World History Practice Questions

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All of the following are economic hardships faced by people all across the world during the Great Depression except: A decreased labor pool. B decreased income. C decreased unemployment rates. D decreased production of exports.


Capitalism is best defined by which of the following features? A private ownership of the means of production B equal distribution of wealth C common ownership of the means of production D one man, one vote


Hernan Cortes led the campaign against which empire, centered around the Valley of Mexico, in 1521? A Aztec B Cherokee C Mayan D Inca


In the 20th century, anti-apartheid activists in South Africa campaigned for which of the following human rights causes? A racial equality B gender equality C fair elections D rights of minors


Japanese society was opened to international relations in 1854 due to the actions of which individual? A Matthew Perry B Nicholas II C Franklin Pierce D Theodore Roosevelt


The Chinese Communist Revolution of 1948 succeeded in part due to which of the following? A Mao Zedong had gained the support of rural peasants who supported his cause. B Mao was provided military support by Western European powers. C Middle class merchants joined with Mao to overthrow the ruling elite. D The Imperial Chinese Court had lost the support of political elites.


The political system of modern South Africa is best described as: A a democracy. B an oligarchy. C an absolute monarchy. D an autocracy.


Which of the following best describes the system of Feudalism? A a system in which lords owned estates and were protected by knights, while their land was worked by serfs B a system in which lords owned estates and were protected by knights, but knights were also expected to contribute time to working the land C a system in which the king's rule is absolute and the king's subjects were made up of knights and serfs D a system in which the king's absolute rule began to shift toward a more democratic style of governance


Which of the following describes the British Empire in the mid-20th century? A shrinking and losing influence B increasingly focused on authoritarian rule C fostering the spread of socialist economic policies D expanding through territorial gains


Which of the following is considered the beginning of the Scientific Revolution? A Copernicus putting forth the idea that the universe was heliocentric B Isaac Newton defining the Laws of Motion C Francis Bacon introducing the idea of the scientific method and experimentation using empirical evidence D Isaac Newton defining the law of gravity


Which of the following is the greatest contributing factor to the spread of Islam throughout the world? A Muhammad and his direct followers were travelers and a people of trade. B The laws on Islam were similar to religious traditions already practiced in North Africa. C Islam spread first to the rural areas, then slowly spread to cities. D Muhammad conquered the Middle East before his death.


Which of the following most accurately describes Aztec civilization? A Aztec society eventually unified in an empire brought about by military alliances.. B Aztec society was pacifistic, using military force only for defense. C Aztec religion was monotheistic. D Aztec commerce thrived under economic treaties with the Spanish.


Which of the following statements is true of the conflicts in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Darfur in the 1990's and 2000s? A. They all involved ethnic conflict incited by governments. B. They were all centered on conflict between religious groups over the ownership of sacred land C. They all were primarily political conflicts sparked by military coups. D. They all were essentially economic conflicts between wealthy and poor citizens


Which of the following countries gained independence from the British Empire? Select all answers that apply. A Ghana B the United States C Saudi Arabia D Vietnam

A and B

Which TWO of the following were major contributions to the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany? Select all answers that apply. A economic upheaval caused by the Treaty of Versailles B distrust in democratic principles after World War I C loss of international prestige D fear of American occupation

A and C

Which of the following contributed to the Egyptian civilization's comparative success in during the Bronze Age? Select all answers that apply. A The location of the Nile provided a water source that flooded annually and predictably, keeping the farmland fertile. B They had a religious system that helped maintain social rules. C Egypt has natural fortification, surrounded by deserts on three sides and the Mediterranean Sea. D They dedicated significant resources to military preparation.

A and C

Which TWO of the following describe Ancient African contributions to the modern world? Select all answers that apply. A advancements in astronomy B advancements in geometry C advancements in architecture D the first to engage in international trade

A and D

Which of the following were direct effects of the Scientific Revolution? Select all answers that apply. A a renewed focus on deductive reasoning and the use of evidence B movement away from Christianity to other religions C shift in the Church leadership structure D diminished belief in the Church

A and D

The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain for which of the following reasons? Select all that apply. A. abundant and easily accessible coal and iron reserves. B. investment of profits accumulated from trade in sugar, slaves, tobacco, and opium. C. surplus agricultural laborers who shifted to urban factory production. D. innovation by professionalized engineers and corporate research and development.

A, B, and C

Which of the following groups were targets of Nazi genocide during WWII? Select all answers that apply. A Polish B people with disabilities C Russians D Jews

A, B, and D

Which of the following factors contributed to the status of the Egyptian city of Alexandria as a center of classical learning during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC? A The city was home to one of the largest libraries in existence at that time. B Regular flooding of the Nile allowed citizens the time to devote themselves to education. C Several Greek mystery cults were based in Alexandria. D The Roman emperor held court in Alexandria.


Which of the following is a similarity between Hinduism and Buddhism before the third century CE? A Both originated on the Indian subcontinent. B Both were led by a central religious figure. C Both worshipped a single, all-powerful deity. D Both were focused on solving civil political issues.

A. Both originated on the Indian subcontinent

In what way was Christianity's spread into Western Europe similar to Buddhism's spread into China after the second century ce? A. Both took advantage of instability resulting from the weakening of the Han Empire and the Roman Empire. B. Both were spread by a combination of military conquest and political coercion. C. Christians appealed to traditional Roman family values while Buddhism appealed to Han China's Confucian emphasis on family loyalty. D. Because both Buddhists and Christians preached the coming of a heavenly kingdom, the religions appealed to societies in transition.

