Writing Electronic Media-- Final

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Practice brevity, the writer could have said the same thing in fewer words without changing its meaning

"it was not as clear as crystal that Jared was in fact the vicious killer that they had been so desperately searching for." which basic technique of mass media writing does the statement lack and why?


"the politicians met on a holiday as the discussion about the anti-terroism measures was an urgent one." the use of anti in the statement is an example of which system in the English language


2 sentences, where the 2nd one clarifies the first, can be separated using which punctuation mark?

a stereotype

A news paper reports states, "the authorities of Pasadena, CA. are trying to restore the parts of the city that have been ghettoized." the use of the word "ghettoized" is an example of

Advanced planning

A newspaper report stated, On Saturday, the finance director indicated that it is absolutely essential to launch special projects as advanced planning for integrating the components of the Banking and Investment sectors." Which phrase is an example of redundancy

not specific

A newspaper reports states, "At its monday evening meeting, the City Council sanctioned funds for buying the new computer system." Because readers would like to ask, "what new computer system?", this except illustrates a situation in which the reporter is

inverted pyramid

A story should be written so that if it needs to be cut, it can be cut from the bottom without loss of essential facts or coherence." This statement refers to a structure the writer has to follow while writing a news story. Identify the structure


A(n) ______ is a punctuation mark, which is primarily used to form possessives


According to Roy Copperud, the author of A Dictionary of Usage and Style, style rules should promote

Impact-- bc the actions and the words of the parents help a lot of homes who are persecuted by their own families

Although a conservative Catholic couples son id'ed as homo, they not only gave their blessing when he married his bf but also bore the entire expense of the wedding and planned it in only 10 days. While giving his toast at the wedding the groom's father said "God teaches us to love and not hate" this is reported on the national evening news even though neither parents nor the groom were well-known people. which element of this story made it newsworthy and why?

100 houses, city mayor David Benjamin

An excerpt from a newspaper report reads, "after a tornado hit seven miles south of georgetown, carolina yesterday, more than 100 houses were torn apart and an estimated $4,150,780 worth of public property was damaged, with Main street being the most affected. the city mayor, Davis Benjamin, said that the relief force is in action to relocate the affected population." Identify the terms that followed the guidelines of The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law

Boiling the Ocean

An opinion piece from the Great British Guardian reads, "the possibility of National Group of Neat Construction Co. completing the Welfare project within the specified deadline is akin to boiling the ocean. The company needs to engage in advance planning to finish the project in a more timely manner." Identity the jargon mentioned in the statement


Atul, a professional photographer, likes to take photographs of unconventional and offbeat people, events, and things. What quality is Atul trying to include in his pictures

Comma used to separate items

Consider the statement, "Patricia went to the store to buy some bread eggs and soda." which ruler for using commas is the sentence violating?


Corbin wants to cover the nonstop replay protest against the new regime in his country in real time. To do this, he has to be at the protest site at all times, and report the developments as they occur. These developments do not need to be described in detail, just the mention of them occurring is enough, broadcast anything about the protest. Which one medium would suit Corbin's needs best


Cristiano took a picture of the wide receiver scoring the winning touchdown during the Super Bowl. The shot captured a portion of a stadium with fans jumping out of their seats. which type of shot did Cristiano capture, and why does the photo belong to that category -because it included some information about the environment in which the subject was placed

Use Tags

Derek started a new blog about the current political scenario in the country. He has some brilliant insights about current events and puts forth fresh perspectives. Despite his blog being information-rich, his topics being popular, and him promptly updating it, the traffic on his blog is minimal. What can Derek do to correct the situation and why? -So that his stories can show up in searches with the same keywords


Good writing is _____; it uses a minimum number of words to make its point.


Good writing is____ and does not draw attention to itself or emphasize style over content


If a person is interested in learning about the sounds of a language and the system in which it is spoken, then what should that individual study?


If a writer wants to convey a strong emotion to the readers, using which part of speech in a sentence would help him or her achieve this?


