World Geography of Japan
Approximately how many miles long is Japan from its north to southern point?
1,500 miles
What is the approximate population of Japan?
127 Million (But it's decreasing)
In what year was the Tokyo-Yokohama area devastated by an earthquake in which some 143,000 people died?
Approximately how many volcanoes are on the the islands of Japan?
Approximately how many islands make up the country of Japan?
How much rainfall does Japan receive yearly
40-100 inches
How much of Japan is covered with forests?
What percent of Japan's industry is located along a 320 mile corridor from Tokyo-Yokohama to Osaka-Kobe?
What percent of Japan's population lives on the main island of Honshu?
Approximately what percent of Japan is mountainous?
How much of Japan's petroleum comes from the Middle East?
Japan is about the same size as what US state?
What do the Japanese eat a lot of in their diet?
Fish or Seafood
If placed along the eastern coast of the US, Japan would stretch from Maine to where?
Which of the four main islands is least populated?
From north to south what are the names of Japan's four major islands?
Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Kyushu
More than any other country in Asia, what does Japan use its rivers for?
Hydroelectric Power
Japan is the world's third largest producer of what?
What nickname is given to the inland sea that links three of Japan's major islands?
Main Street
What people were the only ones who threatened to invade Japan prior to World War II? In what century?
Mongols- 13th century
What is Japan's most famous volcano?
Mt. Fuji
What is the term for the rainfall that occurs in June and July and is needed for Japan's rice cultivation?
Plum Rain
What is the nearest Asian nation to Japan?
What is the world's second largest city that is the capital of Japan?
What does Japan have a scarce amount of besides mineral resources?
farm land