World History MC Questions Semester Exam

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At the age of _____, young men began a two year program of military training.


Sparta was ruled by ____ kings who served as military leaders.


The Phoenicians developed an alphabet, which had ____________ symbols


The kings headed Sparta's governing body, the council of elders which included ______ men over the age of 60.


Hammurabi's law code included nearly ____________ laws


Shi Huangdi introduced the concept of centralization, or a central governing system and organized China into _________ provinces


The ancient Egyptians developed a solar calendar with exactly _________ days


During the past two million years the Earth has experienced ______________ long ice ages


Meetings took place ____ times a year.


The Spartan assembly did have one important role, it elected ____ ephors


A _______ person council, known as the boule, was the second key component of the Athenian government.


Asoka was one of Bindusara's _____________ sons


At ____ years old, spartan males were taken away from their homes to live together in barracks, or military housing.


Sparta did have a democratic assembly made up of some free adult males, but it had only about __________ citizens, compared to about ______________ in Athens.

9,000 and 45,000

The Torah tells about a man named ___________, who may have lived about 1700 BCE and herded animals near Ur in Mesopotamia


Public buildings and marble temples were located in the _________________________

Acropolis (High City)

Greek speakers settled on the islands of the _______________

Aegean Sea

During these centuries, mainland Greeks migrated across the Aegean, settling the islands and the west coast of _________________, an area that became known as Ionia


One exceptional woman was ______________, who unlike most women received a good education

Ban Zhao

In southwest Asia farming began when people started to plant wheat and ________________________


After Chandragupta forced the Greeks out of northwestern India , his Maurya empire stretched from the ____________________ to present day Afghanistan

Bay Of Bengal

In the year 461 BCE Athens created _________________________

Citizen Juries

One factor that encouraged democracy in Athens was the idea of _________________


The strength of the Han government lay in its _________

Civil Service

In 508 BCE, a leader named ____________________ made several reforms that reduced the power of the rich.


Han emperors continued many of the Qin policies that standardized life in China, such as using a _______________.

Common Currency

____________, the teachings of the thinker Confucius, is one of the most important philosophies that developed in China


Without the resources and trading opportunities Sparta turned to ______________ to meet its growing needs.


Widespread ______________________ marked the birth of farming


On November 30, 1974 American archeologist ___________________________ discovered evidence of human ancestors in Ethiopia, a country in East Africa

Donald Johnasan

Around 1100 BCE, this civilization was destroyed by newcomers from the north known as ___________________


One of these autocratic leaders was a law giver named ______________


Today, people use the term ____________________ to describe laws that seem unnecessarily harsh or severe.


A _______________ is a ruling family that holds power for many years


____________________ helped promote the growth of democracy in Athens.


Phoenician society began to emerge after _____________ rule ended


Men who won election to a men's club became known as "_______________"


The early Greek world lay on the fringe of two continents __________ and ___________

Europe and Asia

Emperor Wudi created ______________ to find talented people for civil service


Spartan boys spent most of their time ________________,____________________,___________________

Exercising, Hunting, and Training.

The ____________________ is a region of the Middle East that stretches in a large crescent-shaped curve from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea

Fertile Crescent

In 1940, four French teenagers and their dog were exploring a cave near Lascaux in Southern __________________


Over many hundreds of years, Vedic civilization slowly spread eastward across the humid and fertile __________________

Ganges Plain

To the east, the ___________________ flows more than 1,500 miles across the northern part of the subcontinent

Ganges River

__________________ played an important role in the emergence of the city state.


During the last Ice Age thick sheets of ice, called ____________________, spread across large regions of the Earth


Through trade, the Egyptians discovered that Kush was rich in resources, including _____________


Each city state had a different kind of ________________


During the Gupta period, trade and invasion brought the learnings of ______________ and Persia to India


In ancient times, there was no country called ______________


Legends say that Kautilya searched for a leader to drive ____________ invaders out of northwestern India


Under a King named ________ Babylon became the center of a new Mesopotamian empire


Shi Huangdi was especially interested in the teachings of the Legalist ______________, who did not agree with Confucianism

Han Feizi

______________________ was one of the few women to rule Egypt, she was the daughter of one pharaoh and wife of another


____________________, unlike his mother, used war to strengthen and increase the size of the Egyptian empire

Thutmose III

In 1992 American American anthropologist ___________________ found remains of Hominins who lived in Ethiopia at least 4.4 million years ago

Tim White

Most of what Jews believe about the origins of their religion comes from the _______________________


Each of Jacob's sons became the ancestor of at least one large group of related families called a __________


Although the Spartans put down the Helot revolt in the early 400s BCE they lived in fear of further unrest because of the helots _______________________

Troop Numbers

Some ancient Chinese viewed China as a flat square, with ___________ stretched above.