If an audio journalist adds some traffic noise for ambience while reporting his story about traffic conditions, what does that noise addition bring to the story,


Information can go live on a website as soon as it is available in some form. What is this characteristic of the Web called?


Kafka, a photojournalist, wanted to take a photograph that could get viewers to think about the events that may led up to when the picture was taken, as well as the events that may have happened thereafter. What characteristic was Kafka looking for in the picture

context 2

Laurie, a noted art connoisseur, told a reporter that after seeing the Mona Lisa, she found it difficult to appreciate other artwork and for this season, she hates the painting. When the story was published , only a part of her conversation was quoted when she said, "I hate Mona Lisa," which is made many of her peers doubt her taste in art. The reporter managed to hurt her reputation by not providing

Simplicity; because technical and scientific words would prevent the majority of readers from understanding the story

Melissa a medical student was writing about ultraviolet radiation from the sun on the fetuses of pregnant women. most of her findings were verified by doctors, but the story was filled with facts and had a lot of scientific terms that described the various effects of the UV rays. Despite being vey insightful and helpful, the local newspaper refused to publish it. What essential property of a story did Melissa's story lack, and why did the newspaper refuse to publish a good story?


Michael is a wildlife reporter. He constantly photographs certain species and reports what he learns about their behaviors. He has a lot of footage that he wanted to make readily available to anyone who is looking for it. Conventional broadcast agencies have been his medium for reaching the public until now but recently he has started transferring all his content online. Which characteristics of the Web is most useful to Michael


Milan, a photojournalist, included all the necessary components, but failed to provide an appropriate description about the information presented in the chart at the top of his presentation. Which element of a good graphical presentation in journalism did milan forget to include


News websites can present a story with unlimited text along with pictures, videos, or any other media to support the story. Which characteristic of the web does the point towards?

visual logic

Noreen started a new website where she posts the latest developments in the organic food industry and new recipes. The home page of her site has a picture of her holding a Koala bear in a forest, because she thought that a picture in nature would would signify the natural food that she is promoting. After the first month of the site being live, she found out that while food aficionados were being directed to her site owing to the search engine optimized content, hardly anyone was staying for more then a minute or two minute. Which expectation of a web surfer was the website not fulfilling causing them to leave after just a few minutes?

web log

Selma wants to report on an event. She is not an experienced journalist and does not possess sufficient money to start her own newsletter; moreover, she wants the information to reach the readers faster than snail mail. She is confident that she would have at least two detailed stories to report on a daily basis for the next month or so, which would be information -rich and have a wide impact. Which would be the best way for her to start reporting and why? : it would not cost anything to start and she can build an audience if her updates are regular and pertinent


Since the writing for broadcast media is read out loud, it should not sounds unnatural and should be more

Write it down

Sonqua talks a lot about her writing; she typically starts researching another subject before she completes investigating her previous one. Hence, even though most of her ideas have potential, she hasn't been very fruitful in her writing career thus far. Which must-do thing for a would-be writer can Sonequa employ to become successful?

Appositive phrase; as it renames the noun "stanley"

Stanley, the man who drew a dragon tattoo on his hand himself, was awarded the Best Street Decorator last week. According to English grammar, what is the italicized segment of the statement called and why

reduce confusion among its readers

Styler joined a new publication that writes about the weather patterns of the two American continents. The publication house has a directive to refer to the continents as "North and Sound America" instead of "the Americas," whenever referring to both of them. The objective of this directive is to promote consistency among its writers and to___

backpack journalism

Text, images, audio, and video are the tools of new age reporting


Visitors choosing parts of a news website that they want to see on a regular basis depicts which characteristic of the Web


While writing the weather report for the coming week, Leonard used the sentence, "it will be sunny in Tuesday after some showers during the initial hours of the day." What kind of a sentence has Leonard used here

it is unethical to record someone without permission

Zach has been looking for someone from the local congressman's office to comment on the sex scandal that the congressman was involved in. Until now, the congressman's office had officially been denying the congressman's involvement in the scandal. While sitting behind a group of employees from the congressman's office at a noisy diner, Zach overheard the secretary confirm the congressman's involvement in the scandal. Even though Zach had a recorder with him, he chose not to record the conversation, Why did Zach do so?