A. Both took advantage of instability...

As Arab armies spread Islam across Southwest Asia and North Africa between 634 and 750 ce, A. Christians and Jews were acknowledged as "People of the Book" and largely protected from forcible conversion to Islam. B. suspicion of urban life led the nomadic Arabs to destroy most Byzantine, Persian, and Roman cities. C. the Arab populations were quickly assimilated into local populations, leaving little trace of Arab culture. D. they undermined historic trade networks and commercial activity, leading to a three-century-long Dark Age in Southwest Asia and North Africa.

A. Christians and Jews..

Explanations for European expansion between 1450 and 1750 include all but which of the following? A. The decline of China as a center of global commerce and manufacturing B. Competition among European states over trade, territory, and religion C. European adoption of new technologies, such as the caravel, lateen sail, and gunpowder D. Renaissance Europeans' increased curiosity about the world

A. Decline of China...

The Western Roman Empire fell in the 5th Century to which of the following civilizations? A Germanic B Greek C Eastern Roman D Islamic

A. Germanic

The formation of unified Hindu beliefs occured beginning in 500 BC in which of the following areas? A India B Greece C Persia D Rome

A. India

What is the greatest significance of the Hammurabi Code? A It is the oldest known legal system. B It was useful in developing the first writing system. C It was the basis for their religious practices. D It was a code for the warriors to follow in battle.

A. It is the oldest known legal system

The religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity can all trace their founding to the Middle East. Of the following, which city holds the most historical importance for all three religions? A Jerusalem B Damascus C Babylon D Nineveh

A. Jersualem

The economic system of estates held by Europe's warrior aristocracy and worked by peasants bound to the land is known to historians as which of the following? A. Manorialism B. Mercantilism C. Latifundia D. Feudalism

A. Manorialism

Which of the following tribes was known for its advanced understanding of mathematics and development of an advanced writing system? A Mayan B Aztec C Iroquois D Mohicans

A. Mayan

Which of the following regions was the first to develop a written alphabet? A the Mediterranean B Sub-Saharan Africa C Polynesia D Western Europe

A. Mediterranean

Which of the following describes a contribution from Ancient Greece to the field of mathematics? A Pythagoras established the Pythagorean Theorem B Socrates was considered the "Father of Geometry" C Galileo developed the theory that Earth rotates around the sun D Alexander first discovered how to determine the circumference of a circle

A. Pythagoras established the Pythagorean Theorem

For more than three centuries, the Ottoman Empire expanded its territory in the Middle East. Despite this success, the empire's southward expansion was stymied by: A the Sahara desert B powerful Greek armies C cessation of the slave trade D the Mediterranean Sea

A. Sahara

Which of the following best describes a reason the Mongols were able to maintain control of between 11 and 12 million square miles before being overthrown by the Ming Dynasty? A They created laws supporting religious freedom and international trade. B They invented of the crossbow. C They spread the Confucian principle of Ren throughout the territory. D They depended on the fear of Genghis Khan and the fierce Mongol armies to force assimilation to their norms.

A. They created laws..

Which of the following best describes Ancient Rome's relationship with Christianity? A Under Constantine's rule, Christianity became the official religion of Rome and established the Catholic Church as a powerful governing body. B Despite never being officially recognized by the government, Christianity eventually became the religion practiced by the majority of Romans. C Ancient Rome saw the shift away from monotheism to widespread polytheism in the practice of Christianity. D The Catholic Church introduced Latin, which eventually spread to common use throughout Rome.

A. Under Constantine's rule..

Which of the following best describes the effect of the Black Death on capitalism? A With fewer serfs to support lords, serfs were able to demand more money, eventually buying their freedom and move into towns. B Money was spent to improve sanitation, creating new trades for townspeople. C Port cities, mostly spared from the plague, flourished. D With significant deaths among the upper class, their wealth was dispersed to the serfs.

A. With fewer serfs..

Which of the following best describes Babylonian civilization during the 6th century BCE? A a large, centralized empire B a collection of independent city-states C a disparate collection of villages ruled over by regional leaders D an early-form republic

A. a large centralized empire

Which of the following was not a major cause for the "Dust Bowl" in Texas and Oklahoma in the 1930s? A Farmers used dry-farming methods including the reliance on rainfall for irrigation. B Farmers opened marginal lands where rainfall was inadequate. C Farmers experimented with risky and unreliable irrigation projects. D Farmers broke the sod, exposing the topsoil.


Which of the following contributed to the Inca Empire's ability to rule an empire that extended the length of South America's Pacific coastline? A. An extensive road network with runners communicating through a system of knotted string known as quipu. B. The advantage gained by the Inca's adoption of iron weaponry. C. The use of reed and balsa wood sailing vessels to patrol the coastline. D. Reliance on slave armies composed of men and women captured in the Amazon region.