The scientific name for the last new group of humans that appeared about 200,000 years ago is Homo Sapiens, which means "____________________"

Wise People

In most Greek homes, _________________ supervised the household, raised the children, kept track of money and spending, and managed the slaves.


Poorer _______________ worked outdoors on farms or sold goods in markets.


________________,__________________,__________________ were all excluded from the process.

Women, Slaves, and Foreigners

Most of what is known about the fall of the Shang comes from the sources written during the _________________


The ______________ belonged not to individual Spartans but to the polis as a whole, and they were forced to farm the land and turn over half the food they raised to Sparta.


The towering _____________________ form a wall between China and India


Some Indus valley statues and small carvings have features that seem to show practices of what we know as __________________________


As foot soldiers, fighters in a phalanx did not need to be rich enough to buy and maintain a _________________


The Spartans conquered the neighboring city-state of ________________


French scientist ________________________ is one of a group of scientists that believe that human life started elsewhere in Africa

Michel Brunet

Sparta chose to create a _____________________ and also tried to control the helots through terror.

Military Society

The early Greeks were influenced by an early civilization - The ___________________


In the 1920s, archeologists discovered the ruins of two great cities: Harappa and ____________________


Each Mycenaean town was governed by a _________________, a government headed by a king.


Its government was a mixture of _________________,____________________,______________________

Monarchy, Oligarchy, and Democracy.

Mainland Greece is divided by ________________

Mountain Ranges

From Ancient Egyptians work with ______________ they learned much about human anatomy


During the 3000s BCE, two kingdoms developed in Egypt. Legends say that __________________ brought the two kingdoms of Egypt together in about 3000 BCE


A group known as _____________________ appeared in Europe and parts of Asia about 230,000 years ago


The shift from hunting to farming was so important that historians call it the _________________________________

Neolithic Agricultural Revolution

The ancient Egyptians treasured the _____________ River


An Assyrian ruler named Ashurbanipal made the city of ____________________________ his capital, and built a library


The Vedas called upon people to make ______________________

Offerings To Their Gods

__________________ were usually headed by a council of leaders who belonged to the aristocracy.


_________________ first major change was to pay citizens for participating in jury service and in other civic duties.


In time, the Assyrian Empire gave way to the powerful _____________________ Empire


Around 700 BCE, a new military formation called the _________________________ was introduced that was a formation of heavily armed foot soldiers who moved together as a unit


The __________________ civilization began here, on a thin strip of land along the Mediterranean coast, in what is now Lebanon


By the time Homer's epics were composed, each Greek community had begun to organize itself into a ____________, or city state.


Citizens felt strong pride and loyalty toward their _________________


Throughout the history of ancient Greece, the ________________ played a key role in Greek life.


The Han government was organized like a ___________________


__________ was a mountainous kingdom located in northwestern China


________________________ is another method for determining the age of objects up to about 50,000 years old

Radioactive Dating

The lack of ______________ made it difficult to grow shallow rooted crops such as grains, which needed frequent watering


The government's third key component was the _____________________________

Court System

Minoan culture developed on _____________, an island south of mainland Greece.


By 3100 BCE, Sumerian priests had created a new writing system called ________________


Combining a decimal system with a numeral for _____________ transformed mathematics.


In Athens, the lower city included the ______________, or marketplace.


The __________________ people lived in the northwest of Sumer, but they were not related to Sumerians and spoke a different language and had different customs


Toward the end of the second century BCE, the Han dynasty began to exchange ____________ with other Asian and African states


After the destruction of Ur, one of the many groups that invaded Sumer was the __________________ who captured several Sumerian cities including one located on the Euphrates River, Babylon


Evidence suggests that early people believed that the natural world was filled with spirits , a belief known as __________________________


_________________ meant "rule by the best people."


____________________________ risked losing the support of their army if they did not consider the interests of these foot men/foot soldiers.

Aristocratic Leaders

In earlier times, the outcomes of battles depended on fights between individual ________________________

Aristocratic Warriors

__________________ was an important Indian astronomer and mathematician, who in 499 BCE wrote a mathematics book on arithmetic, algebra, and geometry


The main political body of Athens was the _________________, which all free male citizens had the right to attend.


Indian doctors made progress in medical science and developed it known as __________________


The Sumerians were one of the first cultures to make ___________, which is made by mixing copper and tin


Phoenician society developed from the earlier _____________________


The queen mothers of Kush are also known by their Roman names- ___________________


One of the oldest known farming settlements in the world is a village called ________________________


_________________ held special importance for them since the herds provided both food and clothing


The following period, which lasted roughly from 1100 to 750, has been called a ______________

Dark Age

The Mediterranean climate was ideal for growing ______________________ such as olive trees and grape vines.

