World Lit in Trans Test #2
(angry, hated, cursed)
(burner of ships)
reciprocity (negative reciprocity)
(distant fighter)
(duck face)
loyalty, piety, filial respect
guest-host hospitality
Decked in the spoils you stripped from one I loved—escape my clutches? Never—Pallas strikes this blow, Pallas sacrifices you now, makes you pay the price with your own guilty blood!
Aeneas' cry in Virgil's the Aeneid
Love justice, ye that judge the Earth
Book of Wisdom, Dante's Inferno
"For I beheld and heard the beak discourse And utter with its voice both Mine and Me When in conception still 'twas Us and Ours
Dante's Inferno
I would have thrown myself to the plain below had I been sheltered from the falling fire; and I think my teacher would have let me go"
Dante's Inferno
That book, and he who wrote it, was a pander. That day we read no further
Dante's Inferno
There is not within me one drop of blood unstirred. I recognize the tokens of the ancient flame
Dante's Inferno
9th circle
8th circle
"Shall I not die too? Am I not like Enkidu?"
Go up, Ur-Shanabi, pace out the walls of Uruk. Study the foundation terrace and examine the brickwork. Is not its masonry of kiln-fired brick? And did not seven masters lay its foundations?"
For whom, Ur-Shanabi, have my hands been toiling? For whom has my heart's blood been poured out? For myself I have obtained no benefit, I have done a good deed for a reptile!
Gilgamesh speaking in Epic of Gilgamesh
"These women, their heads hanging in a row, the cable looped around each of their necks. It was a most piteous death"
Homer's Odyessy
Achilles says to Odysseus: "Don't try to sell me on death, Odysseus. I'd rather be a hired hand back up on earth, Slaving away for some poor dirt farmer, Than lord it over all these withered dead." Homer's underworld presumably is not a terribly appealing place!
Homer's Odyessy
Start carrying out the bodies, and have the women help you...when you have set the house in order, take the women outside...slash them with swords until they have forgotten their secret lovemaking with the suitors
Homer's Odyessy
when Odysseus advises Penelope's maid not to take joy in the suitors' deaths, as the men did not die in battle, but rather "have been destroyed by divine destiny and their own recklessness"
Homer's Odyessy
when Odysseus's driving of the large stake into Polyphemus's eye is compared to the "man who bores a ship's beam with a drill," steering his boat on stormy waters
Homer's Odyssey
"He disguised himself as an ascetic...his very presence in that forest was inauspicious: even the trees and waters of the rivers were frightened of him"
Ravana's description in Valimiki's Ramayana
"You were the lamp that led me from that night... You were as one who leads through a dark track holding the light behind—useless to you, precious to those who followed at your back"
Statius, Dante's Inferno
When he asks Sita not to follow him, she says,"the forest where you dwell is Ayodhya for me and Ayodhya without you is a veritable hell for me
Valimiki's Ramayana
Roman, remember by your strength to rule earth's peoples — for your arts are to be these: to pacify, to impose the rule of law, to spare the conquered, battle down the proud.
Virgil's Aeneid
"He is the protector of people of different occupations, of good conduct, and he himself adheres to good conduct. He is mighty, friendly, well-versed in scirptures and devoted to the holy ones.
qualities of Rama in Valimiki's Ramayana