A. an extensive road network...

Which of the following contributed to the spread of Christianity into Western Europe prior to the sixth century? A commerce and travel along Roman trade routes B military conquest by Christian soldiers from the Eastern Roman Empire C Germanic scholars travelling to Jerusalem D imperial edicts from the Court of Constantinople

A. commerce and travel along..

Which of the following is the greatest contribution of Greece to modern Western society? A democratic governance B architecture C military strategy D religion

A. democratic governance

In what way did the Silk Road play a role in ending the Dark Ages, leading to the Renaissance? A increased the exchange of both goods and ideas between regions B brought about greater exposure to previously unknown civilizations C enriched China's ruling class D significantly improved access to medical care

A. increased the exchange of..

The religious teachings of the Prophet Mohammed had the greatest impact on which area of Middle Eastern society beginning in the 7th century? A politics B technology C architecture D diet

A. politics

Most early writing systems developed to meet which of the following purposes? A. Record-keeping for government administration and trade B. Epic poetry written to celebrate the feats of kings C. The codification of law D. Prayers and hymns to ancient deities

A. record-keeping

Which of the following describes how the Crusades led to the Renaissance? A Trade with Asia was stimulated by Crusaders bringing back Asian goods. B The Crusades increased power of the Church. C The Crusades brought Jerusalem under Christian rule. D Crusaders brought back wealth from the Holy Lands.

A. trade with Asia was stimulated by Crusaders bringing back Asian goods

Japan and Germany, although being badly damaged in World War II, have since grown to be among the strongest economies in the world. All of the following have attributed to their growth, except: A strong corporations in the automotive and technology industries. B oversupply of exports from decreased consumerism. C decreasing unemployment rates matched with increased wages. D receiving military and financial support from other countries.


Prior to the arrival of Europeans, how did the Inca civilization use its geographical situation to facilitate transportation and defense? A They built large walls around their cities. B They built well-made roads using wooden, bronze, and stone tools. C They developed strong military forces that could travel through the mountains on horseback. D They used horses for travel between mountains.


The United States did not enter WWII until which of the following events? A Kristallnacht B the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan C the assassination of Franz Ferdinand D the invasion of Poland by Germany


The political structure of western Europe during most of the medieval period is best described as a system of A. highly centralized political and religious alliances through the Catholic church B. fluid alliances among local rulers in the absence of effective central government C. constitutional monarchies and representative government that cooperated extensively with one another D. stable and long lasting alliances between countries dominated by transregional empires


Which of the following can be identified as a world-wide impact of World War II? A the strengthening of the German monarchy B the decolonization of Africa and Asia C the founding of the League of Nations D increased European control over colonies in Africa


Which of the following characterizes the political structure of the Roman and Egyptian states prior to the rise of Augustus in 27 BC? A Both Egypt and Rome were military states led by a general officer. B Rome was a republic with power vested in a senate; Egypt was an imperial state ruled by Macedonian monarchs known as the Ptolemies. C Rome was an empire under the sole rule of the emperor; Egypt was a democratic state where all male citizens had a voice in civic policy. D Both Egypt and Rome were democratic states that elected representative bodies to handle their political affairs.


Which of the following describes an effect of the Second World War on civil rights and civil liberties in the United States? A The military forces of the United States were racially integrated. B The civil liberties of some ethnic minorities were curbed in the pursuit of national security. C Segregation was ended in the American South as a means of increasing economic production. D Women were allowed to serve in combat roles in the United States military.


Which of the following factors most contributed to the rise of fascism in Italy prior to World War II? A failure of government-controlled factories and industries B emphasis on Italian nationalism C overthrow of the Soviet Union's democratically-elected head of state D embrace of the Communist Party and its ideals


Which of the following is the greatest contributing factor to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 4th century? A the feeding of Christians to the lions as entertainment for the Romans B pressure on the northern frontiers by Germanic tribes and the decline of central authority C increased pressure of trying to feed the enormous population of Rome D lead water pipes that poisoned the ruling class


Which of the following most directly inspired the October Revolution of 1917? A classical Greek views on human nature B Marxist social theory C democratic political philosophy D Keynesian economic theory


Which of the following was an effect of decolonization following World War II? A rejection of political boundaries imposed by colonizers B increased migration to Europe C reduction in the number of United Nations members D severe reduction in the amount of exports


Which of the following was not an important factor in the overthrow of the Russian Empire in the February Revolution of 1917? A long-term economic decline in Russia B increasing consolidation of power into the office of the tsar C support for Lenin and his Bolshevik faction D Russian military failures in World War I


Which of the following describes some of the largest Roman contributions to Western society ? Select all answers that apply. A the first known novels, Homer's the Iliad and the Odyssey B the organization of the central government and written laws C the Latin language D advancements in geometry

B and C

Which of the following descriptions are accurate results of the physical geography of Ancient China? Select all answers that apply. A invention of the crossbow B a culture of both nomadic communities and permanent farming communities C isolation from the rest of the world D spread of Confucianism across Asia

B and C

World War I ended with unresolved issues that are believed to have eventually led to WWII. Which of the following are included in this list? Select all answers that apply. A The League of Nations was disbanded after the Treaty of Versailles was signed. B Many countries remained bitter and untrusting of each other after the war. C Germany believed the Treaty of Versailles treated them unfairly. D There was massive death and destruction from the fighting in WWI

B and C

Which of the following geographic factors contributed to Italy's prosperity during the Crusades? Select all answers that apply. A Italy's easy land access to the Middle East made it easy to transport goods between regions via camels. B Italy's geographic access to naval routes provided the ability to establish trade between their ports and Middle Eastern ports. C Italy's proximity to the Black Sea made it easy to ship goods between regions. D Italy's central location between Europe and the Middle East lead to much of the trade between the two passing through Italy.

