World issues quiz: Urban Issues and WMDs

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What are some reasons why Canada does not have the same sort of inner city slums that a lot of American cities have?

- poor actually get healthcare -We don't have the same history of race riots, white flight, rapid deindustrialization, and the accompanying arson -neighbourhoods are mixed-race, recent immigrants -much lower crime rates

Why, in the mid-20th century, did city-dwellers in North America start to move out of city centres to the outer suburbs?

- the car, inner-city/racial problems, new homes/facilities, industries, and cheap land

what did Syria do in 2013 (that leads to disbelieves them now?

-2013 there were chemical attacks in areas of Syria, killed between 281-1729 -The rebels, the Arab League, and the EU blamed the government

what happened in syria, with respect to chemical weapons a few weeks ago? what was used?

-80 people have been killed, in city of Khan Sheikhoun -Syrian government air strike The Syrian military denied -nerve agent Sarin

What is a primate city?

-A primate city is the largest city within a region or nation -political and financial hub -Most expressive of the national culture

what is an edge city?

-Cities on the outskirts of larger cities

what are the 3 city models?

-Concentric Zone Model -Sector Model (Hoyt Model) -Multiple Nuclei Model

What are 3 reasons why cities are not sustainable?

-GHG emissions/ pollution -Urban sprawl -Wasting resources

What has happened to Detroit? why has this happened? How are they trying to fix this?

-Half the city's population has disappeared in the last 50 years, the city declared bankruptcy -decline of Detroit's auto industry -The restoration of several historic theatres and entertainment venues, highrise renovations, new sports stadiums, and a riverfront revitalization project

How would increasing density help solve some of these problems?

-Less sprawl -People closer together, so better public transit and fewer cars, so less air pollution/GHGs

what are some problems that are a result of urban sprawl?

-Loss of productive farmland -car becomes a necessity -Public transit system is non-existent -Long commutes -High costs to the environment

How is Multiple Nuclei Model laid out?

-The CBD is not the only nucleus CBDs were losing dominance - decentralization -Subsidiary and competing CBDs developed (Edge Cities) -Suburbanization

what are 3 events that have happened in the course of the history of nuclear weapons?

-The Manhattan Project-The goal: producing fission-based explosive devices before Germany. -1945, the U.S. detonated a bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" over Hiroshima, August 9 "Fat Man" over Nagasaki -Then the Soviets-This started the nuclear arms race, cold war -disarment

How is concentric zone model laid out?

-The city grows out from the CBD in a ring pattern. -Land values are highest in the centre

What is a global city?

-World City or Alpha City -direct and tangible effect on global affairs -international financial services -Headquarters -major port -innovation in business, economics, culture, and politics -Renowned universities, research facilities

What is a poverty Orphan?

-a child who is dropped off at an orphanage but parents are still alive but dropped them off because they cant afford to support the child

what is the Doomsday clock? what time is it now?

-a symbol of the threat of global nuclear war. -set at two and a half minutes to midnight

what is a dirty bomb and how is it not a nuclear weapon?

-any weapon that is designed to spread radioactive material with the intent to kill and cause disruption -some kind of contaminated material that is rigged with conventional explosives. - not nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons involve a complex nuclear-fission reaction and are thousands of times more devastating.

what are some ways you can revitalize a downtown core?

1.Redevelopment -One type of building is torn down and another is built in its place 2.Land reclamation -Renewing areas that have become so contaminated they are not recommended for human occupation 3.Renovation -Buildings are updated, keeping aspects of the façade and possibly original interior details 4.Restoration -Rebuilding a building to look like it did when it was first built

what is the nuclear Triad?

: The nuclear triad refers to the three ways the U.S. is capable of firing nuclear weapons. -airplanes -land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) -submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs)

what are the 2 main types if nuclear bomb and how are they different?

Fission Bomb -Atomic bombs, they are weaker than thermonuclear Thermonuclear Bomb -hydrogen bomb -1000 times stronger

what are some of the problems associated with living in a 3rd world slum?

Most lack ; -reliable sanitation services -supply of clean water -reliable electricity -law enforcement and other basic services

what was one other famous chemical attack?

SARIN GAS IN TOKYO -1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack -by members of a doomsday cult -killing 12 people

What is the difference between a Metropolis, megalopolis and a megacity?

Metropolis- large city which is a significant economic, political, and cultural centre for a country/region Megalopolis- a chain of adjacent cities megacity-over 10 million people

what is nuclear deterrence?

The policy of trying to prevent an attack by a nuclear weapon from another country by threatening nuclear retaliation

what is nuclear disarmament?

the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons

What is Urbanization and what are 2 reasons why it happens?

the movement of people up the urban hierarchy (more people living in urban areas) it happens because the reduced need for farm labour due to farm modernization and jobs, services, and resourced are there

what is nuclear proliferation?

the spread of nuclear weapons and technology to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States"

what was the biggest nuclear bomb ever tested?

Tsar Bomba

what countries definitely have nukes today?

USA, the Soviet Union (russia) , the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea

What is overurbanization?

When a city's population grows faster than the number of jobs/housing units available to sustain it

How is Sector Model (Hoyt Model) laid out?

- allows for more change and growth -The city grows out from a central CBD along transportation corridors such as highway or railway.

what did the Syrian government say what had happened instead?

-has never used them -the target had been "a large terrorist ammunition depot", depot had a chemical weapon stockpile

What was the view of Poverty Inc. with respect to foreign aid?

-its actually hurting the local economy/industries since they can get food and shoes/TOMS for almost nothing -emergency aid is good but when they are there for 10 years its an issue -partnership is better

how are people in Dharavi changed the image of their slum?

-once was known for gangs and violence, but today Dharavi is about work -It is also a churning hive of workshops with an annual economic output estimated to be more than $1 billion (mostly in the informal economy)

what are the 4 types of chemical weapons and an example of each?

BLISTER AGENT-Mustard gas BLOOD AGENT- hydrogen cyanid CHOKING AGENT-chlorine gas NERVE AGENT-Sarin gas

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