____are overused words, phrases, and clauses. if a photojournalist uses such phrases as "looking on", "is shown" and "pictured above" in his cutlines, then he is using


____is the first paragraph of a news story, its the most important one and tells the reader the most important information in the story


____serves as a regulator for mass media writer's behavior, making them unwilling to accept inaccuracies or imprecision in the writing process.


a conservative country club finally opened its doors to same-sex couples a week ago after years of protest. A agency picked up on the story, and decided to broadcast it on national television. the news writer began the story by say " The country club finally inducts its first same-sex couple as members after resisting it for decades." the story further went on to describe the history of the country club and detail a profile of the same-sex couple. what did the first line of the story mainly emphasize


a news agency editor wants his reporters to broaden their horizons and consider different ways of reporting a story beyond just the text and use the characteristics of web. what kind of reporting should he ask his reporters to do?


a news editor wrote the following line for a story, "the doctor is aware that the minister was suffering from lymphosarcoma of the intention, and he is doing everything to save him," the editor rewrote the sentence as, "The doctor is aware of the critical disease that the minister has, and is doing everything he can to save the minister." What characteristic of good broadcaster writing was the editor demonstrating and why? - as it was not clear who was helping whom in the original sentence, also the complicated disease name was distracting from he story


a news story that uses a part of an interview which was recorded for the story, is called a

Providing accurate information

a photojournalist physically records relevant data about her picutures without merely relying on memory. She ensures that the people in the photo are quoted exactly and their meanings properly conveyed, which commitment of a photo journalist is she trying to fulfill?


a pop star was known for being in love with someone different every week. when she annouced that she was engaged to her boyfriend, the entertainment news editor wanted to run a story on the bf background the same day. he was faired that the pop star would change her mind and the story would lose it's

compound-complex sentence

a sentence that contains 2 independent clauses and a dependent clause is called a

using cutaways

after successfully building a hovercraft, Jarel was interviewed by a news channel where he talked in detail about his project and his personal life. the news editorial inserted a few shots of home video of Jarel's younger days in the final version of the interview. What is this technique called,and why was it used? - the editor used it to get the full picture of Jarel's like and project


all the items should have same grammar construction and should be the same type. What technique of the web writing has these properties?


during an interview josh, the camera operator, asked his assistant to put up a picture on the wall behind the politician being interviewed, Josh felt that the white wall did not look good, and he was unable to zoom in further on the politician's face. Which concept of using a video camera was Josh applying here?


during which era did cameras become a widely popular social phenomenon


emma's blog was mainly about the disgust she felt whenever she saw lizards. All it had was how she felt about them and how she wished that she never came across one in her life again. it is clear that her blog is not written for the mass media since it lacks a(n)


events that change or influence peoples lives in some manner become news because of their

explainer box

if a graphic is devoid of a passage clarifying the information presented in the chart, then which aspect of good graphic presentation is absent from he mentioned graphic, and why is it important? : because it helps the viewer interpret the chart


if a journalist is considering moving to web journalism because it can stimulate print with text and broadcasting with pictures and videos, then which characteristic of the web is playing a crucial role in his/her attraction to it


if a journalist uses phrases like "famous for the corruption charges" or "known for the sex offense accusations" to describe a politician in his story, he is trying to subltly insert his _______into the story

subject matter

if a mass media writer is asked to write a feature story, a promotional story, and a news story all in one, which factor differentiates mad media writing from other forms is in play


if a news website which is attractive to look at, is slowly dying because it does not have enough information on the tropics that it covers, which must have property of a website is responsible or the situation