B and D

imeline of Innovation in the Textile Industry 1733:John Kay's Flying Shuttle 1764:John Hargreave's Spinning Jenny 1771:Richard Arkwright's Water Frame 1783:Richard Artkwright opens first steam-powered textile mill 1784:Edmund Cartwright's Power Loom 1793: Which of the following would best complete the above timeline of developments in the textile industry? A. James Watt's steam engine B. Eli Whitney's cotton gin C. Joseph Marie Jacquard's punchcard loom. D. Lewis Paul's carding machine

B. Eli Whitney's cotton gin

Which of the following were effects of British colonialism in Africa? Select all answers that apply. A Catholicism became the dominant religious faith in the region. B Africans were subjugated to the transatlantic slave trade. C African societies became stratified by race. D Democratic expression was stifled until the mid-20th century.

B, C and D

Which of the following social groups took the lead in the Latin American Wars for Independence? A. Peninsulares B. Creoles C. Mestizos D. Native Americans

B. Creoles

The Dutch East India Company was one of the first ________ types of commercial organization. A co-op B monopoly C joint stock company D stock market


1922: -- Mussolini takes power in Italy1929: --1932: -- Franklin D. Roosevelt wins presidential election.1933: -- Hitler was installed as Chancellor of Germany1936: -- Japan invades Manchuria1939: --1941: -- Pearl Harbor is bombed1945: -- Bombing of Hiroshima and NagasakiWhich of the following pairs of events would correctly complete the timeline above? A. Joseph Stalin becomes premier of the Soviet Union ... Winston Churchill becomes prime minister of Great Britain B. Great Depression begins ... Outbreak of World War II C. The Spanish Civil War begins ... Hideki Tojo is chosen as Japanese prime minister D. Mao Zedong establishes Communist China ... India gains independence from Great Britain

B. Great Depression begins...

Which of the following medieval European institutions were self-governing organizations that regulated labor conditions, guaranteed quality control, and limited admission to trades and commerce? A. Communes B. Guilds C. Monasteries D. Manors

B. Guilds

Which of the following best describes an important difference between Buddhism and Hinduism? A Hinduism teaches that hard work and good deeds can improve your status in this life, but Buddhism focuses spiritual enlightenment through the study of spiritual teachings. B Hinduism involves living your life in a way that leads to reincarnation into an improved social-economic level, while Buddhism involves finding happiness through rejecting attachments. C In Hinduism, good deeds are believed to be rewarded in this life, while Buddhism teaches that rewards come in the afterlife. D The goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment, but the goal of Hinduism is finding happiness through service to others.

B. Hinduism involves living your life

The Reformation idea that the Christian scriptures alone are the authority of the faith was championed by which of the following? A John Calvin B Martin Luther C Henry VIII D Leo X

B. Martin Luther

Yoshinaka was now all alone in the pine wood of Awazu. Despite his predicament, he still thought of Kanehira. As Yoshinaka was turning around to see how he fared, Tamehisa, catching up with him, shot an arrow under his helmet. It was a mortal wound. Tamehisa shouted: "Yoshinaka, renowned throughout the land of Japan as a valiant warrior, has been killed by Tamehisa!" Kanehira was fighting desperately as these words rang in his ears. At that moment he ceased fighting and cried out: "For whom do I have to fight now? You, warriors of the east, see how the mightiest warrior in Japan puts an end to himself!" Thrusting the point of his sword into his mouth, he flung himself headlong from his horse so that his sword pierced his head. The Tale of the Heike, 13th century epic chronicle, translated by Hiroshi Kitagawa and Bruse T. Tsuchida, 1975The values and relationships described in this passage are most like those found in which of the following? A. Song China B. Medieval Europe C. The Roman Legions D. The Ottoman Janissary Corps

B. Medieval Europe

Trade between the west coast of India and the east coast of Africa before 1450 ce was facilitated by which of the following? A. The caravel sailing ship B. Monsoon winds C. El Niño ocean currents D. Chinese tribute ships

B. Monsoon winds

Which of the following best describes the way Islam was originally introduced into sub-Saharan Africa? A. Arab armies of the Umayyad Dynasty conquered much of the Sahel region on the southern border of the Sahara. B. Muslim traders crossed the Sahara and sailed down the coast of East Africa, spreading Islam as they traded for African goods. C. Muslims fleeing the re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Christian armies, made their way along the coast of West Africa, bringing Islam with them. D. Africans enslaved in the Middle East escaped and returned to their homelands, bringing with them Islamic beliefs and practices.

B. Muslim traders..

Which of the following best explains the legal principles underlying Hammurabi's Code? A. Punishments were designed to encourage penitence, feelings of remorse for immoral behavior. B. Punishments for crimes varied depending on the status of both the victim and the perpetrator. C. Laws reflected the will of the people expressed by their representatives. D. Laws represented the divine authority of a monotheistic deity.

B. Punishments for crimes...

Which of the following consequences of the development of the printing press in the middle of the 15th century contributed most to the Protestant Reformation and the Scientific Revolution? A. Mnemonic devices and memorization became less important to learners as education became more a matter of reading than listening. B. Reading became a more private and intimate practice that allowed greater independence of thought. C. Europeans became more confident in written texts with print's more accurate reproduction of texts. D. As books became a commonplace consumer item, interest in secular subject matter increased and religious devotion waned.

B. Reading became a more private and intimate practice..

Yet we ... have proposed to observe the world itself and each of its parts, and also the passions, actions, operations, and species of the parts and things contained in it. For the former, if looked at correctly, will manifest the magnitude proper to each, and the latter will show the character and virtues of each. Bernardo Telesio, On the Nature of Things according to Proper Principles, 1565.The sentiments expressed by Bernardo Telesio in the passage above best illustrates which of the following? A. Medieval reliance on authority and scripture as the source of knowledge and truth. B. Renaissance emphasis upon empirical study and reason. C. The impact of Columbus's discovery of the Americas on European intellectual life. D. The role of printed texts in the transmission of knowledge in the sixteenth century.