Deep-Rooted Plants

The Greeks called a government that was ruled by many a ________________, which means "rule by the people."


These reforms created the world's first ___________________


Fossils of a close relative of the Neanderthals, called the ____________________ have been found in Asia


Asoka replaced rule by force with rule based on ____________ or moral code


________________________________ worked in Athens because the population of the city state was small and because of the commitment and hard work of its citizens.

Direct Democracy

An architect named ___________________ designed a new kind of tomb for his pharaoh, with six stone mounds, one on top of the other


Chandragupta armed his men with powerful weapons, including the ________________________

Indian Bow

If they failed, they became "_____________" who would never gain citizenship and would live as outcasts.


The Persian Empire formed to the east of Mesopotamia in what is now _________________


The _______________________ is a famous example of Gupta artisans skill in producing metal compounds of great quality

Iron Pillar of Delhi

________________ and the Spartans were trying to keep government in the hands of the aristocrats, a type of government of the Greeks called an ___________________

Isagoras , Oligarchy

_____________ represented love, caring, and protection


_________________ first developed as a religion more than 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent


__________________ made up of citizens served in the courts, deciding cases by majority vote.


The war between Maurya and _______________ was long and terrible


The temple complex at _____________ contains the ruins of the world's largest temples, built with massive blocks of stone


As a young man Chandragupta depended on the advice of an older, educated Brahmin named _______________


This rich dark soil that lined both banks along the river was so important to the Egyptians they called their country _________________ , which means "the Black Land"


The Minoans had a writing system and built huge stone palaces with running water, like the one at ______________________


As head of the house, the ________ had control over his family.


After taking power, the Zhou leaders declared that their success proved that they had heaven's support. They called their right to rule the _______________

Mandate Of Heaven

In the west, the Persian army defeated Thrace, which was the first Persian victory in Europe, but later campaigns against Greece ended in Persia's defeat at the battle of __________


In 1960, British archeologist _______________________________ discovered a piece of a human-like skull at Olduvai Gorge in East Africa

Mary Louis Leaky

After the collapse of the ____________ empire, India broke into many small kingdoms


Modern Greece occupies a large peninsula that juts into the _____________________

Mediterranean Sea

In order to become full citizens, Spartan men had to gain entry to a _______________________

Men's Club of Soldiers

The Kusites moved their capital south to the city of ______________________, which was easier to defend. The Kushite turned their new capital into Africa's first ironworking center


_______________________ is a wide flat plain in present-day Iraq that lies between two great rivers


______________________ was the god of the underworld, or the world of the dead


Sparta was a city state on the __________________________ Peninsula.


The largest peninsula, in southern Greece, is called the ______________________________

Peloponnesian Peninsula

A ___________________ is a land area surrounded by water on three sides.


Most democracies today are ____________________________________

Representative Democracies

In the southern part of present day China, farming began with the domestication of ______________


The oldest of the Vedas is the____________________ which includes about 10,000 hymns


___________________ helped China's development, just as they aided the development of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India


The Greeks became skillful _______________and _________________

Sailors and Merchants

___________________ is the language in which the ancient Indo-Assyrians composed religious hymns and poetry


During the 2300s BCE, an Akkadian man named ____________ became king of Kish and united much of Mesopotamia under his rule, and created the first empire known as the Akkadian empire


The _______________ allowed city states to trade their unique products with one another and the outside world.


________________ was one important advisor that belonged to the school of thought called Legalism

Shang Yang

One of the most lasting contributions of the Han dynasty was the establishment of the __________

Silk Road

Egyptians watched the bright star called ______________ which would appear above the horizon before sunrise about the same time of year as the Nile floods


Archeologists have uncovered the remains of several Neolithic villages, such as ____________________ in Scotland

Skara Brae

Early farming communities remained _______________


The area and population of a polis were generally ______________


In the year 594 BCE, the aristocrats of Athens chose ____________ to lead the polis.


In _______________, women enjoyed more rights and freedoms than did women in other city states.


In contrast to democratic Athens, _______________ felt like an army camp, its male citizens obligated to full-time military training.


The adjective _________________ means "highly disciplined or lacking in comfort."


Buddhists also sent missionaries to neighboring countries, such as ________________

Sri Lanka

Persia's rapid growth was partly due to its large and highly skilled _________

Standing Army

In this land between two rivers the worlds first civilization named ____________ began to farm


The earliest civilization appeared in southwest Asia, in the city state of ______________________


At first ___________________, or strong leaders, emerged to champion the interests of ordinary citizens.


The first city of Mesopotamia was ____________


Greek cities were often at __________ with one another


The Mycenaean's made fine bronze ______________ and ________________

Weapons and Pottery

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