Dramatic unity

if a news writer is dividing her story into three distinct parts, and writing it in a way that it cannot be cut with out losing its essence, then which structure of broadcast news is she making use of


if a news writer is writing a paragraph which gives some insights into the event the story is about, then which part of the story following the dramatic unity structure is he writing?


if a world famous movie star is asked to lose 20 pounds in a month for a role in a film, it becomes a new item because of which element of this piece of information


in broadcast news, sometimes the time element is omitted in order to emphasize the


in the mass media environment,___ ranks second to information


it is the responsibility of every broadcast journalist to present accurate information that contributes to the story's


photographs taken using _____shots are predominantly believed to be the best and most fascinating pictures


statements of belief that cannot be verified are called


the chief goal of any writer for the mass media is the statement, "there is a tendency for mass audiences to believe what they see and read in the mass media." emphasizes the responsibility of the writer to adhere to which of the 3 concepts in media writing


the development of photography took place during which time period


the practice of journalists in revealing not just the information they have but also their source is known as


the use of phrases such as "component parts" while explaining an idea is called


to get a quote from somebody for a story, if a media professional gives a false identity to lower that individual's guard, then what kind of journalistic dishonesty is that reporter guilty of?


to make his story about UFOs more believable, norman put in some hypothetical quotes from the city residents about UFO sightings. This tactic actually enabled his story to get published in the newpaper

hypothetical questions

what are interview questions that set up situations for subjects and ask them to respond


what are the nouns that are referred to by pronouns called

consistency, usage, and precision

what are the three concepts that stylebook mainly concentrate on?


what are the verifiable pieces of information from trustworthy sources called?


what can new age journalism use to enhance the readers' experience by directing them to sources with additional information about a story


what element can a web reporter include in a story so that it can be picked up by audiences while searching for stories on the topic on which the Web reporter has written


what is a story that is meant for a video broadcast and has the reporter's voice in it called?


what is the primary means to achieve transparency a journalist


what is the technique of achieving clarity that involves putting the information in a logical order so that it supports the overall premise of the story in a consistent manner


what kind of a sentence contains 2 independent clauses separated by a comma and a coordinating conjunction?


what refers to the meanings that are assigned to words, and can change over time as words can mean different or multiple things

Know the subject; since it was a new subject and she did not know enough about it to write it

when Danai, an inexperienced journalist, was asked to write about the ebola virus and submit it within five hours, just a day after the virus first broke out, she turned in an article that was confused and incoherent. Which of the must-follow propels of a mass media writer prevented her form writing a good article and why?


which characteristic of broadcast writing ensures that a verbal picture is painted for the listeners through the story


which property writing helps the fact that broadcasters have limited time for each story, and hence, do not have the luxury of wasting words


which quality of good writing does the statement, "it uses words for their exact meanings" best describe?

The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law

which stylebook proposes writing a novel's title as, "Simulating the Sufferer"


which systems are concerned with the words that form an integral part of the english language


which term best descries the specialized language used by any group "the doctor assured the patient that Tamiflu was a viable alternative for treating swine flu." The term "viable alternative" is ____ in the above statement.


which term describes the manner of layout of the constituents in a photograph


which term describes the words that are written by photojournalists next to the photographs they click?


which type of light is generally favored by photographers

Long range

which type of photography shot is considered to be the least invasive?


while writing an article for the Daily Tribunal, Ryan described a time of the day as "just before sunset when the sunlight was orange." Esposito described the same time period in his article as "dusk". Which property of good writing did Ryan's article lack

comma splice

while writing an article on wildlife, Anil wrote the sentence, "The tiger was hungry, it was too tired to hunt." The error that Anil made in the sentence is called

know the subject

writers must throughly understand what they are writing about, or else readers will not understand what they have written. In other words, they should

Edit and rewrite

writing is such hard work, that even the best writers want to get it done once and forget about it. That's natural, but good writers don't give in to this tendency. which of the four must- do thing for would- be writers is the statement referring to

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