B. Renaissance emphasis upon empirical study..

Which of the following best describes the Ancient Hebrews' most significant contribution to the modern world? A Their society was made up of a combination of farmers and people who herded animals. B Their religious texts gave rise to the two most dominant faiths in the world: Islam and Christianity. C Their international trade routes established new trade routes. D New farming techniques were developed due to the abundance of fertile land in the region.

B. Their religious texts...

What political factor distinguished Egypt from other civilizations of the Fertile Crescent? A They gave their women the right to own property. B They had a strong central government led by a family of kings. C They had a religious system in which the gods provided protection against nature. D They learned how to organize workers to build temples.

B. They had strong central govt...

Which of the following best describes the main difference between the Israelites and the societies that came before them in the Middle East? A They were the first to organize their population into city-states. B They were the first group to create a society based upon the idea of one God (monotheism). C They were the first society to use written laws. D They were the society that developed a recognizable alphabet.

B. They were the first group to...

Which of the following describes a significant change in Roman life under the rule of Constantine? A Constantine was responsible for establishing Latin as the main language of Rome. B Under the rule of Constantine, Rome adopted Christianity as its official religion. C Constantine took power following Caesar's assassination, becoming the first ruling emperor of Rome. D Rome ended a period of peace and entered into the Punic Wars.

B. Under the rule of Constantine

Why is Mecca important to the Islamic faith? A It is the largest city in the Muslim world and thus considered the heart of Islam. B It is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad. C It is the easternmost city in the Muslim world and so considered closest to the sun and God. D It is where the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad.

B. birthplace of..

Which of the following was an effect of the independence movements and decolonization that occurred in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s? A establishment of whites-only states throughout the continent B civil strife based on ethnic identities C widespread adoption of socialist republics D rapid economic modernization

B. civil strife

The period between 5th century and 13th century CE in Europe is known as The Dark Ages. Which of the following best describes why this period is known as The Dark Ages? A The nobles were always looking for a good cause to fight. B The culture experienced a deterioration. C Disease was prevalent and there was a high infant mortality rate. D The people spent most of their time in the work of the manor house.

B. culture...

Which of the following was an effect of the Macedonian conquests under Alexander the Great during the 4th century BCE? A. the creation of a network of roads for trade and travel B. the diffusion and spread of Hellenistic culture beyond its traditional borders C. the establishment of monotheistic religion in the Mediterranean D. the reestablishment of Egypt as a world power

B. diffusion and spread...

What was the impact of Europe's mild weather and dependable rainfall on medieval development? A Rivers were a resource for medieval people. B The favorable climate and layout of the land allowed for many small kingdoms to form because people could produce what they needed from the land. C The mild weather allowed for easy travel and made it more feasible for vast kingdoms with centralized control. D Dense forests made travel difficult so many small, separate kingdoms formed.

B. favorable climate and layout

Prior to the Meiji Restoration, Japan could best be described as a(n): A democratic nation with free and fair elections. B feudal nation ruled by military warlords. C decentralized agrarian nation. D industrialized nation directed by military leaders

B. feudal nation..

Henry VIII is most well known for accomplishing which of the following? A declaring war on Nazi Germany B instituting the English Reformation C returning England to the Catholic faith D victory at the Battle of Bosworth Field

B. instituting the English reformation

The assassination of which of the following led to the start of the First World War? A Kaiser Wilhelm I B Woodrow Wilson C Archduke Franz Ferdinand D Adolf Hitler


In which of the following ways did invasions from North Africa and the Middle East most affect society on the Iberian Peninsula following the 8th century? A Invaders brought with them the concept of representative democracy. B Invaders imported Islamic religion, philosophy, and social customs. C Invaders adopted the Spanish use of horses and exported them to their homelands. D Invaders adopted and modernized Spanish political institutions.

B. invaders imported Islamic religion

Which of the following led to Buddhism becoming the predominant religion in much of Southeast Asia? A the influence of native practitioners who adapted Hinduism to local beliefs B missionaries sent along with Indian merchants trading in the region C military conquest by the Mughal Empire D Southeast Asia's position as a colony of several Chinese imperial dynasties

B. missionaries...

When they divided the Purusha, into how many portions did they make?What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?The Brahman [priests] were his mouth, of both his arms were the Rajanya [warriors] made. His thighs became the Vaishya [merchants], from his feet the Shudra [workers] were produced."The Sacrifice of the Purusha" from the Rig Veda The passage above can best be understood in the context of which of the following? A. Buddhist teachings on reincarnation B. The origins of Hindu concepts of caste C. Ashoka Maurya's pillar and rock legal inscriptions D. Siddhartha Gautama's "Four Noble Truths"

B. origin of Hindu concepts..

The Meiji Restoration that took place in Japan during the 19th century is associated with all of the following except: A increased openness to international affairs. B resurgence in the power of the Samurai class. C a rise in the influence of Western culture. D an increase in the direct power of the Emperor.

B. resurgence in power of Samurai

The caste system of India was responsible for: A creating a harmonious balance of economic cooperation. B segregating society into specific classes. C bringing about social equality. D providing a means of contributing to national security.

