.


The states ruled by a khan; the four units into which Chinggis divided the Mongol Empire.

Inca Empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital city of Cuzco that was at its peak in the fifteenth century but weakened by civil war at the time of the Spanish arrival.

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