B. segregating society into specific classes

For, during the Spartan wars, first against the Argives, and afterwards against the Arcadians and Messenians, the men were long away from home, and, on the return of peace, they gave themselves into the legislator's hand, already prepared by the discipline of a soldier's life (in which there are many elements of virtue), to receive his enactments. But, when Lycurgus, as tradition says, wanted to bring the women under his laws, they resisted, and he gave up the attempt. ...And nearly two-fifths of the whole country are held by women; this is owing to the number of heiresses and to the large dowries which are customary.Aristotle, Politics, ca. 350 ce Aristotle's observation about women's place in Spartan society A. illustrates his effort to encourage Athenians to grant women greater power. B. supports historians' claims that Spartan women benefited from Sparta's militaristic culture. C. provides evidence of early democratic values in ancient Spartan society. D. illustrates Athenians respect for Spartan values and culture in the fourth century bce.

B. supports historian's claims..

As World War II was ending, Japan refused to surrender to the Allied Powers until: A Allied forces invaded Normandy Beach in France. B Nazi concentration camps were ended. C atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. D the invasion of Poland.


Fascism grew as the central form of government in the 1920s and 1930s in all of the following countries except: A Spain B Italy C Soviet Union D Germany


Following World War I, US foreign policy was characterized by which of the following? A territorial expansion of the United States as a result of victory in World War I B the United States emerging as a leader on the world stage, aiming to promote capitalist markets and democratic government C a withdrawal from international partnerships and an increased focus on domestic affairs D global cooperation under the auspices of multilateral bodies such as the League of Nations


What action by Adolf Hitler prompted the beginning of World War II? A nuclear bombs dropped on Japan B creation of concentration camps C the invasion of Poland D storming the beach at Normandy


Which of the following conflicts represents the most immediate cause of the end of Imperial Germany? A The Second World War B The War of 1812 C The First World War D The Russo-Japanese War


Which of the following developments most directly contributed to the establishment of British colonies in sub-Saharan Africa? A the defeat of the Zulu nation B the withdrawal of Belgian and French forces from the continent C the development of quinine as a treatment for malaria D the introduction of ships capable of navigating the African coasts


Which of the following did Charles I and Louis XVI have in common as monarchs? A Both were elected by their respective parliaments to rule as constitutional monarchs. B Both oversaw the extension of their imperial rule to territories in Africa. C Both were overthrown in popular revolutions and executed D Both introduced democratic reforms to their kingdoms.


Which of the following was a major consequence of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War? A Britain became a democratic republic. B The Ottoman Empire expanded its territorial holdings. C Germany entered a period of economic depression. D Japan was remilitarized.


An important feature of the Renaissance was its emphasis on: A the teachings of the Catholic Church. B alchemy and magic. C chivalry and military skills. D the literature of Greece and Rome.

D. literature of Greece and Rome

Which singular event is often credited with sparking the beginning of World War I? A the Great Depression in 1929 B the Chinese Revolution of 1911 C the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914 D the Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919


Which of the following contributed to the continued spread and power of the Catholic Church long after the fall of Rome? Select all answers that apply. A The wealth the Church amassed from the interest on loans it made to local governments. B The church encouraged and provided the opportunity to study math and science. C The Pope offered stability during the transition following the fall of Rome. D Charlemagne forced conversion to Christianity when conquering western and central Europe.

C and D

Which of the following describe an important advancement made by the Sumerians? Select all answers that apply. A Sumerians established rules of governing that heavily influenced modern structures of governance. B Sumerians developed the alphabet that became the model for Greek and Latin alphabets. C Sumerian metal workers discovered that the mixing of copper and tin produced bronze. D The oldest writing system, cuneiform, was created by the Sumerians.

C and D

Which of the following contributed directly to the Pax Romana? A democratic elections held by Roman citizens B Roman trade in the Mediterranean C a standing Roman army D the practice of gladiatorial combat in the ancient world

C. A standing Roman army

Gunpowder originated in what ancient culture? A Bantu B Mesopotamia C China D Aztec

C. China

Which of the following international incidents during the Cold War seemed most likely to result in a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union? A. the Soviet blockade of Berlin (1948-1949) B. the Korean War (1950-1953) C. the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) D. the Soviet Union forcibly putting down Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring (1968)

C. Cuban missile crisis

Ancient Mesopotamian texts were written on clay tablets using a reed stylus. Because of the wedged-shaped marks the reeds made, the writing became known as which of the following? A. Hieroglyphic B. Ideographic C. Cuneiform D. Codices

C. Cuneiform

As for the constitution of the Athenians, their choice of this type of constitution I do not approve ...First of all, then, I shall say, that at Athens the poor and the commons seem to have the advantage over the well-born and wealthy;...It may be said that they ought not to have allowed everyone in turn to make speeches or sit on the Council, but only those of the highest capability and quality.Xenophon, On the Polity of the Athenians, ca. 424 bceWhich of the following paired political systems is Xenophon referencing in the passage above? A. Tyranny ... Oligarchy B. Republic ... Dictatorship C. Democracy ... Aristocracy D. Theocracy ... Monarchy

C. Democracy.. aristocracy

The Industrial Revolution began in which of the following countries? A. Germany B. United States C. Great Britain D. France

C. Great Britain

Which of the following figures is most often described as the prototypical "Renaissance" man? A. Henry VIII B. Thomas Aquinas C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Martin Luther

C. Leonardo da Vinci

Which of the following Asian nations, after 1868, joined Western Europeans and the United States as industrial and imperialist powers? A. Qing China B. Mughal India C. Meiji Japan D. Qajar Persia

C. Meiji Japan

Which of the following was the Soviet leader who in the late 1980s argued that the Soviet Union needed a new approach characterized by glasnost (openness) and perestroika (reform)? A. Boris Yeltsin B. Nikita Khrushchev C. Mikhail Gorbachev D. Vladimir Putin

C. Mikhail Gorbachev

Article I.Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.Article II.The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.Article X.No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law.Article XI.The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law. Article I and Article II of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen are most like which of the following? A. Article I of the United States Constitution B. The English Bill of Rights C. The preamble of the American Declaration of Independence D. The Articles of Confederation

C. Preamble of American Declaration...

Which of the following was the 18th-century intellectual movement most directly linked with the ideas behind the American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, and Latin American independence movements? A. The Reformation B. Social Darwinism C. The Enlightenment D. Marxism

C. The Enlightenment

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Himalayan Mountain Range and the Gobi Desert on Ancient China? A They prevented the ability to trade with other civilizations. B They caused the Ancient Chinese to have little success in farming. C They caused relative isolation of the civilization from the rest of the world. D The terrain required all Ancient Chinese to be nomadic people.

C. They caused relative isolation...

Which of these figures is most associated with the French Enlightenment? A Immanuel Kant B John Locke C Voltaire D Adam Smith

C. Voltaire

Which of the following best describes the political organization of the Indian subcontinent between the third and sixth centuries CE? A a collection of small city-states B a disorganized collection of nomadic tribes C a large empire under a single dynastic ruler D a democratic republic

C. a large empire..

Which of the following best describes the importance of the Kingdom of Kush's location along the Nile? A Unpredictable flooding made farming difficult and increased their need for trade. B It helped fortify the Kush against enemies. C It enabled them to create trade routes within their kingdom, and also throughout northeastern Africa. D It served as a natural border for their kingdom

C. enable to make trade routes..

What is the most important consequence of the European crusades that sought to reclaim the Holy Lands in the name of Christendom? A reclaimed the city of Jerusalem and made it safe for Christians to pilgrimage there B reinforced the military strength of Byzantium C established trade with Asia D established the authority of the Roman Catholic Church

C. established trade..

Which of the following is the most important result of Pharaoh Menes's unification of Upper and Lower Egypt? A intensified civil war in an attempt to regain local control B increased focus on military strategy to defend against outside threats C greater focus on the cultivation of culture and the creation of monuments rather than civil war D increased trade and travel between the regions

C. greater focus on cultivation of culture..

Which of the following was an important factor in the ability of Great Britain to establish a network of imperial colonies over such a large area? A the worldwide use of the English language B the immunity of British troops to tropical diseases C naval superiority over other European powers D a plentiful supply of gold in England and Wales

C. naval superiority

Which of the following contributed to the spread of Christianity during the Middle Ages? A the doctrine of papal supremacy B the Great Schism C the Edict of Milan D the Crusades

C. the Edict of Milan

Which of the following factors best explains the power of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages? A Each bishop controlled their area based on its unique needs. B The Church levied heavy fines against those who fought against it. C Those who disapproved of Church doctrine were excommunicated. D There were no governments to maintain law and order.

C. those who disapproved of church doctrine...

Which of the following was an effect of the expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate beyond the traditional regions of Islamic influence? A the spread of democratic political values to Western Europe B the end to persecution of Christians and Jews under the Caliphate C the transfer of knowledge and culture between Iberia, Western Europe, and the Muslim world D the consolidation of Christian empires in response to Islamic military dominance

C. transfer of knowledge and culture

Which of the following resulted from the adoption of settled agriculture? A. Women experienced gains in social status as they were associated with crop fertility. B. Humans were healthier because they had more calories with greater nutritional variety. C. Populations increased and became more densely settled. D. Greater leisure permitted the development of art and architecture.

C: Populations increased..

After the end of World War II, the Paris Peace Treaties were signed by all of the following countries except: A Finland. B Italy. C Hungary. D Germany.


Emperor Meiji reformed Japanese society with which of the following goals? A to establish a protocol for abdication B to help the Western powers fight communism C to introduce capitalism into the economy D to protect Japan from imperialist action


In the years following World War II, Japan and Germany lay in ruins. However, both countries were able to rebuild their economies due to support from the United States and other countries. Which of the following is an example of a presidential initiative aimed at helping to rebuild one of these countries? A the creation of NATO B the liberation of Taiwan C the Lend-Lease Act D the Marshall Plan


Which of the following was an effect of the withdrawal of European colonial powers from sub-Saharan Africa in the mid-20th century? A a peaceful transition to democratic government B adoption of communist ideologies in a majority of states C increased Chinese and Japanese influence on the continent D a power vacuum that led to the rise of warring political factions


Which of the following was the main cause of the rapid decolonization that took place in Africa in the 1950s and 1960s? A depletion of natural resources on the continent B the end of the global slave trade C the rise of communism in Russia D a new global focus on human rights


Which of the following best describes the cause of the unprecedented growth and innovation instigated by the Sumerians and beginning in 3300 BCE? A the new discoveries of the Renaissance B the increase in trade brought about by the Crusades C the creation of fantastic monuments and advancement of technology during what was called Golden Age D the discovery of how to use metals to make tools during what was called the Bronze Age


Which of the following had the greatest role in turning the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary into a war involving all the great powers of Europe? A. Competition for colonial territory between France, England, Germany, and Russia B. Increases in military spending by European powers between 1871 and 1914 C. The growth of nationalistic fervor across Europe over the course of the 19th century D. A system of alliances and joint defense agreements that divided the great powers

D. A system of alliances

The eastern half of the Roman Empire survived after the fifth century as which of the following? A. Ottoman empire B. Sassanid empire C. Mycenean empire D. Byzantine empire

D. Byzantine

As the Western Roman Empire was in decline, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire under the rule of Constantine was moved to which city? A Palestine B Athens C Jerusalem D Constantinople

D. Constantinople

Which of the following best describes the importance of Greece from the 4th century BCE to the 2nd century CE? A. Greece operated as the main supply source for several colonial rulers. B.. Greece was the only stable empire in the region and eventually brought political peace to neighboring territories. C. Greece served as the border between civilized and uncivilized regions of Europe. D. Greek intellectual life dominated much of the known world.

D. Greek intellectual life dominated much of the known world

Which of the following best describes the importance of Greece from the 4th century BCE to the 2nd century CE? A Greece operated as the main supply source for several colonial rulers. B Greece was the only stable empire in the region and eventually brought political peace to neighboring territories. C Greece served as the border between civilized and uncivilized regions of Europe. D Greek intellectual life dominated much of the known world.

D. Greek intellectual life..

Which of the following would NOT have been a feature of hunter-gatherer societies before the Neolithic revolution? A. Fishhooks and harpoons B. Nets and carrying slings C. Digging sticks D. Grindstones

D. Grindstones

Which of the following Old World domesticates had the greatest impact on cultures in the American West before 1800? A. Cattle B. Dogs C. Swine D. Horses

D. Horses

After spending over 30 years in jail, accused of leading a campaign to overthrow the South African government, which of the following was freed in 1991 and became president of the country in 1994?. A. Steve Biko B. Desmond Tutu C. Alan Paton D. Nelson Mandela

D. Nelson Mandela

Which of the following Old World crops contributed most to the emergence of the transatlantic slave trade? A. Tobacco B. Indigo C. Cotton D. Sugar

D. Sugar

Which of the following was the most important geographic factor that impacted the Harappan Civilization's way of life? A Intermittent rain created a nomadic culture. B A combination of vast deserts and mountains created natural defenses. C Long shorelines provided easy access to trade with other civilizations. D The monsoon season prepared the land for farming each year.

D. The monsoon season..

Which of the following ruled large portions of the Iberian peninsula during the 8th century? A the Celts B the Anglo-Saxons C the Visigoths D the Umayyad Caliphate

D. Ummayad Caliphate

Which of the following was the British prime minister during World War II? A. Clement Attlee B. Neville Chamberlain C. John Maynard Keynes D. Winston Churchill

D. Winston Churchill

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Age of Exploration on the economy? A Increase in European imports decreased European exports. B Increased tariffs reinforced mercantilism. C New monopolies strengthened mercantilism. D Access to new markets led to the transition from mercantilism to capitalism.

D. access to new markets..

Which of the following is not among the major cultural contributions of ancient Greece? A architecture B athletics C democracy D agriculture

D. agriculture

The failed foreign policy taken by the United States and Britain when Germany continued to invade surrounding countries is known as: A protectionism B globalism C balance of power D appeasement

D. appeasement

Which of the following was an effect of the Plague on western Europe beginning in the 14th Century? A Many European societies abandoned Christianity and returned to their pre-Christian religious practices. B As large portions of the population died, a few families took over ownership of most of the land, leading to the birth of the European nobility. C Previously closed trade routes between Europe and Asia were opened due to a lack of armies to enforce the borders. D The decrease in available labor led to changes in the economic station of many common people in Europe.

D. decrease in available labor

Martin Luther's "95 Theses" led to which of the following events? A religious toleration of Jews in Europe B democratic change in the Holy Roman Empire C the war between the German electors D the establishment of breakaway Christian sects in Europe

D. establishment of..

Which of the following best describes the cause of the decline of the Roman Empire? A religious turmoil throughout the Empire as a result of the growth of Christianity B the prominence of landowners dictating military and economic policy C overpopulation of urban centers D the increase of political instability and use of non-Roman soldiers in the military

D. increase of..

Which of the following contributions from the Byzantine Empire was important in organizing the governments of Western Europe during the Renaissance period? A the preservation of the iconic art of the Eastern Orthodox Church B the preservation of the literature of ancient Greece and Rome C the sending of Christian missionaries to Eastern Europe D the organization and preservation of Roman law

D. organization and preservation of Roman law

Feudalism is defined by which of the following? A free markets and low barriers to trade B international trade among noble kingdoms C government-generated economic production goals D reciprocal relationships between rulers and peasants

D. reciprocal relationships between rulers and peasants

In Japan's version of Feudalism, the person with comparable power and land to a lord was given which of the following Japanese titles? A emperor B samurai C this person was called a lord in both Europe and Japan D shogun

D. shogun

Which of the following was a central principle of medieval European society? A the right to elect rulers B equal protection for all before the law C freedom of religion D the primacy of the Church

D. the primacy of church

Which of the following was a significant factor in the development of complex governmental bureaucracies in the classical periods of both Egypt and China? A the advent of bronze weapons B the development of a phonetic alphabet C the domestication of livestock D the use of various forms of paper

D. the use of various forms of paper

Which of the following is an effect that the Colombian Exchange had upon societies in Asia? A. the introduction of livestock from the Americas changed farming practices in Asia B. a new Asian market emerged from luxury goods manufactured in the Americas C. Asian powers were forced into their own overseas expansion in the Americas D. Plants from the Americas became important crops and foodstuffs in Asia


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